See Yourself in Christ Daily

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Copy right © Berachah Prophetic Ministries, Chennai

First Edition, February, 2015 - 2000 copies

Second Edition, August, 2016 - 1000 Copies

A daily Devotion

A Book from Berachah Prophetic Ministries


Berachah Prophetic Ministries
Plot No. 81, 4th Cross street, Senthil nagar,
Kolathur, Chennai - 600 099
Ph: +91-44-26501290, 26501390
I believe this daily devotion will take you to the cleft in the Rock to
FOREWORD show you your Father. Moses could see only His back but you can see
? your Father in totality in Christ. It will take you to Mount Pisgah to show
you all your inheritance in Christ. Moses could only SEE from there, but
In my nearly 50 years of worldwide ministry, I could track down the you can SEE AND POSSESS.
reason for the weakness and failure of the Church to their lack of knowl- What you see is what you possess! Your picture decides your future!
edge of who they are IN CHRIST. SEE YOURSELF IN CHRIST DAILY will paint your real picture and
There are manybooks about “Who is your God?” and “Who is your make you like Jesus.
enemy?”, yet very few know about “Who are you in Christ?” God urged I thank God for my precious wife Benita Francis who took much pain
me to teach believers who they are in Christ. The entire Bible revolves and time to edit, beautifying my English, all the time contributing her insights
around the “new creation” reality. Every time I teach on this subject, I from her rich Bible knowledge and also my Spiritual children Alex and
witness the tremendous transformation in the lives of the ministers and Sudha who helped in typesetting of this book and are a great blessing to
believers. In my own personal life, this single revelation has blessed me me.
more than any other truth. This is undoubtedly the greatest need of the
May the Holy Spirit overshadow and enlighten you as you conceive
these truths in your spirit.
It’s my burden and prayer that you rise from your rust and dust to
take your rightful place in Christ and rule and reign with Him. Only then,
you and I will be able to complete our God-given task in this end-time. Dr. Ezekiah Francis
A few years ago, the Lord distinctly spoke to my spirit to write a daily
devotion on “LIFE IN CHRIST”. Due to my busy schedule, I postponed
this book for long. Recently, the Lord again commissioned me in a dream
to start writing this devotion, starting from Genesis and totally Bible based.
I endeavor to do it with the grace given to me.
It’s my firm conviction that this book will pull down the age long strong-
holds of the devil from your mind and life. I know the devil hates this truth
and wants to keep this revelation from you. Don’t allow him to do it!
Jesus is mount Pisgah for a believer. To show Moses the entire Prom-
ised Land, God had to take him to mount Pisgah. From there, he could
view everything clearly. In the same way, God shows what He has for His
children by placing them in Christ. Only from Christ, you can see all your
blessings clearly.
When Moses longed to see God’s glory, God put him in a cleft in the
rock and covered him with His hand. From that place he could see the
back of God. Jesus, the Rock, is the best place to see your Father God.

* Don’t read this book at a stretch like any other book.

* Discipline yourself to prayerfully read it on a daily ba-
* Chew the insights thoroughly throughout the day.
* Read out aloud the Thank You, Lord confessions!!!
* Keep confessing them the whole day till your entire
system absorbs them.
* Try to read the Scriptures even if they are familiar to
* Write down your insights and revelations for
future reference.
* Share these insights with others.
* Expect the Lord to speak to you and build your faith
through His rich Word.
* I strongly recommend you to read the entire
chapter the daily OT-scripture is taken from
be on top, never beneath (Dt.28:13).
JAN 1 Remember, the devil is not the beginning or the end of your life. He is
ALPHA AND OMEGA IN CHRIST not Alpha nor Omega. He came in between and will vanish on the way.
Before he even conceives his evil plans for you, God has already planned
victory for you. No matter how much he attacked and oppressed you, he
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. cannot stay till the end. He can never succeed. He has to pack up and run!
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” All your life problems are not with you from the beginning, and they won’t
says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty” stay until the end. The ultimate victory is yours!
(Ge.1:1; Rev.1:8) Beloved, in the first chapter of the Bible, you only see God and his
awesome power and ability. In the second chapter, you see man and his
God-given potential. Only in the third chapter, you see satan and his craftiness.
What a privilege to begin this year with God! “In the beginning God…” See, your God and you are first, not your enemy! Cheer up!
is the first sentence in the Bible. This is the great specialty of God’s Word. Come, explore and see who you are in Christ. This revelation will
God is always the Beginner. He is the Initiator. He is the First. He is the thoroughly transform you and give you tremendous breakthroughs in this
Foundation. He laid the foundation of the earth. He is the Author. The heavens new year. In Christ, you are everything Christ is. He is the Firstborn over all
are the work of His hands. He is eternal. His years go on through all creation. You are the first and the crown of all creation. In Christ, you are
generations and will never end (Ps.102:25-27). He is the Source. All life and the image of the invisible God. In Christ, all things in heaven, on earth, visible
breath come from Him (Ac.17:25). You will lack nothing (Ps.23:1). He began and invisible, even the demonic world, satan’s thrones, his dominions, his
this year for you. principalities and powers are created for you. In Christ, all things consist in
Jesus your Lord is also the beginning. He was with God before He you. Jesus is your head. You are His Body. In Christ, He and you have
even created the heavens and the earth (Pr.8:22-31; Jn.1:1-2). He is the preeminence in every walk of life (Col.1:15-18).
Firstborn over all creation. By Him all things were created that are in heaven You began this year with God, and you will complete this year with
and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or God’s glory and perfection. Day by day, your light shall shine brighter and
principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. brighter (Pr.4:18).
And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist (Col.1:15-17). Thank You, Lord, You are the Alpha and the Omega, the
The great Holy Spirit was hovering over the face of the waters before Beginning and the End of my life. I am confident that You
anything was created. He is the Breath of the Almighty (Ge.1:2; Job 33:4; have begun a good work in me, and You will complete it until
Ps.104;30). the day of Jesus Christ. Though my beginning was small, my
The moment you came to Christ, you became one with this Great latter end will increase abundantly because I am in Christ.
Beginner. He began His good work in you (Phil.1:6). He loved you first, and
He chose you first (Jn.15:16). Your life in Christ is God’s idea even before Rev.1:8; Phil.1:6; Job.8:7
the foundation of the world (Eph.1:4). Christ was present from the very
beginning, and you were in Him.
You are the child of this Great Author and Finisher of life. He began His
life in you, and He will complete it till the end. He is not only the beginning,
He is also the end. He is Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last (Rev.1:8,11;
21:6; 22:13). Whatever He begins, He finishes perfectly. He initiates, and
He completes. Since you are of God, nobody can overthrow you (Ac.5:39).
Since the Great Elohim and His Word are your foundation, no rain, flood or
wind can shake you even a bit (Mt.7:25).
In Christ, you will always be the first in everything. You will be the
head, not the tail. You will excel in every area of your life. You will always

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God, the true and great Light, is shining in you. Think about it!
JAN 2 In Christ, you are delivered from the powers of darkness and transferred
CREATION AND RECREATION into the Kingdom of His true Light (Col.1:12-14). You share the inheritance
IN CHRIST of His saints in the light. This all happened the day you put your trust in
The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the Jesus.
face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of Salvation is not simply obtaining forgiveness of sins. It is a total transfer
the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light… from the world of darkness to the world of light (Col.1:13). Resist every
form of darkness wherever it tries to control or dominate you. Shout to the
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things devil that now you are a well-qualified citizen of God’s Kingdom (Phil.3:20).
have passed away; behold, all things have become new (Ge.1:2-3; You are the light of the world (Mt.5:14). If so, how much more can you
2.Co.5:17) bring light to your own family, friends and circle! Your spirit man is the lamp
of God in you that can enlighten your emotions, feelings, look and your entire
Let’s compare God’s creation of the earth and our new creation. We body. Stephen’s spirit was so bright that even his face reflected it (Ac.6.15).
can see some unique features that apply to both creations. You are a glory-carrier!
Perfection: This is the first characteristics of God’s creation. The earth Beloved, now you are full of God’s perfection and glory. Every cell of
was formless, void and dark, maybe due to the fall of Lucifer. So God created your body is radiating with God’s light. Wherever you go, you dispel darkness
everything to make it perfect and complete. This also happened to you, the and bring His light. Once you were darkness, but now you are light in the
new creation. God created man with all perfection but through the fall, man Lord. Walk as children of light! Rebuke the deeds of darkness! Put on the
became imperfect. God took this fallen man and made him a perfect new full armor of light. Let your light shine before men and bring glory to your
creation in Christ. There is no imperfect believer in Christ. You are complete Father by your good works (Mt.5:16). Be decent and true in everything you
in Him, with all the fullness and beauty of God (Col.2:9-10). do, as in the open light of day, so that everyone can approve of your behavior
(1.Thes.5:5-9; Ro.13:11-14; Eph.5:8). God called you the Light and the Day.
Now you are His new creation, old things are gone forever (2.Co.5:17). Call yourself so constantly! This will revolutionize your life. Shine today!
In Christ, you have His form and structure, so don’t accept your past
unstructured lifestyle any longer. In Christ, you are full and complete, so Thank You, Lord, in Christ, I am perfect just as my
don’t allow wastage and emptiness. In Christ, you are light, so resist any Father in heaven is perfect. I have been born again through
kind of darkness (Eph.5:8-14). The perfect creation portrays the character the Word of God that lives and abides forever. I am a child
of the perfect Creator. When He recreated you, He did everything perfect. of light and child of day, not of the night nor of darkness
because I am in Christ.
Spirit and Word: God creates everything by His Spirit and His Word.
Both the creation of the earth and the new creation were accomplished by Mt.5:48; 1.Pe.1:23; 1.Thes.5:5
God’s Word and God’s Spirit. As God’s Spirit was hovering over the earth,
God’s Spirit was hovering over you. When you heard God’s Word, God’s
Spirit breathed new life into you (Jn.1:12; Heb.1:3; 11:3; Jas.1:18). You are
born again by the Spirit and the Word (Jn.3:3,5). As Jesus was conceived in
Mary’s womb by God’s Word and the overshadowing power of the Holy
Spirit, Jesus was conceived in you by His Word and Spirit (Lk.1:35). In
Christ, you have His Spirit and His Word to create your world as God
Light: The first day, God commanded light, divided it from darkness,
and called it day. When you were formed in Christ, the first thing He did
was to cause His light to shine in your heart. You received His glory (2.Co.4:6).

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as it is in heaven (Mt.6:10). By using your authority of binding and loosing,
JAN 3 you bring down heaven on this earth (Mt.16:18). All your directions come
SEPARATION IN CHRIST from heaven. In Christ, you are called and authorized to represent God’s
Kingdom through your prayer and proclamation.
In Christ, you are a heavenly person. You breathe the heavenly breeze.
And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light Your very presence brings heavenly atmosphere. Your life is hidden with
from the darkness… Christ in God (Col.3:3). Christ is living in you, and you in Him. He moves
Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what wherever you move.
fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what commun- As the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His
ion has light with darkness? (Ge.1:4; 2.Co.6:14) handiwork, you declare the glory of God and show His handiwork (Ps.8:1;
19:1). Anyone who sees you will be wonderstruck to see God’s majesty and
power in your life. This is the very purpose of your existence in this world.
As we continue comparing our new creation with the creation of the You are created for God’s pleasure and for the praises of His glory
world, we see many of God’s characteristics. This throws light on what He (Eph.1:6,12,14).
did in our new creation.
Beloved, you are a heavenly ambassador on this earth with a heavenly
Separation: God is a God of distinction and separation. After creating commission and authority. You are heaven’s channel to release heavenly
the light, He separated it from the darkness and made night and day. Then blessings on earthly beings. In Christ, you are authorized to control and
again, He divided the heaven, earth and the sea. He separated the things of govern this earth. Live up to your position!
heaven from the things of the earth.
Thank You, Lord, I am not of this world as You are not
Similarly, the moment you accepted Christ, you were separated from of this world. My citizenship is in heaven. You made me
2 this world. Jesus said, you are in the world but not of the world (Jn.17:14,16). righteous, a light, a little Christ, a believer and a temple of
You became a heavenly person. He that comes from heaven speaks the God. You dwell in me and walk in me. You are my Father,
things of heaven. You think heaven’s thoughts and you speak the things of and I am Your child because I am in Christ.
heaven. Likewise, the earthly man thinks and speaks the earthly things
(Jn.3:31). Jn.17:14,16; Phil.3:20; 2.Co.6:14-18
Jesus lived His life constantly in heaven-consciousness. He received
instructions and directions from heaven (Jn.5:19-20). In Christ, you know
how to divide the things of heaven from the things of this earth, the things of
the spirit from the things of the flesh (1.Co.2:14-15). Paul was so sensitive
to distinguish between what comes from the Lord and his own opinion. He
knew the art of dividing between spirit and soul. God’s Word, as a sharp
two-edged sword, is given to you primarily to discern what comes from your
spirit and what comes from your soul (Heb.4:12). Don’t mix spirit and soul.
This would mar the brightness of your new creation.
Heaven controls: In God’s creation, everything is under heaven’s rule.
Heaven is controlling the earth. God created sun and moon and stars to
control seasons, days and years (Ge.1:14). As the heavenly bodies govern
day and night and all the seasons, heaven controls and governs you, the new
As you are governed by heaven, you govern this earth as a heavenly
ambassador (Phil.3:20; 2.Co.5:20). Through you, God’s will is done on earth

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the strong lions sometimes may go hungry, but you will never lack any good
JAN 4 thing as you seek and trust Him (Ps.34:9-10; 84:11; 107:9)! God tells you to
PLENTY IN CHRIST seek Him with all your heart, walk blamelessly before Him, and you will be
surprised by His abundance coming into your life! The Lord wants the sea
to be full, the forest to be full, the sky to be full, the whole earth to be full,
Then God said, “Let the waters abound with an abundance of everything to be full – will He be happy to see His own children empty and
living creatures… And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and in lack? Take heart!
multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the In Christ, the word ‘worry’ has no place in your dictionary! Erase that
earth”… word from your mind NOW! Enjoy His abundance, abounding in praises!
…the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy (Ge.1:20- Thank You, Lord, You are my shepherd, I shall not
23; 1.Ti.6:17) want. Mercy and goodness shall follow me all the days of my
life. As I seek you I shall never lack any good thing. You
supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory because
Another feature of God’s creation is His generosity and abundance. I am in Christ.
God is a God of abundance. Everything He gives and creates is lavished Ps.23:1,6; Ps.34:10; Phil.4:19
with plenty and abundance. Nothing is barren and empty in God’s plan.
Rivers, ponds and seas abound with creatures. The sky is decorated with
flying birds, the waters are filled with fish and different kinds of life. All
these creatures multiply and fill the earth. Imagine! The fruits, the trees, the
grain and the stars and all the living creatures, birds – everything is far
beyond our actual need or even reach. The unused minerals in the earth,
fruits of the forests, fish of the sea are so many, overabounding! See God’s
generosity and liberality! Just imagine – why would just two people, Adam
and Eve, need so much fruit and so many trees? Was not one tree enough
for all their needs? This shows God’s basic longing for His creation.
If that much is created for Adam’s generation, how much more is in
store for Christ’s generation! Why should a believer in Christ suffer lack?
The lions of the forest, the birds of the air, the ants of the earth, all have
enough to eat and to spare! How much more is waiting for the Creator’s
own children (1.Ti.6:17)? The younger son finally had this revelation. He
came to himself, “How many of my father’s hired servants have bread
enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!” (Lk.15:17). All the living
creatures have more than enough for their needs. Your Father supplies them
(Mt.6:25-32). The birds of the air neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns,
yet your heavenly Father feeds them. How much more valuable are you,
His special born again child (Mt.6:26).
The lily that just blossoms for one day is clothed far more beautifully
than the great king Solomon. If God so clothes the grass of the field, will He
not clothe you, His choicest child (Mt.6:28-30)?
Beloved! You need not suffer in lack or debts. You must enjoy more
than just the necessary. No good thing does God withhold from you! Even

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His riches, not out of His riches! In Christ, all that is His is yours! Live like
JAN 5 a King’s kid because your Father is the Great King.
ABUNDANCE IN CHRIST Thank You, Lord, You have come to give me life and life
more abundantly. All Yours is mine, Lord! You satisfy my
mouth with all good things, and my youth is renewed like the
And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply… fill … eagle. In You I live and move and have my being because I
multiply…” am in Christ.
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to de- Jn.10:10; Lk.15:31; Ps.103:5; Ac.17:28
stroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it
more abundantly (Ge.1:22; Jn.10:10).

In Eden, everything was provided in abundance. This is life in Christ. In

this life, all your needs are abundantly met. Because you are one with Him,
all His is yours (Lk.15:31). No good thing is withheld. He is the supplier of
every desire of your life and gives you richly all things to enjoy (Phil.4:19;
1.Tim.6:17). This is a life of abundance, prosperity, good and better things,
all for you to enjoy.
God is a God of abundance. He created abundance of everything –
abundance of living creatures, abundance of birds, abundance of flowers,
abundance of vegetables (Ge.1:20-23).
In Eden, there was abundance of satisfaction. Every fruit there was
pleasant to the eyes and good for food. God regards even the need of your
eyes to see pleasant sights and the need of your taste buds to eat tasty food.
Life in Christ takes care of all your personal and physical needs. The eye is
not satisfied with seeing nor the ear with hearing, but life in Christ enjoys the
full satisfaction of both (Eccl.1:8).
In Eden, there was abundance of life. The tree of life was in the midst
of the garden. This signifies your abundant life Christ gives you to enjoy
In Eden, there was abundance of God’s Presence. The entire Garden
was permeated with God’s glory. The first man lived and breathed in this
glorious Presence constantly. God visited him every day, and he heard His
voice. All this is restored to you in Christ. You and the Father are now one
(Jn.8:29; 10:30; 14:10f). The Presence of Jesus in you is the climax of the
New Testament (Col.1:27). It is your right to enjoy His Presence and hear
His voice always.
Beloved, you are the sheep of His pasture. You lack nothing! Every
good and perfect gift comes from above, and that’s the place where you are
seated in Christ (Ps.81:16; Jas.1:17)!
God is Your generous Father. He supplies all your needs according to

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the Last Man Jesus won back. He holds the keys of death and hell (Rev.1:18).
JAN 6 As God’s legal child, you have all authority over all the universe. Now,
DOMINION IN CHRIST you hold the keys of death and hell. God’s authority has become yours because
you are in Christ. Whatever you bind on earth is bound, and whatever you lose
on earth is loosed (Mt.16:18).
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our
Your domain: The purpose of the new creation is to rule and reign in life
likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds
(Ro.5:17). Sin, satan, sickness and the world cannot have dominion over you.
of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creep-
God has commanded you to subdue it under your authority. You are born to
ing thing that creeps on the earth”… rule with your word of authority!
For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one,
much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of You must know what is your sphere of authority. The moment you came
into your Savior’s bosom, sin lost its dominion over you (Ro.6:14). Since you
righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ (Ge.1:26;
have become one with Him who is the Head of all principality and power,
satan’s dominion over you is totally broken (Col.2:14-16). Now, you have
power over all the power of the enemy, even to cast it out from your territory
Adam was created to rule and have dominion over all the other creations (Mk.16:17; Lk.10:19).
(Ge.1:26). This is God’s first and foremost intention. Man’s purpose was to In Christ, you also have authority and dominion over the nature. You can
rule and reign. Soon after creating man and woman, God blessed them to have calm the storm (Mk.4:39). You can command the sun and the moon (Jos.10:12-
dominion over the entire earth and even commanded them to subdue it. 13). You can stop the rain and bring the rain (1.Ki.17:1; 18:41-45). Sickness
God governs: The first revelation you need to exercise your dominion is and plagues must submit to your authority as soldiers submit to the authority
the rulership of God. In Christ, God has become your own Father, and He is of a commander (Mt.8:8-9; 10:1; Lk.9:1-2).
the King of heaven and earth. His rule extends from sea to sea and from the If you dare to believe, you can exercise dominion over the animal kingdom,
river to the ends of the earth (Ps.72:8; Zec.9:10). He is even the ruler of the the vegetable kingdom and every adverse circumstance that tries to destroy
demonic kingdom. As Creator of the whole universe, He has all authority over and steal from you (Heb.11:32-34).
all His creation. His Kingdom is an eternal kingdom, His dominion endures Beloved, you are the ruling child of your ruling Dad. You are the queen of
from generation to generation (Da.4:3). He is the Sovereign over the kingdoms the King of the universe. Jesus in His earthly walk ruled over the demons,
of men and sets over them anyone He wishes (Da.5:21). diseases, nature and everything by His Word power. You are engrafted in Him.
Until God created man, He was holding all authority in His hand. He created His Words now go through you as God’s Zion and rule everything. Out of you
and ruled everything by the Word of His authority (Heb.1:3). He simply said, comes the scepter of God to subdue all enemies (Ps.110:2). Jesus still rules
“Let there be,” and things came into existence. through you in midst of His enemies.
You govern: God needed co-rulers. That is why He created you in His If the enemy attacks you, your family or your city and nation, you are
royal likeness. As everything in nature produces after its kind, so God created responsible to subdue him. The Church has the authority to stop the natural
you after His kind. His dream was that you should talk and walk like Him in calamities, drought, flood, tempest, tsunamis, earthquakes and even death
every way. You who resemble God must rule everything by your word of (Ro.6:9).
authority. Your language should always be, “Let there be!” That is why whatever Thank You, Lord, I am made in Your image, according to Your
Adam called the animals became the names of God’s creatures. God simply likeness. I have dominion over creation. I have received abundance
transferred His rulership to man. of grace and of the gift of righteousness, and I will reign in life
In the fall, man sold his rulership and made the devil the prince of this through You. You have given me the authority to trample on
world (2.Co.4:4). That is why satan could challenge Jesus in the wilderness serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and
saying, “All the kingdoms of the world are given to me” (Lk.4:6). Jesus came nothing shall by any means hurt me because I am in Christ.
to restore this rulership to man and said, “All power in heaven and earth is
given to Me. Therefore go…” (Mt.28:18-19). What the first man lost in Eden, Ge.1:26; Ro.5:17; Lk.10:19

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husband also became a curse (Ge.3:16). Only when Christ restored what
JAN 7 man lost in Eden, woman’s liberty and honorable position was also restored.
In Christ, the gender difference is broken (Gal.3:28; Col.3:11). In Christ,
GENDER DIFFERENCE IN CHRIST there is no man or woman; we are all joint-heirs of the grace of God (1.Pe.3:7).
Women are restored to co-rulership with man as God originally intended and
So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created (Ge.1:28). The suppression of women is ruled out in Christ.
created him; male and female He created them. Christ lifted up the position of women. He chose a woman to be His
Nevertheless, neither is man independent of woman, nor woman mother, He had women in His traveling team (Lk.8:1-2), He accepted and
independent of man, in the Lord. For as woman came from man, commended women’s service to Him (Mt.26:13; Lk.7:). He did miracles
even so man also comes through woman; but all things are from and honored the faith of women (Mk.7:26-30). After His resurrection, He
God (Ge.1:27;1.Co.11:11-12 ) gave personal appearance to a woman and made her the first evangelist
(Mk.16:9). He poured out His Spirit on all flesh which includes women, sons
and daughters, handmaiden (Ac.1:14; 2:17-18).
Not Adam alone, but Eve also was created in the image of God to Christ came to liberate women from their slavery and brought back His
dominate and rule. Both were blessed to fill the earth and subdue it. There is original order between man and woman. As the body submits to the head,
no partiality here. As God Elohim was three in one, man and woman became woman is made to submit to man. This relationship is complementary, not
two in one. competitive.
Women are not second-class citizens. Of course, the woman was Woman, in Christ, your position is highly exalted! God wants to use you
deceived and brought sin and curse into the world (1.Ti.2:12-15), but the and manifest His gifts through you to bless this world. It’s not the time to
Seed of the woman revoked this curse of Eve (Ge.3:15). The In-Christ neglect your God-given mission! Rise up like Esther and save the nation.
message brings great relief and honor to the women. Venture like Rahab and protect your family. Dance like Miriam and train
The way God created woman shows the heart of God for women. He worshippers. Prophesy like Deborah and challenge God’s soldiers. Yield
took one of man’s ribs and built it into a woman. The word “built”, in Hebrew like Mary and manifest Christ to this world. Love Him like Mary and show
“panah”, is a very special word which means “beautifully, skillfully the world how to love Jesus. Remember you are at your best if you gladly
formed.” When God created other things, He simply “made” (“asah”) them. submit to a man’s leadership. Accept your God-given position NOW!
This itself shows the special place God ascribes to a woman. Woman, you Man, don’t feel insecure or threatened when God uses women. It’s
are skillfully formed for a noble purpose! Don’t throw your pearl to the your privilege to release them into their ministry. God might speak to you
swine! many things through women. Listen and be blessed! Remember, if you fail
Someone said, God didn’t take a bone from man’s head to dominate to use and honor women, half of the Body of Christ is paralyzed! In Christ,
her, neither from the feet to stamp her down, but from the rib to be equal accept your leadership position and guide them to usefulness. Dwell with
with him, closest to his heart as the object of his affection. As a rib, she them in understanding. Honor them as weaker vessels and joint-heirs of the
covers and protects his vital organs like heart and lungs. grace of life (1.Pe.3:7).
Adam called her “ish shah”, “woman”, which literally means “she- Thank You, Lord, Your Body is one and has many members.
man”, or “womb-man” (Ge.2:23). It is funny to see that woman is practically By one Spirit we were all baptized into one Body, whether
“a man with a womb”, a female man. The very name shows how woman is Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and have all been
in no way less than man, “ish”. made to drink into one Spirit. There is neither male nor
On the other hand, woman was created for man as a helping counterpart, female; for we are all one in Christ Jesus. We submit to one
a mate. Man was not created for the woman, but woman for the man another in the fear of God because we are in Christ.
(1.Co.11:3-12). 1.Co.12:12-13; Ga.3:28; Eph.5:21
After the fall, this divine order and position was greatly thwarted. Then
came the curse, “he shall rule over you”. The woman’s very desire for her

19 20
you. As the little eagle has the full ability to fly like the mother eagle, you
JAN 8 have all the ability of God to soar in the supernatural. In Christ, you have the
IMAGE IN CHRIST very nature, life, ability, strength and authority of God in you. You are a mini-
God indeed.
Beloved, you are made in the highest image, God’s image. As God
So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He breathed His supreme breath into Adam’s nostrils, God breathed His very
created him; male and female He created them. life into you. You are a God-kind of man on this earth! Why do you worry
…and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge about your image before people? Nobody could ever have a better image
according to the image of Him who created him (Ge.1:27; Col.3:10) than God’s image! You are a superman! Face the challenges of life as Jesus
would face them, today!
You are a God-kind of person: As the first man was created in God’s In Christ, you go from one level of glory to another until you are
image, you are recreated in His image (Ge.1:27). This is God’s dream for completely conformed into His image. Rejoice in this privilege!
you. Everything God created produced after its own kind. God created all Thank You, Lord, I am made in Your image, according to
kinds of terrestrial tame and wild animals and reptiles. Every animal had the Your likeness. You have given me exceedingly great and
potential to produce animals of its kind. The expression, ‘according to its precious promises, and through these I am a partaker of the
kind’ appears ten times in the creation episode. Such repetitions should not divine nature. I have put on the new man who is renewed in
be ignored. This reveals God’s intentions. God never creates any isolated knowledge according to the image of Him who created him
beings. He creates in species and groups, and there is seed in everything He because I am in Christ.
creates. That seed has a tremendous potential to reproduce after its kind Ge.1:26; 2.Pe.1:4; Col.3:10
You are God’s family: God is a family God. He created everything in
families: flower family, animal family, bird family, etc. This character and
longing of God is the reason for the creation of you, the crown of His creation.
All His creations produced after its kind, and maybe God felt lonely (with all
reverence). He wanted His family after His own kind, image and likeness.
This is the ultimate climax of creation.
You are well-planned: In order to create you in His own image, the
Trinity had an executive meeting. Father God discussed it with the Son and
the Holy Spirit. He didn’t just command man to come forth as He did other
times. Instead, He said to Himself, “Let Us make man in Our image, according
to Our likeness” (Ge.1:26). Likewise, you, the new creation, are well-planned.
The Trinitarian God is involved in bringing forth you, the new creation. The
saying is very applicable to the new creation, “The Father thought it, Jesus
brought it, Holy Spirit wrought it”.
You are restored: Man lost God’s image after the fall (Ro.3:23). So
God sent His Son, the Seed, to reproduce after His kind. Jesus died like a
grain of wheat to produce you, the new creation (Jn.12.24). The Holy Spirit
brought that Seed into your spirit to make you like God. Jesus restored that
lost glory and God’s image back to you (2.Co.3:17-18; Eph.4:22-24; Col.3:10).
Can you appreciate this great work of God in you?
You are a mini-God: You are not an ordinary person. As the tiny seed
has all the ingredients of the ripe fruit, you have all the ingredients of God in

21 22
babies or bread and meat to the grown-ups.
SPIRIT FOOD IN CHRIST Peter commands the new-born babies in Christ to crave and desire the
pure spiritual milk to grow (1.Pe.2:2). The writer of Hebrews was lamenting
over the dull and sluggish condition of his churches. He expected them to be
And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields mature teachers but they were slothful in their spiritual insight, not able to
eat solid food (Heb.5:11-14).
seed… and every tree whose fruit yields seed… for food…”
In Christ, you can stay a mere infant or become a full-grown adult. It’s
I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone your choice!
eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give
God is calling you today to be strong, vigorous and victorious in Christ
is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world (Ge.1:29,31;
(1.Jn.2:14). This is possible only if the Word of God abides in you always.
Jn.6:51) Never blame the wicked one for your failures! You are an overcomer in
Christ if you dare to strengthen your spiritual muscles.
Every living creature God created needs food for its survival and growth. Even in Christ, you are in a spiritual battle, and you need strength and
So God provided the various kinds of fruits for His man and all the animals. vitality. When Jonathan took a little bit of honey and put it in his mouth, his
This applies both for the natural man and the spiritual man. It is God’s law weary eyes brightened (1.Sa.14:27). The Word of God is like honey to your
that life ceases once you stop feeding it. To carry out God’s plan on this spirit. If you had freely eaten God’s Word, you could have won many of
earth, man needed food for strength. When the supply of food is cut, the your battles. What a loss! Now, the slaughter of our enemies is not great
weakened soldiers lose any battle. The young man was willing to fill his (1.Sa.14:30)!
stomach with the pods the swine ate because of his hunger. Hunger is cruel. Beloved, as Eden was full of every kind of tree, pleasant for food, God
In Christ, you have hunger and thirst in your spirit. If you don’t constantly has provided so much food for your new life. God’s Word is your milk,
feed your new life, you will gradually become weak and stop living. Then, honey, bread, meat, and everything you need for your healthy growth. Why
the natural man will overtake us. It is one thing to know who you are in should you starve and turn to the base things of this world? Your enemy will
Christ, it is another thing to live this life. God has provided food for your try to provide you with his poisonous substitutes. It can never feed your
spirit. As you feed your physical body, you must feed your spirit. This is spirit but only stimulate your soulish desires. Beware of his food supplements
entirely your responsibility. Every child of God is given the same eternal life. like cinema, pornography, vain stories, unhealthy conversations, all negative
Some have fed their new life and made it grow to the maximum. Such talk, worldly books and music etc. which are silent killers of your spiritual
people made history and blessed multitudes. They go from victory to victory life!
whereas others were either careless or too ignorant and lazy to feed their In Christ, feed your faith through constant hearing of God’s Word
spirit and thereby forfeited their privileges. Such people are still babes in (Ro.10:17). Avail the five-fold ministry gifts to the maximum. They are
Christ, drinking only milk. This is the tragedy of today’s Church. No wonder provided by God to develop you to the mature manhood of Christ’s stature
believers live more in the natural than in the spiritual. This explains the sad (Eph.4:11-14). Spiritual gifts are provided for your edification. Avail them
plight of envies, strife, divisions and carnality in the Body of Christ. today!
The Good News is that no child of God need accept this infant stage as Thank You, Lord, I desire Your Words more than gold,
a norm. You can grow into maturity from strength to strength. You can go on than much fine gold. They are sweeter also than honey and
from the elementary stage to your spiritual maturity and perfection (Heb.6:1). the honeycomb. I desire the pure milk of the Word that I
The strength of your spiritual life is in your hand. Asking God to strengthen may grow thereby. Your solid food belongs to me because I
you in this New Covenant age is not biblical. You are commanded to be am in Christ.
strong and mature (Eph.6:10)! You are commanded to grow in Christ
(2.Pe.3:18). You are commanded to edify and build up yourself (1.Co.14:4; Ps.19:10; 1.Pe.2:2; Heb.5:14
Jud.20). You are well provided with the food your spirit needs! The great
mysterious food for your spirit man is the Word of God. It is milk to the

23 24
you. You have excellent knowledge, excellent understanding, excellent wisdom
JAN 10 – everything is excellent about you (Da.5:12,14). Your new life comes from
VERY GOOD IN CHRIST the Father of lights, so you are a perfect and excellent gift from above
(Jas.1:17). You are God’s best gift to your family, your city, your nation, even
to this world. You are God’s package of excellency. Give yourself totally to
Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was this needy world to bring God’s perfection, NOW!
very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. You can bring perfection where there is imperfection. You can bring
(Gen.1:31) light where there is darkness. You are the best and most excellent influence.
Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in Your touch, your look, your words and your presence will bring God’s beauty
all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. touch on this dark world. Don’t withhold it from the needy! After you touch
(Col 1:28) the desolate circumstances around you, God will be able to look at it and say
once again, “It is very good!”
Beloved, no good thing is withheld from you (Ps.84:11). God watches
In this first chapter of Genesis, at least seven times God saw what He every minute detail of your life and makes it very good. This is your privilege
had created and was satisfied. After every inspection, He said, “It is good”. in Christ.
The light, the earth, the fruits, all the living creatures, even the climate,
Thank You, Lord, I am Your workmanship, created in
everything was good and perfect. The word good means also beautiful. He
Christ Jesus for good works, which You prepared beforehand
has made everything beautiful (Eccl.3:11). Even Lucifer was the seal of
that I should walk in them. I am fearfully and wonderfully
perfection, perfect in beauty till iniquity was found in him (Eze.28:11-17).
made. I am Your marvelous work. I am a good and perfect
Since God is perfect, everything He does is perfect.
gift from above, from the Father of lights, because I am in
After everything He created, God said, “It is good”. Only after creating Christ.
man and woman, the crown of His creation, He said a heartfelt “Very good”
(Ge.1:31)! God’s creation reveals God’s character (Ps.19:1-6). Every piece
of His handiwork speaks of the nature of the Manufacturer. It is God’s Eph.2:10; Ps.139:14; Jas.1:17; Eph.2:10
nature to work out things until everything becomes very good and excellent.
Through the fall, creation lost the perfection and beauty of God. Christ,
the perfect Son of God came to restore His perfection and beauty to His
creation. In Christ, He has done His perfect work in you. Now you, the new
creation, are very good in God’s sight. He recreated you and is well-pleased
with you. You are the perfect handiwork of God. You are not just good, but
very good. In Christ, you are His workmanship, so you are the best person
in the whole universe (Eph.2:10). Don’t forget, you have His same nature!
Everything is excellent in Christ Jesus. Everything you speak and do
will be excellent. God declared you perfect and excellent. Don’t allow any
man or devil to say otherwise. For heaven’s sake, don’t belittle yourself!
You are the perfect handiwork of the Perfect God. Appreciate it thankfully!
You are not a mistake or an accident but God’s best plan.
Since your new creation comes from the Lord, you should not give your
own opinion about it, either good or bad (Ge.24:50). Just speak what God
speaks about you! Since you share His nature, seek excellency in everything
you do and speak (Mt.5:48). In Christ, you have the Spirit of excellency in

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needed was provided, everything you need is also provided. Health, joy,
JAN 11 prosperity, victory, peace – all are freely provided in Christ. Simply enjoy!
SABBATH REST IN CHRIST This revelation is the key to the perfect rest in Christ (Ex.31:16-17).
You don’t need to struggle. God wants you to enjoy His perfect
peace. As God rejoiced on the seventh day, you start your life with God’s joy
And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, every day. In Christ, everything you need for all your life is provided on the
and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had cross. Trust this revelation and relax in the Lord. The Sabbath day was
done. declared a day of celebration and rejoicing. Imagine how Adam and Eve
There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who started their life in celebration!
has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God Beloved, maybe you are in a battle, struggling with many problems.
did from His (Ge.2:2; Heb.4:9-10) Remember to rest and celebrate Jesus’ finished work before doing anything
about your struggles. Your battle is a resting battle. Your ministry is a resting
Life in Christ is enjoying the faith rest in God’s accomplished work.
ministry. Your life is a resting life, all because you rest in His finished work.
When God created man, He made him to rest on his first day of life. God’s
seventh day was man’s first day. Man’s first day was sanctified by God as In Christ, you get all your strength from your faith rest. Jesus slept in
a resting day. the boat and woke up to rebuke the wind (Lk.8:23-24). A resting life rebukes
every wind. Stop fretting. Start trusting.
You don’t need to work for your salvation. This clearly pictures the
new creation. God wants you to rest and enjoy His finished work as Adam Thank You, Lord, by Your will I have been sanctified
did. From this rest, you begin to work for Him. Your life is founded on God’s through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for
finished work. On the cross, Jesus cried, “It is finished!” (Jn.19:30). The all. By one offering You have perfected me forever as I am
moment you put your trust in Him, God’s accomplishment is credited to your being sanctified. I have entered Your rest and also ceased
account. You became complete in Christ (Col.2:10). You are completely from my works as God did from His because I am in Christ.
sanctified once and for all (Heb.10:10,14). That means, you are totally His Heb.10:10.14; 4:10
own. You are set apart for His noble purpose.
Once you have the revelation of His finished work, you enjoy the rest
of God (Heb.4:8-11). Every believer can and should enjoy God’s Sabbath
rest. When you entered Christ, you entered God’s rest. Be diligent to enter
that Sabbath-rest by simple faith in Him, refusing to lean on your merits.
The Israelites in the wilderness could not enter the rest because of their
unbelief (Heb.4:6).
You don’t need to work for improvement. The Hebrew word for
rest, ‘naphash’, means ‘to take breath, refresh oneself’. It doesn’t mean
God was weary and needed rest (Isa.40:28). It is the feeling of completion
after a great accomplishment. His work was perfectly finished without further
need of repair or revision.
Whenever you feel incomplete or insufficient, let Christ’s words, “It is
finished!” echo in your spirit (Jn.19:30). You cannot add to what Christ did
on the cross! Rest in Him and rejoice in His works. The more you see the
finished work of Christ, all doubt and depression will disappear. You will
enjoy God’s peace and rest.
You don’t need to work for your blessing. As everything Adam

27 28
blessings of life in Christ. Don’t blame anyone or anything for your failures.
JAN 12 In Christ, everything works for your good (Ro.8:28).
BARAK IN CHRIST Learn to appreciate yourself and confess what you are in Christ. This is
how you can bless yourself and others. Say that you are the righteousness
Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in of God (2.Co.5:21). Say that God is the strength of your life (Ps.27:1). Say
that His Spirit is rejuvenating your mortal body (Ro.8:11). Say that you have
it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.
God’s Zoe life in you, which means, His nature, His ability, His character is
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in you. Say that you will be a blessing to the nations. Say that you have the
has blessed us… He chose us in Him… predestined us to adop- mind of Christ now (1.Co.2:16). Say that you are the temple of the Holy
tion… to the praise of the glory of His grace (Ge.2:3; Eph.1:3-6). Spirit (1.Co.3:16). Say that His Glory is shining in you. Say that you and God
are one (1.Co.6:17). Say that you already have overcome the evil one
(1.Jn.2:14). Say that you will be prosperous and lend to the nations (Dt.28:12).
God rested on the seventh day and blessed it wholeheartedly. Here the Say that you are God’s king and priest (Rev.1:6). Say that all the words of
word “bless”, “barak”, means to praise, congratulate and adore. God your mouth are with righteousness; nothing crooked or perverse is in them
was so pleased with the Sabbath that He praised and congratulated it. In (Pr.8:8).
other words, He spoke well of it. Blessing means speaking well of something
If you see yourself in Christ, you will have nothing to complain and
or somebody. So God celebrated the seventh day and spoke well of it.
mourn about yourself. Then, you will automatically see Christ in every believer
Eventually, the Sabbath was declared a day of celebration and rejoicing for
and become a great encourager of God’s people. God’s love will flow through
God’s people throughout all generations.
you, and you will trust, hope and believe everyone (1.Co.13). All your negative
In the same way, God is speaking well of you, His new creation. He and critical attitudes will vanish away. You will like people, and in turn,
congratulates you and adores you as His masterpiece. As a mother adores everybody will like you.
her baby and is thrilled about it, God adores you. You are the result of His
Beloved, remember, man’s first day is God’s “barak”-day! After creating
great accomplishment. Now let me ask you: What do you speak about
man, God was very pleased and started celebrating. The whole heaven is
yourself? Do you appreciate what God has done in you through Christ? Do
celebrating God for you, His handiwork! The prophets of Old Testament
you boldly confess the greatness of His new life in you? By doing this, you
were intently searching to understand the mystery of the new creation. Even
don’t brag about yourself but about your God who made you His masterpiece.
angels are longing to grasp the uniqueness of the new creation (1.Pe.1:12)!
Please, for heaven’s sake, never speak bad about yourself! All the Exult in your new nature! Laugh at everything that tries to contradict what
negative confessions about your life are inspired by the devil. Beware of it! you are in Christ! Be a “barak”-person today!
If you say things like you are just a worm, you are no good, you are a
Thank You, Lord, all the words of my mouth are with
weakling, a failure, always sickly, you will never amount to anything, you are
righteousness; nothing crooked or perverse is in them. I
speaking bad of what God has accomplished in you. It drastically contradicts
bless, knowing that I was called to this, that I may inherit
how God looks at you and what He speaks about you. It belittles the work of
a blessing. All nations will call me blessed, for I will be a
the cross and is a cruel insult to your Creator!
delightful land because I am in Christ.
You have no right to speak ill of God’s workmanship! You are His poem!
Pr.8:8; 1.Pe.3:9; Mal.3:12
He is the Poet (Eph.2:10)! Every time you fail to appreciate the poem, you
actually offend the Poet! When you talk bad about the product, you insult
the skill of the manufacturer.
On the contrary, every time you appreciate yourself as God’s new
creation, you magnify the Author of your new life. Start confessing who you
are in Christ and appropriate what God has done in you. Decide today to
speak well of everything. That makes you a positive person and releases the

29 30
Always remember the sequence: First rest, then appreciate His
JAN 13 finished work, thirdly live a life of total consecration, then God’s good works
KADOSH IN CHRIST will flow from you naturally. If you fail in any one of these steps, you fail
everywhere! This new creation reality is the secret of your sanctified life
and sacrificial service.
Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in
God called the Sabbath a day of delight, a day of the Lord, an honorable
it He rested from all His work which God had created and made. day. That day is not for your pleasure and for speaking your own words but
For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are be- for the pleasure of the Lord (Isa.58:13-14). Remember, before Adam could
ing sanctified (Ge.2:3; Heb.10:14) ever work in the garden, he was to delight in His Creator and seek His
pleasure, totally consecrated to the Lord. Your lifestyle is to please God,
delight in Him and seek His pleasure in doing good to others.
After blessing the seventh day, He sanctified and hallowed it. The Hebrew Beloved, you are holy and wholly unto the Lord. You ceased living for
word ‘qadash’ means ‘to consecrate, dedicate, separate’. That day yourself. You are bought with a price. You are His holy temple, His dwelling
was dedicated for God’s purposes. This is how God ordained this day to be place (1.Co.3:16; 6:19; 2.Co.6:16; Eph.2:21-22). You are sanctified and
celebrated as holy unto the Lord for all generations. dedicated for God’s noble purposes. It’s not something you did by your
Man’s first day was spent only with and for God. He was fellowshipping righteous deeds. Christ has done this work for you on the cross. You simply
with his Creator throughout the day. Then, and only then, he began to work acknowledge it and start declaring it to the world, to the devil and to yourself.
in the garden. This speaks clearly about your new life in Christ. The more Every member of your body is for the Lord, not for the world or sin or satan.
you are separated unto Him and enjoy Him, the more you will enjoy the Rise up to your privilege.
duties of this earthly life! Then, everything you say and do is scented with Never allow anything like sin, burdens or business-mindedness to profane
God’s Presence. your Sabbath commitment. This is one of the things that bring disaster and
In Christ, you don’t have one day as a Sabbath but your very life is a kindle God’s wrath. He is your jealous Lover. He will not trade you for
continuous Sabbath. You are sanctified in Him and enjoy doing the works anything. Remember, you are a “kadosh” person in Christ. If you fail to live
He prepared for you before the foundation of the earth (Eph.2:10). Your totally for God, you bring disaster not only upon you but even on your city
role model is your Savior Jesus. He was never anxious or fretting even a and nation. On the contrary, if a new creation lives a sanctified life, God’s
single minute of His life. He was constantly in fellowship with His Father, blessings come upon the entire nation (Neh.13:15-22).
and the Father showed Him the things He was doing. Then, Jesus did exactly In Christ, you are a sanctified Sabbath person, a “barak” and “kadosh”
as He saw the Father doing (Jn.5:19). Even the words He spoke came out person! Give no room for the world system to creep in! Remember, God has
of His constant Sabbath fellowship with His Father. committed Himself wholly to you. When He is totally for you, who and what
He was totally separated from this world and consecrated to His Father can be against you (Ro.8:32)? Be bold!
God. Therefore, God could trust Him with His noble service. He was not Thank You, Lord, by one offering You have perfected me
bound by the Sabbath rituals, but He was the Ruler of the Sabbath. He said, forever as I am being sanctified. My every day is Your holy
“I am the Lord of the Sabbath” (Mk.2:28; Lk.6:5). The religious folks saw day. I call it a delight and honorable. I don’t find my own
the Sabbath day as a ritual and a lifeless tradition. Jesus saw it as His Father’s pleasure or speak my own words. I delight myself in You,
day and did good to people in healing, delivering, blessing the afflicted and and You will cause me to ride on the high hills of the earth
suffering. and feed me with the heritage of Jacob. By my blessing the
In Christ, this Lord of the Sabbath is residing in you. You are dead to this city is exalted because I am in Christ.
world, but alive unto Him. He shows you what He wants to do through you.
You don’t strive and sweat to do good. You simply lean on your Daddy’s Heb.10:14; Isa.58:13, 14; Pr.11:11
bosom, enjoy His sweet communion and serve humanity in His power. This
is the blessing of the new creation.

31 32
subjugating all the enemies (Lk.10:19). We should not only protect ourselves.
JAN 14 We must protect the entire Body of Christ and even the nations from
GOD'S PARTNER IN CHRIST principalities and powers (Eph.6:12). The Creator of heaven and earth has
ordained and authorized us for this purpose (Mt.28:19). You are responsible
to protect this earth from natural calamities and from the destroyer. What a
…before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any privilege! What a responsibility!
herb of the field had grown. For the LORD God had not caused it to Until man came to work the ground, God didn’t send any rain on the
rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground… And the earth. He simply sustained all the vegetation by the mist that covered the
LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed surface of the earth. Only after man began to work the ground, the rain
into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. began to fall. This shows that when you begin to work in this world to bring
down God’s Kingdom, God will shower His Spirit and blessings upon the
For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are
land (Joel 2:28).
God’s building (Ge.2:5,7; 1.Co.3:9)
Beloved, don’t look to heaven for everything to happen in this world.
God has given this world into your hands to guard it. You are God’s fellow
Though God created the earth in all its perfection, still He needed a guardian. You can cultivate it to make it a fruitful country unto the Lord.
partner to cultivate and guard the garden. Here comes the partnership Whatever needs to be turned over, you can turn toward good. The only thing
between God and Adam. Someone said, God can do everything without you have to be careful about is to be sensitive to your Senior Partner. Carry
man, but He will not do anything without man. out His heart’s desires on this world. You have God’s glad permission and
God created the earth with producing ability, and He created the trees authority to change your world today.
and the seeds. Man had to work to get its yield. In a way, both of them For all eternity, God wanted you to be His partner. God never intended
needed one another. you to live just a normal life. In Christ, His dream has become reality! Rise
God does everything in cooperation. Man was God’s co-ruler. You can up and work with Him!
see it when he named all the living creatures (Ge.2:19). Man was God’s co- Thank You, Lord, You are love. You believe all things and
worker to till the ground, guard it unto God and cultivate it. Man was God’s hope all things. You loved me and made me Your fellow
partner and friend. God assigned him his jobs. There was such harmony worker because I am in Christ.
between God and man. What a picture!
1.Jn.4:8; 1.Co.13:7; 2.Co.6:1
It is this need of God that sent Jesus to recreate you in Christ. Now,
God and you work together to protect this world from the enemy’s intrusion
and to make it a blessed place. This partnership is portrayed in the Bible in
many different analogies. Jesus is the Head, you are His Body. The Head
cannot function without the body, and vice versa. He is the Groom, you are
His Bride. You both together conduct the affairs of this world. He is the
Father, you are His children. This world is God’s vineyard where you work
as His child (Mt.21:28).
God needs our partnership. Anything God does on this earth is done
through His people. We are fellow workmen, joint promoters, laborers
together with and for God (1.Co.3:9, AMP; 2.Co.6:1). Everything was created
and furnished before. Adam simply was to cultivate and guard the garden
from enemies’ intrusion.
We, the New Covenant believers, must develop this new creation in us

33 34
old has gone, the new has come there. The difficulty is that still your mind
JAN 15 thinks old thoughts, your emotions and will hesitate to submit to God. Your
MAN'S TRINITY IN CHRIST spirit must take authority and subdue your soul power to assert His will on
the earth.
Here comes the need for renewal of your mind. Even in Christ, you still
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and need to constantly renew your mind with the new creation realities (Ro.12:2).
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living
In Christ, the food for your spirit man is God’s Word. Only meditating
on it constantly will renew your mind and produce faith to live in Christ. As
Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; you walk in the truth of God’s Word, you manifest more and more of Christ
and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless in you. This is the secret of living in victory, health, holiness, power and
at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ge.2:7; 1.Thes.5:23) authority.
Beloved, your spirit and God’s Spirit have become one. You are in total
command today. Don’t ever allow your mind and body to intimidate you.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps.139:14). The very creation
Just concentrate on who you are in Christ. Bring your body and soul to
of the first man was a mystery. Here, we can see God’s skill to the utmost.
manifest your new nature. As you think in your heart, so you are (Pr.23:7).
Like a potter, He took the dust of the ground and formed it into a beautiful
Your mind determines your victory or defeat. As you know who you are in
man. He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a
Christ, your spirit will release all the issues of life (Pr.4:23; Jn.7:38). The
living being (Ge.2:7). The life God breathed into him is the spirit man, the
gifts and fruit of the Spirit will flow out of your spirit. You will win all the
real man. There dwells God’s life and nature. The physical body was like
battles of life.
that of all the other animals. As long as man was with God, his spirit was on
the throne and ruled the whole body. In Christ, you are a million times bigger inside than outside. Live in this
“God-inside-consciousness”, and you will be an overcomer.
After the fall, man’s spirit became inactive, and his body and soul began
to dominate. This is described as “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph.2:1). Thank You, Lord, I am wonderfully and fearfully made.
Separation from the life of God is described as dead in sins. When a man You sanctify me completely, and my whole spirit, soul, and
follows the cravings of his sinful nature and the ruler of the evil spirits, he is body shall be preserved blameless at Your coming. I keep my
called a dead man. This explains man’s depravity throughout human history. heart (my spirit) with all diligence, for out of it spring the
David lamented that he was formed in iniquity (Ps.51:5). issues of life because I am in Christ.
The moment you put your trust in Christ, God’s life is breathed into your Ps.139:14; 1.Thes.5:23; Pr.4:23
spirit once again. This is the New Birth. With the help of the Holy Spirit, this
new man fulfills God’s purposes through his soul and body (1.Co.6:20). When
God created you in Christ, a great miracle was performed. He imparted His
very life and made you alive in Christ. Your spirit man is enthroned again
with the majesty of God. Now you are seated with Christ in all authority and
glory. Your dominion is restored, God’s nature is restored, holiness is restored,
there is no more failure. This is the life of the new creation.
You are a triune being like your Creator. You are spirit as God is Spirit.
You have a soul with emotions, mind and will. You live in a body with five
senses. Why are you still sometimes defeated even after God’s life was
breathed into you? Why do old things still dominate you? Your mind and soul
were not recreated when you received Christ. God’s Spirit quickened only
your spirit. There is absolutely no sin or darkness in your spirit. Indeed, the

35 36
(Ac.16:25). He satisfies your mouth with delicacies and your longing soul
JAN 16 with goodness (Ps.103:5; 107:9).
EDEN IN CHRIST Riches: Life in Christ is life in Eden, the garden of God’s riches. In
Eden, existence was a perpetual feast. The earth brought forth spontaneously
The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He all good things in profuse abundance. All the precious stones were sparkling
put the man whom He had formed. in Eden (Eze.28:13). In Christ, all God’s bounty is yours. You are the choicest
vine of the Well-Beloved, planted in the fruitful hill (Isa.5:1). Your Father
By His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom God is a jealous lover and always gives you the best. He made His servant
from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption Israel to ride in the heights of the earth to enjoy the best honey and the
(Ge.2:8; 1.Co.1:30, NAS). choicest wheat (Dt.32:13-14; Isa.58:14).
Renewal: Life in Christ is a life of vigor and strength. God becomes
The garden of Eden is the most special garden for Yahweh God planted your strength, and His Spirit quickens your mortal body (Ps.27:1; Ro.8:11).
it personally. Imagine how great and wonderful that garden must have been! Your spirit is eternal, always young. In Eden, men lived free from care,
It is distinguished for its natural beauty and the richness and variety of its without labor and sorrow. Old age was unknown. The body never lost its
produce. Eden literally means “pleasantness”, “land of delights”, vigor.
“paradise”, “an extensive park”, “a pleasure ground.” In Eden, the Ruling: Life in Christ is the ruling life. From Eden, Adam ruled the
vegetation was luxurious, watered by irrigation. It was a land of streams entire earth. You live in Christ who is seated at the right side of the Father.
and rivers, most fruitful and fertile. The climate was warm and pleasant. All principalities and powers are under you (Eph.1:21). Even the angels
The fruits were delicious and in great variety. Eden satisfied every longing were not given the privilege of living in Christ, just as Eden was not made
of man’s five senses – beautiful sceneries, delicious food, most stimulating for them. You are the crown of His creation. That’s why He put you in
fragrances, soothing and gentle breeze and favorable climate. Eden is really Christ, the most delightful and elevated place (Eph.1:21), where all God’s
“the land of delights”. riches dwell!
I boldly compare life in Christ with life in Eden. Beloved, the first Adam was banished from the garden of Eden. The
God planned and planted: Even before the foundation of the world, second Adam came to take you back into His bosom which is paradise for
God planned to place you in Christ to enjoy His abundant life. As God planned you now. Rejoice in this unsearchable love! In Christ, you are the garden of
and planted the garden of Eden, God planned life in Christ for you (Eph.2:10). the Lord. Whatever seems like desert or waste land in your life today will
He Himself placed you in Christ as God placed Adam in Eden. By His become like Eden (Isa.51:3). You will branch out and multiply (Eze.31:9).
doing you are in Christ Jesus (1.Co.1:30). You did nothing about it. Life in Thank You, Lord, You put me in Christ. I am the choicest
Christ was planned by God according to His purpose (Ro.8:28-30). What vine of the Well-Beloved, planted in the fruitful hill of
Eden is for the created man, Christ is for you, the recreated man. Eden. You made me to ride in the heights of the earth to
Distinguished: As Eden is distinguished from all other places, you are enjoy the best honey and the choicest wheat. I glory in You,
distinguished from all other people. You are God’s peculiar treasure (Ex.19:6). for You became for me wisdom from God and righteousness
You are God’s thought and God’s idea. You are not an accident. If you were and sanctification and redemption because I am in Christ.
not special to Him, would He place you in Christ which is the most cherished, Isa.5:1; Dt.32:13-14; 1.Co.1:30
special place for any man?
Delight: Like life in Eden, life in Christ is the most delightful, pleasant
life. In Christ, you are the delight of God’s heart. In turn, He makes your life
a pure delight. He takes care of the desires and longings of your heart. Even
in midst of trials and tribulations, you enjoy the pure joy and peace of God
(Jn.14:27; 15:11). You have a song in your heart, even in the darkest night

37 38
is through his senses. Down through the centuries, humanity suffers from
JAN 17 this curse of leaning on the sense knowledge. This is the main reason for the
TREE OF LIFE IN CHRIST fall of great heroes in the Old Testament. When Christ came to this world,
the spirit of man was quickened (Eph.2:1). Once again, man’s spirit came
alive to receive God’s communication. In Christ, you have the voice of God
And out of the ground the LORD God made every tree grow that and the guidance of the Spirit right within you now. You need not ask another
is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in servant of God to know the mind of God for you. Your very spirit is your
the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and divine umpire. You can safely rely on him. What man lost in Eden is gained
evil. back in Christ. Every day and every minute, you can be led by God’s life in
you. The tree of life is yours in Christ. You can eat its fruit and live by it all
In Him was life, and the life was the light of men (Ge.2:9; Jn.1:4)
the days of your life. This is one of your great privileges in Christ.
Your Savior Jesus was constantly led by His spirit. He went to the
The Lord God planted the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good wilderness to be tempted by the devil. His spirit was wide open to His Father’s
and evil in the middle of the garden. God gave the absolute freedom for man Spirit so that He could even face satan. When you are led by your spirit, you
to eat from any tree, including the tree of life. The only prohibition was not can face satan and his hosts and come back victoriously, without losing a
to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. single battle (2.Co.2:14). Even in His itinerary, Jesus was not influenced by
These two trees portray the two kinds of life one can chose to live. One the demand and need of the people. He was not guided by the need, but by
is to be led by the spirit, the other is to be led by the flesh, trying to assess His God. When all the people sought Him, He left for the next towns because
what is good and what is bad. Unfortunately, man chose to be led by his own of His Spirit’s guidance (Mk.1:35-39).
intellect. Beloved, you are God’s child. It is your birthright to be led by God’s
Eve used her mind instead of her spirit to chose the tree desirable to Spirit (Ro.8:14). God’s very life is breathed into your spirit. Let His divine
make one wise (Ge.3:6). The result? They knew that they were naked. The zoe-life rule over your mind! Constant meditation on God’s Word, praying in
very first logical conclusion was sinful. That is why the Bible warns us not the Holy Ghost, fastings and fellowship with God’s saints will make your
to lean on our own understanding. In other words, God prohibits His new spirit more sensitive to God’s voice. Develop this art of listening to your
creations to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God is spirit. Before making any decision, learn to check with your spirit instead of
telling you today to trust your spirit and acknowledge Him in all your ways. consulting with others. Have a regular devotional life. Be fed and led by the
He will direct your path from your spirit. Before making any decision, don’t tree of life in you today!
use your analytical brain to evaluate the pros and cons, but ask, “Is God in Thank You, Lord, I have Your everlasting life. Your life
me happy about it?” Do not be wise in your own eyes (Pr.3:5-7). Remember, is the light of men. Your light shines in darkness. I trust in
even the great Abraham guessed wrong and thought, “There is no fear of You with all my heart. I lean not on my own understanding.
God in that place” (Ge.12:11-13; 20:11). Sarah used her mind and brought In all my ways I acknowledge You, and You will direct my
forth Ishmael, the enemy of the Gospel until today (Ge.16:2). Joshua was paths because I am in Christ.
ruled by his senses and compromised with the Gibeonites (Jos.9:14). Jn.1:4; Jn.6:47; Pr.3:5-7
As a new creation, you must be guided by your spirit and not evaluate
with your mind what is good or bad. Your spirit is the lamp of God to guide
your path (Pr.20:27). This is meant by eating the fruit from the tree of life.
Even the great apostle Paul didn’t plan his itinerary in the flesh (2.Co.1:17).
God’s intention was that you should be led by the life of God in you, not
by the knowledge of good and evil. He wanted all His children to walk by
the Spirit, not by the flesh or by the logical mind.
Since the fall of man, his spirit is dead and his only way of communication

39 40
promoted Mordecai the gate-keeper to be the prime minister of 120 countries.
JAN 18 He took the shepherd boy David and made him a king. He made the prisoner
ALL NEEDS MET IN CHRIST Joseph into a governor. The slave Daniel was exalted as governor. You are
blessed with these blessings in Christ. Rise up to your privileges.
Your usefulness: One of man’s greatest longings is to be useful to
Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of
others. That need is met by the work God gives him. Don’t sit and say,
Eden to tend and keep it. And the LORD God commanded the man, nobody hired us (Mt.20:7). While you search for a secular job, don’t forget
saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat…” the vast need for workers in God’s vineyard (Mt.9:35-38)!
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, Your food: God gave Adam the fruits of every tree of the garden of
just as your soul prospers (Ge.2:15-16; 3.Jn.2) Eden, not just one or two varieties. He takes care of your food and all other
physical needs. The Creator knows need of the creature just as the
manufacturer knows need of the product. Nobody can beat God in
We can never overemphasize how God meets or needs bountifully. understanding your need. He put all cravings, desires and needs into our
Today, we will consider how God met the physical need of man like food, job body. Only He can satisfy your longings.
and usefulness and promotion.
The One who created hunger is able to satisfy it. Even the food was
Your work: God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to healthy, tasty, delicious, and pleasant. In Christ, you can claim the healthiest,
work. God knows that man needs to work. He gave him strength, might, most delicious and pleasant food for you and all your people. Your Father
power and vitality which must be spent in hard work (Dt.8:17-18). God feeds the birds and clothes the flowers.
didn’t create man to be idle. It’s not good for his mind or body. God
Beloved, God knows your value and need. Jesus said, “Do not worry
commanded that man must work doing something useful with his own hands
about your life what you will eat or drink” (Mt.6:31). For Him, your life is
(Eph.4:28; 2.Thes.3:10-13; Ac.20:35). Our body functions best when it is
more important and valuable than food and clothes. The birds that don’t sow
given hard work. The manufacturer of our body has created every member
or reap or store away in barns lack nothing (Mt.6:25-33). How much more
of our body to function. That is why He put him in the garden of Eden to
valuable are you! He takes care of your physical, social and financial needs.
work it and take care of it (Ge.2:15). Work is a blessing of God! Only after
the fall, it became a painful toil (Ge.3:17). Otherwise, work is enjoyable to Thank You, Lord, my exaltation comes neither from the
man. A believer in Christ must claim a nice job opportunity and employment east nor from the west nor from the south, but You are the
to take care of his needs and many others’ needs. Father, Son and the Holy Judge. You put one down and exalt another. You are my
Spirit still work for humans, and their work is honorable (Ps.111:3). Because Heavenly Father who feeds the birds of the air and clothes
you are created in His image, for you to work is honorable. As long as you the flowers of the fields. I don’t worry about my life for
are in this world, you must work. The night will come where you will enter You know I need all these things. I prosper in all things and
eternal rest (Jn.9:4). am in health, just as my soul prospers because I am in
In Christ, you can claim the best and most satisfying job in this world.
He HAS given you that job. Claim it! Unemployment is a curse. Don’t Ps.75:5-6; Mt.6:25-32; 3.Jn.2
accept it! The One who said, “If a man will not work he shall not eat,” has
already prepared a good work for you! Hallelujah! Believe! He has your
own business for you and asks you to work with your hands (1.Thes.4:11).
As God’s workmanship, God has prepared the good works you are supposed
to do in this life (Eph.2:10).
Your promotion: If you are holding a job, it’s your right to claim
promotion, respect, joy and fulfillment, no matter what kind of work it is.
Promotion comes from God, not from your employers (Ps.75:6-7). God

41 42
your day, your family and your future. One great man of God gives a good
JAN 19 name to every day, for example, “Today is the day of joy”, “Today is the day
YOUR SELF-WORTH IN CHRIST of peace”, “Today is the day of prosperity”, or “Today is the day of favor of
God and man”, etc. He believes whatever he names shall happen. Try this!
Through this act of naming, you exercise your God-given authority. This
Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field falls in line with the teaching of our Lord, “whoever… believes that those
and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says” (Mk.11:23). If
would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that you call something holy, it shall be holy. If you call something joyful, it shall
was its name. be joyful. If you say somebody is delivered, he is free indeed (Lk.13:12).
Likewise, name your day, name every month, name your years! Name your
we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wis- kids, name your family, call those things which are not as if they are (Ro.4:17-
dom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to 22).
nothing. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden
Your extensive knowledge: Can you imagine Adam could name all
wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory (Ge.2:19; the livestock and all the birds of the air and every wild beast of the field
1.Co.2:6-7) (Ge.2:20)? God has given him so much extensive, enormous knowledge!
God didn’t alter or interfere in any of Adam’s work. Even if a man could
In His creative work and intentions for man, we see how God respects spend his entire lifetime in studying the names of every living thing, it would
the individuality and self-worth of His man. be impossible to know them all.
Adam, created in His image, was given the freedom to chose names Man lost this super-human knowledge through the fall. Of course, even
for all the birds and living creatures. God didn’t make him a robot with a after the fall of man, his enormous brain power invented spaceships, rockets,
remote control. He brought all His creations to man to see what he would computers, robots, etc., but I believe all this is only the small left-over man
name them, and whatever man called them, was their name. He was gladly could keep after the fall.
watching him to see what he would name them. See His curiosity! In Christ, you can supercede the knowledge of Adam before his fall.
So far, God had named His creation. Now He transferred His authority Now, the wisdom and knowledge of the One greater than Solomon is yours
to man. Actually, naming something denotes authority and ownership. In the (Mt.12:42; 1.Co.1:30; 2:16)! This one thing is enough to overcome all your
Bible culture, the head of the family exercised the authority to name the low self-image! You are blessed with freedom of choice. You have the power
children. Here, God put Adam in the position of headship over God’s creation. to name and change things.
In Christ, this position belongs to you. Man has become next to God and Beloved, you have supernatural knowledge and wisdom. There is no
almost equal to Him. God made him a little lower than Himself, Elohim, reason for you to feel inferior. You have God’s authority to name everything
crowned him with glory and honor, and made him the ruler over the works around you. You are God’s co-ruler and co-creator today. You have the
of His hands (Ps.8:5-6). Your are God’s little Elohim! power to transform your world by your words. You are God’s upright child.
Your self-worth: In Christ, your self-worth and true identity is restored. Your blessing will exalt your city (Pr.11:11). God is backing you today.
You have the best God-given self-image. In Christ, His esteem has become Whatever you name is attested by God Almighty. Boldly name and claim
yours. People always blame their past and parents for their low self-esteem. your rights today.
That’s one of the main causes for rejecting and dishonoring the parents. Thank You, Lord, I have the mind of Christ. You bring
They strive to assert their worth by their achievements, forcefully imposing everything to me to see what I would call it. Whatever I call
their ideas and values. Self-rejection and self-pity is the root cause for many it, that will be its name. Nobody is able to resist the wisdom
misunderstandings and sufferings. and the Spirit by which I speak because I am in Christ.
In Christ, Jesus’ worth is your worth. You are eternally accepted by the 1.Co.2:16; Ge.2:19; Ac.6:10
Maker of the universe, and all your rejection problem is swept away forever.
Your naming-authority: You have the right and the privilege to name

43 44
Work partner: Eve was Adam’s partner in every area of life. She was
JAN 20 his co-worker, too. She ruled everything with him, cultivated and guarded
YOUR COMPANIONSHIP IN CHRIST the garden with him, and shared all his needs and feelings. Your Creator
never created isolated individuals. Everything was created in groups. Birds,
animals, everything was living and moving together. None of His creations
And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be was a separate unit. The wise man says, “Two are better than one, because
alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his
…He who made them at the beginning made them male and companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to
female and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how
mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two
So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken” (Eccl.4:9-
11). God knows the power of team work! Team work keeps you from falling,
has joined together, let not man separate. (Ge.2:18; Mt.19:4-6)
becoming cold or lukewarm, and defeat. You have a good reward for
everything you do if you work as a team. In Christ, your need for partnership
In Eden, man didn’t complain about loneliness. He was enjoying his is lavishly met.
God-given position and busy with his work, but God saw Adam’s need for Ministry partner: Even in the ministry, God knows you need to work
companionship (Ge.2:18). Adam was not complete in himself. He could not in a team. Independent ministry is totally unbiblical. God will bring the right
reproduce after his own kind, so God created a woman as his counterpart. co-workers and good counselors into your life if you keep your heart open.
He was not only concerned about making a helper but a suitable and Even Jesus needed a team to carry out His mission. He first formed a
complimentary helper. Eve was very suitable to Adam intellectually, morally team and then launched His ministry. He never sent one disciple alone. He
and physically as his life partner. God knows a vital need of human beings is always sent them two by two (Mt.21:1-2; Mk.14:13; Lk.10:1). When he
companionship, relationship and friendship. Man is not created for loneliness. wanted to join the apostles, God used Barnabas to build a bridge (Ac.9:27).
Nobody can understand this better than your Creator.
Beloved, God is concerned about your loneliness and will bring the right
Life partner: You need not be overly concerned about finding your friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, at the right time into your life. This is
suitable partner. Adam literally played no part in finding his mate. In fact, he one of the great blessings of life in Christ. Don’t allow anything to deprive
was in deep sleep. No concern, no worry, no anxiety whatsoever. God saw you of it!
his need, made him sleep and woke him up with a surprise (Ge.2:21-24)!
Thank You, Lord, You will seek a home for me that I
This revelation will dispel all your anxieties and worries about finding may prosper. You place the solitary in families and give the
your life partner. It’s sad to see how many children of God lose their peace desolate a home in which to dwell. One shall chase thousand,
and even their sleep worrying about this. Just a few minutes before his and two shall chase ten thousands. I shall become a thousand
wedding, Adam was fast asleep! It’s absolutely unnecessary to worry and and a strong nation because I am in Christ.
strive to find your partner! Unless God builds your home, everything is in
Ru.3:1; Ps.68:6; Dt.32:30; Isa.60:22
vain anyway (Ps.127:1-2).
In Christ, you have received the greatest gift from heaven. God has not
withheld His own Son from you. Will He withhold your life partner if He
sees the real need in you (Ro.8:32)? He loves you more than you love yourself.
Remember the words of Naomi, Ruth’s mother-in-law: “My daughter, shall
I not seek a home for you that you may prosper?” (Ru.3:1). And she led her
to the right partner. How much more will your Heavenly Father build your
home as you are in Christ.

45 46
1.Pe.3:7). Claim this blessing and expect a miracle! Never allow the enemy
JAN 21 to deceive you into thinking you missed God’s will and married the wrong
Family salvation: The salvation of Christ is the answer to all family
And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my relationships. In Christ, you can claim the total salvation of your family
members. Don’t allow even one member of your family to remain unsaved.
flesh…” Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be
The moment you accept Jesus, your whole family’s salvation is assured
joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. (Ac.16:31).
For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cher- Family order restored: In Christ, not only the unity and blessings but
ishes it, just as the Lord does the church… (Ge.2:23-24; Eph.5:29) also the order and positions of family members are restored. Parental authority
and love over the children is also restored (Eph.6:1-4). Resist any
Our God is primarily a family God. Family is God’s idea and thought. misplacement of this position in your family. Take your position in your family
with all humility and boldness. Stop the devil from usurping authority over
He created the family unity. His Spirit was in man, man’s rib was the woman.
This is a threefold cord that cannot be broken (Eccl.4:9-12). the family.
Husband, don’t allow the devil to tempt your wife and to influence you
Family unity: Before the fall, the perfect unity of the family was
spontaneous and automatic. There was no need to work and strive to live in and your family (Ge.3:17)! Be the head! Be Christ-like! Wife, resist the
unity. Adam could easily discern the woman as bone of his bones and flesh devil when he tries to destroy your home. You are a home-builder. You have
authority to build your home (Pr.14:1)! Rebuke the spirit of rebellion. Submit
of his flesh. Right in creation, God made clear to man that they were no
more two but one. Man knew it by instinct and revelation though he was in to your husband even if he doesn’t deserve it. Parents, command the spirit
deep sleep. of disobedience and rebellion to leave your children (Eph.2:2)! Be their role-
Broken unity: When satan entered the family, the family unity was
marred. So far, man and woman had been enjoying the perfect unity. The Beloved, God is deeply committed to fill up any lack in your family life.
Don’t tolerate any rift or conflict in your family. God sets the lonely in families
moment they believed the lie of the devil, betrayal, strive and accusations
came in. Adam accused Eve for giving him the fruit. Cain killed Abel. (Ps.68:5-6).
Polygamy came in Cain’s generation. Even today, the families are under the In Christ, you have the authority to command the order and peace of
attack of these enemies. God to come into your family (1.Co.14:40). Use it today! Make your family
Restored unity: In Christ, the family unity and harmony is restored. If a little heaven, in Jesus’ Name!
your family enjoys the life in Christ, the love and submission of Ephesians 5 Thank You, Lord, You have put a hedge around me and
will be very automatic and natural (Eph.5:22-33). In Christ, the wife sees my household and everything I have. Whenever I enter my
her husband as her head and gladly submits to him as unto the Lord. Likewise, house, I give it my greeting. My home is deserving, so my
the husband feels God’s agape love towards his wife, just like Christ shows peace will rest on it. You are the Prince of peace. You keep
His love to the Church. This love and harmony flows into their children and me in perfect peace as my mind stays on You and I trust in
generations. In short, family in Christ will be a miniature of heaven. You. You establish peace for us. Salvation has come to my
house because I am in Christ.
Restored suitability: Here is a word for married couples. Maybe you
feel your partner is not suitable for you or you missed the right person. This Job 1:10; Mt.10:12-13; Isa.9:6; Isa.26:3,12; Lk.19:9
need not be a cause of anxiety for you. Only after the fall, partners living
and working together was very much impaired. In Christ, the family
relationship is fully restored. If you and your partner are saved, the suitability
is already restored. You became joint-heirs of His grace. Your spirits are
revived, and God’s love flows between you both (Mk.10:7; Eph.5:22-31;

47 48
“Euphrates” means “fruitfulness”. You become like a fruitful and
JAN 22 sturdy tree planted by the streams of waters that gives its fruits in its season
RIVERS IN CHRIST (Ps.1:3). Even in your old age you will be fruitful. Those who are planted in
the house of the Lord shall bear fruit and stay fresh and always flourish
(Ps.92:13-14). Even in their old age, the Bible saints were fruitful like Moses.
Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there Beloved, in Christ, you draw your life directly from God and stay fresh
it parted and became four riverheads. and flourishing, full of energy and enthusiasm, and fruitful in all the areas of
“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his your life. You become a reservoir of life for the whole world. Out of you
heart will flow rivers of living water” (Ge.2:10; Jn.7:38) shall flow rivers of living waters. See it, say it, act on it. NOW!
Thank You, Lord, I am like a watered garden and like a
spring of water, whose waters do not fail. I am like a tree
Life in Christ is a life of flowing rivers. This is pictured beautifully in planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in
Eden. Eden is the source of life from where life flows to the entire earth. its season, whose leaf also shall not wither. Whatever I do
You drink from the rivers of delight. This is the true picture of Christian life. shall prosper. Rivers of living water flow out of my heart
Eden was fertile, fresh, flourishing and fruitful because of the river that because I am in Christ.
watered it constantly. This flowing river became four riverheads and produced
the best gold, bdellium, onyx stone, etc. The names of the rivers throw much Isa.58:11; Ps.1:3; Jn.7:38
light on your life in Christ.
“Pison” means “increase”. Life in Christ is a life of increase where
you can feed on His abundance (Ps.36:8; 87:7). When you walk in this
revelation, everything will increase in your life. This river shall produce gold
and precious stones, that is, prosperity. You will be like a watered garden
and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail (Isa.58:11). Your leaves
don’t wither, and whatever you do prospers (Ps.1:3).
“Gihon” means “bursting forth”. You shall spread out your roots by
the river and not fear when heat comes. Nothing can stop you from bursting
forth. No persecution or opposition shall threaten you. No drought or worldly
attractions will ever take the sap out of you. Can you imagine a drought in
Eden? Can you imagine the trees of Eden becoming dry and withering away?
In Eden, life is always fresh, fragrance, flowing, fertile, flourishing and fruitful,
like a vibrant garden. Jesus is the vine, you are the branches. You will be
independent of the circumstances or scorching sun (Jn.15; Mt.13) because
Eden is the life of rivers (Jer.17:7-8).
“Hiddekel” means “rapid”. Life in Christ is full of vibrancy,
enthusiasm, and energy. It never dries out, even in old age you will bring
fruit (Ps.92). You shall run and run and never grow weary (Isa.40:31). When
you walk in the privileges of life in Christ, you don’t easily give up, burn out
or wear out! Even the old age tear and wear is taken care of by this river.
Moses drew his life and energy from the direct Presence of God, and his
eyes never became dim nor his natural vigor diminished even at the age of
120 years (Dt.34:7).

49 50
Lamb and by your testimony (Rev.12:11; Col.2:9-10).
JAN 23 No shame before yourself. Beloved, You need not be ashamed of
NO SHAME IN CHRIST yourself and your past failures. You are declared righteous forever. See
yourself as God’s well-beloved (Eph.1:5).
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not In Christ, never again shall you be ashamed! Instead of your shame and
ashamed. disgrace you shall have double honor.
For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put Thank You, Lord, I can come boldly to Your Throne of
to shame” (Ge.2:25; Ro.10:11) grace. I obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of
need. The accuser of the brethren has been cast down. I
have overcome the devil by the Blood of the Lamb and the
Life in Christ is a life free from shame, guilt, sin-consciousness and word of my testimony. I am bold as a lion because I am
condemnation. When Adam and Eve were in Eden, they never felt shame righteous in Christ.
though they were naked. They were so much clothed with the glory of God.
Likewise, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Heb.4:16; Rev.12:10,11; Pr.28:1
No shame before God. When God created man, there was no shame
in his system. Man didn’t even know what it meant to be ashamed. There
was nothing to hide before God or one another. They could walk intimately
with Him every day. But when they fell into sin, they became so self-conscious
they had to cover themselves with fig leaves and hide even from God (Ge.3:8).
Man became sin-conscious and tries his best to cover it. This gave birth to
many religions around the world. Man’s greatest problem today is guilt.
Guilt destroys spiritual, mental and physical health. God saw the vital need
of man and covered him with the skin of an animal (Ge.3:21).
Under the Old Covenant, people could only cover their sins with the
blood of animals. In Christ, they are not only covered but removed and
remitted once and for all (Ps.32:1-2; Heb.10:14). Your dignity is restored.
Jesus’ righteousness became yours as a free gift (Ro.5:17). Now you enjoy
the abundance of the gift of righteousness. You can boldly come before His
Throne of grace as if you had never sinned (Eph.3:12; Heb.4:16). This
consciousness makes you stand against the wiles of the devil. You become
a dare-devil!
No shame before man. In Christ, there is no more need to cover up or
wear masks before others. Your relationships are free, forgiving and fulfilling.
You are totally transparent and free to be yourself. You don’t live for others’
opinion. All negative fear of God and man is broken in Christ. You can boldly
declare Jesus to the world.(Joel.2:26,27)
No shame before the devil. Satan is a fulltime accuser of God’s
saints (Rev.12:10). He keeps you in self-condemnation so you won’t resist
him and destroy his works. In Christ, you overcome him by the Blood of the

51 52
which started in Eden is totally nullified by your Lord Jesus (Col.2:14;
JAN 24 Heb.2:14). Now, the only thing he can do is to keep you ignorant of who you
KNOWING SATAN'S SCHEMES are in Christ, and of the finished work of the cross.
IN CHRIST Thank God, now the truth that sets you free is coming to you through
Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field these pages. You can win every battle every time. Satan has no power to
which the Lord God had made… deceive you in any way, as he knows who you are in Christ. None of his
tricky weapons shall prosper against you (Isa.54:17). In Christ, he is totally
…lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not exposed (Col.2:14). Claim your wisdom and nullify his schemes. Let the
ignorant of his devices (Ge.3:1; 2.Co.2:11) Holy Spirit, the Finger of God, pinpoint for you all his hidden agendas, and
resist his schemes the moment they show up (Mt.12:28; Lk.11:20).
Adam and Eve became victims of the serpent’s craftiness. They had Thank You, Lord, You sanctify me by Your Truth. Your
no knowledge of the enemy’s schemes. Satan had absolutely no power to Word is Truth. Satan can not take advantage of me, for I
exercise authority over them. The only way he could overpower them was am not ignorant of his devices. The manifestation of the
through his deception and craftiness. Eve was deceived, and Adam was Spirit, discerning of spirits, is given to me because I am in
influenced. So far, they were the rulers of the earth and all of God’s creation. Christ.
Now, both of them lost their dominion, and the entire human race came
Jn.17:17; 2.Co.2:11; 1.Co.12:10
under the control of the demonic world (1.Jn.5:19). They made satan the
prince of this world (2.Co.4:4;1.Ti.2:14).
Satan follows the same cunning technique even today. He has his cunning
schemes to deceive the child of God, but we are not helpless. God has
revealed the schemes of the enemy to His people (2.Co.2:11). What man
lost in Eden is regained in Christ.
In Christ, the enemy cannot deceive you. They were deceived, but
now, the knowledge of the schemes of the devil is available to you. You
don’t need to be deceived! The devil can no longer outwit you. Christ Jesus
had thorough knowledge of the demonic kingdom (Lk.11:14-26; Lk.22:31),
and He has become your wisdom (1.Co.1:30). He is the Author of your
salvation (Heb.2:10). He supplies you with all the knowledge and the armor
to overcome the enemy’s strategies (Eph.6:10-18). God’s Word is revealed
to you by His Spirit. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the gift of
discernment is available to you to see through the spirit world and forewarn
you of the enemy’s schemes (1.Co.12:10). Never tolerate ignorance in your
life! Ignorance is no excuse.
Beloved, in Christ, God has given you ample light! You can stand against
all the devil’s wiles, fully armed in Christ (Ga.3:27; Eph.6:11). Christ’s
weapons have become your weapons. You can pull down all the strongholds
of the devil wherever you see them – in you, in your family, in your church,
in your city or in your nation (2.Co.10:3-5).
In Christ, you can walk in His triumphant procession all the days of
your life (2.Co.2:14). Remember, every one of the devil’s crafty schemes

53 54
not surely die’ (Ge.3:4). Any word or thought that rises against the truth of
JAN 25 God’s word is from the devil. It is a direct lie from the father of lies (Jn.8:44;
LIES EXPOSED IN CHRIST 2.Co.10:4)! For example, the Bible says you ARE healed by His stripes
(1.Pe.2:24). The devil, the liar, will cause all his lying symptoms in your body
against this truth. Deny all the negative symptoms or diagnoses that contradict
Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field God’s truth. Similarly, he will lie to you, saying it is not God’s will to prosper
which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God you materially. He will try to argue away or spiritualize the plain truth of God’s
indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” atonement that says, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His
poverty might become rich” (2.Co.8:9). Everything Jesus purchased for you
like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast
on the cross will be opposed by the lies of the devil. Know the truth of who
in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your
you are in Christ, and demolish his lies!
brotherhood in the world (Ge.3:1; 1.Pe.5:8-9)
Jesus never believed a single lie of the devil even once. He identified satan
Satan has never changed in his cunning schemes against humanity. He is as the liar and father of lies (Jn.8:44). There is no truth in the devil, there is no
neither strong nor wise to challenge us. His only hope is in his craftiness. In lie in Jesus. Because you are engrafted in Him, you share His truth. He lives in
Christ, we have all the weapons and discernment to know and thwart his you as The Truth (Jn.14:6). The Holy Spirit upon you is the Spirit of Truth
schemes. (Jn.16:13). You are girded with the truth of God (Eph.6:14). There is no lie or
Dialogue: The first thing the serpent did was to start a conversation with falsehood in the new creation. What you believe is what you behave like. Jesus
Eve. Instead of resisting, she entered into dialogue with him (Ge.3:2). This in you will constantly expose any lie of the devil if you walk in deep fellowship
interaction caused the fall of man. Allowing the demons to speak to us is the with Him (1.Jn.1:7).
reason for many of our failures. We learn it from satan’s first temptation. Senses: When the woman began to consider satan’s suggestions, they
Life in Christ shuts up the mouth of demons at any occasion (Mk.1:25,34; appealed to her senses. ‘The woman saw... pleasant to the eyes... desirable...’
3:11-12). Jesus knew this secret and never allowed the demons to speak etc (Ge.3:6). She became the slave of her own senses. Satan always appeals to
(Mk.1:34; Lk.4:41). When He was tempted, He spoke nothing but God’s writ- your sense realm and tempts you to gratify the cravings of your senses. Life in
ten Word (Mt.4:1-11; 8:16). Because of your union with Christ, you too can the Spirit is the only way to overcome this rulership of your senses.Your Lord
stop the devil the moment he starts whispering to you. You have Christ’s Jesus never allowed His senses to rule Him. He never judged or decided any-
authority to shut up his mouth. You can refuse to give the devil permission to thing according to what He saw or heard (Isa.11:3; Jn.2:25; 7:24). In Christ,
speak. Arrest the temptation at its first level. Don’t ever converse with him! you share this ability to resist all your sense appeals. You need no longer judge
Don’t even entertain his thoughts! or chose anything by appearances.
Doubt: Another trick of the devil is to sow the seed of doubt in your Beloved, don’t allow any conversation with the devil. Resist him with all
mind. He will cause you to doubt God’s Word. ‘Did God really say’, is always your strength by the power of the Holy Spirit (1.Pe.5:8; Jas.4:7). Constantly
the devil’s tricky voice (Ge.3:1). He tried it even with our Lord Jesus (Mt.3:17; remind the devil and yourself who you are in Christ! Be soaked with the Truth
4:3,6; 27:40). Satan will make you doubt and disbelieve who you are in Christ. of God’s Word. Be led by the Spirit (Ro.8:14). Shut the devil’s mouth like your
Beware of it! Master (Mk.1:25,34; 3:11-12). Remember, everything that causes fear in you
Satan tried to show himself to Eve as more caring than God. Sometimes, and makes you negative is from the devil. God has given you the Spirit of
he will cause you to doubt God’s love and intentions in putting restrictions. He power, not the spirit of timidity (2.Ti.1:7). Stand up against the devil’s wiles
will try to convince you, God is depriving you of your enjoyment, withholding and be a victor! You will overcome because the great Truth lives in you.
good things from you. Other times, he will tempt you to prove, ‘If you are the Thank You, Lord, You have given me authority to cast out evil
son of God…’ In Christ, you can resist all thoughts of doubt. Your only weapon spirits and to overcome all the power of the enemy. I resist the
against all his doubts is to quote the Truth of God’s Word, just as Jesus did devil and he will flee from me. I have crucified my flesh with its
(Lk.4:1-11). passions and desires because I am in Christ.
Lies: Another weapon satan used was his lies. He lied to Eve, ‘You will Lk.10:19; Mt.10:1; 1.Pe.5:8; Ga.5:24

55 56
couldn’t tolerate it. Jealousy overtook him, and he marred God’s image in
JAN 26 man. He enjoyed his temporary victory until Christ came. In Christ, he saw
DOMINION OVER DECEPTION the total image and glory of God, so satan killed Him on the cross. He was
so foolish he didn’t realize that by killing Jesus he would have to face millions
IN CHRIST of little Jesus, exactly in the total image and glory of God. That is why he
Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For trembles to see you. You literally resemble God to the devil and terrify him.
God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and You live not in Genesis 3 but in Matthew 4: In Genesis 3, you see
you will be like God, knowing good and evil”. the First Man’s tragic failure before satan. Thank God, the Second Man
Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, Jesus faced the same kind of temptation in Matthew 4 and came out
‘You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.’” victoriously to destroy satan’s works.
Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to In Christ, Genesis 3 is no longer applicable to you as a child of God. You
Him (Ge.3:4-5; Mt.4:10-11). now live in Matthew 4! You now face satan victoriously as Jesus faced him
in the wilderness (Mt.4:1-11; Lk.4:1-13). He overcame all of satan’s
temptations just to credit the victory in your account. Even His total victory
Life in Christ is invincible. You are the master over all the demonic on the cross is transferred to your account. See yourself as a victor in Christ.
world. Satan has lost all his authority and all his legal right over you (Jn.14:30). Beloved, why do you think Christ should take the form of flesh and face
You are not gullible: You are not gullible and vulnerable as Adam and the devil and all his temptations and attacks? Does God need to stoop down
Eve were. Satan has only the weapon of deception or subtlety against you to this level? Why should Jesus go to the wilderness to be tempted by the
(Jn.8:44). As we have seen earlier, even his deceptions will not overcome devil, His own creature? Why should the prince of this world nail Him on the
you once you know your privileges in Christ. Of course, the devil will still try cross and jeer at Him? Why all this drama? Can you take this great sacrifice
to deceive even the elect if possible (Mt.24:24; Mk.13:22), but it is impossible lightly? Remember, His wisdom is yours. His victory over the enemy is
if you walk in Christ. yours. You have overcome the devil just because you are united with Him
The great Victor Jesus lives in you, imparting His wisdom to you. Adam (1.Jn.4:4).
and Eve are not your role model, but the second Adam, Jesus. Confess In Christ, you will overcome satan’s techniques. You will nullify all the
today that you can withstand all the schemes of the enemy. Satan can not schemes of the devil and victoriously fulfill God’s destiny for you.
approach you at all because you are hidden in Christ (Col.3:3). Thank You, Lord, by Your death You destroyed him who
Satan is just a creature: When you think of the devil, never see him holds the power of death, that is, the devil. I have overcome
as a match for God. Satan is one of God’s creations, while God is the Great him because He who is in me is greater than he who is in the
Creator. The difference between God and satan is the difference between world. No weapon formed against me shall prosper because
creature and Creator. How can you put a creature on the same level with I’m not in Adam, I am in Christ.
the Creator (Eze.28:13,15) Heb.2:14; 1.Jn.4:4; Isa.54:11
Though the first man Adam was created in God’s image, he had not
totally become one with God. That is why he easily yielded to satan’s tricks.
In Christ, you are totally united with the Creator Himself. Satan is no match
for you at all!
Satan sees God in you: Every time satan looks at you, he sees God
for you exactly resemble God’s image and likeness (Ge.1:28). This is the
very reason he hates you.
Before the fall, satan coveted to become like God and thus lost his glory
(Isa.14:12-15; Eze.28:12-19). When God created Adam in His image, satan

57 58
God’s voice dispels all your fears as Jesus’ voice dispelled His disciples’
JAN 27 fears (Mt.8:26; 14:27). People heard Jesus’ words days and days, even
ENJOYING GOD IN CHRIST forgetting time, place and all their needs. That same Jesus is living in you,
whispering His sweet words.
I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was Life in Christ literally delights in the reverential fear of God (Isa.11:2-
3). Life in Christ loves God so much that it trembles to hurt Him in any way
naked; and I hid myself.
(Eph.4:30). Such a positive fear was poured out into your spirit when God’s
And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and love was shed abroad in your heart (Ro.5:5). When Jesus died and rose
heard His word… “But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen again, your spirit man came to life and became sensitive to God’s voice.
that good part, which will not be taken away from her” (Ge.3:10; Beloved, in Christ, the very Presence of God dwells in you. You never
Lk.10:39,42) walk out of His Presence even a single minute of your life. God’s voice is
constantly whispering in your spirit. All you have to do is to silence other
voices and tune to your own spirit. Jesus said, “My sheep shall hear My
Before the fall, Adam and Eve enjoyed God’s Presence and His voice. voice” (Jn.10:27). You are not only His sheep but His own child. Can you
This is the great double blessing they had in Eden. After the fall, they lost the think of a child struggling to understand the dad’s voice? His voice is not far
enjoyment and thrill of God’s Presence and voice. This was restored only away from you. You need not go to any Mount Sinai or seek a mediator to
when Christ came. In Christ, you can enjoy this double blessing.
hear His voice. The Great Shepherd lives in you!
Immediately after the fall, they hid from God’s Presence when they The Holy Spirit is a Person. He has a voice. He is your Guide (Jn.16:13).
heard His voice in the garden. Since then, man lost interest in God’s voice Spend time listening to Him. Fasting helps to better tune to His voice. Instead
and Presence and became a slave to satan. Jesus’ Presence torments the of worrying and wondering, better spend your energy in waiting to hear
demon-possessed, but delights the “God-possessed” (Mk.5:7,15). Before God. You can even find a solitary place and spend a season of prayer with
the fall, Adam and Eve would have treasured God’s voice and Presence, but
your open Bible. Praying in tongues helps me a great deal in hearing God.
the fall caused all kinds of negative fears toward God. Most of the religions
You can try this, too. Keep your conscience clean all the time. Nothing is too
today are born as a result of such fears. They stimulate fear in the hearts of small for God to talk to you. Expect and seek His guidance even in the most
worshippers. Even God’s people in Old Testament times trembled in His minute details of your life.
Presence and even thought they would die (Jdg.13:22).
Thank You, Lord, I am led by the Spirit of God as a
Such negative fear will never produce true love for God and His Word.
child of God. Your Spirit bears witness with my spirit that
The moment you come to Christ, He replaces all your negative fears with I am a child of God. You have made known to me the ways
reverential fear which is born from true love for God (1.Jn.4:18). His perfect of life. You will make me full of joy in Your Presence. I am
love in you casts out all your fears. His voice becomes the sweet voice of dead indeed to sin, but alive to God because I am in Christ.
your Bridegroom. Song of Solomon is the true experience of life in Christ.
You enjoy God’s voice, and He enjoys your voice (SS.2:14; 5:6). Every time Ro.8:14,16; Ac.2:28; Ro.6:11
you hear God’s Word, your spirit man leaps for joy as John leaped in Elizabeth’s
womb (Lk.1:44). Life in Christ sits hours and hours listening to God’s voice
like Mary (Lk.10:39).
People shuddered in fear at God’s voice in Sinai, but multitudes thronged
to Jesus to hear His gracious words (Ex.20:18; Lk.5:1,15). In Christ, God’s
thunderous voice becomes the sweetest, most gracious voice (Lk.4:22;
Jn.10:16). Remember, Jesus is the Word that became flesh and now lives in
you (Jn.1:14). After the fall, God’s voice became rare. In Christ, God’s
voice echoes in your spirit every minute if you are tuned to listen. In fact,

59 60
you come to Christ, His divine love flows and heals all your relationships.
JAN 28 The family hierarchy is restored in Christ. The relationship of the first family
FAMILY RELATIONSHIP IN CHRIST was broken because of their broken relationship with God. After all, God is
the joining force of family life.
Then the man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, The whole family pattern was designed by God. The moment man
she gave me of the tree, and I ate.” disobeyed God, the family life became disoriented. When you come to Christ,
He unites the husband-wife-relationship and makes it a threefold cord
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord… Husbands, (Eccl.4:9-12). He becomes the role model for a husband’s leadership. In
love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself Christ, the husband loves the wife as Christ loves the church, and the wife
for her… Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right… submits to the husband as unto the Lord (Eph.5:22-25). The parents-children
Honor your father and mother… And you, fathers, do not provoke relationship becomes smooth and loving in Christ (Lk.1:17). As the engine
your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition needs oil, family life needs agape.
of the Lord (Ge.3:12; Eph.5:22,25; 6:1,4) In Christ, you can never say you cannot love someone (Mt.18:22)
Forgiveness becomes easier with this divine love. As Christ loves you, you
can love others with the same kind of love (1.Co.13). That love is in you.
Life in Christ is the role model for family life. Great damage was done to
Claim it!
the family relationships because of man’s fall. The moment they obeyed the
devil and ate the fruit, Satan’s nature entered, and their divine relationship Beloved, let this agape love flow from your spirit and reach your whole
was greatly impaired. The fall brought hatred and murder and destroyed family. With this agape love, you have all the power to overcome hatred,
relationships. The devil makes you a brother-killer. The new creation makes bitterness, anger and all relationship problems.
you a brother-keeper. Thank You, Lord, Your love has been poured out in my
Impaired marriage: Before, both of them were naked and felt no shame, heart by the Holy Spirit. Your love in me suffers long and is
but now, sin brought a separation between them. They felt shame and covered kind, does not envy, does not parade itself, is not puffed
up before one another (Ge.2:25; 3:7). An invisible screen came between up, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not
them. The man, who was supposed to lead his wife, was now led by his provoked, thinks no evil… bears all things, believes all things,
wife. God charged him of listening to his wife instead of obeying God’s hopes all things, endures all things because I am in Christ.
command (Ge.3:17). Adam lost his genuine love for his wife and accused Ro.5:5; 1.Co.13:4-5,7
her though she was flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone. The man who
just had declared her part of himself had now estranged himself from her.
He didn’t even say “my wife”, he said, “the woman You gave”. For the
woman, even her desire for her husband became a curse (Ge.3:16). The
husband’s rulership instead of leadership came as a result of sin.
Impaired relationship: Their faulty relationship even affected the
relationship of their children. Cain killed Abel because of this evil nature
inherited from the devil (1.Jn.3:12). This explains the missing of true, selfless
love in the families. The divine agape love was lost through the fall. Now,
the best love people can show to one another is limited human love. To build
relationships on such human love is to build a house on the sand (Mt.7:24-
27). When their expectations are not met, everything collapses. This explains
the increasing divorce rate and rebellious children worldwide.
Restored family pattern: Jesus is the answer even for this need. When

61 62
a bit in its mouth, Christ in you controls your tongue. As a sailor controls a
JAN 29 ship with a small rudder, Jesus in you guides the entire course of your life by
TONGUE TRANSFORMATION controlling your tongue. Nobody can control the tongue but the Holy Spirit.
IN CHRIST When the fountain is sweet, the water will be sweet, not bitter (Mt.12:34;
Jas.3:2-4; 10-11). Your fountain is Christ. From Him, sweet words will proceed
Then the man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, through your lips. Traditional religion failed to bridle the tongue whereas
she gave me of the tree, and I ate” pure religion in Christ gets victory over the tongue (Jas.1:26-27).
Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My breth- Beloved, God’s Word in your mouth is just as powerful as God’s Word
ren, these things ought not to be so (Ge.3:12; Jas.3:10) in God’s mouth! You will change your entire life and surroundings by speaking
God’s positive words.
Thank You, Lord, in Christ, I need not stumble in word.
Life in Christ appreciates others and covers multitudes of sins (1.Pe.4:8).
I am a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. My
One of the curses of the fall is accusing one another and exposing the sins
speech is always with grace, seasoned with salt. I know how
of others. When God confronted man for his sin, he accused the woman,
I ought to answer each one. My tongue is a tree of life
and the woman in turn accused the serpent. Instead of admitting their failures,
because I am in Christ.
they threw the blame on each other. This is the natural man in essence.
Jas.3:2; Col.4:6; Pr.15:4
By accusing the woman, he even indirectly accused God: “The woman
You gave”. This runs throughout human history. There is a tendency in man
that makes him enjoy exposing the failures of others and speaking any
negatives they can find. Unless a man consciously resists, he is tempted to
spontaneously speak negative things about others. That is the nature of fallen
man (Jas.3:5). It’s not man’s doing, he inherited it from Adam, and now he is
In Christ, however, we have grand victory over this evil. No man can
tame the tongue, but Christ in us has all the power to tame it! Outside Christ,
the tongue is a restless evil, full of deadly poison (Jas.3:8). Inside Christ, the
tongue becomes a tree of life (Pr.15:4). Now, our tongue blesses, comforts,
counsels, heals, ministers grace and gives life to the people. This is your
privilege and right in Christ. Live in your privilege! Now, you are the
mouthpiece of God, and Jesus’ gracious words flow through you.
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt (Col.4:6). In
Christ, you are altogether a new man with a new vocabulary from God’s
dictionary! For the new man, edifying, loving, exhorting words are spontaneous
(1.Co.14:3). Release them!
In Christ, Jesus heals people through your words, casts out the demons
through your words, comforts the brokenhearted through your words, restores
the broken families through your words, makes people rich through your
words… In short, your tongue is not yours but Christ’s (1.Co.6:19).
Perfection is impossible for man unless he controls his tongue (Jas.3:2).
In Christ, you are made perfect (Col.2:9-10). Controlling your tongue is a
byproduct of your life in Christ. As a man makes a horse obedient by putting

63 64
by the Captain of the army of the Lord. God Himself put enmity between
JAN 30 the serpent and the woman, his seed and her Seed (Ge.3:15). Satan used a
ENEMY CURSED IN CHRIST woman to defeat God’s plan. God took a woman to bring forth His Seed to
destroy the devil’s plans (Isa.7:14). God uses the enemy’s weapons to destroy
him as David used Goliath’s sword to cut his head (1.Sa.17:51).
So the LORD God said to the serpent: “...You are cursed more than
Even in His curse against the serpent, the promise of redemption and
all... On your belly you shall go... you shall eat dust... I will put enmity
victory for mankind was hidden (Ge.3:15). Right there, we see the crucifixion
between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; of our Lord. There, His heel was bruised. Christ in turn crushed satan’s
He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel” head on the cross and rose victoriously over satan, sin, sickness and death
And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. (Jn.12:31; Ac.26:18; Ro.5:18-19; 16:20; 1.Jn.3:8; Rev.20:10). That victorious
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen (Ge.3:14-15; Christ continues to wage war against all principalities and powers and will
Ro.16:20) ultimately crush satan through His Body, the Church (Ro.16:20; Heb.10:13).
Beloved, you shall have all God’s blessings, satan and his host shall
have all God’s curses. There is no curse against you. There is no blessing on
Your enemy is eternally cursed right from the garden of Eden just as your enemies. Don’t ever be scared of your enemy. He is after all a cursed
you are eternally blessed. Life in Christ is a life of blessing, but life in satan being. How could he ever overcome you? Cheer up!
is a life of curse.
Thank You, Lord, You will crush satan under my feet
Curse on satan differs from curse on man: The first word man shortly. You have disarmed principalities and powers and
heard from God was a blessing, the first word the serpent heard from God made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them on
was a curse. God never curses man gladly, but He is full of wrath against the cross. I will resist the devil, and he will flee from me
satan who brings curse on His cherished humanity. The curse on the serpent because I am in Christ.
was unlimited whereas the curse on man was a limited curse for a limited
time. God made provision to redeem His humans from the curse, but nothing Ro.16:20; Col.2:15; Jas.4:7
was done to cancel the curse on the devil (Heb.2:16).
Cursed above all: The curse on satan is very severe and gives hope
for the new creation. Satan is cursed above all the living creatures. Your
enemy is the most cursed being on this planet. You are the most blessed
person in Christ. How can the cursed ever overcome the blessed? Every
time you think about the devil, think of him as the one who is extremely
cursed by God Almighty.
On his belly: The serpent shall go on his belly. See the pitiable plight of
the lowest position of the serpent who once craved to ascend above the
throne of God (Isa.14:13-14)! But you, the new creation, walk tall in the
heavenly realms like a mighty prince. Every time you address satan, you
have to look down! After all, he is under your feet (Eph.1:20-21).
Detestable menu: See the detestable menu of your enemy! He shall
eat dust all the days of his life (Ge.3:14). Not for a day or a month, but
forever! It symbolizes the utter humiliating defeat of your adversary, the
devil. He can only feed on those who walk in the flesh which is formed from
the dust. If you walk in the Spirit, satan has absolutely no access to you.
Destroying Seed: The war between you and the serpent was declared

65 66
promised to you right in the first pages of the Bible.
JAN 31 Satan’s seed: satan and all his host are active in using human beings
PROMISE OF REDEMPTION against the godly generations. He used the most religious Pharisees to kill
Jesus. Jesus plainly said, “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of
IN CHRIST your father you want to do” (Jn.8:44). Paul identified the seed of satan in
And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between the magician Elymas (Ac.13:10). In short, everyone who sins has this seed
your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall (1.Jn.3:8).
bruise His heel. Devil-destroying Seed: Victory over the devil was promised on the
For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and you very day satan celebrated his supposed victory. Your Savior Jesus was born
are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power of a virgin, the pure Seed of a woman. There was no mixture from man. All
(Ge.3:15; Col.2:9-10) the prophets prophesied about this Seed (Isa.9:6). The devil knew that this
Seed was ordained by God to crush his head. He even tried to kill Him when
God’s curse on the serpent became the Gospel to the child of God. He was a little baby in Bethlehem and tempted Him, trying to defile Him in
Genesis 3:15 is the first promise of the coming Messiah, the first promise of the wilderness (Mt.2:16; 4:1). Praise God, he lost every time!
redemption. Somebody called it “The Gospel in a nutshell”. At last, his only hope was to crucify and kill this Seed, but his apparent
Enmity: Your God is the One who put enmity between you and the success very soon proved to be his total doom (1.Co.2:8). What really hap-
devil. Now, God’s enemy has become your enemy. Peter calls him “your pened on the cross was the fulfillment of the messianic promise in Genesis
adversary, the devil” (1.Pe.5:8). You are on God’s side, and God and you 3:15. The devil bruised the heel of Jesus, and in turn, his head was crushed
wage war against the devil. The very hatred of satan against you is a bless- by the Seed of the woman. WOW! Indeed, He is the true devil-Destroyer
ing in disguise. This hatred was put in place by your God. God’s great love and won the greatest victory of the universe.
upon you causes satan’s intense fury against you. This should make you In Christ, you share the life and victory of this Seed. As you became
rejoice! His Body, you are now also His feet. Satan and all his hosts are under your
War: The war between the seed of satan and the Seed of the woman feet, severely suffering from head injury and brain damage!!! Because Jesus
was declared by your God Almighty. This should encourage you to see ev- did it on the cross, every believer in Christ has today the privilege to trample
ery battle as God’s blessing and opportunity for you. Remember, your battle satan’s crushed head (Lk.10:19). In Christ, the devil’s maximum level of
against the devil is God’s initiative and God’s idea. Right in the Garden, God attack is your feet. He cannot go even a millimeter further!
has perfectly planned His battle for all eternity. God has well-planned strat- Beloved, don’t brag about the attacks of the enemy. They are not as big
egies for all His battles. He knew His sure victory. It is Him who first as you imagine. You are fighting against a defeated foe who is already de-
declared this war, not the devil! Remember the words of Jesus, “Or what stroyed and stripped of all his power by your Head! By His death, Jesus
king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and killed even death (Col.2:14; Heb.2:14). Even the apparent presence of satan
consider whether he is able … to meet him who comes against him…?” will be totally crushed under your feet one day (Ro.16:20). Till then, you go
(Lk.14:31). Your God knew He was well able to easily overthrow the en- from one victory to another, destroying his works, invading his territories,
emy. possessing your possessions and setting the captives free. In Christ, you
In Christ, you became one with the promised Seed of God, your Lord have victory over all the powers of hell. Walk in this victory today!
Jesus (1.Jn.3:9). God’s victorious Seed is in you. Your victory is already a Thank You, Lord, for causing enmity between the seed
decided fact. of satan and the Seed of the woman. You have crushed his
Her Seed: Because the curse came from a woman, God chose a woman head when he bruised Your heel. You put all things under
to bring forth His Seed. This is God’s war-technique. That is why satan Jesus’ feet and gave Jesus to be the Head over all things to
hated the seed of the righteous right throughout the generations and tried to the Church which is Your Body. In You dwells all the fullness
destroy or defile them. From Abel onward, he killed many more to stop the of the Godhead bodily, and I am complete in You because I
Seed from coming, but God kept the remnant free from the stain of the devil am in Christ.
throughout history and brought forth His Seed to crush his head. All this was Ge.3:15; Eph.1:22-23; Col.2:9-10

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claim God’s love for her husband. In Christ, her desire for her husband is no
Feb 1 more a curse but a blessing.
CURSES REVERSED IN CHRIST Man’s curse: The curse on man was more indirect. Because of
Adam’s disobedience, God cursed the nature and the ground. Man had to
To the woman He said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and struggle to earn his livelihood. His work would be hard toil. Eventually, they
your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; Your desire would die (Ge.3:17-18). All these curses are totally reversed in Christ.
shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you.” Land’s curse: The curse on the ground is broken for a believer. In
Then to Adam He said, “…Cursed is the ground for your sake; in times of famine, Isaac could sow and reap a 100fold harvest. Whatever a
toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life…Both thorns and thistles believer does shall prosper. All the blessings of the land’s productivity come
it shall bring forth for you…In the sweat of your face you shall eat to a believer through Christ. All His promises are yes and amen in Christ
(2.Co.1:20). When the Lord blesses a field, even the smell of it is blessed
(Ge.27:27). That clearly shows that the curse on the ground is broken
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become (Ge.27:27-28). The painful toil is removed for you, and your land will be
a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a fertile (Mt.17:27). You need not sweat in hard labor.
tree” (Ge.3:16-19; Gal.3:13)
Beloved, in Christ, you shall never be the victim of any curse pronounced
on you or inherited from your forefathers. In Christ, your marriage and
Life in Christ reverses all curses into blessings. Curse is one of the work shall be a blessing, free from any curse.
cruelest things that came after the fall. God never curses gladly, but as a Thank You, Lord, all Your promises are yes and amen. I
righteous God, He was forced to deal with sin and predict the consequences. am blessed of the Lord. You have redeemed me from the
In the first two chapters of Genesis, we see a blessing God, but after man’s curse of the law, having become a curse for me that the
fall, He turned to curse the serpent, the woman and the man. Yet even in blessing of Abraham might come upon me because I am in
the curses we see the love and concern of the Father’s heart. Christ.
See the order of God’s curse! He first cursed satan, the root cause for 2.Co.1:20; Ge.24:31; Gal.3:13-14
the fall of man (Ge.3:14-15).
Woman’s curse: Then, He pronounced a curse on the woman who
was deceived first. The curse of woman was restricted to painful child
bearing. Her sorrow and pain are very time-limited. As soon as she has
given birth, she no longer remembers her anguish for joy that a child has
been born (Ge.3:16; Jn.16:21). In Christ, a woman can claim freedom from
this curse. She will be saved in child-bearing if she continually enjoys her
life in Christ (1.Ti.2:15). I heard the testimony of a woman of God who had
a painless delivery as she persistently claimed Galatians 3:13.
The curse of husbands ruling over their wives is also broken on the
cross. Leadership and submission is a blessing and totally different from
dictatorship and suppression (1.Co.11:3; Eph.5:22). When you come to Christ,
the distinction between man and woman is removed, and you become one
in Him (Gal.3:28). In God’s family order, man is the leader, but in no way
superior to the woman, as they are joint heirs of God’s grace (1.Pe.3:7). In
her deep affection for her husband, a woman can endure her husband’s
rulership. This desire is in a way a curse and a joy. In Christ, a woman can

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If you are not content with God’s acceptance, you will complain when
Feb 2 men reject you. The more you see yourself in Christ, the more easily you
RESPECT IN CHRIST overcome this negative character trait.
Outside Christ, no matter what you do or how much you struggle, you
Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And cannot please God (Heb.11:6). In Christ, even your tiniest offerings are a
the LORD respected Abel and his offering, but He did not respect sweet fragrance to bring pleasure and happiness to God’s heart because
Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance Jesus always was the Father’s delight, and you are in Him (Pr.8:30-31;
fell. Phil.4:18). Jesus is the only one who pleased Him well (Mt.3:16-17; 12:18;
17:5; Mk.1:11; 9:7; Lk.3:22; 9:35; 2.Pe.1:17; Isa.42:1).
By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain,
Life in Christ is the answer to the universal problem of self-rejection. In
through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying
Christ, you are no longer a sinner. You are eternally accepted and respected
of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks (Ge.4:4-5; in Christ. You need not try to earn His favor by anything you do. Jesus
Heb.11:4) pleased His Father and was highly respected by Him. Just by trusting Christ,
you attained the position of God’s acceptance forever. God’s approval is a
Rejection is the universal problem today. It is the root cause of all the settled matter for you (Ro.8:15-16). In the Old Testament, people were
strive and even murders in the world. Life in Christ is the only answer to this accepted on the basis of their deeds (Ge.4:7), but today, you are accepted
dilemma of self-rejection. Cain and Abel portray this explicitly. on the basis of what Jesus did.
Cain’s offering: Cain opened the door to the wicked one when he felt Simple faith in His finished work makes you righteous and well-pleasing
he was not respected and approved. He was very angry, and his countenance to God. When you try to please God through your prayers, fastings, sacrifices
fell when he saw God’s rejection (Ge.4:5-7; 1.Jn.3:12). Cain brought an and deeds, you belittle His work. Without faith it is impossible to please Him
offering of the fruit of the ground. The ground was already cursed. No (Heb.11:6). Everything that does not come from faith is sin (Ro.14:23). Many
wonder God didn’t respect the offering from the cursed ground. Life outside believers wonder and are even angry at God when they feel their efforts are
Christ is under curse. Without Christ, no matter what offerings people bring not regarded by God. Some are exhausted and burnt out because of their
to appease God are cursed and rejected by God. efforts to please God. The secret is to know you are already accepted and
The entire human race is angry with one another because they are not regarded on grounds of who you are in Christ and what He has done for
accepted or regarded (Tit.3:3). They try their best to please God by their you. Stop struggling and start trusting. Remember, Christian life is not a
efforts, but it is all in vain. trying life but a trusting life.
Abel’s offering: By faith, Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice Beloved, even if the whole world rejects you, your Father God is
than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God embracing you with a loving smile. Don’t be irritated or frustrated when
testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks (Heb.11:4). people ignore or ill-treat you. Be secure in Christ. Thank God for what you
The moment you receive Jesus as your Savior, you are eternally accepted in are to Him. You are highly respected by God Almighty, and you are most
the Beloved, and your prayers and offerings are pleasing to God (Eph.1:6). precious to your Savior. What else do you need in this world?
You need no longer struggle to get His appreciation or approval. Thank You, Lord, for looking with favor on me and my
The blood shed in Abel’s offering drew God’s attention. When you trust offerings and even commending me as righteous and speaking
in Christ, you trust in the Lamb of God that was slain for your sins. That well of me. I am justified freely by Your grace. I am Your
simple trust pleases God so much that the innocence of Christ is accredited beloved child in whom You are well pleased. I am accepted in
to you. Never underestimate this greatness of being accepted by the King the Beloved because I am in Christ.
of kings and Lord of lords. It is more than finding favor in the eyes of an Heb.11:4; Ro.3:24; Mt.3:17; Eph.1:6
emperor. Esther enjoyed the overwhelming favor of the king (Est.5:2-8).
Never take for granted that you are well accepted, but be eternally thankful!
In Christ, His worthiness has become your worthiness.

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but in Christ, you have God’s rest and peace. Anyone who finds you cannot
Feb 3 harm you (Ge.4:14; Lk.10:19).
PLEADING BLOOD IN CHRIST Cain was cursed to be a restless wanderer and vulnerable to anyone
who wanted to kill him. In His grace, however, God put a mark on Cain so
What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries that nobody who found him would kill him.
out to Me from the ground. So now you are cursed from the earth, Protecting Blood: In Christ, you are eternally marked, and no weapon
which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from that is formed against you shall prosper (Isa.54:17). The Holy Spirit is upon
your hand. When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength you as a mark of God’s ownership (Eph.1:13). You are the apple of His eye,
to you. A fugitive and a vagabond you shall be on the earth. dwelling in the shelter of the Most High (Zac.2:8; Ps.91:1-2). How can you
…to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of be a vagabond in Christ?
sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel (Gen.4:10-12; Cain left God’s Presence and lived in the land of Nod which means
Heb.12:24). exile, wandering, unrest, but in Christ, you are no longer a wanderer and
exile, but a citizen of heaven and member of God’s household (Eph.2:12-
The Blood of Jesus is your advocate in the heavenly court, constantly Curse-breaking Blood: In Christ, you are under the New Covenant,
pleading for you. This is one of your greatest blessings in Christ. the better Covenant. Jesus is now your Mediator. His precious Blood is
Blood has a voice. We can compare the blood of Abel with the Blood constantly speaking better blessings upon your life. You are reconciled to
of Jesus, our Mediator (Heb.8:6; 9:15). Abel’s blood was crying out to God your God, forgiven, blessed and safe by the wonderful Blood of Jesus. All
for revenge and brought a severe curse on Cain. Even the earth that received the curses ever pronounced on you are nullified by the voice of this precious
Abel’s blood was so cursed it stopped yielding (Ge.4:12). Blood. His Blood has totally redeemed you from the curse of the law. Claim
Pleading Blood: On the contrary, Christ’s Blood is pleading for your this blessing!
forgiveness and blessing, not for revenge (Heb.12:24). Abel’s blood brought Beloved, your High Priest has entered the Most Holy Place with His
the curse on the ground, the Blood of Jesus blesses the earth and increases Blood to intercede for you. Plead this Blood today! Break every curse upon
the fruitfulness (Dt.28:4). your life. Trust this Blood for your sanctification and walk in God’s riches
Abel’s blood cried for revenge, so God cursed and punished Cain more and righteousness (Heb.10:29).
than what he was able to bear. Jesus’ Blood is crying out for you, so He Thank You, Lord, You have entered the Most Holy Place
blesses you more than what you deserve. You are not judged according to once for all by Your own Blood, having obtained eternal
your iniquities (Ps.103:10). God didn’t observe iniquity in the Israelites though redemption for me. Your Blood cleanses my consciousness
they only trusted the blood of animals (Nu.23:21). How much more the from acts that lead to death so that I may serve You, the
Blood of Jesus makes you so righteous that God can’t see any sin in you. Living God. Your Blood speaks better things for me than
This revelation cleanses your conscience and helps you to serve Him without that of Abel because I am in Christ.
fear (Heb.9:13-14)! Heb.9:12,14; 12:24
Establishing Blood: Abel’s blood made Cain a fugitive and a vagabond
so that anyone could kill him anytime (Ge.4:12). Jesus’ Blood makes you
well-established and secure. Being a fugitive and a vagabond like Cain is
definitely a curse. In Christ and by His Blood, you are liberated from that
If you are unable to remain steady in one place or job, you should treat
this as a curse and break it. Restlessness also is a curse and should be
rebuked. Being vulnerable to the attacks of wicked people is also a curse,

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This Father has breathed His life in you. Imagine the greatness of this
Feb 4 creativity! What would happen if you released it from your spirit (Pr.4:23;
CREATIVITY IN CHRIST Creative Jesus: Your Jesus is the most creative Person ever seen in
this universe. He came as a perfect man and perfect God. He manifested
His brother’s name was Jubal. He was the father of all those who God’s creativity in its fullness. All His parables speak of His creativity. He
play the harp and flute. And as for Zillah, she also bore Tubal-Cain, took the most sublime truths and made them extremely simple. Every one of
an instructor of every craftsman in bronze and iron… His miracles shows His creative power. His eternal plans and visions for the
…that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being Church, delegating authority, selecting of disciples, superb memory power,
fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God all speak of His wonderful creative wisdom and intelligence. This Jesus is
(Gen.4:21-22; Col.1:10) living in you, and you are in Him (Col.1:27)! Think about it!
Creative Spirit: The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of creativity. He is a
When man was created in God’s image, God’s creativity was in him in wonderful Poet. When you are full of Him, you spontaneously sing (Eph.5:18-
all its fullness. Even after the fall of man, his creativity was not totally taken 20). He is a wonderful linguist! Your ability to speak in different kinds of
out of him. From Cain’s generation, music, tools, architecture and all these languages is nothing but God’s creative skill revealed in you. He imparts His
things were born (Ge.4:21-22). If the fallen man has this much creativity, wisdom and knowledge to you and speaks through you (Ac.2:4; 1.Co.14:4,18).
how much more you, the new creation must have God’s creative power in All His gifts reveal His creativity. You become a miracle-worker when
you! In Christ, God’s full creativity is available to you if you dare to tap into you are under His total control. His faith creates many things through your
it. words. His wisdom shows you things to come (Jn.16:13). His Words flow
Creative Old Testament saints: People under the Old Covenant, through your tongue prophesying to the people. All this is His creative ability
just trusting the coming Messiah, could manifest God’s creativity in an revealed in you.
astounding manner. David was a person of great creativity. His hundreds of Beloved, all the creativity of God is blossoming in you. You can draw
songs prove his musical talents. He had music directors, musicians and choirs from it and be the most creative person on earth.
with him (I Ch.15:16-24). Solomon had tremendous creative abilities. None Thank You, Lord, the One greater than Solomon lives in
could match his wisdom in his time (II Ch.9:1-12). All the prophets had this me as the hope of glory. In Him dwell all the treasures of
creative anointing upon them and created a tremendous uproar through their wisdom and knowledge and all the fullness of the Godhead.
prophetic utterances. Joseph, an ordinary shepherd, was so creative he could I am complete in Him because I am in Christ.
rule the great empire of ancient Egypt (Ge. 45:26).
Mt.12:42; Col.1:27; 2:3,9-10
A great Bible scholar said, no nation really invented anything until
Christianity reached them. That is why many of the inventions were made
by the Scandinavians. He says, even nations like Japan only copied and
improved the inventions made by Christians in other nations. Such is the
power of eternal life in man. He even challenges that all the scientists who
invented medicine, airplanes etc., were born again or had born again parents.
The eternal life you received is the very creative life of God in you.
Creative Father: Your Father God is a God of creativity. In the very
first page of the Bible, you see Him as the Creator. Every piece of His
creation speaks of His outstanding creativity. Vast varieties of colorful flowers,
different species of singing birds, reptiles, millions of fascinating insects,
different shapes and tastes of delicious fruits, blue sky, crystal clear waters,
colorful sands, and the list goes on and on!

75 76
you, in you, amidst you, upon you, around you (Col.1:26; Mt.18:20; 2.Co.6:16).
Feb 5 Every cell of your body is throbbing with His life and glory. This is God’s
free gift to you! He never leaves you nor forsakes you even a single minute
WALKING WITH GOD IN CHRIST of your life (Heb.13:5-6).
Pleasing God: The only thing we hear about Enoch other than his
After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God three hundred walk with God is that he pleased God (Heb.11:5). It’s not any man’s testimony,
years, and had sons and daughters. So all the days of Enoch were it is God’s testimony! God’s divine nature was not imparted to Enoch. The
three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and Blood of Jesus Christ had not been shed for him yet, neither could he receive
he was not, for God took him. Jesus as you have received Him. Just by trusting in the blood of animals, he
By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, could please the righteous God. His faith pleased God, for without faith, it is
“and was not found, because God had taken him”; for before he was impossible to please God (Heb.11:6). In Christ, you are given enough faith to
please God (Ro.12:3). How much more can you please God with all the
taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God (Ge.5:22-24;
privileges of the New Covenant (Eph.5:1)!
Revelation of God: This ordinary man could predict the glorious second
The Old Testament saints give us the shadow of life in Christ. God coming of Christ. He saw the Lord coming down with ten-thousands of His
picked some of His saints to show forth His blessings to us. Every time you saints to execute judgment on all (Jude 14). What a foresight! Imagine, he
see those saints enjoying God’s Presence and glory, be encouraged! In Christ, was not born after the day of Pentecost where the Spirit was poured out
you have far more than they could ever imagine. Never put them on a high without measure (Jn.3:34; Ac.2:17). His spirit was not made alive like yours
pedestal and feel inferior. None of them could see the totality and reality of (Eph.2:1). With all such limited grace and provision, he could enjoy God’s
the blessings you can enjoy in Christ. Let us taste the firstfruits Enoch tasted intimacy and get a glimpse of God’s future plans. How much should this
and proceed into the fullness. kindle your spirit to expect more!?
Remnant of God: Your God is a God of remnants. Though He drove Transportation of God: When Enoch lost himself in God’s fellowship,
out His first man from His Presence, He still didn’t totally estrange Himself God literally took him away (Ge.5:24). Enoch never experienced the death
from humanity. He stooped down to touch Abel with His approval (Ge.4:4). that came through Adam (Ro.5:17). What only the great prophet Elijah could
He talked to the murderer Cain (Ge.4:9). When Cain left His Presence, God experience was experienced by this ordinary farmer (2.Ki.2:11)! Thereby,
replaced him with Seth. Then, men began to call on the name of the Lord he became the foreshadow of the New Covenant believers. When Christ
(Ge.4:26). Jesus comes back, all His saints will be taken up together with Him
From his lineage, He picked His great friends like Enoch, Lamech, Noah (1.Th.4:17).
and Abraham. It clearly shows the love-hungry God craving for fellowship Beloved, only few saints of God under the Old Covenant could
with His people. This Father-heart of God was fully satisfied in Christ. As experience such intimate walk with God, but in Christ, every believer has
you received Christ, you received the greatest blessing of walking in deep free access to it. You can walk with God as Jesus walked in His earthly life.
fellowship with God. You can please God as Jesus pleased Him (Jn.8:29). You can know God’s
Walking with God: Enoch, the seventh from Adam, enjoyed the great plan for the future and prepare beforehand as Jesus saw the future. This is
privilege of walking intimately with God for over eighty percent of his life. your birthright. Don’t settle for anything less! Decide to enjoy His constant
He was not a super-saint with a halo around his head but just an ordinary communion. You are called into intimacy with God (1.Co.1:9; 2.Co.13:14).
family man who had sons and daughters (Ge.4:22). Not much is said about Thank You, Lord, You are with me always even until the
his achievements. His greatest feat was his intimate walk with God. end of this age, as God’s Immanuel. You don’t call me
Wherever he went, God went with Him. They walked at the same pace. servant for a servant does not know what his Master is
Enoch rested and relaxed with Him, moved and conversed with Him. What doing. You have called me Your friend for all things You
a privilege! have made known to me because I am in Christ.
In Christ, God has become your Immanuel (Mt.1:23). Now, God is with Mt.28:20; Mt.1:23; Jn.15:15

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they may walk in My statutes and keep My judgments and do them; and
Feb 6 they shall be My people, and I will be their God” (Eze.11:19-20).
NEW HEART IN CHRIST In Christ, your stony heart is completely taken out of you, and you
receive a new heart altogether. This heart of flesh willingly and completely
And the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, obeys and follows God. All you have to do is believe and confess this truth.
for he is indeed flesh…” Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of Now, it is easier for you to obey God’s voice than to disobey it! Embrace this
truth NOW!
man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of
his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that He You are a spirit: In Christ, you are a spirit that lives in a fleshly body.
had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. Your God is Spirit, and you are one spirit with Him now (Jn.4:24; 1.Co.6:17).
“For he indeed is flesh” doesn’t apply to you any more (Ge.6:3)! Your spirit
This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days,
is revived in Christ and possesses the divine nature (Eph.2:1; 2.Pe.1:3-4).
says the LORD: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds, When you live out of your spirit, you will do only good, not evil (Ga.5:16).
I will write them (Ge.6:3,5-6; Heb.10:16)
Friendly Spirit: When God saw the depravity of man, He said, “My
Spirit shall not strive with man forever” (Ge.6:3). This could mean that His
The depravity of the human heart is highlighted in this passage. The Spirit would not abide with man forever, or His Spirit would not stay with
Creator Himself repented and was grieved that He had made man on the man to rule and act as a Judge. In Christ, this doesn’t apply to you. His Spirit
earth. It shocks my heart! God created man for His pleasure, but man became doesn’t fight with you any more. He came to help you (Jn.14:16-18), and He
a pain to His heart. What a tragedy for a loving God! Life in Christ, however, seeks your friendship (2.Co.13:14; Jas.4:5). He whispers sweetly to your
completely reverses this situation. It is the only solution for a transformation heart (Ro.8:14,16). He abides with you forever. He is your constant Advocate
of the human heart and to bring pleasure to the Creator. (Paraklete), pleading for you, not against you (Ro.8:26). What a privilege!
Depraved heart: In order to appreciate your new heart in Christ, you God is glad: God was greatly grieved for creating man. This grief
must know the wickedness of the heart of natural man. Every inclination of turned into great joy when He recreated you in Christ. Now, you are His
the thoughts of man’s heart and his intentions are only evil all the time (Ge.6:5; pleasure and delight (Rev.4:11). You are His handiwork (Eph.2:10). Rejoice!
8:21)! Continuously evil heart! Continuously evil intentions! There was Beloved, everything God ever expected from man was fulfilled in His
absolutely no hope for the human heart. Jesus saw clearly that whatever Son Jesus. In Christ, you have all His ability to do God’s pleasure and perfect
comes from the human heart defiles man (Mt.15:11). The psalmist cried will. Never ever say you were conceived in iniquity. That was your natural
that he was born in iniquity and there was nobody who did good, everyone birth (Ps.51:5)! Now, you are born of God (Jn.1:12). You are conceived by
had become corrupted (Ps.14:1-3; 51:5). The prophets saw that the human the pure Word of God and by the Holy Spirit (1.Pe.1:23). Walk as a King’s
heart is evil and deceitful above all things (Jer.17:9). In fact, God gave the kid TODAY!
law only because of the hardness of man’s heart (Mt.19:8).
Thank You, Lord, You put Your law into my heart and
How can a man live a holy life with such a deceitful heart, for “as a have written it into my mind. You have given me a new heart
man thinks in his heart, so is he”? How could sweet water come from a and put a new spirit within me. You also put Your Spirit
bitter spring and a fig tree bear olives (Jas.)? With this unregenerate heart, within me and cause me to walk in Your statutes and do them
even the prayers and spiritual duties would be filthy or corrupted (Isa.1:12- because I am in Christ.
Exchanged heart: Life in Christ gives a glorious solution to this age- Heb.10:16; Eze.36:26
long problem. The moment you put your trust in Christ, God does a great
and mighty work of transplanting your heart (Eze.36:26). This is the great
blessing of the New Covenant. Just confess this word loudly right now:
“Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them, and
take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh, that

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In Christ, you have the privilege of defying the natural process of ageing.
Feb 7 Even at the age of hundred and twenty years, Moses’ eyes were not
LONG LIFE IN CHRIST dim nor his natural vigor diminished (Dt.34:7). Caleb was as strong at the
age of eighty five as when he was forty (Jos.14:11-12). He was a man of
And the LORD said, “…for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall war and able to kill Anakims. If Old Covenant saints could avail this blessing,
you can very well claim more than this!
be one hundred and twenty years.”
“Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment In Christ, you can expect God to reveal to you the end of your lifetime
and prepare yourself beforehand (Ge.15:15; 2.Pe.1:13-14).
with promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long on
the earth (Ge.6:3; Eph.6:2-3) A few conditions: None of God’s blessings is automatic. As a sinner
appropriates his salvation, you must appropriate the blessing of long and
healthy life. God wants you to ask for long life (Ps.21:4). Honoring your
Under the Old Covenant, people’s lifespan was longer. Even after the father and mother will certainly increase your lifespan (Ex.20:12; Eph.6:1).
fall, man could live hundreds of years like Methusalah who lived 969 years. Obeying God’s laws prolongs your life (Dt.6:2). Keeping your tongue from
When sin increased to the maximum, God reduced their lifespan to hundred speaking evil will make you see good days (Ps.34:12-13). Undivided love
and twenty years. for God will satisfy you with long life (Ps.91:14-16). Those who stay in the
Good old age: Abraham died at a good old age, an old man and full of House of God and in the Presence of God’s assembly enjoy fruitful old age
years. It’s not just old age, but good old age (Ge.25:8). It literally means, at (Ps.92:13-14).
the age of good grayness and aged and satisfied. Under the New Covenant, Health laws: Last but not least is following the health laws: eating
Abraham’s blessing comes to us through Christ (Ga.3:13-14; Ps.91:16; Ps.92:). healthy food, keeping up good sleeping habits, doing exercise, keeping your
In Christ, you can claim this blessing, “you shall come to your grave in ripe emotions cool and calm etc. will definitely increase your vigor and lifespan.
old age, as a shock of grain comes up to the threshing floor in its season” Why should God give a long list of what to eat and what not to eat if health
(Job 5:26). laws were not important?! Don’t transgress the Creator’s health principles
In Christ, the promise “with long life I will satisfy you” (Ps.91:16) belongs (Lev.11; 1.Ti.5:23).
to you. You and your loved ones can live until you are satisfied. The minimum Beloved, confess all the promises of God for your health and long life.
age is seventy to eighty years (Ps.90:14). Sudden and young death is a Don’t curse yourself with negative words! Keep the joy of the Lord which
curse which was broken on the cross when Jesus died a cruel death in His generates strength and works like a medicine (Neh.8:10; Pr.15:15; 17:22).
young age. Because you are engrafted in Him, you can expect and claim to The life of God in you will constantly supply the needed energy and strength.
live until you are satisfied. After this, you can live on as long as you desire to Avail it today! Resist the devil who comes to steal, kill and destroy your
live. This is the plain teaching of God’s Word, giving allowance to some God-given life.
exceptional cases like John the Baptist or Stephen – that, too, for the Kingdom Thank You, Lord, You gave me life and life more abundantly.
of God (Phil.1:22; Mt.14:10; Ac.7:58-59; Phil.2:25-27). You will satisfy me with long life. I shall renew my strength
Sudden and early death is not a blessing. In most of the cases, it is a and shall mount up with wings like eagles. I shall run and not
curse in the Bible. Jesus became a curse on the cross even to break this be weary, walk and not faint because I am in Christ.
curse (Gal.3:13-14). You must claim and expect to live until you are fully Jn.10:10; Ps.91:16; Isa.40:30-31
satisfied! Whatever God gives is plenty and satisfying (Jn.6:11).
In Christ, you have the ability to choose whether to live long to meet the
need of the people or depart and rest eternally. Paul and Peter understood
that it is their choice (Phil.1:22-26).
Vigorous life: When God gives you long life, He will give it to you to
the full, for His life is always abundant, surplus and overflowing life (Jn.10:10).

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It’s this favor that made Mary blessed among women (Lk.1:28).
Feb 8 In Christ, you have this all-inclusive grace with all the blessings of heaven
GRACE IN CHRIST and earth. By grace you are saved (Eph.2:5,8), justified (Tit.3:7), have received
God’s very life and nature (2.Thes.2:16) to reign in life (Ro.5:17). All these
blessings are already given to you in Christ. All you have to do is to simply
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
let this grace flow through you.
And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace
In the sight of God: Noah walked before God’s eyes. He was
(Ge.6:8; Jn.1:16)
blameless and righteous in His sight. He was righteous comparing to the
standard of his people.
When God was extremely grieved about man’s sin, He decided to wipe In Christ, you have the very perfection and righteousness of Christ. He
away all mankind, BUT Noah found grace and favor in His eyes. This
Himself has become your righteousness (1.Co.1:30-31). Don’t worry about
foreshadows life in Christ.
how people see you. God sees you with a smile. His eyes are full of
You are one in a million: The whole earth was corrupt in God’s sight. compassion for you. His eyes will guide you (Ps.32:8). His eyes will not find
All the people of the earth corrupted their ways (Ge.6:11). God’s anger and fault in you (Nu.23:21). He sees you in His Beloved (Eph.1:6). What else do
fury were burning against everybody. In midst of this, only one man had you need in life?
found His grace and walked blameless and righteous. He was far above all
Minister grace: The Gospel is called “Gospel of grace”. You are given
the people of his time.
God’s grace to proclaim this Gospel to the world (Eph.3:7). You are a wise
Even now, the whole world lies under the sway of the evil one (1.Jn.5:19). minister of God by His pure grace (1.Co.3:10). God’s very grace in you
Sin is rampant everywhere. As in the days of Noah, people corrupt their activates God’s energizing power in you. This energy helps you to live a
ways more and more, BUT in Christ, you have found God’s grace. You are powerful Christian life. In this grace we must grow stronger and stronger
blameless and righteous (2.Co.5:21). What a privilege! (2.Ti.2:1).
Received grace: As Noah received God’s favor, you have received Beloved, don’t ever magnify your struggles and problems but magnify
His abundance of favor and grace. No believer in the New Testament ever His grace that surpasses all your problems. Commit yourself to the Word of
pleaded or begged for God’s grace. The apostles never prayed for grace, His grace (Ac.20:32) and celebrate God’s liberal and abundant provision of
they rather thanked God for the grace given to the church (1.Co.1:4). This is grace. No matter how much sin increased in your past, in your family, all
one of the greatest privileges of the New Covenant. The supply of grace to around you, see the power of God’s grace that abounds all the more (Ro.5:20).
you is far more than all your needs. His grace is more than enough to face Now you are not under the mercy of your own works but purely under the
any danger, any temptation, any problem, any battle of life (2.Co.12:9). sway of God’s favor and grace. Learn to swim in the ocean of His grace
In Christ, you are given all the fullness of God’s grace. Jesus lives in and freely release His grace to others.
you with His fullness of grace (Jn.1:14). From this fullness of His grace, you Thank You, Lord, by the grace of God I am what I am,
receive grace upon grace and blessing upon blessing (Jn.1:16). Your Father and His grace toward me was not in vain. I come boldly to
is full of grace and compassion (Ex.33:19). The Spirit upon you is the Spirit the throne of grace, that I may obtain mercy and find
of grace (Zec.12:10). Simply acknowledge this and thank Him for the grace grace to help in time of need. My speech is always with
given. Use it freely! grace, seasoned with salt. I let no corrupt word proceed out
All-inclusive grace: Only the grace and favor of God rescued Noah’s of my mouth, but what is good for necessary edification,
family and the whole human race from destruction. God’s grace made him that it may impart grace to the hearers because I am in
the father of a completely new generation that filled the earth. It’s the grace Christ.
and favor of God that rescues you from all evil and unleashes His Presence, 1.Co.15:10; Heb.4:16; Col.4:6; Eph.4:29
glory, honor, promotion, safety, riches, anointing, and everything you need in
life (Ex.33:12-13;17; 34:9). Lot was rescued from doom because of God’s
favor (Ge.19:19). God’s Presence and favor helped Moses to lead the people.

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Moses was able to administer and guide all the children of Israel for forty
Feb 9 years.
WISDOM IN CHRIST In Christ, you have the very wisdom of Jesus in all its fullness. You can
protect and guide your family from all calamities. You can handle finances
And God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before and all the relationships for your generations and excel in everything you do.
Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will Predicting wisdom: Noah was also given the wisdom of God about
destroy them with the earth. Make yourself an ark of gopherwood; the coming deluge. This is called word of wisdom. God never does anything
without revealing it to the hearing ears (Am.3:7). He clearly explained to
make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and outside with pitch.
Noah about the coming flood, how many days the waters would remain, and
And this is how you shall make it…” how to protect all the species alive on the earth, etc. Noah never reasoned
For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another with God. Walking with God is not that complicated. It’s simply hearing God
the word of knowledge through the same Spirit (Ge.6:13-15; 1.Co.12:8) and obeying (Ge.6:22).
Even Noah’s father Lamech had this word of wisdom to call his son
It is impossible not to admire the great supernatural wisdom granted to “Noah” which means “rest” or “comfort”. He foresaw the mission of his
Noah. son and said, “This one will comfort us concerning our work and the toil of
Building wisdom: He was just an ordinary farmer (Ge.9:20). He had our hands, because of the ground which the LORD has cursed” (Ge.5:29).
no knowledge about ark-building. He was neither an architect nor an This is the birth right of every born-again Christian and available to
engineer. God’s wisdom was revealed to him to make such a huge ark that anyone who dares ask Him (Jas.1:5). It’s right within you, waiting for your
could hold his family and all the species of the earth, with different initiative. Knowing your future is one of the blessings you can claim solely
compartments and three decks. Even the measurements were accurately on the basis of your position in Him. In Christ, you need not grope in darkness,
given by God. Any expert would be wonderstruck to see the manner in being uncertain about the future.
which the ark was built. Timing wisdom: In Christ, God gives you the sense of timings. You
Even the slightest interference of Noah’s human wisdom would have are at the right place at the right time. The very same day the rain came,
caused great damage in the ark. This was the first time humans could ever Noah’s family entered the ark (Ge.7:13), and at the proper time, God
think of a ship. In fact, all the ship management and navigation was basically commanded him to come out (Ge.8:14-16). The whole plan was worked out
copied from this ordinary man’s ship. Such is the power of divine wisdom! by God with accurate timings for everything. He does everything well in His
In Christ, you are given this super-wisdom. In Christ dwells all the fullness own time (Eccl.3:1,11,17; 8:6). In Christ need not hurry and worry, but can
of God’s wisdom (Col.2:3). He has become your wisdom (1.Co.1:30-31). rest and relax in God’s wisdom and His timings.
Ordinary fishermen exhibited this supernatural wisdom in building the Church Beloved, covet this word of wisdom and protect and plan for your future.
of God. You can build your family and the church with this available wisdom The whole supernatural world is open to you now. With this wisdom, you
in Christ. can get the divine blueprint for your life, family, ministry, even for your nation,
Administering wisdom: Noah had a tremendous wisdom to administer as Moses did. You can solve any problem smoothly. Don’t sit and wonder.
everything excellently. He could organize the whole family. He stored the Just listen and act!
food for his family and all the animals and living creatures for an unlimited Thank You, Lord, in You are hidden all the treasures of
time. He gathered all the living creatures and brought them to the ark, just wisdom and knowledge. I asked for Your wisdom, and You
by supernatural wisdom. gave me liberally and without reproach. Through the Spirit,
We saw Adam before the fall exhibiting such wisdom in naming all the the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge is given to
creatures (Ge.2:19). Though after the fall, man’s wisdom was very much me because I am in Christ.
marred, still we see God’s wisdom operating in the Old Testament saints in Col.2:3; Jas.1:5; 1.Co.12:8
an astounding way. The shepherd boy Joseph could administer the entire
Egyptian government without any special training or background (Ge.42:6).

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Saving Ark: Just imagine, all around Noah there was death – birds,
Feb 10 cattle, beasts, creeping things, every man died (Ge.7:21) – all in whose nostrils
ARK IN CHRIST was the breath of life, died. All around him, there was death, screams, pangs
of pain – but inside the ark, there was perfect rest, life, peace.
Then the LORD said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all The whole world lies in the wicked one and is doomed for destruction
your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before (1.Jn.5:18). There is no safety outside Christ, and there is no danger inside
Me in this generation. You shall take with you seven each of every
clean animal, a male and his female; two each of animals that are You may hear bad news of natural disaster or plagues destroying your
unclean, a male and his female…” nation or community all around you, but nothing should alarm you. Bad news
cannot terrify a man in Christ because he lives in a safety zone, altogether in
By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved a different world. Life in Christ is life in a strong tower where you are safe
with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household, by (Pr.18:10).
which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness New hope for the new world: The whole world will be doomed one
which is according to faith (Ge.7:1-2; Heb.11:7) day. As in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man
(Mt.24:37-44). There is no future for the world, but for you who live in
Noah could save his family and all the species of animals from the flood Christ, there is a glorious hope of a new heaven and a new earth (Rev.21:1),
waters on the earth, just by making them enter the ark. As the ark protected just as Noah’s family enjoyed. You have a wonderful future. Get rid of any
him, now Christ protects you as a Divine Ark. The study of the ark beautifully fear of the future! Everything works for your good (Ro.8:28)!
depicts life in Christ.
All provisions: Inside the ark, all the provisions for Noah, his family
The ark - God’s plan: This ark was God’s plan and God’s initiative. It and all the living creatures were stored up in abundance. He didn’t have to
had nothing to do with man. It was God who gave Noah the plan and pattern sow or reap. He was least worried about all his needs. All he needed to do
to build it. It was God who put him inside, it was God who shut the door was to take and enjoy from the abundance.
(Ge.7:16). The ark was God’s method to save humanity from destruction.
In Christ, God already provided for all your needs in abundance. You
Similarly, Christ our Divine Ark was God’s master plan for humanity. don’t need to worry or be anxious. In Christ, you are blessed with all heavenly
Noah made himself an ark of gopherwood. God prepared this redemptive and earthly blessings (Eph.1:3; 2.Pe.1:3-4).
plan for man. Jesus is indeed the Lamb of God that was slain before the
Beloved, if a wooden ark could save humanity, how much more the
foundation of the world. God prepared a body for His Son and sent Him to
Heavenly Ark Jesus! In Christ, you absolutely need not fret, no matter what
save this world (). He put you in Christ, and your life is hidden with Christ in
happens around you. You are far above the reach of the destroyer. Be bold!
God (1.Co.1:30; Col.3:3).
Thank You, Lord, as You are, I am in this world. When
Same height: Wherever the Ark was, Noah’s family would be. The
You are revealed I shall be like You, for I shall see You as
ark always floated on the surface of the waters. No matter how much the
You are. Your Name is a strong tower! I ran into it, and now
water may increase or prevail, they were above it (Ge.7:17-18)! Even the
I am safe because I am in Christ.
high mountains were covered with water, but never the ark (Ge.7:19).
Whatever happened to the Ark happened to Noah. 1.Jn.4:17; 1.Jn.3:2; Pr.18:10
The Ark symbolizes Christ. As Noah’s family was elevated, you are
exalted into the heavenly places in Jesus (Eph.1:21; 2:6). In Christ, you are
far above all principalities and powers, far above all your problems. You
became so one with Him that when He died, you died (Ga.2:20). When He
rose again, you rose again with Him (Eph.2:5). When He was exalted, you
were exalted with Him, and now you are seated with Him in the heavenlies

87 88
curse-proof, poverty-proof, sin-proof, deception-proof,…! Nothing by any
Feb 11 means can ever harm or hurt you (Lk.10:19)!
ARK LIFE IN CHRIST No anxiety: There was nothing for Noah to be anxious about in the
ark. He could have rested in the wisdom, power and perfect guidance of
And they went into the ark to Noah, two by two, of all flesh in God inside. Since God was the Author and Finisher of the entire undertaking,
Noah could have enjoyed the new provision, content like a little baby. Yet he
which is the breath of life. So those that entered, male and female of
became anxious to know what was happening around. He opened the
all flesh, went in as God had commanded him; and the LORD shut window and sent out a raven and a dove to spy out the situation (Ge.8:6-12).
him in. No matter how impatient he was, ultimately God had to bring him out, which
…the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the He also did in His perfect timing.
ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved In Christ, you need not be anxious about anything (Phil.4:6). Even
through water. There is also an antitype which now saves us - baptism tomorrow need not be a concern today (Mt.6:34). So cast all your anxiety
(not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good on Him for He cares for you (1.Pe.5:7). He works everything beautifully in
conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ His time (Eccl.3:11). As Jesus chided His mother, He is telling you, “Leave
(Ge.7:15-16; 1.Pe.3:20-21) it to Me. My time (hour to act) has not yet come” (Jn.2:4, AMP). Relax!
Distinction: When the whole world was judged, only Noah and his
We continue our study of life in Christ with the ark of Noah. Christ family remained alive in the ark (Ge.7:23; 2.Pe.2:5). Here we see the God
Jesus has become your Ark of salvation. You are completely safe in Him. of distinction who says, “I will spare them as a father spares his own son
Family salvation: When the whole earth was corrupt before God and who serves him. Then you shall again discern between the righteous and the
filled with violence, God saved Noah’s entire family (Ge.6:11-12). Just wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him”
because Noah was righteous, God saved all his household (Ge.8:16-18). (Mal.3:17-18).
From the eight members of his family came the whole new breed of humanity In Christ, you are definitely distinguished from others. You are His special
after the deluge. This gives another anchor of faith for the salvation of your treasure (Ex.19:6). He will treat you differently than those outside of Christ.
family. The faith of a jailor saved his entire household (Ac.16:31-34). Beloved, accepting Jesus as your Savior has done more than what you
Cornelius’ faith brought salvation not only to his household, but even to his could ever imagine! May God open your eyes to see the richness of His
friends and neighbors (Ac.10:24,44-48). Your family’s salvation is promised blessings in Christ!
to you as a gift package the moment you put your trust in Christ.
Thank You, Lord, I am anxious for nothing, but in
Baptism: Noah’s family was saved through water. Peter compares everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, I
this with our water baptism (1.Pe.3:20-21). In Christ, your old man was make my requests known to You, and Your peace which
crucified with Christ (Ro.6:6). You are buried with Him in the waters of surpasses all understanding, will guard my heart and mind. I
baptism (Ro.6:3-4). You have risen with Him to live His life on this earth was buried with You by baptism into death that just as You
(Ro.6:5). You are ascended and seated with Him in the heavenlies (Eph.2:6; were raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even
1:21). Never underestimate the command of water-baptism after accepting so I also should walk in newness of life because I am in
Christ as your Savior (Ac.10:47-48)! Christ.
No harm: The ark Noah made was coated with pitch inside and out, Phil.4:6-7; Ro.6:4
completely waterproof (Ge.6:14). The door was put in such a way that only
God could shut it (Ge.7:16). All the springs of the great deep burst forth, and
the floodgates of heaven were opened, but not a drop of water could go into
the ark (Ge.7:11-12)! How safe!
In Christ, you are totally danger-proof, demon-proof, sickness-proof,

89 90
believe. I believe God’s new creations will see their privilege in Christ, and
Feb 12 nature and creation will bow before them. They will command the sun, the
ARK REMEMBERANCE IN CHRIST moon, the thunder, the rain and the wind (Jos.10:12; 1.Sa.12:18; Mk.4:39).
They will call down fire from heaven (2.Ki.1:10, 12). They will shut the
mouths of lions (Heb.11:33). They will summon the bears to come and maul
Then God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the
their enemies (2.Ki.2:24). Jesus issued order, and hundreds of fishes thronged
animals that were with him in the ark. And God made a wind to pass into Peter’s net (Lk.5:5-7). A single fish carried the tax money for him
over the earth, and the waters subsided. (Mt.17:27).
For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that In Christ, this Jesus has become bone of your bones and flesh of your
are on earth… All things were created through Him and for Him… He flesh. You are literally one with Him. Start exercising your authority over
is the head of the body, the church… (Ge.8:1; Col.1:16-18) everything around you and see the miracles!
Beloved, you are in the mind of God Almighty, and He has numbered all
The ark of Noah has many things to say to you, the new creation in the hairs of your head. Not even one hair will fall without His knowledge
Christ. (Mt.10:30; Lk.21:18). When you came to Christ, you were inscribed in the
very heart of God, not just in the palms of His hands (Isa.49:16). As the
History revolves around you: The whole history revolves around Bride of Christ, you are very dear to your Groom’s heart, and you are set as
the child of God. When the whole world was destroyed, God’s mind and a seal upon His heart (SS.8:6). Everything that happens in this world works
purpose were revolving around Noah and his offspring. All God’s hope for together for the good of God’s children (Ro.8:28).
the future world was placed on Noah’s family. Even the good climate, seed
time, harvest, winter and summer existed just because of Noah’s sacrifice All heaven and earth is awaiting your orders. Satan trembles to see the
(Ge.8:22). Only because God remembered Noah, He stopped the fountains new creation rising to their rightful position. The Head of the Church rejoices
of the deep and the rains, and He made a wind to pass over the earth, and to see His Body finally exercising the authority He bought for them at such
the waters subsided. The entire nature was working for Noah. a high price (Lk.10:21). This corrupted world desperately waits for the new
generation to purify if (Ro.8:19). The afflicted and the prisoners are waiting
God’s end-time plan totally revolves around His new breed of new for God’s saviors (Ob.1:21). Rise up and change your world NOW!
creations. Everything in heaven and earth works for the good of the believers.
Though God loves the whole world, His heart and mind are always on YOU. Thank You, Lord, by You all things were created that
He does everything with you in mind. Nature, governments and the whole are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible,
universe are controlled by your God for your good (Ex.14:21; 15:10). God’s whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All
heart and mind and attention are always on man, especially on the new things were created through You and for You, You are
creation (Job.7:17-18; Ps.8:4). before all things, and in You all things consist. You are the
head of the body, the church. We, the Church, are the
Even the end-time tribulation will be shortened for the elects’ sake, fullness of You who fills everything in every way.
otherwise no flesh would survive (Mt.24:22). With such a loving Father,
why should you fret and dread?! Col.1:16-18,23
Your authority over nature: I always wonder how Noah could gather
all those pairs of animals, all species, from all over the world! Did he command
them to come into his ark? Did God summon them? How organized they
were to come in pairs! It must have been the longest queue ever seen! Even
his own family obeyed him and entered the ark without questioning him.
Such was the power of the man who found favor in the eyes of God!
In Christ, you can exercise authority over the animal and vegetal
kingdom. All His authority is yours! You can use it as much as you dare to

91 92
years. See the greatness of priestly intercession (Ro.8:34; Heb.5:7; 7:25;
Feb 13 9:24)!
ALTAR TO ALTER IN CHRIST As He lives to intercede, you live to intercede for this sin-sick world.
Stop crying for your own needs! All your needs are abundantly met in Christ.
Then Noah built an altar to the LORD, and took of every clean Rise up to your high calling!
animal and of every clean bird, and offered burnt offerings on the Jesus is the Burnt Offering: The Old Testament priests from Noah
altar. onwards offered the clean animals to obtain God’s mercy. They carried the
…Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, blood of animals as priests before God to plead for nations.
and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and Those offerings were not perfect. Jesus gave Himself as a sweet burnt
washed us from our sins in His own blood (Ge.8:20; Rev.1:5) offering to God and eternally satisfied God’s righteousness (Heb.9:14). He
entered into heaven with His own Blood as High Priest to intercede
Noah acted here as God’s priest both to his family and to his new world. (Heb.9:24). This will certainly reverse any curse and release any blessing.
Soon after he came out of the ark, he built an altar and offered the clean You are God’s burnt offering: As a priest in Christ, you carry the
animals as burnt offerings. God smelled the fragrance and was happy and invisible Blood of Jesus in your hands to the throne of God to make His heart
decided not to destroy everything like this anymore (Ge.8:21). Noah altered happy and to appease His righteous anger against the sinful world. Every
everything by his altar. time you claim the Blood of Jesus in your priestly intercession, you reverse
You are God’s priest: Noah acted as God’s priest. In the Old Testament, the curse into a blessing. Not only do you carry His Blood, but you have
the heads of families acted as priests – Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob etc. offered yourself as burnt offering to God. This is your spiritual sacrifice.
Then God chose the Israelites to be His priestly nation for the whole world Your consecrated life and your continuous praise and prayers rise up to God
(Ex.19:6). When they missed their chance, God installed the priestly ministry as a sweet fragrance (Ro.12:2; 1.Pe.2:9; Rev.1:5-6; Rev.8:3-4).
among the Levites. That priestly ministry was the most coveted and honored Beloved, God is calling you to reverse the curses from your nation. He
office among the Israelites (the sons of Korah coveted it). has anointed you specially for this priestly office (Lev.8:1-2). This is your
In the New Testament, every believer is a priest (Rev.1:5-6). highest service to God. The whole world suffers under a terrible curse. Sin
You are a thanksgiver: As a priest, you offer sacrifices of praise to abounds everywhere. God’s righteous heart is boiling. Only you can stand in
your God (Heb.13:15). Thanksgiving pleases God’s heart. In Christ, you are the gap, holding the Blood of Jesus, offering yourself on His altar (Eze.22:30;
clothed with the garment of praise to cast out the spirit of heaviness Ro.12:2)! Time is short! Don’t waste a day!
(Isa.61:3). Now you have the anointing and ability to praise God. The invitation Thank You, Lord, You sought for me to make a wall and
to praise God is one of your greatest honors. Never take it for granted. Old stand in the gap before You on behalf of the land that You
Testament priests could approach and praise God only at certain times at should not destroy it. I continually offer the sacrifice of
certain places, but in Christ, you have the amazing honor to praise Him at all praise to God, the fruit of my lips, giving thanks to Your
times, in every place, for everything (Eph.5:20; 1.Thes.5:18; Heb.13:15). Name because I am in Christ.
You are a curse-reverser: In Christ, you can reverse the curse of your Eze.22:30; Heb.13:15
family, your nation. Noah reversed the curse and blessed the earth with
seedtime, harvest, day and night, cold and heat, and seasons. God blesses
the whole world through His new creations. In Christ, you are the salt of this
earth and the light of this world (Mt.5:13-16). Your prayers and preaching
can reverse the curse of this world and bring blessings.
You are an intercessor: Now, Jesus Christ, your High Priest, is
interceding fulltime. In Christ, you share His intercessory ministry as His
Body. Jesus ministered for three years and intercedes for more than 2000

93 94
NEVER AGAIN you need to be dried up (Isa.58:11; Jn.7:37)
Feb 14 NEVER AGAIN you need to be powerless (Acts 1:8, Lk.24:49)
NEVER AGAIN IN CHRIST NEVER AGAIN you need to be fruitless (Jn.15:1-5,16)
NEVER AGAIN you need to be hurt (Ge.31:7; Lk.10:19; Ac.18:10)
And the LORD smelled a soothing aroma. Then the LORD said in NEVER AGAIN you need to be bound (Jn.8:36; Ro.8:2; 2.Co.3:17; Ga.5:1)
His heart, “I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake, al- NEVER AGAIN you need to feel lonely (Jn.14:18; 1.Co.1:9; 2.Co.13:14)
though the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; nor will I
NEVER AGAIN you need to be ashamed (Isa.54:4; 61:7; Joel 2:27)
again destroy every living thing as I have done (Ge.8:21)
“Thus I establish My covenant with you: Never again shall all NEVER AGAIN you need to be deceived (Jn.16:13; 2.Co.2:11)
flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be NEVER AGAIN you need to be misled (Jn.14:6; Jn.16:13)
a flood to destroy the earth.” (Ge.9:11) NEVER AGAIN you need to feel rejected (Eph.1:6; Heb.13:5-6)
“and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you NEVER AGAIN you need to struggle for holiness (Heb.10:10,14; Jude 1:1)
and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again Beloved, this list is your heavenly check-book, waiting to be used by
become a flood to destroy all flesh. (Ge.9:15) you! Why suffer lack when there is abundance in your Father’s House?!
Rise up and possess your inheritance!
Confession brings possession! Don’t allow your mouth to remain shut
Under Noah’s covenant, God repeatedly said, “never again” in honor of in unbelief like Zacharias (Lk.1:20-22)! Use these scriptures as WEAPONS
Noah’s animal sacrifice. of the Spirit (Eph.6:17). Roar these Scriptures like a lion before the enemy
In Christ, you are under the New Covenant, based on the Great Sacrifice and paralyze him!
of your Savior. Turn every point of your NEVER AGAIN blessings into a high praise!
In Christ, all His “NEVER AGAIN” promises are yours! Claim them Don’t PRAY them, PRAISE them! For heaven’s sake, don’t plead and beg!
aloud daily! Only praise!
NEVER AGAIN your sins are remembered (Ps.103:12; Isa.1:18; Heb.8:12; THANK YOU, LORD!!!!!!!
NEVER AGAIN you are condemned (Ro.3:24; 8:1,33-34)
NEVER AGAIN you need to be sick (Ps.103:3; Isa.53:3-5; Mt.8:17;
NEVER AGAIN you need to be defeated (2.Co.2:14;1.Co.15:57)
NEVER AGAIN you need to be fearful (Isa.41:10; 2.Ti.1:7; Heb.2:14-15;
NEVER AGAIN you need to be confused (Isa.61:7; 1.Co.14:33)
NEVER AGAIN you need to live in lack (Ps.23:1; Phil.4:19; 1.Ti.6:17)
NEVER AGAIN you need to be dominated by the flesh (Ro.6:14; Ga.5:24)
NEVER AGAIN you need to be dominated by the devil (Lk.10:19; Col.1:13)
NEVER AGAIN you need to be intimidated (Pr.28:1; 2.Ti.1:7)
NEVER AGAIN you need to be moody and depressed (Ne.8:11; Is.61:3-5)
NEVER AGAIN you need to be weary (Ps.27:1; 28:7-8; 84:7; Isa.40:27-

95 96
and dew in his time (1.Ki.17:1). Moses could extend the nights in Egypt
Feb 15 (Ex.10:22). Joshua stopped sun and moon (Jos.10:12-13). Solomon prayed
for God’s intervention in the climatic conditions (2.Chr.6:26-27). Isaac brought
CLIMATE CONTROL IN CHRIST in a great harvest in times of drought (Ge.26:12). David knew by revelation
and experience that the praises of God’s people would bless the land with
And the LORD smelled a soothing aroma. Then the LORD said in rain and harvest (Ps.67:2-6). Jeremiah called upon his people to turn to the
His heart, “I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake, although Lord and fear Him in order to enjoy the appointed weeks of harvest (Jer.5:24).
the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; nor will I again
Second Coming affects the climate: As in the days of Noah, sin is
destroy every living thing as I have done. While the earth remains,
abounding everywhere today. We see God’s judgment on many parts of the
seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and world, and the climatic conditions in general are undergoing mayor changes.
night shall not cease.” Before the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus, again the seasons will be
Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, totally distorted (Lk.21:11,25-27). There won’t be sun and moon and stars
be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm (Ge.8:21-22; any more (Mt.24:29; Eze.32:7-8; Joel 2:31; Rev.8:12).
Mk.4:39) Saved ones affect the climate: When you received the Savior, you
became a savior for the nations. You can exercise your authority to control
When Noah sacrificed the burnt offering, the Lord smelled it and decided natural calamities and bless the seasons for the good of your people. You
to never again curse the ground and destroy the living creatures. Then, He can bless the seedtime and reap the hundredfold harvest. You can even
blessed all the seasons of the earth – seedtime, harvest, cold and heat, winter control the heat from consuming people, and restrain the chilling cold. If you
and summer, day and night. are a farmer, you can pray down the suitable climate for your fields. In
Sin affects the climate: The sins of the ancient world could have short, you are the king of the entire cosmos in Christ! “All authority in heaven
disturbed all the existing seasons. We can infer that seedtime and harvest and earth” includes this also (Mt.28:18).
were also affected. That is why God reassured Noah about the future stability Through your priestly ministry of intercession, you can avert any curse
of climate and seasons. on the harvest, on the ground and on the climate and thus prosper your
God’s Word teaches clearly how sin stopped the rain and the dew and nation (2.Chr.7:14)!
affected the harvest (Amos 4:7-9; Hag.1:1-11). Adam’s sin brought curse Beloved, you are not a helpless victim of natural calamities and seasonal
even on the physical land. The innocent blood of Abel intensified the curse disorders! You need not be passive when the heaven appears as brass. You
on the land (Ge.4:11). Man’s violence and immorality worsened it all. Thank need not watch in dismay when satan destroys the fruit of your land and the
God, God blessed the land again with favorable climate and seasons in answer multitudes in his fury (Rev.12:10). As the prince of this world, he can use the
to Noah’s sacrifice. natural elements to kill and destroy (Job 1:16-19).
Son affects the climate: When Noah offered the clean animals as a In Christ, rise up to calm the storm, using your authority (Mk.4:39)!
burnt offering, God was well pleased and made the seasons and the climate Bless your nation by commanding favorable climate!
favorable. The Son of God, the innocent Lamb of God, offered Himself on Thank You, Lord, as the peoples praise You, the earth
the cross as the Perfect Sacrifice and revoked every curse in the universe shall yield her increase, and You shall bless all the ends of
(Jn.1:29,36; Heb.9:14). Yet this will only manifest if His ambassadors perform the earth. When we who are called by Your Name humble
their priestly duties. ourselves and pray and seek Your Face and turn from our
In Christ, you have this privilege of bringing God’s blessing upon the wicked ways, You will hear from heaven and forgive our sins
seasons. If a saint under the Old Covenant could make them favorable, how and heal our land. All authority in heaven and earth is given
much more you under the New Covenant! to us because we are in Christ.
Saints affect the climate: Noah’s sacrifice restored the stability of Ps.67:6; 2.Chr.7:14; Mt.28:18
the seasons. We have ample evidence in the Bible of how God’s saints
controlled and blessed the harvest and the seasons. Elijah could control rain

97 98
Jesus, the Man, went to the cross to destroy the author of death, and God’s
Feb 16 justice was passed on the devil (Heb.2:14).
LIFE BLOOD IN CHRIST Overcoming Blood: The Blood of Jesus Christ revenges every
murderous act of satan and his hosts. Every time a child of God mentions
Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning; from the hand the Blood of Jesus, satan and his demons tremble. Like Judas Ischariot, they
of every beast I will require it, and from the hand of man. From the are filled with remorse and cry, “We have sinned by betraying innocent
blood” (Mt.27:4). When you mention the Blood, they are disarrayed for four
hand of every man’s brother I will require the life of man. Whoever
sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image
 They suffer terrible guilt, remembering all their murders, including
of God He made man.
the shedding of the Blood of the Lamb of God.
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the
word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death  They realize how utterly the Blood of Jesus has destroyed their power
on the cross.
(Ge.9:5-6: Rev.12:11)
 They realize their destined eternal doom and shudder at the very
Since man was created in His image, God jealously defends human life. thought of it.
Every drop of man’s blood is very precious before Him. Man is the hub, the  They realize their dominion over the new creation is lost forever.
focal point of God’s Kingdom. His very breath gave life to man’s blood. He In Christ, you must realize the supreme power of the Blood of Jesus!
will surely demand account from those who spill human blood (Ge.9:5). Of By this Blood, you overcome the accuser of the brethren, the devil
course, this speaks of God’s severe punishment on every murderer. (Rev.12:11). The Blood of Jesus Christ becomes both your defensive and
The arch-blood-shedder: Right from this scripture, we can see that offensive weapon.
satan is under death penalty by the Judge of the universe. Since Cain, everyone Beloved, cover yourself and all your loved ones and belongings under
who killed another human is definitely influenced by satan. He was a murderer the mighty Blood of Jesus! Do it consciously every day. Sing about the
from the beginning (Jn.8:44). He knew from the beginning that the Seed of Blood! Preach the power of the Blood! Constantly meditate the invincible
the woman would come through a human being, so he killed innumerable power of the Blood of the Lamb of God. Remember, satan can never penetrate
people down through the centuries. Even now, the blood of martyrs is crying the Blood of Jesus (Ex.12:13)! Inside the Blood, there is no danger! Outside
unto God for revenge (Rev.6:9-11). This will further the devil’s doom. Worst the Blood, there is no safety (Jos.2:18-21)!
of all, he even ventured to kill the very Son of God and became guilty of the
Use this Blood as an offensive weapon to destroy satan’s works in the
innocent Blood of the Lamb of God.
lives of innocent victims TODAY!
Pre-meditated bloodshed: Another plain teaching of the Bible is that
Thank You, Lord, I have overcome the devil by the Blood
if a murder was planned before, it must be punished with a severe death
of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony, and I don’t
sentence (Ex.21:12-14; Nu.35:16-32). If the murder was done without
love my life, even to the death. Now the Blood shall be a
premeditation, there was a possibility of escape (Jos.20).
sign for me on the house where I am. When You see the
Every murder right from Abel was well planned by the devil to cut off Blood, the plague shall not be on me to destroy me. You will
the Seed of woman from coming into the earth. Even crucifying the Son of not allow the destroyer to come into my house because I am
God was the result of his evil master-mind. That explains why he was totally in Christ.
destroyed, stripped, exposed and spoiled on the cross (Col.2:14-15; Heb.2:14).
Rev.12:11; Ex.12:13,23
The Great blood-Revenger: As per divine rule, whoever sheds the
blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed (Ge.9:6). Satan shed the blood
of the Son of God with well-planned premeditation. In order to destroy him,
a Man had to come into this world. That Man was the Son of God.
This is why God became man. By man, satan’s blood had to be shed.

99 100
(Lk.22:61-62). This Jesus lives in you now. How could you ever betray and
Feb 17 expose the sins and weaknesses of others!?
COVERING SINS IN CHRIST Love lesson: A great man of God was very annoyed when he heard
about the gross sin of a famous preacher. In righteous indignation, he wanted
And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, to expose him to the public. One day, God asked him, “If your son had fallen
and told his two brothers outside. But Shem and Japheth took a into such a sin, would you expose him?” He said, “No, never, because he is
garment, laid it on both their shoulders, and went backward and my son.” God responded him sharply, “The one who committed that sin is
covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were turned away, My son. How could I allow you to expose him publicly? Don’t you think I
and they did not see their father’s nakedness. know how to deal with him?” What a lesson!
And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love Love in you: When Christ came, His love came into your heart
will cover a multitude of sins” (Ge.9:22-23; 1.Pe.4:8) (Ro.5:5). His forgiveness made you a saint, totally removing all your sins. In
Christ, that love wants to freely flow from you to others. You are God’s
The great father Noah also was a common man of passions like us. He love-reservoir, God’s love-channel. You are the defender of the stumbling
planted a vineyard and became drunk. This is the first reference of and fallen ones. You are the strengthener of the weak. You are the protector
drunkenness (Ge.9:21). Through excessive use of vine, he lost his self-control of other’s image. You are the promoter of God’s love and forgiveness. You
and modesty. This shows how even a great man can behave very shamefully. are the breaker of slander and accusations. You are the bridge-builder among
The focus here is not his meanness but the disgraceful behavior of his son God’s people. You are the reconciler of God and man. You are the
Ham, the father of Canaan. peacemaker for families. You are the coverer of others’ sins. You are the
intercessor to plead for God’s mercy. This is your great privilege in Christ.
Ham did two evils: He looked intently at his father’s nakedness, and
he disgraced him by broadcasting it. Therefore, he was cursed severely Beloved, in Christ, you will always support the other members of Christ’s
(Ge.9:25). Body. You will treat the less honorable with special honor. You will suffer
with those who suffer, and rejoice with those who are honored (1.Co.12:22-
Love covers: His two other sons took a garment and carefully covered 26). If one member falls into sin, your heart cries. By all possible means, you
him, literally walking backward. I believe this episode conveys a great save others, never bring shame on others (1.Co.9:22; 2.Co.11:29).
message to the Body of Christ.
This is the nature of Jesus and the nature of the new creation. Never
Life in Christ always strives to cover the sins of others. Life in Christ is expose the sin of others and bring a curse on yourself. Resist the temptation
a life of love. Walking in Christ is nothing but walking in love. This love-life to slander, because you are blessed of the Lord!
covers a multitude of sins (1.Pe.4:8). A righteous man in Christ dreads to
expose the sins of others. Joseph, being a just man, did not want to expose Thank You, Lord, the love that covers a multitude of
Mary publicly (Mt.1:19). This is a mark of every righteous person in Christ sins has been poured out into my heart by Your Holy Spirit.
Jesus. Your love in me does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in
the truth because I am in Christ.
Love defends: Noah’s other sons were very careful not to disgrace
and expose their father and were richly blessed for their noble act. Life in 1.Pe.4:8; Ro.5:5; 1.Co.13:6
Christ does everything to plead and defend the erring ones while trying to
help them out all the time. Jesus, our Head, is our role model here.
He defended His disciples every time they were accused (Mt.9:14-15;
12:1-8; 15:1-11). I always admire how Jesus defended His betraying disciples
even in the time of His trial. When Peter denied Him repeatedly, Jesus
didn’t betray him back (Mk.14:66-72). When He wanted to remind him of
his denial, He turned toward him and spoke through His eyes. He convicted
him through His look, not His words, just to protect him from the enemies

101 102
Christ, your tongue is God’s channel!
Feb 18 Forefathers: Our patriarchs freely availed this ability. Even in their
POWER TO BLESS AND CURSE death bed, they called their children to impart their blessings (Ge.49). It was
IN CHRIST the greatest inheritance they passed on to their generations. The Levites,
Then he said: “Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants he shall kings and prophets, all had exercised this authority (Dt.27:12-26; Jos.9:23).
be to his brethren… Blessed be the LORD, the God of Shem, and You are a blesser: In Christ, you are not to curse anyone but to bless
may Canaan be his servant. May God enlarge Japheth, and may he everyone (Ro.12:14; Mt.5:44; Jas.3:9-10; 1.Pe.3:9). Parents are commissioned
dwell in the tents of Shem; and may Canaan be his servant.” by heaven to bless their children. Leaders and ministers are authorized by
Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch heaven to bless their followers. Elders have the privilege of blessing the
them… And He took them up in His arms, put His hands on them,
and blessed them (Ge.9:25-27; Mk.10:13,16) Your cursing power: You also have the awesome authority to curse
whatever is not acceptable and seemly. Unlike the Old Testament saints,
you don’t curse the people but you can curse the evil in the people. Blessing
Noah here exercised one of the great blessings of a man created in the
and curse is in the power of your tongue (Pr.18:21). This is an awesome
image and likeness of God. When he knew what his youngest son had done,
privilege and responsibility given to every believer in Christ. Be careful to
he began to curse him and bless the two sons who had protected and honored
use this authority! Bless people and curse everything that causes them to
him. It was very spontaneous, and yet it was fulfilled completely. His youngest
son Ham became the father of the Canaanites, the most cursed generation.
Shem became the father of our Lord Jesus. Japheth became the father of If someone put a curse or spell on you, don’t worry. In Christ, you are
many high achievers. curse-proof! Yet better check whether the curse finds an entry door
somewhere in your life. Never irritate anyone and cause them to curse you!
Blessing image: God has this power to bless and to curse His creation.
If that curse has no base, simply ignore it (Pr.26:2).
The first thing He did after creating man was to bless him lavishly (Ge.1:22,28).
He even blessed all the living creatures. He did this with all His heart, gladly. Bless your home: Jesus commanded His disciples to bless every home
God always longs to bless His people. they entered (Lk.10:5). Husbands should bless their wives constantly. Wives
must lavish their blessings upon their husbands. Parents must consciously
After the fall, He was forced to curse the serpent and even His own
pronounce verbal blessing upon their children. Children should call their
crown of creation. Of course, this was not His hearty wish or happy act. As
parents blessed.
a righteous God, He had to pronounce judgment on the disobedient (Ge.3:14-
19; Ps.94:2). Beloved, if you bless regularly, your home and surroundings will become
a little heaven. Satan will flee. No curse will be able to remain. Sickness will
Since man was created in His image, man inherited this ability to bless
lose its cruel grip. Peace will overflow.
and curse. Of course, after the fall, man didn’t retain the full image of God,
but still, a portion of God’s image with this ability is working in every human Thank You, Lord, death and life are in the power of my
being. Even Lamech, the descendant of Cain, pronounced curse on himself tongue. I love my tongue, and I will eat the fruit of it. My
(Ge.4:23-24). The Gentiles of Laban’s family blessed Rebekah while sending wholesome tongue is a tree of life. My righteous lips feed
her to marry Isaac, and their blessing is still active today (Ge.24:59-60). many because I am in Christ.
You are created in this blessing image. Whomsoever you blessed is Pr.18:21; 15:4; 10:21
blessed indeed. Whatever you curse is cursed indeed.
Your image: When you are recreated in Christ, the full image of God is
restored back to you in your spirit. Now, you are a full-fledged blesser!
When you speak under the anointing of God, every word releases tremendous
spiritual power. You literally build or break by your word. You plant or pluck
by your word (Jer.1:10). You kill or resurrect by your word (Pr.18:21). In

103 104
God came down in the flesh to live in you and build His Kingdom. No power
Feb 19 can ever stop what He began in you!
Language power: In Babel, God confused their language so they would
IN CHRIST not understand each other. In Christ, God united His Body by giving them
the language of the Holy Spirit. Mother-tongue divides, “Father-tongue”
And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower unites!
whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest
Completing power: In Babel, the work was incomplete. In Christ,
we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” there is no incompletion at all! The blessing of completion is yours in Christ!
…in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of “It is finished!” (Jn.19:30). He Who began a good work in you will carry it
God in the Spirit (Ge.11:4; Eph.2:22) on to completion (Phil.1:6).
Voice power: In Babel, all the people said, “Come, let us…!” (Ge.11:3,4).
The tower of Babel speaks of God’s power to overthrow the human This was countered by God’s Words, “Come, let us…!” (Ge.11:7). The
kingdom. It has a great message to encourage you today. voice from below was overthrown by the Voice from above! In Christ, no
Limited versus unlimited power: Babel speaks of super-human power. matter how much the voice from below threatens you, the Voice from above
They built a huge high tower to reach the heavens. God Himself will vindicate you (Lk.3:22). Be bold! If God be for you, who can be against
acknowledged, “Nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them” you (Ro.8:31).
(Ge.11:6). Beloved, never be threatened by the enemy’s schemes or human’s
If natural man with his limited power and knowledge could do this much, egotistical plans. All heaven is backing you to build His Kingdom and carry
how much more can you do with all the power of God at your disposal! out His plan. Nothing can stop you! Be bold!
After all, the impossible is possible only for you who believe (Mk.9:23). With Thank You, Lord, in You we are being built together for
men, not everything is possible. With God in you, everything IS possible! a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. You are for me, who
United power: Babel speaks of human united power. All the people can be against me? I can believe! All things are possible to
stood together to build Babel. See their words, “Let us… ourselves… we… me who believes because I am in Christ.
ourselves… we…” (Ge.11:4). They really knew the power of unity! It’s
true, there is power in unity, even for the pagans. Eph.2:22; Ro.8:31; Mk.9:23
In Christ, you don’t strive to bring unity, for God has already brought
unity. He Himself has become our peace. He broke all the walls of division
between believers and made them One Body, fellow citizens, members of
God’s household (Eph.2:14-20). All you have to do now is to keep that unity
(Eph.4:3). What an enormous power the Church can produce in Christ!
Provision power: Not everything needed to build Babel was available
to them. Stone and mortar were used as building materials in those days.
Because of the scarcity of these, people used what was at hand, brick and
tar (Ge.11:3). “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Even natural man
knows how to overcome deficiencies.
In Christ, you have all God’s resources to build Him a kingdom. Maybe
you lack something in the physical world right now. Don’t concentrate on
what you lack. Use your God-given provisions.
Building power: God came down to scatter the builders throughout
the earth and stopped their endeavor. He confused their language. In Christ,

105 106
Revelation chapter seventeen and eighteen throw more light on the
Feb 20 spirit of Babylon. It’s the life of materialism, luxury, immorality, sensuality,
BABEL AND ZION IN CHRIST world-market, one-world-order, occultism and the habitation of demons and
every foul spirit. The only way to escape this spirit is to realize who you are
in Christ and take a bold stand against the spirit of Babylon.
Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the LORD
Babel and Believers: In Christ, you have the power and authority to
confused the language of all the earth; and from there the LORD
overthrow the power of Babel. Whatever people do against God shall be
scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth. scattered, no matter how united they are. Whatever you do together for
After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, God shall prosper. Claim your right!
having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. In Babel, people are separated. In Christ, people are united.
And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is In Babel, they tried to challenge God by building the tower to reach
fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison heaven. In Christ, you build God’s palace for His dwelling place.
for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!” In Babel, curse was pronounced. In Christ, blessing is pronounced.
(Ge.11:9; Rev.18:1-2)
In Babel, they wanted to make a name for themselves. In Christ, you
magnify the Name of Jesus.
Life in Christ and life without Christ can be directly compared to life in In Babel, there is only doom and destruction. In Christ, there is glory
Jerusalem and life in Babel. All throughout the Bible, we see the conflict and edification (Rev.21:2).
between Babel and Jerusalem. Beloved, you are the city of God, the heavenly Jerusalem. Never tolerate
Babel and Zion: In Christ, you are a citizen of Zion, a Jerusalemite, the spirit of Babylon, the spirit of materialism, worldliness and sensuality. In
whereas unsaved man is a Babylonian. You can claim all the blessings of Christ, you don’t build your own kingdom for your name and fame. Everything
Zion. The Bible has a lot to say about the blessings of Zion. You are chosen you have and everything you do is from Him and for Him. In Christ, you will
to bless the whole earth. God loves you as His dwelling place, more than be eternally established and famous.
anyone else, and speaks glorious things about you. The Most High Himself Thank You, Lord, I am the city of God. Your streams
shall establish you. In you, all the singers find their springs and inspiration make me glad. I shall not be moved. I am the joy of the
(Ps.87:7). whole earth. You will establish me forever because I am in
Babel’s doom: Babylon is the most cursed place under heaven. The Christ.
origin of Babylon clearly portrays it. It was built in utter rebellion. God Ps.46:4; 48:2,8
commanded His first man to multiply and fill the whole earth, but fallen
man chose to stay in one place, rebelling against God. That is why they
began to build the tower of Babel to even reach the heavens. At the end of
the day, Babylon shall be judged (Rev.17 & 18).
In Christ, all the power of humans and demons will bow down to you.
You will greatly multiply (Dt.1:11). The curse of Babylon is broken in your
Babel’s spirit: Babylon speaks of open rebellion, utter selfishness
and self-exaltation. That’s why God came down to stop their work and
scatter them by confusing their language. Life outside Christ is a life of
rebellion, self-centeredness and self-exaltation. Ultimately, it will end up in
confusion and doom. This spirit of Babylon is still misleading the people
today (Eph.2:1-2).

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(Ro.4:3-5). The only thing Abraham did was to come out of his natural
Feb 21 YOU AND ABRAHAM heritage and enter his spiritual heritage by covenant with God. This happened
the day you accepted Jesus as your Lord and entered into His New Covenant.
Beloved, why sit and wait for the blessings to fall from heaven? Rise up
and claim every blessing Abraham enjoyed! It belongs to you by birthright.
Now the LORD had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from
your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show All your blessings are in Jesus. You are already blessed with every
you.” blessing in Christ. It’s free for you to take and enjoy. Just trust and obey and
see the release of His heavenly abundance. Don’t waste time praying and
So then, those who are of faith are blessed with believing begging – all His blessings are already dispatched to your account!
Abraham… that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gen-
Thank You, Lord, the blessings of Abraham come upon
tiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit
me that I might receive the promise of the Spirit through
through faith… Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises faith. All Your promises were made to Abraham and to his
made. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of many, but as of one, Seed. I am blessed with believing Abraham, and in me, all
“And to your Seed,” who is Christ (Ge.12:1; Gal.3:9,14,16) the nations shall be blessed. You have blessed me in all
things because I am in Christ.
Abraham was blessed by God in every way, spiritually, physically,
materially, socially, emotionally and so on (Ge.24:1). He is the role model Ga.3:14,16,8-9; Ge.24:1
for the blessed life God intended for man. The original blessings God gave to
Adam were fully restored in Abraham.
You are Abraham’s co-heir: Since Christ came from Abraham, He
inherited all of Abraham’s blessings as the Son of Man (Mt.1:1). All the
promises were given to Abraham’s Seed who is Christ. They were
transferred to you the moment you received Jesus in your heart. Your simple
trust in Christ made you a child of Abraham (Ga.3:7). In short, you are the
heir of Abraham in Christ. You are blessed in every way as Abraham was.
What Isaac was to Abraham in the natural, you are in the spiritual. As God
blessed Isaac for Abraham’s sake, He blessed you, too.
Sevenfold blessings for you: Soon after calling Abraham, God lavished
sevenfold blessings upon him. Every one of these promises belong to you in
Christ. You are fully qualified to inherit his great name and fame, wealth,
friendship with God, great faith, righteous living, increase and multiplication,
revelations, honor, victory, health, family harmony etc. In short, you are blessed
in every way in all things abundantly (Ge.24:35; Ga.3:14).
Blessings by faith: Abraham was declared righteous because of his
faith. Thereby he became the father of those who became righteous by
faith in Christ. In Christ, you are blessed with believing Abraham (Ga.3:9).
Blessings by grace: All the blessings of Abraham depend solely upon
God, purely by His grace. It’s not his works that earned the blessings. He
simply trusted and believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness

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Maybe physically you are barren, weak and worn out, even aged.
Feb 22 Remember Abraham and Sarah! When their bodies were as good as dead,
MULTIPLICATION IN CHRIST God brought forth their descendants as many as the stars of the sky,
innumerable as the sand of the seashore (Heb.11:12). Refuse to consider
the symptoms of your body and rejoice in the God of Abraham (Ro.4:19).
I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your Start increasing today and never stop!
name great; and you shall be a blessing. Beloved, you have all the ability of God to increase and multiply thousand
If you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs fold to become a great nation. Your descendants shall possess the gate of
their enemies. In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed,
according to the promise (Ge.12:2; Gal.3:29)
because you are in Christ (Ge.22:17; Jer.30:19).
The day God called Abraham, He lavished seven powerful blessings on You shall become a great nation and a nation-changer! God has chosen
him. His entire life was based on these promised blessings. These blessings you to bear His name before Gentiles, kings and all the nations.
were reaffirmed time and again to Abraham (Ge.12:7; 15:5-21; 17:4-8; 18:18- Thank You, Lord, You have chosen me to bear Your
19; 22:17-18) and to his descendants Isaac (Ge.26:2-4), Jacob (28:13-15; Name. You will multiply me, and I shall not diminish; You will
35:11-12; 46:3) and Moses (Ex.3:6-8; 6:2-8). Down through the centuries, also glorify me, and I shall not be small. You make me a
his physical and spiritual descendants enjoy these promised blessings. In thousand times more than I am today. You will make me a
Christ, you are blessed with all these sevenfold blessings (Ga.3:8). Let us great nation. I shall be multiplied like the stars of heaven,
ponder and claim them one by one. the sand of the sea and the dust of the earth because I am
“I will make you a great nation” (Ge.12:2). Every believer in Christ in Christ.
has the potential to increase and multiply like Abraham. A whole forest is
contained within a tiny seed. You are a seed, the seed of Abraham. You Ac.9:15; Jer.30:19; Dt.1:11; Ge.12:2; 22:17
have a tremendous potential to multiply beyond any limit. Even the least
child of God can become a thousand, and the smallest a great nation
(Isa.60:22). Your wealth, health, wisdom, usefulness, holiness, family and
divine nature can increase a thousand times more than what you have now.
This means increase in quantity and quality. It’s God’s desire for you (Dt.1:11).
Maybe today you feel very insignificant and lacking in everything. Look
at Abraham! God called him alone, and blessed him and increased him
(Isa.51:2). Don’t think your background will be a hindrance for your growth.
God took Abraham, a gentile idol-worshipper, led him throughout the land of
Canaan, and multiplied him (Jos.24:2-4).
Maybe you suffered in your past, but remember, the more you were
oppressed, the more you have the capacity to increase. Maybe now you are
suffering under the hands of a cruel Pharaoh, but the divine life in you can
not be suppressed by any power. You are unbreakable, unbeatable, unshakable
(Ex.1:12). No suffering can stop your increase! A day will come when you
will say like the descendants of Abraham, “My father was a Syrian, about to
perish… few in number; and there he became a nation, great, mighty, and
populous” (Dt.26:5).

111 112
Everywhere: You are blessed everywhere in every way – in your city,
Feb 23 in your country, when you come in, when you go out (Dt.28:3,6).
Beloved, you must know the nature of God’s blessing. When He blesses
RECEIVING BLESSING IN CHRIST you, there will be so much so that you won’t be able to contain it (Ge.13:6;
36:7; Mal.3:10). When Jesus blessed the bread and fish, thousands had as
I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your much as they wanted, were satisfied, and there were even left-overs
name great; and you shall be a blessing. (Mt.14:20; Jn.6:11-13). When Peter’s net was blessed with fish, it was so
much that the net was breaking, and even the two boats began to sink (Lk.5:6-
God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly
places in Christ (Ge.12:2; Eph.1:3)
Thank You, Lord, I am the blessed of the Lord. Your
blessings are upon my head as I am righteous. Your blessings
“I will bless you” is the grand promise given to Abraham, which includes overtake me. I serve You, and You bless my bread and my
every type of blessing. water. You take sickness away from me. I am blessed with
Spiritually: In Christ, you are not going to be blessed, you are already riches without sorrow because I am in Christ!
blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (Eph.1:3). You
can take any good thing as a blessing of the Lord. You are blessed with all
the spiritual blessings, the gifts and the fruit of the Spirit (1.Co.12,14; Ga.5:21- Ge.26:29; Pr.10:6; Dt.28:1; Ex.23:25; Pr.10:22
22). You are blessed with divine nature and everything you need to live a
godly life (2.Pe.1:3-4).
For Abraham, it was a promise, but for you, it is a fact. A promise is for
the future, a fact is already accomplished in the past. A promise must be
claimed and expected with faith whereas a fact must be enjoyed with
thanksgiving. You are righteous by faith like Abraham, so all blessings are on
your head right now (Pr.10:6). Every good and perfect gift is from above
Materially: The blessing of the Lord makes you rich, and He adds no
sorrow with it (Pr.10:22). It is this blessing that gave Abraham flocks, herds,
silver and gold, male and female servants, camels and donkeys (Ge.24:35).
You too are blessed like Abraham with riches, finances, vehicles, faithful
servants and all the other materials. Remember, He adds no sorrow with it.
Your storehouses are blessed, everything you do is blessed (Dt.28:12).
Family: God blesses the home of the righteous (Pr.3:33). As Abraham’s
family was blessed, your family life is also blessed in Christ. Thankfully
accept and appropriate this blessing.
Physically: The food you eat and the water you drink is so blessed it
can work like a medicine and heal all your diseases (Ex.23:25). Like Abraham,
you can enjoy perfect health and long life.
Righteousness: Abraham obtained God’s righteousness by faith. As
his seed, you are made righteous, and all your sins are removed forever
(Ro.4:6-12). You are counted righteous, and righteousness was imputed to

113 114
(Ac.14:11-15). No wonder! Because the great God lives in you, people will
Feb 24 sense God in you and respond with reverential fear.
Beloved, you will never be put to shame. Instead of shame, you shall
IN CHRIST receive double honor (Isa.61:7; Joel 2:26-27). Never fight for your right.
I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your Even if people despise you today, they will honor you one day (Ge.42:6-9).
Your dignity is safe in His hands. Your whole family shall be honored. This is
name great; and you shall be a blessing.
your inheritance in Christ. You are a King’s kid. You shall be popular and
Among those born of women there is not a greater prophet than famous in any field of your interest.
John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater
Your name will be highly honored and dignified. National leaders will
than he (Ge.12:2; Lk.7:28)
come to the glory of your light (Isa.60:1-3). You will be the head, not the tail
Another promise God gave Abraham was to make his name great. (Dt.28:13). Your light cannot be hidden in a corner any longer (Mt.5:14-16).
Abraham’s name was highly honored by God. In Christ, you inherit this Serve God with all your heart, and the Father will honor you (Jn.12:26;
blessing, and your name shall become great and highly honored. 1.Ti.5:17). Faith honors God, and God honors faith! Lingering in God’s
Great among kings: Abraham, a wanderer, dwelling in tents, became Presence releases God’s honor upon you (1.Chr.16:27: 29:12). Fear of God
a mighty prince among other nations (Ge.23:4-6). Abraham’s name became brings you honor (Ps.15:4). Humility before men brings you honor (Lk.14:8-
well-known even to kings of many nations and commanders of armies like 11).
Pharaoh, Abimelech, and all the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah (Ge.12:15- Thank You, Lord, You make my name great. The Gentiles
16;14:17; 21:22). The king of Sodom sought an appointment with Abraham shall come to my light, and kings to the brightness of my
to reward him with riches. Melchizedek, king of Salem, blessed him with rising. You will make me the head and not the tail; I shall be
bread and vine (Ge.14:17-24). Even today, Abraham is world famous as above only, and not be beneath because I am in Christ.
father of the three major world religions, the Jews, the Muslims and the
Christians. Ge.12:2; Isa.60:3; Dt.28:13
His great Name: In Christ, you have the legal right to use the greatest
Name in the universe, the Name above all names (Phil.2:9-11; Heb.1:4).
The full honor and power of His Name is at your disposal now (Mk.16:17-
19). Wherever you cause His Name to be honored, God will come to you
and bless you (Ex.20:24). Magnify His Name, and He will magnify your
name (1.Sa.2:30). You are grafted into Jesus who is seated far above all
principalities and powers and names. Thereby, you also are highly exalted
Your great name: God has blessed you with a good and honorable
name. Choose your good name (Pr.22:1). Your name is so honored that it is
even written in the Book of Life (Lk.10:20). Rejoice in this privilege
(Lk.10:20)! God will lift up your head in midst of your enemies (Ps.3:3).
Even the demons recognize your name and tremble (Ac.19:15).
Early Church: The early church and the apostles were highly esteemed
by all the people (Ac.5:13). The centurions and great officials fell at the feet
of Peter, the ordinary fisherman (Ac.10:25-26). When God began to work
through Paul and Barnabas, people even started venerating them as gods

115 116
can be a bank to lend to many nations (Dt.28:12). Share your material blessings
Feb 25 with others (Pr.3:27-28; 11:24-26). Like Jesus, touch people and release
BEING A BLESSING IN CHRIST your blessing. Let your prayers bless people. Let your talents bless people.
Let your smile bless people. Let your aprons and handkerchiefs bless people
(Ac.19:12). Do it today!
You will be a blessing…I will make you a great nation; I will
You exist in this world to bless everyone around you. In Christ, you are
bless you, And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. One with the Source of all blessings. You are a reservoir and channel of
…not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the con- blessings for the world. Let it flow unhindered!
trary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may Thank You, Lord, I am the light of the world and the
inherit a blessing (Ge.12:2; 1.Pe.3:9) salt of the earth. I am Abraham’s seed. In me all the
families of the earth shall be blessed. I even bless those
Another blessing God promised to Abraham is that he shall be a blessing who persecute me. I curse not because I am in Christ.
to others. Everyone who came in touch with him was blessed one way or
another. Isaac, his son, became a great blessing to the whole world. Even Mt.5:13-14; Ge.12:2-3; Ro.12:14
Ishmael is blessed as a mighty nation, just because he is the seed of Abraham
(Ge.17:18-20; 21:13).
Also Lot was blessed, just because he went with Abraham (Ge.12:4;
13:5-6). His family along with four nations were rescued by Abraham
(Ge.14:14). Abraham’s intercessory prayer blessed Lot by rescuing him from
being destroyed with the rest of the inhabitants (Ge.18:20-33).
As a new creation and a seed of Abraham, you are a channel of blessing
to others. You will never be a burden to anybody as long as you live. Anyone
who comes in touch with you will be blessed.
Abraham’s descendants like Jacob and Joseph inherited Abraham’s
blessings, too. Even heathen like Laban recognize God’s blessings come to
them because of vessels of blessing like you. “I have learned by experience
that the Lord has blessed me for your sake” (Ge.30:27,30).
You will be a blessing in your work place. You can excel in your
profession. From the time Potiphar put Joseph in charge of his household,
God blessed everything he had because of Joseph (Ge.39:5).
When the Ark of God was in the house of Obed-Edom, God blessed
him and his entire household (2.Sa.6:12). You are the Ark of God who carries
the very Presence of God, and you bless any place you step into. That is
why Jesus commanded His disciples to greet and bless the houses the moment
they entered (Lk.10:5).
Your house is a blessing, your very shadow is a blessing (Ac.5:15), the
very smell of your clothes is a blessing (Ge.27:27), your field is a blessing,
your children are a blessing. Everything about you is a blessing. With this
revelation, start pronouncing blessing over the people.
Beloved, in Christ, you are a storehouse of blessings and finances. You

117 118
Paul’s partners enlisted in Romans chapter sixteen were insignificant
Feb 26 BLESSING THE BLESSERS people but became popular because of their sacrificial service to Paul.
IN CHRIST Even a cup of water given to God’s servants shall be rewarded by heaven.
As you give to missions, you actually invest in your own heavenly bank
I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses account which shall give you 100% interest (Phil.4:16-17). There are
you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. different levels of rewards. A righteous man’s reward, a disciple’s reward,
He who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous and a prophet’s reward. As you serve a prophet, you will have a prophet’s
man shall receive a righteous man’s reward (Ge.12:3; Mt.10:41) reward (Mt.10:40-42).
Beloved, in Christ, you have a double blessing. All those who bless or
This is another one of God’s wonderful promises given to Abraham help you shall be rewarded richly by heaven. You can claim God’s miracles
and to you, his seed. Throughout history you can see how those who for your friends, supporters and prayer partners based on this scripture.
supported Israel were blessed, and those who opposed Israel were judged. Every time you help a believer in Christ or a servant of God, you will be
It all happened because of the promise given to Abraham. Even today, blessed if you claim it (Heb.6:10).
those who bless Jerusalem are blessed because of Abraham (Ps.122:6). Remember, God always rewards richly those who bless you. He loves
Those who bless and love you will be blessed and prosper if you dare to you so much that whatever people do to you is done to Him. He has a
claim it. book of remembrance. He notes down everything people do to you as
When a child of God walks in the light of life in Christ, God becomes well as what you do to His children. Help His people and receive His
the supporter of his supporters, the enemy of his enemies (Ex.23:22). The blessing!
Egyptian midwives who helped the covenant people were blessed (Ex.1:20). Thank You, Lord, You are not unjust to forget my
The sinful harlot Rahab who helped the Israelite spies saved her entire work and labor of love shown toward Your name in
family (Jos.6:25). Can you believe even the midwives and doctors who ministering to the saints. I will receive hundredfold
helped at your birth are blessed? Everyone who ever stood for your cause blessings now and in the age to come for whatever I do
and helped you in whatever way will be blessed. for You and Your servants. You shall supply all my need
Obadiah who hid the prophets of God from Jezebel and fed them was and all the needs of my supporters according to Your
commended and blessed (1.Ki.18:4). Those who help you in times of riches in glory. Whoever blesses me will be blessed
adversity will be blessed. Those who feed you are also blessed. Jonathan indeed because I am in Christ.
who stood with David obtained God’s blessing for his generations Heb.6:10; Mk.10:30; Phil.4:19; Ge.12:3
(2.Sa.21:7). Even your friends and their generations will be blessed if you
walk in this revelation of your covenant rights.
The women who supported the prophets Elijah and Elisha were blessed
with miracles of provision, resurrection, restoration and prophecy
(1.Ki.17:7-24; 2.Ki.4:1-7,13). All who support you will be blessed and
experience many kinds of miracles, all because you are the heir of Abraham’s
blessing in Christ.

119 120
anger. Whenever God’s appointed leaders were opposed and spoken against,
Feb 27 severe consequences followed (Nu.12:9-10).
CURSING THE CURSERS IN CHRIST The sons of Korah who rebelled against God’s anointed were swallowed
by the earth (Nu.16:28-35). The young men who criticized Elisha were cursed
(2.Ki.2:23-25), and the soldiers who came to pick up Elijah were cursed
I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses (2.Ki.1:9-12).
you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.
When Jerusalem rejected the Messiah, it was cursed with a terrible
Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; curse (Lk.19:41-44). Herod who killed James and attempted against the life
for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord of Peter was struck by an angel and eaten by worms (Ac.12:23).
(Ge.12:3; Ro.12:19)
Beloved, you need not fear magicians or witchdoctors who try to curse
you. Of course, you walk in the royal law of love and compassion. You are
Yesterday we saw how God blesses those who bless us. Today we see called to bless those you curse you (Ro.12:14). Your God guards you jealously
another side of Abraham’s blessing: “I will curse him who curses you.” This and shows Himself as a Judge to your enemies if they persist in opposing
is another great promise given to Abraham and you as his seed. This blessing you.
gives two great assurances for you who are in Christ. God will turn every curse into a blessing. He will be an enemy to your
This makes you immune to the curses of others, and those who curse enemies and an adversary to your adversaries. Don’t be terrified by any evil
you are in danger of God’s judgment. This is the proven experience of power. He is your shield.
Abraham’s descendants. When Balaam attempted to curse God’s people, Thank You, Lord, no weapon formed against me shall
he couldn’t succeed. He even said, “How shall I curse whom God has not prosper. My enemies who come against me in one way will
cursed?” (Nu.23:8). He found out, there is no sorcery against Jacob, no flee in seven ways. All those who are incensed against me
divination against Israel (Nu.23:23). shall be ashamed and disgraced, they shall be as nothing, as
When you walk in the privileges of your life in Christ, no curse can a nonexistent thing because I am in Christ.
overpower you, and nobody can stand against you all the days of your life Ex.23:22; Isa.54:17; Dt.28:7; Isa.41:11-12
(Jos.1:5). If God is for you, who can be against you (Ro.8:31)? This is your
birth right as a new creation.
No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Jesus has delivered you
from all the curses of the law by becoming a curse for you so that you may
share the blessings of Abraham (Isa.54:17; Ga.3:13-14).
If you are suffering from a curse of your forefathers, you can claim
your redemption from any curse based on Calvary’s blessing. This freedom
must be appropriated by you, the seed of Abraham in Christ. So break yourself
free from all the curses, in Jesus’ name.
Everybody who curses or opposes you will be cursed by God. Goliath
who cursed David in the name of his god was cursed and killed (1.Sa.17:43).
Balaam who attempted to curse Israel died a cursed death (Jos.13:22). Shimei
who cursed David was cursed, but all those who supported David in the
time of his trial were promoted and blessed (2.Sa.16:7-13).
People who failed to support the God-ordained king Salomon were
cursed. You are ordained and anointed by God as His new creation. Anyone
who fails to recognize your anointing and position is also in danger of God’s

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Never again say you are useless! Don’t put any limit to your usefulness!
Feb 28 Let your words and all your deeds be focused on blessing others. Indeed all
GLOBAL BLESSING IN CHRIST the families of the earth shall be blessed in and through you.
Thank You, Lord, in me all the nations of the earth shall
In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed… be blessed. Nations shall come to my light. I have the power
of the Holy Spirit to be Your witness to the end of the
You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon earth because I am in Christ.
you; and you shall be witnesses to Me… to the end of the earth
(Ge.12:2; 22:18; Ac.1:8) Ge.22:18; Isa.60:3; Ac.1:8

Abraham was not only a blessing to his own generations. In Him, all the
families of the earth were blessed. Even now, the Jews, Muslims and
Christians around the world enjoy God’s blessings because of Abraham.
Jesus, the Seed of Abraham, came to bless the entire world. Every
believer in Christ must seek to be a blessing to the whole world. You should
never put a limit to your blessings. God’s dream always embraces the whole
world. Jesus loved the whole world so much He came to save it (Jn.3:16).
He expects His new creations to have global vision and to reach the whole
The Holy Spirit comes upon the new creations to take this blessing to
the uttermost parts of the earth. As a believer in Christ, you can never be
confined to one place or one community. You must be an universal blessing
(Mt.28:18-20; Lk.24:47; Mk.16:15; Ac.1:8).
As you begin to see and enjoy your privileges in Christ, your blessing
horizon increases until it embraces the whole world. Abraham would have
never dreamt that the whole world would be blessed through him. The One
who lives in you is able to do more exceedingly abundantly above all you ask
or think (Eph.3:20).
Your Savior is waiting to bless the whole world through your life and
ministry far beyond your imagination. Out of you shall come a Ruler who
will shepherd God’s people around the world (Mic.5:2; Mt.2:6). Because
you are connected to the Source of all blessings in Christ, you become the
source of blessing for the world.
Beloved, your life in Christ is the life of greatest blessing on this planet.
Rise up to release the channels of blessings from you. Invest your time,
talents and treasures in reaching this world. You are a “world-blesser”.
Enlarge your vision and usefulness. You may not be able to physically visit
all the families of the earth, but you can touch the entire world through your
intercession and by supporting God-ordained ministries.

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for revival! You are called to set others free! Only you can set the captives
Feb 29 free. Don’t wait for the enemy to attack. Be ready, always clothed in the
Your God is a man of war, a mighty warrior. You have His seed in you.
He divided his forces against them by night, and he and his ser- Through all the battles of life, He is training you to reign with Him. Don’t be
vants attacked them and pursued them as far as Hobah, which is north faint-hearted in the time of adversity. Rise up to set the captives free in His
of Damascus.
name and authority!
Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him Thank You, Lord, I am strong in You and in the power of
who loved us (Ge.14:15; Ro.8:37) Your might. You have anointed and sent me to proclaim
liberty to the captives and to set at liberty those who are
Abraham, our father, sets us an example of our spiritual warfare in this oppressed. I know all the devices of the enemy, and I can
first battle recorded in the Bible. He was an ordinary farmer and a peaceful stand against the wiles of the devil because I am in Christ.
family man, yet he knew the principles of victorious living. His battle against Eph.6:10; Lk.4:18-20; 2.Co.2:11; Eph.6:11
the four kingdoms to rescue his nephew gives us many principles for victory
in our battles.
Be offensive. It is interesting to see the very first battle in the Bible is
an offensive battle. Abraham and his men went out to rescue the victims.
David and Joshua fought offensive battles to capture new territories.
Jesus came to this world as an offensive warrior to attack the strongman
and to plunder his goods (1.Jn.3:8). Jesus never dreamt of a defeated, de-
fensive church. He said, “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”
(Mt.16:18). This is an offensive battle. When God’s church attacks the gates
of hell, the gates cannot withstand.
Be prepared beforehand. There was no need for Abraham to train his
men for battle, but as a prophet, he foresaw the dangers of warfare and
trained his men long before. He was ready for any emergency. The mo-
ment he heard that Lot was taken captive, he armed his 318 trained men
and pursued the enemy (Ge.14:14).
Paul warns us about the coming evil day and the strategies of the devil.
He counsels us to put on God’s complete armor beforehand (Eph.6:10-13).
In Christ, you must be strong and well prepared for any emergency.
Be supernatural. You have supernatural strength and power in this battle.
In Christ, you are a mighty warrior. Just ponder the enormous strength of
Abraham and his bond-servants. Five nations could not withstand the in-
tense attack of four strong nations. All of them were taken captive, but
these few men could pursue them and bring back all the goods and the
captives. It’s not natural. Because Abraham was walking with God in the
center of His will, God stood with him with all His angels. This is the super-
power of life in Christ!
Beloved, always remember: You are not fighting for your survival but

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Plunder. After Abraham won the battle, he was offered the whole
March 1 wealth of Sodom (Ge.14:21), but he gracefully declined it. After every battle,
CONQUEST IN CHRIST you will end up with great spoil and plunder. The experiences and lessons
you learn from the battle help and strengthen you for future battles. You gain
new vigor and strength to capture new territories.
So he brought back all the goods, and also brought back his After the battle, run to your Refuge! After the great victory, Abraham
brother Lot and his goods, as well as the women and the people. went back to the Presence of El Shaddai. He met the priest of the most high
Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord God and gave him the tenth of everything. He took bread and vine from his
Jesus Christ (Ge.14:16; 1.Co.15:57) hand, which foreshadows the communion of Christ’s body and blood
(Ge.14:18- 15:1).
Yesterday we saw the victory principles from the first recorded battle Beloved, remember: When you fight for others selflessly, God will
in the Bible. Abraham was a captain of the offensive battle, and as his seed, fight your personal battles. God is calling you to wage an offensive warfare
you are, too. Let’s continue our study of his victory principles. to help others so that He can reward you with the spoil.
Be selfless. The first recorded battle was not for Abraham’s safety. It In Christ, God is the strength of your life in all your battles. You can win
was to rescue his nephew and all the other victimized nations. In Christ, you every time in every battle.
are already on victory ground. You fight with principalities and powers to Thank You, Lord, You are my Strength, my Rock, my
rescue the captives and to establish God’s Kingdom on earth (Eph.6:11). Fortress and my Deliverer. You train my hands for war and
You are God’s soldier and cannot entangle yourself in the affairs of this life my fingers for battle. You are my Stronghold, my Shield.
(2.Ti.2:4). You subdue my enemies under me. I destroy the works of
Overcome evil with good. Abraham fought for his unfaithful nephew. the devil because I am in Christ.
It’s easy to give our life for our friends and dear ones, but Abraham risked Ps.18:2; Ps.144:1-2; 1.Jn.3:8
everything to rescue his nephew who had deserted him for love of money.
Many would say in such situations, God punished him, he deserves it. Life in
Christ is different! In Christ, you love your enemies and pray for those who
persecute you because of Christ’s nature in you. Your Father is so benevolent
that He makes His sun and rain available for the righteous and the wicked
(Mt.5:43-48). Your heart must go after anyone the moment you hear about
their defeat, even if they are against you (Ob.12; Am.6:6-7).
Nobody is exempted. No matter what is your calling, spiritual warfare
must be done by every believer. Some think only those who do deliverance
ministry must talk about warfare, but every minister must know and teach
the art of spiritual warfare to conquer new grounds. Apostles are called to
invade the enemy’s territory to establish God’s Kingdom by turning people
from the power of satan to God (Ac.26:18). Prophets must see the strategies
of the enemy and warn the church to protect it (2.Ki.6:8-10). Evangelists
must rescue the people from the power of sin and satan (Ac.8:7). Teachers
must open the eyes of those blinded by the enemy (2.Ti.2:25-26). Pastors
must guard their sheep from the wolves (Eze.34:5). Every believer is
commanded to know satan’s schemes and resist firmly (2.Co.2:11; Jas.4:7).
Yes, beloved, you need to be a warrior to save yourself, your family, and
your own ministry.

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king Abimelech and Phichol, the commander of his army, came to make a
treaty with him (Ge.21:22-24).
When Abraham ventured to offer his own son Isaac, the Angel of the
IN CHRIST Lord called to him from heaven and swore that his descendants would be as
numerous as the stars of the sky and the sand of the seashore (Ge.22:15-
After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vi- 18).
sion, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your ex- Beloved, you are called to be blessed like Abraham. In Christ, all the
ceedingly great reward.” blessings of heaven and earth reside in you! Every time you lose anything
He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My for God, blessings begin to be unleashed in you. As a new creation, everything
sake will find it (Ge.15:1; Mt.10:39) you lose for Christ’s sake, you will receive hundredfold in this life and in
eternity (Mt.19:29). You will in no wise lose your reward as you serve God
God Himself became Abraham’s Reward for all his sacrifices. and His people. Never fear losing your life for His sake because the life He
Life in Christ is a life of surplus rewards from heaven. Everything you gives you in return is His glorious resurrection life for every day!
do shall be richly rewarded, both in this world and in the world to come. Claim your rewards for everything you have forsaken for Christ. Expect
Jesus promised hundredfold dividend for everything you lose for His sake. the harvest of all you have sown into His Kingdom. There is no comparison
Every minute you spend for Him shall be accounted and recompensed. He for what you will receive in return. Your five loaves will bless thousands and
will never take advantage of your goodness. No bank or government or return back to you as twelve baskets full (Mk.6:43).
company could ever pay more than what your God can give you! Thank You, Lord, You are my great reward. You number
God demands a life of sacrifice from His people. This He doesn’t do my wanderings and put my tears into Your bottle. You will
because He has any need you could supply, but in order to bless you, His not forget my work and labor of love. I will reap with joy
new creation. This is the eternal principle of sowing and reaping. after sowing with tears. I will be glorified with You because
The world clings onto things to become rich whereas the new creation I am in Christ.
lets go to receive (Pr.11:24-25; Mt.6:33). The new creation operates under Ge.15:1; Ps.56:8; Heb.6:10; Ps.126:5; Ro.8:17
the law of Jesus: “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever
loses his life for My sake will find it” (Mt.16:25). The way to gain is to lose,
and the way to receive is to give. Abraham received all his blessings by
following this law. If you carefully ponder his life, you will see, every time he
renounced something, God rewarded him greatly.
The reward for forsaking his own family, kindred, and nation is a sevenfold
blessing (Ge.12:1-3). When he stepped out of his home and went to Canaan,
God granted him His personal appearance as a reward for his bold step
When he willingly released Lot to chose the best land, God appeared to
him and promised him all the land – north, south, east and west, as far as he
could see – and his descendants would be as the dust of the earth (Ge.13:14-
When he refused the treasures of Sodom, the Word of the Lord came
to him in a vision, promising him innumerable descendants like the stars in
the sky (Ge.15:1-6).
Soon after Abraham with great agony sent away Ishmael and Hagar,

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Beloved, the new creation is a child of faith. What oxygen is to the
March 3 physical body, faith is to this new creation. Faith is not something you have
to strive to get. It was given you as a free gift when you were saved (Eph.2:8).
FAITH IN CHRIST You have a measure of faith that can remove any mountain of problems you
face today (Ro.12:3).
And he believed in the LORD, and He accounted it to him for righ- All you have to do is make your faith grow by constant feeding upon
teousness. God’s Word, confessing who you are in Christ, keeping your conscience
God has dealt to each one a measure of faith (Ge.15:6; Ro.12:3) clean, continuous communion with Christ, consistent praising lifestyle, and
consciously acting on your faith (Ro.10:17).
God has given you all His power and authority. What you need is not
Abraham’s life from beginning to end is a life of faith. He is rightly more power but more faith. Develop the faith He has given you and bless
called “father of all those who believe” (Ro.4:11,16). A casual reader may the world.
attribute the secret of Abraham’s success to his obedience, sacrifice, fear
Thank You, Lord, You are the Author and Finisher of my
of God etc, but God’s Word attributes everything to his faith and only faith.
faith. I walk by faith and I fight the good fight of faith.
Every godly character springs from true trust in God.
I will finish my race and keep the faith. My faith is the
Leaving parents and all security and comfort to wander as a nomad is victory that overcomes the world. I can do all things because
possible only by unwavering faith in God. The author of Hebrews clearly I am in Christ.
says, “By faith, Abraham obeyed… went out, not knowing where he was
Heb.12:2; 2.Co.5:7; 2.Ti.4:7; Phil.4:13
going… by faith, he sojourned… dwelling in tents… by faith, Sarah received
strength to conceive… by faith, Abraham offered Isaac” (Heb.11:8-19). In
short, everything he did and said was by faith.
His simple faith in God’s promises was imputed to him as righteousness
(Ro.4:3,22; Jas.2:23). He received God’s promises through the righteousness
of faith. He trusted in God’s faithfulness to fulfill His promises. He trusted in
God’s ability to raise up Isaac even from death (Heb.11:19). He trusted in
God’s generosity and willingness to make him rich (Ge.14:22-24). He trusted
in God’s keeping power for his family. He trusted in God’s righteous judgment
to save Sodom and Gomorrah (Ge.18:25). He trusted in God’s guidance to
bring the right partner for his son (Ge.24:7). He took God as his wealth,
security, honor and everything else he needed in life.
Such undaunted faith in God made him to be completely carefree. That’s
why he never tried to hold on to anything. He could immediately let go of
everything. His knowledge of God and His promises produced supernatural
faith in him.
As a child of Abraham, you too can live and die by faith. The just shall
live by faith and nothing else (Hab.2:4; Ro.1:17; Ga.3:11; Heb.10:38). Faith
makes you righteous and holy and brings answers to your prayers (Ac.15:9;
Mk.11:24). Faith releases all the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit through
you (Ga.3:5). Faith makes you a conqueror and overcomer of the world, the
flesh, sin and satan (1.Jn.4:4). In short, all things are possible to the believer
in Christ (Mk.9:23). There is nothing you cannot do in life.

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to communicate with your spirit. There is not a time He doesn’t speak to
March 4 your spirit.
Praying in tongues and interpreting your own tongues is one of the best
DIALOGUE PRAYER IN CHRIST ways of dialogue prayer with God (1.Co.14:2). Oh, the possibility of being in
Christ! How it hurts Him when we neglect this wonderful way of
Abraham said, “Lord GOD, how shall I know…” So He said to communication with God Almighty!
him… Beloved, are you desperate for God to speak to you on any vital issue in
No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know your life? Are you seeking somebody to hear for you? Why wait any longer?
what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things The One who lives in you is longing to converse with you. The only thing
that I heard from My Father I have made known to you (Ge.15:8-9; you have to do is to tune your spirit to listen to His whisperings. Every time
Jn.15:15) you pray, expect God to talk back and set apart time to listen. God is speaking
in your spirit even the minute details of your life. Be still and hear Him.
Abraham is always my favorite hero in his dialogue with God. I covet Thank You, Lord, I am not Your servant but Your friend.
the way God and Abraham moved, talked and conversed with each other. It You make known to me all things. I am the temple of the
thrills me to imagine how God took him outside, showed him the stars of Holy Spirit. I can speak with tongues more than all, and
heaven and asked him to count them (Ge.15:5). After every conversation, interpret what I say. I can speak mysteries with You in the
God bid farewell to him and left the place (Ge.17:22; 18:33). spirit because I am in Christ.
Almost every one of his prayers was a dialogue prayer. Even the Jn.15:15; 1.Co.14:18,13
intercession for Sodom was initiated by God’s revelation and continued as a
typical two-way conversation (Ge.18:17-33). How casually Abraham talked
with God and said, “What can You give me since I remain childless?”
(Ge.15:2). As Abraham’s heir, every one of his blessed experiences belongs
to you, and even more.
Dialogue prayer is restored when you come to Christ. In Eden, man
had conversation with God. After the fall, this was lost, but still God’s
covenant people every now and then entered into this dialogue with God.
God never stopped responding to man. Even after Cain murdered his brother,
God conversed with him (Ge.4:9).
In Christ, you live in a better covenant based on better promises
(Heb.8:6). This dialogue prayer is the blessed privilege of every new creation.
Friendship with God is dialogue with God. God has become your very Father.
Can you imagine a child not expecting an answer from the father when it
talks to him? The Church is the Bride of Jesus. How could there be intimacy
without the Groom and the Bride enjoying conversation with each other?
During Jesus’ earthly walk, His disciples always conversed with Him.
Many of Jesus’ great teachings, even the teaching on the Second Coming,
came out of simple questions asked by His disciples (Mt.24:3).
Are you now in any way less than the disciples? Jesus lives in you by
His Holy Spirit (1.Co.3:16), and He promised that His sheep shall hear His
voice (Jn.10:27). Since the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit is eagerly longing

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deliver your children from the grip of demons. He raised the dead daughter
March 5 through her father’s faith (Mt.9:18-26; Mk.5:21-43; Lk.8:40-56). Your
persistent faith can release God’s resurrection power into your hopeless
FAMILY BLESSINGS IN CHRIST children and relatives. Jesus resurrected the 4-day stinking corpse by the
love and faith of the sisters (Jn.11). Your love and faith can do miracles in
I have known him, in order that he may command his children your brothers and sisters.
and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD… In Christ, you have the right to claim healing, health, salvation, peace,
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and harmony, prosperity, unity and all such blessings for you and your entire
your household (Ge.18:19; Ac.16:31) family.
In Christ, it is your right to claim spiritual authority over every one of
One of Abraham’s greatest blessings is his godly, obedient family. As a your family members. Command the spirits of disobedience to stay away
responsible father and leader, he exercised his God-given authority over his from your family. Rise up with God-given authority to bring every rebellion
entire family. When God called him as a wanderer, his wife followed without and arguments into submission to the knowledge of Christ (2.Co.10:3-5).
any question (Ge.12:10-20; 20:1-18). Peter commended her for her Worldwide, rebellion is the main problem in the families and societies.
obedience as an example to the New Covenant women (1.Pe.3:5-6). In Christ, you live under God’s authority and therefore have authority to lead
Husband: As a husband in Christ, you must exercise your leadership your family in God’s order (Mt.8:9).
position in the family. When you walk in Christ’s nature, you will spontaneously Beloved, claim all the family blessings promised in the Bible like “Your
love your wife and in turn she will submit to you as unto the Lord. In fact, wife shall be a fruitful vine,” “All your children shall be taught of the Lord,”
Sarah called Abraham “lord”. Abraham also dwelt with her in understanding, “Great shall be the peace of your children” (Ps.128:3; Isa.54:13). Have a
giving honor to her as the weaker vessel. That is one of the reasons why all regular family gathering for prayer and fasting.
his prayers were answered (1.Pe.3:7).
You and your family will be saved and serve the Lord (Ac.16:31;
Father: Abraham had obedient children. The spirit of disobedience had Jos.24:15). You and your family will always be safe under His care and
no power over them (Eph.2:2; 6:4). Abraham was diligent to command and protection.
teach and rule his whole household and to keep his children submissive and
Thank You, Lord, me and my household shall be saved
respectful (Ge.18:19; Dt.4:9; Dt.6:6-9; 1.Ti.3:4-5,12). Imagine Isaac, the young
and serve You. You have made a hedge around me and my
man, following his aged Dad to his own slaughter (Ge.22)! That is why God
household. Your Blood is a sign on my house. No plague will
made Abraham the father of His entire race, the new creations.
come to destroy me and my household because I am in
Children: Because of Abraham, God blessed Sarah and his children Christ.
and made covenant with them (Ge.17:15-20). Even at his old age, Abraham
didn’t loose his command and brought immediate harmony when relationship Ac.16:31; Jos.24:15; Job 1:8; Ex.12:13
problems arose in the family. What a privilege for him that both his sons
were present at his deathbed to bury him together (Ge.25:9).
Jesus and the family: Jesus came to this world to bless the families
with His peace, salvation and all the miracles the family needs. That is why
Jesus chose to do His first miracle and manifest His glory in a wedding
(Jn.2:1-11). Jesus healed even Peter’s mother in law (Mt.8:14-15, Mk.1:29-
31; Lk.4:38-41). In Christ, your faith can heal all your in-laws. He healed
even the servant of the centurion in honor of his faith (Mt.8:5-13; Lk.7:1-
10). Your faith can bless even your servants.
Jesus commended the faith of a mother and delivered her demon-
possessed daughter (Mt.15:21-28; Mk.7:24-30). Your faith confession can

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inspire all your prayers (Ro.8:26). Base your prayers upon God’s Word
March 6 (1.Jn.5:14-15). See whether you have forgiven everyone (Mk.11:25-26).
Thank God before the answer is seen (Phil.4:6). Relax and delight in Him
The whole world is looking for somebody whose prayers are answered.
As for Ishmael, I have heard you. Behold, I have blessed him, Great multitudes came to God’s servants because they knew their prayers
and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly. would be answered (1.Sa.7:7-8). Now, the world is looking and waiting for
Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you re- you. God is more than willing and eager to answer every one of your prayers.
ceive them, and you will have them (Ge.17:20; Mk.11:24) Thank You, Lord, You hear prayer, and all flesh comes
to You. I know You always hear me. You are able to do
Every one of Abraham’s prayers was answered. In Christ, you share exceedingly abundantly above all I ask or think according to
this blessing (Ga.3:14)! Just study and see how God answered all his wishes the power that works in me because I am in Christ.
and prayers. Even the prayers he offered in a state of doubt and unbelief
were answered. His prayer for an heir was immediately answered with a Ps.65:2; Jn.11:42; Eph.3:20
big promise, although the fulfillment took some years to manifest (Ge.15:2-
5). His prayer for Ishmael was also answered, though it was not God’s
perfect will (Ge.17:15-21).
Abraham’s pleadings for Lot were answered in a spectacular way.
When God’s anger was burning hot against the sinful cities, He remembered
Abraham’s prayer and forcefully rescued Lot’s family (Ge.19:29). When
Abraham had no child of his own and operated in terrible fear and doubt, he
prayed for the wombs of Abimelech’s household to be opened, and God
granted his request (Ge.20:17-18). See how God honored his weak servant
and even introduced Abraham’s prayer power to Abimelech (Ge.20:7).
Even now, God wants to honor you in this way. Every child of God in
Christ Jesus must expect every one of his prayers to be answered (Mt.21:22).
This may look like an exaggeration, but it is the clear teaching of God’s
Word (Mt.7:7-12).
It is your Father’s pleasure and very nature to answer prayers (Ps.65:2).
Not to answer your prayer is contrary to His nature. God’s ears are always
open to the prayers of His saints (Ps.34:15,17; Ps.145:19; 1.Pe.3:12).
Christ’s prayers were always answered (Jn.11:41-42; Heb.5:7). Because
you are in Christ, Father God will always answer your prayers as He answered
His Son.
As a joint heir with Christ Jesus, this is your birth right. Jesus said,
because you abide in Him as a branch abides in the vine, whatever you ask
shall be given to you (Jn.15:7). The very reason you are chosen and appointed
by God is to receive answers to your prayers (Jn.14:14; 15:16; Jn.16:23-24).
Beloved, believe that all your prayers shall be answered (Mt.21:22;
Mk.11:24). Remove any barrier (Isa.59:1-2). Lean on the Holy Spirit to

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Abraham in different ways. Now the Great Revealer, the Holy Spirit, is
March 7 upon you. He is the Divine Communicator. He is more than willing to speak
REVELATION IN CHRIST to you in supernatural ways. Open yourself to such realms of revelation.
God is a God of communication. He never hides things from His children.
He constantly speaks and shows His plans to you. Be sensitive to His voice
The LORD said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing?”… and become His spokesman to the world!
God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit Thank You, Lord, Your secret is with me because I fear
searches all things, yes, the deep things of God (Ge.18:17; 1.Co.2:10) You. Whether I turn right or left, I will hear Your voice
saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” You teach me what is
One of the great blessings Abraham enjoyed was God’s revelations. As best for me and direct me in the way I should go. The Spirit
His bosom friend, he could easily hear God’s heart beat. Our love-hungry of truth will guide me into all truth and show me things to
God responded Abraham by revealing His plans and purposes to him. As a come because I am in Christ.
child of Abraham, you have the privilege of knowing God’s plans for your Ps.25:14; Isa.30:21; Isa.48:17; Jn.16:13
life, your family and even for the nations.
God voluntarily cut covenant with Abraham and revealed about his
descendants’ plight of their 400 years of life in Egypt – when he had no child
yet. He even revealed about his death in his good old age. God spoke about
his forth generation (Ge.15:16). Your God is a revealing God! He doesn’t
like to hide things from you. You can know all about your future and have
access to this kind of revelation.
Because of Abraham, Hagar enjoyed this privilege, too. The angel of
the Lord appeared to her and revealed about the baby in her womb, his
name and even his future (Ge.16:6-14). You can have more than Hagar!
When Abraham was ninety nine years old, God appeared to him and
revealed his future and circumcision, and changed his name (Ge.17). When
God wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, He could not resist telling it to
Abraham (Ge.18:16-17). Believe God that He will even speak to you about
the coming judgment on nations.
He spoke to the young child Samuel when he was completely ignorant
of God’s voice (1.Sa.3:4). This is the birth right of the new creation. If you
know your privileges and walk in them, you can hear God constantly. Eli the
priest could not hear God only because his spiritual faculties were dimmed
(1.Sa.3:1-2). In Christ, your spiritual faculties are alive and well!
Beloved! Truly the secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him
(Ps.25:14). As a faith child of Abraham, expect to live in this revelation
realm. Jesus always saw what God was doing, and heard His whisperings
(Jn.5:19). You have become one with Him. Your spirit man has eyes and
ears. You can walk in continuous revelation. You can experience the visions,
dreams, trances and experiences of Abraham.
Always remember, His revelations are progressive. God spoke to

139 140
Walk in obedience and faith to God’s revealed will like Abraham
March 8 (Heb.11:8-9). Protect the family by building your family altar, family prayer
PROTECTION IN CHRIST (Ge.12:7-8; 13:4,18). Teach and command them the Word of God consistently
(Ge.18:19; Dt.4:9-10).
I also withheld you from sinning against Me; therefore I did not let In Christ, you can cooperate with God to protect your family. From the
moment you put your trust in Christ, all heaven is working for your safety.
you touch her…
Consciously cover your entire family under the Blood of Jesus daily. He
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present watches over you day and night. Feel safe and secure in His mighty hand
you faultless (Ge.20:6; Jud.24) today!
Thank You, Lord, the very hairs of my head are all
We live in an evil world. All around us, the moral standard has gone numbered. Nothing can by any means hurt me. You keep me,
down pitiably. Everywhere violence, murder, adultery, rebellion, drugs, and You neither sleep nor slumber. I can live blamelessly and
terrorism and sexual depravity. Sometimes we wonder, what will happen to harmlessly, without fault in the midst of a crooked and
our family and generations in this corrupt society. This need not be a cause perverse generation. I can shine as a light in the world
of anxiety for you who are in Christ. because I am in Christ.
In Egypt: Bible saints lived in midst of corrupt societies. When Abraham Lk.12:7; Lk.10:19; Ps.121:4; Phil.2:15
went down to Egypt as a wanderer, he was in danger of losing his life
because of his beautiful wife. As a human, he was even willing to trade her
for his life and wealth. No beautiful woman was spared in those days. Sarah
was actually taken to Pharaoh’s house. In turn, Abraham received sheep,
oxen, donkeys, camels etc., but God was not watching passively. He rose up
with holy anger, inflicted serious diseases on Pharaoh’s entire household,
and rescued His covenant-man’s wife (Ge.12:17).
In Gerar: This happened again in Gerar. King Abimelech took Sarah
to his palace. God rebuked him in his dream, “You are a dead man because
of the woman you have taken” (Ge.20:3). See how God jealously protects
the family of His covenant-partner! Even when he and his wife were passive,
God was not. This is the caring and protecting heart of your God. He had
not allowed Abimelech to touch Abraham’s wife at all. God was so severe
that the king acted immediately, soon after he awoke. Even then, God didn’t
spare them and closed all the wombs of Abimelech’s household. Abraham
had to pray and save them from this curse. The same thing repeated with
Abraham’s son Isaac (Ge.26:6-11).
Beloved, let this encourage your heart today! God takes care of the
safety of your entire family because you are His covenant child. Even if you
are not able, God is well able to protect your family’s purity. You are His
holy people (1.Pe.2:9). As a new creation, you can be blameless and innocent,
without fault, in midst of a crooked and perverse generation, and you shine
as stars in this dark world (Phil.2:15). God will not allow you to be corrupted
in any way. He will protect your family not only from moral impurity but also
from evil, wicked men.

141 142
the prophetic anointing, just because you are in Christ. In fact, the very
March 9 testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Rev.19:10).
PROPHETIC IN CHRIST Fan the prophetic: Since you are a prophetic person in Christ, you
must endeavor to fan the prophetic in you. Live a life set apart for God. Be
filled with the Word of God which is the sure prophecy (2.Pe.1:19). Be filled
Now therefore, restore the man’s wife; for he is a prophet, and he with the Holy Spirit and walk in intimate fellowship with Him (Eph.5:18;
will pray for you and you shall live. But if you do not restore her, know 2.Co.13:14). Be bold to declare His mysteries.
that you shall surely die, you and all who are yours… Beloved, you are a prophetic person. In Christ, you are chosen and
I wish you all… prophesied… that the church may receive edifi- separated from your mother’s womb (Jer.1:5). You are born again to be
cation (Ge.20:7; 1.Co.14:5) carried away by the Spirit and speak forth the mysteries of God. You are
born again to live in the revelation realm. You are born again to be God’s
mouthpiece to the world. You are born again to intercede for the nations.
The first prophet mentioned in the Bible is Abraham. All the features of You are born again to live in the constant Presence of God, all because you
a prophet are clearly seen in his life. are in Christ.
A prophet: A prophet is a man of God, separated from everything of Thank You, Lord, that all the LORD’s people can be
the world and the flesh. He is sanctified even before he is formed in his prophets and that You put Your Spirit upon them! You
mother’s womb (Jer.1:5). A prophet walks with God intimately and knows poured out Your Spirit upon me so that I can prophesy and
His heart beat. A prophet intercedes for others. A prophet walks in the see visions and dreams. I have the spirit of prophecy because
realm of revelation consistently. A prophet walks and talks according to the I testify about Jesus. I prophesy in proportion to my faith
measure of his faith. He is God’s ambassador and representative on this because I am in Christ.
earth. He is a spokesman for God. All these features can be seen in
Abraham’s life. If we share all the blessings of Abraham in Christ, we must Nu.11:29; Ac.2:17; Rev.19:10; Ro.12:6
be prophetic, too.
God’s heart for the prophetic: God’s original intention was that every
human must be prophetic. Right from Adam, every Bible saint had a portion
of the prophetic. It was Moses’ heart cry that all the people of God should
become prophetic (Nu.11:29). This longing of God’s heart is fulfilled in Christ
All prophetic: Jesus came to raise up a prophetic generation. The
church of God is separated unto God as a prophetic voice to the world. On
the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out on all flesh so that
young and old, servants and handmaidens, all might prophesy and have
prophetic visions, dreams and utterances (Joel 2:28).
Everything prophetic: In Christ, you have this prophetic anointing
upon you. Your tongue is anointed to be God’s mouthpiece. Your anointed
eyes can see what others cannot see. Your prayers can be prophetic. Your
songs can be prophetic. Every move can be prophetic. Your decisions can
be prophetic. Your conversations can be prophetic. Your burdens can be
prophetic. Your friendships can be prophetic. Everything about you will be
prophetic. This is your birth right in Christ!
You may not stand in the office of a prophet but still you can operate in

143 144
can live as he desires and believes. Early death is a curse. God saw Abimelech
March 10 as good as dead and even warned him, if he wouldn’t return Abraham’s
HEALING OBSTACLES IN CHRIST wife, he and all his people would die (Ge.20:3). How serious! It clearly
shows sin and hardness bring early death. In Christ, you are promised long
life, and the Blood of Jesus cleanses you the moment you confess your sins
Now therefore, restore the man’s wife; for he is a prophet, and he (1.Jn.1:9).
will pray for you and you shall live. But if you do not restore her, know Your stony heart is exchanged for a heart of flesh in Christ (Eze.36:26).
that you shall surely die, you and all who are yours. Sudden death is a curse. You are redeemed from it! Immorality: In this case,
And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise taking another man’s wife caused the spread of sickness. Immorality and
uncleanness can never be taken lightly. The moral condition around you is
him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven (Ge.20:7;
no excuse. It is still the reason for many mysterious diseases. Adultery and
Jas.5:15). coveting the neighbor’s belongings is breaking God’s commandment. It invites
all the evil germs and viruses. Gehasi coveted and brought leprosy upon
This is the first healing recorded in the Bible in answer to the prayer of himself and his descendants (2.Ki.5:26-27).
a man. Abraham had the privilege of praying for the sick and became a In Christ, you can overcome all the power of immorality. When you
forerunner of every believer (Ge.20:18). In Christ, you have the right and live in the revelation of who you are in Christ, you automatically covet the
power to pray for the sick. We will see some of the lessons on prayer things of the Spirit (1.Co.14:1,12). Your flesh loses its control over you. You
healing from this passage. literally escaped from the corruption that came through sin (2.Pe.1:4).
As a healing minister, you need to teach all these following principles Innocence is no excuse: When you break God’s principles, even ignorantly,
before you begin to pray for others. Sin is the root of sickness: Lead the sick you face the consequences. Abimelech did it with a clear conscience and
people to find out the root cause of their sickness. For the sake of Abraham’s clean hands. God Himself acknowledged it and kept him from sinning
wife, the entire household of Abimelech became barren (Ge.20:18). (Ge.20:4-6). Still, this didn’t stop the sickness from afflicting the family. In
Abimelech was even innocent here. He took Sarah only because he thought Christ, you are given the wisdom of God to know what causes sickness. You
she was Abraham’s unmarried sister (Ge.20:1-2). God rebuked him saying, can easily escape and keep yourself healthy.
“You are a dead man”. When man fell into sin, sickness came into Eden. Sin The Bible is the best health manual ever, written by the Great Physician.
and sickness are the double curse of man’s fall. Even today, sin is involved Beloved, there is absolutely no need for you to be sick. In Christ, all the
in sickness, either directly or indirectly. provision for healing is given. Still, we cannot violate God’s moral principles
In Christ, sin has been removed from your life, and you have been given at any cost. God is righteous and impartial in all His ways. Life in Christ
authority to remove sin from other’s lives. One man’s sin affects others: It doesn’t ignore these principles. God has given all His ability to easily follow
need not be the direct sin of the sick person. He may face the consequences them. Obey them and enjoy your perfect health. As Abraham’s descendant,
of others’ sin. Because of Abimelech, all the women of his household suffered you are called to be a healing agent to the world. Teach these principles and
barrenness. This shows the seriousness of sin. Miriam’s sin paralyzed the remove the barriers for the healing rivers to flow.
progress of the entire camp of Israel (Nu.12). Achan’s sin caused the military Thank You, Lord, out of my belly shall flow rivers of
defeat and death of God’s army (Jos.7). David’s sin caused the plague to kill living water. Every living thing that moves, wherever the
thousands of Israelites by plague (1.Chr.21). Even in Christ, if one member rivers go, will live and be healed because I am in Christ.
suffers, all the members of Christ’s Body suffer (1.Co.12:26). Especially
the sin of the leaders and heads of the families very much opens the door for Jn.7:38; Eze.47:9
the sickness to afflict the church and families. In Christ, your sins are forgiven
forever. You have the indwelling power to keep yourself free from sin and
sickness. The root of sin is destroyed in you, the new creation. Sin and
sickness can no longer have dominion over you (Ro.6:14). Early death: The
minimum of years promised is seventy to eighty (Ps.90:10). After that, one

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Restitution: Abimelech didn’t send Sarah home with empty hands.
March 11 He gave sheep and cattle and servants as a compensation even for what he
HEALING PRAYER IN CHRIST had done innocently. This shows his righteous and sensitive heart to obey
God. Restitution always releases restoration and healing.
Intercession: This healing was the direct result of the intercessory
So Abraham prayed to God; and God healed Abimelech, his wife, prayer of a righteous. God healed all the people in answer to Abraham’s
and his female servants. Then they bore children, for the LORD had prayer. God Himself revealed the need of prayer for healing (Ge.20:7). When
closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech because of Sa- you are too sick to stand on your own faith, call the elders to pray for your
rah, Abraham’s wife. healing and seek the help of intercessors (Jas.5:14). In Christ, the best way
to be healed is to build your faith on the Word and receive your healing.
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the
In Christ, you have the great High Priest and intercessor to pray for
church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name
your healing. He is pleading for His Body to be hale and healthy. He
of the Lord (Ge.20:17-18; Jas.5:14) continuous His healing ministry through His Body, the Church. When He
was in the flesh, He was moved with compassion for the sick and bound.
We continue our study on the first healing by prayer. The Church is the He healed them by His prayer and authority. Now, in Christ, He has given
healing center for the world. If the Church fails, there is no hope for this sin- you the authority to heal the sick (Mt.10:1).
sick world. It is imperative to remove the obstacles and step into the ministry His righteousness: I always wonder how God could answer the prayer
of healing by prayer and authority. of Abraham when he was in the lowest ebb of his spiritual condition. Maybe
The failure of men of God: Abraham was supposed to be a blessing God has something to say to you, his new creation. Abraham’s prayers
wherever he went (Ge.12:1-3), but just because of his fear and unbelief, he were answered because he was God’s covenant partner. He was counted
became the cause of curse for the nation. He literally deceived Abimelech. righteous because of his faith and became the father of every believer in
This is a warning for you, the new creation. Christ (Ge.15:6). In Christ, you are righteous, and your prayers do wonders.
In Christ, you are called to bless and heal the nations. Never block your The Divine humor: It thrills me to know that Abraham’s prayer opened
healing rivers by unbelief and sin (Eze.47:8-12). all the barren wombs. At that time, Abraham himself was childless. He
God’s mercy: See God’s mercy! He even introduced Abraham as His simply obeyed God and interceded for others, ignoring his own plight. He
prophet and recommended his prayer power (Ge.20:7). He honored His didn’t shrink back from praying for others, intimidated by his own childlessness.
servant in spite of his weakness. Soon after he prayed for others, God remembered Sarah and gave her a
child (Ge.21:1-2).
The healing remedy: Right in this first recorded healing miracle, God
gave the healing remedy. Beloved, never allow the devil to stop you from interceding for others
on the basis of your experiences. Intercession is purely a God-given ministry.
Quick repentance: God told Abimelech to restore Sarah back to
When you do it faithfully, many of your blessings will be released soon after
Abraham. He quickly acted and sent her home the very next morning. Quick
(Job.42:10). Such is the power of intercessory prayer!
repentance always brings quick healing. Never allow any bitterness or sin to
lodge in you. Habitual sin breaks your health beyond repair! Obey the Holy Thank You, Lord, for my effective and fervent prayer
Spirit the moment He convicts you (Jn.16:8). avails much, and my prayer of faith will save the sick. I go
to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out
Confession: Abimelech summoned all his officials and told them all
demons. Freely I have received, freely I give because I am
that had happened. The fear of God swept through the entire land.
in Christ.
Unconfessed sin breads evil germs and nurtures them! That is why James
admonishes even the believers to confess their sins to each other and pray Jas.5:16-17; Mt.10:7-8
for each other so that they may be healed (Jas.5:16). Lead the sick to
confession, and keep your conscience free by His Blood (1.Jn.1:9)!

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Come on, laugh at your impossibilities and consider not the natural
March 12 limitations. Call into being that which does not exist. Stop wavering about
the promises of God. Be fully convinced that God is willing and able to do
MIRACLE LIVING IN CHRIST what He promised. Think and speak in terms of miracles (Ro.4:17-20). Obey
implicitly His promptings (Jn.2:5). Don’t consult with flesh and blood, don’t
Abraham was one hundred years old when his son Isaac was reason it out (Ga.1:16). Act on your miracle faith NOW (Jas.2:20,22)!
born to him. You are a miracle breed! You have been given all authority to perform
These signs will follow those who believe (Ge.21:5; Mk.16:17) miracles! All heaven is backing you! Launch into the miraculous TODAY!
Thank You, Lord, I am a sign and wonder in Zion. Signs
Life in Christ is a lifestyle of miracles. Abraham and his children became and wonders shall follow me. What is impossible with men is
signs and wonders among the nations (Isa.8:18). Abraham’s calling was a possible for me because I am in Christ.
miracle. All his divine communications were miraculous. Every move in his Isa.8:18; Mk.10:27; 16:17
life was a miracle move. The way God protected his wife from wicked
kings was a miracle (Ge.12:17; Ge.20:7).
His victory over the four nations was a miracle (Ge.14). God’s
intervention in his problems was a miracle (Ge.21:14-21). His honor, riches
and recognition was a miracle (Ge.21:22-34). The strength of God in his
body and in his wife was a miracle (Ro.4:19). Imagine the old couple’s
youth renewed like the eagle’s. Even at around ninety years of age, Sarah
was so beautiful she was coveted by Abimelech (Ps.103:5; Ge.20).
As the climax of it all, his son Isaac was the greatest miracle that had
ever happened in the history of the world (Ge.21:1-7; Heb.11:11). Sometimes
I wonder why Abraham had to wait until his body was already dead and
Sarah had passed the age of childbearing (Ge.18:11; Ro.4:19). It is to show
us that nothing is too hard for the Lord (Ge.18:18). This proves that there is
no impossibility for God’s Covenant people.
Abraham laughed (Ge.17:17), Sarah laughed (Ge.18:12), all who heard
it laughed (Ge.21:6), and his son’s very name was “Mr. Laughter”. Isaac’s
marriage was nothing but a miracle (Ge.24). This is how God performs
miracles. Whatever God does will fill people’s mouth with laughter
Beloved, your God is a God of miracles. In Christ, you are hooked up
with the God of miracles. There is no impossibility in Christ. Every Bible-
saint walked in the miracle realm. Jesus came into this world to open up this
miracle world for His people.
Abraham’s miracle living is available to you. Expect miracles for your
children. Expect miracles for your finances. Expect miracles for your
marriage. Expect miracles for your health and vitality and every area of
your life. You need not be bound by the ordinary. You are a supernatural
being in Christ.

149 150
for Himself. Be completely available to Him! Don’t hold anything dear to
March 13 your heart. Let go off everything. Believe that this Abraham-nature is im-
parted to you in Christ.
The One who lives in you has given Himself for the world. He never
pleased Himself (Ro.15:3). He never sought honor for Himself (Jn.5:41,44).
By Myself I have sworn, says the LORD, because you have done He never held anything back for Himself. He is your new life now! His
this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son… nature is your nature. If you see this truth, sacrificial living becomes sponta-
neous for you! You find delight in pouring out yourself for others.
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but
Christ lives in me (Ge.22:16; Ga.2:20) Remember, you are dead in Christ (Ro.6:9-10; Ga.2:20). The life that
you live is not for yourself. Every minute must be spent for others. Your
Life in Christ is a life of sacrifice and self-denial. Jesus never lived nor spirit has become poor to possess the Kingdom of God (Mt.5:3). Know your
died for Himself. Those who live in Him no longer live for themselves but identity in Christ and live this most blessed life of sacrifice. As you give your
for Him who died and rose again (2.Co.5:15). This comes spontaneously for all, you will enjoy His all! This is divine exchange. Rise up NOW! Be ready
you as you live out Jesus’ life on this earth. to spend and be spent for God and for your generation today (2.Co.12:15).
Your father Abraham set an example for you to follow. His life was a Thank You Lord, I have been crucified with Christ; it is
life of continuous renunciation. He had to let go of everything that was dear no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life
and near to him, his father’s home, his country (Ge.12), his nephew Lot which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in You. My old
(Ge.13:11-12), Hagar and his own son Ishmael (Ge.21:11-14). man is crucified. You will be magnified and manifested in my
body because I am in Christ.
When he had to send Ishmael away, it greatly grieved his heart, yet he
sent him with some food and water (Ge.21:14). He was even willing to offer Ga.2:20; Ro.6:6; Phil.1:20; 2.Co.4:11
his only beloved son Isaac (Ge.22).
Though he was rich in wealth and cattle, his heart was detached from it
all. He lived like a stranger and pilgrim on the earth (Ps.39:12; Heb.11:9,13).
He didn’t own a bit of land even to bury his beloved wife (Ge.23). Like a
poor nomad, he was dwelling in tents all through his life.
He renounced his right to chose anything for himself. He gave Lot the
choice to select the best land and was very content with his God (Ge.13:8-
12). When all the wealth of Sodom was offered to him, he gracefully denied
it (Ge.14:21-24). His motivating factor was that nobody but God must get all
the credit of making him rich.
He was always liberal in giving and excelled in hospitality. Instead of
receiving from the kings, he gave tithes of all to king Melchizedek (Ge.14:18-
23). When the people offered to give him land free of cost, he didn’t accept
and paid the full price (Ge.23:6,11-16).
He didn’t even take for granted the honor and good wishes of people.
He bowed down before the people of Heth again and again though they
esteemed him highly (Ge.23:7,12). Is there any wonder God rewarded him
exalting him as the father of many nations?
Beloved, if you feel today that God is expecting something from you,
never delay a single moment. He came into your life to possess you totally

151 152
while Lot lost even what he had in Sodom. Abraham grew ever stronger
March 14 and became a mighty warrior who could rescue five kingdoms from the
enemies’ hands (Ge.14:14-16) while Lot was taken captive along with the
Abraham’s blessings challenge you to fully utilize your life in Christ,
Hear us, my lord: You are a mighty prince among us… They
while Lot is a warning for you not to ignore the blessings of life in Christ.
said, “Stand back!… this one came here to stay here, and he keeps Never despise your birth right for any temporal pleasure of this world like
acting as a judge”… Esau did (Ge.25:34)!
The heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from a Beloved, know what you have in Christ, confess it, possess it, and live
slave, though he is master of all (Ge.23:6; 19:9; Ga.4:1) in it with all your heart! Live and enjoy your abundant life in all its fullness.
Don’t settle for anything less. Be distinct!
Life in Christ makes a heaven-and-earth-difference. Coming to Christ Thank You, Lord, You made me different from all the
is coming from darkness to light and from death to life (Col.1:13; 1.Jn.3:14). others. I am Your special treasure above all the peoples on
Many times, we don’t seem to enjoy this glorious distinction because we the face of the earth. People will discern between me and
don’t know our privileges in Christ. It’s one thing to live in Christ and another the wicked because I am in Christ.
thing to appropriate this life and practically live it. 1.Co.4:7; Dt.7.6; Mal.3:18
The picture of the new creation: The picture of Abraham and Lot throws
much light on this truth. Lot was a righteous man like Abraham (2.Pe.2:7-9).
Lot was closely related to Abraham and shared his blessings by leaving his
country along with Abraham. He could have enjoyed all the privileges and
blessings of Abraham, but he missed it by his own choice.
Both of them portray the picture of the new creation. One walked in
the privilege, the other missed it miserably. Abraham who walked in this
covenantal blessing saved his entire family from corruption and wicked men
(Ge.20:6-7), but Lot who forfeited his blessing could not save himself and
his family. His wife turned into a pillar of salt (Ge.19:26), and his daughters
became symbols of immorality (Ge.19:30-38).
Family distinction: Abraham’s wife was obedient and hospitable,
hurrying to cook for the visitors even in her old age (Ge.18:6) while poor Lot
had to cook for his visitors all by himself (Ge.19:3).
Abraham’s descendants enjoyed his blessings and walked as God’s
chosen covenant people while Lot’s generations became the cursed enemies
of God’s people (Moab and Ammon, Ge.19:30-38).
Social distinction: Abraham was highly honored by kings and all the
gentile nations (Ge.21:22) while Lot was not recognized even by the youth
in Sodom (Ge.19:5). The people of Hebron recognized Abraham as a mighty
prince of God among them (Ge.23:6) while the people of Sodom despised
Lot as a sojourner and questioned his right to judge them, even to the extent
of molesting him (Ge.19:9).
Financial distinction: Abraham kept increasing in wealth and blessings

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of marriage – led Eliezar and Rebekah to meet miraculously and convinced
her family to send her immediately with an unknown man.
March 15
ANGELIC MINISTRY IN CHRIST In Christ, you can avail the ministry of angels to find the suitable partners
for your dear ones. You need not struggle to find God’s perfect match.
Expect angels to bring the right person at the right time. Ask for angelic
The LORD God of heaven… will send His angel before you… ministry to bring your co-workers from any part of the world. Right now,
Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those God’s angels are busy in bringing together like-minded people of God for a
who will inherit salvation (Ge.24:40; Heb.1:14) great networking for the end-time harvest.
Beloved, if Abraham’s physical children enjoyed the ministry of angels
Another blessing of Abraham you must diligently seek to possess is to this much, how much more you, the spiritual child, should expect!
avail angelic ministry. The whole heavenly host of angels are waiting to Life in Christ can avail the ministry of angels for every area of life. All
minister to you, just because you are a seed of Abraham. Angels appeared the angelic hosts are awaiting the orders of the new creations. Because you
to Isaac, Jacob, and many of Abraham’s descendants. They are ministering are united with Christ, His servants become your servants (Heb.1:14). You
spirits for you, as you are an heir of salvation in Christ (Heb.1:14). are lifted up to the position of sonship (Ro.8:14-16).
Abraham had consistent angelic visitations (Ge.18:1). The supernatural You have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the Living God, the
world was wide open for him, and he saw angels as we see men. He ate heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels (Heb.12:22). Avail
with them, talked with them, laughed with them, walked with them. Angels all kinds of angelic ministry for your protection, provision and promotion
brought him the messages of God. Groups of angels visited him. Thereby, he TODAY!
became a forerunner for us (Heb.13:2).
Thank You, Lord, Your angels are all ministering spirits
Angels and children: Angels conversed with Abraham about his sent forth to minister to me. I have come to the innumerable
promised son and gave him the details about him even before his birth. We company of angels. You send Your Angel and deliver me
have ample evidence of angels bringing messages about children. When because I am in Christ.
Hagar was downcast and dejected, an angel comforted her and even
Heb.1:14; Heb.12:22; Ac.12:11
promised about Ishmael (Ge.16:7-11). An angel appeared to Samson’s parents
to instruct them how to treat the unique son that would be born to them
(Jud.13:3-21). Angels even gave the names of the children to be born (Jesus,
John the Baptist, Samson, Isaac).
In Christ, expect angels to speak to you about your children, their names,
their future, etc.
Angels to rescue: In answer to the prayers of Abraham, angels went
and rescued his nephew Lot (Ge.19:10-11,15-16). Angels rescued the
Israelites in answer to the prayer of king Hezekiah (2.Ki.19:35-36). Daniel
was miraculously rescued from the hungry lions by angelic ministry (Da.6:22).
Just before the day of death penalty, an angel went and rescued the apostle
Peter (Ac.12). The list goes on and on.
In Christ, you can ask angels to release you and your people from any
danger. Angels will obey your bidding and go swiftly to any part of the world
to rescue people and even nations.
Angels to find a match: When Abraham became too old to find a
suitable match for his son, he trusted angels to help his servant (Ge.24:7,40).
I can easily imagine how angels orchestrated and directed the whole drama

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Jesus, the Great Friend: In Christ, you have the privilege of walking
March 16 shoulder to shoulder with your Daddy God. Jesus who lives in you walked
BOSOM FRIENDS IN CHRIST continually in His Presence and pleased His Father all the time (Col.1:27;
Jn.8:29). When the sins of the whole world came between Him and His
Father, hiding the Father’s face, He cried (Mt.27:45-46). He was extremely
When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to intimate with the Father and sensitive to His whisperings and timings.
Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be This Jesus has not only become your life, He also has become your
blameless.” bosom friend. As a friend unreservedly opens his heart, He opens His heart
to you (Jn.15:15).
Abraham… was called the friend of God (Ge.17:1; Jas.2:23)
Beloved, God is calling you into His inner chambers, longing for your
intimate fellowship. You will never be fulfilled if you fail to answer His call.
Bosom friends: Abraham was God’s bosom friend (Jas.2:23). He left He is more than ten thousands to you. There is no comparison with Him. He
everything to gain God’s friendship and fellowship. He didn’t take this privilege is your jealous Lover. When you seek His friendship and Presence,
for granted. He spent sufficient time with God and practiced the Presence everything you need in life is taken care of automatically. This is the greatest
of God all the time. He could boldly say almost at the end of his life, “The privilege of living in Christ. All around the world, people are craving to find
Lord before whom I have walked” (Ge.24:40). In Christ, you have become God. You have not only found Him, you have become one with Him
God’s bosom friend! You are not a loner. (1.Co.6:17). He came into your life to dine with you, to walk with you, to
Dedicated friends: To acknowledge and invite God’s Presence, Abraham open His heart to you. Can you dare to say you have no time for Him?!
built altars wherever he went. He and his family even slept around the altar. Make Him your number one priority! All you needs shall be supplied
The altar is the place of constant worship and deeper dedication. Day by abundantly.
day, he yielded himself to the sway of God’s glorious Presence and continually In Christ, you not only have God’s indwelling Presence, but you can
acknowledged God in all his ways. enjoy His manifest Presence. His Presence is your address now.
As a child of Abraham, you are a walking altar of God, where continuous Thank You, Lord, my fellowship is truly with You and
praise is offered. In Christ, you consciously yield to His every promptings. with Your Son Jesus Christ. The grace of the Lord Jesus
This is the secret of enjoying the manifest Presence of God. Christ and the love of God, the communion of the Holy
Communicating friends: Because Abraham spent time and sought God’s Spirit is with me because I am in Christ.
intimate Presence and love, he knew God more and more. God, pleased 1.Jn.1:3; 2.Co.13:14
with his lifestyle, revealed Himself to him as Jehovah (Ge.12:7-8), his Shield
and Great Reward (Ge.15:1), El Shaddai (Ge.17:1), Judge of all the earth
(Ge.18:25), Everlasting God (Ge.21:33), and Jehovah Jireh (Ge.22:14). The
knowledge of God is the secret of all the great virtues of Abraham. He
became the father of faith because he knew in whom he had believed.
Trusted friends: It was Abraham’s faith in God’s ability that made him
even to offer his son Isaac (Heb.11:19). Such a supernatural faith can come
only by the revelation knowledge of God. He saw God as life and resurrection
and the One who calls things that are not as though they were (Ro.4:17).
That made him strong in faith against all the contradicting symptoms. The
reason we new creations struggle to trust God is our lack of intimacy with
Him. The more you know God, the more you trust Him and are transformed.
That’s the secret of faith life. Knowledge of God comes by constantly living
in His Presence by praise and worship.

157 158
but just a portion of His gifts. They were servants, but the New Testament
March 17 believers are sons (Jn.3:3,5). You don’t aspire the gifts. You have acquired
ALL IN CHRIST the Giver!
Don’t cry: Now you don’t ask like Solomon for wisdom. One greater
than Salomon lives in you and has become your wisdom (1.Co.2:30-31;
Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac. But Abraham gave gifts Mt.12:42). You need not wrestle like Jacob for blessing. You are already
to the sons of the concubines… sent them… away from Isaac… blessed with all His blessings (Eph.1:3). You need not beg like Moses for
Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours (Ge.25:5- God’s Presence. He never leaves you nor forsakes you (Heb.13:5). You
6; Lk.15:31) and God are inseparable (Jn.14:23). You need not cry like David for God not
to take His Holy Spirit from you. The Holy Spirit has come to dwell in you
Abraham was wise enough to settle everything before his death. He forever (Jn.14:16). All the Bible heroes were commended for their faith, yet
gave all he had to his promised son Isaac and only gifts to his other sons. none of them received everything God promised. God had reserved something
This is a picture of life in Christ. In Christ, God has become your Father and better for us (Heb.11:39-40).
gives all that He has to you. To the unbelievers, He gives only His gifts of
Yes and Amen: In the Old Testament, each one of the saints received
rain and sunlight etc. (Mt.5:45; Ac.14:17).
a portion of God’s promises, but in Christ, all the promises He ever made are
This gives us a greater revelation of our inheritance in Christ. We are yes and amen in Christ (2.Co.1:19).
Abraham’s promised children and have access to everything he enjoyed.
Every time you see a promise of God, see Jesus standing by the Father’s
According to His riches, not out of His riches: Jesus, the Son of Abraham, side and nodding His head with a big smile, saying YES and AMEN. This is
gave everything He had to His new creations. Even in Christ, many times life in Christ.
we don’t see this revelation. Like the elder son, we tend to complain about
Beloved, see the fullness of blessings in Christ! Don’t waste your time
our lack while everything our Father has is ours (Lk.15:31). Maybe you cry
crying for blessings that are already yours! When Jesus came, everything
about your financial crisis, but remember, all of God’s riches are yours.
came. Now, He is your wealth, your wisdom, your holiness and sanctification,
Jesus went to the cross to become poor so that you may become rich in Him
your righteousness, your strength, your everything and all. You are limitless
(2.Co.8:9). He gives you richly all things to enjoy (1.Ti.6:17). He doesn’t just
in Christ. Simply believe all His things are yours.
give you a little out of His abundant riches but supplies according to His
riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Mt.5:45; Phil.4:19). Thank You, Lord, I am always with You, and all that You
have is mine. My sufficiency is from You, and I am filled
Revelation of riches: In Christ, all your needs are met according to
with all Your fullness. You have become my wisdom, my
His riches while the unbelievers receive just a little out of His riches. When
righteousness, my sanctification and redemption because I
you lack this revelation, you will be starving for the pig-food while your
am in Christ.
Dad’s servants enjoy the abundance of your Dad’s riches. This is the tragedy
of today’s church. When the revelation of his father’s riches came to the Lk.15:31; 2.Co.3:5; Eph.3:19; 1.Co.1:29-30
younger son, he rose up to go to the father, not as a son, but as a servant.
Ignorance and guilt: Both sons could not understand their father’s
heart and their ownership of their father’s riches. The problem of the elder
son was his ignorance, the problem of the younger son his guilt. Only the
revelation of who you are and what you have in Christ will make you sit with
the Father and dine with Him. What the world enjoys today is just the crumbs
that fall from our table (Mt.15:26-27).
The Bible is very emphatic in saying “all things are yours” because you
are in Christ (1.Co.3:21-23).
Every blessing the Old Testament saints enjoyed was not all God had,

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the curse of the law, having become a curse for you (Ga.3:13). According to
March 18 the law, anyone who is hanged on the tree, is cursed of God (Dt.21:23).
FAMILY CURSE IN CHRIST Jesus died a cruel death to redeem you from all the curses of your forefathers
and self-invited curses so that the blessings of Abraham might come upon
you in Christ.
Now Isaac pleaded with the LORD for his wife, because she was Beloved, in Christ, the good news is that you only receive the blessings
barren; and the LORD granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife of Abraham, not the curses (Ga.3:13-14). You have to appropriate this
conceived.Then the LORD appeared to him and said: “Do not go claiming the blessings of the cross. When you know and walk in the privileges
down to Egypt; live in the land of which I shall tell you. And the men of of who you are in Christ, you can enjoy total freedom from all your curses.
the place asked about his wife. And he said, “She is my sister”; for he In Christ, you are totally redeemed from the curse. You can break every
was afraid to say, “She is my wife,” because he thought, “lest the curse you inherited or acquired from any source in the Name of Jesus and
men of the place kill me for Rebekah, because she is beautiful to by His Blood. Confess that you are totally redeemed from the curse of the
behold”. law, and break the power of curse in your life and others’ in Jesus’ Name,
through His Blood. Do it right NOW!
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having be-
come a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs Thank You, Lord, I am a fellow-citizen with God’s people
and member of God’s household. Christ has redeemed me
on a tree”). that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gen-
from the curse of the law in order that the blessing given to
tiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit Abraham might come to me. Nobody can put a curse on me
through faith (Ge.25:21; 26:2,7; Ga.3:13-14). because I am blessed. How can I be cursed whom God has
not cursed? How can I be denounced whom the Lord has not
It’s interesting to note many similarities between Isaac and his father denounced because I am in Christ.
Abraham. We have seen how Isaac was blessed like his father in wealth,
social standard, miracle babies, treaty with Abimelech and God’s visitations Eph.2:19; Ga.3:13-14; Nu.22:12; 23:8
and promises. Yet he not only inherited the blessings but also inherited the
curse from his parents.
Isaac’s wife was barren as his mother was barren. He broke that curse
by his prayer (Ge.25:21). Isaac inherited the fear of his father Abraham and
repeated the same blunder of lying, calling his wife his sister (Ge.26:7). He
was tempted to go to Egypt when there was famine in Gerar, just as his
father (Ge.26:1-2; Ge.12:10). His wells were seized by Abimelech’s servants
as Abraham’s well was seized (Ge.26:18-21; Ge.21:25). This throws much
light on what we are because of the sins of our forefathers. The sins of the
forefathers bring curses that affect the third and forth generation, even up
to the tenth generation (Ex.20:4-6; Dt.23:2-3).
Outside Christ, you are the product of our past. Unless you claim who
you are in Christ and walk in that privilege, you are affected by the curses
from your forefathers. Many of your sicknesses, temperaments, losses, even
premature deaths can be caused by the curses from your forefathers or
what you invited by your own sins or folly.
When you come to Christ, all such curses are broken, if you appropriate
your freedom. Christ bore your curses on the cross and redeemed you from

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but true! If you ponder this deeply, it will melt your heart with gratitude. You
March 19 will never feel insignificant or inferior in life. You will not strive to earn
ELECT IN CHRIST God’s acceptance by your own achievements. Constantly and gratefully
thank God for His eternal love and election, and become His true love-slave
(Jer.31:3)! Dare not hurt your eternal Lover, please!
Two nations are in your womb, two peoples shall be separated Thank You, Lord, You chose me in Christ before the
from your body; one people shall be stronger than the other, and the foundation of the world and made me accepted in the
older shall serve the younger Beloved. I am the vessel of Your mercy that You prepared
beforehand for Your glory. Before You formed me in the
For the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or
womb You knew me, and before I was born You sanctified
evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of and ordained me because I am in Christ.
works but of Him who calls (Ge.25:23; Ro.9:11)
Eph.1:4,6; Ro.9:23; Jer.1:5
God’s election is one of the great mysteries for the intellectuals, but a
great reason of celebration for the child of God. Everyone in Christ is called
“elect of God” (1.Pe.1:2). This is your marvelous identity in Christ. Abraham
was God’s elect. All the Israelites were elected by God. Though Ishmael
was Abraham’s son, God’s election was on Isaac (Ge.17:20-21).
Isaac’s son Jacob was elected by God even before his birth. Isaac’s
wife went to inquire of God because of the struggle between the two children
in her womb. God clearly revealed about the two nations in her womb and
God’s election on the younger. This election was purely based on God’s
mercy and compassion, even before they did any good nor evil. God loved
Jacob and hated Esau before they even came into the world (Mal.1:2-3).
It may seem as if God were unjust, but that’s certainly not the case!
This is the mystery of His mercy. For some unknown reason, He has mercy
on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens (Ro.9:15). Our Divine
Potter has power over the clay to make one vessel for honor, another for
dishonor (Ro.9:21).
You, God’s elect, are made a vessel of honor for noble purposes. You
are the vessel of God’s grace and mercy (Ro.9:23). God had a purpose and
calling for you even before you were born (Jer.1:5,10). Your life mission is
already determined. He predestined you, called you, sanctified you, justified
you, and glorified you (Ro.8:29). What you do or don’t do doesn’t affect this
glorious election of God. You are a chosen vessel of God to bear His Name
to this world (Ac.9:15). Your calling and election are eternal. He has adopted
you into His family (Eph.1:4). Everything you need to enjoy in this life is
prepared even before the foundation of the world.
Beloved, you are elected by the King of the universe for His noble
cause. God does everything in this universe with His elect in mind. Even the
end-time tribulation is shortened for your sake (Mk.13:20). It is hard to believe

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spite of his unworthiness, he ate bread with king David at his table all through
March 20 his life.
BECAUSE OF JESUS IN CHRIST Beloved, your Father God has invited you to His banqueting table to
relish His delicacies. All His kindness flows to you. In Christ, everything
Adam lost is restored to you. You may not feel deserving but it’s done for
I will be with you and bless you… I will perform the oath which I the sake of the Son of David who well-pleased His heart. Stop underestimating
swore to Abraham your father… I will make your descendants multi- yourself! Accept His gracious invitation, appreciate His kindness and enjoy
ply as the stars of heaven… In your seed, all the nations of the earth His royal blessings.
shall be blessed BECAUSE Abraham obeyed My voice and kept All the mighty miracle workers you admire are not shining because of
My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws… FOR their goodness or godliness. It’s their simple trust in God’s righteousness
MY SERVANT ABRAHAM’S SAKE… that releases God’s blessings and power. Peter attributed the secret of his
For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so power to the Name of Jesus, not to his own godliness (Ac.3:12,16). Be
also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous (Ge.26:3- humble to accept that you are blessed only because of Jesus.
5,24; Ro.5:19). Thank You, Lord, You have come to fulfill all righteousness.
I have become the righteousness of God in You. I have
The “BECAUSE-truth” is one of the great revelations you must know received abundance and the gift of righteousness. I will
to destroy all your guilt and self-efforts. Isaac was blessed because Abraham reign in life because I am in Christ.
obeyed God. This one truth can transform your life. Abraham obeyed, and Mt.3:15; Ro.5:17; 2.Co.5:21
Isaac enjoyed the fruit of it. All of Isaac’s promises were nothing but a
repetition of what God promised to Abraham. It’s not Isaac’s merit that
brought his blessings. It’s Abraham’s merit, credited to Isaac’s account.
This is one of the most important Bible truths we must learn. Abraham’s
obedience is the reason for all the blessings of his entire generation which
includes you.
BECAUSE of Jesus: This pictures the great redemptive plan of God
for His new creations. Through Jesus’ righteous act, we all received
abundance of grace and abundance of righteousness (Ro.5:12-21).
If Abraham’s obedience could bless Isaac, how much more the
obedience of our Lord Jesus Christ would bring abundance of blessings
upon you? In fact, He is the only one who could fully obey and fulfill all
righteousness (Mt.3:15). He left the heavenly bliss to bring blessings upon
you. He walked in total obedience to the Father, even to the point of death,
so that you may be blessed (Phil2:8).
BECAUSE of Jonathan: There is a beautiful illustration to picture
this. When David became king, he showed kindness to lame Mephibosheth
for the sake of his friend Jonathan and said, “Do not fear, for I will surely
show you kindness for Jonathan your father’s sake, and will restore to you
all the land of Saul your grandfather; and you shall eat bread at my table
continually” (2.Sa.9:7). Mephibosheth was melted by his kindness and cried,
“What is your servant, that you should look upon such a dead dog as I?” In

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much blessings, riches, and honor that people envy you. Joseph was envied
March 21 HUNDREDFOLD INCREASE by his own brothers because of his great vision (Ge.37:5,11). Aaron and
Miriam were jealous because of God’s glorious anointing upon Moses
IN CHRIST (Nu.12:1-2). The apostles were envied because of the big crowd they
attracted (Ac.13:45). Even Jesus was crucified out of envy (Mk.15:10).
Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hun- Beloved, when people are jealous of you, rejoice! That’s a sure indication
dredfold; and the LORD blessed him. The man began to prosper, and of God’s blessings upon you.
continued prospering until he became very prosperous… His blessings are more than his enemies. Even the king of Gerar
…receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers accepted that Isaac had become mightier than his people (Ge.26:16). The
king of Egypt looked at God’s people and said, “the children of Israel are
and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—
more and mightier than the Egyptians” (Ex.1:9). God’s blessing upon the
and in the age to come, eternal life (Ge.26:12-13; Mk.10:30) new creation always exceeds the blessings of unbelievers. Expect this
Isaac sowed in the land of Gerar and reaped a hundredfold harvest. His blessings cause persecution. Isaac was so blessed that he was
Here we see the characteristics of Isaac’s blessings. persecuted by the Philistines. They drew him away and took away all his
His blessings are independent of adverse circumstances. There wells (Ge.26:15-16). The Israelites were persecuted because they multiplied
was a severe famine all over the land, but it couldn’t stop Isaac’s hundredfold (Ex.1:9). You should be blessed to the extent of being persecuted for your
harvest. Isaac was not operating under the laws of nature (Ge.26:12). The great blessings. This is God’s will for those who are in Christ.
failing world economy has nothing to do with the economy of a believer in Beloved, all these seven characteristics of Isaac’s blessings belong to
Christ. All around you, the business may fail, but it should not be a concern you. Isaac was the physical son of Abraham, you are his spiritual son. Despise
for you. Your neighbors’ agriculture may fail, but not yours. For you, the all your contradicting circumstances. Claim every one of these blessings
riches come from the Lord, not from any other source. Trust this and claim consciously and enjoy the hundredfold harvest.
your blessings.
Thank You, Lord, You satisfy my soul in drought. I am
His blessings are hundredfold. Isaac reaped a hundredfold harvest. much mightier than my enemies. I rejoice in persecution
Never be satisfied with thirty or sixty-fold blessing on your life and ministry. because Your Spirit of glory rests upon me. I will indeed
God’s will for you is always hundredfold. He is a perfect God, and all of His bear fruit and produce hundredfold because I am in Christ.
blessings must be perfect in your life.
Isa.58:11; Ge.26:16; Mt.5:11-12; 1.Pe.4:14
His blessings come at the right time. In the same year Isaac sowed
the seed, he reaped the harvest. God blesses His people at the right time,
exactly when they are in need. God has promised the rain at the proper time
(Dt.11:14; Dt.28:12; Joel.2:23-24). You shall bring forth fruit in due season
(Ps.1:3). Seasonal failure and harvest failures are not God’s blessings. You
are redeemed from this curse because of Jesus. Expect the harvest in it’s
proper season. Claim this blessing.
His blessings are ever increasing. Isaac began to prosper and
continually prospered until he became very prosperous. God’s blessings are
progressive. Tomorrow is always better than yesterday for a child of God.
Everything God gives increases till it reaches the climax (Ge.26:13). The
path of the righteous shines more and more (Pr.4:18).
His blessings are envied by the enemies. Isaac was so prosperous
and became so rich, the Philistines envied him (Ge.26:14). You can enjoy so

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they are foolish. In Christ, the King of the universe charged all His angels to
March 22 protect you and all your family (Ps.91:11). Remember what God has done to
ENEMIES BECOME FRIENDS you in the past and how He honored you in the midst of everyone in spite of
IN CHRIST all your foolish mistakes. This should make you cool and calm when you
face enmity.
And Isaac said to them, “Why have you come to me, since you
Remember the New Covenant: Isaac heard time and again that
hate me and have sent me away from you?” But they said, “We have God would bless him for the sake of His servant Abraham. He knew, just
certainly seen that the LORD is with you. So we said, ‘Let there now because he was Abraham’s son, he also was God’s covenant partner. God
be an oath between us, between you and us; and let us make a cov- would vindicate him, no matter what people planned against him. That made
enant with you, that you will do us no harm…” him to easily let go even when people demanded unduly (Ge.26:23).
Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the Follow after peace: Because of his covenant position, Isaac gladly
sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live left Gerar and never fought when his wells were stopped (Ge.26:18). Instead
peaceably with all men (Ge.26:27-28; Ro12:17-18). of fighting, he reopened the wells of Abraham. When his enemies continued
to quarrel with him, Isaac, like his father Abraham, gave up these wells and
Isaac was hated and rejected because of his over-abundance of blessings. continued digging new wells in new places. He would rather let go of anything
God’s blessing and favor will always be envied. than losing his inner peace.
God vindicated him by continuous miracles and divine appearances and Overcome evil with good: Seeing his Christ-like nature, God was so
taught Isaac the principle of “When a man’s ways please the Lord, He moved He reassured him once again of His blessings. He showed the Gentile
makes even his enemies to be at peace with him” (Pr.16:7). After Isaac kings the blessings of Isaac and made them bow down to him. The very
passed the test, all his enemies including the kings and commanders came to people who rejected him came to Isaac to make a treaty with him (Ge.26:28).
appease him, pleading for a peace covenant (Ge.26:28). He made them a feast and overcame evil with his good.
In Christ, expect everyone of your enemies to become your closest In Christ, God will definitely defend your cause and bless everything
friends. Those who reject you will receive you gladly. Those who speak ill you do. When you sow, you will reap a hundredfold. When you dig a well,
of you will speak well of you. Those who despise you will dignify you. This waters will gush forth. When you do business, it shall be profitable. When
is your birth right in Christ. As an heir of Abraham, you will enjoy the blessing you preach, it will yield souls. Whatever you do shall prosper (Ps.1:3).
Isaac enjoyed.
Beloved, maybe people are jealous of you, speak evil of you and even
Trust God and His Word: Isaac was always a peaceful man. He steal your blessings, but when you hold your peace trusting God, He will
never quarreled nor fought for his rights. He graciously accepted the rejection vindicate you (Pr.16:7). Everything you lost shall come back to you multiplied.
and departed from the place where he had enjoyed a hundredfold harvest. All your enemies shall become your friends as you walk in Christ.
He trusted in his God and knew, the God of blessings could bless him wherever
Thank You, Lord, I am not overcome by evil, but overcome
he went. Right in Gerar, God appeared to him and lavished His promises
evil with good. As my ways please You in Christ, You make
upon him (Ge.26:2-5).
even my enemies to be at peace with me because I am in
When you are rejected, always remember God’s promises to you. Know Christ.
all God’s blessings are yours in Christ. Trust the One who called, blessed
Ro.12:21; Pr.16:7
and honored you (Ro.8:29-32). No man can permanently dishonor you, as
you keep claiming your rights in Christ.
Remember His past miracles: In Gerar, Isaac was afraid to say that
Rebekah was his wife and called her his sister. But God intervened and
saved him and his wife (Ge.26:6-11). The very king of the nation charged all
his people not to touch him or his wife. Even death penalty was pronounced.
By this, Isaac could see how God protects His covenant people even if

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mighty help in releasing God’s blessing.
March 23 RELEASING THE BLESSINGS Put on Jesus: Jacob put on Esau’s garment and went near his father.
Isaac smelled the smell of his clothing and started lavishing his blessings on
IN CHRIST him. You can never go to the Father by your own righteousness. Clothed in
Christ’s righteousness, we approach the Father. Father God smells the smell
And he (Jacob) came near (Isaac) and kissed him; and he of His beloved Son on us and manifests His blessings.
smelled the smell of his clothing, and blessed him… Believe your blessings are irrevocable: After Jacob blessed his
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who son Isaac, Esau came and cried. Isaac trembled exceedingly but could not
has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in revoke his own blessings. We are eternally blessed, and God’s blessings are
Christ (Ge.27:27; Eph.1:3). irrevocable. When we walk in the revelation of who we are in Christ, no
power can alter God’s blessings in our lives (Ge.27:33).
Jacob was blessed by God’s election from his mother’s womb as we Know your blessings are unlimited: Esau cried bitterly and asked,
are blessed in Christ Jesus (Eph.1:3). But Jacob had to do something to “Have you not reserved a blessing for me? Have you only one blessing, my
unleash his blessings. This tells us that we have a part in unleashing God’s father?” Isaac had nothing else to give. He had made Jacob Esau’s master
blessings upon us though we are blessed in Him. We must know the keys and given him grain and wine. So he lamented, “What shall I do now for you
that will unlock God’s blessings. my son?” (Ge.27:37-38) But rejoice! Your heavenly Isaac has unlimited
Though we don’t advocate the exact method Jacob used, we can take blessings that can never be stolen or exhausted.
the principles. Jacob suffered long time to literally enjoy the blessings because Beloved, if you use these keys honestly, you can bring your spiritual
his methods were not honest. We will always be safe if we use the biblical blessings into reality.
Thank you, Lord, You fill the hungry with good things
Value and covet: Jacob coveted to obtain all his blessings and was and send the rich away empty. So I covet Your spiritual
willing to pay the cost for it. To get his older brother’s birthright, he gave his gifts. Your gifts and callings are irrevocable. Your Spirit
own stew for him (Ge.25:29-30). He knew the blessings of a birthright. helps me in my weakness so I can please You as a dearly
Esau despised it for his immediate need and lost it forever. He risked his beloved child. You bless me according to the riches of Your
very life to obtain his father’s blessing acting as Esau (Ge.27:12). A deep glory because I am in Christ.
and burning desire to enjoy your blessing is the key to release what you
Lk.1:53; 1.Co.14:1; Ro.11:29; 8:26; Eph.5:1; Phil.4:19
already have in Christ (1.Co.14:1).
Bless the Blesser: Jacob knew the secret of satisfying the heart of
the blesser. Isaac also knew this principle and requested Esau to bring him
his favorite savory food, so that he might eat and bless him with all his soul
(Ge.27:3-4,7,9-10,25-27). It was the custom in Bible times to feed and satisfy
the elders so that they might bless happily. Likewise, satisfy the heart of
God, the true Source of all blessings, and untie your blessings. You cannot
enjoy your blessing if you grieve the heart of the Blesser. Constantly please
Him and see the overflowing blessings. Bless the blesser who has blessed
you with all spiritual blessings in Christ, and untie them (Eph.1:3)!
Seek the Spirit’s help: Jacob needed his mother’s help. She took all
the initiative to see that Jacob received his father’s blessing. She encouraged
him and cooked the savory food and put Esau’s choicest clothes on him. She
took the responsibility on herself (Ge.27:13). Only the Holy Spirit knows
what pleases the Father and helps you to do it. Heed Him and avail His

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God’s awesome Presence in that place and called it “House of God” and
March 24 “Gate of Heaven”.
In Christ, you carry the awesome Presence of God. You are the mobile
HEAVEN OPENS IN CHRIST House of God. You are the Gate of Heaven. You are the link between heaven
and earth, just like Jesus (Jn.1:51). Live in this consciousness! Let continuous
How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of praise rise up to heaven from you, God’s Bethel. Like Jacob, let everyone
God, and this is the gate of heaven… who crosses your way exclaim, “Surely the Lord is in this person… How
Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven awesome is this person!” (Ge.28:16-17). What a privilege! What a
open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the responsibility! Let people see His glory in you TODAY!
Son of Man (Ge.28:17; Jn.1:51) Beloved, forget your earthly sorrows, disappointments, rejections,
frustrations and loneliness. Open your eyes to see who and where you are
in Christ and what you have in Christ. This will flabbergast you and make
When all leave you, He never does: Jacob had to run for his life to an you a mighty worshipper of God.
unknown place, to his mother’s relatives. Imagine his mental agony, loneliness, Thank You, Lord, I do know that my body is the temple
guilt, and his feeling of rejection! It became dark all around him because the of the Holy Spirit, and I am not my own.he who has seen me
sun had set. He laid down in that wilderness like an orphan. A stone was his has seen the Father for I am in the Father, and the Father
pillow, but God didn’t reject His elect (Ge.28:11). in me because I am in Christ.
His father and mother couldn’t give him security and sent him away, 1.Co.6:19; Jn.14:9-11
but the God of his forefathers stood before him to console him. He had no
place to rest, there was no home for him, but God promised him the land he
was sleeping on and predicted that he and his descendants would spread
abroad to the west, east, to the north and the south.
When his future was uncertain, nobody to help him, not even his beloved
mother, God promised He would go with him wherever he would go, and
keep him and bring him back. He would never leave him nor forsake him till
the end. Imagine the joy of Jacob!
In Christ, though your father and mother forsake you, your God is in
you and for you. There is no orphan in Christ! There is no loneliness in
Christ! There is no rejection in Christ! He has become all in all to you!
Dream became reality: Jacob had a beautiful dream of heavens
opened, with a ladder reaching the top. Many angels were going up and
down, maybe to relieve him from the sense of loneliness.
For Jacob it was a mere dream, but for you, the new creation, it has
become a reality in Christ Jesus. When you came into Christ, the whole
heaven was opened for you (Jn.1:51). You are already living in the heavenly
realms (Eph.1:3; 2:6).
The God of Abraham and Isaac, the Father of your Lord Jesus, has
become your own God and Father. He lives in you through His Spirit, and
He will never leave you nor forsake you.
You are Bethel: When Jacob awoke from his dream, he recognized

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The God who saw the affliction and hard labor of Jacob is your Dad
March 25 (Ge.31:42). He saw the affliction of His people in Egypt (Ex.3:7,9; 4:31).
REUBEN IN CHRIST Of course, God looks at every one of His creatures, but sometimes, sin
hides His face from them and makes them cry to God to look at them (Isa.59:1-
2). In Christ, His look is permanently set on you. He guides you with His
So Leah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name eyes every second (Ps.32:8). In Christ, His Face is shining upon you, and
Reuben; for she said, “The Lord has surely looked on my affliction. He has turned His Face toward you permanently. You found grace in God’s
Now therefore, my husband will love me.” eyes (Ge.6:8).
He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; For behold, Every time Jesus looked at suffering people, He was moved with
henceforth all generations will call me blessed (Ge.29:32; Lk.1:48) compassion and immediately plunged into action. You are one with Him. He
will move heaven and earth to deliver you out of your misery. His look is
The twelve tribes of Israel were the blessed generations of blessed very powerful and revelatory. He looked at Nathanael and saw his future
Abraham. You are Abraham’s child and the spiritual Israel. As you are (Jn.1:48). He looked at the Gadarene and delivered him (Mk.5:1-20). He
engrafted into the olive tree, you partake of its root and fatness (Ro.11:17). looked at the mother’s cry and resurrected her son (Lk.7:13). He looked at
The names of Jacob’s children speak to you, the new creation. the misery of the Israelites and vindicated them (Ex.2:24).
“Reuben” means “Behold, a son!” and “God has seen my misery” Beloved, you are God’s Ruben in Christ because you are always seen
favorably by your Father. His eyes now counsel you and watch over you.
Leah was not attractive to Jacob’s eyes, but Rachel was very beautiful The whole heaven is watching you. Not only God’s eyes are upon you, you
(Ge.29:17). Jacob was deeply in love with Rachel and chose to marry her, are the apple of His eyes because you are in Him.
though she was the younger sister. As the elder daughter, Leah must have
felt deeply hurt and deserted. She had to marry a man who felt no attraction Thank You, Lord, You have seen my misery, toil and
or love for her. Just imagine Leah’s heart! But God saw that Leah was oppression. You are guiding me with Your eyes. I am the
hated by her husband, He blessed her with a beautiful male baby. Filled with apple of Your eye, and he who touches me touches You. I
gratitude, Leah named him “Reuben” saying, “the Lord has noticed my am a member of Your Body because I am in Christ.
misery and looked on my affliction”. D Dt.26:7; Ps.32:8; Zac.2:8; Eph.5:30
When nobody notices your heart’s cry and your misery, God looks at it
with deep compassion. Many may not even notice what is troubling your
heart now, and the few who can see it may be helpless to do anything about
it. Your God, however, carefully looks at your problem with utmost concern
and acts on your behalf.
When Hagar was severely ill-treated by her mistress, she ran away
from her, but the Angel of the Lord consoled her saying, “The Lord has paid
attention to your affliction” and revealed her about the son she would bring
forth. Hagar saw God as the One who sees everything (Ge.16:13).
Maybe you are in deep sorrow, rejected by your loved ones. You may
think nobody has seen your plight. Take heart. Your God sees everything
about you, more than you can see about yourself. In fact, since the moment
you came to Christ, you are eternally seen by your Father (1.Co.13:12). As
the Father sees His Son Jesus, He sees you. He loves you exactly as He
loves His own Son Jesus (Jn.17:23; 20:21). In Christ, God has seen all your
miseries and afflictions.

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heard unhindered (Heb.5:7). You need not cry and lament like Leah for your
March 26 need. You can be a channel of God’s cry for the world (Ro.8:26). He has
SIMEON IN CHRIST turned all your mourning into dancing (Ps.30:11). Know He already heard
you, and rejoice!
Beloved, you are God’s Simeon because He always hears you! Your
Then she conceived again and bore a son, and said, “Because God is so sensitive and tender that He will hear even the cry of the one who
the LORD has heard that I am unloved, He has therefore given me this has no covering in a cold night (Ex.22:27). He can never be silent when you
son also.” And she called his name Simeon. cry from your heart. Even your slightest groaning makes a deep impact in
And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that His soft heart. For God, hearing is heeding. Cheer up! Could He ignore your
we have the petitions that we have asked of Him (Ge.29:33; 1.Jn.5:15) heart cry now that you are one with Him? None of your prayers, sighs, or
groanings can go unheard by your Father because you are in Christ Jesus.
“Simeon” means “Hearing” and “One who hears” Thank You, Lord, as I delight in You, You grant the
Leah expected her husband to love her after Reuben was born, yet she desires of my heart. I know You always hear me. Your ears
was disappointed. She felt despised and unloved. The Lord HEARD that are open to my cry because I am righteous in Christ.
she was not loved, and gave her another son, proving that He is a God who Ps.37:4; Jn.11:42
hears the cry of the afflicted.
When you are not loved, remember, God hears all the unloving words
against you. His ears are always open to your cries.
When God’s people cried because of the cruel taskmasters in Egypt,
God heard not only their crying, but even their sighing and groaning (Ex.2:23-
24). In fact, they didn’t even cry to God, they simply groaned for pain because
of their afflictions, and God heard it. He remembered His covenant people
and came down to deliver them.
Whenever God’s people cried, God heard it compassionately and acted
speedily. When David cried out to the Lord in his distress, God heard him
from His sanctuary. David beautifully describes how God came down with
anger and fury to deliver him from the pangs of death and from the floods of
ungodliness. He bowed the heavens and came down and flew upon the
wings of the wind and sent out His arrows and scattered His enemies
Jesus had sharp and attentive ears even to the cry of a blind beggar
when everybody shouted to silence him (Mk.10:46-52). Remember, the sound
system in heaven is extremely sensitive! Even your slightest whispering will
echo in the whole of heaven. In Christ, you are not crying to your Dad from
a distance. You are His Bride, in the inner chamber with Him. You are His
sheep on His strong shoulder. You are His child in your Dad’s bosom. You
are in Him, and He is in you. Even your slightest desire is heard attentively.
His ears are open to the cry of the righteous. You are righteous now in
Jesus cried loudly in the days of his humanity that your cry may be

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attention and affection of Jesus. Rejoice, you got it forever! Rest in His
March 27 arms and be refreshed.
LEVI IN CHRIST Unless you see that you are accepted by God, you cannot accept others
freely. So your relationship with Christ affects your relationship with others.
The main cause for interpersonal relationship problems lies in self-rejection.
She conceived again and bore a son, and said, “Now this time You will accept others unconditionally only when you see you are accepted
my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him unconditionally by Christ (Ro15:7).
three sons.” Therefore his name was called Levi.
Beloved, you are God’s Levi for you are attached to Him! God is Spirit,
But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him (Ge.29:34; you are a spirit. Both of you are one Spirit (1.Co.6:17). You are His temple.
1.Co.6:17) You are His Body. You are His Bride. You are His sheep. You are His
building. He is your life. He is your light. He is your strength. He is your
“Levi” means “Joined to”, “Attached”, or “Feeling affection” wisdom. Oh, He is all in all to you, and you are all in all to Him!
The basic need of mankind is companionship. Man craves to be loved, Thank You, Lord, I am well accepted in the Beloved. I
appreciated, adored and attached. The whole world revolves around love. am flesh of Your flesh and bone of Your bone. You never
You can imagine how much more this was true for Leah, the most rejected leave me nor forsake me. You are with me always until the
and despised woman. When God gave her the third son, she exclaimed, end of this world. I am joined to You, I am one spirit with
“now at last my husband will become attached to me” and called him “Levi”. You because I am in Christ.
“Levi” means “joined to, attached, feeling affection”. H Heb.13:5; Eph.1:5; 5:30; Mt.28:20; 1.Co.6:17
In Christ, this need of companionship and being attached is fully met.
When you receive Jesus as your Lord, He becomes your closely attached
companion. You and Jesus are no longer two, you have become one
(Eph.5:30). You can boldly confess like Jesus confessed in His earthly walk,
“I and my Father are one” (Jn.10:30). Shout today that you and your Jesus
are one! You are adhered to Deity! The Father is in Jesus, Jesus is in the
Father, Jesus is in you, you are in Jesus, so you are in the Father (Jn.17:21).
Oh! What a mystery! This revelation is enough for you to rejoice for all
Jesus alone can fill the vacuum in your heart for companionship. Can
you find such a true friend anywhere? Some cry, “how nice it would be if
Jesus were my friend!” The fact is, He has already become your friend!
Others cry, “if only I had been here when Jesus walked on this earth!” The
truth is, now you are much closer to Him than the disciples were in their
Not only you, even He needs your companionship. You are His attraction.
He feels lonely without you. Your God is a love-hungry God. You are created
and even recreated for His companionship. When you see this truth, you are
the most satisfied and secure person on this planet! The opinions of the
people no longer matter to you.
Instead of demanding love, you become a supplier of love to others.
Eventually, you become attractive to everybody. Don’t strive to get the

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eternity was completed in Christ. This will change your plea into praise and
March 28 bring heaven down to earth. Life becomes a victory march and a celebration
Beloved, you are God’s Judah. You are called to praise and celebrate
your God and confess boldly His deeds among the nations.
And she conceived again and bore a son, and said, “Now I will
praise the LORD.” Therefore she called his name Judah… The whole world is gloomy, full of sorrow and tragedy. People are
attracted by joyful Christians. When they see the joy of the Lord radiating in
Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise you, they will naturally covet what you have. Decide today to praise and
to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name celebrate God for everything He has accomplished on the cross. Make praise
(Ge.29:35; Heb.13:15) your life-style!
Thank You, Lord, You are the Lion of Judah, and You
“Judah” means “Praise”, “Celebration” or “Confession” live in me. I will praise You at all times! Your praise shall
So far, it was her husband and her misery that was predominant in continually be in my mouth! I continually offer to You the
Leah’s mind. When God gave her the fourth son, her attention and focus sacrifice of praise, the fruit of my lips, giving thanks to
were turned to God. Her misery or rejection or need for companionship Your Name, because I am in Christ.
were no longer her focus. Now, she was filled with joyful gratitude and said, Rev.5:5; Ps.34:1; Heb.13:15
“now I will praise the Lord”.
People who have seen themselves as Reuben, Simeon and Levi – seen
by God, heard by God, attached to God – will enjoy Judah’s experience.
Yes, when you know your needs are met in Christ, you are complete in
Him, and now you are His beloved, your heart bubbles with thanksgiving to
God. Life in Christ is not a life of complaining, begging and pleading. It’s a
life of praise and celebration for what God has done and for what He is to
Paul had the special revelation of life in Christ. That created in him a
praising life-style. He blessed God for all the blessings he had in Christ
(Eph.1:3). He thanked God for the continuous victory he had in Christ
(2.Co.2:14). He celebrated God who had delivered him from the powers of
darkness (Col.1:13). He always rejoiced in God’s mercy and calling in his
life (1.Ti.1:12). He felt secure in God’s love and acceptance (Eph.1:5). He
was very satisfied with God’s grace. He gladly boasted in his weaknesses
that Christ’s power might rest on him. In fact, he delighted in insults, in
hardships, in persecutions and in difficulties. That joy and praising attitude
made him strong when he was weak (2.Co.12:9-10). Almost everyone left
him, but that could not quench his heart-felt praises (2.Ti.4:16-18). Even
while explaining his loneliness and how his companions deserted him, he
didn’t fail to celebrate his God. This is life in Christ.
Do you believe that Christ has done everything for you? When Jesus
cried, “It is finished!”, all your battles are won! All your enemies were
defeated! All your curses were broken! All your needs were met! All your
sicknesses were healed! In short, everything you need in this life and for all

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as co-judges, but there are two areas you have to wait for the future judgment.
March 29 The world system: Remember, the whole world is in the evil one, and
DAN IN CHRIST he is the god of this world (1.Jn.5:19; 2.Co.4:4), though not your god! That is
why there is so much of social injustice, poverty, terrorism, rampant sin,
corruption and all vices. When Christ comes back to this world, He will
Then Rachel said, “God has judged my case; and He has also show forth His justice to the nations publicly. He will bring justice to total
heard my voice and given me a son.” Therefore she called his name victory. Till then, He will not quench the smoldering wick nor break a bruised
Dan. reed (Isa.42:1-3; Mt.12:17-21). What a great news! When you see what is
They will give an account to Him who is ready to judge the living happening around you, you may be discouraged at times. God’s long silence
and the dead… of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged may puzzle you. You may feel like a bruised reed and a dimly burning wick,
(Ge.30:6; 1.Pe.4:5; Jn.16:11) but you will not be broken or quenched. Your Father is the Judge of the
whole earth (Ge.18:25). Cheer up!
Evil men: Maybe evil men stand against you and say all manner of evil
“Dan” means “Judge”, or “He has vindicated”
against you. Jesus said, in this world you will have tribulations (Jn.16:33).
After seeing Leah’s four children, Rachel became desperate for a child Prophets, Jesus and all the apostles suffered unlawfully. Maybe you feel
to the point of wanting to die. She felt her just cause was not heard by God. deprived of justice and humiliated. At such times, remember you have a
Childlessness in those days was a curse and a matter of great humiliation personal Advocate at the right side of Your Father (1.Jn.2:1). You will
and disgrace. So she decided to raise a child through her maid Bilhah, and experience God’s vindication in due time. Don’t give up. Don’t blame anyone.
God gave Bilhah a child. Rachel jubilantly called him “Dan” which means Don’t fight in your fleshly strength. Like David, quiet your soul and trust
“God has judged and vindicated me”. Yes, God always vindicates and does your God (Ps.131:2). Call on Your Father who judges each man’s work
justice for those who put their trust in Him. impartially (1.Pe.1:17). Commit yourself to Him who judges righteously
When you accepted Jesus, He became not only your Savior, but also (1.Pe.2:23). Entrust everything to the Judge who will judge righteously,
your Judge (Jn.5:22,30). As your Judge, He already pronounced judgment impartially and openly one day (Ro.2:16).
on your enemies. One of the main ministries of the Holy Spirit is to show Beloved, you are God’s Dan in Christ. Trust God has vindicated you.
you that the enemy is already judged (Jn.16:11). In Christ, the devil has no Execute your judgmental authority with Jesus! Wait for the day of judgment,
more legal right to attack you. Still, he acts like a guerrilla and attacks you committing yourself into the hands of your Judge patiently.
illegally. As a new creation, you must rise up and execute on him God’s
Thank You, Lord, the god of this world is judged, and
written judgment (Ps.149:9). You must command him to stay within his limits.
You are the Judge of the whole earth. I can execute your
This is how you act as God’s “junior-judge”.
written judgment because I am in Christ.
In Christ, the world and the flesh are also judged for you on the cross
Jn.16:11; Ge.18:25; Ps.149:9
(Ga.6:14; Ro.6:6). Neither the world nor your old nature can rule you legally.
When they rise their ugly heads, you must remind them that they are already
judged. Every blessing you have in Christ will be opposed by the enemy.
That’s definitely not just on his part. When you remain passive, he wins
unlawfully. Don’t wait for God to vindicate you. Claim your privilege and
thank Him that He has already vindicated you as your “Father-Judge”.
As long as you are ignorant of your lawful position and possessions,
satan will take advantage of you. Your war is won on the cross, but still, the
battle is on. The enemy will be banished forever when Jesus returns to this
earth. Till then, he will wage a guerrilla-warfare against you (Jas.4:7).
The judging authority is given to Jesus and you. You both together work

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by the wrestlings of your divine Jacob. Now, you are a prince with God. You
March 30 have power with God and also with men. You are a victor in Christ Jesus.
NAPHTALI IN CHRIST Beloved, you are God’s Naphtali in Christ in this world. Your struggles
are over in Christ. Don’t be anxious about the battles of your life. Jesus has
wrestled against all your enemies and won the victory for you. Instead of
Then Rachel said, “With great wrestlings I have wrestled with my spending your energy in battle, better exert all your energy to celebrate His
sister, and indeed I have prevailed.” So she called his name Naphtali… victory. You already stand on your victory ground. From this position, wield
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against princi- the Sword of the Spirit against your enemies.
palities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this Thank You, Lord, You are my Jahweh Nissi, the Lord my
age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places banner. Through Your death, You destroyed him who had
(Ge.30:8; Eph.6:12) the power of death, that is, the devil. Now, I fight the
good fight of faith, wrestling against principalities, against
Naphtali means “My struggle”, “Wrestlings”, “Mighty powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,
Wrestlings” and also “He has vindicated.” against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
You put all things under my feet because I am in Christ.
Another son of Jacob is Naphtali. Rachel named him “wrestlings”
(Ge.30:8). She was wrestling in prayer to God and prevailed. So Naphtali Ex.17:15; Heb.2:14; 1.Ti.6:12; Eph.1:22; 6:12
here contextually means “struggled and won”.
It is a beautiful picture of the new creation, but the difference is: Here
she struggled and she won. In our case, He struggled and we won. She
struggled with flesh and blood, her sister, but we struggle only with spiritual
forces. If at all there is a struggle for us, it is totally based on Jesus’ victory
on the cross and therefore already won.
Jesus has wrestled for you and already won all your battles. He is a
man of war and mighty in battle (Ex.15:3). You need not struggle and wrestle
with anyone as Rachel struggled with her sister. You only wrestle with the
evil hierarchy that stops your blessings (Eph.6:12). By spiritual warfare, you
release your blessings. It’s not a hard self-exerting battle. Your battle is
simply a battle of faith, a battle between truth and lie. You rest in His victory
and refuse to accept any defeat. You are seated with Christ in the heavenly
places (Eph.2:21; 2:6). All dominions, powers, and authorities are under your
feet. It’s with the Word and the Blood you overcome these enemies
(Eph.1:21-23; Rev.12:11). Instead of saying, “I wrestled”, you can say, “He
wrestled, and I enjoy His victory”.
If you wrestle in prayer like Paul, the Holy Spirit will always energize
you for battle (Ro.15:30). It’s not a battle fought to decide victory or defeat.
You have already won the victory because you are in Christ. Simply refuse
to step down from that victory position!
Jacob wrestled with God the whole night to be blessed and to become
Israel (Ge.32:22-32), but you are already blessed and became God’s Israel

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Blood. You are more than a troop for Him. By you, He will win this world
March 31 back to Himself. Get excited about Him. You are the luckiest person in this
Thank You, Lord, I am Your special treasure. I am Your
treasure hidden in the field of this world and a pearl of
Then Leah said, “A troop comes!” So she called his name Gad… great price. You found me, and for joy over me, You sold all
And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly fa- that You had and purchased me. I am a crown of glory in
vored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” Your hand and Your royal diadem of beauty because I am in
(Ge.30:11; Lk.1:28) Christ.
Dt.7:6; Mt.13:44-45; Isa.62:3
“Gad” means “a troop is coming”, “good fortune comes”, “luck.”
When Leah’s maid Zilpah bore a son to Jacob, Leah took it as a great
fortune that came to her. So she called him “Gad”. To her, Gad was not just
another son but equal to a whole troop of sons, an extra bonus from heaven.
All her depression was gone, and she saw herself as a lucky woman.
Precious child of God, this should thrill your heart. You are the luckiest
person in this whole universe (Dt.4:7-8; Lk.1:28,42)! You have found the
greatest fortune in Christ Jesus. Jesus is the Pearl of great price. One can
forego everything to own this precious jewel (Mt.13:44-46).
Not only Jesus is a precious Pearl for you. Jesus saw you as a pearl of
great price and left all His heavenly glory to obtain you. You are Gad to Him,
and He is Gad to you.
For Leah, Gad was more than a troop. For you, Jesus is more than a
troop. For Jesus, you are more than a troop. David saw his God far mightier
than all the enemy troops. That made him bold and confident to sing, “By
You I run against a troop, by my God I can leap over a wall” (Ps.18:29).
With this revelation, you can face any challenge in life.
Having Jesus in you is not an ordinary life. Who is as fortunate as you?
Who is as wealthy as you? Who is as lucky as you? Never ever say you are
unlucky or unfortunate. Such words belittle your precious Jesus. God values
you so much He gave His only Son to buy you. How fortunate you are!
Mary, who carried Jesus for nine months in her womb, was called
blessed among women (Lk.1:28,42). How much more blessed are you who
carry Jesus in you every second of your life. Be excited about Jesus. Never
make your problems big. He is your fortune, He is your troop. Likewise, you
are His fortune, His wealth, His pearl, His peculiar treasure, His signet ring,
His joy, His thrill and His pleasure. You are His troop that marches on,
taking the world for Christ.
Beloved, you are God’s Gad in Christ. You are His great fortune, more
precious than all silver and gold, for He bought you with His own precious

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Jesus is Asher for God’s heart. When you received Him, you became
April 1 the joy of God’s heart. Your joy comes from Him, and His joy comes from
ASHER IN CHRIST you. This is hard to believe, but true.
The Lord your God, the Mighty One, rejoices over you, singing over
you with gladness (Zep.3:17). As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so
Then Leah said, “I am happy, for the daughters will call me your God rejoices over you (Is.62:5b). His love is fresh, and His overflowing
blessed.” So she called his name Asher… joy is never-ending.
(Jesus,) whom having not seen you love. Though now you do Beloved, you are God’s Asher in Christ. You are the joy of His heart.
not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full He derives all His joy from you. He delights in you. Never grieve His heart.
of glory (Ge.30:13; 1.Pe.1:8) You too must learn to delight in Him. You and God together will bring joy to
this earth (Lk.2:10). When you make God’s heart happy, He will take care
“Asher” means “happy” or “blessed” of your joy and happiness in this troubled world.
Leah was overwhelmed with the blessing of another son through her Thank you, Lord, You are the True Vine, I am the
maid Zilpah and called his name “Asher”, which means “happy” or “blessed”. branch. I abide in You, and You abide in me. These things
When she had her first son, her mind was full of her own sorrows. Now she You have spoken to me so that Your joy may remain in me,
was relieved and began to see how people would consider her blessed among and my joy may be full. Now, you rejoice with joy inexpressible
women. All her outlook on life was changed. That filled her heart with joy and full of glory because I am in Christ.
and happiness. She felt no longer unloved or hated though there was not Jn.15:4-5,11; 1.Pe.1:8
much change in her relationship with her husband.
Maybe for Leah, her children were her happiness, but for a child of
God, happiness should be Jesus, the Source of all blessings. You cannot
derive your happiness from any relationship or things of this world. Let your
joy come from your relationship with Jesus, not from what you have in this
life (Lk.10:20).
The more you meditate your blessedness in Christ, the more you will be
filled with His joy. Nothing in life will depress you. That is why I urge you to
constantly meditate your blessings in Christ. This will change your emotions,
your thought life, and your entire personality. You will be a happy person.
A new creation must be the happiest person under heaven. There is no
sorrow or depression in heaven (Rev.21:4). When Christ fills your heart,
heaven fills your heart, and you will enjoy the heavenly bliss even in this
sorrow-filled world.
Jesus became the Man of sorrows so that you can become the man of
joy (Isa.53:3; 1.Pe.1:8). You can avail this joy only when you know you are
in Christ just as the branch is attached to the vine (Jn.15:1-11). Jesus told
this vine-branch-story so that our joy may be full. The In-Christ-truth will
restore the true joy of the Lord in the church. Thank God you are in Him!
Asher brought happiness to Leah’s heart. All her sorrows disappeared
every time she looked at Asher. Likewise, you bring joy to your Father’s
heart. God’s righteous heart is grieved over the sins of this world. The only
one who made Him fully happy was His Son.

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Beloved, you are God’s Issachar in Christ. You are God’s compensation
and recompense for His great sacrifice. You are extremely valuable to Him.
April 2 Jesus is the most precious Person. By becoming one with Him, you became
ISSACHAR IN CHRIST precious, too. You are a jewel from heaven, sparkling light into this dark
world. Change your negative self-image. You are God’s most expensive gift
Leah said, “God has given me my wages, because I have given to the Church and to the world. Treasure Him as your greatest reward, as
my maid to my husband.” So she called his name Issachar… He treasures you.
You were not redeemed with… silver or gold… but with the pre- Thank You, Lord, You will see the labor of Your soul and
be satisfied in me. You loved me and washed me from my
cious Blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot
sins in Your own Blood and made me a king and priest to my
(Ge.30:18; 1.Pe.1:18-19) Father God. Since I am precious in Your sight, I am honored
“Issachar” means “His reward”, “recompense”, “hire” or because I am in Christ.
“satisfaction or compensation for work done” Isa.53:11; Rev.1:5-6; Isa.43:4
Leah hired her husband with her son’s mandrakes and had another son,
Issachar. She thought Issachar was God’s reward for her sacrifice of giving
her maid to her husband. She saw God as the Rewarder of everything we
give away.
You are God’s reward. He didn’t simply hire you for a while as a work-
slave, but owned you as His child. Every time God looks at you, He sees you
as His reward for giving His Son to die on the cross. For God, nothing was
as precious as His only begotten Son Jesus. Jesus gave Himself on the
cross to earn you as His great reward.
Jesus, as a suffering Savior, made Himself an offering for our sins and
received us, a multitude of children, as many heirs. When He sees all that is
accomplished in us by His anguish, He will be satisfied (Isa.53:10-12). Yes!
We are the reward for His sacrifice and for all He suffered on the cross.
As a mother sees her new born child as a reward and recompense for
the pain she endured, Jesus rejoices to see you as His reward (Jn.16:21;
You are not God’s liability any more. You are His special treasure. He
considered you His greatest reward. That is why He bought you for Himself,
not with silver or gold, but with His precious Blood (1.Pe.1:18-19). Learn to
see yourself as God sees you. Believe what He says about you. This will
change your behavior and outlook on life.
In Christ, you are His purchased possession (Eph.1:14; 1.Co.6:20). He
sealed you with His Holy Spirit. The Spirit is God’s guarantee that you are
His own reward (Eph.1:13-14). At the end of this age, He will gather you as
His special jewel. Until then, He will spare and protect you as a father
spares his precious child (Mt.24:31; Mal.3:17). When you are so precious in
the eyes of your Creator and Redeemer, how can you consider yourself

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Are you dishonored and deserted by your own people? Do you feel
April 3 your self-image is crushed by the way you were treated? Do you strive for
ZEBULUN IN CHRIST your identity? Do you suffer from terrible loneliness? Cheer up! In Christ,
your self-image is restored. Your loneliness is gone. God Almighty has made
you His dwelling place (Jn.13:23). The King of the universe has honored
And Leah said, “God has endowed me with a good endowment; you. He paid a great price to make you His habitation and to restore your
now my husband will dwell with me, because I have borne him six honor and identity.
sons.” So she called his name Zebulun… Beloved, you are God’s Zebulun in Christ. Your God dwells in you, and
you are His mobile temple. You are greatly honored and highly exalted by
Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the
the Creator of all things. You are His home and his household. Exult in your
Spirit of God dwells in you?(Ge.30:20; 1.Co.3:16) exaltation! Delight in His dwelling! NOW!
Thank you, Lord, You didn’t leave me like an orphan. You
“Zebulun” means “Dwelling”, “Habitation”, “Honor” or dwell with me, and You are in me. Because You live, I live.
“Exaltation” You have highly exalted me along with Jesus and given me
God blessed Leah with yet another son. She said, God had given her the legal right to use the Name which is above every name
good gifts for her husband. Now her husband would dwell with her and because I am in Christ.
honor her, because she had given him six sons. She named her sixth son
“Zebulun”. Jn.14:16-20; Phil.2:9
Leah longed for her husband to stay with her. For Leah, the entire
world was her husband. Every time a child was born, her expectancy soared
high. She believed now her husband would dwell with her and honor her.
We are not sure if he really dwelt with her after the birth of Zebulon, but one
thing we know for sure: Our divine Bridegroom dwells in us forever.
Zebulon throws much light on our new creation reality. In Christ, God
dwells in us, and He cannot separate Himself from us. God, the Father had
two precious gifts. One is His Son and another is His Spirit. He gave both of
them to us, with the sole purpose of making us His home.
Honor and exaltation is another meaning for the name “Zebulun”. A
forsaken woman knows what it means to be dishonored and humiliated.
Leah’s self-image must have been broken into thousand pieces. She craved
for honor and self-esteem.
When the sixth son was born, she believed her husband would finally
honor her. Unfortunately, she tried to find honor from a human which only
worsened her condition.
Only in Jesus, we find our true identity and esteem. Jesus came to this
world to restore honor and self-esteem to His children. Only in Jesus, you
can know what it means to be recognized and honored. He honored you
more than Himself. He was dishonored, despised, humiliated, and died the
most humiliating death, all to honor and exalt you to the highest place (Phil.2:8-
9; Eph.1:21).

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empty jars from her friends and neighbors. When she began to pour her little
April 4 oil into the jars, it began to increase till there were no more containers left
JOSEPH IN CHRIST (2.Ki.4:1-7).
Beloved, you are God’s Joseph in Christ. God adds and increases in
your life constantly. He wants you to enjoy this blessing. God desperately
So she called his name Joseph, and said, “The Lord shall add to wants you to increase in every way. There is always room for you to grow.
me another son.” You may have few talents and little strength and energy, but when you
faithfully use them for God, you will be surprised by their increase. This is
And the Lord added to the church daily… (Ge.30:24; Ac.2:47)
not only true for material needs, but also for your spiritual needs.
When you came to Christ, all the divine nature came into your spirit.
“Joseph” means “addition” or “increase” You became partaker of the ver*y nature and virtues of Christ. These virtues
All these years, Rachel was barren and suffered terrible disgrace and of God have the capacity to increase. That is why Peter admonishes us to
shame. Of course, her maid bore her sons, but her reproach was not yet add one virtue after another. So make every effort to “add to your faith
removed or taken away. virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control”, etc. (2.Pe.1:3-8).
Remember your Christian virtues can be added to you every day, as gifts
God, who remembers the disgraced, listened to her and opened her
and callings can be increased in your life.
womb. She bore a son and named him “Joseph”. This name could also
mean, “God has taken away my reproach” and “the Lord shall add to me Thank You, Lord, You are able to make all grace abound
another Son”. We see God as the One who takes away all our reproach, the toward me, that I always have all sufficiency in all things
One who always adds and increases. As she rightly named him, Joseph not and have an abundance for every good work because I am in
only removed her reproach, but another son was also added to her. In Christ, Christ.
all of us receive this double blessing. 2.Co.9:8; Eph.2:10
Jesus removed all our reproach and shame. As Joseph lifted up the
stature and image of Rachel, Jesus lifted up our image before heaven and
Rachel believed that God would add another son to her. I wonder whether
she limited the number of her children by her own words. Had she said God
would add to her many more sons, maybe she would have had more sons
and lived longer. What she believed and spoke, she received.
God is always a God of addition and increase. Whatever He gives has
the capacity to increase. He never takes away your blessing, He always
adds to it. In the Early Church, the Lord added daily those who were being
saved (Ac.2:47). Daily addition and increase is God’s will. There must be
addition and increase in your church daily. When we seek first the Kingdom
of God and his righteousness, all other blessings shall be added to us (Mt.6:33).
Solomon asked only for wisdom from God, but God, pleased with his
request, granted him not only wisdom but also added riches, wealth and
honor as no other king ever had before (2.Chr.1:6-12).
God’s blessings are like the containers of the widow of Zarephath. They
can always increase, no matter how much you use them (1.Ki.17:10-16).
Elisha also had this revelation and asked a poor widow to borrow many

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As you are the son of His Right Hand, His hand is holding you securely.
April 5 Nobody can snatch you out of your Father’s hand (Jn.10:29). His right hand
BENJAMIN IN CHRIST is stretched forth over you to do all kinds of miracles you need (Ex.3:20).
His hand will strike your enemies. Your future is in safe in His hands
(Ps.31:15). His hands are always open for you to satisfy your heart
And so it was, as her soul was departing (for she died), that she (Ps.145:16). His hand is constantly guiding and supporting you (Ps.139:10).
called his name Ben-Oni; but his father called him Benjamin. Beloved, you are God’s Benjamin in Christ. You are the Son of His
You were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, Right Hand, seated at His Right Hand.
where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God (Ge.35:18; Col.3:1) Life in Christ is a mystery. The human mind cannot fully explain it. You
are not only the son of His Right Hand, you are even like His Right Hand to
“Benjamin” means “Son of the right hand”, “fortunate” manifest His might and power.
As Jacob’s family journeyed from Bethel, Rachel travailed in childbirth. As a member of Christ’s Body, claim that you are His hands to manifest
It was a hard labor. She had her second son when she was dying. She His power. At the same time, because you are in Christ, your Father’s hand
named him “Benoni” which means, “son of my sorrow”. But his father is always holding you and working on your behalf. Truly, you are the son of
called him “Benjamin” which means, “son of my right hand” (Ge.35:16-18). His right hand.
Benoni has become Benjamin. Rachel saw her son through her pain and Thank You, Lord, You have chosen me in the furnace of
agony whereas Jacob saw his son through his prophetic eyes. affliction like Benoni and exalted me to Your Right Hand as
When you see yourself with natural eyes, you might think you are a Benjamin. Your hand is upon me, the man of Your Right
person of sorrow and pain. Maybe the painful incidents you have experienced Hand, whom You made strong for Yourself. You have found
made you a negative and melancholic person. Maybe you lost your dear me and anointed me with Your holy Oil and strengthened me
ones in your childhood. You might have gone through unexplainable sorrow, with Your Arm. With me, Your hand shall be established
deaths, debts, losses and sickness. Maybe you think your life is a series of because I am in Christ.
tragedies. Isa.48:10; Ac.5:31; Ps.80:17; Ps.89:20-21
Now comes the prophetic word to you. You will be a person of great
help and blessing to your God, family, friends, neighbors, cities and even
nations. Great heroes of God were chosen from the fiery furnace of troubles,
sorrows and bitter cry. Precious gold comes out of fire (1.Pe.1:7). You are a
fire brand plucked out of the fire (Zec.3:2). Maybe people predicted doom
for you. You became the object of pity and sympathy. Take heart! God sees
you differently, and He needs you.
In a way, Jesus can be compared to Benjamin. He was a Son of sorrow,
Benoni, (Jer.31:15; Isa.53:3; Lk.2:35). After the resurrection, He became
God’s Son of the Right Hand (Ac.5:31). Because of your union with Him,
you have become the son of God’s Right Hand. You are seated with Christ
in the heavenly places at the right side of the Father (Eph.1:21; 2:6). God is
trusting you as His great ambassador on this earth. He wants to manifest
His strength and power through you.
The right hand speaks of strength and might. God manifests His power
and might through you, the new creation. Someone said, “we cannot do
anything without God, and God will not do anything without us.” You must
have the vision of how desperately God needs you.

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him in a dream and warned him not to speak anything good or bad against
April 6 Jacob. What a caring God!
HARM-PROOF IN CHRIST No harm by witchcraft: God protected Jacob and his family even
from the evil power of divination and from the spirit of idol worship.
No harm by relationship problems: God was so sensitive about
Your father has deceived me and changed my wages ten times, Jacob. The moment Laban’s face became cold, God asked Jacob to return
but God did not allow him to hurt me... to his father’s land (Ge.31:1-3). God doesn’t allow others to have a cold
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scor- attitude towards you. He is so jealous for you.
pions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any Beloved, if God could keep His Old Covenant man from all kinds of
means hurt you (Ge.31:7; Lk.10:19) evil, how much more will He keep you, His new creation. Are you surrounded
by people like Laban? Is your place may be dominated by powers of darkness
Jacob, the seed of Abraham like you, was a covenant man. In his life, and destruction? Do cruel men threaten and cheat you? Are you suffering
we see how God protects His covenant people from every harm and evil. in your job by evil men?
No harm from your boss: Laban was known for his cheating and Take heart! Your God will never allow anyone or anything to harm you.
very cruel to Jacob. He took advantage of Jacob’s goodness and was very Neither the demons nor the people of this earth have any power to hurt you.
crafty. To worsen it, Laban practiced divination and was an ardent idol You are His vineyard. See what God says about you: “I, the LORD, will
worshipper (Ge.30:27; 31:30). Imagine the plight of lonely Jacob before all watch over it and tend its fruitful vines. Each day I will water them; day and
this craftiness, cheating, evil powers and idol worship. But the God of Bethel night I will watch to keep enemies away” (Isa.27:3). The Lord Almighty
kept His promise and protected him from being hurt by Laban, though He will hover over you as a bird hovers over its nest. He will defend and save
allowed some time to break and mold through these adversities. you. He will pass over you and rescue you (Isa.31:5).
No harm by cheating: Laban’s deception could not harm Jacob’s Thank You, Lord, You will not allow anyone to hurt me.
blessing, it even became a blessing to him. Even though he was cheated in I will trample on serpents and scorpions and all the power of
his marriage, he was blessed with twelve children who became God’s chosen the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt me. You
twelve tribes. The Messiah came out of the tribe of Judah, the Son of Leah, delivered from death, you do deliver me and you will deliver
the hated wife. me because I am in Christ.
According to the moral standard of that day, his wives gave their maids Ge.31:7; Lk.10:19; 2.Co.1:10
to him, which Jacob could have resisted. But even that was turned to his
blessing to increase his generation.
No harm in business: Laban made him work fourteen years for his
two daughters and changed his wages ten times. Jacob worked another six
years for his flocks. But for God’s intervention, Laban would have sent
Jacob away without a penny to his name (Ge.31:42). When he said, the
speckled shall be your wages, all the flocks bore speckled. When he said,
the streaked shall be your wages, all the flocks bore streaked. In fact, an
angel of God showed him in his dream when the sheep were mating, and
compassionately said He had seen all Laban had done to him. God is deeply
involved in your day-to-day affairs. In this way, God made him wealthy at
Laban’s expense. How great is God’s concern!
No harm by persecution: When Laban was in hot pursuit after Jacob,
God again intervened (Ge.31:22-24). The previous night, God appeared to

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only two battalions of angels. But for you, innumerable angels! This is the
April 7 privilege of every new creation.
MAHANAIM IN CHRIST Beloved! Your guardian angels are far more than your enemies. The
only problem is that angels are invisible. Your eyes need to be opened to see
them. We are believers who don’t walk by sight but by faith. Simply trust
So Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him. When His word and behave as if angels were around you right now. They are
Jacob saw them, he said, “This is God’s camp.” And he called the watching you all the time. They will stop you when you miss the way. They
name of that place Mahanaim… will deliver you from the snares of the evil one. You are more than a
But you have come to… the city of the living God… to an Mahanaim in Christ.
innumerable company of angels… to Jesus, the Mediator of the New Thank You, Lord, Your angels encamp around me and
Covenant (Ge.32:1-2; Heb.12:22,24) deliver me. The angels that are with me are more than the
demons that are against me. I have come to Mount Zion and
to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an
Jacob and his household were returning home from Laban’s place. He
innumerable company of angels because I am in Christ.
just had met angry Laban and made a treaty with him. Now he had to face
his brother Esau who had sought to kill him before. The future was uncertain Ps.34:7; 2.Ki.6:16; Heb.12:22
for Jacob. He had to protect his huge family and cattle and all his wealth.
They had to pass through ungodly gentile villages.
In order to reassure him of His care and protection, God sent His angelic
host to dispel his fear. Two camps of angels came and surrounded him.
Jacob’s eyes were opened to see them. He exclaimed, “This is God’s camp,”
and named that place “Mahanaim”, meaning “double camp”. Maybe God
sent the two camps of His angels to show that He had enough angels to
protect Jacob’s two camps of people (Ge.32:7).
Angelic visitation was not uncommon to our forefathers, specially to
Jacob. When he left his father’s house all alone, he saw the multitude of
angels at Bethel, ascending and descending on the ladder in his dream
When he was in Laban’s house, the angel of God spoke to him in a
dream (Ge.31:11). Now when he was coming back to his father’s house,
once again he saw groups of angels. Angels while leaving! Angels while
Don’t think angelic ministry is only for a select few of God. Every one
in Christ Jesus has access to the ministry of angels all the days of his life.
When you came to Christ, you literally came to an innumerable company of
angels. Right now, you are living in midst of thousands of angels in joyful
assembly (Heb.12:22).
Angels are servants sent from God to care for those who are to be
saved (Heb.1:14). So, they encamp all around you like a wall of fire (Ps.34:7;
Zec.2:5). As the very place of Elisha was surrounded by horses and chariots
of fire, you are surrounded by God’s mighty angels (2.Ki.6:17). Jacob saw

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valor, and that he became (Jdg.6:12)!
April 8 Beloved, it is of paramount importance for you to know how God looks
at you and how He calls you. You are not just a saved sinner. You are not a
NEW NAME IN CHRIST dust, a worm or a failure. God sees you as His beloved because you are in
the Beloved. It will definitely transform your life if you study all the names
God said to him, “Your name is Jacob; your name shall not be of a believer in Christ.
called Jacob anymore, but Israel shall be your name.” So He called Know your God-given names! You are the light of the world (Mt.5:14).
his name Israel… You are the salt of the earth (Mt.5:13). You are the temple of God (1.Co.3:16).
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed You are a saint (Eph.1:1). You are more than a conqueror (Ro.8:37). You
away; behold, all things have become new (Ge.35:10; 2.Co.5:17) are a child of God (Jn.1:12; 1.Jn.5:1). You are a king, you are a priest (Rev.1:6;
Thank You, Lord, You don’t see me as man sees. You
Names are very important to God. They mean everything about a person became sin so that I may become the righteousness of God
to an Israelite. That is why God gave the names before the birth of His in Christ. I was once darkness but now I am light in You. I
children and changed the names of His people whenever there was a need. am a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all
Before God could bless Abraham with a child and make him a father of things have become new because I am in Christ.
many nations, He changed his name from Abram (high father) to Abraham 1.Sa.16:7; 2.Co.5:21; Eph.5:8; 2.Co.5:17
(father of a great multitude) (Ge.17:5,15). When he was called father of
many nations, his faith must have soared higher and rejuvenated his very
body to bring forth children.
Jacob suffered most of his lifetime because of the wrong name given to
him. When Jacob was coming from his mother’s womb, his hand took hold
of Esau’s heel. So they called him Jacob, meaning “heel-catcher” or
“supplanter” (Ge.25:26). This name must have painted a picture in his mind.
He saw himself as a deceiver and believed it. That picture affected his
The way you believe is the way you behave. Because of his wrong
faith, he behaved as a cheat. Twice he cheated his brother (Ge.27:36). He
even ventured to cheat his godly father to receive the divine blessings (Ge.27).
His name not only corrupted his self-image, it also affected the way people
looked at him. This could be the reason Laban cheated him so much
God had to show him who he was in His eyes before He could bless
him. He met Jacob at Peniel and showed him his real name, Israel (Ge.32:28).
He reconfirmed it again at Bethel (Ge.35:10). Israel means “he will rule as
God”, “soldier”, “contender with God”, or “prince that prevails with God”.
This name painted a positive picture in his mind and transformed his life
completely. You can clearly see Jacob’s life became totally different after
Peniel. You can see the princely character of God in him, since then. He
now exercised God-kind of authority and became a mighty prevailing prince.
When timid Gideon was trembling in fear, God called him mighty man of

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permanently. Not only your spirit, even your body has become the holy temple
April 9 of the Holy Spirit.
EL BETHEL IN CHRIST Treat your body as a holy place and never allow any cursed thing to
touch it. Constantly call yourself God’s Bethel. Let your life become an altar
where the fragrance of praise and worship is continuously offered. Never
And he built an altar there and called the place El Bethel, be- allow any idol in your life. Let God be in total control of His house (2.Chr.5:13-
cause there God appeared to him when he fled from the face of his 14). Worship Him as El-Beth-El, the God of the House of God. Be con-
brother. scious of His Presence constantly and hear His still small voice. Make new
vows to God whenever God leads you.
…but Christ as a Son over His own house, whose house we are
Honor the Owner: Honor the Owner of your body more than you
if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm to the
honor your own body. All the ministers of God are serving in the House of
end (Ge.35:7; Heb.3:6) God whereas Jesus owns His House. He deserves greater honor than any
man. The builder has greater honor than the house itself (Heb.3:3-4).
We saw on the other day how Jacob was encouraged by the divine
visitation in Bethel. When Jacob awoke from his dream, for him it was no In Christ, you are bound to honor Jesus through your body (1.Co.6:20).
more Luz, the town of the Canaanites, but the House of God, Bethel. He You must deny and discipline your body to honor the Lord. Paul even beat
was sure that the Lord was in that place (Ge.28:16). He called it “House of his body in order to subdue his fleshly desires (1.Co.9:27). He took God’s
God” and “Gate of Heaven”. He set up a pillar and poured oil on it. It authority and trained it strictly. This is the secret of manifesting the life of
became Bethel, the most memorable place for him. He made it a place of God through your body. This is exalting your El-Bethel.
worship and covenant. Manifest El Bethel: When Jacob came to Bethel, having buried all
EL Bethel: Jacob always had Bethel in his mind. On his way back the foreign gods in Shechem, the terror of God was upon the cities all around
from Laban’s house, God commanded him to go back to Bethel and build them (Ge.35:4-5). God literally appeared and talked to him. He confirmed
Him an altar (Ge.35:1). In obedience, he went to Bethel with his family and his new name Israel once again and promised him that nations and compa-
built another altar which he called “El Beth-El”, “God of the House of God”. nies of nations and kings would come from his body (Ge.35:9-15).
Now, it was no longer just the House of God for Jacob, but the God of Beloved, once you realize that you are God’s home and He is the right-
the House had become important for him. God appeared to him there in ful owner of your entire being, the glory of God will begin to shine forth
reality, not in a dream as before, and reassured him of His blessings. through you (Ex.34:29-35). The terror of God will fall upon your enemies
when they try to harm you. Your anointing will flow through your entire
The Lord of your house: God has built you as His home. As the body. Every cell of your will throb with God’s shining glory. Like in Paul’s
builder has more honor than the house, He deserves more honor from you. life, extraordinary miracles will happen through you. Everything that touches
Your body is now for the Lord, and the Lord is for your body (1.Co.6:13). your body will carry healing and deliverance (Ac.19:11-12).
God has bought you with His precious Blood. You are no longer your own.
God owns your body as His holy temple (1.Co.6:19). Honor God’s anointing in you. Honor your Owner! Many miracles will
follow you.
Remove foreign gods: When God called Jacob back to Bethel, he
gathered all the foreign gods of his family and their cursed ornaments and Thank You, Lord, I am the House of God and Gate of
buried them before he could go and worship in Bethel. Jacob always re- Heaven. My body is a member of Christ Himself and the
membered Bethel as the most awesome place of God. He dared not take Temple of the Holy Spirit. I will honor God with my body.
any foreign things to that place. The Builder of my house has greater honor than my house
itself because I am in Christ.
In Christ, you have become God’s awesome holy house (1.Co.3:16;
1.Co.6:19; 2.Co.6:16; Eph.2:22; Heb.3:6). Even Moses was not privileged Ge.28:16-17; 1.Co.6:14-20; Heb.3:3
of being a house of God, he was just a faithful servant serving in the house
of God (Heb.3:5-6). God no longer just visits His temple, He resides in you

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Christ, you were transferred from the natural to the supernatural world
April 10 (Col.1:13). The God of visions dwells in you to show you His plans for your
future. If you are faithful, He will widen your horizon and reveal His plans
WORLD OF VISIONS IN CHRIST for others’ lives, even for other nations and the world.
Beloved, in Christ you have access to all supernatural visions and dreams
Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers, and Holy-Ghost-impressions. Never brush aside your impressions, mental
and said, “Look, I have dreamed another dream…” pictures and sudden burdens that come to you. Be sensitive even to the
‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will slightest promptings of His Spirit. Even if you miss sometimes, don’t stop
pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall coveting them. As you walk in the Spirit, saturated in the Word, your divine
prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall communications will grow.
dream dreams (Ge.37:9; Ac.2:17) Thank You, Lord, I am led by the Spirit because I am
Your child. I’m not ignorant of Your spiritual gifts. The
manifestation of Your Spirit is given to me for the profit of
Our God is a God of communication. His communications are the
all. I am blessed with every spiritual blessing including visions
birthright of Abraham’s seed. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, they all had
and dreams because I am in Christ.
God’s supernatural revelations.
Ro.8:14; 1.Co.12:1,7; Eph.1:3
He prepared His Joseph for a greater promotion through his dreams.
When Joseph was 17 years old, he had a dream about his future exaltation
(Ge.37:5-7). His sheaf rose and stood upright while all his family sheaves
bowed down to it.
He had another dream of sun, moon and eleven stars bowing down to
him (Ge.37:9-10). As every vision of God is opposed by the enemy, he also
suffered because of his vision. His brothers branded him as a dreamer and
even wanted to kill him, but God’s vision and plan can never be thwarted by
any power.
Even in prison, when he was in deep affliction, he could operate the
supernatural gift of interpretation. When the baker and the butler told him
their dreams, Joseph could immediately give the interpretation. He was so
one with God and ever-ready to meet the needs of the people. It was this
gift of interpretation that took him from prison to palace.
Because he was faithful in the given endowment of the Spirit, God
trusted him with more manifestations of His gifts. A day came when he
could predict the future of the great nation of Egypt (Ge.41:25-36). This
made him governor of the entire land and supplier for the whole world.
God wants to reveal His plan for your future and impart His vision in
your spirit. This is one way the Holy Spirit will manifest in these last days in
the new creations (Joel 2:28). People without vision perish (Pr.29:18). It is
God’s will and birthright for His Blood-bought children to be led by the Spirit
to know their future and prepare for it (Ro.8:14).
Such dreams and visions were not given to all the Old Testament saints,
but for you, the new creation, this world is wide open. When you accepted

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Do you see how one lie of the devil can make your life a living hell? In
April 11 Christ, your eyes are open to the whole truth of God’s Word. Your Joseph is
REJECT LIES IN CHRIST not dead anymore. He is highly exalted for your sake (Phil.2:9). He came to
comfort all who mourn and bestow on them a crown of beauty for ashes,
the Oil of gladness for mourning, and a garment of praise for the spirit of
And he recognized it and said, “It is my son’s tunic. A wild beast despair (Isa.61:3). He will never be the cause of your sorrows and fears.
has devoured him. Without doubt Joseph is torn to pieces.” Then He is alive, only to comfort and beautify you. No harm will befall you on
Jacob… mourned for his son many days… your way! You will never be bereaved!
The devil… was a murderer from the beginning, and does not Beloved, you are called according to God’s plan, all things work together
for your good, never against you (Ro.8:28). Throw off your sackcloth! Stop
stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks
all your lamentations! Rebuke the spirit of mourning! Break the spirit of
a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father heaviness from your life! Your heavenly Joseph is working on your behalf to
of it (Ge.37:33-34; Jn.8:44) make all things good. All the apparent failures, fears and possible harms are
evil lies of the devil. Don’t accept them. Expect good things to happen.
If you believe just one lie of the devil, it will greatly reduce the power of
Of course, Jacob as a natural man believed the lie of his natural sons. In
your life in Christ. Eve believed one single lie of the devil and ruined her
Christ, you are a supernatural child of your supernatural Father God. You
glorious life in Eden. The whole humanity suffers still today.
don’t see things through your natural eyes and logical mind. The father of
Jacob’s family greatly illustrates this. After selling Joseph to the lies has blinded the eyes of unbelievers (2.Co.4:4). Before you came to
Medianites, his brothers dipped Joseph’s robe in the blood of a goat and sent Christ, your eyes were blind. You saw everything in a negative perspective.
it to his father. The father recognized it and believed the great lie of the You constantly lived in fear and always expected some evil to happen, but in
devil. He was absolutely sure some ferocious animal had devoured Joseph Christ, you are totally liberated!
and torn him into pieces. Jacob tore his clothes, put on sackcloth, allowed
Jesus opened your spiritual eyes and gave you the revelation of His
the spirit of mourning to dominate him, and refused to be comforted by
glorious Gospel. Now you are no longer ignorant of the devices and schemes
anyone (Ge.37:31-35).
of the devil (2.Co.2:11)! The more you know the truth from God’s Word, the
From that point of life, he became totally negative, depressed, fearful, more your eyes will be enlightened (Eph.3:18). You will know the truth, and
and melancholic till he finally believed the truth about Joseph (Ge.45:27). the truth will set you free from every deception (Jn.8:32). Rise up!
See how he became negative in all his outlook on life. When he sent his Thank You, Lord, You came to give me life, and life
sons to buy grain from Egypt, he was very scared of sending Benjamin more abundantly. You have turned my mourning into joy,
thinking, “some harm might befall him” (Ge.42:4). When the children returned comforted me and made me rejoice rather than sorrow. I no
with the grain and their money bags in their sacks, he was frightened and longer take counsel in my soul or have sorrow in my heart.
lamented saying, “you have bereaved me of my children. Joseph and Simeon The enemy is no longer exalted over me because I am in
are no more, and you want to take Benjamin. Everything is against me” Christ.
(Ge.42:36). When sending Benjamin to Egypt, he sent the best products of
Jn.10:10; Jer.31:13; Ps.13:2
his land, to appease the anger of the “governor” and said, “as for me, if I am
bereaved, I am bereaved” (Ge.43:14).
Don’t you see all of Jacob’s negative words and fears were baseless!
Had he known what had really happened to Joseph, just imagine how his life
would have flourished! All his wasted years and tears would have been
avoided! Instead of lamenting, “all things work against me”, he would have
shouted, “all things work together for my good!” and jumped to his feet to
run to his son, the governor of all Egypt!

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Presence and Preference: Even in prison, God was with him. God’s
April 12 Presence is independent of the circumstances. No situation can separate
HIS PRESENCE IN CHRIST from His abiding Presence (Ro.8:39). Nothing can shut Him out anywhere
(Ps.139:7). The favor of men is the byproduct of His Presence. “The Lord
was with Joseph and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison”
The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man… his (Ge.39:21). So he preferred Joseph before all the others. Like before, his
master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made all he new master also entrusted all the prisoners into his hand and did not even
did to prosper in his hand… look into anything that was in Joseph’s hand. There again, whatever he did
was blessed and prospered. He was the master, even when he was a slave.
In Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of
your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’ (Ge.39:2-3; With God, Joseph could enjoy freedom even in jail. In God, how much
Ac.17:28) more freedom you should enjoy!
Presence and Palace: God was with Joseph in the palace, too. God’s
Spirit is the Source of God’s Presence. He filled Joseph with His glorious
Life in Christ is Christ in life. Christ in you is the Everest of Christian Presence, promoted him from the pit to the palace and made all Egyptians
life (Col.1:27)! This is the privilege of every New Testament believer. Old serve him. Even Pharaoh, the king, said to his servants, “can we find such a
Testament saints enjoyed God’s Presence with them, but not in them. Joseph one as this, a man in whom is the Spirit of God?”, and highly honored him
is a good example of this “God-with-us”-experience. (Ge.41:38). It’s the Holy Spirit who made him so discerning and wise.
Presence and Promotion: One of the main reasons for Joseph’s With God, Joseph was unique and wise. In God, how much more distinct
success is God’s Presence with him. When he was a slave in Potiphar’s and unique you should be!
house, the Lord was with him, and so Joseph prospered and was successful
Beloved, life in Christ is life full of the Holy Spirit. There is no searching
in everything he did. When God is with someone, anybody can see it. Even
out where God’s Spirit can take you. No matter where you are now, maybe
this Egyptian master recognized God’s Presence upon him. So he promoted
a slave or a prisoner or in a dark dungeon, the One who lives in you is
him as overseer over his house and entrusted to him everything. From that
greater than all your hurdles. When you trust Him and walk in Him, He can
time, God’s blessing was upon Potiphar’s house, field and everything he
promote you and make people favorable and keep you from the devil’s
owned. Seeing this, his master left Joseph in charge without even considering
cunning schemes. He will make you a blessing to the whole world.
Thank You, Lord, You are Immanuel, God with me. You
When God is with you, you will be successful in everything you do.
dwell with me and live in me. My body is the temple of Your
Others can easily notice His Presence in you, and you will be entrusted with
Holy Spirit who is in me. I am not my own. You are with me,
more privileges and more responsibilities. You will be always on top wherever
and I am a successful person. People will see You are with
you are. Imagine, in Christ, He is not only with you, but permanently living in
me and make all I do prosper in my hand. In You I live and
you! How prosperous you should be! Claim it!
move and have my being because I am in Christ.
Presence and Purity: Joseph was constantly conscious of God’s
Mt.1:23; Jn.14:17; 1.Co.6:19; Ge.39:2-3; Ac.17:28
Presence with him. Only that made him run from his master’s wife. He
made it clear when he said, “How then can I do this great wickedness, and
sin against God?” (Ge.39:7-9). Though he was far from his own home and
all alone in Potiphar’s house, still he saw God in that private room. Only too
late, David realized his sin with Bathsheeba was done in the sight of God
(Ps.51:4). It’s the conscious practice of God’s Presence that keeps us from
secret sins. This awareness is the sure protection against sin.
If the “God-with-me”-consciousness could keep the young man pure
and holy, how much more the “God-in-me”-consciousness!

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and your father’s house, the King will be enthralled by your beauty.
April 13 NO EPHRAIM WITHOUT Beloved, in Christ, you are a totally new species (2.Co.5:17). The word
MANASSEH IN CHRIST “new” is “kainos” and means, “unused, fresh, novel”. That means, the past
no longer exists. Everything is totally new and fresh. This fresh, new life will
blossom to the extent you allow your past unhealthy memories to be erased
Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh: “For God from your mind. The new life in you is constantly erasing all your painful
has made me forget all my toil and all my father’s house.” And the past memories. Yield to the sway of this new life in you.
name of the second he called Ephraim: “For God has caused me to Life in Christ is a life of abundant fruitfulness. In Christ, all the ability to
be fruitful in the land of my affliction”… be fruitful is constantly flowing in you. There is no fruitless, dry season for
One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reach- your life. Because you are planted in Christ, even your old age cannot stop
you from bearing fruit (Ps.92:14). Thank God for this powerful God-kind of
ing forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal
for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Ge.41:51-52;
Phil.3:13-14) Thank You, Lord, You are always doing a new thing in me
as I am a new creation. You make a way in the desert and
streams in the waste land of my past. I am like a tree
There is no fruitfulness without forgetfulness. Before the famine, Joseph planted by the streams of water. I yield fruit in season, and
had two sons in Egypt by Asenath. He called his firstborn “Manasseh” my leaf never withers because I am in Christ.
which means, “making to forget”, for he said, “God has made me forget
all my toil and all my father’s house.” He named his second son “Ephraim” Isa.43:19; Ps.1:3
meaning, “doubly fruitful”, for he said, “God has caused me to be fruitful in
the land of my affliction” (Ge.41:51-52).
Here we see a powerful truth of life in Christ. Life in Christ must be the
most fruitful life. We get all our sap from the Vine, our Lord Jesus, and bear
much more fruit (Jn.15:5). To be fruitful in Christ, we must forget all our
past bitter experiences, failures, soulish relationships, etc.
Joseph suffered much by all the things that happened to him – the family’s
betrayal, his unhappy position as a slave, unfair imprisonment and even his
intolerable separation from his father and brothers. All these sad experiences
made a strong impression in his mind that he couldn’t easily forget. God did
a miracle to cause him to forget his anguish and grief before He could make
him fruitful. It happened with his first son Manasseh, “making to forget”.
Only after this, he could have another son, Ephraim, “doubly fruitful”. Really,
God made him fruitful once he forgot the past, and blessed him with a doubly
fruitful life (Ge.17:6; 28:3; 49:22).
Before God does a new thing in the lives of His people, He expects
them to forget the former things. The old things are generally a hindrance
for the new things (Isa.43:18-19). At times, even our past achievements and
great experiences can hinder our new conquests for the Lord.
There are times our soul ties with our friends and families need to be
forgotten before we can be fruitful (Ps.45:10). When you forget your people

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nor empty His storehouses. Oh, the cruelty of our ignorance (2.Ki.7)!
April 14 No need to appease: When his father decided to send Benjamin with
WHY LACK IN CHRIST them, he tried to appease the “governor” with some of the best products of
the land along with the double amount of money (Ge.43:11-14). Here again
we see how people, even believers, try to pacify God by their petty prayers,
The famine was over all the face of the earth, and Joseph opened
fastings, offerings and so-called renunciations. Yet we cannot buy anything
all the storehouses and sold to the Egyptians. And the famine be-
from heaven. Everything from heaven is His gift of grace (Eph.1:6).
came severe in the land of Egypt …
No terror before God: When the brother saw Joseph, they trembled and
But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s
behaved like slaves (Ge.42:6). When the “governor” pretended to be rude
hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with
with them, they even blamed God and one another (Ge.42:21-23,28). When
hunger! (Ge.41:56; Lk.15:17)
they were invited to Joseph’s house for a feast, instead of rejoicing about
their privilege, they were frightened and thought Joseph was planning to
I always feel pity for Jacob’s family when I read these chapters. All the seize them as slaves and take their donkeys.
storehouses of Egypt were in Joseph’s hands. He stored up huge quantities
See the horror of ignorance! In Christ, your Heavenly Father has
of grain like the sand of the sea, beyond measure (Ge.41:47-49). When the
prepared for you His banqueting table and invited you to enjoy it. Why fear?
famine came, the whole nation came to Joseph, and he opened his
Just enjoy!
storehouses and sold grain to them.
Beloved, in Christ you have all the riches of your Heavenly Brother
Not for survival: See the pitiable condition of his own family in Canaan.
Jesus. They are in abundance, totally free, not on the basis of your merits.
They suffered from terrible lack and poverty. They were looking at each
What you need today is the revelation knowledge of what you have in Christ.
other without knowing what to do. One day Jacob sent them down to Egypt
God is graciously revealing these truths to you now to set you free from all
to buy grain that they might live and not die (Ge.42:1-2). They were living
your fearful imaginations. You have more than what you need in Christ. You
hand-to-mouth, struggling for survival. Was it God’s will for them? Your
are not born to strive for survival. Your Heavenly Joseph has paid all the
Father in heaven has all the storehouses in His hand. He supplies the whole
cost for all your blessings. The Holy Spirit is waiting to enlighten your spiritual
world, even the just and the unjust (Lk.15:31; Mt.5:45). Why should you
eyes to see it! God’s Word is open before you with all His good news and
struggle hard to make ends meet?
promises. Ponder them, claim them, enjoy them!
Everything is free: Joseph’s brothers went to Egypt to BUY grain
Thank You, Lord, for enlightening my eyes to know the
from their own brother, but Joseph gave them the grain and returned their
hope of my calling and the riches of the glory of Your
money. Frightened, they could not believe the plenty of grain received free
inheritance in me and the exceeding greatness of Your power
of charge. This reminds me of today’s church. We don’t appreciate and
toward me. I am a member of Your Body, the fullness of
believe God’s free provision. We struggle to believe and receive His free
You because I am in Christ.
grace, free salvation, free righteousness, free healing and free blessings.
What a tragedy! Hosea rightly said, “My people perish because of lack of Eph.1:17-23
knowledge” (Hos.4:6).
Unsearchable riches: After they came home, they could manage for
some time with the grain they bought. When they had eaten up everything,
their father again asked them to go back and buy them “a little more food”
(Ge.43:1-2). We too sometimes feel we have exhausted God’s resources,
but God’s grace and riches are inexhaustible. You can never wear out God

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heart is full of compassion. He is soft and deeply affectionate like Joseph.
April 15 He was moved with compassion every time He saw the sinners and suffering
people. He cried many times when He was on this earth.
The moment you came to Christ, you have the forgiveness of sins already
in Christ according to the riches of God’s grace (Eph.1:7)! You are eternally
Do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because forgiven! All you must do now is to thankfully acknowledge it and rebuke
you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life… the spirit of condemnation. When you appreciate and embrace His liberal
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just forgiveness, His forgiving nature will flow through you to others. You can
as God in Christ forgave you (Ge.45:5; Eph.4:32) easily forgive everyone who harmed you. In Christ, you are totally one with
Christ and grafted into His nature. Let His love flow through you.
Beloved, never tolerate unforgiveness even for a second! It is the worst
Joseph typifies our Lord’s character in many of his noble traits. The
toxin to your new life and will poison your whole system! Unforgiveness is
greatest of all is his magnanimous forgiveness. None of us can claim that
the main reason for demonization in Christians. It blocks you from enjoying
we are rejected or hurt more than Joseph. Still, you can’t see a trace of
all the bountiful blessings of life in Christ (Mt.18:23-35).
bitterness or unforgiveness in him. The Lord is gracious and full of
compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy (Ps.145:8). This revelation Don’t believe the lie of the devil telling you, you can’t forgive. Your
will set us free from guilt and condemnation. divine Joseph lives in you with all His love and benevolent nature. When you
permit Him to live His life through you, instant forgiveness becomes your
Life in Christ is totally free from guilt- and sin-consciousness. Joseph’s
lifestyle. Believe it, thank God for it, live it. In Christ, you can forgive yourself
brothers suffered from guilt for years because they didn’t know Joseph’s
and others.
true character. They were fearful of God’s sudden punishment. When Joseph
acted very rudely, immediately, the memory of their sin came up in their Thank You, Lord, I have redemption and forgiveness of
mind. They were so sure this was God’s direct punishment (Ge.42:21-22). sins already according to the riches of Your grace. My
scarlet-like sins have become white as snow. Your Blood has
When Joseph made himself known to them, they were not able to answer
purified me from all my sins. I can be kind be kind,
because they were terrified in his presence (Ge.45:3). After their father’s
tenderhearted and forgiving just as You forgave me because
death, they thought Joseph might hold a grudge against them and pay them
I am in Christ.
back for all the wrongs they did to him. Again and again, they fell down
before him, begging for forgiveness (Ge.50:15). Why did they suffer so Eph.1:6-7; Isa.1:18; 1.Jn.1:7; Eph.4:32
much from fear and self-condemnation? Just because they didn’t know
Joseph’s heart.
See his heart! When they discussed the first time about the sin they
committed against him, Joseph couldn’t control his tears, turned away from
them and wept bitterly (Ge.42:24). He arranged a great feast for every one
of them, even before they asked him forgiveness (Ge.43:16; Ro.12:20). When
they recognized Joseph, he told them not to be grieved or angry with
themselves. It was not them who sent him to Egypt but God (Ge.45:5). His
kind heart couldn’t tolerate seeing them suffer guilt and anguish.
Like with our Lord Jesus, forgiveness and love burst forth from his
heart. His forgiveness was so complete he kissed everyone of them and
wept over them (Ge.45:15). After their father’s death, he reassured them of
his love and care for their entire families (Ge.50:21).
Get the revelation of Jesus’ nature! He is your blood Brother now. His

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on resurrection and ascension than on the suffering Savior. Boasting in the
cross means boasting in the blessings we receive out of His cross. After
April 16 knowing this message, it is your duty and privilege to carry it to the Church
Beloved, the new creation is commissioned by the Lord to preach this
“So you shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that kind of revival message. Like Joseph sent his brothers to proclaim his
you have seen; and you shall hurry and bring my father down here”… message, in Christ, you are authorized by heaven to preach and send others
And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head to proclaim this revival Gospel.
over all things to the church (Ge.45:13; Eph.1:22) You may say the message of repentance will bring deep conviction and
revival. But remember, only when the brothers saw Joseph’s greatness, his
It’s high time you know what type of message will bring revival to the forgiveness and love, they were deeply convicted and repented (Ge.45:1-
Body of Christ. Ponder the message Joseph sent to Jacob which revived his 15,22-23). It was the revelation of the father’s house that brought the prodigal
spirit. son back to his father. When he saw the father’s love, he was deeply convicted
(Lk.15:17-24). Any message that ignores what we are in Christ is not enough
First he revealed himself as their own blood brother (Ge.45:4). Then he
to bring revival.
told them it was for their sake he went to Egypt and suffered (Ge.45:7).
Next he asked them to tell their father how God had made him lord of all Thank You, Lord, for making me a steward and a minister
Egypt, and all his honor there. He invited them to come and live near him in of Your mysteries according to the gift of Your grace given
Goshen, the best land of Egypt. He promised, all the needs of their entire to me. Thank You, Lord, You send me to bring good news,
family would be taken care of. After saying all this, he demonstrated his to proclaim peace, to bring glad tidings of good things, to
love by embracing every one of them and kissing them with much weeping proclaim salvation and to say to Your Church, “Your God
(Ge.45:15). reigns!”, because I am in Christ.
This 'Joseph-message' can be compared with our 'Jesus-message.' 1.Co.4:1; Eph.3:3,8; Isa.52:7
Brother Jesus: Preach aloud how Jesus has become our brother
through His shed Blood. We have become one with our elder brother Jesus
and joint-heir of all His blessings (Ro.8:16-17,29; Heb.2:11-12). This must
be told to the Body of Christ.
Cross and ascension: Proclaim how Jesus went to the cross and
suffered to open the heavenly blessings. Reveal the exalted position of Jesus
at the right side of the Father. Explain that every believer in Christ is seated
with Him in the heavenly places. He is the ultimate Ruler of all the kingdoms
of this world (Heb.1:5-13).
Love and provision: Teach that life in Christ is life in Goshen where
all the best of heaven and earth is available. All the needs of a believer for
all time are richly provided. Make them realize that the King of kings, Jesus,
is full of love and compassion for His own.
Glorified King: Tell the Church and the world that Christ is not the
crucified Savior but the glorified King. He is not on the cross but on the
Throne of heaven and earth. Call the Church into this revival.
If the church understands and walks in this revelation, it will soon
experience the greatest revival in history. The early church preached more

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Revival comes only when we rejoice in our privileges in Christ. The
April 17 psalmist cried to the Lord, “Will You not revive us again that Your people
THE GREAT REVIVAL IN CHRIST may rejoice in You?” (Ps.85:6). The purpose of revival is to make us joyful
in Him. How can we ever rejoice in our God and be revived unless we hear
the Good News? Unfortunately, most of our traditional messages and
But when they told him all the words which Joseph had said to teachings make us even more negative, all the time focusing on our lack.
them, and when he saw the carts which Joseph had sent to carry God is challenging you right now to carry the message of who you are
him, the spirit of Jacob their father revived… in Christ! This message is the only answer for the Body of Christ to do
exploits and adventurous acts for God. Remember, when Jacob grasped the
“Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the message about Joseph, he stood up boldly to go to Egypt. His heart was
road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” (Ge.45:27; Lk.24:31) overwhelmed with joy and confidence. Again, his commitment and devotion
to God were revived. He offered sacrifices to his God, and God spoke to
The great key for the revival of God’s people is given in this passage. him again after a long time. His spirit was revived and restored back to the
The revelation of who you are and what you have in Christ will bring a early glory. Like a mighty prince, he gathered his family and marched towards
mighty revival on this earth. This is clearly portrayed in Jacob’s life. Egypt. This is the power of the real Gospel message.
Joseph revealed himself to his brothers and sent them to his father to We are yet to see and experience all the blessings of life in Christ. The
bring him back. He gave them enough provisions and the best of the land to blessings and anointing we have experienced so far is not all, it’s only the
prove to his dad his glory and exaltation in Egypt (Ge.45:11-13). When they first fruits of what is in store for us. It’s like the wagons of Jacob with the
came to Jacob and told them the good news about Joseph, “Jacob’s heart token gifts for his father.
stood still, because he did not believe them” (Ge.45:26). But when they told
Beloved, study all the promises of your Heavenly Joseph and build up
him all the words Joseph had said to them, and when he saw the carts
your faith. Know what God has given you in Christ. Come out of your doubt
Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob their father revived. Then
and unbelief. Rejoice in your God who is highly exalted, with open storehouses
Israel said, “It is enough. Joseph my son is still alive. I will go and see him
waiting for you. You are related to Him by His precious Blood. All His
before I die” (Ge.45:21-28).
riches are available to you in Christ. Learn it, use it, rejoice in it, share it with
Here we see the first mention of the word “revived” in the Bible. A the Body of Christ. Bring the revival NOW!
careful pondering of this passage will throw light on the subject of revival.
Thank You, Lord, my eyes have not seen nor my ears
I’m fully convinced the In-Christ-message will bring true revival among
have heard what You have prepared for me because I love
God’s people.
You. You are revealing it to me by Your Spirit. I have
Twenty years ago, Jacob had believed without even checking the lies of received Your Spirit that I might know the things that have
his sons about Joseph. That made his life miserable all through (Ge.37:32- been freely given to me by You. I will see greater things
35). There was no revival in his personal life - no joy, no faith, no altars, no because I am in Christ.
visitation of God’s. Everything was gloomy in those years. He was living in
1.Co.2:9-12; Jn.1:50
doubt and unbelief. God had given many promises to Jacob, but he thought
he had come to the end of his life without seeing them fulfilled. Yet God had
unsearchable plans for him. The best was yet to come in his life.
When the good news of Joseph’s fortune was brought to him, his
immediate reaction was to doubt (Ge.45:26). See the human tendency! By
nature, we tend to believe bad reports more readily than good reports. It is
this unbelief that makes us ineffective, heavy-hearted, negative and
pessimistic. As long as we are in this state, we cannot experience true revival
and rise up to possess our inheritance in Christ.

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Spirit what to intercede for and how to intercede (Ro.8:26).
April 18 Meditate constantly on the present high priestly ministry of your Lord
MEDIATOR'S MINISTRY IN CHRIST Jesus. He not only lives in you through His Spirit, He is also present before
God as the great High Priest for your sake. The King of the universe freely
opens His heavens because of your Mediator’s faithfulness to Him. All His
Joseph went and told Pharaoh, and said, “My father and my broth- provisions come to you because of this Mediator’s intercession for you.
ers, their flocks and their herds and all that they possess, have Now you can approach the throne of grace with confidence and receive
come…” And he took five men from among his brothers and pre- mercy and grace to help you in time of need (Heb.4:14-16).
sented them to Pharaoh … Beloved, what does this mediator ministry of Jesus tell you, the new
Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who creation? Because of your union with Him, you now share His priestly
come to God through Him, since He always lives to make interces- ministry. You are His royal priest (Rev.1:6). Today, Jesus’ highpriestly prayer
sion for them (Ge.47:1-2; Heb.7:25) is conducted in two places: At the right hand of the Father, He makes
intercession for you (Ro.8:34; Heb.7:25; 1.Jn.2:1). He also lives in you and
Joseph resembles our Lord Jesus Christ in many aspects – in his continues his ministry of intercession through you by His Spirit (Ro.8:26).
compassion, forgiving nature, sufferings for others, supernatural wisdom, Identify yourself with humanity to represent them before your God.
being the beloved son of dad, supplier and savior of his people in his exalted Bring the people to the Throne Room of God and plead for them. You proclaim
position. One of his major ministries is his function as mediator between his the message of reconciliation and bring them back to God. The ministry of
people and the king. intercession is your privilege in Christ. God expects you to be faithful in this
Joseph suffered in many ways to become a merciful mediator for his highest form of Christian ministry. As Joseph was faithfully buying all the
family. Likewise, Jesus suffered in every way to become a merciful and land and the people of Egypt for his king, you are called to win this world for
faithful High Priest in service to God (1.Ti.2:5; Heb.2:17-18). your King.
Joseph had access to the king and gained his trust because of his utter Thank You, Lord, You are not ashamed to call me Your
faithfulness to him. He was faithful to store and sell the grain. He collected brother. You always live in me to make intercession for
all the money and faithfully brought it to Pharaoh’s palace. He bought all the others as I am the house of prayer for all nations. I am a
land and the people of Egypt for Pharaoh. Because of his faithfulness, king mediator between God and men because I am in Christ.
Pharaoh could not deny any of his requests for his family. He did even more Heb.2:11; Heb.7:25; Isa.56:7; 1.Ti.2:2,5
than Joseph asked because of his love for Joseph.
Jesus, our High Priest, was faithful as a son over God’s house and also
a faithful High Priest to God (Heb.3:6; 8:6).
Joseph was not ashamed to introduce his family to Pharaoh and his
household. He knew all shepherds were detestable to Egyptians, yet he
introduced them to the king as professional shepherds and even told him
they had brought along their flocks and herds (Ge.46:32). Likewise, our
Mediator Jesus is not ashamed to call us His own Blood brothers in order to
bring us to glory (Heb.2:10-13).
Joseph went to Pharaoh’s throne room to plead for his father and brothers
(Ge.47:1-2). Our High Priest has gone to the right hand of God and is
interceding for you (Ro.8:34; Heb.9:24).
Joseph also guided his brothers what to tell Pharaoh when he would
question them (Ge.46:33-34). Our High Priest Jesus is guiding us by His

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faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and
April 19 worshiped, leaning on the top of his staff” (Heb.11:21). His funeral service
LATTER GLORY IN CHRIST was the best ever seen in Egypt. Not only his people, even the Egyptians
mourned for him 70 days (Ge.50:3). All Pharaoh’s officials, the dignitaries
of his court, and all the dignitaries of Egypt, along with Joseph’s household
Joseph brought in his father Jacob and set him before Pharaoh; and his brothers, went up to bury Jacob on chariots with horsemen (Ge.50:7-
and Jacob blessed Pharaoh… 9). Even in the sight of God, his death was precious because he was God’s
faithful saint (Ps.116:15).
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of
the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to Beloved, I assure you your future will by far excel your past and your
present. Though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very
glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord (Ge.47:7; 2.Co.3:18)
great (Job 8:7, NRSV). Day by day, you will increase in glory, anointing,
prosperity, honor, health and family blessing. This is your birth right as a
seed of Abraham and child of God Almighty in Christ.
The latter days of a person in Christ are always far more glorious than
his former days (Hag.2:9). This is beautifully pictured in Jacob’s life. He Thank You, Lord, I go from strength to strength. I am
went to Egypt as a royal person by personal invitation of the great king of being transformed into Your image from glory to glory by
Egypt. He and all his family went as a procession in the royal carts (Ge.46:5). Your Spirit. I am a minister of righteousness and the Spirit.
Years before, he had said, “in mourning I will go down to the grave” My ministry exceeds much more in glory because I am in
(Ge.37:35). But on the contrary, he lived his best life in Goshen, the best Christ.
place of the world for seventeen years (Ge.47:28). Ps.84:7; 2.Co.3:18; 7-9
There was a time he was begging for God’s blessings the whole night in
Peniel. He even tried shortcuts and craftiness to get his father’s blessings
and his brother’s birthright, but now he went to the palace to bless the great
emperor as God’s ambassador (Ge.47:10).
Instead of being a recipient of God’s blessings, he became the giver of
God’s blessings to his entire generation. He blessed all his twelve sons and
Joseph’s two sons. He was not just wishing them blessings, he prophesied
their blessings and future. Even when his eyes were dim due to his old age,
his hands were moved by the Spirit to touch and bless Ephraim and Manasseh
in the right order.
He never thought he would see his son’s face again, but he was privileged
to see even his son’s sons (Ge.48:11; Ps.128:6; Pr.17:6). He served in his
father-in-law’s house like a slave, but now he became father of the governor
of all Egypt. The born “deceiver” became the “prince of God”, and God
took pride in revealing Himself as the God of Jacob.
In fact, his latter days were more glorious than the days of his forefathers.
God honored him even in his death. It was the most blessed death and
funeral service one could ever imagine. I always admire how he died. After
giving prophecies and instructions to his sons, he drew his feet up into the
bed and breathed his last, and was gathered to his people (Ge.49:33).
The author of Hebrews describes his death as a mere worship: “By

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It took him more than twenty years to know the answer to all his puzzling
April 20 questions concerning the puzzle pieces of his life. Only then, he could help
ALL FOR GOOD IN CHRIST his brothers to see how God could turn the bad intentions of man to serve
His good intentions to save the world.
Beloved, you would never be what you are now but for the self
But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for excruciating events of your life. Every rejection, false accusation, temptation,
good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people ungrateful attitude of people, evil intention and even every delay of God’s
alive… promises you face in life, is working out for your good and the good of the
We know that all things work together for good to those who love
As a new creation, you have the nature of Christ. He suffered the
God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Ge.50:20;
cross gracefully for the joy set before Him (Heb.12:2). Satan and his wicked
Ro.8:28) men crucified your Savior with the intention of destroying His vision of saving
the world. But God turned all their evil intentions for the salvation of the
In Christ, all things work together for your good. This is another great
whole world.
blessing of life in Christ.
The same thing will happen to you because you are united with your
Joseph, the descendant of Abraham, portrays this truth through his life
Savior. Don’t give up! Keep your spirit sweet and free from any trace of
experience. God had a great exaltation for him in mind, but the enemy tried
bitterness or self-pity! Don’t give in to the temptation of blaming God, yourself,
his best to thwart God’s purpose. He used all the means to kill him, corrupt
others or any circumstances. Every vision of God must go through the death
him and accuse him, but God turned the table.
process to be gloriously resurrected one day.
For Joseph, everything must have looked like small pieces of a puzzle
Thank You, Lord, all things work together for my good
at that time, but he kept holding on to his God-given vision. Because he kept
because I am called according to Your purpose. I give thanks
his godly attitude and refused bitterness and unforgiveness, God could bring
always for all things for I know this is Your will for me
the puzzle to perfection.
because I am in Christ.
In Christ, you have Joseph’s nature and attitude. You can stop worrying
Ro.8:28; Eph.5:20; 1.Thes.5:18
and blaming yourself and others for the happenings you don’t understand in
your life.
Looking back at his life, he saw how God had turned every bitter
experience into better experiences. When he saw the vision as a young
man of seventeen, he might have thought everything will be smooth and
easy (Ge.37:2-10). He would have never expected his vision would die and
be buried. When he was thrown into the pit, he might have thought his God-
given vision would perish with him. Why the pit? Why Potiphar’s house?
Why the prison? It was all to prepare him for the palace.
Everyone of those places was a stepping stone to reach the height of
God’s destiny. Had his brothers been nicer to him and accepted his vision,
he would never have been promoted. Had he been well-accepted and
respected in Potiphar’s house, he would have died in that position of authority
as an overseer. Had the butler remembered his interpretation and helped
him out of prison immediately, he would have missed the glorious opportunity
of interpreting the king’s dream. Every apparent set-back was actually
pushing him forward to the place of honor and blessing.

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you (Ps.27:10). His promises and His covenant always work for you. Your
increase stands on the mighty rock of God’s new covenant in this day. His
April 21 words and covenants are your most dependable anchor. He began a good
‘BUT’ YOU WILL GROW IN CHRIST work in you, and He will finish it. He is your Alpha and Omega (Phil.1:6;
Rev.1:8; 1:11; 21:6; 22:13).
And Joseph died, all his brothers, and all that generation. BUT Sometimes we overestimate our God-given leaders and loved ones.
the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly, multiplied The Corinthians had that problem. They were depending more on men and
and grew exceedingly mighty; and the land was filled with them… glorifying men than God. Instead of saying, “I am of Christ Jesus,” they
said, “I am of Paul,” or “I am of Apollos” (1.Co.3:4). Paul corrected their
I planted, Apollos watered, BUT God gave the increase. So then misplacement of focus. After all, the church is God’s field and His building.
neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, BUT God who He may use His men to plant and water His garden, but the increase comes
gives the increase (Ex.1:6-7; 1.Co.3:6-7) from the Owner, our God (1.Co.3:6). Even the ministers who work in God’s
field get their wages from the Owner.
In this first chapter of Exodus you can see three BIG BUTs. They all
Beloved, don’t lose heart when your support is removed. Don’t be
show how in spite of their adversities, God’s people kept growing. Joseph
disappointed by the failures of men. Don’t expect too much from man and
and his generation died, BUT the people multiplied.
get hurt and bitter afterwards. No man is perfect. If your present Esther
God’s children went to Egypt only because of their confidence in Joseph. doesn’t rise to help you, your relief and deliverance will arise from another
All their future depended on him. In Joseph’s time, Pharaoh and all his court Esther (Est.4:14). If one apostle failed, God will raise up another to take his
were favorable to them, but those days were gone. They had nothing to office and continue His glorious ministry (Ac.1:17-26). The Church is God’s
depend upon. The new king didn’t know Joseph. In a way, they became property. All humans are mortal, but in Christ, you are united with the
strangers in a foreign land. They had no roots in Egypt. Immortal God who causes you to grow. Take heart!
BUT in spite of the absence of their trusted leaders, God’s covenant Thank You, Lord, I am a wise person. I built my house
was effectively working in them and made them grow exceedingly. At that on the Rock Jesus. The rain, the flood and the wind may
time, the Israelites even forgot their God, BUT still God’s covenant-promises blow and beat on me, BUT I will not fall. When my father
were working for them. and mother forsake me, You take care of me. You have
In Christ, you are His covenant people. You are included in the Abrahamic inscribed me in the palm of Your hands. You give the
Covenant and also in the New Covenant. That covenant is based on the increase because I am in Christ.
Blood of Jesus. Accordingly, you must increase abundantly and exceedingly
until you fill the whole nation. Jesus has covenanted with you to make you Mt.7:24; Ps.27:10; Isa.49:15-16; 1.Co.3:6
fruitful (Jn.15:16).
When you were newly born into God’s family, God used His people to
nourish you and help in your growth. Many would have travailed until Christ
was formed in you (Ga.4:19). You had many spiritual parents and instructors
to guide you. Thank God for every one of them! BUT your life and growth
doesn’t solely depend upon them. You are a branch of the Vine, Jesus
(Jn.15:5). You draw all your growth potential from Him. Maybe God’s leaders
worked as fertilizers for your growth, BUT ultimately, your growth is in the
hands of your Father, the gardener (Jn.15:1). You must develop your own
faith for your growth. At times, your leadership may fail. People whom you
trusted most may leave you.
Your Josephs may leave you, but the God of your Joseph never leaves

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It is through many hardships you enter the Kingdom of God (Ac.14:22).
April 22 The more the hardships, the more the Kingdom power operates in you.
David knew the blessings of tribulations. He saw afflictions as a school to
IN CHRIST teach him God’s statutes and make him more obedient (Ps.81:6-16;
BUT the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and All the sufferings of life are fertilizers for your fruitfulness. Trials and
grew. And they were in dread of the children of Israel… tests produce character and make you mature (Jas.1:2-4). Every adversity
will become a testimony one day (Nu.20:14-16). The more you suffer, the
We are hard pressed on every side, YET not crushed; we are
more you wean from this world to lean on the One who owns you.
perplexed, BUT not in despair; persecuted, BUT not forsaken; struck
down, BUT not destroyed (Ex.1:12; 2.Co.4:8-9) Thank You, Lord, the more I am afflicted, the more I
multiply and grow. No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
The new king Pharaoh panicked seeing the extraordinary growth and I become perfect through sufferings like the Captain of my
strength of the Israelites. He openly said, “the Israelites are more and mightier salvation to bring many sons to glory because I am in Christ.
than we” (Ex.1:9). That aggravated his fear. So he oppressed them with Ex.1:11; Isa.54:17; Heb.2:10
forced labors, appointing cruel taskmasters to make their lives bitter - BUT
their ruthless pressure could not stop the growth of His people, rather
increased it.
The enemy attacks you because he dreads you. He knows the powerful
growth potential in you, more than you do. All his aim is to suffocate you
from growing to your maximum level. In Christ, you are a real threat to him.
You are mightier than all the powers of darkness because He who lives in
you is greater, and those with you are more (1.Jn.4:4; 2.Ki.6:16).
Only because you are more than a match for the devil, he uses all his
weapons to choke you. In Christ, you can know his schemes (2.Co.2:11)!
Firstly, he will increase your work load and entangle you in the affairs
of this world (2.Ti.2:4) as the Israelites had to build supply cities for Pharaoh
Secondly, he will increase your burdens so that you can’t get God’s
burden to build His Kingdom.
Thirdly, he will use his taskmasters to constantly afflict you. He can use
believers or unbelievers for that. Whoever hurts you – ungodly parents,
rebellious children, unfaithful spouse, ruthless employers or hateful neighbors
– are the enemy’s taskmasters. Fourthly, he makes your life bitter by rigor
and harshness (Ex.5). Pressures mount up beyond your strength so you
even despair of life (2.Co.1:8). Many obstacles could come to hinder your
growth and increase, BUT none of those things has power to diminish or
decrease you.
Beloved, in Christ, you have the potential to grow even more through
adversity. None of these things can stop your tremendous potential to be a
blessing to the world. In fact, those things are the manures for your growth.

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increased and became even more numerous. Not even the murderous act
April 23 of the devil could stop the ever-increasing growth of God’s people. See how
‘BUT’ YOU WILL LIVE IN CHRIST God intervened! Pharaoh’s own daughter became God’s instrument to nurture
the deliverer of God’s people.
Because the midwives helped, God built their families. All those who
BUT the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of help the children of God in their battles will be highly rewarded and will have
Egypt commanded them, BUT saved the male children alive. excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus (Pr.11:18,
Therefore God dealt well with the midwives, and the people multiplied 1.Ti.3:13).
and grew very mighty… Beloved, no matter what kind of murderous attack the devil launched
BUT the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that the against you, still you will grow because you are in Christ. God will use any
message might be preached fully through me, and that all the Gentiles person and any means, even those who vehemently oppose you, to promote
your growth. The deliverer grew up in the very house of the destroyer. Your
might hear. And I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion (Ex.1:17,
God can cause water to gush out of the rock and honey to come out of your
20; 2.Ti.4:17) destroyer (Ex.17:5-6; Jdg.14:14). Your help is on the way! Expect it!
The terrified king took another tricky weapon to wipe out Israel. He In Christ, you are a person of destiny. You are God’s chosen deliverer
saw his persecution didn’t work. So, he commanded the Hebrew midwives for His people. No power, hardship, trickery or murderous threat of the
to kill the male babies. When that didn’t work, he commanded all the male enemy can stop you from filling this earth for Christ. Be bold!
babies to be thrown into the river (Ex.1:21). The reason Pharaoh planned to Thank You, Lord, You have come into my life that I may
kill male children is to stop the growth of warriors. He feared, “if war breaks have life, and have it more abundantly. The thief comes to
out, they will fight against us” (Ex.1:10, NLT). steal, kill and destroy, BUT he has nothing in me because I
Satan, the murderer from the beginning, uses the same method (Jn.8:44). am in Christ.
He dreads and hates the mighty warriors in Christ. That is why he always Jn.10:10; 14:30
tried to kill the Seed of the woman (Ge.3:15). He knew that Seed would
come from Abraham’s descendants. So he is guilty of killing innumerous
innocent male children down through the centuries. He cunningly worked
through Herod to kill all the male children when Jesus was born (Mt.2:16).
We can see how satan dreads the mighty deliverers of God’s people.
In Christ, you are called for battle to deliver the world as a mighty
warrior! God commands all His people to be men. In Christ, He has made
you brave and manly to fight His battles (1.Co.14:20). A a brave warrior,
you become the target of the devil. The devil trembles seeing Jesus, the
Seed of the woman, manifesting more and more in you. He knows very well
he cannot kill Jesus and take Him out of you. So he will do his best to kill
your “Jesus-in-me-consciousness”.
Many of God’s people become victims of the enemy because they fail
to understand who they are in Christ. The only answer to escape the
murderous acts of the enemy is to develop the consciousness of His mighty
indwelling Presence.
God used the midwives as His instruments to rescue the male children
and thereby stopped the enemy’s murderous plan. Again God’s people

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world. Therefore, everything in your life is ordered by the invisible Heavenly
April 24 hand (Eph.1:4).
BABYHOOD IN CHRIST In Christ, you are a special child for a special purpose of God. God
treats you in a very special way and orders all your life to suit His plan for
you. Even your negative experiences will serve God’s purpose one day.
Then Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Take this child away and With this in mind, face all challenges of life boldly. Be thankful for every
nurse him for me, and I will give you your wages.” So the woman took instrI used to bring you to this stage. He is sending His right people at the
the child and nursed him… right time with the right message to you. Thank God even for the worldly
My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is benefits you enjoyed.
formed in you… (Ex.2:9; Ga.4:19) Watch out, satan tries his best to destroy you in your tender growing
stage – but don’t worry! Remember how God fooled His enemies while
In-Christ-life needs time to grow to the full stature of the manifestation sparing Moses! Pharaoh commanded Hebrew midwives to kill the Hebrew
of Christ. God in His kindness facilitates everything so that you may grow in children. See the folly! Pharaoh’s daughter never knew the paid nurse was
Him. Moses’ childhood typifies it. the baby’s own mother. Pharaoh’s court never knew the destroyer of Egypt
When the enemy was at the height of his attack against God’s people, was growing up and trained right in their palace. Pharaoh had no idea the
God brought forth Moses, His deliverer. When the enemy comes like a destroyer of all his schemes was playing on his lap.
flood, the Spirit of God always lifts up His banner (Isa.59:19). Beloved, you are born of God. Your life in Christ is under His care and
When baby Moses was born, his Levite parents saw their beautiful, wisdom. God is smart in all His dealings. Satan is never clever, only cunning.
healthy child and hid it for three months. Maybe they saw something special Whatever he tries to do in your life is doomed. God is in control of your life
in him through their prophetic eyes. When they could hide him no longer, in Him.
they laid the baby in the ark of bulrushes into the river. His sister was watching Thank You, Lord, You feed me like a Shepherd. You
from a distance. God brought Pharaoh’s daughter to bath at the right time. gather me with Your arm and carry me in Your bosom. I
When she saw the child crying, she called his own mother and even paid her grow and become strong in Spirit, filled with wisdom, and
wages to nurse the child. the grace of God is upon me. You are being formed in me,
Once Christ is born in your heart, you must make Him room to grow in and I grow to the measure of the stature of Your fullness
your life. In Christ, you have all His potential and nature in you, but it will not because I am in Christ.
fully manifest unless you allow Him to increase while you decrease (Jn.3:30). Isa.40:11; Lk.2:40; Ga.4:19; Eph.4:13
In this babyhood stage, you need spiritual parents to travail until Christ
is fully formed in you, and to hide you from the enemy (Ga.4:19). Even
Jesus needed His parents’ care and protection in this stage. He learnt from
the teachers of the Law (Lk.2:41-52). It’s the faith and godliness of spiritual
elders protects you in your early Christian life. God uses many of your
spiritual brothers and sisters to watch over you.
In this stage, God takes all the responsibilities and arranges everything
to go very smooth for you (Isa.40:11). God uses even unbelievers and your
secular education and training for your spiritual growth. God trained Moses
in Pharaoh’s pagan palace (Ac.7:22). God cannot deliver a slave by another
slave, so God had to put him into a royal life, totally setting him free from
any slave mentality.
In Christ, you are chosen by God even before the foundation of the

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into his great mission. His natural strength and knowledge dominated him.
April 25 He used his soul power, not knowing there is no good thing in the flesh
PREPARATION IN CHRIST (Ro.7:18). He went, he looked, he assumed, he killed, he buried – everything
is he and him. He had to learn the costly lesson that God’s work must be
done by God’s power in God’s time.
Now it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that His natural courage failed miserably. He ran away in fear (Ex.2:12,14).
he went out to his brethren and looked at their burdens… He always fought for the rights of others. You can see this when he helped
I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and Jethro’s daughters against the shepherds. As all our natural zeal and energy
the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked have a very short life-span, Moses soon forgot his mission and was content
one (Ex.2:11; 1.Jn.2:14) to live with his father in law to feed his flock.
Test of Rejection: Initially, life in Christ will be rejected by your own
When Moses was forty years old, he went to his brothers and looked at people just as Jesus was rejected. When you preach and act out who you
their burdens. When he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, he killed him are in Christ, people will think you are boasting and even doubt your teaching
and ran away in fear (Ac.7:24). He lost his vision and was content to settle as “bless-me-Gospel” or “prosperity-Gospel”. This is what happened to
as a mere family man and shepherd (Ex.2:21). Yet God was silently preparing Moses. He assumed his people would recognize his vision and calling, but
His man for His great mission. was disappointed the very next day when he tried to reconcile two of them.
Test of Timings: This is a picture of our growing stage in Christ. They pushed him away saying, “Who made you a ruler and a judge over
God’s vision and zeal are growing mightily in our life at this stage. The only us?” and told him to mind his own business (Ac.7:27). The rejection of his
problem is the timing. To enjoy all the blessings of life in Christ in your people, the fury of Pharaoh and the entanglement in his father-in-laws
personal life, you don’t need to wait for any timings, but to be fruitful for His business, all made him to withdraw from his God-given vision and zeal.
Kingdom and to influence nations, there is God’s timings. Beloved, life in Christ will not fully manifest if you are too impatient to
Potentially, you have enough of God’s power in you to break all the wait for God’s time, if you trust too much in your human brain, or if you
powers of the enemy, but you have your own timings in God’s time table. allow rejection to discourage you. Jesus waited for thirty years to manifest
You cannot prepone His timings, but you can postpone them by not yielding Himself to the world. He did nothing by Himself (Jn.5:19). He fully trusted
to His work in you. As every tree has it’s fruit-bearing season, every servant His Father and the Holy Spirit. He was rejected by men, but never gave in
of God has his timing for powerful ministry (Ps.1:3; Eccl.3:1-11). There is a to the temptation of giving up. Today, He lives in you, and you in Him. Let
vast difference between a child and a grown-up son. You have received the Him live His life in you even in your time of preparation.
spirit of adoption when you became His child (Ro.8:15-16). As you grow in God will exalt you before the very people who reject you now (Ac.7:35).
this divine life, you grow into the maturity of sonship (Ga.4:7-8). You will operate in the God-kind of faith, publicly delivering multitudes as
Test of Taming: During that preparation time, God’s Spirit brings all Moses did in Egypt. Until then, don’t settle in the second-best! Don’t run
our faculties under His control and begins to overflow through us. It is one away from God’s calling. Rise up! Your time is near.
thing to have Jesus in you, but another thing for Jesus to have you under His Thank You, Lord, You will exalt me in due time as I
total control! It’s your part to yield yourself day by day, rejecting your soul humble myself under Your mighty hand. I will not cast away
powers and desires. Our natural strength and soul powers are the biggest my confidence which has great reward. I have Your endurance
hindrance to the release of God’s life in us. We must decrease so that He in me. After I do Your will, I will receive my promise
might increase (Jn.3:30). Some call this process “breaking” and “self- because I am in Christ.
1.Pe.5:6; Heb.10:35-36
You are in Christ, with all His fullness, but still you can be fleshly and
carnal (1.Co.3:3-4).
In his growing years, Moses went through this process for another 40
years. When God’s vision was imparted to Moses, he immediately plunged

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was drawn to the bush. In Christ, God’s glory in you is able to draw the
April 26 multitudes towards Christ. Great multitudes were drawn to Jesus because
GLORY IN CHRIST of His glory (Lk.6:17-19). That same glory is upon you to draw this world to
Revealing Glory: God’s voice was heard even from a bush when His
And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from glory was shining on it (Ex.3:4). In Christ, His Glory voice is heard within
the midst of a bush. So he looked, and behold, the bush was burning you. Now you need not expect His voice from Mount Sinai or from His
with fire, but the bush was not consumed… tabernacle.
For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, Honoring Glory: God’s glory not only sanctifies but also brings honor
who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the with it. The very ordinary bush in the wilderness of Sinai became the most
glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (Ex.3:2; 2.Co.4:6) significant place. Even Moses was trembling before it because of God’s
glory. In Christ, you have God’s honor because of His Glory. When you are
full of His glory, you cannot be in a corner any more. You will be known to
The Glory of God appeared to Moses from the bush and transformed
the world for His glory.
him into a mighty deliverer, when he least expected it. Let me compare the
Glory that appeared to him and the Glory of you, the new creation. Beloved, life in Christ is a life in glory, a life of honor, life of holiness, life
of revelation and life of attraction. You are a Glory-child of your Glory-
Inside Glory: The Old Testament saints saw God’s glory outside
Father. Manifest this Glory NOW!
themselves. God’s glory came down on the bush, on the mountains, on the
Tabernacle or on Salomon’s temple. In Christ, the same Glory has now Thank You, Lord, You are the brightness of God’s glory
come down to reside in you permanently. Christ Jesus lives in you as the and the express image of God in me. You are shining in my
hope of Glory (Col.1:27). Jesus is the glory of God in human form (Jn.1:14), heart to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God
and the Spirit of Glory is resting upon you (1.Pe.4:14). You don’t need to because I am in Christ.
climb the mountain to see the Glory for you have arrived at the mountain of Heb.1:3; 2.Co.4:6
Glory (Heb.12:22). The Blood of Jesus Christ has washed you and made
you a Glory-container.
Shining Glory: The bush was shining with God’s Glory. Every time
you see the manifestation of God’s Glory in the Bible, there was light and
shining all around (Lk.2:8-9). In Christ, God’s Glory is shining in and out of
you, dispelling all the powers of darkness around.
Quickening Glory: The bush was burning with fire of God’s Glory,
yet it was not consumed a bit. This was a surprise for Moses. In Christ, the
Glory in you will burn through you, but never kill or consume you. It will
always quicken and rejuvenate you (Ro.8:11). No burning out!
Sanctifying Glory: When God’s Glory comes, God’s holiness and
sanctification come, too. The ordinary bush became a holy ground because
of God’s Presence. The whole Mount Sinai was fully sanctified when God
came down on it, so that nobody was allowed to touch it. Even the priests of
the Lord were commanded to sanctify themselves for God (Ex.19:22). Glory
sanctifies. In Christ, His Glory has purified and sanctified you completely.
Now, you are His holy temple, full of God’s Glory (1.Co.3:16-17).
Drawing Glory: The glory attracts. When Moses saw the Glory, he

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a holy life, you are playing with God’s consuming fire! It’s as if you touch
April 27 the high voltage of God’s electric power. That is why the very God who
MIRACLE CALLING IN CHRIST called Moses was about to kill him. Zipphorah did a quick circumcision and
saved his life (Ex.4:24-25). Just because God needs a miracle minister, He
will not lower His moral standard and principles at any cost.
So when the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called Covenant calling: God introduced Himself to Moses as the God of
to him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses, Moses!” And he Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Moses immediately recognized the covenant of
said, “Here I am.” Then He said, “Do not draw near this place. Take God with his forefathers. He knew he was God’s covenant partner to set
your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy His people free from slavery. In Christ, you are God’s New Covenant partner.
ground.” Your calling is entirely based on God’s covenant with you. The mountains
may depart and the hills be removed, but His and His covenantal calling
And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because shall never depart from you (Isa.54:10). God’s calling is as powerful as God
He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry (Ex.3:4-5; Himself.
1.Ti.1:12) Needs calling: The very need of the Israelites became a calling for
Moses. The cry of the Israelites called God’s attention to come down to
Miracle calling: The way God attracted Moses was purely a miracle. deliver them. Here, God shared His heart cry with His servant Moses. He
The bush was burning, but not burnt. It was purely a supernatural sight. has seen the oppression of His people and heard their cry and their sorrow
Moses became very curious and came nearer to this miracle sight. By this, (Ex.3:7). This was enough to shake Moses to the core. He could no more
God showed him that his future ministry was going to be a miracle ministry. live for his own needs and desires. The cry of his people became the voice
God’s miracle power still draws people to Christ. Moses was called by of God to Moses.
miracle for miracles. He was not called to deliver a sermon to Pharaoh but In Christ, the need of the multitude is calling you to serve Him. It’s not
to deliver the whole nation by God’s power. Moses had been eloquent in time to live and die for your own needs. God’s calling is upon you. God’s
Pharaoh’s palace, but now he had lost everything and suffered from covenant is with you. His miracle power is in you. He has made you holy.
stammering lips (Ac.7:22; Ex.4:10). Now, his only hope was in God’s miracle Why should you sit and wait for another calling?! Whatever you can do, do
power. it with all your might NOW!
Holy calling: When Moses drew near to this miracle sight, God warned Beloved, you need not be afraid. The glorious anointing of a miracle
him not to draw nearer the bush because the ground had become holy. By ministry will keep you holy. The power to deliver people through you will
this warning, God showed him that his ministry had to be holy from beginning deliver yourself. His Presence has already sanctified your life. Just maintain
to end. that sanctification! Let the miracle power flow unhindered!
The miracle ministry is a holy calling. The very place became so holy Thank You, Lord, you have counted me faithful and put
that Moses trembled. The moment God’s Presence comes into your life, it me into the ministry. The mountains shall depart and the
makes you holy. hills be removed, but Your kindness shall not depart from
Your power ministry is a pure ministry. Prophesying is holy. Tongue- me, nor shall Your covenant of peace be removed from me
talking is holy. Salvation is holy. Deliverance is holy. Healing is holy. All because I am in Christ.
revelation is holy. Preaching is holy. Worshipping is holy. The Presence of I Ti.1:12; Isa.54:10
God in you makes your entire personality holy to release God’s holy miracle
power. The holy power of God passes through your holy hands and releases
His healing power. The Holy Word of God flows through your holy tongue
and transforms lives.
In Christ, you are totally holy. If you as a miracle minister are not living

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Failure to do your ministry will choke the life of Christ in you. God is calling
April 28 you right now as He called His covenant servant Moses. He is resurrecting
CALLING IN CHRIST all your visions as He did to Moses!
Deliverance calling: The sin and misery of this world have reached
heaven’s ear. God can no more be silent about His Blood-bought world. He
So I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyp- called Moses at the point of Israel’s dire need. His covenant people were
tians… I will send you… that you may bring My people… out of groaning because of their bondage. Their cry was so much it went up to
Egypt… God. God remembered His covenant and came down to deliver them
Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the
The world is full of sorrows, even after the resurrection of our Savior.
harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields,
Two thousand years passed, but still the world is in darkness. In spite of all
for they are already white for harvest! (Ex.3:8,10; Jn.4:35) the developments of technology, human brain power etc., still people grope
in darkness and suffer in the enemy’s clutches. God’s heart is crying, “Whom
Though Moses forgot his vision and calling, God did not. Whatever He shall I send? Who will go for Us?” (Isa.6:8). Will you say “Yes!” and be
begins, He will complete (Phil.1:6). He never accepts defeat nor withdraws. God’s Moses for this time?
He met Moses at mount Horeb and called him for His glorious work (Ex.3:1-
YOU are called: You are the only hope for this world! You are called
according to His purpose! You are foreknown and foreordained and glorified
Resurrected calling: When all the vision of Moses seemed dead, to be like Jesus to bless your world (Ro.8:28-30). He invested so much in
God came down to resurrect it. After forty years, still God was actively you, preparing you for times like this (Est.4:14). You have become a royal
working on Moses’ calling. It is true in your life, too. In your preparation priest to deliver your people. Everything you need to bless this world and to
time, satan might tempt you to feel defeated and depressed. At such times, deliver the people is given to you in Christ. The revelation of who you are in
you must remember your covenant-God. He never forgets your early love. Christ is given to you. To whom much is given, from him much will be
None of your prayers and desires are ignored by Him. He is the One who required (Lk.12:48).
created His desire in your heart to deliver the nations. He is effectually at
Beloved, the harvest is plentiful. You are His called and equipped laborer
work in you, energizing and creating in you the power and desire, both to will
in Christ (Mt.9:37). Lift up your eyes and look at the fields! They are ready
and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight (Phil.2:13,
for harvest (Jn.4:35)! GO NOW!
Thank You, Lord, Your gifts and callings in my life are
Moses was defeated, depressed, had forgotten the vision, totally
irrevocable. You delivered me from the people and sent me
entangled in the world, but none of these things could stop God’s plan. Maybe
to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light
your failures and disappointments have dimmed your vision, but He who
and from the power of satan to God. I see that the fields
lives in you never grows faint nor weary (Isa.40:28). Take heart!
are already white for harvest and GO as a minister of
Partnership calling: First, God said to Moses, “I have come down to reconciliation because I am in Christ.
deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians”. Then, He said, “I will send
Ro.11:29; Ac.26:18; Jn.4:35; 2.Co.5:19
you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people… out of Egypt” (Ex.3:8,10).
See the partnership! In Christ, you have the privilege to work with your
The moment you entered into Christ, you shared His work and mission.
You became His co-laborer (1.Co.3:9; 2.Co.6:1). You and Jesus are in
partnership now in saving the world from sin and satan. There is no laziness
for a life in Christ. In Christ, you are committed with the ministry of
reconciliation. You are Christ’s ambassador on this earth (2.Co.5:19-20).

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Presence by His authoritative word, “I am with you always, even to the end
April 29 of the age” (Mt.28:20). In Christ, He is with you through His Holy Spirit all
'WHO AM I?' IN CHRIST the days of your life.
The Old Testament saints begged for God to go with them (Ex.33:13-
17; 34:9), yet often God left them for some time (Ex.33:2-3,7-10). They
But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, even had to take the tabernacle out of the camp to pitch it in the wilderness,
and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” So He but now, God Himself “tabernacles” in us. In the New Testament, nowhere
said, “I will certainly be with you… I have sent you… people pleaded for His Presence. We now thankfully acknowledge His
Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as Presence because we are one with Christ through His Spirit (Ro.8:39).
being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God… (Ex.3:11-12; You are sent: As God sent Moses and His prophets and apostles, He
2.Co.3:5) has sent you (Jdg.6:14). As the Father sent Jesus with all His power, you are
sent (Jn.20:21). Because God sent Moses, He backed everything He spoke
and did. The work was gloriously accomplished. Whom God sends, the whole
When God’s high calling of delivering people came to Moses, he felt
heaven backs up! Because Jesus sent His disciples, they lacked nothing
extremely insufficient for it and even told the Lord, “Who am I…?” What
(Lk.22:35). The strength you have now is more than enough to save the
an answer to give to God! Some might see his words as humility, but there is
nations! Be bold!
a tone of self-disapproval and inferiority. He felt like a nobody, unable to be
God’s deliverer. Beloved, never say, “Who am I?” to God or to yourself or to anyone.
Always say, “my sufficiency is from God”, “I can do all things through
This “Who am I?”-feeling is one of the greatest weapons of the enemy
Christ who strengthens me“, “In my weakness, His strength shall abound”,
against God’s people down through the centuries. The militant church that
all because you are in Christ, sent into the world with His Presence.
must do exploits for God is paralyzed by such fear and inferiority. What a
loss to the Kingdom of God. When we underestimate ourselves and doubt Thank You, Lord, my sufficiency is from You. You made
God’s selection and appointment, we actually disapprove of God’s wisdom. me sufficient as a minister of the New Covenant. You are
None of us is sufficient in ourselves for His great task. always with me, even to the end of this world. You have sent
me as You have sent Jesus because I am in Christ.
Every time God called His people in the Old Testament, people felt
insufficient to oblige, but this should not be so for you, His new creation. In 2.Co.3:5; Mt.28:20; Jn.20:21
Christ, your power, ability and sufficiency comes directly from God. He has
qualified and made you fit for His task (2.Co.3:5-6). You have no right to tell
God you are unfit when He has made you fit and worthy in Christ. Now, it’s
not a question of who you are, it’s a question of who He is in you.
You are a Savior: You are a savior (Ob.21). You are God’s soldier and
co-worker (Phm.1:1; Phil.2:25). You are anointed to deliver the captives
(Lk.4:18). You are more than a conqueror (Ro.8:37). You can do what God
can do, and greater things (Jn.14:12). You are a little god (Jn.10:34; Ps.82:6).
Can a savior say, “Who am I to save?”
You have His Spirit: God replied to His “Who-am-I?”-Moses, “I will
certainly be with you” (Ex.3:11) This eternally solves all your feelings of
God had to assure Moses of His Presence (Ex.3:12), but you don’t
need His repeated assurances every time you try to do something for Him.
He is eternally your Immanuel (Mt.1:23). He settled the question of His

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their knowledge of God’s name.
April 30 KNOWLEDGE OF HIS NAME Promoting revelation: God promises to set on high and protect securely
IN CHRIST anyone who knows and acknowledges His Name (Ps.91:14). Ordinary
fishermen became extraordinary apostles because they had the revelation
of His Name.
Then Moses said to God, “Indeed, when I come to the children of Preserving revelation: The knowledge of God will even increase
Israel… and they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ what shall I say to your lifespan and protect you from all evil (Ps.91:16; Pr.18:10; Jn.17:12).
them?” And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”… ‘I AM has sent Prospering revelation: There is nothing we cannot get when we know
me to you’… and use His Name (Jn.14:14; 15:16; 16:23).
I have manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Prevailing revelation: The knowledge of His Name is the greatest
Me out of the world… I have declared to them Your name, and will weapon against all the powers of darkness. Nothing can challenge and prevail
declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and against the person who knows His Name (Phil.2:10-11; Mk.16:17). Only
I in them (Ex.3:13-14; Jn.17:6,26) when God comes down in revival power to make His Name known to His
church and to His adversaries, our nations will bow down before Him
God commanded Moses to gather the elders of Israel and share His (Isa.64:1-2).
mission. Moses knew his elders would ask him the name of the God who Princely revelation: The knowledge of the Name of Jesus Christ is
had commissioned him (Ex.3:13). In this context, God revealed Himself as the princely knowledge. The Name Jesus Christ contains all the revelation
the Great I AM. In the Bible culture, God’s name was His self-revelation of all of God’s names. The more you meditate His Name, the more you
and signified the Person behind the name in all fullness and character. The become like God and step out in His power and authority to bring this lost
name gives a child of God all the authority to represent Him. world back to God.
Prophetic revelation: “Knowing” in the Bible means more than mere We see different names of God throughout the Bible. But in Christ
head knowledge. It’s the most intimate kind of knowledge (Ge.4:1). Life in Jesus, all His names are included. When you know His matchless name,
Christ must get the revelation of God’s Names to function in it’s fullness. people obey you, demons tremble before you, and miracles follow you.
Only the Holy Spirit can give us the revelation of the glory of His Name. Ultimately, God’s purpose is accomplished in you.
That is why Jesus rejoiced when His disciples had the revelation knowledge Beloved, in these last days, people shall know His Name as never before.
of His Name (Lk.10:17-20). In Christ, you have the privilege of knowing intimately the Name above
Progressive revelation: God reveals Himself progressively. Every all names. He has specially revealed and given His Name to you. Know it
new revelation of God will release a new anointing, authority, blessing and deeply! Use it freely! Set the captives free!
horizon (Ex.6:3). The patriarchs knew God as El Shaddai, God Almighty. Thank You, Lord, I will know Your Name because I am
There was no need for redemption or deliverance in their times, but in Moses’ Yours, and I will declare Your Name. Your Name is a Strong
time, God’s people were desperate for freedom. So the need for extra- Tower. I am safe in it because I am in Christ.
revelation of God’s redemptive Name became imperative. God revealed
Isa.52:6; Jn.17:26; Pr.18:10
Himself as Jehovah to show His redemptive power. The more you know
God, the more you will unlock His blessings.
Power-releasing revelation: If you want to see God’s power in your
service, you must seek to know God’s names continually. The knowledge of
God’s names will release supernatural faith and power to accomplish His
work on this earth (Ac.3:12,16). Those who know His Name will prove
themselves strong, stand firm and do exploits for God (Da.11:32, AMP).
Every saint of God trusted Him and experienced great miracles because of

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God of concern: While revealing Himself with this Name, He said, “I
May 1 have watched over you and have seen what has been done to you…”
I AM IN CHRIST (Ex.3:16-17). When you see Him as the Great I AM, you get the revelation
of His care, watchfulness, concern and compassion for your present troubles
and afflictions. His compassions for you have not decreased even a bit! Let
And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus this stir up your spirit today (Ex.2:23-25; 3:7-10; 16; 6:2-5)! In Christ, all the
you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’… love and total attention of God is upon you today.
‘The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of God of covenant: As God Almighty, El Shaddai, He made a covenant
Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Ge.15:1; Ex.6:2). As the Great I AM,
forever, and this is My memorial to all generations’” . Jehovah, He came to keep and fulfill His covenant with their generations.
He is not only a covenant-making God, He is also a covenant-keeping God
Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before
(Dt.7:9; 1.Ki.8:23; Da.9:4). In Christ, He has made His eternal covenant
Abraham was, I AM” (Ex.3:14-15; Jn.8:58). with you, and He will keep it till the end. Even when you are unfaithful, He
always remains faithful to His covenant (2.Ti.2:13).
Here, God revealed Himself as the Great I AM. Knowing your God God of faithfulness: God was faithful to His covenant even when His
and knowing who you are in Him determines your victory. This revelation is covenant partners were dead and gone. All Israel and even Moses had
crucial for your transformation. Spiritual children are excited to know their forgotten Him, yet God was still the same. He is always faithful and
sins are forgiven. Young men in the spirit are happy to know their overcoming dependable. Your God remembers all His promises and committed Himself
life, but fathers in the spirit exult to know the One who is from the beginning to fulfill every one of them in your life. Trust His faithfulness!
(1.Jn.2:12-14). Beloved, this Great I AM-God revealed Himself in His Son Jesus Christ.
In Christ, you have the greatest privilege of knowing your Father and Jesus Himself said, “Before Abraham was, I AM” (Jn.8:58). You live and
growing into fatherhood (Jn.14:9; Lk.10:22). move and have your being in this Great I AM (Ac.17:28)! He is your ever-
Know your I AM-God: The greatest knowledge is to know the Great present help in trouble (Ps.46:1)! No matter how shaky you are now -the
I AM. This knowledge of God facilitated the very life work of Moses. It is storms of life, heavy waves, cruel winds and torrential rains cannot shake
high time the church stops specializing in knowing how big is the enemy, you a bit! You have become part of the Great dependable God! You cannot
how strong are the Egyptians, and how cruel are their bondages. Rise up to fall as long as you grow in the revelation of who you are in Christ, and act on
know your God. it!
The I AM-God revelation speaks of His eternity and dependability, Thank You, Lord, You are Who You Are. You are the
consistency and faithfulness in fulfilling His promises. It includes all time, same yesterday and today and forever. You are the Alpha
past, present, and future. It literally means, not only I AM what I AM at and the Omega, who is, and who was, and who is to come,
present, but I AM what I have been, I AM what I shall be, and I shall be the Almighty. You keep Your covenant and mercy with me
what I AM. He is always the Same. You can depend on Him every second who loves You because I am in Christ.
of your life. How comforting to know the most dependable God, the Great Ex.3:14; Heb.13:8; Rev.1:8; Neh.1:5
Rock of Ages, in this time of instability and unfaithfulness (Mt.7:24-27)!
God of the forefathers: God gladly introduced Himself as the God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and said, “By this Name I will be remembered
from generation to generation” (Ex.3:15). This shows that what He was to
Abraham, He is to you in Christ. What He did to Isaac, He will do it to you
in Christ. What He meant to Jacob, He means to you in Christ. Everything
He ever was for His saints, He is to you today. If you read your Bible with
this revelation, you will experience every Bible miracle in your life.
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In Christ, you have God’s miracle power in you. As Moses’ ordinary
rod became God’s extraordinary Rod, you have become God’s sign and
May 2
NO "SUPPOSE" IN CHRIST wonder (Isa.8:18). The Holy Spirit, the Source of all miracles, lives in you.
Your new birth is a miracle. Your new nature is a miracle. Christ in you is a
miracle. God’s Word in your hand is a miracle. Life in Christ is a miracle
from beginning to end. You are a miracle-child of a Miracle-Father. You can
Then Moses answered and said, “But suppose they will not believe
have miracles every day of your life if you live in constant expectancy.
me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, ‘The Lord has not
appeared to you’ ”. Proving power: Our God proves His power through signs and wonders
(Ac.14:3). He knew the Israelites and the Egyptians would only believe if
Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly
they saw miracles. Seeing is believing. Jesus said to the nobleman, “Unless
vision (Ex.4:1; Ac.26:19).
you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe” (Jn.4:48).
Only God’s mighty Hand can set the captives free. His wonders and miracles
God assured Moses that the people would heed him and he would meet alone will break Pharaoh’s power in our nations (Ex.6:1). Miracles will
Pharaoh with the elders (Ex.3:18). Still, Moses said, “But suppose they will convince and convict the hardest people, even the hardcore atheists.
not believe me…”. Unfortunately, Moses’ unbelief made him disbelieve also Private life power: God had to convince His own servant Moses and
God’s people (Ex.4:1). the elders with miracles before He could manifest His power publicly.
When God sent Moses, He gave him His mission and His Name. He Likewise, He will first show His miracles in your personal life and family.
even predicted everything that would happen. He showed him that Pharaoh The very first miracle of Jesus was done to this end. His own disciples
would not let them go easily. His hand would smite the Egyptians so they believed in Him when they saw the miracle of water turned into wine
would finally let Israel go and even plunder the Egyptians (Ex.3:19-22). (Jn.2:11). In order to make Peter a public miracle worker, God proved His
When God revealed His strategy so clearly and completely, Moses had no healing power to Peter’s mother-in-law and made his home a healing center
right to say any “but” or “suppose” to God. (Mt.8:14-15).
When God speaks His will and purpose to you, dare not say, “but” and Prophetic word power: The Word from God’s mouth carries God’s
“suppose”! The Lord who commissions you knows all about you and the miracle power. Moses thought his people would not listen to his voice. He
obstacles you will face in your ministry (Jer.1:4-8,19). Before He sends you didn’t realize they would listen to His voice. When you speak for God,
to a place or people, He surveys them and prepares them for your mission remember you speak the oracles of God (Jn.3:34; 1.Pe.4:11). His Word in
(Ex.23:20; Nu.10:33). He opens people’s heart to hear and obey you your mouth will produce faith in people’s heart (Ro.10:17). Miracles are
(Ac.16:14). The Great Breaker goes before you (Mic.2:13)! No place is your ministry credentials (1.Ki.17:24). When you speak His Word, God always
hard and nobody can resist you if you are commissioned by Him. confirms it with miracles (Ac.14:3). When the Lord works with you, miracles
The One who sends you can see the end from the beginning (Isa.46:9- must follow you (Mk.16:20).
10). All His missions are well planned and worked out beforehand (1.Co.2:9- Beloved, in Christ, you are one with the greatest Miracle Worker of all
10; Eph.2:10). times. It’s natural for you to be supernatural. When God says something,
In answer to Moses’ “suppose”, God showed him that His super power please don’t give Him a “but” or “suppose”. Never ever question His Word
was already in his hand. and will. Act on His Word like a child and accelerate His miracle power in
Super-power in you: God patiently dispelled every one of Moses’ you.
doubts. He used Moses’ own rod to prove His supernatural power. The rod Thank You, Lord, by my miracle ministry people will know
became a serpent and vice versa. Then He asked him to put his own hand in I am a servant of God, and that Your Word in my mouth is
his bosom, and his hand became leprous. These two miracles would attest the truth. I will go out and preach everywhere, and You will
Moses’ ministry. Note here: God manifested His power only through what work with me, confirming my word through the accompanying
Moses already had - his rod and his hand (Ex.4:2-9)! By this, Moses’ rod signs because I am in Christ.
became God’s Rod (compare Ex.4:2,20). 1.Ki.17:24; Mk.16:20

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are overpowered by God’s power. All the servants used mightily by God had
their own deficiencies. They found God’s strength and His grace was made
May 3
NO INABILITIES IN CHRIST perfect in their weaknesses so that the power of Christ might rest upon
them (2.Co.12:9). In their weakest moments they felt God’s all-surpassing
power. By their faith in God’s ability and promises they won strength out of
Then Moses said to the Lord, “O my Lord, I am not eloquent… I weakness and became stalwart, even mighty in battle, and routed the enemies
am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” So the Lord said to him, (Heb.11:34).
“Who has made man’s mouth?… Go, and I will be with your mouth God reassured Moses of His Presence and promised to be with his
and teach you what you shall say…” mouth and teach him His very words (Ex.4:10-12). If God could speak through
For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought a dumb donkey, why not through you, His dear darling (2.Pe.2:16)? The
to say (Ex.4:10-12; Lk.12:12). uneducated apostles spoke with unfettered eloquence by the power of the
Holy Spirit (Ac.4:8,13). You are sent by God to be God’s mouthpiece
(Ex.3:10). Never worry about what and how you shall speak (Mt.10:19-20;
Just after God had revealed Himself as the Great I AM, Moses swayed Mk.13:11; Lk.12:12). The One who called you has put His Word in your
back to his unbelief and said, “I am not eloquent… I am slow of speech”. mouth. His Spirit is on you, and His Word is in your mouth. His Word will
It’s a direct clash between God’s I AM and man’s I am (Ex.3:14; 4:10). For never depart from your mouth forever. Even your descendants will enjoy
a casual reader, it may look like humility, but it was total unbelief and an this blessing if they believe (Dt.18:18; Isa.59:21).
insult to God. In fact, he focused on himself, leaning on his own oratory
In Christ, you are given the tongue of the learned, and you have His
ability to know the right and apt word that can sustain the weary (Isa.50:4;
Anything from self is sin and kills your faith. Self-reliance, self-pity, 51:16).
self-abasement, self-depreciation, self-rejection, self-condemnation, self-
Beloved, the One who gave you the mouth and the ability to speak will
awareness, self-consciousness etc. stifles your miracle faith. Here, Moses
also speak through your mouth to bless the world. If demons can use people’s
was very conscious of his speech impediment, while God tried to turn his
tongue, how much more your God will use your tongue! Remember, the
focus toward Himself.
excellence of His power dwells in your earthen vessel. which speaks of
Whenever God called His people, they tried to escape from His calling, your human frailty (2.Co.4:7). Never magnify your human weakness. Magnify
mainly because they felt inadequate. You should never interpret this as humility your inner man, not your outer man. In Christ, all your inabilities and
or a qualification for ministry. In fact, it is the direct work of the flesh, impediments are opportunities for God’s super-power! Let all your “I am”
opposing God’s will. God never appreciates such false humility. frailties be swallowed up by His “I AM” abilities!
When God called Jeremiah as a prophet to the nations, he tried to evade Thank You, Lord, You are with my mouth and teach me
the call saying he was only a child. God rebuked him, “Do not say, I am only what I should say. I am made strong out of weakness. Your
a child” (Jer.1:6-7). When Peter was called into the apostolic ministry, he strength is made perfect in my weakness. None will be able
asked Jesus to depart from him for he was a sinful man (Lk.5:8). Just imagine to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which I speak because
God had departed from him! It’s one of the devil’s crafty devices to make I am in Christ.
you focus on your inadequacies.
Ex.4:12; Heb.11:34; 2.Co.12:9; Ac.6:10
In Christ, God replaced all your insufficiencies with His great sufficiency
(2.Co.3:5-6). Now, Jesus became your Head and fills you, His Body, with all
His fullness (Eph.1:23).
God believes in His ability to make you fit for His purpose. He knew all
about your stubbornness, treacherous nature and inadequacies, and yet for
His own sake He has chosen you (Isa.48:4,8-11).
In Christ, your inabilities, physical infirmities and emotional instabilities

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Christ today. Some people think high of themselves and fail to recognize
May 4 others’ calling. Others underestimate themselves, leaving their job for others
Never compare yourself with others. Never feel inferior and avoid your
responsibilities when you see talented and anointed people. Nobody can do
But he said, “O my Lord, please send by the hand of whomever what you can do. Imagine the foot would complain, “Why do people always
else You may send.” So the anger of the LORD was kindled against shake hands, never feet?” or the ear would say, “Why do people wear sun
Moses… glasses just for the eyes, when I am so much suffering from sun burn?” and
As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as feel rejected (1.Co.12:14-26). How ridiculous!
good stewards of the manifold grace of God (Ex.4:13-14; 1.Pe.4:10). Team work: Even in His anger, offered him Aaron’s assistance. He
promised to help both of them to speak and teach them what to do. He made
Even after God spoke to Moses in such a spectacular way, Moses was Moses god over Aaron, and Aaron his mouthpiece (Ex.4:13-17). Though
not confident to go (Ex.4:13). So the Lord’s anger burned against Moses. team work is God’s plan (Eccl.4:9-12), you cannot evade your calling and
Unbelief is worse than rebellion. Moses tried to escape from God’s call responsibility. See how nicely Moses and Aaron functioned together as a
because he thought someone else could do better. beautiful team. Yet, God gave all His instructions to Moses, the leader. This
is God’s method.
Unbelief hurts: God had been patiently answering His servant’s
questions so far, but now He became angry at his evading. Unbelief is cruel Beloved, God expects you to use whatever gift He has given you. Don’t
and can even bind the hands of the Almighty (Mt.13:58). Many times we ever say you are not gifted. God has administered His grace in its various
don’t understand how unbelief kindles God’s anger and hurts His tender forms to everyone of His children. If you can speak, speak the words of
heart (Nu.11:1,10,33; Mt.17:17). It is impossible to please God without faith God. If you are called to serve, do it with all of God’s strength (Eph.3:10;
(Heb.11:6). Unbelief insults God since it treats Him as a liar and doubts His 1.Pe.4:10-11).
wisdom. When God called Moses, He knew he was able to do what He If you don’t do what God wants you to do, you arouse God’s anger and
called him to do. He planned it in His eternal wisdom. When you doubt your invite the enemy’s attack. Don’t allow the devil to cheat you. Jonah suffered
ability to fulfill your calling, you insult the One who called you. unnecessarily because he tried to run away from God’s call. This might
Called means equipped: God expected Moses to believe that He explain the reason for many of your sufferings. Come back to your original
equips whom He calls. God calls His people, gives them His power and calling, and you will see all the storms calm down. Do it TODAY!
grace, and then sends them (Mt.10:1,7). He is not Pharaoh to expect bricks Thank You, Lord, You have set the members, each one
without providing the straw (Ex.5:10-12). In Christ, grace and calling always of us, in Your Body just as You pleased. Grace is given to me
go together (Ro.12:6; Ga.2:8; Eph.4:7). If He has called you to do something, according to the measure of Your gift. Your Gospel has been
believe the grace to do it is already given. It’s one and the same package. committed to me, and You work effectively in me because I
You are unique: Never think anyone can do better what you are called am in Christ.
to do. In Christ, your life work is already assigned. Nobody can do it better 1.Co.12:18; Eph.4:7; Ga.2:7-8
than you. There is no useless member in the Body of Christ. In Christ, God
gave you a measure of His faith. Think of yourself according to that measure.
You have your own function and ability (Ro.12:3-8). All you have to do is to
find out your calling and fulfill it.
Moses should have known that others could not do what he was called
to do. The simple reason is that they were not called by God and therefore
not equipped for it.
Unhealthy comparison: There is an unhealthy habit in the Body of

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All the Bible-miracles were done in a variety of ways. Our Lord Jesus
May 5 performed His miracles through many methods as He saw His Father doing.
COMMUNICATING MIRACLE POWER Water turned into wine, spitting directly, making a saliva-mud, putting the
finger into the ear, rebuking, commanding etc. were some of His methods.
IN CHRIST Life in Christ is never rigid in any methods! It is the most flexible life in the
The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “I am the Lord. Speak to Spirit.
Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I say to you” . Communication and constant walk: God never gives all His
Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart instructions at a time. He leads step by step. This demands a constant intimate
of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. walk with God. One time hearing God is not enough for continuous miracles.
But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit God performed mighty miracles through Moses because he was always
searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. (Ex.6:29; 1.Co.2:9- tuned to God’s voice. He was living and walking in the glory realm all the
10). time.
Hearing God’s voice is the key to miracle ministry. The prophetic ministry
is not a substitute for personally hearing God. Satan will try his best to
In Christ, you have God’s communicating miracle power. The greatest disconnect your communication with God. Thieves disconnect the phone
blessing of the new creation is the ability to hear God’s whisperings deep line before breaking into a house. Satan knows the power of hearing God’s
down in the spirit continuously. When you came to Christ, your spiritual eyes voice, and the damage it will cause to him. That’s why you must know the
and ears were opened. God’s Spirit in your spirit witnessed that you are a devil’s schemes and diligently guard your communication faculties. Around
child of God (Ro.8:16). All the miracles you will ever experience in life are 67 times, the Bible says, “God spoke to Moses”. The Early Church had so
totally based on your ability to hear Him. many miracles because they heard God through many avenues like visions,
Communication and kinds of miracles: In Egypt, God performed dreams, angelic visitations, personal appearances of Jesus, trances,
many mighty miracles. Moses was constantly getting instructions from God whisperings of the Holy Spirit etc.
for the next type of miracle. Before and after every miracle, God Beloved, in Christ, all your communication channels are fully opened
communicated His will to Moses. It was not Moses’ choice. He did everything for greater miracles. Please, keep that channel free from sin and unbelief!
just as he heard God. Communication is the very breath of miracle life. As a sheep recognizes the voice of the shepherd, as a child hears the voice
Moses had to depend on God’s communication for the next type of of the mother, as a bride knows the voice of the groom, you can hear His
miracle. God told him every time what He would do through him. The constant communications. Instead of thinking and reasoning, learn to tune to
different plagues like blood, frogs, lice, flies etc. had to be revealed to him by your spirit before doing anything. This is the way to live your miracle life in
God. He had no choice even to alter their order. Christ. Remember, your God is a God of communication. He longs to
Even our Lord Jesus did every miracle just as He saw His Father doing communicate His heart more than you long for it. Hear Him TODAY!
(Jn.5:19). That unleashed all His miracles. In Christ, you too can see and do Thank You, Lord, Your secret is with me as I fear You,
what your Father is doing (Jn.14:12). Remember, the Father loves you as and You will show me Your covenant. Surely You do nothing
He loved His Son! unless You reveal Your secret to me, your servant. Your
Communication and methods of miracles: Every time not only the secret counsel is with me because I am in Christ.
miracles, but also the methods of working miracles differed. Some miracles Ps.25:14; Am.3:7; Pr.3:32
were performed by Aaron while others were done by Moses (Ex.7:10-13;
8:5-6,16-17 and 9:22-23; 10:12-13). God communicated even the medium
for every miracle. Sometimes, the rod was stretched over the waters (Ex.7:10;
8:6). At other times, they had to strike the dust of the ground, or take a
handful of ash and toss it into the air (Ex.8:16; 9:8). To have continuous
miracles, you must have continuous communication.

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display His power of conversion through you. Your tasteless life shall turn
into the most delightful life. Just listen to His whispering in your spirit and
IN CHRIST Inner transformation: This glorious transforming power of God was
dwelling in Christ. It was manifested on the mount of transfiguration. His
So Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh, and they did so, just as face shone as bright as the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light
the Lord commanded. And Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh (Mt.17:1-2). This life made Stephen’s face to glow like the face of an angel
and before his servants, and it became a serpent. in midst of his enemies (Ac.6:15). Thank God, this life is shining in your
heart right now! The glory of the Lord which includes the glory of Elijah,
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of
Moses and all the saints is radiating upon you right now (Ex.34:29-35;
the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to 2.Co.3:4-11). Your enemies will easily recognize it. As Moses was honored
glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord (Ex.7:10; 2.Co.3:18). by his own brother and the elders, you shall be honored because of God’s
transforming glory in you. Life in Christ makes every cell of your body shine
with God’s glory! It can change your mind, emotions, will and senses, and
Life in Christ is a total miracle life. The moment you are engrafted in
even your skin and the clothes you wear (Ac.19:12).
Christ, you are engrafted in the Source of all miracles. Every member of
Christ’s Body is a miracle member. Every miracle you read and admire in Beloved, God showed this converting miracle power to Moses to convey
the Bible is now at your reach. With this revelation, meditate the mighty His ability to transfer His people from slavery to liberty. In Christ, this power
miracles God wrought through Moses (Ex.6-12). In order to experience is constantly transforming your life, your home, your neighborhood and even
God’s miracles, you must know their purpose. The more you know it, the your nation. Increase this glory by gazing at Jesus through the mirror of
more you will show it. Take the miracles literally and claim them one by one. God’s Word (2.Co.3:18). Stretch your miracle imagination! Rebuke any
reasoning that explains away the miraculous (2.Co.10:5). Defy all your natural
Converting miracle power: This is the first type of miracle God showed
limitations! Soar into your miracle world! Activate the miracle power in you
to Moses. God converted a rod into a serpent, a healthy hand into a leprous
hand and water into blood (Ex.4:2-4,6-7; 7:14-25). Then He sent Moses to
do the same miracles before Pharaoh and his magicians. Thank You, Lord, I am a new creation. Old things have
passed away, all things have become new. You put a new song
Your own conversion: When you came to Christ, this converting miracle
in my mouth and poured new wine into my new wineskin. I
power transformed your life (Jn.5:24-29). You were transferred from the
have put on the new man which was created according to
power of darkness into the Kingdom of light (Col.1:13). Once you were like
You, in true righteousness and holiness. I am being
a dead rod, but now you are throbbing with the vigorous life of God (Eph.2:1-
transformed into Your image from glory to glory because I
5). You were bound in fear of death and Satan, but now God’s courage
am in Christ.
made you take the old serpent by the tail! In Christ, you trample on snakes
and scorpions (Mk.16:17; Lk.10:19)! 2.Co.5:17; Ps.40:3; Mt.9:17; Eph.4:24; 2.Co.3:18
Rod into serpent: God’s power could transform the lifeless, dry rod
into a living serpent and the healthy skin into leprous skin and vice versa.
Remember, this converting power of God is working mightily in you! You
can speak life to the dead and health to the sick (Eze.37:1-14; Mk.16:17-
20). You have the power to catch the serpent by the tail and make it a
lifeless rod. With your touch, you can cleanse leprosy. Such is the power of
your new creation! Release this power today to bring life into hopeless
situations and healing to the sick. Set the captives free!
Water into wine: The very first miracle Jesus did was of this kind. He
changed water into wine (Jn.2:1-11). This transforming Jesus lives in you to
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Unlimited power: Moses operated in God’s unlimited power whereas
the magicians acted in satan’s limited power. When they tried to produce
May 7
CONFRONTING MIRACLE POWER lice, they could not. Then they all said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of
God” (Ex.8:18-19). They could not even produce what one Finger of God
IN CHRIST produced. God’s one Finger is more than enough to confront all the powers
But Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers; so the of satan (Lk.11:20). Such is the power of your God! There is a time where
magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their the devil can no more attack you, but God can do anything for you anytime.
enchantments. For every man threw down his rod, and they became None of the magicians could stop or revoke Moses’ miracles. They
serpents. But Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods. could only change the water into blood, not the blood into water. They couldn’t
Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books destroy the frogs created by Moses, but just duplicate them. Nothing more!!!
together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the In Christ, you received the unlimited power and Spirit of God (Jn.3:34;
value of them, and it totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver. So the 14:12). The devil’s power is extremely limited. You can cast him out, you
word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed (Ex.7:11-12; Ac.19:19- can make him run and flee in terror, you can trample on him and eventually
20). crush him under your feet (Mk.16:17; Jas.4:7; Lk.10:19; Ro.16:20).
Remember, Jesus cast out all the demons just by His finger (Mt.12:28). He
Here we see God’s confronting and conquering miracle power. In Christ, lives in you with all His fullness. Rise up and destroy the works of the devil
this power is working in you constantly (Eph.3:20; 1.Jn.4:4). This is the most TODAY!
needed miracle for our world today. Moses was in great confrontation with
all the occult powers of Egypt. It was literally a confrontation between God’s Conquering power: When Moses was producing boils on men and
power and evil powers. Pharaoh himself was a magician and considered a animals, even the magicians had boils and could not stand before Pharaoh
god in Egypt. He had many magicians with him. All the sorcerers and (Ex.9:11). See the utter impotence of the magic powers! They could not
magicians were sponsored by the government as in the time of Daniel and even save the magicians. Yes, the devil has no power even to protect his
Elijah (Da.2:1-2; 1.Ki.18:19). own people when we attack him. What could he do against you, the child of
God!? Poor devil!!
Super-power in you: Moses desperately needed “higher-power” to
overpower these “lower-powers”. Nothing else could save him and his nation. Beloved, occultism is rampant in every nation. The church of Jesus
This is the challenge you face as a new creation. must rise up to confront those powers in order to bring revival to the nations.
The Early Church did such confrontational miracles in Samaria and in Ephesus.
As God made Moses as god to Pharaoh, He made you as god to all the Both cities were under the stronghold of occult powers, but Philip and Paul
demonic powers (Ex.7:1; Ps.82:6; Jn.11:34-36). This revelation will manifest rose up to their position in Christ and released their God-given power. The
God’s power in you. Every time Moses and Aaron performed their miracles, magicians bowed down, and a great revival broke out (Ac.8:13; 19:19). God
Pharaoh’s magicians and sorcerers did the same, but Aaron’s miracles always is challenging you today to step out in faith and do confrontational miracles.
superseded and overpowered them. Just picture it! Aaron’s rod-crocodile Stop bragging about witchcraft powers attacking you. Be on the offensive!
opened its mouth wide and swallowed all the magicians’ rods. Always keep There is no sorcery against you, your family or ministry (Nu.23:23). No
this picture before you! The power in you swallows all the powers that weapon formed against you shall prosper (Isa.54:17). Take up your rod!
come against you. Use your authority, in Jesus’ Name!
10:3-power: Moses did ten miracles to display God’s power, but Thank You, Lord, You have given me the authority to
Pharaoh’s magicians could only imitate three of them. They could throw trample upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the powers
their rods and produce serpents by their magic powers (Ex.7:11-12). They of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt me. I
could also change water into blood and bring forth frogs like Moses (Ex.7:22; resist the devil, and he flees from me because I am in
8:6-7). When Moses performed his fourth miracle , the magicians couldn’t Christ.
produce lice (Ex.8:16-18). There is no match for God’s power! In Christ,
you are more than a match for any powers. Truly, the One who lives in you Lk.10:19; Jas.4:7
is greater and mightier than the devil (1.Jn.4:4).

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They have no power to harm you!
May 8 Frogs and all kinds of insects were also worshipped by the Egyptians.
CONDEMNING MIRACLE POWER Imagine, the whole country was filled with their frog-gods, even the bedroom
IN CHRIST and bathroom of king Pharaoh! Now suddenly, they were desperate to get
rid of their gods! Lice and mosquitoes were also worshipped as gods, but
Thus says the Lord: “By this you shall know that I am the Lord. now they had become biting tormentors. Flies came to torture the Egyptians
Behold, I will strike the waters which are in the river with the rod that is who worshipped Beelzebub, the god of flies. Beelzebub, the leader of flies,
in my hand, and they shall be turned to blood”. completely lost control over his ‘subordinates’!
But Elymas the sorcerer… withstood them, seeking to turn the The cattle also was worshiped as gods. Even today, many nations still
proconsul away from the faith. Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked worship cow-gods, horse-gods, donkey-gods, elephant-gods etc. The
intently at him and said, “…you son of the devil… the hand of the judgmental hand of God brought a terrible plague on these ‘gods’, and all
Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a these ‘gods’ died. Hail- and rain-gods were not hailed any more! Their sun-
god was darkened. Not only these ‘gods’ were judged, even their adamant
time.”… Then the proconsul believed... (Ex.7:17; Ac.13:8-12)
worshippers were punished and killed.
Beloved, in Christ you are authorized and empowered to judge the demon
God’s great power in you can even judge your enemies if you believe. gods behind the idols - the god of materialism, humanism, sensualism, and all
This ultimate miracle power will make your enemies bow down before your the false religions like Mormonism, Jehovah witnesses etc. You have power
God Almighty. to judge your enemies if they persist in opposing the true God. Like the
God very clearly told this to Moses, saying: “I will harden Pharaoh’s apostles Peter and Paul, you can even punish and judge sin in the church
heart, and multiply My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt. But (Ac.5; 1.Co.5). When you exercise this power, the enemies will know the
Pharaoh will not heed you, so that I may lay My hand on Egypt and bring greatness of your God. Rebellion will be broken, poor victims will be set
My armies and My people, the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by free! Sin will be judged, and fear of God will fall upon the nations. This is
great judgments” (Ex.7:3-4). Even multiple miracles will not melt Pharaoh’s your right in Christ.
heart. Only God’s consuming miracle power in judgment can break his sin- Now is the time to expect judgmental, nation-shaking miracles in our
hardened heart (Ex.3:20). nations. It’s no longer time to fight with the small demons that attack you
We don’t see many judgmental miracles these days. This is one reason personally! It’s time to rise up to a higher level of spiritual warfare. God is
for the hardness of our enemies. The fear of God and His people is missing calling His people to challenge the higher level principalities and powers.
today. Life in Christ is the remedy for this critical situation. The power of This is the answer to set the nations free. Deep intimacy is the only condition
Pharaoh will bow down only to such miracles. for exercising such judgmental authority. You became one with God to
Every judgmental miracle God performed was against the gods of Egypt. exercise your authority like your God. Heaven is waiting for you to come up
In fact, every one of His miracles was specifically targeted against one of to this level TODAY!
their gods (Ex.12:12). Thank You, Lord, Your high praises are in my mouth, and
The river Nile was worshipped as “the god of life”. Every morning, Your two-edged sword in my hand. I execute vengeance on
Pharaoh and the Egyptians used to take bath and worship the river god. In the nations, and punishment on the peoples. I bind their
countries like India, people still worship rivers like the Ganges as gods. Moses kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron. I
targeted that river god and struck the waters so they turned into blood. He execute on them the written judgment. This honor I have
proved his God is the God of all the earth (Ex.7:17). Imagine! Their very god because I am in Christ.
became stinking blood. Blood was an abomination to the Egyptians. Their Ps.149:6-9
very god had become an abomination.
In Christ, you have authority to bring judgment on all the false gods of
your country. You need not be terrified by the satanic gods around you.

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times more than all the other wise men (Da.1:20). When there was a severe
famine everywhere, the patriarchs were enjoying God’s plenty. Even the
May 9 COMPARING MIRACLE POWER pagan kings recognized God’s hand in these miracles and came to make
IN CHRIST covenant with them.
In Christ, you are the children of light while others are children of
And in that day I will set apart the land of Goshen, in which My darkness (1.Thes.5:5). This revelation will change your outlook on life. The
people dwell, that no swarms of flies shall be there, in order that you Spirit of God came upon you to make you a different person (1.Sa.10:5-6,9).
may know that I am the Lord in the midst of the land. I will make a Your Father is different and your family is different (Eph.3:14-15; Jn.8:44).
difference between My people and your people. Tomorrow this sign Your ‘zoe’ life, your God-kind of life, is different. When you see this truth,
shall be. you naturally separate yourself from this corrupt generation (Ac.2:40). You
For who makes you differ from another? And what do you have will take out the precious from the vile and become God’s spokesman
that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you (Jer.15:19).
boast as if you had not received it? (Ex.8:22-23; 1.Co.4:7). Terrible times will come in these last days (2.Ti.3:1-7). You will hear of
many judgmental miracles upon the nations. News of wars, famines,
Life in Christ is the most distinguished life on earth. The whole world earthquakes, plagues, pestilences, tsunamis and inflations shall increase.
lies in the wicked one while you safely lay in your Father’s bosom (1.Jn.5:19). Nuclear weapons shall cause great disasters. In midst of all this, your God
The moment you accepted Christ, you were literally transferred from death will make a clear distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between
to life, from darkness to light (Eph.2:1-5; Col.1:13). The world shall be judged those who serve God and those who do not (Mal.3:18). In Christ, you are
but you are only chastised when you miss the mark (1.Co.11:32). God’s treasured possession (Mal.3:17). You are the apple of His eye (Zac.2:8).
This distinction in Christ is clearly portrayed even in the miracles of You are God’s property, purchased by His most precious Blood. All the hairs
Exodus. When God was judging the Egyptians with ten plagues, He dealt of your head are numbered, and not even one hair will fall without God’s
very differently with the land of Goshen (Ex.8:22-23). permission (Lk.12:7). Constantly meditate on the distinction and safety you
In Egypt, all the children of Israel lived in Goshen. No plague that came enjoy in Christ. This will save you from the end-time calamities.
on Egypt could touch Goshen. When all the frogs, lice, flies etc. came on the Beloved, life in Christ has to be practiced and lived out every day. It’s
Egyptians, there was nothing found in Goshen. When the Egyptians were not automatic! The more you transform your mind with these truths, the
groping in darkness, God’s people were rejoicing in perfect light (Ex.10:22- more His truth shall become your shield and buckler to protect you and set
23). When every firstborn of man and animal was killed in Egypt, the Israelites you free (Ps.91:4; Ro.12:2; Jn.8:32). It’s true, Solomon says, whatever
were perfectly safe inside their blood-marked homes. happens to the wicked happens to the righteous alike (Ec.9:2-3). Yet the
In Christ, even your livestock is safe. Remember, not even one of the One greater than Salomon said, “In the world you will have tribulation; but
animals of the Israelites died (Ex.9:4-7). You can even rebuke flies, be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (Jn.16:33). In Christ, you
mosquitoes and evil insects from entering your house. The hail and the rain face the challenges of life from your victory position! Don’t be passive!
may cause damage in others’ field but not in yours. Severe sickness may Constantly confess God’s Word. Live a holy life. Be in the center of His
enter other houses but no pestilence, plague or terror may come near your will, your safest place on earth! Just boast in His pure grace (1.Co.4:7)!
dwelling. You dwell under the shadow of God Almighty! Thousands may fall Expect to be distinct from everyone around in every area of your life.
at your side, but you will only observe it because you live altogether in a Thank You, Lord, I am Yours. You made me Your jewel.
different zone (Ps.91). These blessings are all yours, waiting for you to avail You spare me as a man spares his own son who serves him.
them by walking in your privileges in Christ! All shall see the distinction between the righteous and the
All the plagues, sicknesses and judgments were never meant for God’s wicked, between one who serves You and one who does not
people (Ex.15:26). Diseases are only for Egyptians! serve You. I am not of the world just as You are not of the
world because I am in Christ.
Rahab and all her family members were safe when the men of Jericho
were slaughtered (Jos.6:17). Daniel and his friends excelled in wisdom ten Mal.3:17-18; Jn.17:16

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He even confessed his sin and promised to let them go (Ex.9:27-28). Then he
wanted to keep the women, children and flocks in Egypt. Only the final miracle
May 10 CONTINUING MIRACLE POWER broke him and his people totally so that they even urged them to leave the
IN CHRIST country (Ex.12:31-33). Such is the power of continuous miracles!
Doing miracles occasionally will not get the job done. Some boast about
Go in to Pharaoh and tell him, ‘Thus says the Lord God of the the few miracles done in the past, but the nations will never be touched by a
Hebrews: “Let My people go, that they may serve Me. For if you few miracles here and there. God performed continuous miracles until Pharaoh’s
refuse to let them go, and still hold them, behold, the hand of the Lord heart melted. He continues until He completes.
will be on your cattle… a very severe pestilence.”’ Our nations must see the continuous manifestation of God’s power. The
And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His repentance needed for the transformation of nations is yet to come. Don’t give
disciples, which are not written in this book… And there are also many up! Every miracle will gradually break the power of darkness. When you
other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I persuade the enemies with continuous miracles, one day the enemy’s hold will
suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that be totally broken. This is what happened to Pharaoh.
would be written. Amen (Ex.9:1-3; Jn.20:30; 21:25). Beloved, God did many miracles in your life, but still you have not seen
great breakthroughs. Don’t stop expecting miracles. Increase your passion
Life in Christ is a life of continuous miracles. Christ in you is the great for more miracles. The Early Church witnessed many mighty miracles, yet
Miracle-Worker. If you continuously walk in your privileges in Christ, you will they asked for more (Ac.4:23-30). Elisha asked for more than what Elijah had
witness miracles every day. Every moment of Jesus was a miracle. His look, (2.Ki.2:9). When your problems increase, let the miracles also increase. Never
touch, words, rebukes, sleep, even His saliva was miraculous. This miracle- stop coveting more of His miracles until you see a thorough change in your life
life has become yours now! In Christ, you are above the ordinary and natural. and nation.
You have abundance of life, extraordinary life, supernatural life right within
you! God can do any number of miracles to deliver you and your people. In Christ, God’s continuous miracle power is mightily working in your
life. Be persistent! Your enemy never stops his evil works. Even after his
This is pictured in the continuous miracles God performed to redeem His shameful defeat in the wilderness, he left the Lord only for a season (Mt.4:11).
people from Pharaoh. Remember, it’s not a single miracle but multiple miracles Jesus continued to destroy his works till He finally overcame him on the cross.
that broke the hardness of Pharaoh (Ex.7:3). God laid His hand on Egypt with In Christ, His total victory is yours! Don’t be satisfied with a partial victory.
ten mighty acts of judgment. In Christ, not only ten, but tens of thousands of Jesus was not satisfied when the blind man saw men walking as trees (Mk.8:24-
miracles are available to you to break your enemy. Take heart! 25). He touched him again to complete the healing. Expect His second touch
Every miracle of God displays His power and greatness. No matter how for a perfect miracle! You have God’s enduring power in you to stand till the
hard the enemy may be, God’s miracle power is more than enough to melt the end (Mt.24:13). Count every one of God’s past miracles and believe for more.
devil’s power! As Samson’s ropes and bondages became like flax in the fire, all He who began a good work in you will complete it (Phil.1:6). Rejoice TODAY!
the enemy’s chains shall be melted by the power of God (Jud.15:14). Thank You, Lord, for Your great salvation of which You bore
This is what happened to Pharaoh. You can clearly see how his heart witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and
began to melt after every miracle. When the magicians could show their power, gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to Your own will. I go out and
Pharaoh was very hardened (Ex.7:10-13). When they no longer could do preach everywhere, and You are working with me and confirming
anything, it was a death blow to Pharaoh’s pride. Still, he tried to harden his the Word through the accompanying signs. I will do the works You
heart. When God sent swarms of flies on him and his people, he was a little did, and greater works I will do because I am in Christ.
shaken and asked them to sacrifice to their God in his land (Ex.8:25). Heb.2:3-4; Mk.16:20; Jn.14:12
Every now and then, Pharaoh showed a sign of repentance. After the
fourth miracle, he even asked Moses to intercede for him (Ex.8:28). Every
time the judgment was revoked, his heart became harder again. Yet when the
plague increased more and more, Pharaoh’s heart was again slowly melting.

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God sends His servants because of His compassion for the perishing
(2.Chr.36:15). You are sent to this world as God’s ambassador of compassion
May 11 COMPASSION MIRACLE POWER for this sin-sick world. When you allow His compassion to flow through you,
IN CHRIST you become the vehicle of God’s miracle power.
Deliverance and compassion: We have seen God revoking His
So Moses went out of the city from Pharaoh and spread out his judgmental miracles. Even in midst of judgment, God remembers mercy
hands to the LORD; then the thunder and the hail ceased, and the (Hab.3:2). But for His mercy, no one would remain in this world. The miracle
rain was not poured on the earth. of compassion is a miracle of deliverance and healing.
However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, “Go home to All the deliverances and healings of our Lord Jesus were done in His
your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for compassion. Jesus’ compassion is the great motivation for all His miracles.
you, and how He has had compassion on you” (Ex.9:33; Mk.5:19). His compassion healed the sick (Mt.14:14). His compassion and mercy
delivered the demon-possessed (Mk.5:19). His compassion raised even the
Life in Christ releases miracle power through compassion. God’s already stinking body (Jn.11:35,43).
compassion is as powerful as God Himself. This compassion is poured out
in the heart of every new creation through the Holy Spirit (Ro.5:5). In Christ, you have His compassion and power to bring healing and
deliverance to the world. Rise up to your calling!
Judgment-averting compassion: Though God judges people in His
anger, He is still compassionate to avert the judgment in answer to prayer. Curse-revoking compassion: Every miracle that reverses the curse
In every one of the plagues, we see this type of miracle. When the river Nile and breaks its root is a miracle of compassion. Outside Christ, no one can be
turned into blood, people couldn’t drink its water. Even this plague didn’t last blessed. Inside Christ, no one needs to be under curse. The Egyptians were
more than a week (Ex.7:20-25). See His compassion! When people couldn’t under a great curse because of the abundance of idols and occult powers.
drink the water, they could at least dig all around the Nile to get drinking This is one of the reasons God judged them so severely. Water-scarcity,
water. Thank God, at least that water was not turned into blood! Mercy in flies and lice, plagues, death and darkness are definitely a curse (Dt.28:15-
judgment!! 68). Egypt is known for diseases (Ex.23:25).
When the frogs abounded and filled every bedroom, oven, vessel and God didn’t want His people to be under the curse of Egypt. His
everything, Pharaoh pleaded for the frogs to be taken away. Even though compassion wrought mighty miracles to revoke the curse of Egypt from His
He knew the hardness of Pharaoh’s heart, God delivered Egypt from this people. In Christ, you are God’s ambassador to break the curses of idolatry,
plague, just within a day (Ex.8:2-4,8-10,12-13). Likewise, all the plagues witchcraft and sin. By your prayer power you release God’s miracle power
were revoked by the prayers of Moses, even when Pharaoh was not fully and set the nations free!
repentant. I see God’s compassion in all these plague-revoking miracles. Beloved, God is love (1.Jn.4:8). He lives in you. The law of the new
Every one of God’s judgmental miracles was revoked because of God’s creation is nothing but love. When you walk in love, you walk in Christ and
love, even to the hard-hearted Egyptians. Imagine the waters remained blood! have fulfilled the law. When His love is allowed to flow through you, His
Imagine the frogs stayed alive! Imagine the dense darkness continued forever! miracle power is unleashed. In Christ, you are God’s deliverer, judgment-
Even in God’s anger, see His compassion and mercy. averter and curse-breaker. The whole world is under bondage, God’s wrath
Whenever the Israelites murmured and failed God, God’s wrath was and curse. Rise up to your position and mission TODAY!
burning against them. Moses’ prayer averted the judgment of God upon Thank You, Lord, You are merciful and gracious,
them. In Christ, you can pray and avert God’s judgment upon the people, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth. You
even upon the nations. sent me because You had compassion on Your people. Your
Call and compassion: The very call of God upon Moses came from love has been poured out in my heart by Your Holy Spirit
God’s compassion. The cry of the Israelites came before Him, and He heard because I am in Christ.
their groaning. He looked upon the Israelites and was concerned about their Ex.34:6; 2.Chr.36:15; Ro.5:5
sorrows (Ex.2:24-25). So He came down to deliver them in His mercy and
compassion (Ex.3:7-10). God’s nature and God’s power are inseparable.
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three years, just by multiplying a single jar of flour and a jug of oil (1.Ki.17).
Angels supplying the needs of the people was not uncommon in Bible days.
May 12 CONTRIBUTING MIRACLE POWER Such miracles still happen even today.
IN CHRIST In the time of famine, Elisha could feed all the sons of the prophets with
this miracle of contribution and supply (2.Ki.4:1-7; 42-44). Our Lord Jesus
Speak now in the hearing of the people, and let every man ask was able to bless bread and fish to satisfy the hungry thousands and fill the
from his neighbor and every woman from her neighbor, articles of empty boats of Peter’s team (Lk.5:1-11).
silver and articles of gold… And the LORD had given the people End-time miracle: I believe in these end-times God’s people will have
favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they granted them what great financial blessing to freely lavish money into God’s work. God will save
they requested. Thus they plundered the Egyptians. the richest people of the world to bring supply to build His Kingdom. As the
Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were wealth came from Babylon to build God’s temple in Jerusalem, God will bring
possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds the wealth of Babylon to His church. The kings of Babylon sponsored the
of the things that were sold, and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and building of the temple in Nehemiah’s and Ezra’s time (Ez.1:6-7; 6:8-10; 7:21-
they distributed to each as anyone had need (Ex.11:2; 12:36; Ac.4:34- 24). Such things are a foreshadow of what God will do in this end-time building
35). of His glorious church. God commanded the Israelites to ask silver and gold
Life in Christ supplies even your physical and financial needs. His miracle from the Egyptians and even made them generous. Later, all this wealth was
power in you unleashes all your earthly blessings, too. used to build His glorious Tabernacle.
Plundering miracle: In Christ, plundering Egyptians is your right and The need is so much and the time so short that the church cannot depend
privilege. When the Israelites left Egypt, God did a great miracle to transfer all only on poor widow’s mites any longer. Rich women will serve Jesus with
the wealth of the Egyptians to His people. They received abundance of gold their abundant riches (Lk.8:1-3). People like Joanna, the wife of Chuza, the
and silver which they could use in their wilderness journey and to build God manager of Herod’s household, supported the Lord. In the Antioch church,
the most expensive Tabernacle. This is one of the great miracles you should Manaen who had grown up with king Herod was one of the ministers (Ac.13:1).
claim in Christ. God promised this transfer of wealth even from the burning In Europe, the rich Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth, opened her heart and home
bush (Ex.3:21-22). He fulfilled it by opening the hearts of the Egyptians, and for Paul’s team (Ac.16:14-15). Such things will happen in our end-time church,
they gave silver and gold lavishly. Thus the Israelites plundered Egypt (Ex.12:36)! too! In Christ, God wants you to avail this blessing to complete your God-
Plundering the pagans is God’s blessing in Christ. given task.
Transferring miracle: The Bible is filled with examples of how God Beloved, this contributing miracle power resides in your spirit. His divine
transferred the wealth of His enemies to His people. Truly, the wealth of the power has given you everything you need for this life and godliness (2.Pe.1:3).
sinner is stored up for the righteous (Pr.13:22)! The signet ring of Haman It will release financial miracles to you and the church. Times are coming
must come to God’s Mordecai, and the vast estate of Haman must be transferred where the rich will support the church and the government will sponsor our
to godly Esthers (Es.8:2)! All heaped-up silver and piles of clothes are laid up work. As a child of God, you have access to all of God’s resources. Expect
for the righteous to enjoy (Job 27:15-16). These Old-Covenant blessings surely this kind of miracles every day of your life.
increase under the better New Covenant (Heb.8:6). In the Early Church, rich Thank You, Lord, You supply seed to the sower and bread for
believers voluntarily transferred part of their wealth to poor believers. It is food. You supply and multiply the seed I have sown and increase
God’s desire that the rich man’s plenty should be transferred to the poor to the fruits of my righteousness while I am being enriched in
supply their need so that there may be equality in the Body of Christ (2.Co.8:14). everything for all liberality. Your divine power has given me all
Provision miracle: Throughout the Bible, we have innumerable miracles things that pertain to life and godliness. You shall supply all my
of God’s provision for His people. Manna from heaven and abundant water need according to Your riches in glory because I am in Christ.
from the rock were more than enough to feed and satisfy millions of God’s 2.Co.9:10-11; 2.Pe.1:3; Phil.4:19
people in the wilderness (Ex.16:15; 17:6; 20:8-11; Ps.78:15-16). Ravens could
feed the prophet Elijah who in turn could feed the widow’s family for almost

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To convict the world, the enemies and the national leaders: Once
Moses and his elders were convinced, they went straight to Pharaoh to
May 13 CONFIRMING MIRACLE POWER confront. The first thing Pharaoh asked was, “Who is the Lord that I should
IN CHRIST obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, nor will I let Israel
go” (Ex.5:2). This is the challenge our enemies throw at the church. “Thus
And the Lord gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians. says the Lord” must be proved with “Thus does the Lord”. The enemy will
Moreover the man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the not let people go unless he sees God’s mighty hand.
sight of Pharaoh’s servants and in the sight of the people. This is also the way to reach the national leaders. The royal official
Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the came to Christ and begged Him to heal his dying son (Jn.4:46-53). To him,
Lord, who was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs Jesus said, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means
and wonders to be done by their hands (Ex.11:3; Ac.14:3). believe” (Jn.4:48). Can you invent any other means? Kings will bow down
to you if they see miracle power in you.
God did all these miracles to show Pharaoh and the world that He is the
Here we see Moses became great in the sight of Pharaoh and his people.
only true God, and there is none like Him in all the earth (Ex.7:5; 9:14).
This is the result of God’s confirming miracles. In Christ, you have enough
of God’s power in you to attest and confirm every word you speak. His To crown and honor His leaders and His Church: Once God
mere Presence in you will confirm the words that come out of your mouth confirms your word with His miracles, you will be highly honored. Your
(Mk.16:20). He wants to confirm your calling, position and ministry through honor and worth comes from Christ in you and His anointing upon you. Your
His miracles. It only depends upon how much you draw from that miracle anointing is your crown. Moses was quite old, an insignificant shepherd,
power in you. The miracle power in you is mightily working for the following when God called him. His self-worth was crushed. He couldn’t even speak
reasons: eloquently, yet his miracles made him so great. He was highly regarded in
Egypt by Pharaoh’s officials and by the people (Ex.11:3). This miracle power
To confirm your ministry and message: Miracles are your ministry
made the men of God great among others (2.Sa.7:9; 8:13; 9:6; 22:44; 23:1;
credentials. Even to make God’s people believe you, you need this miracle
Est.9:4; Ps.89:27).
power. The first three miracles were performed to show Moses’ calling and
mission to his own people. God demonstrated His confirming miracle power When God divided the Jordan, Joshua was exalted before all Israel
to him by changing the rod into a serpent, the healthy hand into a leprous (Jos.4:14). The Early Church was highly esteemed because of this miracle
hand, etc. He assured him again and again that the people would believe him power (Ac.5:12-14).
by these miracles (Ex.4:1-8). When the elders saw the signs, they bowed Beloved, life in Christ is completely a supernatural life. This life can
down and worshipped God. For more than four hundred years, they had not exalt and honor you. Are you humiliated and intimidated? Do you feel that
seen or known God Jehovah. Just these three miracles changed them nobody recognizes your calling and anointing? Are you threatened by the
completely. enemies of the Gospel? Take heart! In Christ, your words will be confirmed.
Jesus’ first miracle was done to convince His own disciples (Jn.2:11). Like Mordecai, you will be highly promoted. Speak His Word and expect
Raising Lazarus from the dead was done to make His disciples and all the His Spirit to confirm it! Be bold TODAY!
people believe in Him (Jn.11:15,42). Even to convince His forerunner John Thank You, Lord, I will speak boldly in You, and You will
the Baptist, He had to show miracles (Mt.11:2). In Christ, every one who is bear witness to the words of Your grace, granting signs and
called and sent is attested by God’s miracle power. wonders to be done by my hands. None will be able to resist
Your messages also need to be confirmed by His accompanying signs the wisdom and the Spirit by which I speak. I will serve You,
(Mk.16:20; Ac.14:1-3). A message without miracles is like a letter posted and the Father will honor me because I am in Christ.
without a stamp. Expect God’s miracle power to attest whatever you speak. Ac.14:3; 6:10; Jn.12:26
If you speak on holiness, the Spirit will confirm it with His sanctifying power.
If you preach on healing, He will confirm it by healing the sick. Expect such

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need of the hour. We need the nation-shaking, government-influencing, public
miracle power of God. This will happen when the new creation rises to its
May 14 COMPLETING MIRACLE POWER full potential.
IN CHRIST Everybody’s miracles: Moses’ miracles touched everyone. It was
needed to convince his own people and the elders (Ex.4:28-31). King Pharaoh
About midnight I will go out into the midst of Egypt; and all the and his officials were shaken by Moses’ continuous miracles (Ex.7:8,20;
firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh 8:3,8,21,29). The miracle power hit the magicians so much that they
who sits on his throne, even to the firstborn of the female servant who recognized the Finger of God (Ex.8:19; 9:11). Every man, every animal and
is behind the handmill, and all the firstborn of the animals. all vegetation were affected by God’s miracle power.
For the king, before whom I also speak freely, knows these things; Your miracles must influence your nation. Every miracle God did through
for I am convinced that none of these things escapes his attention, Moses was known to all the Egyptians. Nothing was done in a corner
since this thing was not done in a corner. (Ex.11:4-5; Ac.26:26). (Ac.26:26). The Name of Jehovah became known everywhere. A complete
miracle is a community miracle, a countrywide miracle, a “sweeping-through”
Moses’ miracles influenced the entire nation, from Pharaoh to the least miracle.
servant. When you are in Christ and totally filled with the Holy Spirit, you Last-days miracles: The last days miracles will supersede all the Bible
will influence nations with God’s miracle power. So far, we have witnessed miracles. God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh - sons, daughters, young
many personal miracles, but now enlarge your vision to covet nation- and old men, servants and handmaiden, all will flow in the miracle realm.
influencing miracles. God picked up one man, Moses, and shook the whole God will show mighty wonders in heaven and signs on the earth. Such all-
nation with His miracle-power. Your glory and power is far more than Moses’ encompassing miracles will bring a great harvest to the church (Jn.14:12;
glory (2.Co.3)! Ac.2:17-21).
In Christ, you have the possibility of being filled with the immeasurable One Elijah could shake and trouble kings, false prophets and all the
anointing of God, just like your Head Jesus (Jn.3:34; 14:12). You can even double-minded Israelites (1.Ki.18:17,21-24,39-40). Philip and Paul brought
be filled with ALL the fullness of God (Eph.3:19)! This mighty fullness of salvation to the entire regions of Samaria and Ephesus by releasing their
God’s power must be released to affect nations for Christ. Truly, there is no miracle power (Ac.8; 19).
limit to the person who is in Christ and totally filled with the Spirit.
Beloved, in these last days, God will perform such notable miracles that
With this in mind, read all the miracles of Moses and see how they nobody can deny or hide. The Early Church did notable miracles that even
affected the entire nation. the enemies couldn’t deny. Such miracle power is locked up in your spirit,
Everywhere miracles: The Nile, the main source of water supply and waiting to be released! You can break all the power of the enemy and convince
adored as a main god of Egypt, became stinking blood. The streams, canals, this unbelieving world that your God is the only true God. Rise up TODAY!
ponds and all the reservoirs became blood. Blood was everywhere in Egypt, Thank You, Lord, in these last days You will pour out of
even in the wooden buckets and stone jars (Ex.7:19). Complete miracle! Your Spirit on all flesh. You will show wonders in heaven
The frogs, lice and flies filled the whole country, the palace, bedrooms, above and signs in the earth beneath. Whoever calls on Your
officers’ houses, vessels etc. (Ex.8:1-4,17,24). The terrible plague came on Name shall be saved. You will work unusual miracles through
all the livestock of Egypt - horses, donkeys, camels, sheep, and goats. Boils me because I am in Christ.
came on all the Egyptians and even on their magicians (Ex.9:10-11). The Ac.2:17-21; 19:11
worst hail-storm ever hit Egypt and destroyed men and animals (Ex.9:18,22).
Locusts filled all the houses including the officials’ houses - something nobody
had ever seen in the history of Egypt (Ex.10:6). Total darkness covered all
of Egypt for three days (Ex.10:21-22). Every first-born son died, from
Pharaoh’s palace to the poorest slave’s house (Ex.11:5). None of these
miracles could be ignored or taken lightly by anyone in the nation. This is the

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world. The Blood of Jesus is the only guaranty for your safety. Remember,
May 15 inside the Blood of Jesus, there is no danger; outside the Blood, there is no
The Blood saves you from every plague: God promised no plague would
touch the blood-marked houses (Ex.12:13). In Christ, you and your entire
Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you household are hedged around by the Blood of Jesus. The terror of the night,
are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague the arrow of the day, the pestilence of the darkness and the plague of the
shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. midday cannot harm you. His Blood is the wall of fire around you, and you are
By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, lest he the apple of God’s eye (Job.1:10; Ps.91:5-6; Zec.2:5). Oh! The saving power
who destroyed the firstborn should touch them (Ex.12:13; Heb.11:28). of the Blood!
The Blood saves you from the power of death: There was not a single
The blood of the Passover lamb was smeared as a sign on every Hebrew house without a death in all Egypt that night (Ex.12:30). Only the blood-smeared
house. God passed over the blood-marked houses while executing His judgment houses were safe. In Christ, the power of death is broken over your life
upon the Egyptians and their gods (Ex.12:12). (1.Co.15:54-57). You have victory over every spirit of death - the death of
Blood-sign: The blood was the sign of the covenant people’s houses family relationships, the silent death of sickness, the death of love and warmth.
(Ex.12:13). This makes distinction between God’s people and others. Every In this world of ever-growing divorce rates, you need not accept the death of
religion believes in the Lord Jesus, but they are offended at His Blood shed on your marriage! In this age of rebellious children, you need not tolerate the
the cross. Those who believe in the power of His Blood are definitely different alienation of generations! Apply the Blood wherever you see any trace of death.
from the rest of the world. This sign gives you distinction and dignity. Surely, Beloved, the Blood of Jesus is all over you. There is no enemy that can
the Scarlet Cord is the Sure Sign and Token of your safety from any calamity challenge you now. Pharaoh could harden his heart after seeing every act of
(Jos.2:12,18). God put a mark on Cain to keep him from any murderers judgment, but he could no more withstand the final call of the blood. He and all
(Ge.4:15). The Blood of Jesus is God’s mark on you to keep you from the his officials and the Egyptians melted like wax and urged them to leave the
arch destroyer (Jn.8:44; 10:10). A special mark is placed on the true land. They heaped them with silver and gold (Ex.12:31-32,35-36). At last, they
intercessors, and they escape God’s judgment (Eze.9:4-6). Rejoice! You are a were redeemed from the cruel bondage of Egypt.
Blood-marked, precious person! Remember, the Blood of Jesus Christ has redeemed you from all the power
Blood seen: God repeatedly said He would SEE the Blood and pass over of the devil. You are eternally redeemed (Heb.9:12). Consciously apply the
that house (Ex.12:13,23). Blood is visible to the spirit world. God’s angels and Blood on the doorposts of your house, your mind, eyes, ears, mouth, and all
satan and his angels can see the Blood-sign on you. The spies could see the your being. Sing and celebrate His Blood and declare God’s eternal judgment
scarlet cord and save the family (Jos.2:17-20; 6:22-25). Remember, the devil on your enemies. Honor the Blood and never dare despise it. Remember, no
sees Jesus’ Blood on you and trembles. God sees His Son’s Blood on you and blood was to be sprinkled on the threshold where the feet would trample on it
spares. The Holy Spirit sees the Blood of Jesus on you and seals and anoints (Heb.10:29). Trust the power of His Blood. Stay under the Blood till the night
you (Eph.1:13). Where there is Blood, there is Oil (Lev.8:30). Where the Lamb is over (Ex.12:22-23).
of God is present, there the Dove of God is present (Mt.3:16). God sees the Thank You, Lord, when You see the Blood on me You will not
Blood on you! The devil sees the Blood on you! Make sure YOU see the Blood allow the destroyer to come into my house to strike me. I am not
on yourself! redeemed with corruptible things, but with the precious Blood of
Blood saves: The blood on the Israelites’ houses spared and saved them Christ as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot because I
from God’s judgment, death, plagues, destruction and from everything of Egypt am in Christ.
- slavery, afflictions, oppression, hard labor, ruthless taskmasters and all the Ex.12:23; 1.Pe.1:18-19
sufferings and cries (Ex.1:11-14; 2:23-25; 3:7).
The Blood saves you from God’s judgment: As The Day approaches,
you will hear and see more of God’s acts of judgment on the nations of the

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Appropriate your Passover: The lamb had to be chosen and eaten
by every family member. Calvary’s victory is not automatic. You must
May 16
PASSOVER IN CHRIST personally appropriate it. The blood of the lamb had to be smeared on the
two side posts of the lintel, which signifies your personal application of the
Blood of Christ. The Israelites had to eat the roasted flesh with unleavened
So this day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as bread and bitter herbs. The bitter herbs signify the bitterness they had suffered
a feast to the LORD throughout your generations. You shall keep it in their slavery in Egypt (Ex.1:14). When Jesus took the bitter cup on the
as a feast by an everlasting ordinance. cross, He carried away all the bitterness of your life. Claim it and cast off all
Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump,
since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, Faith in Passover: The Passover victory must be believed and acted
was sacrificed for us (Ex.12:14; 1.Co.5:7). on by faith. The way they dressed and ate the Passover lamb clearly speaks
of their act of faith. They were prepared for a long journey, wearing their
traveling clothes, sandals on their feet and staff in their hands. This speaks
The feast of Passover was the most important festival for the Israelites. of their expectancy of deliverance. Before they could see the deliverance
God commanded them to celebrate it as a memorial forever (Ex.12:14). physically, they had to act on their faith, dressed for travel. When everything
During the seven days of this feast, they had to offer one lamb without looks gloomy, you need to act on your faith, totally trusting the fact of
blemish for every house. Soon after this Passover, the Israelites were redemption.
delivered from the Egyptian bondage. This feast speaks of your life in Christ.
Celebrate your Passover: This Passover day became the great festival
Christ the Passover: Christ is your Passover Lamb (Jn.1:29; 1.Co.5:7). of God’s victory and deliverance for His people. Even now, the Israelites
Their Passover lamb had to be without blemish. Likewise, your Passover still celebrate it as a day of memorial. In Christ, you constantly thank God
Lamb was without blemish and defect (Ex.12:5; 1.Pe.1:19-20). The bone of for His great victory on the cross. Jesus instituted communion for you to
the animal was not to be broken, and the bones of your Lamb of God were remember His victory. Paul always celebrated the victory of the cross
not broken (Ex.12:46; Jn.19:33,36). Interestingly, at the time of the killing of (1.Co.15:57; 2.Co.2:14).
the Passover lamb, Jesus was killed on the cross. In Christ, you must
constantly and thankfully remember your Passover Lamb. Share your Passover: As you exult in this Passover victory, you are
also commanded to teach and share this great news to your generations
Your calendar and Passover: Your Christian life’s calendar begins (Ex.12:26-27). Make it a point to declare Christ’s victory every day to someone
with Calvary’s victory. God declared the month of the Passover to be the because only the saved ones can enjoy this Passover blessing (Ex.12:44-
first month of Israel’s annual calendar to commemorate their great deliverance 48).
(Ex.12:2). Your Christian life starts from Calvary’s victory and is based on
the redemptive power of the cross (Col.1:13-14; 2:14). Jesus’ sacrifice on Beloved, start every day of your life celebrating and appropriating
the cross brought you total redemption from all your enemies (Heb.9:12). If Calvary’s victory. Your deliverance and victory is an accomplished fact.
you don’t celebrate this great redemption, your Christian life will be a total The moment you accepted Jesus as your Savior, all your bondages were
failure, but if you consistently celebrate your total deliverance from satan, broken, and your enemies were judged. Enjoy your freedom from all slavery
sin and sickness, all the other Calvary-blessings will follow you (Ro.1:16; of death, sickness, sin and bitterness TODAY!
Ga.6:14). Thank You, Lord, You are the Lamb of God who took
Deliverance and Passover: The Passover prepared the Israelites to away my sins. I abide in You and You in me as I eat Your
receive God’s blessings. The curse of Egypt was broken over them. The Flesh and drink Your Blood. I boast in the cross of My Lord
Egyptian gods were judged and proved helpless by your God Almighty in the Jesus Christ by whom the world has been crucified to me,
Passover night (Ex.12:12). Even the corruptions of Egypt were removed and I to the world because I am in Christ.
from their lives by eating the unleavened bread (Jos.5:9-10). In Christ, you Jn.1:29; 6:56; Gal.6:14
are delivered from all the corruptions, evils, curses and reproaches of this

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Unleavened bread and blessings: Only after this festival, the
Israelites entered God’s full blessings (Ex.12:15). Living in impurity, hatred
May 17
and wickedness will certainly cut you off from all the blessings of the cross.
UNLEAVENED BREAD IN CHRIST In Christ, you have the power to get rid of the old leaven (1.Co.5:7). Don’t
forfeit this glorious purity God purchased for you! Esau forfeited his birthright,
Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread. On the first day Judas lost his apostolic privilege, Ananias and Sapphira lost their life in Christ,
you shall remove leaven from your houses. For whoever eats leavened all because of undealt sin (Heb.12:16; Ac.1:17; 5:1-10).
bread from the first day until the seventh day, that person shall be cut Unleavened bread and false doctrines: Unleavened bread also
off from Israel. signifies false teachings (Mk.8:15; 12:13). I am convinced any teaching that
Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the denies the power of life in Christ or deprives the Gospel of its miracle power
leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of is a leaven (2.Ti.3:5; Ro.1:16; Heb.2:3-4). If the message of the Gospel fails
sincerity and truth (Ex.12:15; 1.Co.5:8). to create a righteousness-consciousness, sonship-authority and reigning
lifestyle, it’s a leaven (Ro.1:17; 8:14-17; 5:17). Any teaching that magnifies
The feast of unleavened bread is one of the three most important annual the devil more than the indwelling Christ or promotes tradition without purity
festivals of the Israelites (Ex.23:14-15). It starts with the Passover and of heart is a leaven (1.Jn.4:4; Col.1:27; Jas.1:27). Any teaching that
continues for seven days. During these days, they had to remove every undermines either the gifts or the fruit of the Spirit is a leaven (1.Co.12:7-11;
trace of leaven from their homes or they would be cut off (Ex.12:15,18-20). Ga.5:22-23). Stay away from it!
This is a great warning for you who are in Christ.
Unleavened bread and joy: Removing the unleavened bread was
Unleavened bread and sin: As you celebrate the great redemption of celebrated as a joyful festival. It was purely based on the power of the
the Passover Lamb, every trace of sin is removed from your life by the Holy Passover Lamb. King Hezekiah restored the joyful praise of the feast of
Spirit with your conscious cooperation. The Corinthian church was sanctified unleavened bread (2.Chr.30:21). The returned exiles celebrated this feast
in Christ and had become a new unleavened lump (1.Co.1:2). Yet they with great joy for the Lord had made them joyful over their enemies. They
tolerated sin that could corrupt them again. Paul rebuked them for it (1.Co.5). gladly separated themselves from the pollutions of the land (Ezr.6:19-22).
In Christ, Paul commands you to keep the festival, not with the old leaven of
Beloved! Removing sin and corruption from your life comes out of your
vice, malice and wickedness, but with unleavened bread, the bread of purity,
joyful celebration of what Christ has done on the cross. The more you
nobility, honor, sincerity and unadulterated truth (1.Co.5:6-8, AMP). Life in
celebrate the power of the Blood, the more you will be pure and holy. Holiness
Christ must be totally free from sin. Only then, you can fully experience
never comes by unbelief and doubt. It’s the direct result of faith in the living
your Calvary victory.
Blood of Christ. Truly, it cleanses you from all your sins. All the blessings of
Unleavened bread and purity: The moment you accepted the redemption will follow you if you remove all sin from your life and learn to
Passover Lamb, His Blood removed every trace of sin and corruption from celebrate this great feast.
your life. You received His purity and noble character. His Blood has
Thank You, Lord, You sanctify me by Your truth. Your
tremendous cleansing and purging power. Allow it to purge all your filth and
Word is truth. I keep the feast, not with the old leaven of
uncleanness. It is one thing to sing, “There is power in the Blood”, it’s another
malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened Bread of
thing to enjoy the power of the Blood manifested in the purity of your daily
sincerity and truth because I am in Christ.
Jn.17:17; 1.Co.5:8
Unleavened bread and satan: Paul even handed the immoral man
over to satan for the destruction of his sinful nature (1.Co.5:4-5). What
would have happened if the people had celebrated the Passover with leavened
bread (Ex.12:8)? I believe the destroyer would have had access to kill them
even though the blood was smeared on their doors (Ex.12:23). Confession
of the blood without purification is no guaranty for your safety. You give
Satan legal ground to harm you by the leaven in you (Jn.14:30).

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your battles were finished! You don’t fight to win the battle but to keep your
May 18 victory. Satan’s dominion over you is eternally broken. As the Israelites
SUCCESS BATTLE IN CHRIST were delivered from Pharaoh’s hand, you are delivered from the powers of
darkness (Col.1:13). After the cross, no believer needs to pray or beg for
victory. Victory is a gift that must be thankfully accepted and celebrated
Now the sojourn of the children of Israel who lived in Egypt (1.Co.15:57; 2.Co.2:14).
was four hundred and thirty years. And it came to pass at the end of Satan may be the prince of this world, but in Christ, he is no longer your
the four hundred and thirty years-on that very same day-it came to prince. He is already judged and condemned (Jn.16:11). Your Savior has
pass that all the armies of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt… driven out the devil from your territory, so he has no legal right or hold over
For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the you (Jn.12:31; 14:30). On the day of your salvation, you were literally
victory that has overcome the world-our faith (Ex.12:40-41; 1.Jn.5.4). transferred from darkness to light and from the power of satan to God
(Ac.26:18). The first step to a victorious Christian life is to see yourself as a
victor in Christ and to see the devil as eternally defeated. This will make you
Christian life is a life of battles. The moment you came to Christ, you
an overcomer.
became a threat to the enemy’s kingdom. When the Lord commissioned me
to raise Him an army, He revealed how the children of Israel in Egypt Every battle ends with God’s glory: The ultimate purpose of all your
became the armies of the Lord the very day they left Egypt (Ex.12:40- battles is to bring glory to your God. God hardened Pharaoh’s heart and
41). The moment you leave your old life and enter into Christ, you become made him pursue His people so that He might gain glory and honor over His
a soldier in His army. enemies and establish His Lordship (Ex.14:4,17-18). God raised up Pharaoh
for the sole purpose of showing His power in him, so that His Name would
The Bible is a war manual. God has revealed the victory secrets in His
be declared in all the earth (Ex.9:16). Your battles are already decided in
Word. If you ponder every battle in God’s Word, you will derive many keys
for your victory. From Ex.14, we will see some of the keys of victory in our
spiritual battle, as it is the first battle after the redemption of Israel. Satan is allowed to cheat and deceive the people so that God may show
forth His power. He is the object of God’s wrath, prepared for destruction.
God always forewarns you: God never keeps you ignorant of the
In Christ, you are the object of God’s mercy, prepared for glory (Ro.9:17-
devil’s schemes (2.Co.2:11). When God redeemed His people from Egypt,
23). God displays all His power and wisdom only through you, His Body
He told them Pharaoh would pursue them (Ex.14:1-4). He will never allow
you to be taken by surprise. Like Elisha did to the king, God will show you
where and how the enemy is planning to siege you, and prepare you Beloved, take heart! Your Savior endured the cross and shame for the
beforehand (2.Ki.6:8-12). The entire battle in Exodus 14 was not sudden joy set before Him (Heb.12:2). In Christ, your battles will bring glory to your
and unexpected. There was no need for God’s people to panic. If you walk Lord and lift up your status. Your victory was decided before the world was
in the Spirit, He will always forewarn you of the coming battle and equip you formed. Every time you win a battle, your faith grows, and you see God in a
beforehand. This is your privilege in Christ. new perspective. See the end result and rejoice in His victory TODAY!
Your victory is based on Calvary: The Israelites had already won Thank You, Lord, You always lead me in triumphal
the victory over Egypt by His mighty Hand and miracles and were marching procession in Christ. I am rescued from the enemy’s hand
towards their inheritance. Almost all the Egyptians were ruined by that time. and transferred into the Kingdom of Your dear Son. I am
The greatest miracle power in the Old Testament was exhibited just then. born of God, so I overcome the world because I am in
It’s a battle between the conquered and the conquerors. This revelation is Christ.
the first step to victory. The foundation for all your victories is God’s victory 2.Co.2:14; Col.1:13; 1.Jn.5:4
on the cross. Remember you are a winner, and the devil is already defeated
and dethroned (Ro.8:37; Col.2:15).
Every believer in Christ must have the revelation of Christ’s finished
work on the cross. When Jesus exclaimed, “It is finished!” (Jn.19:30), all
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attacks will destroy your faith and sap your energy, causing you to complain.
God must be your focus in your battle. Don’t focus on the enemy and get
May 19
discouraged. God commanded His priests to shout before the warriors, not
SOVEREIGN BATTLE IN CHRIST to be faint-hearted or afraid, and not to look at the enemy’s great army
The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace… Keep your peace at all times: When you believe that the Lord is
fighting your battle, you will stop fretting. All you need to do in adversity is to
Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public
be still, enveloped in the perfect peace of God. That is why Moses said,
spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it (Ex.14:14; Col.2:15).
“Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord” (Ex.14:13). In Christ, He has
already showed His salvation. Only fix your eyes on His victory and rejoice
We saw that our victory is based on His victory, and God will ultimately in it.
gain honor from all our battles. This will make you strong to face your present After all, your battle is a faith battle. Satan’s aim is to terrorize you by
battles. See more victory keys: attacking your faith and thus disturbing your peace. It’s your faith that
The first key to victory is to see your battle as God’s battle. The enemy overcomes his schemes and quenches all his fiery darts (1.Ti.6:12; Eph.6:16).
himself knows, by fighting against you, he is fighting against God (Ex.14:25). Faith and the peace of God are twins. The peace of God in you will cause
In Christ, God is fighting your battles from beginning to end. You can stand you to sleep in the midst of the tempest and command it to be still (Mt.8:23-
boldly when the enemy hits you. 27). In Christ, you have the peace that passes all understanding (Phil.4:6-7).
See your battle as His battle: When the Egyptians were pursuing the The very peace of Christ is yours now (Jn.14:27).
Israelites, God fought their battles. They simply stood still and saw God’s If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small (Pr.24:10).
deliverance. Know that all your battles are actually God’s battles. The Lord Even crying in the battle is rebuked by God (Ex.14:15). Never complain or
fights for you, and you hold your peace (Ex.14:13-14; 1.Sa.17:47; 2.Chr.20:17). speak against anyone. This will weaken you and make you ineffective.
a) His enemies: All your enemies are God’s enemies (Ex.23:22; Beloved, don’t waste your time pondering over satan and his destructive
1.Pe.5:8-9). Satan hated God before he hated you. Lucifer coveted God’s works. God wants you to magnify Him, not your problems. You have power
exalted position, but you were freely given that place(Isa.14:14-15; Eph.2:6). to make the devil great or small (Nu.13:30,33). Your God is a Mighty Warrior
That makes him hate you fiercely. It is the Lord who first declared war on (Ex.15:3). Acknowledge Him in all your ways (Pr.3:6). Satan may be powerful,
satan and proclaimed His victory even in Eden (Ge.3:15). but you are all-powerful in Christ. Satan is no match for you. Take your
b) His strategy: The war strategy is God’s strategy. The good news is, eyes off the enemy’s threats. Believe God’s report. Ascribe all glory and
satan can’t know God’s strategy, but you can know satan’s strategy strength and power and victory to God (Ps.29:1).
(2.Co.2:11; Eph.6:11). Thank You, Lord, I look unto You, the author and
c) His armor: Your battle armor is God’s armor. God provides His very finisher of my faith. You train my hands for war and my
armor and invites you to be clothed in it (Eph.6:10-18). In Christ, His fingers for battle. I will not be afraid nor dismayed for the
righteousness becomes your breastplate, His faith, your shield, His salvation, battle is not mine but Yours, because I am in Christ.
your helmet, everything is His. How can satan penetrate God’s armor? Heb.12:2; Ps.144:1; 2.Chr.20:15
d) His training: Your training is also from God. He trains your hands
and even your fingers for war (Ps.144:1). How meticulous! There is no
reigning without training. He is your Coach. How could you ever be defeated?!
Ultimately, the battle is His, the victory is yours.
Fix your eyes on God, not on your enemies: When the Israelites
saw the Egyptians, they were exceedingly frightened. They cried to the
Lord and murmured against His servants. Instead of looking at their God,
they focused on their enemies. Too much attention on the devil and his
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Use your God-given authority: God had given enough authority to
Moses to perform all the miracles to deliver the Israelites. He had God’s rod
May 20
in his hand and had done many wonders before; but now, in a great crisis, he
STRUCTURED BATTLE IN CHRIST cried to the Lord. God rebuked him, saying, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell
the children of Israel to go forward. But lift up YOUR rod, and stretch out
And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the YOUR hand over the sea and (YOU) divide it” (Ex.14:15-16).
children of Israel to go forward. But lift up your rod, and stretch out In Christ, God has given you ALL His authority over ALL the powers
your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall of the enemy (Mt.28:18-20; Mk.16:17; Lk.9:1; 10:17-20; Jas.4:7; 1.Pe.5:8-
go on dry ground through the midst of the sea…” 9). Till Christ went to the cross, not ALL His authority was given to His
And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has people. None of the Old Testament heroes could exercise ALL of God’s
been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make authority. That is why you don’t see any Old Testament saint casting out a
disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father single demon.
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Ex.14:15-16; Mt.28:18-19). In Christ, however, ALL authority is given to you! Every believer in
Christ is fully authorized to destroy all the works of the devil (1.Jn.3:8). You
We continue our study of victory keys from the first battle of the have ALL power to handle ALL your problems. There is no need for you to
Israelites. We have seen that our battle is between the victorious Church cry or collapse. The flooding sea will not divide by itself or by your crying.
and the dethroned evil powers, and will ultimately bring glory to our God. YOU must divide it. YOU must command the people to go forward. YOU
This battle magnifies our God who is totally involved from beginning to end. are fighting the enemy in partnership with your God. He is waiting for your
Now we will see that it is a well structured war. The Kingdom of God is a command to act on your behalf. Imagine! Had Moses failed to lift up his rod,
hierarchy. We must follow God’s structure to win God’s battle. what would have happened (Ex.14:16,21)!?
Be under spiritual leadership: God led His people from victory to Beloved, stop crying! Start moving! You have God’s Name to use. His
victory in the wilderness, but He always used His leader Moses. Every Name, His Word and His Blood are the basis for your authority. Resist the
battle in the Bible was led by God-raised leaders (Ge.14:14-16; Ex.14:13- devil by the word of your testimony (Rev.12:11). Command the circumstances
16,21; 17:8-9; Jos.6:1-7; Jud.7:19-21 etc.). God is a God of structure and to be favorable. Bind the powers of darkness, in Jesus Name. Speak God’s
leadership. He wages war in an organized way. Jesus, the Captain of your Word, as Jesus did in the wilderness (Lk.4:8). Whatever you bind on earth is
salvation, has appointed His apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and bound in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven (Mt.16:19;
teachers to guide His Church into victory (Eph.4:11). Many people lose their 18:18). If you have sinned and failed God, cry and repent, but if you see the
battles because they don’t have spiritual leadership to protect them when devil attacking you, stand and resist.
the enemy hits (Mt.26:31). Stay with God’s people (Ecc.4:9-12). Don’t be Thank You, Lord, I submit to God and resist the devil,
independent. To be independent is to be dependent upon everybody, but and he will flee from me. You have called me and given me
accountable to nobody. Are you under a strong leadership? Are you a member Your power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to
of a Bible-based local church? This is vital for your victorious life. heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease because I
The reason Peter failed was his self-sufficiency before the day of am in Christ.
Pentecost. When Jesus warned him about satan’s sifting, Peter said, “Even Jas.4:7; Mt.10:1
if all leave You, I will not leave You” (Lk.22:31). He excluded himself from
others. You know the result. If you don’t see yourself as a part of Christ’s
Body, you will lose many battles. Every member of Christ’s Body needs
other members to win the battle (1.Co.12:26).
After Pentecost, Peter always stood with other apostles (Ac.2:14; 4:1;
8:15,25). He even told the lame man, “look at us” (Ac.3:4). At last, he had
found the key to victory!

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It’s dangerous to relax after a great victory. Samson became very thirsty
and even wanted to die after a strenuous battle (Jdg.15:18-19). Many servants
May 21
STRATEGIC BATTLE IN CHRIST of God face intense attacks soon after great victories. Even Elijah was not
exempt (1.Ki.19:4). Satan always leaves you for a season and looks for
another opportunity. He never retires. When you heap praises to God, satan’s
And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me… lift up further plans are thwarted. This is not only the easiest way to maintain the
your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea”… Then the Lord victory, but also to gain more victories. In Christ, your life should be a
said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the sea, that the waters continuous celebration of Christ’s victory.
may come back upon the Egyptians”… So the Lord saved Israel that Expect total victory with God’s total provision: In this battle, the
day out of the hand of the Egyptians… entire army of Pharaoh was drowned in the waters. Not one of them survived
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of (Ex.14:27-28). This is the fate of God’s enemies throughout history (Jud.3:26;
God (Ex.14:15,16,26,30; Ro.8:14). 4:16; Jos.6:21; 8:24; 10:28,30,32,35,37,39; 11:11-14; 2.Chr.20:24).
Everything of God was involved in defeating the enemy. His wisdom
We saw that we must follow God’s pattern and use His authority to win was revealed to Moses to drown the enemies (Ex.14:15-16). His Right Hand
our battles. Now let’s see the last victory keys from Exodus chapter 14. shattered the enemy (Ex.15:6,12). Even His breath destroyed and drowned
Hear God and know His strategy: Hearing God and receiving His (Ex.15:10). His angels and His glory cloud were also involved in their battle
strategy for every battle is the decisive factor to spiritual victory. Moses (Ex.14:19-20). The entire nature was helping God’s people (Ex.14:27-28;
heard God’s voice and raised his staff to divide the waters (Ex.14:16,21). Jud.5:20-21).
Again he heard God and stretched his hand to bring them back (Ex.14:26- In Christ, all the principalities and powers, every might and dominion,
28). This is the secret of Moses’ continuous victory. Every time he faced a are defeated eternally (Eph.1:21). You have authority over all the power of
crisis - when his people sinned or murmured against him, when the enemy the enemy (Lk.10:19). God Himself, His angels, His gifts and callings, His
invaded, whenever there was a lack, when God was angry at His people, Blood, His Name, His Spirit, His Word, His people, all are helping you to live
when his co-leaders rebelled, - he always sought God’s counsel. We can a victorious life. Total victory is yours in Christ. Don’t settle for anything
say, he heard God more than anyone else. less!
Be tuned to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit. Since every battle is Beloved! God is giving you His victory secrets for a purpose. Meditate
different, every war strategy must be different. No two battles were the these steps again and again. Victory is not far from you. In Christ, your life
same in the Bible. Moses lifted his hands and the Israelites won (Ex.17:8- need not be a failure! You are hooked up with the Great Victor. His victory
16). Joshua’s troop blew the trumpet and marched around, and Jericho fell is yours. Celebrate His victory! Develop the habit of praising God for your
(Jos.6:1-5). Gideon and his men broke the jars and lifted up the torches, and victory when the battle is still raging. Exalt your God as a Mighty Warrior
the enemies scattered (Jdg.7:20). Jehoshaphat’s singers sang, and the and celebrate His great victory on Calvary. Confess His promises every
enemies killed each other, etc. (2.Chr.20). Whenever you are under attack, day.
tune yourself to hear God’s fresh strategy. Thank You, Lord, I have joy in Your strength, and in
In Christ, this most important victory key is yours! As His sheep, you Your salvation I greatly rejoice. Through You I will do
can always hear God’s voice and follow Him into His victory (Jn.10:27). He valiantly, for it is You who treads down my enemies. I am
will lead you from the raging battle to the refreshing pastures (Ps.23:2). more than a conqueror because I am in Christ.
After every victory, raise a praise heap: After this mighty victory, Ps.21:1; Ps.60:12; Ro.8:37
Moses and his people burst out into spontaneous singing (Ex.15). Miriam
and all the women sang and danced to the Lord. Throughout the Bible, this
pattern can be seen. Most of David’s psalms are a celebration of his victories.
David was surrounded by enemies, but God subdued them all because he
practiced the secret of praise.

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God spoke through His prophets many times in songs (2.Sa.23:2). Jesus
May 22 was also a good Singer. He sang even before His own crucifixion (Mt.26:30;
SONGS IN CHRIST Heb.2:12). The Holy Spirit is a great Singer. Anyone who is filled with the
Spirit will bust forth into spontaneous spiritual songs (Eph.5:18-20).
Singing New Creation: The new creation grows rapidly in the
Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the atmosphere of victory songs. Tremendous power is released when you sing
LORD, and spoke, saying: “I will sing to the LORD, for He has praises to God. A singing lifestyle is a sure mark of life in Christ. The more
triumphed gloriously! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the you sing unto the Lord, the more you release God’s victorious power. Just
sea!” take the 15th chapter of Exodus and make it a song unto the Lord today.
And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled Singing subjects: Sing of all His triumphant victories. Sing what God
with the Spirit… (Ex.15:1; Eph.5:18). is to you in Christ. He is your Strength, Salvation, Song, Rock, Fortress, etc.!
See God from different angles. No one is like Him, majestic in holiness,
Life in Christ and life in the Spirit is a life of continuous praise and awesome in glory, working wonders. Sing of His unfailing love that redeemed
songs. you from all your curses, sins and satanic dominion. See Him as the King of
Bubbling song: Soon after the great and mighty deliverance of God, kings and sing of His reign over the universe. Use musical instruments and
the entire congregation burst out into singing. Imagine almost two million dance before your God (Ex.15:20-21). God likes your songs more than
people of God singing a spontaneous, Spirit-inspired song in unison! They anything else you could offer Him (Ps.69:30). Your life should be a continuous
had seen God’s great power displayed against His enemies. The Egyptians stream of songs and praises unto the Lord. This will gladden the heart of
were lying dead on the shore. The Israelites’ faith grew strong (Ex.14:30- your God. Try singing a praise song today and see the power of praise.
31). That was the secret of their bubbling song. When you know God’s After all, the battle is not yours but His.
mighty power and the defeat of all your enemies, you will bust forth into Beloved, sing only faith-building, victory-oriented, God-exalting songs.
singing His victories. Your songs indicate how much you walk in the privileges Tragic songs will quench your faith. Avoid songs that degrade you or describe
of who you are in Christ. When you see your victory and redemption in your problems instead of God’s power. Yield to the Spirit to sing His inspired
Christ, you will sing songs like the Israelites after their great deliverance songs. If the Old Covenant people, with their limited anointing, could sing
(Ex.15:1-18,21). Faith always has a song. spontaneously, how much more you can sing in the fullness of God’s anointing!
Triumphant song: The entire song of Moses and Miriam revolved In Christ, you have the tremendous privilege of singing in the Spirit. You live
around God’s triumph. First, they sang about the humiliating defeat of their in the dispensation of the Holy Spirit. Like Paul, you can sing in the Spirit
enemies, how they were hurled into the sea, sank like a stone, etc. Then, and also with your understanding (1.Co.14:15). Offer praise and thanksgiving
they exulted in what God meant to them, saying He was their strength, their to God today, and call upon Him in your trouble (Ps.107). He will deliver
song, their salvation etc. you, and you will glorify Him (Ps.50:14-15,23).
They sang of His power and majesty, His Right Hand, His greatness, Thank You, Lord, I will sing to You for You are highly
His unfailing love, His redemption and His victory. Then, they exalted the exalted. I will be filled with the Spirit, speaking in psalms
uniqueness of their God above all the other gods (Ex.15:11). They allowed and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in
their imagination to see how the nations would tremble and be terrified at my heart to You. My head is lifted up above my enemies all
God’s victory. They confessed God’s faithfulness to bring and plant them in around me. Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in Your
their inheritance. At last, they celebrated God’s reign. In total, the song Tabernacle. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to You
exalted and magnified God and His deeds while humiliating the enemy and because I am in Christ.
his helplessness. Ex.15:1,21; Eph.5:18-19; Ps.27:6
Singing Godhead: The Trinitarian God is given to songs. God the Father
is a Singer. He sang a song to Moses and asked him to teach it to the people
(Dt.31:19-30). Many of His Spirit-filled saints like David were song-writers.
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Your Jehovah Rapha heals everything that needs to be restored, repaired
and changed. He makes all things whole and perfect. What a Great Healer!
May 23
JEHOVAH RAPHA IN CHRIST See that sickness is not for you: In His first revelation of Himself as
Healer, He makes clear that diseases were only for the Egyptians (Ex.15:26).
God says, ‘diseases of Egypt’, not ‘diseases of Israel’! Diseases are for the
So he cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a tree. unredeemed, not for you! Allowing diseases in your life is allowing demonic
When he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweet. There oppression! God is not the author of any sickness. The devil is (Ac.10:38)!
He made a statute and an ordinance for them. And there He tested Only good things come from above (Jas.1:17), but God is forced to allow
them, and said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your sickness based on the spiritual principle of sowing and reaping. Sin and
God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments sickness are the direct result of the fall of man. God allowed plagues and
and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which diseases on the Egyptians because of their sin and idol worship. Yet He
I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you”. made very clear that sickness was not for His covenant people. Ponder His
God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with word, “None of the diseases of Egypt…”! Claim it TODAY!
power, who went about doing good and healing all who were Beloved, those who walked in His healing covenant in the Old Testament
oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him (Ex.15:25-26; enjoyed total healing. There was none feeble among His tribes (Ps.105:37).
Ac.10:38). He removed all sickness from the midst of those who served Him and even
blessed their bread and water so it worked like a preventive medicine
God reveals Himself as your Divine Doctor in this passage. In His (Ex.23:25). How much more should you, who walk in His new and better
redemptive Name, Jehovah Rapha, He reveals His very nature, His desire Covenant, enjoy perfect health!
and power to heal you. Let’s ponder this passage to discover the basic In Christ, healing and health is an accomplished fact for you. It is His
principles on sickness and healing. covenant blessing for you. Your Father God is a Healer (Ps.107:20; Jer.30:17;
See Him as Jehovah Rapha: The first step to your healing is to see 2.Ki.20:5; Hos.11:3). Your Savior Jesus is a Healer (Ac.10:38; Lk.4:18;
and accept Him as your ever-present, personal Healer. He heals all your Mt.14:14,34-36). The indwelling Holy Spirit is a Healer (Ro.8:11; Ac.5:15-
sicknesses and diseases (Ps.103:3). He is the manufacturer of your body. 16). You are hooked up with this great Healing God, so you, too, are a healer
He alone can repair. As Elijah repaired the broken altar, He repairs your (Mk.16:17)! The healing river flows constantly in and from you (Jn.7:38;
broken body (1.Ki.18:30). “Jehovah Rapha” literally means, “Jehovah, your Eze.47:8).
Physician that heals you”. He is the specialist for all kinds of sicknesses. If Healing is your birth right (Mt.15:26)! Be healed in every area of your
He is your Healer, there is no need for you to be sick. He cries, “Is there no life, NOW!
balm in Gilead, is there no physician there? Why then is there no recovery Thank You, Lord, I dwell in Your secret place and abide
for the health of the daughter of My people?” (Jer.8:22). Hear His anguish under Your shadow. You deliver me from the snare of the
and BE HEALED! fowler and from the perilous pestilence. No evil shall befall
See His total healing of the total man: Your Jehovah Rapha is so me nor shall any plague come near my dwelling because You
perfect that He heals all your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual are my Refuge. You bless my bread and water and take away
sickness. This word “rapha”, “healing”, is used in healing all kinds of problems. sickness from me as I serve You because I am in Christ.
Changing the bitter water into sweet water is called “healing of waters” Ps.91:1,3,9-10; Ex.23:25
(Ex.15:23-25; 2.Ki.2:21-22). Healing your emotions and rejections, healing
your wounded soul and broken heart, healing your backslidings, healing your
physical and mental diseases, healing your broken relationships, healing
houses, utensils, vessels and clothes, even healing your nations, is included
in “rapha” (Jer.30:17; Ps.147:3; Hos.14:4; Isa.30:26; Lev.14:48; 2.Chr.7:14).
He not only heals your sickness, but also heals its root cause.

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were healed by the cross. Atonement includes your physical healing, too.
Truly, He bore your sicknesses on the cross, and you are healed by His
May 24
HEALING TREE IN CHRIST stripes (Mt.8:17; 1.Pe.2:24)! Instead of crying, just look at the cross and BE
See that your salvation includes healing: Deliverance from Egypt
So he cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a tree. includes deliverance from Egypt’s sickness. Deliverance from sin includes
When he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweet… “If deliverance from sickness (Mt.9:5-6). Total health is the clear teaching of
you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is God’s Word (3.Jn.2). God treats sin and sickness alike. He wants you to
right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His hate sickness as you hate sin.
statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought Forgiveness of your sins and healing of your body are one package
on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you”. (Ps.103:3; 1.Pe.2:24). The word salvation, “sozo”, means to save, deliver or
…who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, protect, heal, preserve, do well, be (or make) whole (Mt.1:21). Salvation
having died to sins, might live for righteousness - by whose stripes includes deliverance and protection from sin and sickness. Only then, you
you were healed (Ex.15:25-26; 1.Pe.2:24). are really made whole. The reason for prevalent sickness in the church is
that we don’t accept and teach God’s total salvation, but tolerate sickness
as normal.
We saw the first revelation of our God as the Great Healer (Ex.15:26).
Let’s continue studying the principles of healing. Hear Him to be healed: In order to know your Jehovah Rapha and
enjoy total health, see His health instructions:
See sickness as a bitter curse: It was at Marah that God gave His
healing covenant. I infer that sickness was due to the infected water of a) Diligently heed God’s voice in your spirit and obey Him. b) Do what
Marah. Bitter water brought bitter sickness! Marah means bitterness and is right in His sight. Live a God-pleasing life. c) Observe His written Word,
symbolizes sickness. It was here that God revealed Himself as their Healer! not only your inner voice. d) Keep all His health laws. If you walk in total
obedience, He will not allow any of the diseases of Egypt on you. If you are
Sickness is definitely a bitter curse, not a blessing in disguise. As long as sick, claim His promises. If you are still sick, check whether you have missed
you see and tolerate sickness as given by God for a good purpose, you any of His instructions.
unconsciously invite all kinds of sicknesses and diseases.
Beloved, in these end-times, sickness shall be rampant everywhere.
Man’s body is not made for sickness. As people couldn’t drink that New diseases shall cause sudden death of many. Your Jehovah Rapha is
bitter water, every cell in your body resists sickness. Any medical person living in you. You are His healing-power-house! You are out of the dominion
will confirm it to you! Why should God create such a powerful immune- of sickness. No evil germ can touch you as a member of His Body. Don’t be
system in your body that fights away all sickness if sickness was His discipline passive when the devil tries to make you sick. Keep your spirit healthy and
and blessing? joyful, free from bitterness and sin. A healthy spirit produces a healthy body.
See sickness as a killer of God’s blessings: Sickness kills the joy Constantly feed on the healing Scriptures. Enjoy perfect health!
and peace of God. It makes you murmur and complain against God and Thank You, Lord, You Yourself bore my sins in Your own
man. Just after their great deliverance, all the Israelites started spontaneously body on the tree, that I, having died to sins, might live for
singing praises to God, but when they tasted the bitter water, all their sweet righteousness. By Your stripes I was healed. I am Your
songs turned to bitter complaints. Their angry accusations even made God’s temple. Your Spirit dwells in me. If anyone defiles me with
servant to cry. Is sickness really a blessing? sickness, God will destroy him because I am in Christ.
See the cross as the only remedy: When Moses cried to the Lord, 1.Pe.2:24; 1.Co.3:16-17
all God did was to show him a tree which made the bitter water better. Even
today, He shows the tree, His cross, as the healing remedy for the world. In
this place, God made the “Old Testament Divine Healing Covenant” with
His people. As the waters were made sweet by the tree, all your sicknesses

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May 25 your spirit. Eternal life is nothing but the very life of God in you. Whoever
MANNA IN CHRIST has Jesus has this life (1.Jn.5:11-12). This life energizes you giving you vitality,
strength, victory, power, all you need in life.
The manna had to be gathered every morning. Once the sun grew hot,
And the children of Israel ate manna forty years, until they came
it would melt away (Ex.16:21). Jesus, your Manna, need not be gathered
to an inhabited land; they ate manna until they came to the border of
every day. He lives in you every single second of your life. Still, the life of
the land of Canaan.
Christ in you grows as you feed on His Word consistently. The best time to
I am the living Bread which came down from heaven. If anyone feed your spirit is the early morning (Ps.63:11; 119:147; Isa.50:4). Those
eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is who miss the fresh manna in the morning will suffer the whole day.
My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world (Ex.16:35; Jn.6:51).
The manna the Israelites ate was the food of angels (Ps.78:25). Jesus,
the divine Manna, is the food for God’s children (Jn.6:54-58). The Israelites
When Israel grumbled for food, God heard their murmurings, and the were God’s servants and ate the servant’s food. You are His child, and you
glory of the Lord brought Manna from heaven. The people collected as feast on the children’s Bread (Mt.15:26-27). Truly, life in Christ exalts your
much as they wanted. The Israelites ate this bread from heaven for forty position from servanthood to sonship.
years until they came to Canaan (Jos.5:12). God commanded them to keep
The Israelites got tired of eating manna and started craving for their
a portion of Manna for all their generations to remember (Ex.16:33). Your
Egyptian delicacies. That brought about a great destruction (Nu.11:5-6,33).
Lord Jesus is your Manna from heaven. Jesus called Himself the Bread of
The manna was the source of all their strength and energy in their wilderness
God, the Bread of life and the Bread from heaven (Jn.6:32-35; 48-51). Let’s
journey, but still, they got bored of it. Jesus, your Manna, is the sweetest of
compare Him with this manna.
all and the fairest of ten thousand. He is the honey in the rock. The lovers of
The Manna provided all the nutrition, vitamins and minerals His people Jesus testify, the more they draw near to Him, the more they desire Him. If
needed. Because of this miracle food, they were able to walk forty years you become too busy and distracted with other things, you may lose your
without any trace of sickness or weakness, even in the wilderness. Jesus, first and fresh love for Him (Jer.2:2; Rev.2:14). The bridal love and devotion
your manna, not only meets your physical needs, but gives life and feeds for Jesus must be guarded with all diligence (Pr.4:23; Mt.24:12-13).
your spirit. In Christ, you can have a healthy and strong spirit and a healthy
Beloved, the more you feed on His Word, the more Christ’s life is
body, too.
manifested in you. His Word is spirit and life (Jn.6:63). You can live exactly
The Manna was limited, measured according to the needs of the people. like Jesus here on this earth. You can be ever-fresh and perfectly nurtured
Jesus, your Manna, is unlimited. He is El Shaddai, which means, more than and experience God’s vibrant zoe-life TODAY!
enough for you. The life He gives is surplus, overflowing, and abundant life
Thank You, Lord, You are the Bread of God which came
down from heaven and gives life to the world. I came to
If the manna was kept until morning, it would breed worms or stink You. I shall never hunger and thirst. You are the Bread of
(Ex.16:20). Jesus, the Manna, is always fresh and alive. His Body didn’t life. I ate Your flesh and drank Your Blood and have Your
decay in a graveyard. He is alive forever. eternal life because I am in Christ.
The manna could satisfy the hunger of man only for a day (Ex.16:21), Jn.6:33,36,53-54
but Jesus satisfies your hunger and longings once and forever. You will never
hunger or thirst again (Jn.6:35). You are eternally satisfied with Him. If you
fully walk in the privileges of life in Christ, your hunger for sin ceased forever.
All those who ate the Manna died in the wilderness (Jn.6:49), but those
who partake of this Bread of Life will live forever (Jn.6:51). Jesus is the
Living Bread who gives life to the world (Jn.6:33). The moment you came
to Christ, His “zoe” life, the very substance, nature and life of God, flooded
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Satan knows your longings and tries to target them (Mt.4:2-4; Jud.15:18).
May 26 Most of the time, the Israelites complained when they were hungry or thirsty
REPHIDIM IN CHRIST or missing their delicacies. All of us have our own needs, but when we
become desperate to the point of despair, we give a foothold to the enemy.
It is always satan’s trick to make you focus on what you lack (Ex.15:22;
Then all the congregation of the children of Israel set out on their Nu.20). You lose the sense of gratitude when you focus on what you don’t
journey from the Wilderness of Sin… and camped in Rephidim; but have, and forget all the blessings and miracles God gave. An ungrateful
there was no water for the people to drink. Therefore the people attitude gives room to the devil.
contended with Moses, and said, “Give us water, that we may drink.” In Christ, you have all the fullness of God, and you are complete in Him
And Moses said to them, “Why do you contend with me? Why do (Col.2:9-10). The more you meditate on His abundance in you, the more you
you tempt the Lord?” will forget your temporary lacks and be satisfied (Pr.27:7).
…nor give place to the devil (Ex.17:1-2; Eph.4:27). c. Doubt: They doubted God’s Presence with them and tested the
Lord saying, “Is the Lord among us or not?” (Ex.17:7). What an insult to the
In Rephidim, God revealed Himself as Jehovah Nissi, which means One who went before them like a pillar of fire and cloud! Satan has free
“The Lord is our victory banner”. This is another redemptive Name of God. access to the doubting soldiers.
Here in Rephidim, the congregation faced a great battle against Amalek and In Christ, you have the Spirit of faith, and you carry God’s Presence
achieved a great victory. Pondering this battle will give you clues to your right within you (2.Co.4:13; 1.Co.3:16; Col.1:27)! Never doubt it!
d. Weariness: Intense thirst, complaining, negative attitudes and
The Bible plainly states that life in Christ is a life of constant victory ungratefulness made them weak and weary. When they were worn out,
(2.Co.2:14). We are under God’s victorious banner. Since God reveals they lagged behind. Exactly at that time, the Amalekites heavily attacked
Himself as Jehovah Nissi for the first time here, we can take many victory them from behind. The enemy attacks those who are cold in spirit, lagging
secrets from this passage. behind in their enthusiasm for God (Dt.25:17-19).
Give no place to the devil: Satan can only take the place you give In Christ, you are not lagging in diligence! You are fervent in spirit,
him. He knows, in Christ, his authority over you is broken, and he has no serving the Lord (Ro.12:11). The Holy Spirit is within you to quicken and
right to touch even one single hair of your head (Mt.10:30). He has to wait energize your mortal body (Ro.8:11).
for you to give him place. That is why the Bible warns you not to give him
any place (Eph.4:27). Here are some “door-openers” he uses. Beloved, every time you, your family or ministry is attacked, search
your heart to see whether you have given room to the devil in these areas.
a. Complaining: In Rephidim, the people grumbled and quarreled with Many of your battles will cease the moment you shut the door! Remember,
Moses for water and were exhausted. Amalek availed this opportunity to prevention is better than cure.
attack Israel. When you begin to complain and grumble, especially against
leaders, your spiritual immune power is weakened. The people even began Thank You, Lord, I am filled with all the fullness of
to speak against Moses and wanted to stone him. Speaking against God’s God, and I give no place to the devil. I have the spirit of
anointed servants opens big doors for the enemy (Ex.14:11). The enemy faith, and I take the shield of faith with which I am able
came through this door of complaining and murmuring. See his cunning to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one because I am
schemes! in Christ.
In Christ, you can resist all the temptation to complain and quarrel. You Col.2:9; Eph.4:27; 2.Co.4:13; Eph.6:16
have the oil of joy and the garment of praise (Isa.61:3)! Praise is the greatest
antidote against complaining! Jesus is more than everything to you. Rejoice
in Him! Praise Him in everything TODAY!
b. Focusing on lack: When they were very thirsty, the enemy came.
When you experience lack in your physical or emotional needs, be careful!

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Aaron and Hur along with Moses: Aaron and Hur went up with
May 27 Moses to the mountain. When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone
JEHOVAH NISSI IN CHRIST and put it under him. Both of them held up his hands till the victory was
complete. This speaks of team work. Every single battle must be fought
corporately. Life in Christ is life in unity. When one member of His Body
And Moses built an altar and called its name, The-LORD-Is-My- suffers, all the others suffer with it and support it.
Banner. For he said, “Because the LORD has sworn: the LORD will
Who was the main cause of victory? I would say, it’s the combined
have war with Amalek from generation to generation.”
effort of God’s leadership. Moses, the head, interceded, Aaron and Hur, the
Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, associates, supported him, Joshua and his team fought the battle. One needed
and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. the ministry of the other for the total victory. Life in Christ is never a loner’s
(Ex.17:15-16; 2.Co.2:14) victory.
When Amalek attacked Israel, God gave Moses the victory strategy Constantly remember your past victories: God commanded Moses
and revealed Himself as Jehovah Nissi. First, He stopped their complaining to write this victory for a memorial and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua.
by providing miracle water from the rock (Ex.15:23-25). Every time you win a battle, God wants you to boldly testify about it. Instead
of sharing your battles, share your God-given victories. Senior leaders should
Moses on the mountain: Moses climbed the mountain with the rod
share their victories to the younger leaders like Joshua. Likewise, all God’s
of God in his hand. As long as Moses held up his hand towards heaven,
promises of victory must be remembered and meditated constantly for a
Israel prevailed. When he lowered his weary hands, the enemies were
continuous victory. God promised that He would completely blot out the
winning (Ex.17:10-11). So, the victory of God’s army was decided by Moses’
memory of Amalek from under heaven, and He did it. The eternal doom of
interceding hands.
the enemy is promised and enacted in the book of Revelation (Rev.12:10-
Your Captain, the Lord Jesus Christ, is sitting in the highest place of 11). This will boost your faith for victory.
heaven, lifting up His hands for you (Heb.7:25). As long as His hands are
Celebrate Jehovah Nissi: After the great victory, Moses built an
lifted up, you will prevail and win. The good news is that His hands will
altar and called it Jehovah Nissi. He said, “The Lord will be at war against
never grow weary (Isa.40:28). Because of His victorious intercession on
Amalek from generation to generation.” Yes! God will utterly remove the
your behalf, you can march on in victory (1.Co.15:57; 2.Co.2:14).
very presence of satan from this earth. Whenever the enemy lifts up his
Joshua in the valley of battle: Joshua and his men went down to the hand against you, remember Jesus’ Hands are lifted up for you! Celebrate
battle ground, risking their lives and trusting Moses’ hands. They wielded Calvary’s victory and lift up your Jehovah Nissi-banner.
their sword and overcame the enemies. This speaks of you, the new creation.
Beloved, be careful to build an altar to offer Him your praise heap.
While Jesus is sitting on the heavenly throne, you are wrestling with
Constant exaltation of Christ’s victory paves the way to your sure victory.
principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual
Life in Christ must be a celebration of continuous victory. You rally under
hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Eph.6:12). It’s purely a spiritual
Christ’s victorious banner. Rise up to your inheritance TODAY.
battle. Your victory is already decided in the invisible realm. Jesus, your
High Priest, has won it for you. You will come out victorious in every battle Thank You, Lord, You are the Lord my Banner. You will
of your life! have war with my enemies from generation to generation.
You will build Your Church, and the gates of Hades shall not
All you have to do in this battle is just to wield the Sword of the Spirit
prevail against it. You always lead me in triumph because I
against your enemies. Pick up God’s rhema Word, as David picked up a
am in Christ.
smooth stone and hit the enemy’s forehead. If you are attacked physically,
quote all the healing scriptures against the devil. If your family is under the Ex.17:15-16; Mt.16:18; 2.Co.2:14
siege of the devil, quote God’s promises of family blessings. If your church
is under attack, claim the promises of the overcoming church. Like Jesus in
the wilderness, repeatedly quote God’s Word against satan and his

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do with a single man teamed up with Him.
May 28 Even after delivering them, he carried the millions of people in his bosom
NO ELIEZER WITHOUT GERSHOM for forty years like a nurse carries an infant (Nu.11:12). He fed them in the
IN CHRIST wilderness, tolerated all their murmurings and frustrations and solved all
their minute details of problems. Imagine, can a mortal man bear such a
Then Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, took Zipporah, Moses’ wife, huge burden!? Who could deny that he could do this super-work only with
after he had sent her back, with her two sons, of whom the name of the help of God’s super-power?
one was Gershom (for he said, “I have been a stranger in a foreign In Christ, you are God’s Gershom: Life in Christ is totally detached
land”) and the name of the other was Eliezer (for he said, “The God of from this world, flesh and satan. You literally live as God’s Gershom in this
my father was my help, and delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh”) world. You are a heavenly person. Your citizenship is in heaven (Phil.3:20).
By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country, You are a transit-passenger on this earth. Your home is in heaven. Your
dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same family is in heaven. Your bank account is in heaven. Your identity is of
promise (Ex.18:2-4; Heb.11:9) heaven. Your forefathers lived like strangers in a foreign land (Heb.11:9,13).
They lived in tents in spite of God’s enormous wealth and riches, just to
While Moses was in Midian, he had two sons. typify that this world was not their destiny.
Gershom: The first one was “Gershom” which means “alien or sojourner In Christ, you are crucified to this world (Ga.6:14). Like your Master,
in a foreign land.” This depicts his plight in all his life in Midian. He knew you are not of this world (Jn.17:16). This world hated your Savior. It will
deep down in his heart that he was called of God to deliver his people hate you, too (Jn.15:18-19). As God’s Gershom, you will neither love the
(Heb.11:25,27). That call never allowed him to settle anywhere as a world nor be entangled by its affairs (1.Jn.2:15; 2.Ti.2:4). You will never
permanent citizen. His heart and soul were with God’s people. make yourself an enemy of God by wanting to be a friend of this world
(Jas.4:4).You are a stranger to your own self, and you are not your own
Eliezer: When all the danger of Pharaoh’s pursuit had subsided, he (1.Co.6:19). You see your body as your earthly tent and make it God’s temple
saw God’s great help in saving his life. In gratitude, he called his second son (2.Co.5:1,4).
“Eliezer” which means “My father’s God is my helper who delivered me
from Pharaoh’s sword”. All his fear was gone. His father’s God had become In Christ, you are God’s Eliezer: When you live as Gershom, you
his ever present help in trouble (Ps.46:1). will enjoy all the blessings of Eliezer. You will boldly say: “The LORD is my
helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (Heb.13:6). You will totally
Gershom-lifestyle: I believe Moses’ two sons portray the entire life- avail the help of your God, and your arms will remain strong (Ge.49:24). The
style of Moses and explain the two secrets of all his victories (1.Chr.23:15). Almighty God has become your shield and helper. Your enemies will submit
He lived his earthly life as a stranger and a pilgrim. He lived and died for his to you (Dt.33:29). The Holy Spirit, the Mighty Helper, stands by your side
heavenly calling. Neither Pharaoh’s palace nor his wife’s home could entangle constantly (Jn.14:16). All your weaknesses are taken care of (Ro.8:26).
him. Even in the last forty years of his life with the people of God, he lived as
a sojourner. Most of his lifetime, his heart was seeking after his God. Someone Beloved, remember there is no Eliezer without Gershom. Live as a
said, Moses was living with God all the time, occasionally visiting with people. stranger in this world. Enjoy God’s mighty help in Christ!
We live with people all the time and occasionally visit with God. What a Thank You, Lord, I am not of the world, but You chose
lesson! Even in the time he was with the people, Moses had to represent me out of the world. You are my refuge and strength, a
God to reveal His plans to them. very present help in trouble. You are the shield of my help
Eliezer-lifestyle: Because he was a “Gershom” in this world, God and the sword of my majesty! My enemies shall submit to
became his mighty “Eliezer”. All his help came from the Maker of heaven me, and I shall tread down their high places because I am
and earth (Ps.121:1). God stood with him as a present help in his confrontation in Christ.
with the hard-hearted Pharaoh and the evil magicians. Though a man of Jn.15:18-19; Ps.46:1; Dt.33:29
eighty years, he could face the strongest empire and deliver millions of people
with the great help of a mighty God. He is a great example of what God can

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saw Moses judging the people from morning till evening, he boldly said,
May 29 “What you are doing is not good. You and all the people will wear yourselves
COUNSELORS IN CHRIST out”. He counseled him to stand before God for greater issues while other
trustworthy men could deal with smaller matters (v.19-23). His counsel helped
both Moses and the people (v.24).
Listen now to my voice; I will give you counsel, and God will be A few counsels: The counselors you choose must know all about you
with you: Stand before God for the people, so that you may bring the (v.1) and be well matured, willing to take responsibility for your life and
difficulties to God… Moreover you shall select from all the people family (v.2,6). They must stay in their role as counselors, not commanders,
able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and allowing God to lead you (v.23). They must rejoice to see God’s blessings
place such over them to be rulers… And let them judge the people at and honor upon you (v.9). You must also recognize and honor them (v.7).
all times… So it will be easier for you, for they will bear the burden Your life must be an open book before them. Share all your struggles and
with you victories with them, as Moses did with Jethro (v.8).
It seemed good to us, being assembled with one accord, to send A question: Let me ask you a frank question. Do you have senior
chosen men to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul… For it servants of God over you? Are you willing to submit and heed their counsels?
seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater They may not be as charismatic as you are, but remember, every faithful
burden than these necessary things (Ex.18:19,21-22; Ac.15:25,28) man of God has something to offer. They may differ from you in some
points of doctrine, but still, their maturity and faithfulness will help you balance
Moses and Jethro typify the need for counselors (Ex.18). Moses, who your life and ministry.
had face-to-face-communication with God, had to learn this lesson. God told My experience: God spoke to me very clearly from the Scriptures to
him even the minutest details of His laws and statutes. Yet I wonder why have counselors around me. Where there is no counsel, the people fall, but
God didn’t give him the counsel of delegating authority. God wanted Moses in the multitude of counselors there is safety and victory, and God’s plans
to learn the importance of the counselors’ ministry. and purposes succeed in our lives (Pr.11:14; 15:22; 24:6). I can attest to this
Submit to counselors: Life in Christ submits to the counsel of godly truth with all my heart. God has blessed me with mature, godly counselors.
people. You may think you don’t need human counsel because the abiding Their counsel keeps me safe and going for God.
Anointing teaches you all things (1.Jn.2:20,27), but the apostle who said this Beloved, all the great kings of the Bible had their personal counselors.
was in and under the counselor’s board of the Early Church (Ac.15:6,12- David’s heart was giving him counsels in the night seasons, yet God also
13,22; Ga.2:9). Though the apostle Paul didn’t receive his revelations from saved him through others’ counsel (Ps.16:7; 1.Sa.25:23-35). It’s true, the
any man, he submitted to the Jerusalem leadership (Ga.1:1,12,18). In fact, Word of God gives you all the guidance you need, and Jesus is the wonderful
he had the highest revelation of faith and life in Christ, yet he submitted to Counselor, yet He uses His people to counsel you. He does it purposely so
other apostles like James who emphasized more on works (2.Pe.3:15-16; that His Body may be united, and every member may also honor the others.
Jas.2:24). What a lesson!
Thank You, Lord, in the multitude of counselors I am
In Christ, you need the other Body members for your survival. Imagine, safe, and Your plans are established in my life. I have
one of your members decides to get everything directly from the head! It counselors. I will not fall because I am in Christ.
would mean a total paralysis!
Pr.15:22; 24:6; 11:14
Respect the elders: Moses respected his father-in-law and obeyed
whatever he said (v.24). In spite of his high spiritual caliber and exalted
position, he went out to meet his father-in-law, bowed down before him and
kissed him (v.7). He led his father-in-law to God, yet he never took a superior
Hear corrections: Because of his humility, his father-in-law could give
him one of the greatest administrative counsels in human history. When he

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Royal Priesthood: In the Old Testament, priesthood and royalty were
May 30 separated. Some were anointed as kings, some as priests. In Christ, you
SPECIAL PEOPLE IN CHRIST have become both (Rev.1:5-6). You are God’s royal priest. The royal dignity
and authority is implanted in your nature (Jdg.8:18; Ro.5:17; 8:15-17). You
are God’s sovereign over all your circumstances. You are also His priest,
‘Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My the worshipping and interceding race. It’s your great privilege to be a
covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; consecrated priest to offer up spiritual sacrifices of worship to God and
for all the earth is Mine. And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests intercede for others. To the extent you do this, you rule and reign as a king
and a holy nation.’ These are the words which you shall speak to the (Rev.5:10; 20:6).
children of Israel. Holy nation: In the Old Testament, only the Israelites were called God’s
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, holy nation. In Christ, you have become His holy nation. His Blood has
His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him made you holy (Eph.1:1; 1.Co.1:2; 2.Co.1:1; Heb.10:14). You have the genes
who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light (Ex.19:5; of the Holy Father. You have dual citizenship. Every Blood-washed child of
1.Pe.2:9). God belongs to His holy nation (Eph.2:19; Phil.3:20).
God chose the Israelites to bless and show forth His glory to the whole Purchased possession: You are God’s special property (Mal.3:17).
world. In the Old Testament, God put an “If”, saying, “If” the Israelites The word “special” (segullah) means, “personal property, special treasure”.
obeyed Him fully, then they would be His treasured possession, a kingdom It could also mean God’s pocket money. He finds freedom and delight to use
of priests, a holy nation, above all the earth. In the New Testament, this “If” you as He wills, for His own pleasure. He saves and guards you jealously.
is removed forever. In Christ, you are His treasured possession, royal Another meaning is, “Royal treasures, prized possessions of kings”.
priesthood and holy nation, His own special people. You are called to proclaim You are of more value to Him than the entire universe. He makes sure
the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light everybody treats you as His royal diadem (Isa.62:3).
(1.Pe.2:5,9; Dt.7:6; 14:21; 26:19). Rejoice! Beloved, thank God for all these privileges. You are picked out from this
The major difference: In the Old Testament, people had to do world. Don’t ever love the world and its pleasures. You are totally set apart
something to earn their position, but in the New Testament, Christ has earned from this sinful world. Never stoop down. You are His royal priest. Use
the position and given it to you free of cost (Ro.4:4-5). Once you accept and your authority and privileged priesthood-position, continually offering praises
believe your exalted position, your behavior changes accordingly (Mt.9:29). and prayers. You are God’s ambassador. Represent His holy nation and
When the Israelites failed to obey Him, God chose the Levites as His diffuse the heavenly fragrance. You are God’s most precious, prized
kingdom of priests instead. When all of them failed Him totally, God sent His possession. Spend your time in His special service!
Son to birth His Church as His holy nation to proclaim His glory to the Thank You, Lord, I am a chosen generation, a royal
world. When Jesus was on this earth, He chose the twelve, the seventy, priesthood, a holy nation, Your own special people. I proclaim
then the hundred and twenty to proclaim His praises. Now, all who trust in the praises of You who called me out of darkness into Your
Christ have become His chosen generation. marvelous light because I am in Christ.
Chosen Generation: The word “chosen” (eklektos) means, “One 1.Pe.2:9-10
picked out from among the larger group for special service or privilege”.
The Israelites missed this privilege because of their disobedience, but you
gained it because of Jesus’ total obedience. God’s election is one of the
greatest truths of the New Testament. In Christ, you are chosen, elected,
selected, a hand-picked person (Jn.15:16; 1.Co.1:27-28; 1.Pe.2:4,9; Eph.1:4;
2.Th.2:13). In Christ, He has picked you out of this world for His special
purpose. When you are firmly rooted in this truth, you will never again bother
when people reject or ignore you.
307 308
at the foot of the mountain (Ex.19:17,20). When they heard the thunder and
May 31 the trumpet, they stood at a distance and pleaded with Moses that God
OPEN TO ALL IN CHRIST should not speak to them, unless they die. Moses alone could draw near the
glory (Ex.20:18-21). Another time, Aaron and his sons were allowed to see
His feet, nothing more (Ex.24:10).
Then the LORD said to him, “Away! Get down and then come up,
you and Aaron with you. But do not let the priests and the people In Christ, there is no boundary or limit to your approach to God. You can
break through to come up to the LORD, lest He break out against see all His glory at any time. You can come as close to Him as you want
them”. (Jas.4:8). He even invites you with arms open wide! Right now, you are
seated with Him in the heavenlies. All His glory is at your disposal, and the
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may Holy Spirit is taking you from one degree of glory to another in ever increasing
obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Ex.19:24; splendor (2.Co.3:18). There were specific days for the Old Covenant people
Heb.4:16) to approach God’s Presence, but now, you live and move in Him every
second of your life.
Whenever God appeared in His Glory, He allowed only Moses to reach
the top of the glory mountain (Ex.19:3; 24:2; 34:1-3). No special consecration: Every time the people approached God,
they had to consecrate themselves afresh. At Mount Sinai, Moses consecrated
All can approach: The good news of life in Christ is that now, all can
them and they washed their clothes. They prepared themselves for the third
see God’s glory. In the Old Testament, only few people could go up to see
day (Ex.19:14-15). Even the priests had to consecrate themselves anew
God, but now God came down to His people in all His glory. Everybody can
every time (Ex.19:22). In Christ, you are eternally washed, sanctified,
freely approach His Throne of grace without any fear of death. As a child
consecrated and justified (1.Co.6:9-11). Jesus Himself has become your
leaps on the parent’s bosom, you can delight in His intimate relationship
sanctification and holiness (1.Co.1:30; Heb.10:14). All you do now is to plead
(Pr.8:30). As Christ was in the bosom of the Father, in Christ, you are in
the Blood of Jesus to cleanse you so you can live in close fellowship with
your Dad’s most intimate Presence (Ps.2:11; Jn.1:18).
Unlike the Old Testament days, women also have free access to God’s
Beloved, don’t be a spectator. Be a participant of your New Covenant
Presence (Ex.23:17; 34:23; Dt.16:16). Life in Christ promotes their status
glory. Never think some are more favored by God. God has no favorites!
as joint-heirs of the grace in Christ (Ga.3:28; 1.Pe.3:7).
The only difference is that they understood what they are in Christ, while
No need of mediator: Moses acted as a mediator between God and you don’t see it yet. Decide to enjoy all God’s fullness TODAY!
man. God always spoke to the people through His servant Moses. In response,
Thank You, Lord, I come boldly to Your Throne of
people would send their message back to God through Moses (Ex.19:7-8;
grace, and I obtain mercy and find grace to help in my time
20:18-21). The holy God could not talk to the unholy people directly, neither
of need. I behold with unveiled face Your glory and am being
could the people comfortably hear God directly. Both of them desperately
transformed into Your image from glory to glory, just as by
needed a mediator. This explains the long queue of people waiting around
the Spirit of the Lord because I am in Christ.
Moses from morning till evening to inquire of God (Ex.18:13-16).
Heb.4:16; 2.Co.3:18
In Christ, Jesus became your mediator between God and you. There is
no need for any man to mediate for you now. You need not seek any man of
God to inquire from God. By your union with Christ, you can directly approach
your Daddy God and hear Him speak. His voice is constantly echoing in
your spirit. Every believer can even act like Moses and mediate between
God and the world. The barrier between laity and clergy is broken in Christ..
No limit: God commanded Moses to put limits for the people around
the mountain. Whoever crossed the boundary was to be put to death
(Ex.19:12,23-24). While Moses went to the top, the entire congregation stood

309 310
You will remember the Sabbath day for your life starts with Sabbath
june 1 (Heb.4:10). I have finished all My works for you, and you have entered My
TEN ENABLEMENTS IN CHRIST rest. Enjoy! Your life is a constant Sabbath rest, blessed and hallowed
(Eph.1:3; Heb.10:10). Now you can labor more than all according to My
mighty power working in you (1.Co.15:10; Eph.3:20; Phil.2:12; Col.1:29).
And God spoke all these words, saying: “I am the LORD your
God…” You will honor your father and mother in the Lord, and it will be well
with you, and you will live long on the earth. (Eph.6:1-4). You have the Spirit
Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of Jesus and will submit to your parents and to one another (Lk.2:51;
of the law (Ex.20:1-3; Ro.13:10). Eph.5:18-21).
You will not murder anyone in thought, words or action. You are not a
The Ten Commandments are God’s eternal, unchanging principles. The murderer, you are a life-giver (Mt.10:8; 2.Co.2:14)! You spread the aroma
new creation reality doesn’t ignore but rather fulfill them. of life, leading many to life (2.Co.2:16). You are totally free from the devil
All God’s commandments are His enablements in Christ. The very who is a murderer from the beginning (Jn.8:44). You don’t hate anyone, for
Commander enables you to fulfill them (Phil.2:13). What a Good News! you have eternal life in you (1.Jn.3:15).
God’s Spirit in you makes you fulfill every one of them! You don’t struggle You will not commit adultery, not even in your heart. You will not look at
any more. For centuries, people labored to obey these commandments. When a women lustfully (Mt.5:27-28). You have crucified your flesh with its pas-
you came to Christ, the great Fulfillment of all commandments, you found sions and desires (Ga.5:19,24). You will put to death the deeds of your body
rest for your soul (Mt.3:15; Mt.11:28-30). Now, obeying His principles is a by the power of My Spirit in you (Ro.8:13; Col.3:5). Sin has no dominion
delight. His commandments are not burdensome in Christ (1.Jn.5:3) over you (Ro.6:14)!
The law says, “You shall not…”. The Gospel says, “You will not…”. In You will not steal but give (Lk.6:38)! The grace of giving is bestowed
Christ, you and God together boldly say, “We will not…”! The Trinitarian on you as a cheerful giver (2.Co.8:1; 9:7,15). The Life-Giver lives in you,
God lives in your mortal body, fulfilling His own laws (Jn.14:23). You just and you give even your life for your brethren (Jn.10:10; 1.Jn.3:16).
You will not bear false witness against your neighbor, rather speak the
All these laws are summed up in the royal law of love (Jas.2:8). When truth in love (Eph.4:15). You will speak the words for necessary edification
you love God and men, you will never hurt Him nor harm your neighbor. The (Eph.4:29). You will be kind, tender-hearted and forgiving, caring for others
love that fulfills all the law is poured out in your heart (Ro.13:10; 5:5: and suffering with them (1.Co.12:25-26; Eph.4:32).
You will not covet anything that is your neighbor’s, you will covet spiri-
The Ten Commandments deal with the fruit, the Gospel deals with the tual gifts (1.Co.12:1; 14:1,39). Your mind is set on the things above, not on
root. The God who thundered His Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai is the things of the earth for your life is hidden with Christ in God (Col.3:2-3).
now giving His Ten Enablements from Mount Calvary. Listen:
”I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of this world and the
dominion of the god of this world (Col.1:13; 2.Co.4:4). You will not fear the
devil but resist him, rebuke him, cast him out and tread him under your feet
(Jas.4:7; Mk.1:25; 16:17; Lk.10:19; Ro.16:20).
You will not worship the works of your hands, the gods of covetous-
ness, the world and self (Col.3:5; 1.Jn.2:15-16; Phil.3:19). You will not bow
to them to them nor serve them.
You will not use My Name in vain but give thanks to My Name continu-
ally (Heb.13:15; Eph.5:20)! In My Name, you will cast out demons, heal the
sick, speak in tongues and demand things to happen (Mk.16:17-18; Jn.14:14).

311 312
In Christ, He chose you as His dwelling place and put His Name on
june 2 you. Now, you are called by His Name (2.Chr.7:14; Ac.11:26). This truth
EARTHEN ALTAR IN CHRIST will make your life a continuous feast of joy and celebration (Dt.16:11).
His Presence and His blessings on you: The promise, “In every
place where I record My name I will come to you, and I will bless you” is
An altar of earth you shall make for Me, and you shall sacrifice fulfilled in Christ (Ex.20:24; Col.1:27). In the time of Moses, God came
on it your burnt offerings and your peace offerings, your sheep and down to bless His people every time they called on His Name and offered
your oxen. In every place where I record My name I will come to you, sacrifices. In Christ, He doesn’t need to come to bless you, He lives in you
and I will bless you. (Ex.20:24) with all the fullness of His blessings. You don’t praise Him or pray to get His
Presence or blessings. You praise Him because He has already blessed you
And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you with His Presence and blessings (Eph.1:3).
are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will dwell in them
You are His worship center: Under the Old Covenant, people made
And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people.” a visit to God’s chosen place to worship Him. In Christ, you are His worship
(2.Co.6:16) center, His mobile altar! You automatically offer sacrifices of praise, and
God commanded Moses to make an earthen altar to manifest His every cell of your body throbs with the praises of God (Ro.12:2; Heb.13:15).
Presence and blessings. This has a message for you in Christ. Praise is no more a hard task but your spontaneous lifestyle.
Not always spectacular: Just then, God had manifested His awesome In-Christ warnings: God strictly warned His people against any form
glory on Mount Sinai. The whole mountain was in smoke and shaking, people of idol worship (Ex.20:23). As His temple, abhor the idol of covetousness,
couldn’t tolerate the unbearable voice of thunder, lightning and trumpet. All idol of soul ties, idol of worldliness etc. (1.Co.3:17; Eph.5:5)! Anything that
this marvelous visitation was done with the sole purpose of instilling the fear takes the place of God in your thought life, time and emotions is an idol.
of God in their hearts that they might not sin against Him (Ex.20:18-21). Beware!
However, such kinds of manifestations are not the way God speaks and God warned Israel not to use any tools to shape or dress the stones on
deals with His people all the time. a stone altar. Going up on steps to the altar was also prohibited lest their
When people asked God not to speak to them any more, God came nakedness be exposed (Ex.20:25-26; Jos.8:31; 1.Ki.6:7). Human effort and
down to manifest Himself at their level. That is why He gave the plan of methods have no place in saving a soul or shaping a life for God. It’s the
building an earthen or stone altar. How considerate is your God! work of the Holy Spirit (Zac.4:6). Lean on Him! You are God’s holy people.
There must not be even a hint of sexual immorality or any kind of impurity.
You are God’s earthen altar: The God of heaven and earth who That is totally improper for you in Christ (Eph.5:3; 1.Co.6:15).
thundered and shook the mountain squeezed Himself to come down upon
this man-made earthen altar (Dt.4:36; 5:24-31)! Beloved, don’t expect God’s voice or Presence to come from outside.
In Christ, His Name and Presence are right within you!
After Mount Sinai, the people didn’t hear Him in such intensity ever
again. From then onwards, God always manifested through such altars, then Thank You, Lord, I know my body is the temple of the
moved to the Tabernacle (Ex.40), then to Solomon’s temple (1.Ki.9:2-3), Holy Spirit. I am not my own. I offer continually the
then manifested through His Son Jesus (Heb.1:2), and finally, through you sacrifice of praise to You, that is, the fruit of my lips,
and me, His Church (1.Co.3:16; 6:19). In this new dispensation, He made giving thanks to Your Name because I am in Christ.
you His earthen altar to manifest His glory right within you (Col.1:27). The 1.Co.6:19; Heb.13:15
excellence of God’s power dwells in your mortal, earthen body (2.Co.4:7).
His Name is recorded in you: On this earthen altar, God recorded
His Name and caused it to be remembered (Ex.20:24). He put His Name as
symbol of His Presence in every place where He chose to manifest, even
on Jerusalem, His chosen city (Dt.12:5; 16:6,11; 26:2; 2.Chr.6:6; 12:13).

313 314
It is a continuous and gradual process. God needs your constant cooperation
and persistence to drive out your enemies. Little by little, you conquer new
june 3 PREPARING THE WAY territories, using God’s armor and weapons (Eph.6:10-18; 2.Co.10:3-5). Little
IN CHRIST by little, you renew your mind and enjoy His total life in you (Ro.12:2;
Eph.4:23). With boldness and perseverance, you possess your Calvary
Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to blessings (Heb.10:35-39).
bring you into the place which I have prepared. b) Healthy, fruitful life: Under the Old Covenant, those who obeyed
the Angel enjoyed perfect health. Their bread and water became divine
However, when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide medicine. None was barren among them (Ex.23:25-26). How much more
you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever you should enjoy perfect health! Though the healing work was finished on
He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come (Ex.23:20; Calvary, yet you need to walk in divine health on a daily basis, constantly
Jn.16:13). hearing and obeying the voice of the Spirit of Christ in you (Ro.8:9; 1.Pe.1:11;
In the wilderness, God sent His Angel to guide and guard His people Ac.16:7). The more you obey Him and follow His promptings even in your
during their entire journey until they reached the place prepared for them. eating habits, the more you will enjoy the quickening and rejuvenating power
He put His very Name into that Angel. He commanded them to listen and of the Holy Spirit in every cell of your body (Ro.8:11; 1.Co.10:31).
follow Him all their ways. If they walked in obedience to that Angel, He c) Terror and confusion among the enemies: While you enjoy the
promised many things. peace of God, those who oppose you are confused and terror-stricken
a) His Angel will go before them and wipe away all their enemies. He (Ac.5:21-24). The Spirit who imparts His joy in you intimidates your enemies!
will become the enemy of His people’s enemies. b) He will take away Never fear persecution (Ac.13:49-52)! The strongholds of nations will
sickness, barrenness and miscarriage from them, just by blessing their food crumble before the Spirit-filled Christian! This is your right in Christ.
and water, and give them full lifespan. c) He will send His terror and confusion d) Established borders: God already established the territory for the
among the enemies and cause them to run before His people. d) He will Israelites. They possessed every bit of it as they kept following Him. In
establish their borders. Christ, there is no boundary to your inheritance. Eyes have not seen, ears
Guiding Person: God’s Angel with His Name and authority guided have not heard what God has prepared for you in Christ (Isa.64:4)! All
the Israelites. Bible scholars say this Angel is the Second Person of the authority, abundant life, all things for life and godliness, every blessing in
Trinity. In Christ, this Second Person has come to dwell in you through His the heavenly places, fullness of joy, rivers of living water… everything is
Spirit. God’s Holy Spirit guides you into all the truth of what you already yours in Christ! Enjoy!
have in Christ (Jn.16:13). He shows what God has prepared for you before Beloved, don’t be anxious when the enemies challenge you. Believe
the foundation of the world, and makes you possess it (1.Co.2:9-11; Eph.1:14). God’s Spirit is going before you. He will complete what He began in you
Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit: The Israelites in the wilderness were (Phil.1:6). If things don’t happen in your time, don’t give up. Keep listening!
commanded to obey every word of that Angel, and not to grieve or provoke Keep obeying! Keep believing His promises. Boldly face challenges!
Him in any way. In Christ, you can hear and obey the Holy Spirit. Your Whatever God promised and accomplished on the cross, you will possess
success in life in Christ solely depends upon the way you treat the Holy with faith and perseverance. Until then, trust and obey!
Spirit. He is the sweetest Person who came alongside to help you. Never Thank You, Lord, You keep me in the way and bring me
grieve Him! Avoid all bitterness, rage and anger, slander etc. which grieves to the place You have prepared. You are an enemy to my
His tender heart (Eph.4:30-32). enemies and an adversary to my adversaries. You bless my
When you walk in the Spirit, you enjoy these following blessings. bread and water and take sickness away from me because I
am in Christ.
a) Victory: God will be enemy to your enemies. He will drive away all
the strongmen that hold your inheritance in Christ. He will cause terror and Ex.23:20-25
confusion among them (Ex.23:22-28). In Christ, though God has defeated
all your enemies, you still need to possess the territories they had occupied.

315 316
The Old Covenant laws were written on tablets of stone while His
New Covenant is written in your spirit (Ro.2:15). No man needs to teach
june 4 COVENANT CONFIRMED you to know the Lord or follow Him. Your spirit is enlightened to know your
IN CHRIST God and His heart. By instinct, you have the ability of God to know Him
more deeply and to follow Him easily.
Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read in the hearing Under the Old Covenant, the sins were covered and forgiven. In Christ,
of the people. And they said, “All that the LORD has said we will do, your sins are totally removed. Not only your sins, even your sinful nature
and be obedient.” And Moses took the blood, sprinkled it on the people, was crucified (Ro.6:6). Ponder and rejoice! Celebrate the great cost, His
and said, “This is the blood of the covenant which the LORD has own precious Blood, your Savior paid to make you His New Covenant
made with you according to all these words”. partner!
You have come… to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, The blood of animals could not cleanse the conscience of the Israelites,
and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of but the unblemished Blood of Christ cleansed your conscience thoroughly
Abel (Ex.24:7-8; Heb.12:22,24). and permanently (Heb.9:14). The blood of animals could not perfect them,
but the Blood of Jesus made you perfect forever (Heb.10:14). Every time
Here we see the Sinai covenant confirmed and activated by the blood you participate in the Lord’s Supper, you declare your perfection and
of animals. When people broke this covenant, God made a new covenant in sanctification (Mt.26:28). Declare it boldly TODAY!
Only by faith: The blessings of the Old Covenant depended on their
Blood everywhere: When Moses read out the law, everyone promised obedience to God’s law. Your blessings depend on your faith in His finished
to obey it (Ex.24:3-4). Moses built an altar and sacrificed burnt offerings to work (Heb.7:27). The Old Covenant threw the entire responsibility on man,
the Lord. He sprinkled half of the blood on the altar to satisfy God’s saying, do… do… do. In the New Covenant, everything is DONE for you.
righteousness and the other half on the people to declare freedom from the All you need to do is believe… believe… believe! Enjoy… enjoy… enjoy!
penalty of sin. Thereby, the covenant was ratified (Heb.9:16-22).
Beloved, don’t allow the devil to accuse you in any area of your life.
Sprinkling of blood activated this covenant (Heb.9:18). The blood was Approach God’s mercy seat without guilt or condemnation (Heb.4:16).
sprinkled everywhere (Heb.9:22). Always remember, your heavenly Moses sprinkled His Blood on you to
These things were just copies of the heavenly things, but you, the new confirm and affirm His New Covenant blessings in your life. Take it boldly
creation, are a heavenly being (Heb.9:23; Phil.3:20)! Heavenly things need TODAY!
better sacrifices. Christ Jesus shed His own Blood to ratify His covenant Thank You, Lord, You put Your law in my mind and wrote
with you. Now you have come to Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant, it on my heart. You are my God, and I am Your people. You
and to His shed Blood which intercedes for you (Heb.12:24). are the Mediator of the New Covenant. Your Blood of
The big difference: God always made covenants with His people and sprinkling speaks better things because I am in Christ.
faithfully kept it. The Israelites enjoyed His covenant blessings. Jer.31:33; Heb.12:24
In Christ, God has made an eternal, irrevocable, unbreakable marital
covenant with His Church, which includes you (Jer.31:31-34). Now, all your
blessings are based on this covenant partnership. Jesus broke His Body and
shed His Blood to activate this new covenant with you (Mt.26:27-28). The
gentile kings saw God’s hand upon our patriarchs and came down to cut
covenant with them (Ge.26-31). Why should the King of the universe esteem
you so highly to cut covenant with you with His own precious Blood?! Let
this melt your heart and make you love Him more. By this covenant, your
Maker became your Bridegroom. He will faithfully nourish you, cherish you
and love you eternally(Eph.5:25-32). What a security!

317 318
and His revelations to perfect you, His Tabernacle. How could you not be
His glory-carrier?! Let His Presence melt your mountains TODAY!
june 5
TABERNACLE IN CHRIST His supply: Even the measurement of all the articles in the Tabernacle
was given by God (Ex.25:10). Remember, every step of your life is ordered
by God (Ps.37:23). You are the exact replica of His master-plan. The most
According to all that I show you, that is, the pattern of the expensive, precious metals and woods were used lavishly in the entire
Tabernacle and the pattern of all its furnishings, just so you shall Tabernacle. In Christ, you are God’s most precious possession. He gave
make it. His own Son, the most precious One, to make you a worthy “God-container”
(Ro.8:32). Rejoice TODAY!
Therefore it was necessary that the copies of the things in the
heavens should be purified with these, but the heavenly things Human-God: All the utensils used in the holy and Most Holy place
were made of wood overlaid with pure gold. Wood speaks of humanity, gold
themselves with better sacrifices than these (Ex.25:9; Heb.9:23).
speaks of divinity. The Tabernacle portrays the blending together of humanity
God’s Tabernacle played a major role in the history of the Israelites. and divinity. Jesus, the Great Tabernacle, was a perfect God and a perfect
Though it is just the pattern of the heavenly things, we can’t just ignore its man.
significance (Ex.25:9). The earthly sanctuary speaks of our heavenly By your union with Him, you became a “God-man” on this earth. As
sanctuary (Heb.8:5; 9:23-24). Moses’ Tabernacle was made with man’s the wood was overlaid with gold, you, a mortal man, are enveloped in divinity.
hand, but Jesus has become our greater and perfect Tabernacle (Heb.9:11; A glorious day will come when all your mortality shall be swallowed up by
10:5; Jn.1:14; 17:21,23). God’s immortality (2.Co.5:4). Till then, Christ in you will increase daily as
Dwelling place: The very purpose of this Tabernacle is to show God’s your flesh decreases (Jn.3:30; Ga.4:19).
desire to dwell among His people. Our forefathers built altars wherever As heaven’s entire focus was on this Tabernacle, God’s entire focus is
they went, and invited God’s Presence, but God’s deepest desire was to on you. The priests and Levites who dedicated their life to serve in the
travel with them continuously everywhere. That is why He commanded Tabernacle were highly honored by God. As you serve God as His mobile
them to make this portable worship center. Tabernacle, you will be also highly honored in midst of your enemies (Nu.3:45;
Every new creation in Christ carries God’s Presence as a mobile Ps.23:5). Expect this TODAY.
Tabernacle, as Jesus did in His earthly walk. You are being built up as His Beloved, you are God’s mini-Tabernacle on this earth (Col.1:27;
holy temple and His dwelling place. He lives in you by His Spirit (Eph.2:21- 2.Co.6:16). People see and feel God’s glory in you. Remember, you are
22). Do you realize the power and privilege of carrying the eternal Creator God’s idea and His revelation. Your life work is to manifest Him to this
of the universe?! Is there anything impossible for you?! world. The whole world is waiting for you to overflow with God’s glory
All of God: The Tabernacle plan was given to Moses purely as a (Ro.8:19). Every day, His Spirit is working in your life with all His tools,
revelation from God. God literally showed him the blueprint on the mountain shaping and molding you to be His perfect home.
of glory (Ex.25:8; Heb.8:5). The Tabernacle and all its furniture were made Thank You, Lord, You are the greater and more perfect
by craftsmen specifically called and totally inspired by God’s Spirit (Ex.31:1- Tabernacle, not made with hands, that is, not of this
11). Even the materials and offerings for the Tabernacle were given by creation. You became flesh and dwelt among us. I am being
those inspired by God’s Spirit (Ex.25:1-7; 35:5,21). The Tabernacle was built for Your dwelling place in the Spirit because I am in
built solely for the manifestation of God’s glory, and God sanctified His Christ.
Tabernacle by His glory (Ex.29:43). Heb.9:11; Jn.1:14; Eph.2:22
In Christ, you are totally God’s idea and revelation. His blueprint for
you was laid out even before the foundation of the world (Eph.1:4-6,9-12).
As He used His Spirit-filled craftsmen to build His Tabernacle, He is using
His Spirit-filled ministers to furnish you as His Tabernacle (Eph.2:20-22;
4:11-13). God uses His Spirit, His Word, His servants, His church, His Name

319 320
You feed your spirit: As you feed your physical body with food, water,
exercise etc., you can also feed your spirit. The natural man spends all his
june 6 energy to develop and improve his physical body and his mind, but you, the
MOST HOLY PLACE IN CHRIST child of God, must spend your energy to develop your spirit (1.Ti.4:8). It is
worth any sacrifice! Your spirit has the capacity to grow. The more you feed
You shall put the mercy seat upon the ark of the Testimony in the your spirit, the more you exhibit Christ’s life and glory (Eph.4:13). The Word
Most Holy. of God is the best food to feed your spirit (1.Pe.2:2). Praying in tongues is like
The Holiest of All… had the golden censer and the ark of the fresh water to your spirit (1.Co.14:4). Paul admonishes you to be strengthened
covenant overlaid on all sides with gold, in which were the golden pot with all might in the spirit. The Holy Spirit, out of His treasure house of glory,
that had the manna, Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tablets of the strengthens your inner personality constantly (Eph.3:16). Feeding your spirit
covenant (Ex.26:34; Heb.9:4). is the first step to manifesting all God’s fullness . Unless you are strong in the
spirit, you cannot wrestle against the powers of darkness (Eph.6:10-12). If
As God’s Tabernacle, your innermost spirit man is the most holy place you know the importance of a strong spirit, you will spend enough time to
where all the fullness of God dwells (Eph.3:19).God’s Tabernacle was divided feed your spirit.
into three portions. First is the Outer Court where people could go and offer You heed your spirit: As God spoke from the Most Holy Place, He now
their sacrifices. Then comes the Holy Place where only the priests were allowed whispers from your spirit (Ro.8:14-15). The way you hear and heed your
to go for their daily communion with God. Next is the Most Holy Place where spirit determines your strength and power. This I call “practicing the Word”
the high priest alone had the privilege of entering once a year. A veil divided the (Heb.5:14). God primarily speaks through His written Word. As you are a
Holy Place from the Most Holy Place (Ex.26:33). doer, not just a hearer, your spirit will speak to you through the inner voice,
The Most Holy Place contained the Ark of the Covenant with the mercy impressions, visions, intuitions etc. (Isa.66:2,5; Jas.1:22-25). This immediate
seat, guarded by two Cherubim (Heb.9:4-5). God’s Ten Commandments, the obedience will make your spirit healthy and vigorous.
Manna and Aaron’s rod were in the Ark. You weed your spirit: In order to manifest God’s power, weed soulish
In Christ, your spirit contains all the substance of these objects. As the and fleshly things out of your spirit (SS.2:15; Heb.4:12). The Ark in the Most
Ark of God was in the Most Holy Place, the very Presence of God dwells in Holy Place was guarded by the two Cherubim symbolizing the two Arch Angels.
your spirit today. Instead of the Ten Commandments, God has written all His The whole heavenly host encamps around you, protecting and guarding you,
laws into your spirit (Jer.31:33-34; Heb.10:16). As Aaron’s budding rod, which mainly because of God’s glory you carry in your spirit. How meticulously
symbolizes the anointing and the calling, your spirit is the spring from where should you guard your spirit from the enemy and his pollutions (Jn.14:30;
all your anointing and calling flow (Jn.7:39). As the manna was in the Ark, 2.Co.7:1)!
Jesus, your divine Manna, dwells in your spirit (Jn.6:32-35). In the Most Holy Beloved, God’s shekina glory is shut up in your spirit, waiting for you to
Place, there was no light except God’s shining glory. Likewise, your spirit release it (Ex.25:22; 30:6). When you allow Him to come out of your spirit, all
shines with God’s glory and gives you all the guidance you need (Pr.20:27). the life and power of God will flow through you to touch this needy world
You need your spirit: As the Most Holy Place was the central focus for (Jn.4:38). That’s the greatest need of this hour. People sit in the shadow of
the entire Tabernacle, your spirit is the real essence of your being. In Christ, death. You have God in you to give them life! Let Him flow and bless your
you need to depend entirely on your spirit from where Christ’s nature and all world TODAY!
the gifts of the Spirit are manifested. Your victory comes from your spirit. Thank You, Lord, You grant me, according to the riches of
Your guidance comes from your spirit. Your ministry efficiency comes from Your glory, to be strengthened with might through Your Spirit in
your spirit. All your worth lies in your spirit (Pr.4:23; Mt.16:26; Ro.7:18). You my inner man, that You may dwell in my heart through faith.
live by the spirit, you love by the spirit, you serve by the spirit, you relate to That I may be filled with all the fullness of God because I am
others by the spirit, you pray and praise by the spirit, you give offerings by the in Christ.
spirit, you believe by the spirit (Ro.8:13; 5:5; Phil.3:3; Jn.4:24; 1.Pe.2:5; Eph.3:16-20
2.Co.4:13). To sum it all, everything you do is by your spirit. Anything you do
from the flesh, however small it may be, is sin and unacceptable to God.

321 322
Your Lord Jesus had the most renewed mind ever. In Christ, you have
this mind of Christ (1.Co.2:16). All you have to do is to believe and act on it,
june 7
HOLY PLACE IN CHRIST and your behavior will change accordingly.
Showbread: The showbread can be compared with your will. As wheat
is crushed into fine flour and baked into showbread, all your desires and
You shall set the table outside the veil, and the lampstand across strong will must be grinded like fine flour and presented as showbread for
from the table on the side of the Tabernacle toward the south; and His service. Jesus broke His flesh to become Bread for the world. He denied
you shall put the table on the north side. His own will to do the Father’s will until the end (Lk.22:42). In Christ, His
will has become your will. Allow His will to bring your will under His dominion.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the Sometimes, His chastening fire is needed to bake you and make you a soft,
renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and fresh bread for His service. This might be a hard process, but like your
acceptable and perfect will of God (Ex.26:35; Ro.12:2). Savior, you will be satisfied as you pour out your soul into death (Isa.53:11-
If the Most Holy Place can be compared to your spirit, the Holy Place Incense: The altar of incense can be compared with your emotions.
can be compared to your soul which consists of your mind, will and emotions. Aaron had to burn sweet incense every morning and evening (Ex.30:7-8).
From your spirit, the God of glory manifests through your soul. Your soul is Incense could mean intercessory prayer where your emotions are involved
the door through which God can move to the world (Ps.24:7-9). (Rev.8:3). Jesus and all His prophets cried and agonized in prayer (Lk.19:41;
In the Tabernacle, God’s glory was locked up in the Most Holy Place Heb.5:7). The Holy Spirit fills your emotions and groans for the saints
by the veil. In Christ, the veil is torn! By His death, Jesus tore the veil (Ro.8:26).
between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place and opened a new and Jesus offers continuous incense of intercession for you (Heb.7:25). This
living way into the Most Holy Place (Mt.27:51; Mk.15:38; Lk.23:45; interceding High Priest lives in you by His Spirit, imparting His anointing for
Heb.10:20). Now, God can freely move and walk in and through you. intercession. Intercession becomes your spontaneous lifestyle as you yield
As New Covenant Tabernacle, you must know the secret of manifesting to His Spirit. Priestly prayer and praise is the secret to release God’s glory.
God’s glory. People under the Old Covenant always waited for God’s glory In the Spirit, you can feel God’s emotions and cry for the lost.
to descend from heaven, but in Christ, you need not wait! You contain all the Beloved, all the fullness of God is waiting to be released from your
glory in your spirit all the days of your life! Now, it’s not a question of spirit. Never allow your soul to hinder that glory. Constantly enlighten your
receiving God’s glory but of releasing it! mind, yield your will and emotions to His reign, and maintain a regular prayer
The Holy Place contained the golden lampstand, the table of showbread life. You will be thrilled to see God’s glory freely flowing through you.
and the altar of incense. From the Tabernacle study, you can learn how to Thank You, Lord, I keep my heart with all diligence, for
release God’s glory. From your spirit, God’s glory must overflow and permeate out of it spring the issues of life. I live according to Your
all your soul. Spirit, and I set my mind on the things of the Spirit. Not
The lamp: The lamp in the Holy Place signifies your mind. Your mind my will, but Yours be done in my life because I am in Christ.
needs to be illuminated by God’s Word and Spirit. Paul prayed for the Spirit Pr.4:23; Ro.8:5; Lk.22:42
of revelation so that the eyes of our hearts may be flooded with light
(Eph.1:18). Constant meditation on God’s Word under the guidance of the
Holy Spirit will definitely transform your mind.
God commanded that the lamp must burn continually (Ex.27:20; Lev.24:2;
Jos.1:8). It was the priests’ responsibility to see that it kept burning by
trimming the wicks continually. As His priest, it is your responsibility to
enlighten your mind continually by God’s Word. Once your mind is renewed,
no power can dim God’s shining glory in you (Ro.12:2).

323 324
Every day of their service, the priests washed themselves afresh in that
water. Both God’s Logos and Rhema Word cleanse you from all the pollutions
june 8 OUTER COURT IN CHRIST of everyday life (Jn.17:17; 2.Ti.3:16). Please don’t live by yesterday’s Word
(Mt.4:4)! You need fresh Word to cleanse you every day as the laver
contained fresh running water.
You shall also make the court of the Tabernacle. For the south Altar: The brazen altar was used to sacrifice all the offerings by fire
side there shall be hangings for the court made of fine woven linen, (Ex.29:13-34; 30:20; Lev.1:9-17). All who touched the altar were made holy
one hundred cubits long for one side. (Ex.27:9) (Ex.29:37). Perpetual fire was kept on it for the sinner to quickly restore his
Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit fellowship with God by sacrifice (Lev.6:13).
who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? In Christ, this means the offering of your body on the altar as a living
For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body sacrifice to God (Ro.12:1). Whatever is placed on the altar is purged and
and in your spirit, which are God’s. (1.Co.6:19-20) burnt by the fire of the Holy Spirit. The more you walk in the spirit, the more
you mortify the deeds of your flesh (Ro.8:13; Col.3:5). I call this “the baptism
Your body signifies the Outer Court. With its five senses, it plays a
of fire” (Mt.3:11; Isa.4:4).
major role in releasing God’s glory. You contact people and the world with
your senses. Just imagine, the glory cloud rises from your spirit, moves through Your body is not your own anymore (1.Co.6:12-20). Don’t live by your
your soul and fills your entire body! Your face shines with His glory, your senses. Life in Christ is purely a walk of faith. Act on God’s Word, no
eyes become prophetic, your whole body is full of His virtue, even your matter how much your senses may disagree. Hear good, edifying things.
clothes release healing power! Wow! Avoid looking at filthy scenes. Keep your tongue under control. Ponder the
path of your feet (Pr.4:22-27). In a nutshell: Let your spirit discipline your
From the study of the Outer Court, you can learn how to radiate God’s
body and bring it under subjection (1.Co.9:27). When your soul is in unison
glory through your body. The Outer Court contained the bronze laver and
with your spirit, it is easy for your body to be cleansed and purged and to
the altar of burnt offerings (Ex.30:17-21).
display God’s glory. This is the sure way of increasing and releasing God’s
One observation: Interestingly, everything in the Outer Court - the glory.
altar and the laver - was overlaid with bronze while everything in the Most
Beloved, allow God’s glory to flow through you. Strengthen your spirit.
Holy Place and the Holy Place was overlaid with gold. This shows God’s
Subdue your soul. Serve God with your body. Let the world see God’s glory
priority: spirit, soul, body (1.Thes.5:23). Your spirit and soul are more precious
in you. That’s the way to bring nations to your light (Isa.60:1-2). The new
than your body. The prosperity of your spirit and soul determines your
creation is the only hope for a lost world. Your great privilege carries great
prosperous life (3.Jn.2). Don’t spend the best years of your life, laboring
responsibility. People are waiting. Jesus is waiting to manifest through you.
only for the things that perish (Jn.6:27)! Reconsider your priorities today!
Time is running out. Don’t delay! Act TODAY!
Laver (Basin): In the Outer Court, a large laver was placed with
Thank You, Lord, I walk in the spirit. I will not fulfill
running water facilities (Lev.14:4-6,50-52). It contained enough water for
the lust of the flesh. You sanctify me completely. My whole
Aaron and his sons to wash their hands and feet when ministering. Even the
spirit, soul, and body shall be preserved blameless. I glorify
sacrifices were washed in it. Washing their hands and feet was given as a
You in my body because I am in Christ.
statute forever. Failure to do it resulted in death (Ex.30:19-21). This speaks
of the necessity of your senses constantly being washed by the water of His Ga.5:16; 1.Thes.5:23, 1.Co.6:20
Word (Eph.5:26; Heb.10:22). The more you hear God’s Word, the more
your senses and flesh are purified and sanctified (Ps.119:9,11).
In Christ, you are eternally sanctified. Sanctification is both a finished
work and an ongoing process (1.Co.6:11; 1.Jn.1:9). Every time you sin or
fail God, you need a fresh cleansing by His Word and Blood. This is clearly
explained in what Jesus told Peter: “He who is bathed needs only to wash
his feet, but is completely clean” (Jn.13:10).
325 326
stay in His Presence, praying, praising, preaching, preparing (Ac.6:4). Every
servant of God in the Bible was primarily an intercessor, worshipper, and
june 9 SACRED IN CHRIST God-lover. It is the greatest privilege to stand before God Almighty, pleading
and thanking Him constantly for others (Ge.18:22-33). It is a selfless, God-
centered life.
Now take Aaron your brother, and his sons with him, from among All are called as priests, but not all can serve Him fulltime. Those who
the children of Israel, that he may minister to Me as priest, Aaron and are called fulltime must blissfully perform this awesome duty. The greater
Aaron’s sons: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. the privilege, the higher the responsibility. This applies to everyone God called
into fulltime ministry. Though all believers are equal in Christ, His fulltime
Now there was one, Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel,
workers carry higher responsibilities and therefore greater privileges.
of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and had lived with a
These people stay in God’s very Presence. They see His glory, hear
husband seven years from her virginity; and this woman was a widow
His voice and make God’s heart glad through their continuous incense,
of about eighty-four years, who did not depart from the temple, but offerings and sacrifices (Rev.8:4). Such a life is totally consecrated, dedicated,
served God with fastings and prayers night and day (Ex.28:1; Lk.2:36- anointed, different than any ordinary life.
Special honor: Since they touched God’s heart through praise and
Here, we see the separation of Aaron and his sons for God’s service. In intercession, they became very special to Him. God honors them in a very
Christ, every believer is separated unto God (Ex.28:1). special way. Though all the Israelites are His portion, the priests are more.
Separated from among the separated: All the Israelites were He takes care of their dignity, honor, and all their physical and spiritual needs.
separated unto God. They could be called the church in the Old Testament. In short, God became their very inheritance (Dt.18:2; 32:9).
They were the royal priests for God. All of them were expected to stand Israel loved Joseph more than the others and made him a richly
between the world and God. When they failed, a separate priestly ministry ornamented multicolored robe (Ge.37:3). Likewise, God was decorating His
was instituted. These priests were separated from among the separated priests with the most precious, beautifully ornamented garments. God honors
people. The main ministry of the priests is to enter God’s Presence, offering His faithful priestly servants more than others with dignity and honor. God
Him praises, standing between people and God, interceding on their behalf. allotted even the food and offerings of His priests, giving them the best
Life of praise and prayer: Under the New Covenant, all believers are portions like the thigh (Dt.18:1). This is the blessing of staying in His Presence,
washed and anointed for this kind of priestly ministry (Rev.1:5). Priestly for honor and riches are in His Presence (1.Chr.16:27).
ministry is totally dedicated to serve God on behalf of others. Every believer Beloved, if you feel God has called you for His glorious service, never
in Christ should exult in this dignified ministry of representing this perishing hesitate a single moment. All your dignity and honor hinges on your
world before God, standing in God’s Presence with continuous praise faithfulness to your calling. Living for others is your great privilege. Staying
(1.Ti.2:1-4). Failure to do this ministry will affect all the other areas of your in God’s Presence is the choicest blessing and honor. You can live without
blessed life in Christ (1.Sa.12:23). any care because God Almighty becomes your portion and inheritance. You
Anna the prophetess also typifies the priestly ministry. Around 77 years, will enjoy the best, both from heaven and from this earthly life (Ge.47:6). Be
she stayed in God’s Presence. Her ministry was a ministry of fastings, prayers a separated person from among His separated people!
and praises. That is why she had the privilege of seeing the Messiah and Thank You, Lord, I will give myself continually to prayer
declaring His praises to the world. In Christ, you can do more than this and to the ministry of the Word. I serve You and I follow
prophetess. The One who lives in you continues His ministry for over 2000 You. Where You are, there I will be also. As I serve You,
years in heaven and through you! You are called and anointed to stand in You will honor me because I am in Christ.
God’s Presence constantly. Ac.6:4; Jn.12:26
Fulltime service: Though every believer is called to live and breathe
in God’s Presence, some are called as fulltime priests. They don’t spend
their energy for the secular world. They spend all their time and energy to

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the five-fold ministers must value every soul very highly. Carrying your people
into God’s Presence in your prayer is your blessed duty. The intensity of
june 10 PRIESTLY APPAREL your prayer for the people shows how much you value them.
IN CHRIST All the names of the tribes were carried on the shoulder without partiality.
You are dead to all man-made divisions like racism, nationalism, cast-system,
And you shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, for status, etc. (Ac.15:8-9; 1.Co.3:3-4). Every saint must be treated equally,
glory and for beauty…And these are the garments which they shall irrespective of his doctrine and nationality.
make: a breastplate, an ephod, a robe, a skillfully woven tunic, a As the names were engraved, you became inseparable from God’s
turban, and a sash. So they shall make holy garments for Aaron people as one Body. Your deep concern allows you to suffer with those who
your brother and his sons, that he may minister to Me as priest. suffer and weep with those who weep (2.Co.11:28-29). Every servant of
God must constantly remember to thank God for the people under his care
I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every (Phil.1:3).
prayer of mine making request for you all with joy… I have you in my Breastplate: On the priest’s breastplate were twelve precious stones
heart… (Ex.28:2,4; Phil.1:3-4,7) with the names of the twelve tribes engraved (Ex.28:21). You not only carry
A special garment was made for God’s priests. As a priest of God, you the people on your shoulders but also on your heart before God. The heart
are already clothed in Christ, the most special Garment. speaks of deep affection and motherly care (Phil.1:7). The apostles carried
Aaron was the highest representative of the Israelites before God. God their churches in their hearts. They were affectionate like fathers and mothers
commanded a special garment for him to show his authority in leadership. (1.Co.4:14-15; 1.Thes.2:7,11). These stones were fixed in an orderly way, in
The garment was made of precious stones and costly yarn, skillfully woven. four rows, three each, which speaks of systematic, disciplined, concentrated
God had specially anointed His craftsmen with skill and wisdom to make it prayer for others (Ex.28:17-20).
(Ex.28:3). The garments consisted of a breastplate, an ephod, a robe, an Beloved, your High Priest Jesus carries God’s people on His shoulder
embroidered tunic, a turban and a sash. These garments gave Aaron and his and on His heart. He lives in you to make intercession (Ro.8:26-27). His
sons beauty, honor and dignity. God always endows His leadership like this. love and care for the people is bubbling in your spirit, waiting for a release
Every piece of his garments speaks about you, the new creation. The study (Ro.5:5; 2.Co.5:14; 11:28). Just let Christ carry others through your life and
of these garments will open your eyes to you are in Christ and what you are prayers. Give your life totally to the Spirit of Christ to intercede through you.
made for. Free yourself from self-pity and worries so that you can carry others’ burdens
Ephod: The ephod is the priestly vest, made of fine linen skillfully woven in your heart (Lk.21:34). When you allow Him to live and pray through you,
with blue, purple, and red wool, and decorated with gold. It had two shoulder all your needs and problems will be taken care of. If you find any lack in
straps to support it and a sash that fastens around the waist. Two onyx your life, family or ministry, check whether you have failed in your priestly
stones in gold settings were attached to the shoulder straps. On these stones duty. The moment you regularize your prayer life, you will see God’s glory
were engraved the names of the children of Israel in the order of their birth, and blessings all around you.
six on each stone. In this way Aaron carried the names of the tribes of Thank You, Lord, Your love has been poured out in my
Israel whenever he entered the holy place as a memorial before God (Ex.28:9- heart by the Holy Spirit who was given to me. I am called to
12). make supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of
By bearing their names on their shoulders, the priests understood their thanks for all men, for kings and all who are in authority. I
responsibility toward God’s people. In Christ, the safety of God’s people is pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit,
on your shoulders. You bring them before God in prayer and unleash His being watchful with all perseverance and supplication for all
blessings (Eph.6:18). the saints because I am in Christ.
These names were engraved in costly, precious onyx stones. This shows Ro.5:5; 1.Ti.2:1-2; Eph.6:18
the preciousness of God’s saints. God’s people must be very precious to
you. Paul considered his church his crown of glory (1.Thes.2:19). Especially
329 330
This shows the great importance of your public testimony. When you lose
your testimony, you are as good as dead! You are like salt that lost its saltiness
june 11 PRIESTLY GARMENTS and became good for nothing (Mt.5:13).
IN CHRIST Turban with gold plate: There was another plate of pure gold on
Aaron’s forehead. Engraved in it were the words, “HOLINESS TO THE
And you shall put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the LORD” (Ex.28:36). “Holy to the Lord” also means “wholly to the Lord”.
Thummim, and they shall be over Aaron’s heart… a golden bell and There could be three reasons why it was fastened on the forehead. a) All
a pomegranate, upon the hem of the robe all around… make a plate could read it there. In Christ, God sees you as holy, the devil sees you as
of pure gold and engrave on it, like the engraving of a signet: holy, people must see you as holy. You must be known for your holiness
HOLINESS TO THE LORD… that it may be on the turban… make (Ro.1:7; Mk.1:24; 2.Ki.4:9). b) Holiness is your crown, your very head. You
for them linen trousers to cover their nakedness… that they do not can loose your head, but not your holiness. John the Baptist lost his head just
incur iniquity and die. because he took a stand for holiness (Mt.14:10-12). c) The forehead also
Be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new speaks of the mind. Holiness begins in your mind, your thought-life. You
man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and must be holy in order to plead forgiveness for others’ iniquity (Ex.28:38).
holiness (Ex.28:30,34,36-37,42-43; Eph.4:23-24). Asking God’s forgiveness for others’ sins is one of your main ministries.
Priests are totally holy to the Lord. Their dress is holy, their food is holy, they
We continue our study of the priestly garments which speak of the new eat from holy offerings in a holy place. Whatever touches them will become
creation. holy (Lev.6:17-18).
Urim and Thummim: In the pocket of his breastplate, Aaron carried Undergarments: The undergarments of a priest were to cover his
the Urim and Thummim, the objects used to determine God’s will for His nakedness. Our holy God commanded His priests to wear them lest they
people (Ex.28:30). Enquiring of God for others was one of the important bring iniquity upon themselves and die (Ex.28:42-43). In Christ, you totally
ministries of the priests. In Christ, you have Urim and Thummim in your abhor all secret, shameful things (Eph.5:11-13). You are holy in Christ.
spirit. The peace and the voice of God in your spirit show God’s will for you Immorality or impurity should not even be mentioned among you (Eph.5:3).
and others. You need not seek any special servant of God to know God’s Beloved, in Christ, you are already clothed in these priestly garments.
will. Christ in you, the hope of glory, guides you continually. The Holy Spirit You are God’s Urim and Thummim for others to find God’s will for their
constantly whispers in you. You have God’s ability to hear and know God’s lives. You are a fruitful vine, appointed to be fruitful. You have a beautiful
will for others. Even gentile kings sought God’s will from laymen like Joseph testimony to attract people. Holiness is your crown. His Blood has covered
and Daniel. Even ordinary disciples could hear God for the great apostle all your shame. More than this, His anointing oil is upon you. Remember, all
Paul (Ac.9:10-16; 21:4). In Christ, this privilege is yours. Enjoy it! these are for your glory, honor and beauty (Ex.28:40). In short, you are
Pomegranates and golden bells: Another piece of his garments was clothed with Christ from head to foot. Rejoice TODAY!
the robe. Around its hem, pomegranates and golden bells were woven. The Thank You, Lord, You have made holy garments for me,
pomegranates symbolize fruitfulness and fruit of the Spirit, the golden bells for my glory and beauty. I am being renewed in the spirit of
speak of public testimony. my mind, and I put on the new man which was created in
You are called to be fruitful in His vineyard. There is no fruitless person true righteousness and holiness. I am complete because I am
in Christ. Because of the constant inflow of Jesus’ life, you can bear much in Christ.
fruit (Jn.15:1-5). God’s ministers are specially chosen and appointed by the Ex.28:2; Eph.4:23-24; Col.2:10
Lord to bear lasting fruit (Jn.15:16). The full fruit of the Spirit must be found
in a priest of God.
Your testimony before God and men is vital. People will see your
testimony and lifestyle and glorify your Father in heaven (Mt.5:16). People
could know the priest was alive only when they heard the golden bell ringing.

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before you (Mic.2:13). Before you see another day, God has seen and made
june 12 THE GREATEST SPECIALTY it favorable for you. That is why He asked you not to worry about tomorrow
IN CHRIST God behind you: God is also behind you as your rear guard, and His
glory protects you from behind (Isa.52:12; 58:8). When the Israelites were
For how then will it be known that Your people and I have found crossing the Red Sea, the Angel of God withdrew from the front side and
grace in Your sight, except You go with us? So we shall be separate, went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and stood
Your people and I, from all the people who are upon the face of the behind, coming between the armies of Egypt and Israel (Ex.14:19-20). Satan
earth. and his powers cannot even attack you from behind.
Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. God around you: Night and day, God and His angels are surrounding
(Ex.33:16; Mt.28:20) you like a wall of fire (1.Sa.25:16; Ps.34:7; Zac.2:5).
God at your side: God is also at your right side. You can never be
God’s personal Presence distinguished the Israelites from all the other shaken (Ps.16:8; 121:5). He is literally holding your right hand (Ps.73:23).
people (Nu.14:14). All the other nations heard that God was among His Jesus is sitting at the right side of the Father, the place of greatest authority
people. No other nation had God’s intimate Presence like the Israelites. (Ps.110:1; 1.Pe.3:22). Since you are in Him, His Presence is overshadowing
Every day, the Lord went before His people in a pillar of cloud to lead their you. His left hand is under your head, caressing you (SS.2:6; 8:3).
way. Every night, He gave them light in a pillar of fire. It never departed God under you: God is under you. His everlasting arms are holding
from them during all their journeys (Ex.13:21-22). No other god has owned you from falling and carrying you like a little lamb (Dt.33:27; Isa.40:11).
his people by mighty trials, signs, wonders and wars and by a mighty hand
(Dt.4:7,34). God above you: He is above you. The Shadow of the Almighty is
covering you from above, protecting you from the wicked spirits in the
Even then, the Israelites could lose God’s Presence by sinning against heavenlies. He is hiding you under His mighty wings (Ps.91:1,4; Mal.4:2;
Him. When the golden calf was made, God refused to go with them because Mt.23:37).
they were a stiff-necked people (Ex.33:3). Many times, He removed them
from His Presence, but He had compassion again and again (2.Ki.17:18; Beloved, God is in you, before you, behind you, around you, at your side,
23:27; 24:20; 13:23). Moses cried to the Lord, “If Your Presence does not go under you and above you. You are actually enclosed, hemmed in, hedged
with us, do not send us up from here” (Ex.33:15). Even the great king David around by God. If God is for you, who can be against you (Ro.8:31)!? Be
had to beg and plead, “Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not bold TODAY!
take Your Holy Spirit from me” (Ps.51:11). Thank You, Lord, You have not left me orphan. You have
God in you: The greatest good news of the New Covenant is that God given me another Helper, that He may abide with me forever.
never leaves you nor forsakes you (Heb.13:5). Jesus is with you always, As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so You surround me
even to the end of the age (Mt.28:20). The great Helper, the Holy Spirit, will now and forever because I am in Christ.
abide with you forever (Jn.14:16). Christ lives in your spirit as the hope of Jn.14:18,16; Ps.125:2
glory and moves freely in your soul and body (2.Co.6:16; Col.1:27). You
don’t need to cry like Moses or David for His Presence. In Christ, you
acknowledge His abiding Presence and thankfully enjoy Him.
You are distinguished from others by His great Presence in and around
you. God not only lives in you, He also envelops you. A Christian is enveloped
by God (Ps.32:10; 34:7; 125:2; 139:5,10).
God before you: The Lord is going before you as a good Shepherd
(Isa.52:12). Simply follow Him, listening to His voice (Jn.10:4,27). Your king
passes before you as the Captain of His army, breaking all the barriers

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have become God’s heir, sharing everything He has (Ro.8:17)! In Christ,
you not only see His glory, you carry His glory wherever you go (2.Co.2:4).
june 13
CLEFT IN THE ROCK Cleft Rock and God’s Glory: There is a God-given position from
IN CHRIST where you can see Him. From your position in Christ you can see God’s
glory just as you can see everything from the airport control tower.
And the Lord said, “Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand God put Moses in a cleft of the rock and covered him with His hand.
on the rock. So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you From the cleft in the rock, Moses could only see the backside of God, but
in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass from the Rock of all Ages that was cleft for you, you can commune with
by. Then I will take away My hand, and you shall see My back; but Him face to Face. This is what happened when you accepted Jesus as your
My face shall not be seen”. Savior. As the cleft rock was just near God’s glory, Jesus, the Rock, is
seated at the right hand of your Father. As the rock was smitten to form a
For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When cleft rock, your Lord Jesus was smitten on the cross. You can approach
Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in your Father and all His heavenly blessings only because Jesus was broken
glory (Ex.33:21-23; Col.3:3-4). for you. Imagine, He was broken for you to build your relationship with God.
Life in Christ is the closest life to God the Father. There is a great Hidden in God’s Glory: As Moses was hidden in the rock, your life is
hunger in the heart of man to know and see his Creator. This explains why completely hidden with Christ in God the Father. You are literally enveloped
so many gods are worshipped in this world. In Christ, you have the great in His Glory! The Bible saints exulted in this truth of knowing God as their
privilege of knowing your Creator intimately as your own Father. To be hiding place. David sang, “For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His
called a child of God shows the tremendous love the Father has lavished on pavilion. In the secret place of His Tabernacle He shall hide me. He shall
us (1.Jn.3:1). set me high upon a rock” (Ps.27:5). You are the most protected person,
Moses and God’s Glory: We have seen how Moses longed to see hidden in the safest place. The day of trouble cannot shake you. The plots of
God’s glory. On the very first day of his calling, he saw His glory. Throughout men and the strife of accusing tongues cannot harm you (Ps.31:20). Since
his wilderness journey, he rejoiced to witness the glory cloud leading them. you are dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High, the snare of the
On Mount Sinai, he experienced the consuming fire of God’s glory. None of fowler, deadly pestilence, the terror of the night, the arrow that flies by day,
these glorious experiences could satisfy his hunger. Yes, the more you see pestilence and destruction cannot hurt you (Ps.91:1-6).
and know God, the more you hunger for Him. Beloved, hidden in Christ, you see your Father’s smiling Face and all
Moses wanted to see God’s glory in its totality (Ex.33:18). God showed His bounty. You enjoy the most intimate fellowship with Him by constantly
him symbolically that the way to see His glory is the Lord Jesus Christ. First, talking to Him (1.Jn.1:3). Through Christ, He even comes to dwell in your
all His goodness passed before him, then He proclaimed His Name. After spirit (Jn.14:23). You don’t dread Him like a doomed slave, you love Him
that, He put him in a cleft in the rock and covered him with His hand. Even like a darling child (Ga.4:6-7; Eph.5:1). Come and enter the joy of your
then, He could only see God’s back (Ex.33:19-21). Father!
New creation and God’s Glory: In Christ, you have free access to Thank You, Lord, I will love You, my Strength. You are
God who lives in unapproachable light (1.Ti.6:16). God, the Creator of heaven my Rock and my Fortress and my Deliverer. My God, my
and earth, has wrapped Himself in light as with a garment (Ps.104:2). No Strength, in whom I will trust, my Shield and the Horn of
living being could see His glory and live (Ex.33:20). my salvation, my Stronghold. I will call upon You, who is
worthy to be praised. So shall I be saved from my enemies
Christ, your Lord, came to show you the glory of God coated with His
because I am in Christ.
grace and truth (Jn.1:14). Knowing Jesus is knowing the Father. Seeing His
glory is seeing the Father’s glory (Jn.14:8-9). In Christ, the awesome God, Ps.18:1-3
dreaded by all the Old Testament saints, has become your affectionate Abba
Father, your Daddy God (Ro.8:15; Ga.4:6). None of the OT-saints, including
Moses, could call Him Daddy. Just imagine your privilege in Christ! You

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Tabernacle. Moses anointed the entire Tabernacle with the anointing oil
june 14 (Ex.40:9). This speaks about being totally filled with the Holy Spirit. I assume
GLORY CLOUD IN CHRIST you are already baptized with the Holy Spirit, but this should be an ongoing
experience in your life (Ac.2:4; 4:8,31). It is one thing when the Spirit of God
is your resident, and another thing when He is your President (Ac.13:1-4).
Then the cloud covered the Tabernacle of meeting, and the glory When you allow Him free access in you, the Spirit of glory will fill every part
of the Lord filled the Tabernacle. of your being with His glory! As a drunkard is totally under the influence of
alcohol, you can be totally filled and even intoxicated with His Spirit (Eph.5:18).
And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled He fills your spirit and carries your soul and passes through your body.
with the Spirit (Ex.40:34; Eph.5:18 ).
Obedience and glory: The fullness of God’s glory is directly connected
Moses set up the Tabernacle and placed every article in its proper place. to your implicit and total obedience. This is beautifully pictured in this chapter.
Then he anointed the Tabernacle and all its furnishings with the anointing oil. Almost every alternate verse says, “Moses did everything just as the Lord
Moses, Aaron and his sons were consecrated and anointed. Moses did commanded him” (Ex.40:16,19,21,23,25,27,29,32).
everything just as the Lord had commanded him. The Israelites were absolutely under the command of His glory. Unless
When he finished all the work, the glory cloud covered the Tabernacle the cloud moved, they would not move, even if it took a whole year. If the
of meeting, filled the entire Tabernacle. Even Moses could not enter. The cloud moved, they had to keep moving, even without rest. This is a clear
cloud that settled upon it began to move wherever they went. The pillar of picture of life in Christ (Jn.3:8). The counsel of Mary, “Do whatever He
cloud and the pillar of fire that led them from Egypt settled on this Tabernacle tells you,” is the secret of manifesting His glory (Jn.2:5,11). The Spirit of
(Ex.13:21). Whenever the cloud was taken up from above the Tabernacle, glory freely manifests His fullness to those who obey His every bidding
the children of Israel would go onward in all their journeys. But if the cloud (Ac.5:29,32). If you are in the right place at the right time with the right
was not taken up, then they did not journey till the day that it was taken up. cause, God’s glory will be there to attest everything you do. This is the
For the cloud of the LORD was above the Tabernacle by day, and fire was secret of miracle power.
over it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their Beloved, the glory can fill you both in and out. When you are full of His
journeys (Ex.40:36-38). glory, you are totally lost in Him, just as Moses couldn’t enter the Tabernacle.
Full of glory: I like the fact that the book of Exodus ends with the It’s all of Him, nothing of you. You simply stand and watch in amazement.
fullness of God’s glory. This is God ultimate plan for His people. He gave This is a visible glory. All people can easily see it (Ex.40:38: Isa.60:1-3).
such a long description of the Tabernacle and its articles, filling many pages Whenever you proceed to go and do something, the glory will rise up for
in the Bible, all for His glory to dwell there in all its fullness. you. At other times, it simply protects you and gives you rest (Ex.33:14).
That is why Moses prayed every morning, “Rise up, O Lord! Let Your
In Christ, you are made for the fullness of God’s glory. It is God’s desire
enemies be scattered, and let those who hate You flee before You.” And
to see you full of His Presence, power and glory (Jn.10:10; Eph.1:23; 3:19).
when it rested, he said, “Return, o Lord, to the many thousands of Israel”
He wants every cell of your body overflowing with His glory. When you live
(Nu.9:17-23; 10:35-36). Let this be your prayer, too.
in Christ, you literally live in His glory. Already Christ lives in you as the
hope of glory (Col.1:27). His glorious Word abides in you. The Spirit of glory Thank You, Lord, I’m not drunk with wine in excess, but
rests upon you (1.Pe.4:14). You are His glory-temple (1.Co.3:16; 6:19). I am filled with Your Spirit. I am blessed, for the Spirit of
glory and of God rests upon me. I am filled with all the
Release your glory: God’s glory cloud fills your being and is waiting to
fullness of God because I am in Christ.
be released from you. The secret of releasing your glory is summed up in
this passage. When you, His Tabernacle, are set up in God’s order, the glory Eph.5:18; 1.Pe.4:14; Eph.3:19
cloud will completely envelop you. When your spirit is strong and in authority,
and your soul and body are in total submission to it, God’s glory will be
mightily released through you (Eph.3:16-20).
Anointing and glory: The anointing oil brought God’s glory upon the

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celebrate His victory! It calls you to repentance and reconciliation. It calls
you to see the great Sin Offering. It calls you to cleanliness and a healthy
june 15
LEVITICUS IN CHRIST lifestyle. It calls you to priestly dedication and consecration. It calls you to
be separate from the world and live higher moral principles. It calls you to
His Covenant blessings. It calls you to see Him as the Lord God of everything.
It calls you into the freedom of Jubilee! It calls you to experience miracle-
Now the LORD called to Moses, and spoke to him from the harvests. Truly, Leviticus is God’s call to you!
Tabernacle of meeting, saying, “Speak to the children of Israel...”
I endeavor to present the principles of Leviticus in the light of the New
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for Testament with all loyalty to its content. To help you understand Leviticus, I
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, tried to explain every chapter.
that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every New Dwelling: In this book, God began to speak from His new dwelling
good work (Lev.01:01-02; 2.Ti.3:16-17). place, the Tabernacle of meeting. The book of Exodus ends with the
dedication of God’s Tabernacle. Now, God speaks from there. In Christ,
Every word of the Holy Bible is God-breathed and inspired. The book
God neither speaks from Mount Sinai nor from the Tabernacle but from
of Leviticus is God’s voice for all times. It is sad that this book is so neglected
your own spirit. He has shifted His dwelling place to live in you (1.Co.3:16).
by the Body of Christ. If you want to be perfect, complete and fully equipped
He calls you and shows you how to please Him with your daily walk, worship,
to bless the world as God’s servant, you can’t ignore this book.
consecration, and service.
Neglected Book: It’s easy to ignore the books of the law saying, “I
Beloved, let us explore this wonderful book! Invite the author of Leviticus,
am not under the law but under grace.” Eternity will shock us by showing
the Holy Spirit, to open this book for you. He will unfold His Word and give
the deficiency of God’s children, just because they ignored Leviticus. It’s a
you light (Ps.119:130). The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life (2.Co.3:6).
wonder that even Word-lovers quickly read over this book without meditating
Catch the spirit and principles of this book and enjoy your life in the better
it, just as if it had no relevance for the new creation. I plead with you, pay
attention to every word that proceeded from the mouth of God. You live by
it, your faith grows by it – this book is your very life (Dt.32:45-47). Thank You, Lord, all Scripture is given by Your inspiration,
and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
All Scripture: Like all Scripture, this book of Leviticus is written for
for instruction in righteousness, that I may be complete,
your profit. If you don’t love and know this book, you are at great loss! It
thoroughly equipped for every good work. The entrance of
reproves you and restores you to your proper place in God. It corrects and
Your words gives light. It gives understanding to me because
keeps you from false, imbalanced theories. It endues you with power from
I am in Christ.
on high to equip you for God’s assignment for your life (2.Ti.3:16-17). Thank
God for this book! 2.Ti.3:16-17; Ps.119:130
The Theme: The watchword for Leviticus is “holiness”. It appears 87
times throughout the book. This book will challenge and empower you to
live a holy life. The Greek Septuagint and the Latin Vulgate named this book
“Leviticus” as it deals mostly with the regulations for priests and Levites. In
Hebrew, this book of Leviticus is named “Vaiyikra”, meaning “And He
called,” the very first sentence of this book. According to the Hebrew, this
book is all about “God called”, “God spoke”, “God commanded”. Literally,
the expression “God spoke” appears over 36 times. This should be enough
to draw your attention to this book!
Book of Calling: Leviticus calls you to holiness in spirit, soul and body.
It calls you into relationship and fellowship with God. It calls you to proper
worship and service to God. It calls you to liberal offerings. It calls you to
339 340
animals were killed there. It all shows the seriousness of human sin and
depravity as well as the need for innocent blood to be sacrificed. Aaron’s
june 16
BURNT OFFERING IN CHRIST sons had to present the blood and dash it round about upon the altar that was
at the door (Lev.1:5). Nobody can approach God without entering by blood.
Thank God, Jesus’ Blood was shed for you! It is constantly pleading your
cause before all heaven.
If his offering is a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let him offer a male
without blemish; he shall offer it of his own free will at the door of the Eternally accepted: The great issue under the Old Covenant was to
Tabernacle of meeting before the Lord. Then he shall put his hand on be accepted by the Holy God (Ps.6:9; Isa.58:5). Even the offerings needed
the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on his behalf to to be done very accurately in order to be accepted (Lev.1:3-4). In Christ,
make atonement for him. this issue is settled for you once and for all. As Jesus was eternally accepted
by the Father, in Him, you are eternally accepted (Ro.5:7; Eph.1:6). In Christ,
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself all your offerings, prayers, praises, life and ministry are accepted. Is it a
for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma small thing to be accepted unconditionally by the Most Holy God?! Let this
(Lev.1:3-4; Eph.5:2). truth make you shout for joy!
The first seven chapters of Leviticus deal elaborately with various Totally burnt: The priest had to cut the offering into pieces and burn
sacrifices. Our Lord Jesus is the substance of all these offerings. In our all of it on the altar. The smell from that burning was the most satisfying and
meditation of life in Christ, we will see how Jesus has become our all-sufficient well-pleasing, sweet aroma to the Lord (Lev.1:9,13,17). Jesus, the perfect
offering, fulfilling all the different offerings required in the Old Testament, Sacrifice, broke Himself into pieces and was burned totally as a burnt offering
and how this relates to you in Christ. to the Lord. He became a sweet aroma to Him (Eph.5:2). This sweet
fragrance of Jesus pleased the Father eternally (Eze.20:41).
The burnt offering: The burnt offering was from the herd or a sheep,
goat, dove, or young pigeon the best male without blemish. It was killed at You are the burnt offering: The moment you came to Christ, your life
the door of the Tabernacle of meeting. The choice of animal or bird depended became totally a burnt offering. Everything of you, your desires, ambitions,
on the status and ability of the offerer. These offerings were not obligatory. energy, wealth, health, loved ones, everything must be laid on the altar to be
They were free-will-offerings. “When any one of you brings an offering to burnt completely by the fire of the Holy Spirit. You don’t live for yourself
the Lord…” (Lev.1:2). See the words “when” or “if” mentioned repeatedly anymore (2.Co.5:15; Ga.2:20). In Christ, you are the sweet fragrance of
(Lev.1:3,10,14). Christ unto God the Father. People smell the fragrance of the knowledge of
God everywhere you go (2.Co.2:14).
Jesus, the pure Burnt Offering: Jesus offered Himself without any
blemish and defect, just as God required (Lev.1:3,10,14; 3:1,6; 1.Pe.1:19). Beloved, consider it a great joy when everything of you is burnt to
Nobody could find any trace of sin or blemish in Him (Lk.23:4,14). He even ashes (Lev.6:10)! Only that can become a sweet aroma to bless the heart of
made an open challenge to see if anybody could convict Him of any sin God and the people. Even the animals that were offered to God had to be of
(Jn.8:46). That is why even satan could find NOTHING in Him (Jn.14:30). highest quality, from the rich, well-watered pastures of Israel (Eze.45:15)!
In Christ, all His perfection is transferred to you. In the sight of the Father, In Christ, Jesus is the aroma in you to bless your world!
there is no blemish in you. The heavenly Court has declared you perfect Thank You, Lord, You have loved me and given Yourself
(Heb.10:14). for me, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-
Jesus, the Door to God’s Presence: The sacrifice was offered at smelling aroma. You died for all, that I should live no longer
the door of the Tabernacle of meeting to open to way to God’s Presence. for myself, but for You who died for me and rose again.
Jesus opened with His pure, holy Blood the way into the Presence of God. Through me You diffuse the fragrance of Your knowledge in
He is not only the Sacrifice, He also became your Way and your Door to the every place. I am to God the fragrance of Christ because I
Father (Jn.10:9; 14:6). am in Christ.
Blood everywhere: We can’t imagine the flood of blood that was Eph.5:2; 2.Co.5:15; 2:14-15
running all over and around the altar. Thousands and thousands of birds and

341 342
offering (Lev.2:4,11). Both leaven and honey aided to fermentation, the first
june 17 stage of decay, which is symbolic of corruption in the human heart (Lev.2:11-
GRAIN OFFERING IN CHRIST 12 AMP). Leaven speaks of human corruption like malice, wickedness,
hypocrisy and pride. Honey speaks of sensual lust and carnal delights (Pr.25:16).
Jesus was completely free from both (1.Co.5:6-8). He was pure, honest, humble
When anyone offers a grain offering to the LORD, his offering and self-controlled. Even the demons recognized Him as the Holy One of God
shall be of fine flour. And he shall pour oil on it, and put frankincense (Mk.1:26).
on it. Salt in everything: This grain offering was seasoned with salt. God
commanded that the salt of God’s covenant should never lack in this offering
Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the
(Lev.2:13). Salt was a symbol of purity, permanence, and preservation of life
ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much – the exact opposite of leaven. Jesus is the Preserver and Purifier of all life.
grain (Lev.2:1; Jn.12:24). Truly, Jesus is the greatest grain offering (Jn.12:24).
This grain offering is also called meat or meal offering, cereal offering, or You are God’s grain offering: Your life should be a continuous grain
food offering. It was an “unbloody” offering to God in gratefulness for a offering to God and men. God expects everything from you. He is the Owner
Savior and forgiveness. A drink-offering generally accompanied it. Though it of all you have. He is a love-hungry God. He finds all His delight and satisfaction
doesn’t directly signify the blood-sacrifice of our Lord Jesus, it gratefully in you. Likewise, a hungry world is waiting for you to nourish it. In Christ,
acknowledges His sacrifice and all its blessings. The offerer thankfully you are their bread of life. The world is begging for living bread. Will you feed
worshiped God as the Source of all his earthly blessings, recognizing that he them (Lam.4:4; Isa.58:10)?
owed everything to God, including the fruit of his labors. Generally, it In Christ, you are the fine flour, crumbled, free from leaven and honey. As
accompanied the daily burnt offering (Ex.29:40-41). Fine flour with oil and the grain offering was mixed with oil, you are one with His Holy Spirit
incense on it, cakes made without yeast and firstfruits were brought as grain (1.Co.6:17). All that Jesus is, you are now (Ga.2:20; 1.Jn.4:17). It’s natural
offerings. for you, the new creation, to live out Christ’s life constantly. The old leaven of
Jesus, the Grain Offering: Jesus is the substance of all the Old Covenant your old life has passed away. Everything in you has become new (2.Co.5:17).
offerings. This grain offering is a fore-shadow of His life. As this grain offering Walk in this truth! In you, there is no place for sin, only for Son!!! You are
became the most holy food for the priest and his sons, Jesus has become your soaked in the oil of the Holy Spirit, the oil of gladness and healing (Isa.61:3).
heavenly food for you, His holy priest. He is the Bread of God that came from In Christ, you are the salt of the earth. Jesus Himself has become your
heaven and gives life to the world. He is the Bread of life to you (Jn.6:33,35; saltiness. You can never lose this saltiness and be thrown out as long as you
Rev.1:6). He is also the firstfruit offered to God (1.Co.15:20,23). walk in In-Christ-consciousness (Mt.5:13). Your words shall be seasoned with
Jesus, the fine flour, oil and incense: This offering was crumbled into salt, and you bring delight to God and men (Col.4:6). Truly, you are God’s
pieces and crushed into fine flour and fully mixed with oil (Lev.2:6,1). The grain offering to God and God’s food offering to men.
Israelites used the oil from crushed olives on all their foods. Jesus was like that Beloved, you are God’s meal offering, a satisfying fragrance to God. Every
pressed oil. The very word Gethsemane means “olive press”. Incense was put time you help God’s ministers with your substance or give to the poor, God
on the offering (Lev.2:1,15). The incense could mean prayer and praise. Jesus accepts it as a pleasing grain offering (Phil.4:18; Heb.13:16). When you take
offered His life as incense to God, continually interceding for you. Even now, communion, you are partaking of the Bread and Wine from heaven. Live out
His incense of prayer fills the Father’s throne with a well-pleasing aroma. your life for others, just like your Jesus.
Partly burnt, partly eaten: A small memorial portion of the grain offering Thank You, Lord, I extend my soul to the hungry and satisfy
was burnt on the altar. The rest was eaten by Aaron and his sons (Lev.2:2-3,9- the afflicted soul. I do not forget to do good and to share, for
10). Jesus satisfied the heart of God by offering Himself and nourishes us with such sacrifices You are well pleased. I offer up spiritual
simultaneously. He is the only One who can fully satisfy God and man. In sacrifices acceptable to You because I am in Christ.
order to do this, He went through the fire of God.
Isa.58:10; Heb.13:16; 1.Pe.2:5
No leaven, no honey: There was no leaven or honey allowed in the grain

343 344
sent His Son to reconcile us to Himself (Ro.5:10). The chastisement for our
peace was upon Him (Isa.53:5). He offered Himself as a peace offering and
june 18 PEACE OFFERING IN CHRIST made peace between us and God. In Christ, you who were far away were
brought near to God. He broke the barrier between you and Israel and made
you one new man (Eph.2:14-15). In Christ, you have perfect peace with God
When his offering is a sacrifice of a peace offering, if he offers it of and man (Ro.5:1).
the herd, whether male or female, he shall offer it without blemish be- You are God’s peace offering: Like your Master, you became God’s
fore the Lord. peace offering in Christ. You stand in the gap between God and man (Eze.22:30).
For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has Your ministry is to reconcile the sinning world with the saving God. You are
broken down the middle wall of separation, thus making peace… For God’s ambassador of peace (2.Co.5:18-20). As His child, you are His peace
through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father (Lev.3:1; maker (Mt.5:9).
Eph.2:14,18). Relationship and fellowship: In Christ, you enjoy both relationship and
The peace offering is also known as fellowship offering or thank offer- fellowship with God. By the Blood of Jesus, you have eternal relationship with
ing. God, your Father (Jn.1:12). Nothing can change it, but fellowship is different
from relationship. Fellowship develops by deep communion and is marred by
Distinction: It is different from burnt offering or sin offering in that it
sin (1.Jn.1:3). The moment you sin, you have an advocate to plead peace
doesn’t deal with sin or atonement. It purely seeks peace and fellowship with
between you and God (1.Jn.2:1-2). Quick repentance and reliance on His cleans-
God. This is the only offering that is eaten both by the priest and the offerer
ing Blood restores your fellowship with your Dad (1.Jn.1:7-9).
(Lev.7:15). It denotes the offerer enjoys intimacy with God by sharing a feast
with Him. Special vows: To climb to the heights of God’s glory, you need to go
through the ladder of new and fresh vows and commitments. The Nazirites
In Christ, after your sins were forgiven and atoned for, you seek God’s
brought peace offerings as special vows unto God for special purposes (Nu.6:2-
fellowship and intimacy every day. You opened your heart to your Savior, and
21). Bible saints like Jacob, Hannah, David and Jonah made special vows
now you and God dine together (Rev.3:20). It is purely a spontaneous freewill
(Ge.28:20; 31:13; 1.Sa.1:11; Ps.56:12; Jon.2:9).
Praising lifestyle: To live in constant communion with God, you have
Peace offering regulations: Here, the offerer had to bring an animal
the privilege of continually praising Him. The peace offering calls for a life of
from the herd or a lamb from the flock. It could be male or female. God gave
praise and thankfulness (Lev.7:12). This is the very life breath of every new
the choice to the offerer as this offering primarily deals with the offerer and
creation. Christ’s life in you flourishes in the atmosphere of continuous praise.
his enjoyment. As in other cases, the offerer had to lay his hands on the head
In Christ, you are called to continually offer to God the sacrifice of praise, the
of the animal and kill it at the door of the Tabernacle of meeting (Lev.3:1-2).
fruit of your lips, giving thanks to His Name (Heb.13:15; Isa.57:19; Hos.14:2).
The blood was sprinkled against the altar on all sides and the fat of the inner
parts burned as a sweet, satisfying odor to the Lord. All the fat belonged to the Beloved, in Christ, you enjoy deep fellowship with God. Never allow sin
Lord, but the breast and the right thigh were given to the priests as their to mar the beauty of your communion with Him! Sin and fellowship can never
regular share (Lev.7:29-36). go together (Lev.7:19-21). Lean on the Lamb of God and His finished work.
Return to your first love and intimacy with your Bridegroom!
In Christ, you enjoy your peace offerings just as the offerer ate it. The
Lamb of God was slain and shed His Blood to bring perfect peace between you Thank You, Lord, You have reconciled me to Yourself through
and God. Just as the fat was offered to God as a pleasing aroma, you offer all Jesus Christ, and have given me the ministry of reconciliation.
your best to God to get all of His best. You were in Christ reconciling the world to Yourself, not imputing
their trespasses to them, and have committed to me the word of
Three reasons: People offered the peace offering for three reasons. One
reconciliation. Now then, I am ambassador for Christ, as though
is to thank God for His bountiful blessings and provisions. Another is in fulfill-
You were pleading through me. I implore men on Christ’s behalf,
ment of special vows. The third one is a free-will offering, something sponta-
“Be reconciled to God!”, because I am in Christ.
neously devoted to God (Lev.7:11-21).
Jesus, your Peace Offering: When we were still God’s enemies, He

345 346
Priests and The Priest: Just like the people, even the priests sinned
and brought the sin offering. Your High Priest never sinned and became
june 19 PRIEST'S SIN OFFERING your Sin Offering.
IN CHRIST Human priests sin and understand others’ problems. Jesus, the High
Priest, never sinned, but was tempted in everything just like you are, so He
If a person sins unintentionally against any of the commandments understands (Heb.4:15).
of the LORD in anything which ought not to be done, and does any of Human priest couldn’t help people to stop sinning, only atone for them.
them, if the anointed priest sins, bringing guilt on the people, then let Your High Priest helps you to stop sinning by imparting His holy nature to
him offer to the Lord for his sin which he has sinned a young bull without you (Ro.6:4).
blemish as a sin offering.
The sin of the anointed priest brings guilt on the people whereas the
But into the second part the high priest went alone once a year, holiness of your anointed Priest brings righteousness on His people
not without blood, which he offered for himself and for the people’s sins (2.Co.5:21).
committed in ignorance (Lev.4:2-3; Heb.9:7). Priests always needed to bring animal sacrifices for themselves or for
Under the Old Covenant, all kinds of people had to bring sin offerings others. Your High Priest became your Sacrifice. He is both your Priest and
for their atonement. It was the only way they could escape God’s righteous your Sin Offering!
wrath. Sin offerings are compulsory, unlike the other offerings. In Leviticus
Except in offerings for his own sins, the priest had to eat the sacrifices
4, we see a picture of the final sin offering, our Lord Jesus.
to partake of the sins of the offerer. Your High Priest partook of your sin,
God understands: As our most understanding Father, God knows man’s taking all your sins upon Himself and becoming sin for you.
tendency to sin and graciously provided a way out – the sin offering. He
Priests laid their hands on the sacrifice to transfer their sin on the animal.
knows there is no good thing in the flesh, and every inclination of man’s
Jesus need not transfer His sin, for He has no sin! He lays His hand on you
heart is evil, even from his mother’s womb (Ro.7:18; Ge.8:21; Ps.51:5).
to transfer His holy nature!
Therefore, He sent His only begotten Son to die as the eternal and all-
sufficient Sin Offering. The priests applied the blood of young bulls on the horns of the golden
altar of sweet incense to plead for his own sins. Your High Priest took His
In Christ, your spirit is holy and perfect, but your flesh and soul are not
own Blood to the Most Holy Place and sprinkled it on your behalf, not for
yet fully redeemed. God knows the struggle between your spirit and your
flesh (Ga.5:17). As your High Priest, Jesus sympathizes with your weaknesses
and made you righteous (Heb.2:17; 4:15). His Spirit helps you overcome all The priests poured the remaining blood on the base of the altar of burnt
fleshly tendencies to sin (Ro.8:13; Ga.5:16). Rejoice! offering, showing their humility and surrender. Your High Priest took the
very nature of a servant, humbled Himself and poured out His Blood on that
All are in need: The priests, the community, the national leaders and
most humiliating cross (Phil.2:5-9).
the common people had to bring their own sin offerings according to their
financial ability and the seriousness of their sin. If the priest or leader who is Beloved, is there any reason for you to live in guilt and condemnation?!
supposed to be the watchman for holiness sins, this demands a greater Is not His precious Blood enough for you?! Don’t you have the most
sacrifice, as his sin brings guilt on the people and causes them to sin (Lev.4:3; understanding, sympathetic, sinless High Priest?! Can’t you rejoice in His
Mal.2:7-8). That is why the priest had to bring a young bull and a leader a perfect atoning ministry in the very Throne Room of God?! Come on,
male goat, whereas common people could just bring a female goat or a celebrate TODAY!
lamb. Thank You, Lord, I do not have a High Priest who cannot
In God’s righteous eyes, all are sinners, irrespective of their position. sympathize with my weaknesses, but was in all points tempted
This pictures the New Testament truth, “All have sinned and fall short of the as I am, yet without sin. I am justified freely by Your grace
glory of God” (Ro.3:23). The good news is that all are made righteous by through Your redemption because I am in Christ.
God’s great and unique Sin Offering. Your God gave the Costliest Sacrifice Heb.4:15; Ro.3:24
for the least sinner, the Highest for the lowest!

347 348
All in all: The law required the priest to mediate between God and man.
The leaders of the community represented their community by placing their
june 20
SIN OFFERING IN CHRIST hands on the sin offering. The priest himself had to offer a bull for his own
sins. Jesus plays three roles here: As the Ruler of all nations, He took the
responsibility of all the nations on Himself (Lev.4:15; Jn.11:50-51). As the
If anyone of the common people sins unintentionally by doing Great Sacrifice, He died for the sins of all. As High Priest, He took His
something against any of the commandments of the LORD in anything Blood to the Most Holy Place. Indeed, all things consist in Him (Col.1:17).
which ought not to be done, and is guilty, or if his sin which he has He is more than enough for you for this life and for all eternity. Celebrate
committed comes to his knowledge, then he shall bring as his offering Him TODAY!
a kid of the goats, a female without blemish, for his sin which he has Blood-washed nations: The sin offering was provided for the whole
committed. congregation of Israel. The elders had to lay their hands on the young bull to
represent their community while the priests atoned for them all. In Christ,
Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own Blood He entire nations can be forgiven and washed. He not only died for individual
entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal sinners, He died for the sins of the whole world. The Blood of Jesus has
redemption (Lev.4:27-28; Heb.9:12). awesome power to wash entire communities and even nations. Revival history
The sin offering was brought for any unintentional sin. It deals mainly proves how God changed and cleansed nations. Stretch your faith for His
with the sins of commission. Ignorance is no excuse. Every sin must be atonement to sweep through entire communities! Change your nation by
brought to the light and dealt with. God is righteous, and He is love. His applying the power of His Blood. Intercede for the nations like Esther, Ezra,
righteousness demands blood for every sin. His love provided His own Son’s Nehemiah and Daniel. Join the Great Intercessor TODAY!
Blood as a provision for every sin. This is the mysterious blending of God’s Blood-washed national leaders: God has made provision for the sins
nature. of the national rulers (Lev.4:22). As the leader goes, so the nation goes. You
God never ignores sin but He also doesn’t want His people to live in must intercede for your national leaders, claiming the Blood of Jesus, as the
constant guilt and condemnation. This explains the many different blood priests interceded for them with animal sacrifices. High-ranking principalities
sacrifices required. and powers are assigned to misguide and corrupt our national leaders
(Eph.6:12). The ruler of this dark age with his wicked spirits aggressively
Kinds of sacrifices: The priests and the whole community had to bring works to destroy and defile our nations through them. That is why God
a young bull for a sin offering. A leader had to offer a male goat while an commands His Church to pray for kings, rulers and all those who are in
ordinary person had to bring a female goat or a lamb as soon as they authority so that our nations may be peaceful and godly (1.Ti.2:1-3). When
recognized their sins (Lev.4:14,23,28). Your sin is dealt with according to the demonic hold is broken over our leaders, they will quickly turn to Jesus
your knowledge of God’s Word, your calling, anointing and the sphere of and bring righteousness to the nation (Ac.13:6-12). Imagine, how blessed
your influence. When you know God’s will and fail to do it, you will be and prosperous our nations would be!
beaten with more stripes, but those who don’t know and do things deserving
punishment will be beaten less. To whom much is given, from him much will Beloved, Christ shed His precious Blood for every one of our national
be required (Lk.12:47-48). leaders. The power of His Blood can transform them into God’s holy servants.
In Christ, rise up and bless your leaders TODAY!
For the sins of the priest and the community, blood was sprinkled in the
Most Holy Place (Lev.4:7). For the sins of the common man and the leader, Thank You, Lord, You are the Lamb of God who takes
blood was sprinkled on the altar of burnt offering in the Outer Court. In away the sins of the world. You bore the sin of many, and
Christ, His most precious Blood was taken to the Most Holy Place, the very made intercession for the transgressors. You were wounded
Throne room of God. for my transgressions, You were bruised for my iniquities.
The chastisement for my peace was upon You, and by Your
Every time people, priests, or leader sinned, they had to offer sacrifices. stripes I was healed because I am in Christ.
In Christ, Jesus offered Himself for all sins for all eternity (Heb.10:10,14).
Just put your simple trust in His Blood and be washed! Jn.1:29; Isa.53:12,5

349 350
witnessing and worship, etc. Life in Christ never gives license for loose
living. Deception and fraud: All kinds of unfaithfulness concerning others’
june 21 property block the life of Christ in you (Lev.6:1-3). Total faithfulness to
TRESPASS OFFERING IN CHRIST everything entrusted to you is the mark of Christ’s life in you.
The moment someone became aware of having cheated God or man,
If a person commits a trespass, and sins unintentionally in regard he had to make restitution and add twenty percent of the value as a fine
to the holy things of the LORD, then he shall bring to the LORD as (Lev.5:15-16). In Christ, the message of restitution is still valid. The very
his trespass offering a ram without blemish from the flocks, with your Presence of Jesus convicted Zacchaeus to pay back four times the amount
valuation in shekels of silver according to the shekel of the sanctuary, he had stolen by cheating. That Presence lives in you now, demanding full
as a trespass offering. restitution to God and man (Lk.19:8).
Sin is serious: In God’s holy eyes, any sin is serious. It is sin that took
For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take
your Savior to the cross and spilled His precious Blood on this dirty earth.
away sins. Therefore, when He came into the world, He said: “Sacrifice Life in Christ hates and abhors even the smallest trace of sin. For a child of
and offering You did not desire, But a body You have prepared for God, even a hint of sexual immorality, impurity, greed, even foolish talk or
Me” (Lev.5:15; Heb.10:4-5). coarse joking should never be mentioned (Eph.5:3-4).
The great good news of the New Testament is that all your sins and Christ, the Trespass Offering: The trespass offering people brought
trespasses were atoned for by the perfect sacrifice of your Lord Jesus were birds or animals without blemish. This typifies your perfect, spotless,
(Heb.10:10,14). The author of Hebrews clearly portrays this life-changing holy Son of God (1.Pe.1:18-23; 2:22). Jesus, who knew no sin or guile, became
truth. All the offerings are nothing but illustrations of life in Christ. They are your sacrifice. The moment you accepted Him as your Savior, you became
copies of the heavenly things. Today, you enjoy the reality of those shadows holy and without blemish before God positionally (Eph.5:27). One day, you
(Heb.9:9,23; 10:1-4). will be presented to God blameless and holy (1.Thes.3:13). He is able to
Still, pondering those offerings will give you more light on life in Christ. keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before God (Jude 24).
The sin offering is explained more extensively here as trespass or guilt Just believe that you became blameless, and live accordingly!
offering. Trespass offerings were female lambs or goats, turtle doves or Beloved, you are the perfect child of the Perfect Father, a new and
pigeons, fine flour and the ram (Lev.5:6-7,11-12,15-18). fresh species altogether (Mt.5:48; 2.Co.5:17)! In Christ, you avoid even the
All trace of sin: Some specific sins are mentioned here as trespasses. appearance of evil. Whatever comes from doubt and unbelief is sin to you
Withholding the truth: When you know the truth about something or someone (Ro.14:23). Your Blood-washed conscience should never be tainted nor
and hide it where it should be told, it is sin. Touching any unclean thing: disturbed a bit. This careful guarding will release the rivers of life from your
Anything that makes you unclean in thought or word or emotions mars your spirit (Pr.4:23).
inner beauty. Rash vows: Any hasty promise or vow you make and fail to Thank You, Lord, I am elect according to Your
fulfill makes you guilty. foreknowledge, in sanctification of Your Spirit, for obedience
The moment a person was aware of his trespass, he had to confess it, and sprinkling of the Blood of Jesus Christ. I was not
bring the offering and seek the priestly atonement. Even as a new creation, redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from
you must allow the Holy Spirit to quickly convict you of any failure and my aimless conduct received by tradition from my fathers,
confess immediately, pleading the Blood of your Savior. You believe your but with the precious Blood of Christ, as of a Lamb without
High Priest is pleading for you in heaven, based on His own eternal atonement blemish and without spot because I am in Christ.
for you (Lev.5:4-6). 1.Pe.1:2,18-19
Some other sins even needed restitution. Violation concerning the Lord’s
holy things: Any unintentional violation of the Lord’s holy things brought
severe guilt (Lev.5:15). It could mean being careless with the things of God
like tithes and offerings, regular Bible study and prayer, time with God,
351 352
of the priestly garments speaks of Christ (Eph.4:24). You are fully clothed
with Christ’s nature, image, ability, authority, purity, power, dignity, and glory.
june 22
CONSECRATION IN CHRIST Even angels are watching you in admiration. Wow! What a glory!
Anointed for action: Moses poured the anointing oil on Aaron’s and
his sons’ heads and anointed their garments, the altar and all its utensils
And he poured some of the anointing oil on Aaron’s head and (Lev.8:10-13,30). In Christ, you are an anointed person. His anointing remains
anointed him, to consecrate him. Then Moses brought Aaron’s sons in you permanently (1.Jn.2:20,27). God’s unction and sacred appointment is
and put tunics on them, girded them with sashes, and put hats on upon you (Lev.8:27). The Spirit of the Lord is upon you and anointed you to
them, as the LORD had commanded Moses. preach the gospel, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty the oppressed, to proclaim
Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He the acceptable year of the Lord (Lk.4:18-19)!
called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also
Atoned for acceptance: To consecrate the priests, Moses presented
glorified (Lev.8:12-13; Ro.8:30). a sin offering, a burnt offering and a special consecration offering
The consecration of the priests paints beautifully the picture of you, the (Lev.8:14,18,22). The sin offering was to appease God, the burnt offering to
new creation. please God. Through Christ’s sacrifice, God is both appeased and well-
pleased with you. Now, you can come boldly to His Throne of grace
As Aaron and his sons were called and chosen by God, you were called (Heb.4:16). His Blood separated you for His noble service. Your mind, your
even before you were conceived (Jer.1:5; Eph.1:4). Moses did seven things work and your walk are sanctified by His sacrifice (v.23-24). Truly, you are
to the priests publicly on the day of their consecration. He called them into well-qualified (2.Co.3:5-6).
God’s Presence (Lev.8:1-5), washed them in water (v.6), clothed them with
all the priestly garments (v.7-9,13), anointed them with oil (v.10-12), offered Food for fellowship: The priests were commanded to eat the offerings
different kinds of offerings on their behalf (v.14-30) and made them eat holy right there in God’s Presence (v.31-33). In Christ, you are privileged to dine
food in God’s Presence (v.31-33). Thereby, he separated them for God’s with the Divine. When you opened the door of your heart, He came in to
holy service (v.33-36). All these seven things God did for you in Christ. dine with you (Rev.3:20). As Moses and the elders ate with Jethro in God’s
Presence, you eat and drink for His glory (Ex.18:12; 1.Co.10:31).
Called to glory: In Christ, you are foreknown and predestined by God
Almighty. He has called, justified and glorified you (Ro.8:30; Eph.1:5,11). Stay for service: These priests were commanded to stay at the tent
Before your parents could see and know you, God has seen and known you. of meeting for seven days and nights (v.34-35). Failure to do this would
In the eyes of God, you are already ordained, sanctified and even glorified. result even in death! God wants you to be His lover before you become His
Always see yourself as a glorified vessel for God’s honor. This will change laborer. He needs beloved people, not just busy people. Hot love is better
your self-image gloriously. than hard labor (Rev.2:2). Only those who linger in His Presence can labor
with power. In Christ, you are called to live and labor in His glorious Presence.
Washed to worship: As Moses washed the priests with water, your
Lord washed you with the water of God’s Word. You are thoroughly cleansed Beloved, rejoice in your high calling. The whole world is waiting for
and made holy to be presented before God (Eph.5:26). All your sins were your anointed service. The heavenly calling is upon your life. Live it out
washed away the day you were baptized in Him (Ac.22:16). His Word is TODAY!
constantly washing you from any defilement of daily life (Ps.119:9; Jn.17:17). Thank You, Lord, You foreknew me. You also predestined
Even the demons will recognize you as the holy one of God in Christ me to be conformed to the image of Your Son. You
(Mk.1:24). Since Jesus became your holiness, you are really a sanctified predestined, You called, You justified, and You glorified me
saint (1.Co.1:2,30). because I am in Christ.
Dressed for dignity: Just imagine the honor of the priests when the Ro.8:29-30
great leader Moses dressed and beautified every one of them in front of the
entire congregation! Christ, the Head of the Church, is decorating you with
heavenly garments. You are fully clothed with Christ Himself. Every piece

353 354
Intercede as His anointed priest: Aaron was commanded to make
atonement for himself and the people. His atonement and intercession
june 23
HEAVENLY FIRE IN CHRIST prepared the people for the glory cloud (Lev.9:21). In Christ, you became
God’s official intercessor (1.Ti.2:1-5). The Spirit of Christ in you is the Spirit
of intercession (Zec.12:10). Your High Priest is constantly interceding
And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of meeting, and (Heb.7:25). You are blessed with two mighty intercessors: One is interceding
came out and blessed the people. Then the glory of the LORD from the Right Hand of the Father, the other is interceding right from your
appeared to all the people, and fire came out from before the LORD spirit (Ro.8:26). When you faithfully intercede for others, the glory in you
and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When all the will begin to manifest freely. When the church intercedes for the nations,
people saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces. the glory of the Lord shall fill the nations. Oh! How we need priestly
Jesus… being the brightness of His glory and the express image
Be a blesser: Priests were authorized to bless others (Lev.9:22). After
of His Person, and upholding all things by the Word of His power, when finishing the offerings, Aaron lifted his hands toward the people and blessed
He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the them. This opened the gates of heaven to release the dazzling fire. In Christ,
Majesty on high (Lev.9:23-24; Heb.1:3). you are the priestly race to bless everything around you (Rev.1:6). Whoever
The day the priestly ministry began, God’s heavenly fire appeared before you bless is blessed indeed (Ge.12:3; Lk.6:28; Ro.12:14; 1.Pe.3:9)! You are
the entire congregation and consumed the offerings. People shouted for joy God’s fountain of blessings (Jas.3:10). Constantly bless your home, your
and fell down. Such manifestations are for you, too, if you believe. One of friends, relatives, neighbors, city, nation, even the world. Become a channel
the greatest privileges of the new creation is to enjoy God’s manifested of God’s blessing and glory in this life.
Presence perpetually. When the indwelling Christ begins to manifest through Join the anointed team: When Moses and Aaron blessed the people
you, all will see the dazzling, heavenly, consuming Presence of God. It’s together, God’s glory cloud came, not when Aaron blessed them alone
God’s will for you to walk in this level of glory all the time. From the ordination (Lev.9:23-24). Corporate blessing brings continuous glory. Do you believe in
of the priests we derive some secrets of releasing His indwelling glory. corporate anointing? Whenever God’s people gather, a special manifestation
Live in constant expectancy: Moses prophesied to all the Israelites of God’s glory is present (Mt.18:18-20). Are you a team person? That is the
and Aaron about the coming appearance of God’s glory, thereby creating way to live in constant manifestation of God’s glory. The entire book of Acts
expectancy in every one of them (Lev.9:4-6). In anticipation, they offered proves this again and again. The elders and apostles experienced Pentecost
all kinds of sacrifices. Expecting and coveting God’s manifestation is biblical. when they were together with one accord (Ac.2). They maintained this
You don’t have because you don’t ask or expect (Jas.4:2). All the Bible glory throughout their life and ministry by constantly keeping the unity of the
saints and others who experienced appearances of God, angelic visitations Spirit (Eph.4:3). That is why they filled their world with God’s dazzling
and the manifestation of the Spirit had intensely desired it. In Christ, you Presence. Learn this lesson today!
have free access to the heavenly visitations. When the Holy Spirit came Beloved, above all: Linger longer in God’s Presence! When Moses
down, the heavens were opened for you (Jn.1:51). Expect it! Long for it! and Aaron went into the tent of meeting and came out to bless, God appeared
Prepare for it! to all. Just then, the priests had been shut in with God for seven full days.
Trust the finished work of Christ: Aaron and his sons had offered The more time you spend in His glory realm, the more you shall release His
the sin offering, burnt offering, fellowship offering, and grain offering to glory! Start TODAY!
prepare themselves for God’s shekina glory (Lev.9:1-4). For you, the new Thank You, Lord, I shall see heaven open, and the angels
creation, Jesus, the Perfect Sacrifice, has finished everything for you to of God ascending and descending upon me. I believe in You,
have God’s smile upon you. By offering Himself, He perfectly cleansed all as the Scripture has said, and out of my heart will flow
your sins and guilt (1.Jn.1:9). He became your sin offering and has taken rivers of living water, for the Holy Spirit is given, because
away the barrier between you and God. The sins that hid His Face from you Jesus was glorified. The glory of the Lord shall be revealed,
have been eternally removed by His Blood, and the veil is removed (Isa.59:2; and all flesh shall see it together because I am in Christ.
2.Co.3:16). Now, you can freely see His glory with unveiled face (2.Co.3:16- Jn.1:51; 7:38-39; Isa.40:5
18). Claim your rights and enter into His manifestations!

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Ultimately, the fire will consume you. I tremble to see that these words came
june 24 from our Savior’s lips (Jn.15:1-8). When Christ came into your life, His life,
CONSUMING FIRE IN CHRIST the saltiness, came into you. Yet still, you can lose it and be thrown out (Mt.5:13).
Be on God’s side: Moses was a close blood relative to Aaron’s family.
Still, he stood on God’s side against sin and was zealous for God’s honor.
Then Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer Even Aaron and his other sons were commanded not to cry or mourn lest they
and put fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before the die (Lev.10:6). I can never understand how they were even asked to eat at
Lord, which He had not commanded them. So fire went out from the such juncture. God expected such high standard from them because of the
Lord and devoured them, and they died before the Lord. (Lev.10:1-2) anointing oil upon them. To be in Christ is totally siding with God against all sin
For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and softness towards it. In fact, the Levites were separated for the privileged
and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not service only because they killed their own family members for the sake of
obey the gospel of God? (1.Pe.4:17) God’s holiness and honor (Ex.32:27-28). In Christ, God expects you to live in
The first two sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, are a great warning for us. such level of God’s standards.
They were washed, clothed, anointed and consecrated for God’s service. They You are God’s priest and God’s household: The reason God was so
even stayed in God’s Presence for seven full days (Lev.8:33-35) They witnessed serious with His first priests was His trust and calling on them. The priests
God’s visible glory and offered all kinds of sacrifices. Still, the very first day alone could approach God’s Presence as mediators for this sinful world. Much
of their dedication became their death day. What a warning! was given to them, and much was expected from them. God’s house must be
Life in Christ is a life of great responsibility, too. The greater the glory, the kept totally free from sin and flesh. We can even infer that these sons were
greater the consequences if you fail. Let’s learn some important lessons from drunk (Lev.10:9). As God’s priest, you should avoid all outward stimulations.
the death of Nadab and Abihu. You are “intoxicated” only by God’s Spirit (Eph.5:18). You are God’s watchman
Man-made incense: These sons offered unauthorized fire before the for holiness!
Lord, contrary to His command. This strange and unholy fire caused the Under the New Covenant, God’s grace abounds much more where sin
consuming fire to kill them, still in their priestly garments. God showed Himself abounds (Ro.5:20-6:1). Still, God has not changed in any of His moral standards.
holy among those who approached Him! Their man-made fire speaks of life in Ananias and Sapphira lost their lives when they dared to step into the flesh and
the flesh. Whatever you do without the Holy Spirit is a strange fire. lied to the Holy Spirit (Ac.5:1-11). God’s judgment must begin in God’s house.
In Christ, you live in the dispensation of God’s grace and are protected Beloved, you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if the Spirit of God lives
from God’s wrath. Outside Christ, you are doomed to death. While rejoicing in you (Ro.8:9). Only failure to believe and appropriate this truth is the reason
over His grace, you cannot ignore His righteousness! There are only two kinds for your carnality. Jesus is full of God’s grace and truth. He lives in you! His
of life: Either you are in the flesh, or in the spirit (Ga.5:16). Life in the flesh grace made you immune to the power of sin! Sin shall not have dominion over
opens the door to all kinds of misery and leads to death (Ro.8:6). Life in the you (Ro.6:14)! Nadab and Abihu were not born again and lived under the Old
spirit gives life, peace and security. Covenant. You are living under God’s glorious New Covenant. His laws are
Whatever you sow you reap (Ga.6:6). Using your mind instead of seeking written in your heart and mind (Heb.10:16). You have a new heart, a new spirit
the mind of God is dangerous! Even praying and preaching with your soulish within you (Eze.36:26; Heb.8:10-13). There is no reason for you to face any
power is an abomination to God. of God’s judgments. Avail His grace! Live in His Spirit TODAY!
The possibility of missing: There is always a possibility of missing, Thank You, Lord, where sin abounded, grace abounded much
even for highly anointed people like Aaron’s sons. Life in Christ should not be more. What shall I say then? Shall I continue in sin that grace
a failure even a single day, but if you fail to constantly live in your “In-Christ- may abound? Certainly not! How shall I who died to sin live any
consciousness”, you can miss the mark. It is impossible for those who were longer in it? Sin shall not have dominion over me because I am in
once enlightened, tasted the heavenly gift, became partakers of the Holy Spirit, Christ.
if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance (Heb.6:4-6). Life in Christ Ro.5:20; 6:1-2;14
is like a branch, engrafted in the Vine, our Lord Jesus. If you fail to remain in
this fellowship, you become like a branch that is cut off from the sap of life.
357 358
you eat, what you drink, what you wear, where you stay, etc. This is enough
to bring tears of gratitude to your eyes.
june 25 HEALTH FOOD IN CHRIST Medically proven: I believe if the world strictly observed these laws,
there wouldn’t be a trace of sickness anywhere. The Gentiles who ate all these
prohibited things suffered from all kinds of sicknesses. God picked up His
For I am the LORD your God. You shall therefore consecrate people and gave them His health laws to rescue them from the sicknesses the
yourselves, and you shall be holy; for I am holy. Neither shall you defile Egyptians and others suffered (Ex.15). This explains why there was no feeble
yourselves with any creeping thing that creeps on the earth. person among the Israelites (Ps.105:37). If the Church would follow these
No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach’s directions purely because of health reasons, there wouldn’t be so much sickness
sake and your frequent infirmities (Lev.11:44; 1.Ti.5:23). in the Body of Christ today. Remember, life in Christ doesn’t ignore God’s
health laws.
God explicitly spoke to Moses and Aaron about the foods that were permitted Guidance in the eating habits: They that are led by the Spirit of God are
and forbidden. Of course, it was all attached to the ceremonial cleanliness or the children of God (Ro.8:14). The Spirit of God is willing to lead you even in
uncleanness. In Christ, this ceremonial aspect is totally ruled out. God has your eating habits. “He shall guide you into all truth” includes this also (Jn.16:13).
declared everything clean now (Ac.10:9-16; Ro.14:14). Jesus abolished this Your body is for your Lord, and your Lord is for your body (Jn.16:13;
law by saying, “There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can 1.Co.6:13). If you accept Him as Lord of your body, He will guide you and
defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that show you what is good or bad for your body.
defile a man” (Mk.7:15). In Christ, all food is consecrated by the Word of God
Before the fall, God gave vegetarian diet to His man (Ge.1:29). Afterwards,
and prayer (1.Ti.4:1-5). You are totally at liberty to eat anything and still be
He saw it necessary to add non-vegetarian diet to his menu (Ge.9:3). Thereafter,
holy and clean before God. Life in Christ is the most liberated life on this earth.
through Moses, He prescribed what should be eaten and what should be avoided.
Directions: Read the entire 13th chapter of Leviticus and admire the This shows God’s heart for your eating habits. God’s Spirit guided Paul not to
meticulous details God gave concerning their food. He talked about the animals, eat whatever might offend the weak in faith (Ro.14:14-23) The Lord who led
sea creatures, birds, flying insects and creeping things. Israel could eat any Daniel and his friends to eat vegetables and drink water will surely guide you to
animal that had a split hoof and that chewed the cut (Lev.11.3-8). The eatable the foods your body requires, and honor your obedience.
sea creatures must have fins and scales (Lev.11:9-12). He gave a list of the
Beloved, in Christ, your total life is under the care and protection of your
birds that should not be eaten (Lev.11:13-19). All flying insects that walk on
Creator. Your Jehovah Raphah, your Personal Physician, will gladly guide you
four legs were considered detestable.
into your healthy lifestyle for a vibrant life! His Spirit is constantly whispering
Avoiding infections: God was so concerned about His people that He in your spirit all things concerning your food, cleanliness, etc. Just stay tuned
commanded them not even to touch these prohibited creatures or their carcasses. to that voice and keep your body from infections and sicknesses. God not only
He even gave them clear directions how to wash and clean themselves if the dwells in you but also walks in every cell of your body to keep it healthy and
became contaminated in any way (Lev.11:24). If these carcasses fell on any pure (Ro.8:11). Listen to His food-directions even against your natural
articles, those had to be dipped in water until evening. If it was a clay pot, it preferences, and see the result!!!
had to be broken. The food or liquid the vessel contained was also unclean.
Thank You, Lord, I do not worry, saying, ‘What shall I eat?’
The seed was considered clean even if a carcass fell on it, but if water had
or ‘What shall I drink?’ or ‘What shall I wear?’ For after all
been put on the seed, it became unclean. See how even the possibility of the
these things the Gentiles seek. For You, my Heavenly Father,
germinating seed getting contaminated was avoided! God was concerned about
know that I need all these things. Your Spirit is guiding me into
washing the clothes, taking bath, shaving, washing the vessels, breaking the
all truth because I am in Christ.
pots to protect them against infections.
Mt.6:31-32; Jn.16:13
God’s care: However, the Creator knows what is best for His own people.
It is a medically proven fact that whatever God prohibited in His law is unhealthy
for our bodies. This shows the most loving and caring heart of God for you.
Your God is deeply concerned about every one of your minute details like what
359 360
His Sanctuary: Imagine, almost two months a woman was deprived of
entering God’s Presence and Sanctuary. In the Old Testament, for any sin or
june 26 CHILD BIRTH ATONEMENT uncleanness people were prohibited access to God’s Sanctuary. In Christ, you
IN CHRIST yourself are His living sanctuary where God’s Presence dwells! Christ has
washed you by His own Blood and made you His Sanctuary (1.Co.3:16). Both
This is the law for her who has borne a male or a female. And if men and women carry the same Presence of God. What a privilege!
she is not able to bring a lamb, then she may bring two turtledoves or Curse broken: Under the Old Covenant, atonement was needed even for
two young pigeons – one as a burnt offering and the other as a sin child birth. This reminded them of the sin of Eve, the mother of all living
offering. So the priest shall make atonement for her, and she will be beings, which brought the curse on all women. By the blood of the animal
clean. sacrifices and the prayers of the priest, she was forgiven and made holy. In
And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell Christ, even this curse was broken by His eternal atonement. Every believing
into transgression. Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if mother can claim this blessing and break her curse of child birth. Every pregnant
woman can claim Isaiah 66:9: “Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause
they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control (Lev.12:7-
delivery?” says the Lord. “Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?”
8; 1.Ti.2:14-15).
says your God”. Some have claimed their freedom from this curse and
experienced child births without pain (Ga.3:13). Now, child birth is a bliss and
God gave directions to His people even concerning child birth and
a blessing. In Christ, families celebrate the arrival of a child as a heritage and
cleanliness. Ever since the fall of man, child birth was considered a curse,
reward from the Lord (Ps.127:3)
uncleanness, and a cause for anxiety. The great birth pain was anticipated in
terror and fear (Ge.3:16). From the day of conception, the mother goes through Prosperity: This ritual reminds me of Mary’s poor status. Mary, the mother
lots of emotional, physical and psychological disturbances. Both in the Bible of Jesus, was so poor she couldn’t even offer a single lamb. She and Joseph
and in history, child birth often ended in the death of mother or child. A woman could bring only the poor-man’s offering of a pair of turtledoves or two young
in Christ is saved from this specific curse of Genesis 3:17 through child birth, pigeons to the Lord (Lk.2:22-24). Jesus became poor in His birth and had no
though she was already saved from sin when she accepted Christ as her Savior place even to lay His Head (Mt.8:20). He did this as your Substitute to make
(Ro.10:9-10; 1.Ti.2:14-15). you rich (2.Co.8:9). In Christ, the curse of poverty has no right over you!
Claim your riches TODAY!
Male and female baby: If a woman gave birth to a son, she was
considered unclean for one week, but if the baby was a female, she was Beloved, God is involved in every single detail of your life. Even pregnancy
unclean for two weeks. For a male baby, she had to go through thirty-three and child birth were connected to spiritual rituals in the Sanctuary. God doesn’t
days of purification, for a female baby, she had to wait for sixty-six days to be departmentalize spiritual things from your everyday life. He is concerned about
purified (Lev.12:5).and. In those days, she was not allowed to enter the your total life. In Christ, you have every right to claim the blessings of
sanctuary or to touch anything sacred (Lev.12:2-4). motherhood, child bearing, and all the family blessings. Don’t ever live below
your privileges! Cast away all unbelief and claim your blessed privilege of life
No more difference: Life in Christ has abolished this difference between
in Christ TODAY!
male baby and female baby. The law exalted manhood over womanhood, till
Christ came. In Christ, even that curse is broken, and now, both are equal in Thank You, Lord, children are a heritage from You, the fruit
the sight of God (Ga.3:28). Rejoice! of the womb is a reward. I have boldness to enter the Holiest
by Your Blood, by a new and living way which You consecrated for
Clean: Child birth was considered unclean. So, the sin offerings and
me. There is neither male nor female, for we are all one because
burnt offerings were needed to enter the Sanctuary after a woman’s purification.
I am in Christ.
In Christ, no mother is considered ceremonially unclean because of child birth.
The Blood of Christ made her clean. You need no longer remember the old sin Ps.127:3; Heb.10:19-20; Ga.3:28
of Eve every time a child is born! What a relief!

361 362
Contagious: Whoever was pronounced unclean had to stay outside the
camp. As a declared leper, he was not allowed to come near anyone to keep the
june 27 DIAGNOSING SKIN DISEASE entire community from getting infected. God is not only concerned about
IN CHRIST healing the sick but also about protecting His people from contagious diseases.
Even now, medical people counsel us not to move closely with people who
The priest shall examine the sore on the skin of the body; and if have contagious diseases.
the hair on the sore has turned white, and the sore appears to be In Christ, you can increase your immune power by increasing your faith
deeper than the skin of his body, it is a leprous sore. Then the priest and anointing. The Spirit who raised up Jesus from the dead is constantly at
shall examine him, and pronounce him unclean. work in you (Ro.8:11). Even poison lost its power over you (Mk.16:17-18).
Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; Yet, you are explicitly commanded to stay away from sinning believers and
be cleansed.” Immediately his leprosy was cleansed (Lev.13:03; Mt.8:3). perverted people (1.Co.5:11; Ac.2:40; 2.Co.6:14-18). Sin is the most dangerous,
contagious disease. Stay away from it!
God gave clear instructions about infectious skin diseases like leprosy No more rejection: The confirmed lepers had to wear torn clothes, keep
diagnosing techniques for the various types of skin diseases. their hair unkempt, cover the lower part of their face and cry out, “Unclean,
Diagnosing priest: People with swellings, rash or bright spots were unclean”. Imagine their utter hopelessness, total humiliation, damaged self-
commanded to go to the priest to be examined. After examination, the priest image and loneliness! In Christ, no sick person is rejected. Christ was moved
would declare them clean or unclean. If he was not sure, he would lock up the with compassion every time He saw the sick and affectionately touched the
infected person for seven days for proper diagnose. Whatever he pronounced lepers, declaring them healed (Mt.14:14). No matter how people look at you,
was the final word about their condition. In short, God’s priests were God’s your Jesus lives and moves in you with all His compassion, lovingly touching
physicians for His people. In those days, the heathen used to go to their priests, every cell of your body with His healing virtue. In Christ, let His love flow
the magicians, for their cure. God, the Great Physician, has appointed His through you to embrace even the most rejected, sick and needy people!
priests as His sub-physicians to take care of the health problems of His people. Pure garments: One should be wonderstruck to see God’s meticulous
In Christ, you are God’s priest. If you walk in the spirit, you can even care of even the garments of His people. Any contaminated woolen, linen or
diagnose the people’s sicknesses and their root causes. Jesus, the Great leather clothing had to be brought to the notice of a priest and isolated seven
Physician, lives inside of you. The Holy Spirit, the Great Healer, helps you days for inspection. If the destructive mildew was spreading, the priest had to
diagnose and heal. If you are under His sway, you can expect to diagnose and burn the garment. Otherwise, washing was enough.
cure any disease. You are a diagnoser and a healer in Christ. As God’s priest, See how God cares for your clothing! He wants you to be totally pure and
you have God’s authority to pronounce and declare healing to the sick. healthy in and out. He has given many directions about the clothing of His
The Creator’s knowledge: The entire 13th chapter of Leviticus gives the people (Lev.19:19; Dt.22:5,11; Mt.6:28-29). Celebrate His care!
most minute details for diagnosing various skin diseases. The One who created Beloved, your God clothes the lilies and the grass of the field! How much
the body has total knowledge of every intricate design of every cell of the more will He clothe you with the best! You are the most precious child of the
body. The worldly doctors may guess and infer, but this Creator-Healer knows King of the universe! You are God’s priest for the healing of the nations! Never
every detail accurately. The Church is yet to believe in this ability of God and again feel rejected!
to act on it. Times are coming where the multitudes will go to God’s people
instead of going to the doctors. Get ready! Thank You, Lord, these signs will follow me: In Your Name I
will cast out demons; I will speak with new tongues; I will take
Self-restoration: Just by keeping people in isolation, many times, they up serpents; and if I drink anything deadly, it will by no means
were healed. Without any medication, the sores disappeared (Lev.13:4-6). When hurt me; I will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover
people follow all the health laws of Jehovah Raphah, the healing virtue inside because I am in Christ.
their own body is activated, and the body is healed by its own self-restorative
powers. In Christ, how much more should you trust God’s restorative healing Mk.16:17-18
powers inside of you to restore your physical health and strength, healing all
363 364
problems. In Christ, you are God’s priest, representing God’s Kingdom
june 28 CLEANSING LEPROSY (Phil.3:20). Your High Priest has a heart of compassion for the afflicted. When
a leper was healed, the priest had to go outside the camp to certify his healing
IN CHRIST and do all the ceremonial procedures. Now, your High Priest came to seek and
save the sick and sinners (Lk.19:10). He doesn’t just acknowledge healing, He
And the priest shall go out of the camp, and the priest shall
Himself heals. He never pronounces anyone unclean or drives him away. In
examine him; and indeed, if the leprosy is healed in the leper, then
Christ, you share your High Priest’s nature.
the priest shall command to take for him who is to be cleansed two
living and clean birds, cedar wood, scarlet, and hyssop. In His earthly ministry, Jesus had a special heart for this cruel disease of
leprosy. He couldn’t tolerate the lepers being totally cut off from society, staying
And Jesus said to him, “See that you tell no one; but go your
outside the camp. Immediately after He healed them, He commanded them to
way, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses
go to the priest to make sure they joined the community (Mt.8:4). Once, like a
commanded, as a testimony to them” (Lev.14:3-4; Mt.8:4). leper, you were a stranger and a foreigner, cut off from God’s people. In
God not only instructed concerning diagnosing and pronouncing leprosy, Christ, you were brought near to share in the inheritance of His saints (Eph.2:12-
but also gave regulations for ceremonial cleansing after its healing. The diseased 13; Col.1:12). The sin that separated you from your inheritance was totally
person who stayed away from the camp had to be welcomed back to his cleansed and purged.
people. The glad news here is that even the confirmed, chronic disease could Dipped and delivered: The healed person brought two live clean birds
be cured by God’s power! There is no hopeless case with God! If you repent with cedar wood, scarlet yarn and hyssop. One bird was killed over fresh
and trust His healing power, there is always a glorious possibility of total water, the other was dipped in that blood and released to fly in the open fields
recovery. If people under the Old Covenant could be cured of the most cruel (Lev.14:4-7). This is a picture of Calvary. Christ Jesus, your Substitute, died
disease and restored back to normal life, how much more you, His New and shed His Blood on your behalf. You were dipped in His Blood and made
Covenant partner, should expect total restoration! free to fly in the heavenlies. Now, you are totally free from your disgrace, sin,
Sin and sanctification: The entire cleansing process in this chapter was sickness, curse and rejection. What a joy!
to acknowledge God’s healing. In the law, every sickness was treated as sin Washed in water: Just like that healed man had to wash his clothes,
and transgression. Like the sinner, the healed person had to bring a blood bathe in water and shave his hair, you are completely washed by the Blood, the
sacrifice to be atoned for. Sickness is the direct result of sin and must be Name and the Spirit of Jesus (Lev.14:8-9,11,25; 1.Co.6:11; Heb.10:22). A person
treated just like sin. It is a tragedy we tolerate sickness as something normal. who had a bath needs only to wash his feet. His whole body is clean (Jn.13:10).
This explains the prevalent sickness in the Body of Christ. Whenever you get contaminated, immediately go for a Word-wash (Eph.5:26).
Curse cancelled: In those days, leprosy was directly connected to sin Beloved, every time you feel estranged from God’s Presence, have a deep
and curse. When Miriam spoke against God’s anointed, she became leprous heart searching. Submit anew to God and His leaders. Confession and cleansing
(Nu.12:1-12). Gehazi became leprous because of his covetousness and hiding is the door to experiencing His manifested glory. Go in TODAY!
from his leader (2.Ki.5:19-27). King Uzziah became leprous when he became Thank You, Lord, I walk in the light as You are in the light.
proud and stepped out of his calling (2.Chr.26:16-21). Life in Christ never I have fellowship with others, and the Blood of Jesus Christ
gives license for sin. Every time you are afflicted with any kind of sickness, cleanses me from all sin. You have qualified me to be partaker of
better search your heart and make right with God and His leadership. Listening the inheritance of the saints in the light because I am in Christ.
to your Great Physician and His appointed leaders is a sure way of recovery 1.Jn.1:7; Col.1:12
Purifying priest: Under God’s government, His priests were His
representatives. People went to them for all kinds of sins, sicknesses and

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of this world (Isa.52:15). It’s your task to declare this Good News to the
june 29 CLEANSING CELEBRATION nations and bring them under His Blood.
Blood and oil: Another cleansing procedure was the application of the
IN CHRIST blood of the guilt offering on the lobe of the right ear, the thumb of the right
hand and the big toe of the right foot of the ex-leper. The priest then did the
Then the priest shall offer the sin offering, and make atonement same with the oil (Lev.14:14-18). Wherever the blood is applied, the oil
for him who is to be cleansed from his uncleanness. Afterward he accompanies it. Yes, the Blood is the secret of your anointing! His Blood
shall kill the burnt offering. And the priest shall offer the burnt offering cleanses you, His Oil equips you!
and the grain offering on the altar. So the priest shall make atonement
Note the three areas where blood and oil were applied. God wants you
for him, and he shall be clean.
to have Blood-washed, anointed ears to listen (Mk.4:24; Lk.8:18). As a
So Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But cleansed person in Christ, apply Blood and Oil in these three areas of your
where are the nine? Were there not any found who returned to give life. Keep your ears from anything that would make you negative, defiled
glory to God except this foreigner?” (Lev.14:19-20; Lk.17:17-18). and fearful. Let His Blood screen what you hear! Have anointed ears to
listen what the Spirit says (Rev.2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22). In Christ, you are
We continue our study on the cleansing of lepers. Sin and curse drove a blessed with hearing ears (Isa.50:4; Mt.13:16)! Every word you hear
person out of the camp. Once a leper was declared clean, he had to go influences your mind. As you think, so you are. All your battles are fought in
through some processes to rejoin his community. First, the healed person your mind. Shut your ears for anything that would tamper your new life.
came from outside into the camp. Then, he had to stay outside his own tent
for seven days of purification (Lev.14:8-9). On the eighth day, he came to Right thumb speaks of your works and achievements. Every one of
the sanctuary with his offerings and could finally enter his own home joyfully. your achievements must be Blood-washed and Spirit-anointed. Remember,
Imagine the joy of this reunion! In Christ, both your sin and its effect were it’s not by your might or by your power. Only by His Spirit you are cleansed
totally dealt with by His sacrifice, and you are transferred from death to life, and can achieve anything. Constantly check every one of your works whether
from hell to heaven, from darkness to light (Col.1:13; 1.Jn.3:14). There is no it is done in the flesh or in the spirit.
purgatory in Christ! You entered heaven the moment you came to Christ Right toe denotes your daily walk of life. Every one of your steps must
(Eph.2:5). You go from glory to glory to finally enter your eternal glory land. be cleansed and anointed. As God’s Asher, your foot is dipped in His anointing
Rejoice! Oil (Dt.33:24). Wherever you set your foot, you possess (Jos.1:3). Be a
Offerings: The healed person brought sin offering, burnt offering and Holy-Ghost-person in this sin-trodden world!
grain offering. By the sin offering, he humbly acknowledged that the cause Beloved, once you were a leper in spirit and in soul. By God’s great
for his sickness was sin, and the remedy for it was blood. By the burnt mercy, you are cleansed and taken into His home. Celebrate this great salvation
offering, he rededicated his entire life as a pleasing aroma to God in thankful and walk worthy of it TODAY!
response. By the grain offering, he expressed his heart-felt thanks to the Thank You, Lord, I have come to the Blood of sprinkling
One who healed him. Life in Christ should be a constant celebration of that speaks better things than that of Abel. You have given
gratitude for the great transformation of your life from the horrible leprosy me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to
of sin and sickness. speak a word in season to him who is weary. You awaken me
Sprinkled and purified: The atoning priest took the blood of the bird morning by morning, You awaken my ear to hear as the
and sprinkled it seven times to pronounce him clean. Sprinkling the blood is learned. My steps are ordered by You, and You delight in my
one of the main teachings of the Bible. Everything was sprinkled with the way because I am in Christ.
blood of the sacrifices (Lev.14:7,16,27,51-52). This is a foreshadow of your Heb.12:24; Isa.50:4; Ps.37:23
life in Christ. The moment you came to Christ, you were sprinkled and
purified with His precious Blood that speaks better things for you (Heb.12:24).
You were made clean from all your impurities and idols (Eze.36:25). Your
Messiah has not only sprinkled His Blood on you but also on all the nations

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have such regulations, but the principle of keeping the house clean is explicit
june 30 HOUSE CLEANSING here. Please pay attention to keep your house as God’s house! Don’t allow
sin or uncleanness, any questionable articles, provoking or stimulating things
IN CHRIST like pornography or drugs. Make sure there is no division in your home
(Mk.3:25; Lk.11:17). Remember, God dwells in your house, too! You can
And he shall cleanse the house with the blood of the bird and the never say, it’s my house, I can do whatever I like. In Christ, not only you, but
running water and the living bird, with the cedar wood, the hyssop, all your belongings are His.
and the scarlet. Then he shall let the living bird loose outside the city Blessed house: As you are blessed with every spiritual blessing in
in the open field, and make atonement for the house, and it shall be Christ, your house is also blessed. Every single article in your house is blessed.
clean. Jesus commanded His disciples to greet and speak peace to every house
they entered. How much more blessed is your house when He Himself
But whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ entered to dwell there! Since you dwell in His Shelter and Shadow, no harm
And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will or plague will come near your house (Ps.91:1,10). Every curse is broken in
return to you (Lev.14:52-53; Lk.10:6). your house. The atonement of Christ includes even the cleansing and blessing
As Lord and Owner of the Israelites, God was taking care of everything, of your house. Not the blood of a bird, but the precious Blood of the Son of
including the purity of their bodies and houses. God commanded Moses God is sprinkled on your house. Both you and your house are filled with
regarding cleansing the houses from mildew. Whenever the house-owner God’s glory and enjoy the heavenly blessing.
noticed this spreading mildew in a house, he had to inform the priest. The Beloved, your dwelling place is also God’s dwelling place. Let Him live
priest would order it to be emptied for seven days of inspection. If the mildew and move freely in every corner of your house to bless and purify everything
stopped spreading, the house was declared clean. If it had spread, he would in it.
take the contaminated stones outside the town, replace them with new stones Thank You, Lord, violence shall no longer be heard in my
and plaster the house. If the destructive mildew kept spreading even then, land, neither wasting nor destruction within my borders. I
the whole house had to be demolished. shall call my walls salvation and my gates praise. I am
If the house was cleansed of the mildew, the owner had to purify it by righteous, and my house will stand. In my house, there is
bringing two birds, just like in the cleansing of a leper. The blood of one bird much treasure and the voice of rejoicing and salvation because
was sprinkled on the house seven times. The other bird was released. By I am in Christ.
this, the priest made atonement for the house. Isa.60:18; Pr.12:7; 15:6; Ps.118:15
God owns your house: The Israelites were wandering in the wilderness
and staying in temporary tents. Then, the Lord gave them homes in Canaan.
They enjoyed houses they never built, gardens they never planted, and wells
they never dug (Dt.6:11). To show His ownership over the houses of His
people, God commanded the house-owner to go to the priest, God’s
representative, even in a case of mildew. Remember, it is God who gave
you a home. Every brick and wood of your house is His gift (Ps.113:9;
Pr.19:14). He wants your home to be a house of peace, purity and prosperity.
You are the tenant: God has entrusted you with a home as a good
steward (Lev.25:23-24). It’s your responsibility to keep it clean and neat.
You carry God in you. Wherever you move, God moves. In order to honor
and venerate His Presence in your home, you have to protect it from any
defilement, demons and deterioration. Even the mildew on the walls was
taken serious under the law. Of course, under the New Covenant, we don’t

369 370
rosy, discharges and issues of blood. Even in the earthly walk of Jesus, He
healed leprosy and issue of blood to prove that He cleanses the unclean
july 1
CLEANLINESS IN CHRIST forever (Mt.8:2-3; 9:20-22). In Christ, whatever you touch is cleansed and
purified! Just like Jesus, whomever you touch is healed and purified, and
whoever touches you shall receive God’s cleansing power because His vir-
This is the law for one who has a discharge, and for him who tue flows from you. See God’s humor! In Christ, you discharge God’s power
and purity! Under the law, if the person with a discharge spat on someone,
emits semen and is unclean thereby, and for her who is indisposed
that person became unclean (Lev.15:8). In the Lord, even when you spit,
because of her customary impurity, and for one who has a discharge, your saliva can heal and bless (Mk.7:33-35; Jn.9:6-7)!!! You are a “Jesus-
either man or woman, and for him who lies with her who is unclean. super-person”!
I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, And Under the law, not only the Covenant people but also the anointed priests
they shall be My people. Therefore, Come out from among them and had to go through all this separation and ceremonial cleansings when they
be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will were defiled by leprosy or discharge (Lev.22:4; Nu.5:2). Their prized posi-
receive you (Lev.15:32-33; 2.Co.6:16-17). tion or the anointing oil didn’t exempt them from being unclean. This warns
One cannot but admire the deep care of God for every minute detail of you to keep your body clean and holy as a vessel of purity and honor
life. This chapter talks about the uncleanness of discharge and issue of (1.Thes.4:4). If you have already defiled your life, trust the atoning Blood
blood. The main lesson to learn here is to keep even your body clean and and cleanse your conscience from every dead work (Heb.9:14)!
neat. The man who had a discharge was declared unclean (Lev.15:1-18). Discharge or leprosy were treated and even pronounced as a curse.
Likewise, the woman who had her regular monthly period or some dis- David cursed Joab and his entire household with a curse of discharge or
charge was declared unclean (Lev.15:19-30). Whatever they touched as leprosy because of the innocent blood he shed (2.Sa.3:26-29). Thank God,
well as whatever touched them became unclean. After the discharge stopped, all such curses are nullified on the cross because of your beloved Lord who
they had to observe seven days of ceremonial cleansing (Lev.15:13,19,28). became a curse for you (Ga.3:13)! Discharge and over-bleeding could mean
On the eighth day, they had to bring two doves or two young pigeons for sin all kinds of venereal diseases. The curses of AIDS, painful and disorderly
and burnt offering for their atonement (Lev.15:14-15,29-30). menstruation, and all the uncountable venereal diseases were broken on the
Because the Tabernacle of meeting was in the camp, everybody had to cross. Claim these blessings and cleanse and heal your people as God’s
be clean and pure. In Christ, God dwells in you. How much more you have atoning priest, just like your Master!
to walk in this consciousness to keep yourself clean in and out! The more Beloved, before cleansing a house from such curses, find out if there
you become a “God-inside”-conscious person, the more you care for purity has been bloodshed, hatred or revenge, and confess it as a sin, even if it
and cleanliness, even in your body (2.Co.7:1). happened generations ago. Then plead the holy Blood of Jesus and cleanse
In Christ, physical defilements are not the main focus. Sin, the root of the house and your land from any curse. Invite Jesus to dwell there TO-
all uncleanness, was dealt with already on the cross. You are no more de- DAY!
filed or unclean in Christ. Thank You, Lord, I have purified my soul in obeying the
And yet, remember, whatever comes from your flesh and soul is un- truth through Your Spirit. I know how to possess my vessel
clean! If your heart is not purified by His Blood, everything that comes from in sanctification and honor. I will be a vessel for honor,
it will defile you (Mk.7:20-21). Thank God, your heart is purified by the sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every
Blood, and your spirit is made alive by the infusion of Jesus’ life! Now, the good work because I am in Christ.
rivers of clean thoughts, sexual morality, integrity, love, fidelity, generosity, 1.Pe.1:22; 1.Thes.4:4; 2.Ti.2:21
goodness, honesty, decency, bigheartedness, positive speaking, humility and
wisdom flow from you. All these good things come from within and purify
you (Mk.7:20-23)!
The atoning work of Jesus broke all the curse and uncleanness of lep-

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Christ, you are God’s holy temple, totally purified and sanctified by His own
july 2 Blood.
FEAST OF ATONEMENT Lest you die: Aaron was not allowed to enter His Most Holy Place at
IN CHRIST his discretion lest he die (Lev.16:2). Even on the Day of Atonement there
was no guaranty whether he would come out alive. People stood outside in
“This shall be an everlasting statute for you, to make atonement suspense, listening to the sound of the bells around the hem of his robe, to
for the children of Israel, for all their sins, once a year.” And he did as make sure he was still alive. Even a minute negligence would cause death.
the LORD commanded Moses. In Christ, you live and move and have your being in God Himself (Ac.17:28).
For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not Intimacy with God is not dangerous to you, but keeping a distance is perilous
the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, (Heb.10:38-39).
which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach Two goats: Two goats were presented before the Lord. One was for
perfect. (Lev.16:34; Heb.10:1) sin offering, the other for a scape goat (Lev.16:7-10). After making atonement
The great Day of Atonement was a yearly national holiday for all the with the blood of the goat, Aaron laid his hands on the head of the live goat.
Israelites. On that day, all the people afflicted themselves with fasting and He confessed all the sins of Israel over it, thereby putting them on the head
penitence and were not allowed to do any work (Lev.16:29-31). of the goat. Then he sent it away into the wilderness (Lev.16:20-22). This
In Christ, the Great Atonement of your Savior became your daily speaks of the double blessing of your atonement.
celebration. Instead of afflicting your soul, you exult in your Savior. The These two goats represent both Christ’s death and resurrection. He
very day of fear, trembling and humiliation for the Israelites became your died as a sin offering, purging all your sins. Like the scape goat, He carried
day of faith, joy and exaltation (2.Co.2:14; Ga.6:14). What a life! away all your sins and reproach outside the camp (Heb.13:13). He rose
Every day: The very day Nadab and Abihu entered God’s Presence, again to give you new life, totally destroying the old sin-nature (Ro.6:2-4,6).
they were killed. So God warned the other priests to approach Him with But for Christ, the Scape Goat, your sins and rebellions would have driven
reverence and fear. He strictly restricted the entry into the Most Holy Place you to the wilderness (Ps.68:6; Rev.18:2).
to once a year (Ex.30:10: Lev.16:34; Heb.9:7). In Christ, you live in God’s Thank God, your Jesus became your scape goat and even went into the
Presence every day, every second of your life. In fact, you yourself have abyss for you (1.Pe.3:19)! Now, all your sins are not only forgiven but also
become God’s Most Holy Place where He dwells in all His glory (Eze.48:35; removed from you as far as the east is from the west (Ps.103:12; Isa.53:11;
1.Co.3:16; Col.1:27; 2:9-10; 3:3). Jer.31:34; Mic.7:19; Heb.8:12; 10:17). This is the great good news of the
Every one: Only the high priest was allowed to enter the Most Holy Gospel.
Place, others couldn’t even peep in. People could only stand at a distance in Beloved, the atonement of Christ is a great feast for you, not fearful
the Outer Court with much trembling and consciousness of their sin and trembling. The Most Holy Place is the most exciting place for you. God’s
unworthiness (Ex.20:21). In Christ, every believer has free access to God’s Presence is your great delight. Your mourning is turned into dancing in Christ.
glory without any partiality (2.Co.3:17-18). Your High Priest has broken the Come boldly to the throne of grace and obtain mercy and find grace to help
veil between the Holy and the Most Holy Place and entered the very Throne in time of need (Heb.4:16). Get rid of your sin-consciousness and celebrate
Room of God once for all (Heb.9:11-12). Son-consciousness TODAY!
With imperfect blood: On the Day of Atonement, Aaron entered the Thank You, Lord, You are merciful to my unrighteousness,
Most Holy Place with the blood of goats and a ram for sin- and burnt offerings and my sins and my lawless deeds You remember no more.
for his own sins, his family’s sins and for the sins of the Israelites Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with Your own
(Lev.16:11,17). Only by sprinkling blood on the Ark of the Covenant, he Blood You entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having
could save himself and the people. In the New Covenant, your Savior entered obtained eternal redemption. You are the Mediator of the
the Most Holy Place with His own Blood for your perfect atonement New Covenant, and I receive the promise of the eternal
(Heb.9:13-14). His Blood even purged every remembrance of your sins. inheritance because I am in Christ.
Even the Most Holy Place had to be sanctified with blood (Heb.9:22). In Heb 8:12; 9:12,15

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Mammon: Don’t ever dare to live and toil for the mammon of this
world. In Christ, you have a new Master! He deserves and demands all
july 3 your devotion and commitment. He is your Treasure on whom your heart is
NO FELLOWSHIP WITH DEMONS fixed. In Christ, there are no two masters for you! You cannot serve God
IN CHRIST and Mammon. The moment you love money, you literally hate and despise
They shall no more offer their sacrifices to demons, after whom your Master (Mt.6:19-24)! Serving money is serving the prince of this world,
they have played the harlot. This shall be a statute forever for them satan himself (Jn.14:30). How serious!
throughout their generations. World: You are now God’s Tabernacle and tent of meeting. You are
Rather, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice totally separated and picked out of this world. You are His living sacrifice!
to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship You don’t love this world any more (1.Jn.2:14). Friendship with the world is
with demons (Lev.17:7; 1.Co.10:20). enmity towards God. Loving the world is adultery in God’s eyes and hurts
His heart (Jas.4:4).
Whatever is not totally offered to God is actually offered to demons.
This is the shocking truth for every child of God. Either you are the Lord’s, Man-pleasing: Pleasing men disqualifies you from being a servant of
or you are the demon’s. There is no other way. Heed this warning from God (Ga.1:10). Stop trying to win the approval of men! Stop trying to please
Leviticus 17! men! Be a God-pleaser all the days of your life (Pr.22:4)!
The Israelites were strictly prohibited to sacrifice animals anywhere Time and energy: Don’t offer your time and energy in any other
except at the door of the Tabernacle (Lev.17:3-4). Failure to sacrifice there place than at the altar of God. Your every minute belongs to Him! Your
would cut them off from the Covenant people. Till then, people were offering times are in His hand (Ps.31:15). You cannot peddle with it as you like. The
their sacrifices in the open field. After God established His dwelling place in time and energy you don’t spend for God is actually spent for demons! In
their midst, all the offerings had to be brought to His Tabernacle (Dt.12:5- Christ, whatever you have comes from the Lord, and whatever you do is for
7,11). Offering in any other place was considered idol worship and offering the Lord.
to demons. This was direct prostitution against the Lord. All the sacrifices Home folks: Whatever relationship is not offered to God is taken over
were offered to God as burnt offerings or fellowship offerings, as a pleasing by the demons. If your children are not nursed and nurtured for God, you
aroma to the Lord (Lev.17:6-9). actually sacrifice them to Molech (Ps.106:38). If you love your father, mother,
You are God’s Tabernacle, and everything you have is articles of God’s brothers, sisters, children or lands, even your spouse, more than your God,
Tabernacle. Using these articles for anything else than God’s purposes and you sacrifice them to demonic powers (Mt.10:37)! This list applies to every
glory is worshipping outside the Tabernacle and considered worship to demons area of your life like education, job, finances, health, leisure time, hobbies,
and idols. This cuts you off from your new creation-privileges (Heb.6:4-12)! sports, food habits, fashion and all your belongings.
You belong to God – not to your own self, your family, or the world and its Beloved, as the Israelites brought their sacrifices to the Lord, to the
riches and requirements. The moment you accepted Jesus, you became His priest and to the Tabernacle, you belong to your God, His ministers and His
temple and His home (1.Co.3:16; 6:19; 2.Co.6:16-18). Every bit of you is Church (Lev.17:5; 2.Co.8:5; Col.1:24). In Christ, you are both His temple
offered to Him, wholly and holy. and His sacrifice. There are no compartments in you, you are wholly His
Your own self: Your own thoughts, understandings and ways will lead holy habitation. You are not an open field where anyone or anything can
you to demon worship. Even the best of your ideas will lead you astray. freely trade. Crown Him as your Lord of everything TODAY!
Ezekiel warns you that doing your own thing will even defile your land Thank You, Lord, I am Yours, and I have crucified the
(Eze.36:17). You are His worshipper, not by your good thoughts, but by your flesh with its passions and desires. I am not my own. I was
God-thoughts! bought at a price. Therefore I glorify You in my body and
Your body: Your body is bought by His precious Blood (1.Co.6:12-20)! in my spirit, which are Yours. I will not have fellowship with
So it must be offered as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God (Ro.12:1). demons because I am in Christ.
If a member of your body is not under the Lordship of Christ, it’s already Ga.5:24; 1.Co.6:19-20;1.Co.10:20
under the dominion of demons!

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the blood of the Old Covenant, purging the sins of the whole world ((Jn.1:36;
july 4 Heb.12:24). Trust and venerate His atoning Blood TODAY!
SACRED BLOOD IN CHRIST Separating Blood: Not eating blood separated the Israelites from all
the other nations. The Gentiles were rejected by God because they didn’t
value the blood. They even drank blood during their rituals of idol worship,
And whatever man… who eats any blood, I will set My face against but “Thus says the Lord GOD: ‘You eat meat with blood, you lift up your
that person who eats blood, and will cut him off from among his people. eyes toward your idols, and shed blood. Should you then possess the land?’”
For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon (Eze.33:25). Eating blood is directly connected to idol worship and even
the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that satanism. In Christ, His Blood separated you wholly for Him. You have
makes atonement for the soul. nothing to do with demons now!
…abstain from things offered to idols, from blood, from things Power Blood: Even today, witches and satanists drink blood to acquire
strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from more power for their evil acts. By offering blood to the idols, the pagans
increase the powers of their gods. Deliverance ministers witness demon-
these, you will do well (Lev.17:10-11; Ac.15:29).
possessed people cutting their own bodies and drinking their blood to renew
Blood was the most sacred thing for an Israelite. Right from Noah, God the power of their indwelling demons. How much more the Blood of Jesus
commanded them not to eat any blood (Ge.9:4). Here in Leviticus, God Christ renews your zoe-life and gives you the strength of a wild ox (Nu.23:22;
made it even more serious. He would set His Face against those who ate 24:8)! Through His Blood and His zoe-life, you receive the very strength of
blood, and cut them off from His community (Lev.17:10). Whenever an God to pull down the strongholds of the enemy and goar the nations to the
animal or bird was killed, the blood had to be completely drained out and ends of the earth (Dt.33:17).
covered with earth (Lev.17:13). People were unclean when they ate anything Beloved, your God has esteemed the Blood of His Son very highly.
that died a natural death or was torn by wild animals (Lev.17:15-16). This Never dare to insult the Blood of His covenant that sanctified you
rule applied not only to the Israelites but even to the alien living among them. (Heb.10:29)! Constantly thank God for the priceless Blood and its atoning
In Christ, the Blood of Jesus is the most precious and sacred thing for power! Receive more of His zoe-life by taking communion and exalting His
you. Your revelation of His Blood decides how far you enjoy your life in Blood! Celebrate the Blood, sing the Blood, shout the Blood, preach the
Christ. Lack of knowledge about His Blood cuts you off from God’s zoe life Blood, plead the Blood, and set the nations free!
flowing in and through you (Jn.15:5). Thank You, Lord, for the Blood of the New Covenant
The Zoe-Blood: The life of every living thing is in the blood which is shed for many for the remission of sins. In You I
(Lev.17:11,14). Life is precious before God and man, even the life of a little have redemption through Your Blood, the forgiveness of
bird (Mt.10:29; Lk.12:6). Since God values blood so highly, bloodshed and sins, according to the riches of Your grace. I abstain from
murder are some of the most serious offenses to Him. In Christ, the spotless, things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled,
precious Blood of Christ is highly valued before heaven and hell. The very and from sexual immorality because I am in Christ.
zoe-life of God is in His Blood! Though you are forbidden to eat the blood of Mt.26:28; Eph.1:7; Ac.15:29
any living thing, you are welcome to drink the Blood of your precious Savior
(Mt.26:28; Jn.6:53-57). The moment you trusted His Blood, all the life of
God flooded into your spirit. Now, you became a partaker of His abundant,
overflowing life (Jn.10:10).
Atoning Blood: Eating blood was also prohibited because it was used
for atonement of sins (Lev.17:11). The animals were sacrificed as substitutes
for the sinner. In Christ, animal blood is no longer needed for atonement.
You have redemption through His Blood! Your sins are forgiven, and you
are set free (Eph.1:7)! The Blood of His New Covenant is far better than

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example, Abraham married his half-sister which was later strictly prohibited
in the law (Ge.20:11-12; Lev.18:11). Ruben slept with his father’s wife and
july 5
SEXUAL PURITY IN CHRIST brought himself under a cruel curse (Ge.35:22; 49:3-4; Lev.18:8). Even under
the New Covenant, this was still severely condemned (1.Co.5:1). Jacob
unlawfully married two sisters and suffered many strives (Ge.29:15-30:24;
Do not defile yourself by having sexual intercourse with your Lev.18:18).
neighbor’s wife... Do not practice homosexuality; it is a detestable Illegal sex: All kinds of adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism and bestiality
sin. are terrible sins against God (Lev.18:20,22-23; Ex.20:14; 22:19). Even inside
the marital relationship, there are some restrictions to be considered. For
For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should
example, sex during your wife’s menstruation is prohibited (Lev.18:19).
abstain from sexual immorality (Lev.18:20,22, NLT; 1.Thes.4:3-4).
God-approved sex: Sex within marriage is the only sex God approves.
God’s laws concerning sexual relations assert His lordship over our Your marriage partner is your own cistern and well. You are blessed only if
bodies. He starts His instructions, affirming, “I AM the Lord your God. You you drink water from it. You are not allowed to have sex with anybody else.
shall observe My judgments and keep My ordinances, to walk in them: I am In fact, you are commanded to rejoice in your marriage partner and be
the LORD your God” (Lev.18:2-3). The entire chapter of Leviticus 18 deals satisfied and enraptured only with your partner (Pr.5:15-20). This brings
with the people involved, right and wrong use, and proper timing of sexuality. God’s smile, favor and blessings upon your life and family.
The Bible speaks a lot about sexual sins, its consequences and the way to
Beloved, gladly accept the Lordship of Christ over your sexuality. He is
keep your sexual life holy and pure to bless both God and men. This shows
the Lord of all – or He is not Lord at all! Hand over your sexual desires and
that God is deeply involved in every area of your life, including your sexual
struggles into His caring Hand. Invite the Holy Spirit to rule and reign also
over this area of your life. Make Him the President of your life, not just a
Author of sex: The very idea of sex originated in God’s heart. As the resident! In Christ, you can walk in the Spirit, and not fulfill the desires of the
Creator of the human body, He created the sexual drive. Even before sin flesh (Ga.5:16). Sin shall not have dominion over you because you are under
entered, Adam and Eve were blessed with sexual drive and pleasure. God grace (Ro.6:14)! Take dominion TODAY!
gladly blessed them to procreate after their own kind (Ge.2:28). When satan
Thank You, Lord, I drink water from my own cistern,
entered, the sexual instinct was greatly perverted. The Creator Himself
and running water from my own well. I don’t let my fountains
taught us how to enjoy the blessings of sexuality and escape the horrible
be dispersed abroad, nor my streams of water in the streets.
consequences of its misuse. Jesus validated proper sex by manifesting His
They are only my own, and not for strangers with me. My
glory for the very first time at a wedding (Jn.2:1-11). Even now, the Holy
fountain is blessed, and I rejoice with the partner of my
Spirit is deeply concerned about your sexuality. Any form of misuse affects
youth. I walk in the Spirit, and I will not fulfill the lust of
His tender heart and your relationship with Him (1.Thes.4:8).
the flesh because I am in Christ.
Manager of sex: God also regulates and manages your sexual instincts
Pr.5:15-18; Ga.5:16
properly. He is the Creator and Owner of your body. He paid a tremendous
price to purchase and own your body (1.Co.6:20). In Christ, your body became
God’s property, even a member of His Body. You are accountable to Him
for every use of your body (1.Co.6:13-15). Now, He dwells in your body
and made it His holy sanctuary. You have no right to play with it as you
please for any sensual pleasure.
Regulations for sex: As director of your sex life, God gives a long list
of ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’ of sexual relations. For example, sex is prohibited
between close blood relationships. Until God clearly pinpointed unlawful
sexual relations, incest was common, even among His covenant people. For

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out of their land. Sexual sin not only defiles you but also your family, your
surroundings, even your very land! As a little yeast works through the whole
july 6 SACRED SEXUALITY batch of dough, these sexual sins quickly defile your entire surroundings. Never
IN CHRIST think they only affect your life. David’s sexual sin affected his generations and
the whole nation (2.Sa.11:2-5; chapter 13-16). In spite of God’s grace and
Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these love, even the Old Covenant people were driven out of their inheritance because
the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you. For the land of their abominations. God raised up sixteen judges to deliver them from seven
is defiled; therefore I visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it, and the servitudes. Even under the New Covenant, the immoral believer was handed
land vomits out its inhabitants. over to satan for the destruction of his flesh (1.Co.5:5). God is not obligated to
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom bless you and keep you in your inheritance, no matter what you do!
of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor Know the consequences of unlawful sex: Your heart will tremble at the
adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites… will inherit the Kingdom severe consequences of sex outside marriage. The penalty for all sexual sins is
of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you nothing but death. It is so severe that both the one who induced the sin and the
were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus victim had to be put to death so that there might be no wickedness among
and by the Spirit of our God (Lev.18:24-25; 1.Co.6:9-11). God’s people (Lev.20:10-21). Any sexual immorality is sin against your own
We have seen how God directs and manages even the minute details of body and destroys your own soul (1.Co.6:18; Pr.6:32-33). Many mighty men
our sexual life. God not only warns, but also shows the way to keep this God- were brought down by this sin and led to the chambers of death like an ox
given instinct from ruining our lives. goes to the slaughter (Pr.7:22-23,26-27). Remember, even in Christ, you cannot
remain in God’s favor when you practice the same soul-damaging sins of the
Sexual sin is for the pagans, not for you in Christ: All kinds of sexual
pagans around you. Even under the New Covenant, God avenges all sexual
sin and perversion are the mark of paganism. The first step to victory over any
sins, and the wrath of God comes upon those who practice them (1.Thes.4:6;
sin is to see its seriousness. The fallen nature always finds excuses to justify
Col.3:5-6). Both under the law and under the grace, God and His holy principles
sins, but God gives no chance to excuse yourself in these sexual sins. In fact,
are not changed. Please don’t be deceived (Ga.6:8)!
God’s main reason for rejecting the Egyptians, the Canaanites and all the pagans
is their perverted sex life. In order to raise up a pure generation out of this Beloved, life in Christ will not give you license to do what is forbidden in
sexual abomination, God delivered a people from Egypt, brought them to Canaan the law, but gives ample provision to escape from corruption (1.Co.10:13;
and drove out the heathen nations before them. God strictly commanded them Ga.1:4; 2.Pe.1:4). If you have failed in this area, run to the Throne of grace
not to do according to the sexual practices of the Egyptians from where they with boldness and receive His grace and mercy to overcome this sin (Heb.4:14-
were delivered, nor of the Canaanites where they were going to dwell (Lev.18:3). 16). Your sympathetic High Priest is pleading on your behalf for your total
The New Testament clearly says, passionate lust is for the heathen who do not restoration. People under the Old Covenant were struggling with their old nature
know God (1.Thes.4:5). Sexual sin belongs to your old nature, not to your and failed miserably. In Christ, you are saved from this wicked generation and
new nature in Christ (1.Co.5:1-2; Col.3:5-7). In Christ, sexual immorality or their wicked sexual sins (Ac.2:40). You have God’s new nature in you, from
impurity goes completely against your new nature. It actually makes you worse where you can draw His holiness! The great Holy Spirit lives in you as your
than a pagan (Eph.5:3)! mighty Helper in your infirmities (Ro.8:13,26). You are more than a conqueror
even in this sexual area (Ro.8:37). Rise up TODAY!
Accept His Lordship even over your sex life: God delivered His people
to bring them under His total Lordship and His moral principles. He is holy, and Thank You, Lord, no temptation has overtaken me except
He expects His people to be holy (1.Pe.1:16). Anyone who yields to his vile such as is common to man. But You are faithful and will not allow
animal nature declares his own flesh to be his lord. He blatantly rejects the me to be tempted beyond what I am able, but with the temptation
Lordship of Christ over his life. He even rejects God Himself (1.Thes.4:8). In will also make the way of escape, that I may be able to bear it.
Christ, your body is for the Lord, and the Lord is for your body (1.Co.6:13). You gave Yourself for my sins, that You might deliver me from
Don’t condemn yourself. Trust the victorious Lord who lives in you! this present evil age. I am partaker of the divine nature, having
escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust because
Possess your inheritance in Christ: All sexual sin cuts you off from
I am in Christ. 1.Co.10:13; Ga.1:4; 2.Pe.1:4
enjoying your inheritance. The nations that practiced these sins were vomited

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allowed (Lev.19:16-18). In Christ, love is your nature. You are love personified,
just like your Savior. You can even love your enemies as Christ loved you. Your
july 7 UNCHANGING PRINCIPLES love covers a multitude of sins (1.Pe.4:8). God’s love so much filled your
IN CHRIST heart and emotions that there is no room for hatred. 1st Corinthian 13 is inbuilt
in your new nature and flows out spontaneously. You don’t strive to love, you
Speak to all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say to simply trust God’s love to flow through you.
them: ‘You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy’. Separation: This is a hallmark of your life. God distinguished the Israelites
As He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, from others and made them peculiar people (Ex.19:5). Their food habits,
because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy” (Lev.19:2; 1.Pe.1:15-16). Sabbaths, cleanliness, even their hairstyle and fashion were completely different
All the laws of the Old Testament are fulfilled in Christ. Yet, the principles from the Gentiles (Lev.19:27). To show the severity of their separation, He
of every law stand for eternity. Let’s meditate some of His principles from didn’t even allow them to cross-breed their animals, to plant two kinds of
Leviticus 19. seeds on the same field or wear clothes made of mixed materials. In Christ,
you are saved to be different. He has made you different (1.Co.4:7)! Everything
Reverence: The Israelites were specially commanded to honor and respect about you must distinguish you from others. You don’t think like a mere man
their parents, old people and even strangers (Lev.19:3,32-34). In Christ, there (Mt.16:23; 1.Co.2:16; 3:3). You are not conformed to the image of this world
is no place for the spirit of disobedience and rebellion (Eph.2:2). Jesus in you (Ro.12:2). You are saved from this wicked, crooked generation (Ac.2:40;
is meek and humble (Mt.11:29). He submitted to His parents as a humble Phil.2:15). In Christ, you are not a man-pleaser, you are a God-pleaser (Ga.1:10)!
carpenter (Lk.2:51). In Christ, His humble mind is yours (Phil.2:5-11). The
Holy Spirit is the Spirit of submission. He makes you submit in the fear of God Supernatural: The desire for the supernatural is created by God. People
(Eph.5:18-21). without Jesus seek occultism, divination or spirit mediums to gain knowledge
and power. Egypt and all the other nations were filled with these kinds of
Generosity: The Israelites were commanded to be generous like their spirits. God delivered Israel from them all to show His supernatural world. He
God. They were not to reap nor glean the whole harvest. They always left commanded them to stay away from all forms of demonic supernatural
enough for the poor and the stranger (Lev.19:9-10). When they planted fruit experiences (Lev.19:26,31). He would set His Face against those who turn to
trees, three years they were not allowed to eat of their fruit. The yield of the these spirits and cut them off from His people (Lev.20:6). Any involvement
fourth year was entirely given to God (Lev.19:23-24). God’s Kingdom works with these spirits, even unconsciously or accidentally, will certainly bring
in generosity. How much more should you be generous in Christ! In Christ, all defilement and bondage. All pagan practices open the door for occult powers.
giving is nothing but sowing (Phil.4:17). Bountiful sowing and bountiful reaping All kinds of paintings, cuts in the flesh or tattoos on the body are an insult to
is your privilege and lifestyle. When you are generous like your Savior, God God and an open invitation to demons (Lev.19:28).
will enlarge your store houses and increase your harvest. Your generosity will
cause many to give thanks to God (2.Co.9:6-13). In Christ, all heaven is open for you. The Early Church refused to tolerate
and compromise with any kind of spiritism (Ac.8:9-13,18-24; 13:6-12; 16:16-
Compassion: God is compassionate and great in mercy, and He expects 19; 19:18-19).
His people to be compassionate and kind. Robbing and cheating others was
never tolerated in His Kingdom. The wages of the day must be paid before the Beloved, in Christ, you wage war against all irreverence, stinginess, hard-
night. God considers that for the poor, the daily wages provide the daily food heartedness, compromise and occult practices. You are well equipped with the
(Lev.19:13; Dt.24:14-15; Jer.22:13). He commanded special care for the power of the Holy Ghost to subjugate these powers and set the captives free!
handicapped (Lev.19:14). In Christ, you have a special heart for all those in Thank You, Lord, I am holy to You. You have chosen me to be
need. His compassion flows through you to the sick, the oppressed and the a people for Yourself, a special treasure above all the peoples on
needy (Mt.14:14; Mk.5:19; 8:1-3). This is the service that pleases your Daddy the face of the earth. I take Your yoke upon me and learn from
God (Jas.1:27). You, for You are gentle and lowly in heart, and I will find rest for
Love: God is love, and He never changed. Even under the law, ‘Love my soul. For Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light. I have
your neighbor as yourself’ was His code of ethics (Lev.19:18,33-34). Hatred Your mind because I am in Christ.
in the heart, seeking revenge, bearing a grudge or spreading slander was never Dt.7:6; Mt.11:29-30; 1.Co.2:16

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(Dt.7:6-7). He set them apart by redeeming them from Egyptian bondage.
He set them apart by His high moral demands. He set them apart for the
july 8 JAHWEH M’KADESH noble cause of showing Himself to the world.
IN CHRIST Sanctified Church: In Christ, God has chosen you even before the
foundation of the world that you should be holy and without blame (Eph.1:4).
And you shall keep My statutes, and perform them: I am the He called you and separated you from your mother’s womb to reveal His
LORD who sanctifies you. Son in you (Ga.1:15-16). When you were dead in sins and trespasses, He
So God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them saved you because of His great love (Eph.2:1-10). He sanctified you through
the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us, and made no distinction between His Word, His Blood, and His Spirit (1.Co.6:11). He anointed you with His
Holy Spirit to be His mighty witness (Ac.1:8). He made you a member of
us and them, purifying their hearts by faith (Lev.20:8; Ac.15:8-9).
His holy Body and assigned your life work to serve Him (Ro.12:4-8).
God revealed Himself as the Great Sanctifier of His people. He not Everything He ever did in your life serves to make you holy.
only is holy, He makes you holy. This is the theme of the entire book of OT-NT-Contrast: In the Old Testament, God instructed His people to
Leviticus. be holy. In the New Testament, He imparted His own holy nature to you. In
The Lord God became the law-giver for His people. When the Israelites the Old Testament, He gave them His statutes on tablets of stone. In the
were under Egypt, they followed the Egyptian laws. When God delivered New Testament, He wrote all His statutes in your heart (2.Co.3:3; Heb.8:10-
them, He became their ultimate Ruler. As every ruler has his own laws and 11). In the Old Testament, He sanctified them through the sacrifice of animals.
rules for his kingdom, God gave His rules to His people. Throughout the In the New Testament, He sanctified you through the sacrifice of His own
book of Leviticus, God repeatedly said, “I am the Lord” Son. In the Old Testament, He gave hundreds of commandments. In the
(Lev.19:2,4,10,12,14,16,18,25,28,30,31,32,34,36,37 etc.). New Testament, all His commandments are summed up in, “Love the Lord
All in all: Since the Israelites came into God’s kingdom, He separated with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself” (Mt.22:38-39). Even
and sanctified them from all the other nations. He was their Guide in spirituality that love for God and man is poured out in your heart through His Spirit
(Lev.1-8), their Dietician and Gastro-Entomologist (Lev.11), their Gynecologist (Ro.5:5). Truly, He is your Jahweh-Sanctifier!
and Pediatrician (Lev.12), their Dermatologist (Lev.13), their Sanitary Beloved, let holiness be your slogan and watchword! It is your very life.
Inspector and Hygienist (Lev.14), their Urologist and Sexologist (Lev.18), It is not something you have to strive for. It is something you have to trust
their Moral Instructor (Lev.19), their Supreme Court (Lev.20), their Master for. It is God’s free gift for you, but it cost Him everything! This Jahweh-
of Religious Ceremonies (Lev.23), their Employer, their Land-Owner, their M’kadesh lives in you, constantly sanctifying every part of your life by His
Agricultural Officer, their Geologist (Lev.25), and their Reformer (Lev.26)! Holy Spirit and His Holy Word. Yield to His sway TODAY!
In short, He was their All in all! Thank You, Lord, You are the Lord who sanctifies me.
In Christ, in addition to all this, He has become your Father, your Groom, You purified my heart by faith. You separated me from my
your Best Friend, your Indweller and your All in all. mother’s womb and called me through Your grace to reveal
The Great Sanctifier: The Lord Jahweh is perfectly holy. His primary Your Son in me because I am in Christ.
goal is to make His people completely different. He repeatedly revealed Lev.20:8; Ac.15:9; Ga.1:15-16
Himself as Jahweh M’kadesh, the One who sanctifies His people. He
showed Himself as their Sanctifier by setting apart a holy Sabbath, giving
them holy statutes, appointing a holy priesthood, receiving their holy offerings
and sanctifying His holy Name (Ex.31:13; Eze.20:12,20; Lev.20:8; 21:8;
Set apart: Sanctification means to be separated from common things
for a noble cause. God sanctified His people by separating them even from
their mothers’ womb (Jer.1:5). He chose them from among all other nations

385 386
special garments of honor and dignity, especially the high priest on whom
the anointing oil was poured (Ex.28; Lev.21:4,10).
july 9 PRIESTLY PRIVILEGES In Christ, you are God’s holy priest to stand between the sinning world
IN CHRIST and the saving Lord. The most precious Person, the Holy Spirit, is upon you
(Ac.1:8; 2:3; 1.Pe.4:14; 1.Jn.2:20). You are clothed in the most precious
They shall be holy to their God and not profane the name of their garment, your very Lord Jesus Christ (Ro.13:14; Ga.3:27). You live in His
God, for they offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire, and the Presence every second of your life. Your offerings, prayers, praises, com-
bread of their God; therefore they shall be holy. mitted life, substance and everything you are and have is well accepted and
brings joy to God’s heart. This most sacred privilege must be guarded by a
And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because deep commitment and a higher moral standard. You are placed by God above
He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry (Lev.21:6; other believers as their leader (1.Co.12:28; Ga.6:6; Eph.4:11-12; 1.Ti.5:17).
1.Ti.1:12). No casual ministry: The high priest was not allowed to leave the Sanc-
This chapter 21 of Leviticus was a special message to the Aaronite tuary during his ministry periods, even if his parents died (Lev.21:10-12). So
priests. The whole Israelite community was chosen and set apart for God as serious was the demand of ministry. In Christ, you abide in His Presence
a priestly nation, yet the Aaronite priests were called to serve God full-time. and can minister all the days of your life. Yet there are times you must
All the holy laws and requirements were common for both the Israelites and forego even your legitimate needs to stay more in His Presence during your
the priests. The priestly privilege has no exemption, rather, the law required active ministry (1.Co.7:5).
more of them. In Christ, every believer is a priest. If you are a fulltime Beloved, you are holy to your God. You protect the honor of His Name.
minister, God expects even more from you. In the New Testament, the Never profane yourself or His Name. Giving bread to the God of heaven
qualification for church eldership was definitely higher than for common and earth is the most sacred thing. You are a ‘God-satisfyer’ altogether.
believers. We will see from this chapter what God expects from His minis- Remember, cursed are those who do the work of the Lord deceitfully and
ters. slothfully (Jer.48:10). Most blessed are those who do His work with all their
Your distinction: All of us are equal in God’s eyes in one sense: we are heart, soul, mind and strength. Do it TODAY!
His children, joint-heirs with Christ, sharing in the Kingdom blessings. Yet, Thank You, Lord, You have enabled me, because You
some are distinct in calling and God-given position. This is pictured nicely in counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry. I desire
the distinction between the Israelites, the priests, the high priest, leaders, the position of an overseer. I desire a good work. I labor,
etc. God’s requirements vary according to the position. striving according to Your working which works in me mightily
God’s demands on the high priest were still higher than on other priests. because I am in Christ.
The priests could touch the dead bodies of their parents, brothers, daughters 1.Ti.1:12; 1.Ti.3:1; Col 1:29
and unmarried sisters, but the high priest was not allowed to do that. The
higher the calling, the greater the responsibility!
Even in the New Testament, God’s requirements for elders, especially
five-fold ministers, are higher than for deacons (2.Ti.2:24; 1.Ti.3:1-13). The
apostles and prophets, being foundation stones, are to stay extremely close
to the Cornerstone (Eph.2:20; Ac.6:1-4). “Others can, you cannot” is the
constant voice they hear from heaven (1.Co.6:12; 9:1-7). If you desire to be
an exceptional blessing, keep up an exceptional dedication. Salvation is free,
but higher anointing requires higher sacrifices.
Your privilege: Every priest was set apart from common people to offer
food sacrifices to God. They enjoyed the privilege of eating the holy food
inside the Tabernacle (Lev.21:22). These chief among God’s people wore

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her father and deserves the cruel death in fire (Lev.21:9). As a believer, you
are responsible for your children's moral standard. As God's servant, even
july 10 PRIESTLY STANDARD more is expected from you. Elders and deacons must manage their own
IN CHRIST family well and make sure their children are obedient and in respectful
submission to them (1.Ti.3:4,11-12). Eli's failure and negligence caused his
Therefore you shall consecrate him, for he offers the bread of own death and the defeat of all the Israelites (1.Sa.2:12-17,22-29). Of course,
your God. He shall be holy to you, for I the LORD, who sanctify you, Eli warned them, but passive advice is not enough! Strong action is required!
am holy. The great prophet Samuel failed to bring up his children in a higher standard,
maybe due to his busy schedule (1.Sa.8:1-5). David's sin caused his sons to
A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, fall into immorality, rebellion and revolt and brought great disaster upon the
temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to whole nation (2.Sa.13-16).
teach... (Lev.21:8; 1.Ti.3:2) In Christ, your sons and daughters shall be anointed to prophesy like the
We continue our study of the priestly ministry, its privileges and four daughters of Philip (Ac.2:17; 21:9). All your children shall be taught of
requirements. the Lord (Isa.54:13). God's mercy shall be upon your generations (Ex.20:5).
No death: The Aaronite priests should not defile themselves for dead If you see the spirit of immorality or rebellion attacking your children, plead
(Lev.21:1-4,10-12). In Christ, you have passed from death to life and should the Blood and break its power. The success of a leader is his successors!
stay away from the dead unbelievers, sensual and foolish people, and No defect: No priest with any physical defect was allowed to offer
Christians who live in continuous sin no matter how close they are to you food-offerings to God. Even a hunchback, eczema or scab disqualified him.
(Eph.2:1; 1-Ti.5:6; Jud.1:19; Ecc.10:1). God's life in you works powerfully to In Christ, your physical defects have nothing to do with your ministry. Still,
destroy the power of sin and death if you are strong in the spirit (Ro.8:1-2). spiritual defects affect your effectiveness. You must be above reproach and
Otherwise, the spirit of death in them can defy you. Beware! blameless (1.Ti.3:2). “This is my weakness, I'm after all a human” should
No mourning: Even when their closest relatives died, priests were not never be your excuse. Constant development of character will ultimately
to show their mourning (Lev.21:5-6). The anointing oil upon them and their lead you to perfection. As a minister, you are called to perfect the Body of
calling would be defiled if they allowed the spirit of mourning. In Christ, you Christ (Eph.4:11-18).
are anointed with the Oil of gladness (Heb.1:9). The Spirit of God is upon Beloved, the One who has called you is faithful. You have all the grace
you to console those who mourn, and to give Oil of joy, the garment of praise to fulfill your calling. His strength shall abound in your weakness. Trust His
to deliver the depressed (Isa.61:1-3). In His Presence is fullness of joy indwelling Presence for your perfect holiness TODAY!
(Ps.16:11). You carry His Presence. Like Nehemiah, you should dread to Thank You, Lord, all Scripture is given by Your inspiration,
show a sad face before your King (Neh.2:2). Natural and worldly sorrow and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
should never affect your heart. Your grief will grieve the Holy Spirit! Rejoicing for instruction in righteousness, that I, the servant of God,
always will kindle God's fire in you (Phil.4:4). In Christ, your basic melancholic may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work
temperament cannot dominate you but rather must serve you to serve Him! because I am in Christ.
No low morals: Even to select their life partner, priests had to look for 2.Ti.3:16-17
the highest standard. They were not allowed to marry a widow, a divorcee
or a sexually defiled person. They could only marry pure virgins from their
own clan lest their children become unclean. In Christ, you are not allowed
to marry an unbeliever (2.Co.6:14). You should choose a person of highest
moral standard to protect and preserve your anointing (Lev.21:7-8,14-15).
Of course, life before salvation is not counted here, for old things have
passed away (2.Co.5:17).
No negligence in family-life: Even the standard expected from the
priests' children was higher. If a priest's daughter is immoral, she profanes
389 390
to God. Unlike in the Old Covenant, not only your tithes but every single penny
belongs to God. You must treat everything with deep respect. If you are in the
july 11 five-fold ministry, people will trust you with their offerings. Remember, they
SACRED OFFERINGS IN CHRIST were dedicated to God Himself! Every single penny must be treated with utmost
care and honor. If you eat from God’s money with uncleanness in your life, it
Speak to Aaron and his sons, that they separate themselves from will bring guilt and even cause early death. Also remember to spend your
the holy things of the children of Israel, and that they do not profane offerings only for the purpose they were given for. Your very privilege in
My holy name by what they dedicate to Me: I am the LORD. Christ demands higher responsibility (Lev.21:12).
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Guard the quality: The priest also has to watch over the quality of the
Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him (Lev.22:2; offerings. The animals should be without defect, not blind, crippled, lame
Col.3:17). animals with ulcer, eczema or scab. God deserves the best and the first.
Anything less won’t be accepted by Him. Anything bought from a foreigner
The priests were the guardians of God’s holy Sanctuary, of the sacredness was not to be offered to God (Lev.22:25). Such rules show that God never
and quality of the offerings, and of His Name. sacrifices His holy standard, not even for receiving offerings.
Guard your sanctuary: As responsible for God’s Tabernacle, the priests In Christ, everything you have is God’s, not only the best, even the least.
had to keep it from any defilement and desecration. Their own uncleanness, When you offer something to God, give the best. Even if it is only a widow’s
moral failures and defects would profane God’s Sanctuary (Lev.21:12, 23). mite, make sure it is your best! It’s not what you give, it is what He gladly
In Christ, you are the guardian of God’s Sanctuary. Your body is God’s accepts (Lev.22:29)! Guard His holy Name: Any form of idol worship, unfulfilled
dwelling place today. As a priest, you have to keep it pure and holy. Any promises or vows brings disgrace and profane God’s holy Name. Especially
uncleanness in your life, soul-ties, moral failures and reproach profanes your any careless handling of God’s offerings profanes His Name (Lev.18:21; 19:12;
holy temple. Keeping your soul and body holy and devoted to God is the first 20:3; 21:6; 22:2,32).
ministry you render to Him as His chosen priest. If you keep your personal In Christ, you are called and anointed to glorify and sanctify the Name of
sanctuary holy, God will use you as a holy watchman for His Church. your God. Sing His Name, whisper His Name, honor His Name, love His
Guard your offerings: The Israelites entrusted the priests with all their Name, share His Name, proclaim His Name – you bear His Name (Phil.2:9;
consecrated offerings for the Lord. It was the priests’ responsibility to treat 2.Chr.7:14; Ac.11:26)! More than all, you have to guard the holy Name of your
these sacred offerings with all respect and reverence. If they had any infectious God in every word you speak and everything you do (Col.3:17). Never allow
disease or touched anything unclean, they were not supposed to eat the sacred God’s holy Name to be blasphemed because of your behavior (Isa.52.5; Ro.2:24;
offerings (Lev.22:3-8). If they defiled the offerings, God would cut them off Jas.2:7).
from His Presence (Lev.22:3). Only after cleansing themselves, they were Beloved, to be God’s watchman is the greatest privilege. You are the
allowed to eat. When the people defiled themselves, they would only be cut off custodian of His holy Temple. Every penny you spend comes from God’s holy
from their community. The defiled priest, however, would be cut off from the Hand. Your entire family must live a holy, consecrated life. You have to guard
very Presence of God and even die (Lev.22:3,9). Even in the priest’s family, them from defilement. Eli’s sons were not faithful with God’s offerings
some were not authorized to eat God’s offerings (Lev.22:10-16). If anyone ate (1.Sa.2:12-17;22-25). Eli failed to guard his sons and the sanctity of the
a sacred offering by mistake, he had to make restitution (Lev.22:14-16). Hophni offerings. Job sanctified his entire family as a priest of his household (Job
and Phinehas ate sacred meat in rebellion and were killed for it (1 Sa.2:16; 1:5). Rise up to your responsibility and guard yourself, your family, your church,
4:11). In Christ, you are authorized to enjoy all of God’s bounty, but make sure even your nation from profaning God’s Name and God’s Sanctuary!
you spend God’s money for the purpose it was given for. Even the best gift is
rejected by God if the offerer is not right with Him. Cain and his offering were Thank You, Lord, I know I am Your temple, and Your Spirit
rejected (Ge.4:5). It’s not only what is offered. How and who offers decides dwells in me. Whatever I do in word or deed, I do all in the name
God’s acceptance. of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to You through Him. Whether I
eat or drink, or whatever I do, I do all to Your glory because I
In Christ, whatever you have is given as God’s sacred offering: Your am in Christ. 1.Co.3:16; Col.3:17; 1Co 10:31
talents, time, finances, relationships, everything is given to you to offer back

391 392
restitution and sin-offering, a sick person had to go through the same process.
God healed His people every time they returned to Him with all their heart
july 12 NO TOLERANCE OF SICKNESS (Jer.33:6-8). No good thing He ever withheld from them (Ps.34:9-10; 84:11).
IN CHRIST When they dwelt under His Shadow and rulership, all the arrows of the
enemy, like pestilence, plague, and sicknesses, could not even come near
Whatever man of the descendants of Aaron, who is a leper or their dwellings (Ps.91:1-10).
has a discharge, shall not eat the holy offerings until he is clean. And Beginning till end: All those who left Egypt under Moses’ leadership
whoever touches anything made unclean by a corpse, or a man who enjoyed the perfect health of Jehovah Rapha. If they continued in their faith,
has had an emission of semen… (Lev.22:4) obedience and devotion to their God, all of them would have enjoyed total
Jesus, who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, health. Only because they failed to obey and heed His voice, sickness entered
that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness – by whose the camp. This includes even the health laws prescribed by God. There was
stripes you were healed. (1.Pe.2:24) always a provision for their healing if they would mend their ways. In Christ,
the day you received the Savior, you received the Healer also. If you walk in
The way God treated sickness in the Law throws much light on God’s this truth, you will be free of sin and sickness! People in Jesus’ days and the
attitude towards it. Even for skin diseases and discharges, the Israelites had Early Church enjoyed perfect health. In the Dark Ages, the faith and the
to offer sin offerings and stay away from His holy Sanctuary till they were message for healing were lost. That is the reason for so much sickness in
healed. Likewise, priests with physical defects were strictly prohibited from the Body of Christ. The promise, ‘the glory of the latter house shall be
entering His Presence to offer anything to God. Sick priests were not even greater than the glory of the former house,’ will be fully realized in the end-
allowed to eat the sacred offerings. Why should God, the One who looks at time Church. This last-days church will be holy and healthy, without spot
the heart, the One who is compassionate and merciful, take such an offensive and wrinkles, the Bride waiting for the Groom.
stand against the sickness of His own people and priests? Beloved, Jesus, the perfect God and man, exhibited God’s compassion
Because of Who He is: There is absolutely no need for anyone of His for the sick and suffering (Mt.14:14). When He was on this earth, He healed
Covenant people to be sick when their Lord God Himself has become their all those who came to Him (Mt.8:16; 12:15; Lk.4:40; 6:19) . In His crucifixion,
personal Physician. Right at the beginning of the formation of His nation, He offered Himself as the great Sin Offering to cleanse and heal every one
God revealed Himself as Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals (Ex.15:26). If of His people. Now, He invites both the sinner and the sick with an open
His people were sick, it was entirely their own responsibility. God felt insulted heart. Even the sinning believer can come to the Throne of grace to find His
by their lack of trust in Him. That is why He didn’t allow them to enter and mercy (Heb.4:16). The love of Christ makes sick believers enjoy His
enjoy His Presence with that lack of trust in His healing power. Presence and serve Him even in midst of their infirmities. Yet, your sickness
Because of His promises: Even under the law, God promised perfect grieves the heart of God who offered His own Son to die for your perfect
healing to His people. He would even bless their bread and water and remove health. Sin and sickness are the dual curse of the first Adam. Holiness and
all sickness from their midst if they obeyed His Word (Ex.23:25). There was health is the dual blessing of the last Adam. Enjoy it TODAY!
no need for anyone to be feeble among His people if they availed His Thank You, Lord, You forgive all my iniquities. You heal
promises. His promises are His power vaccines and medicines. If His people all my diseases. You Yourself bore my sins in Your own Body
lived by every Word of His mouth, they would live in perfect health. This on the tree, that I, having died to sins, might live for
explains why He was so strict with the sick under the law. righteousness. By Your stripes I was healed because I am in
Because of their disobedience: God made very clear, if His people Christ.
would listen carefully to His voice and do what is right in His eyes, paying Ps.103:3; 1.Pe.2:24
total attention to His commands and statutes, none of the diseases would
touch them (Ex.15:26). In Leviticus, as their Doctor, He prescribed all the
dietary and sanitary rules to follow. Strict adherence to them would ensure
their perfect health. God treated disobedience and disease, sin and sickness
alike. As a sinner could not approach God’s Presence without repentance,

393 394
knows people easily forget His past victories and blessings. In order to re-
july 13 mind them, God installed these feasts, offerings, rituals and memorial stones
FEASTS IN CHRIST and monuments.
In Christ, God did everything for you and blessed you with all His riches,
nature, authority and power. Constantly remembering what you have in Christ
Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘The feasts of is the way to enjoy God’s abundant life! Knowing who you are in Christ will
the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these keep you free from deception, depression, discouragement, guilt, condem-
are My feasts’. nation, and feelings of insufficiency and insecurity. It’s in your hand to make
your life a continuous feast!
And bring out that [wheat-]fattened calf and kill it; and let us revel
and feast and be happy and make merry (Lev.23:2; Lk.15:23, AMP). Resting and Refreshing: On every one of these feasts, people were
commanded not to work but to rest and rejuvenate their bodies. Even slaves
There are eight feasts of the Lord mentioned here, including the regular or bond-servants were able to find rest for their body and soul
Sabbath (Lev.23). The Israelites were known for their regular feasts, their (Lev.23:3,8,21,32,36). God cares for His people so much that He wants
regular offerings and their various ceremonies. Almost every day, they were them to be rested and refreshed for their God-given task. He is not a hard
offering something to God. Zion was called the “city of feasts and solemni- task-master to load you with heavy work beyond your capacity. In fact, He
ties” (Isa.33:20). If people under the Old Covenant could enjoy so many wanted His man to start every week with a day of rest and refreshing. See
feasts, how much more your life should be a constant feast and celebration! the caring and understanding heart of God!
It shows God’s participation in human activities. Let us see some of God’s
In Christ, all your burdens and heavy loads were taken away from you.
reasons for the feasts.
Now, you enjoy heavenly rest and ease for your soul. His yoke upon you is
Rejoicing in His provisions: The study of the feasts shows the heart not harsh, hard or pressing but comfortable, gracious and pleasant (Mt.11:28-
of God who longs for the happiness and joy of His covenant people. The 30). His peace which surpasses all understanding is guarding you in and out
reason for God-ordained feasts was to make His people rejoice in Him and (Phil.4:6-7). The peace of the Prince of Peace is constantly filling and flood-
His blessings. During these celebrations, people could forget their hard la- ing you (Isa.9:6). Stop allowing yourself to be agitated and disturbed
bor and sorrows and enjoy the festive mood. The psalmist Ethan sang about (Jn.14:27)!
the blessing and happiness of the people who know the joyful sound and
Beloved, Christians should be the happiest and most joyful people on
appreciate the spiritual blessings symbolized by the feasts (Ps.89:15). God
this earth. The Kingdom of God is like a king who gave a wedding banquet
commanded, “You shall rejoice in your feast, you and your son and your
for his son (Mt.22:2-4). You were invited by the King of the universe to His
daughter, your male servant and your female servant and the Levite, the
banquet the very day of your salvation. Your Heavenly Father is calling you
stranger and the fatherless and the widow, who are within your gates”
to enter His joy (Lk.15:31-32). Constantly meditate upon the blessings and
the peace available to you in Christ. Make your life enjoyable TODAY!
In Christ, you are called to rejoice always (Phil.4:4). The fruit of your
Thank You, Lord, I rejoice in You always. You are my
new nature is joy (Ga.5:22). He has anointed you with the Oil of Gladness,
Strength and my Shield. My heart trusted in You, and I am
more than all your companions (Heb.1:9). Jesus Christ has become your
helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my
Feast, your Joy and your Delight. You are the branch that draws His joy
song I praise You. I am anxious for nothing, and Your
constantly and bears abundant fruit (Jn.15:11,16). In Christ, all your grief
peace, which surpasses all understanding, guards my heart
will turn to joy (Jn.16:20). Learn to rejoice in God’s victory and blessings!
and mind because I am in Christ.
Remembering His past blessings: Every feast speaks of what God
Phil.4:4; Ps.28:7; Phil.4:6-7
has done in people’s lives. For example, the Feasts of Passover and of
Unleavened Bread speak of the great deliverance the Lord wrought from
the Egyptians (Ex.12:14-20). The Feast of Tabernacles speaks of their lives
spent in booths when they were brought out of Egypt (Lev.23:43). God

395 396
Heb.10:25)! The Early Church gathered regularly on the first day of the
week to celebrate God (Jn.20:19; Ac.20:7; 1.Co.16:2). There, God manifested
july 14 PURPOSE OF FEASTS with all His gifts (1.Co.14:26). Neglecting the gathering of the saints cuts
IN CHRIST you off from enjoying the fullness of your life in Christ. Beware!
Reminding them of their coming Messiah: All the feasts of the
These are the feasts of the Lord, holy convocations which you Lord are shadows of the great Substance, your Lord Jesus. Every feast
shall proclaim at their appointed times. speaks something of Christ, His work on the cross and His resurrection.
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the Someone said rightly, ‘The New Testament is contained in the Old Testament,
manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more and the Old Testament is explained in the New Testament.’ Everything of
as you see the Day approaching (Lev.23:4; Heb.10:25). the Old Testament points toward Christ. Christ is the central focus of the
entire Bible and God’s redemptive plan.
In Christ, you have every reason to boast about Christ. He is your
We continue our study of God’s purposes for His appointed feasts. We Sabbath rest. He is your Passover Lamb. He is the Firstfruit in His
have seen life in Christ is a continuous feast. Now, we will see four more resurrection. He is the reason for your Pentecost. He is your Heavenly
reasons why we should always have a festive attitude. Bridegroom. He is the Great High Priest of your Great Atonement. He is
Renewing the consecration: Under the Old Covenant, every Israelite your Sin Offering and also your Scape Goat. He is everything and all in all to
was separated and consecrated for God. All the offerings, ceremonies and you! Delight in Him TODAY!
feasts of the Lord reminded them time and again of their consecration to Recalling God’s time table: All the festivals speak of God’s time
God. The festival days were called holy and sacred days (Lev.23:3). They table, both for the Israelites and for His New Covenant people. The covenant-
offered all kinds of sacrifices to God to renew their commitment to Him life starts with Passover and ends with the Feast of Tabernacles. Bible
(Lev.23:8,12-13,25,32). scholars see God’s prophetic calendar for the end time church through these
In Christ, you are sanctified for His service. You are totally separated feasts of the Lord. Remember, everything God ordains contains multi-
from the profane and the natural for His holy and noble purpose. Every time purposes. He is a God of manifold wisdom (Eph.3:10).
you celebrate your life in Christ, you realize the greatness of your sanctification, Beloved, Christian life is not a boredom! It’s a life of exuberant joy and
redemption and justification. This should make you boast in your Lord! jubilance. There is no depressed Christian in Christ! No room for gloom in
Reunion of God’s people: God wanted His covenant people to gather Christ! Your Lord and the Early Church rejoiced even in their shame and
together to celebrate Him with their friends and relatives. Three times in a suffering. They knew the fullness of life in God. When you came to Christ,
year, all the men were to gather in God’s Presence (Ex.23:14,17; 34:23-24; you were engrafted in the abundant and overflowing life of Christ (Jn.10:10).
Dt.16:16). I can easily imagine the unity among the men of the Israelites. Jesus came to make your life enjoyable. Celebrate Him TODAY!
Even the women and children in their places would have come much closer Thank You, Lord, I am sanctified, called to be a saint.
in these times for their own safety. It was God’s intention that His covenant All things were created through You and for You. You are
tribes must live together in joyous celebration. In fact, these feasts were before all things, and in You all things consist. You are the
called feasts of holy convocations or holy assemblies (Lev.23:2-4,7- Head of the Body, the Church, who is the Beginning, the
8,21,24,27,35-37). Assembling of the brethren released the precious anointing, Firstborn from the dead, that in all things You may have the
the dew of heaven and the blessings forevermore (Ps.133). Almost all these preeminence. I don’t forsake the assembling together, as is
festivals started and ended with the gathering of a holy convocation (Lev.23:7- the manner of some. I exhort and receive exhortation, and
8,21,27,35-36). so much the more as I see the Day approaching because I
Life in Christ is a life of unity and fellowship. If the Old Covenant am in Christ.
people gathered at the tent of meeting or at Shechem or in Jerusalem, how 1.Co.1:2; Heb.10:25; Col.1:17-18
much more the Body of Christ must gather regularly with all the saints to
understand the length and breadth and height of Christ’s love (Eph.3:18-19;

397 398
his activities (Col.2:15; Jas.4:7).
When you celebrate how Christ bore all your sins and sicknesses on the
july 15 FEAST OF SABBATH cross, you boldly challenge every power of sin and sickness. You declare you
IN CHRIST have died to sin, and by His stripes you were healed (1.Pe.2:24). The list can
go on and on. Remember to challenge the challenges by celebrating the finished
Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of work of Christ.
solemn rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no work on it; it is the Celebrate your work: The feast of Sabbath gave grace even to enjoy
Sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings. and celebrate the daily works of man. Before the fall of man, he enjoyed the
For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his work of tending and cultivating the land (Ge.1:28; 2:15,20). He derived all his
works as God did from His. Let us therefore be diligent to enter that energy for work from his fellowship with God. After his fall, he had to work
rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience. with his human strength, sweating and toiling (Ge.3:17-19,23). Before the fall,
(Lev.23:3; Heb.4:10-11) he was primarily a worshipper. After the fall, he became a worker.
Jesus came to this world to change his priority once again (Jn.4:23). He
The Sabbath rest comes under the festival days of God’s calendar. In finished everything for man on the cross. Now, He expects you to enjoy His
God’s wisdom, resting and relaxing in His finished work is a celebration for a Sabbath rest and work out His plan by the strength you get from your
child of God. ‘Workaholism’ is the curse of today’s church. The flesh wants celebration. He prepared your life work in Christ (Eph.2:10). In Christ, God is
to work even to get God’s approval. This is the nature of fallen man. Before at work in you effectively, creating in you the desire and the power to work
the fall, man enjoyed God, His blessings, and His work. Only after the fall, out God’s will for your life (Phil.2:12-13). With His energy, now you enjoy
work became his priority. Some might argue that this rest-concept came through work and celebrate it. Never think life in Christ is a lazy life. God created man
the law and therefore was abolished by Christ’s death. Yet even in the very for work and activity. He never condones laziness. We are even commanded
creation of God, we see how God rested on the seventh day (Ge.2:2; Ex.20:11). to keep a distance from idle believers (2.Thes.3:14). Bible saints were known
In Christ, the celebration and total trust and rest in His finished work makes for their hard work and stand as living examples to us. They were never a
even your mundane work a joy. burden to anyone, but rather channels of blessing and profit. The Early Church
Celebrate before challenges: It is God’s original plan that man should had a rule: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat (2.Thes.3:10). How
celebrate before facing the challenges of life. The Hebrew calendar starts every serious!
week after the Sabbath rest. Every Israelite rested and celebrated on the seventh Life in Christ works and toils like Christ. He worked while it was day.
day, getting ready to face the challenges of the coming week. The whole Even on Sabbaths He did good by healing and delivering people (Mt.12:11-12;
Sabbath day was totally devoted to the Lord. They assembled together to Lk.6:9-10; 13:16; 14:5). Now is harvest time for you, the child of God (Pr.10:5).
worship and to rejoice in their God. They honored and venerated that day as Now is day time for the works of God (Jn.9:4).
the Lord’s holy day (Isa.58:13-14). I believe all the blessings, strength, energy Beloved, Celebrate your rest in Christ and cease from your human striving.
and vigor needed to face the challenges of that week was given to them while Remember God’s intention is for you to begin to work out His will on earth
they celebrated the Sabbath. after celebrating His finished work of salvation, healing, deliverance and
In Christ, you have entered the Sabbath rest of God (Heb.4:9). The grace prosperity. Remember, your salvation, redemption, justification, sanctification
and strength you need to face the challenges of Christian life are abundantly and deliverance is God’s free gift to you!
provided for you in Christ. Paul gladly faced all the weaknesses, insults, Thank You, Lord, by Your grace I am saved through faith,
hardships, persecutions and difficulties because he had learnt to celebrate His and that not of myself; it is Your gift, not of my works, lest I
God’s strength and grace (2.Co.12:7-10). should boast. For I am Your workmanship, created in Christ
You boldly face all the challenges of the devil by celebrating your Sabbath Jesus for good works, which You prepared beforehand that I
rest in God. For you, all the works of the devil were destroyed in Christ. You should walk in them. I have entered Your rest and ceased from
do nothing about the devil other than celebrating Christ’s total victory over him my works because I am in Christ.
on the cross. When you celebrate how your Lord disarmed all the principalities Eph.2:8-10; Heb.4:10
and powers on the cross, you receive God’s boldness to rebuke and resist all

399 400
was examined by the Pharisees, Sadducees, and even by the Roman leaders,
and was found without any guilt or sin. Exactly at the time and date of
july 16 FEAST OF PASSOVER Passover, Jesus was killed on the cross.
IN CHRIST The blood of the Passover lamb, put on the sides and tops of the
doorframes of the houses, again speaks of the Blood of your Savior (Mt.26:28;
On the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight is the Lord’s Jn.1:29; Heb.9:14). This blood protected the houses from the entry of the
Passover. destroyer and his destructive plague (Ex.12:13). While the death angel was
And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, entering every house, God Himself passed over the blood-stained houses of
because he also is a son of Abraham; for the Son of Man has come His people, totally covering and guarding them. Every Israelite experienced
to seek and to save that which was lost” (Lev.23:5; Lk.19:9-10). the blessing of dwelling in the shelter and shadow of the Most High God
(Ps.91:1-2). See the power of the blood!
In Christ, your Savior’s Blood is covering you hundred percent from the
God appointed the feast of Passover to commemorate the great
enemy’s intrusion. This should release the shout of joy constantly. This shout
deliverance from Egyptian bondage. Every anniversary of their departure
will dispel all tricky satanic activities against you.
from Egypt became their great festival (Dt.6:1-2,5-6). This Passover festival
speaks of your deliverance from satan, sin and hell. Your spiritual calendar Celebrate your household’s salvation: A Passover lamb was killed
begins with the celebration of your victory over your enemies. This festival for each household. The blood was put on every house of the Israelites. God
is the first among the festivals. passed over those houses and spared them (Ex.12:3-4,7,27). This Passover
lamb saved not just individuals, but entire households. In Christ, the salvation
Celebrate your victory over satan: This feast reminded the Israelites
of your entire household is promised and provided for you. When Jesus
of their great deliverance from Pharaoh and all the Egyptian gods (Ex.12:12).
entered the house of Zacchaeus, salvation came to his entire household
Pharaoh was the leader of the magicians and sorcerers. He himself was
(Lk.19:9). The faith of Cornelius brought salvation to his home folks and
venerated as god and wore a golden cobra, the symbol of satan, on his
even to his friends and relatives (Ac.10:24). The jailor’s faith brought salvation
crown (Ge.3:1-14; Rev.12:9). Literally, Moses and the Israelites had to fight
to his entire home (Ac.16:31-34). Your salvation is so great that it can affect
with the very principalities and powers of Egypt, not just with flesh and
and apply to your entire household (Heb.2:3-4).
blood (Eph.6:12). All the ten plagues were aimed against the gods of Egypt.
God stretched out His judgmental Hand to strike the powers of darkness. Celebrate your deliverance from sin, sickness and hell: Egypt also speaks
That is why God made the Passover a great day of feasting and rejoicing for of sin and sickness. When the Israelites were delivered from Egypt, they
His people. were delivered from the sins and sicknesses of Egypt (Ex.15:26). In Christ,
your salvation is total and perfect. The moment you put your trust in Christ,
In Christ, through the death of your Passover Lamb, all the principalities
you passed from death to life (1.Jn.3:14). You are saved from the punishment
and powers were disarmed (Col.2:15). The author of death was destroyed
and penalty of sin, which includes sickness and hell (Mt.1:21; Ro.6:23).
(Heb.2:14). The serpent’s head was crushed under the feet of the Son of
God (Ge.3:16). All the works of satan were destroyed (1.Jn.3:8). This victory Beloved, the more you celebrate your Savior and His salvation, the
is one of the greatest victories ever achieved in human history. In the Old more you enjoy victory and deliverance from satan and all his works.
Testament, the greatest power of God was exhibited when the Israelites Celebrating your Passover releases all the other blessings in your life.
were delivered from Egypt. In the New Testament, the greatest power of Celebrate TODAY!
God was manifest on the cross and in the resurrection. God wants you to Thank You, Lord, for so great a salvation, which was
rejoice and exult in this great victory. This decides all your victory in all your confirmed to us by signs and wonders, with various miracles,
life struggles. and gifts of the Holy Spirit. I believe in the Lord Jesus
Celebrate the Passover Blood: The Passover lamb was chosen on Christ, and I will be saved, me and me household because I
the tenth day of April and killed on the evening of the fourteenth day. These am in Christ.
days were used to examine the Passover lamb. This is a clear prophetic Heb.2:3-4; Ac.16:31
picture of your Lord Jesus Christ, the Great Passover Lamb (1.Co.5:7). He

401 402
in a new way towards new conquests. This clearly speaks of your new life
in Christ. You can never overestimate the greatness of your new nature!
july 17
FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD Really, you are fresh and new in Christ. You are born again as a new child
with a new nature from your Daddy God! This Feast of Unleavened Bread
IN CHRIST also symbolizes baptism, your burial with Christ. While the Israelites
And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of celebrated this feast, they went through the Red Sea which signifies water
Unleavened Bread to the Lord; seven days you must eat unleavened baptism (1.Co.10:2).
bread. In Christ, you are dead and buried with Christ so that, just as Christ was
Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the raised from the dead, you too might habitually live in newness of life (Ro.6:4).
leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of Your mind is renewed by constant meditation on God’s Word (Ro.12:2).
sincerity and truth (Lev.23:6;1.Co.5:8). Even your body can be renewed by the indwelling Presence of the Holy
Spirit (Ro.8:11). In Christ, your family is new. Your friendships and relationships
are new. Your goal and life work is new. Everything became new and fresh
Let me remind you again and again that we are dealing with the feast- in Christ.
and festival-mood of a child of God. Christianity is a celebrating lifestyle.
Celebrate your remission of sin-power: The Feast of Unleavened
Satan has stolen this joyful jubilance from the Body of Christ. Thank God,
Bread symbolizes your victory over the power of sin. The first ministry of
God is restoring it through the truth of life in Christ. The Feast of Unleavened
your Savior is to save you from the power of your sin (Mt.1:21). The first
Bread speaks of the celebration of your purity in Christ, a joyful farewell to
blessing of your resurrected Lord is to turn you from your wicked ways
your old ways of life, and an exuberant welcome of your new life in Christ.
(Ac.3:26). In Christ, sin has lost its dominion over you because you are
Celebrate the removal of your old nature: The Israelites had to under God’s great favor (Ro.6:14). Rejoice in this truth! This good news will
leave from Egypt in great haste soon after their feast of Passover. They help you to cleanse yourself from any contamination of body and spirit
took the new dough and baked cakes of unleavened bread for lack of time (2.Co.7:1). Remember the horror of sin and hate it to the core. God’s terrible
to prepare food. They survived on unleavened bread even while crossing wrath was poured out on your Savior only because of your sin. The cruelty
the Red Sea. God made it a perpetual ordinance to keep these seven days He suffered on the cross shows the cruelty of your sins (Isa.52:14; Ps.22:14).
as the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The very first day, all the yeast was Therefore, resist sin with all your strength (Heb.12:4). Remove any trace of
removed from the houses. The first and the last day were celebrated as holy yeast from your life gladly.
convocations (Dt.16:3-8). All these seven days, they ate only unleavened
Beloved, purification is a joyful celebration for you in Christ. Every time
bread, rejoiced and celebrated their God with offerings and sacrifices.
you let go of any sinful habit or friendship, count it a great delight and
In Christ, your old nature with all its previous moral and spiritual conditions celebration. Remember, celebrating your victory over sin always precedes
has passed away (2.Co.5:17). The leaven of vice, malice and wickedness your actual victory.
has been totally removed from you (1.Co.5:7-8). Your old man was nailed to
Thank You, Lord, I know that my old man was crucified
the cross together with your Savior. The power of sin became ineffective
with You, that the body of sin might be done away with,
and inactive in your life. You are no more a slave of its hold (Ro.6:6,14).
that I should no longer be slave of sin. I have died and have
Since you belong to Christ, your flesh with its passions and appetites has
been freed from sin. I reckon myself to be dead indeed to
been crucified (Ga.5:24). The joyful acceptance and appropriation of this
sin, but alive to You because I am in Christ.
truth will set you free from the power of sin and flesh. Unless you celebrate
the removal of your old sinful nature, you cannot enjoy the new nature in Ro.6:6-7,11
you. Come on, celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread!
Celebrate the renewal of your nature: This celebration was the
inauguration of the Israelites’ new era. No more dominion of the Egyptians,
no more curse of the Egyptians, no more slavery! Everything became new!
The Lord God had become their new Master. They were marching forward

403 404
whole universe and to see that the Great Provider accepts your gift. He deserves
your first and your best. Your first son belongs to God. The first of your cattle
july 18 FEAST OF FIRSTFRUITS and sheep belongs to God. By giving Him your first love, your firstborn, your
IN CHRIST first salary, the first day of your week, and the first hour of your day, you
honor your Creator (Ge.22:2; Ex.13:2; Jer.2:2; Rev.2:4). The Macedonians
Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘When you come abounded in the riches of their liberality in abundance of joy (2.Co.8:2).
into the land which I give to you, and reap its harvest, then you shall Celebrate your Resurrected Savior: The sheaf of firstfruits also signifies
bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest.’ your resurrected Savior who became the Firstfruits of those who have fallen
But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits asleep. Like a grain of wheat, He fell into the earth and died to yield a rich
of those who have fallen asleep (Lev.23:10; 1.Co.15:20). harvest (Jn.12:24). Through His death, you received His resurrection life
(Ro.6:4). He becomes the Firstfruits of celebration for you. In Christ, you also
enjoy His resurrection life and power. The Early Church constantly celebrated,
The Feast of Firstfruits is the celebration of the first barley harvest. The adored, and preached His resurrection (Ac.1:22; 4:33). They became living
Israelites have two harvests. The Feast of Firstfruits celebrates the harvest witnesses of Christ’s resurrection and shook their nation. The more you
that matures before the main harvest season. That small harvest out of season celebrate His resurrection, the more you activate God’s resurrection power in
is called Firstfruits. God commanded the Israelites to bring a sheaf of the you (Ro.8:11). Celebrate this immeasurable, all-surpassing greatness of His
firstfruits to the priest to be waved before the Lord. Along with this, the burnt power that works in you mightily (Eph.1:19). Because of His resurrection,
offering, the cereal offering and the drink offering were offered as a pleasing, you are seated with Him in the Heavenlies, far above all principalities and powers
sweet aroma to the Lord. Till the firstfruits were offered to God, nobody was and authorities (Eph.2:19-23).
allowed to eat any of the new corn (Lev.23:11-14). This feast speaks of the
Celebrate your Christ-likeness: Every seed produces after its own kind.
resurrection of your Lord Jesus Christ, the blessing of giving your best to
By His death and resurrection, your Savior bought many sons like you
God, and also of the fruit of the Spirit.
(Heb.2:10). When you were dead in sins and trespasses, Christ’s resurrection
Celebrate God’s provisions: When God brought the Israelites to their land, power quickened your spirit and made it exactly like Him (Eph.2:1). In your
they thankfully remembered to bring the firstfruits of their yield to God. They spirit, you have Jesus’ life and nature. Your born-again spirit produces all the
rejoiced in their Lord for giving them the produce of the land. They nine-fold fruit of the spirit. Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness,
acknowledged the God who gave the seed to the sower and food for supply faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are the real nature of your spirit
(2.Co.9:10). They worshiped God for giving them the increase (1.Co.3:7). (Ga.5:22).
Life in Christ acknowledges God as the Provider of every blessing Beloved, your Jesus is the Vine of love, and you are the branch that produces
(1.Ti.6:17; Jas.1:17). The more you celebrate the Giver, the more He bestows love-fruit to delight your Love-God (Jn.15:1-10). All the blessings you enjoy
His blessings and provisions upon you. When you praise God for the five now are just the firstfruits of the best harvest yet to come. A great harvest is
loaves and the two fish, God increases what you have beyond your imagination waiting for you. You have the tremendous power of multiplication residing in
(Jn.6:11). The Lord is the Owner of the land (Lev.25:23). He is your benevolent you. Enjoy and celebrate TODAY!
Employer. He gave you strength and brain to work (Dt.8:18). When you celebrate
Thank You, Lord, You have risen from the dead, and have
Him and His provisions, you release His full prosperity.
become the Firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. The
Celebrate offering your first and best: Before eating the new grain, the fruit of my spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness,
Israelites gladly gave some of it to God as a wave offering. They pleased goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. I have become
God’s heart by their giving. A God-pleasing life is a fiesta life. When you partaker of Your divine nature because I am in Christ.
celebrate Him with your best, He will crown you with His best.
1.Co.15:20; Ga.5:22; 2.Pe.1:3-4
When you celebrate the Great Giver, you become a liberal giver. Giving
your first and best to God becomes your greatest delight (Mal.3:10; Mt.6:33).
You live to give. Giving to God and to the poor is the greatest privilege for a
child of God (Lev.23:22; Pr.19:17). It’s your honor to give to the King of the

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In Christ, you are a new creation, ready to be filled with His new vine!
Your friendship and fellowship is changed. You are a new member of God’s
july 19 FEAST OF PENTECOST new family. Your name and identity is changed (Isa.62:2). Rejoice!
IN CHRIST Celebrate the united Body of Christ: The Feast of Weeks was celebrated
by the Israelites with their sons, daughters, servants, Levites, aliens, fatherless
Count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; then you and widows (Dt.16:11-12). All were brought together in unity by this feast. On
shall offer a new grain offering to the Lord. the day of Pentecost, when all the disciples were together in one accord, the
When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one Spirit of God baptized them into One Body. The same outpouring came again
accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, and again in the Early Church, uniting Jews, Greeks, slaves and free men as
as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they one Body in Christ (Ac.8:14-17; 10:44-47; 19:6; 1.Co.12:13). When you magnify
were sitting (Lev.23:16; Ac.2:1-2). and celebrate this Spirit of unity and this feast of Pentecost, all man-made
natural barriers are broken.
Exactly fifty days after the Feast of Firstfruits, the Feast of Pentecost, Celebrate the Holy Spirit and His manifestations: This Feast of Weeks
also called the Feast of Weeks, was celebrated (Dt.16:10,16). The Feast of symbolizes the new dispensation of the Holy Spirit and His manifestations.
Firstfruits signifies the resurrection of the Lord, and the Feast of Pentecost The Holy Spirit is the honorable Third Person of the Godhead, co-equal to
clearly signifies the descent of the Holy Spirit (Ac.2:1). Fifty days after the Father and Son (Mt.28:19). He deserves all your honor, praise and veneration.
resurrection of Jesus, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost. The very first manifestation on the day of Pentecost was speaking in tongues
See God’s accurate timetable! (Ac.2:4). When you allow these languages to flow from your spirit, you build
Celebrate your personal Pentecost: On the day of Pentecost, all the up and strengthen your spirit, speaking divine mysteries (1.Co.14:2-4). Please
hundred-twenty disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit. All those devout do not forbid this blessed manifestation (1.Co.14:39)!
Jews who had come to celebrate the Feast of Weeks could see the spiritual Celebrate with exuberant joy: God specifically commanded His people
significance of Pentecost. After your salvation (Passover), purification to celebrate this feast with much joy (Dt.16:11). One of the greatest blessings
(Unleavened Bread) and resurrection life (Firstfruits), you enter this glorious of the fullness of the Holy Spirit is the overflowing joy of the Lord. On the day
experience of the outpouring of God’s Spirit (Pentecost). Being filled with the of Pentecost, they were so full of the Holy Spirit that some even mocked them
Holy Spirit in this manner is to celebrate the heavenly firstfruits. You taste the saying, they are full of new wine (Ac.2:13). Their heart was glad, and their
heavenly bliss, power, and purity through this blessed celebration. Every child tongue rejoiced (Ac.2:26). This joy increased more and more as they continued
of God should enjoy this fullness of the Holy Spirit which is also called baptism to be filled with the Spirit, and made them immune to the sufferings, shame
in the Holy Spirit. In Christ, you experience and enjoy your personal Pentecost and adverse circumstances (Ac.5:41-42; 13:50-52).
daily. Beloved, your ascended Lord sent His Spirit to be with you as His Divine
Celebrate without limits: This Feast of Pentecost was celebrated with Parakletos – your Standby, Strengthener, Counselor, Comforter, Advocate and
a freewill offering in proportion to God’s harvest blessings (Dt.16:10). On the Teacher (Jn.14:16-17,26). He is a Person with all of God’s attributes and might
day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon His people without proportion, and power, longing to manifest His fullness in and through you (1.Co.12:7-
without measure. The Spirit was given in measure throughout the Old 11). Seek Him and His manifestations, and celebrate Him TODAY (1.Chr.16:11)!
Testament. Jesus had the Spirit without measure (Jn.3:34). In Christ, you Thank You, Lord, I received power when the Holy Spirit
have what He had. You can do what He did, and more than what He did, came upon me. I shall be a witness to You in Jerusalem, and in
through this immeasurable anointing (Jn.14:12). Your celebration should have all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. I come to
no limits. Thank God for His bountiful blessings TODAY! You and drink. I believe in You, as the Scripture has said. Out
Celebrate with a new breed of people: In this feast, people presented of my heart will flow rivers of living water because I am in
an offering of new grain to the Lord (Lev.23:17). This speaks of the hundred- Christ.
twenty new-breed-disciples of Jesus. They were completely different from Ac.1:8; Jn.7:37-38
the traditional Jews. They were the new wineskins, receiving the new vine
from heaven (Mt.9:17).

407 408
bring to perfection (Phil.1:6). We are nearing this end-time harvest where
we will see millions coming to the Lord (Mt.13:39). Rejoice!
july 20 FEAST OF TRUMPETS Celebrate with joyful sound: These trumpets were blown to show
IN CHRIST the joy and gladness of God’s people. God commanded them to blow the
trumpets in the day of their gladness, in their solemn day, and in the beginning
Speak to the children of Israel, saying: ‘In the seventh month, on of their month and their new moons (Nu.10:10). This clearly shows how
the first day of the month, you shall have a Sabbath-rest, a memorial God wants His covenant people to rejoice and to maintain their festive mood
of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation’. and attitude.
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with Celebrate God’s Presence: The trumpets were blown all around the
the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead Tabernacle over all the offerings made unto the Lord. They did this in honor
in Christ will rise first (Lev.23:24; 1.Thes.4:16). and praise of the Lord. David and Solomon organized a regular continuous
worship team to blow the trumpet unto the Lord (1.Chr.16:6,42). With trumpet
The Feast of Trumpets was celebrated on the first day of the Israelites’ blast, David and the Levites brought back the Ark of God (1.Chr.15:24-28).
seventh month, October. The first day was a sabbatical rest and a memorial Glad praise and God’s glorious Presence always go together. The glory of
day, accompanied by the blowing of trumpets from sunrise to sunset (Nu.29:1- the Lord filled Solomon’s temple when the Levites blew the trumpet
6). The burnt offerings, meat offerings, drink offerings along with the daily (2.Chr.5:11-14).
offerings were offered to God while the trumpets were blown over them. In Christ, you always carry God’s glorious Presence. How much more
There was a time gap from June to October between the Feast of should you make a joyful praise unto the Lord in constant celebration. Not
Pentecost and the Feast of Trumpets. In my opinion, this speaks of the time on special occasions, but always and for everything, blow the trumpet of
between the day of Pentecost and the second coming of our Lord Jesus. praise and worship.
Careful observation could give prophetic insights for the future of the end- Celebrate Him with praise and worship: Sounding the ram’s horn
time church. We, the end-time church, should celebrate the Feast of Trumpets and blowing the trumpet is God’s statute and ordinance for Israel (Ps.81:1-
in great anticipation of the glorious return of our Lord Jesus and the end- 7). God’s Presence came down on Mount Sinai with a great trumpet blast
time events. (Ex.19:13-19). We know, God dwells in the praises of His people (Ps.22:3;
Celebrate the eminent national repentance: The Feast of Trumpets 150:1-3). You are commanded to praise Him with the sound of trumpet. The
was alerting and awakening the people for the eminent national Day of Pentecostal outpouring releases the stream of praise and worship.
Atonement, only nine days ahead. After the day of Pentecost, we are Beloved, in Christ, you spontaneously sing and make melody unto your
expecting a great nation-shaking revival of repentance. As the whole nation God (Eph.5:18-19). Blow your trumpet of praise and bring down your Jericho
of Israel repented and sought God’s forgiveness, the nations of this world, wall (Jos.6:4-5)! Scatter your enemies with God’s victory sound (Jdg.7:20-
along with the Israelites, will humbly come to Christ, seeking our Savior’s 22)! God is calling you to the Feast of Trumpets! Join Him TODAY!
atonement . With this faith and anticipation, celebrate and blow the trumpet Thank You, Lord, I know the thoughts You think toward
of joyful sound and praise (Zec.12:10). This anticipation will dispel all negative me, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give me a future
outlook in the church of God. and a hope. In the fullness of Your time You will gather
Celebrate the great ingathering of souls: The Feast of Firstfruits together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven
celebrated a tiny harvest. Pentecost had a larger harvest, but the greatest and which are on earth. I praise You with the sound of the
harvest came at the Feast of Tabernacles (Ex.34:22). The Feast of Trumpets trumpet because I am in Christ.
was the joyful preparation for this great harvest. In Christ, you have celebrated Jer.29:11; Eph.1:10; Ps.150:3
the Feast of Pentecost. Now, start celebrating the great ingathering of souls
that will throng into the Kingdom of Heaven in these last days (Ac.2:21).
We are living in the last hour of the end-time. The Pentecostal outpouring is
just the beginning of the harvest (Ac.2:16). What God began there, He will

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for this world, and has never withheld any good thing from His people (Ro.8:32).
When His life flows in you, you become a liberal giver. There is absolutely no
july 21
FEAST OF TABERNACLES stingy person in Christ (Pr.11:24-26). I believe we are entering a new level of
generosity, and His people shall willingly offer themselves in the day of God’s
IN CHRIST power (Ps.110:3). The great Macedonian revival will once again sweep through
Speak to the children of Israel, saying: ‘The fifteenth day of this the church (2.Co.8:1-4). Resist any form of stinginess! Be generous TODAY!
seventh month shall be the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days to Celebrate the great restoration: Whenever Israel drifted away from
the LORD’. God, the festivals were forgotten. The celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles
For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we marked the great restoration of Israel. In the time of Ezra and Nehemiah,
have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in people gladly celebrated this festival anew. In that time, people turned back to
the heavens (Lev.23:34; 2.Co.5:1). God’s Word and read about the Feast of Tabernacles. In obedience, they made
booths and dwelt in them with great rejoicing for the first time since the days
of Joshua (Neh.8:14-18; Ezr.3:1-7).
This Feast of Tabernacles is the concluding feast of the year and the
climax of all the feasts. It was celebrated in a very high spirit of worship, joy In Christ, you shall see the greatest restoration the church has ever seen.
and abundance of offerings. All the eight days, the Israelites from all over the Everything the prophets foretold shall be fulfilled now. Your Lord is waiting in
world gathered together, living in booths, remembering their former state. The heaven until the time of complete restoration of His Church (Ac.3:18,21). The
revelation of this Feast of Tabernacles will make you a joyful, feasting Christian. glory, first love, hidden truths, health, all ministries and total manifestation of
the Holy Spirit shall be restored to the Church. Your life and ministry shall be
Celebrate your pilgrimage on this earth: During this festival week, restored. Rejoice!
people stayed in booths (Lev.23:40-41). God ordained it for them to remember
they were tent-dwellers and sojourners. They thankfully acknowledged their Celebrate the return of the New-Testament-pattern: In the Feast of
God-given houses, gardens and wells they had not built, planted or dug. Tabernacles, people left their usual lifestyle and lived in booths. Today, the
Church is moving from its former ‘church-building-traditions’ towards the
In Christ, you are a stranger and pilgrim in this world (Phil.3:20; 1.Pe.2:11). Early Church pattern of house-gatherings. The Jerusalem revival, the gentile
Like your Master, you don’t belong to this world (Jn.17:14,16). All your revival and the European revival started and spread in houses (Ac.2:2-46;
sufferings are temporal (2.Co.4:16-18). You have a great God-built dwelling 10:9,11-12,30,44-48; 16:15-32,40). Seek God wherever He manifests, but be
place in your heavenly home where there is safety, joy and constant bliss under a strong apostolic covering as the Early Church was!
(Jn.14:1-3). Live in eternity-consciousness today (Col.3:3)!
Beloved, one of the great prophetic aspects of this feast is that all the
Celebrate your great harvest: The Feast of Tabernacles was the time nations will come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles and worship
of the great and last harvest for the Israelites. All grain and fruits were harvested our King. Those who refuse to come shall be denied the rain from heaven
by that time, around the second week of October. The Feast of Firstfruits and (Zec.14:16-21). This is not the time to mourn. The joy of the Lord will be the
Pentecost opened the harvest season, the Feast of Tabernacles closed it with a strength of this end-time church (Neh.8:10). Let praise and worship flow
great harvest (Dt.16:13). Harvest also speaks of God’s judgment on this sinful from you TODAY!
world. They are parallel in God’s Word (Mt.13:24-30). On one side, you will
see a great harvest of souls, on the other side, you will see judgments falling on Thank You, Lord, I lift up my eyes and look at the fields, for
nations. In Christ, you are at the verge of the greatest harvest of souls, blessings, they are already white for harvest! You will restore health to me
and prosperity. Expect your harvest! and heal me of my wounds. I do not sorrow, for Your joy is my
strength because I am in Christ.
Celebrate with generosity: Within the eight days of this feast, almost
hundred-ninety-nine animals were offered, costing millions of dollars. David Jn.4:35; Jer.30:17; Neh.8:10
and Solomon offered innumerable animals when they celebrated their God
(1.Ki.8:5; 2.Chr.5:6). One of God’s main purposes for all the feasts was to
make His people generous (Lev.23:37-38).
Life in Christ is the most generous life on this earth. Jesus gave Himself
411 412
the earth and its people (Isa.60:2). Orgies, drunkenness, lust and sexual
immorality, strife and envy will abound (Ro.13:13). The children of this dark
july 22 CONTINUAL BURNING world let go of all self-control. You are a child of the light, a child of the day,
IN CHRIST God’s shining light in this crooked and perverse generation (1.Thes.5:5-8;
Phil.2:15). Shine till the morning dawns (Mt.5:16)!
Command the children of Israel that they bring to you pure oil of Continually: The lamps in the Tabernacle had to burn continually before
pressed olives for the light, to make the lamps burn continually. the Lord. In Christ, your entire life is a continual burning and shining light.
Outside the veil of the Testimony, in the Tabernacle of meeting, Aaron Your heavenly light is eternal and never stops burning. Keeping your spirit
shall be in charge of it from evening until morning before the LORD alive and vibrant is in your hand. You are in charge of your lamp, just as the
continually. It shall be a statute forever in your generations. priests were. Trim every negativism and make sure you live in faith
…not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord (2.Co.13:5). Your life of prayer and praise should continually burn and shine
(Lev.24:2-3; Ro.12:11). (Eph.5:20; 1.Thes.5:17-18). Stir up of your gifts and callings (2.Ti.1:6). Invite
the active Presence of the Holy Spirit in every area of your life (Eph.5:18).
This is the sure way to keep burning and shining continually.
The greatest blessing under heaven is to have a new nature and a new
spirit within you. If you learn to keep your spirit in all fervency, you are a You are the bread: Twelve cakes of bread were placed in two rows
winner and a world-blesser. The continual burning of the lamps in the on the table of pure gold before the Lord. Pure frankincense was put on
Tabernacle speaks clearly of this truth. each row. Every Sabbath, it was set before the Lord in order. These twelve
rows of bread represent the twelve tribes of Israel, and Aaron and his sons
You are the lamp: The moment you came to Christ, the great Light of ate it as most holy food. In Christ, like your Master, you have become God’s
the world came into your life to make you His light to the world (Jn.8:12; 9:5; bread, both to God and man. You are in this world to give life as God’s living
Mt.5:14; 2.Co.4:6). He shines in and through you in this dark world. Your bread. You even bring satisfaction and fulfillment to God and His servants
spirit is the lamp of God (Pr.20:27). You get all the heavenly guidance, (SS.4:16-5:1; Lk.17:7-8).
brightness, revelation and glory from your shining spirit. When your spirit is
in total authority, your very eyes become your light (Mt.6:22-23; Lk.11:34- Beloved, like the bread in the Tabernacle, let your body and soul be
35). Your soul and every cell of your body reflect God’s glory. You are broken and baked by the Holy Ghost to become God’s bread in His Presence
literally clothed with the armor of light (Ro.13:12). No matter how dense (Lev.24:6)! Like the pure incense on the bread, let unceasing praise, prayer
darkness surrounds you, you can penetrate it without being harmed even a and Word-meditation be the fragrance of your life (Lev.24:7)! As the fresh
bit (Jn.1:4-5). bread was set before the Lord every Sabbath, regular participation in church
services shall renew you as a fresh bread week by week (Lev.24:8;
Holy Ghost Oil: Pressed and pure olive oil was constantly poured to Heb.10:25).
make the lamps burn continually. All the children of Israel were commanded
to bring oil, and the priests were constantly pouring this oil into the lamps. Thank You, Lord, I am the light of the world, and my
Your ascended Lord sent His heavenly Holy Spirit to dwell in you, to make spirit is Your lamp, searching all the inner depths of my
your spirit burn and glow constantly (Ro.12:11). Like the olive, He was heart. I am blameless and harmless, a child of God without
pressed and crushed at Gethsemane and on Calvary to supply you with His fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation,
heavenly Oil, the Holy Spirit. Make it your goal to be constantly filled with among whom I shine as a light in the world because I am in
His Spirit to shine in this world. Life in the Spirit is the only way to shine in Christ.
this dark world. Mt.5:14; Pr.20:27; Phil.2:15; Heb.10:25
Evening till morning: Aaron was in charge of taking special care to
make the lamps burn from evening until morning to dispel darkness from
God’s Tabernacle. There is dense darkness all around you. The rulers of the
darkness of this age are very active to make this world even darker
(Eph.6:12)! As The Day approaches, deep and thick darkness shall cover

413 414
Your new nature: This spirit and nature is yours in Christ! The love of
july 23 God that forgives and bears all is poured out into your spirit (Ro.5:5). Like
NO REVENGE IN CHRIST Stephen, you can graciously forgive those who torment and torture you. In
Christ, you are completely free from any revenging attitude. Let this nature
dominate and wash away any trace of revenge from your soul! You are in
If a man causes disfigurement of his neighbor, as he has done, this world not to condemn, but to save, heal and bless humanity. You overcome
so shall it be done to him – fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for evil with good. Your real nature feeds your enemies and gives them drink
tooth. As he has caused disfigurement of a man, so shall it be done when they are thirsty (Ro.12:20-21). You are a New-Covenant-believer,
to him. living not under the law but under grace (Ga.5:18; Ro.6:14)!
You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth Your Substitute: God’s care and concern for men and even animals
for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever cause Him to take revenge against any aggressor (Lev.24:17-23). If you
slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also (Lev.24:19- hurt and injure others, you deserve hurts and injury. But for Christ, you
20; Mt.5:38-39). would have lost many teeth by now! You would be injured, disfigured, or
‘Life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth’ is the nutshell of the entire blind, cast out of your community and even killed! The good news is that
law. Thank God, Christ came to show the other side of God, His abounding your Savior suffered outside the gate, disfigured, despised, injured, blindfolded,
mercy and grace. Imagine, where would you be now if you lived under the and even died for you the most cruel, cursed death on the cross (Heb.13:12).
Old Covenant!? This is enough to fill your eyes with tears of gratitude for God’s holy anger was fully satisfied by His death. As benefactor of His
your Savior’s amazing grace! sacrifice, constantly celebrate His grace and mercy!
Blasphemy: The son of an Israelite woman and an Egyptian father Don’t misuse His grace: Life in Christ never takes advantage of
blasphemed God’s Name and cursed (Lev.24:10-11). Maybe he did it in an God’s goodness. The fact that grace abounds much more where sin abounds
outburst of anger, in the heat of the quarrel. When they waited upon the should make you more thankful and careful in your daily walk (Ro.5:20-6:2).
Lord to know what to do with him, God Himself commanded to take him Honor this grace and let Christ live His perfect life in and through you! The
outside the camp. Everyone who heard him curse had to put his hands on moment sin wants to erupt in you, judge it immediately and mortify the deeds
this man. Then the entire community had to stone him to death (Lev.24:14). of the flesh with the help of the Holy Spirit (1.Co.11:31; Ro.8:13; Heb.9:14)!
It was a strong warning for the Israelites never to curse or blaspheme God. Wait upon God: Even under the law, Moses waited to hear God before
Just think, how carelessly we speak about God and His power! Even sincere judging the blasphemer (Lev.24:12). How much more you, under grace,
Christians quickly pass judgment on the work of the Holy Spirit. should wait to hear God before dealing with others’ sin! Peter and Paul
Abounding grace: When the entire crowd was mocking and dealt with sin, being full of the Holy Ghost and in the power and Presence of
blaspheming the Son of God, He cried out to His Father, “Father, forgive Jesus (Ac.5:9; 13:9-11; 1.Co.5:4-5). Never lean on your fleshly understanding
them, for they do not know what they do” (Lk.23:34). When the angry mob and zeal. Let mercy triumph over judgment (Jas.2:13).
resisted and insulted the Holy Spirit and stoned Stephen to death, he knelt Beloved, you live by the pure mercy of God. Show His mercy to others
down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this TODAY!
sin” (Ac.7:60). When the Samaritans refused to allow Jesus to enter their Thank You, Lord, Your mercy triumphs over judgment!
city and the disciples wanted to pray down fire, He rebuked them saying, When You were reviled, You did not revile in return. When
“You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. For the Son of Man did You suffered, You did not threaten, but committed Yourself
not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them” (Lk.9:51-56). Even while to Him who judges righteously. I am not overcome by evil,
hanging on the cross, He forgave and permitted the thief to enter paradise but I overcome evil with good because I am in Christ.
with Him (Lk.23:43). This is the Spirit of your Savior!
Jas.2:13; 1.Pe.2:23; Ro.12:21

415 416
to inaugurate the year of God’s favor and jubilee for all peoples (Ps.102:20;
july 24
JUBILEE IN CHRIST Year of new beginnings: The jubilee was the beginning year for all
negotiations. It was a new beginning for families, a new beginning for the
slaves, a new beginning for the debtors. All slavery is gone forever! All
And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty bondages are broken! All separations are mended! All the losses are restored.
throughout all the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee for In Christ, this is what happened to you. All your sins are eternally forgiven.
you; and each of you shall return to his possession, and each of you Your debts are paid for. All your oppressions are broken. You are no more
shall return to his family. under the dominion of darkness, disease, fear or any curse. You are totally
The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has anointed free. Your old nature has passed away. You are a new being, a new creation,
Me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to heal the a new species. You have a new life, a new nature, a new Master, a new
brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of family, a new identity. Truly, in Christ, old things have passed away. Behold,
sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim all things have become new (2.Co.5:17).
the acceptable year of the LORD (Lev.25:10; Lk.4:18-19). Like the Israelites, you count everything on the basis of your new life.
Even your business dealings are based on your new life in Christ. You count
Life in Christ is a life of jubilee, a life of freedom and liberty, a life of joy all things loss for the sake of your Jubilee!
and celebration. It’s altogether a new beginning. The year of jubilee clearly Year of restoration: Owners who had sold or mortgaged their land
depicts this truth. would eagerly expect the jubilee. The land was never owned permanently
Fiftieth year: Every seventh year was a Sabbath year, a year of liberty, by an Israelite, for they acknowledged God as its true Owner. Therefore,
rest and enjoyment for the Israelites. All their debts were cancelled in that the right of the original owner to buy it back was kept intact (Lev.25:23-24).
year. After every seventh Sabbath year, the fiftieth year was celebrated as Even those who were forced to sell their land and were not able to buy it
a year of jubilee. The year of jubilee was inaugurated by a trumpet sound back would receive it back in the year of jubilee. It was the year of restoration.
throughout the land. In this year, every slave was liberated to return to his Beloved, in Christ, whatever man has lost since Eden is completely
family and enjoy his property. All the loans of everyone were cancelled, all restored back to you. God’s image and very life is restored to you. Fellowship
the servants were released, debts were forgiven, lands were given back to and union with God is restored. Health and vitality is restored. Dominion and
their original owners, and all the businesses were started anew. Just imagine authority is restored. Prosperity and peace is restored. Family blessing and
the joy of reunion and restoration! progress is restored. Joy and jubilee is restored. All you have to do is to blow
All business negotiations were based on the year of jubilee. Both the your trumpet and return to your property. Celebrate your generous God
land and the people enjoyed perfect Sabbath rest during the entire year. No TODAY!
sowing, no reaping, no gathering of fruits. Whatever people bought or sold Thank You, Lord, You hear the groaning of the prisoner.
was accounted according to the number of years since the jubilee. You release those appointed to death. You opened my blind
In the sixth year, God gave them the harvest of three years so that eyes. You brought me out from my prison. In an acceptable
people could eat the crop of the sixth year until they could reap the new time You have heard me, and in the day of salvation You
harvest in the ninth year. This great miracle harvest was promised for those have helped me because I am in Christ.
who observed the jubilee. Ps.102:20; Isa.42:7; 49:8
Jesus, the great Proclaimer of Jubilee: The Hebrew word “Yobel”
means the blast of the horn. This signifies the year of jubilee, introduced by
the blowing of the horns. It was an open declaration of liberty for all the land
and its inhabitants. Jesus proclaimed this liberty in His very first message
He preached in His home-town Nazareth. He was anointed to proclaim
liberty to all the captives and freedom to all the oppressed. He literally came

417 418
(Phil.4:6). You will trample on snakes and scorpions, and nothing shall by any
means harm you (Lk.10:19; Mk.16:17-18).
july 25 BLESSINGS OF OBEDIENCE Power over enemies: Victory over all the enemies is God’s promised
IN CHRIST blessing to you. You will pursue your enemies, and they will flee and fall before
you (Lev.26:7-8). Five will have enough power to chase a hundred. Hundred
If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, and will chase ten thousand. Extraordinary power will operate through you against
perform them, then I will give you rain in its season, the land shall all those who oppose you. When you wield the sword of the Spirit, the demonic
yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. kingdom will collapse before you (Eph.6:18).
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who Power to increase: God’s favor will make you fruitful and multiply
has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in (Ge.1:22; 17:6-7; Neh.9:23). You will always increase, never decrease
Christ. (Lev.26:3-4; Eph.1:3) (Ps.107:38).
Presence: The Presence of God Almighty with you and in you is the
It is always God’s pleasure to bless His Covenant people. He chose them greatest blessing you could ever imagine. When God’s people walked in
just to bless them. If you read all the promised blessings of God, you will be obedience, God put His dwelling place among them. When they sinned, He left
surprised at His generosity in blessing. Of course, in the Old Testament, all His them. Even the Tabernacle had to be pitched outside the camp (Ex.33:7). In
blessings were conditional, based on human effort. God’s language here was, Christ, His Presence never leaves you. He abides with you forever through His
“I will bless you IF YOU…”. In Christ, God’s blessings are based on Christ’s precious Spirit (Jn.14:16). Sin and disobedience grieve and block His Presence
accomplishments on the cross. God’s language now is, “I HAVE blessed you…”. in you. Let Him manifest freely through you!
OT and NT obedience: In the Old Testament, people had to do something Beloved, you are already the most blessed person on this earth! You are
to obtain blessings. In Christ, you are already blessed with all His blessings. the blessed child of your blessed God. By His obedience, Christ purchased all
Now, faith is the only key to unlock His blessings and bring them to the blessings for you. Your mere presence brings blessings upon this earth.
manifestation. In fact, your level of faith determines your level of obedience to Know that you are blessed in Christ! Walk in daily obedience to His voice. You
His voice. In the Old Testament, God gave them His laws and statutes to obey. will lack no blessing!
In the New Testament, His Spirit whispers in your heart what you should do Thank You, Lord, I shall eat my bread to the full, and dwell
every day, based on His Word. In the Old Testament, people had to obey with in my land safely. You will give peace in the land, and I shall lie
their own fleshly efforts and rituals. In the New Testament, you have Christ’s down, and none will make me afraid. I will chase my enemies, and
obedient nature within you to obey spontaneously. In the Old Testament, the they shall fall by the sword before me. For You will look on me
law was powerless because of man’s weak, sinful nature. In Christ, God favorably and make me fruitful, multiply me and confirm Your
condemns sin in sinful man so that all His righteous law might be fulfilled in us. covenant with me because I am in Christ.
Now, living in the Spirit makes it easy to obey every one of God’s requirements. Lev.26:5-9
Prosperity: In Leviticus 26, God’s bountiful blessings are enumerated.
You should enjoy every one of them as a child of God. Rain in its season is
always God’s blessing upon the nations. If believers in Christ humble themselves
and pray, they can exercise their authority over nature to bring rain. Fertile
ground, fruitful fields, bumper harvest and surplus food are always God’s
blessings (Lev.26:3-5).
Peace: Living safely and peacefully without fear is God’s great blessing
(Ps.29:11; 37:11; 85:8; Ps.147:14; Isa.26:3). Undisturbed, peaceful sleep is
yours in Christ (Lev.26:6; Ps.3:5; 4:8; Pr.3:24). Even dangerous animals and
insects will become harmless before you (Da.6:21-22). Wars and strife will
cease (Isa.60:18). In Christ, you enjoy perfect peace that passes all understanding

419 420
you, and you will be delivered into the hands of your enemies. Your food
supply will be cut off, and you will be hungry and dissatisfied no matter what
july 26 you eat (Lev.26:23-26).
Fifth call: If you continue to defy God, He will walk against you in fury.
You will be so hungry you will eat your own children. God will destroy your
Then, if you walk contrary to Me, and are not willing to obey Me, places of worship. Dead bodies will be piled up on your idols. Entire cities,
I will bring on you seven times more plagues, according to your sins. even the land will be ruined. You will be scattered among the nations, and
But if you are without chastening, of which all have become God will abhor your prayers and praises. Extreme fear and anxiety, total
partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons (Lev.26:21; defeat and humiliation before the enemies, mental confusion and even death
Heb.12:8). will follow. Your sin will ruin your very nation (Lev.26:27-39)!
Mercy in anger: Even in His fury, God remembered His mercy and
Covenant and made provision for them to repent and be blessed. He would
God never curses or chastises His people happily. His righteousness not completely destroy them if they humbled themselves to confess their
forces Him to chastise His people if they persist in disobedience. God’s iniquities and the iniquities of their fathers (Lev.26:40). Time and again, the
righteousness and mercy are parallel. In Christ, you need not suffer curses disobedient Israelites were defeated before their enemies and scattered
or chastisements. Your Savior became a curse and was chastised for your among the nations. All the curses pronounced here were literally fulfilled in
sake (Isa.53:5; Ga.3:13). And yet, if you don’t walk in implicit obedience to their lives. In the whole world, Jews were hated and killed more than any
His voice and Word, chastisement becomes inevitable. In His great love, other nation, even to the extent of a holocaust. And yet, God was faithful to
God chastises you to make you a partaker of His holiness (Heb.12:10). Your His Covenant with Abraham. He always preserved a remnant to show His
repentance and obedience determine the degree of His chastisements. In mercy and salvation to the world. Mercy triumphs over judgment (Jas.2:13)!
Leviticus 26, five degrees of chastisement are specifically mentioned. Even
here, we see God’s great mercy. He gives enough opportunity to repent and The Curse-Breaker: In the Old Testament, the curses pronounced
to return whole-heartedly. exceed the blessings promised (Lev.26; Dt.28). Thank God, in the New
Testament we don’t see a long list of curses! Everywhere, we see the
First call: All kinds of sudden terror, wasting diseases, fever that can blessings we have in Christ (Eph.1). We see the power of the Gospel, the
destroy even your eyesight, sorrow of heart, constant failure in anything you glory and growth of the Church, the prevailing authority of the believers, the
do, enemies ruling and overpowering you and fearful imaginations are all progressive march of His army, the rampant multiplication of His people,
God’s call to repentance (Lev.26:16-17). In Christ, you can live totally free marvelous miracles, frightened foes, angelic activity, flooding revelations
from sickness, sorrow and defeat, yet you can forfeit this privilege by your and magnified Name of the Master, all because the Resurrected Savior has
disobedience. Quick repentance will revert God’s chastisement upon you. broken every curse!
Second call: When you make light of His first call, you will have to Beloved, in Christ, God will cause you to triumph in whatever you do
face a second level which is seven times worse. God will break whatever and wherever you go. Jesus was chastised to annul all your curses. Walk
you are proud of. You will experience closed heavens, barren earth, and you free TODAY!
will spend your strength in vain. You will labor much, but reap little. Nothing
you do will prosper or bring fruit (Lev.26:18-20). Thank You, Lord, You were wounded for my transgressions,
You were bruised for my iniquities. The chastisement for my
Third call: Continuous resistance will increase your chastisement seven peace was upon You, and by Your stripes I am healed. You
times more and even endanger the life of your children and cattle. You will did not spare Your own Son, but delivered Him up for me.
lose many people and become few and isolated (Lev.26:.21-22). In Christ, How shall You not with Him also freely give me all things
your children and cattle are safe and blessed. You will never become few, because I am in Christ.
but always increase, both in quality and quantity. Decide today to walk in
faith and obedience. His chastisement will be totally reverted. Isa.53:5; Ro.8:32
Forth call: If still you are not reformed and amend your ways, war will
break out against you. Wherever you seek security, pestilence will strike
421 422
(Pr.20:25). The word “devoted”, in Hebrew “charem”, has a powerful
meaning. It means “shut in as in a net” or “something doomed forever”. It is
july 27 totally shut up or cut off from common use and given wholly to Jahweh,
DEVOTED TO GOD IN CHRIST without any right to revoke or change. In Christ, you are totally devoted to
God, never again to be used for a common purpose. In the Bible, this word
Nevertheless no devoted offering that a man may devote to the is even used in its negative sense, “to utterly destroy” (1.Sa.15:21;
LORD of all that he has, both man and beast, or the field of his 1.Ki.20:42). You are utterly destroyed for this world (Ga.6:14)!
possession, shall be sold or redeemed; every devoted offering is Go beyond! Though you are utterly dedicated and devoted to God, God
most holy to the LORD. still expects your willing dedication. Hanna dedicated her first son to the
I urge you, brethren – you know the household of Stephanas, Lord to live in the Temple of God and to serve Him all his life (1.Sa.1:22,28).
that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have devoted God made her mother of the first prophetic movement. Prophetess Anna
themselves to the ministry of the saints (Lev.27:28; 1.Co.16:15). devoted her life to constant worship, night and day prayer and fastings and
became the first prophetic evangelist (Lk.2:36-38). John the Baptist even
forfeited his right to delicious food, comfort, decent dress and a home and
The last chapter of Leviticus deals with persons, animals, houses and became the forerunner of the Lord Jesus Himself (Mt.3:4). The Early Church
land devoted to the Lord. People voluntarily made special vows to God for devoted itself to the teaching of the apostles, to fellowship, prayers and the
specific purposes. To redeem the devoted persons or animals, they had to breaking of bread (Ac.2:42). The twelve apostles happily devoted themselves
pay the religious tax according to their age and sex. The priests would appraise to prayer and the ministry of the Word of God, despising their right to
their value (Lev.27:3-7). administer. Later they shook their world and became the foundation of the
Whatever animal was devoted to the Lord was considered holy Church (Ac.6:2-4; Eph.2:20). Paul and Barnabas willingly offered even their
(Lev.27:9). Since an unclean animal could not be offered to the Lord, the right to marry and their salaries to serve God at their own expense. They
owner had to redeem it by paying the price the priest fixed. Likewise, the became the pioneers of the missionary movement (1.Co.9:1-15). The
value for houses and lands was assessed by the priest on basis of the year Macedonians devoted themselves to be generous givers, even in their extreme
of jubilee (Lev.27:14-25). All firstborn of both men and animals and all the poverty, and became a model for Christianity throughout all ages (2.Co.8:2-
tithes already belong to God and therefore cannot be given as special vows 4). The list goes on and on… Everyone who made such special vows became
(Lev.27:26-33). God’s channel of blessing to this world.
Vowed and valued: The moment you came to Christ, you and all your Beloved, God is calling you for a life of dedication and devotion. Decide
belongings were dedicated to the Lord. You have no choice here. Jesus TODAY!
valued you higher than His very life and bought you with His precious Blood. Thank You, Lord, I have been crucified with Christ; it is
You are God’s purchased possession, redeemed by His precious Blood no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life
(Eph.1:14; 1.Pe.1:19). You no longer live for yourself (2.Co.5:15; Ga.2:20). which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of
You are totally devoted to God and thus became holy unto Him. No matter God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. The world has
what is your age or sex, you are of highest value to Him. Only the Blood of been crucified to me, and I to the world because I am in
Jesus was precious enough to buy you! Rejoice! Christ.
In His earthly walk, Jesus esteemed people higher than the law. He Ga.2:20; 6:14
valued people so much that He healed the sick even on the Sabbath. To His
critics, He clearly answered that man is more valuable (Mt.12:11). He valued
the innocent little children so much that He rebuked His disciples for keeping
them from being blessed (Mt.18:10; 19:14; Mk.10:14). In Christ, there is
absolutely no partiality (Ac.10:34-35).
Devoted wholly: Whatever the Israelites devoted to God was totally
His. The offerer was obligated to keep his vow lest he would be snared

423 424
Assignment and assistance: God always gives assistance when He
assigns a task. He not only commanded them to take a census but even
july 28
NUMBERING IN CHRIST appointed the leaders of each tribe who would assist them (Nu.1:5-16). This
made the census very fast. If God called you for His task, know He always
provides the strength, personnel, finances and everything you need to
…from twenty years old and above - all who are able to go to war accomplish it. Truly, His yoke is easy, and His burden is light (Mt.11:30).
in Israel. You and Aaron shall number them by their armies. Judah more: If you observe the number of soldiers from every tribe,
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear you will see Judah, meaning praise, always excelling (Ge.29:35). They had
therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows (Nu.1:3; 74.600 soldiers while the other tribes had around 30.000 to 60.000 (Nu.1:21-
Mt.10:30-31). 43). In the census taken 38 years later, Judah had gained more new soldiers
while some other tribes even lost their soldiers (Nu.26:22).
In Christ, you are God’s Judah and a professional praiser (Eph.1:6,12,14)!
God Himself commanded His servants to number all the male Israelites
Praising people are procreating people! Praise-power increases you and
from twenty years and above by their clans and families, listing every man
your life span. A praising lifestyle will increase your anointing, authority,
by name. There were two census in this book. The first one was taken soon
family, ministry, prosperity, health and everything about you. Try praise today!
after they left Egypt, the other census was taken before they entered Canaan.
The God of infinite wisdom still counts each one of us meticulously. He is No Levites: Levites were not counted along with the others. They
not a God who stands afar off, without much interest in you. Nothing escapes were totally set apart for God and His service. In Christ, you are not only
His attention. He knows your thoughts, sighs, even the words you will speak God’s Judah, but also God’s Levite and are not counted with this world. You
before they come on your tongue (Ex.2:22-25; Ps.139:4). He knows your are included in the census of the heavenly family (Eph.2:19; 3:15; Col.1:12-
need before you ever ask Him (Mt.6:8). He has numbered all your days, 13). You are not of this world, you are a citizen of heaven (Jn.17:16; Phil.3:20)!
even every single hair of your head (Mt.10:30). He has counted the stars of Beloved, in the census of God, you are more than your enemies. They
heaven and the sand of the sea (Ps.147:4). How detailed is your God! that are with you are more than they that are against you (2.Ki.6:16;
Count your blessings: God wants you to count your days so that you 2.Chr.32:7; 1.Jn.4:4). You are more than a conqueror (Ro.8:37). You are an
may become wise, and gather every piece of every minute as the disciples ever-increasing Judah!
gathered twelve baskets of fragments (Ps.90:12; Mt.14:20; Mk.6:43; Lk.9:17; Thank You, Lord, the very hairs of my head are all
Jn.6:13). He wants you to count every one of His blessings, not to be proud numbered. I am of more value than many sparrows. I do not
of them, but to be thankful to God. Count what God has done in and through fear, for those who are with me are more than those who
you! Count His innumerable favors to every one of your family and church are with my enemies because I am in Christ.
members. When the Holy Spirit inspires you to count God’s blessings and Mt.10:30-31; 2.Ki.6:16
accomplishments, you will become the most thankful person on this earth.
Satan induced David to take a census of God’s people and caused great
destruction (1.Chr.21:1,7,14). Nebuchadnezzar counted his achievements in
pride and became like an animal (Da.4). God inspired Moses to count His
people to march on as His army and possess Canaan (Nu.1:2-3).
All soldiers: Like a Commander-in-chief, God counted His soldiers,
every male above twenty who was able to go to war. The women, children,
old men and the Levites were not enrolled as soldiers. In Christ, the moment
you came to Christ, you became God’s soldier, irrespective of your sex and
age. All are soldiers in the Kingdom of God (2.Ti.2:3-4)! Not your physical
strength but your spiritual strength decides your victory in your spiritual battles

425 426
the dry bones. The bones came together bone to bone and ultimately formed
a body, even an army (Eze.37).
july 29
GOD’S ORDER IN CHRIST In Christ, you have deep commitment and fellowship with people of like
vision and calling, though you are a part of the universal Body of Christ. The
vine is a beautiful example of the Body of Christ. He is the Head, we are the
Everyone of the children of Israel shall camp by his own standard, branches (Jn.15). We produce clusters of fruit. Always live and work in
beside the emblems of his father’s house; they shall camp some teams. Never be an independent minister lest you stray from the center of
distance from the tabernacle of meeting. God’s will. Endeavor to live in perfect harmony with your own family. He is
Let all things be done decently and in order (Nu.2:2; 1.Co.14:40). the God of family, too.
God of attraction: God’s Tabernacle and God’s servants were the
center of the camp. All the tribes were focused towards God’s Presence.
The arrangements of the camps of Israel reveal God’s character. He God is always the central focus of everything. The one who walks in the
instructed Moses where each tribe should encamp around His Tabernacle. midst of the seven golden lampstands demands your total attention (Rev.2:2,4).
God of order: He is a God of order and harmony (1.Co.14:33). Like All your achievements, family, orderly life, self-discipline and progress should
an expert designer, He gave a beautiful blueprint for the encampment of His be focused on Christ and His cause (Mt.6:33; Col.3:16). Jesus must always
people. He divided the twelve tribes into four camps. The camp of Judah be the center of your attraction.
was toward the east, the camp of Ruben toward the south, the camp of God of progress: The purpose of all the arrangements of the camps
Ephraim toward the west and the camp of Dan toward the north. The was to march on towards their Promised Land. This is the goal of your life.
Tabernacle of meeting and the Levites were encamped in midst of the camps. The camps were arranged in such order that Judah always set out first as
Each camp marched towards Canaan in their marching order - Judah they were encamped toward the east (Nu.2:3-4). They were the first to see
first, Ruben second, Ephraim third and Dan last. This arrangement shows the sun rise and rise up to move ahead whenever the glory cloud lifted. This
that your God does everything beautifully in His own time (Eccl.3:1,11). was the direct fulfillment of Jacob’s prophecy that the scepter would never
People marveled at the perfection of Jesus’ works and said, “He has done depart from Judah (Ge.49:10). Praising people always take the lead toward
all things well” (Mk.7:37). The Holy Spirit brought order and perfection new territories! Try praise TODAY!
right in the creation of the world (Ge.1:2). Beloved, God is the One who determines the exact place where you
In Christ, God has made you the most beautiful, orderly, harmonious should live (Ac.17:26). Learn to be content wherever God has placed you
new creation. You have authority to command order to come into your life. (Phil.4:13-14). Listen to God, and your life will never be in disorder!
The Holy Spirit in you is the Spirit of discipline (2.Ti.1:7). He will guide you Thank You, Lord, You are not the author of confusion
in all your habits and timings if you allow Him. but of peace. You have determined my preappointed times
God of leadership: The Kingdom of God is a hierarchy. See the way and the boundaries of my dwellings. You will give me shepherds
God works here: Every tribe had its own leader, but still submitted to the according to Your heart, who will feed me with knowledge
main leaders of the four camps. The sons of Levi submitted to the leadership and understanding because I am in Christ.
of the sons of Aaron (Nu.4:16,28,33). These leaders guided them in their 1.Co.14:33; Ac.17:26; Jer.3:15
entire wilderness journey. God is still the God of leadership. The names of
the leaders of each tribe are given in the Scripture for our admonishing. Let
me ask you a direct question. Who is the leader of your family? Who is your
spiritual leader? Can you name them right now? If you are not sure, make
sure to come into this inevitable divine order. It is God’s will to bless you
through a leader. Recognize your leader TODAY!
God of cluster: God is a God of team-work. In the order of the Israelites,
every tribe lived together as a cluster. The twelve tribes lived interdependently.
They camped together and marched together. It is like Ezekiel’s vision of

427 428
covering screens and curtains, ropes etc. (Nu.3:21-25). The Kohathites
toward the south, responsible for the Ark, the table, the lampstand, the altars,
july 30 DIFFERENT MINISTRIES the utensils of the Sanctuary with which they ministered, the screen, and all
IN CHRIST the work relating to them (Nu.3:31). Merari toward the north, responsible
for the boards of the Tabernacle, its bars, pillars, sockets, pegs and cords
And you shall give the Levites to Aaron and his sons; they are etc. Different positions! Different responsibilities! Different ministries!
given entirely to him from among the children of Israel. So you shall Helping ministry: Along with the five-fold ministries, God has also
appoint Aaron and his sons, and they shall attend to their priesthood; appointed helping ministries with different giftings and graces. They are
but the outsider who comes near shall be put to death. primarily given to serve, enhance and help the five-fold ministries. They are
There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there helpers, encouragers, generous givers, administrators, mercy-doers etc.
are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all (Ro.12:3-8). If you have not yet found out your calling, you can always help
(Nu.3:9-10; 1.Co.12:5-6). the five-fold ministries with all your gifts and talents. Start encouraging the
broken people. If God has blessed you with riches, be a liberal, generous
giver. Show mercy to the widows, orphans and the poor by doing them
God in His sovereign wisdom has given different kinds of ministries.
good. Remember, on the last day, God will reward you not on the basis of
This is clearly seen in the priestly and levitical order.
your calling, but on the basis of your faithfulness in using your abilities.
Priestly ministry: God selected the levitical tribes to serve Him. Even
Stay in your ministry: Whatever is God’s calling upon your life, stick
among them, Aaron and his sons were called to serve in the office of
to it. Never covet others’ ministry and step out of your calling. Even death
priesthood. Notice their placement! They were camped closest to God’s
will hit if you try to do what you are not called to do! The Kohathites would
Tabernacle, towards the east (Nu.3:38). Judah was behind them, the
die if they dared to look at the holy things even for a moment (Nu.3:10,38;
Tabernacle was before them. Priestly ministry must be done in midst of
4:17-20). If you faithfully stay in your ministry where you have the grace,
praises and God’s Presence. They were specially anointed and ordained to
you will be highly exalted, and God will do wonders for you.
take care of the Sanctuary on behalf of the Israelites. Nobody else, even no
Levite, was allowed to approach the Sanctuary. Aaron’s sons were Beloved, the moment you came into Christ, you became a member of
responsible for different aspects of the Sanctuary. His glorious Body. You have a function and a God-given task to do. You are
given enough grace and ability to fulfill it. Your calling demands your entire
Five-fold ministry: Under the New Covenant, all believers are made
life and energy. You are in this world with a heavenly commission. If you
priests. Yet God has appointed His apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors
seek God’s Kingdom with all your heart, everything you and your family
and teachers to serve as leadership ministries. Their main ministry is to stay
need for this life will be given to you freely and liberally (Mt.6:33). Stop
close to God and to serve Him. They are in charge of building up the Body
worrying! Start working! TODAY!
of Christ, equipping the saints for God’s work (Eph.4:11-13). They are called
specially for prayer and the ministry of the Word (Ac.6:4). Apostles govern Thank You, Lord, as I have received a gift, I minister it
as leaders, fathers, pioneers, and founder-presidents of new ministries. to others, as a good steward of Your manifold grace. I have
Prophets guide the church as God’s spokesmen, revealing God’s will and gifts differing according to the grace that is given to me,
purposes. Evangelists gather souls and challenge the church for outreach. and I use them: if prophecy, I prophesy in proportion to my
Pastors guard the local church, feeding and maturing them. Teachers ground faith; or ministry, I use it in my ministering; if I teach, in
the church on the solid doctrines of God’s Word. Find out your calling and teaching; if I exhort, in exhortation; if I give, with liberality;
function and give your total life to it. if I lead, with diligence; if I show mercy, with cheerfulness
because I am in Christ.
Levitical ministry: The tribe of Levi was presented to Aaron and his
sons as a gift to assist them (Nu.8:19; 18:7). They were servants to the 1.Pe.4:10; Ro.12:4-8
priests to perform their duties for all Israel (Nu.3:5-10). Even the placement
and job assignments of the Levites’ camps was different. The Gershonites
camped toward the west, responsible for Tabernacle and its inner and outer

429 430
(Nu.4:16). The Kohathites worked under his direct supervision. Ithamar
supervised the works of the Gershonites and Merarites (Nu.4:18,33). Every
july 31 SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS article of the Tabernacle, even the ropes, tent pegs, trays, wick-trimmers,
IN CHRIST and jars were carefully counted and packed safely. Nothing should be lost in
His holy service!
And when Aaron and his sons have finished covering the In Christ, God entrusted you with His power, personnel, provisions, all
sanctuary and all the furnishings of the sanctuary, when the camp is you need to fulfill your calling! He expects you to be faithful in maintaining
set to go, then the sons of Kohath shall come to carry them; but they every one of them. Diligence and watchfulness should be your landmark.
shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die... Even a slight negligence will cause great damage in God’s work (Pr.18:9).
But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of Treat every letter, every prayer request, every phone call, every stamp,
an evangelist, fulfill your ministry (Nu.4:15; 2 Ti.4:5). every paper clip, every single penny, every building, every vehicle, every
electronic device with utmost care. Remember, they are God’s gift for His
holy purpose! He will test your faithfulness in little things before He can
God commanded Moses to assign the duties of the Levites and the entrust you with greater things (Lk.16:10-12; 19:17). Ezra was extremely
priests. Every man from thirty to fifty years of age was selected by a special careful with the gold and silver articles and money entrusted to him. He
census to serve God. For warfare, men from twenty years onward were weighed every piece, handed them over to faithful men and strictly
selected, and for worship, men from thirty years onward. Maturity and commanded them to carefully watch and keep them (Ez.8:24-30). He told
strength is a must in God’s service. Let us consider some of the most important them, “You are holy to the LORD; the articles are holy also; and the silver
things in God’s ministry. and the gold are a freewill offering to the LORD God of your fathers.”
Cover: God spoke elaborately about covering the Ark and all the articles Learn this lesson!
of the Tabernacle. Whenever the camp was to move, Aaron and his sons Carry: When the Aaronites finished covering the holy articles, the
would cover all the articles meticulously. They would cover the Ark of God Kohathites, Gershonites and Merarites had to come to do the carrying. They
with the curtain of the Most Holy Place, then with a fine leather cover, and were specially chosen to carry the holy Tabernacle. The priests covered,
on top of it the blue cloth (Nu.4:5-6). Likewise, they covered the holy table the Levites carried! The carriers were not allowed to look at or handle the
with blue cloth and put the utensils and the showbread on it. Over that, the articles lest they die. In Christ, you have all the privileges of both the priests
scarlet cloth and leather cover were spread (Nu.4:7-10). Blue cloth! Scarlet and the Levites. You are the guardian of God’s Presence and anointing. You
cloth! Leather covering! What a covering! also carry God’s glory wherever you go. You are a God’s-glory-carrier.
Noah’s ark was coated with pitch inside and out so that not even one They carried just the ark, the symbol of God’s Presence. You carry God
drop of water could enter to drown it (Ge.6:14). Moses’ parents coated the Himself!
ark with asphalt and pitch to make it water-proof. If Noah’s family and baby Beloved, the Holy Spirit is a Precious Person. You can touch Him,
Moses were so precious to be fully covered, how much more God’s Presence befriend Him, handle Him, love Him, honor Him just like the apostles handled
in you should be guarded jealously! Jesus. He is not a box, He is your Boss! He is not an ark, He is your
In Christ, you are God’s holy Tabernacle. It is your highest responsibility Authority! He guards you and carries you as you guard Him and carry Him!
to cover and guard His Presence within. Your spirit must be guarded with all What a privilege!
diligence (Pr.4:23). Specially as a minister of God, you have to guard your Thank You, Lord, I have been approved by You to be
calling and ministry anointing. Turn away from anything that would defile entrusted with the Gospel. I guard what was committed to
your anointing - vain conversation, corrupt talk, lustful and covetous eye, my trust. You always lead me in triumph, and through me
and all bitterness and jealousy (1.Ti.6:20)! Let the mighty tide of God’s life diffuse the fragrance of Your knowledge in every place
and glory gush out of you! because I am in Christ.
Care: The articles of the Tabernacle were so precious that the priests 1.Thes.2:4; 1.Ti.6:20; 2.Co.2:14
had to carefully watch every piece. Eleazar was in charge of the oil, the
incense, the grain offerings and the general oversight of the Tabernacle

431 432
mean cut off from the fellowship with God and His saints, or even eternal
EXPEL IN CHRIST In Christ, you share your Father’s nature. There are times you must
side with God and take a strong stand against sin.
Peter did it (Ac.5:1-15): Peter could have easily forgiven Ananias
You shall put out both male and female; you shall put them outside and Sapphira, giving them another chance, but when the resurrection power
the camp, that they may not defile their camps in the midst of which was aggressively active, this hypocritical couple died and was buried! They
I dwell. (Nu.5:3) were cut off from the Body of Christ. In fact, soon after they were “sent
But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone away”, the intensity of the revival increased. Many more miracles! High
named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, respect! More and more souls! Mighty healings! All happened after the sin
or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner - not even to eat with was dealt with.
such a person. (1.Co.5:11) Paul did it (1.Co.5:1-5): Paul even rebuked his Corinthian church for
not casting out the immoral believer from their fellowship. He, the one who
God is the same, both in the Old and in the New Testament. God strictly wrote 1st Corinthians 13, even handed him over to the devil for the destruction
commanded the Israelites to send away any man or woman if they were of his flesh, so that his soul might be saved. He did it in the Name of the
unclean. Skin disease or discharge or touching a corpse made them unclean. Lord Jesus! He strictly warns you not even to eat with a sexually immoral,
Under the New Covenant, it is the flesh and sin that makes you unclean. greedy, slanderous, alcoholic or lying believer!
Living in Christ doesn’t mean you should tolerate sin. Even under grace, Beloved, God gives at least six reasons why you should expel a sinning
God was strict with persistent sin and explicitly commanded the church to believer. 1.Sin defiles homes, churches, and ministries. By allowing
expel the sinning believer from their fellowship (1.Co.5:5). uncleanness, you defile the entire camp. It’s like a little yeast that leavens
Jesus said it (Mt.18:15-18): Jesus, the gracious Savior, said you the whole dough, like a cancer that spreads to other members of the Body
should treat a persistently sinning brother as you would treat a pagan or a of Christ (2.Ti.2:17; 1.Co.5:6-8). 2.Sin transfers to the entire fellowship!
tax collector. Jesus doesn’t approve quick judgments or fleshly expulsions. The spirit of an unclean person will transfer and affect others, if they are not
He has given steps to do before sending him away. When a brother sins strong in the spirit! Tolerating a sinning believer in the church is not
against you, you must talk to him personally. Convict him, speaking the truth compassion, it’s cruelty! 3.Sin grieves the holy God who cannot behold sin
in love. Expect the Holy Spirit to bring conviction. If you win him then and (Hab.1:13). 4.Sin insults the indwelling Presence of God. Don’t make Him
there, you have saved your brother. If he hardens his heart, take two anointed uncomfortable! 5.Sin-expulsion convicts. Expelling a sinning believer will
people with you and try to convict him. If he persists in his stubbornness, bring him to conviction and repentance by his grief of separation (2.Co.7:10).
take him before the local church. The church is always the final authority. 6.Sin-expulsion raises the moral standard of the church and increase the
The church is Christ’s Body. Remember, Head and Body are one and the activity of the Holy Spirit.
same. If someone takes a stand against the Body of Christ, he is doomed, Thank You, Lord, You dwell in me and walk among us.
and you should have no compassion or compromise with such a person. Of You are my God, and I am your child. Therefore I come out
course, you should not turn bitter against him, but your fellowship must be from among them and am separate. I do not touch what is
cut off. Even in Christ, let your love be from heaven, not from your soul. unclean. You received me because I am in Christ.
Father does it (Jn.15:1-5): Father God is the Gardener, and you are 2.Co.6:16-17
a branch of the Vine, your Lord Jesus. The Father will cut off every branch
that bears no fruit, and prune every fruitful branch. God is pruning and
cleansing you through His Word and His Spirit, even through life struggles
and circumstances, to make you fruitful. There is absolutely no excuse for
you to be unfruitful! And yet, if you chose to live in sin and refuse to draw
your life sap and energy from your Vine Jesus, you will be cut off. It could

433 434
with God and men (1.Jn.1:7,9). During revivals, people even made public
confession of their sins (Mt.3:6; Ac.19:18).
AUG 2 RESTITUTION IN CHRIST I am aware that sin confession is unduly emphasized in the religious
world. The Bible also has a lot to say about the confession of who you are
and what you have in Christ. Both sin-confession and faith-confessions are
He shall confess the sin which he has committed. He shall make necessary to enjoy the full potential of your life in Christ.
restitution for his trespass in full, plus one-fifth of it, and give it to the Restitution and recompense: After confessing your sin against
one he has wronged. another, you must make full restitution for your wrong (Nu.5:7). In the law,
Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give restitution added one fifth to the original amount. Restitution is the lost art of
half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone today’s church. The moment Jesus invited Himself to Zacchaeus’ house,
by false accusation, I restore fourfold” (Nu.5:7; Lk.19:8). Zacchaeus was deeply convicted and promised to make restitution for what
he had stolen (Lk.19:8). This is the power of Jesus’ Presence! In Christ,
Your God is a God of restitution and recompense. He always gives Jesus not only promised to come, He made His home in you! If He truly
back to you whatever you lose for Him, even hundredfold (Mt.19:29-30). reigns in your life, you will gladly make restitution. If you have hurt others,
He recompensed the death of His Son by giving Him many souls (Isa.53:11). make them doubly glad! If you spoiled their reputation, compensate it by
He expects you to make restitution and pay recompense for whatever you appreciating them before others! If you stole anything, pay it back with
have taken unduly. In this passage, we find some vital principles for right increase!
relationships. Beloved, restitution was so important that even if the affected person
Sin against others is sin against God: When you wrong somebody, had died, restitution had to be made to a near relative. If there was no
you are unfaithful to God (Nu.5:6). This is plain Bible truth (Mt.5:23-24). relative, it had to be given to God (Nu.5:8). In Christ, if you have done
God will refuse your offering and prayers even if others have something something against anyone, the moment the Holy Spirit convicts you, repent,
against you. If others are grieved, God is grieved. Ponder a while whether confess and make restitution, even if that person already died. Remember,
your brothers and sisters in Christ are happy about you. This will bless you the standard of life in Christ is much higher than the standard of life under
with open heaven! the law (Mt.5:20-21,27-28,31-34,38-39,43-44)! Rise up to your heights
Your tongue should not be used both to praise God the Father and to TODAY!
curse man, the image of God (Jas.3:9)! You can kill others just by passing a Thank You, Lord, if I walk in the light as You are in the
negative comment about them? You can kill their reputation and be held light, I have fellowship with others, and the Blood of Jesus
responsible for it. Your negative words about others affect your personal Christ Your Son cleanses me from all sin. If I confess my
devotional life. God hears your criticism against His servants (Nu.12:2)! sins, You are faithful and just to forgive me my sins and to
A lie against a believer is a lie against God and His Spirit. Ananias and cleanse me from all unrighteousness because I am in Christ.
Sapphira just hid the truth from God’s anointed. This was counted as a lie 1.Jn.1:7,9
against the Holy Spirit (Ac.5:3-4). Every believer is a member of Christ’s
Body. Hiding something from other members is hiding it from Christ
(Eph.4:25). Stop it!
Persecuting and hurting others is persecuting Christ Himself. Paul saw
this truth right on the day of his salvation (Ac.9:4-6). That is why he suffered
in his body for His Body (Col.1:24). If you see yourself in Christ, you will
see every believer as a part of Christ and tremble to hurt him.
Confession is a must: Anyone who wronged another is guilty and
must confess his sin (Nu.5:6-7). If you know you have wronged someone
by your words or deeds, you must confess it both to God and to the victim.
Such confessions heal the inner wounds and sicknesses of your body and
also of Christ’s Body (Jas.5:16). Sin confession restores your fellowship
435 436
Deal with the doubtful: God wanted even to root out all suspicion.
Here, the husband was not sure of his wife’s unfaithfulness. She was not a
AUG 3 confirmed adulteress and was still under trial. Even then, she had to undergo
MORAL PURITY IN CHRIST all these sufferings. This shows how God wants us to deal with doubtful
things. If you have even a slight suspicion about your spouse’s moral life,
If the spirit of jealousy comes upon him and he becomes jealous deal with it immediately. Be strict even with your own life. If you are not
of his wife, who has defiled herself; or if the spirit of jealousy comes sure whether what you do is right, better stop it. Abstain from all appearance
upon him and he becomes jealous of his wife, although she has not of evil (1.Thes.5:22)! It may not be evil, but even if it appears to be, avoid it.
defiled herself - then the man shall bring his wife to the priest. In Christ, your life should be above reproach. Your heart should never
You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not condemn you. Anything you do in doubt will suffocate your new life. If your
commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to conscience wavers about anything, stop it. Everything that does not come
lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. from faith is sin to you (Ro.14:23). Life in Christ is a life of faith. Guard it!
(Nu.5:14; Mt.5:27-28). Quickly quit: It seems that the wife here failed to convince her husband
of her fidelity if she was innocent. Even if she was really guilty, she could
In this passage, we see how the fidelity of a wife was tested. If feelings have confessed it to her husband and reconcile with him. It was not necessary
of jealousy overcame a husband, he would take his wife to the priest, together for both of them to go through such public shame. The best thing to overcome
with his offerings. The priest would test her purity by making her drink bitter unfaithfulness and to avoid all the consequent horror is quick confession and
water that would bring curse. If she was really unfaithful, her abdomen repentance between the spouses. Jesus commanded us to settle matters
would swell and her womb would become barren and miscarrying. If she quickly, even with our adversaries to avoid court, judges, officers, prison and
was pure, God would vindicate her by giving her children. Let us see some penalty (Mt.5:25-26). How much more within your own marriage! Life in
vital messages from this passage. Christ is quick to repent and quick to forgive. Any delay asphyxiates your
The horror of adultery: Adultery is horrible, both for men and women, new life.
and under both Covenants. Even if a husband unduly suspected his wife, Beloved, there is absolutely no hopelessness in Christ. When you share
she was tortured. Imagine her public humiliation - standing in shame before God’s holy nature, how can you live immorally!? If the Holy Spirit is your
the priest, holding the remainder of the offering for jealousy, her hair loosed mighty Helper, how can you continue in it!? When the Blood of Jesus is
and disarrayed, making an oath before the priest, drinking the bitter water constantly cleansing your sin and destroying your tendency to sin, how can
mixed with the dust from the Tabernacle floor and written curses, listening you persist in sinning!? When the Spirit of truth is your most intimate
to the cruel curse from the priest’s mouth! If she proved to be guilty - horrible companion, how can you live in hypocrisy!? Rise up, confess and be cleansed
disease, miscarriages, barrenness, swollen abdomen, decayed thighs! What TODAY!
a horror! Thank You, Lord, I am washed, I am sanctified, I am
Adultery makes you an object of curse! It leaves shameful memories justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by Your Spirit.
all through your life (Eze.29:16; Ro.6:21). It steals your best strength and I draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith,
gives your years to the cruel (Pr.5:9). It consumes your flesh! It steals your having my heart sprinkled from an evil conscience and my
wealth (Pr.5:9-11)! It preys upon your very life (Pr.6:26)! It brings you blows, body washed with pure water. Sin shall not have dominion
disgrace and shame forever (Pr.6:33)! It makes you a loner and a mourner over me because I am in Christ.
(Pr.5:11-14)! It leaves you with a permanent scar (2.Sa.13)! It destroys the 1.Co.6:11; Heb.10:22; Ro.6:14
peace of heart, honor and harmony in the family (Ge.34:1-26)!
Life in Christ doesn’t exempt you from these curses! Adultery will stifle
your new life in Christ. It grieves the heart of the One who lives in you! It
defiles the temple of the Holy Spirit and binds His hands! In Christ, not only
the act of adultery, even your persistent lustful look, thought or word is
437 438
were not ashamed to show themselves as totally set apart for God. There
was no secret Nazirite. For a man, long hair is a shame. They were ready to
AUG 4 be ashamed for God. Their identity and self-image were founded in their
NAZIRITES IN CHRIST God. For a woman, long hair is her glory. By growing her hair, she dedicated
all her glory to God.
When either a man or woman consecrates an offering to take The Jews considered much hair also a mark of physical strength and
the vow of a Nazirite, to separate himself to the LORD, he shall perfection. Baldness was an imperfection and punishment (Lev.21:20;
separate himself from wine and similar drink… All the days of his 2.Ki.2:23; Isa.3:24). By growing abundant hair, the Nazirites showed their
separation he shall eat nothing that is produced by the grapevine, dedication to serve God with all their strength and power.
from seed to skin… no razor shall come upon his head… he shall In Christ, you gain a totally new image from God. You are no more
not go near a dead body. despised or downtrodden. Christ is your new identity, your strength and
For he will be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither perfection. You are hooked up with God. You are the dwelling place of the
wine nor strong drink. He will also be filled with the Holy Spirit, even Deity. His address is you now! His home is you! His worth is your worth.
from his mother’s womb (Nu.6:2-6; Lk.1:15). You are a child of the Creator, a temple of the Holy Spirit, the bride of
Christ, the flock of God, the Body of Christ. There is no reason to be
In Christ, you are a Nazirite, totally set apart for God, like the OT Nazirite. ashamed!!! You are a bold, public witness! You rejoice in suffering shame
for Him (Ac.5:41). Your boast is in the Lord. You boast even in your natural
Nazirite vow: People who made a special vow of a Nazirite abstained infirmities for His strength abounds in your natural deficiencies (2.Co.12:9).
from wine, fermented drink, grapes and raisins. They grew their hair and There is no inferiority in you. You walk tall as God’s holy and righteous
stayed away from dead bodies, even of their closest relatives. Nazirite!
No wine: For an Israelite, abstaining from wine, grapes and raisins No corps: Nazirites were not allowed to touch any dead body, even
was a great sacrifice for it was their treasured delicacy. Wine makes the their own parents. They identified themselves more with their God than with
heart glad and intoxicates (Ps.104:15). Nazirites abstained from it to show their own blood relatives. They were so attached to God that they were
that their God is their joy and intoxication. They didn’t need any stimulation totally detached from anyone else. Their soulish emotions were subdued.
from outside. Bible saints forsook many things to find their satisfaction in Love for God overtook them. Their sorrows were swallowed up. They were
God. They delighted in their God, and God granted their desires (Ps.37:4). utterly supernatural.
People like David got all inspiration from Him. God was their song, and they
exulted in Him. All their sources of joy were in Him (Ps.87:7). In Christ, God became all in all to you. He is more than your own
parents to you (Mt.10:34-39; 12:49-50). He is more than ten sons to you
In Christ, God is the Source of your joy. Joy is a product of your spirit. (1.Sa.1:8). He is dearer than your closest bosom friend (Jn.15:15). He is
You get all your satisfaction, joy and stimulation right from within. You don’t your jealous Lover (Isa.62:5; Zep.3:17).
need any stimulation from outside like TV, porno and relationships. In a way,
you are intoxicated with Jesus by the Holy Spirit (Eph.5:18-20). When the Beloved, God is your delight and joy. Why cry!? He is your honor and
church was born on Pentecost, all disciples were considered fully drunk identity. Why feel ashamed and rejected!? He is your great and most loving
(Ac.2:11). You can be so full of the Holy Spirit that you can be a twenty- Daddy. Why feel lonely!? Remember: Vow-life is a WOW!!!-life! Rejoice
four-hours singer. The darkness and enmity around you cannot stop your TODAY!
spiritual songs (Ac.16:25). You sing spontaneously to one another, making Thank You, Lord, You separated me from my mother’s
melody in your heart, thanking God always for everything (1.Thes.5:18). womb and called me through Your grace. I am not drunk
Like Mary, your soul magnifies the Lord, your spirit rejoices in God your with wine, in which is dissipation, but I am filled with the
Savior (Lk.1:46-47). In Christ, you are truly a Nazirite! Believe it and live it Spirit, speaking in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
TODAY! singing and making melody in my heart to You, giving thanks
No razor: Anyone could easily recognize Nazirites by their long hair. always for all things to You because I am in Christ.
Hair was a public mark and testimony of their private consecration. They Ga.1:15; Eph.5:18-20

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more or serve Him more. You can make special vows to dedicate your
children for God’s ministry. You can make special vows to even deny your
AUG 5 legitimate rights (1.Co.7:5). You can make special vows for special anointings,
SPECIAL VOWS IN CHRIST miracles and deliverances.
Basis of your vow: Though people made Nazirite vows, they had to
All the days of his separation he shall be holy to the LORD. bring sin offerings, burnt offerings, fellowship offerings, grain offerings etc.
to please and appease God. No matter how much they dedicated their lives,
Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle,
it was only the blood that made them pleasing to God.
separated to the Gospel of God (Nu.6:8; Ro.1:1).
In Christ, you don’t get blessings by your vows or self-efforts. All your
blessings come by the cross. You can never please God by your own efforts.
We continue our study on the special vow of a Nazirite. God enjoys and You please Him and make vows only on the basis of His sacrifice. There is
encourages special vows of His people. Whenever we make special vows no substitute for your trust in His Blood. Without faith, it is impossible to
and commitments, God honors it and helps us to fulfill them. please Him, no matter how many vows you make (Heb.11:6). Still, your
Here, we see God indirectly encouraging His people to make special faith and vows together unleash tremendous spiritual force and shatter the
vows by giving His laws concerning it. He will never compel or demand powers of hell.
such special vows, but would be happy if we make them. In fact, He deserves Lifelong vow: After the days of their separation were over, the Nazirites
it! could shave their hair of consecration, drink wine and return to a natural
People of vow: In the Old Testament, we see many special vows, lifestyle (Nu.6:19-20). In Christ, you are eternally consecrated to your Lord.
right from the patriarchs onward. Jacob made a conditional vow to accept You are a lifelong Nazirite. Not only your hair, every cell of your body and
God as his Lord and to pay tithes (Ge.28:20-22). Jephtah vowed his daughter, every drop of your blood is consecrated to God. No man or devil has power
Hanna vowed her son, David vowed his praises (Jdg.11:30; 1.Sa.1:11,21; to break your consecration. The enemies shaved Samson to defile his
Ps.56:12; 61:5,8; Eccl.5:5; Ac.21:23-24). The entire Jewish community was consecration and to mock him, but your enemy cannot defile or mock you!
known for their special vows. He is eternally doomed. No power under heaven can defy your Nazirite
In Christ, God vowed His own Son to win you. Jesus vowed His life to vow if you don’t allow it. Your High Priest is joining you now to fulfill your
own you. You are a child of God’s vow! You don’t need to make any Nazirite Nazirite vow (Nu.6:19).
vow now. You already are a Nazirite because of God’s vow! You simply Beloved, in heaven, you will enjoy the new wine with your dear Lord.
acknowledge it and act on it. Till then, you are a Nazirite. Remember again: Vow-life is a WOW!-life!
Old and New Covenant vow: In the Old Covenant, the Nazirite vow Rejoice TODAY!
was purely voluntary. God in His sovereignty called at least some of His Thank You, Lord, I am a Nazirite to You from the womb
servants like Samson for a compulsory Nazirite vow (Jdg.13:5; 16:17). to the day of my death. The vows I made to You are binding
Voluntary Nazirite vows were only for a season (Nu.6:5,13). Compulsory upon me, O God. I will render praises to You. So I will sing
God-commanded Nazirite vows were for a lifetime, from birth to death, praise to Your name forever, that I may daily perform my
from womb to tomb (Jdg.13:5,7). The Aaronites were prohibited from drinking vows because I am in Christ.
wine when they ministered in God’s Sanctuary (Lev.10:9). Special vow for Jdg.13:7; Ps.56:12; 61:8
special call!
In Christ, every believer is a Nazirite from his mother’s womb, totally
set apart for God - not for a season, but for a lifetime. As a priest abstained
from wine and acted as a Nazirite in God’s Sanctuary, you are a lifelong
Nazirite as God’s New-Testament-priest.
In Christ, every believer is a Nazirite. Every five-fold minister is a special
Nazirite. In addition to this, you can make special vows to pray more, praise

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you till your last breath. Christ’s perfect consecration is credited to your
account. Rise up and return to your first love! Do your first works again!
Glorious ending: The Nazirite who never defiled himself would enter
the sanctuary full of exuberant joy with all the offerings to complete his
He shall consecrate to the LORD the days of his separation, and vow. He had to shave off the hair of his consecration and put that hair in the
bring a male lamb in its first year as a trespass offering; but the former fire under the sacrifice of the peace or fellowship offering. Note here: The
days shall be lost, because his separation was defiled. hair of consecration was burned in the fire of the peace and fellowship
But he who endures to the end shall be saved (Nu.6:12; Mt.24:13). offering, not in the fire of sin or burnt offering. This signifies his oneness and
close communion with God (Nu.6:18).
What a joy to see the hair of your consecration being burned in God’s
God gave a law of restoration for cases where the Nazirite vow was
holy fire on the last day! Oh, the joy of fulfilling your ministry and vow and
defiled by the sudden death of someone nearby. In that case, the Nazirites’
to face your Master to receive your crown of righteousness (2.Ti.4:6-8)!
hair of consecration was defiled. They had to shave their head and prepare
seven days to renew their consecration. On the eighth day, they had to bring After these ceremonies, a Nazirite was free to drink wine and enjoy a
the offerings for their atonement - and start all over again!!! normal life. As the priests did the final ceremony of the Nazirites’ vow, your
High Priest is helping you to complete your vows. In Christ, you don’t return
The big tragedy is that all the days and even years of their previous
to your normal, casual life any more. You remain always a supernatural
consecration were not counted, but lost forever. Imagine the great loss!
Nazirite. Instead, you enjoy the new wine of the Spirit and the sweet fellowship
Imagine you made a vow for five years and faithfully kept it, denying all
with your beloved Savior! In heaven, you will drink the heavenly wine with
your desires, and are about to complete it victoriously. Just one month before
your eternal Bridegroom forever! What a glorious ending!
its completion, you are defiled for some reason. All those years are lost, and
you have to start again from zero, keeping your vow for five more years! Aim at this today! Forget your past failures! Press on towards the mark!
Fulfill your calling! Don’t waste your time and energy in vain words, worldly
Breach of vow: Even in Christ, all your unclean days are wasted days.
living, sensual pleasures etc.!
The day you don’t live in the spirit is a day of great loss. God doesn’t show
favoritism just because of your past consecration. Everyday obedience is Beloved, to enjoy the full blessings and power of your Nazirite life, be
the secret of everyday victory! God is always the same in His character and careful even in the minute details of your life. Remember, a Nazirite not only
nature. He said He would not remember the past righteousness of a backslider had to avoid wine, but even vinegar, grapes and raisins. If you have already
(Eze.3:20;18:24; 33:12-13). Today’s rottenness will nullify yesterday’s broken your Nazirite vow, run to the cross! Trust the prayers of your High
righteousness. This explains the sad endings of some great servants of God. Priest! Be washed by His Blood! Don’t delay! The Nazirites had to wait
one week to re-dedicate their lives. Don’t wait even that long! Come back
In His mercy, God gives enough chances for them to repent and come
to your first love and commitment TODAY!
back to their early love. If they are bent on their ways, He has no other way
than to remove their candlestick (Rev.2:4). You may be saved, but still, your Thank You, Lord, You are the Author and Finisher of my
work and consecration is lost. The fire of judgment will destroy your work if faith. You have begun a good work in me and will complete
it is not genuine (1.Co.3:15). it until the day of Jesus Christ. You are able to keep me
from stumbling, and to present me faultless before the
In Christ, you need not break your consecration even a bit. You have
presence of Your glory with exceeding joy because I am in
God’s light and life shining in you in every-increasing brightness and glory.
The One who saved you from the power of sin and satan is able to keep you
strong till the end (Jude 24)! Heb.12:2; Phil.1:6; Jude 24
Your High Priest lives and intercedes for you in the heavenlies to save
you completely (2.Ti.1:12; Heb.7:25). When you walk with Him and in Him,
you will never fall. Resist any spirit of fear of falling! The Holy Spirit lives in

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plead for blessings, you just praise! God Almighty blessed you with fruitfulness
and multiplication! You are an assembly of blessed people (Ge.28:3)! You
AUG 7 are God’s blessed inheritance (Ps.28:9)! His blessings shall follow you and
your generations all the days of your life (Ps.128:5)!
Jesus is the Source and Reservoir of all blessings. He is the
And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to Aaron and his Personification of every blessing. You are in Him. You are part of Him. You
sons, saying, ‘This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel. are one with Him. How can you lack any blessing?!
Say to them: “The LORD bless you and keep you…” You are kept: Another blessing the priests pronounced was, “The Lord
…not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary keep you” (Nu.6:24). It was their prayer that God’s people must be kept by
blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a God’s power. In Christ, you are already kept by God’s mighty power
blessing (Nu.6:22-24; 1.Pe.3:9). (1.Pe.1:5)! See yourself shielded by God’s power till you see your Savior in
your heavenly home! No child of God need to cry, “Keep me, Lord, keep
me, Lord!” Rather, you should shout victoriously, “Thank You, Lord, I am
The priests were specially chosen by God to bless and to pronounce the
kept safe and sound by Your power!”. Your feet and your every step are
name of God upon the people. They were anointed to bless (Dt.21:5;
well guarded (1.Sa.2:9; Ps.91:12)! You are now the apple of God’s eye,
hidden under the Shadow of His wings (Dt.32:10; Ps.17:8; Pr.7:2)! Anyone
You are a blesser: You are not only called to inherit blessings, you are who touches you touches the very apple of God’s eye (Zec.2:8)! You are
also called to bless others. In Christ, you are a priest, especially called to kept safe in His dwelling. The day of trouble can never overpower you! You
bless. Christ Jesus, your High Priest, is the great Blesser. As you are one are hidden in Christ, in the shelter of His Tabernacle. No flood can drown
with Him, you are a “Mr. Blesser” and “Mrs. Blesser”. You are authorized you. You are far above the reach of your enemies (Ps.27:5). All around you,
to bless! You are anointed to bless! You are assigned to bless! You are multitudes of angels are watching over you (2.Ki.6:17). More than all these,
chosen to bless! You are called to bless! Blessing through word and deed is God Himself is your Fortress and great Refuge, your Shield and Stronghold
your lifestyle. Your heart is a spring of blessing (Pr.4:23). Your mouth is a (Ps.18:2). Stop fretting over your enemies! Let not the fiery arrows intimidate
channel of blessing (Pr.15:4; Jas.3:9-10). you! Never overestimate the strongholds of the devil when God is your
Parents, bless your children (Ge.27:27-29; 49)! Children, bless your Stronghold! Let your “keep-me-prayer” become a “kept-me-praise”!
parents (Pr.31:28)! Spouses, bless each other (1.Ki.1:31; Ru.3:10-11)! Beloved, I can never emphasize enough how greatly you are blessed
Leaders, bless your congregation (Lev.9:22-24)! Congregations, bless your and how safely you are kept in Christ! Change your prayers for blessing and
leaders (Jos.1:17)! Citizens, bless your nation (Ps.137:6)! Employers, bless protection into praise. Every blessing promised in God’s Word is in Him.
your employees! Employees, bless your employers (Ru.2:4)! Create a Those promises have become reality for you. Live in your full potential
community of blessers! Create families of blessers! Create churches of TODAY!
blessers! This is your greatest privilege in Christ. Don’t withhold it any longer!
Thank You, Lord, You cover me with Your feathers, and
Closely observe every blessing the priests pronounced over God’s people. under Your wings I take refuge. Your truth is my shield and
All those blessings are already bestowed on you in Christ. buckler. I shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of
You are blessed: The first thing the priests would say was, , “The the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks
Lord bless you”. These blessings would come true as soon as people fulfilled in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at
the conditions. The blessings were God’s desires and wish for His people. noonday because I am in Christ.
They were “capsuled” as promises. Ps.91:4-6
In Christ, you were blessed unconditionally the moment you became
one with Him (Eph.1:3). All His promised blessings are your perfected
blessings. The expected blessings are your experienced blessings now. God’s
desires are now your delightful enjoyment. In Christ, you need not beg and

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When His Face shines on you, you radiate His glory to your world.
When the Lord was smiling at Stephen, waiting to receive him back home,
AUG 8 PRIESTLY BENEDICTIONS Stephen’s face was aglow with God’s Presence. Even the enemies couldn’t
IN CHRIST ignore it (Ac.6:15). When you walk under His smile, people can see God’s
glory over you. Make Him happy and show forth His glory! If you grieve
The LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to Him, His light in you diminishes, and a cloud hides His Face from you. Let
you. His glory shine from your inside out NOW!
For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, Gracious to you: The priests pleaded God’s gracious favor upon His
who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the people. The word gracious means to stoop in kindness to an inferior. Yes,
glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (Nu.6:25; 2.Co.4:6). the great eternal, infinite God had to stoop down to mortal, finite man to
show kindness. Who is man that You should remember him and visit him
every morning (Ps.8:3-4; Job 7:17-18)? Just think about it! Your Creator is
We continue our meditation on the priestly blessings. We concluded mindful of you every moment of your life! It’s purely His grace! You are not
that all the promises of the Old Covenant became possessions in the New consumed because of His mercies (Lam.3:22). The Old Testament saints
Covenant. In Christ, you are blessed with all the blessings, and you are kept were begging for God’s mercy (Ps.18:16; 25:16; 119:29).
in perfect safety. Today we will meditate other aspects of the priestly
blessings. The good news is that you have already obtained all His grace in Christ.
Christ Jesus is the personification of God’s total grace (Jn.1:14). He
Face shining: The Aaronites prayed that God would make His Face inaugurated the dispensation of God’s grace. All the New Testament blessings
shine upon His people. The Old Testament saints cried for the light of His and God’s redemptive plan are for the praise of His glorious grace
Face to shine upon them (Ps.4:6; 31:16; 80:3; 119:135). They saw God’s (Eph.1:6,12,14). You have freely received all His grace. In Christ, God’s
salvation, restoration, acceptance and instructions found in the light of His abundance of grace is given to you (Ro.5:17). That is why Paul always
Face. In Christ, you don’t need to cry for the light of His Face to shine upon thanked God for the grace given to the believers (1.Co.1:4). You are saved
you. You already have His salvation and His glory on you! by grace, and you have sufficient grace to live out this new life (Eph.2:8;
The Bible clearly portrays God as a person with all bodily members - 2.Co.12:9). All His gifts dwell in you as His gracelets.
Heart, Eyes, Brain, Nose, Nostrils, Mouth, Hand, Back, etc. (Ge.6:6,8; 8:1,21; Beloved, you are a shining light in this dark world (Mt.5:14). You are a
Ps.18:8; Ex.32:22-23). Every bit of God shines forth His brilliant glory. He is vessel of God’s grace and mercy (Ro.9:23). You are a distributor of God’s
truly the Light (1.Jn.1:5)! He dwells in the light (1.Ti.6:16)! He is the Father grace. Through you, God wants to show the power of His grace to this
of light (Jas.1:17)! Among all His members, His Face denotes the greatest world. Instead of bemoaning your infirmities, struggles, pains and sorrows,
glory. rejoice in His over-abundant grace that surpasses all your needs today! You
Jesus came into this world as a total reflection of God’s glory and light can reign in life by His grace! Rise up and subdue all your problems! Don’t
(Heb.1:3). The moment you trusted Christ and received Him, you became beg for grace any more. Thank God for His grace TODAY!
God’s very light (Mt.5:14). The glory of His Face is shining upon you, even Thank You, Lord, You are the Light, and in You is no
in you (2.Co.4.6)! Absolutely no darkness can claim rightful place in your darkness at all. In You is life, and the life is the light of
life - no confusion, no gloominess, no dimness. He is shining in your heart, men. Your light shines in my darkness. I am Your vessel of
giving you the knowledge of His glory. mercy because I am in Christ.
When you see the Face of Jesus, you come to know God’s real glory! 1.Jn.1:5; Jn.1:4-5; Ro.9:23
Rejoice that His Face and His glory is shining in you from head to foot! That
light is not only in you, it is also upon you, around you, before you, behind
you! You are a child of His light (Eph.5:8). Shout it to the devil! He is the
prince of darkness. He has power over this dark world and the children of
darkness, not over you, the child of light (Eph.5:12)! You have the armor of
light. Pierce through any darkness TODAY!

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good relationships, wholeness etc.! God gives you abundant peace and total
security (Jer.33:6; 3.Jn.2). His peace makes you dwell in safety and sleep
AUG 9 PROCLAIMED BLESSING peacefully in midst of turmoil, tempest and fierce trials (Ps.4:8; 127:2). It
IN CHRIST drives away any trace of fear, even when the mountains fall into the sea and
the waters roar and foam like a tsunami, armies besiege you, and war breaks
The LORD lift up His Countenance upon you, and give you out against you (Ps.46:2-3; 27:3). This peace assures a great future (Ps.37:37).
peace. So they shall put My Name on the children of Israel, and I will In Christ, all the peace of heaven comes down into your heart. The
bless them. very Prince of Peace came to dwell in you the moment you accepted the
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gospel of peace (Isa.9:6; Ro.10:15; Eph.6:15). The peace of Christ that
gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be passes all understanding is yours. Nothing and nobody can take away your
afraid (Nu.6:26-27; Jn.14:27). peace (Jn.14:27). You can sleep in the storm and make it calm (Mk.4:38-
39). You can stand in silence like a lamb before your shearers (Isa.53:7;
Ac.8:32). You can be very composed in midst of your cruel accusers
The great Blesser put His words of blessing into the mouth of His (Mk.15:3-5). Your heart and your mind can be completely guarded by this
ministers. It clearly pictures the deep longing of God to bless His people in supernatural peace (Phil.4:6-7). There is no anxiety in your prayer, no anxiety
this way. in your warfare, no anxiety in your financial crisis, no anxiety in tensed
Face towards you: God wants His Face always to be turned towards relationships, for you are always in control. God is your Jahweh Shalom.
His own people. It’s not His desire to hide or turn away His Face. In Eden, Name on you: The priests were commanded to put God’s Name on
God’s Face was always towards His people. Sin brought the separation and the Israelites so that He might bless them. All His blessings come to you
hid His Face from humanity (Isa.59:2). When God’s Face is hidden, man is through His Name. As a priest, you are authorized to bless in His Name.
lost. He gropes in utter darkness and total confusion. Instinctively, man longs You bear the Name of your God and are called by His Name (Isa.43:7;
for God’s smiling Face. Throughout the Bible, God turned His Face towards 2.Chr.7:14). You bring glory to His Name. If you sin, His Name is blasphemed.
those who sought Him with all their hearts (Dt.4:29). Saints like Moses had If you shine, His Name is glorified. What a privilege and responsibility!
the privilege of talking to Him face to Face though he didn’t see the glorious All the Names of God are summed up in Christ, and His Name is the
Face of God in all its brilliance (Ex.33:11). Thank God, Jesus came as the most excellent and highest Name in this universe (Phil.2:9). By your union
true reflection of God’s glory (Heb.1:3). And yet, the Father’s Face was with Him, you carry His Name, His character, His power and authority.
hidden from Him momentarily on the cross (Mt.27:46; Mk.15:32). The sin Rise up to bless your world in His Name!
of the whole world came between Him and the Father. By shedding His
Blood, He broke the barrier of sin forever. Beloved, all your blessings, protection, glory, grace and peace come
from the great Source Jahweh. The Name Jahweh appears three times in
Now, God’s smiling Face is no more hidden from you. You can always these priestly blessings. This could point to the trinity of God. God the Father,
keep Him before you and delight in Him. The sin barrier between you and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are actively involved in blessing you.
God is eternally removed. You can walk under His smiling Face. His Face Enjoy this Trinitarian blessing TODAY!
gives you victory and proves God’s love for you (Ps.44:3). Just by looking at
His Face, you can be radiant in His glory, and your face shall never be Thank You, Lord, You bless me and keep me. You make
covered with shame (Ps.34:5). Thank God for this great privilege and be a Your Face shine upon me and are gracious to me. You lift up
mediator between God and men. Your countenance upon me and give me peace. You put Your
Name on me, and You bless me because I am in Christ.
This is a cruel world. People turn their faces against one another for
trivial things. Do you feel the pain of rejection today? Do you long to see the Nu.6:24-26
genuine smile of your loved ones? Take heart! Your Father is looking at you
with a big smile. Your Lord Jesus is gazing at you in utter delight.
His peace: Your God is a great peace-giver. This peace, shalom, means
total well-being. It includes safety, health, prosperity, rest, welfare, happiness,
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only a distributor. You don’t live for yourself. Ask the Holy Spirit and quickly
and faithfully pass on every gift you receive from Him for God’s service.
AUG 10 DONATIONS IN CHRIST Under the leader’s direction: The offerings were distributed to the
Levites who were under the direction of Ithamar, the son of Aaron. In this
manner, whatever was given was properly monitored and administered. Every
Then the leaders of Israel, the heads of their fathers’ houses, single penny in God’s service is holy and must be treated in the fear of God.
who were the leaders of the tribes and over those who were numbered, When you give to God’s service, make sure it goes to ministries that are
made an offering. under strong leadership. See that the ministry and church you give to follows
Indeed I have all and abound. I am full, having received from the biblical pattern.
Epaphroditus the things sent from you, a sweet-smelling aroma, an Specific giving: The gifts were specifically prescribed by God Almighty.
acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God (Nu.7:2; Phil.4:18). Everything needed for the sanctuary and for its transport was clearly
mentioned by God and provided by each tribe. They didn’t bring whatever
they wanted. They heard God through Moses and found out what was
The nature of God’s new creation is giving to God and His service. It’s
required for the situation (Nu.7:12-17). Hear God and give!
impossible to love God without giving. God meets the needs of His servants
by the gifts of His saints. Every article of the Sanctuary was donated by Timely giving: These gifts were brought to the sanctuary every day
God’s people. Though all the silver and gold belong to God, He chooses to of the dedication ceremony. God even commanded the order of the givers,
honor His people by allowing them to support His ministry. This 7th chapter for example, Judah the first day, Issachar the second day, Zebulon the third
gives a glimpse of God’s principles concerning giving. day, etc. Imagine, if they failed to bring their offering on their appointed day!
God not only expects obedience but timely obedience! Delay to obey is
Leaders are givers: Every time God started a project, His leaders
disobedience! Postponement brings God’s displeasure and curse upon your
brought the best offerings. You can never be a leader unless you are a giver!
finances. The moment God’s Spirit inspires you to give, make a prompt
When the Tabernacle was dedicated for God’s glory, the leaders brought
move! God knows who is in need at that time (Mt.2:11). You need the leading
their generous gifts to God, especially the carts and the oxen to carry the
of the Holy Spirit even in your giving.
Tabernacle. God expects you to give not only financial offerings, but also
the equipment needed for God’s work. The leader must excel in giving and Beloved, life in Christ is a life of giving. In Christ, giving liberally is your
set an example for others. If you, the head of the family, are stingy, you great delight and hobby. It’s no more a drudgery or duty to you (2.Co.9:7).
block the grace of giving for your entire family. If a leader is not giving more You are a supernatural giver (2.Co.9:12-15). The One who lives in you is
than ordinary members, he has no right to be in any leadership position. If the Great Giver. Your Father gave His most precious gift, His own Son and
Jesus is the great Treasure of your life, all your heart and wealth will be His own Spirit (Jn.3:16; 3:34; 1:Co.2:12). The Holy Spirit upon you freely
used for Him (Mt.6:21). After all, what you are and what you have is God’s gives all His gifts (1.Co.12:7-11). If you allow Christ free reign in your life,
free gift to you. Give your best gift today! you will be a spontaneous and supernatural giver. Don’t suffocate this
generous life in you!
Work-based: The gifts at the dedication service were given according
to the work requirements of the Levites. Two carts and four oxen were Thank You, Lord, You so loved the world that You gave
given to the Gershonites, four carts and eight oxen to the Merarites, while Your only begotten Son. Your Son came that I may have
nothing was given to the Kohathites for they carried the holy things on their life, and that I may have it more abundantly. I give, and it
shoulders. When you give to God, give according to the requirements of will be given to me: Good measure, pressed down, shaken
every ministry. Find out the needs of every minister and ministry. Ask your together, and running over will be put into my bosom because
pastor what your church needs. Don’t give on the basis of sympathy. I am in Christ.
Pass it on: Moses accepted these gifts from the leaders and faithfully Jn.3:16; 10:10; Lk.6:38
distributed them to the Levites as per their needs. He didn’t hold back anything
for himself or his family. God made you His steward and entrusted you with
His gifts. You own nothing. Everything given to you is for others. You are

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As a new creation, your value cannot be measured. The very glory of God
is shining within you and all over you. ‘Glory’ in Hebrew means a heavy
AUG 11
LAMPSTAND IN CHRIST weight! God’s weight is your weight! God’s value is your value! Never
worry when you carry His glory! The glory upon you shall bring nations and
kings, the wealth of the nations, to your brightness and radiance. (Isa.60:1-
Speak to Aaron, and say to him, ‘When you arrange the lamps, 3,5-7)!
the seven lamps shall give light in front of the lampstand’. You are a decorative light: Your God made you lovely, beautiful and
Then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And having decorative. He is a God of beauty and adornment. Everything in the taber-
turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the seven nacle showed forth this nature. Imagine the lampstand in the Tabernacle!
lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to Six branches! Cups shaped like almond blossom! Buds and petals! Deco-
the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band (Nu.8:2; rated center stem! Wow! What beauty! You are God’s workmanship
Rev.1:12-13). (Eph.2:10)! He decorated and adorned you with His beauty! Your God not
only feeds you and provides for you, He also dresses you with splendor and
beauty (Eze.16:10; Mt.6:28-30). Heaven is the most well-decorated place,
You, the new creation, have enough light in you to lighten the entire and you are a heavenly person!
universe. You are truly the light of the world (Mt.5:14)! You can dispel dark-
ness wherever you find it! You bring light to your home and to your entire You are a designed light: God clearly showed the very pattern and
world. The darkness around you, no matter how dense it may be, can never design of the lampstand to Moses. He commanded him to make it exactly
overpower you or dim your light even a bit! Don’t sit and wail over the like God’s design. Nothing in God’s work is man-made or man-originated.
darkness or the powers of darkness. Simply rise up to your position and Everything was planned and patterned before the foundation of the world.
rebuke all works of darkness (Eph.5:11). You are planned from eternity past (1.Co.2:9; Eph.1:11)! You are God’s
eternal lamp to this temporary world. God’s word is the lamp to your path
You are a divine light: The entire lampstand and its details were God’s and a shining light in this dark world (Ps.119:105; 2.Pe.1:19). When you
idea. He gave clear commands to Moses and Aaron about the setting up of pattern your life according to God’s word, your light shines more and more
the seven lamps. Your Father God lives in unapproachable light (1.Ti.6:16). unto the perfect day (Pr.4:18).
He is full of glory and clothes Himself in light (Ps.104:2). His first creation
was light (Ge.1:3). The One who created sun, moon and stars always loves You are a daily light: God commanded Aaron to tend the lamps from
light. evening till morning. The Israelites brought clear oil of pressed olives to
keep the lamps burning continually (Lev.24:1-4). All man-made lights will
The same God made you His light to His world. Jesus, the Light of the lose their radiance some day, but your light shall never be switched off
world, lightened your lamp and put you above the prince of darkness and all because your God is your everlasting Light and your glory. Your sun shall
of his powers (Jn.8:12; 9:5; Eph.6:12; Col.1:13). He commanded you to not go down, nor your moon withdraw (Isa.60:19-20).
make your light shine before men so that they may see your good deeds and
praise your Father (Mt.5:14-16). Beloved, you are God’s lampstand and also God’s Aaron, in charge of
your light. You are the only hope of those who sit in darkness and shadow of
The Holy Spirit is the oil for the lamp and the Spirit of glory (Ex.35:14; death (Isa.9:1; Mt.4:15-16). Tend your light through prayer and praise! De-
1.Pe.4:14). He causes your lamp to shine continually. When you are full of sign your life according to God’s word! Fill your life with the Holy Spirit and
Him, your eyes shine with divine light and make your entire body bright and SHINE!
glorious (Mt.6:22; Lk.11:34; 2.Co.4:6; Eph.5:8).
Thank You, Lord, I was once darkness, but now I am
You are a dignified light: Every workmanship of God is precious, light in You. I am a child of light and a child of the day. I
costly and most dignified. There is no cheap commodity in God’s factory. am the light of the world because I am in Christ.
Every article in the Holy Place was made of pure, beaten gold. The lampstand
was made of hammered gold from top to bottom. Even its wick-trimmers Eph.5:8; 1.Thes.5:5; Mt.5:14
and trays had to be of pure gold! Seventy-five pounds of pure gold were
used for the lampstand and all its accessories. (Ex.25:18,31-40; Nu.8:4)!

453 454
(1.Ki.19:12). That is why you need to learn to draw from your spirit. Life in
the spirit helps you to listen to the voice of your spirit easily. Take your
AUG 12 BROADCASTING CENTER authority and command your flesh to be silent when you go to inquire of God
IN CHRIST (Ps.42:5; 46:10; Zec.2:13). Linger in His Presence till you are fully quiet.
Then start asking God questions and enter into a dialogue. Make your prayer
Now when Moses went into the tabernacle of meeting to speak time a two-way communication.
with Him, he heard the voice of One speaking to him from above the Stand still for the Voice: There are times you need to wait till God
mercy seat that was on the ark of the Testimony, from between the speaks. Whenever people brought their genuine questions to Moses, he told
two cherubim; thus He spoke to him. them to stand still till he found out what God would say to him (Nu.9:6-9).
The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children When God gave the commandment about the Passover, some could not
of God (Nu.7:89; Ro.8:16). keep it because they were defiled by a dead body. They asked Moses why
they should be deprived of their celebration. Moses didn’t insist on yesterday’s
word but waited for a fresh word from heaven. God spoke to him and allowed
Your spirit has a voice. It is the broadcasting center of God. This is
them to celebrate the Passover contrary to His previous instructions. You
pictured in the new communication of God with Moses.
have the Word of God as logos for all your life problems, and yet you need
Hear the Voice: After the establishment of the Sanctuary, God began to wait for the fresh word from heaven. You live by every rhema word that
to speak to His servants from the Mercy Seat. This is very important for proceeds from His mouth (Mt.4:4).
you, God’s new creation. When you received Christ, your spirit was made
Prepare for the Voice: The burnt offering was brought regularly and
alive and became God’s dwelling place. As God was enthroned between the
continuously at the Tabernacle from where God met with His people and
cherubim, now God is enthroned in your spirit (Ps.80:1; 99:1). Your spirit is
spoke to them (Ex.29:42-43). This speaks of continuous praise and a deep
now God’s Throne Room and has become God’s broadcasting center. From
consecration to the Lord. A consecrated life is the prerequisite for hearing
there, He speaks and reveals His mind to you. You got saved by the convicting
His Voice in you. Continuous praise and worship tunes your spirit to listen to
voice of the Holy Spirit you heard in your spirit. Even the assurance of
God’s voice and shuts off other voices (Ac.13:2). The whole Sanctuary was
salvation came to you by the witness of the Holy Spirit in your spirit, saying,
sanctified by God’s glory. When God’s glory envelops you, you can easily
“You are a child of God” (Ro.8:16). In a way, you started your Christian life
hear God’s whisperings. This requires time in His Presence.
with God’s voice from your spirit. If you keep your spirit tender and sensitive,
you will never ever miss God’s voice. You miss God’s voice only when your Beloved, hearing God should be your top priority in Christ. If people
spirit is corroded by other voices from your flesh or your mind. under the Old Covenant like Moses could hear God so much, how much
more should you in the New Covenant hear Him! Your conscience is washed
Expect the Voice: Expecting to hear God’s voice is vital for hearing
by His Blood. Your spirit is quickened by His life. What could hinder you
Him. Moses entered the Tabernacle of meeting expecting God’s voice and
from hearing God?! Try it TODAY!
a dialogue with Him. Hearing God’s voice from your spirit is your birthright
(Ro.8:14). You can distinguish the voice of the Spirit better than the voice of Thank You, Lord, my spirit is Your lamp, searching all
your dearest ones. As a sheep hears the voice of a shepherd, you can hear the inner depths of my heart. My ears shall hear a word
the voice of your shepherd (Jn.10:27). This faith and expectation will help within me, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever I
you to be sensitive to His whisperings. Every time you ask God about anything, turn to the right hand or whenever I turn to the left. I am
believe and expect His voice in you (Heb.11:33). led by Your Spirit because I am in Christ.
Tune to the Voice: Moses and the high priest had to go through the Pr.20:27; Isa.30:21; Ro.8:14
Outer Court and the Holy Place to hear God’s voice from the Most Holy
Place. There, they were cut off from outward distractions. This speaks of
silencing yourself to hear God. The art of silence is a lost art today. This
explains the scarcity of God’s Word (1.Sa.3:1). Remember, your flesh and
your reasoning can shout so loud that they stop God’s still, small voice

455 456
nations. If you fail in your ministry, the nations suffer. Sin and sickness
abounds. Demonic powers take the upper hand. Don’t allow it!
AUG 13
LEVITICAL SERVICE IN CHRIST Best service: The greatest privilege under heaven is to serve your
God and to bless your world. The Levites and the priests had this privilege.
The Levites protected and transported the holy Tabernacle (Nu.1:50-53).
And I have given the Levites as a gift to Aaron and his sons from They helped the priests in all their works (Nu.3:9; 8:15,22; 18:1-23). They
among the children of Israel, to do the work for the children of Israel played music and worshiped God (2.Chr.5:12; 7:6; 8:14; 29:30; 30:15-27).
in the tabernacle of meeting, and to make atonement…, that there be They also taught the Word of God to the Israelites (2.Chr.35:3; Nu.8:9).
no plague… when the children of Israel come near the sanctuary. In Christ, you carry God’s Presence and guard it from any defilement.
If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there Any help you render to the five-fold ministry is your highly rewarded privilege
My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will (Mt.10:41). Rejoice in your best service!
honor (Nu.8:19; Jn.12:26). Best age: God’s work requires your best age, strength and energy.
Your spirit, soul and body must be healthy and vibrant to carry God’s glory to
In Christ, you are a Levite and a priest. The setting apart of the Levites the nations. If you are weak in any of these areas, it greatly affects your
has a message concerning your life work for Christ. You may be involved in service. A sick and weak person can not pray effectively or preach powerfully.
many kinds of secular works, but your primary service on this earth is for A weak-minded person cannot absorb the truths from his spirit. This is
the Lord. It demands all the best from you. pictured clearly in the age restrictions for Levites (Nu.8:23-26). From the
Best preparation: On the day the Levites were dedicated, they went age of twenty-five to fifty, they are called to serve in the Tabernacle. After
through a series of cleansing ceremonies. The water of cleansing from the fifty, they must cease working and only assist their brethren in their services.
Sanctuary was sprinkled on them, and they shaved all their body and washed Levitical service required their best age and strength.
their clothes. After the offerings were made, they were presented before In Christ, God is your strength. You live in God’s Presence and can
Aaron as a wave offering to the Lord (Nu.8:5-11). The Israelites laid their believe for vibrant health even in your old age (Ps.92:14). The Spirit of
hands on them to impart their blessings and assure them of their support. Caleb is upon you to retain your robust strength. Still, note the principle: Give
Then the Levites laid their hands on the sin offering to transfer their sin and your best years to God and assist and train other leaders when you grow
to make atonement for them. After this, they were given wholly to the Lord old.
and to the priests. Beloved, you are well prepared for all God requires for His service,
The greater your service to the Lord, the greater must be your ready for the Master’s use (2.Ti.2:21)! Stand up in you privilege and stop
preparation. You can never serve Him without purity and sanctification. the plague from touching your home, your city, your nation, the world! You
Thank God, you are sanctified and purified in Christ (1.Co.6:11)! Just maintain are called to the highest form of Christian service, to offer continuous praises
your God-given purity to serve Him in all glory and power! to God! Be careful to give the best of your life to the One who gave Himself
Best representation: The responsibility of the Levites and the priests for you!
was enormous. They did their service of making atonement for Israel so Thank You, Lord, I am a vessel for honor, sanctified and
that no plague or sickness would strike them. See the awesome responsibility useful for You, prepared for every good work. I love You
of God’s servants! If they failed in any of their works in the Sanctuary, the with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, and
entire community would be condemned and even killed by plagues and with all my strength. I make a wall, and stand in the gap
sicknesses. God made provisions for the healing and health of His people in before You on behalf of the land, that You should not
the law. Whenever the Israelites walked in obedience, they enjoyed perfect destroy it because I am in Christ.
miraculous health (Ex.15:26; 23:25; Ps.103:4; 105:37; 107:20). 2.Ti.2:21; Mk.12:30; Eze.22:30
Through His ministry and atonement, your High Priest Jesus made
provision for your perfect health (Mt.4:23-24; 8:17; Ac.10:38; 1.Pe.2:24). In
Christ, you stand as God’s levitical priest for the welfare and healing of the

457 458
there, God’s Voice was heard. We already saw that this speaks of your
regenerated spirit. When you follow the intuition of your spirit, you are in the
AUG 14
safest place. Learn to trust your spirit. It is the light shining in you to show
GUIDANCE IN CHRIST you the way. Obey all your promptings. Sharpen the voice of your spirit by
constant meditation of God’s Word.
At the command of the LORD they remained encamped, and at Moses and the priests: The glory cloud and the Ark of God were no
the command of the LORD they journeyed; they kept the charge of substitute for God-ordained leadership. Moses heard God constantly and led
the LORD, at the command of the LORD by the hand of Moses. His flock in the wilderness. The priests carried the Ark of God, guiding
Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, God’s people. Every time the cloud lifted and the Ark was ready to move,
they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia. the priests blew the trumpet to direct the people to march on. God’s method
After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the is always man (Nu.10:13). You may hear God’s voice in your spirit, and you
Spirit did not permit them (Nu.9:23; Ac.16:6-7). may feel the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Still, you need godly leaders to
guide you and confirm your calling. “Me and God” is not biblical.
God’s Guidance is your birthright in Christ. Even under the Old Covenant, Hobab: In spite of all these, Moses also sought the help of Hobab, his
God led His people every day. He used various means and methods to guide brother-in-law. Hobab was well-experienced in the wilderness, and he would
them. They all are shadows of God’s guidance for you, His child. God wants guide them to water and pastures and warn them about dangerous places.
you to know His various guiding lights that take you to your destiny. Moses pleaded with him to be their very eyes (Nu.10:29-32). Even the great
God’s Word and commandments guided His people daily. Every guidance Moses who saw God face to face and heard His Voice more than any man
must be tried with God’s Word. In Christ, you have the full Word of God to on this earth humbled himself to seek the experienced help of ordinary Hobab.
instruct and guide you in all your ways. And yet, you need to know the Really, God reveals His heart to the meek and humble.
specific will of God through God’s other means. In Christ, you are blessed with five-fold ministries. Especially the ministry
Cloud: The Tabernacle of God was totally covered by the shekina of a prophet helps greatly in finding God’s guidance. They are the eyes in
glory. It looked like a fire by night. As long as the cloud covered it, people did the Body of Christ. They are God’s seers. Even in the New Covenant, their
not start their journey, whether it was for a day or a night or a month or a ministry can never be underestimated. They not only confirm your guidance,
year. The moment the glory cloud lifted, people started their journey, no they can even give new insights as Agabus did (Ac.11:27-30; 21:10-11).
matter when and where (Nu.8:15-23). Beloved, the Holy Spirit, your own spirit, your God-given leaders and
The precious Holy Spirit is hovering over you like the glory cloud. He is the five-fold ministers are God’s special gifts to you. You are safe when you
your great Guide and Counselor (Jn.14:26). One of His main ministries is to follow these precious means. He will guide you continually -gently -
lead you daily in your decision-making. When you submit to His gentle supernaturally - meticulously - specifically - orderly - totally. Take heart!
leadership, you will never miss His guidance. Instead of worrying about Thank You, Lord, Your Spirit of glory rests on me. Your
your future, acknowledge the overshadowing Presence of the Holy Spirit. Spirit of truth will guide me into all truth. For He will not
Love Him, fellowship with Him, talk to Him, yield to Him, listen to Him, speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will
obey Him. You will never miss God’s best! speak, and He will tell me things to come. In the multitude
The Ark: The Ark of the Covenant always went before God’s people of Your counselors there is safety for me because I am in
to find a resting place for them. Along with the glory cloud, the Ark of God Christ.
was used mainly to lead God’s people (Nu.10:33-34). It played a mayor role 1.Pe.4:14; Jn.16:13; Pr.11:14
in many activities of the Israelites (Jos.3:3-6). It went before the people to
divide the Jordan river (Jos.3:3-17; 6:6). It went before the army to break
down the Jericho wall, etc.
The Ark of God is the place where God’s visible Presence dwelt. From

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Now, God’s glory is risen upon you. God’s army is marching on. God has
blown His trumpet, calling you to march on. Jesus came to blow the heavenly
AUG 15 trumpet, preparing the people for the Kingdom of God. Since the day of
TRUMPET SOUND IN CHRIST Pentecost, the Church of God is aggressively marching on. The Holy Ghost
movement that began at Jerusalem keeps marching on to the ends of the
Make two silver trumpets for yourself; you shall make them of earth. His holy ministers went throughout their world. In Christ, you have
hammered work; you shall use them for calling the congregation and joined this marching army! Your domain is the world. Every creature must
for directing the movement of the camps. hear the Gospel (Mk.16:17). Every nation must be discipled (Mt.28:20). You
…which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men, must possess the nations as your inheritance for God (Ps.2:8). Keep
as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to His holy apostles and marching on! Bring the world into the riches of Christ! Proclaim the completed
prophets (Nu.10:2; Eph.3:5). blessings in Christ (Eph.1:3). Teach the In-Christ-truth all over the world!
Blow the trumpet TODAY!
Trumpet call for victory: When the Israelites faced the enemies’
God is the greatest Administrator. He still organizes your life beautifully
oppression and waged war against them, the priests sounded an alarm with
and efficiently. Life in Christ is the most efficient, orderly life on this earth.
the trumpets. God heard the trumpet sound and remembered them to give
Your God is not the author of confusion but the God of decency and discipline
victory and salvation from their enemies (Nu.10:9). On the cross, Christ
(1.Co.14:33). This is beautifully pictured in the journeys of the Israelites.
blew the victory trumpet by shouting, “It is finished!” (Jn.19:30).Every enemy
God commanded the priests to blow the two silver trumpets to gather, direct,
who oppressed you was defeated by the trumpet call of your High Priest!
and lead into war and worship.
From the right Hand of the Father, Jesus is blowing the trumpet for you
Trumpet call for unity: When both silver trumpets were blown, the through His intercession. Your Father God remembers you and gives you a
entire congregation gathered at the door of the Tabernacle. When only one mighty deliverance. Blow your victory trumpet before your enemies and
was blown, all the leaders gathered. This speaks of God’s trumpet call for shatter them! Let the devil always hear you speaking victory, shouting victory,
the reunion of God’s people and God’s leaders. They lived, marched, singing victory, preaching victory, teaching victory, praying victory, and living
worshiped and celebrated together in the wilderness. Your God is a God of victory!
community. He always leads His people in unity and fellowship. The unity
Trumpet call for praise: The trumpets were blown in the day of
of the Israelites gave them victory in all their battles. Follow Nehemiah’s
gladness, in appointed feasts, at the beginning of every month, and over their
counsel in the time of war: “The work is great and extensive, and we are
burnt and peace offerings as a memorial before God (Nu.10:10). In Christ,
separated far from one another on the wall. Wherever you hear the sound
you live in the day of gladness and joy. These are your days of feasts. Blow
of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us” (Neh.4:19-20).
the trumpet of praise. Declare the first day of every week and month a
God is calling His Church today to gather in unity to wage war against the
praise-day! Start your day with a praise-blast! Your Jesus became yourburnt
powers of darkness.
offering and your peace offering. Rejoice in it. Blow the trumpet over it!
Christ came to gather the scattered Israelites (Jn.11:52). He brought
Beloved, lift up your voice like a trumpet! Declare unity, victory and
Gentiles and Israelites together as one Body (Eph.2:14-18). He broke the
praise! Progress to possess TODAY!!!
wall of separation and made us one in Christ. As High Priest, He blew the
trumpet and gathered His army under His banner. What God has joined Thank You, Lord, You gathered together in one the
together in Christ, let not man separate! God wants you to blow the trumpet children of God who were scattered abroad. You always lead
to bring unity in the Body of Christ (1.Co.12:13)! You are God’s child, specially us in triumph in Christ, and through us You diffuse the
called to be His peacemaker (Mt.5:9). Blow the trumpet in Zion TODAY fragrance of Your knowledge in every place. I live to the
(Jo.2:15)! praise of the glory of Your grace because I am in Christ.
Trumpet call for marching: Whenever the glory cloud lifted and the Jn.11:52; 2.Co.2:14; Eph.1:5-6
Ark was ready to move, the priests blew the trumpet to alert the people to
march on. At every short blast, one camp after the other began their journey.

461 462
earth, was many times depressed by people’s complaints. He himself was
influenced to complain eleven times! Your complaining is contagious and
AUG 16 TABERAH IN CHRIST corrupts even your godly leaders! Many sincere leaders are heart-broken and
even die early because of the complaints of their people! When Moses saw
every family wailing, he was deeply distressed, even to the point of asking
Now when the people complained, it displeased the LORD; for God to kill him (Nu.11:10-15)! It was the complaints of the people that kept
the LORD heard it, and His anger was aroused. So the fire of the Moses from entering Canaan (Dt.1:37)!
LORD burned among them, and consumed some in the outskirts of In Christ, God has blessed you with shepherds after His own heart to
the camp. watch over your soul (Jer.3:15). Obey them gladly without grumbling so that
Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and they may serve you with joy, not with grief (Heb.13:17). That will be your
hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to great advantage and make you enjoy the blessings of your new creation life!
the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the Complaining destroys you: Complaining is so dangerous it not only
name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Nu.11:1; Eph.5:18-20). displeases God and depresses God’s servants, it actually destroys you! Right
in the book of Numbers, the complaining Israelites suffered ten plagues and
At Taberah, the place of burning, God’s consuming fire burned against were destroyed! All because they complained and suffered self-invited plagues!
the complaining Israelites and killed many. But for Moses’ intercession, all The fire of the Lord consumed many (Nu.11:1,3). When the meat was still
would have been burned alive (Nu.11:2). Complaining is very serious!!! It is between their teeth, the wrath of the Lord smote them with a very great plague
man’s fallen nature that constantly complains, grumbles, moans and groans (Nu.11:34). Sickness, early death, mental confusions and broken relationships
about everything. The new creation with Christ’s nature is not made for such are the result of complaining. In Christ, you are blessed with health, long life,
complaining. Your life in Christ will grow only in the atmosphere of thankfulness peace and joy! Praise is the antidote for the spirit of complaining. In Christ,
and contentment. If you pour water into a petrol car instead of petrol, the you have beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning, and a garment of praise for
motor will quickly corrode and be spoiled. Likewise, any complaining will the spirit of heaviness (Isa.61:1-3). Let praise dispel all your complaining
corrode your new life. The Body of Christ is paralyzed and sickly mainly TODAY!
because of constant grumbling. The new creation is made for praise and Beloved, complaining was the Israelites’ main problem in the wilderness.
worship. The Israelites were severely punished for their complaining and became Their lack of trust in God bred all such complaining attitudes. Millions died an
examples for you, the new creation. early death because of this devilish attitude. Jesus, your Role-model, never
Complaining displeases God: Any complaint against your circumstances, complained even once. His sweet nature springs up within you. Draw from
provisions or people is actually against God and displeases Him deeply (Ps.78:19). this well of salvation in you constantly (Isa.12:3). You are God’s spring of
Every negative and doubtful word grieves His tender heart. It is impossible to fresh water. No bitter or salty water comes from your spirit, only rivers of
please God without faith (Heb.11:6). In Christ, you are God’s dearly beloved living water (Jn.7:38). Only blessings proceed from your mouth (Jas.3:9-12).
child, called to please Him (Eph.5:1). How can you please your Daddy with an You are God’s grapevine (Jas.3:12). No matter how pressurized you are, only
attitude of constant complaining!? sweet, heart-delighting vine will ooze out of you. You will please God and men
Complaining despises God: By complaining, the Israelites not only with your new nature. The destroyer cannot use your tongue to destroy you
displeased Him but also despised and dishonored Him by weeping before Him, or anyone else. You will honor God and encourage your leaders by your constant
saying, “Why did we ever come up out of Egypt?” (Nu.11:20). It is the Lord appreciations and positive comments. Live in your new nature TODAY!
who brought you out of the enemy’s hand. In Christ, He is your Provider, your Thank You, Lord, I have the Oil of joy for mourning, the
Healer, your Shepherd, and your King! When you are under His care, every garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. I am being filled
complaint you make is a direct insult to His caring heart. He expects you to with the Spirit, speaking to others in psalms and hymns and
rejoice and delight yourself in Him. Delighting yourself in Him releases His spiritual songs, singing and making melody in my heart to You,
miracles (Ps.37:4). giving thanks always for all things because I am in Christ.
Complaining depresses God’s servants: Moses, the meekest man on Isa.61:3; Eph.5:18-20

and perdition. Many coveted these things and fell from their faith, suffering
many sorrows (1.Ti.6:9-10).
AUG 17 KIBROTH HATTAAVAH God is a God of abundance, and He gives you richly all things to enjoy
IN CHRIST (1.Ti.1:17). He knows what you want before you can even ask. If you believe
God and thank Him for His riches, He will lavish on you everything you
But while the meat was still between their teeth, before it was need and much more! The only thing that hurts Him is your complaining. It’s
chewed, the wrath of the LORD was aroused against the people, and one thing to claim His blessings and your inheritance in Christ, it’s another
the LORD struck the people with a very great plague. So he called thing to complain and moan in bitterness. Complaining always compares the
the name of that place Kibroth Hattaavah, because there they buried past with the present and provokes God to anger. For a complaining person,
the people who had yielded to craving. the past is always better. This attitude will induce you to speak words against
…nor complain, as some of them also complained, and were God and everything and everybody else.
destroyed by the destroyer (Nu.11:33-34; 1.Co.10:10). In Christ, you have the attitude of gratitude, and you always have more
than you can ask or imagine (Eph.3:20). You rejoice in His provision and find
Numbers 11 is one of the saddest chapters in the Bible. God gave what delight in your Provider. You weep, not in bitterness, but in thankfulness,
people craved for and struck them before they could fully enjoy it. Craving shedding tears of joyful gratitude. This life in Christ pleases your God, and
and complaining destroyed many lives. As a new creation, you have exactly He opens the floodgates of heaven for you! Even the slightest desires of
the opposite nature. Take a clear stand against this spreading plague of your heart are freely granted to you in Christ! What a life!
complaining in the Body of Christ. Let us continue to ponder that dreadful Complaining makes you disqualified: Of course, God can give you
disease of complaining and resist it with all our strength. what you want for your own destruction. Instead of happily providing for
Complaining makes you dissatisfied: God did mighty miracles to the desires of His people, He provided meat for a whole month till everyone
deliver His people from the cruel Egyptian bondage. He even provided angel- got weary of it. Multitudes of quails came and filled the entire camp. They
food for them! Rocks split open to release rivers! The glory cloud guarded could have enjoyed it for years, but by their complaining, they had disqualified
and guided them all through! None was sick or feeble among them! God themselves from enjoying the very meat they craved for.
directly ruled over them, directing every minute detail of their lives. They In Christ, you need not disqualify yourself to enjoy His bounty! You
were the most fortunate people under heaven and had millions of things to prosper in everything as your soul prospers (3.Jn.2). Your present and future
thank Him for, but they constantly remembered the fish, cucumbers, melons, is definitely greater than your past. You know everything works together for
leeks, onions and garlic of Egypt (Dt.4:7-8; Nu.11:5)! A dissatisfied heart your good, so you spontaneously give thanks in everything (Ro.8:28;
‘remembers’ what is lacking instead of what is given (Ps.103:2). The very 1.Th.5:17).
supernatural angel-food from heaven seemed wearisome to them! See the Beloved, God desires to satisfy you with all His goodness. He withholds
horror of complaining! no good thing from you! He wants your prosperity, health, welfare and dignity
A dissatisfied person will fall prey to the lust of other things, as the - always only your best! Never complain! Enjoy His provision! Life in Christ
Israelites lusted for the Egyptian food and were buried. God may sometimes keeps cool in the heat of pressure and lack. It’s the life of Jesus Himself
grant your fleshly desires for your own destruction (Nu.11:33-34). The graves who suffered hunger, thirst and enmity without loosing His inner tranquility.
of craving, Kibroth Hattaavah, are a great warning! In Christ, you crave the In Christ, this very nature is your nature. Believe it, confess it, and develop
things of God, coveting His spiritual gifts (1.Co.14:1)! it TODAY!
Complaining distracts you into intense craving: Because of their Thank You, Lord, You satisfy me early with Your mercy,
dissatisfaction with God’s provision, the Israelites fell prey to intense craving that I may rejoice and be glad all my days! I listen carefully
for meat (Nu.11:4). A dissatisfied person always craves for worldly and to You, and eat what is good, and let my soul delight itself
fleshly things. A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb (Pr.27:7). They even in Your abundance. I love You and I know that all things
wept for meat to eat. Those who crave to be rich fall into temptation and a work together for my good because I am in Christ.
snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction Ps.90:14; Isa.55:2; Ro.8:28

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up and enjoy!
AUG 18 Unlimited prophetic: When the Spirit rested upon the seventy, they
IMPARTATION IN CHRIST all prophesied, but only that one time (Nu.11:29). Moses’ anointing came
upon them mainly to govern the people, not to prophesy continually. In Christ,
you have the Spirit of prophecy permanently resting upon you. In this end
Then the LORD came down in the cloud, and spoke to him, and time-outpouring, sons and daughters shall prophecy. Every Spirit-filled young
took of the Spirit that was upon him, and placed the same upon the man shall see prophetic visions, and old men shall have prophetic dreams.
seventy elders; and it happened, when the Spirit rested upon them, Every anointed servant of God shall prophesy (Ac.2:17-18). Since the Holy
that they prophesied, although they never did so again. Spirit abides with you forever, you can prophesy permanently according to
Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you your faith (Jn.14:16-17; Ro.12:6).
through the laying on of my hands (Nu.11:25; 2.Ti.1:6). Dream became reality: When Eldad and Medad prophesied in the
camp, Joshua asked Moses to stop them. Moses rebuked Joshua saying,
Life in Christ is a life of impartation. Your Head, the Lord Jesus Christ, “Are you zealous for my sake? Oh, that all the LORD’S people were prophets
has imparted His gifts and callings upon you. You are filled with all His and that the LORD would put His Spirit upon them!” (Nu.11:29). This is the
fullness, and you overflow with imparting ability. This is beautifully dream and heart cry of Moses, the great prophet. This dream became reality
foreshadowed in the impartation of Moses’ anointing upon the seventy elders. on the day of Pentecost. Every Spirit-filled believer has God-given gifts and
ability to prophecy and bring forth God’s mind to people. Now, this ability is
Moses’ anointing: Moses felt inadequate to bear all the burdens of dormant in you, waiting to be activated. You can manifest this gift if you
the people. It was too heavy for him. In despair, he cried out to God when intensely desire it. Moses’ dream became Paul’s declaration. Truly, all the
people complained. God in His mercy gave him seventy helpers to share his Lord’s people are prophets, and the Lord has put His Spirit upon them, as
burden. He came down on the Tabernacle to take the spirit of Moses and Moses dreamt. God tells you today, “I wish you all… prophesied…”
put it on the seventy elders. It is like lighting seventy candles with one candle. (1.Co.14:5)!
The very anointing Moses carried was distributed on the seventy without
diminishing Moses’ anointing. Beloved, you are an imparter of God’s Spirit and gifts. This is your
privilege and position in Christ. The apostles imparted the anointing upon the
In Christ, your divine Moses shared His anointing with you, the new deacons and believers (Ac.6:6; 8:17). Paul was full of the Spirit and imparted
creation. Your calling and giftings are an extension of Christ (Eph.4:7). Christ spiritual gifts (Ac.19:6-7,11-12; Ro.1:11; 15:29; 1.Ti.4:14). As Moses’ anointing
was the fullness of God. When He ascended into the heavens, His mantle came on the seventy and Joshua, Elijah’s anointing came on Elisha, your
fell on His Body, the Church. You carry the same anointing He carried. Lord’s anointing came on you. You can also impart your anointing upon
Moses was frustrated and asked for helpers, but your Lord was never others. You can transmit God’s power to the needy. Stay full of the Spirit
frustrated when He called you as His helper. He went to heaven victoriously and impart freely TODAY!
so that you might carry on His mission and vision. You are God’s gift from Thank You, Lord, You do not give Your Spirit by measure.
the ascended Lord (Eph.4:8; Ps.68:18). The seventy elders had only a I do not neglect the gift that is in me. I believe in You. The
measure of Moses’ anointing, but you received anointing without measure works that You did I will do also, and greater works than
from your Savior (Jn.3:34; 14:12; Col.2:9-10)! those I will do, because I am in Christ.
Seventy elders: Moses’ limited anointing was able to equip and endue Jn.3:34; 1.Ti.4:14; Jn.14:12
only the seventy elders whereas Christ’s unlimited anointing endued every
believer in Christ. Every believer can cast out demons, heal the sick and
perform miracles exactly like their resurrected Lord (Mk.16:17-20). All
believers can speak in tongues, interpret their tongues and prophesy
(1.Co.14:5,13,23-24,39). In these last days, God is pouring out His Spirit
upon all flesh - young men, young women, old men and women, sons and
daughters (Jo.2:28). In Christ, you partake in all of Christ’s blessings. Rise

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them with miracle-quail more than they needed. Since we have already
seen the horror of complaining, let us focus on the super-supply-power of
The biggest hunt in history: It will greatly boost your faith if you just
ponder how much meat God supplied for the Israelites in the desert. A
And the LORD said to Moses, “Has the Lord’s arm been miracle-wind brought the miracle-quails from the sea, and billions of quails
shortened? Now you shall see whether what I say will happen to you were left fluttering all around the camp about three feet above the ground, a
or not”. day’s walk in any direction. Two days and one night, around thirty million
So they all ate and were filled, and they took up twelve baskets people (not only the 600.000 men of war) gathered the quails. The least of
full of the fragments that remained (Nu.11:23; Mt.14:20). them could gather at least 2,2 kilo-liters. One author counts it as!?!?!?! Imagine the super-abundance of God’s provisions!
The One who feeds the birds of the air and clothes the lilies of the field is
In Christ, you have a tremendous supernatural supply at your fingertips. your Daddy God (Mt.6:25-30)! Your family is the richest family on this planet!
There is absolutely no need for you to suffer lack. You are connected to the Why should you suffer lack!?!?
richest God of heaven and earth. All the cattle on a thousand hills are His.
All the silver and gold of this world is His (Ps.50:10). He is the Owner of the Question answered with a question: When God promised a whole
vegetable kingdom, animal kingdom, metal world and everything. He can do month’s supply of meat for the entire congregation, even Moses, the one
anything for you at any time as He wills. He delights in giving you over and who had seen so many of God’s mighty miracles, couldn’t believe it. He
above your need. He wants you to live in surplus and plenty. If you know the dared to question God’s ability by saying, “Shall flocks and herds… all the
power of your God and His good will toward you, you will never have any fish of the sea be… enough for them?” (Nu.11:22). It is exciting to hear
lack. This is beautifully pictured in today’s scripture. many answers of God in form of questions. He eternally erased the questions
of all human beings by His one question: “Has the Lord’s arm been
The right way to supply: God has given you keys to unlock His riches. shortened? Now you shall see whether what I say will happen to you or
He promised unlimited blessings in answer to your prayers (Mt.7:7). Constant not” (Nu.11:23). Indeed, not only Moses and the millions of Israelites, but
meditation of the Scriptures makes you prosperous in whatever you do generations down through the centuries have seen that His Word shall come
(Jos.1:9; Ps.1). Heading His word makes you rich (Ps.81:13-16). A thankful to pass, no matter how impossible it seems!
heart releases the miracle of multiplication (Mt.15:36; Jn.6:11). Sowing faith
seeds gives you a rich harvest (Lk.6:38). Confession of what you possess in Beloved, your God’s arm is not too short to provide for you, heal you,
Christ unleashes His riches. Just delighting yourself in Him is enough to give save you, and answer you (Isa.59:1)! If He was so liberal with His servants,
you all your heart’s desires (Ps.37:4)! All these are your birthright in Christ. the Israelites, how much more will He be to you, His beloved, precious
If the Israelites had used any of these means, they could have had enough Blood-bought child! Don’t you know all things are yours in Christ - the
quail for all their journeys. Yet alas, they couldn’t trust and ask God for world, life or death, present or future - all are yours! You are Christ’s, and
supply but used wrong means. Christ is God’s (1.Co.3:21-23). The moment you put your trust in Christ, you
are one with Him. All His is yours (Lk.15:31)! Why complain!?!? Shout
The wrong way to supply: The worst way to receive anything from praises TODAY!
God is to complain and grumble. Sometimes, God in His anger may give you
what you craved for. That is the most dangerous thing that could happen to Thank You, Lord, Your arm has not been shortened. Now
you. In the wilderness, the Israelites always complained for every lack and I shall see that what You say will happen to me. The world
reaped self-destruction. They are God’s covenant-people who foreshadow is Yours, and all its fullness. I am always in You, and all that
you, God’s new creation. God purposely recorded this for you to warn you You have is mine because I am in Christ.
about the seriousness of complaining. Instead of getting their provisions in Nu.11:23; Ps.50:12; Lk.15:31
the right way, they mostly used this wrong way. They got what they wanted,
but they could never enjoy it!
God heard the weeping and complaining of the Israelites and supplied

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Tabernacle and rebuked Miriam and Aaron sharply. He commended His
servant and put him above them because Moses carried a greater anointing
AUG 20 TOUCH NOT THE ANOINTED and calling, although all the three were prophets. He had the most intimate
IN CHRIST communication with God. They should dread speaking against Moses. What
a lesson! The greater the anointing, the greater the danger if you speak
I speak with him face to face, Even plainly, and not in dark sayings; against it!
And he sees the form of the LORD. Why then were you not afraid To Called to repent: God cannot tolerate when His intimate friends are
speak against My servant Moses? accused (Zec.2:8). God’s anger burned so hot against them that He even
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good left them! Miriam stood there, leprous like snow. She literally looked like a
for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. stillborn baby, its flesh half consumed. God put her in shame before the
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God… Let all bitterness, wrath, entire congregation, as if her father had spit in her face. Spitting in somebody’s
anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all face is considered the greatest humiliation in the eastern culture even today.
malice.(Nu.12:8; Eph.4:29-31). She was shut out of the camp for seven days. Because of her sin, the entire
nation’s progress and journey was stopped (Nu.12:9-15)! I have seen
countless people suffer severe sicknesses because of this sin! Even their
In Christ, you are called to bless and speak good of others. Every negative families suffer the consequences. Oh, the horror of speaking against God’s
word you speak will drain the energy and strength of your new life, especially anointed!
the words you speak against God’s anointed. Speaking against God’s anointed
kindles the wrath of the One who anointed them. Miriam is a great reminder In Christ, you are called to be honored, not to be ashamed. Your Dad
here (Dt.24:9). wants to cause His Face to shine upon you, not to spit on you! Never allow
the spirit of fault-finding or evil-speaking to use you against anyone! Never
Called to praise: Miriam, Aaron and Moses were called to praise the allow God’s anger to burn against you or your people by your careless words.
Lord. One of the main ministries of their levitical heritage is to minister to
God in praise and worship. The first time Miriam is mentioned, you see her Called to intercede: Moses was meek and humble, lowly in heart like
as a prophetess and worshipper (Ex.15:20). She was dancing and singing to his Master (Mt.11:29). He didn’t speak a word in self-defense. He let God
the Lord with a tambourine in her hand. All the ladies followed her exuberant defend him. When Aaron confessed their sins and pleaded for Miriam, Moses
worship. Remember, prophets and prophetesses are primarily praisers and interceded for her. There was no bitterness or vengeance in his heart, only
worshippers. In Christ, your tongue is a tree of life (Pr.15:4). You belong to compassion. In Christ, you have this divine nature. You can walk in your
the priestly praise-tribe! You are assigned to talk high of God and high of His Master’s footsteps and not repay evil with evil or insult with insult (1.Pe.3:9).
servants. You are called to forgive and to bless those who oppose you.
Called to protect: Miriam and Aaron came to prominence because of Beloved, God is calling you to the place of Moses today. You are God’s
their brother Moses. In fact, they were supposed to intercede and protect ambassador and intercessor to defend His servants. Like your Daddy God,
Moses from others’ accusations. Yet they forgot this calling and gave room take quick action against all accusing spirits. When people revile you, trust
to the accuser of the brethren (Re.12:10). Miriam who protected him in his God’s care and defense. If you spoke against anyone, repent today and
babyhood now fell prey to accusing demons! She even drew Aaron into her seek their blessing.
conspiracy against Moses! They both spoke against Moses because of his Thank You, Lord, You only are my Rock and my Salvation.
Egyptian wife and even claimed equality with his prophetic ministry (Nu.12:1). You are my Defense. I shall not be greatly moved. I am not
They were jealous of Moses’ success and the influence of his wife’s family. returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the
In Christ, you are anointed to intercede and protect God’s anointed. contrary blessing, knowing that I am called to this, that I
The accuser of the brethren has no foothold in your life. As a new creation, may inherit a blessing because I am in Christ.
rise up to protect every servant of God from all attacks. Ps.62:2; 1.Pe.3:9
Called to defend: God heard the accusations and came down in a
pillar of cloud to defend His servant. He called all the three together to the

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the land is truly flowing with milk and honey, and showed the best fruits of
pomegranates and figs (Nu.13:20,23,27).
AUG 21
NO SPYING OUT IN CHRIST In Christ, you have the first-fruits of the Spirit of God (Ro.8:23). Your
eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard, your mind has not conceived
what God has prepared for you (1.Co.2:9)! God’s Spirit is constantly taking
Send men to spy out the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the you from one level to another level of glory and heavenly blessings! You can
children of Israel; from each tribe of their fathers you shall send a exercise more authority and power of God every day. The blessings you
man, every one a leader among them. enjoyed so far are just the firstfruits of the heavenly abundance! The Presence
Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test of God’s Spirit in you is the deposit and guarantee of your eternal inheritance
yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? (Eph.1:13-14)! It’s like the five loaves and two fishes in your hand. As you
- unless indeed you are disqualified (Nu.13:2; 2.Co.13:5). lift up your eyes to God and thank Him for your life in Christ, it shall begin to
grow and multiply to bless multitudes (Mt.14:17-19; Jn.6:11,23). Every blessing
you have ever experienced so far is nothing but a small cloud like a man’s
In Christ, you are blessed with every good thing you need for life and hand. When you boldly act on it, it shall become showers of blessings
godliness. There is no lack for you who are in Christ. You neither need to (1.Ki.18:44-45).
test it nor to prove it. Simply act on your faith and enjoy your privileges in
Christ. Don’t focus on the hindrances: If you observe the report of the ten
spies, you can see that the entire explanation was about the enemies, where
Don’t test, just taste! Life in Christ could be compared to life in they lived, how strong and big they were, how the cities were walled, etc.
Canaan. From the beginning, God repeatedly explained the blessedness of
Canaan. When God called Moses from the burning bush, he promised him In Christ, you ponder who you are, what you have and what you can
that He would take His people into a good and spacious land, a land flowing do. You don’t magnify your temptations, struggles, spiritual warfare and all
with milk and honey (Ex.3:8). He firmly said that the promised land was the hindrances and roadblocks on your way. You rejoice in your blessings!
good, fertile, fruitful and without any lack or scarcity (Dt.8:6-9). Instead of You remember what God has done for you! Exult in your position and
boldly possessing the land without delay, Moses and the people wanted to possession in Christ TODAY!
spy out and test whether what God said was true or not - whether the land Beloved, don’t ever doubt your place and position in Christ! You are not
was good or bad, fertile or poor (Nu.13:18-20). The people insisted on sending going to enter your Canaan, you are already living in it! Don’t even pray for
spies. Moses gave in to their request, and even God allowed it because of the blessings. Just praise! Always expect new levels of glory. Don’t settle
the low level of their faith (Dt.1:20-23; Nu.13:1). This I believe caused forty for the firstfruits. They are just samples! Go for the best, in Jesus’ Name!
years of unnecessary wanderings and the death of that entire generation. Thank You, Lord, I have the firstfruits of the Spirit.
In Christ, you are blessed with every spiritual blessing (Eph.1:3). You Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the
lack nothing under His shepherding (Ps.23:1). God’s very life and nature is heart of man the things which You have prepared for me.
imparted in your spirit. His divine power has amply supplied everything you Your divine power has given to me all things that pertain to
need for this earthly life and your godly life (2.Pe.1:3). You don’t need to life and godliness because I am in Christ.
test whether these things are true! You don’t need any proof, outward Ro.8:23; 1.Co.2:9; 2.Pe.1:3
emotions, dreams or visions, to know whether these things are true. Even
the sad experiences of great men of God need not bother or discourage you.
Everything the Bible says about you in Christ is true and infallible. Study the
Pauline epistles and thank God for everything you have in Christ. Confess
and possess! Don’t waste your years in wanderings! Taste TODAY!
Seasons of Firstfruits: The twelve leaders who went to explore the
land couldn’t find any lack or poverty in Canaan. One single cluster of firstfruit
grapes had to be carried by two strong leaders! They honestly confessed,

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a terrible disease,” “It’s a huge loan,” “My enemies have more strength and
money,” magnify and empower the enemy! In Christ, no enemy is stronger
AUG 22 NO DOUBT DICTIONARY than you, no problem bigger than your God! If the enemy is strong, your God
IN CHRIST is stronger, and you are stronger than all your enemies! The strength of the
Almighty is yours! The One who gave strength to the lion and the wild ox lives
We went to the land… It truly flows with milk and honey… in you, increasing your strength constantly (Nu.23:22,24; 24:8; Isa.40:29)!
Nevertheless the people who dwell in the land are strong; the cities The cities are fortified and very large: I believe in the enemy’s stronghold
are fortified and very large; moreover we saw the descendants of Anak over nations, but I boast in God, my Stronghold! When a new creation attacks,
there”. the gates of Hades collapse (Mt.16:18)! On the cross, your Savior captured
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good the enemy’s stronghold and spoiled his goods! Shout it to yourself and to the
for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers world (Lk.11:21-22)! The so-called strongholds can’t withstand your powerful
(Nu.13:27-28; Eph.4:29). weapons (2.Co.10:4-5)! In Christ, your God is your Fortress, your Rock, and
your high, strong Tower (Ps.18:2; 61:3; Pr.18:10)!
There is a heavenly and an earthly language. The heavenly language is Moreover we saw the children of Anak there: Devil-inspired talk is
always a faith language. The earthly language is the language of doubt, unbelief sense-knowledge-talk - they talk what they see, hear and feel. Natural man
and confusion. Faith and doubt have each its own vocabulary. God and the trembles at a doctor’s bad report and at the enemies’ threats. In Christ, you
devil have each their own language. Any word that breeds doubt and fear is don’t walk by sight but by faith (2.Co.5:7). A new creation refuses to look at
directly from the devil’s dictionary. To develop your new life in Christ, you the temporary but looks at the eternal (2.Co.4:18; Ro.4:17-20).
must know what comes from the devil and hate it to the core. Here is a check- We are not able: This is the language of unbelief! The devil inspires you
list for you to analyze your dictionary. to speak your inabilities and weaknesses. You can do all things in Christ
Beware of demon-inspired words! The ten spies brought their evil report (Phil.4:13)! Nothing is impossible! All things are possible to you (Mt.17:20;
and caused great destruction, even the death of the entire nation! Words can Mk.9:23)! Stop saying what you cannot do! Don’t lend your tongue to the
destruct or construct a nation! Words can break you or make you! Words devil!
have power to kill you or resurrect you! The arch-destroyer used these ten It is a land that devours: Don’t ever say what the devil can do! He
spies for his sinister schemes. Both God and the devil use the tongues of men cannot destroy, harm or devour you! He must obey your command!
for their purposes. Closely observe the bad reports of the ten spies. See the We were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their
evil in it, and stay away from it! sight: Stop saying you’re weak, small and insignificant! Never see yourself as
Avoid “BUT” and “NEVERTHELESS”: After they commended the fertility a failure! As you see yourself, the enemy will see and treat you! You are not a
of the land, they immediately said, “Nevertheless, the people are strong…” grasshopper but a threshing sledge with sharp teeth (Isa.41:15)!
(Nu.13:28). Whenever you hear the good news of life in Christ, the devil will Beloved, God needs your tongue! He wants to use your tongue to build up
speak “BUTS” into your mind. “I am a new creation, BUT…”, “I am blessed your image and bless the entire world! Your words can swallow the enemy -
with all the spiritual blessings, BUT…”, “God always causes me to triumph in heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, command prosperity, create
Christ, BUT…”, “By His wounds I am healed, BUT…”, “By His poverty I faith, build God’s Kingdom! Exalt God and humiliate the devil by your words
became rich, BUT…”, “He has given me abundant life, BUT…”, “God is the TODAY!
strength of my life, BUT…”. These are the symptoms of demonic interference Thank You, Lord, You are my Rock and my Fortress and my
in your faith language! Beware! They can ultimately prevent your possession! Deliverer, my God, my Strength, in whom I will trust. My shield
Erase such words from your vernacular TODAY! and the Horn of my salvation, my Stronghold. You have made me
The people are strong… stronger than we: (Nu.13:28,31). Any word into a new threshing sledge with sharp teeth. I can do all things
you speak about the devil’s power is devil-inspired. Sickness-magnifying, through Christ who strengthens me because I am in Christ.
hindrance-focused, lack-oriented, failure-expecting, fault-finding words are Ps.18:2; Isa.41:15; Phil.4:13
definitely demon-inspired! Words like, “Satan is attacking me constantly,” “It’s

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If the Lord delights in us, He will bring us into this land: Caleb
believed and confessed, “If God is pleased, He will give” (Nu.14:8). In your
AUG 23 FAITH DICTIONARY dictionary, there is no “if”. The One greater than Caleb lives in you! Now,
IN CHRIST your language is, “God delights in me! He has given me the land!” You are
in the Beloved (Eph.1:6). You are His delight. He has blessed you only on
Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us the basis of His pleasure in Christ. Shout for joy TODAY!
go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome Do not rebel against the LORD, nor fear the people: A faith-
it.” person encourages God’s people to trust God and resist all fear. You are a
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Nu.13:30; faith-builder in Christ! You are an encourager! You are a “fear-resister”!
Phil.4:13). You open people’s eyes to see that negative words are rebellion against God
(Nu.14:9)! You take a stand against all negativism, even if you have to stand
alone. Start speaking such faith-inspiring words to the fearful ones!
You are a heavenly person and the faith-child of a faith-God. Your
They are our bread: All your enemies are your bread! You grow in
language is always positive and full of vibrancy and assurance. Fearful words
adversity. You smell like a rose among thorns. The more your enemies, the
have no place in your dictionary. Caleb and Joshua are good examples for
more your growth (Ex.1:12)! Your battles are your booty! Your enemies
you, God’s new creation.
cannot swallow you, rather you will swallow them and grow bigger and
Silence unbelief: You are God’s “unbelief-silencer”. See the reaction bigger! Demons cannot chase you, rather you are called to cast out each
of the faith-leaders when they heard the complaining of the doubters! Moses and every demon!
and Aaron fell on their faces before the whole congregation (Nu.14:5). Joshua
Their protection has departed from them, and the Lord is with
and Caleb tore their clothes (Nu.14:6). Caleb took an active step to quiet
us: The person who speaks from the faith dictionary always speaks about
their cry of unbelief (Nu.13:30). He had a different spirit, the spirit of faith
the vulnerability, humiliation, defeat and utter impotence of the devil. Whenever
(Nu.14:24; 2.Co.4:13). In Christ, you have the spirit of Caleb. The majority
he mentions the devil and his hosts, he speaks of them as stripped of all
of God’s saints speak the words from the doubt-dictionary. There is a
power, destroyed, defeated and dethroned (Col.2:15; Heb.2:14). For him,
tremendous need today for faith-warriors to wage war against doubt and
the devil and all his enemies stand totally unprotected.
unbelief. You are a believer. Raise your voice against all sense-inspired,
fear-producing words NOW! Speak the words from God’s faith-dictionary! In Christ, the very power that rules heaven and earth lives in you. The
Source of all power, the great Almighty, is in you - not only with you!
Let us go up at once and take possession: Caleb was fully aware
of the giant-sized enemies and walled cities, yet he spoke from his spirit of Do not fear them: Nowhere the Bible says you should fear the devil!
faith, “Let’s go up at once”. For him, there was no postponement for It always tells you to resist the devil, give no place to the devil, cast out the
possession. Faith is always NOW! It’s the substance of things hoped for, devil, know his schemes, etc. (Jas.4:7; 1.Pe.5:8-9; Eph.4:27; Mk.16:17;
the evidence of things not seen (Heb.11:1). Hope says, “God will heal me, 2.Co.2:11). Fear is a spirit straight from hell! You have the spirit of faith and
will bless me…”, etc. Faith says, “God has healed me, God has blessed boldness. Practice your faith vocabulary TODAY!
me…” Caleb saw the enemies and their lands already in his hand. He was Thank You, Lord, with my enemies is an arm of flesh,
ready to possess it immediately. Shout right now, “I take my possessions! I but with me are You, my God, to help me and to fight my
take my healing! I take my prosperity! I take all my blessings at once!” Start battles. I have the same spirit of faith I also and therefore
speaking Caleb’s language TODAY! speak because I am in Christ.
We are well able: When a doubter says all his inabilities, a faith person 2.Chr.32:8; 2.Co.4:13
shouts his abilities in Christ. He shouts, “I have Christ’s ability in me! God is
my sufficiency! He is my wisdom! I can do all things! I can solve all problems
by His wisdom!” etc. Really, you are more than a conqueror, well able to do
everything you are called to do (Ro.8:37). Never ever speak anything contrary
to this fact!

477 478
misunderstandings to God! It’s the devil who steals your prosperity and
promotion! He is the one who destroys your peace, health, joy and long life!
AUG 24 NO COMPLAINT DICTIONARY He is the murderer who sniffs out life before the time (Jn.8:44). Don’t ever
IN CHRIST say God caused it!
God didn’t bring them out to fall by the sword! He brought them to
And all the children of Israel complained against Moses and defeat the enemies and possess their lands and goods. Yet for a complaining
Aaron… “If only we had died… Why has the Lord brought us to this person, God’s good intentions are suspicious! Any negative imagination about
land to fall by the sword, that our wives and children should become God causes complaining and insults God! People cried saying their wives
victims? Would it not be better for us to return to Egypt?... Let us and children would die. No! Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine, and your
select a leader and return to Egypt”. children like olive plants around you (Ps.128:3)! Your God is the careful
Now in those days, when the number of the disciples was Gardener who protects them from the enemy’s sword! In Christ, you have
multiplying, there arose a complaint… because their widows were authority to cover your loved ones with your faith-filled words! The devil
neglected in the daily distribution… Therefore, brethren, seek out from loves to hear his vocabulary from your mouth! In Christ, you are a devil-
among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and master! Take your authority and destroy the devil’s dictionary TODAY!
wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business (Nu.14:2-4; Ac.6:1- Would it not be better for us…? Any word that conveys yesterday
3). was better than today is a complaint (Ecc.7:10). If you constantly say the
previous place was better than this place, you actually grumble and complain.
Complaining should be dreaded like a deadly plague. This root cause God brought you out of your Egypt for your good! Being in the will of God is
for Israel’s destruction in the wilderness created rebellion in the whole nation! your heaven! Why do you look at the temporary lack? Never even hint you
See the complaining dictionary of the Israelites and erase those words from were better off before Christ came into your life! The very thought comes
yours! directly from hell! What seems better to you could be death in the sight of
Stop crying: The Israelites raised their voices and wept all night God (Pr.14:12; 16:25)!
(Nu.14:1). You can have all-night-prayers, crying to God for your nation, Let us select a leader: Any word against your God-given leadership
without an atom of faith. Such doubtful prayers avail nothing, they only is from the devil’s dictionary! It will lead you to become independent and
cause more calamities and even kindle God’s wrath! Of course, tearful chose your own leaders after your itching ears (2.Ti.4:3). The moment you
prayers produce powerful results, even national revival! Yet such tears and distance yourself from your God-given leadership, you are without protection!
heart cry should come from the Holy Spirit, not from fear and self-pity! Any danger can happen to you! In Christ, you submit to and honor your
Lamentations without the Holy Spirit are direct complaints against God! leaders as Christ submitted to God and even to the wicked leaders of His
Stop such prayers! One minute of faith will do more than a thousand hours time. When you have His nature, why trade it for the devil’s nature?!
of doubting prayers! Beloved, God takes your complaints as a personal rejection (Nu.14:11)!
If only we had died: The Israelites often spoke death, and they reaped He never tolerates your distrust in Him. He performed many mighty miracles
what they spoke. Every word you speak is a seed you sow. They wanted to in your life. Meditate and speak His wonders TODAY!
die in the wilderness, and indeed, they did! If you often use words like, Thank You, Lord, my heart is overflowing with a good
“death, suicide, why should I live, I don’t want to live, let me die, …”, you theme. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. My tongue
are peddling with the demonic world and actually in great danger! Never shall speak of Your righteousness and of Your praise all the
ever use such words in your family quarrels!!! If you have used them before, day long. I shall not die, but live, and declare Your works
consciously cancel them in united prayer! because I am in Christ.
Why has the Lord…? Blaming God for every negative event comes Ps.35:28; 45:1; 118:17
from the devil’s dictionary. Satan caused havoc in Job’s life and induced him
to blame God. The Israelites even said God hated them and brought them
out of Egypt to kill them (Ex.16:2-3; 17:3; Dt.1:27)! How sad to hear even
genuine saints attributing sickness, accidents, poverty, financial loss and family

479 480
them the very things He heard them say - their bodies would fall in the
desert. Every one above twenty years old died in the wilderness. None of
AUG 25 NO MORE WANDERING them could enter their promised land except two faith heroes (Nu.14:26-
IN CHRIST 31). In Christ, you release tremendous power by your spoken word. You
can create your Canaan by your word because you have God’s creativity
And your sons shall be shepherds in the wilderness forty years, within you. It can work also the other way around if you speak negative
and bear the brunt of your infidelity, until your carcasses are consumed words! Use this privilege positively (Mt.12:37)!
in the wilderness. Your faith or unbelief affects your generations: God in His sovereign
For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said: “So grace overruled their negative words and saved their children from
I swore in My wrath, ‘They shall not enter My rest,’” although the works destruction. He kept them alive to fulfill His Canaan-promise. Still, they
were finished from the foundation of the world (Nu.14:33; Heb.4:3). suffered for the sake of their parents’ unbelief and wandered like shepherds
in the wilderness for forty years, all the time watching in tears the older
generation dying out. Unbelief affected their generations! Your faith can
What Canaan life was for the Israelites, new creation life is for you in inspire your generations and even be transferred to them (2.Ti.1:5)! In Christ,
Christ. Only because of unbelief, the Israelites could not enter their Canaan rise up to your faith-legacy TODAY!
rest. Only because of faith in Christ, you have already entered your rest, life
in Christ. They missed their Canaan, but you have already inherited your Doubt delays your destiny: Instead of possessing their promised land
Canaan. Yet there is a danger of not enjoying your rest and inheritance of in few days, they wandered in circles for forty years. You may not stop God
life in Christ. The lesson of Kadesh Barnea encourages you to enjoy your from fulfilling His promises, but you can delay God’s work by your unbelief
Canaan and warns you about the danger of unbelief. and negative words. As we said earlier, it was their doubt that caused them
to spy out the land for forty days. For each one of those days, they suffered
God’s tolerance has a limit: God was patiently bearing the constant a full year! One day of doubt can cause one year of suffering! O, the wasted
complaining of His people, but now, He could no longer tolerate their cry of years of unbelief! In Christ, there is always hope for you! He is the Restorer
unbelief and their rebellion. He literally thundered from His glory cloud, of your wasted years (Jo.2:25)! Start a life of faith and speak faith words
“How long will these people reject Me? And how long will they not believe TODAY!
Me, with all the signs which I have performed among them?” (Nu.14:11).
Nothing wearies and upsets God as much as your unbelief! Also Jesus could Beloved, you are God’s covenant child like the Israelites! They are
not tolerate when the disciples could not cast out the demon because of their your examples. Learn faith lessons even from their unbelief! Be a continuous
unbelief (Mt.17:17-20). The One who lives in you is tired of your unbelief! praiser, never a complainer! Speak the Word! Ponder the promises! Confess
He is offended at your distrust! The One who did mighty works in and your faith! Rejoice in your possessions! Speed up your faith walk TODAY!
through you is asking you right now, “How long will you refuse to believe Thank You, Lord, You are the Author and Finisher of my
Me?” Decide to be a believing believer and a God-pleaser TODAY faith. By my words I am justified. I have believed and
(Heb.11:6)! entered my rest because I am in Christ.
Intercession rescues you: God in His anger was about to destroy Heb.12:2; Mt.12:37; Heb.4:3
the entire community with the plague. Unbelief is so horribly severe that it
could have wiped out the whole nation! Faith is such a great virtue that God
wanted to make His faith-man Moses into a great new nation (Nu.14:11-
12)! It was Moses’ prayer that saved the Israelites. Many times, it’s the
pure grace of God and the high-priestly prayer of your Savior that rescues
you from plagues and calamities. Many of the miracles you received came
because of the believing prayers of other saints, not because of your faith.
The best way, however, is to receive miracles by your own faith.
What you say is what you get: God Himself declared He would do to

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ruin their calling! Use your God-given authority and rebuke any such attitude!
Give yourself totally to your calling, leaving the rest to God.
God contends for your calling: God came down in glory to defend
IN CHRIST His priests (Nu.16:19). He was extremely angry, even to the point of wanting
to kill the entire nation. The death of Korah, Dathan, Abiram and their entire
But if the Lord creates a new thing, and the earth opens its mouth families is terrifying! The very earth opened its mouth and swallowed them
and swallows them up with all that belongs to them, and they go down alive (Nu.16:28-33)! Their cries of terror and agony made all the Israelites
alive into the pit, then you will understand that these men have rejected flee in fear and horror! God sent an earthquake to vindicate His leaders! In
the Lord. Christ, God will shake heaven and earth to vindicate your calling. Be careful
As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as to keep your spirit sweet even toward those who left you in rebellion! The
good stewards of the manifold grace of God (Nu.16:30; 1.Pe.4:10). One who called you will defend your calling by contending with your rivals!
The Korahites who coveted the priestly ministry were killed in an unusual God confronts the opponents: When Korah and some of the
way - the earth swallowed them! In Christ, such cruel punishments are not Reubenites became insolent and rose up against Moses, two hundred and
needed. Now, all believers are God’s holy priests. The distinction between fifty Israelite leaders joined their conspiracy (Nu.16:1-2). Fire went out from
priesthood and laity is cancelled by the death of your Lord. Still, some the Lord and consumed all these leaders (Nu.16:35). Even their bronze
principles need to be taken from this episode. censers were hammered out as a covering on the altar for a memorial that
no one should ever dare to burn incense except the priests. In Christ, if
Be content with your calling: The Levites were specially separated anyone usurps authority over you, God will deal with them very severely.
from the other Israelites to stay near to God and to do the work of the When He confronts, why should you?! Vengeance is His (Ro.12:19-21)!
Lord’s Tabernacle (Nu.16:9-10). They were God’s servants! That itself is a Rest in Him!
very coveted position. If they were content with serving God in any position,
they would not have rebelled against Moses and Aaron. No company with complainers: Complaining is so serious it destroys
those who do it and even those around them! God didn’t spare the two
Though all believers are priests, all do not have the same ministry gifts hundred and fifty leaders who stood with the complainers! He was even
(Ro.12:3-8; Eph.4:11-13; 1.Co.12:8-31). Some are called as apostles while ready to kill the entire assembly for not taking a drastic stand against the
others serve as deacons. It is God who placed you in the Body of Jesus as complainers. In answer to Moses’ prayers, He commanded them to move
a member with a distinct function. Wherever God placed you, be content! away even from the tents of the rebellious. Those who grumbled over the
The greatest privilege is to share a portion of Christ’s ministry, not to hold a death of the complainers also faced God’s wrath, and 14.700 people died of
“big” office. In Christ, you have a ministry and the grace to fulfill it. Rejoice! a plague (Nu.16:41-50). Only Aaron’s atonement saved the nation!
Don’t covet others’ calling: When the Levites were dissatisfied with Beloved, Christ’s nature in you rejoices when other members are
their calling, they coveted the Aaronites’ priestly ministry. They were filled honored! It is God who creates desires and fulfillment in you for your life’s
with jealousy and ultimately became rebellious to the extent of rejecting God work (Phil.2:13). You are a spiritual person. Stay away from fleshly people
(Nu.16:30). All fights and quarrels come from the desires that battle within (Jud.19). Rise up TODAY!
(Jas.4:1-3). They blamed the leadership of exalting themselves over others
and going too far. When Moses summoned them, they refused blatantly and Thank You, Lord, I have received a gift, and I minister
accused him of killing them without keeping his promise to give them land it to others as a good steward of Your manifold grace. I
and inheritance. They even claimed equality with Aaron and grumbled against pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts. Vengeance is Yours,
him (Nu.16:11)! You will repay. I am not overcome by evil, but overcome evil
with good because I am in Christ.
In Christ, God encourages you to covet the best spiritual gifts and to
desire the best office (1.Co.12:1; 1.Ti.3:1)! Desiring the best doesn’t mean 1.Pe.4:10; 1.Co.14:1; Ro.12:19,21
to be dissatisfied with your present calling which would lead to jealousy,
quarrel and self-made positions. Such people become bitter and actually

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calling, He even confirms every word you speak. To prove Samuel’s prophetic
calling, He attested every word he spoke and let none of his words fall to the
AUG 27
AARON’S ROD IN CHRIST ground (1.Sa.3:19; 9:6). When there was heavy persecution against the
ministry in Iconium, God confirmed the message of His grace with miraculous
signs and wonders (Ac.14:1-3). Every word of a prophet was honored by
Now it came to pass on the next day that Moses went into the God and disobedience to his words severely punished (1Ki.16:12; 2.Ki.2:22;
tabernacle of witness, and behold, the rod of Aaron, of the house of 3:12; 4:44).
Levi, had sprouted and put forth buds, had produced blossoms and In Christ, every word you speak will be attested by your God with signs
yielded ripe almonds. and wonders. When you preach His message, expect God to work with you,
Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with confirming your word with the accompanying signs (Mk.16:20). You are
all perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds (Nu.17:8; God’s spokesman, and your words are like God’s words. Boldly proclaim!
2.Co.12:12). Confirms your leadership: Even among the Levites, the Aaronites
were chosen as leaders. There was a problem within the Levites to accept
God constantly and miraculously confirms the calling, anointing and their leadership. Even after the death of Korah and Dathan, some Levites
message of His selected ones. He is jealous to guard and defend you. The needed more confirmation of their leadership. Even the kingly tribes of Judah
budding of Aaron’s rod should encourage you to trust your God more. and Joseph had to bow before the priestly leadership of the Aaronites. God
Confirms your selection: God selected the Levites as His priests to had to confirm their leadership by many unusual miracles like changing a
minister to both God and men. This was a constant cause of grumbling for dead stick into a blossoming, flowering, fruit-bearing almond-branch.
all the Israelites. Already, many were killed because of their rebellion against In Christ, if God has called you as a leader in any sphere, He will not
God’s choice. God identified Himself so much with His elect that any grumbling spare any miracle to confirm your position. Parents, you are God’s appointed
against them hurt Him personally. He wanted to rid Himself of this continuous leaders for your family. If anyone rebels, it is God’s responsibility to confirm
complaining (Nu.17:5). As per His direction, twelve rods representing the your leadership. Wherever you are placed, expect God to attest your
twelve tribes were placed before the Lord, Aaron’s rod among them (Nu.17:2- leadership. You shall be the head, never the tail (Dt.28:13)!
6). The next day, Aaron’s rod had budded, blossomed and even produced Beloved, life in Christ is backed by all heaven. Your calling, selection,
ripe almonds (Nu.17:8-9). message and leadership will be confirmed by the King of the universe. He
In Christ, God takes care of confirming your selection. As God made a will honor you publicly. All the Israelites looked at the blossoming rod and
difference between Goshen and Egypt, He will make a distinction in your even cried in terror (Nu.17:12-13). God commanded Aaron’s staff to be
life, too! Wherever you are, on your job or in your ministry, believe God’s placed in front of the Tabernacle as a constant witness and reminder to the
miracle power to prove you are honored by God. rebellious to stop their grumbling forever! Your unchanging God will do the
Confirms your calling: The priesthood was purely God’s calling. Whom same for you. Take heart! All grumbling against you shall be silenced forever!
He calls, He confirms. When all the tribes refused to recognize the priests’ Thank You, Lord, You begin to exalt me in the sight of
calling, God aggressively defended them and confirmed their priestly ministry. all, that they may know that You are with me. I go out and
When Aaron offered incense and stood between the living and the dead, the preach everywhere. You are working with me and confirming
plague was stopped (Nu.16:47-50). That itself was God’s public ministry the word through the accompanying signs because I am in
credentials. By making Aaron’s rod to blossom, He confirmed their calling Christ.
beyond any doubt. Jos.3:7; Mk.16:20
In Christ, He will attest your ministry with His miracles, as He attested
Samuel as a prophet of the Lord (1.Sa.3:20). Every five-fold ministry is
confirmed with accompanying signs (Lk.24:19; 2.Co.12:12). God is willing
to manifest His power to confirm your calling to the world.
Confirms your message: God not only confirms your selection and

485 486
for faithful servants. God will bless you with Aarons and Hurs to lift up your
weary hands. He has Joshuas to do your warfare and Elishas to do your
AUG 28 PRIESTLY PRIVILEGES biddings till the end. You have God’s Timothys to help you as faithful sons.
IN CHRIST You’re not alone!
Privilege of His provisions: The Bible says a lot about God’s generous
Therefore you and your sons with you shall attend to your provisions for His priests. All the holy offerings were given to the Aaronites
priesthood for everything at the altar and behind the veil; and you on a regular basis. They were holy, the very best and finest - olive oil, finest
shall serve. I give your priesthood to you as a gift for service, but the new vine, finest grain and the first-fruits of the harvest, besides all the tithes
outsider who comes near shall be put to death. of the nation (Nu.18:8-13). This shows God’s generous heart towards His
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, faithful servants. In Christ, not only your needs, even your wants and desires
His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him are happily granted (Ps.37:4; 1.Ti.6:17; 3.Jn.2)! You have no lack!
who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light(Nu.18:7; Privilege of posterity: All the privileges of the priests were liberally
1.Pe.2:9). given to their families. Even Aaron’s sons could approach God’s Presence,
avail the service of the Levites and eat the holy food. The entire household
Both the privileges and responsibilities of the priests were enormous. shared the offerings and gifts of the priests (Nu.18:1-7,10-12,etc.). In Christ,
Most of the pages of the Pentateuch are allotted for their ministry. Priesthood you and your entire household are blessed. Claim the salvation of your family
was the most coveted position for everyone, including the kings. This greatest which includes all the blessings of life in Christ. Don’t worry! Relax!
privilege is yours just by your union with Christ. Pondering your privileges Privilege of God’s portion: The greatest privilege of priesthood is to
shall build up your faith greatly. Remember, all privileges have their take God as your inheritance and portion. What a joy to have the God of
corresponding responsibilities. heaven and earth as your wealth! In order to become their portion, God
Privilege of priesthood: God gave to the Aaronites the service of the gave no inheritance among the Israelites but only allotted to them their
priesthood as a gift (Nu.18:7). They should constantly consider it as a precious dwelling place and pasture land (Nu.18:20,24; 35:1-5; Dt.10:9; 14:27). In
gift from heaven. The anointing oil, the sacred garments and their elevated Christ, God became your wealth and health! He will command heaven and
position, all was given as a special gift for their dignity and honor (Ex.28:1- earth to shower their riches on you! Just be faithful in your priestly duties -
5). The entire community had to look to them for everything. In Christ, you guarding your holiness, blessing the world, worshipping your King. It’s so
are ordained as God’s priest by the precious Blood of your Savior (Rev.1:5- easy!
6). Rejoice and celebrate your gift of priesthood! You stand between God Beloved, you are God’s priest, His mobile Presence! He supplies all
and man as a mediator. You bring people to God and God to people. What a your needs and blesses you with faithful assistants (Phil.4:19). God is very
privilege! jealous to give you the first and best (Eze.44:28-31). Rejoice TODAY!
Privilege of His Presence: Among all the Israelites, only the priests Thank You, Lord, You are my inheritance, You are my
could go nearer to God’s Presence. Anyone else who attempted to go near possession. As a living stone, I am being built up a spiritual
was killed without mercy. The priests were responsible for God’s holy house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices
Sanctuary (Nu.18:1). They had the privilege of feeding the great God who acceptable to You through Jesus Christ. You desire that I
feeds the whole world! In Christ, you approach God fearlessly. You are may prosper in all things and be in health, just as my soul
God’s mobile Presence now (1.Co.3:16)! Every cell of your body is throbbing prospers because I am in Christ.
with God’s Presence! People who come near you feel a difference. Your Eze.44:28; 1.Pe.2:5;3.Jn.2
presence breaks curses and expels demons! Your presence brings comfort
and melts mountains! Your presence brings success and prosperity! Wow!
Privilege of His personnel: God gave the entire tribe of Levi as a
special gift to the priests to assist them in all their works (Nu.18:6). Just for
this helping work, God provided for all the Levites’ needs. In Christ, because
of your priestly position, you can claim special assistants. You need not struggle

487 488
Cleansing Calvary: Interestingly, this water of purification comes from
AUG 29 WATER OF CLEANSING the sacrifice of the red heifer. To cleanse the congregation, that innocent
animal was killed. The priest Eliezer took its blood and sprinkled it seven
IN CHRIST times in front of the Tabernacle. Then, the entire animal was burned. Here
we see the blood and the purifying water. When Jesus was hanging on the
And for an unclean person they shall take some of the ashes of cross, Blood and water gushed out of His side (Jn.19:34). From His bleeding
the heifer burnt for purification from sin, and running water shall be side, you get forgiveness and total cleansing. His Blood cleansed you eternally,
put on them in a vessel. A clean person shall take hyssop and dip it and His Word is cleansing you continually (1.Jn.1:9).In Christ, all your
in the water, sprinkle it on the tent, on all the vessels, on the persons cleansing comes from Calvary. You are an eternal debtor to His great love!
who were there, or on the one who touched a bone, the slain, the Cleansing continuously: The water of purification was mainly used
dead, or a grave. to cleanse people who had become unclean by touching dead bodies. It was
This is He who came by water and blood - Jesus Christ; not only sprinkled on them every time they became unclean (Nu.19:11-12). This
by water, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who bears witness, emphasizes the need for your constant cleansing by constant meditation of
because the Spirit is truth(Nu.19:17-18; 1.Jn.5:6). His Word. Your cleansing depends on the sacrifice of Calvary and your
daily faithfulness in meditating God’s Word. The ashes of a heifer refer to
The water of cleansing was made of the ashes of a red heifer mixed Calvary, the fresh running water refer to the fresh Rhema Word from God’s
with running water. Any clean man, not necessarily a priest, could sprinkle Mouth (Mt.4:4; Lk.4:4; Isa.55:11). Not only the celebration of Calvary but
this water on anyone who was made unclean by a dead body. This symbolic also the celebration of God’s Word is vital for your purity. This comes only
water speaks of your purification in Christ. by your regular, systematic, concentrated study of His Word and requires
not only inspiration, but also your industrious effort (1.Ti.4:12-16; 2.Ti.3:16-
Cleansing God: Your God is a God of cleansing and purification, 17).
cleansing you every second of your life. His holiness demands total holiness
from you. Since He knew the sinful nature of fallen man, He made all Cleansing omission: For God, cleansing was so important that anyone
provisions to purify him. In the law, He provided many means of purification who failed to purify himself was cut off from Israel for defiling the Temple
like the blood of animals and birds And the water of purification. Truly, your (Nu.19:13). If failure here was so serious, how much more dangerous it is to
God is a sanctifying God. Even before your birth, He sanctified you. He sent neglect your real purification before God (Heb.9:13-14)! Your impurities
His Son to sanctify you. Now, His Spirit is sanctifying your entire personality. dim the vision of who you are in Christ and curtail the inflow of Christ’s life
in you!
Cleansing water: A red heifer without blemish was brought to Eliezer
the priest. He took it outside the camp and slaughtered it. Then it was totally Beloved, there is a fountain opened up in and through you, constantly
burned in his sight with cedar wood, hyssop and scarlet. The collected ashes cleansing you and your world from all sin and impurity. If you let it flow
were stored up outside the camp in a clean place for future use. Mixed with freely, it can even banish the idols from the land and totally annihilate the
water, it was sprinkled on the unclean to purify them. powers of witchcraft from your nation (Zec.13:1-2)! Let His Word cleanse
you! Let His Blood cleanse you! Let His Spirit cleanse you! Be a cleanser
Water symbolizes your salvation (Isa.12:3). In Christ, you are eternally of nations TODAY!
cleansed with the water of purification. God sprinkled His very life on you
as clean water and cleansed you from all your filthiness and idols (Eze.36:25). Thank You, Lord, of Your own will You brought me forth
On the day of your salvation, His life was infused in your spirit and began to by Your Word of truth, that I might be a kind of firstfruits
spring up within you (Jn.4:14). This living water cleansed your spirit completely of Your creatures. You sprinkle clean water on me, and I
and keeps cleansing your mind, soul and body - your entire personality. shall be clean. You cleanse me from all my filthiness and
from all my idols. I am already clean because of the Word
Water also symbolizes the cleansing Word of God. In Christ, you are which You have spoken to me because I am in Christ.
being cleansed with the washing of the water by His Word (Eph.5:26). As
you constantly hear and heed His Word, a tremendous cleansing work is Jas.1:18; Eze.36:25; Jn.15:3
done unconsciously in your system (Jn.17:17).

489 490
quarrelling of the people and commanded Moses to take the rod and to
speak to the rock before their eyes. God’s glory was present to release
AUG 30 SPEAK TO THE ROCK rivers in response to Moses’ words. Spiritually, the rock was already smitten,
IN CHRIST and now needed only to be spoken to. They ate spiritual food and drank
spiritual drink. Their water gushed out from the Lord Jesus Christ, their
Take the rod; you and your brother Aaron gather the congregation invisible, spiritual Rock (1.Co.10:3-4). That is why Moses was asked to just
together. Speak to the rock before their eyes, and it will yield its water; speak to the rock, not smite it again. Yes, Jesus cannot be crucified twice.
thus you shall bring water for them out of the rock, and give drink to He died once and for all and provided for all the needs of humanity once and
the congregation and their animals. for all. Just speak to your Rock Jesus. Speaking to Him also means demanding
things to happen in His Name. Begin to speak forth your blessings TODAY.
And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father
may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do Don’t strive, just trust: In his anger, Moses struck the rock twice
it (Nu.20:8; Jn.14:13-14). with his rod. The water gushed out in such abundance that the entire nation
and their flocks could drink to the full. Though it worked out well, God was
not pleased with his striking. He said, they didn’t trust Him enough to honor
As a new creation, just by speaking the word of authority, you can get Him wholly before others (Nu.20:12; Dt.32:49-51). When God tells you to
the job done. God spoke, and things happened. Jesus spoke to diseases and strike, strike! When He tells you to speak, better speak! How many times
demons and subdued them by His word of authority. Jesus and you are one Jesus told you to only speak! If you learn this secret of creating things
now. Your speech is His speech. Act on it! through your words, you will create a new world! Speak to your mountain!
No water: At least three times, the Israelites had no water in the Speak to that unfruitful fig tree! Speak to your contrary wind! Speak to that
wilderness. When they came to the desert of Shur, they couldn’t find water disease! Speak to the demons! Speak to the nature! Speak to your body!
(Ex.15:22-25). At Rephidim, again there was no water (Ex.17:1-2). Here in Speak to your soul! Stop struggling and striking!
Kadesh, after almost thirty-nine years, they faced the same water-scarcity Beloved, if you fail to speak in faith, you rebel against God and ignore
(Nu.20). In all these places, God manifested His creative power. Yet they the Smitten Rock (Ps.106:32-33). You despise Calvary, the Source of all
forgot His miracles and murmured every time. Complaining was so imbibed your blessings. You even unconsciously crucify the Lord all over again! If
in them that they were addicted to it. I see clearly that such complaining you know who you are in Christ and what God has done for you on the
after so many mighty miracles is not natural, but demonic. They yielded to cross, you will stop exerting your natural energy and live without tension. All
the spirit of complaining all their lives. your needs are provided from the smitten Rock. Honor Him by speaking the
Sweetening tree: When the water was bitter at Shur, God showed words of power and authority TODAY!
Moses a tree to make the water sweet (Ex.15:25). This is a picture of the Thank You, Lord, death and life are in the power of my
cross of Calvary. The cross makes all your bitterness sweet. Jesus took tongue. By my words I will be justified. I believe that those
away all your curses, grief, sin and demonic influences and set you free to things I say will be done, and I will have whatever I say
enjoy His heavenly bliss. When you remember the cross, your life becomes because I am in Christ.
sweet. Pr.18:21; Mt.12:37; Mk.11:23
Smitten rock: At Rephidim, Moses struck the rock, and the water
gushed out (Ex.17:5-6). This again speaks of your spiritual Rock, the Christ.
The Rock of Ages was cleft for you. From His broken Body, all the fountains
of blessings flow to you. Your healing, health, prosperity, peace, joy, promotion,
power, authority and miracles, all flow from the Lamb of God who was slain
for you. To give His abundant life to you, He was smitten and afflicted
(Isa.53:4-5). See the smitten Rock and thank Him!
Speak to the Rock: Here in Numbers 20, God heard the bitter

491 492
were enveloped in the glory cloud (Dt.8:15). Whenever they stepped out of
the glory and into the flesh, they gave legal right to the enemy to attack
AUG 31
BRAZEN SERPENT IN CHRIST them. Once their protection was removed, the fiery serpents could come in
large numbers and kill great multitudes (Isa.14:29). Beware! All around you,
the old serpent unleashed numerous fiery serpents to bite, kill and destroy
So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole; and so it you.
was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze As long as you walk in Christ, you are completely demon-proof! Thou-
serpent, he lived. sand may fall at your right and left, but you are safe! You can even walk on
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so the fiery serpents, but they cannot hurt you (Ps.91:7,13; Lk.10:19). The
must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should fiery serpent can bite you only if you give him legal right to harm you by
not perish but have eternal life (Nu.21:9; Jn.3:14-15). walking in the flesh and complaining. Thank God, you don’t need to! You
have power to break any legal right!
Repentance rescues: The fiery serpents were killing until people re-
The bronze serpent clearly points toward the crucified Savior. When
pented and confessed their sins (Ps.78:34; Isa.26:1; Hos.5:15). The moment
many were bitten by the fiery serpents, whoever looked at this bronze ser-
people repented and the intercession of the leader arose to heaven, the
pent was made alive. The power of poison was broken. As the brazen ser-
remedy came (Nu.21:7-8). Confess your sins, trust your High Priest’s inter-
pent was lifted up, your Savior was lifted up on the cross. Just by looking at
cession, and be free!
Him with eyes of faith, you are saved, delivered and made whole.
Look at the cross: The revelation of the brazen serpent drove all the
Spirit of complaining: The Israelites’ murmuring was not natural, but
fiery serpents out of their territory! It’s not your repentance and penitence
demon-inspired. The spirit of doubt and complaining constantly attacked to
that rescues you from the enemy. It is your Lord and Savior who hung on
destroy them, using their flesh and even inducing them to provoke the Lord
the cruel cross, bearing all your sins and curse as the brazen serpent. Jesus
(1.Co.10:9). We can infer the territorial spirit of Edom induced them to speak
took the form of flesh to break the power of sin and death (Ro.8:2). He
against God and His servants and caused many deaths (Nu.21). The whole
became a curse for you to break all your curses. He literally became sick-
world is complaining, murmuring and worrying, which is the nature of the
ness so that you may walk in perfect health. Look at the cross and see all
Gentiles (Mt.6:25-34).
your sins, sickness and curses nailed to the cross! What He bore, you need
In Christ, both the flesh and the territorial spirits were destroyed on the not bear! Just gaze at the cross and come out of the gates of hell TODAY!
cross. Though the world lies in the wicked spirit of complaining, you are free
Beloved, the moment you confess your sin and break the legal right, all
from it in Christ. Demons cannot victimize you as they did with the Israel-
the enemy’s assaults are stopped. See the finished work of Christ and ap-
ites. Take your position and resist!
propriate your abundant life!
Spirit of Egypt: Though the people were delivered from Egypt, their
Thank You, Lord, as Moses lifted up the serpent in the
hearts were still in Egypt. Instead of celebrating their deliverance, they missed
wilderness, even so You were lifted up. I believed in You. I
their Egyptian lifestyle and delicacies. The spirit of Egypt in the mixed mul-
will not perish but have eternal life. Through Your death You
titudes was also constantly pulling them back. That is why they asked re-
destroyed him who had the power of death, that is, the
peatedly, “Why have you brought us out of Egypt?” (Nu.21:5). Had they
devil. I am released from the fear of death because I am in
maintained the joy of their deliverance and their praise song, they would
never have indulged in sweet memories about Egypt (Ex.15).
Jn.3:14-15; Heb.2:14-15
In Christ, you have far greater privileges than in your fleshly life. If you
joyfully meditate and rejoice in who are in Christ, a praising lifestyle will be
yours! That is the only way to overcome the spirit of Egypt.
Legal rights given: The wilderness they walked through was full of
fiery serpents and scorpions, but none of them could harm them as they

493 494
Tricky Balak: Since Balak saw the enormous power of God’s people,
he had to turn to tricky plots. He sought the help of a prophet to curse and
SEP 1 BALAK'S VIEW OF YOU weaken the Israelites in order to defeat them and drive them out (Nu.22:6).
IN CHRIST In Christ, the devil can never fight and win. He is neither clever nor strong
before you. Only through his craftiness, he can find a foothold and weaken
Look, a people has come out of Egypt, and they cover the face you. The Holy Spirit is showing you the devices of the devil and your
of the earth. Come now, curse them for me; perhaps I shall be able invincibility (2.Co.2:11)! Even if your enemies try to do witchcraft against
to overpower them and drive them out. you, it cannot harm you! If you walk in the consciousness of who you are in
You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons Christ, you can break any power of curse against you!
believe - - and tremble! (Nu.22:11; Jas.2:19). Tireless Balak: Balak was very persuasive in his efforts to curse the
Israelites. When Balaam refused to go, he sent a larger number of even
more distinguished officials to persuade him with big promises (Nu.22:15-
Satan and all demons are the most fearful, trembling creatures in this
17,37,41). When Balaam didn’t curse Israel from one place, Balak took him
universe. The Amplified version of James 2:19 says, they tremble before
to another place that he might at least curse a portion of the nation
God and shudder in terror and horror such as make a man’s hair stand on
(Nu.23:13,25,27-28,30). In Christ, no matter how much the devil multiplies
end and contract the surface of his skin! Since you are one with God the
his efforts against you, he cannot curse you or consume you! Remember,
demons tremble before you in the same fashion.
the devil will not stop his attempts easily. He never retires. He prowls around
Terrified Balak: Balak, the symbol of satan, knew all the victories of like a roaring lion, constantly seeking to devour you. Yet your resistance
the Israelites.Balak planned to wage a defensive war against the invading power will overcome him! The ultimate victory is yours! Persevere!
Tempting Balak: Like a smart business man, Balak tempted the
In Christ, you are more than a conqueror. You started your life from the prophet with his riches and honor again and again. He had man-power,
vintage point of Calvary’s victory and go from victory to victory. Satan money-power and muscle-power to induce the prophet to destroy the
knows if he allows you to progress, you will drive him out of his world. He Israelites. He tried the same trading method with the Lord Jesus in the
constantly lives in fear and terror of you. This “shoots up his blood pressure” wilderness. He offered Him all the kingdoms of this world and their glory if
and makes him mad at you! Rejoice! He would worship him (Lk.4:5-7). Remember, no money-power, man-power
Testifying Balak: The words of Balak about the Israelites reveal how or magic-power can overpower you! You are above the reach of all these
the devil views you in Christ. inferior powers! Declare it TODAY!
They lick up everything around us as an ox licks up the grass of the Beloved, you must know how the devil looks at you. God took Gideon
field (Nu.22:4). See the way the devil looks at you! You are God’s ox that to hear what the enemies spoke about him (Jud.7:9-15). As long as you
eats away the green pastures of the devil! You have tremendous power to constantly live in the consciousness of who you are in Christ, you march
consume and devour the enemy and his possessions! You devour the devourer from victory to victory, possessing your possessions, devouring your
(1.Pe.5:8)! Stop bragging about the devil! devourers. Take heart TODAY!
They cover the face of the earth (Nu.22:5)! From Eden, the devil knows Thank You, Lord, I will lick up everything around me, as
God’s people will greatly multiply and fill the earth. He won’t even have a an ox licks up the grass of the field. I am too mighty for
millimeter left on this planet (Ge.1:28)! In Christ, you have the power to the devil. I cover the face of the earth because I am in
multiply and fill this earth with God’s glory! If you know your power of Christ.
influence, you will easily drive out the territorial spirits and possess the Nu.22:4-6
They are too mighty for me (Nu.22:6)! The devil knows you are too
powerful and mighty for him! You have more angels at your disposal than
he has (2.Ki.6:16-17)! In Christ, the devil is no match for you!

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your blessing, he cannot succeed. You are shielded with invincible blessings.
Neither man nor demon can penetrate. Both Balak and Balaam made vain
SEP 2 GOD'S VIEW OF YOU attempts to curse Israel, and both were helpless against God’s blessing.
Balaam lamented, “How shall I curse whom God has not cursed? And how
IN CHRIST shall I denounce whom the LORD has not denounced?” (Nu.23:8). The
And God said to Balaam, “You shall not go with them; you shall panic-stricken Balak, witnessing the invincible blessings of Israel, literally
not curse the people, for they are blessed”. shouted at Balaam, “What have you done to me? I took you to curse my
enemies, and look, you have blessed them bountifully!” (Nu.23:11). Of
…not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the course, words are so powerful that God had to restrain His prophet from
contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may speaking words of curse against His people. In Christ, you became
inherit a blessing (Nu.22:12; 1.Pe.3:9). impenetrable even for curses as long as you walk in obedience to the revealed
will of God. All those who oppose your blessings will be completely exhausted
You are eternally blessed in Christ. No power under heaven can steal in their attempts against you.
your blessings. This truth must be deeply settled in your heart so that you Increasing blessings: The Israelites were blessed to increase and
may enjoy and share your blessings with your world. When Balaam enquired multiply. There is no limit to it. As the dust of the earth, the stars of heaven
of God about the possibility of cursing God’s people, God’s stern command and the sand of the seas, they can increase in numbers. Balaam saw this
was, “You shall not curse My blessed people.” blessing upon the Israelites and commented, “Who can count the dust of
Indwelling blessings: God viewed His people as blessed people. All Jacob, or number one-fourth of Israel?” (Nu.23:10). This is literally fulfilled
the tribes came from blessed Abraham (Ge.12:2). Time and again, they in Christ. The natural and the spiritual Israelites are innumerable, and nobody
were blessed by the patriarchs. In short, they were called to be blessed. under heaven can even count one-fourth of them (Rev.7:9)! You will increase
In Christ, you are eternally blessed. You are immersed in His blessings. not only in quality, but also in quantity. Your family and your church will
All His blessings are dwelling in your spirit (Eph.1:3). You are a mobile increase in great numbers. Your bank account will go from thousands to
blessing (Dt.28:6)! Your eyes are blessed, your ears are blessed, every part millions. Your storehouses, vehicles, equipments, clothes, electronic goods,
of you is blessed to bless (Mt.13:16-17). You lack none of God’s blessings. buildings and movable and immovable properties will increase and multiply
You are blessed spiritually, materially, physically, socially, in every way. The beyond measure.
Old Testament saints received a portion of blessings from their forefathers, Beloved, when you are so much blessed, how could you cry for your
but you have received all the blessings through your union with Christ. You lack? Why magnify your enemies and their curses? Decide to speak about
are blessed as Jesus is blessed! your blessings. Make it a practice to thank God for your blessings. Proclaim
Irrevocable blessings: Balak tried his best to thwart the blessings of blessings to yourself and to others. You are one with the Lord who is blessed
the Israelites. Even Balaam tried and failed. At last he cried, “Behold, I forever. Being in Christ is being immersed in His blessings. As the incarnate
have received a command to bless. He has blessed, and I cannot reverse Jesus blessed His world, bless your world TODAY!
it” (Nu.23:20). In Christ, your blessings are eternally sealed. Man may bless Thank You, Lord, You are not a man, that You should
you today and curse you tomorrow, but your God is not a man that He lie, nor a son of man, that You should repent. Have You
should lie and change His mind (Nu.23:19). He has spoken blessings in the said, and will You not do? Or have You spoken, and will You
Old Covenant, and He performed them in the New Covenant. He has not make it good? You have blessed me, and nobody can
promised, and He has fulfilled. God Himself cannot revoke it. The devil reverse it because I am in Christ.
cannot revoke it. Even if you have lost some of your blessings in negligence Nu.23:19-20
and sin, you have the right to demand restoration through repentance.
Restore and reclaim TODAY!
Invincible blessings: Your indwelling blessings are not only irrevocable
but also invincible. No matter how much the devil tries to break through

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Moses removed Aaron’s priestly garments and put them on Aaron’s son
Eleazar. Then Aaron died on the top of the mountain. Moses and Eleazar
SEP 3 PROPHETIC VIEW OF YOU went back peacefully (Nu.20:25-28). Wow, what a death!
IN CHRIST Peter and Paul announced their departure in great anticipation to join
their beloved Savior forever. It was glorious martyrdom. Your Savior shouted
For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold victoriously, “It is finished!” and handed over His Spirit into the loving hands
him. There! A people dwelling alone, not reckoning itself among the of His Father (Jn.19:30). In Christ, this glorious end and marvelous death
nations. belong to you and must be appropriated! In Christ, you have hope, not only
But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of for a victorious life, but even for a victorious death.
the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men Your righteousness: Balaam could clearly see that the Israelites were
but from God (Nu.23:9; Ro.2:29). found blameless and faultless in the eyes of God. God neither observed
iniquity nor wickedness in them. Because of their righteousness before God,
The way Balaam viewed the Israelites is the way God views you. In there was no misery or misfortune found in them (Nu.23:21). Since the sins
order to walk in victory, you must learn to look at yourself as God looks at of the Israelites were covered with the sin and trespass offering, God could
you. Knowing your God and knowing yourself in Him are the two secrets not trace their iniquities or miseries (Ps.32:2; 85:2). Balaam could even see
of victorious Christian living. The oracles of Balaam reveal who you are in the future of the Israelites where the very presence of sin would be annihilated
Christ. Meditate on them! (Jer.50:20).
Your distinction: He saw the Israelites living alone, not considering In Christ, your sins are not only covered but also cleansed, purged and
themselves part of any other nation. This is one of the great blessings of totally removed forever by the Blood of the spotless Lamb of God (Isa.40:2;
God’s people. The Israelites never lost their personal identity at any time. Jn.1:29; Ro.4:7-8). Now, God observes the very righteousness of Jesus in
They never gave up their Jewish customs, traditions and culture but always you. You are a new creation, a new species, a fresh breed of God. God’s
kept themselves separate from others. This will continue till the end of very nature and life is radiating in your spirit. As you begin to confess and
times. Dwelling alone means living undisturbed by the tumults, strife, sins act on it, even the spots, wrinkles and blemishes in your soul will be erased.
and false religions of the mixed multitudes. Not reckoning themselves among Life in Christ is a life free from sin and sickness (Isa.33:24). Confess Jesus
the nations means that God will deal with His people differently than with as your very righteousness and believe you are God’s well beloved in Christ.
the heathen. Beloved, your uniqueness comes from your union with Christ. You are
In Christ, you live in perfect security. Your life is a life without strife, distinct and dignified. You have a prosperous and glorious future and end.
even in midst of storms. You keep your specialty and uniqueness. Your Tomorrow is always better than today. In the sight of your holy Father, you
fragrance is from heaven. You are not polluted by all the earthly defilements. are a little Jesus, a holy child. Lift up your head. Live as God’s dignitary
You live and walk like Jesus in midst of this crooked generation. Others can TODAY!
easily see the difference in you and glorify your Father. You are distinct in Thank You, Lord, You are my Glory and the One who
your character, manners, dispositions, godliness and all His blessings. Never lifts up my head. Even my death is precious in Your sight.
trade your uniqueness for anything! You have not observed iniquity in Jacob, nor have You seen
Your end: Balaam even coveted the death of the righteous and desired wickedness in Israel. You are with me because I am in
his end to be like theirs (Nu.23:10). There are many promises for the end of Christ.
a righteous person (Ps.116:15). Your end shall be more prosperous and Ps.3:3; 116:15; Nu.23:21
glorious than your beginnings (Job 8:7). The end of the patriarchs is a great
challenge for anyone. They gloriously completed their life work, gathered
their children, blessed and predicted their future and closed their eyes in
peace. The death of Aaron always thrills me. First, God revealed His plan
to take Aaron home. Then, Aaron and Eleazar were brought to the mountain.

499 500
attention of his people. People must respond to his shout lest they die. In
Christ, you have such an anointed voice that your audience will be spell-
SEP 4 BLESSED VIEW OF YOU bound to listen to you (Ac.14:9). Even your whisper will shout aloud in
IN CHRIST people’s hearts (Ac.16:14). Know the power of your shout and use it to the
...The Lord his God is with him, and the shout of a King is among He has strength like a wild ox: To Balaam’s prophetic view, the
them. God brings them out of Egypt. He has strength like a wild ox. Israelites were the strongest people. Their strength was like that of a wild
For there is no sorcery against Jacob, nor any divination against ox. The wild ox is known for its great and mighty strength. Nobody can
Israel. tame it or put it under a yoke (Jb.39:9-12). The strength of the Israelites is
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Nu.23:21- like the horns of a wild ox, so powerful that they can push the nations to the
23; Phil.4:13) ends of the earth (Dt.33:17). In Christ, you have enormous strength to break
the power of your enemies. The One who gives strength to the wild ox has
become your Strength! Wow, how strong you are! Go and gore the enemy
If your view of you matches God’s view of you, you become a winner TODAY!
over night. The only mirror that can show your real picture is the mirror of
God’s Word. All your life hinges on this revelation. God gave His Word and No sorcery nor divination against Israel: Balaam saw the strong
His vision concerning His people to Balaam. Meditation of Balaam’s words immune power of the Israelites against the evil powers - - witchcraft, black
will make you a master. magic, enchantments, psychic powers, astrology, spells, hexes etc. Whenever
the Israelites walked under His cloud of glory, none of these powers could
The Lord his God is with him: This is the secret of the irrevocable penetrate. God Himself became their Shield and Strong Tower. That is why
blessings of Israel. It keeps them blameless and trouble-free in God’s eyes. Balaam couldn’t curse them. He even stopped resorting to divination. In
“God with you” is more than enough for all your challenges. His Presence Christ, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. The very witchcraft
in you makes you special. His Presence with you and in you makes you powers aimed at you will retaliate and harm their sender. Stop fretting and
prosperous, popular and powerful. One can never overemphasize this truth. bragging about the devil’s power! Even those diviners will know your power
Visualize yourself in God and Him in you, and face the devil and his tricks and your blessedness and bow down before you (Ge.30:27)! The witchcraft
today! powers will greatly increase in these end times. It should never cause you
The shout of a King: This is another secret of the victorious Israelites. to be anxious for your strength and power is far greater than all of them
By the shout of joy and victory, they were able to paralyze their enemies. (Eph.1:21).
This joyful shout made them strong (Neh.8:10). They won their battles, Beloved, take these prophecies of Balaam for you. Confess His promises
pulled down Jericho and experienced miracles, all by their joyful shout. and His presence in you, not the evil presence. Confess your invincibility
Majestic shout: A king’s voice is majestic and magnetic. A king’s over all sorcery and evil powers. Never reduce your volume of victorious,
shout can arrest the audience and demand their attention. Such a shout was majestic and magnetic shout of your King in you!
the shout of God’s people. In Christ, you have this voice of God reverberating Thank You, Lord, You are with me, and Your Kingly
in you. Your voice is full of majesty and power. Your voice can break the shout is in me. You brought me out of my Egypt. I have
strongest fortresses of the enemy. Your voice can thunder and subdue the strength like a wild ox. There is no sorcery nor any divination
roaring waves. Your voice can divide the flames of fire. The King of glory against me. I can do all things through You who strengthen
rises His royal voice through your vocal cords (Ps.29). Shout TODAY! me because I am in Christ.
Merry-making shout: A king shouts when he is glad, and his shout Nu.23:21-23; Phil.4:13
makes people glad. In Christ, you are a king with a shout of joy. You
experience the blessedness of your joyful sound. You rejoice all day long in
the power of His Name (Ps.89:15-18).
Magnetic shout: The shout of a king is really magnetic and magic.
When he utters his voice, other voices are silenced. It demands the total
501 502
reverberate even throughout the thickest forest. Your Lord will stir up His
zeal and raise His battle cry to triumph over His enemies (Isa.42:13). You
SEP 5 are God’s offspring. You are the heavenly lion. Your enemy is just acting
LION'S VIEW OF YOU IN CHRIST like a lion. Come on, roar against your enemies’ uproar and paralyze the
powers of darkness TODAY!
Look, a people rises like a lioness, and lifts itself up like a lion. It Revenging lion: Balaam saw the Israelites as a revenging lion who
shall not lie down until it devours the prey, and drinks the blood of the feasts on his enemies and drinks their blood. For the Israelites, their enemies
slain. became their prey. Whenever the nations rose against them, the Israelites
But one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion took revenge. God promised them He would make their oppressors to eat
of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the their own flesh and drink their own blood (Isa.49:26). In Christ, God, the
scroll and to loose its seven seals” (Nu.23:24; Rev.5:5). heavenly Lion, takes revenge against all your enemies. He is your great
Avenger. As a member of His family, take revenge against all the spiritual
forces, destroying even their smallest trace in your life. Leave your human
Balaam’s entire oracle concerning Israel can be taken as a cluster.
oppressors in God’s hand for His revenge and wrath (Ro.12:17-21).
The Israelites were irrevocably blessed, and there was no iniquity in them.
Overcome evil with good TODAY!
Because of their purity, the Presence of God and the shout of a King were
among them. This made them invincible against all power of sorcery. Now, Robust lion: God’s people are compared to the lion for its boldness,
all the world will look at them with surprise and say, “Oh, what God has strength, majesty, rulership, intelligence and vigorous, forceful attacks against
done!” (Nu.23:23). Yes, every one will be astonished at your power and its enemies. Nobody can rouse it when it is resting, and nobody can calm it
exclaim, “Oh, what God has done for you!” Life in Christ is truly a life of down when it is stirred up. Such is the enormous strength and toughness of
joyful exclamation marks, not of doubtful question marks. a lion. In Christ, you are as strong and as bold as a lion. God has filled you
with His health, vitality and stoutheartedness (Ps.138:3). You are robust,
Lion-family: Through his prophetic eyes, Balaam could see the entire
healthy, strong, vigorous NOW! Confess it and possess it TODAY!
Israelites as a resting, rousing, roaring, revenging, robust lion. Your Lord
Jesus is the Lion of Judah, the praising people. You have His Seed in you. In Beloved, your God has put this message in Balaam’s mouth to show
Christ, you are God’s lion. All the strength, boldness and exploits of a lion you who you are in Christ. You have seen yourself strong as a wild ox, bold
are yours now in Christ. as a lion, without iniquity or trouble, called to be blessed, possessing God’s
Presence and the shout of a King. Be bold and hold on to your faith!
Resting lion: When a lion crouches and lies down, it enjoys perfect,
undisturbed, fearless rest. Nobody can dare to rouse him (Ge.49:9; Nu.24:9). Thank You, Lord, my roaring will be like a lion. I will
Once a lion family enters the den, nothing will terrify them (Nah.2:11). In roar like young lions. Yes, I will roar and lay hold of my
Christ, you are safely resting under His covering. His supernatural peace prey. I am a lion’s whelp. I bow down, lie down as a lion.
rules over you (Jn.14:27; Phil.4:7). Nothing and nobody can disturb your And as a lion, who shall rouse me? I am righteous and bold
inner peace and rest. You are not a fearful mouse but a bold lion! like a lion because I am in Christ.
Rousing lion: Once a lion is stirred up by its opponent, it won’t be Isa.5:29; Ge.49:9; Pr.28:1
stopped by any interruption. Till it devours its prey, it won’t rest. Till it drinks
the blood of its victim, it refuses to quit (Job 38:39). It’s not frightened by
the shouts of multitudes of shepherds nor disturbed by their clamor (Isa.31:4).
In Christ, you have this mighty rousing strength in you. If you dare to stir up
yourself and your gifts, you will pull down all the strongholds of the enemy
like Samson (Jdg.16:30; Isa.64:7; 2.Ti.1:6-7). It’s time to stir yourself up.
Arise and destroy the evil powers.
Roaring lion: When a lion targets its prey, it roars to make it panic. All
the animals of the forest tremble at the roaring of a lion. His roar can

503 504
fear heat nor be anxious in drought (Ps.1:3; Jer.17:8). You are the fragrance
of Jesus (2.Co.2:15). You are God’s aloe tree. You walk in God’s majesty
SEP 6 SPIRIT'S VIEW OF YOU and strength, and you are His cedar tree.
IN CHRIST Abundance of water and riches: Balaam saw the irrigation buckets
of the Israelites full of water and their offspring filled with great abundance
And Balaam raised his eyes, and saw Israel encamped of supply. The many waters speak of prosperity, popularity and many people
according to their tribes; and the Spirit of God came upon him. (Jer.51:13; Rev.17:15). In Christ, you are rich and prosperous. God doesn’t
see you as a beggar. All His abundance is for you to inherit and enjoy
But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the
(Lk.15:17,31; 1.Ti.6:17). God supplies all your needs over-abundantly. In
Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God (Nu.24:2;
Christ, there is no water-scarcity, no food-scarcity, no money-scarcity, no
health-scarcity, no joy- and peace-scarcity. The word “scarcity” doesn’t
even exist in the dictionary of a new creation. Let your buckets be full, in
Balaam, being fully convinced of God’s desire to bless Israel, raised his Jesus Name!
eyes and looked at Israel’s orderly camps. Immediately, God’s Spirit came Posterity and promotion: God’s Spirit showed Balaam that the seed
upon him, opening his eyes, giving him utterances of God. Whatever he saw of Israel will spread out in many waters, and kings shall come from Israel.
concerning Israel speaks of the Holy Spirit’s view of you in Christ. Their kingdom will be highly exalted over other kingdoms. He also
Lovely and beautiful: The very encampment and marching order of prophetically saw the coming King of Israel, the Lord Jesus and His highly
the Israelites was beautiful to behold. It was according to God’s divine exalted Kingdom, far higher than king Agag. Agag was the title for all the
directions. No army under heaven could have such beautiful, orderly kings of the Amalekites and means, “highly exalted”. The Amalekites were
procession with colorful banners before every tribe. Even their tents around considered the most powerful nation at that time (Nu.24:7;1.Sa.15:1)
the Tabernacle were a lovely view. Balaam was admiring the beauty of Beloved, in Christ, you are one with the Messiah-King who is higher
their tents, totally lost in the Spirit. The book of Song of Solomon speaks than the highest of the earth. Kingdom and rulership is yours now! You are
largely about the Bridegroom’s view of the Bride. To Solomon’s eyes, the born to rule! No king or domain, no ruler or government can challenge your
Shulamite was perfect and beautiful, without even a trace of fault. Every authority in Christ. Every knee will bow down to you when you exercise the
bit of her was enchanting to his eyes. She was the fairest among all women authority of His Name. Heaven is waiting for you to use His authority and
to his eyes (SS.1:8,15; 4:1-16; 6:4; 7:1). establish His Kingdom on earth. All hell is trembling at your authority and
In Christ, you look extremely beautiful and lovely in the eyes of God. trying its best to dim your authority-consciousness. The world is waiting for
The very beauty and loveliness of Jesus radiates in you. God’s Spirit in you God’s Kingdom to be established. Go in this might of yours!
is constantly transforming your image into the very likeness of Jesus. Literally, Thank You, Lord, my tents and dwellings are lovely, like
in the eyes of Father God, you are blameless and without fault. The valleys that stretch out, like gardens by the riverside, like
righteousness of Jesus has beautified you, taking away the ashes of your aloes planted by the Lord, like cedars beside the waters. I
past life. He has anointed you with oil of joy and clothed you with the shall pour water from my buckets, and my seed shall be in
garment of praise (Isa.61:3). You are truly beautiful! many waters because I am in Christ.
Spreading and fruitful: Balaam, who came from the land of gardens, Nu.24:5-7
could see Israel as spreading valleys and flourishing gardens (Nu.22:5; 23:7).
They were like trees planted by the Lord, trees of aloes and cedar beside
the waters. He saw the spreading of the camp of Israel and their fruitfulness
like gardens. He smelled them as fragrant aromatic aloe wood and saw
them as majestic and strong as cedar trees (Nu.24:6; Ps.92:12; Jn.19:39).
In Christ, you will spread out and never diminish. God has planted you
in Christ, and you shall be like a ever-green watered garden. You will not

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The Old Testament saints dwelled in the Secret Place of the Most High and
under the Shadow of the Almighty. As long as they walked in this
SEP 7 consciousness, no evil could befall them, nor any plague could come near
their dwelling (Ps.91:1,10). How much more your house should be safe as
you carry the very Presence of the Almighty Holy Spirit! Peace within your
walls and prosperity within your palaces is God’s will for you (Ps.122:7)!
How lovely are your tents, O Jacob! Your dwellings, O Israel!
This peace, shalom, means soundness, welfare, safety, health, contentment.
But whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ The word prosperity, shalvah, means also quietness and ease. Your home
And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will life should be lived in ease and comfort. Claim it!
return to you (Nu24:5; Lk.10:5-6) Spreading house: Balaam saw Jacob’s dwelling place like stretched-
out valleys, like a grove of palm trees and a garden besides the river, with
Even the temporary tents and dwelling places of Israel were so lovely tall aloe trees and strong cedars. Yes, God loves to see you in a beautiful,
and beautiful that a pagan sorcerer could admire and appreciate them. I lovely house with gardens, fruit trees, flowers and all of His best creations.
believe this prophetic word has something to say about your earthly house The earth and its fullness belongs to your God (Ps.24:1)! You are in Him
and all your dwelling places. (Col.2:6-11). Rise up to possess your inheritance in Christ TODAY!
Special house: Your earthly house is very special because the great Supply house: Your dwelling place is God’s dwelling place where
Architect of the universe builds it. It is God’s desire that you should own a God freely moves. Your house should be like Joseph’s storehouse to bless
beautiful, strong house large and spacious enough for you to enjoy even in multitudes. Hurting and starving people must find physical and spiritual bread
this earthly pilgrimage. It is God who makes a house for the lonely (Ps.68:7). in your house. Since you are righteous in Christ, your house shall be filled
He Himself volunteers to build your house, not your ambition or effort with riches and all good things (Pr.3:16; 8:18; 15:6). Let people throng to
(Ps.127:1). In eternities past, He determined the boundaries of your dwellings your house to see Jesus and touch Him (Mk.2:1-4)!
(Ac.17:26). This is your birth right in Christ, yet unclaimed by many of Beloved, never allow yourself to be deprived of your earthly house
God’s precious children. Claim your houses, your office, your church buildings, blessings under the disguise of religiosity. Don't take the religious teaching
your farms and properties, in Jesus’ Name! that denies your own house here because you are a pilgrim. The one who is
Safe house: Your house is the safest place in this world. God is not building a palace for you in heaven is able to give you a beautiful house here
only concerned about “you” but also about “yours”. He literally makes a too. Never allow the devil to damage your house or your property by stepping
fencing wall around your house, your family and all your property. Because out of God’s will (Jer.4:20)! Whatever you have lost through your sin, unbelief
you carry God’s precious and glorious treasure within you, God has and negative outlook on life can be restored back to you in Christ. Rejoice!
surrounded even the entire city where you live with horses and chariots of Thank You, Lord, You have strengthened the bars of my
fire (2.Ki.6:17). Can you imagine He is so careful even to strengthen the gates. You have blessed my children within me. You make
bars of your gates (Ps.147:13-14)? peace in my borders, and fill me with the finest wheat.
Serene house: Your house is a haven of peace on this earth. The One Peace is within my walls, prosperity within my palaces because
who builds and protects your house also cares for you enough to bless your I am in Christ.
house and everything in it. He commands peace to stay and fill your entire Ps.147:13-14; 122:7
house, even up to all your borders. The moment you enter your walls you
must enjoy the peace that passes all understanding. A peaceful home in this
perturbed world is the right of every child of God in Christ. Since you are a
child of peace, God’s peace remains and settles in your house permanently.
Claim this right and rebuke any spirits that would disturb God’s peace
(Ps.121:7; 147:14)!
Sickness-free house: Your entire compound must be a sickness-free
zone. Being in Christ affects not only your life but even your dwelling place.

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The Scepter: Your great Morning Star is also the great Scepter and
Ruler. This revelation will show you His authority and power to destroy and
SEP 8 STAR AND SCEPTER demolish all His enemies. Jesus is the Scepter that came out of Judah
IN CHRIST (Ge.49:10). When He walked on this earth, He acted as God’s Scepter to
rule and reign. His Word was the ultimate authority. Sickness bowed down
I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but not near. A Star shall to Him. Wind and waves subdued at His command. Demons trembled at
come out of Jacob, a Scepter shall rise out of Israel, and batter the His Word. This Scepter-God is sitting on the highest Throne in heaven
brow of Moab, and destroy all the sons of tumult. victoriously, waiting for His enemies to be made His footstool (Ps.110;
And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to Heb.12:2,13; 1.Pe.3:22). In His Second Coming, He will execute His final
him I will give power over the nations - - He shall rule them with a rod judgment on His enemies and break them with a rod of iron, dashing them
of iron. They shall be dashed to pieces like the potter’s vessels - - as to pieces like a potter’s vessel (Ps.2:8-9). What a glorious hope!
I also have received from My Father (Nu.24:17; Rev.2:26-27). Now, in this world His Scepter is transferred to you. You are His
ambassador and exact replica as God’s Zion (2.Co.3:18; 5:20). You can lift
up your rod of strength against your adverse circumstances and make them
This is one of the most startling prophecies from the mouth of the most favorable. You are truly God’s scepter in Christ. Every time you lift up your
unlikely person. When Balak’s anger burnt and he was about to drive Balaam voice speaking forth His Word, the enemy’s kingdom will tremble and
away, these oracles came as a warning to all the ungodly nations. The Spirit crumble.
of God took hold of this sorcerer and put His Words in his mouth, opening
his eyes and giving him the knowledge of the Most High (Nu.24:16). He Beloved, life in Christ makes you God’s shining star and His ruling
saw the coming Deliverer-King of God’s people as the Star-Scepter who scepter (Da.12:3). You can do something about the darkness that surrounds
would ultimately destroy all His enemies like Moab, Amalek, the Kenites, your nation. You can scatter your enemies simply by using your authority.
etc. (Nu.24:17-24). It’s not the time to dread the darkness or the enemies. It’s not the time to
hide and cave in like a coward. Your light shines in the darkness! Your
You, the child of God in Christ, must see the revelation of your mighty scepter rules in the midst of your enemies. Stop crying and start moving.
Star-Scepter! This revelation will enable you to walk in your full victory in Lift up your rod and divide your Red Sea today (Ex.14:15-16).
Thank You, Lord, You send the rod of Your strength out
The Star: Balaam saw the great Morning Star coming down from of me. I rule in the midst of my enemies. I am wise and
heaven to destroy all the ungodly nations of the world and establish His shall shine like the brightness of the firmament. I turn
righteous Kingdom. This is the greatest hope of every Christian. Your Savior many to righteousness and shall shine like the stars forever
is also the great Morning Star (Rev.22:16). When He was born, His star and ever because I am in Christ.
appeared in the sky to lead the wise men from the east to this Morning Star
(Mt.2:1-2,9-10). When this Morning Star appears, it shall dispel the darkness Ps.110:2; Da.12:3
of every nation. The powers of darkness and the deeds of darkness must
flee before His brightness.
When Jesus, the Star, began His ministry, the people who lived in
darkness and shadow of death saw the great light dawn on them (Mt.4:16;
Lk.1:79). See the power and glory of this great Morning Star! From the day
you open your heart to this glorious Son, He is shining in your heart with all
His brilliance. There is absolutely no demon nor human, no sin nor sickness,
no curse nor calamity that could legitimately stand against you. Don’t look
at the deep darkness surrounding you - - see the bright glory shining right
within you (Isa.60:1-2)! Sing songs of praise and see this glorious light

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Jesus, and drank the living waters from Him, the Rock of our salvation
(1.Co.10:3-4). Still, there is a possibility of giving in to our flesh, despising
NO SEDUCTION IN CHRIST the cry of the Spirit within. All these OT-examples are given to us for our
admonishing and warning. History abounds with the sad stories of such
who succumbed to this seduction. Dearest Davids and wisest Salomons
Now Israel… began to commit harlotry with the women of Moab. were not exempted. Of course, all these OT-saints were not born again and
They invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people had not received God’s nature and zoe life in their spirit.
ate and bowed down to their gods. So Israel was joined to Baal of In Christ, there is absolutely no reason for you to succumb to this
Peor, and the anger of the LORD was aroused against Israel. temptation as Christ lives in you with all His overcoming power. His Spirit
rests in and upon you mightily to wage war against all forms of immorality.
Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we
You are God’s saint. All fornication and uncleanness is not fitting for you
should not lust after evil things as they also lusted. And do not become
and should not even be mentioned (Eph.5:3)!
idolaters as were some of them. As it is written, “The people sat
down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.” Nor let us commit sexual Public display: When God saw that Israel was joined to pagan gods
immorality, as some of them did, and in one day twenty-three and practices, His anger was aroused. He commanded Moses to kill the
thousand fell; (Nu.25:1-3; 1.Co.10:6-8). leaders responsible for this and expose them in bright daylight (Nu.25:4-5).
It indicates that leaders are more prone to this temptation and deserve greater
punishment. They were publicly hanged so that everybody could see and
In this twenty-fifth chapter we see the horror of falling into immorality. fear. How much God hates harlotry! Actually, the Hebrew word for God’s
Every child of God must take this as a warning to live in sexual purity. Sin is wrath means “reddening of His Nose, a flashing of His rage”.
sin both under the Old and the New Covenant. God’s holy principles are not Of course, in this dispensation of grace God covers multitudes of sins
in any way diluted in the New Testament. in His great love. Still, there comes a time where God must expose sin lest
Protection gone: The Israelites were totally invincible when they many more people are drawn into this same defilement. Paul clearly warns
walked in holiness and when iniquity was not found in them. Balak’s money the New Covenant believers that God will definitely avenge and punish all
power could not destroy them. Balaam’s magic power could not curse them. immorality and sexual sins (1.Thes.4:3-7).
Battalions’ muscle power could never defeat them as long as they refused Beloved, your Father made His own Son as your own sanctification
to consider themselves part of ungodly nations (Nu.23:9). When Balaam (1.Co.1:30). He is working in you mightily to keep you from any unholy
failed to destroy them through his sorcery, he deceitfully seduced them by relationship. His Word is sanctifying you all the time. Growing in Him is the
Moabite women. He knew the secret of their strength was their holiness. only way to live holy. Walk in the Spirit, and you will easily overcome the
Immediately, God’s protection was gone. flesh TODAY (Ga.5:16)!
Satan knows that none of his weapons formed against you shall prosper Thank You, Lord, for Your will is my sanctification. I
(Isa.54:17). No magic power nor man’s power can prevail against you. The can abstain from sexual immorality. I walk in the Spirit, and
only way he can destroy you is by seducing you to sin and immorality. I shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh because I am in
When sin comes in, protection goes. Discover and discharge this trick of Christ.
the enemy from your life.
1.Thes.4:3; Ga.5:16
Potential danger: As per Balaam’s counsel, beautiful women were
sent to the Israelites to seduce and entice them. God’s people gave in to this
temptation and went into idolatry. Harlotry always leads to idolatry. Pagan
worship is always connected with sexual orgies and immoralities. Even the
people who walked under the Glory cloud, ate manna and drank the miracle-
water from the rock could not resist this temptation.
Sexual sin is a terrible potential danger even for God’s children today.
We have the Spirit of glory upon us, we ate the divine Manna, our Lord

511 512
by his brave action. Your divine Phinehas has put an end to all plagues and
destructions on the Cross (Jn.19:30). The Old Testament Phinehas killed
SEP 10 the sinners whereas your Phinehas took the punishment on Himself and
PHINEHAS IN CHRIST stopped the spreading plague. You are now one with this sacrificial Savior!
You have the power to stop the plagues in your country. You can stop the
Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, has natural calamities. You can stop the power of sin sweeping through the
turned back My wrath from the children of Israel, because he was nations on the basis of Calvary. Rise up and intervene zealously!
zealous with My zeal among them, so that I did not consume the Atone for others: Phinehas made atonement for the sins of others by
children of Israel in My zeal. this zealous act. Your High Priest has atoned the sins of the entire world
When He had made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the two thousand years ago. And yet, still people are ignorant of this great good
temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers’ news! He reconciled the world unto Himself. You are His ambassador with
money and overturned the tables (Nu.25:11; Jn.2:15). this message of atonement and reconciliation (2.Co.5:18-20). Rise up and
implore the nations on His behalf! Even after Calvary, your divine Phinehas
is interceding night and day for His church and the world. He calls you now
When the Israelites fell into immorality and idolatry, God’s wrath was to be His co-intercessor. Stop being selfish and become a prayer-warrior
highly triggered and killed 24.000. But for Phinehas, Aaron’s grandson, God’s for the nations!
fiery zeal would have consumed the whole nation of Israel (Nu.26:11). When Be promoted and blessed: Phinehas was highly promoted and
one of the leaders of the Simeonites presented a Midianite woman in the entered into a new level of covenant relationship with God. God made a
sight of all Israel, Phinehas took a spear and thrust both of them through. So covenant of peace and everlasting priesthood with him and his generations
the plague was stopped. God Himself commended and blessed him for this (Nu.25:12-13). The covenant of peace includes completeness, soundness,
noble, selfless act. Even today, He is looking for His Phinehas. I believe you welfare, safety, health, prosperity, tranquility and contentment (Eze.34:25;
are God’s Phinehas in Christ. 37:26; Isa.11:9; 54:10). The covenant of everlasting priesthood was confirmed
Turn God’s wrath from nations: God testified that Phinehas had once again though it was his birthright as an Aaronite (Ex.29:19; Mal.2:4-
turned back His wrath from Israel. The God who cannot behold evil is still 5). Jesus made this covenant of peace and priesthood with you forever!
angry at our sinful nations. The abounding idolatry and sexual immorality is When you share His Phinehas-ministry, you and your entire family shall
reaching heaven, arousing God’s wrath against us. Jesus, our High Priest, enjoy this glorious peace and safety forever!
turned God’s anger on Himself and drank the cup of His wrath to save the Beloved, one man in his zeal could save an entire nation, even in Old-
world. You are one with Him and called to stand between the holy God and Testament-times! How much more you, the new creation who became
a sinning world. You are the only hope to avert God’s judgment on nations. perfectly one with Jesus! Rise up, intercede, implore, intervene TODAY!
Be zealous for God’s honor: Phinehas was filled with God’s zeal for Thank You, Lord, You have make a covenant of peace
God’s honor and His Word. He couldn’t play a passive role when God’s with me, an everlasting covenant with me. You will establish
holy principles were insulted. He knew his jealous God would visit the me and multiply me, and You have set Your sanctuary in my
iniquities of the fathers upon four generations (Ex.20:5; Dt.32:16,21; midst forevermore because I am in Christ.
Ps.78:58). Your Savior was filled with the same zeal when He saw His
Father’s house made a house of merchandise. In Christ, you too can share
His zeal and rise up against sin and corruption. Nations are provoking God
by plunging deeper and deeper into sin. His Name and His Word are
dishonored even in His church. God is looking for people who are full of His
zeal to stand up against sin. It’s high time for you to come out of your self-
centeredness. Raise up a holy banner TODAY!
Put an end to sin and destruction: Phinehas’ action stopped God
from destroying the nation completely. He literally put an end to the plague

513 514
Total war: All the cities and their forts were completely destroyed,
every man was killed, but the women, children and cattle were kept alive as
SEP 11 booty. Moses, the meekest man on earth, burned in anger when the people
: HOLY WAR IN CHRIST spared the women. He ordered to kill every woman who had slept with a
man as they were the reason for the sin and destruction of Israel (Nu.31:13-
Harass the Midianites, and attack them; for they harassed you 18). The soldiers who touched the dead bodies had to stay outside the camp
with their schemes by which they seduced you in the matter of Peor to purify themselves. All the metal objects used in the war had to be passed
and in the matter of Cozbi, the daughter of a leader of Midian, their through fire. Life in Christ hates even the appearance of sin and never
sister, who was killed in the day of the plague because of Peor. tolerates even the smallest lie till all sin is totally eradicated. You can allow
Christ to be formed in you with all His fullness till you no longer live, but
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept Christ lives in you (Ga.2:20). Enjoy this perfection!
the faith (Nu.25:16-18; 2 Ti.4:7).
Victorious war: Can you imagine only twelve thousand soldiers went
to the war, and not even one soldier died or was missing (Nu.31:49)? The
After destroying 24.000 Israelites, God declared a holy war against the army commanders gave a special huge offering of gold as a thank-offering
Midianites who seduced His people to sin. First, He dealt with His people for God’s protection (Nu.31:49-54). When you take a stand against sin, all
for their sin, then He fought with His enemies (1.Pe.4:17). The actual war heaven will back you. All your hairs are numbered (Mt.10:30; Lk.12:7).
against the Midianites is clearly described in chapter 31. We will briefly Nothing shall by any means harm you (Lk.10:19). No weapon! No fire! No
note some of the aspects of the holy war in the life of a believer in Christ. lion! No serpent! (Isa.54:17; Da.3; Da.6; Ac.28:3-6) If you suffer in this
Holy war: Just before the death of Moses, God commanded him to world in your war against sin, your reward shall be greater in heaven! John
wage war against the Midianites. It was Moses’ last battle. Twelve thousand the Baptist lost his head in his fight against adultery. Some will even shed
armed soldiers fought with the Midianites. This war speaks of your battle blood striving against sin (Heb.12:4).
against sin and all its causes. The moment you came to Christ, a war was Rewarding war: After the war against the Midianites, Israel plundered
declared in the heavenlies. It is a war between holiness and uncleanness, so much that God gave a special instruction about the distribution (Nu.31:25-
faith and unbelief, truth and lie, righteousness and unrighteousness, love and 48). Soldiers, Levites, priests and the entire congregation had more over
lust. Before your salvation, you were unconsciously fighting against God’s and enough. Every time you strive and fight against sin by any means - - in
holy demands. Satan, the author of every sin, used you as a weapon against prayer, praise, or proclamation - - you will have new blessings to enjoy and
Jesus, the author of perfect holiness. Wherever you see sin, either in your new territories to possess.
family, church or nation, you will rise up in holy anger and wage a mighty Beloved, John lists the rewards of the overcomer (Rev.2:7,11,17,26-28;
war with all your strength (Mt.5:27-30; 18:9; Ge.35:1-4; Ac.5:1-11; Eze.9). 3:5,12,21). Study every sin they overcame and every new blessing they
Your new nature abhors all sin and wars against it. possessed!
Godly war: This war against the Midianites was initiated and Thank You, Lord, I am an overcomer. I eat from the
commanded by God. As per His direction, people were selected and sent. tree of life. I shall not be hurt by the second death. I eat
The priest Phinehas joined this battle with the holy articles and the signal of the hidden manna. I have power over the nations because
trumpets of God’s sanctuary. The trumpet sound was a constant praise I am in Christ.
unto God, and the holy articles brought God’s Presence into the situation. It
was not by might nor by power but entirely fought by god-given weapons Rev.2:7,11,17,26
(Zec.4:6). Your warfare in Christ is done with godly weapons, not your
fleshly zeal or strength. God’s armor of His truth, His righteousness, His
sword which is the rhema Word of God, the shoes of the Gospel, your
continuous ministry, the faith shield which covers your entire being - - all
are God-empowered. Your battle was won on the Cross! Enjoy it in prayer
and praise (2.Co.10:3-5; Eph.6:10-20).

515 516
shows their great love. Everything God has ever done for you in Christ is
for the praise of the glory of His grace (Eph.1:6,12,14). The miracle-answers
SEP 12 to our prayers in His Name are so that the Father may be glorified in the
FATHER'S PROPERTY IN CHRIST Son (Jn.14:13-14; 15:16; 16:23). Christianity is never for self-centered people!
You are blessed with every blessing so that you may live for Him and others
The daughters of Zelophehad speak what is right; you shall surely (Col.3:17). Your health and wealth are for God’s glory and Kingdom to be
give them a possession of inheritance among their father’s brothers, established on this earth, not to consume it for yourself.
and cause the inheritance of their father to pass to them. Father’s joy: When Moses enquired of God about this, God gladly
But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s granted their request saying, ‘they speak what is right’. He commanded
hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with Moses to make sure the property would go to them, thereby establishing a
hunger! I will arise and go to my father…’ (Nu.27:7; Lk.15:17-18). new law for all the Israelites. I believe God was excited about their tenacity
and aggressive faith and honored them by recording every one of their
names repeatedly in the Bible. Imagine how many daughters of Israel would
The daughters of Zelophehad are a challenge to a child of God in Christ. have been blessed by these daring women! Faith-people are a blessing to
They claimed their father’s property and got it by their persistence and the entire nation! Jesus was always excited when He saw this kind of faith
faith. Let’s take some substance from this shadow (Col.2:17). (Mt.8:10; 15:28; Lk.10:17-21).
Father’s property: These ladies realized that their father’s property Father’s family: The book of Numbers ends with the glorious
was rightfully theirs since there were no sons to inherit it as per the law. inheritance of Zelophehad’s daughters (Nu.36). The only requirement was
They were not passively waiting and dreaming. They understood instinctively that they had to marry within their own tribe to preserve the tribe’s property.
that only the violent take the Kingdom by force (Mt.11:12). They refused to Zelophehad’s daughters obeyed God’s command and were blessed. In
accept their inferior position as women. Under the law, sons are the rightful Christ, the entire church is your tribe. Every child of God is your family
heirs of the father’s property, but these daughters’ faith overruled the law. member. As you seek the welfare of the church of God, you will be blessed.
In Christ, you are God’s rightful heir of all His fullness (Ga.3:29; 4:6-7). Never be unequally yoked together with unbelievers (2.Co.6:14; Ac.2:40).
Their father Zelophehad had died in his sins, but your holy Father is alive Marry inside God’s family and enjoy God’s full inheritance. Win your friends
forever! The girls were claiming a portion of their father’s property, but to Christ and share your blessings TODAY!
your Father gives you everything He has - - all His power, all His fullness,
Beloved, faith and obedience coupled with perseverance is the only
all His authority, all His riches, all His nature, all His wisdom, etc. (Lk.15:31;
way to release all your blessings in Christ. Be violent to possess, diligent to
Eph.1:19-21; Mt.28:18; Phil.4:19; 2.Pe.1:4; Col.2:9-10).
demand, aggressive to ask, in Jesus’ Name!
Father’s way: These daughters went to the tent of meeting and spoke
Thank You, Lord, I am Your child and heir. I am a
to Moses, Eleazar, the leaders and the congregation. Since they were not
joint-heir with Christ. I am always with You, and all that
sure about God’s will they had to wait for Moses to hear from God. In
You have is mine. I take the Kingdom by force because I am
Christ, you have free access to the Father through the Holy Spirit (Ro.8:15).
in Christ.
The Father’s will is clearly revealed in His Word, and the Holy Spirit in you
is more than willing to show you what your Father has destined for your Ro.8:17; Lk.15:31; Mt.11:12
glory before time began (1.Co.2:7-10). You know what belongs to you in
Christ. You need not wait for a prophet to tell you what belongs to you.
Every promise in the Bible is yes and amen to you. It is His will to heal you,
prosper you, increase you, promote you, honor you and exalt you. Don’t
wait. Claim and enjoy!
Father’s name: The daughters were concerned that their father’s
name should not disappear from among his family. Not their self-interest
but their father’s name motivated them to ask for property (Nu.27:4). This

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people to go out and come in before them (Nu.27:17). When Jesus saw the
SUCCESSFUL SUCCESSOR multitude, His heart was moved with compassion because they were
SEP 13
harassed and helpless. Immediately, He commanded His disciples to pray
IN CHRIST for workers for His harvest (Mt.9:35-38). That is how the apostolic ministry
was born. When Christ lives His life in you freely you will always pray for
Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the next generation of leaders and harvesters and encourage them.
the congregation, who may go out before them and go in before them, Fathering heart: Moses was the most secure leader, always lifting up
who may lead them out and bring them in, that the congregation of and releasing other ministries. He wanted all the people of God to be prophets
the LORD may not be like sheep which have no shepherd. like him (Nu.11:29). He honored the ministry of priesthood before the entire
But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure congregation. When God showed him Joshua as the next leader, like a father
of Christ’s gift. Therefore He says: When He ascended on high, He he publicly honored and acknowledged his calling and bestowed his honor
led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men (Nu.27:16-17; Eph.4:7- upon him by laying his hands on him (Nu.27:22-23). No jealousy, no insecurity,
8). no competition (2.Co.12:14)! Jesus wanted His disciples to do greater things
than He did (Jn.14:12). Paul always promoted the ministry of young apostles
and commended them in his letters. John rejoiced to see his spiritual children
The heart of the leader Moses is a great challenge to every believer in walking in the truth (2.Jn.4). This is the heart that has become one with
Christ. His selflessness and love for the congregation typifies the nature of Jesus.
Christ and a believer. When you walk in the full potential of your new
Hearing heart: Moses’ greatest secret was listening to God’s voice
nature this character will flow spontaneously like Moses and your Savior.
for everything. He had no preference of his own. He heard all the
Victorious end: Moses who led his people for over forty years was qualifications of leadership straight from heaven and raised up Joshua.
denied the entry to Canaan. Can you imagine the sadness of his heart? The
Your divine Moses has chosen you as His Joshua for this generation.
one who promised the Canaan blessings could himself not enter! This is the
Joshua was Spirit-filled and a mature role-model-shepherd who could lead
sad story of most of the OT-saints: They all died in faith, not having received
God’s people. He was a team-man with the humility to submit to Moses and
the promises and failed one way or another. This need not scare you in any
Eleazar, the high-priest (Nu.27:18-21). In Christ, you are a role-model and a
way! You are already in your Promised Land and blessed with every blessing
humble leader. You can boldly say like Jesus and Paul, “Follow Me”!
in Christ (Eph.1:3). As the sap of the vine is constantly flowing in your
spirit, you will never dry up and always be fresh and green (Heb.11:13,40; Beloved, Moses-kind of leaders are getting older and won’t be with us
2.Co.3:18; Ps.92:13-14). The wisest Solomon, the dearest David and the for long. Rise up to God’s standard by allowing your new nature to dominate
strongest Samson all failed God in some ways, but none of the apostles, your ambitious flesh (Phil.2:3-4; Jas.3:14)! The success of a leader is his
except the son of perdition, were defeated in life. This is your heritage successors. Be selfless! Be an encourager! Be a promoter TODAY!
because of your heavenly lineage (Phil.1:6; Jude 24). Thank You, Lord, I am planted in Your house. I shall
Selfless heart: When Moses was refused to enter Canaan, he didn't flourish in Your courts. I shall still bear fruit in old age. I
allow self-pity and depression. All the cry of his heart was for the shall be fresh and flourishing. I esteem others better than
congregation of God’s people not to be like sheep without a shepherd. What myself. I look out not only for my own interests, but also
a noble, selfless father’s heart! Your Lord Jesus was also caring for His for the interests of others because I am in Christ.
sheep to the extent of giving His very life for them (Jn.3:16). When His Ps.92:13-14; Phil.2:3-4
enemies plotted against Him to kill Him, His heart cried for those who
would carry and continue His compassionate power-ministry (Lk.6:11-13).
In Christ, you share this selfless nature and you seek the interest of others
also (Phil.2:4).
Praying heart: Moses’ burden became his prayer for another leader
who would lead God’s people. He asked God to appoint a man over His

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against Israel (Nu.32:14)! There is a great warning and danger for those
who think that the privileges of life in Christ are for their own comfort only.
SEP 14
When you know you are blessed with every spiritual blessing, remember
SELFLESS WAR IN CHRIST those blessings should build up the Kingdom of God (Dt.8:18)! If you enjoy
material prosperity, you should be a generous distributor like Joseph to the
But we ourselves will be armed, ready to go before the children needy (1.Jn.3:16-17). If you enjoy perfect health, you must seek to educate
of Israel until we have brought them to their place; and our little ones others in God’s health principles. If you enjoy peace and rest in Christ,
will dwell in the fortified cities because of the inhabitants of the land. forget not to pray for the peace of the nations (Jer.29:4-7; Ps.122:6; 1.Ti.2:1-
We will not return to our homes until every one of the children of 4). Failure to do this is a sin in God’s eyes (Nu.32:23)! Both unbelief and
Israel has received his inheritance. self-centeredness arouse God’s anger.
You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Declare war for others: The war for possession was not yet over as
Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs nine and half tribes need to get their lands. In order to possess the enemies’
of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier land, a great war had to be waged to expel them. No possession without
(Nu.32:16-17; 2.Ti.2:3-4). expulsion and battle! Till the last tribe inherits their possession, every soldier
must be in the battle. There is no retirement in God’s army! This war-
mentality was to be revived in the two tribes. They saw their need Then
The entire 32nd chapter of Numbers is a clarion call for those who they left their loving wives and little children on this side of the Jordan, fully
enjoy their life in Christ. When the Rubenites and Gadites saw the good trusting God’s protection, and marched armed for battle. They never returned
pasture-land, they claimed it as their property and wanted to settle there till all the land was subdued and all the tribes possessed (Nu.32:16-19; 25-
without even crossing the Jordan. Moses sharply rebuked them, “Shall your 27; 31-32). When they promised to fight for others, Moses gladly gave
brethren go to war while you sit here? Now why will you discourage the them their land (Nu.32:20-22). In Christ, you wrestle with principalities and
heart of the children of Israel from going over into the land which the LORD powers set the nations free from the satan (Eph.6:10,12; Lk.4:18; Ac.10:38:
has given them?” (Nu.32:6-7). Discouragement brings dispossession! 2.Co.4:4). Put on the whole armor of God and fight the good fight of faith
Dare to desire more and claim the best: When the two tribes saw till everyone enjoys life in Christ (Eph.6:10-20; 2.Ti.4:7)!
their need they were not hesitant to ask for the good land for their abundant Beloved, the Gospel-light has not yet fully penetrated this dark world.
cattle. What they demanded they possessed. Whoever demanded their rights Even the eyes of the believers are still dim to see what they have in Christ
from God was not denied. After all, God Himself promised to give when we (Eph.1:14-21). This day is a day of good news, and if we remain silent, we
ask (Mt.7:7-8). Everyone who asked received. Those who became unclean miss our golden opportunity and lose the reward of a soul-winner (1.Co.9:16;
by touching a dead body could celebrate the Passover only when they asked Da.12:3). Come, let us go and tell the King of king’s household (2.Ki.7:9)!
for it (Nu.9:6-11). Zelophehad’s daughters received what they demanded
(Nu.27:7). In Christ, you have become God’s heir and Christ’s joint-heir. Thank You, Lord, I endure hardship as a good soldier of
The more you desire and demand the more you shall receive. Your God is Jesus Christ. I am engaged in warfare and won’t entangle
more than willing to supply all your needs in abundance (Jas.4:2-3). Like myself with the affairs of this life, that I may please You
the Reubenites, find in the Bible the best that belongs to you and dare to who enlisted me as a soldier. I ask, and it will be given to
claim it! me; I seek, and I will find; I knock, and it will be opened
to me. I lay down my life for the brethren because I am in
Dare not deprive others of their best: Claiming this pasture land Christ.
was commendable, but their mistake was wanting to stay back instead of
helping their brethren in war. Had they been allowed to stay back, it could 2.Ti.2:3-4; Mt.7:7; 1.Jn.3:16
have discouraged all the other warriors. Moses compared this sin with the
sin ten spies who brought the bad report and caused the death of the entire
generation in the wilderness. He called them , “brood of sinful men”! Such
self-centeredness would increase all the more the fierce anger of the Lord

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You are a debtor: Since the Levitical priests were taking care of the
spiritual needs of the Israelites, these were obligated to take care of all the
SEP 15 Levites’ physical needs. This is another Bible principle for your prosperity.
LEVITES' PORTION IN CHRIST Spiritual blessings are far higher than material blessings. Paul himself said,
“If we have sown spiritual things for you, is it a great thing if we reap your
Command the children of Israel that they give the Levites cities material things?” (1.Co.9:11). Everybody who sowed spiritual seed into your
to dwell in from the inheritance of their possession, and you shall life has a right to reap a material harvest from you. When you learn God’s
also give the Levites common-land around the cities. truths and revelations from His ministers, you owe them and should pay
Let him who is taught the Word share in all good things with him them back in material ways. Paul applied this principle when he collected
who teaches (Nu.35:2; Ga.6:6). the contributions from the gentiles for the saints in Jerusalem. He considered
it paying back a debt. If the gentiles shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings,
they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings (Ro.15:26-
The priests and Levites had not received allotment or inheritance with 27). Don’t be a debtor to your spiritual leaders!
Israel. The Lord Himself was their inheritance, but all the Israelites who
In all good things: The Israelites were commanded to meet all the
received their inheritance were commanded to support the Levites from
needs of the Levites. They gave their cities as dwelling places and pasture
their inheritance (Dt.18:1-2). New Covenant believers should know how to
lands for their cattle. Under the law, those who worked in the Temple ate
support God’s ministers in order to increase their prosperity in Christ. Though
their food from the Temple and had their share in what was offered on the
every believer in the New Covenant is a levitical priest, we cannot ignore
altar (1.Co.9:13). The Israelites gave the first fruits, new wine, oil, first
the biblical principle of recognizing God’s five-fold ministries.
wool, etc. (Dt.18:3-5). This principle is still applicable now in the New
God’s method: Just before crossing the Jordan, God commanded the Covenant. Every believer must share of every good thing with the ministers
Israelites to give the Levites towns and pasture lands from their possessions. (Ga.6:6). Life in Christ is generous to the ministers of Christ. Christ shared
It is God’s will to prosper every believer in Christ with riches and abundance all His anointing and gifts with His servants. What will you contribute to His
(3.Jn.2). Every child of Abraham must be prosperous and wealthy like him servants today?
(Ge.24:1,35). Poverty is definitely a curse which was destroyed on the cross
Beloved, when you purchase a land, when you live in a good house,
(Ga.3:13-14). Jesus became poor so that you may become rich (2.Co.8:9).
when your salary is raised, when you have a vehicle, when you get new
He has laid out some principles for financial prosperity. One of the main
clothes and provisions, remember God’s servants and share of every good
principles is to share all good things with those who instruct you in the Word
thing. God will smell your giving as a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable
of God (Ga.6:6). God wants to prosper His servants more than others, but
sacrifice, well-pleasing to the Lord (Phil.4.18).
His method is always man. Every time God increases your wealth, be careful
to share with those who minister to you in the Word and in the Spirit. You Thank You, Lord, I will share in all good things with him
are God’s channel to His servants. Realize your responsibility while you who teaches me the Word. I will count the elders who rule
enjoy your privileges! over me worthy of double honor, especially those who labor
in the Word and doctrine. I will count the laborer worthy of
God’s command: To bless the Levites with the cities and pasture
his wages because I am in Christ.
lands is not optional but God’s specific command (Jos.21:2-3). Even in the
New Testament, “the Lord has commanded that those who preach the Ga.6:6; 1.Ti.5:17-18
Gospel should live from the Gospel” (1.Co.9:14). The Lord who commanded
not to muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain is more concerned about
His servants who work in preaching and teaching (1.Co.9:9; 1.Ti.5:17-18).
God’s workers deserve their wages more than any government or company
workers. When you fail to provide for the needs of God’s servants you
walk in disobedience and invite unnecessary financial loss. Right now, search
your heart whether you share the best of your inheritance with God’s
servants and release your financial prosperity NOW!
523 524
gift of God (Eph.2:8). The leader Moses could not take them into Canaan
as he himself was denied access. Your leader, the Great Mediator, has
SEP 16
DEUTERONOMY IN CHRIST taken you into His fullness and is fully able to save you to the utmost (1.Ti.2:5;
Heb.8:6; 9:15; 12:24; 7:25). He is still interceding for you right from the
Throne of the Most High (Ro.8:34).
These are the words which Moses spoke to all Israel on this side At this juncture, the Israelites were facing a turning point in their national
of the Jordan in the wilderness… On this side of the Jordan in the history. They went through a new path they had never crossed, facing new
land of Moab, Moses began to explain this law, saying… enemies and new challenges under a new leadership. In Christ, you are
For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote already a new creation, walking in a new life you had never known, facing
about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe new spiritual enemies and new challenges under the new leadership of the
My words? (Dt.1:1,5; Jn.5:46-47). Holy Spirit.
The sword your Lord Jesus Christ wielded against satan in the
wilderness was taken exclusively from the book of Deuteronomy (Dt.8:3;
Deuteronomy, called ‘the second law’, completes the five books of 6:13,16; 10:20). This is enough to challenge us to love this book and delve
Moses, the Pentateuch. The focus of this book is to prepare God’s covenant into its depth of revelation to live our Christian life victoriously. Though we
people for life in the new land He was about to give them. The old generation don’t take this law literally, the principles in this law are of paramount
was dead and gone. Moses’ death was nearing, and the Israelites were at importance if we want to enjoy our life in Christ consistently. Failure to
the verge of entering their promised land. In this book we hear the passionate heed these principles will deprive you of enjoying your fullness in Christ.
farewell message of Moses, the true father-leader. In his three sermons he
reminds his people of what God had done for them in the past and exhorts Beloved, as God’s new creations, we will see this book in the new light
them to walk in His ways to enjoy their inheritance. He also warns them of of the Gospel and discover God’s heart and principles for our new life in
the dangers of disobedience. The covenant God made with His people on Christ.
Mount Sinai was once again renewed and ratified here. In this book, God gave Israel a second chance to choose between life
I believe this book has a strong message for your life in Christ. Of and death, the blessings and the curses, depending on their obedience or
course, they were almost nearing Canaan, but you are already living in your rebellion. In Christ, your blessed Lord has become a curse, redeeming you
heavenly Canaan, life in Christ. After wandering in the wilderness for forty completely from every curse of the law. He has blessed you with all His
years, all that generation could not enter their long-awaited promised land, blessings. You have now no choice but to enjoy and experience every one
but you entered freely into the most privileged life possible on this earth the of His blessings as you continually walk in the Spirit, not in the flesh (Ro.8:4).
day you accepted Christ. You didn’t need to wander even one day! The Thank You, Lord, You have set before me life and
Israelites broke their covenant relationship with God, thereby forfeiting the death, blessing and cursing; therefore I have chosen life,
blessings of their covenant. In Christ, you became His new covenant partner that both I and my descendants may live. I love You, I obey
with all the privileges of this better covenant. There is absolutely no wandering Your voice, and I cling to You, for You are my life and the
or denial of your Canaan-blessings in Christ. length of my days, because I am in Christ.
Under the Old Covenant, no one could enter Canaan, not even Moses, Dt.30:19-20
because of the weakness of that covenant. In Christ, ‘as many as receive
Him’ enjoy all the blessed privileges of sonship, prosperity, health, long life,
family harmony, etc. (Jn.1:12). The Israelites’ possession of Canaan was
conditional, based upon their obedience to the law. Nobody could fulfill the
law for it was weak through the flesh (Ro.8:3). In Christ, it is purely by His
grace that we enter our inheritance, and the law was fulfilled in us because
of what Christ did on the cross. Now, we don’t need to do anything to enter
into Christ but believe. In fact, even that faith is not of our works, it is the

525 526
Many of God’s precious saints are content with what they have already
experienced and stay far below their full potential and provision, circling
SEP 17 around their past blessings (Dt.2:3). God is crying out to you, ‘You have
GO IN AND POSSESS IN CHRIST dwelt long enough at this mountain! Take your journey and go!’ (Dt.1:6).
Always remember, you still have a long way to go and enormous riches of
You have dwelt long enough at this mountain. Turn and take your God to possess! By this time, you should be a teacher of God’s riches,
journey… See, I have set the land before you; go in and possess the challenging others to possess what you already experienced (Heb.5:12).
land which the Lord swore to your fathers — to Abraham, Isaac, and Rise up and go possess all your blessings TODAY!
Jacob — to give to them and their descendants after them. The Israelites experienced the greatest density of God’s glory at Mount
Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall Sinai and stayed there for a long time (Ex.19:1-2). No matter what kind of
according to the same example of disobedience (Dt.1:6-8; Heb.4:11). glorious experiences you have seen, there is still so much more waiting for
your discovery in Christ! You can literally walk in all the fullness of God as
all His power, might, strength and dominion is mightily working in you
Throughout this book, Moses repeatedly urges his people to go in and (Eph.1:19-23; 3:14-20). You can manifest all the gifts and fruit of the Spirit
possess the land that was set before them. This shows Moses’ selfless (1.Co.12 and 14; Ga.5:22). There is no ‘enough’ for the life in Christ. Covet
heart cry and desire for his people to possess their inheritance though he His best TODAY!
himself was forbidden to enter. He exhorts the younger generation not to
From God’s side, everything was provided for the Israelites. The promise
delay any longer as their fathers had done.
was given to them, and the land was set before them (Dt.1:8). His Spirit
This portrays the heart cry of your God for you to enjoy your full potential and the glory cloud was with them to lead them (Ex.13:21-22; Hag.2:5). His
and privileges in Christ (3.Jn.2). As Canaan was set before them, God has able leadership was provided (Dt.1:9-18). The enemies were given into
set all His riches before you (Eph.1:3; 1.Ti.6:17). He longs for you to enjoy their hands (Dt.1:30). God’s clear instructions were given (Dt.4:1). As a
and immerse yourself in the flood of His blessings. Wandering in lack and father carries his child, He carried them in His bosom all through their
scarcity and wondering ‘why’ is not God’s will for you. It is a great grief to journeys (Dt.1:31). In total, everything was done. There was absolutely no
God’s heart if you don’t avail and access His full provision. The Israelites need for them to dwell long in their wilderness.
missed their Canaan-blessings because of their delay, doubt and disobedience.
Beloved, in Christ, everything is prepared for you (Mt.22:1-4). Jesus
Their example is a wake-up call to you, the new creation.
finished His work on the cross for you (Jn.19:30). The Spirit of His glory is
Delay not! It took 38 years for the Israelites to reach Kadesh-Barnea resting upon you (1.Pe.4:14). All His promises became accomplished facts
which was just an 11-days journey away (Dt.1:2). Can you imagine their for you (2.Co.1:20). God’s Word is set before you to show you your riches
terrible delay?! One day’s journey took them around 1300 days!!! More in Christ. There is no reason for you to live in lack, poverty, sickness,
than a thousand-fold delay! powerlessness and fear! How long will you stay where you are? Start
This is the sad story even of many Christians. We have not appropriated discovering what you have in Christ, and live in your full potential TODAY!
even one in a thousand of God’s blessings available to us in Christ. We are Thank You, Lord, I turn and take my journey. I see that
like little children, playing in the sea shore, hardly touching the water with You have set the land before me. I go in and possess the
out feeble feet. God’s heart is crying for us that all may enjoy the swimming land which You swore to give to me and my descendants
level of God’s blessings (Eze.47:5). First of all, we have not yet comprehended after me. I am diligent to enter my rest because I am in
what God has prepared for us. The Holy Spirit is primarily given to you to Christ.
reveal the things God has freely given to you (1.Co.2:12). Your sense-
Dt.1:6-8; Heb.4:11
knowledge is not enough to know what God has prepared for you. It comes
by revelation only, as you walk with the Holy Spirit and ask Him to open
your eyes to see God’s riches in store for you (Eph.1:14-23). This requires
much time with the Word, especially the New Testament.

527 528
negative reports bred rebellion and murmuring against God, His Word and
His leaders. The words of unbelief made them doubt God’s love and even
SEP 18 DREAD NOT TO POSSESS think He hated them and wanted to destroy them (Dt.1:26-27). It seems for
IN CHRIST a fallen man negative words have more credibility than faith-building words.
This is a warning for every preacher and teacher of the Word. Our words
Look, the LORD your God has set the land before you; go up should always build faith in the hearts of believers and cause them to possess
and possess it, as the LORD God of your fathers has spoken to their inheritance in Christ. Never ever magnify the devil or the obstacles
you; do not fear or be discouraged’. above the privileges and possibilities of life in Christ! No wonder God’s
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fierce judgment fell on those ten spies (Nu.14:36-37). Evil and negative
fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect reports bring plagues and kill multitudes! Beware! The Joshuas need more
in love (Dt.1:21; 1.Jn.4:18). encouragement to possess and make others possess their inheritance
We have seen how God was urging His people to go in and possess
their inheritance. The people had stayed long enough at Horeb. After they Dare not! God heard the doubtful words of the congregation and was
left Horeb, they came to the mountains of the Amorites. There again, the angry. He took an oath that none of them would enter Canaan except Joshua
Lord commanded them to go up and possess the land God had set before and Caleb (Dt.1:34-40). He clearly commanded Israel to turn back into the
them without fear and discouragement (Dt.1:19-21). Fear of the enemy is wilderness and not to fight with the enemies there lest they would be
one of the great hindrances to our possession in Christ. Fear connects you defeated. He even withdrew His Presence! Still, the convicted Israelites
to satan, whereas faith connects you to God! Moses was reiterating the sad went up to fight presumptuously and were chased out as by bees and terribly
experience of Kadesh-Barnea to the younger generation so they might resist defeated. Whatever you do in unbelief is sin! Even if you eat in doubt, the
all forms of fear. food becomes a snare to you. If you do or speak anything without faith, you
are condemned (Ro.14:23). With doubt and unbelief you are unable to face
Doubt not! In spite of God’s definite promise, the Israelites wanted
the enemies and their challenges. Deal with your unbelief before you dare
the spies to be sent out, which is not God's perfect will (Dt.1:22). Resolve
to go to new territories!
today not to test God or His Words even a bit. His Words are already pure,
tried, purified and perfect (Ps.12:6; 19:7). For the Israelites, Canaan was a Beloved, Moses took so much time in his farewell address to explain
promise. For you, it is an accomplished fact. Everything Christ did on the what happened to the Israelites at Kadesh-Barnea to show you the horror
cross should be accepted and embraced without any question. Your health, of unbelief and the cruel consequences of negative words. You are a believer.
wealth, peace, blessings, righteousness, anointing, all are bought on the cross You have the Spirit of faith like Caleb! You already live in your heavenly
and set before you to possess. The enemy that makes you sick, poor, Canaan. Don’t delay in unbelief to possess and enjoy every one of your
confused, sinful, cursed is totally paralyzed and stripped off all his might on blessings. Meditate His Word. Spread His faith message. Dare to act on
the cross. This eternal fact should never be argued or explained away. The the Word. Deal with unbelief. Release your faith. Enjoy your inheritance in
only option for you is to go up and possess by your simple faith. The Israelites Christ TODAY!
could not enter Canaan because of unbelief (Heb.3:19). They didn’t believe Thank You, Lord, now hope does not disappoint, because
the Lord their God who carried them all the way as a man carries his son Your love has been poured out in my heart by the Holy
(Dt.1:31-32). See the horror of unbelief and be a believer! Spirit who was given to me. There is no fear in love; but this
Discourage not! The ten spies brought back to the camp words of perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.
discouragement and made the hearts of the entire congregation melt. Imagine, I have been made perfect in love. I do not fear because I
the discouraging words of only ten spies stopped the entire congregation am in Christ.
and caused them to wander and finally die in the wilderness. The bad, Ro.5:5; 1.Jn.4:18

529 530
While forbidding Israel to dispossess these nations, God commanded
them to possess the land of the Amorites, for they were given to them
SEP 19
BEGIN TO POSSESS IN CHRIST (Dt.2:24). God is our ultimate Source. You will never lose anything by obeying
Him. For a new creation, He gives all things richly to enjoy (1.Ti.6:17). He
gives all things to enjoy, except things that would lead you to sin. What God
You are about to pass through the territory of your brethren, the gives you need to possess and engage in battle (Dt.2:24). In Christ, you are
descendants of Esau… Do not meddle with them, for I will not give blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (Eph.1:3). Still,
you any of their land, no, not so much as one footstep, because I the principalities, powers and all the wicked spirits in the heavenly places
have given Mount Seir to Esau as a possession… Rise, take your will wage war against you to keep you from enjoying your legal right in
journey, and cross over the River Arnon. Look, I have given into Christ. Fight the good fight of faith and establish His Kingship in every area
your hand Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his land. Begin of your life (Eph.6:12; 1.Ti.6:12).
to possess it, and engage him in battle. Remember, God already put the dread and fear of you upon all your
but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, enemies (Dt.2:25). All nations under heaven will tremble and be in anguish
that you may inherit a blessing (Dt.2:4-5,24; 1Pet.3:9). because of you when you dare to walk in your authority.
Beloved, remember the Word of the Lord to the Israelites: ‘See, I have
Life in Christ is a journey like the journey of the Israelites towards begun to give Sihon and his land over to you. Begin to possess it, that you
Canaan. The Word of the Lord and the inner voice of the Spirit guide us in may inherit his land’ (Dt.2:31). See the partnership between God and man
this progressive journey. In this passage, the Israelites were passing through here! God has begun to give Sihon and his land to the Israelites. Now, they
the territory of the Edomites, Moabites and Ammonites (Dt.2:1-6,9-18; 19- had to begin to possess their land. On the cross, your Lord and Savior not
23). God commanded them to spare these people and not to meddle with only began to give your enemies into your hand. He finished His work by
them or harass them at all for God had given those territories to them. destroying all your enemies (Jn.19:30). Now, it is up to you to possess what
the enemy is illegally withholding from you. Remember, every battle means
Though God had given Israel the promise, “Every place on which the a booty for you! Rise up today and take back what the devil stole from you,
sole of your foot treads shall be yours”, He forbade them to try to possess in Jesus Name!
any of these lands (Dt.11:24; Jos.1:3). This shows the clear indication/
distinction? between walking in the Logos Word or in the Rhema Word. Thank You, Lord, I will not trust in uncertain riches but
The Lord who commanded His disciples to go into the whole world to preach in the living God, who gives me richly all things to enjoy. I
the Gospel to every creature is the same who forbade them to preach the will bless knowing that I was called to this, that I may
Word in Asia and Bythinia at one time (Mt.28:19-20; Mk.16:15; Ac.16:6-7). inherit a blessing and inherit the riches of the glory of His
In your walk in Christ you need to be led by His Spirit, constantly hearing inheritance in the saints because I am in Christ.
His whispering in your spirit, to live and enjoy your life in Christ. He will I Tim.6:17; 1Pet.3:9; Eph.1:19
lead you according to His Word and His timings.
What God gives, He guards. He is the One who gave Mount Seir to
Esau and Ar to the descendants of Lot as a possession (Dt.2:4,9). He strictly
told the Israelites that He would not give any of their land, not so much as
one footstep, to them (Dt.2:5). Our God never violates His principles. See
how He guarded what He had given even to the unbelievers! If God could
give this much to the descendants of profane Esau and the descendants of
Lot, born through incest, how much more will He give to you, His most
beloved child in Christ, and guard your possessions (Heb.12:16; Ge.19:30-
38). Please stay away from whatever God forbids! Whatever God gives,
possess and enjoy freely!

531 532
King Solomon had twelve governors over all Israel. They provided
food for the king and all his household and all who came to his table, each
SEP 20 governor for one month of the year (1.Ki.4:7,27). There was no lack in their
LACKED NOTHING IN CHRIST supply! Just read about Solomon’s daily requirement of provision, and you
will appreciate the abundance of his supply (1.Ki.4:22-26). Can you imagine
For the LORD your God has blessed you in all the work of your life in Christ could have less than this standard? Your Savior is greater than
hand. He knows your trudging through this great wilderness. These Solomon (Mt.12:42; Lk.11:31). You are His household (Ga.6:10; Eph.2:19).
forty years the LORD your God has been with you; you have lacked You are seated with Him in the heavenlies, enjoying the delicacies of His
nothing. royal table (Eph.1:21)! How could you be in lack and want?! King Solomon
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, lacked nothing. In Christ, not only wealth and riches but even health, peace,
always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance joy and all other blessings are yours. He is your Good Shepherd (Jn.10:1).
for every good work (Dt.2:7; 2.Cor.9:8). You shall not want or lack anything (Ps.23:1). Green pastures and still waters,
righteous path, anointing oil are yours in Christ.
We have seen how God commanded Israel not to meddle with the While reminding the Israelites of what He had done in the past, God
Edomites, Moabites and Ammonites. He commanded them to buy food and clearly said that He had blessed them in all the work of their hand (Dt.2:7).
water from them with money while passing through their territory (Dt.2:6). This is another great blessing of life in Christ. Whatever you do shall prosper
Imagine! God had provided enough money to buy food and even water for (Ps.1:3). Every work you undertake shall be blessed (Dt.28:12; 30:9). This
almost 30 million people plus all their livestock! God is your great Source, is your right in Christ. You must succeed in your job, your business, your
and He always supplies more than enough for you. If people under the Old studies and all you set your hand to.
Covenant had that much, how much more supply you should expect in Christ! Beloved, surely life in Christ is a prepared table in the presence of your
In our Scripture today, God boldly proclaims that all the forty years of enemies (Ps.23:5). God never wants you to lack any good thing, and He
their wanderings in the wilderness, the Israelites lacked nothing for He was won’t withhold any good thing from you. Please don’t accept the lack of
with them! He had even blessed all the works of their hands. This should finance, lack of health, or lack of power as norm. Walk in your fullness in
encourage every believer in Christ. If the people under Moses lacked nothing Christ TODAY!
in midst of the dry desert, can you lack anything under your Savior Jesus!? Thank You, Lord, You have blessed me in all the work of
Can the people of the Old Covenant be better off than you who live under my hand. You have been with me, and I lack nothing. I shall
the better Covenant (Heb.8:6)? Is the mediator Moses more excellent than not lack any good thing. No good thing will You withhold
your Mediator Jesus? The servants, the Israelites, could have this much from me. You are able to make all grace abound toward me,
supply, can the children of God lack anything, any day? Can the shadow be that I, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have
brighter than the substance? Think about it! an abundance for every good work because I am in Christ.
In Christ, there is no lack of any good thing. He supplies all your need Dt.2:7; Ps.34:9-10; 84:11; 2.Cor.9:8
according to His riches (Phil.4:19). Your God is not stingy! There is nothing
He cannot provide in Christ. When Jesus was walking on this earth as a
human without a place to lay His head, He was able to provide His disciples
with everything they needed for their life and ministry (Mt.8:20). He sent
them without change of dress or money purse, yet at the end of His earthly
ministry He asked them, “When I sent you without money bag, sack and
sandals, did you lack anything?” So they said, “Nothing!” (Lk.22:35). What
a supply! What a testimony! What a faithful God! Now, the One who sent
you to this world is sitting on the Highest Throne of the universe. He supplies
you according to His riches. Will you lack anything? Rebel against any
lack! Receive your inheritance! Release it to the nations!
533 534
fullness belong to your God (Ps.24:1; 50:12; 89:11; 1.Co.10:26). That earth
and all authority over it is given to you, His beloved child (Ps.115:16;
SEP 21 Mt.28:18). When you claim the victory of the cross over the prince of this
CONQUEST IN CHRIST world, you will possess lands, buildings, even cities, for the Kingdom of
God. It is God’s time for you to evacuate the enemy and possess the lands
“But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass through, for and buildings for God! All the cities of Bashan were taken by the Israelites.
the LORD your God hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate, There was not a city which they didn’t take (Dt.3:4)! Claim this blessing for
that He might deliver him into your hand, as it is this day. And the you TODAY! Your God is very anxious and willing to give you lands and
LORD said to me, ‘See, I have begun to give Sihon and his land properties if you only dare to accept it! Since the church is not daring to
over to you. Begin to possess it, that you may inherit his land.’ claim its right, sinful and wicked people possess and rule the land.
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Possession is for sharing: When the Israelites possessed these two
Jesus Christ (Dt.2:30-31; 1.Co.15:57). great kingdoms, God commanded them to divide them between Reuben,
Manasseh and the half tribe of Gilead. All the men of valor were engaged in
the battle until all the tribes possessed their inheritance. There is no place
The conquest of Sihon, king of the Ammorites at Heshbon and Og, king for selfishness or self-centeredness in the army of God! Everything you
of Bashan was celebrated as a historic victory for the Israelites (Ps.135:11; possess is for Kingdom purposes. Everything you own must bless the entire
136:19-20). These two countries were the stronghold of the enemies and Body of Christ since you don’t live for yourself any longer (2.Co.5:15).
the most fruitful land, too. Pondering this victory will give you some of the Remember, you cannot establish God’s Kingdom on this earth without owning
keys to snatching the best out of the enemy’s hand through a spiritual battle. the literal land. Please don’t settle for rented buildings. Aim at owning for
No conquest without conflict: God clearly spoke to Moses to “engage God!
him in battle” in order to possess (Dt.2:24; 3:1). Satan, the prince of this Beloved, never be afraid of challenges! There is no stronghold you
world, wages war against you when you try to possess the land, riches, cannot break through! There is no giant that can stop your progress! There
honor, anointing, health, happy home, exciting life or anything he is holding are no high walls and fortified cities that you cannot possess! Your Savior
back from you illegally. Like the Israelites, you must battle to possess what has destroyed all principalities and powers on the cross and stripped the
is already given to you by God. Remember, you own what you won! For prince of this world totally naked (Col.2:15)! Claim possessions! Win the
every new endeavor you will face new challenges. Don’t be surprised! lost! Own the lands! Build His Church! Rise up boldly! Challenge the
Thank God, your victory is bought on the cross! Now, your battle is only a challenges! Laugh at impossibilities! Go forward TODAY!
faith battle. Claim what is yours in Christ and command satan to take off his
hands from your rights and privileges! Thank You, Lord, I do not fear, for You have delivered
my enemy and all his people and his land into my hand. I
The greater the enemy, the greater your booty: When the Israelites begin to possess it, that I may inherit his land. The heaven,
sent messengers of peace to these kings, they refused and hardened their even the heavens, are Yours, but the earth You have given
hearts. The Lord allowed their spirits to be hardened in order to give His to me, because I am in Christ.
people a great victory and a great booty. The kings’ gigantic appearance
and their formidable forces should never discourage you (Dt.3:5,11)! Dt.3:2; 2:31; Ps.115:16
Remember, no matter how intense your challenges may be, your victory
shall be greater. Greater hardness and greater size of your enemies is for
greater victory and greater possessions (Ex.4:21; Jos.11:20)! Take heart
Victory over the enemy includes all his possessions: God said to
Moses, “Do not fear him for I have delivered him and all his people and his
land into your hand” (Dt.3:2). When you conquer the enemy, you will own
multitudes of souls along with lands and properties. The earth and all its

535 536
possess it. You can be your Daddy’s heir, staying in His own house, but still
SEP 22 FEAR NOT NEW TERRITORIES not enjoying even a little goat from His riches (Lk.15:29,31)!
IN CHRIST Fourthly, it is you who must go and possess! Nobody else will do it for
you, not even God! God did His part on the cross (Jn.19:30). You better do
your part (Mt.28:20; Mk.16:15)! Going and possessing demands your energy
And the LORD said to me, ‘Do not fear him, for I have delivered and your effort. Put your faith into action, risking everything, trusting God.
him and all his people and his land into your hand; you shall do to He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will
him as you did to Sihon king of the Amorites, who dwelt at Heshbon’. not reap (Ecc.11:4).
For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but Fifthly, turn every promise of God into a praise and possession. God
you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father” has promised Israel’s forefathers to give Canaan to them. Now, they had to
(Dt.3:2; Ro.8:15). be smart enough to fulfill God’s promises. If God has promised anything to
you, don’t plead and beg! Just praise and begin to act. See what God has
Life in Christ is totally free from fear. Throughout the book of accomplished on the cross for you. Don’t wait and wail for its fulfillment!
Deuteronomy, God encouraged His people not to fear at all. Fear is the Just praise and possess!
opposite of faith. Fear paralyzes you and deprives you of your victory. Fear Beloved, don’t fear new experiences in Christ. Don't fear to receive
drives you out of your possession. Fear keeps you from taking any the baptism of the Holy Spirit and to have direct communication and fellowship
responsibilities. Fear is cruel and must be treated like a terrible and deadly with Him (Lk.11:11-12; 2.Co.13:14). Don’t fear to operate in the supernatural
disease. Fear is a spirit as faith is a spirit. Thank God, you are a believer manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells in you
with a spirit of faith. At least five kinds of fear are mentioned in this book with all His wisdom, knowledge, healings, miracles and manifestations. Don’t
for us to resist. fear to have the blessings of God's prosperity. To establish God's Kingdom
No fear of new territories: At their first arrival at Kadesh, Moses on this earth you need financial prosperity (Lk.8:18). Don’t be afraid of
commanded his people nor to fear neither to be discouraged but to possess starting new projects and going to new regions. The whole world is your
the land of the Amorites (Dt.1:21). Before you enter any new level or field. Use all the means and novel technologies to fulfill His commission.
territory, fear will try to grip you. It could be straight from hell or from your Learn new languages! Study new subjects! Acquire new skills (Eccl.9:10)!
own fallen nature. It is impossible to possess anything with fear in your No more fear of new territories!
heart. Resist fear with all your strength in Jesus’ Name, and step into the Thank You, Lord, You have set the land before me. I go
new level of glory, anointing, riches, health and vitality. Every time you up and possess it, as You have spoken to me. I do not fear.
overcome fear and doubt, you are promoted into a new level and enlarge I am not discouraged. Whatever my hand finds to do, I do
your territory. Let us see a few steps how to overcome this fear of new it with all my might, because I am in Christ.
territories. Dt.1:21; Pr.9:10
Firstly, you must see that all God’s possession is given into your hand.
God Himself had given all the land of Canaan into Israel’s hands. When you
see that everything is given to you, your faith increases to dispel fear.
Secondly, you must see that your God Almighty is involved and interested
in taking you into new levels of possession. He is ambitious and jealous to
take you into all His fullness. He is grieved when you stay where you are
spiritually for a long time. He longs to see you growing into high levels of
glory, authority and influence.
Thirdly, you must know that possessing new territories is completely aanni must cgh
your choice. The Lord had set the land before Israel. It was up to them to

537 538
the stronghold of fearful thoughts and imaginations (2.Co.10:4). You can
refuse to think fear, talk fear and act fear!
SEP 23
FEAR NOT THE ENEMIES Fourthly, see that all your enemies are delivered into your hand. In the
Old Testament, God repeatedly said, “I will deliver him and all his people
IN CHRIST into your hand” (Dt.3:2). After Calvary, all your enemies are already
And the LORD said to me, ‘Do not fear him, for I have delivered delivered into your hand! (Mt.10:1). It’s definitely not God’s will for you to
him and all his people and his land into your hand; you shall do to be defeated before even one single enemy! You can smite them until NONE
him as you did to Sihon king of the Amorites, who dwelt at Heshbon.’ is left (Dt.3:3)!
So the LORD our God also delivered into our hands Og king of Fifthly, remember your past victories. Constant remembrance of your
Bashan, with all his people, and we attacked him until he had no past victories will drive out the fear of new challenges. Not only the eternal
survivors remaining. victory of Calvary, but also the battles you have won in the past will build up
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks your faith and banish fear. See how God reminded them: “you shall do to
about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, him as you did to Sihon king of the Amorites” (Dt.3:2). David’s memory of
steadfast in the faith… ((Dt.3:2-3; 1.Pe.5:8-9). how he slew both lion and bear enabled him to say, “this uncircumcised
Philistine will be like one of them” (1.Sa.17:34-36).
Almost before every warfare and new possession, God warned His One of the scriptures that shock me to the core is found in Jeremiah
people not to be afraid of the enemies. Victory is not possible with fear in 1:17: “…Do not be dismayed before their faces, lest I dismay you before
your heart. Fear increases the power of the enemy. The king of Bashan them.” The NRSV translation says, “Do not break down before them, or I
was one of the mighty giants of his day (Dt.3:11). It was very natural for will break you before them.” The fear of death, the greatest fear was
the Israelites to give in to panic and fear so God commanded them not to destroyed on the cross. Nothing more to fear now (Heb.2:14-15)! You have
fear. Let’s see a few tips to overcome the fear of enemies from this passage. not received the spirit of bondage again to fear (Ro.8:15)! You can boldly
proclaim, “I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all
Firstly, never focus more on the enemy than on your God. The size of
my fears” (Ps.34:4).
the enemy has nothing to do with your victory. Your God is the One who
does the battle (Ex.14:14; 2.Chr.20:17). There is not even one verse in the Beloved, Did your Jesus ever fear once? You are one with Him now.
Bible that tells you to fear the devil! We are commanded to acknowledge You can stand fearless before satan, demons, stroms of life and dreaded
the Lord in all our ways, not the enemy and his maneuvers (Pr.3:6-7). “When disease just like your Jesus (1.Co.6:17).
you go out to battle against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and Thank You, Lord, through death You destroyed him who
people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the LORD had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release me
your God is with you…” (Dt.20:1). Be more conscious of the Greater One who through fear of death was all my lifetime subject to
who lives in you (1.Jn.4:4). bondage. I did not receive the spirit of bondage again to
Secondly, tune your spiritual ears to the personal voice and the written fear, but I received the Spirit of adoption by whom I cry
Word of God. Rhema-Word, which is the sword of the Spirit, quickly dispels out, “Abba, Father”, because I am in Christ.
the fear of the enemy. Just before confronting the king of Bashan, Moses Heb.2:14-15; Ro.8:15
heard the voice of God. That gave Israel enormous courage to smite the
enemies. When your are enlightened, you will see your high position in
Christ over your enemies (Eph.1:14-21).
Thirdly, not to fear the enemy is purely your choice. You need not ask
God to remove fear. If it were God’s job, He wouldn’t command you
repeatedly not to fear. You have the power to resist any form of fear, but
you can also yield to it. Fear is a demon. You are authorized and empowered
to resist and cast it away (Lk.10:19)! You have divine weapons to pull down

539 540
as you take their place and position. “…so will the LORD do to all the
FEAR NOT kingdoms through which you pass” (Dt.3:21). Your God is impartial. Why
SEP 24
IN CHRIST Believe in God’s honor: When God calls you into any position, He will
honor you publicly. Moses summoned Joshua in the sight of all Israel to
And I commanded Joshua at that time, saying, ‘Your eyes have confirm his calling and confer his honor upon him (Nu.27:18-20). Jesus
seen all that the LORD your God has done to these two kings; so will affirmed that the Father Himself will honor those who serve Him (Jn.12:26).
the LORD do to all the kingdoms through which you pass. You must The God of the universe honors you! Why fear?
not fear them, for the LORD your God Himself fights for you’. Believe in God’s strength: God’s strength will abound in your weakness
and cause you to complete your ministry (2.Co.12:9). God works effectively
And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid. From now on you
in you to fulfill your responsibilities (Ga.2:8). “As your days, so shall your
will catch men” (Dt.3:21-22; Lk.5:10).
strength be” (Dt.33:25). He is your strength. Why fear?
Believe in your mission: When God calls you for a higher position, He
Life in Christ happily assumes God-given responsibilities without fear. has already assigned your mission, your message, your ministry partners,
Here we see another “fear not!” spoken to the budding leader Joshua. etc. Joshua’s mission was clearly assigned before (Dt.31:7). You are sent
Naturally, we fear to accept huge responsibilities. Every leader in the Bible with a divine purpose. Why fear?
showed fear and panic when God called him into leadership. Even the great Believe in your calling and grace: God’s grace always goes with your
Moses was trembling in fear when God called him, and cried, who am I that calling. It is irrevocable and inseparable. Everybody will recognize your
I should go to Pharaoh? (Ex.3:11). The great apostle Peter felt guilty and grace for your calling and stand with you (Ga.2:9; Ro.12:3). His grace
fearful in the Presence of Jesus and even asked Him to depart from him. abounds in all your weakness. Why fear?
Jesus dispelled his fear by saying, “Fear not!” (Lk.5:8-10).
Believe in His faithfulness: The One who calls and equips you will
If you feel God has called you for a higher mission, hear the Word of stand with you faithfully till you finish your race (Dt.31:8). He who began a
the Lord that came to Joshua: “Be strong and of good courage, for you good work in you will complete it (Phil.1:6). He is faithful! Why fear?
must go with this people to the land which the LORD has sworn to their
Beloved, God’s anointing is upon you to make your ministry a delight
fathers to give them..... He will be with you, He will not leave you nor
and dignity (Dt.34:9). His yoke is always easy and light (Mt.11:29). Don’t
forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed” (Dt.31:7-8).
be afraid of accepting God’s high calling. It’s the greatest life! Shed fear
You can never fulfill God’s mission in your life with fear. Extraordinary and shine for Jesus TODAY!
courage is needed for extraordinary missions. ‘Fear not!’ is not God’s counsel
Thank You, Lord, Your gifts and calling are irrevocable.
or advice but His strong command. Living in fear is living in disobedience
As my days, so shall my strength be. You will honor me as
and sin. “Whatever is not from faith is sin” (Ro.14:23). The man with the
I serve You, because I am in Christ.
one talent buried it only because of fear. God wants you to develop every
skill He has given you (Mt.25:24-25)! Dare to use it! Dare to expand it! Ro.11:29; Dt.33:25; Jn.12:26
New responsibilities always produce new fears. Resist them! Let us consider
some tips to overcome the fear of leadership responsibilities right from this
Believe in God’s training in your life: If God is calling you for a ministry
and a position of leadership, He has given you enough training in the past.
He never heaps responsibilities on an untrained, feeble shoulders. “Your
eyes have seen all that the LORD your God has done to these two kings”
(Dt.3:21). You are well-trained. Why fear?
Believe in God’s accomplishments through others: What God has ever
achieved through His leaders in the past, He is able to do through you also,

541 542
(Jn.14:12). Who can deny the incomparable supernatural world-influencing
SEP 25
FEAR NOT ministry of these ordinary disciples! Fear not!
LEADERS' DEPARTURE Mantle stays: The minister may go or fail, but the mantle and the
anointing he carried stays till the end of this world. When the chariots of
IN CHRIST fire separated Elisha from his great hero and mentor, he wept bitterly. He
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; felt like a fatherless child and cried, “My father, my father, the chariot of
for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not Israel and its horsemen!” (2.Ki.2:12). The chariot that had carried the entire
leave you nor forsake you. nation was taken up forever. Of course, Elisha was perplexed, but not
The former account I made, o Theophilus, of all that Jesus began despaired. He didn’t allow fear or panic to set in and paralyze him. He
both to do and teach, until the day in which He was taken up, after He knew the prophet had gone, but the mantle of the prophet was there for him
through the Holy Spirit had given commandments to the apostles to take and use. The miracle worker had gone, but the miracle mantle
whom He had chosen (Dt.31:6; Ac.1:1-2). remains. Mighty apostles have gone, but the apostolic mantle is still here.
With this revelation, the man who washed the hands of Elijah received the
double portion of his mentor, and even his bones manifested the resurrection
We can understand the fear and helplessness of the people when Moses power of God (2.Ki.13:21). Yes, the Spirit of the living God is still brooding
was about to depart from them. The man who had carried the entire nation over this earth. Your Savior has gone to be with the Father, but your divine
on his bosom, the one who knew God face to face and brought God's heart Parakletos will abide with you forever (Jn.14:16). Fear not!
to people, the man of miracles and wonders and high honor, the great
Master stays: Your earthly masters may go or fail, but your heavenly
intercessor is about to leave his darling people forever!
Master stays forever! Isaiah saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and
The people had thousands of questions like, who will lead such a big lifted up, when his earthly master and king Uzziah died. The mortal king
nation? Who can replace this great leader? Who will fight their battles of died, but the immortal King is alive (Isa.6:1). Hear the Master’s voice, “Lo,
the Lord? Whom will they approach for their food and water? Where will I am with you always, even to the end of the age… I will never leave you
they go to hear the God's direct word? I can easily imagine the panic and nor forsake you.” Now you can boldly say, “The LORD is my helper; I will
fear of the people and the leaders. It was at that time that the man of God not fear. What can man do to me?” (Mt.28:20; Heb.13:5-6).
roared like a thunder, “FEAR NOT!”
Beloved, you are still in this world to carry the mantle of God’s heroes
Child of God, the man of God may leave you or fail you, but the God of of the past. You are here to continue their ministries. The Master of heaven
that man never leaves you nor fails you. Yes, you have seen many mighty and earth is with you, and He will never leave you nor forsake you. Fear
giants of God leaving this world. Maybe you heard about the failures of not!
great servants of God, but nothing should cause you to panic or fear.
Thank You, Lord, and let us run with endurance the race
Ministry stays: Ministers may go, but the ministry stays. Always that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and
remember, when Moses leaves, there is a Joshua. When Elijah leaves, there finisher of our faith. lo, You are with me always, even to
is an Elisha. When the Lord leaves, there is the Holy Spirit. God’s ministry the end of the age. I believe in You, the works that You do
will continue till the return of your ascended Lord. Man may die, but the I will do also; and greater works than these You will do,
mandate of heaven must be carried on. Your Savior was sent to this world because You go to Your Father because I am in Christ.
with a great mission. He did innumerable miracles (Jn.21:25). The time for
His departure had come. He had finished His Father’s commission but still, Heb.12:1 ; Mt.28:20; Jn.14:12
the Bible says everything Jesus ever did was just a beginning (Ac.1:1). His
ministry and message had to be carried on by His disciples. This task looked
like a huge mountain before the unlearned, unbelieving disciples. Their hearts
were gripped with enormous fear. Jesus dispelled their fears saying, “Most
assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do
also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father”

543 544
this truth, who will be majority - pagan temples or Jahwe temples? Now is
SEP 26 the time for the Body of Christ to see the glory and power of God working
FEAR NOT IDOL POWERS in them mightily!
IN CHRIST Elijah mocking gods: One man with God is majority! The one man
Elijah was standing before 850 pagan prophets like an immovable rock and
They provoked Him to jealousy with foreign gods; with bound their power. He was extremly bold to mock at their lifeless Gods.
abominations they provoked Him to anger. They sacrificed to The chanting, mantras, leaping, gushing blood, nothing could move this Spirit-
demons, not to God, to gods they did not know, to new gods, new filled man even a bit. Such is the power of the Holy Ghost in you! No
arrivals that your fathers did not fear. sorcery, no divination can touch you, God’s covenant partner (Nu.23:23;
…we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no Isa.54:17).
other God but one… (Dt.32:16-17; 1.Co.8:4-6). You have all power to bind and loose (Mt.16:19). His successor Jehu
even broke down baal’s temple and made it a permanent latrine (2.Ki.10:27).
Life in Christ never fears idols or their power. As God is moving all Rise up with this zeal of Elijah and Jehu! Fear not!
over the world with His revival power, you will see the devil’s revival also. Paul in Athens: Athens was the most idol-infested city of the ancient
Everywhere, idols and temples will increase as the devil knows his time is world. Paul was least intimidated by it, rather His spirit was highly stirred
short (Rev.12:12). Witchcraft, sorcery and spiritism will abound. Satan will up in him. He became bold to declare the vanity of their gods and won quite
throw his arrows of fear and panic against the Body of Christ. This is the a number of people to Christ (Ac.17:16-34). When he went to Ephesus in
time to wage war aganist fear. the power of the Holy Ghost, the entire idol city was swept by the power of
The horror of fear: The Israelites constantly provoked God by their the Gospel. The temple committee that accumulated great wealth through
idol worship. They sacrificed to those demon gods whom their forefathers the idol business lost their jobs (Ac.19:18-27). The God of Paul lives in you!
neither feared nor bowed down to (Dt.32:17)! Fearing idol powers was the Fear not!
main cause for the Israelites’ idol worship. If you fear idols and demon Beloved, as you walk in your new creation privileges and in the power
gods, you attribute power to them, which is equal to worship. God of Daniel of the Holy Ghost, you will see with your own eyes an idol-destroying,
and his friends is with you (Dan.3). Fear not! demon-expelling revival. Even the names of idol gods will be forgotten
Idols are nothing: Idols are absolutely nothing but man-made dolls (Zec.13:1-2). Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess the Lordship
and they have no power to harm you anyway (1.Co.8:4; Ps.115:4-8). The of your Savior (Phil.2:9-11). FEAR NOT!
only power idols carry now is when people worship them and invite demons Thank You, Lord, You will cut off the names of the idols
to indwell them. When the Gentiles worship their gods, they actually offer from our land, and they shall no longer be remembered. You
worship and sacrifices to the demons behind the idol (1.Co.10:20). What will also cause the false prophets and the unclean spirit to
does it matter to you?! Demons are not your superiors! You can easily depart from our land. I am of You and have overcome
resist them, drive them crazy and ultimately crush them under your feet them, because You who are in me are greater than he who
(Mk.16:17; Jas.4:7; 1.Pe.5:8; Lk.10:19; Ro.16:20). Fear not! is in the world, because I am in Christ.
Ark in dagon’s temple: The revelation of what the ark of God did to Zec.13:2; 1.Jn.4:4
the national god dagon will banish your fear of idols forever. The Philistines
brought the Ark of God to their idol temple to prove the powerlessness of
the God of the Hebrews. What foolishness! God’s power rose up against
their god and threw dagon on its face to pay homage to the true God. On
the next morning, their god had lost its head and its hands (1.Sa.5:1-12).
Brain lost, power lost! This is the power of your God! Fear not!
As a new creation, you are God’s ark in this idol-filled world. You are a
mobile temple of the mighty Holy Ghost. If every believer in a city realizes
545 546
Encouragement by fellowship: In God’s eternal wisdom, He ordained
the fellowship of His saints to be a great source of encouragement. The
SEP 27
ENCOURAGERS IN CHRIST Old Covenant people lived, travelled and worshipped as a community to
protect and to encourage one another. Even in the New Covenant, God has
ordained the gathering of His saints to encourage one another. We are
‘Go up to the top of Pisgah, and lift your eyes… for you shall not drawing closer to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Persecution against
cross over this Jordan. But command Joshua, and encourage him the Church is increasing. Hatred and evil deeds are on the rise. This is the
and strengthen him; for he shall go over before this people, and he clarion call for the saints to consider one another in order to stir up love and
shall cause them to inherit the land which you will see. good works, not forsaking the assembling, but exhorting and encouraging
one another” (Hebrews 10:24-25). Every child of God should seek and
…that is, that I may be encouraged together with you by the strive for opportunities to encourage others. Why not you pray and call
mutual faith both of you and me (Dt.3:27-28; Ro.1:12) . somebody with a word of encouragement right now?
Encouragement by the Savior: Your Savior came into this world to
Life in Christ is a life of constant encouragement. The more Christ bring divine comfort and courage. He spoke loving words of encouragement
lives and moves in you, the more you become an encourager. God in His to the grieving (Lk.7:13). He spoke faith to the fearful (Mk.4:40). He spoke
wisdom has called some of His people specially to encourage His Body, the assurance and solace to the anxious (Mt.6:25-30). He spoke resurrection to
Church. Here in this passage, God repeatedly told Moses to encourage and the wavering (Lk.8:50-52). He spoke His willingness to heal to the doubting
strengthen his successor Joshua. (Mt.8:2-4). He promised might ministry to the timid (Mt.4:19; Lk.5:10). He
Encouragement needed: There is no one in this world or in God’s predicted the divine Comforter to the lonely (Jn.14:18,26). He proclaimed
church who doesn’t need encouragement. Even the great heroes like Moses, His superb peace to His troubled disciples (Jn.14:27; 16:33).
Joshua, Paul and the apostles needed to be encouraged. In this world, there Beloved, this great heavenly Encourager lives in you. He longs to touch
are tribulations, trials and discouragements everywhere (Jn.16:33). Even and comfort and encourage the depressed, discouraged, downtrodden people.
the great apostles who moved intimately with the risen Savior needed the Let Him do His ministry through you today and every day of your life!
sons of encouragement and consolation like Barnabas (Ac.4:36). The great Thank You, Lord, You comfort me in all my tribulation.
apostle Paul was encouraged by the mutual faith of his own church he had I am able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the
founded (Ro.1:12). All around you, satan places his people to discourage comfort with which I am comforted by You. I strengthen
you. In Christ God knows how to encourage you through His servants at the hands hang down and the feeble knees. I consider
the time of your need as He knows your challenges. others in order to stir up love and good works. I forsake not
Encouragement by leadership: To be under a leader who discovers the assembling of ourselves together, but exhort others,
your abilities and talents and stirs them up is a great blessing to you. Joshua and so much the more as I see the Day approaching,
became a great leader because of the instruction, inspiration and impartation because I am in Christ.
of his father-leader Moses. Timothy became an apostle by the constant 2.Co.1:4; Heb.12:12; 10:24-25
encouragement of Paul to stir up his gifts. This is God’s pattern for His new
creations today.
Encouragement by prophecy: Moses, the great prophet, encouraged
Joshua through prophesying over his life (Dt.31:7-8). Prophetic words
strengthen and embolden the Church and its leadership. That is why the gift
of prophecy which brings edification, encouragement and comfort is to be
coveted in a special way (1.Co.14:1,3). Here, Moses identified the calling
and the ministry of Joshua and predicted that he would lead God’s people
into their possessions. He also assured him of God’s Presence and faithfulness
to him. No wonder his successor became a real success!

547 548
life. Your heavenly Canaan-life has everything you need, both for this world
SEP 28 and for the world to come. Nobody can drive you out of your Canaan if you
WORD-LIFE IN CHRIST live a Word-soaked life. You possess new lands, new businesses, riches and
honor, health and vitality, peace and harmony as you keep reading and
heeding His Word. Do you lack any blessing in your life? Mark it and explore
Now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the judgments which I God’s Word! Find out the promises concerning your need! Remember, God’s
teach you to observe, that you may live, and go in and possess the Word is God’s vehicle that carries God’s blessings!
land which the LORD God of your fathers is giving you. Light by the Word: God promised His people that His Word would be
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words their wisdom and understanding, and all the nations would testify, “Surely
that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life (Dt.4:1; Jn.6:63). this great nation is a wise and understanding people” (Dt.4:6). Indeed, the
wisdom and skill of the Israelites were always a great wonder and admiration
for all nations worldwide. Imagine the wisdom of Joseph, David, Solomon
Life in Christ is life in the Word. Jesus Himself is the Word incarnated and Daniel! In Christ, the One greater than Solomon has become your
(Jn.1:1-4,14). Living and enjoying life by the Word is one of the main themes wisdom, understanding and skill for every day and every challenge of your
of the book of Deuteronomy. life (Mt.12:42; Col.2:3)! The more you grow in His Word, the more you
Life by the Word: God commanded His people to observe His Word grow in His wisdom! His wisdom is all-inclusive to solve the challenges of
so they might live and go in to possess their Promised Land (Dt.4:1). Their everyday-life.
attitude towards the Word decided their entry into Canaan. A Christ-filled Beloved, when the Church is full of God’s Word, it will excel in all
life is totally a Word-filled life. The faith for salvation was given to you as a wisdom and skill so that the whole world will admire and call the church a
gift when you heard the word of salvation (Eph.2:8). You are born again wise community (Dt.4:6). Young Timothy knew the Holy Scriptures from
through His Word (1.Pe.1:23). His Word is Spirit and life (Jn.6:63). When his childhood so well that he became a mighty, wise apostle who shared
Mary heard the Word of God and yielded to it, Jesus was conceived in her Paul’s anointing (2.Ti.3:15). This Word-wisdom keeps you from sin and
(Lk.1:38,45). The new life you received came through God’s Seed, His sickness. The world covets human wisdom and knowledge, but you know
Word. You are a Word-baby! how to tap into divine wisdom through God’s Word (Jas.1:5). Use His wisdom
Living by the Word: You not only received His life through the Word, TODAY!
but you also constantly live, breathe, flourish, and enjoy that life through His Thank You, Lord, I listen to the statutes and the
Word. The Israelites in the wilderness not only lived by bread but by every judgments which You teach me to observe, that I may live,
word that proceeded from the Mouth of God (Dt.8:3). They lived and and go in and possess the land which You are giving me. I am
survived by the daily provision of manna which symbolizes His Word. The careful to observe them; for this is my wisdom and my
just shall live by faith (Hab.2:4; Ro.1:17; Ga.3:11; Heb.10:38)! Faith is the understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all
product of the Word of God. Faith-life is Word-life. Christ-life is Word-life. these statutes, and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise
The life you received in Christ grows faster and stronger as you feed on the and understanding people.’ Your Word is a lamp to my feet
Word of God. Your life in Christ cannot flourish without strong, regular and a light to my path because I am in Christ.
nourishment from God’s Word (1.Pe.2:2). God’s Word to you is heavenly
Dt.4:1,6; Ps.119:105
milk, heavenly bread and heavenly meat. For every progress in your Christian
life you need a greater portion of God’s Word.
Lavished by the Word: All the riches and blessings of Canaan
depended upon the obedience of the Israelites to God’s Word. Not only to
enter Canaan, but even to stay and enjoy Canaan, the Israelites were taught
the Word of God. As they fashioned their life according to God’s Word,
they could remain in their God-given possession. In Christ, the more you
love and live by God’s Word, the more you avail the privileges of your new

549 550
nations (Ex.33:16). The God of Israel is not only among you but right within
you. Can you imagine you are the very habitation of God!? God walks in
SEP 29 you, moves in you, lives in you, manifests through you! Your very body
YOU ARE GREAT IN CHRIST carries the great Presence of God (1.Co.3:16; 6:19; 2.Co.6:16; Col.1:27;
Isa.60:1-2). How could you not be great!? As you see and treasure this
Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom presence in you, the world will begin to see it (Ge.21:22).Cheer up!
and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all The prayer-answers of God: No other nation could go to God and
these statutes, and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and get their prayers answered like His covenant-people. Israel became great
understanding people.’ For what great nation is there that has God because “for whatever reason” they could call upon Him (Dt.4:7). Read all
so near to it, as the LORD our God is to us, for whatever reason we the miraculous prayer answers in the Bible. It is a great privilege to call
may call upon Him? upon God and to see great and mighty things (Jer.33:3). Pagans pray to the
Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has gods who don't listen them. Your God hears even your whisperings. In Christ
not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the all your prayers are answered in His name for the glory of the Father God.
kingdom of heaven is greater than he (Dt.4:6-7; Mt.11:11). You are chosen and ordained to receive answers (Jn.14:13-14; Jn.15:16;
16:23; Mt.7:7-8)! He is willing and able to do exceeding abundantly more
than you could ask, think or even dream about (Eph.3:20)! Anytime – for
Life in Christ is a great life. Even under the Old Covenant, God’s people anything – anywhere you can have what you ask for. You are truly great!
were great in every way. Needless to say, the new creation is far greater.
Let us ponder how and where we are greater. The precepts of God: The Covenant people became great because
of the great and righteous precepts and statutes of God. “And what great
The prudence of God: By receiving the Word of God, the Israelites nation is there that has such statutes and righteous judgments…” (Dt.4:8).
became wise and understanding people in the eyes of all the other nations. One cannot but admire God’s righteous and wise laws even in the Old
The entire world could testify that they were great in wisdom and Testament. They were so meticulous! God was concerned about every
understanding (Dt.4:6). Joseph, who lived in the abrahamic covenant, became single detail of His people. Cleansing laws, health laws, dietary laws, etc.!
great through his wisdom and discernment. The great emperor Pharaoh Your Savior raised the standard far above the righteous laws of the Old
himself testified, there is none as discerning and wise as he is. That wisdom Covenant (Mt.5:21f,27f,33f,38f,43f).
lifted his head high above others (Ge.41:38-40). Daniel’s wisdom was well-
known to his generation. The royal people saw the wisdom of God and Beloved, realise how great you are, because of the great Word of God,
excellent spirit, knowledge and understanding abounding in him (Da.5:10- great presence of God, great prayer answers, and great standard of living
12). Who could ignore the great wisdom and exceedingly great understanding (Jn.16:13). Who else is greater than YOU?!
of Solomon which excelled the wisdom of all the men in all the nations Thank You, Lord, the Greater One than Solomon is in
(1.Ki.4:29-31)? The Greater and Wiser One than Solomon is living in you, me. I am wise and understanding for I have You so near in
transferring all His wisdom to you (Mt.12:42). Your wisdom definitely me for whatever reason I may call upon You. Among those
exceeds all the geniuses of this world! It’s time for you to rise up to your born of women there has not risen one greater than John
position in Christ! You have supernatural words of knowledge and words of the Baptist; but I am greater than he, because I am in
wisdom. You can know the future. You can see through the spirit world. Christ.
You can understand the heart of God and man. You have supernatural Mt.12:42; Dt.4:6-7; Mt.11:11
solutions to every problem. You are really great! Shout it TODAY!
The Presence of God: Israel became great because their God was
near to them (Dt.4:7). His glory-cloud was leading them night and day
(Ex.13:21). God was among them and with them, manifesting His Presence
and glory constantly. Moses revealed the secret of their greatness as the
continuous Presence of God with them which distinguished them from other

551 552
Pride and demons: Every time a person gives in to the temptation of
pride and arrogance, he is yielding to the driving force of Lucifer. This
SEP 30 happened even to the great leader, King David. Satan has a strategy to
DRIVING FORCE IN CHRIST destroy God’s people by influencing the leaders. King David was tempted
to take a census of Israel against God’s command (1.Chr.27:23-24). “Now
And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when you Satan stood up against Israel, and moved David to number Israel”
see the sun, the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, you feel (1.Chr.21:1). To the natural eye, it looks like diligence and one of a leader’s
driven to worship them and serve them, which the LORD your God responsibilities to count the number of his soldiers. In the invisible world,
has given to all the peoples under the whole heaven as a heritage. however, it is the direct result of the driving force of the enemy. Actually,
Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness (Dt.4:19; satan himself moved on the heart of David to count the numbers and kindle
Mk.1:12). the wrath of God. Poor David was ignorant of this spiritual reality and fell
into the trap. These demon spirits have been busy throughout the centuries
to drive people into sin and its consequences. They didn’t even spare the
God warned His people not to lift up their eyes to the sun or moon, apostle of Jesus, Judas Ischariot. First satan put a seed thought into Judas’
stars, and allow the demon spirits to drive them to worship them. Every mind to betray the Savior (Jn.13:2). When Judas acted on it, satan entered
time the Israelites bowed down before an idol, they were literally driven by him (Jn.13:27). He used the same trick with Ananias and Sapphira by filling
a spirit of idolatry. Every time a heathen worships man-made gods, he is their heart to lie to the leadership and the Holy Spirit (Ac.5:3).
forcefully driven by an invisible personality. Demon-free and Spirit-bound: The great good news is that the day
Similarly, when Christ possesses your life, His Spirit literally drives you you acknowledged Jesus as your Lord, you came under the driving force of
into the true worship of God. This truth shines throughout the Bible. God’s Holy Spirit. Nobody can call Jesus Lord except by the Holy Spirit
Idol worship and demons: Paul says, “Rather, that the things which (1.Co.12:3). The more you yield to the Spirit of God, the more He will take
the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not liberty to literally drive you into His victory as He did with your Savior
want you to have fellowship with demons” (1.Co.10:20). The demon spirits (Mk.1:12). Paul went to Jerusalem, totally bound by the Spirit of God
behind every idol pull the people forcefully towards them to worship. If (Ac.20:22). You are God’s child. It is your birthright to be led by the Spirit of
your eyes are opened, you can see thousands of demons drawing the God (Ro.8:14).
multitudes into idol worship. That is why the victims can’t see the light of Beloved, you have all authority and power over every driving force of
the Gospel of the glory of Christ (2.Co.4:4). No sensible person will voluntarily the enemy. Even the propensity to sin is crucified on the cross (Ro.6:6-7).
worship these idols unless they are carried away to these dumb idols Your new nature cannot be dominated by satan, sin and sickness. Take
(1.Co.12:2). Remember, anything or anyone that takes the supreme place your stand. Resist the devil. Give no place to him. Start TODAY!
of God in your life is an idol. Idol worship is adoring and serving the creature Thank You, Lord, I am filled with Your Spirit and driven
rather than the Creator (Ro.1:25). Soul ties are formed when a strong spirit by Your Spirit into my wilderness. I return in the power of
is in operation, bringing two souls together to substitute the man-God Your Spirit to my Galilee, because I am in Christ.
relationship. Thank God, the Gospel is the power of God that delivers people
not only from the idols but also from these spirits of idolatry. You have all Lk.4:1,14
authority to resist these driving forces and refuse to allow them any foothold
in your life.
Flesh and demons: Walking in the lusts of our flesh and fulfilling its
desires are also the result of demonic drive. Once, you walked according to
the lusts of your flesh and mind and were driven by the prince of the power
of the air, the spirit that now works in the sons of disobedience (Eph.2:2-3).
In your salvation, all these demon lost their power over you. You came from
death to life, from grave to glory (Ga.5:24). This is the glory of your salvation.

553 554
The great plan of salvation was thought by God, brought by your Savior, and
wrought by the Holy Spirit with great signs and wonders, with diverse miracles,
GREAT PEOPLE IN CHRIST and by manifestation of His gifts. Along with your salvation, God has manifested
His power to deliver you, protect you, heal you, provide for you, guide you,
honor you and establish you. Every act of God in your life makes you special,
For ask now concerning the days that are past, which were before great and grand before God and man. You are never an insignificant person in
you, since the day that God created man on the earth, and ask from this planet. Heaven and earth revolve around you, the new creation. Lift up
one end of heaven to the other, whether any great thing like this has your eyes. Let the God of glory manifest Himself through you.
happened, or anything like it has been heard. Did any people ever Populating power of God: Both Old and New Covenant people enjoyed
hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as you the great populating power of God. Through one man, Abraham, God multiplied
have heard, and live?. the whole population of the world (Dt.26:5). When God’s covenant people
How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, ..... God were greatly afflicted in Egypt, they multiplied even more (Ex.1:12). Under
also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various the Old Covenant, every time people took the firstfruits to God, they recited
miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit... (Dt.4:32-33; Heb.2:3-4). the following words, "My Father.... few in number; and there he became a
nation, great, mighty, and populous” (Dt.26:5). The populating power of God
Moses continued to enumerate the greatness of God’s Covenant people. multiplied the people as the stars of heaven from only seventy people (Dt.10:22).
The prudence and wisdom of God, the nearness of God’s Presence, the miracle This multiplying power is effectively working in you, the New Covenant
answers to their prayers and God’s righteous Words distinguished the people partner. You are a grain of mustard seed which can grow into the greatest
of God from others and made them great. Let us now ponder some more tree. You are God’s leaven that can increase and influence the world (Mt.13:31-
privileges that made them great among the nations. 33). The Light of the World has come into your life, and the glory of the Lord
Personal voice of God: Since the creation of man, no entire congregation is risen upon you (Jn.8:12; Isa.60:1). Though you are a little one, you will
had ever heard the direct voice of God as the Israelites heard from Mount become a thousand and a strong nation (Isa.60:22). This populating power in
Sinai. God speaks to His people not only through His written Word but also you is making you greater and greater. The Church that was birthed with 120
through His spoken Word. This personal, direct voice of God is your New began to grow continuously. This is truly your greatness.
Covenant privilege, too. Unlike the Old Covenant people, you have God’s Priesthood of God: God’s covenant people became great because of the
voice right in your spirit. When you were born again, your spirit was revived, mediator of the covenant. Moses was the great leader who knew the Lord
and God’s Spirit witnessed with your spirit and confirmed your sonship face to face. He was one of the greatest prophets, but your Mediator is greater
(Eph.2:1-5; Ro.8:14-16). Every day, you can be led by the Spirit of God. than the greatest (Dt.34:10-12). No other covenant people could ever enjoy
Every sheep of His pasture can hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. As a such greatness like you. The author of your covenant is greater than Solomon,
member of Christ’s Body, you have the privilege of receiving instructions greater than Jonah, greater than the temple, greater than Moses, greater than
from your Head. As the Bride of Christ, you can hear the voice of your the one who is in the world. He is the God of gods, the Almighty, the Great
Bridegroom. You can hear God’s whisperings in your inner heart. You can feel God (Dt.10:17).
His feelings. You can think His thoughts. You can safely trust the leadings of Beloved, do you still doubt that you are truly great? Expect great things!
your enlightened spirit. This definitely makes you greater than all the others. Attempt great things for God TODAY!
Rejoice! Thank You, Lord, You have given me the shield of Your
Power-manifestations of God: No God ever ventured to take His nation salvation; Your right hand has held me up, Your gentleness has
out of other nations by trials, by signs and wonders, by war, by a mighty hand made me great. You are God of gods and Lord of lords, the great
and an outstretched arm and by great terrors, but Jahwe God manifested His God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality nor takes a
great power to deliver His Covenant people. This great deliverance was bribe. I have a great High Priest who has passed through the
constantly remembered and celebrated by the Israelites (Dt.6:22; 7:19; 11:6; heavens, Jesus the Son of God, because I am in Christ.
26:8). Deliverance from Egypt typifies your salvation. God wants you to Ps.18:35; Dt.10:17; Heb.4:14
constantly acknowledge your salvation as the greatest experience of your life.

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are the authority for your children. Rise up to your position in Christ and
command long and healthy life for your children. When you live and teach
KIDS BLESSINGS IN CHRIST the new creation realities, your days and the days of your children will be
multiplied… like the days of the heavens above the earth (Dt.11:21).
They are curse-free: As God’s New Covenant partner, your children
And because He loved your fathers… He chose their must enjoy abundant blessing and God’s favor in their lives. They are not
descendants after them; and He brought you out… driving out from under curse when you live in Christ, the Glory Cloud. Under the Old Covenant,
before you nations greater and mightier than you, to bring you in, to when people violated their covenant responsibilities, God visited their iniquities
give you their land as an inheritance. unto the third and fourth generation (Dt.5:9-10). David’s generation suffered
But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not when he broke his covenant with the Lord by stepping into sin (2.Sa.11;
forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Dt.4:37-38; 12:9-12). Thank God, your Savior became a curse to redeem you and your
Mt.19:14). generations (Ga.3:13-14). Still, you must appropriate this Calvary blessing
by faith and break any generational curse from you and your children. God
Life in Christ blesses its generations. When you received God’s eternal did His part. Better do your part, too, and release Abraham’s blessings upon
life, you became one with the Deity. Since then, every child born to you is your generations.
affected by your eternal life. You can expect them to be super-children, They are godly: None of your children will go away from the ways of
above ordinary in every way. Your children will be wiser and smarter than the Lord. When you live in Christ, all your children shall be taught of the
other children. They will be healthier and happier. Believe them to live long Lord (Isa.54:13). You and your entire family will serve the Lord. Claim this
and possess the New Covenant blessings. God has given enormous promises blessing! The covenant blessing includes your generations’ walk with God,
even for the children of the Old Covenant. When they walked faithfully in too. That is why God commanded to read His Word even to the little children,
their Covenant, God blessed generations (Ex.20:6). Let us ponder the blessing “that they may hear and that they may learn to fear the LORD your God”
of the kids of God’s covenant partners. (Dt.31:12-13).
They possess the blessings: When you walk faithfully in your They will continue what you began: Every blessing that God has
covenant rights, even your children possess the New Covenant blessings. given you shall be used and enjoyed by your children. They will continue
God not only blessed His covenant partner Caleb, but also his children to your ministry with more glory. If you have a business of your own, believe
possess the land on which he walked, because he wholly followed the LORD that they will take it up, multiply it and reap the harvest of what you have
(Dt.1:36). As a New Covenant partner, you don’t serve the Lord in vain. sown. None of your labor will go in vain! That is why God commanded the
Your faith and consecration will open up the heavens over your children. kings to read the law all their lives so that they and their children might
You are God’s righteousness in Christ (2.Co.5:21). The blessings of the prolong their kingdom (Dt.17:18-20). It is God’s will that the kingship should
Lord will overflow in and through you even for your generations (Pr.13:22). be continued by a godly generation.
Every promise you ever received from the Lord is applicable to your children Beloved, you are God’s authority and watchman for your children.
also. Your children are the most blessed children (Pr.20:7)! They will never Never allow the enemy to touch any of your children. See them prosperous,
ever lack or have to beg for bread (Ps.37:25). healthy, godly, and blessed. Cover them with faith, not with fear!
They are well off: When you walk in the light of who you are in Thank You, Lord, Your Spirit who is upon me, and Your
Christ, not only you but even your descendants will be well off. God Words which You have put in my mouth, shall not depart
repeatedly promised His people that if they walked in the Word, everything from my mouth, nor from the mouth of my descendants,
would go well with their children (Dt.4:40; 5:29; 12:25,28). Your children nor from the mouth of my descendants’ descendants, from
shall enjoy the land of milk and honey (Dt.11:9). They will be well off in this time and forevermore. My children shall be like olive
their studies, in their relationships, in their vocation, in their marriage, in plants all around my table, because I am in Christ.
their family life, in their finances, in their health and emotions, etc. Truly, all Isa.59:21; Ps.128:3
shall be well with your children! Claim this covenant blessing in Christ!
They live long: Because you are in Christ, your children are blessed
with long and vibrant life. None of your children needs to die as infants. You
557 558
Lord and rejoiced before the Lord with their children (Dt.12:10-12). Warn
your children about unbelievers’ fellowship (Ps.1:3; 2.Co.6:14). Protect your
OCT 3 children from unbelieving friends. They will turn your kids away from the
CHILD REARING IN CHRIST Lord and cause them to sin (Dt.7:3-6).
Don’t spare the rod of correction: Under the Old Covenant, parents
You shall therefore keep His statutes and His commandments were commanded to bring their stubborn and rebellious son to the city elders.
which I command you today, that it may go well with you and with Then all the men of the city had to stone him to death to purge evil from the
your children after you, and that you may prolong your days in the camp (Dt.21:18-21). When you cannot handle your children, take them to
land which the LORD your God is giving you for all time. your spiritual leaders. Hiding problems from the leadership will only breed
And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring more sin. Your child won’t learn lessons by himself (Pr.29:15). Don’t give
them up in the training and admonition of the Lord (Dt.4:40; Eph.6:4). too much freedom. Don’t be intimidated by modern psychology. Stick to
God’s methods of child rearing like, “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of
Life in Christ trains and rears an excellent generation for God. God is a child; the rod of correction will drive it far from him” and “Do not withhold
the Owner of your children, and you are His steward. You have all grace correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die”
and anointing to rear them for God. The Manufacturer has given you His (Pr.22:15; 23:13).
child-rearing-manual in your hand. Just follow it! Don’t idolize your children: Among the twelve tribes, God chose
Live an exemplary life before them: Your life speaks louder than the Levites to minister to Him for they never allowed family ties to come in
your words. Your children watch you more than they hear you. God between them and God. Hear the commendation of Moses about the Levites
repeatedly encouraged His people to walk in His ways so that all might go “who says of his father and mother, ‘I have not seen them’; nor did he
well with their children. Your walk with God decides the well-being of your acknowledge his brothers, or know his own children; for they have observed
children (Dt.4:40). Caleb’s descendants enjoyed the blessings of the Promised Your Word and kept Your Covenant” (Dt.33:8-9). They killed even their
Land because he wholly followed the Lord (Dt.1:36). Walk in the light of own children to keep their covenant with God whereas Eli honored his sons
your new creation realities! Your children will automatically come into this more than God and died (1.Sa.2:29). Cut off any soul tie with your children!
light! You can never help your children when you are unduly tied up with them in
your soul. Let the spirit control your relationship with your children.
Teach them the ways of the Lord: It is the parents’ duty to teach
and train the children in the ways of God (Dt.4:9-10; 6:6-9). Diligent teaching Believe for restoration: Maybe you have failed in your child rearing
of the Word of God was given utmost importance in the Bible. Teach the because of sin or ignorance, but still, there is hope in Christ. If you turn to
children your experiences and testimonies and instill reverential fear of God the Lord with all your heart, mind and strength, your children will turn to
in their young hearts. Even Moses’ teachings were not considered a substitute Him automatically (Dt.30:2-5). A revival broke out in Jacob’s family when
for the parental teaching (Dt.4:14). Even in your daily conversation, be he was returning to Bethel. The entire family put away the foreign gods and
diligent to talk the Word of God. Children are greatly influenced by your returned to the Lord (Ge.35:-5). Expect such a revival and restoration in
private conversation. Speak positive, faith-building words. Avoid criticizing, your family! Believe for your family and expect a miracle (Ac.16:31).
unprofitable, vain words. Never make negative comments about others in Beloved, your children’s future is in your hand. God’s wisdom and ability
front of them. Teach your children the New Covenant rights and is within you to rear them. Boldly assume your responsibility and discipline
responsibilities. Every revelation God gives you from His Word belongs not your child. In Christ, the spirit of rebellion has no power over your children!
only to you but also to your children forever (Dt.29:29). Tell them the stories Take authority!
of God’s heroes. If you train a child in the right way, he will never depart Thank You, Lord, myself and the children whom you
from it in his old age (Pr.22:6). have given me are signs and wonders in Israel. I will not
Build a family altar: Have regular Bible study and family fasting days provoke my children to wrath, but bring them up in the
(Dt.31:12-13). Make sure you take them regularly to a faith-building church. training and admonition of the Lord because I am in Christ.
The Israelites brought all their sacrifices and offerings to the House of the Isa.8:18; Eph.6:4

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perceiving eyes, and hearing ears. The New Covenant message has opened
your spiritual eyes, and you are totally turned from darkness to light
OCT 4 (Ac.26:18). This is one of the greatest blessings of the New Covenant. God
UNDERSTANDING HEART IN CHRIST has put His laws into your mind and has written them into your reborn spirit
(Heb.8:10-12). You know the Lord in your spirit. Now no one needs to
Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me teach one another to know the Lord. Every born-again child of God, from
and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with the least to the greatest, will know the Lord in the spirit. God’s laws and
them and with their children forever! demands are no more a heavy burden of mandate upon mandate, rule upon
Now a certain woman named Lydia heard us. She was a seller of rule (Isa.28:10,13). Even a weaned child of God can know knowledge and
purple from the city of Thyatira, who worshiped God. The Lord opened understand God’s Word (Isa.28:9). What a blessing!
her heart to heed the things spoken by Paul (Dt.5:29; Ac.16:14). Beloved, as a new creation, you have a new heart to perceive and
obey God’s Word. God has opened your heart as He opened the heart of
Lydia. When you partook of His broken Body, your eyes were opened.
Life in Christ opens up the heart of understanding and enlightens it
Christ Jesus, the light of the world, is radiating in your spirit. The ever-
thoroughly. The great deficiency of the Old Covenant is the hardness of the
abiding anointing of the Holy Spirit in you is teaching you all things. God’s
hearts of the Israelites. All God’s commandments and statutes and ordinances
Word not only opens your spirit but also produces God’s energy in you to
were extremely good and noble, but their hearts were neither opened nor
obey and walk in His ways. The age-long cry of God’s heart and His prophets
enlightened. Throughout the Old Covenant, we can see God’s heart-rending
is fulfilled in you, His new creation in Christ. Stop saying your heart is evil
plea for them to open their hearts. Moses was lamenting about the condition
and you are dull of hearing. All you need to do now is to renew your mind
of the people saying, “The LORD has not given you a heart to perceive and
and prosper your soul through constant meditation and confession of God’s
eyes to see and ears to hear, to this very day” (Dt.29:4). God’s heart can
never be perceived by the human heart unless it is opened by God’s Spirit.
Human eyes can never see spiritual things nor hear what God has prepared Thank You, Lord, blessed are my eyes for they see, and
(1.Co.2:9). This is the tragedy of the people of the Old Covenant. They my ears for they hear. Many prophets and righteous men
tried to obey God’s Word by their human effort and failed miserably. God desired to see what I see, and did not see it, and to hear
was constantly pleading with His people through His prophets to listen to what I hear, and did not hear it. I have turned to You,
His voice so that He might subdue their enemies and release the river of Lord, the veil is taken away. You opened my heart to heed
peace (Ps.81:13-14; Isa.48:18). Your Word, because I am in Christ.
The resurrected Lord rebuked the disciples of Emmaus for their Mt.13:16-17; 2.Co.3:16; Ac.16:14
foolishness and slowness of heart to believe in all that the prophets had
spoken. Even after He expounded the whole Scriptures concerning Himself,
they could not recognize the Savior until He broke the bread and opened
their eyes (Lk.24:25-31). The reason the Lord used parables to communicate
His message to the people was that He understood the dullness of the
people’s hearing. His chosen apostles had a tough time to understand even
the simple parables of their Master though their eyes and ears had been
blessed by the Lord (Mt.13:10-17). Paul clearly said that whenever the Old
Covenant was read a veil blinded the minds of the people (2.Co.3:15-16).
Veil taken away. Thank God, the veil of the Old Covenant is totally
removed in Christ. You are liberated to see the light of the Gospel of the
glory of Christ (2.Co.4:3-6). Your darkness is dispelled! God’s glorious light
is shining in your heart! Now you are blessed with an understanding heart,

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in His redemptive plan. In Christ, you are no more too rebellious or too stiff-
necked to walk in obedience. Remember, the requirement of obedience is
OCT 5 in no way eliminated under the New Covenant. In Christ, your stony heart
NEW HEART IN CHRIST of disobedience is replaced by a heart of flesh and submission. Now, you
can easily walk in all His statues and keep all His judgments willingly
Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me (Eze.11:19-20). You became a partaker of divine nature, as Christ has made
and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with His home in you (2.Pe.1:3; Col.1:27). Christ in you is your role model for a
them and with their children forever! life of obedience. He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of
This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, death (Phil.2:8). Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by His
says the LORD: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds sufferings (Heb.5:8). As a small boy, He went to Nazareth and obediently
I will write them (Dt.5:29; Heb.10:16). subjected Himself to His parents (Lk.2:51). His heart of obedience is
transplanted into you now. Thank God and act on it!
Ever since the fall of man, his heart became dull and rebellious to A heart that blesses: A heart that fears and obeys God is the reservoir
respond to God. This is the reason for the power of sin and destruction of all your blessings. God longed for such a heart to be given to His people
running rampant in humanity. The Gospel provides the total remedy and so that all might be well with them and with their children forever (Dt.5:29).
gives us a heart transplant in Christ. All the blessings of God hinge on their obedience to His Word and His
A heart God longs for: You can see the heart cry of God for humanity personal Voice. Your heart decides your blessings. When you walk in the
under the Old Covenant. He constantly lamented about the depraved light of your new heart, you can enjoy all the blessings promised and provided
condition of the human heart and that every intent of the thoughts of man’s in the Bible (Ps.81:13). Your obedience blesses you and your generations.
heart was only evil continually (Ge.6:5). He cried for a new heart that Your obedience subdues your enemies, feeds you with the finest wheat and
would fear Him and always keep His commandments so that all might go satisfies you with honey from the rock (Ps.81,13-16). Your obedience releases
well with His creation. He commanded through Moses to circumcise the all the rivers of peace and righteousness to flow from you (Isa.48:18). You
heart of His people. “Therefore circumcise the foreskin of your heart, and don’t need to struggle to have an obedient heart. All you need to do is
be stiff-necked no longer” (Dt.10:16). Tragically, fallen man could never thanking God for the heart of obedience already given to you.
circumcise his heart and make it responsive to God. Thank God for the A heart that loves God: People under the Old Covenant tried to obey
Gospel of Christ which fulfilled the age-long longing of God’s heart. In God out of sheer fear, not out of love. God promised that He would circumcise
Christ, you have received a new heart that fears, obeys and loves God our heart to love Him with all our heart and with all our soul (Dt.30:6). This
unconditionally. is fulfilled in you, the new creation. God has given you a new heart of love
A heart that fears God: God longed for such hearts that fear Him and poured His own love into it through His Spirit (Ro.5:5; 2.Ti.1:7). Now,
(Dt.5:29a). None of the Israelites could fear God reverently. In Christ, you you obey and fear God out of deep love for Him. As a new creation, you
have received a heart that fears God with deep love and reverence. Now, dread to hurt the great Lover of your soul. You listen and heed even His
fearing the Lord is not a struggle to you anymore. Your new nature slightest desires and please Him fully as His dear child (Eph.5:1).
automatically fears God. Now, you enjoy and find delight in the fear of the Beloved, it’s your great privilege to have the very heart of God in you
Lord. Christ in you is filled with the Spirit of the fear of the Lord, and His to fear Him out of reverence and obey Him out of love. Enjoy all the blessings
delight is in the fear of the Lord (Isa.11:1-3). of your new heart TODAY!
People under the Old Covenant always stumble in the fear of the Lord, Thank You, Lord, You circumcised my heart and the
but people in the New Covenant constantly walked in the fear of the Lord heart of my descendants to love You with all our heart and
and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit and multiplied (Ac.9:31). The same with all our soul, that we may live. You made an everlasting
Spirit, that delights in the fear of God, is resting upon you, causing you to covenant with us, that You will not turn away from doing us
walk in the reverential, love-produced fear of God. good. You put Your fear in our hearts so that we will not
A heart that obeys always: God wanted His people to have a heart depart from You, because I am in Christ.
that would keep all His commandments all the time. This longing is fulfilled Dt.30:6; Jer.32:40

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copy of the entire law with them and to read it all the days of their life to
keep them in the fear of the Lord, in humility and obedience (Dt.17:18-20).
OCT 6 People in leadership positions must constantly hear the Word to walk in the
WORD BLESSINGS IN CHRIST fear of the Lord until their last breath.
Word-generations: God repeatedly shows that your attitude towards
Therefore you shall be careful to do as the LORD your God has His Word will decide the blessings or curses of your children. “Oh, that they
commanded you; you shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My
left. You shall walk in all the ways which the LORD your God has commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children
commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you, forever!” (Dt.5:29). Word-life makes your life and your generations’ life a
and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall blessing. If you really love your children and their wellbeing, you will definitely
possess. love the Word and walk in its light.
For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because Word-longevity: The Word of God can prolong your very life-span
when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you on this earth (Dt.5:33). “You shall walk in all the ways which the LORD
welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well
God, which also effectively works in you who believe (Dt.5:32-33; with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall
1.Thes.2:13). possess” (Dt.5:33). The Word of God not only heals your sickness and
delivers you from destruction, it also refreshes your body and lengthens the
Life in Christ walks in the full blessings of God’s Word. The power and days and years of your life (Ps.107:20; Pr.3:2,8). Love the Word and live
unique blessings of the Word of God can never be over-emphasized. long!
Everything that comes from heaven to you comes through His Word. This Word-multiplication: Word lovers increase and multiply in every area
single revelation will transform your life completely and make you the most of their lives, spiritually, financially, emotionally, socially, physically, and
privileged, happy, holy, health, wealthy person on earth. As we have seen intellectually. “Therefore hear, O Israel, and be careful to observe it, that it
earlier, the Word benefits are clearly portrayed in Deuteronomy. The Word may be well with you, and that you may multiply greatly as the LORD God
of the Lord that echoed from Mount Sinai is portrayed as God’s very of your fathers has promised you…” (De.6:3). Did you know the Word of
Covenant with His people. When they obeyed those Words, they enjoyed God has an inbuilt multiplying power? Not just multiplication, but great
the total covenant blessings promised to them. multiplication! Give priority to the Word. Your family will multiply. Teach
Word-fear: God’s Word has a tremendous power to create godly fear the New Covenant Word to the congregation. Your church will multiply.
both in our hearts and in our generations. The more you hear the Word, the Build your finances on biblical principles. They will multiply surprisingly.
more you learn to fear the Lord. Remember, the fear of God can be learned Beloved, if the Old Covenant Words could bring godly fear, generational
and taught. That is why God commanded His entire law to be read loudly to blessings, multiplication and long life, how much more will the Words of the
all the assembly gathered on the feast of tabernacles. All men, women, New Covenant bless you with the riches of heaven and earth! Remember,
children and strangers were commanded to listen attentively to the Word the Word of God is the storehouse of heaven for every aspect of your life.
which would produce reverential fear of God in them to obey Him (De.31:9- Love the Word TODAY!
13). This explains why the fear of God is greatly missing in the church Thank You, Lord, Your law is perfect, converting my
today, especially among our younger generation (Dt.4:10; Ps.34:11). soul, making me wise, rejoicing my heart, enlightening my
Jesus, the Word, was so full of Scriptures that the very fear of the Lord eyes, more to be desired than gold, sweeter than honey and
became His delight and pleasure (Isa.11:3). The Word of God was venerated the honeycomb. I do not forget Your law, and my heart
in the Early Church so much that the Church walked in the fear of the Lord keeps Your commands. Length of days and long life and
and multiplied (Ac.6;7; 9:31; 12:24; 19:20). Parents must give priority to peace are added to me, because I am in Christ.
teach and read the Word to the children and trust the power of God’s Word Ps.19:7-10; Pr.3:1-2
to produce godly fear in them. Kings were commanded to have a personal

565 566
Full house: Your God wants to give you houses full of good things
(Dt.6:10-11). In the house of the righteous there is much treasure (Pr.15:6).
OCT 7 HOUSES IN CHRIST Your good God never withholds any good thing from you. He wants to see
your house full of all the best things of the world and bless you with a spacious
house with good water and beautiful garden for you to enjoy. People under the
So it shall be, when the LORD your God brings you into the land Old Covenant enjoyed this blessing. Why not you?!
of which He swore to your fathers… to give you large and beautiful Word-filled house: God wanted every one of the Israelites’ houses to
cities which you did not build, houses full of all good things, which you echo with the Word of God. God commanded them to recite and talk God’s
did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive Word when they were at home, even in their bedroom, and write the Scriptures
trees which you did not plant… on the doorposts of their houses and gates. He wanted His Word to be
Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son everywhere in their houses. In Christ, your house should be more than the
of Abraham (Dt.6:10-11; Lk.19:9). Israelites’ houses. Decide to fill your house with the Word of God. The Lord
who magnified His Word above all His Name will magnify your house and
distinguish it from other houses (Ps.138:2). No plagues and sicknesses shall
Life in Christ enjoys beautiful houses. God wants to bless you with
come near your house. Angels who do His Word will surround you (Ps.34:7;
beautiful houses full of good things. Your house must be an embassy of heaven.
91:14; 103:20). Speak the Word! Sing the Word! Shout the Word! Write the
This truth is clearly portrayed in Deuteronomy.
Word, and see the blessings!
Own house: It is God’s desire to give you your own house where you
Clean house: God dwells and moves in your entire house. He should not
will be the head, not the tail. The Israelites dispossessed the nations and owned
find any uncleanness or abomination anywhere in your house. He is greater
their houses (Dt.19:1). Command the devil to talk off his hands from your
than any guest that ever visited your house. How much more should you
houses! God has already given you the houses and is just waiting for you to
honor Him with a clean, neat and pure house! God warned His covenant
possess them. Mordechai was just a gatekeeper, but God gave him the very
people not to bring any abomination or accursed thing into their houses lest
royal house of Haman (Est.8:2). Your God owns heaven and earth. You are
they be doomed to destruction like it (Dt.7:26). Search your house with the
His royal child. You should not be a tenant but an owner of a palatial house.
help of the Holy Spirit and find out any accursed thing in your house like filthy
Believe God even to own houses you didn’t build. If you want to build your
books, CDs or magazines, pornography, stolen objects, idol-related souvenirs
own house, trust God to build it (Ps.127:1).
or occult items. Be jealous like your Savior and make your house as your
Beautiful house: God gave the Israelites not only own houses but beautiful Father’s house.
houses. Your God is so generous and lavishes you with His very best. He gave
Enjoy-house: God was so concerned that His Covenant people should
beautiful houses to His wandering Israelites and multiplied everything they
enjoy their houses, gardens and home life that He even exempted His soldiers
had (Dt.8:12). Believe and thank God for gorgeous, scenic houses to relax,
from war to enjoy the new house (Dt.20:5-9). Can you live an underprivileged
refresh yourself and enjoy. Imagine the Garden of Eden, the delightful park
life now in this better Covenant period?
with rivers, all kinds of fruit trees, and gold mines just for one couple to
enjoy! The shepherd boys Joseph and David enjoyed palaces. Solomon’s house Beloved, know your right and privilege as God’s Covenant partner. Enjoy
was built with the best materials from other nations (1.Ki.7:1-12). Why such what God has given you and your house. Let there be joy, love and unity in
extravagancy? It’s God’s honor to the one who sought His wisdom (1.Ki.3:13; your house (Dt.26:11)!
2.Chr.1:11). Greater than Solomon’s wisdom is yours now! Expect such Thank You, Lord, You give me large and beautiful cities which
beautiful houses! I did not build, houses full of all good things, which I did not fill,
Your Savior had no place to lay down His head. Why? Just as He became hewn-out wells which I did not dig, vineyards and olive trees
poor for you to become rich, He became homeless for you to become a which I did not plant. I will rejoice in every good thing You have
house-owner and land-owner (2.Co.8:9)! Jesus emptied Himself to make you given to me and my house. My house shall be called a house of
king and priest (Rev.1:5). You are a king! Live in your palace, not in a hut! prayer for all nations, because I am in Christ.
Live up to your position! Dt.6:10-11; 26:11; Isa.56:7

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great harvest! Word-possession is world-possession! The Word of God is
your hidden treasure (Pr.2:4). Dig deep and become rich in every way.
WORD POWER IN CHRIST Word-victory: The Israelites’ victory in their battle was decided by
their obedience to the Word of God. Under the Old Covenant, victory over
the enemies was promised as long as God’s people walked in His Word. As
You shall diligently keep the commandments of the LORD your
the Commander in chief of God’s army, Jesus will lead you into victory, as
God, His testimonies, and His statutes which He has commanded
long as you walk in His Word. The Word of God is the Sword of God in your
you. And you shall do what is right and good in the sight of the LORD,
hand. The only weapon Jesus used in warfare with satan was to wield the
that it may be well with you, and that you may go in and possess the
Sword of the Spirit (Mt.4:1-11). It is the only offensive weapon for God’s
good land of which the LORD swore to your fathers, to cast out all
soldier (Eph.6:17). God’s anointing is upon you to lead you from victory to
your enemies from before you, as the LORD has spoken.
victory. You only need to supply Him plenty of Word of God. When you
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power diligently listen to God’s Voice and Words, He will fight all your battles. Fill
of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and your quiver with the Word of God (Ps.127:5). Speak the Word into your
also for the Greek (Dt.6:17-19; Ro.1:16). situation (Mt.11:23). Speak the Word against your enemies (Mt.8:16).
Word-Zoe: The very Words of God become the life of God in you.
Life in Christ sees and experiences the power and possibilities of the The more you have God’s Word in you, the more you enjoy God’s life
Word of God. God and His Word are one. You can never separate God flooding through you. This truth is foreshadowed even in the Old Covenant
from His Word. As a new creation, you grow by the Word. You succeed by (Dt.32:46-47). Remember, the Word of God that came through Moses could
the Word. You win by the Word. You own by the Word. Everything happens become their very life and prolong their days! How much more will the
by God-breathed Word. Words of the New Covenant release God’s glorious, vibrant life in and
Word-wellbeing: God repeatedly says, if you give first priority to His through you! After all, the Words of the Old Covenant were letter that
Word and are totally ruled by it, all will go well with you (Dt.5:33; 6:18). killed, but the Words of the New Covenant give life (2.Co.3:6). Meditate
Whatever you do shall prosper (Ps.1:1-3). All your endeavors shall be blessed more and more on the Words of the New Covenant for they are spirit and
(Dt.16:15). Your relationships will flourish. Your brain function will be life to you (Jn.6:63).
excellent (Dt.4:5-6; Ps.119:98). Every cell of your body will function in Word-righteousness: The Israelites were as righteous as they walked
order (Dt.34:7). Your timings will be perfect (Dt.28:12). Your travels will be in the Word (Dt.6:25). Under the New Covenant, exceeding great and
safe and comfortable (Dt.28:6). Your substance will be secure. Your heart precious promises are given to you in Christ. Just by claiming, meditating
and mind will be pure and alert. Everything will be in order and perfection. and assimilating these promises, you become partaker of God’s very nature
Word-possession: Throughout the book of Deuteronomy, God shows and can easily escape the corruption of this world (2.Pe.1:4).
that heeding the Word is the secret to possessing the land and every other Beloved, do you want to live God’s abundant life today? Do you want
blessing. The very Gospel message becomes your salvation, deliverance, to enjoy lasting wellbeing (Dt.6:24)? Learn to survive and thrive by the
health and wealth (Ro.1:16). Find out where you lack in life, and find and Living Word of God (Heb.4:12). There is no other way!
proclaim the scriptures that promise what you lack. Actually, the Word itself Thank You, Lord, Your Word preserves me alive. It is
is your most priced and all-inclusive possession. All your physical and spiritual my righteousness and my life. Your Word is spirit and life
blessings are in seed form. That seed is the Word of God (Lk.8:11). When for me. Your Word is alive and powerful and sharper than
you have the Word for healing, you literally possess your healing already. any two-edged sword for me, because I am in Christ.
As a farmer sows the seed and harvests the fruit, you can sow the Word
Dt.6:24-25; 32:47; Jn.6:63; Heb.4:12
into your spirit and release it through your mouth. Do it, and you will reap a

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the Word will release a tremendous convicting and converting power in the
hearers. Believe in the Word-power!
REGARD THE WORD IN CHRIST Honor the Word: In this book, God warns repeatedly to honor His
pure Word without mixing anything human into it (Dt.4:2; 12:32; Mt.5:17-
19). As the heaven is above the earth, so the Word of God is above the
Therefore hear, O Israel, and be careful to observe it, that it may word of man. His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isa.55:8). Never dare to
be well with you, and that you may multiply greatly as the LORD God add or delete or edit anything to suit your experiences (Rev.22:18-19). God’s
of your fathers has promised you—‘a land flowing with milk and honey.’ Word is 100% perfect and complete. Be truthful to every letter of it. Never
And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart ever twist it nor try to elevate your own human interpretation (2.Pe.1:20).
(Dt.6:3,6) Your experiences may differ from the New Covenant facts. Whatever Christ
…and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, has accomplished on the cross must be embraced literally, for example, just
which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is because you are not healed for a long time, don’t ever dare to question or
in Christ Jesus (2.Ti.3:15) interpret God’s power or willingness to heal (Mt.8:2-3,16-17; 14:14; Mk.1:41).
Christ has become poor to make you rich. Don’t blame God for your lack.
God is not the author of sickness, poverty, accidents and other failures. The
Life in Christ is a life soaked and saturated in God’s Word. Throughout problem is definitely not on God’s side! Likewise, don’t add human traditions
the book of Deuteronomy we are repeatedly admonished to hear the Word, or culture into the Word because of your over-zeal and strictness. Beware
observe the Word, teach the Word, talk the Word, regard the Word, etc. of the sins of the Pharisees (Mt.15:1-9). Don’t be ignorant and unstable
Every blessing of the Old Covenant was totally based on the people’s attitude and twist the Word to your own destruction (2.Pe.3:15). Decide today to
towards the Word. Though the law was abolished for you, the new creation, honor and magnify the Word above everything and settle the issue once and
still, the Scriptures hold the same place in your life. Let us see how we can for all in your mind: God’s Word is the final authority in your life!
be Word-soaked people of God. Eat the Word: God fed His people with manna to teach them the
Hear the Word: God repeatedly demanded His people to hear His eternal truth, “man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every
Words. The word ‘hear’ (Hebrew ‘shama’) means to hear intelligently, to word that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD” (Dt.8:3). Jesus quoted
regard, to pay attention, etc. Jesus often used the expression, “He that has this word devil when He was tempted. This clearly portrays the Word as
ears to hear, let him hear” (Mt.11:15; 13:9; 13:43 etc.). Listening God’s food for your spirit and soul. Prophets were asked to eat the scroll and
Word with a clear understanding is the first step to walking in the Word. prophesy to the people (Eze.3:1-3; Rev.10:8-11). Eating the Word means
How will you believe and act on the Word unless you hear it first (Ro.10:14). thoroughly absorb and digest it until it becomes part of your entire system.
If you hear the Word without understanding it, satan will steal it immediately Your mind overflows with the Word. You live by the strength and power of
(Mt.13:19). God considered the hearing part so important that He echoed the Word every minute of your day.
His Word from Mount Sinai so all could hear and fear the Lord (Dt.4:10). Beloved, eat the Word regularly! Enjoy the Word more than your most
At the Feast of Tabernacles the Word of God was read so loudly that all delicious food! Ruminate the Word constantly in your thoughts! Let your
people could hear it (Dt.31:10-12; Jos.8:34-35)!?. By hearing such words, mouth speak God’s Word out of the abundance of your heart TODAY
the entire congregation adhered to Joshua and Jahwe. Revivals broke out (Mt.12:34)!
as a result of reading and hearing the Word intelligently together as a
congregation (2.Chr.34:30; Neh.8:1-9). Thank You, Lord, your Words were found, and I ate
them, and Your Word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my
Hearing the Word increases your faith. If you have a problem in believing heart. I will not depart from the commandment of Your
God, it’s not a faith problem, it’s a Word-hearing problem. Let me suggest lips. I will treasure the Words of Your mouth more than my
you to read the Word loud enough so that your own ears hear it and germinate necessary food. I shall not live by bread alone, but by every
and grow your faith (Ro.10:17). Never get tired of reading the Scriptures to Word that proceeds from Your mouth, because I am in
your family and people under your leadership. Make sure you give the sense Christ.
of the Word so they may understand the Spirit of the Word. Just listening to
Jer.15:16; Job 23:12; Mt.4:4
571 572
Word from His mouth must be acted on by faith. Faith without works is
OCT 10 dead! James warning us “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only,
deceiving yourselves… ” (Js.1:22-25). Sometimes, obedience to the Word
TREASURE THE WORD IN CHRIST may cost you, but it’s always worth. Abraham laid his son Isaac on the altar
to prove his obedience and became father of you, the new creation. The
And these words which I command you today shall be in your Levites bravely ventured to kill even their own father, mother, brother, wives
heart. and children to observe His Word and keep His covenant (Dt.33:9). They
And the Jews marveled, saying, “How does this Man know letters, were uniquely rewarded with the levitical priesthood. Dare to act on the
having never studied?” (Dt.6:6; Jn.7:15). Word! Obey Him in faith. Consult not with flesh and blood. Count not the
cost. Get the unique Word blessings TODAY!
Life in Christ finds delight in acting on God’s Word. The importance of Talk the Word: When you treasure the Word in your heart and observe
the Word of God is the central theme of Deuteronomy. No wonder our it, you will automatically talk the Word all the time. This is clearly demanded
Savior took every Word from this book when He confronted satan in the by God: “You shall… talk of them when you sit in your house, when you
wilderness. The Word of God takes the supreme place in our daily lives. walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up” (Dt.6:7; 11:19).
Our entire being must be saturated with God’s Word. Now, let us continue Speaking the Word to one another is a great blessing to the new creation.
our study on Word-soaked life. The more you speak the Word to your children, your spouse, your friends
and everyone you meet, the more you radiate the glory, power and presence
Absorb the Word: God commanded His people to keep His Word in
of God. Every time you speak the Word, you make the angels to swiftly act
their hearts and souls (Dt.11:18). Your heart or your spirit is the source and
on it. Age-long problems and mountainous challenges shall melt before His
spring of your life (Pr.4:23). For an unbeliever, whatever comes from the
Words in your mouth. Practice the habit of speaking the Word at all times,
heart defiles him (Mk.7:19-21). For a believer, whatever comes from your
in all places, to all people. Speak the Word in your bed. Speak the Word
heart must bring life and purity. That is why God wants your inner man to
when you rise up early. Speak the Word in your travels. Speak the Word in
be totally saturated with His transforming Word. The psalmist had stored
your house. Speak the Word in your workplace. Let not His Word depart
and hidden enough Word in his heart to keep him from sinning against God
out of your mouth (Jos.1:8).
(Ps.119:11). Storing God’s Word in your heart is a sure prevention against
sin. How can you store the Word in your heart? Memorizing the Word, Beloved, God is calling you into a Word-soaked life. He commanded
reciting it, speaking it, singing it, studying it, meditating on it are some of the His people to bind His Word on their hands and fix it on their foreheads.
proven ways (Pr.4:20-23). Please do whatever helps you to absorb the Even today, some Jews still obey this Word literally by hanging this Word in
Word into your heart, mind and soul. Think and imagine the Word constantly. their phylacteries (Ex.13:1-10). God’s real intention, however, is to make
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Pr.23:7). God’s Word is abundantly you keep the Word constantly before your mind and imagination. Write the
available today. Fill your storehouse with plenty of the Word. A great famine Word wherever you can. Imagine the Word. Dream the Word. Possess the
for His Word is coming. Then you will be God’s Joseph to open your Word. Proclaim the Word TODAY!
storehouses and feed the hungry millions. Don’t shun any effort. Give top Thank You, Lord, as a newborn babe I desire the pure
priority to being a Word person. milk of the Word, that I may grow thereby. I will meditate
Observe the Word: ‘Observe the Word’, ‘do the Word’, ‘obey the on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways. I will delight
Word’, ‘keep the Word’ is the repeated command of the Lord in Deuteronomy myself in Your statutes. I will not forget Your Word. Your
(Dt.4:1; 5:1; 6:1; 8:1; 11:1; 12:1 etc.). The Word of God is neither for analyzing Word works effectively in me, because I am in Christ.
nor for scrutinizing. It’s not meant to be dissected but to be digested. It’s 1.Pe.2:2; Ps.119:15-16; 1.Thes.2:13
not for the analytical mind but for the abiding followers. Every time you get
new light or revelation from the Word, put it into practice immediately. The
more you practice it, the more revelation and blessings will be added to you.
God is not only your dear Daddy but also your Commander in chief. Every

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God expected total love and surrender even from Adam and Eve. A slight
deviation from total devotion brought the universal curse upon humanity.
OCT 11 ALL YOUR HEART IN CHRIST God expected His covenant partner Abraham to love and fear Him more
than his only son Isaac. He lavished enormous blessings upon those who
loved Him with all their heart. At last, your great Mediator of the New
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one! You shall Covenant also asserted this total love to be the greatest of all commandments
love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and (Mk.12:30). If the Old Covenant people had to love and serve God with
with all your strength. their entire beings, how much more should you, His beloved child, love
And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with Him!
all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the Love restores: No matter what you have lost, even through your
first commandment (Dt.6:4-5; Mk.12:30). failures and backslidings, everything can be restored back to you if you turn
your total love towards Him. When the Israelites bowed down to their idols,
Life in Christ is the greatest love-life in the universe. ‘Love the Lord God scattered them throughout the world. Whenever they sought the Lord
with all your heart, soul and strength!’ is the repeated command of God and with all their heart and soul, they found Him (Dt.4:29). He will gather you
the main theme in the book of Deuteronomy. God deserves and demands and restore your fortune with all His love and compassion even from the
our total surrender and our total love. Anything less than that is rejected. farthest corner of this earth (Jonah 2:1-10: Dt.30:1-5). Your latter days shall
Loving the Lord with all your affection, emotions, consciousness and thoughts be more glorious than your former days and you will be more blessed than
is what your God expects from you. Every fiber and cell of your being must your ancestors, if you channelize all your love, energy and mind towards
love and serve Him. He must be the center and focus of your entire attraction Him. Come back home TODAY!
and attention. He is the only hero of your life! He is your all-sufficient Beloved, God will never settle for anything less than your first and total
Source. He loved you so much that He gave His only begotten son and His love at any cost. He is looking for lovers, not just laborers! He longs for
Spirit to you. No good thing will He ever withhold from you (Ro.8:32)! How beloveds, not just for busy-bodies. Nothing can be compared to your great
could you ever withhold anything from Him?! Redeemer. Cut off every soul tie, in Jesus’ Name! Lay your Isaac on God’s
Love symptoms: When you love the Lord with all your heart, soul, altar and see the great Jahwe Jireh. Check your priorities in the light of this
mind and strength, you will fear Him, serve Him and willingly obey Him revelation. Stop being disappointed by the passing love of human beings.
(Dt.10:12). Love never counts the cost to serve its object. Jacob served Pour out your entire life on the altar. Don’t waver and waste your life any
seven years for Rachel, but it seemed a few days because of his ardent longer. Turn to the Lord with all your heart and soul TODAY (Dt.30:10)!
love for her (Ge.29:20). This is the nature of true love. You forget yourself Thank You, Lord, You only require of me to fear You, to
and the time in adoration and admiration of your heavenly Daddy. You rejoice walk in all Your ways and to love You, to serve You with all
to serve your beloved Bridegroom. This is one of the sure signs of loving my heart and with all my soul. When I return to You and
the Lord with all your heart. Loving the Lord with all your heart also means obey Your voice, me and my children, with all our heart and
to fear Him with reverential fear. When you love the Lord deep enough, with all our soul, You will bring us back from captivity, and
you shudder in fear to hurt or wound His tender heart. Love never injures have compassion on us, and gather us again, because I am in
or grieves the beloved. It’s not a negative fear as of a dictator but a positive, Christ.
passionate reverence toward your heart’s Desire. Dt.10:12; 30:2-3
Loving the Lord with all your being also means to obey His biddings
and to be sensitive to His slightest need and requirement. Love obeys without
reluctance. Jesus said, if you love Me, you will keep My commandments.
For a loving heart, God’s commandments are golden opportunities to make
Him happy.
Love covenants: Your God is a God of covenant. He made many
covenants with His people right from Adam, Abraham, the Israelites, etc.

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(Ex.16:4). Just to prove your genuineness, God allows divisions in the
assembly (1.Co.11:18-19). Let heaven approve you as the most consecrated
OCT 12 ALL YOUR SOUL AND STRENGTH man or woman on this earth. Let your Daddy God brag about you even
IN CHRIST before satan that you love Him with all your heart and mind (Job 1:8).
Welcome every test and trial as an opportunity to prove your excellent love
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one! You shall for God. Total love for God gains total victory over every trial and testing.
love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and Love enabled: Under the Old Covenant, nobody could prove their
with all your strength total love for God. Their hearts were not circumcised to be filled with total
Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. love for God. Here comes the good news for the new creation. When you
Amen (Dt.6:4-5; Eph.6:24). received Jesus, you received a new heart that can love God with perfect
love. This is promised and predicted by Moses. “And the LORD your God
will circumcise your heart and the heart of your descendants, to love the
We have seen that life in Christ is a life of total love and dedication to
LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may
Christ. Your Savior died for you, that you may live no longer for yourself,
live” (Dt.30:6). Old Covenant people with their outward circumcision could
but for Him who died for you and rose again (2.Co.5:15). not love God as you can love Him. Your heart is circumcised by the Spirit
Love rewards: Under the Old Covenant, all the blessings depended (Ro.2:28-29). Now you can freely love and worship God in the Spirit and
upon their total love and obedience to God (Dt.11:13-15). When you love rejoice in your Savior with thrilling love (Phil.3:3). Your sinful man was
the Lord with all your heart, your land receives the seasonal rain, and even crucified on the cross. Now you are alive with Christ to love and serve Him
your fields and animals are blessed! Whenever you see any lack in your whole-heartedly (Col.2:11). In Christ, God has given you single-mindedness
life, check your dedication and total surrender in the light of this revelation. to love, serve and fear Him (Jer.32:39-40). In Christ, your stony,
By loving the Lord with all your heart and soul and mind and strength you uncircumcised heart was removed forever (Eze.11:19-20). His Spirit is upon
receive all the fullness of God. Smith Wigglesworth said, “All of me, none you, energizing you to love and obey God with all gladness. What a news!
of Him; more of me, less of Him; less of me, more of Him; none of me, all
Beloved, with your new nature, it is very normal and natural for you to
of Him.” WOW! What a thought to ponder! The moment you came to
love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. You need not struggle
Christ you received total access to all the fullness of God. You are complete to love Him anymore. Loving Him is your very nature and privilege. As
in Him. As every part of you comes under the total reign of Christ, His
naturally as a bird flies and a fish swims, you can walk hand in hand with
totality begins to manifest through you, and you will be able to say, the
your Daddy God. Your Savior is pleading your cause, and your companion,
Father loves me and has given all things into my hand (Jn.3:35).
the Holy Spirit, is causing the springs of love to gush out of you. Rejoice!
Love tested: Every trial you face in life is just to prove your total love Be a role model for others to imitate your love for God. The fire of love that
for God. God never allows temptations to overtake you beyond your strength, is kindled in you can never be quenched by anything or anyone! Love Him
but God does test and prove your total adherence to Him. This is portrayed TODAY!
in Deuteronomy again. “You shall not listen to the words of that prophet or
Thank You, Lord, You have set me as a seal upon Your
that dreamer of dreams, for the LORD your God is testing you to know
heart, as a seal upon Your arm. Many waters cannot quench
whether you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your
our love, nor can the floods drown it. You have given me a
soul” (Dt.13:3). Even if a prophet comes with big revelations and mighty new heart and put a new spirit within me, because I am in
miracles to entice you to walk away from God and His principles, you will
blatantly refuse to yield even a single minute. God allows such people to
prove whether you love Him with all your being. God tested and certified SS.8:6-7; Eze.36:26
Abraham’s love when he was willing to offer his son Isaac. When you love
the Lord with perfect love, you discern the people and the miracles and
shun all evil. God rained manna from heaven but put a restriction, allowing
people to take only a certain portion every day, just to prove their obedience

577 578
womb (Ps.139:16; Jer.1:5). Maybe you found Him a few years ago, but
remember, He chose you before you chose Him (Jn.15:16). His selection is
OCT 13
not based on any merit from your side (Ro.9:11-13). It’s not because of your
ABOVE ALL IN CHRIST intelligence, your high status, your cleverness, your righteousness – it’s just
the pure grace of God (1.Co.1:26-31). This love surpasses our understanding
For you are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your (Eph.3:19). You need the help of the Holy Spirit to comprehend God’s love
God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure and grace that has picked you and placed you above all the people of all ages.
above all the peoples on the face of the earth. Above all in specialty: You found special grace in the eyes of your
Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every Creator. If people under the Old Covenant were God’s special people, how
lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous much more you under the better Covenant. You are God’s peculiar people and
for good works (Dt.7:6; Tit.2:14). peculiar treasure. Though your Father makes His sun raise on the evil and on
the good, sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous, you are not
equal to others (Mt.5:45). They are the beneficiaries, you are the owner. They
Life in Christ places you far above all people of this world (Dt.28:13). As
beg for rain, you command the rain. They worship sun and moon and seek
a Covenant partner, you are unique and extraordinarily special above all people
their guidance, you can command the sun and moon to stop. You are the apple
in the sight of God. This expression, ‘above all peoples’ or ‘above all nations’,
of God’s eyes (Dt.32:10; Ps.17:8; Zec.2:8). You are His signet ring (Hag.2:23).
appears at least six times in the book of Deuteronomy (Dt.7:6,14; 10:15, 14:2;
You are His royal diadem (Isa.62:3). You are His costly jewel, His special
26:19; 28:1). Your God is above all gods. As His own special people, you are
possession (Mal.3:17). You are His scepter and throne (Ps.110:2; Ps.22:3;
above all the people of this world. Don’t allow satan to paint a poor picture
1.Co.3:16). You are His royal Bride (2.Co.11:2; Rev.19:7; 21:9). You are the
about you. See yourself in the mirror of God’s Word. What you believe about
very precious member of His Body (Ro.12:5; 1.Co.6,15). You are His bank
yourself decides your behavior.
and insurance company (Eph.1:18). If you are not special, who else is?!
Above all in holiness: You are above all the people in holiness. God has
Beloved, everything you do must be above ordinary. Your self-image is
separated and sanctified you before you were formed in your mother’s womb,
truly a super-image. People must admire you saying, ‘What manner of man is
even before the foundation of the world (Jer.1:5; Eph.1:4). You can never
he!’ (Mk.4:41; 2.Pe.3:11). When the enemy intimidates you next time, say
identify yourself with the world (Ro.12:2; Jas.4:4; Jn.17:17). Your talk and
boldly, “Should such a man as I flee?” (Neh.6:11)!
walk are totally different from others (Eph.2:11; Col.3:5-7; 1.Pe.1:18). Your
style and smile are different (1.Pe.3:3-5; Phil.4:4). Your marriage and manners Thank You, Lord, I am a special treasure to You above all
are different (2.Co.6:14; Est.3:8). Your diet and discipline are different (Dt.14:1- people. LORD, You have chosen me for Yourself, for Your special
21; Ac.15:20.29; 1.Co.9:24-27). Your goal and role in life are different (Eph.4:11; treasure. I know that Your are great, and You are above all
Phil.3:13-14; Heb.1:1-2). Your look and taste are different (Ac.11:26; Eph.4:22). gods. I am a holy person to You. You have chosen me to be a
You are exclusive and elite (Da.1:20; 6:3)! You are sacred, consecrated and person for Yourself, a special treasure above all the peoples on
divine. You are not a mere human (Jn.10:34-36). Because of your highest the face of the earth, because I am in Christ.
privilege, God expects higher standards from you. Because of their Ex.19:5; Ps.135:4-5; Dt.7:6
distinctiveness, the Israelites were not allowed to mingle with other nations
by marriage (Ez.9:2). God didn’t allow His holy seed to mingle with the people
of the world (Ex.19:6; 22,31). Even the circumcision was given as a sign of
separation and uniqueness (Dt.10:15-16).
Above all in selection: You are not an accident in this world. You are
foreknown and foreordained by the Creator of heaven and earth. You are
predestined and specially called from all eternity (Ro.8:29-30). You are accepted
in the Beloved (Eph.1:6). He has seen you as an embryo in your mother’s
womb and marked you, and He has ordained your calling even in your mother’s

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servants are blessed – everything you are and everything you have is blessed
beyond limit! Believe it! Proclaim it! Appropriate it! Live it!
OCT 14
BLESSED ABOVE ALL IN CHRIST Above all in His delight: You are God’s greatest heart desire. God
chose you not out of compulsion but out of pure love and delight. Hear what
He said to Israel, “The LORD delighted only in your fathers, to love them;
You shall be blessed above all peoples; there shall not be a male and He chose their descendants after them, you above all peoples, as it is
or female barren among you or among your livestock. And the LORD this day” (Dt.10:15). The Owner of heaven and earth delighted in you. He
will take away from you all sickness, and will afflict you with none of delighted in Abraham, and you are his seed (Ga.3:29). He delighted in His
the terrible diseases of Egypt which you have known, but will lay Son Jesus, and you are His beloved.
them on all those who hate you.
Can you believe that your God enjoys you as the bridegroom rejoices
…raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly and enjoys his bride (Isa.62:5). As a mother enjoys her little one, and as a
places in Christ Jesus… far above all principality and power and father relishes his child, your Father is enthralled by you. You are God’s
might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this Hephzibah (Isa.62:4). He enjoys your presence. He relishes your song. He
age but also in that which is to come (Dt.7:14-15; Eph.2:6; 1:21). is thrilled by your voice (SS.2:14). Your way is His delight (Pr.11:20). Your
prayer is His delight (Pr.15:8). Your Savior was daily His delight, and He is
Life in Christ is far above all people in every way. It is a totally the only one who fully pleased your Father (Pr.8:30; Mt.3:17). He always
distinguished life. God made even His Old Covenant people far above all pleased Him (Jn.8:29). When you came to Christ, you became God’s delight.
the other nations. You, the Better Covenant partner, are more blessed than You are now well accepted and well pleasing to God, just because you are
anybody who ever lived on this planet. Accepting this truth is boasting in the in the Beloved (Eph.1:6). Your God smells Jesus in you (2.Co.2,15-16). He
Lord and exulting in His workmanship (1.Co.1:31; Eph.2:10). Let us continue sees His righteousness in you (2.Co.5:21). When He looks at you, He sees
to meditate how we are above all people of the earth. His Son Jesus. When you pray, He hears His Son’s voice (Ga.4:6). Just
Above all in blessing: Throughout this book, God explains how His because God’s delight is in you, you are far above all people. Rejoice now!
people are more blessed than all the other people. His people would be Don’t allow the devil to lie to you that God is angry or upset with you like a
fruitful, free from sickness, victorious, defeating their enemies, etc. (Dt.7:14- hard taskmaster. You are not a sinner in the hands of an angry God! You are
24). Indeed, you are blessed above all people. Your God distinguishes His a beloved son in the arms of your loving Daddy! Rejoice!
people from others. You are more blessed than anyone else in this world. Beloved, Mephibosheth, the lame son of David’s bosom friend Jonathan,
Your greatest blessing is your Savior. You are blessed with all His found grace in the eyes of David. David showed him kindness for Jonathan’s
fullness. You are blessed spiritually for Your God has blessed you with every sake and made him to dine with him at his table continually (2.Sa.9:6-13).
spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ (Eph.1:3). You are blessed It’s not Mephibosheth’s worth or merit, it is David’s delight and joy in Jonathan
intellectually for Christ has become your wisdom, and in Him dwell all the (2.Sa.1:26). No matter who you are, because of your Savior’s sake, you
treasures of wisdom and knowledge (1.Co.1:30; Col.2:3). You are blessed became God’s delight. Enjoy His delicacies!
materially for your God gives you richly all things to enjoy (1.Ti.6:17). You Thank You, Lord, I shall be blessed above all peoples.
are blessed socially for even your enemies shall make peace with you Indeed heaven and the highest heavens belong to You, also
(Pr.16:7). You are blessed mentally for you have the mind of Christ the earth with all that is in it. Yet You delighted only in our
(1.Co.2:16). You are blessed physically for by the stripes of Jesus you were fathers, to love them; and You chose me after them, above
healed (1.Pe.2:24). You are blessed emotionally for God has not given you all peoples, because I am in Christ.
the spirit of fear, but of power, love and of a sound mind (2.Ti.1:7). You are Dt.7:14; 10:14-15
blessed financially for your Jesus became poor that you through His poverty
might become rich (2.Co.8:9).
You are blessed, your house is blessed, your vessels are blessed, your
cattle is blessed, your vehicles are blessed, your children are blessed, your

581 582
is the One who gives you power to get wealth (Dt.8:18). In Christ, you have
received this power when you made Jesus the Lord of your life. His divine
OCT 15 POWER TO GET WEALTH power in you has given you all things that pertain to your earthly life
IN CHRIST (2.Pe.1:3). Remember, when you were baptized with the Holy Spirit, you
also received His power and ability to get wealth in order to be His end-
…when you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful time witness unto the uttermost parts of the earth (Ac.1:8). The Holy Spirit
houses and dwell in them; and when your herds and your flocks in you gives you all the power and ideas to make you wealthy if you dare to
multiply, and your silver and your gold are multiplied, and all that you believe Him. He is the One who heaped all the wealth of the multitudes at
have is multiplied… then you say in your heart, ‘My power and the the feet of God’s apostles so that nobody should lack anything (Ac.4:32-
might of my hand have gained me this wealth.’ And you shall remember 37). He is the One who gathered the quails like a wind and covered the
the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, entire camp with them for the millions to eat (Ex.16:13; Nu.11:31-32). The
that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, same Holy Spirit is upon you to bring all the wealth to your feet. Rise up into
as it is this day. your inheritance!
Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God The same power that gives you wealth also gives you the ability to
and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things enjoy the wealth you earned. God doesn’t give you wealth without giving
that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who you the power to eat of it and enjoy it, lest a foreigner consume it (Eccl.5:19;
called us by glory and virtue (Dt.8:12-13,17-18; 2.Pe.1:2-3). 6:2). The power of God within you gives clear directions, ideas, strength,
favor of men and faithful helpers to help you earn wealth. Depend on the
Holy Spirit for your financial prosperity. He gives you power not only to
Under the Old Covenant, God promised to heap enormous wealth upon overcome sin, but also to overcome the spirit of lack and poverty. Stay full
His people. He repeatedly promised to the patriarchs that He would confirm of Him and become rich, in Jesus Name!
His covenant on this earth. I want you to know that it is God’s perfect will
Beloved, you are the wealthy child of the wealthiest Daddy. You are
for you to be rich and wealthy. If you read the Scriptures with an open
the co-owner of all His riches. God wants you to enjoy all His fullness and
mind, you cannot overlook this clear teaching of God’s Word.
share liberally with those who are in need. Why should you suffer lack and
The Provider of riches: God is the Source of all your riches. He perish with hunger while even the servants in your Father’s house have
owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Ps.50:10). He is the sole Owner of the bread enough and to spare (Lk.15:17)? The Old Testament saints were
earth and all its fullness (Ps.89:11; 1.Co.10:26,28). Your Daddy God is the God’s servants, and they enjoyed the best riches. Rise up as God’s beloved
Possessor of heaven and earth (Ge.14:19). You can never ever attribute child TODAY!
your riches to your talents, strength, ability or intelligence. He is the One
Thank You, Lord, You have given me power to get wealth.
who made Abraham rich and wealthy. He is the One who gave Him flocks,
In my house there is much treasure. Why should I perish
herds, silver and gold, male and female servants, camels and donkey, which
with hunger when all that is Yours is mine, because I am in
was the wealth of those days (Ge.24:35). He is the One who gave unlimited
riches and wealth and honor to King Solomon as none of the kings ever had
before (2.Chr.1:12). He is the One who bestows wealth and riches on His Dt.8:18; Pr.15:6; Lk.15:17,31
children as His precious gifts (Eccl.5:19). Right now He tells you, “My
child, you are always with Me, and all that I have is yours” (Lk.15:31).
Accept His bountiful riches as the heir of God in Christ and constantly
remember Him thankfully as your only true Source.
Power for wealth: God doesn’t open His heavenly storehouses and
pours out riches on your lap automatically; rather He gives you His power
and ability, His ideas and schemes to get wealth. It’s up to you to use His
power, downloading His wealth-creating, innovative ideas. Remember, He

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we must understand that it is God’s hatred and wrath against sin that caused
Him to do it. God cursed satan when he tempted the first man in Eden
OCT 16 OCCUPY THE LAND (Ge.3:14-15). Since then, God’s wrath is against satan, the enemy of God’s
IN CHRIST creation. Because of this wrath, the Son of God came into this world to
destroy the works of the devil (1.Jn.3:8).
Therefore understand today that the LORD your God is He who In Christ, you hate the devil because of how he tortures human beings.
goes over before you as a consuming fire. He will destroy them and Every time you see sickness, disease or sin, you rise up in holy anger like
bring them down before you; so you shall drive them out and destroy your Savior. You are God’s savior for this world now. Remember, it is not
them quickly, as the LORD has said to you. your righteousness but God’s anger that destroys the works of the devil.
... “Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.” His righteousness: Moses repeatedly said that it was not because of
Now this, “Yet once more,” indicates the removal of those things that the righteousness or uprightness of the Israelites that He would drive out
are being shaken... Since we are receiving a Kingdom which cannot the enemies before them (Dt.9:4-5). The Israelites were always a stiff-
be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God necked people. They provoked God’s wrath to the core by their constant
acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming rebellion. In this chapter, He reminds Israel of their rebellions to prove that
fire (Dt.9:3; Heb.12:23-29). their victory was not because of their righteousness.
In Christ, you don’t depend on your righteousness, prayers or godliness.
Moses was preparing the people of God to possess the Promised Land. You are created in true righteousness and holiness (Eph.4:24). The moment
He gives the reasons why God will drive out the enemies before them. you believed in Jesus, you became God’s very righteousness (Ro.3:22; 4:5).
Understanding this will prepare your heart to face any challenge victoriously. You received abundance of the gift of righteousness in Christ (Ro.5:17).
Your Savior became sin for you so that you might become the righteousness
Naturally not possible: The first thing we need to know in our spiritual
of God in Him. All your victories now come from your righteousness, which
offensive warfare is that without God we can never overcome our enemies
is God’s.
- satan, world or flesh. Moses said, the cities of the enemies were large and
their walls were so tall they reached the sky. The inhabitants were giants, Beloved, God lives in you as a consuming fire. He is the One who
very tall and strong. It was said about them, “Who can stand before the destroys the powers of darkness. All you have to do is move in faith to
descendants of Enoch” (Dt.9:2). Here God emphasized that Israel could possess new territories for God. Don’t depend on your righteousness or
never overcome the enemies’ nations with their natural strength. godliness. See yourself as God’s righteousness and begin to reign in life.
In Christ, Jesus and you are Wine and branch. As the branch cannot Thank You, Lord, You are the One who goes before me
bear fruit of itself, neither can you unless you abide in Him (Jn.15:1-5). as a Consuming Fire. You will destroy my enemies and bring
Without Christ, you can do nothing. When you are in the flesh you cannot them down before me. It is not because of my righteousness
please God or defeat satan or his temptations. This revelation will help you or the uprightness of my heart that I go in to possess the
lean on God’s wisdom and strength in all your battles. land, but You made Christ who knew no sin to be sin for me,
that I might become the righteousness of God, because I
God in you as a Consuming Fire: Moses said that God himself would
am in Christ.
go before them as a consuming fire to destroy their enemies. The raging,
consuming fire of God is burning in you. It will consume all your enemies. Dt.9:3-4; 2.Co.5:21
As you become conscious of the God who lives in you as a consuming fire,
you become His flame to easily destroy the enemies. No demon, no disease,
no curse, no sin can challenge you as you are filled with God’s consuming
fire (Dt.9:3; 4:24; Heb.12:29). Develop this consciousness.
God’s wrath against His enemies: Moses said, “Because of the
wickedness of the nations, the Lord is driving them out before you” (Dt.9:4).
Whenever we see in the Bible God utterly destroying entire Gentile nations,
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Under the Old Covenant, innumerable animal sacrifices covered the
sins of Israel. Symbolically, their sins were transferred upon those innocent
OCT 17
RIGHTEOUSNESS IN CHRIST animals (Ps.32:1-2). In Christ, your sins were not only forgiven, they were
totally atoned for. You were not made righteous by the blood of birds and
animals, but by the precious Blood of your Savior (1.Pe.1:18-19). Now,
Do not think in your heart, after the LORD your God has cast God’s righteousness without the law is manifested in you. By your simple
them out before you, saying, ‘Because of my righteousness the faith in Jesus and His Blood, you are declared righteous and perfect once
LORD has brought me in to possess this land’; but it is because of and for all (Ro.3:21-28; Heb.10:14).
the wickedness of these nations that the LORD is driving them out Everything God has done for you – your victory, health, prosperity,
from before you (Dt.9:4) godly nature, peace and joy, gifts and fruit of the Spirit – all is by His grace
Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His and grace alone! Now, all you have to do is believe and appropriate the
sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness blessings of God’s righteousness. Lean on God’s grace in simple faith. Confess
of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and thank God that you are the righteousness of God in Christ (2.Co.5:21).
and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God, through faith in Develop your faith and please God (Heb.11:6).
Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe… (Ro.3:20-22) Imitate righteousness: The righteousness of God must be put into
practice in everyday life. Righteousness means being and doing right. You
are now clothed with Jesus’ righteousness and can imitate Him in your talk
Life in Christ is the life of God’s righteousness. The subject of
and walk. Every word and deed will be right in the sight of God and man.
righteousness runs like a red threat throughout the whole Bible. You need a
Being the righteousness of God is nothing but living out the life of Jesus.
thorough knowledge of the righteousness of God in order to live a life free
Under the Old Covenant, righteousness was shown even in small practical
of guilt, condemnation or pride and self-confidence. Here in Deuteronomy,
details. For example, returning the coat of a poor man in the night to protect
God made very clear that it was not because of Israel’s own righteousness
him from the cold “shall be righteousness to you before the LORD your
that He gave them victory, but in spite of their stiff-necked nature. He
God” (Dt.24:13). Your righteousness must shine before the world (Mt.5:14-
narrated Israel’s rebellion to prove their depraved nature and helplessness
Beloved, your Jesus became the sacrifice of righteousness for you
Impossible righteousness: The Israelites’ righteousness was
(Dt.33:19). You don’t need to sweat any more to live righteously. Even your
dependent upon their total obedience to every commandment God had given
best effort is cursed like Cain’s offering. Accept God’s Blood-bought
to them. “Then it will be righteousness for us, if we are careful to observe
righteousness and please Him like Abel. Believe His righteousness in you
all these commandments before the LORD our God, as He has commanded
and behave accordingly TODAY!
us” (Dt.6:25). Even a single breach of obedience would nullify their
righteousness (Jas.2:10). How could a fallen man with his sinful nature Thank You, Lord, I shall flourish like a palm tree, I
ever fulfill God’s standard? The result? There was none righteous, no, not shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. You hear my prayer. I
one (Ro.3:10-12). Truly, “by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in believe You, and it is accounted to me for righteousness. I
His sight” (Ro.3:20). Law can never justify. The law was given to drive you am the righteousness of God, because I am in Christ.
to the Throne of His grace to obtain mercy and grace in your utter Ps.92:12; Pr.15:29; Ro.4:3; 2.Co.5:21
hopelessness (Ro.7:9; Heb.4:14-16). God’s law is holy, just and good, but it
could never supply power to live a holy life (Ro.7:12). Thank God for Jesus
who fulfilled every law and became God’s righteousness for you!
Imputed righteousness: God commanded His people not even to
think that their own righteousness drove out their enemies (Dt.9:4). If you
have seen victory or any blessing, remember to ascribe it to the righteousness
of God. This will make you truly humble and thankful.

587 588
wine (Jn.2:10). Your latter glory is far more than the first glory (Hag.2:9).
Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end will increase abundantly
IN CHRIST Law and grace: God rewrote His laws on Moses’ stone tablets. In
Christ, He made your heart His tablet and wrote His laws right into your
At that time the LORD said to me, “Hew for yourself two tablets heart through His Spirit. Moses gave us the law. Your divine Moses Jesus
of stone like the first, and come up to Me on the mountain and make Christ brought you grace and truth (Jn.1:17). Truly, grace is much better
yourself an ark of wood. And I will write on the tablets the words that than law. God’s laws engraved on stones were glorious. When Moses brought
were on the first tablets, which you broke; and you shall put them in the tablets of stone down to the people, his face was shining with God’s
the ark”. glory. Now in Christ, the very Spirit of God wrote His laws into your newly
However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward created heart. How much more glorious it should be! What Moses brought
the spiritual (Dt.10:1-2; 1.Co.15:46). down from the mountain brought condemnation. What Jesus brought to you
is His own righteousness. It carries much more glory than the glory of
Moses which passed away (2.Co.3:7-11).
Moses had broken the tablets of stone on which God wrote His laws In Christ, now the Holy Spirit is constantly transforming you into the
with His own finger. Moses, the meekest man on earth, became so furious same image of Christ from glory to glory. Every day, your glory is increasing.
that he threw down the stone tablets when he saw the golden calf. Yet God
in His mercy asked Moses to prepare two stones like the first ones. Then Beloved, your glory, your righteousness, your dominion and God’s image
He wrote on those tablets His same laws as on the first tablets. This shows in you is totally restored back to you. No matter how much the devil has
how God can rewrite and remake what we break in our lives. marred your image and destroyed your dominion, God has completely
rewritten your history . Maybe you have broken the plan of God in your life
The first man: God created His first man according to His image and
by your own sin or negligence. Don’t worry! Your God can restore it. Your
His likeness. He gave him dominion over all the earth and His creation. He
wasted years and wasted energy, all can be given back to you, and even
literally made him king of this earth and blessed him (Ge.1:26-28). We know much more than what you had. Rise up to your destiny and glory, in JESUS
how man lost that image and likeness of God when he sinned and lost the Name!
glory of God (Ro.3:23).
Thank You, Lord, You will raise up the tabernacle of
In Christ, God recreated you and remade you once again in His own
David, which has fallen down, and repair its damages. You
image and His own likeness. The dominion you lost in the first Adam was
will raise up its ruins, and rebuild it as in the days of old.
restored back to you through the second Adam. When Christ rose again, Though my beginning was small, yet my latter end will
He took all authority in heaven and earth to give it back to you. As the first increase abundantly, because I am in Christ.
Adam became the king of the earth, you now reign in life through the second
Adam, your Savior. Just like the first man was blessed, you too are blessed Amos 9:11; Job 8:7
in Christ. God rewrites His plan and His will in your life. He is a Restorer!
Rebuilder! Remaker!
Much more than the first: Moses cut two stone tablets just like the
first ones. God wrote on those tablets exactly what He wrote in the first
writing, the Ten Commandments (Dt.10:1-4). In Christ, the second Adam
not only restored you to your first glory of the first man, but much more. In
God’s plan, every day should be better than yesterday for you. The first
Adam was earthly, the second Adam was heavenly. As was the man of the
dust, so also are those who are made of dust. As is the heavenly Man, so
also are those who are heavenly (1.Co.15:45-49). In Christ, you now bear
the image of the heavenly Man. Truly your latter wine is better than the first

589 590
worshipped so many pagan gods. When the God of all gods revealed to him
His secrets, he proclaimed, “Truly your God is the God of gods, the Lord of
OCT 19
KNOWLEDGE OF GOD IN CHRIST kings, and the revealers of secrets” (Dan.2:47). When we know Him as the
God of all gods, we will not fear the gods of this world nor any witchcraft or
magic powers (Jdg.6:10).
Indeed heaven and the highest heavens belong to the LORD In Christ, God has made you the god of this world. Originally, Adam
your God, also the earth with all that is in it. For the LORD your God was the god of the entire world but he forfeited this privileged position to
is God of gods and Lord of lords... the devil and made him the god of this world. Thank God, Jesus came, took
Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God back what Adam had lost, and gave it to you. When you became a child of
and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things God, you literally became a little god (Jn.10:34-35). As Moses was god to
that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who Pharaoh, you became god to the powers of darkness (Ex.7:1). Believe it
called us by glory and virtue (Dt.10:14,17; 2.Pe.1:2-3). and act on it.
Lord of lords: One of the great names of our God is King of kings and
In Deuteronomy, God reveals Himself in many ways. The Knowledge Lord of the lords (Dt.10:17b). He will demonstrate this name by destroying
of God is most important for our Christian life. When we know our God, we the nations and rule their kings with a rod of iron (Rev.19:11-16). He is the
spontaneously love Him and serve Him. This desire of God is repeated Master of all masters! The President of all presidents! When you see Him
many times when God expected His people to fear Him, to walk in all His like this, you will stop fearing mortal man. When you preach the Gospel or
ways, and to love and serve Him with all their hearts and souls. when you are persecuted, man can only kill your body, nothing more. Jesus
Knowledge is the key for the transformation of our lives. When we clearly taught us to fear God, who after killing has the authority to throw
know how God loves the strangers, the fatherless and the widows, we start into hell (Lk.12:4-5)
loving such unfortunate people. We imitate and emulate people whom we In Christ, He has made you the master of everything and everyone.
admire. Talking about the futility of idols, the psalmist said, “Those who The weakest person in Christ is stronger than the strongest man (1.Co.1:25).
make them are like them; so is everyone who trusts in them” (Ps.115:8). Beloved, your God and you became one in Christ. You are a child of
How true! the Owner of heaven and earth. You are a royal son of the King of the
The great Owner: The highest heavens and the earth belong to Him universe. God wants you to take your royal throne and execute judgment
(Dt.10:14). He is the Owner and Creator. This revelation of God will cast over the nations. Think and walk majestically. Rule and reign the world. Act
away fear and create supernatural faith in us. As the Owner of all the like a little god and master of everything. Proclaim and practice it TODAY!
heavens, He has all authority over it. The heavens are the Lord’s, but the Thank You, Lord, heaven and the highest heavens belong
earth He has given to the children of men (Ps.115:16). He is the One who to You, also the earth with all that is in it… You are the God
gave this earth to man. of gods and the Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and
In Christ, God made you His co-owner and gave you authority in heaven awesome, who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe. The
and on earth (Mt.28:18-19). Heaven has become your home. You are seated heaven, even the heavens are Yours, but the earth You have
in the heavenlies (Eph.2:6). As a citizen of heaven, you have free access to given to me, because I am in Christ.
release heaven on earth (Mt.18:18; Phil.3:20). As the Owner of the earth, Dt.10:14,17; Ps:115:16
God has given His authority to you. When you came to Christ, all things
became yours - the world, things present or things to come - all are yours
(1.Co.3:21-23). In short, the keys of the Kingdom of heaven and earth are
entrusted to you (Mt.16:18-19). You can now bring down the Kingdom of
God to this earth and execute the will of God on earth as it is in heaven.
Please make ample use of this special authority.
God of gods (Dt.10:17a): Your God is the supreme God. No other
god is like Him in power or in holiness or wisdom. King Nebuchadnezzar

591 592
Always guidance: God’s eyes upon you mean His continuous guidance
also. He will instruct you and teach you His ways and guide you with His
OCT 20 ALWAYS IN CHRIST eyes (Ps.32:8). He guides you every second of your life. He promises you
that He will guide you continually (Isa.58:11). What a blessing it is to be
guided continually by the God of heaven and earth!
...the land which you cross over to possess is a land of hills and Always goodness and mercy: God’s eyes upon you is the direct result
valleys, which drinks water from the rain of heaven, a land for which of His goodness and mercy! It is His goodness that took the people of God
the LORD your God cares; the eyes of the LORD your God are to Canaan. In Christ, God’s goodness and mercy follow you all the days of
always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the your life till you reach your heavenly home (Ps.23:6). “His mercy endures
year. forever!” should be your continuous song in Christ. As long as you are in
...lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age… (Dt.11:11- Christ, you are in His goodness and mercy. Expect goodness and mercy to
12; Mt.28:20). manifest every day of your life.
Beloved, coming to Christ is coming to His continuous care, continuous
Presence, continuous guidance and continuous blessings. These blessings
While describing Canaan’s riches, fertility and the rain from heaven,
are always with you and upon you. All God expects from you is for you to
God comes to the most important aspect of Canaan: The fact that His eyes
trust His care and love and to walk in His guidance. He is your Good Shepherd
will be on Canaan throughout the year, from the first to the last day.
who leads you to the pastures of tender grass and the waters of rest and
Always watchful: When God takes His people to His chosen land, He purity. Just thank Him continuously and enjoy your life in Christ NOW!
not only takes care of His people, but also of the very land He gives them.
Thank you, Lord, Your eyes are always on me, from the
Can you imagine God’s eyes running to and fro and watching over the
beginning of the year to the very end of the year. You will
entire land, forests, rivers and everything? The entire nation was under
instruct and teach me in the way I should go. You will guide
God’s supervision and watchful care. It was a completely demon-, disease-
with Your eyes. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
, defilement- and desecration-free zone. This truth thrills my heart.
all the days of my life, because I am in Christ.
Life in Christ is also a God-cared life. Always remember: Life in Christ
Dt.11:12; Ps.32:8; 23:6
for you is life in Canaan for the Israelites. You entire life is always under
the direct care and supervision of God. God’s caring eyes and compassionate
heart were upon Solomon’s temple perpetually (1.Ki.9:3). You are God’s
temple in Christ. His eyes and His heart are upon you all the days of your
life. Every time you enter into a new year, remember that from the first till
the last day of the year, your God is caring for you compassionately. Never
be anxious about yourself (Phil.4:6). Live a carefree life before God, since
He is most careful for you (1.Pe.5:7).
Always Presence: The pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud were upon
them throughout all their journeys till they reached Canaan. Once they
reached Canaan, God’s overshadowing Presence was covering the entire
Promised Land under His wings. (Ex.40:38). When sin entered, His Presence
left for a while, otherwise He was there as Jehovah Shammah (Eze.48:35).
The very name of their city was, ‘The Lord is there’.
In Christ, your Savior is with you always, even to the end of the age
(Mt.28:20). His ever abiding Presence never leaves you, never forsakes
you, every single minute and every single day of your entire life (Heb.13:5).
Be aware of this greatest privilege!
593 594
and not one grass grew. When he prayed again, the showers came and
everything started growing again (1.Ki.17:1; 18:5-6,41-46). Likewise, Samuel
OCT 21 prayed and thunder and rain came. Such demonstration made people to
BLESS THE NATURE IN CHRIST greatly fear the Lord and Samuel (1.Sa.12:15-20).
Remember, the Old Covenant saints had not been given all authority
And it shall be that if you earnestly obey My commandments over heaven and earth. In Christ, however, all the authority of Jesus Christ
which I command you today, to love the LORD your God and serve is given to you. How much more should you realize and release your authority
Him with all your heart and with all your soul, then I will give you the over nature!
rain for your land in its season, the early rain and the latter rain, that New Covenant saints: The author of the New Covenant, our Lord
you may gather in your grain, your new wine, and your oil. And I will Jesus Christ, exercised enormous authority over nature when He was in
send grass in your fields for your livestock, that you may eat and be the flesh. He calmed the raging sea with one word (Mk.4:35-41). He cursed
filled. Take heed to yourselves, lest your heart be deceived, and you the fig tree with one word, and it withered the same day (Mk.11:12-14; 20-
turn aside and serve other gods and worship them. 24). He controlled multitudes of fish and commanded them to get into the
For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the net (Lk.5:1-11). He put a silver coin in the mouth of a fish. He multiplied the
revealing of the sons of God (Dt.11:13-15; Ro.8:19-22). dead fish and the bread thousand fold.
In Christ, He transferred His authority to His spiritual Body, the Church.
God promised His people the seasonal rain and bumper harvests of Remember, He didn’t use all the authority of God when He was in the
grains, grass and vegetables if they would obey His voice and love and flesh. After He rose again, He took all the keys of heaven and earth and
serve Him. One of the blessings God gives to His people is a favorable gave them to you. Now you can speak to the mountain and cause it to fly
climate and fertility. Natural calamities were the result of curse and away. The Apostle Paul perceived the coming storm and warned his people.
disobedience. For one Jonah, God changed the entire nature. God sent out For his sake, God rescued all his co-passengers (Ac.27:10,22-25).
a great wind and mighty tempest to change his direction, and He caused all Beloved, all creation was subjected to futility. It is under bondage to
of that to cease when Jonah was thrown out of the ship. He prepared a fish decay and corruption. The whole creation is waiting for the manifestation
to bring him to his destination and a plant to teach him a lesson. The whole of the sons of God. When you, the new creation, manifest your full authority,
world revolves around the elect of God. you can liberate and bless the creation of this world. You can reverse the
Curse reversed: Before the fall of man, all nature, the land, forests natural calamities. You can bless this world with prosperity and fertility. In
and everything were blessed and in God’s order (Ge.1:12). The day man short, you can make your territory as the Garden of Eden with the blessing
fell, the very ground was cursed, and thorns and thistles began to grow of the second Adam. Rise up to your position TODAY!
(Ge.3:17-19). Agriculture and cultivation became a toil and hard labor for Thank You, Lord, I can say to the mountain, be removed
men. Under the Old Covenant, the obedience of the Israelites changed the and be cast into the sea. I do not doubt in my heart, but
curse of nature and brought former and latter rain (Dt.11:13-14; Zec.10:1). believe that those things I say will be done, and I will have
Their obedience affected even the grass in their field, the cattle, the birds whatever I say. If I can believe, all things are possible to
and even the seasons - in short, the whole creation. me, because I am in Christ.
In Christ, all the curses - even the curse on nature and creation - were Mt.11:23; 9:23
totally reversed. As a new creation, you have all authority to control nature
and bless this earth. Natural calamities can be thwarted by you, when you
exercise your God given authority. The Bible is full of such examples.
Old Covenant saints: Even the Old Covenant saints exercised
authority over nature and proved God’s mighty power to the nations. Elijah,
the man of God, could stop the rain and even the dew for more than three
years with his prophetic prayer and authority. Not even a drop of rain fell,

595 596
are destroyed from before you, and that you do not inquire after their gods,
saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise’”
OCT 22 (Dt.12:29-31). If we are careless, there is always a danger of conforming
NO CONTAMINATION IN CHRIST to the standard of this world (Ro.12:2). In Christ, you have the privilege to
transform your mind with God’s Word and with God’s people. If God’s
And you shall destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars, and Word doesn’t transform you, you will automatically be conformed to the
burn their wooden images with fire; you shall cut down the carved sinful world. It is better to be babes in malice but wise and mature in the
images of their gods and destroy their names from that place. things of God. Childlike unfamiliarity with evil is a great blessing (1.Co.14:20).
If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from Never be curious to know the things of the world or of satan. The Bible
you... And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it warns us not to know the depths of satan (Rev.2:24). Enquiring the details
from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members of sinful pagan practices will gradually ensnare you. Be careful!
perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell (Dt.12:3; Mt.5:29- No occult: God warns His people against false prophets and dreamers
30). who would lead them to other gods. People who practice such occult arts
should be put to death (Dt.13:1-4). If anyone diverts you from your loyalty
Some of the most repeated warnings to the Israelites were warnings to Christ even through miracles, be ruthless to resist and condemn all trace
against idolatry. God hates idolatry with all passion. His wrath is kindled of it. The only thing that will protect you against such deception is the sound
against all forms of idolatry. Anything that takes God’s place in our hearts doctrine of the Word of God and the gift of discernment by the Spirit of
infuriates Him. Millions were killed because of this sin in the Old Testament. God. In these last days, many such false miracle workers and pseudo
Truly our God is a zealous and jealous Lover. He will never allow anything prophets, even many false christs, will rise up and deceive many through
to take His devotion in our minds or hearts. Let us see how to avoid this their great miracles (Mt.24:24). Sometimes such false miracle workers are
abominable sin of idolatry. sent to corroborate your commitment to the Lord and His Word. Discern
No trace: God commanded His people to ruthlessly demolish all the and desist with all your mind and might!
pagan shrines, wherever they would find them. Pillars had to be smashed to No soul tie: God abhors idols so much that He warned His people to
pieces. Altars had to be torn apart. Even the memory of pagan gods had to kill anyone, even spouse, sons, or daughters who might try to divert them to
be erased. This shows the severity of God against anything that comes in other gods. If someone from the inhabitants of a city would lead them away
between us and God. from God, all the city should be destroyed along with the people (Dt.13:6-
In Christ, such high standard is not reduced in any way. Your Savior, 18). Oh! See the intensity of God’s wrath against inducements and
the Head of the Church, didn’t make it easier either. He even said, pluck temptations.
out your eye if it leads you to lust and chop off your hand of foot if it causes Beloved, idolatry is anything that disturbs your loyalty to Christ. This
you to sin (Mk.9:43-47). What a harsh word! A little place given to sin and world, love of money, love of yourself, love of your family, job or possessions,
temptation will make place for more depravity. It will defile many others anything can become your idol. Ruthlessly demolish and smash any doubtful
around you and block the riches of life in Christ. relationships, materials like pornography, magic books, demonic music, filthy
Jesus was ruthless when He cleansed the physical temple (Jn.2:13- movies, intellectually seducing books that kill your simplicity of faith, or ties
22). The Holy Spirit is ruthless in destroying whatever defiles you, His temple to unbelieving friends. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you anything that kills
(1.Co.3:16-17). All the apostles including Paul were ruthless in dealing with your zealous love for God TODAY!
people when sin and hypocrisy were found in them (Ac.8:18-25; 13:7-12; Thank You, Lord, I do not love the world or the things
1.Co.5:1-8). Life in Christ abhors all trace of sin with the holy wrath of in the world, for all that is in the world - the lust of the
God. flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life - is not of
No curiosity: After entering into Canaan, it was natural for people to You but is of the world. The world is passing away, and the
be ensnared by the people around. That is why God strongly commanded lust of it; but I who do Your will abide forever, because I
Israel not even to inquire about their gods and their form of worship, saying, am in Christ.
“Take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they 1.Jn.2:15-17

597 598
Joy in His family: Almost every time God commanded to rejoice in His
Presence, He made clear that the entire family should come and rejoice in His
OCT 23
REJOICE IN CHRIST Presence. “You shall rejoice… you and your sons and your daughters, your
male and female servants, and the Levite… the stranger and the fatherless and
the widow …” (Dt.12:12,18; 16:11,14). From God’s repeated Words you can
And there you shall eat before the LORD your God, and you understand how much He longs to see you enjoying with every one of your
shall rejoice in all to which you have put your hand, you and your family members. Whenever you go to the gathering of the saints, don’t exclude
households, in which the LORD your God has blessed you. any one of your family members. Make sure all your children attend the service
So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking along with the servants and strangers who stay with you. There is such a joy
bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and in the family union! Husband and wife should rejoice in each other’s company
simplicity of heart (Dt.12:7; Ac.2:46). (Pr.5:18; Isa.62:5). Parents should rejoice and enjoy their children (Ps.127:3-
5; Pr.10:1). Even your servants and strangers must happily stay with you.
This is your blessing in Christ. Never accept anything else as normal and
Life in Christ is a life of rejoicing, joy and gladness. Your God wants all inevitable!
His children to rejoice and be glad in life. In Deuteronomy, He repeatedly
Joy in your work: God was very particular to mention that they should
commanded His people to rejoice with all their family members in His Presence
rejoice in all their handiwork (Dt.12:7,18). All your labor must bring you joy
(Dt.12:7,12,18; 14:26; 16:11,14-15; 26:11; 27:7; 28:47; 30:9; 32:43; 33:18).
and gladness. Before the fall, Adam and Eve would have found extreme delight
We tend to think people under the Old Covenant were loaded with heavy
in their guarding and cultivating work (Ge.2:15). Only after the fall, the joy of
burdens, rules and regulations, but even under such a covenant, God made
work was destroyed by the curse, but God restored the joy of work to His
provisions for His people to rejoice, to eat and be merry in His Presence.
Covenant people (Ge.3:17-19). Only to restore the joy of their handiwork to
You live in the New Covenant which far excels in blessings and privileges. His people, God ordained the gathering of His Covenant people in His Presence.
Truly, Jesus brought great joy to all people (Lk.2:10). Our message is rightly If you don’t enjoy your God-given work, you bring a curse upon yourself.
called ‘Good News’ (Mt.11:5; Lk.1:19; 2:10; 4:18; 8:1; 16:16; Ac.8:12). If Whatever service you render to people you render to God! Heed God’s warning:
you really walk in the Good News of the New Covenant, you will be the most “…all these curses shall come upon you… because you did not serve the
joyful, excited person on this earth. Satan targets your joy for he knows that LORD your God with joy and gladness of heart…” (Dt.28:45,47-48).
your strength lies there (Neh.8:10). It’s time to restore the joy of the Lord to
Beloved, resolve to serve your Lord with joy and gladness of heart
His Body.
(Ps.100:2)! Rejoice with your family! Rejoice in His Presence! Rejoice in
Joy in His Presence: God commanded His people in the Promised Land good times and bad times! Rejoice in the Lord always (Phil.4:4)! Release the
to regularly worship at His habitation with all their tithes and offerings. There, rivers of joy from your spirit and harvest strength, health and vitality TODAY!
they should eat whatever their hearts desired, and rejoice before Him with all
Thank You, Lord, You have shown me the path of life. In
their family members, even with their servants and the strangers among them
Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand are pleasures
(Dt.12:7,12,18). Your joy and gladness come from your Daddy-God, the Source
forevermore. You have put gladness in my heart, more than in
of all joy. When God created man, there was no sorrow or grief in his entire
the season that their grain and wine increased. You have turned
system. Sorrowful conception, sorrowful childbirth, sorrowful eating and
for me my mourning into dancing. You have put off my sackcloth
sorrowful work is God’s curse upon fallen mankind (Ge.3:16-19). Every time
and clothed me with gladness, because I am in Christ.
man comes back to God, joy emanates from His Presence.
Ps.16:11; 4:7; 30:11
David always enjoyed joy in God’s Presence (2.Sa.6:12-15; 1.Chr.16:27;
Ac.2:25-26; Ps.16:8-11). When Jesus came into your life, all the heavenly joy
rushed into your spirit. When the Holy Spirit, the Oil of gladness, came upon
you, rivers of joy started gushing out of you. When you carry God’s Presence,
you carry the joy of the Lord. Let not your soul and mind and the things that
happen around you clog the force of joy in you. Release it TODAY!

599 600
your blessings one by one, you cannot but be glad and thankful. People get
depressed when they focus on their lacks and fears whereas there are
OCT 24
BE GLAD IN CHRIST millions of things God has done for them to rejoice. God commanded His
people to pray while bringing all their firstfruits to God (Dt.26:1-11). The
prayer reminded them from where God lifted them up. Yes, when you
And you shall rejoice before the LORD your God, you and your remember every good thing the Lord has given to you and your people, your
sons and your daughters, your male and female servants, and the heart will swell with joy. A grateful person is a glad person. A complaining
Levite who is within your gates, since he has no portion nor inheritance person is a confused person. A murmuring person is a moaning person. In
with you. Christ, are you deprived of any blessing?! Your Daddy didn’t spare His own
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! (Dt.12:12; precious Son. Will He withhold anything from you (Ro.8:32) Just meditate
Phil.4:4). on all the blessings you have in Christ and see the joy of the Lord flooding
through you! A joyful life is not optional. It decides your victory, health,
Life in Christ is a life of thrill, excitement and gladness of heart. If this strength, family harmony, prosperity, guidance and everything about you.
is not the case in your life, something is blocking the free flow of God’s life Get back your joy TODAY!
and hindering your usefulness. Remember, God can never use a depressed Rejoice in God’s vindication: The fact that your God will bring justice
person! The message on the joy of the Lord is the urgent need of the Church is a great reason for you to rejoice. “Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people;
today. There is so much depression everywhere, and it is infiltrating even for He will avenge the blood of His servants, and render vengeance to His
the Body of Christ. We must hate and resist gloominess, sorrow and adversaries. He will provide atonement for His land and His people”
depression with the same intensity as we hate satan and sin! (Dt.32:43). God’s servants are persecuted in many parts of the world, and
From the deepest prison pit, the apostle Paul could sing and praise His God’s adversaries are gloating over the Body of Christ. The cry of suffering
Lord and command you to rejoice in the Lord always (Ac.16:25-; Phil.4:4). saints has ascended to heaven (Ex.2:23-25; 1.Sa.9:16). Your God will surely
You have no right to be depressed! Give no room to gloom! Let a smile be avenge your cause and destroy your enemies. He reigns as Judge over all
your style! Deuteronomy enumerates various reasons for you to rejoice nations (Ge.18:25; Ps.94:2)! He will not ignore your sufferings for long. He
and be glad. will avenge every drop of your tears and blood (Rev.6:10). Your Haman will
be hanged, and you will be exalted. Rejoice in His judgments (Ps.48:11)!
Joy in giving: God blessed the Israelites with abundant harvests, cattle
and riches. In order to increase and multiply their harvest, He made a provision Beloved, all the feasts were specially ordained by the Lord, just to
to offer a percentage back to Him. The Israelites were liberal and regular make His people forget their sorrows and make life happy and joyful. Your
givers (Dt.14:26; 27:6-7). More than that, they gave generously to God as God’s greatest joy is to bless you (Dt.30:9). Nothing gladdens His heart
the Lord had blessed them (Dt.16:10). Whenever God asks you to give more than seeing you rejoice in His blessings. You are anointed with the Oil
something to Him, it is to give more back to you and increase your joy in of gladness more than anyone else (Heb.1:9). You can rejoice in sufferings
giving. If you are a giver, you will know the joy of giving and the thrill of and trials. Your joy and gladness come from within you. Nothing that happens
seeing how God richly repays you. The Mazedonian believers gave out of around you can diminish your joy. Rejoice TODAY!
deep poverty and great trial but with abundant joy and great liberality Thank You, Lord, You have anointed me with the oil of
(2.Co.8:1-2). Only a liberal person can know this abundance of joy. David gladness more than my companions. Your Kingdom is
considered it his greatest privilege to give to the King of the universe righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Your
(1.Chr.29:14). They sowed greatly and reaped great gladness (1.Chr.29:22). Kingdom is within me, because I am in Christ.
The greater your giving, the greater your gladness! If you miss the bubbling Ro.14:17; Heb.1:9; Lk.17:21
joy today, send a big gift for God’s ministry and prove your joy! The Early
Church sold all their properties and enjoyed the joy and gladness of their
hearts (Ac.2:44-47).
Joy in blessings: God bestows His blessings and spoils you with all
His good things to excite you and to make you glad (Dt.26:11).If you count

601 602
Abraham was considered a mighty prince among all people (Ge.23:6). Isaac
was the top farmer of his time (Ge.26:12-13). Joseph was always first in his
OCT 25
HEART'S DESIRE IN CHRIST career (Ge.39:1-4; 21-23; 41:37-44). It is God’s desire that His people should
always be first wherever they are. That desire was transferred into your
heart. When the disciples were arguing who was the greatest among them,
When the LORD your God enlarges your border... and you say, Jesus called them and said, “If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of
‘Let me eat meat,’ because you long to eat meat, you may eat as all and servant of all” (Mk.9:35). Jesus didn’t condemn their desire to be
much meat as your heart desires... If the place where the LORD first, He only corrected the principles to becoming great in His Kingdom
your God chooses to put His name is too far from may eat (Lk.22:24-27). If you clearly follow the Bible ways of greatness, you will be
within your gates as much as your heart desires. first wherever you go and in whatever you do.
Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it Desire gifts: Desiring the manifestations of the Holy Spirit is a noble
done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed instantly desire. God Himself commands you to desire spiritual gifts, especially to
(Dt.12:20-21; Mt.15:28). prophesy (1.Co.14:1; 13:9). The main reason why we don’t see His mighty
acts of signs and wonders is our lack of desire. It’s time to desire to arouse
your desire for God’s power display. It’s time to desire creative miracles
Life in Christ enjoys the fulfillment of all its desires. God not only grants and to raise the dead. You can never be too ambitious for His glory and
what you ask for but also what you desire. It is satan’s trick to lie to you power. When the Holy Spirit stirs your heart for the supernatural
that God is against all your desires. God is not against your desires! It is manifestations, don’t dare to suffocate this desire. Read more about His
your God who produces desire in your heart and fulfill it (Phil.2:13). God mighty deeds in the Bible and add fuel to your wish.
repeatedly shows in this book how He longs to see the desires of His people
fulfilled (Dt.12:15,20-21; 14:26). He wanted His people to eat meat whenever Desire greater ministry: God appreciates your desire to be used by
they desired and whatever they desired, according to His blessings. You Him mightily. He wants you to aspire high responsibilities in His Kingdom
don’t give your loved ones just what they need but also what they desire as (1.Ti.3:1). Humility is not evading God-given positions. It’s a noble thing to
long as it is harmless for them. How much more will your heavenly Father be a spiritual leader though the expected standard is high (1.Ti.3:1-7). The
and your Heavenly Bridegroom long to give you even the slightest desires reason for the poor Christian standard is the lack of godly ambitions. Come
of your heart! This revelation will dispel all guilt and unbelief from your on, let us aspire great and mighty things from God!
heart. Beloved, desire and His Word more than ever before (Ps.19:7-10).
All your desires: In Christ, you became a righteous person. The desire Always practice to delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you your
of the righteous will be granted (Pr.10:24). Take a survey of your life and deep and secret desires (Ps.37:4). In Christ, whatever you desire will be
count how many desires the Lord fulfilled in your life even before you granted (Mk.11:24; 1.Jn.5:15)! Believe and rejoice TODAY!
uttered a single word. You will be overwhelmed to see how God is sensitive Thank You, Lord, one thing I have desired of You, that
to your each and every desire! God searches your heart and knows all your will I seek: That I may dwell in Your house all the days of
deep longings and wishes. As you faithfully walk in Him, He will create my life, to behold Your beauty, and to inquire of You. My
more and more desires and will thrill you with granting every one of them. desire will be granted, because I am in Christ.
When Christ rules your entire life, you are filled with all His desires, and Ps.27:4; Pr.10:24
your very system will reject any desire contrary to God’s Word and will.
When you allow those desires to sprout and grow in you, nothing will be
impossible for you. Let the Holy Spirit arouse all godly desires within you
and manifest His power.
Desire to be first: The desire to be first is inherent in every person.
God wants you to be on top and excel in every undertaking (Dt.28:13).
Every one of God’s saints in the Bible was on top in their life situation.

603 604
No selfish voice: Just before the seventh year, the year of release
(Jubilee), a temptation might come not to give to the poor. God warned
OCT 26 OPEN YOUR HAND WIDE against such a selfish voice and called it a ‘wicked thought’ (Dt.15:9). If
IN CHRIST Israel allowed such a thought, it would become sin and wickedness. In
Christ, you are totally selfless in nature. The One who gave Himself selflessly
If there is among you a poor man of your brethren, within any of to this sinful world lives in you. When the Spirit of God was poured out on
the gates in your land which the LORD your God is giving you, you the Early Church, they spontaneously sold all their possessions and goods
shall not harden your heart nor shut your hand from your poor brother, and divided them among all, as anyone had need (Ac.2:44-45). No one said
but you shall open your hand wide to him and willingly lend him sufficient that any of his belongings was his own (Ac.4:32). The only couple that
for his need, whatever he needs. heeded the selfish voice opened themselves up for satan to fill their hearts
But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, to lie to the Holy Spirit (Ac.5:3). They were killed on the spot. Remember,
and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one not giving to the poor liberally is sin and makes you guilty.
give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for No grudging: God said, “Your heart should not be grieved when you
God loves a cheerful give (Dt.15:7-8; 2.Co.9:6-7). give” (Dt.15:10). For a child of God, giving should be one of the greatest
pleasures. Anything we do for God and for men must be done happily. Paul
Generosity to the poor is one of the main demands of God toward His said, “Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of
people. The poor and the needy will always be in this world. So he wants necessity” (2.Co.9:5, 7). If you know the blessings of giving and that giving
His people to freely open their hands and meet their needs. Both under the is your nature, and remember that you are a member of God’s own family,
law and in the grace period, generosity to the poor is required. The Bible your heart will bubble with joy every time you open your heart freely to give
has much to say about it. to the poor and the needy.
No discrimination: The reason God expects us to be generous givers Beloved, giving is God’s command and God’s pleasure. You are living
is not to burden us but to bring equality among His people (2.Co.8:14). God in this world to give. Your God is no man’s debtor. When you give to the
is not happy to see one poor man among His family (Dt.15:7). We are the poor, you lend to God Himself. Your giving triggers God and makes Him
same family and the household of God (Eph.2:19). We have the same rich bless you in everything you do and in all your work and ventures. Never
Father for the whole family in heaven and on earth (Eph.3:14-15). Can you ever allow a stingy heart attitude in you. Open your heart and your purse to
imagine poor and rich saints in heaven? How could we ignore poor and rich someone who is in need TODAY.
among our own family down on this earth? God’s method is to supply the Thank You, Lord, he who sows sparingly will also reap
lack of the poor by the abundance of others. The eternal principle in the sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
family of God is, “He who gathered much had nothing left over, and he who So I give as I purpose in my heart, not grudgingly or of
gathered little had no lack” (2.Co.8:14-15). necessity, for You love me, a cheerful giver. You are able
No shutting your heart: God said, when we see a poor man we to make all grace abound to me, that I, always having all
should not harden our heart and shut our hand. In Christ, the love of God is sufficiency in all things, may have abundance for every good
shed abroad in our hearts (Ro.5:5). When we see the need of others and work, because I am in Christ.
don’t meet their needs, the love of God in us is blocked, for God’s love 2.Co.9:6-8
never seek its own (1.Jn.3:17). It is like blocking God Himself, for God is
love. Life in Christ is a life of compassion and generosity for the poor and
the needy.
No stinginess: God clearly stated, “You shall open your hand wide to
him and willingly lend him sufficient for his need, whatever he needs”
(Dt.15:8). God loves a cheerful giver (2.Co.9:7). The generous soul will be
made rich (Pr.11:25). Your God gives richly all things to all people to enjoy
(1.Ti.6:17). In Christ, you have this nature of liberal and generous giving.

605 606
If the case is too difficult, they were commanded to take it to the priest,
the Levites and the judge of that day. They would do a thorough enquiry
OCT 27 DEAL WITH SINNING BROTHER and give their final judgment (Dt.17:8-9). See here the hierarchy and the
IN CHRIST steps God has ordained so beautifully. In Christ, you cannot afford to neglect
all these steps which come from God’s wisdom. Again Jesus said, if the
..and it is told you, and you hear of it, then you shall inquire sinning person refuses to listen to the witnesses, we must go to the Church
diligently. And if it is indeed true and certain that such an abomination of God, which is the final authority. Only when the person refuses to listen
has been committed in Israel... Whoever is deserving of death shall to the Church, we must expel him or take any disciplinary action. When the
be put to death on the testimony of two or three witnesses; he shall Church agrees on any issue, heaven approves it. Wherever God’s people
not be put to death on the testimony of one witness. gather together, Christ Himself stands in their midst (Mt.18:15-20). The
Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his Apostle Paul asked the church in Corinth to deliver that immoral person to
fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained satan for the destruction of his flesh (1.Co.5:4-5). Oh! The authority of the
your brother. But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, Church!
that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be Obey verbatim: Once the judgment was declared, there was absolutely
established’ (Dt.17:4,6; Mt.18:15-16). no way for anyone to override or twist the decision (Dt.17:10-13). Anyone
who dared to disobey the church leadership was to be put to death. Such an
God as a King was giving all His laws and instructions to His people on act created fear in the hearts of the Israelites. Under the New Covenant,
various issues of everyday life. In this chapter, He is talking about how to even the great apostles Paul and Barnabas were subject to the leadership
deal with someone who has gone after other gods. In Christ, this gives us at Jerusalem. For any issue or conflict, they ran to Jerusalem for a solution.
step by step principles to deal with our brethren who sin against God and us. The Jerusalem council then decreed what should be done in such cases
Investigate carefully: When you hear that someone has sinned against (Ac.15:1-2, 30-31). Paul humbly took the council’s decision and spread it to
God, don’t quickly judge him. Take time to enquire diligently and get enough all his churches. Life in Christ is not an independent life. It is a corporate
evidence to find out whether it is true. The Bible is against all quick judgments. life with corporate decision-making.
In fact, judging our brothers and sisters is not our job. Whoever judges a Beloved, in Christ, you have enormous authority to correct and deal
Christian judges the law! God is the only lawgiver and judge (Jas.4:11-12). with your fellow believers. Always remember, God is love, and love covers
Jesus sharply emphasized, “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Mt.7:1-2). a multitude of sins (1.Jn.4:8,16; 1.Pe.4:8). At the same time, love doesn’t
If we have to discipline or correct someone, however, we should not be approve or ignore sin. We are debtors in Christ to lift up the fallen ones.
quick to do so without proper investigation. Our human tendency is to be Ask the Holy Spirit how to deal with the problems you face and follow
quick to condemn others. Never believe negative reports about others and Bible ethics TODAY!
deal rashly. Such hasty criticism will weaken the hanging hands and feeble Thank You, Lord, if a man is overtaken in any trespass,
knees of people (Heb.12:12). In Christ, you see the sins of people with deep I who am spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness,
compassion and try to exhort and lift them up. considering myself lest I also be tempted. I will bear others’
Look for two or three witnesses: After a thorough investigation and burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ, because I am in
enquiry, we must look for two three witnesses to confirm the crime. This is Christ.
a general principle in God’s Kingdom (Dt.17:6; Nu.35:30; 2.Co.13:1; Gal.6:1-2
1.Ti.5:19). In Christ, when someone sins against you, you must deal with
him privately and try to win him. If he refuses to hear, take at least two
witnesses to confirm the accusation and confront the transgressor. This is
the advice your Jesus gives you. We are not to lean on our own understanding
to come to conclusions about anyone. Taking enough time is also very
important in dealing with people. Paul admonishes us to “Judge nothing
before the time” (1.Co.4:5). This process of looking for evidence and
involving two or three witnesses will prevent us from judging too quickly.
607 608
Holy Spirit (Eph.3:16). Allow God’s Word to take deep root in you for your
strength (1.Jn.2:14). Only through Christ and His anointing, you can fulfill
OCT 28
LONGEVITY OF MINISTRIES your calling and maintain longevity.
Build God’s Kingdom: Kings should not be selfish pleasure seekers.
IN CHRIST They should not multiply wives and multiply gold and silver for themselves
…you shall surely set a king over you whom the LORD your (Dt.17:17). Kings are called to take care of their people and to serve them
God chooses... that his heart may not be lifted above his brethren, as God’s representatives. They fight the battles of God, risking their own
that he may not turn aside from the commandment to the right hand lives.
or to the left, and that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he In Christ, you are totally separated to build God’s Kingdom, to win
and his children in the midst of Israel. souls and to edify the people of God. It is God’s responsibility to feed you
But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine and to take care of all your needs and comforts. In the last days, men will
to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. be lovers of themselves and lovers of money, but you are constrained by
For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s God’s love to bless the churches and moved with compassion for the perishing
sake” (Dt.17:15,20; Ac.9:15-16). world (2.Ti.3:2). Don’t get entangled in earthly pleasures but covet God’s
Presence and manifestations. This will prolong your ministry.
God was instructing His people about life in Canaan. God knew that Seek God’s people: The Old Testament kings consulted with the
once the Israelites occupied the Promised Land, they would ask for a king. priests and got a copy of God’s law from them (Jos.17:18). They heeded
He gave them His requirement for the future kings and for prolonging their God’s prophets on how to lead the people. If you seek longevity in your
days in their kingdom. ministry and leadership, you should have spiritual leaders to cover you.
Accept God’s choice: The kings they accepted had to be God’s Independent ministers fall suddenly with no one to help them up (Eccl.4:9-
selection and choice (Dt.17:15). They were chosen among their brethren, 12). The corporate anointing keeps you alive and fresh for a prolonged
not from the Gentiles. ministry (Ac.14:19-20).
In Christ, every believer is chosen as God’s king and priest, though the Study the Word: When kings were ordained, they had to write a copy
ministry callings differ one from to another (Rev.1:5-6). Before you were of God’s law for themselves and read in it all the days of their life. That
formed in your mother’s womb, God knew you, sanctified you and ordained would keep them in the fear of God and in humility, so they would obey God
you for your special ministry (Jer.1:5). Your calling is not by men or through and not be proud or arrogant.
men but by God Himself (Gal.1:1). It could be apostle, prophet, evangelist, In Christ, your life must be soaked in God’s Word. The more richly the
pastor, teacher or any one of the assisting ministries like helpers, exhorters, Word of Christ dwells in you, the more your ministry will bless the multitudes
givers, mercy doers or administrators (Eph.4:11; Ro.12:6-8). Recognizing (Col.3:16). The Word keeps you pure and focused, constantly transforming
and accepting your calling is your first step to longevity in the ministry. you from glory to glory (2.Co.3:17-18).
Missing your calling or changing your calling could even endanger your life. Beloved, God expects you to fulfill the ministry that you have received
God rewards your faithfulness, not your calling. Find out your calling and from Him (Col.4:17). It is not how you start but how you finish your ministry
fulfill it at any cost. that counts. Stay focused on your calling. Be selfless. Seek God’s power
Lean on God’s strength: A king should not multiply horses and trust and wisdom. Stay close to spiritual leaders. Saturate yourself with God’s
his war machinery (Dt.17:16). He must know that his battles are God’s Word. You will prolong your days in your calling.
battles. He must seek God’s counsel, strategy and help, just like David did Thank You, Lord, I am blessed above all peoples. Heavens
always. and the highest heavens,also the earth belong to You, You
In Christ, God has given you enough grace, wisdom and power to fulfill delighted in our fathers and loved them, You chose our
your ministry victoriously (Eph.4:7; Gal.2:8-9; 1.Co.3:9-10). You draw from descendants above all the peoples because I am in Christ.
God’s energy as you abide in the vine, and you produce your ministry fruits
(Jn.15:1-8). Never depend on your theological knowledge, people’s skill Dt.7:14; 10:14-15
and human wisdom alone. Seek to be strengthened with might through the

609 610
Discern and deal with it: The apostle John urged us to test all the
spirits (1.Jn.4:1-2). The New Testament doesn’t hide from us the devices
OCT 29 of the devil. If you stay in the Spirit and operate in the gift of discernment,
DEMON FREE ZONE IN CHRIST you will directly deal with the root of all problems. When the slave girl
followed Paul’s team and spoke so highly of them, Paul wasn’t excited
For these nations which you will dispossess listened to about her correct prediction but discerned the spirit of divination in her.
soothsayers and diviners; but as for you, the LORD your God has Immediately, he took authority and cast out the demon (Ac.16:16). When
not appointed such for you. Elymas, the magician, tried to turn the governor away from the faith, the
In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and apostle Paul, being filled with the Holy Spirit, cursed that spirit and delivered
sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins (Dt.18:14; 1.Jn.4:10). the entire island from the grip of that sorcerer (Ac.13:8). Paul went to the
temple city Ephesus and brought about a mighty revival through signs and
Here again, God is warning His people against all the disgusting practices wonders. As a result, many of the witches and warlocks came out publicly
of the Canaanites. Once they entered their Canaan, they should not practice with their books of spells and incantations and made a huge bonfire of them
or tolerate any divination, sorcery, fortune telling, witchcraft and the like. (Ac.19:19).
God alone is the Revealer of every secret for His people. He cannot tolerate Be aggressive: Even under the Old Covenant, God demanded that
demon spirits communicating with people or people consulting the spirits of His people should aggressively eradicate all these evil practices. Whenever
the dead. These practices were the main reason for God to drive out and God anointed His kings, they put the mediums and the spirits out of their
destroy all the Canaanites from their lands. land (1.Sa.28:3). When the land was free from all these demons, God could
Don’t tolerate: This world is under the dominion of the devil. bless the nation. Under the New Covenant, with all the power, authority
Everywhere we see the active presence of evil spirits deluding and deceiving and gifts of the Spirit given to you, how much more should you rise up
nations through their supernatural power and communications. Even in the against all these cultic powers and resist them. All over the world, even in
time of Moses, king Pharaoh had many sorcerers, magicians and soothsayers the so-called Christian nations, demon powers are using all their magic arts
who kept the nation in their hands with their enchantments. Moses confronted and fortunetelling to deceive people. Now is your time to discern and to
them with the superior power of God and judged the demon powers (Ex.7:11- deal with them aggressively.
12,22; 8:6-7; 9:10-11; 18:19 etc.). God hated all such demonized practice Beloved, this is your time to be full of God and declare war against the
and decreed that the Israelites should not permit a sorcerer to live (Ex.22:18; spreading demonic world. You are not fighting against flesh and blood but
Lev.19:31; 20:27). against the spirit world. Put on the whole armor of God. Wage war in the
Life in Christ should not be ignorant of the ever increasing occult powers Spirit with all kinds of prayers and supplications. Declare and decree victory!
in the world today. As long as you keep your eyes shut for this demonic side Set the captives free and save the nation from darkness.
of the spiritual world, the enemy will keep playing havoc in the country. You Thank You, Lord, I do not believe every spirit, but I
are the only one who can discern and deal with these seducing spirits and test the spirits, whether they are of God, because many
deliver the nations. false prophets have gone out into the world. By this I know
Last days curse: The Head of the Church Himself predicted that in the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus
the last days many false christs and false prophets would rise and show Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that
great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect (Mt.24:24). does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is
As the day approaches, we will see a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which
with mighty signs and wonders. Satan also will show his signs and wonders. I have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.
It will be a direct confrontation with the demonic world, just as Elijah I am of the God, I have overcome them. He who is in me is
confronted the prophets of baal. If believers are not informed about what is greater than he who is in the world, because I am in Christ.
happening in the spirit world, even they will be deceived. Paul warns us of 1.Jn.4:1-4
the coming apostasy. Many believers will depart from their faith, giving
heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons (1.Ti.4:1). In Christ, we
must keep our eyes wide open and take a stand against these evil powers.

611 612
The Prophet to us: When God came down upon Mount Horeb in all
His glory, the people trembled and stood afar off. They couldn’t bear to
OCT 30 hear God’s voice or stand in His presence, so Moses came in between as
THE PROPHET IN CHRIST God’s spokesman (Dt.5:23-28; Ex.20:18-19). The ultimate plan of God was
to speak to His people through His Son Jesus. In the past, God spoke to His
The LORD your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from people at various times and in various ways through the prophets. In these
your midst, from your brethren. Him you shall hear. last days, He has spoken to us through His Son (Heb.1:1-2).
God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time In Christ, you can hear the voice of God without any fear. God Himself
past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to now lives in you through His Spirit. “Christ in you, the hope of glory” is the
us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through good news of the New Covenant (Col.1:27). As His sheep, you can hear
whom also He made the worlds (Dt.18:15; Heb.1:1-2). the voice of your Shepherd (Jn.10:27). He restored your ability to hear the
voice of God right inside of you.
Moses predicted about the new prophet that God would raise him up The Prophet who speaks: Moses said that God would put His Word
like himself. This speaks of no other than the Prophet of all prophets, our in that Prophet’s mouth and speak to His people. Every soul that would not
Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Essence and Substance of the entire Bible and hear that Prophet would be utterly destroyed (Ac.3:22-25). Jesus is the
human history. All the prophets spoke about Him. final Word and voice of God to humanity. God gave to Him His Spirit and
The Prophet like Moses: Moses acted as a mediator between God His Word without measure (Jn.3:34). On the final day, His voice from heaven
and man, constantly interceding for God’s people and interpreting to them will shake heaven and earth and His Word will judge those who reject it
the mind of God and the laws of God. He was faithful in all the house of now (Heb.12:25-29; Jn.12:48).
God as a servant (Heb.3:4-5). He took them out of Egypt but could not take Beloved, in Christ, God’s Spirit is upon you. His Words are put in your
them into the Promised Land. He is the minister of the Old Covenant. mouth and will never depart from your mouth nor from the mouth of your
Now our Lord Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man. descendants forever (Isa.59:21). This great Prophet Moses predicted has
He is interceding for us right from the throne of God as our High Priest made you His mouthpiece to the world. Abide in Him, deeply rooted and
(1.Ti.2:5). He is faithful in the house of God as the Son, whose house we grounded in Him. Share His heart to the Church and to the world NOW!
are (Heb.3:3,5). He took us out of the kingdom of darkness and transferred Thank You, Lord, You raised up for me a Prophet like
us into His Kingdom (Col.1:13). He is able and willing to save us to the Moses from among my brethren and put Your Words in His
uttermost (Heb.7:25). He took us into Himself and became our Promised mouth. He speaks to me as You command Him. Your Spirit
Land. In Christ, He became the Author of the New Covenant. As the law who is upon me, and Your Words which You have put in my
was given through Moses, grace and truth came to you through Christ Jesus mouth, shall not depart from my mouth, nor from the
(Jn.1:17). Moses, the one who established the Old Covenant, brought a mouth of my descendants, nor from the mouth of my
measure of glory that passes away. In Christ, you have the very glory of the descendants’ descendants from this time and forever more,
Son of God which is far more glorious (2.Co.3:8-11). because I am in Christ.
The Prophet like us: Moses predicted that the Prophet will come Dt.18:18; Isa.59:21
from his own brethren. Yes, our Lord Jesus Christ was a Jew by God’s
birth, born of the seed of David according to the flesh. According to the
Spirit of Holiness, He was declared to be the Son of God (Ro.1:3-4).
In Christ, Jesus became your own elder brother by the Spirit of God.
The very Son of God took your form to become your brother so that you
may become one with Him. “Inasmuch then as the children have partaken
of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through
death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil”
(Heb.2:14). The Word that was God became flesh to dwell in us with all His
glory (Jn.1:1,14).
613 614
you your name. He is interested in making your name great and famous.
Name plays a major role in the heart of God. God blessed the names of all
OCT 31 the twelve tribes of Israel (Ge.49). He gave a great name to Moses, Joshua,
FAMOUS ABOVE ALL IN CHRIST David, Solomon, etc (Jos.6:27; 1.Ki.4:31; 10:1,7; 1.Chr.14:17). God honored
the name of Mordechai, the gate keeper, and he was great in the king’s
…and that He will set you high above all nations which He has palace, and his fame spread throughout all the provinces; for this man
made, in praise, in name, and in honor, and that you may be a holy Mordecai became increasingly prominent (Est.9:4).
people to the LORD your God, just as He has spoken (Dt.26:19) When your Savior was healing and delivering people in His earthly
Yet none of the rest dared join them, but the people esteemed walk, His fame went throughout all Syria (Mt.4:24). When He raised the
them highly (Ac.5:13) dead, the report of this went out into all that land (Mt.9:26). When He
Life in Christ is far above all people in praise, fame and honor. Under opened the eyes of the blind man, they spread the news about Him in all
the Old Covenant, God promised to set His people high above all nations of that country (Mt.9:31). Even the royalties heard of the fame of Jesus
the earth if they obeyed every single detail of His commandments. In Christ, (Mt.14:1). After His death and resurrection, He obtained the great and
you are already set above all the people and the nations, yet you need to excellent name, the name above all names (Phil.2:9; Heb.1:4). When you
walk in your privileges to see the full manifestation of such high position. It accepted Him as your Lord and Savior, He transferred His name and fame
is possible to miss the enormous blessings of life in Christ if you fail to walk upon you. Claim this blessing and be always on top! Let your name and
in the light of the New Covenant (Hos.4:6). That is why I endeavor to show fame increase more and more for His glory.
you what is available to you in Christ. Remember, every covenant blessing Above all in honor: God honored His faithful servants all through
is based on conditions. You need to know what are your privileges in Christ history. Every Bible hero was honored by Him. His apostles were highly
and what are the corresponding responsibilities. honored. Even centurions fell at their feet (Ac.10:25). People brought their
Above all in praise: You shall be highly praised above all nations. wealth and placed it at their feet (Ac.4:37). Your Savior was despised and
Throughout the Bible you can see how God honored His people so that dishonored at the cross to bless you with honor and exultation. If you serve
everybody praised them. Your own brothers will praise you (Ge.49:8). Your Him gladly, His Father will honor you (Jn.12:26). If you walk in the light of
husband or wife will praise you. Your children will praise and appreciate your new creation revelation, you will be a most honorable vessel (2.Ti.2:21).
you (Pr.31:28-29). Your boss will praise you (Ge.41:38-45). This is your Riches and honor are in His Presence (Pr.8:18). You carry His Presence all
heritage in Christ. Your God will praise and appreciate you (Job 1:8; 2:3). the time. Your ministry will be honored. Your marriage will be honored.
Your Savior will praise and applaud you (Mt.8:10; Lk.10:21). Angels will Your generations will be honored. You don’t need to seek honor. Honor will
praise and admire you (Lk.1:28; Da.9:23; 10:11,19). When you walk in this follow you when you honor your God and His Word (1.Sa.2:30). Trust Him
privilege, you will be praised above all the nations. Those who accuse you TODAY!
will be condemned (Isa.54:7). Claim this blessing TODAY! Beloved, God has set you high above all people and all nations. He has
Your God is greatly to be praised (1.Chr.16:25). Everything He created made you the head, not the tail (Dt.28:13). Don’t settle for anything less.
is to be appreciated and praised. You, the new creation, are the crown of You are truly high above all the people of this world.
His creation. You are God’s workmanship (Eph.2:10). When you appreciate Thank You, Lord, You will give me fame and praise
His new creation, you appreciate the Creator God. Don’t ever dare to among all the peoples of the earth. You will set me high
demean yourself. It is an insult to the One who recreated you in Christ above all nations which You have made, in praise, in name,
Jesus. Better embrace and praise the eternal truth, you are set high above and in honor. I am a holy people to You. The people
all nations in praise (Dt.26:19). Proclaim it! Praise God for it! Enjoy it! esteemed me highly because I am in Christ.
Above all in name and fame: Even under the Old Covenant, God set Zep.3:20; Dt.26:19; Ac.5:13
His people high above all nations in name and fame. God blessed the name
‘Abraham’ and made it great (Ge.12:2). Now, the entire world, Jewish,
Islamic, and Gentile Christians, reveres his name. God is the One who gave

615 616
highest place of authority in the universe. As a citizen of heaven, you already
belong to a first-world country. God longs to set you above all your people,
NoV 1 BLESSED EXALTATION IN no matter what is your background. He raises the poor out of the dust and
CHRIST lifts the needy out of the ash heap, and He makes them to sit with the
princes of His people (Ps.113:7-8). If you study the lives of everyone whom
Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the God raised, you will find one common fact. Almost all of them had insignificant
LORD your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which backgrounds. Not many were wise, mighty, or noble, but God chose the
I command you today, that the LORD your God will set you high foolish to shame the wise, He chose the weak to shame the mighty, so that
above all nations of the earth. no flesh should glory in His Presence (1.Co.1:26-29). You are set high above
If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there others because Christ has become your wisdom, strength, honor, holiness
My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will and everything. Claim it!
honor (Dt.28:1; Jn.12:26). Beloved, never accept a second-grade position in any place. If you are
raised in a family of confusion, sin, jealously and discrimination, you still can
In this chapter, God gives a list of blessings for obedience. We have be the top person in your house. If you have to be an assistant to Potiphar,
already seen many of these blessings here and there. Now we will see be top in that job. If you have to be a prisoner for God’s sake, be the top
them all together in this chapter. person in your prison cell. You will always go from one level to another level
Set you high: If His people obey His voice, the Lord will set them of exaltation till the world runs to you for their needs. You will be like Joseph
high above all nations of the earth. Throughout history, the Israelites were for God in Christ. Perceive it! Pursue it! Proclaim it! Preach it! Progress in
esteemed highly by all the nations. They were top in their wisdom, strength, it every day, in Jesus’ Name!
victory, riches, health, hygiene, food habits and much more. God picked up Thank You, Lord, You will set me high above all nations
His people as leaders of Israel and made them high above all the kings and of the earth. You raise the poor out of the dust, and lift
the nobles of the earth. Abraham, the stranger and refugee, was set as a the needy out of the ash heap. I serve You and follow You,
mighty prince among other nations (Ge.23:6). King Abimelech and his army and where You are, there I will be also. I serve You, and
commander bowed down to Abraham to make a covenant with him. Samuel, You will honor me, because I am in Christ.
who was brought up in the house of God, became the most honorable man Dt.28:1; Ps.113:7-8
among all the Israelites (1.Sa.9:6). It was God who set him above all nations
of the earth by making him His prophet (1.Sa.3:19-20). The shepherd boy
David became king over Israel, and his kingdom was highly exalted
The apostles whom we all admire, imitate, preach and talk about were
all ordinary, uneducated fishermen of their day. It was God who set them
high above all. Imagine, millions of people carry the names of all these God-
honored people.
In Christ, God is ambitious to lift up your life and ministry above all your
people. It is God’s will for you to be looked upon by your colleagues and kin.
God’s people should be always like the city on a mountain. You are the city
of God. As heaven is above the earth, you are above the worldly people.
You are the light of the world and shine before all the people (Mt.5:14).
Nations will come to your light as the wise men came from the east to
worship the baby-King Jesus (Isa.60:3; Mt:2:1-2).
God’s honor will be heavily heaped upon you as you faithfully serve
Him (Jn.12:26). In Christ, you are seated at the right hand of the Father, the
617 618
When you follow the Lord, all your blessings follow you. When you
follow your good Shepherd, goodness and mercy automatically follow you
NoV 2 BLESSED OVERTAKING all the days of your life (Ps.23:6).
IN CHRIST When you are filled with God’s Spirit, all the miracles, signs and wonders
follow you (Mk.16:17-18).
And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, When you walk in the fullness of God, multitudes will follow you to be
because you obey the voice of the LORD your God . healed, delivered and blessed (Mt.8:1).
…that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in When you follow the One who called you, your disciples will follow
Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through you, forsaking all (Mk.10:28; Mt.4:18-22).
faith (Dt.28:2; Gal.3:14). Beloved, your eyes have not seen how much you are blessed with all
His blessings. Your mind has not grasped how much you are surrounded by
Let us continue to study on the blessings of obedience to the voice of your own blessings. Your ears have not heard how far your blessings can
our God. It pleases our God to bless us with every one of His blessings go and touch the lives of people. Walking in the Spirit releases the torrents
(Num.24:1). of blessings in and around you. Immerse and swim in it TODAY!
Overtaking blessing: Whenever the Israelites obeyed the voice of Thank You, Lord, all Your blessings are upon me and
their God, all the blessings of heaven and earth came upon them and overtook overtake me. The blessings of Abraham came upon me in
them. His blessings are unlimited. His blessings embrace all the areas of Christ Jesus, that I might receive the promise of the Spirit
your life. His blessings are for all the days of your life. His blessings are through faith, because I am in Christ.
visible to everyone around you. His blessings always rest upon you and Dt.28:2; Gal:3:14
spread out beyond you (Dt.28:2). It is one thing that God’s blessings come
and rest upon you, but it is another thing that the blessings overtake you.
That means your blessing goes far ahead of you, in high speed overtaking
you. For example, if you travel hundred kilometers per hour, your blessing
will travel thousand kilometers per hour, overtaking you. Can you imagine
the velocity of your blessing?
Life in Christ doesn’t run after blessings, but the blessings run after it.
You don’t need to coax God to bless you. He has already blessed you with
all His blessings in Christ Jesus. Always remember, your blessing spreads
all around you like dew of heaven (Ps.133:3).
Your blessing overflows through you just like the shadow of Peter was
overflowing with healing power. Wherever the shadow fell, multitudes were
healed (Ac.5:14-16). When you become conscious of this overtaking blessing,
it will make your surrounding a Garden of Eden. Your very smell is like the
smell of a field which the Lord has blessed (Ge.27:27). Even your garments
are filled with the fragrance of God’s blessings (SS.4:11).
Do you remember, when Jesus stepped out of the boat, a demon-
possessed man saw Him from far away and ran to worship Him (Mk.5:6)?
That is the overflowing Presence and blessing of God upon you. Before
you enter your house, your blessing will enter, overtaking you.
Acknowledge this blessing upon you in all your ways. When you walk
in the consciousness of your blessings in Christ, all your wilderness and
wasteland will blossom abundantly (Isa.35:1-2).

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In Christ, not only believers but even unbelievers will be blessed through
you. The Egyptian Potiphar saw the overflowing blessing of Joseph filling
NoV 3 BLESSED IN AND OUT all that he had. Therefore he made him overseer of his entire house. From
IN CHRIST that moment, the blessing of God increased everything he had, both at home
and in the fields (Ge.39:1-6).
Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the In Christ, your family life is immensely blessed. Your wife will be like a
country. fruitful vine in your home. All your children will be like young olive trees
Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose around your table. You will be happy and prosper, having all your family
sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the LORD shall not needs met (Ps.128:1-4).
impute sin (Dt.28:3; Ro.4:7-8). Beloved, under the Old Covenant, all these blessings came upon them
only when they met God’s conditions. In Christ, the moment you received
The blessing of God upon you is not limited to your location. The blessing Him, you were flooded with all of God’s extravagant blessings (Eph.1:6).
covers your home life and your work spot. When you are in your own You are already blessed when your sins are forgiven and washed away
country or when you are on a foreign trip, you carry the blessings of God. (Ro.4:7-8). Now all you have to do is to see your own blessings and walk in
You and your blessings are inseparable as you are one with Christ the fullness of them by your faith. Start your journey TODAY!
Jesus. Life in Christ is a life of blessing. There is no blessing outside of Thank You, Lord, I am a blessing in my city, I am
Christ. So no blessing is outside of you. blessing in my country. I will eat the labor of my hands. I
The Apostle Paul thanked God for manifesting the fragrance of God will be happy, and it will be well with me. I am blessed
through him in every place he went. Everywhere you go, people breathe because my lawless deeds are forgiven and my sins are
the blessings of your presence and fragrance (2.Co.2:14). He boldly writes covered, and the Lord shall not impute sin to me, because
to his Roman congregation, “I know that when I come to you I shall come I am in Christ.
in the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ” (Rom.15:29). The Dt.28:3; Ps.128:2; Ro.4:7-8
Apostle Paul was united with Christ just like you are united with Him. So
when you are in your city or in your field or in your workplace, you are filled
with all the blessings of the Gospel of Christ just like Paul.
When Jesus went to Galilee to make it His headquarters, the people
who sat in darkness saw a great and huge light of His blessings. People
who sat in the dark country of death, the light of the sun has dawned. This
is the blessing of in and out (Mt.4:13-16).
The ark of God carried not only the Presence, but also the blessings of
God. Always remember, all the blessings are the byproduct of God’s
In Christ, you are full of God’s Presence and His blessings. You are the
New Covenant ark of God. When the ark of the Lord remained in the
house of Obed-Edom, God’s blessing was upon him and all his household
(2.Sa.6:11; 1.Chr.13:14). This is the blessing of your union with Christ. Love
Him more than ever before and live in Him more intimately.
Our forefather Jacob stayed and worked for his father-in-law Laban
for fourteen years. That pagan man learned by experience that the Lord
blessed him for Jacob’s sake. Before Jacob came to his house, he had little
livestock. Ever since Jacob went there, everything increased to a great
amount because of the blessings of Jacob (Ge.30:27,30).

621 622
use in your house and in your work place so that they will not spoil quickly.
NoV 4 BLESSED IN EVERYTHING The vessels you cook with are blessed and anointed (Ex.23:25). The chair
you sit on is blessed. Even the bed you sleep in carries the life of God
AND EVERYWHERE (1.Ki.17:19). Every utensil, knife, curtain, even the poles of the tabernacle
IN CHRIST was anointed with oil and with the shekinah glory. All the goods you have
Blessed shall be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground are blessings of God, and there is absolutely no sorrow added to it (Pr.10:24).
and the increase of your herds, the increase of your cattle and the Your blessings will stop all wastage, destruction and robbery (Isa.49:17).
offspring of your flocks. Your purse will not have holes (Hag.1:6). All your vessels will overflow
You have not chosen Me, but I chose you out and planted you, with God’s blessings (2.Ki.4:5-6). Wow! In Christ, everything you have is
that you should go and should bear fruit, and your fruit remain, that blessed!
whatever you should ask the Father in My name, He may give you Blessed travels (Dt.28:6): You shall be a blessing when you come in
(Dt.28:4; Jn.15:16). and when you go out (Dt.28:6). All your travels are blessed travels. The
Lord’s protection is upon your going out and coming in because of your
Let us continue to mediate on the overflowing blessings of God in our blessings. He goes before you and preserves even your paths and ways
lives as we walk in obedience. with utmost care (Pr.2:8). He will direct your itinerary and make travels
Blessed fruit of your body, land and cattle (Dt.28:4): When God easy (Pr.3:8). He orders your steps and guards your feet from falling
blesses you, the offspring of your body is blessed and the harvest of your (1.Sa.2:9). You are constantly kept by the power of God even against travel
land as well as your cattle shall abundantly increase (Ge.24:35). God blessed tortures and accidents (1.Pe.1:5). Claim it! Enjoy it!
the seed of Abraham and increased his descendants (Ge.13:16). God’s only Beloved, constantly meditate on these Scriptures and develop a
Son Jesus Christ offered Himself as a seed of God and produced spiritual blessedness-consciousness. Before the world recognizes it and calls you,
children all over the world (Jn.12:24). Increase and multiplication is God’s “O! Blessed of the Lord”, better you call yourself blessed (Ge.24:31). Every
very first blessing to humanity (Ge.1:28). time you look at your spouse, children, garden, birds and animals, speak
Likewise, even your spiritual children carry your blessings for your blessings upon them. Before touching any of your appliances, bless
generations. Those who come from your ministry shall build the old waste them. Every time you travel, pronounce and praise the Lord for a blessed
places and raise up the foundations of generations (Isa.58:12). journey in Jesus’ name!
In Christ, you became the seed of Abraham and are blessed with him. Thank You, Lord, blessed shall be the fruit of my body,
Your spiritual children carry your spiritual genes and enjoy your overflowing the produce of my ground and the increase of my herds,
blessing. The Apostle Paul never had natural children, but all of us are the increase of my cattle and the offspring of my flocks.
blessed as the fruit of his labor. Blessed shall be my basket and my kneading bowl. Blessed
Your blessing overflows to your fields and gardens. They will produce shall I be when I come in, and blessed shall I be when I go
more fruits, vegetables, flowers or grain than other people’s lands. Your out, because I am in Christ.
cattle and birds, even your pet animals will increase and multiply. Everything Dt.28:4-6
positive about your life will greatly increase because of your blessings. Your
faith will increase (Lk.17:5). Christ in you will increase as you yield more
and more to Him (Jn.3:30).
The fruit of your ministry will increase as you faithfully serve God in
your calling (1.Co.3:8). Your physical and spiritual strength will increase as
you trust in His indwelling Presence (Isa.40:29). Your peace and authority
will increase (Isa.9:7). In short, you are a fruitful branch of the fruitful vine
that constantly gives much fruit even in your old age (Jn.15:2,8,16; Ps.92:12-
Blessed utensils, electronic appliances, tools and instruments
(Dt.28:5): Your blessings overflow into all the electronic appliances you
623 624
and prosper (Ge.39:23). God will bless you in the very land He gives you.
You can make your house and your garden like Eden. The curse on your
NoV 5
BLESSED VICTORY IN CHRIST ground is already broken. Thorns and thistles need not grow in your campus
(Ge.3:17-19). Trust your blessings more than your trying.
Blessed holiness (Dt.28:9): The Lord will establish you as a holy
The LORD will cause your enemies who rise against you to be people to Himself, and all the earth will see it and fear you (Dt.28:9-10).
defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way Under the law, only when the people kept all of God’s commandments they
and flee before you seven ways. would be a holy nation to Him. It was a conditional promise. Under grace,
What then shall we say to these things? If God be for us, who you are already established as a holy nation and a special people to God in
can be against us? (Dt.28:7; Ro.8:31). Christ (Ex.19:5-6; 1.Pet.2:9). God’s promise now became a fact in your
life. Rejoice!
God’s extravagant blessings cause your enemies defeat and blesses Blessed Name (Dt.28:10): When you see yourself and walk in the
the work of your hands and your storehouses. light of the Gospel, all the world will know that you are called by the Name
Blessed victory (Dt.28:7): This overtaking blessing of God upon of your God. You are called by His almighty Name, the Supreme Name
your life causes your enemy to tremble in terror and flee in fear before you. (2.Chr.7:14). As the earthly people are called by their family or company
The cursed devil is tormented by the blessed people (Mk.1:24; 5:6-7). Your name, you are called by your Creator’s Name. You bear the Name of Christ
enemies are actually God’s enemies, and your battle is God’s battle. Your when you become a Christ- ian! (Ac.11:26). God’s Name is an all-inclusive
victory comes from your God and not by your horse power (Pr.21:31). Name. His keeping power, His shining, His grace, His peace and all His
In Christ, your victory comes only through your union with your Savior fullness are overtaking you because His Name is put on you (Dt.6:26-27).
(1.Co.15:57). Never forget it: Your armor, your weapons and your training When you rejoice and proudly carry His most honorable Name, you will
for warfare come only from your God (Eph.6:11; 2.Co.10:3-5; Ps.144:1; witness all the people revere and respect you more and more.
18:34). As a new creation, you now radiate the face of your Lord Jesus Beloved, not only are you a blessed person, also your battles are blessed
Christ, and the glory of your God is shining in your heart. The enemies flee with victories, your savings are blessed, and all your business and your
the moment they see your glory-face. This is how they are defeated ‘before work is blessed. Never accept defeat, failure or lack as normal to you any
your face’ (Dt.28:6). As God’s Word abides in you, your words become the day. You bear the highest Name of God, and you are God’s special treasure
sword of the Lord and defeat your enemies (1.Jn.2:14; Rev.19:15). The and His holy one. Honor His Name through your word and deed and enjoy
Holy Spirit in you raises His banner through you against your enemies the honor and recognition of this world to win for Christ TODAY!
(Isa.54:17; 59:19; 2.Co.3:17; Mt.12:28). Thank You, Lord, You will cause my enemies that rise up
The blessings upon you shatter the unity of your enemies and scatter against me to be defeated before my face. They shall come
them. When they come against you on one road, they will flee before you out against me one way, and flee before me seven ways. You
on seven roads (Lev.26:7-8). Truly, the strength of your blessing is enormous. will command the blessing on me in my storehouses in all to
Blessed storehouse and handiwork (Dt.28:8): Your blessings which I set my hand. You will establish me as a holy people
spread to your storehouses as well as to everything you undertake and to Yourself. All the peoples of the earth shall see that I am
touch with your hands. Your barn and bank account will always keep called by Your name, and they shall be afraid of me,
increasing. God commanded His people not to sow or reap in the seventh because I am in Christ.
year, the jubilee (Lev.25:11). God will fill your storehouses for three years Dt.28:7-10
with enough produce without a single effort from your side (Lev.25:18-22).
Maybe the blessing of God multiplied the grain in the barn in the same way
as the oil of widow increased. You will always have enough to spend and to
save for future use. This is your blessing in Christ.
Every work you undertake will prosper because of the spreading
blessings upon you (Ps.1:3). Whatever you touch will receive your blessing

625 626
faith, you can even lend to many nations and reign over them. If the Church
is blessed with financial blessings, we can control the world economy. This
NoV 6 BLESSED SEASONS, LENDING is God’s desire and will (Dt.15:6). Truly the rich rule over the poor and the
AND LEADERSHIP IN CHRIST borrower is servant to the lender (Pr.22:7).
Jesus said, it is better to give than to receive (Ac.20:35). Don’t tolerate
And the LORD will grant you plenty of goods...The LORD will and accept to be a borrower. Never be a debtor to any human. You are a
open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your receiver only before God, not before man. Be a supporter and a sponsor of
land in its season... You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not God’s people and the needy.
borrow. And the LORD will make you the head and not the tail; you Blessed leadership (Dt.28:13): Leadership and headship is God’s
shall be above only, and not be beneath... blessing for His people. It is the Lord who longs to make you the leader and
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He not a follower in any level. Only sin can block your leadership skills and
was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His privileges (Isa.9:14-15). In Christ, you can always be above others. Wherever
poverty might become rich (Dt.28:11-13; 2.Co.8:9). God puts you, you can be the head of the departments. Your promotion
comes from your God, not from any man. God is your maturity and honor.
He will make you a mature person in wisdom and spirit and a honorable
Let us continue to delve in the surplus blessings of God. Let these
person like Gamaliel even in the secular world (Ac.5:34-40). Your voice will
blessings burn in your heart and cause you to enjoy everything bountifully.
be heard and heeded.
Blessed plenty (Dt.28:11): The Lord will grant you plenty of goods.
Beloved, can you see this overflowing, overtaking, extravagant, surplus
There is no shortage for you in God. Everything He gives is plenty and
overabundance of God’s blessings that is freely lavished upon you in Christ?
beyond your capacity to contain. When God lavishes His blessings upon
Can you accept any lack in any of your blessings? The greatest Blesser of
you, there will not be room enough for you to receive or contain it (Mal.3:10).
heaven and earth has become one with you now with all His riches. You are
Your God has a big heart and big hands to load you with His benefits. He
the heir of God and joint-heir with your Lord Jesus Christ. When will you
didn’t give just a few fish for His disciples’ need, but He gave a catch so
boldly rise up to your position and privilege? When will you unleash the
great that the two boats were about to sink (Lk.5:6-7). He fed thousands of
flood of God’s blessings from you to this desperate world? God is desperate,
people more than they could eat, and the surplus was twelve big baskets.
so better you also become desperate TODAY!
In Christ, your capacity to receive has enlarged beyond human
Thank You, Lord, You grant me plenty of goods. You
comprehension. Keep receiving and be an expert receiver from your God.
open to me Your good treasure, the heavens, to give the
Because you are righteous in Christ, your house must be filled with treasures
rain to my land in its season. I lend to many nations, but I
and all good things not just for your need, but extra for your enjoyment
will not borrow. You make me the head and not the tail. I
(Pr.15:6; 1.Ti.5:17).
will be above only, and not be beneath, because I am in
Blessed seasons: The blessing upon you reaches even the heavens Christ.
and opens God’s treasure house (Dt.28:12). In Christ, your heavenly Joseph
has freely opened all His storehouses and pours out His showers of rain in
the right season. The climate and the seasons must be favorable to you, not
against you. Your Savior has opened all the heavens for you (Mt.3:16).
Natural calamities are not natural for you. The blessings upon you can
release good climatic conditions for your nation. By your blessings, rain,
cold and heat can come in the right measure at the right time for this world
(Dt.11:14). Why not bless your world with your authority right now?
Blessed lenders (Dt.28:12b): When God’s blessing begins to manifest
in your life, you become a liberal lender. As you grow in this knowledge and

627 628
of sin and curse, lest they lose the fear of God. In Christ, sinful man was
crucified and curses, the consequences of sin, were broken (Ro.6:6). Now,
NoV 7 REDEEMED FROM CURSE the New Covenant doesn’t produce negative fear in you to obey God, but
IN CHRIST positive faith in you to overcome sin and its consequences (Ro.6:14).
In short, the Old Testament was building fear in people, while the New
But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the LORD Testament is building faith in people. Moses’ message was, ‘Hear and fear!’,
your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes Jesus message is, ‘Hear and believe!’. Remember, the inaugural message of
which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon you Jesus was, “Repent (change your mind) and believe in the Gospel” (Mk.1:15).
and overtake you. Under the Old Covenant, the wickedness of the people opened the
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become floodgates of curses (Dt.28:20). Under the New Covenant, the righteousness
a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a of your Redeemer opened the floodgates of blessings. In Christ, all the fountains
tree”) (Dt.28:15; Gal.3:13). of blessings are opened, and all the channels of curses are blocked.
Why? Why? Why?: Now comes a genuine question. If all your curses
Throughout the Pentateuch, the blessings of obedience and the curses of were broken and you were perfectly redeemed from the curse of the law,
disobedience were highlighted in parallel. When people diligently obeyed God’s why should you ever suffer even a trace of the curses listed in Deuteronomy
voice and carefully observed all His laws, the blessings would come upon 28:15-68? If all the channels of blessings were opened by your union with
them and overtake them. In the same way, when they disobeyed God’s Christ, why should you miss even the smallest blessing recorded in the list of
commandments, curses would come upon them and overtake them. Both Deuteronomy 28:1-14? Why? The answer is simple. If Jesus has destroyed
blessings and curses were spreading all around them like wildfire with the satan and his works on the cross, why should you be still attacked by him
same intensity and speed. The sad thing is that the list of curses was much (1.Jn.3:8)? Why? If Jesus has crucified your sinful old man, why should you
longer than the list of blessings. In short, curses overtook the blessings of the still struggle with flesh and sin (Rom.6:6)? Why? If Jesus took all your infirmities
Old Covenant people. and sicknesses, why should you still suffer any kind of sickness (Isa.53:2-4)?
In Christ, this is completely reversed. Now the blessing of the Lord has Why? If Jesus has crucified the power of this world, why should you still be
overtaken the curses of the law. If you study the New Testament with an suffocated by worldliness (Gal.6:14)? Why? If Jesus became poor to make
open heart, you find no list of curses, only the blessings of life in Christ are you rich, why should you still suffer lack and poverty (2.Co.8:9)? Why? Here
immensely enumerated. Obviously, the main reason is that your Savior Jesus comes man’s active and aggressive part in God’s redemptive plan. What God
Christ has redeemed you from the curse of the law, having become a curse has done must be actively appropriated by man’s violent force (Mt.11:12).
for you! According to the law, everyone who hangs on a tree is cursed (Dt.21:3). Beloved, we cannot close our eyes to the reality of the struggles of our
Your Savior didn’t just break your curse. He Himself became Mr. Curse, everyday life. We still see and suffer the enemies’ attacks, the temptation to
the curse personified, to make you Mr. or Mrs. Blessing. In Christ, you are sin, the curses of sickness and poverty which are prevalent everywhere, even
truly a blessing personified. This means, Jesus became Mr. Sin to make you in the Church. Our doctrine of God’s redemption must be demonstrated now.
Mr. or Mrs. Righteousness (2.Co.5:21). Wow! What a Gospel! What is legally ours must be vitally possessed. God expects us to aggressively
Under the Old Covenant, it appears as though the curse of the law overtook appropriate His Calvary blessings instead of passively waiting for the
the blessings of the Lord. Under the New Covenant, the blessing of the Lord manifestation. Just like the Word became flesh, ask the Holy Spirit to make his
completely overtook the curses of the law. Yes, your Jesus, the devil destroyer, Word a reality in your life (Jn.1:1; 1:14).
victoriously overtook satan, the deceiver. The grace of God overtook the Thank you Lord, Your Son Jesus Christ has redeemed me
abounding sin. God’s life overtook the devil’s death. God’s strength overtook from the curse of the law, having become a curse for me for it
our weakness. Oh! The glory of the Gospel! is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree” that the
One of the purposes of the long list of curses is to warn people about the blessing of Abraham might come upon me in Christ Jesus, that I
seriousness of sin and its consequences. This is done in order to create fear in might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith, because
people to make them carefully and diligently obey all of God’s laws. To serve I am in Christ.
and obey God, people under the Old Covenant had to be extremely conscious Gal.3:13-14

629 630
When these curses operate, you sow and labor much, but you reap little.
NoV 8 TORCH LIGHT ON CURSES You invest much in the business, but you lose all. Living in lack, poverty,
even to live hand to mouth is a curse. Huge debts and loans are signs of
IN CHRIST curses (Dt.28:44). Not being able to prosper in any work in any place steadily
is another sign of curses (Dt.28:23-24,38-40).
Cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the Depression: All confusion, depression, moodiness, mental disorders,
country. Cursed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. lack of concentration, dementia, Alzheimer’s, procrastination, extreme fear,
For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; helpless feeling, trauma, being terrorized at what is coming, fear of the
for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all future and the unknown, being terrified of your very shadow, all kinds of
things which are written in the book of the law, to do them’ (Dt.28:16- phobias, anguish, trembling heart etc., all such things show the presence of
17; Gal.3:10). curses operating somewhere in your life (Dt.28:20,28-29,34,65-67).
Disasters: Frequent accidents, sudden and cruel death, all kinds of
As we have seen yesterday, God gave to the Israelites a long list of terrorism, repeated death of animals and birds are curses (Dt.28:26).
curses to ensure that His people could recognize when curses were at Defeat and failure: Defeat and failure is a curse (Dt.28:25). Being
work in their lives. By that list, any person with common sense could easily plundered and oppressed continually, constantly dominated, manipulated,
identify a curse the moment it operated. Even this long list of curses expresses abused and intimidated by others, slavery, rude people ruling over you,
the love of God in warning and saving His people from the cruelty of curses. enemies everywhere - all are curses (Dt.28:36-37,47-57).
We have seen how Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. Deprivation: Being deprived of enjoying your life, losing the blessings
We have also seen our part in repelling curses from entering through any of your family life, kids, cattle, fruit of your labor are also curses (Dt.28:30-
backdoors opened by sin. It is very important for us to check our lives for 33). Disappointments, destruction and wastage are curses (Dt.28:39-42).
symptoms of curses and rise against them the moment they show their ugly Dispersion like continuous breaking of friendships and fellowship is a curse
head. Satan, the first cursed person in this universe, relentlessly works (Dt.28:64).
overtime to put his curses on anyone he can, including even the children of Danger: Collapse of security and safety is a curse. Inhuman behavior
God. Curses are his secret weapons to destroy the people of God. (Please and perpetual backsliding is a curse (Dt.28:67). Defame, shame and debts
read my wife’s masterpiece, “How to break cruel curses”, available at are curses (Dt.28:43-44). The first step to breaking all trace of curses in Beloved, in Christ, you are a blessed person, never a cursed person.
our lives is to recognize curses, to know what they are and how they operate. Satan and his curses have no dominion over you. Every time you see any
Curses hide in individuals, families, communities, even entire nations. trace of these curses, don’t be passive. Use this check list and search if any
The ultimate purpose of curses is to destroy you completely. Till achieving of these curses hide anywhere in and around you. As Joshua brought out
their final purpose, curses will hunt you down by gradually stealing, killing the five Amorite kings and executed them, expose the curses and break
and destroying your health, peace, joy, wealth, family, ministry and freedom. them in Jesus name. As you resist the devil, resist and reject his curses
Let me give you a check list of curses for you to take immediate action to also. Declare like your Master, “The ruler of this world is coming, and he
free yourself from them. has nothing in me” (Jn.14:30). Live a demon-free, curse-free, sickness-
Diseases: All kinds of diseases and sicknesses are the result of curses, free life, in Jesus name!
never a blessing. Chronic, incurable, lingering, interminable and terminal Thank You, Lord, the thief does not come except to
diseases and illnesses are curses. Infections (boils), inflammations (tumors), steal, and to kill, and to destroy. Your Son has come that
plagues, all kind of allergies (scab, itching, psoriasis, rashes), unknown new I may have life, and that I may have it more abundantly.
diseases, fevers of all kinds, seizures, hemorrhoids and blood-related diseases The ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in me,
are all curses (Dt.28:21-22,27,35,59-60). because I am in Christ.
Drought: Monsoon failures or heavy floods, burning heat, scorching Jn.10:10; Jn.14:30
wind, dust storms, sand storms, all insects like locusts and worms that devour
and destroy the harvest are all included in the curse list from Deuteronomy.
631 632
b) Don’t become passive, withdrawing as if you deserve these curses,
feeling guilty and condemned (Rev.12:10-11). You are not a poor and helpless
NoV 9 TEAR DOWN CURSES victim of any curse. Your Savior, the most blessed One, has become a curse
IN CHRIST in your place and totally redeemed you from any curse (Gal.3:10-14). Why
should you tolerate the cursed disease, drought, depression, dread and
Because you did not serve the LORD your God with joy and disasters?
gladness of heart for the abundance of everything, therefore you c) Ask the Holy Spirit to put His finger right on the curses that operate
shall serve your enemies, whom the LORD will send against you, in somewhere in your life. Find out what blocks the channel of your blessings
hunger, in thirst, in nakedness, and in need of everything; and He will in Christ. The Holy Spirit will clearly show it to you, pointing His finger to
put a yoke of iron on your neck until He has destroyed you. the root, and expose any curses still present (Eph.5:11).
Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you d) If you have opened the door through sin or through your words,
blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the repent and confess it to God immediately. Confessing and acknowledging
foundation of the world’ (Dt.28:47-48; Mt.25:34). the sin positions you in the place of deliverance and victory (1.Jn.1:7-9).
Claim the Calvary victory and accept His forgiveness and mercy.
Blessings and curses are two powerful forces that are constantly e) Now deal with the demons directly. Break any legal right you have
conflicting with each other. As all blessings come from God, all curses come given to them and break every form of curse, mentioning them one by one.
from satan. These two forces are powerfully spreading out and overtaking Remember, the devil and his curses can only enter your life when you or
all the areas of our lives. We have seen that finding out any trace of curses your forefathers opened a door for him (Pr.26:2; Eph.4:27). You opened the
is the first step to breaking them. Exposure weakens the power of curse door, and you alone can shut it.
and demons in our lives (Eph.5:13). f) Declare and decree that you are free from every curse of law.
When you see curses operating in your life or in your family, don’t Confess that you are not under the law or under the dominion of darkness
ignore it as normal. Don’t try to solve it by natural human methods. Don’t (Ro.6:14; Col.1:13). Right now, you are in the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom
even try to find natural reasons why such things might have happened. Your of light.
problems may appear very normal but as a new creation, you have to deal g ) Maintain a life of thanksgiving and praise. Stay full of God and His
with the spiritual root of all your problems (Mt.3:8). Word (Eph.5:18-21; Col.3:16). Resist all sin that easily enticed you for years
The spirit world is more real than the physical world. You can never (Heb.12:4). Get rid of everything sinful or even doubtful. Throw away all
deal spiritual problems with natural remedies. Don’t immediately find some your extra baggage and heavy weight that makes you sad (Heb.12:1-2).
medical reasons for all your sicknesses (Pr.3:5-8). Of course, we need to Keep your eyes focused on God and stay close to Him as His dearest
be careful to follow hygiene and health rules for our wellbeing, yet even the friend and darling child. Walk in love and peace with all men (Heb.12:14).
great Apostle Paul gave medical advice to Timothy for his frequent stomach Ignore if the outward symptoms persist, and fight the good fight of faith
infirmities (1.Ti.5:23). Epaphroditus became sick unto death because of the (Ro.4: 19-21; 2.Ti.4:7).
work of God (Phil.2:25-30). This doesn’t exclude the spiritual reason behind Beloved, be more conscious of God’s blessings upon you than the curses.
many of our diseases. Be assured that none of the diseases are blessings in Magnify God and His blessings. Offense is the best defense! Become a
disguise. Poverty is a curse. Everything we have seen in the curse list must curse breaker TODAY!
be resisted with all our strength without reasoning it out. Thank You, Lord, You put all things under my feet and
a) Don’t think there is no curse for a Christian. Just changing our mindset gave Jesus to be Head over all things to me. I am the
is not enough to deal such problems. People who confess positively for fullness of You who fills all in all. You have blessed me with
years still suffer by allowing some of the curses mentioned in the Bible. every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Your
Treating the problem as if it doesn’t exist is not going to solve the problem. Son Jesus has redeemed me from the curse of the law,
There are times we must rise up, resist the devil and demolish his weapons having become a curse for me, because I am in Christ.
(Jas.4:7). Eph.1:21-23; Eph.1:3; Gal.3:13
633 634
after his departure, because of their rebellious heart. This happened after the
death of every true leader under the Old Covenant (Dt.31:16,29; Jos.24:19-
NoV 10 THE GREAT CHANGE 20,29-31). In Christ, after the departure of the Lord Jesus, His people go
IN CHRIST from glory to glory. The Mediator of the New Covenant Himself said, “… It is
to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not
that you may enter into covenant with the LORD your God, and come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you” (Jn.16:7; 13-15). Since
into His oath, which the LORD your God makes with you today, that the eternal Companion came to abide with us and be in us, we can now do
He may establish you today as a people for Himself, and that He may more than what Jesus did in His earth walk (Jn.14:12; 2.Co.3:18).
be God to you... Change of songs: God gave Moses a song to recite to his people. That
But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as song described the depravity of their nature and the disasters they would face
He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on because of their disobedience (Chapter 32). In Christ, as a new creation, you
better promises (Dt.29:12-13; Heb.8:6). became God’s happy poem (Eph.2:10). God is singing over you in exuberant
joy (Zep.3:17). The Old Testament was the tragic song of the old creation,
In the concluding chapters of Deuteronomy, Moses renewed God’s whereas the New Testament is the triumphant song of the new creation. Wow!
covenant with His people, recited the songs of God and heartily blessed his Change of blessings: Moses’ final blessing on Israel is recorded in
people before his departure (Chapters 29, 32 and 33). Here we see the essence Deuteronomy chapter 33. He blessed all the twelve tribes, but those blessings
of their failure in the Old Covenant. Thank God, we are under the New Covenant were limited to each tribe. Every tribe was blessed with one or two specific
which is far better than the Old. Let us study here some of the major changes blessings, and they were all conditional, based on their performance. All could
and differences between the Old and the New Covenant. not be blessed with all the prophetic blessings of Moses. As a new creation,
Change of heart: After leading the Israelites for forty years, Moses was your blessings are unlimited (Eph.1:3; 2.Pe.1:2-4). All can enjoy without partiality
frustrated with their hard hearts. They could not obey all of God’s demands (1.Co.12:13). Your blessings are not based on your performance but on the
because of their sinful hearts (Dt.29:1-4; 31:27; 32:5; Isa.6:9-10). Even in the performance of your Lord Jesus Christ (1.Co.1:29-31). All you have to do is
time of Jesus, the human heart was not changed. That is why He always used trust His performance and walk in faith.
parables to convey His heart at least to convince their mind, if not their hearts Change of leadership: The lawgiver Moses died without taking his people
(Mt.13:10-17). The hearts and minds of both the Israelites and the Gentiles to their destination. God Himself buried him in the land of Moab (Dt.34:4-8).
were dull, blind and darkened (Eph.4:17-24). The law ends with the weeping and mourning of his people. Now your leader
In Christ, that age-long frustration of God and man was eternally changed. died and rose again victoriously. He sits on the throne and declares, “I am the
You now have the very heart of God, completely new and clean (Eze.36:25- Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. I am
27). The veil that was upon the heart of the Old Covenant people was removed alive for evermore” (Rev.1:11,18). Wow!
in Christ (2.Co.3:13-18). Rejoice in this truth! Beloved, the Old Covenant utterly failed because of the weakness of the
Change of covenant: Moses was the mediator of the Old Covenant, but old creation. The New Covenant gloriously dawned on you, the strong new
the Israelites were unfaithful to that covenant and broke it miserably (Dt.29:10- creation. Plunge into the glorious privileges and blessings of the New Covenant.
14). They could not fulfill the demands of the Old Covenant and made it Enjoy your new heart, new nature, new song, new blessings and new
obsolete (Heb.8:13). leadership. Create a new world, in Jesus name!
In Christ, God made a New Covenant with you, and Jesus became its Thank You, Lord, You sprinkled clean water on me, and I am
Mediator. Under this better Covenant, God’s laws are written in your heart clean. You cleansed me from all my filthiness and from all my
and mind. In Christ, God eternally accepted you as His darling child and made idols. You gave me a new heart and put a new spirit within me.
you heir of all His riches. In Christ, God Himself guides you through your You took the heart of stone out of my flesh and gave me a heart
inner man and made it easy for you to obey Him. There is now no more sin- of flesh. You put Your Spirit within me and cause me to walk in
consciousness, only Son-consciousness (Heb.8:7-13).What a privilege! Your statutes. I keep Your judgments and do them, because I
Change of prediction: See the tragedy! Moses predicted that God’s am in Christ.
people would drift away from God and play the harlot, following other gods Eze.36:25-27

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your life in Christ. Jesus, the Seed of Heaven, died and produced many
more sons of God. Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat
NoV 11 SUCESSOR IN CHRIST falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces
much grain (Jn.12:24). Thank God, when your Lord Jesus died, His life
germinated in you, and you become like Him. Now you put on the new man
Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given that was created according to God in true righteousness and holiness
you, as I said to Moses. (Eph.4:24). Your Joshua fought on Calvary and bought your victory and
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who your inheritance. You simply enjoy it, treasure it and see all your people get
has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places the revelation of it. How simple is your task now!
in Christ (Jos.1:3; Eph.1:3). Know your territory: God has given the clear picture of the entire
land of Canaan and its borders from the southern desert to the northern
mountains of Lebanon and from the eastern river Euphrates to the western
The book of Joshua clearly portrays our life in Christ. Joshua means Mediterranean sea. Now it was Joshua’s and his armies’ mission to walk
Yahweh is my Salvation (Num.13:16). The difference between the Old through the entire territory. Like Abraham, they had to walk the land through
Covenant and the New Covenant can be seen as a shadow throughout this its length and its width to possess it (Gen.13:14-15). Every place their foot
book. The Hebrew name Joshua is Jesus in Greek and explains the privileges would tread upon would be theirs forever (Jos.1:3-4). But for you, the new
we enjoy in Christ Jesus. We will prayerfully study the subject of life in creation, there are no limits or borders to your blessings and privileges in
Christ. Christ. Whatever you ask is yours. Whatever you desire is granted.
Moses dies and Joshua rises: “Moses My servant is dead. Now Whatever you need is supplied, all because of your union with Christ, the
therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and this entire people, to the land great source (Jn.14:14; 15:7; Phil.4:19)! Every spiritual blessing of heaven
which I am giving to them - the children of Israel” (Jos.1:2). The death of is yours now. Take it (Eph.1:3)!
Moses and the rising of Joshua are pictures of our Savior’s death and All things that pertain to your life are yours (2.Pet.1:3). Know it! All
resurrection in us. If we compare it with our Leader Jesus Christ, we can things you enjoy are yours. Cherish it (1.Tim.6:17)!
get glimpses of life in Christ. Moses finished his race without taking his
Beloved, you don’t need to fight or conquer anything to be blessed or to
people into Canaan. God showed him all the land of Canaan, but he could
not see the total fulfillment of God’’s promises to him. On the contrary, your be victorious. The death and resurrection of your loving Savior has provided
Divine Moses completely finished His redemptive work and took you into your victory and unlimited riches and blessings. Now is your time to possess.
His heavenly Canaan (Jn.17:4). The entire redemptive work was done by Rise up and march on NOW, in Jesus Name!
your Savior and Redeemer. Under the Old Covenant, Joshua was Thank you, Lord, I am abiding in You and Your Words
commissioned to take God’s people into Canaan by fighting more than thirty abide in me. I will ask what I desire and it shall be done for
enemy armies through three major military campaigns. Now you don’t need me. I put on the new man that was created according to
to fight any battle to enter into your Canaan which symbolizes your life in God, in true righteousness and holiness. Blessed be the God
Christ. What Moses could not do, Joshua completed. In your case, your and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed me
Joshua Jesus conquered all your enemies and took you into His victory. You with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ
are in Christ and have obtained all the blessings and privileges of life in because I am in Christ.
Christ. All you have to do to lead your people into their privileges is rise up Jn.15:7; Eph.4:24; Eph.1:3
to this realization and possess your inheritance. Like the parable of the
younger son, you must come to your senses and dare to enter into your
Father’s riches (Lk.15;17-24).
When Elijah left this earth, his mantle and a double portion of his anointing
fell upon Elisha. When Moses left the leadership, the captain anointing fell
on Joshua. When Jesus left this earth, He sent another Comforter to lead

637 638
blessings, God’s authority, God’s privileges are not for some days to enjoy
and to live the remaining days just dreaming about your past victories.
NoV 12 TOTAL VICTORY IN CHRIST Whatever God does for you is for eternity. Your consecration is for all your
life, from the womb to the tomb, from birth to death (Jdg.13:5). If David
under the Old Covenant could boldly say, “Surely goodness and mercy shall
No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; follow me all the days of my life”, how much more can you expect (Ps.23:6)?
as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor The presence of God that you carry is also for all the days of your life,
forsake you. even unto the end of the age (Mt.28:20). When God is with you, who can be
Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him against you? When He is with you all the days of your life, what is the time
who loved us (Jos.1:5; Ro.8:37). for the enemy to intrude? Think about it!
Complete protection: Another promise of life in Christ is His abiding
God gave enormous promises to His servant Joshua so he would boldly presence. As He was with Moses, Joshua, the prophets and the apostles,
inherit Canaan. Before performing anything for you, God always gives you He is with you today. Every mighty deed and wonder Moses ever performed
His promises. Every one of God’s promises has in it all the power to perform was because of God’s presence with him. That same presence is in you
it. The more you meditate and proclaim His promises, the more you release now. God was with the Son of God through the power of the Holy Spirit,
His power to perform them. All the Old Testament promises are literally and He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the
fulfilled in the New Testament. Now all you have to do is to find out what devil. That same God with all His power and might dwells in you today.
God has done and to thank Him and act on the Word. Let us see some of Unlike men, He will not leave you half way. Maybe you were deeply hurt
the promises God gave to Joshua and how they are fulfilled in your life by the rejections of your dear ones and have seen them break their promises
through Christ. to you. But your God is not a man that He should lie and change (Num.23:19).
Complete victory: No man can stand before you all the days of your Take heart! You eternal God Himself said, ‘I will never leave you, nor forsake
life. As I was with Moses so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor you.’ You can now boldly say: ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What
forsake you. What a promise! All the days of Joshua’s life, no enemy could can man do to me’ (Heb.13:6)?
stand against him. In our lives, too, we are totally invincible. God said, behold God was with Joshua to take all the Israelites into their Promised Land.
I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all He is with you now to take the people of God into life in Christ. His abiding
the power of the enemy, nothing shall by any means hurt you (Lk.10:19). presence in and around you will fight all your daily battles for you. Now the
God has given you all authority in heaven and on earth (Mt.28:18). No Spirit of God who abides in you never leaves you nor forsakes you. The
power in earth and in heaven is able to challenge you or to defeat you or to anointing of the Holy Spirit in your life abides in you forever (1.Jn.2:27). As
destroy you. This is one of the greatest blessings of your risen Lord. Christ is living in you as the hope of your glory, His angels are surrounding
In Christ, you are co-crucified with Him, rose again and are seated on you. Wow! You are not a lonely fighter and solitary reaper! Cheer up!
His throne, far above all your enemies. Now you can trample on serpents Beloved, no enemy, no disease, no curse, no problem and no man can
(ssatan) and scorpions (demons). It is a limitless authority. As much as you prevail against you all the days of your life. The God of the universe with all
can take an offensive stand to trample and crush the demonic powers, that His hosts is living in you and around you. Praise Him for His victorious and
much power you can execute on your enemies. All authority over all the abiding presence today.
earth! All authority in all the heavens! All authority over all the power of the Thank You, Lord, no man shall be able to stand before
enemy! Wow! Who can stand against you? What is left for the enemy if me all the days of my life; as you were with Moses, so you
you have all authority? Absolutely nothing! Never believe that satan can will be with me. You will not leave me nor forsake me. Surely
attack you back when you trample on him. Your Commander said that nothing goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
shall by any means harm you when you dare to trample on serpents and because I am in Christ.
scorpions. Dare to declare it often. Jos.1:5; Ps.23:6
Complete life span: This authority and power over all the enemy is
not for some season. It is promised for all the days of your life. God’s

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There is no place where the shadow of the almighty God doesn’t cover you
or lead you. See how God was with His Old Covenant people, guiding and
NoV 13
COMPLETION IN CHRIST leading them wherever they travelled. Just see how God led millions of His
people in the wilderness.
And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the
Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so as to go by day and
as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. night. He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day or the pillar of fire by
Yes, and all the prophets, from Samuel and those who follow, as night from before the people (Ex.13:21-22).
many as have spoken, have also foretold these days (Jos.1:6; Yes, in this New Covenant time God Himself is going before you and
Ac.3:24). preparing the way for you. He is the pillar of cloud over you to lead you in
the day, and He is the pillar of fire in the darkest time of your life to give you
Canaan was promised to the Israelites right from the days of the light. He is with you in the day and in the night of your life. He never takes
patriarchs. Even in the early days of Abraham’s call, the Lord repeatedly away His presence. He won’t leave you even in the hardest and darkest
promised him that He would give the lands of the Canaanites to his places. When Jesus began His ministry in Capernaum, the prophecy of
descendants (Gen.12:7; 13:15; 15:18-21; 17:8). Isaiah was fulfilled. The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light,
Complete fulfillment: God reassured Moses of this time and again and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned
but it was Joshua who saw the fulfillment of it. Not a word failed of any (Mt.4:16). Darkest regions under the shadow of death have seen the greatest
good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel, all came to light of heaven shining upon them. He and you together became the light of
pass (Jos.21:45). This again is a picture of your life in your heavenly Joshua. this dark world. Never feel intimidated by the demonic fortresses of your
This is the good news for you, the new creation. All the New Testament nation. The Creator of the entire world is going with you everywhere, melting
blessings and privileges were promised right from the fall of man. Every the hardest places like wax before you.(Nah 1.5.)
oneof the promises God made to humanity was fully and totally fulfilled in Do you remember how the pillar of cloud and fire was seen over the
Christ Jesus,for you Peter beautifully confirms it in his sermon.He explained tabernacle of Moses all the days of their journey (Ex.40:38)? The same
that heaven must receive Jesus until the time of restoration of all things glory of the Lord is shining everywhere you go, all the days of your life
which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world journey. What a consolation! Total protection is yours in the darkest and
began (Ac.3:21).All the promises God ever made since the world began brightest times of your journey . Now you can shout and sing with Paul to
were fully fulfilled in Christ Jesus. The very name of the Lord Jesus is an God who leads you in triumph always and through you manifests the
eternal yes and amen. The day you received Jesus, all the promises of the fragrance of His knowledge in EVERY PLACE. Remember, in every day
entire Bible are fulfilled in your life. Hear what Paul says: For all the promises of your life and in every place where you are, His victory and His glory and
of God in Him are yes and in Him amen to the glory of God through us His sweet fragrance are with you. Be strong and be bold, in Jesus name!
(2.Co.1:19-20). All God’s promises have become God’s performances for Beloved, be diligent to study and to experience every fulfillment of
you. You don’t even need to claim the promises. Simply thank God for the God’s promises. Stop blaming your circumstances and start enjoying His
fulfillment of those promises in your life. You will be amazed to see the victory wherever you are.
manifestations of those promises. Thank you, Lord, not a word failed of any good thing
Complete places: God promised ‘Have I not commanded you? Be which You have spoken to me. All came to pass. For all the
strong and of good courage, do not be afraid nor be dismayed, for the Lord promises of God in You are yes, and in You amen, to the
your God is with you wherever you go’ (Jos.1:9). Here God clearly promised glory of God through us. Thanks be to God who always leads
Joshua His presence and success in every place where Joshua would go. me in triumph in Christ, and through me diffuses the fragrance
This promise is fulfilled in your life now. God and you became one and of His knowledge in every place because I am in Christ.
inseparable. You carry Him wherever you go. Jos.21:45; 2.Co.1:20; 2:14
There is no place where God is not with you. There is no place where
you should be defeated. There is no place where the enemy is stronger.

641 642
The word soaked life: God commanded His servant Joshua, to observe
to do according to all the law without turning from it to the right hand or to
NoV 14 the left that he may prosper wherever he goes. He explicitly commanded
INHERITORS IN CHRIST him saying, “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you
shall meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do according to all
Be strong and of good courage,for to this people you shall divide that is written in it. For then, you will make your way prosperous, and then
as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. you will have good success”. Ponder this! Courage and confidence are the
fruit of Word filled life. Faith to possess never comes by begging and pleading,
Therefore do not cast away your confidence which has great
but only by hearing and heeding the Word of God (Ro.10:17).
reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have
done the will of God, you may receive the promise (Jos.1:6; Success every where is the direct result of Word soaked life. He expects
Heb.10:35,36). us to be constantly in the written Word of God. Muttering the Word,
pondering the Word, acting on the Word, reading and studying the Word will
turn all your failures into your amazing success and victory. Ponder God’s
It pleases God to see you inheriting every one of His Calvary blessings. word by talking to yourself and to others constantly. You will always be
There is an urgent need for the New Covenant ministers to explore and fresh and fruitful and whatever you do shall prosper (Ps.1:1-3). Make sure
explain all the privileges of our life in Christ. God calls us to take the Body you consistently meditate the New Covenant privileges and realities night
of Christ into the fullness of Christ. Joshua had a mandate to take the twelve and day. Explore the New Testament truths and get excited about it. Study
tribes to Canaan and to divide the inheritance for each tribe. Such ministers the Old Testament through the New Testament glass and get the substance
need some vital characteristics. from the shadow. You will be an excellent New Covenant minister who
See your inheritance as already given: As far as God is concerned, takes others into their marvelous inheritance.
the land of Canaan was already given to the Israelites. Now the people Beloved, you have an awesome responsibility to take the people into
must walk into their possession through faith and obedience. In Christ, all God’s riches in Christ. Fear not! Dread not! Step out in faith, be a doer of
your blessings - your new nature, physical health and vigor, emotional and God’s Word and meditate there in day and night. You will be wiser and
mental stability, financial riches, peaceful relationships, powerful ministry, successful and inherit all your blessings and cause others to enjoy life in
longevity and joyful life is already bought for you, the moment you received Christ.
Christ. It is up to you to know and take it by faith.
Thank You, Lord, I am strong and of good courage in
Confidence and courage: God repeatedly told Joshua, Be strong and Christ and to these people I shall divide the land that You
of a good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the swore to our fathers to give them I am not afraid nor
land…, only be strong and very courageous that you may observe to do dismayed for You are with me wherever I go. I will meditate
according to the law… have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good your Word day and night that I may observe to do according
courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with to all that is written in it. I will make my way prosperous
you wherever you go (Jos.1:6-9,18). Supernatural faith and determination is and I will have good success because I am in Christ.
a must for the inheritors. The prince of this world knows the full potential of
life in Christ. He will try his best to keep you, from getting the total revelation
of New Covenant blessings. Paul was literally hindered and persecuted by
satan from preaching the gospel of the fullness of God’s
blessings.(Rom.1:13,15:29) All the apostles were threatened and commanded
not even to mention the name of Jesus Christ.(Acts.4:18-20,5:40-42) A strong
determination to possess every blessing of Christ is very much needed for
you. Fear not! Only believe is the condition to experience the power of
resurrection. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of boldness, not timidity. He leads
you into total victory.

643 644
many times, and everywhere he was severely persecuted. He was also
NoV 15 exposing the viles of the devil. But God protected him every time
KNOW YOUR ENEMY IN CHRIST miraculously. Once the enemies plotted to kill him and watched the gates
night and day. When it was known, the disciples rescued him and let him
down through the wall in a large basket (Ac.9:23,25). When God is using
I know that the Lord has given you the land that the terror of you you to expose the demonic lies and deceptions, fear not. Never be afraid of
has fallen on us and that all the inhabitants of the land are faint hearted the enemy’s attack. Those who are with you are more than those who are
because of you… And as soon as we heard these things our hearts with them. God’s angelic army and chariots and horses of fire are all around
are melted; neither did there remain anymore courage in anyone you. Be bold!
because of you, for the Lord your God, He is God in heaven above
and on earth beneath. God is looking for people who bring good report. The two spies Joshua
sent brought a good report and saved all the Israelites. They said, “Truly the
So the great dragon was cast out that serpent of old, called the LORD has delivered all the land into our hands, for indeed all the inhabitants
Devil and satan, who deceives the whole world, he was cast to the of the country are fainthearted because of us” (Jos.2:24). What an awesome
earth and his angels were cast out with him (Jos.2:9-11; Rev.12:9). responsibility!
Beloved, we are called to wrestle with spiritual forces. They have already
Here, Joshua sent only two men, not twelve spies like Moses did to spy been defeated, disarmed and dethroned by your Savior. Never magnify the
out Jericho (Jos.2:1).. Out of them ten brought a bad report and destroyed devil’s power over the power of God. While exploring the demonic schemes,
the faith and lives of the entire generation. Only two, Joshua and Caleb, some get trapped into too much focusing on the enemy. Beware of it! The
brought a good report and stood on God’s side. Could this be the reason only way the enemy can defeat you is through his deceptions. The Holy
why Joshua sent only two spies?!! It is better to be with a believing minority Spirit in you points out the trace and tricks of your enemy as the finger of
than to be with a fearful majority. God (Lk.11:20; Mt.12:28). Read the scriptures and find out all the deceptions
Before waging war against our enemies, we must asses our enemies’ and strategies of the devil. Lay your axe on the root like your Savior. Be
strength and strategies well (Lk.14:31; Pr.20:18). Life in Christ is not ignorant violent, in Jesus name!
of the devil’s devices; rather it is fully armed to stand against the viles of the Thank You, Lord, that satan cannot take advantage of
devil. (2Co.2:10-11; Eph.6:11). Our Commander Jesus fully exposed the me for I am not ignorant of the schemes of the devil. I put
demonic kingdom and laid His axe at the root of the tree (Mt.3:10). on the whole armor of God, and I am able to stand against
Enemy hates spiritual spies: When the king of Jericho heard about the wiles of the devil. Those who are with me are more than
the spies, he tried to capture them (Jos.2:2-3).When you begin to know the those who are with them because I am in Christ.
schemes of the enemy and expose them publicly, you become the devil’s 2.Co.2:11; Eph.6:11; 2.Ki.6:16
target. The devil tries to keep people from knowing him and his tricky plots.
He tries to kill and destroy deliverance ministers .
The enemy hates to be exposed. He doesn’t want you to believe in his
existence and know his kingdom techniques. The very knowledge of the
enemy and his schemings weakens and paralyzes his power.
Do you remember how the prophet Elisha was targeted by the Assyrians
when he exposed their schemes? The king of Syria was greatly troubled
and sent a great army with horses and chariots to capture the man of God
by night. Thank God, the eyes of the prophet were opened to see the enemy’s
realm and also God’s angelic realm (2.Ki.6:8-18).
God protects the demon exposer: Here God used Rahab, the harlot,
to hide and to protect them (Jos.2:4,6). The apostle Paul’s life was targeted

645 646
fear of the enemies’ camp. It is very important for you to know that your
NoV 16 enemy is full of fear about you. Many times we imagine the devil as a bold
KNOW THE ENEMIES FEAR and courageous person. But the Bible describes him as the spirit of fear
IN CHRIST (2.Tim.1:7). The devil is the author of fear (Heb.2:14-15). He is the most
fearful and timid person in the entire universe. He knows his future
…and said to the men: “I know that the LORD has given you the (Rev.12:12). He knows the strength of God’s people (Num.23:21-24). He
land, that the terror of you has fallen on us, and that all the inhabitants knows that he cannot fight successfully against God and His people
of the land are fainthearted because of you”. (Ex.14:14). He is full of fear (Jas.2:19).
You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons Do you remember that when Adam and Eve believed his lie, the first
believe and tremble! Resist the devil and he will flee from you (Jos.2:9; thing that came to them was fear? (Gen.3:10). He injects fear in you from
Jas.2:9 ;4:7). his own fear. If you know the devil is a trembling, terrorized, timid weakling,
you will rise up with boldness and be very courageous. James said that
We have seen how Joshua sent two spies full of faith and boldness to demons tremble in fear. Even when you just stand and resist him, he flees in
spy out the enemy’s camp. When they came to Rahab’s house, they had a fear (Jas.4:7)
revelation of their enemy’s status. Rahab acted here as a spokeswoman for The terror of God falling upon our enemies is consistently portrayed in
the enemies. It is good and important to know the schemes and devices of the Bible. When Jacob and his people buried all their idols, they were walking
the enemy’s kingdom. Unfortunately, those who excel in this ministry give through enemies’ countries, and the terror of God fell upon the surrounding
sometimes undue focus and importance to the enemy’s camp. Anything countries (Ge.35:5). Yes, when you walk in your privileges, fear of you will
that makes devil and his works bigger than God is not scriptural. These two grip your enemies.
spies had a clear picture of the enemies which helped them to bring a good Beloved, you are bold like a lion, and your enemy is extremely timid
report to Joshua. As a result, all the Israelites got the victory in Jericho. Let and fearful. He knows what you got through the Calvary victory. That is
us now meditate from the statement of Rahab on the real status of our why he tried his best to stop Christ from going to the cross. He knows that
enemies in Christ. he has no right to take anything that belongs to you. He bluffs you as if he
I know that the Lord has given you the land: Here all the enemies were the owner of this world and had all power over you. He acts as a bold
of the Israelites knew that the Lord had given the land to the Israelites. God guy though he is trembling in fear. Know this truth and take a bold stand, in
repeatedly promised right from Abraham that He had given the land to His Jesus name!
people. If the people of God know what belongs to them, what God has Thank You, Lord, You have given me the land. The
already given to them in Christ, they will be unconquerable, invincible in terror of me has fallen on my enemies, and they are
every one of their battles. The main reason we live a life of failure, weakness fainthearted because of me. There remains no more courage
and apathy is our lack of knowledge of what God has already given to us in in any of my enemies because of me. I resist the devil and
Christ. In many of our prayers we cry and beg for things that have been he flees from me because I am in Christ.
already graciously provided us in Christ. The funniest thing is that satan and Jos.2:9; Jas.4:7
his cohorts know better what belongs to us than we do. If you understand
this, you will be bolder than ever before.
Healing belongs to you. Health belongs to you. Joy and peace belong to
you. Unity and harmony belong to you. Victory in every part of life belongs
to you in Christ. Riches and honor belong to you in Christ. Powerful ministry
and glory belong to you in Christ. Nation-shaking revival belongs to you in
Christ. Please delve deeply into the Pauline revelations and find out what
belongs to you in Christ.
The terror of you has fallen on us, and all the inhabitants of the
nation are fainthearted because of you: Here Rahab represents the

647 648
dust of this earth. The devil knows that God is all powerful, omniscient,
omnipotent and almighty, and nothing is impossible for Him. The devil knows
NoV 17
KNOW THE ENEMIES STATUS he can never win even a single battle against God. That is why he tries to
minimize the picture of God in the eyes of God’s people.
Once when we know who our God is, we will be bold to rise up and
And they said to Joshua, ‘Truly the LORD has delivered all the wage war against the enemy (Dan.11:32). We must pursue the knowledge
land into our hands, for indeed all the inhabitants of the country are of our God more than ever before. The more you know God, the more His
fainthearted because of us’. grace and peace will be multiplied in you (2.Pe.1:2-4). The more you know
your glorified Lord, the more you will laugh at your enemies (Ps.2:1-6). The
...and not in any way terrified by your adversaries, which is to
them a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that from God more you know the Holy Spirit, the more you will destroy the devil’s works
(Jos.2:24; Phil.1:28). (Isa.59:19). This is the secret of victorious life and ministry.
Beloved, know your strength in Christ and the weakness of your enemy.
Study all the miracles of God which He did for His children and let this build
Let us continue our study on our enemies’ fear and knowledge of us your faith. Don’t make the devil big even in your imaginations. He is
from the words of Rahab. Knowing this side of the enemy will build your frustrated and famished in all his efforts against you. He knows that you
faith for victory. are God’s iron pillar and bronze wall and he can never prevail against you.
For we have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea He also knows how great your God is. Let this revelation dawn in your
for you… what you did to the two kings of the Amorites… Sihon and Og: spirit.
Whatever God has done for you is clearly known by hell and its host. They Thank You, Lord, You are God who made the heaven and
know what Christ has accomplished for you on the cross. Every miracle earth and the sea, and all that is in them. Your grace and
God has ever done in your personal life is more than enough for the enemies peace will be multiplied to me in the knowledge of You and
to tremble before you and to fear you. The devil knows the depth of God’s of Jesus, my Lord, as Your divine power has given to me all
love for you and your value to Him. He knows that the entire universe is things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge
created for you. of You who called me by Your glory and virtue because I am
In the time of Joshua and Moses, some kingdoms were considered in Christ.
most powerful like for example the kingdoms of Sihon and Og, both Amorite Ac.4:24; 2.Pe.1:2-3
kings. These enemies were utterly destroyed by the Israelites. The
knowledge of this victory made all the other Canaanite kings’ hearts to melt
(Jos.9:24). When the strongest nations are destroyed, obviously weaker
nations will tremble. On the cross, satan and all his powers, the greatest
enemies of humanity, were destroyed. Death, the greatest weapon the enemy
had, was destroyed on the cross. Now, the enemies know very well that
they are utterly defeated before the children of God. The only way they
have now to conquer you is to keep you in ignorance of their defeat and
fear (1.Co.15:26; 2.Ti.1:10).
He is God in heaven above and on earth beneath: Rahab, the
pagan prostitute, acknowledged that our God is the God of heaven and
earth. Rahab and the enemies of the Israelites knew that the God of Israel
is the God of heaven and earth. They witnessed all His miracles and knew
who was their God. The interesting thing is that satan and his demons know
God’s might and power better than God’s saints do. Satan still remembers
how God pushed him down from his glorious status and made him to eat the

649 650
faith she did not perish with those unbelievers (Heb.11:31). James teaches
one of the most powerful revelations of faith through the life of Rahab.
NoV 18 WORD AND DEED FATIH ‘Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received
IN CHRIST the messengers and sent them out another way? For as the body without
the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also’ (Jas.2:25-26). Rahab
Now therefore, I beg you, swear to me by the LORD, since I revealed her faith through her act of faith by receiving and rescuing God’s
have shown you kindness, that you also will show kindness to my messengers.
father’s house, and give me a true token. You can never develop your faith unless you put your faith in action.
By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not Believing in God’s healing power in you is not enough. Only when you lay
believe, when she had received the spies with peace (Jos.2:12; your hands on the sick and boldly command them to be healed, your faith
Heb.11:31). becomes alive and active. If you believe that Christ has become your holiness,
walk in holiness and prove your living faith.
Beloved, what you hear is the most important question in your Christian
Rahab gives us much revelation about life in Christ. She is a picture of
life. Your God, the author of faith, always speaks to stimulate your faith.
what we are and what we can become when we receive Christ in our lives.
Your enemy, the devil, constantly speaks to destroy your faith. This world
A sinful prostitute became member of Christ’s genealogy (Mt.1:5). The
you live in is full of doubt and unbelief. Unless you take heed of what you
wonder is that she is also included in the list of great heroes along with
hear, you will be assaulted by the negative voices all around you. You have
Abraham, Moses and other great prophets.
to make a choice between the hearing of faith and the hearing of doubt.
Hearing of faith: Rahab constantly heard of all the miracles God did This choice will decide between life and death for you. Be not only a hearer
for His people. She heard about the miracle of the Red Sea crossing and of faith but also become a doer of faith. The more you take bold faith steps,
the defeat of the great Amorite kings Sihon and Og and she saw the fear the more your faith becomes active. Speak faith. Hear faith. Act faith.
and terror of the Canaanites. The more she heard, the more she believed in Work faith. Live faith TODAY!
Jehovah God. Yes, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God
Thank You, Lord, You supplied the Spirit to me and work
(Ro.10:17). In this way, God’s faith was imparted into this prostitute and
miracles by the hearing of my faith. You have given to me
made her a believer in Jehovah God. What we hear constantly builds or
a measure of faith and my faith comes by hearing, and
breaks our faith.
hearing by the Word of God. I have the same Spirit of
You came into Christ when you heard the word of faith and believed in faith. I believe and therefore I speak because I am in
Him. You were born again through the incorruptible seed of God’s Word Christ.
(1.Pe.1:23). We received both salvation and the baptism of the Spirit by the
Gal.3:5; Ro.10:17; 12:3; 2.Co.4:13
hearing of faith. Miracles happen in our life as we keep hearing the word of
faith (Gal.3:3,5). Multitudes came running behind Jesus to receive their
healings and miracles because of what they heard about Him. Do you
remember, when Jesus came to the land Gennesaret, the men of that place
recognized Him and brought all the sick people to touch His garments
(Mt.14:34-36)? They recognized Him as the great Healer. All those who
touched Him with that faith were perfectly healed. A woman who had a
flow of blood for twelve years heard about Jesus and touched Him (Mk.5:27).
Her faith came because of what she heard about Jesus. Life in Christ
grows by hearing faith-building words. New Covenant preachers must aim
at building faith in believers to produce miracle living.
Act of faith: Rahab’s faith matured into actions. She received the
spies with peace and hid them from their enemies because of her faith. By

651 652
wrath of God and judgments if red scarlet, the blood of Jesus is upon you
NoV 19 (Jos.2:17-25).
Beloved, no matter what may be your background and your sinful past,
IN CHRIST you can become the greatest blessing to the entire world just by putting
your trust in Christ and His Blood. Constantly hear the Good News of the
So the men said to her: We will be blameless of this oath of
New Testament and put your faith into action. Study about the power of
yours which you have made us swear, unless, when we come into
God’s Blood and save your people.
the land, you bind this line of scarlet cord in the window through which
you let us down, and unless you bring your father, your mother, your Thank You, Lord, I am washed, I am sanctified, I am
brothers, and all your father’s household to your own home. justified in the name of my Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of
my God. You have redeemed me to my God by Your Blood
Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when
out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation. You
she received the messengers and sent them out another way?
have made me a king and a priest to my God, and I shall
(Jos.2:17, 18; Jas.2:25).
reign on the earth because I am in Christ.
1.Co.6:11; Rev.5:9-10
Life in Christ is a life of faith manifested through faith words and faith
acts. When such faith is released, extraordinary power is released.
Power of faith: Rahab’s life is a great example for the power of faith.
She was a Gentile by birth and therefore most reproachable in the eyes of
the Jews. The Bible calls her a harlot every time she is mentioned. Imagine
how unclean she would have been, selling her body to many men. How
could she be included in the very genealogy of the purest Son of God? Can
you believe she became the mother of Boas, the great-grandfather of David,
the king (Mt.1:5)? Would you ever put her name on the same pedestal with
Moses, Elijah and Elisha? God, however, put her in the list of such giants of
faith and made her a faith heroine (Heb.11:31). This shows the power of
faith. It is not your holiness or righteous acts that saved you and made you
a heavenly citizen, it is only your simple faith (Heb.2:8).
It is not your adventures but your simple faith that overcomes the world
(1.Jn.5:4-5). Your faith is so powerful that it becomes your very victory.
Your faith power removes all your mountainous problems (Mk.11:23). Your
faith power justifies you as though you had never sinned. The same faith
power sanctified you in and out by cleansing all your heart, mind, words and
body (Ro.1:17; Ac.15:8-9; 1.Co.1:30).
Safety of faith: Rahab saved her entire family by her faith (Jos.2:13).
When she asked for a true token for the safety of her family, the spies told
her to bind a scarlet cord in the window. This scarlet cord is a picture of the
Blood of our Savior on the cross. In a way, she prophetically believed in the
saving power of the Blood of Christ. Inside the house, there was total safety,
and outside the house, total danger. Yes, there is no danger when you are
under the protection of the Blood of Jesus. Your heavenly Joshua will certainly
deliver you and all your people from the enemies’ attack and the coming

653 654
invisible miracle. We who were under the power of darkness were delivered
and transferred into the Kingdom of His Son Jesus Christ (Col.1:13). We
NoV 20
MIRACLES IN CHRIST came from death to life, from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of
light, from satan to God (Ac.26:18). Truly, your great salvation is the greatest
miracle in the spirit realm (Heb.2:3-4).
Then Joshua rose early in the morning; and they set out from Our baptism in water is also a miracle. Our dead old man is buried with
Acacia Grove and came to the Jordan, he and all the children of Christ in baptism. Crossing the Jordan symbolizes our water baptism. As
Israel, and lodged there before they crossed over. the Israelites came out of the Jordan into the Promised Land, we were
How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at resurrected with Christ and became a new man to walk in newness of life
first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by (Ro.6:1-10).
those who heard Him, God also bearing witness both with signs and The baptism of the Holy Spirit is another great miracle. The very Creator
wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit…(Jos.3:1; of heaven and earth comes to dwell in His little creature, the new creation.
Heb.2:3-4) It opens the flood gates of supernatural power (Jn.14:16-21). Whenever
the Spirit of God manifested through His people, prophetic utterances and
mighty miracles happened (Gal.3:5). When Jesus was baptized in the river
After hearing the words of Rahab and the two spies, Israel set out to
Jordan, the heavens opened and His spiritual eyes and ears were also opened
cross the Jordan. Crossing the Jordan is one of the most remarkable miracles
(Jn.3:16-17). The same Holy Spirit that was upon the Lord Jesus Christ is
of the Bible. From this miracle, the Holy Spirit wants to challenge you to
resting upon you now. All the fountains of heaven are within you, releasing
step into the miracle realm and ministry.
the rivers of living waters in you (Jn.7:37-39; Ps.87:7).
Old Covenant miracles: Under the Old Covenant, God did special
Beloved, now you can live a life of miracles all the days of your life.
and unusual miracles in the lives of His people. Everything He did for His
You can cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, save people from
Old Covenant saints were continuous miracles. He delivered them
hell and bring them on their way to heaven, multiply bread, bring judgmental
miraculously. He protected them miraculously (Ac.7:36; Ex.3:20-22). He
miracles, control the nature just like your Jesus (Mt.10:7-8; Ac.13:8-12).
provided their needs miraculously(Ex.16). He fought their battles and judged
He Himself said that you would do what He did and even greater things
His enemies miraculously (Ex.Ch.14,17). He raised up His servants and did
than that (Jn.14:12). Wow! Really, life in Christ is a life of wonders, signs
exploits miraculously (Ex. Ch. 3,7). He guided them miraculously
and miracles.
(Ex.13:21,22). He gave His laws and statues miraculously (Ex. Ch.19,20).
e He changed the course of nature miraculously - sun and moon stopped, Thank You, Lord, I am for signs and wonders in this
hailstone judged the enemies, the Red Sea and the Jordan opened up, Manna world from the Lord of hosts who dwells in me. I believe in
from heaven, multiplication of food, water from the rock, insects, snakes - You, and I will do the works You did, and greater works
all are miraculous, wow! How many miracles! If people under the Old than those You did, because I am in Christ.
Covenant could do and experience such mighty miracles, how much more Isa.8:18; Jn.14:12
should we who live under a better covenant experience (Heb.8:6)
Jesus and apostles miracle: Our Lord Jesus Christ gloriously
inaugurated the miracle ministry in the New Testament (Jn.2:11). Every
moment of Jesus Christ was a miracle. In three years, He did so many
miracles that if all were recorded, the entire world could not contain the
books about them (Jn.21:25)Through the hands of the apostles God did
great and mighty miracles (Ac.2:43; 5:12)
New Covenant miracles: Life in Christ is from beginning to end a
life of miracles. Salvation is nothing but a miracle. Our dead spirit was
literally resurrected through the seed of God, the Word (Eph.2:1-3). It is an

655 656
you high above all others (Jn.12:26). If He has called you as a leader for
NoV 21 any group, He wants to prove your leadership to your people through signs
NEED FOR MIRACLES and wonders. Seeing the miracles, the people will recognize you, honor you
IN CHRIST and obey you all the days of your life. When the Red Sea was opened, the
Israelites saw the great work of the Lord and feared the Lord and His
And Joshua said, “By this you shall know that the living God is servant Moses (Ex.14:31). When the Church of God begins to manifest the
among you, and that He will without fail drive out from before you the miracle power of God, the world will highly esteem and fear the Church
Canaanites and the Hittites and the Hivites and the Perizzites and (Ac.5:12-13). The reason the Church is despised and ignored by the heathen
the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Jebusites” . world is the lack of miracles.
This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and Beloved, in Christ, miracles are God’s sign board for all His believers.
manifested His glory; and His disciples believedin Him (Jos.3:10; Jesus enumerated at least five signs of a believer, like healing the sick,
Jn.2:11) casting out demons, etc (Mk.16:17-18). Imagine a new believer beginning
to manifest these signs and wonders. What will happen to the world! If you
From the miracle of the Jordan-crossing we can derive many reasons start manifesting these signs, the world will come to you in search of their
why we should covet miracles. Life in Christ is a life of miracles and miracles. This is the Gospel way for you to reach this world.
supernatural experiences. God desperately desires to show His supernatural Thank You, Lord, the manifestation of Your Spirit is
power to the heathen world and even to His own people (Rom.15:18-21; given to me for the profit of all... the word of wisdom
Jn.2:11). The Bible is our miracle manual. When there were no miracles, through the Spirit... the word of knowledge... faith...
even His own people backslid and the enemies prevailed against them. gifts of healings... the working of miracles... prophecy...
Miracles prove His presence in us: The very purpose of God’s discerning of spirits... different kinds of tongues... the
indwelling presence in you is to manifest His power and wisdom to the interpretation of tongues, because I am in Christ.
world. God’s purpose in dividing the river Jordan was to prove His presence 1.Co.12:7-11
among His people. Joshua said, “By this you shall know that the living God
is among you…” (Jos.3:10).
The miracles of Jesus proved His Father’s indwelling in Him. He Himself
said to Philip, “Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in
Me? ... Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else
believe Me for the sake of the works themselves” (Jn.14:10a, 11). You are
in no way different from Jesus. The Trinitarian God has made you His
home (Jn.14:23).
Christin you is the hope of glory. He is the same yesterday, today and
forever (Heb.13:8). Make sure that Christ is not imprisoned in you. Give
Him freedom to show His miracle power to win this world. The Holy Spirit,
the Author of all miracles, is desperate to manifest all His gifts through you
(Gal.3:3,5; 1.Co.12:7-11).
Miracles exalt and make us great: Another reason for God to dry
up the river Jordan was to exalt His servant Joshua before all the people of
God. On that day the LORD exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and
they feared him, as they had feared Moses, all the days of his life (Jos.3:7;
4:14). Miracles are God’s credentials for His believers and His ministers.
God has great ambitions concerning you. He wants to exalt you and make

657 658
drugs, addictions and the like are a great challenge for us today. The
NoV 22 manifestation of God’s power is the answer for all these. The people and
INEVITABILITY OF MIRACLES elders who had seen all the great works of the Lord served Him during the
CHRIST days of Joshua and a little beyond Joshua’s lifetime. The generation that
didn’t witness the mighty works of God did evil in the sight of the Lord and
…the Lord your God dried up the waters of the Jordan before served the Baals (Jud.2:7-10).
you… that all the peoples of the earth may know the hand of the I believe that even the faith of the believers weakens if for some time
LORD, that it is mighty... they don’t witness the supernatural power of our God. People who witness
And Peter said to him, Aeneas, Jesus the Christ heals you. Arise the miracle power of the true God will not easily speak evil of Him (Mk.9:38-
and make your bed. Then he arose immediately. So all who dwelt at 39).
Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord (Jos.4:23-24; Beloved, as a new creation, it is your privilege and responsibility to
Ac.9:34-35). demonstrate God’s power and might to the world. He lives in you to manifest
His power. He exalts you by confirming your ministry with His miracles.
We have seen how miracles prove God’s presence in us and bring He calls you to win this lost world by His demonstrations. Rise up today, in
public honor. Let us continue studying the reasons for coveting the miracles Jesus’ Name!
from the Jordan river. Thank You, Lord, as You are so am I in this world. In
Miracles convince the world of the Lordship of Jesus: Joshua your name I will cast out demons. I will speak with new
clearly explains the purpose of the parting of the river Jordan and the Red tongues. I will take up serpents. If I drink anything deadly
Sea was “that all the peoples of the earth may know the hand of the LORD, it will by no means hurt me. I will lay hands on the sick and
that it is mighty...” (Jos.4:23-24). Before manifesting His power to Pharaoh, they will recover because I am in Christ.
God repeatedly told Moses His purpose: “That the whole world may know 1.Jn.4:17; Mk.16:17-18
I am the Lord God.” Miracles are God’s method to prove that our God is
the only true God.
Elijah demonstrated the power of God by bringing down the fire of God
to prove to the double-minded people and the false prophets that Jehovah is
God (1.Ki.18:36-39). One miracle is more than a thousand sermons. Every
time God demonstrates His power, the heathen world bows down before
the living God. Great multitudes followed Jesus and the apostles when they
witnessed miracles (Lk.5:15; Jn.6:2). This is true even today. The message
of God’s great salvation must be confirmed with great miracles (Heb.2:3,4;
Memorial for next generations: When God divided the river Jordan,
He commanded the twelve representatives to take twelve stones from the
Jordan to remind future generation of this miracle. When their children
would ask them, what do these stones mean”, the elders had to explain the
miracle of parting the Jordan. Thus the stones became a memorial to the
younger generation (Jos.4:5-7). All God’s miracles must be constantly
narrated to our children to keep them aflame and to show the reality of
God. Our generation must see God’s mighty wonders lest they depart from
faith in our God.
One of the reasons why our young people drift away from God is the
lack of supernaturals in the Church. Increasing sin, immorality, ungodliness,
659 660
before dividing the Jordan, Joshua said, “By this (Jordan miracle) you shall
know... He will without fail drive out from before you the Canaanites and
NoV 23
COVET MIRACLES IN CHRIST the Hittites and the Hivites and the Perizzites and the Girgashites and the
Amorites and the Jebusites’’ (Jos.3:10). God’s miracle ministry makes His
Calvary victory a reality for every one of us.
So it was, when all the kings of the Amorites... and all the kings of All your enemies were utterly destroyed on Calvary two thousand
the Canaanites... heard that the LORD had dried up the waters of the years ago. Your Savior destroyed the author of death and stripped him of all
Jordan... that their heart melted; and there was no spirit in them any his power and authority. Every time you demonstrate God’s power, you
longer because of the children of Israel. declare His victory over your enemy. Whenever you cast out a demon and
But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an uninformed person heal the sick, you bring the Kingdom of God by destroying the kingdom of
comes in, he is convinced by all, he is convicted by all. And thus the satan (Mt.12:28).
secrets of his heart are revealed; and so, falling down on his face, he Beloved, we need to demonstrate miracles now more than ever before.
will worship God and report that God is truly among you (Jos.5:1; Enemies are rising up, challenging God’s Word and God’s people. Bible
1.Co.14:24-25). standards are ridiculed and rejected by the wisdom of fallen man. Sin is
increasing uncontrollably. Persecutors are rising up breathing murder threats
against Christians. There is a desperate need for miracle manifestations.
Let us continue our study on the reasons for miracles from the miracle
Rise up and show His power TODAY!
of Jordan. God wants His people to covet His miracle powers to silence His
enemies and defeat them. The Jordan miracle terrified all the Canaanite Thank You, Lord, my speech and my preaching will not
kings and affirmed them of their defeat. be with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in
demonstration of Your Spirit and of power, I pursue love
Miracles terrify and silence the enemies: See what this Jordan
and desire spiritual gifts, especially that I may prophesy. I
miracle did to the enemy nations. When all the Amorites and Canaanites
am jealous for spiritual gifts for the edification of the
heard the news of the Jordan miracle, they trembled and lost their courage.
Church. I seek to excel in it because I am in Christ.
Every time God did miracles, His enemies were terrified. This is a repeated
teaching of both Old and New Testament,. God displays His mighty power 1.Co.2:4; 1.Co.14:1,12
to confound His enemies. If this is God’s strategy to silence and paralyze
His enemies, what would be a better way today? Nowadays, the enemy
works overtime to assault the Church of the living God by instigating His
people to persecute the Church.
When Peter healed the forty year old lame man, all the enemies
trembled and cried, “What shall we do to these men? A notable miracle has
been done and we cannot deny it!” They were afraid of the people (Ac.4:16).
When persecution arose against the Church, the apostles were beaten and
threatened and forbidden by law to keep preaching the Gospel. The Early
Church cried to the Lord to stretch out His hand to heal the sick and to
show signs and wonders, and that God’s servants might boldly proclaim His
word (Ac.4:23-31). The power of enmity in Saul was broken by God’s
miracle encounter and converted him into the Apostle Paul (Acts 9).
Nowadays, the Church of God is under persecution. We desperately need
the miracle power to silence and paralyze the power of the enemy behind it.
Miracles confirm the defeat of the enemy: By dividing the river
Jordan, God confirmed His people of the defeat of all their enemies. Just

661 662
Sense His presence constantly: Before the people stepped out of
SECRETS FOR MIRACLES their natural zone, the priests were commanded to take the Ark of God and
NoV 24 walk before the people into the Jordan. The moment the feet of the priests
IN CHRIST carrying the Ark dipped into the water, the water cut off and divided. It was
the Ark of God, the presence of the almighty God, that divided and dried the
And they commanded the people, saying, “When you see the waters of the river Jordan. All the people did was to see what God’s presence
ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests, the did, and follow. When you came to Christ, the presence of God came to
Levites, bearing it, then you shall set out from your place and go dwell in your life (Mt.1:23;Col.1:27;Jn.14:23). Now you are God’s priest
after it” (Jos.3:3) who carries His Ark (Rev.1:6) It is the presence of God in you that divides
For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are your Jordan and melts your mountains (Nah.1:5). All you have to do now is
God’s building (1.Co.3:9) to be conscious of God’s indwelling presence and acknowledge it thankfully
in all your ways (Pr.3:5-6).
Beloved, develop a deep fellowship with the Holy Spirit who longs to
We have studied the importance of miracles from the Jordan experience. manifest through you. All the power and miracles you need in life are in His
Now we will study some of the vital secrets of miracle living. One of the presence. Seek His presence more than His power and gifts. Walk with
most important lessons we have to learn in our Christian walk is that in God intimately, constantly conversing with Him. You will easily break through
everything, there is God’s part and our part. It is not all God or all us. We into the miracle realm. Do it TODAY!
are God’s co-workers and junior partners to finish His task. For example,
our Lord Jesus died for the sins of the whole world and carried all the Thank You, Lord, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
sickness of humanity. Still, we have our own part to take it by believing and the love of You, my God, and the communion of the Holy
acting on what He has done. In the Jordan miracle we can see how Joshua Spirit are with me. I am Your fellow worker in Your field
and the leadership cooperated with God to bring it to pass. and in Your building. I foresee You always before my face,
for You are at my right hand. I will not be shaken because
Set out from natural to supernatural: Just before the miracle, the I am in Christ.
officers commanded the people to set out from their place and follow the
Ark of the Covenant (Jos.3:3). This speaks of our daring step from the 2.Co.13:14; 1.Co.3:9; Ac.2:25-28
natural into the supernatural. Just imagine! The entire camp of people dared
to step into the flooding water! Yes, miracles never happen until we leave
our natural life and our comfort zone. Life in Christ is like walking on water.
Every part of our lives needs the supernatural touch of God. We must stop
living, thinking and talking like natural people. The Bible divides people into
three categories - natural, carnal and spiritual (1.Co.2:14-3:3). The natural
man is completely alien to the supernatural as he is totally unable to receive
or understand the things of God which are supernatural. The carnal man
knows and believes that God can do miracles but never acts on it, behaving
like a ‘mere man’. The spiritual man understands the supernatural and lives
in it in every area of his life.
God wants to deliver you from your natural way of life. Paul rebuked
the Corinthians for walking like‘mere men’ (1.Co.3:3). Jesus rebuked Peter
for thinking like a mere man (Mt.16:23). When you are born to natural
parents you are a human being, but when you are born again by the Spirit of
God you become a divine person in a human body. Come out of your
natural life today.

663 664
his spirit to the voice of God, and the next moment he allowed the flesh to
block the divine communication and opened up to the voice of the enemy.
NoV 25 STEPS TO MIRACLES What seems good to your flesh leads to death. When your mind and your
IN CHRIST flesh submit to the Spirit of God, you have peace and life. Such a mind can
receive pictures from God’s Spirit and experience continued miracles (Ro.8:6-
Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand 9).
cubits by measure. Do not come near it, that you may know the way Beloved, you live in Christ and in the Spirit of God. Your mind is set on
by which you must go, for you have not passed this way before. the things of the Spirit. You can refuse to allow your flesh to control your
But when it pleased God... to reveal His Son in me... I did not mind and desires. You are neither in the flesh nor under the its dominion.
immediately confer with flesh and blood (Jos.3:4; Gal.1:15-16). Your body is dead to sin and confusion. Your spirit is alive with God’s Spirit.
For any problem, let your spirit communicate with God’s Spirit and find
miracle solutions. Stay away from carnal and natural people who would
Let us continue our meditation on steps to miracles. We have seen how cloud your spiritual mind. Stay tuned to the Spirit and be supernatural in
we can initiate miracles by stepping out of our natural mindset into Christ.
supernatural thinking. We also studied the importance of fellowshipping with
Thank You, Lord, Your Spirit of life has made me free
God and sensing His indwelling presence to release the miracles. Let us
from the law of sin and death. The righteous requirement
now see some more steps to miracles.
of Your law is fulfilled in me as I do not walk according to
Stay tuned to your spirit: When the priests were carrying the Ark of the flesh but according to the spirit. It pleased You to
God, God told the entire army not to go near the Ark but to keep a distance separate me from my mother’s womb and call me by Your
of one kilometer from it. The reason for keeping a distance from the Ark grace to reveal Your Son in me. I do not confer with flesh
was to know the way they had never known before (Jos.3:4). I infer God and blood because I am in Christ.
was moving the Ark of God supernaturally towards His direction and the
Ro.8:2,4; Gal.1:15-16
priests and the Ark were turning whichever way God lead. If people were
allowed to go nearer, they would hinder the movement of the Ark. What a
Your spirit is the Ark of God in Christ where God’s Spirit dwells and
moves constantly. Your spirit is the lamp of the Lord that shows you the
way (Pr.20:27). Your spirit listens to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit all
the time (Ro.8:16; 9:1). The peace of God, your umpire, is in your spirit
(Phil.4:7). Your spirit has a voice (Ro.9:1). When you learn to look into your
spirit for every solution, you can experience miracle after miracle.
Stay Away: Your flesh and your mind should stay away from your spirit
to clearly hear the inner voice. When it pleased God to reveal His Son Jesus
Christ, Paul did not immediately confer with flesh and blood (Gal.1:15-17).
He didn’t even go to the apostles but went to Arabia to hear God. Your spirit
is constantly talking to you but it is pressurized by your own human thoughts
and desires. You struggle to distinguish the voice of God from other voices.
The reason is that you allow your mind to dominate and suffocate the voice
of your inner man. This is what happened to Peter. He was moved by the
Holy Spirit when he declared that Jesus Christ was the son of God, but very
soon, his flesh rose up against God’s plan and allowed satan to speak to him
and through him against the cross (Mt.16:14-23). In one minute, Peter opened

665 666
touched the edge of the water, the waters stopped flowing. The irony of this
miracle is that the Jordan was overflowing with heavy floods during that
NoV 26 KEYS TO MIRACLES time (Jos.3:15). Maybe God chose that specific time to teach His people to
IN CHRIST take a bold faith action and step into the impossibilites. Do you think this
miracle would have ever happened if the priests refused to put their feet
And Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow into the flooding water?
the LORD will do wonders among you”. God’s miracles are released in direct response to bold action of God’s
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that people. Passively waiting for God’s intervention and miracles blocks God
you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, from manifesting Himself through your life.. As you dare to take bold steps,
which is your reasonable service (Jos.3:5; Ro.12:1). the Holy Spirit will work with you as your mighty Helper. You both are
coworkers (Jn.15:26-27; Ac.5:32; 1.Co.3:9; 2.Co.6:1). Getting into the
We have seen how we must step out of our natural mind set and develop supernatural, risking your name and your very life is the seed you sow for
a miracle mind set. Sensing God’s presence within us all the time, cherishing miracles. In all the miracles of the Bible you can see how God’s people took
and staying tuned to the inner voice will lead us to wonders and miracles. bold action and exercised daring faith. Lifting up the rod of God (Ex.14:16),
Let us today study some more steps to releasing miracles for ourselves and breaking the pot and blowing the trumpet (Jdg.7:20), striking the river Jordan
for our loved ones. (2.Ki.2:8,14), filling the jar with water (Jn.2:6-7), walking to Siloam with
Sanctify yourself: Just before experiencing one of the greatest miracles clay on the eyes (Jn.9:6-7) are some of the actions that facilitated God’s
of the Bible, Joshua commanded the people to sanctify themselves in a very miracle power. We don’t see miracles today because we don’t act boldly
special way in order to step into the miracle realm of the almighty God. on our faith.
“Today sanctify yourselves, tomorrow you will see the miracles of God,” is Beloved, if you believe that your God is a God of miracles and He lives
God’s common requirement in the Old Testament (Jos.3:5). When God in you, dare to speak faith and take a bold step. Start laying your hands on
wanted to visit and manifest His mighty glory on Mount Sinai, He commanded the sick, dare to prophesy and give faith commands publicly. Unless you do
Moses to sanctify the people even for them to come to the edge of the something, a miraculous life is not possible. Try it today!
mountain (Ex.19:21-25). God is so holy. He can never condone sin and Thank You, Lord, whatever my hand find to do I will do
uncleanness in His people, neither under the Old Covenant nor under the with my might. Whatever I do in word or in deed, I will do
New Covenant. It was our sin that cost the very life of the Son of God. God all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to You.
hates sin. This is His unchangeable nature throughout the Bible. Any teaching Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is
that ignores or diminishes the seriousness of sin is dangerous. When one given to me I will use them because I am in Christ.
Achan was found in the camp, the entire community suffered the loss of Eccl.9:10; Col.3:17; Ro.12:6
lives and defeat in the battle. Praise God, God intervened and asked Joshua
to rise up and sanctify the people (Jos.7).
Of course, now you are under the New Covenant and perfectly
sanctified, justified and set apart for God, yet this must become reality in
your life. Your thoughts, desires, conversation and everything must manifest
the sanctifying presence of God in your life. You must act on what you
believe. Paul, the grace revelator, strongly admonishes us to mortify the
deeds of the flesh and treat our bodies as God’s holy temple, renewing our
minds in order to know and do the will of God. He was diligent to strongly
emphasize our part in working out our sanctification (Ro.8:12-13). If you
really desire to see God’s miracle manifestation, purify yourself constantly.
Step out boldly: Before dividing the Jordan, the priests were
commanded to step into the flooding water. Only when the feet of the priests

667 668
Stay with miracle minds: The Jordan miracle was the result of a
corporate effort. Joshua built the faith in people’s heart by giving them
NoV 27 DOOR TO MIRACLES God’s Word (Jos.3:9). The priests exercised their faith by putting their feet
IN CHRIST in the flood (Jos.3:15). All the officers commanded the people to march for
a miracle (Jos.3:2-3). The Reubanites and the Gadites went before the Ark
Joshua said to them: “…and each one of you take up a stone on of the Lord in faith (Jos.4:12). Corporate faith is the secret of corporate
his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the children of miracles. The book of the Acts of the Apostles is filled with such miracles
Israel, that this may be a sign among you when your children ask in of faith.
time to come, saying, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’” We are living in days of apostasy and intellectualism where miracles
When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand... When I are heavily despised, opposed and undermined. It is a tragedy that even
broke the seven for the four thousand, how many large baskets full some of the Christian leaders ignore miracles. God is desperate to raise up
of fragments did you take up? ... How is it you do not understand? advocates who would build faith for miracles. If you want to see miracles in
(Jos.4:5-6; Mk.8:19-20). and through you, join those who believe in miracles. Team up with miracle
workers like Elisha did by serving Elijah. Lift up the hands of miracle workers
Before crossing the river Jordan, Joshua called twelve representatives like Aaron and Hur did for Moses. Avoid those who underestimate or speak
to carry twelve stones from the river as a memorial of this miracle for against God’s miracles. Don’t agree with Sadducees and Pharisees who
future generations. err because they do not know the scriptures and the power of God
(Mk.12:24). There is a remnant among God’s people who cry for God’s
Savor the memory: God wants you to remember, celebrate and savor manifestation. Join them and pray for miracles like the Early Church did.
the memory of miracles. These twelve stones always reminded the Israelites Iron sharpens iron. Those who believe and do miracle ministry will definitely
of the great miracle God did at the river Jordan. God happily performs sharpen your senses for miracles.
miracles through those who celebrate His miracles. The more you rejoice
in the deeds of God, the more you release the power of God. Every time Beloved, never lose the excitement when God perform miracles. Boldly
God performed miracles, He told them to preserve the memory. The very testify even if it seems like a small miracle. Never hide what you have
Bible is a miracle memory manual. heard or seen. Join the fellowship of miracle seekers. Rise up to do exploit
for God TODAY!
Whenever God appeared to Abraham or the patriarchs, they always
built an altar in that place or set some pillars or stones to remember the Thank You, Lord, You are the Lord who does wonders.
miracles, interventions or encounters of God (Ge.8:20; 12:7; 13:14-18; 21:33). You have declared Your strength among the peoples. I will
God himself inspired His servants to write many of His miracles in His remember Your works, surely I will remember Your wonders
Word. Most of David’s Psalms were celebrations of God’s mighty deeds of old and proclaim the praises of You who called me out of
and miracles (Ps.105). whenever Jesus did a miracle, He commanded darkness into Your marvelous light because I am in Christ.
them to show it to the priests as a testimony to them (Mt.8:4). While rebuking Ps.77:11,14; 1.Pe.2:9
His disciples for their unbelief, He reminded them of how He had multiplied
bread before. One of the remedies for unbelief is to constantly remember
God’s past miracles.
The Holy Spirit rejoices to declare the wonderful miracles of God.
That is why on the day of Pentecost, when He filled His people, they spoke
the wonders of God (Ac.2:11). Life in Christ is a life of testimony of God’s
miracles. You should never be ashamed of Christ or His miracles. God’s
Word and the testimony of His miracles must go together (Isa.8:20).
Testimonies are one of your mighty weapons to destroy the works of the
devil (Rev.12:11). Your testimonies are God’s fuels for future miracles. Please
get excited about miracles.
669 670
fears God perfectly and rejoices in Him forever (Dt.30:6). The natural heart
NoV 28 is stubborn and stiffnecked and always pulls you downward toward sin
(Dt.10:16). With all their effort, people under the Old Covenant could not
CIRCUMSIED IN CHRIST fulfill all the laws of God. God in His mercy looked at the depravity of man
and put into him a new heart and a new spirit. He totally removed the stony
Then Joshua circumcised their sons whom He raised up in their heart of rebellion (Eze.11:19-20). With this new heart, you can walk in His
place; for they were uncircumcised, because they had not been statues and follow the law with all your heart and all your mind. This is the
circumcised on the way. Then the LORD said to Joshua, “This day I good news of life in Christ. Faith in this good news empowers you to live a
have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you.” Therefore the life of obedience and victory.
name of the place is called Gilgal to this day. Faith and circumcision: Now in Christ Jesus, circumcision avails
For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that nothing. Only your faith that works through your love brings results (Gal.5:6).
which is outward in the flesh (Jos.5:7,9; Ro.2:28). Faith in the finished work of Christ and the love and gratitude toward God
make you inherit all the New Covenant blessings of God. If you still try to
earn your salvation or any blessing through your own effort to please God,
The entire new generation that was born in the wilderness was not the blessing of Christ avails nothing to you. People who depended on their
circumcised. When they came to Gilgal, the border of Canaan, God own works never enjoyed the benefits Jesus Christ bought for them. Paul
commanded Joshua to circumcise all the Israelites. says, if you still circumcise people, Christ profits you nothing. But when you
OT/NT: It is important to compare and contrast circumcision under believe in the real circumcision in your life, you enjoy all the profits of the
the Old and under the New Covenant. Old Covenant circumcision is totally heavenlies. Paul says in Phil 3:3 that we are God’s circumcision in Christ.
outward, done by human beings. New Covenant circumcision is that of the Our old man was removed, and the new man which is created in the image
heart, done by the Spirit of God (1.Pe.3:3). The Old Covenant circumcision of God is alive now. Now you can worship and communicate with God in
was the symbol of God’s covenant with people which opened up all the your new spirit and rejoice in your Christian life. This takes your life to a
physical blessings of God. New Covenant circumcision, the change of heart, totally new level of glory and holiness.
takes us into all the blessings of Christ Jesus (Eph.1:3; 2.Pe.1:1-4). Old Beloved, you are now a New Testament Jew. Your old man is completely
Covenant circumcision obligated them to fulfill all the law. New Covenant dead and gone. Your inward man is alive in Christ. In Christ, the Holy Spirit
circumcision requirements were totally fulfilled in Christ (Mt.3:15). Under has done a deep work of circumcision in you. The Word of God which is
the Old Covenant, people tried to obey the law with their human strength sharper than any two-edged sword, has cut off your old nature. You don’t
and energy. Under the New Covenant, we depend on what Christ did on suffer from a dual nature. Truly, the adamic nature is dead in you. God
the cross and live our life in power of His Spirit (Phil.3:3). Old Testament takes all the credit for this great salvation. Your holiness, your praise, your
circumcision separated the Jewish community from the entire world. Under sanctification, all comes from God. Rise up out of your sin consciousness.
the New Covenant, you became a citizen of heaven and don’t belong to the No longer allow guilt and shame. See yourself as a totally new man, recreated
world any longer (Phil.3:20; 1,Jn.2:15-17). in the image of God. You will be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ
Circumcised heart in NT: The New Testament circumcision is the and go from glory to glory.
substance of the Old Covenant circumcision. Under the Old Covenant, the Thank You, Lord, I am Jew who is one inwardly; my
physical foreskin was removed. Under the New Covenant, the foreskin of circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the
our heart was removed (Ro.6:6). This was predicted long before through letter; my praise is not from men but from You. I am the
His prophets. God cried through Jeremiah, “Circumcise yourselves to the circumcision, who worship You in the Spirit, I rejoice in
LORD, and take away the foreskins of your hearts... lest My fury come Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in my flesh because I
forth like fire, and burn so that no one can quench it” (Jer.4:4). The old am in Christ.
circumcision could not help people to love or obey the Lord God, but in the Ro.2:29; Phil.3:3
New Covenant circumcision, our old heart was totally removed and replaced
with a heavenly heart. This heart you received in your new birth loves and
671 672
sin, and the adamic nature were fully rolled away (Ro.6:6-7). Now, sin shall
NoV 29 no more have dominion over you (Ro.6:14).
GILGAL IN CHRIST Curse rolled away: All the curses you ever inherited from former
generations, from your own sins or from curses others pronounced over
you are broken and rolled away. Your Savior became a curse for your sake
So it was, when they had finished circumcising all the people, and redeemed you totally from all curses (Gal.3:13).
that they stayed in their places….till they were healed. Then the LORD
said to Joshua, “This day I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt Sickness rolled away: Sickness belongs to the old creation. It is a
from you.” Therefore the name of the place is called Gilgal to this curse pronounced on those who broke God’s law. It belongs to the Egyptians,
day. not to the Israelites (Ex.15:26). Your Creator Jehovah God became your
personal doctor in Christ. The power of sickness is broken for you.
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision
Miracle protection: God gives total and miraculous protection for
avails anything, but a new creation (Jos.5:8-9; Gal.6:15)
His circumcised people. Under the Old Covenant, God’s people were
miraculously protected against all their enemies. Imagine! Millions of Israeli
Gilgal means ‘rolled away’ or ‘removed’. Gilgal is the entrance to the men were circumcised right in enemy’s territory and had to wait for healing
entire Promised Land. It is the place where God totally removed the reproach of their wounds! It might have taken a minimum of fourteen days for the
and slavery of Egypt from His people. God didn’t want His people to enter total cure. Had the enemies attacked them at that time, what would have
His Promised Land with the old memories of Egypt and the wilderness. happened? Do you see the miraculous and marvelous protection of the
This generation was never circumcised before as they were born in the entire community? Elisha, the one covenant man, was heavily protected by
wilderness. God’s heavenly army surrounding him. How much more you, the new
The first generation who left Egypt under Moses had died in the creation (Ps.34:7)!
wilderness. It seems they were all circumcised under Moses as an entire Miracle provision: At Gilgal, the Israelites ate after a long time the
community, Yet they failed God and died in the wilderness. Before inheriting produce of the land (Jos.5:11). Imagine the thrill of them as they were
all the Promised Land, they were to renew the covenant with Jehovah eating the cake, grain, vegetables, fruits, nuts, milk and honey, etc. This is
through circumcision. In Christ, you were not circumcised by Moses, the your life in Christ. You can enjoy the fruits of the Spirit and the riches of
leader of the law, but circumcised by Joshua (Jesus), the leader of grace heaven, as well as the best of this world, because you are in Christ.
(1.Co.10:2; Ro.6:3). This circumcision, the new birth, opens all the promised Beloved, always remember: reproach, shame, sin, curse, sickness and
blessings of the Old Testament for you. All the promises and long awaited satanic powers are all rolled away from you. Now is your time to stand
fulfillment of prophecies were fully opened up for you in Christ (2.Co.1:18- against all these and break their power over you in Jesus’ name.
Thank You, Lord, You have rolled away the reproach of
Reproach rolled away: Soon after the circumcision, God said, “This Egypt from me. You will put none of the diseases on me
day I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you” (Jos.2:9). The which You have brought on the Egyptians. You redeemed me
slavery, the curse and the memories of Egypt were removed. God never from the curse of the law, having become a curse for me,
wants His people to enter the New Testament privileges carrying the extra because I am in Christ.
baggage and memories of their old life. Your old man with all its memories
Jos.5:8-9; Ex.15:26; Gal.3:13
is truly passed away and rolled away. The shame of your youth is rolled
away (Isa.54:4). The guilt and condemnation of your past sins is rolled
away (Ro.8:1). The memory of your past abuse and defilement is rolled
away. Your history begins with Christ. In Christ, your life is a clean slate.
Your inner self displays the ageless beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which
is very precious in the sight of God (1.Pe.3:4).
Sin rolled away: When you are circumcised in Christ Jesus, not only
your past sins were remitted, but also your sinful nature, that pull towards
673 674
in you with all His riches. Why should you stand afar off like that tax collector
who cried for God’s mercy (Lk.18:13)? You are brought near to Him and
NoV 30 JERICHO WALL COLLAPSED found His mercy. You are no more a sinner but righteous in Christ. Wow!
IN CHRIST Sin barrier broken: Sin is a great barrier between God and man.
When sin entered, man was driven out of Eden, and the way to the Garden
Now Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of of Eden, the garden of delight, was blocked (Ge.3:23-24). The iniquities of
Israel; none went out, and none came in (Jos.6:1) man stood like a Jericho and separated man from God (Isa.59:1-2). In Christ,
For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has this sin barrier was completely broken. The Blood of His Son Christ Jesus
broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in His has cleansed you from all your sins and made you His own righteousness,
flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in as if you had never sinned (1.Jn.1:9; 2.Co.5:21). Now you are right in the
ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, midst of the holy of holies in the heavenly tabernacle. The shekinah glory
thus making peace (Eph.2:14-15) has engulfed you already. At last, your Jericho was broken forever! You are
right now in your Canaan. Wow! Wow!
The Israelites waited forty years to enjoy the Promised Land and Beloved, the wall of Jericho and all your enemies are no more standing
suffered in the wilderness though the promise was given hundreds of years between you and God. Any hindrances you feel and see now exist only in
before. At last, they arrived at the border - and here stands the wall of your imagination. You are sitting in the heavenlies along with your beloved
Jericho before them to depress and perplex them. Thank God, the Lord of Savior where no Jericho can ever reach you. Celebrate this victory. You
hosts stood before them to fight the war and break the wall. are God’s store house for the nations. Rise up like Joseph, open your store
houses and feed the needy nations TODAY!
Good news! Your Jericho is already fallen: Your Jericho was totally
destroyed for you two thousand years ago. You don’t need to fight a battle Thank You, Lord, once I was without Christ... an alien
against Jericho to enter your Promised Land. Life in Christ is your Promised from the commonwealth of Israel and stranger from the
Land, and your Father God already put you into it (1.Co.1:13). No Jericho covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the
stands between you and Christ. Don’t focus on hindrances. Focus on the world. But now in Christ Jesus You... brought me near by
Captain of your salvation who has already taken you into His promised the Blood of Christ. For You Yourself are my peace... You
blessings. have broken down the middle wall of separation... I am no
longer a stranger and foreigner, but a fellow citizen with
Kings of Jericho fallen: God told Joshua that the king of Jericho and the saints and member of the household of God because I
his army were given into their hands. In Christ, all your enemies were am in Christ.
destroyed, and the authority over them is given to you (Heb.2:14). The
devil’s power and authority over you is broken (Lk.10:17-20). He cannot Eph.2:12-15,19
come between you and Christ (Ro.8:35-39). You are now totally one with
Christ (1.Co.6:17; Eph.5:30). He is your very breath and life (Ro.5:10).
Never accept the notion that the strong man of countries blocks your
communication with your Daddy God! You already have free access to
Him (Ro.5:1-2; Eph.3:12). Your God is inside of you, and your enemy is
outside of you (1.Jn.4:4). Who is greater? Think about it…
Partition broken: The Israelites inherited the blessings of Abraham
as his children. You and I were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and
strangers from the covenants of promise. Your Savior came and broke down
the middle wall of separation between you and the Israelites. Now you are
reconciled to God and became family members of God. Now you can enjoy
all the blessings of the Israelites in Christ (Eph.2:11-22). God Himself dwells

675 676
Christ. He blessed God for all His bestowed blessings. He thanked God for
deliverance from all demonic powers. He never once prayed for us to be
dec 1 BLOW THE TRUMPET blessed, delivered or victorious (1.Co.15:57; 2.Co.2:14; Eph.1:3; Co.1:12-
IN CHRIST 13). Better imitate him. Don’t waste your time praying for your victory,
health, riches or any other blessings. Praise Him for what He has already
Then seven priests bearing seven trumpets of rams’ horns before provided on the Cross. Nowadays, you no longer need to blow the trumpet
the ark of the LORD went on continually and blew with the trumpets. in order to break your Jericho. Just celebrate the fall of Jericho!
And the armed men went before them. But the rear guard came after Beloved, the majority of God’s people are striving to pull down the
the ark of the LORD, while the priests continued blowing the trumpets. Jericho walls in order to enter into their Promised Land, but God is calling
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord you to go all over the world and proclaim the Good News of what your
Jesus Christ (Jos.6:13; 1.Co.15:57). Savior has done on the cross. Tell this good news to the believers too. Take
many of your petitions and make it praises to God. Praise God for your
God’s people marched around the city for seven days while seven priests permanent victory. Praise God for your healing and health. Praise God for
were blowing the trumpets. On the seventh day, they all shouted with a your prosperity. Praise God for your power and authority. Praise God for
great shout, and the walls of Jericho fell down flat. They followed God’s your protection and peace. This is the sure way to victory.
instructions in order to destroy the walls of Jericho. In Christ, you don’t Thank You, Lord, I shout for joy and am glad. I will say
need to do anything to break your Jericho. All your Jerichos are already continually, ‘Let the LORD be magnified, Who has pleasure
broken on the cross, and you have entered into the riches of your heavenly in the prosperity of His servant.’ My tongue shall speak of
Canaan. Now all you need to do is to know your privileges and proclaim Your righteousness and of Your praise all the day long. I go
your victories. Let us see from this passage some of the blessings we should into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature,
enjoy in Christ. because I am in Christ.
March around: Since you are in Christ, you don’t need to march Ps.35:27-28;
around your Jericho. You march around the world and preach this Good
News of Christ’s victory. Go into the whole world and proclaim the good
news of the fall of Jericho. Now you need to march around and proclaim
this news: The separation between God and man is broken (Isa.59:1-2;
Mt.27:51). The way to God’s Eden is open (Ge.3:24; Jn.14:6). Satan, sin
and all curses are destroyed. No one needs to be separated from God and
His blessings. Christ Jesus became the doorway to heaven (Jn.10:9). All
are welcome to the wedding feast God the Father has prepared (Mt.22:1-
Blow the trumpet: The seven priests bearing the seven trumpets of
ram’s horns before the ark of the Lord went on continually and blew the
trumpets (Jos.6:13). God expects you to be thankful and continually praise
Him for His victory He won for you. Now you don’t need to pray and beg
or do spiritual warfare to break your Jericho. Why should you pray for
things which are already done? Let His high praises be continually in your
mouth (Ps.34:1). Give thanks always for all things to God the Father in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph.5:20). Continually offer the sacrifice of
praise to God which is the fruit of your lips (Heb.13:15).
The apostle Paul who received the special revelation of the unsearchable
riches of Christ always praised and thanked God for victory and triumph in

677 678
more you boldly proclaim and confess what you have in Christ, the more
you will see it manifest. This is one of the most important truths of the
dec 2
SHOUT VICTORY IN CHRIST entire Bible. Remember, the Word of God, which is the Word of faith, is
near you, in your mouth and in your heart (Ro.10:8). Having the Word in
your heart is not enough; it must be confessed through your mouth for you
So the people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets. And it to experience God’s salvation, healing and deliverance. You have the Spirit
happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the of faith, and therefore you speak faith (2.Co.4:13). Shout your victory and
people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat. Then shut up the mouth of your enemy.
the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and Beloved, don’t focus on the lying symptoms of the enemies. See yourself
they took the city. in Christ and filled with His riches. Constantly teach and preach this good
But what does it say? “The Word is near you, in your mouth and news to the Church and to the world. Stop pleading and start praising.
in your heart” (that is, the Word of faith which we preach) (Jos.6:20; Never allow demon-magnifying talk. Don’t speak sickness but speak the
Ro.10:8). health God has provided for you in Christ. Don’t speak poverty but speak
prosperity. Don’t talk defeat but speak victory. This is the key to releasing
your Canaan blessings in Christ. Take a strong decision TODAY!
We are studying the fall of Jericho through the New Testament Thank You, Lord, my tongue is choice silver and my lips
spectacles. We have seen that we are already in our Promised Land, and feed many. Death and life are in the power of my tongue.
that our Jericho was broken down on the Cross of Calvary. Now we proclaim I will guard my mouth and tongue and keep my soul from
this Good News to the entire world and praise God for His great victory. troubles, because I am in Christ.
Let us study today some more steps to enjoy our live in Christ.
Pr.10:20-21; 18:21; 21:23
No noise, no voice: Joshua commanded his people not to speak one
word till he would command them to shout (Jos.6:10). Imagine millions of
people, both young and old, marching around the entire city for six days
without making any noise! I infer he didn’t want any of them to speak one
negative or doubtful word when they saw the Jericho wall.
Now in Christ, because your Jericho wall was broken, there is absolutely
no need for you to speak any negative or doubtful word. Talk about what
you have in Christ (Phm.6). Talk about the defeat and destruction of your
enemy. The devil will try his best to tempt you to speak negative words in
order to destroy your life in Christ (Eph.4:29). It is better to be silent than to
speak one negative word. Silence increases your inner strength. In quietness
and confidence shall be your strength (Isa.30:15). Never allow anything to
disturb your inner peace and piety. When your flesh becomes silent and still,
your spirit man rises up to rule and reign (Ps.46:10; Ac.2:26).
Shout victory: It was only when the people shouted with all their
strength that the Jericho wall collapsed. Then they all went straight ahead
and took the city (Jos.6:20). They shouted in order to pull down the walls of
Jericho. Now you shout victoriously because your Jericho has already
When you are in Christ, you can freely celebrate and make a joyful
noise (Ps.100:1). Your shout is a shout of victory and a shout of faith. The

679 680
or tolerate defeat as normal. They rebelled against the defeat and cried to
God, asking Him for the reason. This is a great lesson for us as new creations.
dec 3 Defeat was not normal for the people of God.
BEWARE OF ACHAN IN CHRIST Your God always leads you in triumph in Christ. He never leaves or
forsakes you even a single minute (2.Co.2:14; Heb.13:5-6). His victory on
Israel has sinned... Therefore the children of Israel could not the Cross is totally your victory. When He disarmed the principalities and
stand before their enemies, but turned their backs before their powers, He actually did it in your place. So in the sight of God and of the
enemies, because they have become doomed to destruction. Neither devil, you are the one who disarmed those powers (Col.2:15) When you
will I be with you anymore, unless you destroy the accursed from resist the devil he must flee in terror (Jas.4:7). So never again accept defeat
among you. in your life as normal!
Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven Beloved, as God and you became one team, there is no need for you to
leavens the whole lump? (Jos.7:11-12; 1.Co.5:6). be defeated even a single day. When you carelessly open the door for the
devil, sin enters and saps your spiritual energy. Unless you find out the root
cause, anything you do will avail nothing. Ask the Holy Spirit to put His
God taught the Israelites a bitter lesson soon after the fall of Jericho finger at the root of your defeat and deal it severely TODAY!
when they tried to possess the city of Ai. Ai was one of the small cities of
Thank You, Lord, I know that You are well pleased with
the Canaanites. There, the Israelites faced a shameful defeat. The army
me because my enemy does not triumph over me. As for me,
that could victoriously march over the great Jericho and capture the city
You uphold me in my integrity, and set me before Your face
could not stand before the small city Ai. This gives us an alarm to walk in
forever. You gave me victory through our Lord Jesus Christ,
purity and in obedience. Life in Christ never tolerates sin in any form. It
because I am in Christ.
abstains from all appearance of evil. It never gives license to licentious
living. Ps.41:11-12; 1.Co.15:57
Defilement weakens: The victory of the Israelites was not in their
army power (1.Sa.14:6). It was in their obedience to their Lord of hosts.
God Himself fought their battles and became their victory banner (Ge.14:14;
Ex.17:15-16). Because of their God they won all their battles. The defeat at
Ai was really a shocking surprise. Two or three thousand soldiers were
more than enough to destroy them. Such a small city could defeat the mighty
army of the Lord of heaven and earth. God’s people became so weak
because of this failure that the entire army of thirty thousand soldiers had to
go back and fight with Ai (Jos.7:3-4; 8:1,3). This shows how much the sin in
the camp weakened the entire army.
When you are in Christ, all the strength of God is yours. There is no
need for you to be defeated even once in your life. But this is not evident in
many of our lives. The reason is that somewhere we allowed sin to come
and diminish our inner strength and defeat us.
Detest defeat: When the people of God were chased by the enemies,
the faith of all the people melted away. Joshua and the elders tore their
clothes and put dust on their heads and cried saying, ‘Alas! Lord God, why
had you brought this people over the Jordan at all… what shall I say when
Israel turns its back before its enemies… what will You do for Your great
name?’ (Jos.7:5-9). Here we see how Joshua and the team couldn’t accept
681 682
couple fell down dead, the glory in the church increased with many signs
and wonders (Ac.5:1-12). When Peter saw that the motive of Simon, the
dec 4 sorcerer, was to get power, he immediately dealt with that sin (Ac.8:14-24).
DESTROY ACHAN IN CHRIST Paul condemned any trace of immorality in the Church and even delivered
that man to Satan for the destruction of his flesh (1.Co.5:1-8). Paul firmly
Get up, sanctify the people, and say, ‘Sanctify yourselves for commanded not even to eat with a sexually immoral or covetous person or
tomorrow, because thus says the LORD God of Israel: “There is an a drunkard or a reviler if he called himself a believer in Christ (1.Co.5:9-
accursed thing in your midst, O Israel; you cannot stand before your 13).
enemies until you take away the accursed thing from among you”. Beloved, God clearly told Joshua that He would not stay with them
Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth unless they destroyed the accursed things from among them. In Christ, the
with his neighbor,” for we are members of one another. Be angry, and power of God in you cannot freely flow or manifest if you allow the flesh,
do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the world or sin, which are accursed. As Joshua destroyed the entire family
the devil (Jos.7:13; Eph.4:25-27). of Achan and even his animals, destroy even the appearance of evil from
your life. Totally avoid fornication as well as all uncleanness and
covetousness. Let it not even be named among you (Eph.5:2). No devil nor
When Joshua found Achan to be the reason for Israel’s terrible defeat,
sin can stand before you all the days of your life. This is life in Christ.
he didn’t spare time to deal with it. The very next morning he destroyed the
entire family of Achan including his cattle and properties. So the Lord turned Thank You, Lord, this is Your will, my sanctification
from the fierceness of His anger. that I should abstain from sexual immorality and know how
to posses my own vessel in sanctification and honor. You
Discern the cause: Joshua waited upon the Lord to find out the cause
loved me and gave your Son for me that You might sanctify
of their defeat. God rebuked him for crying and lying down on the ground.
and cleanse me with the washing of water by the Word and
He clearly said, “Israel has sinned… they have even taken some of the
that You might present me to Your Son a glorious person not
accursed things… therefore the children of Israel could not stand before
having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that I should
their enemies” (Jos.7:10-11). Every time you fail in any area, instead of
be holy and without blemish, because I am in Christ.
begging and pleading, you should better ask the Holy Spirit to show you the
root cause. Search your heart and find out if there is an open door for the 1.Thes.4:3-4; Eph.5:25-27
devil anywhere. Till you close any open door, even your faith proclamations
won’t help you. As God revealed to Joshua the cause of their failure, He
will reveal it to you.
Door open: One Achan opened the door for the devil by coveting
gold, silver and a Babylonian garment and caused the defeat of all Israel
(Jos.7:21). Ananias and Sapphira opened the door for the devil to fill them
by hiding before the man of God (Ac.5:1-11). Maybe your temptation is
worldliness, immorality, bitterness, unforgiveness, anger or wrath. Anything
that comes from your flesh saps your spiritual energy and causes your
failure (Ro.8:5-9). Be quick to find out and shut the door to the devil.
Deal it severely: Just as Joshua and all Israel stoned and burnt and
buried Achan’s entire family and raised a stone heap over them, deal sin
severely (Jos.7:24-26). Whenever the Holy Spirit shows you even a trace
of sin, deal it immediately (Ro.8:13). Be quick to reconcile with people
(Mt.5:21-26). When sin entered the budding church, Peter squarely dealt
with Ananias and Sapphira. He didn’t show any mercy there. When the

683 684
nations. He has invested His total authority and power within us to accomplish
this mountainous task.
dec 5
WAR MIND IN CHRIST Remember, the whole world is under the sway of the wicked one
(1.Jn.5:19). Every unbeliever is blinded by the god of this world (2.Co.4:3-
4). They cannot see the glorious light of the Gospel unless their eyes are
So Joshua arose, and all the people of war, to go up against Ai; opened, which involves your battle with the god of this age. People are
and Joshua chose thirty thousand mighty men of valor and sent groping in total darkness under the power of satan. Your job is to turn them
them away by night. from darkness to light and from satan to God. Only when you wage this
I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the offensive battle, people will receive forgiveness of sins and believe in your
Gentiles, to whom I now send you, to open their eyes, in order to turn Lord Jesus.
them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan to God, Plunders from the war: Still satan is ruling this world as prince and
that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among god. He is guarding this world from the light of the Gospel. Thank God, you
those who are sanctified by faith in Me (Jos.8:3; Ac.26:17-18). Savior came, overcame satan and took off his armor. Now you go with this
victory news and plunder his goods (Lk.11:20-22). You cannot expect him
After entering Canaan, the land of possession, one would think there to give up his hold over souls without any battle. He is so furious against
would be no more battles. On the contrary, Joshua and his army fought you that he walks about like a roaring lion, seeking an opportunity to devour
battles every time they entered new territory. “Joshua made war a long you (1.Pe.5:8-9). You must resist him, steadfast in faith with all watchfulness.
time with all those kings” (Jos.11:18). Except Gibeon, they took all the other The more you fight, the more you spoil your enemies’ camp.
cities in battle. God Himself hardened the hearts of kings and made them to Beloved, the world is your domain. God has given this earth into your
come against Israel in battle so that He might utterly destroy them hand. You are anointed and sent forth to preach the Gospel, to heal the
(Jos.11:19-20). broken hearted, to liberate the captives, to recover the sight to the blind, and
We wrestle: We have seen that life in Canaan is a picture of life in to set free the oppressed. The more you go like a mighty champion, the
Christ. It may be a shock for you to find out that even in this life we have more you become violent and aggressive, the more you will win territories
battles to fight till the end. Life in Christ doesn’t exclude you from the for the Master. The harvest is ready. Take the weapons of warfare, discern
battle. It doesn’t make you a passive, anemic weakling. We do have to the spirit world and wage the spiritual war. Pull down the strongholds of
wrestle against principalities, against powers, rulers of this darkness and mindsets and bring the harvest to your Lord Jesus Christ. Your King is
spiritual hosts of wickedness even after we become new creations (Eph.6:12). coming soon to take this world. Rise up, use your rod of authority and make
In this world you will have tribulation although your Captain has overcome all enemies the footstool for your Master. The gates of hell shall not prevail
the world (Jn.16:33). against you as you wage your offensive victorious battle in Christ. Have a
mind to war TODAY.
You must enter the Kingdom of God through many tribulations
(Ac.14:22). We know all the tribulations and sufferings we face come from Thank You, Lord, You sent me to open the eyes of the
the enemy of God and are the thorns of the messenger of satan to buffet us people, in order to turn them from darkness to light and
(2.Co.12:7). from the power of satan to God, that they may receive
forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are
Offensive war: Many of the Israelites’ battles were defensive to protect sanctified by faith in You. I will correct those who are in
themselves from the enemy. Once they entered the Promised Land, they opposition... that they may come to their senses and escape
became offensive battles to possess the enemies’ territory. Enemies were the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to
ruling and holding the cities under their power for long time. God’s army do his will, because I am in Christ.
invaded those territories to take them by force. Only by such offensive war
they took the entire lands of the enemy and divided them among themselves. Ac.26:18; 2.Ti.2:25-26
In Christ, our battles are of offensive nature. Our Commander in chief
has given us the mandate to go into all the world and make disciples of all

685 686
may be all around you, but the Lord of hosts, the mighty Warrior, the victorious
Captain of all your battles is residing right within you, whispering His victory
dec 6 tactics to you. Just listen and move forward.
Be flexible: Every battle is different, as the enemies are different
both in strength and schemes. In the battle against Ai, God told Joshua to
Then the LORD said to Joshua, “Stretch out the spear that is in lay an ambush for the city (Jos.8:2). When all the northern kings gathered
your hand toward Ai, for I will give it into your hand.” And Joshua together with their huge armies like the sand that is on the seashore, God
stretched out the spear that was in his hand toward the city. again gave him a different strategy, telling him to hamstring their horses and
...praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, burn their chariots with fire (Jos.11:1-6). Joshua could never depend on his
being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for past war strategies for his present battles. He was flexible enough to listen
all the saints (Jos.8:18; Eph.6:18). to God and change his strategies constantly.
Life in Christ is a life of constant guidance by the Holy Spirit. They that
We have seen that we have offensive battles when we forcefully are led by the Spirit are the sons of God (Ro.8:14). As a child of God, you
advance into the kingdom of darkness. Even after his fatal defeat, the god have the map, the Bible, that shows you the general will of God and gives
of this world will try to deceive and oppose those who launch a battle against you principles of right living; yet that alone is not enough. The Holy Spirit is
him. From the fall of Ai we can glean some victory secrets for our offensive given to you to guide you every day based on the principles of God. You
battles. have both the map, the Bible, and the Guide, the Spirit. Throughout the book
The voice of God: Throughout the Bible battles, God always spoke to of Joshua, it is repeated, “Joshua took the whole land, according to all that
His leaders and gave them clear victory strategies. In the book of Joshua the Lord had said to Moses” (Jos.11:23). He never deviated from God’s
you can see how God guided His servant constantly and gave him the words to Moses, both in fighting with enemies and in dividing the lands to
strategies needed for success in his battles. In this incident, God asked the tribes.
Joshua to take all the people of war into the battle and lay an ambush behind Joshua followed all the words of Moses, while hearing God’s direct
the city (Jos.8:2). This happened just after Joshua was discouraged by the guidance. As a new creation, you have the privilege of both walking in the
defeat at Ai because of Achan. One man’s sin cost not only the life of his light of the Word and walking in the leading of the Spirit. Be full of the Word
family and cattle, but it affected the entire army of Israel. They lost thirty- and full of the Spirit to conquer the territories of Christ.
six men in the battle, and the entire army ran in fear and defeat. Now God Beloved, listening to God and being flexible to follow His daily guidance
reassured him of His authority over the enemies and encouraged him not to requires a deep fellowship with the Holy Spirit. It is interesting to note how
be afraid or dismayed. When Joshua acted on His command, God continually God and Joshua together fought the battles. “Joshua and all the people of
guided him. In the midst of this severe battle, God again commanded him to war… came against them… and attacked them… and the Lord delivered
stretch out his spear toward the city (Jos.8:11). them into the hand of Israel who defeated them (Jos.11:7-8). God delivers
In Christ, your Commander is leading your battle from beginning to and you defeat! What a coordination. The Holy Spirit is your Commander.
end. When you are surrounded by enemies, learn to tune to the voice of You are His co-soldier. You both are an unbeatable team. Listen to Him. Be
God within your spirit. When five Amorite kings gathered for battle, God like a feather in His wind. Go and conquer kingdoms for the Lord.
spoke to Joshua and encouraged him (Jos.10:5-11). David had the habit of Thank You, Lord, I am Your sheep and I hear Your
enquiring of God before every battle (1.Sa.23:1-13). The Early Apostles voice. You know me and I follow You. You are my Rock and
constantly heard the voice of God in the midst of severe persecution by the my Fortress and my Deliverer; my God, my Strength in
enemies. When opposition erupted at Corinth, God spoke to Paul not to Whom I will trust; my Shield and the Horn of my salvation,
keep silent for He had many people in that city. That made Paul bold enough my Stronghold. I will call upon You who are worthy to be
to continue there a year and a half teaching the Word of God among them praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies, because I am
(Ac.18:5-11). in Christ.
When you are tempted by the enemy, when sickness threatens you, Jn.10:27; Ps.18:2-3
when wicked men rise against you, seek God and hear His voice. Enemies
687 688
Perseverance: Perseverance is another important secret for your
victory. People who give up easily never progress in any area of life. The
dec 7 PRAYER AND PERSEVERANCE strength of your spirit is decided by your perseverance. Joshua stretched
IN CHRIST out his spear until all the inhabitants of Ai were destroyed. His hands never
drew back the sword. Do you remember how the hands of his leader Moses
were steadily lifted up until sunset? It is not easy to keep your hands lifted
For Joshua did not draw back his hand, with which he stretched
up from sunrise to sunset. At that time, Moses was more than eighty years
out the spear, until he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai.
old. The same persistence and endurance was found in Joshua. Perhaps he
Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great was stretching out his spear from early morning till evening. He didn’t
reward (Jos.8:26; Heb.10:35) withdraw his hand even for one minute. I always marvel how the priests
who carried the Ark of God were standing in the midst of the river Jordan
Let us continue to study the secrets of our offensive warfare. We till all the millions of Israelites had crossed over. What would have happened
don’t war to protect ourselves. We war to posses nations and souls for our if they had lost their determination and strength to stand so many hours in
God. All the battles of Joshua and his army were wars for possession. They Jordan? What if Moses had lost his courage and let down his hands? What
more they battled, they more booty they got. While fighting against Ai, Joshua if Joshua had lowered his spear? The history of the Israelites would have
applied two strategies of God. One strategy was to set five thousand soldiers been erased forever.
in ambush behind the city. Another was to stretch out the spear towards the In Christ, you have God’s very nature of endurance and persistence.
city. I would call these the weapons of intercession and perseverance. Your God is a God of longsuffering. His love bears all things and endures all
Intercession: Five thousand men were set in a ambush behind the things patiently. You are saved to endure till the end. His mercy, His patience,
city and the remaining soldiers were on the direct battle. The king of Ai was His determination and His love endure forever. You become a partaker of
totally unaware of this ambush. When the army pretended to flee, all the His nature. Sometimes your victory may seem to be far from you. Darkness
men of the city ran behind the Israelites. The city was completely open for may seem to engulf you. Tribulations and persecutions may prolong to scorch
those who were hiding behind to set it on fire. The ambush strategy had your faith. Don’t give up. Stand firm. You are in a battle till you utterly
worked, Israel had taken the city, and the smoke of the city ascended. The destroy your enemies. You need to stand strong in the heat of the battle.
soldiers in ambush were invisible while the others were fighting the visible Gideon’s three hundred were totally exhausted but still they were pursuing
war. I believe the prayer warriors should win the nations in their intercessory the enemy (Jud.8:4). Eleazar, one of David’s famous soldiers, stood his
prayer while others go to the nations with the sword of the Lord, the Word ground and fought the Philistines until his hand was so stiff that he couldn’t
of the Lord. Proclamation of the Gospel and intercessory prayer are the let go of his sword (2.Sa.23:9-10).
two weapons of our warfare. Beloved, if you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small
Your High Priest is interceding for the saints and asking the nations (Pr.24:10). Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might that you
from the Father (Heb.7:25; Ps.2:8). He is sitting on His heavenly throne, may stand firm in the evil day (Eph.6:10-13). Be sure to finish the task you
stretching forth His rod of power through you to rule this earth (Ps.110:1- were given in the Lord’s service (Col.4:17). Be an intercessor for the nations
2). Today you, the new creation, share as a part of Christ’s Body His ministry like your High Priest. Be persistent till your mission is accomplished.
of intercession. Anywhere at any time you can raise the prayer of Thank You, Lord, You are able to save those who come
intercession for the nations. You can boldly ask Him to open the eyes of the to God through You since You always live to make intercession
blind. You can ask for harvesters to be sent to the world. You can ask for for them. I ask of You, and You will give me the nations for
signs and wonders to be done among the Gentiles. You can pray for utterance my inheritance, and the ends of the earth for my possession.
to be given to God’s ministers. You can break the strongholds of different I will take heed to the ministry which I have received in the
mindsets over the people. This invisible battle will bring the visible victory. Lord, that I may fulfill it, because I am in Christ.
Remember, this is God’s first priority exhortation to His believers in Christ Heb.7:25; Ps.2:8; Col.4:17
which brings great joy to your God (1.Ti.2:1-4). Life in Christ is a life of

689 690
tried to stop them from entering their region by causing a great storm (Lk.8:22-
39). Paul tried to visit his churches to impart to them the fullness of the
dec 8 blessings of the Gospel, but the devil hindered him many times (1.Thes.2:18).
Thank God, you are a winner in Christ. Develop the habit of heaping praises
and thanksgivings after every victory. When you capture new territories for
Then Joshua rose up early in the morning and mustered the God and possess new blessings, never forget to thank the Lord. The attitude
people, and went up, he and the elders of Israel, before the people to of gratitude is the shortcut way to possess new levels in the spirit world.
Ai (Jos.8:10) When the gifts begin to flow through you, don’t take it for granted. Paul
thanked God for his ability to speak in tongues more than others (1.Co.14:18).
But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I
Make every new revelation as thanksgiving. This will definitely accelerate
have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified
your progress in Christ.
Beloved, be a disciplined soldier and bring your mind and body under
the control of your inner man. Live a life of praise and worship.
The day we received Christ, our names were enlisted in the army of
Thank You, Lord, I run not with uncertainty. I fight not
the Lord. We are God’s Kingdom of royal priests (1.Pe.2:9). The Kingdom
like one who beats the air, but I discipline my body and
of God and the kingdom of satan are in collision till the final victory. Then
bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to
Christ will come and rule this earth. In our battle of faith we need to carefully
others, I myself should become disqualified. I give thanks
follow God’s victory principles. Let us now find out some more keys from
always for all things to You in the name of my Lord Jesus
Joshua’s battles.
Christ, because I am in Christ.
Discipline and order: As soldiers of God’s army we need to be
1.Co.9:26-27; Eph.5:20
disciplined in all the areas of our life. Joshua rose early in the morning and
mustered the people (Jos.8:10). He had a habit of getting up early (Jos.3:1).
The Church of God is God’s Kingdom. Every kingdom has its own hierarchy.
Joshua had his team of elders, officers and judges along with priests and
Levites. They all had their own positions and functions. A warrior must
train his body and mind for a disciplined life.
In Christ, you are fighting with a hierarchy of well organized enemies.
Your God is a God of order and decorum. He gave the Church order and
the regulations of Church services (Tit.1:5).
As you are one with your Lord, your mind and body must be trained to
submit to your authority. The great apostle Paul disciplined his own body
and took his thoughts captive under the obedience of Christ (1.Co.9:27;
2.Co.10:5). He did run his race well and finished it victoriously (1.Co.9:23-
27; 2.Ti.4:7). As a soldier of Christ, bring yourself under the discipline of the
Holy Spirit in order to win new territories for God. Regulate your sleeping
and eating habits (Pr.20:13; 23:2).
Heap praises: After every victorious battle and gaining new territories,
Joshua built altars and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings to the
Lord (Jos.8:30-31). It was almost a regular habit of the Patriarchs, kings
and prophets (1.Sa.7:12). Every new move will be opposed by your enemy.
When Jesus and His team were moving towards the Gadarenes, the enemy

691 692
mouth (Eph.6:17). In the final war, out of your Captain’s mouth will come a
sharp sword with which He will defeat and destroy the nations (Rev.19:15).
dec 9 If you want to conquer new levels of glory, learn to be a Word person.
Our Christian battle is entirely a Word battle. Every time you read and
proclaim the Word of the Lord, you wield the sword of the Spirit to destroy
Now Joshua built an altar to the LORD God of Israel in Mount the works of the devil. When you enter into new territories, preach the
Ebal... And afterward he read all the words of the law, the blessings Word with all authority. You will see the life of God flooding through you
and the cursings, according to all that is written in the Book of the and opening the blind eyes of the people. Preaching and teaching the Word
Law (Jos.8:30,34) itself is a spiritual battle. The devil is keeping this world under his control
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for through his lies and deceptions. When they know the truth of God’s Word,
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, they will be free.
that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every Beloved, every scripture is pregnant with God’s life. It is the very breath
good work (1.Ti.3:16-17) of God. When the enemies came against God’s people, a devouring fire
came from the mouth of God and destroyed His enemies (Ps.18:8). In the
last day, the lawless one, the antichrist, will be consumed with the breath of
Let us continue to learn some of the war principles of victory from
God (2.Thes.2:8). The Scriptures in your heart, mind and mouth release the
Joshua’s battle against Ai. After the great victory, Joshua renewed the
very breath of God. With this Word, you can enter new territories. Try it
covenant with God’s people by reading out loud the Word of God.
Read the Word: After Joshua built an altar on mount Ebal, he wrote
Thank You, Lord, out of Your mouth goes a sharp
all the words of Law of Moses on stones and read out loud the whole Law
sword. With it You will strike the nations. You Yourself will
to the whole congregation (Jos.8:32-35). Reading, meditating and muttering
rule the nation with a rod of iron. Your Word is living and
the Word of God constantly is another vital key to win new territories for
powerful, shaper than any two-edged sword. I will let the
God. The Law of Moses was to be read publicly every seven years. The
Word of Christ dwell in me richly in all wisdom, because I
entire congregation of Israel, including little kids and strangers along with
am in Christ.
men and women, had to hear the Word of the Lord and learn to fear Him all
the days of their life. This is one way how God keeps His people in victory Rev.19:15; Heb.4:12; Col.3:16
(Dt.31:9-13). Here Joshua himself wrote the Law of Moses on stones.
Writing the Word is one of the best habits you can develop to walk in your
rightful victory.
Nehemiah brought a great revival among the remnant of God’s people
just by reading the Word publicly and making them to understand it. People
cried in deep conviction (Neh.8:1-12). God commanded this public reading
of His Law in the Promised Land in order to enable His people to stay in the
Land of Promise. Joshua, the leader who was called to take God’s people
into their inheritance by driving out all the Canaanites, was commanded to
meditate in the Law of God day and night (Jos.1:8). The secret behind
every success and victory Joshua experienced is his constant meditation of
God’s law. Throughout the entire book of Joshua you see him repeatedly
quoting the words of Moses to the people.
Your Captain: Your Captain Jesus used the sword of the Spirit and
conquered all the temptations of the enemy (Lk.4:1-14). In your battle, the
Holy Spirit in you is using the Word of God as His sword through your

693 694
to us the way of salvation” (Ac.16:17). Had we been there, we would have
taken her quickly and made her our ministry spokeswoman. Paul, however,
dec 10
NO DECEPTION IN CHRIST discerned the demons in her and rebuked them. When you move on to new
territories, watch out. When you minister to people, discern the spirits and
take authority over them. Don’t waste your time in dealing with only flesh
Then the men of Israel took some of their provisions; but they and blood. When you pray for the sick, find out the root cause, the author of
did not ask counsel of the LORD. So Joshua made peace with them, sickness, and break his power (Mt.17:15,18). When your ministry is blocked,
and made a covenant with them to let them live; and the rulers of the discern who is behind it. Paul knew when he was forbidden by the Holy
congregation swore to them. Ghost or when he was hindered by satan (Ac.16:6; Ro.1:13; 1.The.2:18).
You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father When you walk in the Spirit and listen to His voice, you can avoid any kind
you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not of distractions.
stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks Satan used the weakness of Samson to distract his calling through
a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father women, but his fraudulent tricks could not succeed with Joseph. If you
of it (Jos.9:14-15; Jn.8:44). want to make new moves for God, discern the spirits and enquire of the
Lord constantly. When your Savior came to win the world for God, satan
offered Him a shortcut way to become ruler of this world. Jesus discerned
Joshua’s treaty with the Gibeonites gives us an important lesson for our it and won the battle (Lk.4:5-8). Constant meditation of the Word will keep
victorious offensive war. When the Gibeonites heard about all the victories you from imbalanced interpretations of God’s Word and deceptions of enemy.
of Israel, they were very much afraid for their lives and trickily planned to This is the sure way to keep moving in the right track.
make a treaty with the Israelites. They put on ragged clothes and worn-out Beloved, the devil is no match for you. You are more than a conquer in
sandals and took dry and moldy bread to deceive the people of God, Christ. All he can do is only to deceive and lie to you. Don’t be ignorant of
pretending to come from a far distant place. Joshua and his leaders neither his devices. Whatever blocks your calling and ministry is sent by the devil.
could discern them nor consulted the Lord and made a rash covenant with Don’t make any treaty with him but rebuke the works of darkness. Constantly
them (Jos.9:14-15). After three days, they found out how they had been keep developing your authority-consciousness. Speak the word of authority
deceived by the Gibeonites. Unlike in Moses’ time, this is the only time the and pray authoritative prayers. Preach and teach with authority. Command
people under Joshua complained against their leaders (Jos.9:18). the demons and diseases boldly TODAY!
Beware of deception: satan and his hosts know very well that you Thank You, Lord, satan cannot take advantage of me for
are in Christ, and that they have nothing in you (Jn.14:30). The only weapon I am not ignorant of his devices. I put on the whole armor
they have in their hands is to deceive you through their lies and false of God. Therefore I am able to stand against the wiles of
symptoms (Rev.12:9; 20:3). Satan comes against the Body of Christ like an the devil. My ears shall hear Your Word behind me saying,
angel of light (2.Co.11:14; Rev.1:8). Without the gift of discernment, you “This is the way, walk in it” whenever I turn to the right
can easily be cheated by his lying symptoms. Ignorance of his schemes will hand or whenever I turn to the left, because I am in Christ.
lead you to terrible defeat (2.Co.2:11; Eph.6:11). Sometimes he will intimidate
and threaten you as he did with the apostles. Do you remember how the 2.Co.2:11; Eph.6:11; Isa.30:21
apostles were severely threatened by the Sanhedrin and forbidden from
preaching the Gospel (Ac.4:13-21; 5:40)? If he fails to stop your progress,
he will cunningly try to deceive or defile you by twisting even the Word of
God. Satan used Peter’s mouth to stop Jesus from going to the Cross
(Mt.16:23). For a carnal mind, this would look like extreme care and concern
for his Master. But Jesus found out that it was the direct influence of the
A slave girl who was possessed with a spirit of divination cried out,
saying, “These men are the servants of the most high God who proclaimed
695 696
Under your feet: Seeing your enemy under your feet is one of the
most powerful keys to your progress in your battles (Ro.16:20). As long as
dec 11 you see him bigger than you, you cannot exercise your authority over him
YOUR AUTHORITY IN CHRIST (1.Jn.4:4; Num.13:31-33). Joshua demonstrated this truth to his captains.
When all the five kingdoms of the Amorites were routed in battle, the five
Then Joshua spoke to the LORD... he said in the sight of Israel: kings were hiding in the cage at Makkedah. Joshua brought them out and
“Sun, stand still over Gibeon; and Moon, in the Valley of Aijalon.” So asked his captains to put their feet on their necks, predicting that the Lord
the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the people had revenge would do likewise to all their enemies. This demonstration removed their
upon their enemies. fear and dismay and built courage in them (Jos.10:16-27). In Christ, you are
seated with Christ far above all principality, power, might and dominion.
For all things are yours: whether... the world or life or death, or
Your God has put all of them under your feet. The devil has no power over
things present or things to come, all are yours. And you are Christ’s,
even the newest believer.
and Christ is God’s (Jos.10:12-13; 1.Co.3:21-23).
The very first verdict God gave to satan about the seed of the woman
was crushing the head of the serpent was fulfilled on the Cross (Ge.3:15).
Let us continue our study on victory secrets of our offensive warfare. As you demonstrate more and more of God’s authority, all the demonic
When the Gibeonites made a treaty with Israel, all the other nations were forces will be subdued to become your footstool. Remember, Christ is the
terribly shaken. Gibeon was a great royal city with mighty men (Jos.10:2). head and you are His body. The strong man of this earth is under your feet.
So five kings waged war against the Gibeonites. Joshua came to the fight, One day the God of peace will crush the Satan under your feet completely.
and the Lord routed the enemies before the Israelites, casting down large Even the trace of him will not exist. Hallelujah!
hail stones from heaven.
Beloved, the devil is neither above you nor equal to you. God has highly
Use your authority: On that day, Joshua commanded the sun and the exalted you above your enemies. Learn to look down upon him and disdain
moon to stand still in the presence of all the Israelites. His authority worked him. When all the Israelites looked up Goliath as a mighty giant, only the
well. The sun and the moon stood still until the nation had conquered its David looked at him as uncircumcised Philistines. Your enemy has lost his
enemies. God headed his voice and fought for Israel. power over you. He has lost his power and authority over you. You can
The problem with you today is not that you lack God’s authority but trample serpents and scorpions if you resolve to see him as a fallen angel.
that you don’t have consciousness of your authority. Under the Old Covenant, Jesus saw him fall like a lightening from heaven (Lk.10:17-19). Better see
all authority was not yet given to His saints. Till Christ came, all the kingdoms him so. Believe the entire demonic spirit world is subject to your command.
of the world and all their authority were in the hand of the devil (Lk.4:5-6). Know your authority and show it to them TODAY!
The first man Adam made the devil the god of this world by leasing his Thank You, Lord, all things are mine, whether the world
authority to him. When Jesus came, He stripped the devil of all his authority or life or death, or things present or things to come, all are
and was seated on the highest throne of heaven (Col.2:15; Eph.1:22; 2:6; mine. I am Yours, and You are God’s. You will crush satan
Ps.110:1-2). Now He has transferred His authority to His Church. under my feet shortly, because I am in Christ.
In Christ, you have all authority in heaven and on earth (Mt.28:18-20). 1.Co.3:21-23; Ro.16:20
You can calm the storm when it comes against your move for God (Mk.4:35-
41). You can curse the works of darkness that block your fruitfulness
(Mk.11:12-14). You can command the fish to spit out your finances for
building God’s Kingdom (Mt.17:27). You can throw the serpents into the
fire when they try to kill your ministry before your time (Ac.28:3-6). You
can blind the eyes of sorcerers if they oppose your apostolic ministry (Ac.13:6-
12). You can never go to another level of ministry unless you know that you
have all authority and power.

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without striking the spirit kings that control that place. Demons refuse to
leave their regions without a fight. They pleaded with Jesus not to send
dec 12 them out of their countries (Mk.5:8-10). Only by the edge of the sword,
CONQEROR IN CHRIST which is the powerful, fresh, prophetic Word of the Lord, you can deal
those spirit beings (Eph.6:17). They blind the eyes of the people from seeing
So Joshua conquered all the land: the mountain country and the the light of the Gospel (2.Co.4:3-4). They keep them as their slaves to do
South and the lowland and the wilderness slopes, and all their kings; their will (2.Ti.2:26). The Word of truth that you preach, proclaim and declare
he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the pulls down their mental strongholds. Remember, your weapons are not fleshly
LORD God of Israel had commanded. And Joshua conquered them but mighty in God (2.Co.10:3-6).
from Kadesh Barnea as far as Gaza, and all the country of Goshen, He left none remaining: This also is repeated many times (Jos.10:28,
even as far as Gibeon. 30, 33, 37; 11:8,11). It was an utter defeat of the enemy. The enemies you
And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will tolerate you can never conquer. Joshua’s victory was complete. God had
build My Church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it determined to wash out these nations because of their abominations. If one
(Jos.10:40-41; Mt.16:18). person escaped, the root of sin would continue to grow and spread. A warrior
must be rough and rude with the enemy of God’s precious souls. The more
you love people, the more you will hate the devil who tortures people. Be
Joshua was God’s conqueror right from his young age. The Lord
merciless with sin and satan. Give zero place to the ruler of this world or to
revealed Himself as Jehovah Nissi at Rephidim when Joshua defeated
whatever he offers (Jn.14:13). Aggressively abstain from every form and
Amalek under the leadership of Moses (Ex.17:8-16). The Lord really trained
trace of sin (1.The.5:22). Be ruthless.
his hands and fingers for battle all his life (Ps.144:1). Till his old age, Joshua
continued to fight for the people of God. Let us keep studying some more of Joshua kept on passing from one city to another, victoriously invading
his war techniques. and capturing new lands for his people (Jos.29:31, 34, 36, 38, 40). The more
violent you are, the more you win new possibilities, new nations, and new
Captured new territories: Joshua made war a long time with all the
ministries for God. Whatever he won in the battles was shared selflessly
kings of the southern and northern countries. God Himself hardened the
with God’s people, and they took booty from all the battles. Great battles!
hearts of those kings to destroy them (Jos.11:18-20).
Great booties!
Joshua took: In all his conquest, you can see the repetition of words
Beloved, your divine Joshua fought heavy battles and bought this world
like, ‘Joshua took Makkedah’, ‘Joshua took Lachish’, ‘Joshua took Hebron’,
for you! Be an aggressive conqueror. Remember, you and God fight together
‘Joshua took Hazor’, etc. (Jos.10:28, 29, 31, 35, 37, 39). All his battles were
to make all nations obedient to the Gospel of Christ. Joshua conquered all
aimed at capturing new territories to share to his people. This is the good
the lands, because the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel (Jos.40:42-43).
fight of faith. This is the battle where you take initiative to enter into the
Your battle is not a lonely battle. You constantly listen to your Captain, and
strong man’s territory and capture his weapons and his possessions.
He will work and war with you, delivering your enemies and fighting your
In Christ, we are called to wrestle with principalities and powers in battles. Stop fighting defensive battles and go to capture new territories for
order to capture the kingdoms for our King of kings. This is the battle where Christ TODAY!
violent warriors take kingdoms by force (Mt.11:12). In Christ, you challenge
Thank You, Lord, You are sitting on a white horse and
the powers over regions and nations and capture them for Christ. Philip, the
have a bow. A crown is given to You, and You go out
evangelist, went to Samaria and took it for God (Acts 8). Paul, the apostle,
conquering and to conquer. I am an overcomer, I shall not
went to the temple city of Ephesus and captured it for God (Acts 19). God
be hurt by the second death. I will keep Your works until
is calling you to take such bold adventures in new nations and new people
the end. To me You gave power over the nations. You will
groups and win them for Christ. This always involves a battle (1.Ti.1:18;
make me a pillar in Your temple. You will write on me Your
2.Ti.2:3-4; 4:7).
name and the name of Your city, because I am in Christ.
Struck it with the edge of the sword: This is another repeated word
Rev.6:2; 2:11, 26; 3:12
in all his conquest (Jos.10:28, 33, 37; 11:10). You can’t capture new territories

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When you see this reality, you will quickly do whatever your hand finds
to do with all your might, for you will know there will be no action, no
dec 13 thought, no knowledge and no wisdom in the grave where you are going
DELEGATE IN CHRIST (Eccl.9:10). You will pour out your life as a drink offering like Paul when
you know that the time of your departure is at hand (2.Ti.4:6; Phil.2:17). All
Now Joshua was old, advanced in years. And the LORD said to your ambitions and your own kingdom building will collapse. Your heart’s
him: “You are old, advanced in years, and there remains very much desire will be to be with the Lord in heaven, but the sense of duty to bless
land yet to be possessed”. others will keep you alive (Phil.1:19-26).
Mission changed: God made Joshua to understand that in spite of all
Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what
his heavy and long battles, the mission was not yet accomplished. As Joshua
is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then
has grown old, God instructed him to divide the land for the remaining nine
vanishes away (Jos.13:1; Jas.4:14).
and a half tribes and to let them fight for their own possession. Joshua could
no longer be in the battle ground. He had to change his strategy. What an
Joshua was so much lost in his mission of capturing nations that he understanding God!
even forgot his age. The Lord had to remind him that he was already very Beloved, realize your limited time and the unlimited task ahead of you.
old and that the task yet to be accomplished was too great. Much of the God appreciates what you have done for Him so far, but now He expects
land was yet to be conquered, but there was not much time left for the you to change your priorities to bless your generations. Your days are
captain of God’s army. This opens our eyes for the reality of life. Every numbered; better know it earlier (Hos.7:9). Do whatever you can do for the
leader must rise up to this realization and endeavor to hand over his baton to Lord and for your generation. Redeem your time, make use of every
the following generations. opportunity you have (Eph.5:15-17). The end of all things is at hand, and
Living martyrs: Moses had a special grace to be strong and vibrant your time is short (1.Pe.4:7; 1.Co.7:29). Listen to God and do whatever He
even at the age of 120, whereas Joshua lived only 110 years but began to tells you! Don’t waste time in other things.
wear out, maybe due to his longtime battles for the Lord (Jos.11:18). Some Thank You, Lord, for to me, to live is Christ, to die is
servants of God wear out early when they are engaged in aggressive battle gain. But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from
for the Lord. Epaphroditus came close to death because for the work of my labor. I am hard-pressed between the two, having a
Christ he kept risking his very life for God. Such men are in a way like desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better;
martyrs in the sight of God (Phil.2:30). nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for Your
The Early Church highly esteemed such sacrificial men who risked people, and being confident of this, I know that I shall
their lives for the name of Christ (Ac.15:25-26). Our compassionate God remain and continue for the progress and joy of faith for
understands our constitution and remembers that we are a clay pot made Your people, because I am in Christ.
out of dust (Ps.103:14; 2.Co.4:7). He would not burden His weary ministers Phil.1:21-24
above their strength. I can imagine His heart of full love towards Joshua,
His wearied warrior. He just had to do something to carry on the battle
through the next generation.
Life’s reality: As leaders we must constantly remember that our lives
are too short to accomplish everything we would like to do. Though our
inward man is renewed daily, our outward man does show signs of ageing
(2.Co.4:14). We are blessed with long life, but still our mortal bodies will go
to the grave one day. Our life is like a vapor that appears for a little time and
then vanishes away (Jas.4:14). Like a cloud that fades and is gone, a man
dies and never returns; he is forgotten by all who knew him (Job 7:7-10).
The only thing that will be remembered after our lifetime is what we do for
701 702
leader, this should be your top priority. Start praying for the next generation
of leaders. Discern their callings and giftings, assign their jobs, and constantly
dec 14 monitor and mentor their progress.
Sometimes you may have to stand behind like Moses and lift your hands
to bless when your Joshua’s wield the sword in the warfront. From the
…all the inhabitants of the mountains from Lebanon as far as beginning, your Savior trained His successors so He could pass on His
the Brook Misrephoth, and all the Sidonians - them I will drive out baton to them to continue His ministry. Luke summed up His ministry saying,
from before the children of Israel... ‘All that Jesus began both to do and teach’ (Ac.1:1). Remember, your entire
ministry is only the beginning; others will take up your ministry and continue
…knowing that shortly I must put off my tent, just as our Lord
after your departure. As a faithful steward, in his old age Joshua encouraged,
Jesus Christ showed me. Moreover I will be careful to ensure that
exhorted, and empowered all the leaders and the people to carry on God’s
you always have a reminder of these things after my decease
commission (Jos.17:17-18; 22:1-9). I admire the way he blessed his people
(Jos.13:6; 2.Pe.1:14-15).
as a father-leader, and I relish his heart-melting farewell speeches to his
leaders and congregation (Jos.14:13; 22:6; Chap.23, 24). He gathered the
We have seen that Joshua, God’s mighty champion, became very old, entire leadership and congregation and exhorted them to continue to cling
and yet there remained very much land to be possessed. God reminded him on the Lord after his death. Wow! What a selfless, kingdom-minded leader!
that he could no more weary himself but should delegate everything to the Beloved, ask the Holy Spirit to release His wisdom to you so you can
younger generation. Before his departure, Joshua was commissioned to number your days, and to reveal your departure ahead of time. Like the
divide the land by lot to the remaining tribes. This shows us that every apostle Peter, strive to stir up your people as long as you are in your earthly
leader must seriously consider his life span and learn to delegate his ministry tent (2.Pe.1:12-15). Do your best to entrust, impart, instruct and delegate
to the coming generations. what God has given you to faithful men who will carry on your vision after
Minister may go but the ministry remains: God gave Joshua the your lifetime.
list of the lands to be possessed by the Israelites. He promised him that He Thank You, Lord, I think it is right as long as I am in
Himself would drive out all the enemies and give the land to His people, this tent, to stir up my people by reminding them, knowing
although Joshua could not personally do it in his lifetime. This is a consolation that sometime I must put off my tent, just as our Lord
for every leader. God gives a vision and a mission and uses his men. After Jesus Christ shows me. I will be careful to ensure that they
their time, He continues the same vision and mission through another always have a reminder of these things after my decease,
generation. After all, God is the Alpha and Omega of any ministry. Men because I am in Christ.
may come and go, but God and His ministry remains till the last person in
the world hears the Gospel.
Passing the baton: The mission God gave to Joshua now was to allot
the lands to the nine and a half tribes, and to motivate them to conquer and
possess. As a God-raised minister, you must learn to delegate your ministry
to your next generation. If you fail to do so, your ministry will wear you out.
Make sure your ministry doesn’t die with you. You must be diligent to pass
on your baton to faithful men and women (2.Ti.2:2). Moses prayerfully
passed on his baton to Joshua. He publicly acknowledged the new leader
and imparted his spirit upon him (Dt.31:1-8; 34:9). Moses died, but his ministry
continued through Joshua. Now Joshua’s time had come to go the way of
all the earth, but his mission would continue till all the tribes inherit all the
Promised Land (Jos.23:14). The remaining chapters of the book of Joshua
talk mostly about allotment of the lands and Joshua’s encouragements. As a

703 704
As long as your inward man is strong, it will sustain your outer man. Your
dec 15 strong spirit will make you do mighty exploits for God till the last minute of
NO AGEING IN CHRIST your life (Pr.18:14). When Elisha was old and in his deathbed, he prophesied
over the king of Israel and over the nations, and then only closed his eyes
(2.Ki.13:14-21).You can serve God and people till your very last breath.
As yet I am as strong this day as on the day that Moses sent Believe!
me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, Live by the Word: Caleb constantly reminded himself and others of
both for going out and for coming in. what God has spoken to him through Moses, God’s prophet. He reminded
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me ((Jos.14:11; Joshua of the promise God gave him that he would possess all the land he
Phi.4:13). put his foot on (Jos.14:9). Ever since he heard that word, it was working in
him effectively. That is the power invested in God’s Word. Jesus clearly
While Joshua was assigning the lands to different tribes, very few of stated that man can live by every Word that proceeds from God (Mt.4:4).
the tribes asked for stronger cities or more cities. The children of Judah When the Thessalonians welcomed the Word of God as God’s Word and
asked for the mountain land of Hebron as their possession. God desires for not as man’s word, it effectively worked within them to transform them
us to ask for great and mighty things (Jer.33:3). Even at the age of 85, (1.The.2:13). God’s Word doesn’t only prolong your life, it also produces
Caleb had extraordinary faith in his ability to drive out the giants from the strength and gives you a healthy mindset (Pr.3:1-2). As you take vitamins
mountains. His faith challenges us today to expect and attempt greater and supplements for your physical body, take an extra dose of God’s Word
things by accepting greater challenges. medicine for your spirit man. You will then have all the energy you need to
accomplish your mission in your lifetime.
No age bar: When Caleb was forty years old, he brought a good
report after spying out the Promised Land. All the ten spies were greatly Beloved, possessing greater territories for the Lord is in your hand.
terrified seeing the giants of Anak and the fortified and large cities, but You can enlarge your tent or narrow it down. You can retire soon and die
Caleb with his extraordinary faith look ignored the size of their stature and early or be active for God’s Kingdom and remain healthy and strong. You
declared that the Israelites were well able to possess the land (Nu.13:26- can live, breathe and run with the energy derived from God’s Word or
33). That same faith had grown even stronger at his old age of 85. Forty become passive and let the promises of God go unfulfilled. It is all in your
years of wilderness journey and the natural aging process didn’t diminish inner strength and in the faith you develop as you avail more of God and His
his faith even a little. He himself testified that he was as strong now as he Word. I challenge you today to accept new challenges, new tasks and new
had been at forty years of age when Moses sent him out to spy out the land territories with new vigor, no matter how old you are.
(Jos.14:11). He saw in himself the strength for war, both for going out and Thank You, Lord, I do not lose heart. Even though my
for coming in. Wow! What a faith! outward man is perishing, yet my inward man is being renewed
In Christ, you have no age limitations. Under the Old Covenant, Moses day by day. You give power to the weak and to those who
had supernatural strength even when he was 120 years of age. When God have no might you increase strength. I shall renew my
called him to the insurmountable task of delivering millions of people from strength and mount up with wings like eagles. I shall run not
the iron hand of Pharaoh, he was already 80 years old (Ex.7:7)! How much be weary, walk and not faint, because I am in Christ.
more should you be strong and vibrant under this better covenant based on 2.Co.4:16; Isa.40:29-31
better promises! Now God Himself has become your strength, constantly
surcharging you with His super energy (Ps.18:1-2; Phil.4:13; Isa.40:29).
You can go into the hardest enemy territory and mightily deliver souls
for Christ. No matter how old you are, your age is in your mind. As you
think, so you are (Pr.23:7). It is natural for your outward man to show signs
of aging but your inward man is constantly renewed day by day (2.Co.4:16).

705 706
dec 16
CHALLENGES IN CHRIST opinions. Exceptional people stand with God and His minority. In Christ,
you are a totally peculiar person, not of this world (Jn.17:16). You have the
mind of Christ, which is not in any way conformed to this world’s thought
Now therefore, give me this mountain of which the LORD spoke patterns (Phil.2:5; Ro.12:2). As you renew your mind with this truth, you
in that day; for you heard in that day how the Anakim were there, and will stand exceptionally taller than the majority of believers. Such a mindset
that the cities were great and fortified. It may be that the LORD will be will inherit hard Hebrons for God.
with me, and I shall be able to drive them out as the LORD said . See your potential: Caleb recognized the strength of the enemy and
Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him said, ‘Anakim were there, and the cities were great and fortified’ (Jos.14:12a).
who loved us (Jos.14:12; Ro.8:37). Yet that didn’t deter his ability and potential. He boldly declared, ‘The Lord
will be with me, and I shall be able to drive them out as the Lord said’
(Jos.14:12b). Your potential is far greater than your enemy’s potential.
We continue to be challenged by Caleb’s lifestyle. The mountain city
he claimed and climbed, Hebron, was one of the strongholds of Israel’s Beloved, God in you is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all
enemies. It was formerly known as Kirjath Arba (Jos.14:15). Arba was the your wildest imaginations (Eph.3:20). The mountains that stand before you
greatest man among the Anakim, the giants race. This enemy stronghold are real, the giants that rose up against you are real, unbelieving voices
Hebron became God’s stronghold to David. It is no wonder for Caleb to around you are real, but your mountain-moving faith is more real. The super
claim such a hard place when he was young, but it is a great surprise that he energy of God in you is more real. If you release your heart faith through
wanted it in his old age. Hormone levels definitely go down as we age, but your words and deeds, nothing is impossible to you (Mt.17:20).
Caleb’s supernatural faith compensated any decline in vigor. Truly, faith is Thank You, Lord, I have faith in You. I can say to my
the victory that overcomes the world (1.Jn.5:4). mountain, be removed and cast into the sea. I will not doubt
Going into all the world and making disciples of all nations is your God- in my heart, but believe those things I say will be done, and
given task in Christ (Mt.28:18-19). Building God’s Kingdom by casting out I will have whatever I say. I have received Your power when
demons is your divine assignment (Mt.12:28). When you received the Holy the Holy Spirit has come upon me, and I shall be Your
Spirit, you received God’s power and ability to be His mighty witness even witness in my Jerusalem, in all my Judea, in my Samaria and
to the uttermost parts of the earth (Ac.1:8). Never hesitate to accept new to the end of the earth. You who are in me are greater than
challenges for God. God’s enormous ability is within you. Avail it! he who is in the world, because I am in Christ.
Heart and mouth: The secret of Caleb’s strength is revealed in his Mk.11:23; Ac.1:8; 1.Jn.4:4
heart and mouth faith. When he reminded Joshua of their Kadesh Barnea
mission, he said, ‘I brought back word to him as it was in my heart’ (Jos.14:7).
You can see that this good report came from his heart. Out of the abundance
of the heart his mouth spoke (Mt.12:34-35). We were saved when we
believed in our heart and confessed with our mouth. The word of faith must
stay both in your mouth and in your heart (Ro.10:8-10). In Christ, you have
already been given the gift of faith to be saved (Eph.2:8). The same faith is
enough for all your Christian experiences as you keep on exploring the
Word and expressing it audibly.
Not with majority: Another secret of Caleb’s conquering spirit is that
he stood alone against the majority. He could say, ‘My brethren who went
with me made the heart of the people melt, but I have wholly followed the
Lord my God’ (Jos.14:8). Common man generally side with common

707 708
Achsah in marriage to anyone who would attack and capture the city. Othniel,
his brother’s son, captured the city and married Caleb’s daughter (Jos.15:15-
dec 17 17). Faith attracts faith. A faith person is drawn towards faith people like by
ACHIEVEMENTS IN CHRIST a magnet. Caleb’s family was a faith family. He gave his best to the faith-
son-in-law. In Christ, you belong to the household of faith (Gal.6:10). Join
those who talk faith and do exploits by faith. Be God’s Caleb TODAY!
And Joshua blessed him, and gave Hebron to Caleb the son of
Jephunneh as an inheritance. Hebron therefore became the Beloved, long enough you have only talked faith. Now is your time to
inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite to this day, make your faith move for God. Get big visions and do big missions. Don’t
because he wholly followed the LORD God of Israel. be a mere visionary, but be a missionary. Ignore your physical infirmities
and look at your God Who is your Strength and your Rock. Kill the giants
Who through faith subdued kingdoms... quenched the violence and win the nations for God TODAY!
of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made
Thank You, Lord, through my faith I can subdue kingdoms,
strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the
work righteousness, obtain promises, stop the mouths of
aliens (Jos.14:13-14; Heb.11:33-34).
lions, quench the violence of fire and escape the edge of
the sword. Out of weakness I am made strong. I become
When Caleb asked for Hebron, Joshua was very happy to give him valiant in battle. I turn to flight the armies of the aliens,
what he wanted, and he blessed him heartily. Every time people asked for because I am in Christ.
their inheritance, Joshua gave it to them freely, but only in Caleb’s case, the Heb.11:33-34
Word blessing is specially mentioned.
Faith blessing: Faith in God and in His Word unlocks the blessings of
heaven. God is pleased to manifest Himself through His believing saints.
The old saying, “Faith honors God and God honors faith” is really true.
When Jesus was on this earth, He was well pleased whenever He saw
faith in people (Mt.8:10; 15:28). It is impossible to please God without faith
(Heb.11:6). Faith heals the sick, faith casts out demons, faith operates in all
the gifts of the Spirit, faith enhances your calling, faith overcomes the world,
faith saves your family, faith takes you to new territories. In Christ, this
faith has already been imparted to you (Ro.12:3). Your very name is now
“believer” (2.Co.6:15)!
Faith in action: Caleb not only believed and confessed, he really acted
on his faith. In his old age, he drove out three sons of Enoch from Hebron
and captured it (Jos.15:13-14). In Christ, the faith you have received is a
most active faith. Faith is not shown in words but in action. Just as the
Kingdom of God is not in words but in power, faith without works is dead
faith (Jas.2:20, 22). Thank God, your faith is alive and active in Christ.
Read Hebrews chapter 11 and study all the heroes of faith. Notice how
they worked out their faith in mighty deeds. If you believe that you have the
power to overcome this world, show it in action. Go to your Jerusalem, go
to your Judea and Samaria, and drive out the strong man from cities and
communities. Possess new lands for Christ. Do something, PLEASE!
Faith family: After capturing Hebron, Caleb proceeded to Debir, another
giant’s city. He gave an open challenge by promising to give his daughter

709 710
anointing, peace, wealth, health and everything you need both for your
heavenly and your earthly life (Isa.12:1-3). Appreciate Him and enjoy His
dec 18
Your companion, the Holy Spirit, left His pure and holy home in heaven
and came to this dirty world to live in your mortal body to accomplish His
Now it was so, when she came to him, that she persuaded him mission (Ro.8:11). Your Trinitarian God is so generous to freely give you all
to ask her father for a field. So she dismounted from her donkey, the power you need to enjoy all His abundance right now.
and Caleb said to her, “What do you wish?” . Beloved, if Caleb could be so generous to his daughter, how much
He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us more will your Father be generous to you? In fact, He gives more than
all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? (Jos.15:18; what you ask or think. There is nothing He withholds from you. The moment
Ro.8:32). you came to Christ, all the riches of heaven became yours. Ask the Lord to
open your eyes to see what you have in Christ, and start proclaiming and
enjoying your best TODAY!
When Caleb gave his daughter Achsah to Othniel in marriage, he gave
to the couple a south land as a wedding gift. Overwhelmed by Othniel’s Thank You, Lord, if even I, an evil person, know how to
marvelous victory in capturing Kirjath Sepher, he gave him a land. give good gifts to my children, how much more will You who
are in heaven give good things to me. You make the sun to
Giving Father: Parents are givers. They fight hard battles and leave
rise on the evil and on the good and send the rain on the
their inheritance to their children. “I do not seek yours, but you. For the just and on the unjust. If I lack wisdom or anything else,
children ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children” I will ask of You, my God who gives to me liberally and
(2.Co.12:14-15). Caleb fought a hard battle against hard enemies in his old without reproach, and You will give it to me, because I am
age of 85 years. Every bit of the land he acquired cost every ounce of his
in Christ.
blood. What he earned throughout his life became a free gift to his daughter
Achsah. The same is true about your Heavenly Father. Your Daddy God Mt.7:11; Jas.1:5; Mt.5:45
gave up His only begotten Son as the greatest gift to you and poured out on
us His very Spirit with all His riches. This is the good news of the New
Covenant. You got all the best of God as a free gift.
We don’t see the Father Heart of God as we should see it. In the story
of the prodigal son, Jesus revealed His Father’s Heart. When his younger
son asked for his portion, the father gave it to him without hesitation. When
he returned back empty-handed, the father lavished him with best clothes,
rings, a feast, sandals and everything. His generous heart received him not
as a slave but as his son, inviting him to enjoy his riches without a single
rebuke. When the elder son complained that his father hadn’t given him
even a goat, it broke the father’s heart. He said, ‘All that I have is yours’.
In this entire story, Jesus depicts the giving heart of His Father (Luke 15).
This is your Father’s heart. Just be thankful. Don’t complain. Appreciate
your Father’s love and benevolence.
Your Savior Jesus emptied Himself of His deity and took on the form
of a bond servant. He fought the heavy battle against all the powers of
darkness for you on that cruel cross (Phil.5:5-11; Heb.2:14). With His own
Blood, He bought your redemption-privileges and gave them to you totally
free. He is your free Reservoir; from Him you can draw your salvation,

711 712
Jesus presents you a blank check book with His signature for you to fill
dec 19 in whatever you desire (Mt.21:22). If a worldly king could ask his wife
NO LIMITS IN CHRIST Esther, ‘What do you wish, Queen Esther’? What is your request? It shall
be given to you, up to half the kingdom’, how much more your Heavenly
Bridegroom would ask? (Es.5:3,6; 7:1).
She answered, “Give me a blessing; since you have given me Ask for more: Achsah asked from her father springs of water along
land in the South, give me also springs of water.” So he gave her the with the dry land she already got. Her father willingly gave her the upper
upper springs and the lower springs. springs and the lower springs. Your Father has already given you His upper
And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in springs (heaven) and His lower springs (earth). All His springs and all His
knowledge and all discernment (Jos.15:19; Phil.1:9). rivers are in you in Christ (Ps.87:7; Jn.7:37-38). Now you don’t need to
plead and beg any longer. Just release what you have by desiring more.
Desire more of His presence (Ps.27:4). Desire more of His gifts and
We continue to study Caleb’s gift of land to his daughter Achsah. We
manifestations (1.Co.12:31; 14:1,39). Seek to excel in it (1.Co.14:12-13).
have seen the Father’s generous and benevolent heart towards His children.
Desire and ask for nations (Ps.2:8). Constantly add and develop your God-
Let us now see the receiving part of God’s children from Achsah and her
given virtues (2.Pe.1:5-8). Ask for more enlightenment of your spiritual
eyes (Eph.1:17-23).
Agree for more: When Achsah came to Othniel’s house, her husband
Beloved, God wants you to be the best receiver. You can never give
put into her mind to ask from her father springs of water. Some translation
anything to God and man unless you learn to receive from God. Receive
says that it was she who urged her husband to ask for more. Be it how it
and enjoy His love and share it with others. Receive His riches and be a
may, we understand that both of them agreed together to ask something
giver. Your Heavenly Father is extremely happy when you receive from
better from their rich father. Husband and wife agreeing together in prayer
Him like a darling child. Please increase your capacity to receive more and
to get more from God is a great blessing for them and for their generations.
more. The more you ask and enjoy, the more you make your God happy and
This new couple was not satisfied what was given to them. They knew
fulfilled. Give Him ample opportunity to load you with all His best. Be His
their father’s property was theirs. They also knew their father’s generous
aggressive receiver TODAY!
heart. The very first day of their married life, they wanted to get the best
from their father. Such united agreement pleased their father and made him Thank You, Lord, I delight myself in You, and You give
to give even more than they requested. me the desires of my heart. Whatever I ask You in Jesus
Name, You give me. I ask and will receive so that my joy
Aspire more: For a natural mind, their desire for more seems to be
may be full, because I am in Christ.
greed, but from God’s point of view it is commendable to ask and desire
more. This new couple made it a priority on their first day of their wedding Ps.37:4; Jn.16:23-24
to ask more from their daddy. The day she entered her husband house, her
father asked her, what do you wish? This again shows how Caleb wanted
to fulfill the wishes and desires of his dear daughter.
In Christ, your Father in heaven is asking you right now, “What do you
wish?”. This is His eternal question to you. He not only wants to meet your
needs but even your wants and desires. He is the One who gives you the
desires of your heart when you trust Him and delight yourself in Him
(Ps.37:4). He happily gives you your heart’s desire and never withholds the
request of your lips (Ps.21:2). The prophet Elisha always asked the people,
‘What shall I do for you’. This reflects your Father’s heart (2.Ki.4:2,13-

713 714
He trained himself to handle it, successfully killed that strong and fat king
and delivered his people from the Moabites (Jdg.3:12-30).
dec 20
NO DIFFERENCES IN CHRIST Moses: In His eighties and with his stammering lips, Moses could
easily deliver the millions of people from the hardened, stubborn Pharaoh.
God Himself spoke through him and did mighty miracles (Ex.4:10). Why
But Zelophehad ... had no sons, but only daughters. not through you?
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, Zacchaeus: The tax collector Zacchaeus was a very short little man,
there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus but his deficiency could not stop his desire to see Jesus in the big crowd. He
(Jos.17:3; Gal.3:28). ran ahead of the crowd and climbed a tree to see Jesus. That one act
turned his whole life around (Lk.19:1-10).
The daughters of Zelophehad teach us some vital lessons through their Beloved, all your deficiencies are compensated in Christ. Maybe you
daring faith. Among the sons of Manasseh, only Zelophehad had no sons, come from a low background or the weak gender; maybe you have some
but only daughters. According to the law, daughters had no share in the birth defects, are very old or illiterate and ignorant. Please stop focusing on
father’s inheritance, but his daughters overcame this hurdle and inherited it. God Himself has become your sufficiency, strength and wisdom (2.Co.3:5,
their father’s property. This challenges us to overcome any hurdles in 6; 1.Co.1:26-31). Rise up like the daughters of Zelophehad. Claim the best
possessing our inheritance. from God and make history TODAY!
Refuse your handicap: The daughters of Zelophehad refused to accept Thank You, Lord, in You dwells all the fullness of the
the lack of sons in their family. The law didn’t allow for any inheritance for Godhead bodily. I am complete in You, the Head of all
them. They could have easily accepted their ill fate and settled in life. Yet principality and power. Your grace is sufficiency for me, for
thank God, they rose up against anything that would limit their inheritance. Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. You have
All of us have our natural deficiencies and hung-ups. If we focus too much chosen me, the foolish and weak thing of the world, to put
on them, we can never avail our privileges and achieve anything. Even to shame the wise and the things which are mighty, because
unsaved people achieved greater things when they set their eyes on the I am in Christ.
possibilities and defy the hurdles. Col.2:9-10; 2.Co.12:9; 1.Co.1:27-28
Babel: When the people began to build the tower of Babel, they had
neither stones nor mortar to build. Had they looked on what they lacked,
they would never have attempted to build such a tall tower whose top was
in the heavens. They focused on what they had and dared to use it. All they
had was only bricks and asphalt. Instead of stone, they made bricks and
baked them thoroughly. Instead of mortar, they used asphalt. What a lesson!
The key to success is to ignore what is missing and to develop what is
already given to us (Ge.11:1-9).
Every Bible hero had some handicap to overcome to fulfill his divine
destiny. Jeremiah saw himself as too young (Jer.1:6-7). Gideon saw himself
as too weak (Jdg.6:15-16). Peter saw himself as a sinful man (Lk.5:8).
Thank God, God’s strength abounded in their weaknesses when they decided
to overlook their deficiencies (2.Co.12:9).
Ehud: Do you remember Ehud, the judge God used to destroy Eglon,
the king of Moab? That Ehud was a left-handed man, but he ignored that
deficiency and made himself a double-edged sword of nearly 50 cm length.

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In Christ, if you dare to enter into your inheritance, you will change not
dec 21 only your history but also the history of the Church and the world. If you are
BE A PIONEER IN CHRIST silent, you deprive yourself and others from enjoying the blessings of Calvary.
Someone must stand tall, explore the possibilities of a child of God and
cause others to enter. Satan will try his best to stop you from exploring and
And they came near before Eleazar the priest, before Joshua experiencing your privileges in Christ. You need a strong determination and
the son of Nun, and before the rulers, saying, “The LORD endurance to receive the promises of God (Heb.10:39).
commanded Moses to give us an inheritance among our brothers.” Beloved, the people under the Old Covenant who lived in the time of
Therefore, according to the commandment of the LORD, he gave promises rose up against all the odds and did exploits for God. How much
them an inheritance among their father’s brothers. more should you rise up to enjoy your privileges under the New Covenant,
And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to where all His promises are already fulfilled in Christ! In the Christian life,
the full assurance of hope until the end, that you do not become one dares and all others share. Be a pioneer for God’s blessings and open
sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the the door for others TODAY!
promises (Jos.17:4; Heb.6:11-12). Thank You, Lord, You are not unjust to forget my work
and labor of love which I have shown towards Your name in
The daughters of Zelophehad refused to accept their deficiency and that I have ministered to the saints and do minister. I will
demanded even the law to be altered for them. They had already approached show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until
Moses, the man of God, to claim their inheritance. Now they referred their the end. I do not become sluggish but imitate those who
case to Joshua and possessed the inheritance of the sons. This is God’s through faith and patience inherit the promises, because I
invitation to us not to accept our present position but to overcome our am in Christ.
limitations and inherit what God has provided for us in Christ. Heb.6:10-12
Refer the promise: When the daughters came to the leadership, they
quoted the commandment given to Moses to receive their inheritance. In
order to inherit your blessings in Christ, you must constantly remember
what God has promised and performed for you. Laziness will stop you from
searching the Scriptures and discover your privileges in Christ (Pr.12:27).
Give all your attention to studying the blessings of the New Covenant and
constantly renew your mind with them (1.Ti.4:13; 2.Ti.3:14-17). Everything
Christ has accomplished on the Cross is for every new creation. Don’t give
in to discouragement and despair. Be enthusiastic to inherit every promise
of God. The more you see what belongs to you, the more you walk into it.
Don’t be negligent. Proclaim and posses what the Word promises.
Set precedence: In Old Testament times, women privileges were
greatly undermined. Women were treated like second class citizens. Even
the law prohibited giving an inheritance to women. Thank God, these
daughters rose up against all odds and dared to ask for an inheritance.
Paradoxically, God Himself said that what these ladies asked was right, and
that an inheritance should surely be given to them. After that, He changed
His own law to say that if a man died without a son, the inheritance had to
go to his daughters (Nu.27:1-8). Wow! These daughters changed God’s
laws and history. All the women of the whole nation of Israel could enjoy
their privileges because of these daring daughters. What a role model!
717 718
the world is great and while we are blessed with every blessing, still most of
the world is unreached (Eph.1:3; Jn.10:16). Sickness and diseases torment
dec 22
GREAT PEOPLE IN CHRIST people. Satanic powers torture people and drive them crazy. People have
no hope and no one to turn to, while we are confined and content in our
small circles. I am aggressively convinced that any teaching that limits our
Then the children of Joseph spoke to Joshua, saying, “Why have vision is from the enemy. Any teaching that puts limits to our privileges and
you given us only one lot and one share to inherit, since we are a treasures in Christ misleads people. This is the time when we must come
great people, inasmuch as the LORD has blessed us until now?”. out of our small visions. We must see the vast need and recognize what we
Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the have in Christ.
harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, We should never be satisfied with a little manifestation of one specific
for they are already white for harvest (Jos.17:14; Jn.4:35). gift of the Spirit. We must earnestly desire all the gifts of the Spirit (1.Co.14:5,
12-13, 31). We need to grow in our healing ministry. In spite of rapid increase
Ephraim and Manasseh, the children of Joseph, asked Joshua for more in medical knowledge, the world is terribly sick. Where are the people who
land, and they got it. When Joshua was allotting the lands to the twelve will demonstrate the Jesus- and apostles-kind of healing ministry (Mt.14:34-
tribes, very few people were not satisfied and asked for more while others 36; Lk.6:17-19; Ac.5:14-16)? Nations are confused, groping in darkness.
were satisfied and settled. As we have seen, life in Christ is life in the We need people to operate in the revelation gifts to give them God’s prophetic
Promised Land. We can be satisfied with our present level of blessings, word. People are totally ignorant of the spirit world. They see everything
anointing and ministry, or we can go for more. Whatever we desire, ask and only in the natural world. We must covet the gift of discerning of spirits to
act on is what we will get. expose the hidden demonic powers and to release angelic activities. We
Great people: The children of Joseph said that they were great in need the gift of prophecy, tongues and interpretation to edify and build
number and needed a bigger land. The need for more land opened their ourselves and the people of God as well (1.Co.12:7-11; 14:3). Though we
hearts and minds to aspire for more land. Many times, we don’t expect or are a great people and filled with all the fullness of God, the sad fact is that
desire more because we don’t even realize our need. we don’t see it and don’t use our power to meet the vast need (Eph.3:19-
In Christ, the harvest is truly plentiful, and it is ready. Our Commander 20). We live and die with our small visions and small ministries. We fail to
asks us to go into all the world and reach all the nations. If we see the vast avail what God has provided in Christ. We don’t release the rivers of living
need of this world, we know that what we have is not enough. Nations are waters into this thirsty world.
drifting away from God. We have big slogans but very little vision. The Beloved, increase your hunger and thirst for more of God and His
whole world is under the sway of the evil one (1.Jn.5:19). The Church of manifestations through you. Don’t be satisfied with ankle deep, knee deep,
God is anemic and weak. God asks us to enlarge our vision and lengthen or waist deep levels of anointing. Jump into the swimming level. You will
our cords. catch great multitudes of fish for the Lord. Greater manifestation of the
Greatly blessed: The children of Joseph acknowledged that they were gifts of the Spirit will draw multitudes to Christ. Keep growing in your faith
blessed by their Lord. Maybe they recognized the blessings of their and in Christian virtues. Don’t stay in your present level and get distracted
grandfather. Jacob had blessed both of them with great multitudes of nations in small issues.
and descendants (Ge.48:19-20). Now they really had become very Thank You, Lord, my food is to do the will of You who
numerous. sent me and to finish Your work. I will not say, there are
In Christ, you too are blessed with all the blessings of heaven and still four months and then comes the harvest. I lift up my
earth. This means, you lack nothing. Just like Abraham, you can be a blessing eyes and look at the fields for they are already white for
to all the families of the earth (Ge.12:3). This vision will motivate you to go harvest. You sent me to reap that for which I have not
deeper and broader in your life in Christ. labored; others have labored, and I have entered into their
labors, because I am in Christ.
Too confined: Joseph’s sons found out that their land was too confined
for them. So they asked, “Why have you given us only one lot and one Jn.4:34-35, 38
share to inherit?” (Jos.17:14-15). This should shake our hearts. The need of
719 720
No substitute: Though all the Canaanites had been given into the
hands of the Israelites, Israel had to fight the battle and drive them out to
dec 23
STRIVE HARD IN CHRIST possess their inheritance. The same is true for life in Christ. Paul had the
clear revelation of the defeat and destruction of satan and his host, and yet
those defeated powers tried to stop him from coming into new territories
So Joshua answered them, “If you are a great people, then go (Ro.1:13; 15:22; 1.The.2:18). All principalities and powers are put under our
up to the forest country and clear a place for yourself there in the feet, yet we do wrestle with them in prayer and supplications in the spirit
land of the Perizzites and the giants, since the mountains of Ephraim (Eph.1:19-23; 6:10-20). We are given all authority and power to cast out
are too confined for you”. demons and to heal the sick, and yet we need to resist and be watchful
Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in constantly (Lk.9:1; 10:19-20; Jas.4:7; 1.Pe.5:8-9).
all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. The apostle Paul rested in the finished work of Christ. He enjoyed the
To this end I also labor, striving according to His working which works power of God working in and through him mightily. Yet he sought the prayer
in me mightily (Jos.17:15; Col.1:28-29). help of his believers, asking them to strive together with him in prayers to
God for him (Ro.15:30).
We saw how Ephraim and Manasseh approached Joshua for greater Beloved, if you are not satisfied with your present condition and
allotments. Now Joshua throws the ball into their court, asking them to experiences, better go and clear the forests. Push forward. Declare an
posses the enemy country by clearing the forest for themselves. This gives offensive war and drive out the enemies. Take the land for Christ. Claim
us another important lesson on how to posses our blessings in Christ. your prosperity. Aggressively take back your health and healing. Just like
Paul, reach forward and press toward the goal God has given you (Phi.3:13-
Hard labor: There are believers who are satisfied with their limited 14). Be violent and persistent till you see hundred percent victories in all the
vision and blessings. They don’t aspire or attempt anything great. Another areas of your life, in Jesus name.
kind of people desire more and have big dreams, but they don’t act or work
for it. They only plead and beg and wait for God to do something on their Thank You, Lord, I have entered Your rest and ceased
behalf. The word of Joshua here challenges such people to work hard. from my works as You did from Yours. I became a minister
Now it is in their hands to go up to the mountain, cut the trees of the forest according to the gift of Your grace given to me by the
and possess the land of the Perizzites and giants. In short, the entire effective working of Your power. I labor, striving according
responsibility of possessing what God has given to them was in their hands. to Your working which works in me mightily, because I am in
Life in Christ is not a lazy life. It doesn’t passively wait for the blessings
to flow automatically. Everything Christ accomplished on the Cross is yours. Heb.4:10; Eph.3:7; Col.1:29
Still you need to work out your own salvation (Phil.2:12). It is not the work
of the law as we see it under the Old Covenant. It is the byproduct of what
we have in Christ. For example, God’s mighty power is effectively working
in you but you need to avail that energy of God. you must put effort and
strive hard to make sure every believer stands perfect in Christ Jesus
Paul’s labor: Paul, the great grace preacher, labored more than all.
He gives us a long list of his sufferings and hard works. More abundant
labors! Stripes above measure! Journeys often! Weariness and toil!
Sleeplessness! Hunger and thirst! Fastings often (2.Co.11:22-33)! All these
labors and sufferings are not of human effort but according to the grace of
God and the effective working of His power (Eph.3:7). This is what I call
co-laboring with Christ.

721 722
is the need of the hour. When God’s leaders and ministers speak of God’s
strength and power to their congregations, new faith will arise in them and
dec 24
FAITH BUILDERS IN CHRIST push them forward for God. When the builders were disheartened, Nehemiah
spoke faith to their hearts and finished his building project (Neh.4:11-15;
6:15-16). When the work of God was hindered, the prophets Haggai and
And Joshua spoke to the house of Joseph - to Ephraim and Zachariah rose up to build Israel’s faith through their prophetic utterances,
Manasseh - saying, “You are a great people and have great power; and in a short period, the temple was built (Ez.5:1-2; 6:14).
you shall not have only one lot, but the mountain country shall be In Christ, you are more than a conqueror, seated in the heavenlies far
yours. Although it is wooded, you shall cut it down, and its farthest above all principalities and powers (Ro.8:37; Eph.1:18-21; 2:6). You have all
extent shall be yours; for you shall drive out the Canaanites, though the power of God residing in you. You have enough power to enlarge your
they have iron chariots and are strong”. tents and stretch out your curtains (Isa.54:2-3). You have a great God and
And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has His great vision within you. Like Abraham, you can see north, south, east
been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make and west. You can walk through the length and breadth of the land and
disciples of all the nations” (Jos.17:17-18; Mt.28:18-19). possess it (Ge.13:14-17). No power under heaven can challenge your
progress or promotion. You can shut the mouths of lions when they roar
against you. You can put out fires and escape the sword. You can be mighty
The house of Joseph had asked for more land, but when Joshua in battle and defeat all the alien armies (Heb.11:32-35). It is all by your
challenged them to go into the enemies’ territory and possess the land, they faith.
started giving excuses.
Beloved, satan has attacked the Church of God with fear and unbelief.
Don’t be moved: The descendants of Joseph were afraid of iron God is looking urgently for faith builders. It is only faith that overcomes the
chariots and giants in the enemy’s land. This portrays yet another group of world. God has not given you the spirit of fear (2.Ti.1:6-7). Fear and doubt
people who desire great things but shrink back before obstacles and come from hell. The power of God’s Word will cast out the strong demon of
impossibilities. People who look at problems and enemies can never achieve unbelief and build faith in God’s people (Ro.10:17). Ponder it! Proclaim it!
their full potential in Christ. Our Savior openly challenged the powers of God is calling you to be a helper of faith and joy. Will you do it today?
darkness and plundered the enemies’ camp everywhere (Mk.5:1-15). The
apostles boldly stepped into heathen nations, confronting sorcerers and Thank You, Lord, I am a great people and have great
magicians (Ac.8:9-13; 13:6-12). “He who observes the wind will not sow power. I shall not have one lot only, but all the countries
and he who regards the clouds will not reap” (Eccl.11:4). shall be mine. I will drive out my enemies though they have
iron chariots and are strong. I do not fear for those who
When the Apostle Paul felt God’s leading to go to Jerusalem, he didn’t are with me are more than those who are with them,
look at the chains and tribulations awaiting him there. None of these things because I am in Christ.
moved him, nor did he count his life dear to himself. He was set on the goal
to finish his divine call (Ac.20:22-24). Such warrior attitude will take you to Jos.17:17-18; 2.Ki.6:16
new realms and territories.
Faith builders: Israel’s leader Joshua was a faith builder. When he
saw that the focus of Joseph’s descendants was on the enemies, he
immediately counterattacked with faith and bold words. Maybe he
remembered the bad report of the ten spies who magnified the enemies’
strength above God’s strength. Immediately, he showed them who they
were and what they could do. He reminded them they were truly great
people with great power. They could easily drive out the Canaanites, even
though the enemies appeared to be strong. Such faith-building words definitely
stirred up the faith of the tribes to conquer and possess the vast land. This

723 724
Caleb volunteered to ask for his inheritance based on Moses’ promise, but
Joshua waited for the children of Israel to give him his portion. Of course,
dec 25 he asked for Timnath Serah. Even that was according to the Word of the
SELFLESS LEADERS IN CHRIST Lord to him (Jos.20:50). He was content with what God gave him. He built
a city and dwelt there. It became his burial place, too (Jos.24:29-30).
When they had made an end of dividing the land as an Being content with what God gives is a New Testament teaching:
inheritance... the children of Israel gave an inheritance among them “Godliness with contentment is great gain” (1.Ti.6:6). The great grace
to Joshua the son of Nun. According to the word of the LORD they preacher Paul learned to be content in whatever state he was (Phil.4:11).
gave him the city which he asked for, Timnath Serah in the mountains Expecting all the best of God is one thing, but being covetous without
of Ephraim; and he built the city and dwelt in it. contentment is a totally different thing.
And I will very gladly spend and be spent for your souls; though Caleb’s faith claimed his rights, and Joshua’s faith gave up his rights.
the more abundantly I love you, the less I am loved ( (Jos.19:49- 50; Both are commendable. We need to claim and enjoy all the blessings of
2.Co.12:15). Christ. At the same time, everything we have and everything we are is sold
out for God’s Kingdom purpose. The Bible heroes exhibit both dimensions
of faith. By faith, some escaped death, and some refused to escape in hope
Joshua’s inheritance is a great challenge to me. Till his old age, he
of better life. Some did exploits for God and some died as martyrs. To be a
faithfully served his generation by fighting battles to take lands for others.
leader and father for multitudes, however, you need the sacrificial faith of
He never demanded anything for himself.
Last of all: As per God’s Word, Joshua and his team faithfully divided
Beloved, Joshua’s life is challenging you today to die to yourself so that
the land to all the tribes. After allotting the land to all the tribes, the children
Christ may live His life in and through you. Live a life of contentment with
of Israel gave the remaining portion to Joshua. He was the last one to get
the things of the world, but be hungry and thirsty for the things of God. As
his allotment. Till his old age, he fought continuous battles to capture many
you seek first God’s Kingdom, all the other things shall be added to you. You
cities for others. The portion of land given to him was not a city, but he
are called to live and die for the Body of Christ and to win this perishing
himself had to build a city in that plain land. This clearly shows his selfless
world. Will you give up your rights like Paul to build His Church? Will you
heart that always preferred others before him. In Christ, you share the
be a living martyr like the apostles?
nature and mind of God where you look for others’ interests more than
yours (Phil.2:4-5). As a new creation, you no longer live for yourself but for Thank You, Lord, I will very gladly spend and be spent
the Lord. Together with Christ, you died to yourself (2.Co.5:14-15). Your for Your Church, though the more abundantly I love them,
Savior died like a grain of wheat and produced fruits like you. Now you the less I am loved. I have been crucified with Christ; it is
share His same life to produce others (Jn.12:24). no longer I who live but Christ lives in me; and the life that
I live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who
Similarly, the Reubenites were the last ones to return back to their
loved me and gave Himself for me. I know how to be
possession though they received it earlier than others. The Levites also
abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all
were last in line to get their land from others. David built his palace only
things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both
after he built the house of God to host the presence of God. This is the
to abound and suffer need, because I am in Christ.
attitude of God-raised leaders. This is the New Testament principle of
discipleship. When you lose your life for Christ, you find your life in Him 2.Co.12:15; Phi.4:12; Gal.2:20
(Mt.10:39). This makes you first in the Kingdom of God.
Two aspects of faith: Joshua and Caleb are the seniors among the
Israelites. Caleb was the first one to ask for his inheritance among his
tribes, whereas Joshua was the last one to inherit among his tribes and
others, too. Both of them are heroes of faith. They both brought a faith
report to Moses, but you can see the different manifestation of their faith.

725 726
Eternally: The innocent murderer will not be allowed inside the city of
refuge after the death of the high priest or once he is proved guilty. As
dec 26 God’s new creation, your High Priest never dies nor makes you guilty. He is
THE GREAT REFUGE IN CHRIST able to save you to the uttermost, since He ever lives to make intercession
for you (Heb.7:25). He is your eternal Refuge and Strong Tower.
Speak to the children of Israel, saying: ‘Appoint for yourselves For all trouble: The city of refuge gave protection only to murderers
cities of refuge, of which I spoke to you through Moses, that the from the avenger. Your refuge, however, not only gives you protection from
slayer who kills a person accidentally or unintentionally may flee there; satan and his hosts but from all the diseases, distresses and afflictions of
and they shall be your refuge from the avenger of blood’. the enemy. He is your Refuge from all oppression and from all troubles
…that by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God (Ps.9:9). He is your Refuge from the snare of the fowler and from the
to lie, we might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to perilous pestilence (Ps.91:3). You are dwelling in the secret place of the
lay hold of the hope set before us (Jos.20:2-3; Heb.6:18). Most High. You are under the shadow of the Almighty. You have taken your
refuge under His mighty wings. He is totally covering you with His feathers.
Under the Old Covenant, God in His great mercy designated cities of Why should you be ever afraid of terror by night, arrow by day, or destruction
refuge for every tribe. The innocent manslayer who kills someone accidently and disease (Ps. 91:1,4-6)?
will flee to that city. The city will give him refuge against the avenger of Beloved, God’s heart is desperate to protect His creation from the
blood. If the avenger follows him, the people of the city must not hand him enemy. He makes nests, homes and refuges for birds and animals. He
over to him. He will be there till his public trial or until the death of the high thoughtfully made cities of refuge for innocent murderers. How much more
priest. Then he can go back to his hometown (Jos.20:1-6). This again I see will He be a refuge for you, His new creation. Your life is hidden with Christ
as a picture of life in Christ. in God. You are seated in the very throne room of God, far above all your
Your refuge: The city of refuge was the safest place for innocent enemies. You are eternally guilt-free and safe. Rejoice in your refuge
sinners. The entire city and its leadership gave him full protection from his TODAY!
enemies. Living in Christ is living in the heavenly city of refuge. Your God Thank You, Lord, I will sing of Your power, yes, I will
Himself became your great refuge from the storms of life and from floods sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning For You have been
of rain (Isa.4:6). What a privilege and great protection for you to have God my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. You will be
Himself as your great Refuge, your Fortress, your Hiding Place, your my tabernacle for shade in the daytime from the heat, my
Stronghold and your Shield! Your life is built on the Rock Jesus. No rain, place of refuge and my shelter from storm and rain, because
floods or winds can shake your life a bit (Mt.7:24-25). I am in Christ.
For all sinners: The cities of refuge were built to protect those who Ps.59:16; Isa.4:6
murder accidentally or unintentionally (Jos.20:3). If a man used a weapon
of iron, stone or wood to kill someone, he was guilty of murder and was to
be put to death. The city of refuge could not protect such an intentionally
cruel murderer.
In Christ, even the worst intentional murderers could find refuge and
salvation. “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. Your Father God
demonstrated His great love by reconciling you to Himself even when you
were His enemy. Now you are fully saved and protected by God’s very life
(Ro.5:8-10). Imagine, if God’s salvation were limited only for those who sin
unintentional! Who could be saved! In Christ, even fornicators, idolaters,
adulterers, homosexuals, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers and
extortioners are washed, sanctified and justified by the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ, the great refuge (1.Co.6:9-11).
727 728
had sworn to give them, but the Israelites had to take possession of it and
dwell in it (Jos.21:43). This depicts our part in possessing. Though the whole
dec 27 world was saved on the cross, going into all the world and preaching the
ALL THE WORLD IN CHRIST Gospel is our responsibility. You are called to make disciples of all the nations.
You are authorized to do so by the Supreme Court of Heaven (Mt.28:18-
So the LORD gave to Israel all the land of which He had sworn to 19). Yet alas, the nations are still in darkness because the light of the Gospel
give to their fathers, and they took possession of it and dwelt in it. hasn’t reached them. Now you and I need to declare war against the prince
The LORD gave them rest all around, according to all that He had of this world who blinds the eyes of the unbelievers. We must ask the Lord
sworn to their fathers. And not a man of all their enemies stood against for the nations and take the Gospel to them. One day, we will possess the
them; the LORD delivered all their enemies into their hand. nations and usher in the Kingdom of God on this earth with our ascended
Lord (Rev.21:1-6).
And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the
scroll, and to open its seals; for You were slain, and have redeemed Our Commander in chief is working with us to confirm our word with
us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people signs and wonders (Mk.16:20). One day, the redeemed saints out of every
and nation” (Jos.21:43-44; Rev.5:9). tribe and tongue and people and nations will come before the throne of God
to worship Him (Rev.5:9). Wow! You are in the winning team. Every knee
shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. What a
The ministry of Joshua is gloriously completed. All the Promised Land glorious day that will be!
was possessed by all the people. All the enemies were utterly defeated. All Beloved, as God was faithful to Israel and Joshua to give all the lands
around them, God gave them perfect rest and peace. What a glorious end! of promise, He will give you the kingdoms of the world. The prayer of your
What He begins, He finishes: At the beginning of commissioning Joshua, Lord and you for the nations will be fully answered. The original blessing of
God assured him that every place his foot would tread upon would become the first man will be fulfilled in you: You will be fruitful and multiply. You will
his, and God allotted the entire territory they were to possess. At the end of fill this earth with the message of the Gospel. Take dominion NOW!
his mission, all the land God promised was given to the Israelites (Jos.21:43). Thank You, Lord, Your Son has redeemed us to God by
In Christ, your God has begun a good work in you, and He will complete His Blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and
it till the end. He is your Alpha and Omega. He is the Beginning and the nation. You will give me the nations for my inheritance and
End. He began to build His Church, and He will complete it gloriously the ends of the earth for my possession. I will go therefore
(Phil.1:6; Rev.1:8; Mt.16:18). In His earthly mission, He completed His work and make disciples of all the nations, because I am in
of destroying satan and remitting the sins of the entire world. On the cross, Christ.
He victoriously declared, “It is finished!” Rev.5:9; Ps.2:8; Mt.18:19
All the Promised Land: As all the kingdoms of the Canaanites were
conquered and possessed by the Israelites, Christ will conquer all the
kingdoms and deliver them to God, the Father (1.Co.15:24). Your Savior
Jesus Christ has died and saved the whole world two thousand years ago.
Legally, the entire world has been saved by the death of the Savior (1.Ti.1:15).
Jesus affirmed, “And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the
world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Mt.24:14).
Your glorified Savior had asked nations for His inheritance and the ends of
the earth for His possession (Ps.2:8). The Holy Spirit is resting upon you
with His mighty power to touch the ends of the earth (Ac.1:8). Hallelujah!
Possessed Land: It is one thing to know what God gives to us, and
another thing to really possess it. The Lord gave to Israel all the land He

729 730
Rest all around: When Joshua took the whole land and shared the
inheritance to Israel, the land rested from war (Jos.11:23). “The Lord gave
dec 28 them rest all around, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers”
ALL ENEMIES WON IN CHRIST (Jos.21:44). In Christ, you already have the peace of Christ. Your war was
won on the cross. All your enemies were defeated and their works were
...And not a man of all their enemies stood against them; the destroyed. Now the principalities and powers try to deceive you by building
LORD delivered all their enemies into their hand. strongholds in your mind. You are moving from victory to victory in Jesus’
Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the name. Once the deceiver of the world is cast into the lake of fire, all your
Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. struggles will be eternally over. He will wipe away every tear from your
For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. The last eyes. No more death! No more grief and sorrow! No more cry or pain
enemy that will be destroyed is death (Jos.21:44; 1.Co.15:24-26). (Rev.21:4)! What a day! What a day!
Beloved, your final victory is already decreed by the King of the universe.
God repeatedly promised both Moses and Joshua that all the enemies All the kingdoms of the earth will be delivered to your Father God. All the
in the Promised Land would be delivered into their hands until they were enemies will be driven out into eternal fire. You will enjoy total freedom
fully destroyed (Dt.7:23). As per His promise, not even one man was able from all tortures, pains and sufferings. You will experience the very peace
to stand before Joshua all the days of his life (Jos.1:5). Joshua and his army of God and eternal bliss, peace and joy. Every promise and prophetic word
finally destroyed all their enemies. ever given from the creation of man will be fulfilled. None of His words will
ever fail. Take heart! March on! Be bold in your offensive war to win the
All enemies: When the army of the Lord was invading nation after world with your mighty Champion, the Holy Ghost NOW!
nation, God fought for them. Every time they entered new territory, all the
kings gathered together to fight against Israel, but the Israelites easily Thank You, Lord, You gave all the lands to me, and I will
conquered and completely destroyed them. In Christ, all enemies are put take possession of them and dwelt in them. You give me rest
under your feet. Yet, our offensive war continues. Your glorified Savior will all around. You delivered all my enemies into my hand. Not
sit at the right hand of God till all His enemies are made His footstool. Now a word will fail of any good thing which you have spoken to
the scepter of God is in our hands. We are called to rule in the midst of our me. All will come to pass. You have made me king and
enemies and subdue them (Ps.110:1-2). On the final day, God will defeat all priest, and I shall reign on the earth, because I am in
His enemies and put them under the feet of the Lord Jesus. He will work Christ.
through Christ’s Body, the Church, and will completely crush satan under Jos.21:44; Rev.5:10
His feet. Ultimately you and your God together subdue all the enemies.
This is the good news, and this is the purpose of Christ coming into this
Final day: God planned the entire history of the devil even before the
creation of the world. He sent His only Son to destroy the works of the
devil by stripping him of all his power and authority (1.Jn.3:8). Now he has
very little time to deceive the world and persecute the Church. He roams
around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (1.Pe.5:8). In
Christ, every day you are called to resist, drive out and destroy him. At the
end of the age, one angel will come with a key and a great chain in his hand.
He will seize the dragon, that old serpent, the devil and bind him for a
thousand years, shutting him up in the abyss. After those years, the devil
will be cast into the lake of fire and be eternally tormented (Rev.20:1-3,7-
10). See how the doom of your archenemy is already well planned. This
final victory should encourage you to progress in your winning battle.
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Apostles: All the apostles were encouragers. They publicly commended
Paul and Barnabas for risking their lives for the name of Christ. That letter
dec 29 was circulated throughout the churches. The Apostle Paul was exemplary
APPRECIATION IN CHRIST in appreciating and encouraging his co-workers. He commended
Epaphroditus for coming close to death for the work of Christ and in the
Then Joshua called the Reubenites, the Gadites, and half the service of God’s servant. He commanded his people to receive such men
tribe of Manasseh, and said to them: “You have kept all that Moses gladly and esteem them highly (Phil.2:25-30). He publicly appreciated Aquila
the servant of the LORD commanded you, and have obeyed my and Priscilla, “Who risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I
voice in all that I commanded you”. give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles” (Ro.16:4). He very
For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which much appreciated his true son Timothy for his sincere faith and many tears.
you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the He publicly testified of his proven character in serving him in the Gospel
saints, and do minister (Jos.22:1-2; Heb.6:10). like a son to his father (Phil.2:19-24).
In Christ, you have God’s nature which finds good things in everyone
(2.Pe.1:4). There is a need for sincere encouragers in the Body of Christ
The Reubenites, the Gadites and half the tribe of Manasseh fought the (Ac.4:36-37). It is a God-created instinct in every human being to desire to
battles of the Lord for their brethren. Now Joshua called them and greatly be loved, appreciated and encouraged. Satan and his people relentlessly
appreciated their sacrificial service. Then he asked them to go back to depreciate and accuse God’s people (Rev.12:10). The mighty Encourager,
enjoy their homeland. This gives us a lesson how we should acknowledge the divine Parakletos, the Holy Ghost, is waiting within you to appreciate,
what others do for us, and it stirs our heart to serve Him more. encourage and lift up the people (Ac.11:23-24). When you walk in the Spirit,
Joshua: Joshua gracefully remembered the sacrificial, risk taking, hard your mind will be filled with good, noble, lovely thoughts about people, and
working ministry of these tribes. He said to them, “You have kept all that you will freely express it. You have super power in you to build up others
Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you, and have obeyed my through your words. Both God and humans are waiting for Holy Ghost
voice in all that I commanded you. You have not left your brethren these encouragers. God saw the dire need for encouragers. That is why He
many days, up to this day, but have kept the charge of the commandment of specially ordained the ministry of encouragers as an important office in His
the LORD your God” (Jos.22:2-3). When these eastern tribes inherited Church (Rom.12:8 ; Act.15:32).
their pasture land, they were tempted to stay back. Moses rebuked their Beloved, there are many servants of God who have poured out their
selfishness and commanded them to arm themselves to fight the war for all lives in the cause of Christ. Why not call them and appreciate them? Many
the other tribes, leaving all their families and cattle behind under God’s people are wounded and hurt by unthankful people. Your simple word of
care. They took the words of God’s servant, and for years they waged war appreciation will heal them and stir them up to continue the good works.
for their brethren without returning to their home (Num.32; Dt.3:18-19). Remember every good thing people have done to you and appreciate them
They also fully obeyed the voice of their new leader Joshua and didn’t TODAY!
forsake their brethren who had not yet come into their privileges. This is
definitely commendable. Thank You, Lord, for You are not unjust to forget my
work and labor of love which I have shown toward Your
God’s nature: Our God is always quick to appreciate even the smallest Name, in that I have ministered to the saints and do
thing we do for Him. Throughout the Bible, you can see how He commended minister. I am Barnabas, the son of encouragement. I am
the faithfulness and sacrifices of His servants (Ge.22:12; Num.12:6-8; good and full of your Spirit and of faith, and a great many
Dan.9:23; 10:11,19). Jesus appreciated His disciples for being with Him in people will be added to You, because I am in Christ.
all His trials just before He was forsaken by all of them (Lk.22:28).
Appreciating His people even for the smallest details is God’s nature. In the Heb.6:10; Ac.4:36-37; Ac.11:23-24
book of Revelation, in spite of their many flaws, He found in every church
something to appreciate - their works, labors, patience, perseverance,
tribulations, fidelity, love, faith etc. (Rev.2:1-4, 9, 13-14, 19-20).

733 734
to covet this manifestation (1.Co.14:1-5). In Christ, this is your inherent
potential and privilege. Constantly use it to build up the Body of Christ.
dec 30 EXHORTER AND REWARDER Remuneration: Joshua not only exhorted them to follow the Lord, but
IN CHRIST also gave them the riches of the spoil. He reflected the heart of God. Soon
after the work was finished, he considered their need for going back home
And now the LORD your God has given rest to your brethren, as (Jos.22:4). He didn’t take them for granted. He shared all the booties of the
He promised them; now therefore, return and go to your tents and to battles. He gladly encouraged them to take much riches, much livestock,
the land of your possession... But take careful heed to do the much silver, gold, bronze, iron and much clothing. At the end, he blessed
commandment and the law... love the LORD your God, to walk in all them heartily and said good bye to them. He really reflected the heart of
His ways... Return with much riches to your tents, with very much God.
livestock, with silver, with gold, with bronze, with iron, and with very We learn two main lessons from this. God is a rich Rewarder to those
much clothing. Divide the spoil of your enemies with your brethren. who diligently seek Him (Heb.11:6). He remembers even a cup of cold
…knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the water we give in His name, and rewards manifold (Mt.10:40-42). He stores
inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ (Jos.22:4-5, 8; Col.3:24). every drop of tears we shed for others (Ps.56:8). He writes every single
minute we meditate on Him in the book of remembrance (Mal.3:16).
As a father-leader, Joshua sent the Reuben-team back home with much Whatever we lose for His name sake, He multiplies hundred times and
appreciation, exhortation and remuneration. We have seen the paramount gives it back to us (Mk.10:28-31). Nobody can really sacrifice anything for
importance of acknowledging and appreciating the goodness of people. Now Him. Abraham left his home country and his relatives to follow Him, and
we will learn how Joshua exhorted and rewarded his people. God Himself became his great Reward. He eventually made him the richest
man on earth and father of many nations (Ge.12:1-3; 17:1-7; 24:1,35). The
Exhortation: In his last days, Joshua mostly exhorted his people to apostles left all to follow Him. God made them pioneers, and all the treasures
obey God’s laws, to love the Lord and to serve Him (Jos.23 & 24). He of multitudes were placed at their feet. Remember, He always is your
knew that he wouldn’t be seeing them again. He sincerely loved the Lord Rewarder. He will never forget what you have done for Him. In Christ, you
and his people. become God’s rewarder for the people around you. Be generous to your
Exhorting and admonishing our people is one of the most important people.
ministries of every leader. God took Abraham as His friend and commended Beloved, God has called you to be His encourager, exhorter and
him for his loyalty in exhorting his children to keep the ways of the Lord and rewarder. This is your highest privilege in Christ. Time is short. People need
to do righteousness and justice (Ge.18:19). To such people God freely opens to be encouraged, built up and exalted as never before. The glory of the
His heart and shares His secrets. There is an urgent need for exhorters in Lord will shine through the strong Church. God is challenging you to rise up
the Body of Christ. He even mentions exhorters as one of the important to this hour. Those who heed His voice will be richly rewarded, as God is no
ministry gifts along with apostles and prophets. man’s debtor. Rise up to your call TODAY!
Life in Christ is a life of exhorting and admonishing one another. As Thank You, Lord, I will consider others in order to stir
Christ constantly exhorted His disciples and people, you will also up love and good works. I will not forsake the assembling of
spontaneously exhort others. You will have deep concern for others and will God’s people together, as is the manner of some, but exhort
stir them up for good works (Heb.10:24). This is the very purpose of God’s and be exhorted, and so much the more as I see the day
people coming together for fellowship. The more we approach the last days, approaching. Whatever I do, I do heartily, as to the Lord
the more we must exhort one another (Heb.10:24-25). Spirit-filled life speaks and not to men, knowing that from You I will receive the
to one another in psalms and hymns, and also in exhorting and even in reward of the inheritance; for I serve You, because I am in
writing. This is the measuring rod for you to know how much you are in the Christ.
Spirit. One of the special purposes of prophecy is to speak edification,
exhortation and comfort to the people of God (1.Co.14:3). It is so much Heb.10:24-25; Col.3:24
needed for the Church that Paul very specially encourages every believer

735 736
cut the ear of Malchus (Jn.18:10-11). It was the zeal for the law that made
Paul a murderer and a persecutor. The fleshly zeal for God made the
dec 31
NO CIVIL WAR IN CHRIST Pharisees, Sadducees and even the priests to kill the Author of life. Beware
of the kind of zeal that makes you judge others.
Power of unity: Another reason why they went to war is the fear that
So the thing pleased the children of Israel, and the children of the sin of one person or one congregation causes great damage to all of
Israel blessed God; they spoke no more of going against them in God’s people. This is true in a sense, though it was misjudged in this particular
battle, to destroy the land where the children of Reuben and Gad incident. They remembered how the sin of Achan caused the defeat of the
dwelt. entire nation (Jos.22:20). Even now, the entire church can be affected by
And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they one person’s sin. In Christ, we are the Body of Christ. If one organ of our
may be one just as We are one (Jos.22:33; Jn.17:22). body is infected, the whole body is affected (1.Co.12:25-27). If we see a
brother sinning, we should deal with it, lest it affects all of us. But fighting
and hating is not the way to do it. The devil makes us fight since he knows
Soon after the return of the eastern tribes to their land, satan planned a the power of unity that releases the total glory of God. The manifestation of
civil war to destroy the Reubenites, Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh, this glory will quickly make the world believe in Jesus (Jn.17:20-23). If we
who had risked their lives for all the Israelites. God and His leadership know this and understand satan’s tricky scheme, we will never divide the
intervened and averted a great danger. This gives us one of the main truths Church.
of our life in Christ.
The reconciling ministry of leadership: Thank God, the Israelites
Slow to judge: The eastern tribes built an altar as a replica for the sent Eleazar and the elders to the accused tribes, and reconciliation was
benefit of and as a reminder to their descendants to serve Jehovah God made. In Christ, God has appointed and ordained His ministers for the unity
(Jos.22:10, 24-28). Their good intention was greatly misunderstood by all of the whole Body of Christ (Eph.4:11-15). It is the leader’s responsibility
the other tribes. When they heard from someone about the altar, they quickly to speak against any carnal divisions (1.Co.3:1-9). Whenever conflicts arise,
judged the eastern tribes as rebellious and treacherous and mustered the we should directly talk the issue with the concerned people and find a solution,
army to go to war against them. as the Early Church did over the problem of circumcision (Ac.15:1-29).
As God’s new creations, we should be extremely slow to accept and The two and a half tribes patiently explained their reason for building
believe a negative report about others and come to conclusions. We should the altar and quenched the fire of strife and anger. Do you remember how
not entertain talebearers who poison us. “Where there is no wood, the fire humbly and patiently Peter explained everything from the beginning when
goes out; and where there is no talebearer, strife ceases” (Pr.26:20). Beware his visit to Cornelius’ house was questioned (Ac.11:1-18)? “A soft answer
of such people! We should pursue peace with all people with all our energy turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Pr.15:1). How true!
Beloved, never give opportunity to the devil to cause divisions in the
Beware of fleshly zeal: All the Israelites were ready to go to war Church. Speak the truth in love. We are the Kingdom of God. Every kingdom
and destroy the transgressors because of their zeal for God’s law. According divided against itself is brought to desolation (Mt.12:25). The devil hates
to God’s law, no one should build God’s altar in other places. I believe that unity. Love unity with all the passion of your heart. Be a peacemaker! This
such godly zeal was misused by satan to destroy the unity of God’s people. is your greatest privilege and ministry for God. Be slow to judge, slow to
Today people are zealous for some pet doctrines and boast about their leaders fight, quick to forgive and quick to make peace TODAY!
over others. Remember, any doctrine that divides the Body of Christ is
fleshly and devilish. The devil knows that he has no power to destroy the Thank You, Lord, I will walk worthy of the calling with
Church of God. So he uses believers to bite and devour one another by which I was called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with
bitterness, arguments, backbiting, jealousy and divisions (Gal.5:15). The root longsuffering, bearing with others in love, endeavoring to
of bitterness defiles and weakens the Church (Heb.12:15). keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, because
I am in Christ.
In Christ, you are filled with the very love of God. Your love can cover
multitudes of sins (1.Pe.4:8; Pr.10:12). It was the false zeal of Peter that Eph.4:1-3

737 738
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2. Trumpet Call for Prayer
3. Vessel for the Master's Use
4. Where are the Prophets?
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7. How to Excel in Worship
8. How to Break Cruel Curses
9. How to Break Ungodly Soulties
10. Health - Your Most Precious Asset Berachah Prophetic Ministries
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12. How to Maximize Your Brain
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