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Candy(ies) Dulce(s) Horror movies Películas de terror.
Together Juntos(as) Uncle Tío
Soccer game Partido de fútbol Beer(s) Cerveza(s)
Sing Cantar Dance Bailar
Plant Plantar – Sembrar Clean Limpiar
Driver Conductor Engineer Ingeniero

Completa la siguiente historia usando AM – IS – ARE – WAS – WERE:

Hello,I am Victor. Yesterday, I was in my house with all my family. We were
doing different activities. I was with my friend Eduardo; we were in my bedroom
studying English and eating candies. Right now, my sister Alejandra is in the living
room with her friends; they are watching TV. Last night, they were watching horror movies
all night.
The day before yesterday, my mother and my grandmother were in the garage. My father
was painting the dog’s house, and my uncle was fixing his car. They are currently
on the sofa watching a soccer game and drinking some beers together.
The other day my grandfather was in the garden with my grandmother, they were
singing and dancing. Now, my grandpa is planting some flowers.
Escribe en inglés las siguientes oraciones:
a. En este momento ella está limpiando su oficina.
At this moment she is cleaning her office.
b. Carol y Jack estuvieron en Bahamas el verano pasado.
Carol and Jack were in Bahamas last summer.
c. Actualmente estoy estudiando inglés, trabajando y practicando deportes.
Currently I am studying english, working and practicing sports-
d. El viernes pasado Juan estuvo con nosotros, pero hoy está en Perú.
Last Friday Juan was with us, but today he is in Peru.
e. El año pasado yo era un conductor, hoy en día soy un ingeniero.
Last year I was a driver, nowadays I am an engineer.
f. Mi padre tenía 70 años. Mi madre tiene 60 y mi hija tiene 4.
My father was 70 years old. My mother is 60 and my daughter is 4
Ver resultados
Candy(ies) Dulce(s) Horror movies Películas de terror.
Together Juntos(as) Uncle Tío
Soccer game Partido de fútbol Beer(s) Cerveza(s)
Sing Cantar Dance Bailar
Plant Plantar – Sembrar Clean Limpiar
Driver Conductor Engineer Ingeniero

Completa la siguiente historia usando AM – IS – ARE – WAS – WERE:

Hello,I am Victor. Yesterday, I was in my house with all my family. We were
doing different activities. I was with my friend Eduardo; we were in my bedroom
studying English and eating candies. Right now, my sister Alejandra is in the living
room with her friends; they are watching TV. Last night, they were watching horror movies
all night.
The day before yesterday, my mother and my grandmother were in the garage. My father
was painting the dog’s house, and my uncle was fixing his car. They are currently
on the sofa watching a soccer game and drinking some beers together.
The other day my grandfather was in the garden with my grandmother, they were
singing and dancing. Now, my grandpa is planting some flowers.
Escribe en inglés las siguientes oraciones:
a. En este momento ella está limpiando su oficina.
At this moment she’s cleaning her office.
b. Carol y Jack estuvieron en Bahamas el verano pasado.
Carol and Jack were in Bahamas last summer.
c. Actualmente estoy estudiando inglés, trabajando y practicando deportes.
Currently I’m studying English, working, and practicing sports.
d. El viernes pasado Juan estuvo con nosotros, pero hoy está en Perú.
Last Friday Juan was with us, but today he’s in Peru.
e. El año pasado yo era un conductor, hoy en día soy un ingeniero.
Last year I was a driver, nowadays I’m an engineer.
f. Mi padre tenía 70 años. Mi madre tiene 60 y mi hija tiene 4.
My father was 70 years old. My mother is 60 and my daughter is 4.

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