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 Description: Retrieves information about cmdlets and their parameters.

 Example: Get-Help Get-Process

2. Get-Command:

 Description: Retrieves all commands matching the specified criteria.

 Example: Get-Command -Name *process*

3. Get-Process:

 Description: Gets the processes that are running on the local or a remote computer.

 Example: Get-Process

4. Get-Service:

 Description: Gets the status of services on a local or remote computer.

 Example: Get-Service

5. Get-EventLog:

 Description: Gets the events in the event log on a local or remote computer.

 Example: Get-EventLog -LogName Application

6. Get-Item:

 Description: Gets the item at the specified location.

 Example: Get-Item C:\Windows

7. Get-ChildItem:

 Description: Gets the items and child items in one or more specified locations.

 Example: Get-ChildItem C:\

8. Set-ExecutionPolicy:

 Description: Sets the user preference for the PowerShell script execution policy.

 Example: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

9. New-Item:

 Description: Creates a new item at a specified location.

 Example: New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path C:\NewFolder

10. Copy-Item:

 Description: Copies an item from one location to another.

 Example: Copy-Item -Path C:\File.txt -Destination D:\Backup

11. Move-Item:
 Description: Moves an item from one location to another.

 Example: Move-Item -Path C:\File.txt -Destination D:\Archive

12. Remove-Item:

 Description: Deletes an item.

 Example: Remove-Item -Path C:\OldFile.txt

13. Get-Content:

 Description: Gets the content of a file.

 Example: Get-Content -Path C:\Example.txt

14. Set-Content:

 Description: Writes new content to a file.

 Example: Set-Content -Path C:\Example.txt -Value "Hello, World!"

15. Select-Object:

 Description: Selects specific properties of an object.

 Example: Get-Process | Select-Object Name, CPU, Handles

16. Where-Object:

 Description: Filters objects based on specified criteria.

 Example: Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.CPU -gt 50 }

17. ForEach-Object:

 Description: Performs an operation on each item in a collection.

 Example: Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }

18. Invoke-Command:

 Description: Runs commands on local and remote computers.

 Example: Invoke-Command -ComputerName Server01 -ScriptBlock { Get-Process }

19. Get-Variable:

 Description: Gets the values of variables in the current session.

 Example: Get-Variable

20. Write-Output:

 Description: Sends output to the console.

 Example: Write-Output "Hello, PowerShell!"

Data Types

1. String:

 Description: A sequence of characters. It is used to represent textual data.

 Example: "Hello, World!"

2. Integer:

 Description: A whole number without a decimal point.

 Example: 42

3. Float/Double:

 Description: A number with a decimal point.

 Example: 3.14

4. Boolean:

 Description: Represents true or false values.

 Example: $true or $false

5. Array:

 Description: An ordered collection of values. Elements can be of different data


 Example: @("Apple", "Banana", "Orange")

6. Hash Table:

 Description: A collection of key-value pairs. Each value is associated with a unique


 Example: @{ "Name" = "John"; "Age" = 25 }

7. DateTime:

 Description: Represents a date and time.

 Example: Get-Date

8. Null:

 Description: Represents the absence of a value.

 Example: $null

9. Object:

 Description: An instance of a class or a custom data structure.

 Example: $object = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = "Alice"; Age = 30 }

10. Cmdlet:
 Description: A special type representing PowerShell commands.

 Example: Get-Process

11. ScriptBlock:

 Description: A block of code that can be executed.

 Example: { Write-Host "Hello, ScriptBlock!" }

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