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No Date =} O. . omic fs” 3 rolations among a ce ns _ OP thoworld SH WI do we cTUDY I TeRntmTonad Econso mcs? voral Economl ow the various | wee segues cx: God_e¢ Factors of noctions: | =I > "Jo know the Various -hado bantors that-comeis witwan! =a trading outstdo N qoria- 3Jose2 hhous-tho mackot sro soxpadate an senate =a know tha @xchang a recto Of. cunrereias ata tne dig =a oo 3, Ei dn ad ei ‘ics usi uals housaho a. one tenis dole with tho. agdragate ,couttiple cal 4 totali the econem BB Economics _as_a dsscipline has on ype whch, ls = |, Mirco €eonertes B a-MacrorEconorntco a Scanned with CamScanner 3 Totornational Eronomic 4 Public ranco - S:Hoatth €conomtcs 6. Eovirnmontal Economics 3- Lnternational. Hance’ 4. Muttincdfonal Comporadiong S Giobalisation. Trtemational Economics consists a. tolntornational Freda. Thoony a. Tatornatimal Trade. Poliex 3.10 70 lo Franca Palace of Rayment: 5 Sable Adguctmant io Balance. of Paspnant cftutnaont Corporcchions. cen A PRATT RASA eri ) Tv reensnTions At TRADE THEORY: Theo ont is a0 abstraction «fom coality kased on cortain assumeions Scanned with CamScanner =) No Date = al is_a subs i ional ics. Wi “ype oF THeomes ‘ 3 ~ AgsourTe: COST AbvANTAGE ost BASED): This “thoony wh i Aclams Smet Ho was_o¢- tho. opinion thet-frade ~ COMPARETLVE Co ST -AdVAASTAGE CO UANTITY BASED): “This theory was. =r ee a 6 as fuente = should spactatize_ inthe paduction of goods and sasifeasut 6 should spactatize inthe paduckion af goods and sasicas which the 4 hove Comparative. sdieea ovar ofharcourtrias- —=q HECKSHAO Lin’ THEORY OF FACTOR ENDOWNMENT =5 a a = Yea ey ie ail about ne iniordac. “ jon =F DIVERNATIONNL TRADE FINANCE: mock co Scanned with CamScanner a No Date = a \torofga €xcharqo « 2. International Monotant Ried Cime) b 3-\Nod Bank. a b icattec| * duadion “whore 2. G como +topthor 4o -fmarce a progact): a f mance. b 4 BALANCE OF PAYMENT (BoP): & i 10) 1 ii a ot: Yec ei + G+ (x=M) how & € = Consumption is A= Tavestment G& = Crovernmant oxpondituce i> X= Export: ie m > Tmport 2x OQ Q. AND 8 suc) = -Favouable_balanca of payorac Ty mpeadiantaaatliaastin pean wit Q drain tenth uenagayes X a ee Pay mv ; : w Scanned with CamScanner eves creeps eon No Date S ALANICE 0: MENT: r How-to comect balance iof palycnanct LA ~Pheo ban on somo: impo or bE H 1 Tne + duction: ce jour ai shad Nou mn bormw 4o oxpand the upcoming Indurbies. ) MULT nTIONL CORPORATIONS « Scanned with CamScanner ms wa No Date THEORY OF ABSOLUTE ADvANSTAGE Adam Seth = his book ttted “The. Wealth aan we others fats Tia _|China r & QuTeur PeR UNIT _OF LABOR. 4 me | Whoot 20 si g rege x i | cleth 6 4 ££ Scanned with CamScanner Sauilibsum of ho tivo caunbine ct ‘i ¥ in Of units ¢ at wilt be df fr fati Ni a.lo 5 uction "CEE TEE REST EVE ELE PREF EEL Scanned with CamScanner lus TONS ehas: Ee 2)Factors MomMobil th 2) Reduction capacity digpors Se + { M 2. chofco. = +p ho producoc]. a e_ ie OVA Can bo us fat a. e curve (PPC). Lino \ ct. COS { uction = oF bo oxet 10. i inet: — Ze 0 so tho. cto} = on tn 0 r0-Fora. low ine. T&S tine See oy tho. Production Possitity Came CEC) RS V2 jources Lynnette awe prt BS Sale nae ea Cloth. thoncaho ‘tad It (ra williwutt in'ly BRS ats: iets dor G=M4-Geg). | ah Scanned with CamScanner THcoRY OF COMPARATIVE NDMANTAGE_No Adam Sm Thacn} of Mos olucto fidwantadg eu a “190 sb09 Ho ye | DY WWWHEREERERYOE doo Scanned with CamScanner jot thera rolabvo. pie et 2 tablo tur ssample, loo: 200 units oe Ex 1. Ke | X-for 4 chat 2 S olatve pric ou will wo thet thore are'no 04 ; i in o iat in Ghai 0 © basi i conmediy, sinca-itraffects ocboth countrtus-Tr wo took at’ commodity, the prfees aco-the sama as wll Cy ,oy) because Notthor oF “the wo countios will banafit fom 2. Ta the case dic: we i 0. that luCes_ more commoditras we gal was No jo becusa domostic Oricas aro l=. le PPP PPP PRET TATAADLAS Scanned with CamScanner HuUddug =o Lao} ol Ret i Com moditias - =o vid: Richards on. he. ‘ 7 "bss ‘hwo es. =a @Digrorantfacos ordowimant ond ;@.Establishing trade: SD dite, cuvedesholt cite oly iP uae 4a f. i =a a a B BB Scanned with CamScanner No Pele _-_-_ HECKER SHADLIN THEORY tho following cco-the assumptions oF Hsckestraclin areas eo ; - PPPPPEP EONAR A pysrys Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner

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