Blood Bank Lab 6 Assignment

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Lab 6 Questions

1. When is IS crossmatching indicated?

Indirect Coombs is negative when using three cell panel.

2. While performing IS crossmatch, you notice agglutination on the final step. What does
this result indicate?

ABO incompatible

3. Why is IS crossmatching recommended for crossmatch compatibility on a patient with

active anti-e?

Reacts strongly at room temperature.

4. When referring to PRBCs, what blood type is considered the:

a. Universal Donor?

Group O or O negative

b. Universal Recipient?

AB positive

5. When referring to plasma products, what blood type is considered the: Rh factor does not
a. Universal Donor?


b. Universal Recipient?

6. Is Rh compatibility considered significant when preparing plasma products for

transfusion? Explain

No, Rh factor is found on red blood cells. Red blood cells are not a component of plasma.

7. Is AHG/completed crossmatching required in a patient with active anti-D? Explain.

No, because all Rh negative blood lack big D

8. What is the risk of an acute hemolytic transfusion reaction when a donor unit of Rh
positive PRBCs is transfused into an Rh-negative recipient male that is 17 years of age
with no history of transfusion? Explain.

Low because it’s the first time, can also give o positive blood and give rhogam later.

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