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Are you struggling to come up with a compelling research paper topic on homeland security?

a thesis on this subject can be a daunting task, requiring extensive research, critical analysis, and a
deep understanding of complex issues. With so many potential topics to explore, it's easy to feel
overwhelmed and unsure of where to start.

From cybersecurity threats to counterterrorism strategies, there are countless areas within the realm
of homeland security that warrant investigation. However, identifying a unique and relevant research
topic that will captivate your audience and contribute to the existing body of knowledge can be

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Disaster of any type will have an identity of its own and it will affect the people in different ways.
For decades, national and international terrorist groups have attacked the homeland of America to
disrupt its internal interests and facilities. We are living in a modern era and an age of technology.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. It became a
challenging process for tourists, visitors coming for business purpose and students to procure
temporary visas. This division would set policies for state and local governments and conduct
exercises and drills for emergency response team planning. It also involves the projection of the
geographical scope of the damages it could possibly inflict. Issuu turns PDFs and other files into
interactive flipbooks and engaging content for every channel. As a result, the government formed the
Department of Homeland Security, which became operational on 24th January 2003. Homeland
Security When George Bush became the president of America in January 2001, terrorism was not a
matter of priority in his administrative agenda. During the scanning period at the entry points, it
checks for terrorist information about the passengers from the FBI terrorism database. Other than all
the five steps, CNCI also finds it equally important to keep the internal technology updated and also
a team of trained and educated personnel should always be alert to tackle any kind of sudden crisis
(Cyber Security: Key to Homeland Security, 2002, p.10). U.S Customs and Border protection This
law enforcement agency of the department of homeland security provides effective security to the
international borders of America which includes air, water and land borders. This phobia was not
only limited to the US but also across many other countries. Barbie - Brand Strategy Presentation
Barbie - Brand Strategy Presentation Good Stuff Happens in 1:1 Meetings: Why you need them and
how to do them well Good Stuff Happens in 1:1 Meetings: Why you need them and how to do them
well Introduction to C Programming Language Introduction to C Programming Language Homeland
Security Technology and Ethical Issues- 1. Braun, E. (1998). Technology in context: Technology
assessment for managers. This created agitation among universities and business groups. The
initiative failed due to politics and other shortcomings. 9. One hundred percent cargo screening has
failed. The lowering of the advisory level followed a careful evaluation of the security situation in
the country backed by intelligence reports as noted by the Department of Homeland Security (par.
The organization was founded by the leader Osama-Bin-Laden somewhere between 1988 and 1989.
Therefore, aviation security is increasingly important in order to protect the country and its citizens
from such attacks. In the spiritual world there exists a threat also, but protection is also available. On
the flip side it also unleashed the horrors of the hurricane and created a deep psychological impact
on people. They also reduced from 2500 services provided to 600 through DHS. Through these
procedures, the police have established intelligence network that is able to detect crime and try to
prevent the felony before it occurs (Oliver, 2006). Insider Threats Cyber Criminals Terrorists, DTOs,
etc. Long-term effects Hurricane Katrina had left thousands of people homeless and it caused
immense damage to the economy. The Department of Homeland Security can be regarded as one of
the executive departments, under title 5 of the United States code. Homeland Security. (February 3,
2015). DHS Digital Strategy. The country has also experienced an increase in the gross domestic
product and the increasing levels in the national income, which has generally improved the standards
of living of all the American citizens. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
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All the aircrafts contained huge gallons of fuel, so when they crashed against the buildings the
impact was equivalent to bomb explosion. It is critical that the department shares intelligence with all
agencies so everyone can do their part to help stop terrorists. For all open access content, the
Creative Commons licensing terms apply. According to a presidential address in 2002, the
Department of Homeland Security had four goals that became the responsibility of four of its
divisions accordingly. According to the research findings, DHS was established under the Homeland
security Act 2002, and thus, plays its part in combating security threats in the country. The network is
anchored by “fusion centers,” novel sites of intergovernmental collaboration that generate and share
intelligence and information. This document delves into the specifics of how financing can be cut off
or at least addressed to some extent, enough to bottle up terrorist movements which of course
require money. Sometimes goods that were delivered were found short of the requirement. Having a
good record of the past history gives good base to develop prediction models and plan ahead to
mitigate the risks. The Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the American people demands
that all states in America should protect all the rights of the American citizens, including the right to
being alone. Nevertheless, the Americans in those days were unable to match the superiority of the
English. This clearly indicates that United States is still under the scanner of terrorists, this was
evident when during the Mumbai attack terrorists were specific about killing more Americaans,
Israelis, Jews and Indians. Kennedy suggests that parents should not allow children to watch
disastrous event on TV, or parental guidance is needed when watching the news in order to provide
answers to most likely questions. The article has one limitation in that it does not categorically state
the limitations inherent in technology in its application to homeland security. Thus, according to
authorities with federal Substances Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the enormity
of the disaster and long time in recovery had created a sense of hopelessness for some people
(Carley 2006). The external threats with reference to the recent Sony Pictures can be reckoned as the
infrastructure and the web application problem. The strengths are inherent in the article making it an
important addition to the literature in the research include that it is published in a peer-reviewed
journal depicting credibility. The Border protection agency has several responsibilities which it needs
to fulfill in order to ensure full protection of the borders. Opposition to the facility claim because of
the weak seismic area and weather disasters that it could be risky. There lays the presence of certain
international responsibilities in the domain of defending or caring the infrastructure. Since September
11th there has been a lot of legislation and commissions designed to protect the country at the
expense of the Bill of Rights. The benefit of the technology to Homeland Security is that it produces
radiographic images of the vehicles and containers in less than a minute allowing for fast screening
and avoidance of congestion in ports without compromising security. Moreover, the book will
provide insights and support from practitioners and. On the surface the organization’s structure and
responsibilities seem to satisfy the requirements to achieve the mission of this department. According
to Heyes hazards include flooding, dam failure, earthquakes and tornadoes. (Heyes, 2012). Sign up
for email notifications and we'll let you know about new publications in your areas of interest when
they're released. Their influence was one reason that Pakistan always was friendly to United States,
but with the recent tales, it is clearer that Pakistan had been very clever in obtaining the money from
United States for the purpose of war on Terror and using that money for aiding Al Qaeda to fight
against the US forces. Those who develop PTSD often have recurring thoughts about the incident
and the person feels numb emotionally (What is PTSD, n.d). In case of Hurricane Katrina victims
PTSD symptoms have been found even two years after the incident (Anderson, 2007). Peter Burgess
Download Free PDF View PDF ClimaSec Working Paper 7 (March 2014):Counter Securitization or
Slippery Slope. Before 25 November 2002, many criminals went unpunished as police and other
security agents found it difficult to trace suspects of different crimes.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
Finding the balance between terrorism and other threats to national security was alway the major
challenge. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, United States Department of Energy. The
EMAP has 14 program areas that coordinate to ensure smooth flow of activities. In recent times,
more usage of computers and social media has certainly gauged cyber threats, which can be reduced
by the correction of technical system as well as improving the structure of cyber security. The articles
will aid in the formation of a strong conclusion on the impacts of technology on Homeland Security.
Schmidt, Michael,S. 13 March 2012. New York Times. New Interest. The Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) is a cabinet department established following the September 11 terrorist to protect
the U. The department procedures like the collection of biographic information at the entry points of
the borders, airport and seaports followed by close monitoring of individuals activity in the country
limits ones privacy. The Act gave the Department of Homeland Security new tools to detect and
neutralize terrorism threats facing the country. Log in to discover great new content for your courses
now. The next section describes some of the issues, events and factors that have influenced the
notion of homeland security over the past 200 years. Gerstein, Homeland Security National Risk
Characterization: Risk Assessment Methodology, RAND Corporation, RR-2140-DHS, 2018.
Permission is required from RAND to reproduce, or reuse in another form, any of its research
documents for commercial purposes. The article states the importance of science and technology in
protecting the homeland both from catastrophic events and terrorism. People who were in the World
Trade Centre and the Pentagon were caught unawares by the attack and so many lost their lives to
the deadly act. Walker, David M. 06 February 2007. United States Government. The novel idea of
homeland security to combat the challenges faced by the US in appreciable. (Media Resources, 2006)
How ever, the working needs to be more focused and most importantly coordination is an aspect that
needs to be dealt in great detail. Be conscious upon seeing someone having too many weaponry,
ammunition and explosives, enough to put down an army, or to topple down building or a
community area. The external threats can be occurred due to technological problems persist in
cyberspace, problems in networks and also the presence of viruses in the same (Swan 1-18). The Air
Force created a Bio-Defense Task Force “chartered to identify biological warfare threats and defense
capabilities and shortfalls. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. The Information analysis and Infrastructure protection directorate takes the responsibility of
analyzing the Intelligence and Information from agencies like CIA, FBI and NSA. The highly
demanded expert, one of our top-30 writers with the highest rate among the customers. The
emergency preparedness and response directorate will coordinate the Government disaster response.
(White house website)This also takes care of the disaster preparedness training. Only the massive and
destructive nature of the September 11 attacks in 2001 managed to shake the US Federal government
out of its torpor to make terrorism a major issue in public, political and media agendas. July 26, Dear
Mom and Dad I have just gone through the syllabus of Homeland security degree program on Global
Security and Intelligence Servicesor GSIS of ERAU Prescott. The term “estimate,” that AAAS uses
is the agency estimate of appropriations and allocations that will be used. The basic agenda outlined
by the government are Defeat Terrorism Worldwide, Prevent Nuclear Terrorism, Strengthen American
Biosecurity, Protect Our Information Networks, Improve Intelligence Capacity and Protect Civil
Liberties, Protect Americans from Terrorist Attacks and Natural Disasters, Modernize America's
Aging Infrastructure, and Protect Critical Infrastructure1. With the Mumbai blasts, it became clear
that Pakistan is the breeding ground of terrorists, therefore the department need to come up with
plans to bring Pakistan to get its actions right.

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