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My goal is to eat three servings of meat everyday, one serving for breakfast, lunch, and
dinner. The outcome of my three day study showed that I need more protein in my
everyday diet and I know incorporating more meats into my diet will help me feel
healthier and stronger.

2. My goal is to reduce the amount of fatty foods I consume everyday, such as cheese and
mayonise. The outcome of my three day study showed that I eat way to many fatty foods.
To start I will only eat three servings of fatty foods per day for a week, and starting the
second week I will reduce it to two servings per day. In doing this I hope to loose a
minimum of five pounds in the next two weeks.

3. My goal is to eat four servings of vitamin rich foods such as fruits and vegetables, three
servings of vegetables and one serving of fruit. The outcome of my three day study
showed that the foods I eat on a daily basis lack vitamin a and vitamin c. Adding more
vitamin rich foods to my diet will strengthen my immune system and make me a healthier

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