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240 • ye et al.

lesions with the lesion at L2 lamina causing posterior

compression of the conus medullaris (Fig. 4). Signs
and symptoms of cauda equina syndrome were absent.
CT scans and bone scan revealed extensive bone
metastases including the right sided ninth rib, multiple
vertebrae, proximal left humerus, and left iliac wing.
Patient received palliative radiation therapy to the L2
spine lesion and was started on systemic chemother-
apy with paclitaxel.
Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast is a rare
malignancy with the incidence of less than 0.1% of all
breast neoplasms. Immunohistochemistry is usually
negative for ER, PR, and HER2. It is reported to have
a very indolent course with excellent survival even in
patients with metastatic disease. Treatment strategies
have not been well studied given the rarity of this
tumor type. Despite its favorable prognosis, it is
intriguing how in this patient her disease progressed
Figure 4. MRI of the lumbar spine showing multiple osseous
so rapidly, experiencing risk of severe complications
metastatic lesions (white arrow). One such lesion (black arrow) such as nerve compression.
seen at the L2 lamina causing posterior compression of the conus
ER, PR, and HER2 (Fig. 3). Patient was complaining
of worsening low back pain for 2 months. MRI of the VM and JPL declare no competing interests.
entire spine showed multiple osseous metastatic

Thyroid Nodule of the Breast

Mei-Na Ye, MD,* Wei-Hong Zhang, MS,* Yong-Xi Yuan, BS,* Xiao-Yun
Zhang, BS,† and Hong-Feng Chen, MD*
*Department of Breast Surgery, Longhua Hospital, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medi-
cine, Shanghai, China; †Department of Pathology, Longhua Hospital, Shanghai University of Tradi-
tional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai, China

A 19-year-old girl presented with a nearly 3-year

old history of breast lump. She had endoscopic
thyroidectomy using a breast approach to remove a
cated thyroid adenoma with cystic degeneration
(Fig. 1). The drainage tube was removed from the
patient 2 days after the surgery. But 3 months later,
mass in the left thyroid in July of 2010. Pathologic the patient felt a lump in the right breast at the loca-
report of the excised specimen from the patient indi- tion where the original drainage tube was placed. On
October 13, 2010, the patient had breast MRI exami-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Hongfeng Chen, MD,
nation which showed a space occupying lesion in the
Department of Breast Surgery, Longhua Hospital, Shanghai University of upper inner quadrant of the right breast. The lesion
Traditional Chinese Medicine, 725 South Wanping Road, Xuhui district,
Shanghai, China, or e-mail:
was categorized in Breast Imaging—Reporting and
Data System (BI-RADS) 4–5 (suspicious to highly sug-
DOI: 10.1111/tbj.12557
gestive of malignancy), surgical removal of the lesion
© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 1075-122X/16
The Breast Journal, Volume 22 Number 2, 2016 240–243 was recommended (Fig. 2). The patient chose not to
Thyroid Nodule in Breast • 241

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Figure 1. In 2010, the endoscopic thyroid operation resection of

the pathologic specimens. (a) Hematoxylin–eosin stained section
of excised thyroid tissue. Parts of abnormal cell, nuclear crowding,
overlapping, part of the core with ground-glass attenuation (magni-
fication 9400). (b) Thyroid tissue showed negative reaction for
Cytokeratin 19 in the immunohistochemical analysis (magnification
9400). (c) Thyroid tissue showed positive reaction for Galectin-3 in
the immunohistochemical analysis (Galectin-3 staining, magnifica-
tion 9400). (d) Thyroid tissue showed positive reaction for thyroid-
peroxidasein (TPO) in the immunohistochemical analysis (TPO
Figure 3. (a) B-mode sonography shows a space-occupying
staining, magnification 9400). (e) Thyroid tissue showed positive/
lesion in gland. (b) The lesion with rich blood supply.
negative reaction for human bone marrow endothelial cell-1
(HBME-1) in the immunohistochemical analysis (HBME-1 staining,
magnification 9400).

Figure 2. An MRI scan showed a space-occupying lesion in right Figure 4. Pathology specimen showing a mass with tough texture,
breast upper inner quadrant (arrow). unclear boundary, and no obvious capsule.
242 • ye et al.

have surgery, instead opted to have herbal therapy for Pathologic report of the specimen from the excised
3 months. lump indicated the presence of follicle-like structures
In May, 2013, the patient felt that the mass in the in the specimen, accompanied by atypical nodular
right breast increased obviously. B-type ultrasound hyperplasia. Combined with the clinical history of the
examination showed a nonhomogeneous mass with patient, thyroid disease was suspected. Follicular vari-
rich blood supply in the right breast (Fig. 3). The ant of papillary thyroid carcinoma was not ruled out.
patient underwent right breast tumor resection on Based on the pathology report, further extensive oper-
May 28, 2013. During surgery, we found a lump in ation was performed in which both the endoscopic
the upper inner quadrant of the right breast, about thyroid operation scar and the lump surface skin were
3.5 cm 9 2.5 cm 9 2.0 cm in size, with tough tex- excised. We further resected up to 2 cm of normal tis-
ture, unclear boundary, and rich blood supply (Fig. 4). sue surrounding the lump, along with the removal of
No capsule was noticed around the lump. tissue surrounding the original drainage incision.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h)

Figure 5. Hematoxylin–eosin stained section of excised lump in mammary gland. (a) Parts of abnormal cell, nuclear crowding, overlapping,
part of the core with ground-glass attenuation (magnification 9400). (b) The lump tissue showed negative reaction for Cytokeratin 19 in the
immunohistochemical analysis (magnification 9400). (c) The lump tissue showed positive reaction for Galectin-3 in the immunohistochemi-
cal analysis (Galectin-3 staining, magnification 9400). (d) The lump tissue showed positive reaction for thyroidperoxidasein (TPO) in the
immunohistochemical analysis (TPO staining, magnification 9400). (e) The lump tissue showed positive/negative reaction for human bone
marrow endothelial cell-1 (HBME-1) in the immunohistochemical analysis (HBME-1 staining, magnification 9400). (f) The lump tissue
showed negative reaction for Ki67 in the immunohistochemical analysis (magnification 9400). (g) The lump tissue showed positive reaction
for colloid, but negative reaction for Thyroglobulin (TG) in the immunohistochemical analysis (magnification 9400). (h) The lump tissue
showed positive reaction for Thyroid Transcription Factor 1 in the immunohistochemical analysis (TTF-1) (TTF-1 staining, magnification
Thyroid Nodule in Breast • 243

Pathologic report of the tissue specimen indicated the tions, but surgeons wasn’t really pay attention to it.
presence of follicular tissue at the drainage incision Just like which we observed in this patient, thyroid
site and the inner canal. Thyroid nodular hyperplasia endoscopic operation resulted in the grafting of thy-
was observed in fiber and fatty tissue of the lesion site, roid cells at the drainage incision site of the breast.
along with the discovery of some cells with irregular This case gave us deeply concerned about the safety of
shape and dense nuclei or overlapping nuclei or endoscopic thyroidectomy.
nuclear clearing. Tissue from the lesion site stained In this case, cell morphology showed that the cells
positive for Galectin-3, TPO, and TTF-1 (Fig. 5). had malignant tendency, but the results of immunohis-
Since the first complete endoscopic right thyroid tochemistry showed that the evidence for the diagnosis
lobectomy was reported in 1997, endoscopic thy- of malignancy was insufficient. It suggests that thyroid
roidectomy has been progressively accepted by sur- lesions can survive and proliferate in non-thyroid
geons and patients extensive worldwide. For the better organs such as breast. The girl was not the first, nor the
cosmetic effect, the minimally invasive thyroidectomy last one of ectopic thyroid tumors planted due to endo-
was welcomed by the majority of patients. The indica- scopic thyroidectomy. We appeal surgeons should pay
tion for endoscopic thyroidectomy is commonly not attention to this phenomenon and set stricter indica-
only the management of benign thyroid nodules but tions. After all, for patients, health is the first one, surgi-
also malignant thyroid conditions. Size of the tumor cal safety is more important than the scars on the neck.
which was removed by endoscopic thyroidectomy also
became bigger and bigger.
Compared with the traditional thyroidectomy, We thank Dr. Chuanwei Yang from MD Anderson
endoscopic thyroidectomy means more difficult learn- Cancer Center in the US for his review and valuable
ing curve, longer operating time and more complica- comments of the manuscript.

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