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Filipino architecture is a reflection of the historical and cultural traditions of the

Philippines. It is a unique blend of indigenous, colonial, and modern influences,

resulting in a rich and diverse built environment.

Historically, Filipino architecture was influenced by Austronesian and American

cu ltu res. D u rin g th e S p an ish co lo n ial p erio d , relig io u s o rd ers b u ilt g ran d ch u rch es

an d cath ed rals, an d th e trad itio n al F ilip in o B ah ay n a b ató sty le fo r larg e h o u ses

em erg ed . T h is sty le co m b in ed F ilip in o , S p an ish , an d C h in ese elem en ts an d w as

ch aracterized b y larg e w o o d en h o u ses b u ilt o n sto n e fo u n d atio n s.

After the Philippines was ceded to the United States in 1898, the architecture of the

country was heavily influenced by American aesthetics. Many neoclassical and art

deco buildings were constructed during this period, including the modern City of


During World War II, large portions of Intramuros and Manila were destroyed, and

m an y h eritag e stru ctu res in th e p ro v in ces w ere b u rn ed d o w n . In th e reco n stru ctio n

period after the war, many of the destroyed buildings were rebuilt, but a majority of

h eritag e stru ctu res w ere lo st.

In the late 20th century, modern architecture with straight lines and functional

asp ects b ecam e p ro m in en t, p articu larly in th e B ru talist arch itectu re o f th e M arco s

period. However, many older structures fell into decay due to neglect and the

im p o sitio n o f m artial law .

After the return of democracy in 1986, a new age of Philippine architecture emerged

th ro u g h m o d ern ism . In recen t y ears, th ere h as b een a rev iv al o f th e resp ect fo r

trad itio n al F ilip in o elem en ts in th e arch itectu re.

In ad d itio n to th e b u ilt en v iro n m en t, F ilip in o arch itectu re is also reflected in th e rice

terraces o f th e C o rd illera reg io n an d in th e m ilitary fo rtificatio n s o f th e early

F ilip in o s. T h e rice terraces illu strate th e ab ility o f h u m an cu ltu re to ad ap t to n ew

so cial an d clim ate p ressu res, an d th ey ep ito m ize a h arm o n io u s relatio n sh ip b etw een

h u m an s an d th e en v iro n m en t.

Military fortifications were built by the early Filipinos for defense purposes and

were made of stone and wood. These structures were usually surrounded by trench

networks and were used to protect the interests of the local lord.

D u rin g th e co lo n izatio n o f th e P h ilip p in es, th e S p an ish b u ilt fo rts to assert p o litical

co n tro l in th e islan d s. T h ese fo rts w ere m ad e alm o st en tirely o f sto n e an d w ere u sed

to d efen d ag ain st fo reig n attack s.

Today, there are efforts to establish a national architectural policy that would

mandate all constructions and reconstructions within a given territory to be inclined

w ith th e area's arch itectu ral an d lan d scap in g sty les. S u ch p o licies h av e b een u sed in

o th er co u n tries to p reserv e arch itectu ral m arv els an d en tire cities fo r h u n d red s o f

y ears.

In su m m ary , F ilip in o arch itectu re is a b len d o f in d ig en o u s, co lo n ial, an d m o d ern

in flu en ces, an d it reflects th e co u n try 's rich an d d iv erse cu ltu ral h eritag e. F ro m th e
grand churches and cathedrals of the Spanish colonial period to the modern

structures of the 21st century, Filipino architecture is a testament to the country's

unique cultural identity.

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