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MARCH 14, 2024

1. Strategically Required Organizational Outcomes:
a. Diversification Success: Siemens has strategically diversified into high-tech products and services
globally. The organizational outcome here is successful expansion into software, engineering, and
services, resulting in a broader market presence and revenue streams.

b. Innovation and Learning Culture: Siemens emphasizes the importance of being a "learning company."
The outcome is a culture of continuous learning and innovation, facilitated by a combination of
classroom and hands-on apprenticeship training globally. This results in a workforce that can adapt to
the evolving high-tech nature of the business.

c. Global Team Collaboration: Siemens considers global teamwork crucial. The outcome is effective
collaboration and utilization of the firm's human resources globally. Employees are trained to
understand the entire process and work together seamlessly across borders and cultures.

d. Inclusive and Respectful Workplace: The organizational outcome of fostering a climate of mutual
respect is the creation of an inclusive workplace. Siemens recognizes the diversity of its workforce as a
valuable asset and engages in HR activities promoting openness, transparency, fairness, and diversity.
This ensures positive relationships within the company and with society.

2. Strategically Relevant HR Policies and Activities:

a. Continuous Learning Programs: Siemens implements a system of combined classroom and hands-on
apprenticeship training, offering extensive continuing education and management development.

b. Global Team Training: Siemens invests in extensive training and development programs to foster
global teamwork. Cross-border and cross-cultural experiences are prerequisites for career advancement,
ensuring that employees can effectively collaborate on a global scale.

c. Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: Siemens engages in HR activities promoting openness,

transparency, and fairness, supporting diversity.

d. Career Advancement Based on Cross-Cultural Experiences: Siemens uses cross-border, cross-cultural

experiences as prerequisites for career advances. This policy ensures that employees gain a
comprehensive understanding of the organization and strengthens the global teamwork required for
strategic success.
3. Illustrative Outline of a Strategy Map for Siemens:
Objective 1: Expand Global Reach

Perspective: Financial Performance

Metrics: Revenue from new business ventures, Market share in software and engineering services

Strategies: Implement diversification training programs, Conduct comprehensive market analysis for
identifying new opportunities

Objective 2: Foster Learning and Innovation

Perspective: Internal Processes Enhancement

Metrics: Employee training hours, Rate of innovation

Strategies: Launch continuous learning initiatives, Organize innovation workshops to encourage


Objective 3: Enhance Global Collaboration

Perspective: Customer Satisfaction

Metrics: Satisfaction levels in global markets, Cross-cultural collaboration effectiveness

Strategies: Provide global team training sessions, Facilitate cross-cultural exchange programs

Objective 4: Promote Inclusivity in the Workplace

Perspective: Employee Development

Metrics: Employee satisfaction levels, Diversity index

Strategies: Implement diversity and inclusion programs, Conduct openness and transparency campaigns

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