Creating A Brand Look and Feel-1

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Creating a Brand Look and Feel

Professor Goodman
Steps to Creating a
Brand Look & Feel

• Develop a brand identity

• Define you brand personality
• Competitor Analysis
• Creating Mood Boards
• Color Palette & Typography
• Logo Design
• Imagery Guidelines
• Brand Voice & Tone

presentation title 2
Brand Identity
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Define your Brand Identity

• Brand Values: Identify core principles that

guide your brand, such as authenticity,
innovation, or sustainability.
• Mission and Vision: Clearly articulate your
brand's purpose and future aspirations.
• Target Audience: Understand
demographics, interests, and preferences
of your primary audience.
• Brand Attributes: List key characteristics
that define your brand's personality, e.g.,
friendly, sophisticated, or adventurous.
Understanding Brand Identity

Consumer Market

Identifying and understanding the target consumer market is essential

for shaping brand identity.

Brand Recognition

Creating a strong brand identity helps in establishing easy recognition

and recall among consumers.

Emotional Connection

Building an emotional connection with the audience enhances brand

loyalty and engagement.

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Building a Strong Brand Identity
Brand Values: Identify core principles that guide your brand, such
as authenticity, innovation, or sustainability.

Mission and Vision: Clearly articulate your brand's purpose and

future aspirations.

Target Audience: Understand demographics, interests, and

preferences of your primary audience.

Brand Attributes: List key characteristics that define your brand's

personality, e.g., friendly, sophisticated, or adventurous.
Mission and Vision

The clear explanation of why the brand exists and

what it aims to achieve.


The long-term goals and ambitions the brand strives

to accomplish.


The envisioned direction and development of the This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

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Target Audience

Preferences Demographics Interests

Acknowledging the choices and Understanding the statistical data Knowing the hobbies, activities,
inclinations of the main audience. of the primary audience, e.g., age, and topics that engage the target
gender, income. audience.

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Brand Attributes

Branding Personality Characteristics

The strategy and implementation of The distinctive traits and behaviors The unique qualities and features
creating a strong and positive brand that define the brand's character. that make the brand recognizable
image and reputation. and memorable.

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Success Achievement
Reflection on the Highlighting the milestones
accomplishment of aligning reached in strengthening the
brand values, mission, target brand's position and identity.
audience, and attributes.

Looking ahead to the continuous growth and evolution of the brand.

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Develop a personality
• Personality is one of the most important aspects of your brand. It’s the easiest way to demonstrate
that your company is unique, and it’s what will attract the type of customers you want.
• The same voice should echo across brand operations — from web copy and social media profiles, to
emails and product pages. Whenever a customer interacts with your brand, they should hear the distinct
brand voice and see your personality. The voice you choose will depend largely on your audience, mission
statement, and industry. For example, Gen Z audiences often use slang, so you might consider integrating
that into your brand voice if you want to connect with that type of audience.
• Research what personality your target audience is interested in within your field for inspiration. There
are five basic brand personalities you can review to help you conceptualize, define, and develop your
unique personality.
• Excitement
• Sincerity
• Ruggedness
• Competence
• Sophistication

title 11
Brand Personality
● Choose a personality
Harley Davidson Personality
Rolex & Tiffany
• Brand Archetypes

• A brand archetype is a representation

of your brand as a persona based on 12
key human desires and values, such as
safety, power, and belonging.

• The idea behind creating your

archetype is to build a brand narrative
and create an emotional connection with
your target audience.



Competitor Analysis
By Your Name
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Competitor Analysis
• Analyze competitors' visual identities.
• Identify design elements that resonate with your target audience.
• Determine gaps or opportunities for differentiation.

Main Competitors in the Industry
Identifying Competitors
Research and list companies that offer similar
products or services in your industry.

Market Analysis
Understanding the strengths, weaknesses, and market
positions of your main competitors.

Competitor Profiles
Reviewing key details such as market share, customer
base, and business strategies of your main

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Analyzing Visual Identities

Messaging Design Elements Color Schemes

Analyzing the marketing messages Identifying specific design features Examining the color palettes
and brand positioning conveyed used by your competitors, such as employed by competitors and
understanding their psychological
through competitor visual identities. logos, fonts, and imagery. impact on consumers.

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Differentiating Your Brand

Understanding Audience
Maximizing Differentiation Identifying Opportunities Resonance
Developing a distinctive visual identity Finding gaps or unmet needs in the Determine what visual identities
and brand messaging strategy that market that can be addressed and messaging styles resonate with
sets your brand apart from
competitors. through unique branding elements. the target audience.

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Visual Inspiration and Sources
Collecting Visual Inspiration
Gather images, color schemes, fonts, and design
elements from various sources, such as Pinterest and
design websites.

Exploring Design Sources

Look for inspiration from diverse sources, including
nature, art, fashion, and architecture to capture a broad
range of visual ideas.

Compiling Color Palettes

Identify and curate color palettes that align with the
brand's desired look and feel, ensuring a harmonious
visual representation.

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Create a Brand Mood Board
By Your Name
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Create a Mood Board
• Collect visual inspiration, including colors, images, fonts, and design elements.
• Compile a mood board that represents the desired look and feel.
• Use the mood board as a reference for design decisions.

● Pull images, quotes, colors, photographs,
people, and things that inspire you and connect
directly with your brand personality.
● You’ll notice that certain themes will emerge.
● What kinds of photography represent your
brand personality?
● Are the people in photographs you’ve sourced
your ideal customer?
● If not, who do they represent? In clipped quotes
or phrases, are there similarities between the
words used and how they’re written?
“A mood board is a collection of like-minded
design examples, organized and presented to
accomplish a task.”
Like this one here:
Canva -
mood board
Arranging the Mood Board

Balancing Design Elements Creating Cohesive Layout Visual Representation

Ensure a balance of visual elements, Arrange the collected items in a Arrange the elements to reflect a
such as images, typography, and color cohesive manner to visually represent cohesive and visually appealing
schemes, to create an impactful and the brand's identity and desired representation of the brand's identity
engaging mood board. aesthetic. and mood.

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Reflecting the Desired Look and Feel

Highlighting Key Design Elements Conveying Brand Personality Capturing Desired Aesthetic

Emphasize crucial design elements that convey Ensure the mood board reflects the brand's Use the mood board to capture the desired
the desired look and feel, ensuring a cohesive personality, values, and overall identity aesthetic and visual style that resonates
and compelling visual representation. through visual elements and design choices. with the brand's essence and messaging.

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Using the Mood Board
as a Reference
Informed Design Decisions
Refer to the mood board for insight and guidance when
making design decisions, ensuring alignment with the
established brand mood and identity.

Consistency in Branding
Use the mood board as a reference to maintain
consistency across various brand elements, from
digital assets to physical products.

Guiding the Creative Process

Leverage the mood board to guide the creative
process, from ideation to execution, ensuring a
cohesive and on-brand visual outcome.

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Design Decisions Moving Forward

Strategic Branding Decisions Incorporating Visual Language

Inform strategic branding decisions by referring to the Integrate the visual language and design elements
mood board, ensuring consistency and alignment with from the mood board into future brand materials and
the brand's visual language. creative assets.

Enhancing Brand Identity

Use the mood board to enhance the brand's visual
identity through thoughtful design choices and
impactful creative decisions.

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Conclusion: Importance of Mood Boards
Strategic Visual Tool Facilitating Design Alignment

Highlight the importance of Emphasize how mood boards

mood boards as a strategic facilitate design alignment by
visual tool for aligning design providing a visual reference for
decisions with brand identity ensuring consistency and
and aesthetic goals. cohesion across brand
Empowering Creative Direction

Illustrate how mood boards empower creative direction by visually

guiding the design process and reinforcing the brand's visual narrative.

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Define Color Palette
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Choosing Primary and Secondary Colors
Brand Attributes
Select colors that reflect and enhance your brand's
identity and values.

Color Psychology
Consider the psychological impact of colors on
consumer behavior and perception.

Emotional Response
Choose colors that evoke the desired emotional
response in your target audience.

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Psychological Impact of Colors

Emotions Consumer Behavior Color Perception

Colors have the power to evoke Colors can influence how Different colors may be interpreted
specific emotions and moods in consumers perceive and interact differently based on cultural and
individuals. with your brand or product. individual factors.

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Specifying Color Codes (HEX, RGB, PMS)
Color Codes
Provide specific color codes to ensure consistency
across digital platforms and designs.

Digital Design
Digital applications require precise color specifications
to maintain visual integrity.

Visual Consistency
Consistent color representation is essential for brand
recognition and user experience.

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Consistency Across Applications

Brand Recognition Design Consistency

Consistent color usage across applications reinforces Maintaining consistent colors enhances the
brand identity and visual association. professional look and feel of your materials.

Marketing Materials
Uniform color application leads to cohesive and
impactful marketing collateral.

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Typography Selection
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Choosing Fonts for Brand Personality
Complementing Brand Personality
Select fonts that align with the brand's image and
values, ensuring consistency in visual communication.

Suitability for Various Contexts

Consider readability across different platforms and
sizes to ensure the fonts maintain their style and

Reflecting Brand's Style

Choose fonts that express the brand's aesthetic,
whether it's modern, traditional, or innovative.

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Defining Primary and Secondary Fonts

Visual Hierarchy Heading vs. Body Text Consistent Use Cases

Create a balance between the primary Distinguish between primary and Establish clear guidelines for when to
and secondary fonts to guide the secondary fonts for headings and use each font to maintain brand
audience through the content body text to create visual hierarchy consistency across different materials
effectively. and aid readability. and platforms.

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Specifying Font Weights and Styles
Visual Appeal Ensuring Consistency Emphasizing Key Information
Balance font weights and styles to Specify font weights and styles to be Use various font weights and styles to
enhance the overall visual appeal used for different text elements, emphasize important information and
maintaining a cohesive and bring attention to specific elements.
and make the content engaging. professional appearance.

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Readability in Various Contexts
Cross-Platform Readability
Ensure font choices maintain readability across
different platforms, such as websites, printed
materials, and mobile devices.

Optimizing Font Size

Select font sizes that are appropriate for easy reading
across various mediums without compromising
aesthetic appeal.

Device Compatibility
Consider how fonts appear on different devices to
ensure that the chosen fonts are compatible and
maintain readability.

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Ensuring Consistency

Visual Identity Design Guidelines

Use fonts consistently to reinforce the brand's visual Incorporate font specifications into design guidelines
identity and ensure a cohesive and professional to maintain consistency across various brand
appearance. materials and communications.

Brand Recognition
Consistent font usage helps in establishing brand
recognition and creating a memorable visual identity.

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Visual Unity Impression and Clarity

The right typography selection Consistent and suitable
ensures visual unity and typography leaves a lasting
strengthens the brand's overall impression while conveying
visual identity. information with clarity.

Professional Brand Image

User-centered font choices contribute to a professional and trustworthy
brand image, enhancing communication effectiveness.

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Logo Design

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Logo Design

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Understanding the Importance of Logos
Visual Representation
Logos visually represent a company's brand and
identity, making them easily recognizable to

Marketing and Branding

Logos are vital for marketing and branding efforts,
contributing to brand recognition and consumer

Professionalism and Trust

A well-designed logo adds a professional touch to a
business, instilling trust and credibility in the eyes of

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Fundamentals of Effective Logo Design^114296906861^search%20-
%20dsa&experiment_id=^^497047742394^&gclid=CjwKCAiAlJKuBhAdEiwAnZb7lbpnqvH56emmndEnWjap25j8lWwceUCAjdTwSEpXNCBSgxctn_MFARoC08 wQAvD_BwE

Versatility Simplicity Memorability

Versatile logos can be used across Simple logos are easily recognizable Memorable logos are essential for
various mediums and platforms, and memorable, making them brand recognition and recall,
ensuring consistent brand effective in leaving a lasting contributing to the success of a
representation. impression. business.

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Key Elements of a Successful Logo

Symbolism Color Typography

Incorporating meaningful symbolism Color choices in a logo can evoke The right typography enhances brand
in a logo allows for storytelling, specific emotions and convey brand identity and readability, strengthening
connecting with the audience on a personality, playing a crucial role in the overall impact of the logo.
deeper level. brand perception.

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Process of Creating a Compelling Logo
Conceptualization and Sketching
The initial stages involve ideation and sketching to
capture the essence of the brand and its values.

Digital Design and Refinement

The creation moves to digital platforms for refinement
and execution, ensuring precision and scalability.

Iterative Process and Feedback

Iterative steps and feedback loops refine and enhance
the design, culminating in a compelling and effective

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Logo Design Principles and Techniques

Symmetry Proportion

Balanced and symmetrical elements in a logo create Well-proportioned logos ensure coherence and
a sense of harmony and visual appeal. aesthetic appeal, contributing to a well-designed
visual identity.

Negative Space

Incorporating negative space cleverly adds depth to

the logo, allowing for creative interpretations and
subtle storytelling.

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Brand Recognition Consumer Connection

Logos are pivotal for establishing Well-crafted logos emotionally
brand recognition and connect with consumers,
differentiation in crowded fostering brand loyalty and
markets. affinity.

Professionalism and Impact

A well-designed logo reflects professionalism and leaves a strong impact,
contributing to overall brand success. – logo maker

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Imagery Guidelines
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Defining Style and Tone
Brand Attributes Alignment
Defines the style and tone of imagery that aligns with
your brand's attributes.

Style Guidelines Specification

Specifies a clear framework for the visual style and
tone that reflects the brand.

Consistent Tone
Ensures a consistent tone that resonates with the
target audience and supports the brand's values.

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Preferences for Photography or Illustration

Artistic Preferences Photography vs. Illustration Visual Content Selection

Defines the artistic preferences, such Specify preferences for photography Determines the most suitable visual
as color schemes, lighting, and visual or illustration styles to be used in content in line with the brand's visual
elements, for photography or branding and marketing materials. identity and communication
illustration usage. objectives.

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Emotional Impact of Images

Psychological Effect Emotional Conveyance Visual Communication

Explains how images can trigger Considers the emotional impact you Discusses the visual communication
specific psychological effects and want images to convey and aligns and storytelling aspects of images for
influence the audience's perception of them with the brand's messaging and evoking specific emotions and
the brand. customer perception. responses in the audience.

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Consistent Design Elements
Identification of Design Elements
Identify consistent design elements, such as shapes,
patterns, or icons, that reflect the brand's identity.

Reinforcement of Brand Identity

Ensure that these elements reinforce the overall brand
identity and enhance brand recognition.

Usage Guidelines
Provide guidelines on when and how to use these
elements to maintain a cohesive visual brand

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Guidelines for Usage
Clarity on Usage
Provide clear instructions on when and how to use
visual elements, images, and other brand assets
across different channels and materials.

Consistency in Application
Emphasize the importance of consistent application of
visual elements and imagery in all brand-related

Visual Material Integration

Guide on integrating visual materials effectively to
maintain a unified brand representation and

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Key Takeaways Visual Branding Impact

Summarize the main points and Highlight the significant impact of
key takeaways related to the visual branding and imagery on
effective use of imagery in brand perception, recognition, and
strengthening brand identity and emotional connection with the
communication. audience.

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Brand Voice &

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Build a Brand Voice & Tone
Brand Voice & Tone
Duluth Trading Company: Irreverent. Authoritative. Practical.

● Duluth Trading Company specializes in

durable yet appealing clothing for working
people. This is reflected in their branding,
which uses clever copy that clearly explains
the benefits of their products, while standing
out with understated humor.

● This is clear when you visit their website. For

example, take their No Tug Tank Top. It’s a
tank top that’s longer in the back, to avoid
needing to be tugged down when leaning
over (as one might do while gardening).
Apple: Clean. Simple. Confident.
Warm. Welcoming. Helpful.

● Email marketing can be

complicated, but
MailChimp’s voice
reinforces their
platform’s ease of use.
Building a
Brand Tone
voice + style + values
More words…
Only after you have
developed your
brand can you then
think about your
SMM strategy
Create Brand Guidelines
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Document Visual and Design Decisions
Comprehensive Brand Style Guide
Create a detailed document outlining all visual and
design decisions related to the brand's identity and

Logo Usage Specifications

Specify the proper and improper applications of the
brand logo across various platforms and materials.

Color Codes and Typography

Detail the specific color codes and typography to be
used across all brand materials for consistency.

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Specify Logo Usage, Color Codes, Typography, and
Design Elements

Clear Instructions for Brand Examples and

Implementation Design Elements Instructions
Ensure that the guide includes step-by- Provide guidelines for consistent Include real-world examples and
step instructions for implementing the use of design elements such as clear instructions for applying the
brand across various materials. patterns, textures, and shapes. brand's visual identity.

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Provide Examples and Clear Instructions

Feedback and Improvement

System Regular Review and Audit Training Sessions
Establish a structured system for Monitor brand materials and ensure Conduct regular training sessions for
gathering feedback and making they align with the established team members responsible for
continuous improvements based on guidelines through frequent reviews implementing and maintaining the
the feedback received. and audits. brand identity.

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Ensure Consistent Application
Regular Brand Guidelines Reviews
Schedule periodic reviews to assess the relevance and
effectiveness of the brand guidelines in meeting the
brand's goals.

Design Trends and Industry Developments

Stay informed about the latest design trends and
industry developments that may impact the brand's
visual identity.

Adaptations to Stay Current

Make necessary adjustments to the brand's look and
feel to ensure it remains current and resonant with the
target audience.

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Adapt and Evolve Brand Guidelines
Adapting and evolving brand guidelines is crucial in maintaining a relevant and resonant brand identity over
time. Regularly reassessing your brand's guidelines involves staying attuned to shifts in market trends,
consumer preferences, and industry landscapes.

Embrace flexibility within your guidelines to allow for creative interpretations while maintaining core brand
elements. Engage in continuous market research to understand your audience's evolving needs and
preferences, ensuring your brand remains aligned with their expectations.

Periodically review and update visual elements, messaging, and tone to reflect contemporary design
principles and communication styles. Involve key stakeholders in the process, fostering a collaborative
approach that combines internal insights with external market dynamics.

By regularly revisiting and refining your brand guidelines, you can ensure that your brand not only remains
consistent but also stays dynamic, adaptive, and resonant in the ever-evolving business environment.

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Assignment Review
Pick a Product You
Will Use to
Market in This
Class & Build a
● Marketing plan product
● Product from any of your
advertising projects
● Restaurant
● Tee-shirts
● Bags
● Pens SMM tab, class websites
● Something tangible you want to
sell online Go to Gmail and open up a new gmail address.
● Keep it simple Begin with Last name, first name,
Build a Simple Website

● (My favorite)

● (class favorite) –
● (Citycollegexxx)
● (shopping favorite)

○ Pick a theme

○ - design a logo

● Three Tabs:
○ Home (landing page)
○ About (brand story)
○ Blog

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