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Psychodiagnostic Report

MS Clinical Psychology

Submitted to

Zaofishan Qureshi

Submitted by

Momin Ul Haq

Roll No


Date of Submission

October 13,2023

Department of Humanities, Education and

Psychology Air University, Islamabad



Name: S.H

Father name: Abdul Wahid

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Education: MS Psychology

Siblings: 4

Birth order: 5th

Informant: Self

Test date: 10-10-2023

Presenting complaints and History
The client sought an assessment on the 10th of October, 2022, as part of a mandatory
academic protocol. The client did not provide any discernible information concerning visual
perception integration, and they also indicated the achievement of typical developmental
milestones, no specific complaints.

Interview and Behavior

The client arrived punctually for the interview, and a positive rapport was successfully
established during the assessment. The client's personal hygiene and attire were deemed suitable,
and she consistently maintained appropriate eye contact throughout the interview process.
Throughout the testing phase, the client's general demeanor was characterized by a sense of calm
and relaxation. She did pose a few inquiries while receiving instructions, which were duly
addressed. Subsequently, she executed the entire diagram with ease. In sum, the client exhibited
consistently polite and amicable behavior throughout the entirety of the assessment.

Behavioral Observation
No visual or motor difficulties were evident which were further assessed via
Neuropsychological Assessment (Bender Gestalt Test -II). The client used no additional lenses.
Furthermore the client was right-handed and the hand grip was normal and there was no sign of
any physical disability. The client drew fast and had a good recall. The client had a good attention
and was not easily distracted. The client was satisfied about her performance. There were couple
of shapes the client did not draw perfectly in the recall phase. The client’s grip of the pencil was
adequate. There were no further complaints and the client managed to complete the test.
Test administered
Bender Gestalt Test- BGT-II (Brannigan & Decker, 2003)
The aforementioned assessment tool was selected as part of a mandatory academic protocol for
a credited course. This assessment tool is a valid and reliable measure for perceptual
deficits in visual-motor functioning. It’s a brief assessment that provides interpretive
information about an individual’s development and neuropsychological functioning.
Furthermore, the aforementioned version is valid for an age range of 4 years — 85+ years.

Interpretation of Assessment
The client’s visual motor integration was presented as adequate according to the test.

Specially, the standard scores were 129 and 144 for the Copy and Recall Phase respectively.
The Percentile Score was 97.34 for Copy Phase and 99.83 for the Recall Phase. The client had
successfully recalled all the designs except design number 10 in the recall phase.

The Standard score for the Copy Phase lies in the range of 120-129 which is indicative of high or
advanced performance. Additionally, the standard score for recall phase lies in 130-144 range
which is indicative ofvery high performance according to clients' age.The percentile score
indicates that for the Copy Phase suggests that 90% of the individuals at similar developmental
level have scored lower than the client and indicates high performace , as indicated in the table as,

Copy phase Recall phase

Raw score 46 40
Standard score 129 144

(Appendix A)
Percentile 97.34 99.83

(Appendix B)
Performance High/advanced Very high

The client scores indicate high performance on Copy Phase and very high performance on Recall
Phase which indicates no perceptual motor impairment.

Tentative Diagnosis
It was done as part of an academic assessment & no diagnosis has been given as no
impairment is evident.

Prognosis is not valid as no impairment was detected.
There are no recommendation as no disturbance is indicated in client’s neuropsychological

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