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Week 2 assignments will be on design phase (including analysis of processes/data objects)

You are supposed to create a comprehensive design document by creating diagrams using tools
(Visio/Rational Rose/MySQL Workbench etc.). These tools will help you to create target database
schema like MySQL which you will be required in coding phase.

This document will be used as system requirement specification document so that the client

1. What the product (or enhanced product with a new set of features) is supposed to do
(functional requirements)?
2. Who are the end-users (tech terms: actors/source/sink etc.) of the product?
a. What are their roles?
b. How they would do?
c. How they would be connecting and interacting to each other?
3. What business processes are involved?
a. Are these business processes automated, manual or virtually implemented by some
other product/system (e.g. using external APIs)?
b. Who will use these business processes?
c. How broader processes are broken into smaller ones?
d. How are they inter-connected, inherit functionality? and what kind of data flow
amongst them?
e. Where the business processes get and update the data (data storage/database/file
storage etc.)?
4. How the deployed product would look like?
a. How navigation from one screen to next screen will take place?
b. Would end users (with possible personas) understand the screens and navigation and
would be able to use the product easily?
5. What kind of output the product will generate, show and print?
6. What are the core data requirements (and business rules related to data objects)? and so on.
7. Would the developers be able to understand the requirements clearly from SRS?
a. Implement UI/UX using wireframes?
b. Write the code based on deployment platform/framework or programming languages?
c. Create a database?

The documents should be for 1> UI/UX design 2> Process Design and 3> Data/Database Design.
Deployment design we will defer till next phase.

1> UI/UX design, all screens, navigation

a. Creating wireframes
b. Screens should be designed for
i. All inputs (like form-based inputs), menus etc.
ii. All outputs (reports, invoices, bills, downloads e.g. pdfs , previews etc.)

2> Process Design (you can follow one of the approaches: UML or conventional SDLC)
a. UML
i. Use-case diagrams
ii. Activity diagrams
b. Conventional SDLC
i. Data flow diagrams (to at least 3rd level), with brief specification of each process
(like input it takes, job it does and output it produces)
ii. Flow-charts
3> Database design (you can follow one of the approaches: UML or conventional SDLC)
a. UML
i. Class diagrams (with all attributes and basic methods/functions)
b. Conventional SDLC
i. Entity Relationship Diagrams (with attributes of all entities and specification of
each entity)

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