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ORN 04 GCP Rubric Checklist

Area Description

TA • I have answered all parts of the question.

• I have presented relevant ideas.

• I have fully explained these ideas.

• I have fully supported these ideas with specific examples.

• I have met the word count.

• I have use basic in-text citation.

• I have fulfilled the stages of the writing process.

C&C • I have structured their response in logical paragraphs.

• I have presented more than two ideas for each paragraph.

• I have included an introduction and a conclusion.

• I have used varied linking and transitional words effectively.

• I have presented an idea followed by explanation and support.

GRA • I have used different types of sentences.

• I have checked their writing for errors (agreements, order, verb tense, punctuation
and capitalization).

LR • I have tried to vary their vocabulary using synonyms, collocations effectively.

• I have checked their work for spelling and word formation.


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