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Software Requirement

Specification for Share It

Prepared by Mani Kiran

Reg No: 12317924

Roll No: 69

Section: K23QA

Submitted to Apoorv Dubey

Lovely Professional University

Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for ShareIt

1. Introduction

 Purpose of the Document

 Scope of the Product
 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
 References

2. Overall Description

 Product Perspective
 Product Functions
 User Classes and Characteristics
 Operating Environment
 Design and Implementation Constraints
 Assumptions and Dependencies

3. Specific Requirements

3.1 External Interface Requirements

 User Interfaces
 Hardware Interfaces
 Software Interfaces
 Communications Interfaces

3.2 Functional Requirements

 User Registration and Authentication

 Uploading and Sharing Files
 File Management (e.g., renaming, deleting)
 Notifications
 Search Functionality
 Access Control
 Version Control
 Collaboration Features (e.g., comments, annotations)
 Security Requirements (e.g., encryption, secure connections)

3.3 Non-Functional Requirements

 Performance Requirements
 Reliability and Availability

 Scalability
 Usability
 Accessibility
 Compatibility
 Maintainability
 Legal and Regulatory Requirements

4. System Models

 Use Case Diagrams

 Sequence Diagrams
 Class Diagrams
 State Diagrams

5. Appendices

 Glossary
 Index
 Change Log

1. Introduction

 Purpose of the Document: Explain in detail why the SRS document

is being created. This could include objectives such as defining the
scope of the project, providing a reference for developers, ensuring
alignment between stakeholders, and serving as a basis for future
validation and verification activities.
 Scope of the Product: Clarify the boundaries of the ShareIt
application by specifying what functionalities are included and what
are excluded. This may involve describing the types of files supported,
maximum file size limits, supported file formats, and any other
relevant constraints.
 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations: Provide a
comprehensive list of terms used throughout the document that may
be unfamiliar to some readers. Include clear definitions to ensure
mutual understanding among stakeholders.
 References: List any external sources or documents that were
consulted or referenced during the creation of the SRS. This could
include industry standards, regulatory requirements, previous project
documentation, or relevant research papers.

2. Overall Description

 Product Perspective: Provide a high-level overview of how ShareIt

fits into the larger ecosystem of file-sharing applications. Describe
any similar existing products, highlighting ShareIt's unique features
and advantages.
 Product Functions: Detail the core functionalities of ShareIt,
including uploading files, sharing files with others, managing files,
searching for files, and collaborating with other users.
 User Classes and Characteristics: Identify different types of users
who will interact with ShareIt, such as regular users, administrators, or
guests. Describe their roles, responsibilities, and specific needs or
 Operating Environment: Specify the environments in which ShareIt
will be deployed, including supported operating systems, web
browsers, network configurations, and hardware requirements.
 Design and Implementation Constraints: Highlight any constraints
or limitations that may influence the design and implementation of
ShareIt, such as budgetary constraints, technological dependencies,
or regulatory requirements.
 Assumptions and Dependencies: Document any assumptions made
during the development of the SRS, such as assumptions about user
behavior, system performance, or external dependencies. Also,
identify any dependencies on external systems, services, or resources.

3. Specific Requirements

3.1 External Interface Requirements

 User Interfaces: Provide detailed descriptions of the user interfaces

for ShareIt, including wireframes, mockups, or prototypes. Specify the
layout, navigation structure, input fields, buttons, and other
interactive elements.
 Hardware Interfaces: Describe any hardware devices or peripherals
that ShareIt will interact with, such as storage devices, network
routers, or printers. Specify the types of interfaces supported (e.g.,
USB, Ethernet).
 Software Interfaces: Define the interfaces between ShareIt and
external software systems, services, or APIs. Specify the
communication protocols, data formats, and message exchange

 Communications Interfaces: Specify the communication protocols
and standards used for data exchange between ShareIt and external
entities, such as HTTP, FTP, or WebSocket protocols.

3.2 Functional Requirements

 User Registration and Authentication: Define the process for users

to create accounts, log in, and manage their authentication
credentials securely. Specify requirements for password complexity,
account recovery, and multi-factor authentication.
 Uploading and Sharing Files: Specify how users can upload files to
ShareIt and share them with other users or groups. Define
requirements for file size limits, supported file formats, and
permissions management.
 File Management: Define features for managing files within ShareIt,
such as renaming files, moving files between folders, or setting access
permissions. Specify requirements for file versioning, metadata
management, and file deletion.
 Notifications: Define requirements for sending notifications to users
about important events or updates within ShareIt, such as new file
uploads, file sharing requests, or comments on shared files.
 Search Functionality: Specify requirements for searching files or
other content within ShareIt. Define search criteria, sorting options,
and filtering capabilities to help users find the information they need
quickly and efficiently.
 Access Control: Define requirements for access control mechanisms
within ShareIt to ensure that only authorized users can view, edit, or
delete files. Specify user roles, permissions levels, and access policies.
 Version Control: Specify requirements for version control features
within ShareIt to track changes to files over time. Define requirements
for version numbering, change tracking, and rollback capabilities.
 Collaboration Features: Define requirements for collaboration
features within ShareIt to facilitate communication and teamwork
among users. Specify features such as file commenting, real-time
editing, task assignment, and document sharing.
 Security Requirements: Define requirements for security measures
to protect ShareIt and its users from unauthorized access, data
breaches, or other security threats. Specify requirements for data
encryption, secure authentication, access controls, and audit logging.

3.3 Non-Functional Requirements

 Performance Requirements: Specify performance metrics and
objectives for ShareIt, such as response time, throughput, scalability,
and resource utilization. Define requirements for handling concurrent
users, large file uploads, and peak usage periods.
 Reliability and Availability: Specify requirements for ShareIt's
reliability and availability, including uptime targets, fault tolerance,
disaster recovery, and data backup strategies.
 Scalability: Define requirements for ShareIt's scalability to
accommodate growing user bases, increasing file volumes, and
expanding usage patterns. Specify scalability mechanisms such as
horizontal scaling, vertical scaling, or cloud-based scaling.
 Usability: Specify usability requirements for ShareIt to ensure that it
is intuitive, user-friendly, and accessible to users of all skill levels.
Define requirements for user interfaces, navigation flows, error
messages, and help documentation.
 Accessibility: Specify accessibility requirements for ShareIt to ensure
that it is usable by people with disabilities. Define requirements for
screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigation, color contrast, and
text alternatives.
 Compatibility: Specify compatibility requirements for ShareIt across
different platforms, devices, browsers, and screen sizes. Define
requirements for cross-browser compatibility, responsive design, and
backward compatibility with older systems.
 Maintainability: Specify requirements for ShareIt's maintainability to
facilitate ongoing development, enhancement, and support activities.
Define requirements for code modularity, documentation, automated
testing, and version control.
 Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Specify requirements for
compliance with legal and regulatory standards, such as data
protection laws, copyright regulations, industry certifications, and
privacy policies.

4. System Models

 Use Case Diagrams: Create use case diagrams to illustrate the

interactions between users and ShareIt, showing the different actions
users can perform and the system's responses.
 Sequence Diagrams: Create sequence diagrams to visualize the
sequence of interactions between system components or actors for
specific use cases, showing the flow of messages and the order of

 Class Diagrams: Create class diagrams to represent the static
structure of ShareIt, showing the classes, attributes, methods, and
relationships between objects.
 State Diagrams: Create state diagrams to model the different states
and state transitions of ShareIt entities, showing how they respond to
external events or stimuli.

5. Appendices

 Glossary: Compile a glossary of terms used throughout the SRS

document, providing clear definitions and explanations to help
readers understand technical terminology and domain-specific
 Index: Create an index of key terms, topics, or sections in the SRS
document, along with corresponding page numbers for easy
reference and navigation.
 Change Log: Maintain a change log to track revisions and updates to
the SRS document over time, documenting the version history, dates
of changes, and descriptions of modifications made.


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