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Risks in business are born by the

(a) consumer (b) entrepreneur (c)
marketing manager
(d) personal manager
2. Which of the following services is
rendered by central bank? (a)
provision of brokerage
service (b) safe keeping of cash and
other valuable (c) discounting bill of
exchange (d)
issuing currency notes
Which of the following is a feature of
a sole proprietorship (a issue of
shares (b) limited
liability (c) limited capital (d) legal
Vhich of the following is not a
function of the retailer? (a) buying in
bulk and have
housing (b) buying and selling in bits
to consumers (c) advising consumer
on the right
types of goods d) crating credits to
5. The wholesaler performs these
functions except? (a) do after sale
service (b) complete
production (c) breaking the bulk of
production (d) give credit facilities to
the retailers
6. Branding is an aspect of modern
trend in retailing that deals with (a)
price (b) distribution
(c) product (d) place
7. Importing goods into a country for
re -
exporting is known as (a) home trade
(b) retain
trade (c) entrepot trade (d) counter
8. The most important function of
retailer is to (a) sell goods on credit
(b) operate on
weekend (c) buyer from the
manufacturer (d) make goods
available in units
9. Which of the following catergories
of workers does not provide
services? (a) teachers (b)
doctor (c)wholesalers (d) musicians
10.Which of the following is not a
factor of production (a) labour (b)
profit (c) capital (d)
1 1. Which of the following is not true
of air transport? (a) has high
operating costs (b) it is
used to transport goods of high value
(c) it is good for transporting (d)
operates normally
12.Retail outlets which sell form
specialized van are (a) mobile shops
(b) super market (c)
mal order firms (b) department
13.A chain store is also known as (a)
super market (b) multiple shop (c)
hype market (d
department store
14.An example of a computer device
is a
(a) keyboard (b) mouse (c) monitor
1. Classify retail trade outlets with
three examples each b. State five
factors to be
considered in setting up a retail trade
2. What are the documents used in
home trade? B. State three and
explain one
State five barriers to foreign trade
and explain two
Define balance of payment and
explain when balance of payment is
said to be
State the meaning of custom duties
b. Give three reasons for imposition
of custom

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