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Product Requirement Document for

“Train Diffusion Model for

Image Inpainting”
<Rev 1.0>

Brief Description
The Diffusion-Based Image Inpainting Model is an advanced AI-driven tool designed for high-
quality image inpainting tasks. By leveraging a diffusion-based generative model and replicating
a conditional image generation paper, this product aims to significantly improve the quality and
realism of inpainted images. This technology is particularly useful for applications such as virtual
product try-ons and photo editing, providing an enhanced user experience through seamless
image manipulations.
Image inpainting is a critical technology in digital content creation, restoration, and editing.
With the rise of e-commerce and digital marketing, the ability to realistically modify images,
such as trying on virtual products, is increasingly important. This product not only aims to
reduce manual editing work but also to open up new possibilities for creative content

Goals & Success Metrics


● Successfully implement and train a diffusion-based generative model for image

● Achieve state-of-the-art performance in image inpainting tasks, with specific
applications in virtual product try-ons.

Success Metrics
1. Improvement in FID (Fréchet Inception Distance) and CLIP score metrics compared to
baseline models.
2. Positive feedback from user testing, particularly in ease and realism of virtual product

Features & Functionalities
Model Architecture Implementation: Implement the paper's model using PyTorch or TensorFlow,
ensuring fidelity to the described architecture and functionality.

Dataset Preparation: Curate and prepare paired datasets (of person images) consisting of context and
reference images suitable for training the inpainting model.

Model Training: Train the model using latent diffusion techniques, auxiliary UNet structures, and various
conditioning strategies to enhance performance.

Performance Evaluation: Utilize FID and CLIP scores to rigorously evaluate the model's performance,
focusing on the realism and quality of the inpainted images.

Application Optimization: Specifically optimize the model for virtual product try-on applications,
ensuring that it can handle various products and scenarios with high fidelity.

Documentation: Comprehensive documentation of code, experiments, results, and usage guidelines for
developers and end-users.

Authentication System: Auth system (login signup and forgot password)

Features Excluded

● Real-time Inpainting on Video Streams: Due to the initial scope focusing on static images, real-
time video inpainting is not included but may be considered for future development.
● Direct Integration with E-commerce Platforms: While the model is optimized for virtual try-ons,
direct platform integration will require further development.
● Multi-lingual Support for Documentation: Initial documentation will be in English, with
translations to follow based on demand.

Release Criteria

● Complete implementation of the model architecture as described in the paper.

● Successful training with the prepared datasets, demonstrating learning and adaptation.


● Documentation that enables other engineers to utilize the model in their projects.

● A demo application showcasing virtual product try-on capabilities.

Performance & Reliability

● Achieve target FID and CLIP scores indicating high-quality inpainting.

● Model robustness in handling diverse images and inpainting tasks.


● Ensure the model and data handling processes comply with relevant data protection and
privacy regulations


● Establish a process for ongoing training data updates and model retraining.

● Set up a system for tracking and addressing issues reported by users.

API using
● Django Auth



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