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The provided map demonstrates two maps of the downtown area of

a town named Islip, one is the the current map, and the other illus-
trates the development plan. Overall, the critical rearrangement is to
centralize the town surrounded by a dual carriageway.

The renewed plan extends the north countryside and converses it

into new facilities. Compared to the original display, the north area
will be a car-prohibited area with only the pedestrian way. A shop-
ping center will be built in the area, there will also be a bus station
and a car park established on each side of the shopping center. Ad-
ditionally, a new block of new housing is planned on the northeast

However, part of the housing area in the southeast, separated from

the north district by a row of shops, will be replaced with new hous-
ing. Moreover, the future park is planned to be reduced to a smaller
size than the current one, with the location staying.



There is key information missing from the essay (the ROAD, the
biggest change!).

Please read the instructions carefully before working or you will

make a mess like this.

Outer space is full of mysteries that appeal not only to astronauts

but also to every citizen worldwide. IN my opinion, the exploration of
unknown space is worth investing a LOT OF MONEY in numerous
money. However, to what extent the public authorities should spend
on it is a critical issue as well.
First of all, the truth is that there is an HUGE/VAST/ENORMOUS
amount of uncovered knowledge outside the Earth, hence, explor-
ing space continuously can HELP SOLVE ENVIRONMENTAL DIF-
FICULTIES ON OUR PLANET. There are many imperative prob-
lems that exist on the earth, such as poverty or environmental
issues, which still cannot be completely solved after years of
attempts. There is a chance that the key to the answer is hid-
den outside the Earth somewhere in the Solar System . For ex-
ample, maybe a specific material in space could provide a brand
new method to slow down (AMELIORATE) global warming.

15 words - MINIMUM
30 words - MAXIMUM (31… 32… OKAY)

Nevertheless, the authorities should take into account for reviewing

the expenditure of space exploration. Both the exploration and the
subsequent scientific research require a large amount of money,
and whether the distribution of budget for space programs is ratio-
nale should be carefully justified and distributed. For instance, the
administrative budget for other vital global issues should not be re-
duced yearly because of the space investigation.

These ideas are only developed with one sentence each! Look at
the structure, Gina!

There are stacks of global issues awaiting to be solved in this era.

Although among those, the space journeys of astronauts and scien-
tists seem not to be the most urgent, it is surely essential and wor-
thy to INVEST money in. It’s just that the government should always
remember to distribute a reasonable budget on SPACE TECHNOL-
OGY whilst immersing US in the secret of space.

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