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" Identification Of Students Who Having Learning Difficulties"

Prof. Dr. Daharnis, M. Pd., Kons.

Muhammad Evryan Syahputra


A. Understanding Learning Difficulties
In general, difficulty is a certain condition which is
characterized by the existence of obstacles in achieving a goal, so that
it requires harder effort to overcome them (Murniarti, 2020). According
to Nathan, the term learning disability is given to children who
experience failure in situations specific learning (Ghufron &
Risnawati, 2015). According to Mulyadi, learning difficulties are a
condition in a learning process characterized by certain obstacles to
achieving good learning outcomes (Rosada, 2016). According to
Syaiful Bahri, learning difficulties are a condition where students
cannot learn properly due to threats, obstacles or disruptions in learning.
Learning difficulties are a gap between the expected academic
achievement and the current achievement (actual achievement).
Based on the definition of learning difficulties above, it can be
concluded that learning difficulties are a condition in the learning
process which is characterized by the existence of obstacles or obstacles
for students to achieve good learning results so that the student
experiences failure in their learning. It can be said that students who
experience learning difficulties will experience obstacles in the process
of achieving their learning outcomes, so that their achievements are
below what they should be (Murniarti, 2020).
B. Identify Learning Difficulties
Identifying student learning difficulties is one of the main tasks
of a teacher. Identification of learning difficulties is an effort to find
students who are suspected of needing tutoring services. A number of
approach Which can done For detect And identification
difficulty students' learning allegedly need service guidance learning,
1. Call them approach , namely conducting interviews by calling
all students in turns so that students can be found who really
need guidance services.
2. Maintain good relationships , namely creating good, friendly
relationships so that there is no gap between teachers and
students. This can be implemented in various ways, for example
through extra-curricular activities, recreation and other informal
3. Developing a desire for counseling , namely creating an
atmosphere that raises students' awareness of the problems they
face. For example, by discussing the results of a test, such as an
intelligence test, aptitude test, and other measurement results for
joint analysis and various follow-up actions.
4. Analyzing student learning outcomes. With this approach, it is
possible to determine the level and type of learning difficulties
or failures faced by students.
5. Carrying out sociometric analysis, with this approach students
can be found who are suspected of experiencing adjustment
difficulties social.
C. Characteristics of Experiencing Children Difficulty Study
According to Raharjo, learning disorders faced by children can
be grouped into 4 criteria, namely cognitive maturity, low attention,
hyperactivity and mental retardation. Arifi in Herman et al (2023)
explains that the characteristics of children with learning difficulties or
low achievement have the following characteristics:
1. The disorders that occur are related to psychological factors so
that they interfere with language fluency, when speaking and
2. In general they are not able to be good listeners, for think, to
talk, read And write, spell letters and even mathematical
3. Their low abilities can be characterized through the results of
IQ tests or learning achievement tests, especially abilities
related to school activities.
4. Impairment conditions can be caused by perceptual handicaps,
brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia and
developmental aphasia.
5. They are not classified as mentally retarded, mentally retarded,
or those who experience obstacles from environmental,
cultural or economic factors.
6. Has special characteristics in the form of difficulties in the
academic field, cognitive problems, and social emotional
D. Symptom Children Experience Difficulty learning
Ahmadi and Supriyono Arifi in Rosada (2016) suggest several
symptoms as signs of learning difficulties, including:
1. Shows low learning achievement, below the average score
achieved by the class group.
2. The learning outcomes achieved are not commensurate with
the efforts made. He has tried hard but his grades are always
3. Slow in carrying out learning tasks. He is always behind his
friends in everything, for example in work questions in
completing assignments.
4. Showing inappropriate attitudes such as indifference,
opposition, pretending, lying and others.
5. Showing different behavior such as playing truant, coming late,
being disorganized in studying, isolating himself and so on.
6. Showing inappropriate emotional attitudes such as being moody,
irritable, angry and others.
In Abdullah, et al (2022) several symptoms of learning difficulties are
explained, including:
1. Study chaos. Learning chaos is a condition where a child's learning
process is disturbed due to the emergence of conflicting responses in
children who experience learning chaos, such that their basic potential
is not harmed, but the child's learning is hampered by conflicting
learning reactions, so that they cannot master the material being studied
well. So children experience confusion in understanding the learning
2. Learning disability is a symptom of a child being unable to learn in
learning activities for various reasons so that the learning outcomes they
achieve are below their intellectual potential.
3. Learning dysfunction, namely a learning difficulty that refers to
symptoms of a learning process that cannot function properly, even
though the child does not show any mental subnormality, sensory
disturbances, or psychological disorders. For example, a child has
studied diligently but is not able to master the learning material well.
4. Under achiever, namely a learning difficulty that occurs in children
whose intellectual potential is above normal but their learning
achievement is low.
5. Slow learning, that is, children in the learning process are slow so that
each activity takes longer than other children who have intellectual
potential the same one.
Furthermore, according to Clement, quoted by Hallahan and Kauffman
There are 10 symptoms that are often found in children with learning
difficulties, namely: (1) hyperactivity, (2) impaired motor perception, (3)
emotional instability, (4) not enough coordination, (5) disturbance
attention, (6) impulsive, (7)
memory and thinking disorders, (8) special academic difficulties (reading,
mathematics, and writing), (9) disorders in speaking and hearing, and (10)
irregular electroencephalogram (EEG ) results and unclear neurological signs.
E. Steps Diagnose Student Difficulty Study
Diagnostic steps carried out by teachers can be done using the wiener
and senf procedures quoted by Wardani (Arifin, 2018), including:
1. Conduct classroom observations to see student deviant behavior when
attending lessons.
2. Checking the eyesight and hearing of students, especially those suspected
of having learning difficulties.
3. Interview the student's parents or guardians to find out things about the
family that might cause learning difficulties.
4. Providing diagnostic tests in certain areas of skill to determine the true
learning difficulties experienced by students.
5. Give test ability intelligence specifically to students who are suspected of
having learning difficulties.
According to Samuel S. Kirlk in Mulyono, the diagnosis procedure
includes five steps, namely:
1. Determine potency or capacity child.
2. Determine level ability in something field studies Which
requires remedial teaching.
3. Determine symptom failure in a field of study.
4. Analyze factors Which related.
5. Compile recommendation For teaching remedial.
According to Mulyadi, diagnosis difficulty Study held with the
following steps:
1. Detecting learning difficulties in the field studies certain.
2. Detecting the learning objective area and part of the scope of the
learning material where difficulties occur.
3. Analysis to notes regarding process Study.
Some operational steps for diagnosing learning difficulties include the
Criterion Referenced Method , namely a test that assumes that the evaluation
instrument or questions used have been developed to meet certain
requirements. Stages:
1. Set a minimum acceptable qualitative value, for example 5.0 or 6.0.
2. Compare the achievements of each student with the passing limit score.
Theoretically, those whose achievement scores are below pass can
already be suspected of being students who have learning difficulties.
3. Collect students who are suspected of having learning difficulties and
look for students who experience the worst symptoms (whose grades
are far below those of other students with learning difficulties).
4. Create rankings or levels to make it easier to prioritize psychological
With the results of this marking, it can be said that the class or individuals need
tutoring because their achievements have not met expectations (as outlined in
Method norm-references , ie mark performance average made
comparative measure for each student's achievement score. Stages:
1. Look for And count mark average class or group.
2. Marking students Which value under average .
3. If you want to prioritize guidance services, you must first make a ranking as in the first
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Services to Slow Learner Student. Guidena Journal of Guidance and
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