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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete


Bamboo-reinforced concrete is a construction innovation that combines
conventional concrete with bamboo fibers. Bamboo, renowned for its remarkable tensile
strength and rapid growth, is embedded within the concrete mix to enhance its structural
integrity. This technique improves the concrete's flexibility, durability, and resistance to
cracking, offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional steel reinforcements. The
significance of bamboo-reinforced concrete in sustainable construction is multifaceted.
Firstly, it leverages bamboo, a highly renewable resource, reducing the dependency on
steel, which has a substantial carbon footprint associated with its production. This not
only conserves valuable natural resources but also decreases carbon emissions,
contributing to a greener construction industry. Secondly, bamboo's natural flexibility
reinforces the concrete, making structures more resilient against environmental stressors
like earthquakes and extreme weather events. This increased durability reduces
maintenance needs and enhances the lifespan of buildings, further minimizing the
environmental impact associated with repair and replacement. Bamboo-reinforced
concrete aligns with the principles of sustainable construction by promoting eco-
conscious building practices that prioritize resource conservation and environmental
responsibility. Its integration into construction projects worldwide fosters a more
sustainable and resilient built environment, crucial in the context of climate change and
the need for sustainable infrastructure.

Fig: 1 (a)Bamboo tree, (b)striped bamboo [4]

Dept of Civil Engg 1 SNGCE Kadayirippu

Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete

Bamboo is a versatile material because of its high strength to weight ratio, easy
workability and availability. Bamboo needs to be chemically treated due to their low
natural durability. It can be used in different ways for roof structure as purlins, rafters and
reapers, for flooring, doors and windows, walling, ceiling, man-hole covers etc. Bamboo
Trusses: The bamboo has strength comparable to that of teak and sal. An experiment with
the construction and testing of a 4m span truss made of round bamboo and different
jointing techniques for web-chord connections gave results that were matching with the
strength of timber. Bamboo Roofs Skeleton: It consists of bamboo truss or rafters over
which solid bamboo purlins are laid and lashed to the rafter by means of G.I. wire. A
mesh of halved bamboo is made and is lashed to the purlins to cover the roof. Bamboo
walling/ceiling: As the bamboo material is light in weight it is more advantageous in
earthquake prone areas as its chances of falling are very less and even if it falls it can be
re-erected easily with less human and property loss with least efforts and minimum cost.
Bamboo walls can be constructed in different modes like:

2.1.1 Bamboo Doors and Windows

Bamboo frames can replace timber frames appropriate to function. Bamboo mat shutters
fixed to bamboo frame or a panel of bamboo board fixed to the frame which is hinged to
the wall can be used as door. Small framed openings hinged to the top in the wall can
serve as windows.

Fig: 2 Bamboo doors


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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete

2.1.2 Bamboo Flooring

Bamboo can be used as flooring material due to its better wear and tear resistance and its
resilience properties. Whole culms act as frame work and the floor covering is done using
split bamboo, bamboo boards, mats etc by means of wire lashing these to the frame.

Fig: 3 Bamboo flooring


2.1.3 Reed Boards

A bamboo reed board is a versatile and eco-friendly material, often used for various
purposes. Its natural strength and flexibility make it ideal for crafting furniture, utensils,
and even musical instruments like flutes. Bamboo reed boards are sustainable and
aesthetically pleasing, adding a touch of elegance to interior design. Their durability and
resistance to moisture make them suitable for outdoor applications, such as fencing and

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete

Fig: 4 Reed board


2.1.4 Scaffolding

Bamboo poles lashed together have been used as scaffolding in high rise structures due
to their strength and resilience. The timber planks can be replaced with bamboo culms
and these can be lashed to the vertical culms

Fig: 5 Bamboo scaffolding

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete


It has been found that some species of bamboo have ultimate tensile strength same as that
of mild steel at yield point. Experimentally, it has been found that the ultimate tensile
strength of bamboo is comparable to that of mild steel & it varies from 140 N/mm2 to
280 N/mm2. Bamboo is a versatile material because of its high strength to weight ratio
easy workability & availability bamboo needs to be chemically treated due to their low
natural durability. It can be used as bamboo trusses, bamboo roofs, skeleton, bamboo
walling/ceiling, bamboo doors & windows, bamboo flooring, scaffoldings, etc. It has
been found that bamboo acts very well in buckling but due to low stresses then compare
to steel 15 and due to it not being straight, it may not be very good further it has been
established that in seismic zone the failure of bamboo is very less as the maximum
absorption of the energy is at the joints. Cellulose is the main component present in
bamboo which is the main source of mechanical properties of bamboo. Bamboo
reinforced concrete construction follows same design, mix proportion and construction
techniques as used for steel reinforced. Properties of bamboo reinforcement are similar to
that of STEEL REINFORCEMENT. Bamboo has used for scaffolding works, formwork
supporting stands and many in building construction work. These are limited to medium-
large projects. Even though the existence of bamboo has been found from centuries,
bamboo as reinforcement material is an innovation in the civil engineering construction
field. Bamboo is a bio-degradable and renewable. It is energy efficient as it is of natural
origin & environmentally sustainable in nature. Some specific properties of bamboo:

The steel as a reinforcing material is a demand that is increasing day by day in most of
the developing countries. There is a situation when the production is not found enough to
face the demand for steel. So in order to counter the scarcity of steel, it is quite imperative
to have an alternative which has the same properties as that of steel when it comes to
concrete reinforcement. Bamboo is the most desirable one in this case and it is found in
abundance, they are resilient these can face the demand as a reinforcing material and can
be proved as an ideal replacement for steel. The tensile strength property which is the
main requirement of a reinforcing material is seen appreciable for bamboo the hollow
tubular structure has high resistance against wind forces when it is in natural habitat.

Dept of Civil Engg 5 SNGCE Kadayirippu

Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete


The steel as a reinforcing material is a demand that is increasing day by day in most of
the developing countries. There is situations when the production is not found enough to
face the demand for steel. Hence it is essential to have an alternative that is worth
compared to steel. Bamboo is found in abundant, they are resilient and hence these can
face the demand as a reinforcing material and become an ideal replacement for steel. The
tensile strength property which is the main requirement of a reinforcing material is seen
appreciable for bamboo, compared with other materials including steel. The structure of
bamboo from its origin gives this property. The hollow tubular structure has high
resistance against wind forces when it is in natural habitat. Working on the weak points
of bamboo and bringing up an innovation of bamboo as a structural steel replacement,
would be a great alternative.

Fig: 6 Bamboo reinforcement


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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete


Bamboo has gained considerable attention as an alternative reinforcement material in
concrete construction. Its unique properties and sustainability make it an attractive option
for enhancing the strength and durability of concrete structures. One of the key advantages
of using bamboo as reinforcement is its remarkable tensile strength, which is comparable
to, and in some cases, even surpasses that of steel. This makes bamboo an excellent choice
for reinforcing concrete, as it can effectively counteract the inherent weakness of concrete
in tension. Bamboo's tensile strength allows for increased load-bearing capacity and
resistance to cracking in concrete elements like beams and columns.

Additionally, bamboo is a renewable resource, which aligns with the growing emphasis
on sustainability in construction. It grows rapidly, reaching maturity in just a few years,
making it a more eco-friendly alternative to steel or other non-renewable reinforcement
materials. The cultivation of bamboo also requires less energy and produces fewer
greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional reinforcement materials, contributing
to a reduced carbon footprint in construction projects. Bamboo's lightweight nature and
ease of handling simplify construction processes, reducing labor costs and making it an
accessible option in areas where advanced construction equipment may be limited.

However, it's essential to note that the successful use of bamboo as reinforcement in
concrete relies on proper treatment and preservation techniques to enhance its durability
and resistance to decay. Without adequate protection, bamboo may be susceptible to
funsgal decay and insect damage, which can compromise the structural integrity of the
concrete. Bamboo's exceptional tensile strength, sustainability, and ease of use make it a
promising choice for reinforcing concrete in construction projects. As the construction
industry continues to explore more environmentally friendly and cost-effective
alternatives, bamboo stands out as a viable option that can contribute to both the strength
and sustainability of concrete structures.

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete


One of the properties that would make bamboo a good substitute to steel in reinforced
concrete is its strength. The strength of bamboo is greater than most timber products
which are advantageous, but it is approximately half the tensile strength of steel. Bamboo
is easily accessible as it grows in almost every tropical and subtropical region; this lowers
the cost of construction and increases the strength of the buildings that would otherwise
be unreinforced.

One major problem with bamboo is that it attracts living organism such as fungi and
insects. Bamboo is more prone to insects than other trees and grasses because it has a high
content of nutrients. In order to combat this problem, it becomes necessary to treat
bamboo to protect it from the environment. Steel does not have this problem but it also
needs to be coated in order to protect it from rusting. Bamboo is very light in weight
compared to steel. Due to its low modulus of elasticity, bamboo can crack and deflect
more than steel reinforcement under the same conditions.

Table-1 Properties of bamboo and steel

Property Bamboo (kN/m2) Steel (kN/m2)

Modulus of Elasticity 2x107 2x108

Compressive Strength 60000 –90000 2x105- 15x107

Tensile Strength 14000-390000 158000

Bending Strength 75000-275000 140000

Shear Strength 20000 92000

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete


2.5.1 Physical properties Moisture Content

Bamboo is a natural material renowned for its moisture content properties. Typically,
bamboo contains around 10-20% moisture content when freshly harvested, but this can
vary based on species and environmental conditions. Its unique cellular structure makes
it highly absorbent and quick to release moisture, which helps regulate humidity levels in
its surroundings. Bamboo's ability to absorb and desorb moisture makes it resistant to
warping, cracking, or swelling, making it an ideal choice for various applications such as
flooring, furniture, and textiles. This property also makes bamboo a sustainable
alternative to traditional wood, as it can reduce the risk of mold and decay while providing
a stable and durable material. Density

The density of bamboo varies depending on the species, age, and growing conditions, but
it typically ranges from 0.4 to 1.3 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³). Bamboo's density
is relatively low compared to many hardwoods, which can range from 0.6 to 1.2 g/cm³ or
more. This lower density makes bamboo lightweight and easy to work with while
retaining its strength. Despite its low density, bamboo exhibits impressive structural
integrity due to its unique fiber composition and arrangement. Bamboo's high tensile
strength and flexibility allow it to withstand bending and compression forces, making it
a popular choice for construction, furniture, and various other applications where a
balance of strength and lightweight properties is desirable.
Bamboo experiences shrinkage, like other wood materials, due to changes in moisture
content. When bamboo dries, it can shrink. The amount of shrinkage depends on various
factors, including the bamboo species, initial moisture content, and environmental
conditions. Typically, bamboo can shrink radially (across the growth rings) and
tangentially (along the growth rings) but has minimal longitudinal shrinkage (along its
length). However, bamboo's shrinkage is generally less than that of many hardwoods.

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete

Proper drying and treatment processes can help minimize shrinkage, making bamboo a
versatile and stable material for construction, flooring, and furniture, as it retains its
structural integrity and dimensional stability when managed correctly.
2.5.1 Mechanical Properties strength

The compressive strength of bamboo can vary depending on factors such as the bamboo
species, age, and processing methods. Generally, the compressive strength of bamboo
ranges from 30 to 60 megapascals (MPa) or 4,350 to 8,700 pounds per square inch (psi).
This strength is impressive and comparable to some hardwoods like oak. Bamboo's
unique fiber structure, which consists of long fibers and a dense outer layer, contributes
to its excellent compressive strength. This property makes bamboo suitable for various
applications, including as a building material in construction, scaffolding, and furniture,
where it can withstand significant loads and pressure without deforming or failing. Proper
treatment and processing can enhance bamboo's compressive strength even further. Tensile strength

The tensile strength of bamboo can vary depending on several factors, including the
species, age, and growth conditions of the bamboo, as well as the specific part of the
bamboo being tested. On average, the tensile strength of bamboo ranges from 90 to 200
megapascals (MPa) or approximately 13,050 to 29,000 pounds per square inch (psi). This
tensile strength is higher than that of many common hardwoods and even some steels.
Bamboo's remarkable tensile strength is attributed to its unique fiber structure, which
consists of long, strong fibers running throughout the length of the culm (stem). This
property makes bamboo suitable for applications where tensile strength is critical, such
as in the construction of bridges, scaffolding, and as reinforcement in concrete structures.

Dept of Civil Engg 10 SNGCE Kadayirippu

Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete strength

The shear strength of bamboo varies depending on factors such as the bamboo species,
age, and processing methods. On average, bamboo has a shear strength ranging from 10
to 30 megapascals (MPa) or approximately 1,450 to 4,350 pounds per square inch (psi).
This shear strength can be influenced by factors like the density of the bamboo, the
presence of defects or knots, and the direction of the shear force relative to the grain of
the bamboo. Bamboo's shear strength is generally lower than its compressive and tensile
strengths. However, it is still a useful material for shear-resistant applications, particularly
when combined with other materials or used in structural systems designed to distribute
forces effectively. Proper treatment and processing can also enhance bamboo's shear
strength for various engineering and construction purposes.

Some specific properties of Bamboo are as given below:

Table-2 properties of bamboo and its value


1 Specific gravity 0.575 to 0.655
2 Average weight 0.625 kg/m
3 Modulus of Elasticity 1.5 to 2.0 x 105 kg/cm2
4 Modulus of Rupture 610 to 1600 kg/cm2
5 Ultimate compressive stress 794 to 864 kg/cm2
6 Safe working stress in compression 105 kg/cm2
7 Safe working stress in tension 160 to 350 kg/cm2
8 Safe working stress in shear 115 to 180 kg/cm2
9 Bond stress 5.6 kg/cm2

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete


Selection of bamboo for reinforcement can be done based on these factors:

• Color and Age – Employ bamboo having an evident brown color. This shows the
age of bamboo to be at least 3 years.
• Diameter – Use the one with long large culms

• Harvesting – Try to avoid those bamboos that are cut either during spring or
summer seasons.
• Species – Among 1500 species of bamboo, the best one must checked, tested to
satisfy the requirement as a reinforcing material.

Fig: 7 Bamboo


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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete


• Bamboo is by its origin an orthotropic material. It posses fibers within it. It gains high
strength along the fibers and low strength in the transverse direction.
• The bamboo has a structure of a composite material with cellulose fibers aligned
across the length. It has high thick fibers near to the outer length of the bamboo, which
is the main reason why they resist huge wind forces.

2.7.1 Water Absorption Property of Bamboo

The main requirement of bamboo when used in reinforcement is the concern for water
absorption. The water absorption capacity was studied in various species. Among which
Dendrocala musgiganteus, known simply as DG and Bambusa vulgaris hard, BVS are the
ones which absorbed less water. The rate of water absorption can also be reduced by
certain treatment. To increase its effectiveness in impermeability certain treatment has
been carried out

2.7.2 Bamboo Strength towards Bonding

As in the case of steel rebar with ribs in it, which facilitate proper bonding with the
concrete, bamboo too should have proper adhesion with the concrete. The bonding
strength is based on this adhesive property of cement and the compressive forces that are
formed on the surface of the reinforcing bars. An untreated bamboo affects the bonding
strength in the following manner:

I. By pushing the concrete away, by the swelling of bamboo material

II. By the formation of voids within the concrete
III. By formation of cracks as the products of void formation

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete

2.7.3 Durability of Bamboo Material

Its property of being a natural product make it more exposed to environmental agents and
insects. A remedy against this is to undergo bamboo curing. The curing process enables
the treatment of humidity content and the starch within it, which is the main reason for
insect attraction. The curing is effective only if the chosen bamboo is right one. As
mentioned in the selection of bamboo.

The curing of bamboo can be done either by:

i Curing on spot
ii Immersion process
iii By heating
iv Smoke Curing
The treatment must be done when the bamboo is in a dry state so that the penetration
undergoes in the right way. The preservation treatment done on bamboo to take care of
durability factor should have no effect on the chemical composition. The treatment itself
should last, without being washed away under high water conditions if any.
Durability is a major concern for bamboo material. The physical and chemical properties
of bamboo are found high with low content of humidity within it. This low content would
keep away molds in bamboos.

Fig: 8 Types of BRC beams with Vertical stirrups [8]

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete


The durability of bamboo can be greatly enhanced by appropriate specification and design
and by careful use of safe and environmentally friendly preservatives such as boron. A
bamboo building need not look low-cost or even necessarily look like bamboo!
Imaginative design and the use of other locally available materials within the cultural
context can make the building desirable rather than just acceptable.

2.8.1 Durability

The density of the fibers in the cross section of a bamboo shell varies along its thickness.
The thickness decreases from the base to the top of the bamboo shell. Fibre Distribution
is more uniform at the base than at the top or the middle part since bamboo is subjected
to maximum bending stress at the base, owing to the wind and its own weight. A
mathematical formula, relating thickness (t), to the position of the inter-node (n), is
established for all species. The durability of bamboo depends on the Preservative
treatment methods. Its chemical composition should not have any effect on the bamboo
fibre, and once injected it should not get washed away by rain or humidity. With the help
of this equation the designer can choose the required thickness from the range of bamboo
species DG. Drying bamboo is critical for its conservation. Bamboo with less moisture is
less prone to mould attacks especially if the moisture content is less than 15%.

2.8.2 Water Absorption

The capacity to absorb water was found to be the least in the case of species like DG and
VS. (Dendrocalmus Gigantius and Bambusa Vulgaris Schard.) The Dimensional
variation of untreated bamboo, due to water absorption can lead to micro and macro
cracks in cured concrete. The dimensional variation of the transversal sections of these
species reached up to 6% after 7 days of immersion in water. The dimensional changes
of bamboo due to moisture and temperature influence all the three bond characteristics
severely. During the casting and curing of concrete, reinforcing bamboo absorbs water
and expands. itself. The differential thermal expansion of bamboo with respect to concrete
may also lead to cracking of concrete. The swelling and shrinkage of bamboo in concrete
creates a serious limitation in the use of bamboo as a substitute for steel.

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete

To improve the bond between bamboo segments and concrete, an effective water-
repellent treatment is necessary The Impermeability treatment is affected by

a) Adhesive properties of the substance applied to bamboo and concrete

b) Its water repellent property

c) The topography of the bamboo / concrete interface.

Application of a thin layer of epoxy to the bamboo surface with a coating of fine sand is
an effective treatment. Others include asphalt paints, tar based paints and specific
bituminous materials have good impermeability properties.

2.8.3 Bonding Strength

The bonding between bamboo and concrete has been established through pull out tests.
To avoid the effects of non-uniform shear stress distribution in conventional tests, only
the middle part (100 mm) of the bar is subjected to shear. This treatment has proved to
have improved the shearing bond strength of bamboo / concrete interface by up to 90%.
Recently a product called Sikadur 32- Gel, which has been developed to prevent the
corrosion of reinforcement bars, has been applied on the surface of reinforcing bamboo
segments. The results show that this new product has increased the bonding strength of
treated bamboo segments, 5.29 times, compared with that of untreated segments of
bamboo and steel

(a) (b)
Fig: 9 (a)Untreated (b)Treated, Plain and Grooved bamboo strip [8]

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete


Bamboo being a natural composite product and due to its many positive aspects such as
availability, serviceability, strength and economy can be considered as an alternate
building material in place of steel. In this study an attempt has been made to investigate
the material properties of locally available species- Bamboosa Tulda and its flexural
performance in beams as tension reinforcement. An average of 440N/mm2 of tensile
strength was determined experimentally for bamboo splints and a better flexural
performance was observed for beams with more numbers of reinforcements and shear
links than those without.


Locally available species Bambusa Tulda was collected and made into splints of 16mm
& 20mm respectively. These are then treated with Copper Chrome Boron treatment. And
they are then surface dried. Fig: 10 shows treatment procedure

\Fig: 10 Bamboo during treatment [4]

`Fig:11 (a) and Fig:11 (b) shows the cutting and reparation of bamboo splints
both in plain and tor formed respectively. Two types of bamboo splints are
considered – plain and tor.

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete

Fig: 11(a) Plain splints [4] Fig: 11(b) Tor splints [4]

These tor splints are then coated with bitumen and sand is sprinkled over them for
developing a rough surface to increase the bond strength. Caging of the bamboo
reinforced beams is prepared providing steel as the stirrup material.

Fig: 12 Specimens of bamboo reinforced beams [4]

2.9.2 TESTS Tensile Test on bamboo splints
Tensile tests were conducted for the bamboo splints of 16mm and 20mm diameter bars.
Due to the problem of slippage the ends of the splints were wrapped in G.I wire, and then
they were tested for tension in UTM. Fig13 shows wrapping of G.I wires to the splints.
As bamboo splints are not perfectly round, instead of providing the traditional jaws used
for HYSD bars flat jaws has been provided in the UTM to get proper grip

Fig: 13 Bamboo ends wrapped in wire for tension test [4]

Dept of Civil Engg 18 SNGCE Kadayirippu

Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete Flexure test

Flexure test were performed on 15 x 15x 70 cm beams and results were tabulated for 7, 28
and 45 days respectively. The beams used for testing were reinforced with 16mm, 20mm
bamboo splints both plain and tor. Two different cases – splints without shear links and
with shear links were considered. The four points bent test performed on a flexure testing
machine of 100 KN capacities. The midpoint deflection was measured with the help of a
deflection dial gauge fitted to an undisturbed horizontal datum bar. Fig:14 shows the
failure pattern.

Fig: 14 Failure pattern of the beam [4] MOISTURE CONTENT TEST

Moisture content of bamboo varies from species to species due to cultivation area,
climatic conditions etc. The test for Bamboosa Tulda was conducted on treated specimens
seasoned for three months.


From the tension test it has been evaluated that the tensile strength of bamboo splints
were found to be always more than that of mild steel even it extended up to a range of
440 N/mm2 for a bamboo splint of 16mm diameter. Fig 15 & 16 shows the load versus
displacement curve of 16 and 20mm bamboo splints respectively. The corresponding

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete

elongations were found to be in the range of 5% to 6%, inevitably this was reflected when
beams were cast by providing bamboo reinforcement in different scheme

Fig: 15 Load vs Displacement curve for 16mm bamboo splints [4]

Fig: 16 Load vs Displacement curve for 20mm bamboo splints [4]

The flexure test shows that the more the number of reinforcement the better is the flexural
strength even an increase in diameter and addition of shear links also results in better
flexural performance. Both plain and tor splints were tested for flexure. The tor bars
performed well due to better bond strength with a maximum improvement of flexural
strength in 28 days.

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete

Fig: 17 Strength comparison of 16mm bars with respect to plain concrete beams. [4]

Fig: 18 Strength comparison of 20mm bars with respect to plain concrete beams. [4]

While studying the failure pattern of bamboo splints in tension a sharp peak followed by
a sudden fall in the graph has been observed which is due to lack of ductility in bamboo
unlike steel – provided by molecular slippage resulting in more elongation percentage.
Nevertheless bamboo provides a high tensile strength of about 440 N/mm2 which actually
depends on the species, cultivation area and the cross sectional area. A better flexural
performance has been observed with increase in number of reinforcement, diameter of
the bars and addition of shear links to the bamboo reinforced beams. A better bond
strength has been found in the tor bamboo bars providing an improvement in flexural
strength of maximum of 1.81times and a minimum of 1.19 times to that unreinforced
beam sections observed in 28 days strength test. Though the prime study was increase in
flexural strength but in practical case as the span of beams is more, mid span deflection is
an important criterion when serviceability limit state is considered.

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete

Bamboo-reinforced concrete, is an innovative construction material that combines the
strength and durability of concrete with the sustainability and flexibility of bamboo. There
are several advantages associated with using bamboo as a reinforcement material in
2.10.1 Sustainability
Bamboo is a rapidly renewable resource, and it grows much faster than traditional
reinforcement materials like steel. This makes bamboo-reinforced concrete a more
environmentally friendly option, reducing the demand for non-renewable resources.
2.10.2 Cost-Effective
Bamboo is often more affordable than steel, making it a cost-effective alternative for
reinforcement in concrete structures. This can significantly reduce construction costs.
2.10.3 High Tensile Strength
While bamboo is not as strong as steel, it has impressive tensile strength for its weight.
When properly treated and processed, bamboo can provide adequate reinforcement for
many construction applications.
2.10.4 Lightweight
Bamboo is significantly lighter than steel, making it easier to handle and transport on
construction sites. This can lead to increased construction efficiency and reduced labor
2.10.5 Flexibility
Bamboo has a natural flexibility that can help enhance the ductility and crack resistance
of concrete structures. This can improve the overall performance of buildings in seismic
2.10.6 Reduced Carbon Footprint
The production of steel involves a significant amount of energy and carbon emissions.
Using bamboo as a reinforcement material can help reduce the carbon footprint of
construction projects.

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete

While bamboo-reinforced concrete offers several advantages, it also has some
disadvantages and limitations that should be considered when deciding whether to use it
in construction projects:
2.11.1 Limited Tensile Strength
Bamboo has lower tensile strength compared to steel, which means it may not be suitable
for applications requiring very high tensile strength, such as large bridges or tall buildings.
2.11.2 Variability

The mechanical properties of bamboo can vary significantly based on factors like species,
age, treatment, and growth conditions. This variability can make it challenging to predict
and control the strength and behavior of BRCC.

2.11.3 Durability Concerns

Bamboo is susceptible to decay, insect infestations, and fungal growth if not properly
treated and maintained. Without adequate protection, BRCC may degrade over time,
reducing the longevity of the structure.

2.11.4 Quality Control

Ensuring consistent quality and proper treatment of bamboo can be challenging,

especially in regions with less stringent quality control standards. Inconsistent quality can
lead to variations in the performance of BRCC.

2.11.5 Environmental Impact

While bamboo is a renewable resource, its extraction and processing can still have
environmental impacts, particularly if not done sustainably. It's important to ensure
responsible sourcing and treatment practices.

2.11.6 Fire Resistance

Bamboo is not as fire-resistant as steel, which can be a concern in fire-prone areas or in

applications where fire resistance is crucial.

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete

2.11.7 Code Compliance

Building codes and regulations in some regions may not yet have specific provisions for
bamboo reinforcement. This can create challenges when seeking approval for BRCC

2.11.8 Availability

Bamboo may not be readily available in all regions, limiting its use in some construction
projects. Transportation costs could also be a factor in regions where bamboo is not
locally sourced.

2.11.9 Long-Term Performance Uncertainty

Due to limited long-term data on the performance of BRCC, there may be uncertainty
about its durability and behavior over several decades, making it less common in large-
scale infrastructure projects.

2.11.10 Incompatibility with Some Applications

Certain construction applications, such as those requiring extremely high strength or

specialized properties, may not be suitable for bamboo reinforcement. Steel or other
materials may be more appropriate for such cases.

2.11.11 Labor-Intensive

Preparing bamboo for use in concrete can be labor-intensive, which can increase
construction costs, particularly in regions where labor is expensive.

2.11.12 Quality Maintenance

Regular maintenance and inspections are necessary to ensure the continued integrity of
bamboo-reinforced concrete structures, which can be more demanding than conventional
concrete structures.

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Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete


Bamboo-reinforced concrete (BRCC) offers several environmental benefits, primarily

related to reduced carbon emissions and sustainable sourcing:

2.12.1 Lower carbon emissions

The production of steel, a common reinforcement material in concrete, is energy-

intensive and generates a significant amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
Bamboo, on the other hand, requires significantly less energy to produce, resulting in
lower embodied carbon in BRCC. This reduces the carbon footprint associated with
construction materials. Bamboo is a fast-growing plant that absorbs CO2 from the
atmosphere during its growth. When used in BRCC, the carbon stored in bamboo remains
sequestered in the concrete, contributing to carbon neutrality or even carbon-negative
construction practices.

2.12.2 Sustainable Sourcing

Bamboo is a rapidly renewable resource that can be harvested for construction in as little
as three to five years. In contrast, traditional steel reinforcement materials are made from
finite and non-renewable resources. Bamboo cultivation generally requires less land
compared to the mining and processing of steel, reducing land-use pressure and
deforestation. Promoting bamboo cultivation for BRCC can help preserve and protect
bamboo forests, which provide valuable ecosystem services, such as soil conservation,
water purification, and wildlife habitat.
2.12.3 Energy Efficiency
The processing and manufacturing of bamboo into reinforcement materials typically
involve lower energy consumption compared to steel production. This contributes to
overall energy efficiency in the construction industry.
2.12.4 Local Sourcing
Bamboo is often locally available in many regions, which reduces the need for long-
distance transportation of construction materials. This minimizes transportation-related
carbon emissions and energy consumption.

Dept of Civil Engg 25 SNGCE Kadayirippu

Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete

2.12.5 Waste Reduction

Bamboo processing for construction can generate byproducts that can be used in various
applications, reducing waste and further enhancing sustainability.
2.12.6 Promotion of Sustainable Practices
The use of bamboo in construction can promote sustainable practices, support local
economies, and encourage the preservation of traditional knowledge related to bamboo
cultivation and treatment.
2.12.7 Recyclability
Bamboo-reinforced concrete can be recycled or reused, reducing waste in the demolition
and reconstruction phases of buildings.

It's important to note that while BRCC offers significant environmental benefits,
the sustainability of any construction project also depends on other factors, including
design efficiency, construction practices, transportation, and waste management.
Additionally, the environmental impact of BRCC can vary based on factors such as the
treatment process, transportation distances, and the source of bamboo. Overall, the use of
bamboo-reinforced concrete is a promising step towards reducing the environmental
footprint of the construction industry, and when combined with sustainable sourcing
practices, it can contribute to more eco-friendly and carbon-conscious building practices.

Fig:-19 Bamboo Reinforcement


Dept of Civil Engg 26 SNGCE Kadayirippu

Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete


The seminar on bamboo-reinforced concrete highlighted its transformative potential in

the construction industry. This eco-friendly material addresses environmental and
economic concerns by leveraging bamboo's rapid growth, tensile strength, and
sustainability to reduce the environmental footprint of construction. Bamboo in concrete
not only curbs carbon emissions during production but also aids in carbon dioxide
sequestration, contributing to climate change mitigation. Its affordability and accessibility
make it economically viable, especially in developing nations. Additionally, bamboo-
reinforced concrete enhances earthquake resistance and durability, reducing long-term
maintenance costs. In essence, this material aligns with sustainable construction practices,
offering a resilient, cost-effective solution that promotes a more sustainable and resilient
built environment for future generations.

Dept of Civil Engg 27 SNGCE Kadayirippu

Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete


1. Anu Bala, Supratic Gupta ( 2023), Engineered bamboo and bamboo-reinforced

concrete elements as sustainable building materials.
2. Bapi Mondal , Damodar Maity, Puneet Kumar Patra (2023), Load and
resistance factor design for bamboo reinforced concrete beam in ultimate flexural
limit state.
3. B. Binu , H. S. Akhil, Athul B. Raj , R. S. Nikhil , Devu Richin Thomas (2022),
Bamboo Reinforced Concrete, Vol 5, Page: 13-14.
4. Durga G, R.G.Dhilip Kumar, B. Jyothi Panduranga Pra, (2019), Comparison
in characteristics of Bamboo and steel reinforcement,
Vol 6, Page: 3972-3974
5. Farhana Naznin, Dr.(Mrs) Nayanmoni Chetia (2015), A study on bamboo
reinforced concrete beams, Vol 3, Page no: 49-53
6. Jawad Ahmad, Zhiguang Zhou, Ahmed Farouk Deifalla (2023), Structural
properties of concrete reinforced with bamboo fibers.
7. Khoarow Ghavami (2005) Bamboo as reinforcement in structural concrete
elements, Vol 27, Page no: 637-649
8. Lin Li , Cong Yang , Wenli Shu, Haiyan Xu, Yusheng Zeng , Zhanyuan Zhu
, Zuyin Zou , Shaomin Jia (2023), Study on the deformation and cracking
characteristics of bamboo fiber reinforced concrete anti-slide pile considering the
aspect ratio, fiber dosage and its coupling effect with rebars.
9. Mufti Amir Sultan, M. Taufiq Yuda Saputra and Imran (2019), Bamboo as
Eco-Green Alternative for Concrete Reinforcement that use Sand Beach Fine
10. Pankaj R. Mali, Debarati Datta(2020), Experimental evaluation of bamboo
reinforced concrete beams.
11. Purushottam Kumar, Phalguni Gautam, Simardeep Kaur, Mohit
Chaudhary, Anam Afreen, Tanuja Mehta (2021), Bamboo as reinforcement in
structural Concrete.

Dept of Civil Engg 28 SNGCE Kadayirippu

Seminar Report 2023-24 Bamboo reinforced concrete


1. Is bamboo reinforcement promoting the deforestation?

Bamboo can be a sustainable and eco-friendly construction material when harvested and
managed responsibly. It is one of the fastest-growing plants in the world, making it a
readily available and renewable resource. Bamboo can lead to deforestation if it is
harvested unsustainably. It's essential to manage bamboo resources sustainably,
considering factors like species selection, growth patterns, and regeneration. When
bamboo is cultivated, harvested, and used in a responsible manner, it can be a valuable,
sustainable resource without promoting deforestation.

Dept of Civil Engg 29 SNGCE Kadayirippu

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