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Don’t be dismayed about what life throws at you. Situations may come your way. Troubles
rocking your life. Rejections and all sorts of negative surprises coding your presence. Never be
worried; all are needed for your story.

In life, you must be ready for challenges; they are bound to happen. Allow them to come into
your life and at the right time they will cease. No matter how thick and long the night may tarry,
day will definitely come. No matter how long the cloud may be raining, the rainbow will surely
appear. The circumstances we faced being sickness, poverty, disgrace, persecution, or rejection
come to build us up for GLORY tomorrow.

Always remember that God will never take you to a mountain you cannot climb or a valley too
deep for you to come out from (1 Cor. 10:13); He gives us what we can carry.

Never see your dark moments as a time to give up; consider them catalysts to boost you up to get
to your destination. Even our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross experienced a moment of darkness
(Matt. 27:46; Mk. 15:34). Job was no exception (Job 1:13-22) and when the time was right, they
witnessed the day light (Phi. 2:9; Job 42:12-17).

God did not promise Christianity without cross but to be with us in all and through all and also,
to give us hope and future (Matt. 16:24; Deut. 31:6; Jer. 29:11).

A moment of darkness does not imply God is done with you; it is a time God uses to test our
faith and our commitment to Him. This is a moment to rather transition from one level of faith to
the other in nothing but Christ.

EXHORT Himself in/with your LIFE when the TIME is RIGHT.

In all situations believe that God is still with you. The other day He was with His disciples in the
boat when the storm wanted to take them away. He arose, calmed the storm and restored peace
(Mk. 4:35-41).
Another time the disciples were alone in the boat on the red sea and the storm rose against them.
As they were confused knowing not what to do, Jesus appeared to them, entered their boat,
calmed the storm and restored peace (Mk. 6:47- 51). This is to tell us that, if Jesus is not in the
circumstance(s) we found ourselves, He is with the Father interceding for us for our peace
(Glory). Call Him in all circumstances, trust Him at all time, and He will come to your aid at the
right time.

Ovr. Daniel Havor
(Jimbale District)

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