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Ava Peeler FN235 -100 13642

Original Goal-

1. My goal is to eat three servings of meat everyday, one serving for breakfast, lunch, and

dinner. The outcome of my three day study showed that I need more protein in my

everyday diet and I know incorporating more meat into my diet will help me feel healthier

and stronger.

2. My goal is to reduce the amount of fatty foods I consume everyday, such as cheese and

mayonnaise. The outcome of my three day study showed that I eat way too many fatty

foods. To start I will only eat three servings of fatty foods per day for a week, and starting

the second week I will reduce it to two servings per day. In doing this I hope to lose a

minimum of five pounds in the next two weeks.

3. My goal is to eat four servings of vitamin rich foods such as fruits and vegetables, three

servings of vegetables and one serving of fruit. The outcome of my three day study

showed that the foods I eat on a daily basis lack vitamin a and vitamin c. Adding more

vitamin rich foods to my diet will strengthen my immune system and make me a healthier

Review your original goal. How did you do? Is this goal still relevant? Revise your

goal if necessary and provide a summary paragraph on how you will accomplish your goal.

If you can not locate your original goal it is ok to make a new goal. (5 pts).

- I believe that I did better than I expected myself to do. I definitely increased my

intake of fruits, vegetables, and meat. While I did reduce the amount of fatty

foods I consumed I do believe that I can do better and reduce my fatty food intake

even more. Yes, I believe it is still relevant, because I need to reduce the amount

of fatty foods I consume a bit more. Also, some days I forgot to eat all my fruits

and vegetables for my smart goal. While I did improve my diet there is still room

for me to make it better. To accomplish my goal I plan on making a meal chart for

the week to help me eat all the fruits and vegetables I need while also watching

my fatty food intake. A meal plan will help me lay out and plan my food. Also, if

I do my meal planning weekly versus daily I would have an easier time making

sure I have the correct foods to eat and would help me avoid eating unhealthy

foods, because I am out of all the healthy food that I need.

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