22ND February Al01 B2 Int MW

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FEBRUARY nd ue ebruary «tress : 12345 Classwork: Unit 4 \pg 15) Unit 2 \pgs 15 and 18-19) er+-e-puwni & Homework: Revising Vocabulary dudied in class 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Use of English folder: First Reading and Use of English Part 4 answers included\ 20 21 @ 23 24 25 26 Reading folder: First Reading and Use of 27 28 English Part 6 (answers included! BOOK: www.macmillaneducationeverywhere.com ainhoa@britishcode.es amartinez@britishcode.es BRITISH CODE English School REPHRASING USED TO/WOULD AND USED TO/BE USED TO/ GET USED TO: 4. Lused fo have short hair when I was a teenager. 2. We used fo/would go fo the same little café for lunch every day when I was a student. %. She used fo love playing badminton before she hurt her shoulder. ‘4. He used to/would walk along the beach every evening before bed. 5. I was used to losing when I played chess with my father. Lalways used fo lose when I played chess with my father. 6. She used to be able to dance very well. She was used to dancing very well. 7. My grandfather used to drink a cup of coffee after dinner every night. My grandfather was used fo drinking a cup of coffee after dinner every night. 8. Luke didnt use fo have a car. 9. We used fo live in Brazil. 10. My family would offen go to the countryside for the weekend when I was younger. ‘My family often used to go to the countryside for the weekend when I was younger. 11. was used fo watching TV three or four hours a day. 12. She is getting used to working at that company. 15. He is often used fo speaking in public. 14. Im surprised to see you smoking. You didn't use to smoke when we worked together. 15. They are used to being on time. Bd Reading and Use of English Part 1 Mu © A advance Bui ¢ rise D boost 1 A-containing 8 consisting ——_¢ including D introducing 2 A better 8 prefer like D rather 3a med 8 grown, ¢ brought D raised 4 A often, B ever ¢ always D sometimes 5 A got B find © como D take 6 A prepared —_—B disposed C organised ——_—D equipped 7 a Whereas 8 Whenever While p Whether 8 Agoesaway 8 setsoff cc carieson ——_ catches up Vocabulary Get Match each beginning 1-7 with an appropriate ending a-g. 1 Pleasedonothesttatetoget a ready. went keep you wating lng. 6 Come in. | have to finish getting —_b_ the chance to go diving on a coral reef Iwantto change jobs. don't get Intouch with our sales team you have any. I'm sorry I'm so late. My bus got ‘over my shyness and talked to a few people. | don’t own acar; can easily get ¢ paid enough for the work Ido here. When wellvedin Australia, got stuck nthe snow and had to walk. Tenjoyed the patyonce had got by without one. Just use public transport. 7%) 4 Bd For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that thas, ‘similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five ‘words, including the word given. Here is an example (0). How long was your journey from London to Manchostor? TAKE How long DIDIT.TAKE YOU TO. London to Manchester? Why don't you throw away that old coat? RID How about getting rid of old coat? Ist find it strange to wear glasses. usED | stil havon'tbeen used fo wearing He never asks when he borrows my things! ALWays Ho isalways borrowing my. things without ‘Simon doesn't usually drink cotoo. UNUSUAL itis unusual for. get from asking! on to drink coffee, UKE iis not like Helen to be can’t wait to 800 you again, FORWARD 'mrealylooking forward fo seeing. you again. ‘0 pessimistic, Cee een > The second sentence of a transformation is a paraphrase of the first sentence; it expresses the same idea but with different words, Transformations test your knowledge of ‘grammar, vocabulary and collocation. ‘More than one feature of grammar and/ ( vocabulary may be tested in a single transformation. You must write at least two words and no ‘more than five, and you cannot change the key word in any way. In the exam, when you transfer your answers to the separate answer sheet, you write only the missing words in CAPITAL LETTERS. merry Music a ony Reading and Use of English Parts Peed Speaking Part1 Interview Work with a partner. Discuss the questions. 1 When was the lat time you played a sport? 2 Doyou prefer individual or team sports? 3 Whatare the three most popular sports in ‘your country? Why do you think they are popular? 44 How important is music in your life? 5 Doyou lke dancing to music? 66 What s your least favourite type of music? Reading and Use of English Part 6 Gapped text SPEAK Work in pairs. Look at the photographs of people doing parkour, and discuss the questions. 1. What does parkour involve doing? 2. What type of people do it and what skills do you think are required? 3. What benefits does it have for participants? You are going to read an article about parkour, Read through the base text (the main text with the gaps). Are any of your ideas from Exercise 1 mentioned?

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