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# Bulgarian translation file.

Each line should contain <space><space>## as 'end of

line marker', you can put any comment or just leave english text after it, it is
# Author: Barracuda
# Version: 201
Без грешки. ## No error.
Системата не намира дадения файл. ## The system cannot find the file specified.
Системата не намира дадената папка. ## The system cannot find the path specified.
Системата не можа да намери дадения файл/папка. ## The system cannot find the
specified file/directory.
Вид разминаване. ## Type mismatch.
## Cannot create a file/directory when that file/directory already exists.
## The system cannot write to the specified device.
Invalid Property Value. ## Invalid Property Value.
This operation returned because the timeout period expired. ## This operation
returned because the timeout period expired.
System level interrupt interrupted socket operation. ## System level interrupt
interrupted socket operation.
Generic error for invalid format, bad format. ## Generic error for invalid
format, bad format.
An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access
permissions. ## An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its
access permissions.
The system detected an invalid pointer address in attempting to use a pointer
argument in a call. ## The system detected an invalid pointer address in
attempting to use a pointer argument in a call.
Generic error for invalid format, entry, etc. ## Generic error for invalid
format, entry, etc.
An invalid argument was supplied. ## An invalid argument was supplied.
The IP address provided is not valid or the host specified by the IP does not
exist. ## The IP address provided is not valid or the host specified by the IP
does not exist.
Invalid socket or not connected to remote. ## Invalid socket or not connected to
The specified address is already in use. ## The specified address is already in
The specified address is not available. ## The specified address is not
The connected network is not available. ## The connected network is not
The connected network is not reachable. ## The connected network is not
The connected network connection has been reset. ## The connected network
connection has been reset.
The current connection has been aborted by the network or intermediate services.
## The current connection has been aborted by the network or intermediate
The current socket connection has been reset. ## The current socket connection
has been reset.
The current socket has not been connected. ## The current socket has not been
The connection has been shutdown. ## The connection has been shutdown.
The current connection has timeout. ## The current connection has timeout.
The requested connection has been refused by the remote host. ## The requested
connection has been refused by the remote host.
Specified host name is too long. ## Specified host name is too long.
Remote host is currently unavailable. ## Remote host is currently unavailable.
Remote host is currently unreachable. ## Remote host is currently unreachable.
Remote system is not ready. ## Remote system is not ready.
Current socket version not supported by application. ## Current socket version
not supported by application.
Socket API is not initialized. ## Socket API is not initialized.
Socket has been disconnected. ## Socket has been disconnected.
Хоста не е д`�.�`4.4`� ## Host not found.
Not enough memory is available to complete this operation. ## Not enough memory
is available to complete this operation.
Unknown search type. ## Unknown search type.
Unknown argument for Search method. ## Unknown argument for Search method.
Вече е стартирана. ## Already started.
Този канал е вече стартиран. ## Channel already started.
Cannot change channel setup while channel is started. ## Cannot change channel
setup while channel is started.
Too much data on the socket. Try later. ## Too much data on the socket. Try
Connection not established. ## Connection not established.
Unknown data type. ## Unknown data type.
Failed to create socket thread. ## Failed to create socket thread.
## Unknown channel type.
Invalid argument was supplied in LocalAddress property. ## Invalid argument was
supplied in LocalAddress property.
Channel cannot be created by local side. ## Channel cannot be created by local
Channel cannot be started by local side. ## Channel cannot be started by local
Channel refused by remote side. ## Channel refused by remote side.
Unsupported remote protocol version. ## Unsupported remote protocol version.
wodVPN not yet started. Use Start first. ## wodVPN not yet started. Use Start
Channel was closed. ## Channel was closed.
MTU size too large. ## MTU size too large.
MTU size too small. ## MTU size too small.
Invalid socks request. ## Invalid socks request.
Invalid password. Does not match remote peer's password. ## Invalid password.
Does not match remote peer's password.
Local ID not set. It is required for Search method. ## Local ID not set. It is
required for Search method.
Remote ID not set. It is required for Search method. ## Remote ID not set. It is
required for Search method.
Cannot bind to specified IP address. ## Cannot bind to specified IP address.
Already performing file transfer. ## Already performing file transfer.
Файла не е д.�`4.4`� ## File not found.
Failed to write file. ## Failed to write file.
Could not open network adapter. ## Could not open network adapter.
Only one adapter can be used at a time. ## Only one adapter can be used at a
License key missing. You can not use this component in design environment. ##
License key missing. You can not use this component in design environment.
Unrecognized Error. ## Unrecognized Error.
Cannot Connect at this time. Use Disconnect first. ## Cannot Connect at this
time. Use Disconnect first.
Cannot execute, not yet connected. ## Cannot execute, not yet connected.
Component busy. ## Component busy.
Cannot change property at this time. Use Disconnect first. ## Cannot change
property at this time. Use Disconnect first.
Hostname property not set. ## Hostname property not set.
Login property not set. ## Login property not set.
Password property not set. ## Password property not set.
Invalid XML packet. ## Invalid XML packet.
Invalid XML packet sequence ID. ## Invalid XML packet sequence ID.
Invalid login: %s. ## Invalid login: %s.
Contact already exists in the collection. ## Contact already exists in the
SSL could not be negotiated. ## SSL could not be negotiated.
Failed to register new user: %s. ## Failed to register new user: %s.
Unknown notification. ## Unknown notification.
Файла не е д`�.�`4.4`� ## File not found.
You must specify photo type (PNG/JPG/BMP/GIF). ## You must specify photo type
Failed to import photo. ## Failed to import photo.
Another blocking method in progress. ## Another blocking method in progress.
Invalid protocol data received. ## Invalid protocol data received.
There's nothing to send. File size is 0. ## There's nothing to send. File size is
Contact not found. ## Contact not found.
File transfer failed. ## File transfer failed.
Could not write to file. ## Could not write to file.
Checksum of received file is invalid. ## Checksum of received file is invalid.
Transfer aborted. ## Transfer aborted.
Transfer has timed out. ## Transfer has timed out.
Invalid protocol selected. ## Invalid protocol selected.
Invalid state. Component already busy. ## Invalid state. Component already busy.
Name not unique, cannot obtain lock. Please use different UpdaterName. ## Name
not unique, cannot obtain lock. Please use different UpdaterName.
Method was cancelled. ## Method was cancelled.
Failed to start updater program. ## Failed to start updater program.
Signature on retrieved document is invalid. ## Signature on retrieved document is
Date not set. ## Date not set.
Failed to register COM server. ## Failed to register COM server.
Page not found (error 404) returned from the server. ## Page not found (error
404) returned from the server.
Invalid file size after download. ## Invalid file size after download.
Invalid MD5 checksum after download. ## Invalid MD5 checksum after download.
Внимание ## Warning
Офлайн ## Offline
Онлайн ## Online
В отсъствие ## Away
Free for chat ## Free for chat
## Do not disturb
Extended away ## Extended away
Невидим ## Invisible
Asking for subscription ## Asking for subscription
Contact not subscribed ## Contact not subscribed
Disconnected from server ## Disconnected from server
Свързване със сървъра ## Connecting to server
Регистриране на нов потребител ## Registering new user
Стартиране на безопасна връзка ## Initializing secure connection
Sending authentication data ## Sending authentication data
Свързан със сървъра ## Connected to server
Получаване на данни д`�4`tb�`4,�b�`4, ## Receiving data from server
Изпращане на данни дЈ4`tb�`4,�b�`4, ## Sending data to server
Executing command on server ## Executing command on server
## Disconnecting from the server
Искане за разрешителн� ## Requested authorization
Configuring Wippien network adapter... ## Configuring Wippien network adapter...
## Adapter \"%s\" with address %s conflicts with Wippien's %s. It is possible
that Wippien will not be able to send and receive network packets. Please uninstall
or disable this adapter.
Мрежов адаптер изключен ## Network adapter disabled!
Мрежов адаптер включен ## Network adapter opened
Wippien network adapter not available. Proceed with IM only? ## Wippien network
adapter not available. Proceed with IM only?
Wippien must set up adapter IP address using external tool - and requires
administrative privileges. Please run Wippien at least once as administrator in
order to obtain enough permissions. ## Wippien must set up adapter IP address
using external tool - and requires administrative privileges. Please run Wippien at
least once as administrator in order to obtain enough permissions.
Admin privilege required! ## Admin privilege required!
Disconnected ## Disconnected
Connected ## Connected
## Could not deliver message.
Failed to change password ## Failed to change password
Disconnected due to inactivity rule ## Disconnected due to inactivity rule
## %s (%d)\r\nMTU: %d\r\nTotal in: %s\r\nTotal out: %s
## << VPN not established yet >>
Свързване след %d секунди. ## Reconnect in %d seconds.
seconds ## seconds
No network ## No network
Изход от Wippien ## Exit Wippien
E&xit ## E&xit
Отвори настройки ## Open settings
&Настройки ## &Settings
Show AboutBox ## Show AboutBox
&About ## &About
Set your status (Away,Invisible...) ## Set your status (Away,Invisible...)
Add contacts and alien accounts ## Add contacts and alien accounts
Спри звука ## Mute sound
Отвори chat стая ## Open chat room
Authorize your friends ## Authorize your friends
Незает ## Idle
Сигурни ли сте,че искате да излезете д`�#�\##Y[� ## Really exit Wippien?
Сигурни ли сте? ## Are you sure?
Паролата ви е променена. ## Your password is now changed.
Парола променена ## Password changed
## Change account password
Моля въведете нд,�,#4/�,4`4/�.�, ## Please enter new password
## Identity
ID карта ## ID Card
Домашен адрес ## Home Address
Работен адрес ## Work Address
Are you sure you want to delete the history? ## Are you sure you want to delete
the history?
Delete history? ## Delete history?
Изпрати ## Send
Изпрати файл ## Send file
детайли ## Details
Информация за кд/t`�,4.�`�. ## Contact information
Изчисти ## Clear
Изчисти история ## Clear history
Mute ## Mute
Bold ## Bold
Italic ## Italic
Подчертано ## Underline
Вмъкване на хипервръзка ## Insert hyperlink
Намалете размера на буквите ## Decrease font size
Нулиране на размера на буквите ## Reset font size
Увеличение на размера на буквите ## Increase font size
Set Foreground color ## Set Foreground color
Set Background color ## Set Background color
Emoticons ## Emoticons
New emoticons will be downloaded and installed. Proceed? ## New emoticons will be
downloaded and installed. Proceed?
New emoticons ## New emoticons
You can now click again on emoticon button to see new installed emoticons. ## You
can now click again on emoticon button to see new installed emoticons.
## Done!
Контакти ## Contact
Свързване ## Connecting
Requesting ## Requesting
Теглене ## Downloading
Configuration file ## Configuration file
Общо ## General
Отсъстващ поради бездействие. ## Away due to inactivity.
Away for a loooong time. ## Away for a loooong time.
Позволи ## allow
Забрани ## deny
not specified ## not specified
&Край ## &Finish
&Следващо > ## &Next >
Identity ## Identity
Please choose your logon information. ## Please choose your logon information.
This is shown on your friend's list. ## This is shown on your friend's list.
JID should contain server name, formatted like ## JID should
contain server name, formatted like
Invalid logon details ## Invalid logon details
You must enter your JID. ## You must enter your JID.
You must enter your password. ## You must enter your password.
Jabber грешка ## Jabber error
## Icon
Моля, изберете икд/t,4`�, ## Please choose your icon.
This is usually visible to your contacts. ## This is usually visible to your
Network ## Network
Please choose your IP address and netmask. ## Please choose your IP address and
This defines network range to be used by wippien. ## This defines network range
to be used by wippien.
Network ## Network
Mediator ## Mediator
Please choose who will be your mediator. ## Please choose who will be your
This defines people that mediate P2P connections. ## This defines people that
mediate P2P connections.
Last check ## Last check
Port ## Port
Hostname ## Hostname
Постоянен ## Permanent
Временен ## Temporary
Enter all your accounts here. ## Enter all your accounts here.
You can add any of accounts supported by your Jabber server (typically ICQ, MSN,
etc..) ## You can add any of accounts supported by your Jabber server (typically
ICQ, MSN, etc..)
Are you sure you want to delete account '%s'? ## Are you sure you want to delete
account '%s'?
Изтриване на регистриран акаунт ## Delete registered account?
Акаунти ## Accounts
Show only gateways ## Show only gateways
Show all services ## Show all services
Контакти ## Contacts
Добави/Премахни ## Add/Remove
Намери нови контакти ## Find new contacts.
You can add new Jabber, ICQ, MSN... contacts ## You can add new Jabber, ICQ,
MSN... contacts
All Files (*.*)\0*\0TXT files (*.txt)\0*.txt\0\0 ## All Files (*.*)\0*\0TXT files
Всички файлове с изображения (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.gif)\
0*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png\0Windows bitmaps (*.bmp)\0*.bmp\0Jpeg files
(*.jpg,*.jpeg)\0*.jpeg;*.jpg\0GIF files (*.gif)\0*.gif\0PNG files (*.png)\0*.png\
0All Files (*.*)\0*\0\0 ## All image files (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.gif)\
0*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png\0Windows bitmaps (*.bmp)\0*.bmp\0Jpeg files
(*.jpg,*.jpeg)\0*.jpeg;*.jpg\0GIF files (*.gif)\0*.gif\0PNG files (*.png)\0*.png\
0All Files (*.*)\0*\0\0
Система ## System
Влизане ## Logging
Setup log files and debug info. ## Setup log files and debug info.
Specify paths below ## Specify paths below
Съд,tbt-t/t.4c ## Messages
Chat window settings. ## Chat window settings.
For all open chat windows. ## For all open chat windows.
General info ## General info
General information about ## General information about
Personal information ## Personal information
Home details for ## Home details for
Business information ## Business information
Work details for ## Work details for
всички д`t`�,4/t,4.�. ## all other
address given by mediator ## address given by mediator
Външен вид ## Appearance
Скинове ## Skins
Choose skin from below list. ## Choose skin from below list.
What will Wippien wear? ## What will Wippien wear?
.. none .. ## .. none ..
## Auto Away
## Auto away settings.
Determines how will Wippien behave when system is inactive. ## Determines how
will Wippien behave when system is inactive.
Система ## System
Basic system messages. ## Basic system messages.
Define Wippien application's behavior. ## Define Wippien application's behavior.
Voice Chat ## Voice Chat
Please setup your voice chat devices. ## Please setup your voice chat devices.
Choose from list below. ## Choose from list below.
<system default> ## <system default>
Contacts basic settings. ## Contacts basic settings.
Updates ## Updates
Update definitions. ## Update definitions.
Define when and how will Wippien update itself. ## Define when and how will
Wippien update itself.
Please determine maximum transfer unit. ## Please determine maximum transfer
If some peer doesn't respond to large packets... ## If some peer doesn't respond
to large packets...
Звуци ## Sounds
Setup sounds to be played on various events. ## Setup sounds to be played on
various events.
Choose internal ones, or browse for WAV files. ## Choose internal ones, or browse
for WAV files.
Contact online ## Contact online
Contact offline ## Contact offline
Message in ## Message in
Message out ## Message out
Грешка ## Error
WAV файлове (*.wav)\0*.wav\0All Files (*.*)\0*\0\0 ## WAV files (*.wav)\0*.wav\
0All Files (*.*)\0*\0\0
Hide ## Hide
Скрий кд/t`�,4.�`�. ## Hide contacts.
You can hide some contacts from your sight. ## You can hide some contacts from
your sight.
Appearance ## Appearance
Appearance settings. ## Appearance settings.
Define how will Wippien's GUI appear to you. ## Define how will Wippien's GUI
appear to you.
Sort ## Sort
Sorts contacts. ## Sorts contacts.
Pick one of sort options. ## Pick one of sort options.
Чат стая ## ChatRoom
Browse or create chat rooms. (STILL IN BETA!!) ## Browse or create chat rooms.
Specify or browse for a room to join or create new one. ## Specify or browse for
a room to join or create new one.
- All gateways - ## - All gateways -
Service gateway ## Service gateway
Име на стая ## Room name
Защитна стена ## Firewall
Set up firewall rules. ## Set up firewall rules.
You can set up which ports can be accessed by your contacts. ## You can set up
which ports can be accessed by your contacts.
* All ICMP traffic ## * All ICMP traffic
But block these ports ## But block these ports
But allow these ports ## But allow these ports
Wippien обновяване ## Wippien update
New version of Wippien is available. Download? ## New version of Wippien is
available. Download?
Click here to see what's new. ## Click here to see what's new.
Your version of Wippien is up-to-date. ## Your version of Wippien is up-to-date.
Error connecting to remote server. ## Error connecting to remote server.
Download successful. Replace now? ## Download successful. Replace now?
Wippien update error! ## Wippien update error!
New version of Wippien found localy. Replace? ## New version of Wippien found
localy. Replace?
Нова версия ## New version
Статут променен: ## Status changed:
ден ## day
дни ## days
час ## hour
часове ## hours
минута ## minute
минути ## minutes
Последно е видян: никога ## Last seen: never
в момента не е на линия ## is currently offline
в момента е офлайн ## is now offline
в момента е онлайн ## is now online
## is blocked
е офлайн ## is offline
Отблокирай ## Unblock
## Block
Are you sure you want to remove group %s ## Are you sure you want to remove group
Премахни група? ## Remove group?
Are you sure you want to remove contact %s ## Are you sure you want to remove
contact %s
Премахни кд/t`�,4.�`� ## Remove contact?
Adapter error ## Adapter error
Преименуване на група ## Rename group
## Enter new group name
Download more skins from Wippien website ## Download more skins from Wippien
Click on the skin to download and install it. ## Click on the skin to download
and install it.
I need new Jabber account ## I need new Jabber account
I have existing Jabber account ## I have existing Jabber account
&Test Account ## &Test Account
&Search ## &Search
You should enter your jabber ID (JID) here. Wippien uses Jabber network for
presence - to notify your contacts that you're online, to view other contacts etc.
## You should enter your jabber ID (JID) here. Wippien uses Jabber network for
presence - to notify your contacts that you're online, to view other contacts etc.
If you don't have JID, you should register for new one. You can do it on any jabber
server you wish. There are many public servers available. You can find list of
currently open servers by clicking on this button. ## If you don't have JID, you
should register for new one. You can do it on any jabber server you wish. There are
many public servers available. You can find list of currently open servers by
clicking on this button.
Password ## Password
Server ## Server
Port ## Port
Моля кликнете на 'Test Account' за да продължите. ## Please click on 'Test
Account' to proceed.
Use SSL wrapper on port 443 (for GTalk) ## Use SSL wrapper on port 443 (for
O&K ## O&K
&Cancel ## &Cancel
Please enter key passphrase ## Please enter key passphrase
Добави & Нов ## Add &New
Show notification if ethernet adapter is unavailable. ## Show notification if
ethernet adapter is unavailable.
Disconnect adapter on exit ## Disconnect adapter on exit
UDP port fort for outoing and incoming packets (0 for auto select) ## UDP port
fort for outoing and incoming packets (0 for auto select)
IP address for Wippien network adapter ## IP address for Wippien network adapter
Ignore. IP will be set outside of this program. ## Ignore. IP will be set outside
of this program.
Obtained from IP provider database, on URL ## Obtained from IP provider database,
on URL
Use following static address ## Use following static address
IP адрес ## IP address
Netmask ## Netmask
Status ## Status
Description ## Description
Добави нов акаунт ## Add new account
Премахни акаунт ## Remove account
Register! ## Register!
Your current Instant messaging connections ## Your current Instant messaging
Username ## Username
Отвори нов акаунт ## Open new account
Authorization request ## Authorization request
&Yes ## &Yes
&No ## &No
&Details ## &Details
&Apply to all ## &Apply to all
&Блокирай потребител(и) ## &Block user(s)
## Do you allow
to add you to his contact list? ## to add you to his contact list?
more requests waiting... ## more requests waiting...
Добави група ## Add Group
Премахни група ## Remove Group
Добави контакт ## Add Contact
Добави контакт в групата ## Put contact to the group
Contact JID ## Contact JID
Contact Type ## Contact Type
## Visible Name
## Rename contact
Enter new contact name ## Enter new contact name
Settings ## Settings
< &Назад ## < &Back
Log Jabber communication ## Log Jabber communication
Log socket communication ## Log socket communication
Log raw function calls (may grow quickly!) ## Log raw function calls (may grow
Delete raw log on each ## Delete raw log on each
megabytes ## megabytes
Log VPN communication on P2P startup ## Log VPN communication on P2P startup
Following mediators can be used ## Following mediators can be used
Allow new mediators to be added ## Allow new mediators to be added
Various settings regarding chat window ## Various settings regarding chat window
Timestamp messages ## Timestamp messages
Show message history ## Show message history
Прякор ## Nickname
Име ## First name
Фамилия ## Last name
Email ## Email
Notes ## Notes
Адрес ## Address
Временен адрес ## Address Ext.
Град ## City
Щат ## State
Държава ## Country
Дата на раждане ## Birthday
Гласова поща ## Voice Tel.
Факс ## Fax
Title ## Title
Име на компания ## Company name
Department ## Department
Allowed interfaces for direct connection ## Allowed interfaces for direct
Allow All ## Allow All
Click on first column to change values ## Click on first column to change values
If you choose 'not specified' value, then same value is used as in 'all other'
setting. ## If you choose 'not specified' value, then same value is used as in
'all other' setting.
Following skin files are found ## Following skin files are found
Apply ## Apply
To add more skins, you can also paste them to 'Skin' subfolder. Add corresponding
100x100 PNG file for preview. ## To add more skins, you can also paste them to
'Skin' subfolder. Add corresponding 100x100 PNG file for preview.
&More skins... ## &More skins...
Set back when activity is detected again. ## Set back when activity is detected
Wait ## Wait
minutes before going to away mode (0 = disable) ## minutes before going to away
mode (0 = disable)
minutes before going to extended away mode (0 = disable) ## minutes before going
to extended away mode (0 = disable)
minutes before disconnecting (0 = disable) ## minutes before disconnecting (0 =
Auto-Away message ## Auto-Away message
Extended-Away message ## Extended-Away message
Show Wippien in taskbar ## Show Wippien in taskbar
Rearrange desktop when Wippien window is aligned to border ## Rearrange desktop
when Wippien window is aligned to border
Snap to desktop border ## Snap to desktop border
Auto hide if Wippien is inactive for ## Auto hide if Wippien is inactive for
Always on top ## Always on top
Confirm exit from application ## Confirm exit from application
Disconnect on computer Sleep/Hibernate, Connect on Resume ## Disconnect on
computer Sleep/Hibernate, Connect on Resume
Password protect ## Password protect
Settings only ## Settings only
Всичк� ## Everything
Settings folder (changing below value requires wippien restart) ## Settings
folder (changing below value requires wippien restart)
Contact list persistance ## Contact list persistance
Delete all local contacts on startup ## Delete all local contacts on startup
Delete all local contacts on connect ## Delete all local contacts on connect
Contacts subscription authorization ## Contacts subscription authorization
Never authorize ## Never authorize
Ask me ## Ask me
Always authorize ## Always authorize
Automatically establish VPN on network traffic ## Automatically establish VPN on
network traffic
Automatically establish VPN on startup ## Automatically establish VPN on startup
Progress ## Progress
Enable voice chat ## Enable voice chat
Playback device ## Playback device
Recording device ## Recording device
Check for updates when Wippien starts ## Check for updates when Wippien starts
Check for updates on Connect ## Check for updates on Connect
Check for updates each ## Check for updates each
Update and restart application silently ## Update and restart application
Show system messages received from updater ## Show system messages received from
&Check now ## &Check now
MTU setting defines maximum UDP packet that can be sent to peers. If your network
connection has lower MTU value than wippien, it is possible that peer never
receives large packets. ## MTU setting defines maximum UDP packet that can be
sent to peers. If your network connection has lower MTU value than wippien, it is
possible that peer never receives large packets.
Use fixed MTU ## Use fixed MTU
Auto-detect MTU ## Auto-detect MTU
(will become effective as peers reconnect) ## (will become effective as peers
Sound (leave empty for default sound) ## Sound (leave empty for default sound)
&Play ## &Play
Program events ## Program events
Hide new contact ## Hide new contact
Unhide contact ## Unhide contact
Currently hidden contacts ## Currently hidden contacts
All contacts listed here *NEVER* appear in Wippien.. They don't exist for you
anymore. This way you can ignore people completely. ## All contacts listed here
*NEVER* appear in Wippien.. They don't exist for you anymore. This way you can
ignore people completely.
Hide contact ## Hide contact
Enter contact JID ## Enter contact JID
Allow all traffic ## Allow all traffic
Block all traffic ## Block all traffic
&Add ## &Add
&Remove ## &Remove
Default rule ## Default rule
Avatar picture ## Avatar picture
Name ## Name
IP address ## IP address
Status text ## Status text
Last online time ## Last online time
Activity Monitor ## Activity Monitor
Visible details ## Visible details
Contact's visible details ## Contact's visible details
unsorted ## unsorted
By name ## By name
By JID ## By JID
by IP (without IP goes bottom) ## by IP (without IP goes bottom)
by IP (without IP goes top) ## by IP (without IP goes top)
Sort contact list ## Sort contact list
Nickname for chatrooms ## Nickname for chatrooms
Show available rooms on following gateways ## Show available rooms on following
Click above to select room, or enter new chat room details below ## Click above
to select room, or enter new chat room details below
Room name to create or join ## Room name to create or join
Password (empty if none) ## Password (empty if none)
Gateway ## Gateway
Join or Create room ## Join or Create room
Block users at startup ## Block users at startup
&Copy IP ## &Copy IP
C&hat ## C&hat
&Voice Chat ## &Voice Chat
Send &File ## Send &File
Send E&mail ## Send E&mail
&Block ## &Block
&Rename ## &Rename
&Delete ## &Delete
De&tails ## De&tails
Add/Remove &Accounts ## Add/Remove &Accounts
Add/Remove &Contacts ## Add/Remove &Contacts
&Online ## &Online
&Away ## &Away
Free for &Chat ## Free for &Chat
## &Do not Disturb
E&xtended Away ## E&xtended Away
&Invisible ## &Invisible
O&ffline ## O&ffline
Change &Picture ## Change &Picture
Change Pa&ssword ## Change Pa&ssword
Your &Details ## Your &Details
Enter Passphrase ## Enter Passphrase
## Enter password
Please enter protect password ## Please enter protect password
Languages ## Languages
Setup language used in all Wippien texts. ## Setup language used in all Wippien
New languages may appear periodically. ## New languages may appear periodically.
Following languages are found as available on local computer ## Following
languages are found as available on local computer
&Change ## &Change
Locale used on local computer ## Locale used on local computer
Currently used language ## Currently used language
Changes will take affect on 'as needed' basis. You should restart Wippien if you
want to see full change. ## Changes will take affect on 'as needed' basis. You
should restart Wippien if you want to see full change.
New language files available. Download? ## New language files available.
Show notification popup window when contact goes online/offline ## Show
notification popup window when contact goes online/offline
Contact is typing... ## Contact is typing...
## says
said ## said
You can use your GMAIL account here. ## You can use your GMAIL account here.
Toggle voice chat ## Toggle voice chat
Local echo ## Local echo
UDP port 9913 busy ## UDP port 9913 busy
Unable to listen for incoming voice chat ## Unable to listen for incoming voice
Microphone sensitivity ## Microphone sensitivity
Talk to your microphone and adjust the slider. There should be no movement on upper
activity monitor when you don't speak, and activity monitor should go full when you
speak loud. ## Talk to your microphone and adjust the slider. There should be no
movement on upper activity monitor when you don't speak, and activity monitor
should go full when you speak loud.
Voice chat does not seem to be set up. You must configure it before first use. Do
it now? ## Voice chat does not seem to be set up. You must configure it before
first use. Do it now?
е пуснат ## has enabled
е спрян ## has disabled

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