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Date: 09.02.2024
Class: 10th B, L1
Number of students: 15
Topic: If Clauses- Revision
Type of lesson: reinforcing of knowledge and developing skills and abilities
Method of teaching: Communicative Approach
Time: 50’
Vocabulary: related to real-life situations and personal opinion;
Main focus: on practising if clauses in practical activities;
a) cognitive objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. use the types of conditional clauses appropriately;
2. express opinion about the message of a song;
3. offer advice using conditional clauses;
4. use personal experience to react to new information;
b) affective objectives:
- to create a warm atmosphere as background for smooth and easy exchange of opinions
between teacher and students;
- to make students self-confident while speaking in English;

Skills involved: speaking, reading, listening, writing

Assumed knowledge: the usage of the verb forms in conditionals

Anticipated problems:
- students may not understand the lyrics of the song after the first listen; the teacher will
play it once more.
- there might be mistakes in the usage of verb tenses;
Teaching techniques: conversation, skimming, interpretation;
Teaching aids: notebooks, computer, smart board, handouts;

Stages of the lesson

Activity 1- Warm-up
Aims: to create the atmosphere for the lesson
to introduce the topic
Procedure: The students are asked to present the sayings they prepared for the class and explain
their message.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Time: 7’
Skills: listening, speaking

Activity 2: Listening practice

Aims: to revise conditional clauses with the help of a song
to improve listening skills
to express opinion about the message of the song

Procedure: The Ss are given handouts (annex 1) with the lyrics of the song “If tomorrow never
comes”. There are missing words in the text and the Ss have to predict them. After filling in the
gaps with words they think are suitable, the Ss listen to the song and correct their mistakes. They
are also asked to give examples of conditional clauses from the song and name the type of
conditional used. The T asks them about the message of the song and requires them to think and
say what they would do “if tomorrow never comes”.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Time: 13’
Skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking

Activity 3: Reading practice- Letters asking for advice

Aims: to improve reading skills
to practise conditional clauses in sentences giving advice

Procedure: The Ss receive handouts (annex 2) with letters asking for advice. Working in groups
the Ss read the letters and give advice, offering solutions to the problems presented in these
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-Ss, Ss-T
Time: 7’
Skills: reading, writing, speaking

Activity 4: Speaking practice- What would happen if?

Aims: to finish sentences using conditional clauses
to express opinion on different topics

Procedure: Each student receives a question (annex 3) beginning with “what would happen
if…?” or “what would you do if…?” A student reads his question and asks another colleague to
answer it. The student who answered the question asks another colleague to answer his question
and so on. Finally all the students will answer a question.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-Ss, Ss-T
Time: 13’
Skills: speaking, listening, reading

Activity 5: Assessment

Aim: to assess the students’ acquired knowledge about conditional clauses

Procedure: the Ss have a short test (annex 4) in order to use different types of conditional
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Time: 8’
Skills: writing, reading

Activity 6: Homework assignment

Aim: to practise the information acquired during the class

Procedure: The Ss are asked to write a letter to one of the persons who needed advice.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Time: 2’
Annex 1

Sometimes late at night

I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She's lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never 1)---------- ---in the morning
2)---------- she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my 3)-----------

If tomorrow never comes
4)--------- she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth 5)---------- through
And she must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life

Who never 6)---------- how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a 7)--------------- to myself
To say each day how much she 8)-------------- to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there's no second chance to tell her how I feel


So tell that someone that you love

Just what you're thinking of
If 9)------------------------------------- .
Annex 2

Letters Asking for Advice

Dear Marge,
I saw one of my work colleagues taking some paper from the office photocopier and put it in her
bag. Do you think I should report her for theft to the boss or not? My parents always taught me
to tell the truth and that any stealing is wrong. What do you think?

Dear Mary,
I am 16 years old and I want to leave school this year. My parents say it is too early for me and
that I should be trying to get into university. I think I am old enough to make my own decisions
now. I want to work with my friend Susan in McDonalds. Then, I can start earning money to buy

Hi Auntie Jane,

I’m writing for your advice. Rick and I would really love a dog or a cat. Rick asked for a horse
because he thought that way Mum would agree to a cat. Isn’t that stupid!

You told us that when you were younger Granny and Grandpa were against you and Mum
having a pet too. What happened in the end? How did you persuade them? How can we persuade
Mum and Dad?

Dear Agnes,

I am a lover of pets, but I think my neighbours have gone too far. They have a pet snake named
Lucille who keeps escaping and ends up in my garden. I haven’t had the heart to confront them
about it. The problem is that I am very friendly with them and we often get together for
barbecues and garden parties. I don’t want to ruin this friendship, but I feel that a large snake
making regular visits to my garden is pushing the limits. Help!
Annex 3 What would happen if?

1. What would happen if everybody who told a lie turned green?

2. What would happen if people could get a driving licence at 14?
3. What would happen if girls had to do military service?
4. What would happen if men were not allowed to become doctors or pilots?
5. What would happen if children over 10 were allowed to vote?
6. What would happen if gold were found in your area?
7. What would happen if a shop gave away its goods free every Wednesday?

10. What would you do if a photograph of yours won first prize at an exhibition?

11. What would you do if you saw your teacher picking apples from her neighbour's tree?
12. What would you do if you won a trip for two to a city of your choice?

13. What would you do if your horoscope warned you against travelling when you want to go
on holiday?
14. What would you do if it rained every day of your holiday?
15. What would you do if you got a love letter from somebody you did not know?
16. What would you do if you found a snake under your bed?
17. What would you do if you got lost on a walk in the woods?
18. What would you do if you were not able to remember numbers?
19. What would you do if you found a £20 note in a library book?
20. What would you do if your friend said she did not like the present you had given her?
21. What would you do if you broke an expensive vase while you were baby-sitting at a
friend's house?
22. What would you do if you invited somebody to dinner at your house but they forgot to
23. What would you do if you forgot you had asked four people to lunch and didn't have any
food in the house when they arrived?
24. What would you do if a young man came up to you, gave you a red rose and said that you
were the loveliest person he had seen for a long time?
25. What would you do if you could not sleep at night?
Annex 4

Test Paper

I. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense (0,5x10=5 points)

1. Why didn’t you phone? If I (know) ……………… were coming, I

(meet)………………… at the airport.
2. It’s a beautiful house, and I (buy)……………………it if I
(have)……………...the money, but I can’t afford it.
3. I can’t imagine what I (do)…………………..with the money if I
(win)…………..the lottery.
4. Mark isn’t a serious athlete. If he (train)………………..harder, he
(be)…………….quite a good runner.
5. If Claire (listen)…………………… her mother, she (not
marry)……………………David in the first place.

II. Write a paragraph, beginning with the following sentence: (4 points)

If I were a famous person

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