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Reaching the Lost; Teaching the Saved.


The Praise REPORT

Do you not know that . . . you are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:19
There is no such thing as a private life, or a place to hide in this world, for a man or woman who is intimately aware of and shares in the sufferings of Jesus Christ. God divides the private life of His saints and makes it a highway for the world on one hand and for Himself on the other. No human being can stand that unless he is identified with Jesus Christ. We are not sanctified for ourselves. We are called into intimacy with the gospel, and things happen that appear to have nothing to do with us. But God is getting us into fellowship with Himself. Let Him have His way. If you refuse, you will be of no value to God in His redemptive work in the world, but will be a hindrance and a stumbling block. The first thing God does is get us grounded on strong reality and truth. He does this until our cares for ourselves individually have been brought into submission to His way for the purpose of His redemption. Why shouldnt we experience heartbreak? Through those doorways God is opening up ways of fellowship with His Son. Most of us collapse at the first grip of pain. We sit down at the door of Gods purpose and enter a slow death through self-pity. And all the socalled Christian sympathy of others helps us to our deathbed. But God will not. He comes with the grip of the pierced hand of His Son, as if to say, Enter into fellowship with Me; arise and shine. If God can accomplish His purposes in this world through a broken heart, then why not thank Him for breaking yours?
Excerpt from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers


Telephone 352.429.8813 5910 Bible Camp Road, Groveland, FL 34736

Reaching the Lost; Teaching the Saved

Whats Happening
Women of Praise/Empowered Men The date of this months services has been changed to Thursday, November 17th @ 07:00 PM. The youth will provide child care during the meetings.

Office Closures The church, school, and daycare offices will be closed on Monday, November 7th (Christian Educators Convention), Friday, November 11th (Veterans Day), and November 23-25 (Thanksgiving Break).

THANK YOU to Everyone who helped with our Annual Fall Fest. It was the biggest and best one yet and we could not have done any of it without you!

Welcome! We are pleased to welcome the Martineks Larry, Lisa, Russell, and Anna to the Praise Temple family. Russell & Anna are attending Praise Temple Christian Academy. We know that the Martineks will be a wonderful asset to the ministry at our church.

Mission Project
This is our last month to gather school supplies for the children of Haiti. We will be sending them with the Garlock family in December.

Thanks, Men!
We appreciate all of the men who helped with the second Mens Work There will be NO Family Training Hour on Wednesday, November 23rd. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends. See you on Sunday, November 27th! Day last month. They got many things accomplished in only a few hours. We are grateful for Godly men who are willing to sacrifice of their own time for the furtherance of the Gospel. Thanks again, guys!



Super Sundae Sunday The Kids of Praise have been working very hard to earn their Super Sundae and they have succeeded! On November 13th, the children (ages 5-9) will be having a 6 foot banana split after church. Your child will not want to miss it!

Youth Cook Out / Football To enjoy the fabulous Fall weather everyone ages 10-19 is invited to a cookout on Wednesday, November 3rd at 06:00 PM. They will be roasting hot dogs & making smores over a campfire. A game of football will follow.

Youth & Childrens News

Legoland Trip The students from Praise Temple Christian Academy and Praise Kids Learning Center will be going on their field trip to Legoland on Thursday, November 3rd. They are looking

Youth Fundraiser Dinner After morning worship on Sunday,

forward to a fun-filled day! Nursery Schedule November 6 Dianne Ledford November 13 Gina Tash November 20 Rhonda Cook November 27 Gina Tash

November 20th, the youth group will be hosting a chicken and rice dinner. Meals are $5.00 each. The church body has been so supportive of our young people thank you for your generosity!

Reaching the Lost; Teaching the Saved

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