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50%off-za połowę ceny;bargain-okazja;buy one,get one free-dwa w cenie jednego;customer-klient;discount-zniżka;on special offer-w promocjii;change-

reszta;pay contactless-płacić zbliżeniowo; reicept- paragon;PYTANIA; Can I pay contactless?;Here’ s your change and receipt.; I’d like one of those
notbooks as well.;I ‘d like to pay for these headphones,plese.;I ‘ll take the small blue one, please.; I ‘ve got a 20$ note.; Sorry, we don’t take cards.; The big
ones are $2.99 and the small ones are $1.99;Whitch one?;(brand)new- zupełnie nowe;badly made- kiepsko wykonany;fashionable-modny;handmade-ręcznie
robiony; hight tech- nowoczesny;Old-fashioned-staroświecki; reliable- solidny,niezawodny;second-heand-używany; unreliable-zawodny;useful-
przydatny;useless-bezużyteczny;well-made-dobrze zrobiony;wireless-bezprzewodowy;adverb-przysłówek;advert-reklama;at once- natychmiast;compare-
porównywać;desinger clothes-markowa odzież;desinger shop- sklep z markową odzieżą; GRAMATYKA : good-better-the best;bad-worse-the worst; far-
further-the furthest/// too expensive; good enough;; PRZYSŁÓWKI: hard,late,fast,far,early; wyjątek quickly- more quickly – the most quilckly;;; well- better
– the best. WYPRACOWANIE Thank you for birthday wishes and the money/ new shoese wich you sent me.It was such a useful present. It’s great becouse
I bought a new shoes. I’ve already tried this and they ‘ re very comfortable. They’re white and red. I bought are online becouse of bargain. I will use are

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