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Potential Theory and Spherical Harmonics ( SG315) by Surv. K. F. A. Aleem Ph.

2.0 Basic Differential Operators on a Vector Field.

Lecture Notes


K. F. Aleem
Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics,
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University,


Differential operator is any combination of derivatives applied to a function. It takes the form of
a polynomial of derivatives

Vectors are used to describe any quantity that has both direction and magnitude. They are
usually drawn as pointed arrows, the length of which represents the vector's magnitude.,
vectors can be used to represent any number of physical objects or phenomena. Some of
phenomena involving vector in Physical Geodesy includes: Potential, Harmonics, gravity,
velocity and other quantities.

Field literately is the vicinity of occurrence of event. In mathematics, a field is a set on which
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are defined and behave as the corresponding
operations on rational and real numbers do. A field is thus a fundamental algebraic structure
which is widely used in algebra, number theory, and many other areas of mathematics and
physical sciences.

In vector calculus, electromagnetic, physical geodesy and any other professions dealing with
curvature, we often need to perform line, surface, and volume integrals. Differential
operators are used. In these cases, we need to find the differential length change
(dl), differential area change (dA), and differential volume change (dv) in the chosen
coordinate system.

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Potential Theory and Spherical Harmonics ( SG315) by Surv. K. F. A. Aleem Ph.D

Line Integral

Surface Integral

Volume Integral

Cartesian coordinate system is length based, since dx, dy, dz are all lengths. However, in
other curvilinear coordinate systems, such as cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems,
some differential changes are not length based, such as dθ, dφ.

Thus, we need a conversion factor to convert (mapping) a non-length based differential

change (dθ, dφ, etc.) into a change in length dl as shown below.

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Potential Theory and Spherical Harmonics ( SG315) by Surv. K. F. A. Aleem Ph.D

dli = hi dui

where i = (1, 2, or 3), hi is called the metric coefficient and may itself be a function
of u1, u2, u3.

u1, u2, u3 are coordinate axes in the chosen system, and correspond to x, y, z in Cartesian
coordinate, r, φ, z in cylindrical coordinate, and R, θ, φ in spherical coordinate system.


In the two-dimensional polar coordinates (u1, u2) = (r, φ), a differential change dφ (= du2)
corresponds to a differential length-change dl2 = r dφ (h2 = r = u1).

In Cartesian coordinate systems, since dx, dy, dz are already length based, h1 = h2 = h3 = 1.

From the above discussion, we can see the differential length changes dl1, dl2, dl3 are:

dl1 = h1 du1

dl2 = h2 du2

dl3 = h3 du3

where h1, h2, h3 may be functions of u1, u2, and u3.

A directed differential length-change dl in an arbitrary direction can be written as the vector

sum of the component length-changes:


where au1, au2, au3 are the base vectors.


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Potential Theory and Spherical Harmonics ( SG315) by Surv. K. F. A. Aleem Ph.D

In general orthogonal curvilinear coordinates the differential area ds1 (dA as shown in the
figure above) normal to the unit vector au1 is:

ds1 = dl2 dl3


ds1 = h2 h3 du2 du3

Similarly, the differential areas normal to unit vectors au2, au3 are:

ds2 = h1 h3 du1 du3

ds3 = h1 h2 du1 du2

For example, in Cartesian coordinate system:

dsx = dy dz

dsy = dz dx

dsz = dx dy

where h1 = h2 = h3 = 1.


The differential volume dv formed by differential coordinate changes du1, du2, and du3 in
directions au1, au2, and au3, respectively, is (dl1 dl2 dl3):

dv = dl1 dl2 dl3 = h1 h2 h3 du1 du2 du3

Cartesian Coordinates

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Potential Theory and Spherical Harmonics ( SG315) by Surv. K. F. A. Aleem Ph.D

Cylindrical Coordinates

Spherical Coordinates

For convenience, the base vectors, metric coefficients, differential lengths, differential areas,
and differential volume are listed in the following table.

Cartesian Cylindrical Spherical

Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates

(x, y, z) (r, φ, z) (R, θ, φ)


Base au2


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Potential Theory and Spherical Harmonics ( SG315) by Surv. K. F. A. Aleem Ph.D

h1 1 1 1

Coefficient h2 1 R R

h3 1 1 R sinθ

dl1 dx Dr dR

dl2 dy r dφ R dθ

dl3 dz Dz R sinθ dφ

dy dz r dφ dz R2 sinθ dθ dφ

Differential ds
dx dz dr dz R sinθ dR dφ
Area 2

dx dy r dr dφ R dR dθ

Dv dx dy dz r dr dφ dz R2 sinθ dR dθ dφ

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