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MarEng Plus Teacher’s Manual/Intermediate Level/Unit 8 Mayday Mayday

Unit 8 Mayday Mayday

Read & Listen

Exercise 1

1. First the Viking Princess had <engine> trouble.

2. The Marina took a position <windward> of the Viking Princess.
3. The crew on the Marina <lowered> the lifeboat on the <lee> side of the vessel.
4. They then took the lifeboat to the Viking Princess and took on the <distressed> crew.

Exercise 2
Listening comprehension

1. The vessel was carrying sand. T

2. The vessel met with a heavy storm. T
3. The cargo was damaged. F
4. The cargo shifted in the between decks. F
5. On inspection they found water in the holds. F
6. There was injury to the crew. F
7. The ship arrived safely in port. T

Exercise 3

“I remember once some 10 years ago when I was working on a cargo vessel carrying sand. We were
carrying a cargo of nearly <6000 tons> of sand when the vessel encountered a heavy storm with
<wind gusts> up to 60 knots and <seas> of a height of 25 to 30 ft. The ship's speed was about 11
knots and she was almost <beam on> to the wind and was rolling up to <35 to 40>°. Suddenly she
took <a few heavy rolls> of more than 40/50°. The sand in the bags was squeezed, and the cargo
<shifted> in the lower hold as well as in the between decks about 6 feet to the port side. This made
the ship <list to port> 10 to 15°.

The bridge gave orders <to reduce speed> and the ship heaved to the wind. The English
Coastguard was alerted and I, along with the deck crew, inspected No. 4 hold, which was closest to
<the accommodation>. We found that the cargo had shifted but there was <no damage> and no
MarEng Plus Teacher’s Manual/Intermediate Level/Unit 8 Mayday Mayday

water <in the holds>. We managed to correct the list <by ballasting> the starboard topside tanks,
and we then resumed our voyage at full speed with a list of 4 degrees to port. There was <no
injury> to the crew and <no damage> to the cargo, and we later arrived safely in port. But it is a
voyage I´ll never forget.

Important Structures: A Mayday Message

Exercise 1

Distress message
This is
Call sign Sierra Yankee Zulu Zulu
Latitude 59° 45’ North
Longitude 026° 12’ East
Collision with thick ice wall. Sinking.
Require immediate assistance

Exercise 2

Aruba Aruba Aruba
Sierra Yankee Zulu Zulu
This is
Valpas Valpas Valpas
Juliett Alpha Bravo Charlie
Received mayday
MarEng Plus Teacher’s Manual/Intermediate Level/Unit 8 Mayday Mayday

Assistance Information Message

This is Valpas
59° 53’ North
025° 25’ East
Speed 16 knots
ETA 1915 UTC

Exercise 3

This is <230167890>.
Ladoga 7 <Uniform Tango Bravo Kilo>.
Position <59> °00' North 020°05' <East>.
Collision <with unknown object>, leaking.
Require <immediate assistance>.

Ladoga 7, Ladoga 7, Ladoga 7
<Uniform Tango Bravo Kilo>
This is Oscar Oscar Oscar
Call sign <Kilo Lima Romeo>
Received mayday.

Ladoga 7
This is Oscar
My position: Latitude <58> °30' North>; Longitude <020> °10' East
Speed <15 knots>
ETA <one hour>
MarEng Plus Teacher’s Manual/Intermediate Level/Unit 8 Mayday Mayday

Radio Communication: Radio Conventions

Unit 1 Radio Conventions

B) Numbers
Exercise 1

1. Europa call sign <C6QK8> MMSI number <308007000>

2. Fantasy call sign <H3GS> MMSI <353486000>
3. Diplomat call sign <ZCDD4> MMSI <310356000>
4. Pride of Provence call sign <MWYB4> MMSI <232002659>
5. Balmoral call sign <GRPM> MMSI <232001540>
6. Celebration call sign <H3GQ> MMSI <353456000>

F) Message Markers
Exercise 1

1. <INSTRUCTION>: Stop your engines immediately.

2. <INTENTION>: I intend to alter course to 225° [two-two-five] true.
3. <WARNING>: Visibility is very poor and sea is rough in area...
4. <QUESTION>: What time will the pilot boat be on station?
5. <INFORMATION>: The wind direction and force is southwest, 10 [one-zero] metres per
6. <WARNING>: Vessel ahead of you is not under command.

7. <REQUEST>: Please send fire-fighting assistance.

8. <QUESTION>: What cargo are you carrying? <ANSWER>: My cargo is phosphate.
9. <ADVICE>: Steer course: 180 [one-eight-zero] degrees.
10. <INFORMATION>: Pilotage has been suspended for small vessels.

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