BATWDOMF (Conspiracy) Female

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(Female’s POV)

Upon waking up that morning, a throbbing headache pervaded my entire head. The pain was
unbearable, so I decided to call in sick and take some time to rest. However, my boss, who is usually very
lenient, chose to be strict and told me to report to work on time. I was frustrated, but I had no choice
but to obey. I got out of bed and started preparing for work with great effort. I took a shower, put on my
uniform, and applied makeup, but I did it all with zero energy. Before heading out, I took a few aspirin to
alleviate my headache, hoping it would help me get through the day.

While en route to the airport, I decided to cause a disturbance at work and attribute it to my physical
condition and my boss’s refusal to grant me a day off. Once I arrived at my workplace, I shot an
exasperated glare in my boss's direction, but he chose to ignore me, which only intensified my
frustration. However, just as the last passenger boarded their flight, my boss suddenly knelt on one knee
and took out a stunning diamond ring. The sight of this instantly melted away my anger.

“Valerie, Will you make me the happiest man on earth by marrying me?” I started nodding vigorously as
soon as those words came out of his mouth, and he put that beauty on my ring finger before getting up
and giving me a nice juicy kiss. I sighed with relief for not skipping the work today and understood why
he was eager for me to come.

Sam and I have been in a relationship for a while now. Despite him being a pilot, we refrained from
displaying any affection toward each other in public and only behaved lovey-dovey at home. During
work, he treats me the same way as any other flight attendant, which can sometimes be hurtful. But I
still understand why he does that. However, that day, he surprised me with that proposal that made me
incredibly happy. I never had a dream proposal, but the way he did, it was so romantic that it made me
fall in love with him all over again.

After the romantic proposal and countless congratulations from my coworker and the awe-struck
passengers, we resumed work. I happily whistled to the tune of “Lover” by Taylor Swift. To my surprise,
my headache had disappeared entirely, as though it had never existed in the first place.

While assisting a passenger, I noticed a man sitting behind her (probably in his late thirties) who
clutched his suitcase with an almost desperate grip as though it contained a piece of his soul. The sight
struck me as suspicious, and I couldn't help but wonder what could be inside.
“Excuse me, sir, can you please put your bag in the overhead locker?” I politely requested. The man
turned to me with a cold and unfriendly expression as if my words had offended him. I repeated my
request in a calm tone, hoping to avoid any confrontation. Unfortunately, he remained silent, causing
me to feel frustrated and unsure of how to proceed. As I was leaving, he whispered something, catching
my attention.

“Do what I say, or I will blow up this plane.” Is he kidding right now? I looked at him unbelievably,
scanning the thin man head to toe. He looked like he was made of skin and bones, and the expression
on his face didn’t seem to be the one someone would make while pulling a prank. I tried to ignore him,
thinking he was muttering to himself, when he showed a sneak peek inside his suitcase, which contained
red wires and something that looked like a bomb.

I was shocked and afraid when he threatened to stay quiet and gave me a note for the captain. My heart
started thumping uncontrollably, and my eyes widened in response to the sudden threat. It was
supposed to be the most joyous day of my life, but instead, this was slowly turning into a nightmare as I
felt helpless, scared, and confused. As I stood there, my legs began to tremble with fear, like a
venomous snake slowly creeping up on me.

I walked to the captain, and as soon as Sam noticed me, he immediately looked concerned and started
asking me what was wrong, and that was when I handed him the note from that man. The two of them
gave me a puzzled look and opened the message. The man had requested a hefty sum of ransom money
with a parachute while clearly stating that he would blow up the plane if his request were denied.

In a moment of extreme tension and danger, the captain approached the man calmly and made a
request that would determine the fate of everyone on board, and it was that he deactivate the bomb
before jumping off the plane. The man surprisingly agreed to do that. With the crew's support, we
began collecting money from everyone to fulfill his demand. It was a desperate attempt to save our
lives, and everyone on the team contributed whatever cash they had on hand to the captain, hoping it
would be enough to secure a chance for survival.

The moment he was about to jump off after diffusing the bomb, the captain knocked him out with a
single punch. (Trust me, I wasn’t surprised a bit looking at how boney he was) Upon closer inspection of
the suitcase, it looked a bit suspicious. So, after the plane landed and the man was arrested, it was sent
for a thorough inspection, and it turned out the bomb was fake.

Subsequently, the man admitted that he and his spouse had conspired in these deeds due to their
exhaustion from being heavily indebted. Furthermore, as further inquiry was conducted, it was brought
to light that he had perpetrated numerous burglaries, with his wife serving as the mastermind behind
each of these illicit acts.

He was later sentenced to seventeen years in prison for his past crimes, including many counts of
conspiracy, and thirteen years of additional for his felony of possible aircraft hijack. Sam told me that the
penalty for hijacking a plane was a death sentence, but since no one was harmed for he did not
originally intend it to, looking at how he was carrying a fake bomb, and he took a bargain plea, the judge
took pity on him.

The day I got proposed was a rollercoaster of emotions. I never anticipated experiencing such a
whirlwind of drama and fear, but it was still my life’s best and worst day. Thankfully, I haven't
encountered similar situations since then, and I am now eagerly counting down the days until my
wedding in just two short months.

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