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Writing a thesis is a daunting task that requires extensive research, critical thinking, and excellent

writing skills. It is a complex process that can be overwhelming for many students. However, with
the right guidance and support, it is possible to write an outstanding thesis that will impress your
professors and earn you a high grade.

One of the most challenging aspects of writing a thesis is choosing a topic. It is important to select a
topic that is relevant, interesting, and has enough research material available. This can be a difficult
task, especially if you are not familiar with the subject matter. However, there are many resources
available to help you choose a topic, including online databases, academic journals, and books.

Once you have chosen a topic, the next step is to conduct thorough research. This involves reading
and analyzing a wide range of sources, including books, articles, and academic papers. It is important
to critically evaluate each source and consider how it relates to your topic. This can be a time-
consuming process, but it is essential for developing a well-informed and well-argued thesis.

After conducting research, the next step is to organize your thoughts and ideas. This involves
creating an outline and structuring your thesis in a logical and coherent manner. It is important to
clearly state your thesis statement and provide evidence to support your arguments. This can be a
challenging task, but it is essential for writing a successful thesis.

Finally, once you have written your thesis, it is important to revise and edit it carefully. This involves
checking for grammar and spelling errors, as well as ensuring that your arguments are clear and well-
supported. It is also important to consider the overall structure and organization of your thesis. This
can be a time-consuming process, but it is essential for producing a high-quality thesis.

In conclusion, writing a thesis is a difficult and time-consuming process. However, with the right
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Habits develop gradually and this offers another argument against the Legalization of Marijuana.
The reduced black market sales of marijuana would ensure that the health of the population is safe
and that the sales of substandard marijuana do not prevail in the country that may present an adverse
effect on the population health. In order to determine the power of the federal government about
limiting the passage of medical marijuana laws by states, it has been observed that the federal
government considers certain important aspects. Trebach, 1993 So, in the light of this argument
people have the right to decide that whether they should make a use of Marijuana or not. Those who
stand in opposition to the Legalization of Marijuana do so based upon various reasons. The other
decisive reason for the federal government to limit the passage of medical marijuana laws that are
introduced by different states is the factor of trust. As for the use of tobacco, people get clinically
dependent due to illnesses like effects of tobacco to the lungs. Apart from legally regulating, the
federal government has also been noted to strongly restrict the use of listed chemicals along with
controlling substances by adopting as well as implementing effective policies or guiding principles.
Retrieved on 23 June 2012 from World Health Organization (n.d.). Management of Substance
Abuse. The federal law strongly possesses the viewpoint that the substance i.e. marijuana is
extremely addictive and most importantly does not bear any medicinal value. However, hemp also
has many environmental advantages compared to other natural resources as its cellulose can be used
as fuel which would be of great help to the economy. The link between cannabis use and PTSD
diagnosis has recently been the subject of researches by social scientists. Its availability for medical
use, personal cultivation is allowed along with personal possession of cannabis. It has been
apparently observed in this context that California has been a foremost leader in adopting marijuana
legally3.Before the year 1996, California prohibited the sale as well as the possession of marijuana
but the state once again started to endorse in making limited drug usage for medical reasons only
with the commencement of the aforementioned Act. Therefore, prohibiting it intrudes on personal
freedom. With regard to analyze the legal issue concerning whether California’s current medical
marijuana program violates federal law, it has been apparently observed that federal law forbids the
production, allocation as well as possession of marijuana by a significant level. Some studies have
shown that marijuana use can lead to negative side effects such as impaired memory and judgment,
and may increase the risk of mental health problems. Additionally, marijuana is often used in
conjunction with other drugs, which can increase the risk of negative side effects and potentially
lead to addiction. Cannabis, until now, has been classified as a Class B drug, carrying a sentence of
up to five years for possession and fifteen years for trafficking. With this in mind, the discussion of
ganja reform as a platform for progressive social transformation needs to take center stage going
forward. For this particular reason, the enforcement officials belonging to federal law possess the
legal right to raid the providers of medicinal marijuana. This tax payer money can be used in
improving the economy or by improving citizens’ net earnings, for example, increasing teacher’s
salary. Michael and Renee (2003) attribute the widespread popularity of marijuana in the 1920s to the
prohibitive laws established during the Prohibition Era. For these reasons, they will opt to sell to any
one willing to buy making this easily accessible to young people to buy (Caulkins, 2012). This can be
seen where marijuana can not impair an individual’s ability to drive as much as alcohol which has
been legalized. Smoking dried leaves and flowering tops of the pistillate hemp plant initiates the
intoxication effect. My hope is that the DEA reschedules marijuana to either a Schedule 2 or
Schedule 3 substance, so that marijuana will be allowed for medical use in all states. It is by far the
least harmful and most beneficial of the declared illegal substances. Studies at the genetic level have
revealed that cannabis can be a major risk factor in the development of respiratory cancers and
reports have suggested that extreme cannabis users have a greater incidence of gastrointestinal
cancers, although cannabis smokers also are more likely to use other substances which increase the
risk of developing these types of cancers, such as tobacco for the former and alcohol for the latter.
The essay will then go on to discuss the perceptions and opinions of the general public regarding the
use of cannabis in a recreational sense and as a treatment for pain relief in many medical conditions.
Critics of the illicit use of cannabis argue that cannabis has already been widely used in the United
States and elsewhere in the world and causes no more deaths than other pharmaceutical products.
We’ll occasionally send you promo and account related email. The aim of this paper is to discuss the
impact of cannabis on social policy, as well as its history, effects, prevalence of usage and treatment
options. This is a great example of profound research work. After signing up, you would need to
import your existing references from Word or Bib file to SciSpace. This is owing to the reason that
the federal government treats marijuana similar to other illegal as well as dangerous substances such
as cocaine and holds a supposition that it does not possess a medicinal value. Also, other people
argue in terms of comparing marijuana with other legal drugs which are even more harmful. Thus, on
the basis of the above discussion, it can be stated that it is the enforcement officials associated with
federal law who possess the legal right to raid especially the providers of medicinal marijuana. Thesis
Statement For Legalization Of Marijuana Free Essays 2019-02-04. The Legalization of Marijuana
can enhance the growth of the United States during the time of economic struggle. The
infrastructure and business is relatively new to the world, but the medicinal qualities of cannabis
have been used for centuries dating back to its use in traditional Chinese medicine as far back as the
first century AD (Parker 2017). In order to determine another issue concerning the role of federal
government in limiting the passage of medical marijuana laws by the states, it has been viewed that
the federal government holds a legitimate power by which the government can take significant steps
against the prevalence of any laws linked with medical marijuana. It is the most regularly used illegal
drug and thus is considered as being one of the most popular recreational drug in United States. This
is a great example of profound research work. Marijuana use should be legal since people have the
liberty to make informed choices. The table below indicates the level of access a journal has as per
Sherpa Romeo's archiving policy. Therefore, prohibiting it intrudes on personal freedom. Statistics
from the CDC show that those who take Rx opioid painkillers are forty times more likely to be
addicted to heroin, as opposed to just three times more likely with marijuana use. It, therefore, turns
out to be advisable to legalize the marijuana industry to avoid the related effects of illegal marijuana
sale on the economy. Mental health; Accounting; Social psychology; Since your thesis will be the
main part of your final grade. The drug’s penetration into modern civilization was widely as a result
of trade among nations and individuals, as well as exploration. Legalizing marijuana would also
reduce the occurrence of drug wars which normally spills over the border of Mexico since the
dealings related to marijuana would be regulated. Despite these potential risks, the potential benefits
of marijuana for the treatment of medical conditions should not be overlooked. There are various
health risks associated with the use of this drug. However, there are arguments against legalizing
marijuana in that this will increase the rate of crime which makes this a danger to public. It is widely
accepted that cannabis can also make worse psychological disorders that are already present in the
individuals concerned. In order to determine the power of the federal government about limiting the
passage of medical marijuana laws by states, it has been observed that the federal government
considers certain important aspects. Frivolous incarcerations for marijuana possession and use not
only put increasing pressure on prisons and community jails, but also use up precious resources that
could otherwise be diverted to other, more useful, areas of public spending. As long as you do this,
come up with an interesting topic idea, and write a well formatted and well written paper, you are
going to impress your instructor with your knowledge. From this point of view, cocaine would also
have been legalized long before marijuana, if medical justification could be used to legalize marijuana
because its numbing effect is greater. The main issues associated with the Legalization of Marijuana
include but are not limited to increase in the consumption of marijuana, health issues, increased the
cost of healthcare, lost productivity, and cultivation of unhealthy culture in general.
They argue that by keeping the drug illegal, this will give a chance to these dangerous and violent
people to earn a lot of money. Of the states that have legalized marijuana, the patient outcomes are
outstanding, but there is still a copious amount of research that needs to be done. This is owing to
the reason that marijuana is considered to be extremely addictive and most significantly does not
bear medicinal value. Marijuana crops’ farming is a source of employment to the farmers. Besides
that, our intuitive editor saves you from writing and formatting it in Cannabis and Cannabinoid
Research. Can you create it for me like Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. It goes my many names
depending on the people involved and their locations and the language known to them. Retrieved on
23 June 2012 from World Health Organization (n.d.). Management of Substance Abuse. Marijuana
availability remains strong, undefeated by its outlawing. The drug’s penetration into modern
civilization was widely as a result of trade among nations and individuals, as well as exploration.
There has also been research done by scientists at California Pacific Medical Center that indicates
CBD may be useful in cancer treatment. It is also argued that legalizing marijuana would be cost
saving. Taking the example of alcohol and tobacco to relate to this situation brings out the relevance
clearer. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. But as the scientific and medical world
denounces the usage of marijuana it is banned in most countries. In the contemporary society,
legalization of marijuana would form a fair ground in the end of the debate. For example, when you
write your paper and hit autoformat, our system will automatically update your article as per the
Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research citation style. The treatment is known as cancer chemotherapy
benefits from cannabis. This is true because most of the cannabis industry's returns actually result in
criminal groups regulating their trade in different regions around the world. Many anti-legalization
advocates also argue that the use of the drug by young people mostly has a risk of encouraging them
to try and experiment on harder drugs like cocaine. Also, other people argue in terms of comparing
marijuana with other legal drugs which are even more harmful. The entire assignment was quite a
great challenge for me, but not for the writer at GetEssay. It can have harmful effects on the
respiratory system, similar to those of tobacco smoking. I try to justify why this argumentative article
should not and should not legalize cannabis. Cannabis, Cannabis laws, Global Marijuana March
1124 Words 4 Pages Thesis Statement: The legalization of marijuana in the U. Marijuana is a dried
blossom of the Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica plants. Therefore, the government should
consider the use of. This paper proposes the justice of making marijuana legal at a federal level as a
controlled substance while taking 2 standpoints where the drugs benefits is more than the associated
risks and also since there are inconsistencies with the current legal policies on the issue of marijuana
as compared to both legal and illegal drugs that are more dangerous. In addition, the legalization of
marijuana will also provide the government with a new tax stream, thus increasing public revenue.
Few of these factors include review board, rejection rates, frequency of inclusion in indexes, and
Marijuana has numerous health benefits, and therefore its legalization should not be questioned.
However, a large sum of people nationwide chooses to participate in a certain recreational activity to
find their relaxation: smoking Marijuana. We know from American history just how ineffective
prohibition is. The article is useful for the research due to the fact that it shows that the health
properties of marijuana have been known to the humanity for 6,000 The article d History of Cannabis
as a Medicine gives a detailed information on the use of marijuana for medical purposes since the
times its positive sides became known. Trebach, 1993 So, in the light of this argument people have
the right to decide that whether they should make a use of Marijuana or not. A marijuana research
paper thesis could explore the potential benefits of marijuana for the treatment of chronic pain,
epilepsy, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In particular the comparison is made to the use
of alcohol and tobacco where both drugs though is legal, have more harmful effects than marijuana
both physically and socially. These direct enforcement costs would be negligible with the legalization
of marijuana use in the country. The entire assignment was quite a great challenge for me, but not for
the writer at GetEssay. I received a completed paper in two days and submitted it to my tutor on
time. The key reason for its use is its recreational value among users and it effect. This data represents
60% of the respondents felt favorably towards the legalization of medical marijuana, as opposed to
40% that were still not sure. In essence, many college students and rebellious youth thought that use
of cannabis was the ultimate rebellion. I received a completed paper in two days and submitted it to
my tutor on time. Studies at the genetic level have revealed that cannabis can be a major risk factor
in the development of respiratory cancers and reports have suggested that extreme cannabis users
have a greater incidence of gastrointestinal cancers, although cannabis smokers also are more likely
to use other substances which increase the risk of developing these types of cancers, such as tobacco
for the former and alcohol for the latter. The fact that tobacco and alcohol are controlled substances
and still have significant implications for the human body can be seen as strong evidence that,
although both are regulated, the effects on those who misuse them are extremely negative. This
naturally grown plant has an array of properties that contributes many benefiting factors to the
patients it serves. This is because users have lapses in reaction time and impairment in judgment. In
this regard, Hayes point out that the debate regarding the Legalization of Marijuana might soon
result in a ruling that might have serious consequences to the generation that is yet to come. In the
industrial sector, it is argued that legalizing the drug will in turn raise the production of hemp which
is used in the manufacture of fiber, fuel, food and paper. During the 1900s marijuana became so
popular among people, the government decided to make it illegal so as to minimize its use except for
the pharmaceutical industry (Gimlin, 1967). For this particular reason, the enforcement officials
belonging to federal law possess the legal right to raid the providers of medicinal marijuana. The
fight against drug and substance abuse is an evidently expensive engagement for a number of
governments. This is because; such mothers pass on the effects of carbon monoxide to their unborn
children thus resulting in slow development of sight after birth, increased tremors and startles to the
children, as well as reduced cognitive abilities. Give us your email address and we’ll send this
sample there. To begin, the essay will highlight the main topics to be discussed and their relative
importance in the argument regarding the legalisation of this drug. This is because of the easy
accessibility of these other drugs and the fact that they have been legalized, unlike marijuana which
is illegal. The collection of the information via Survey Monkey 4. For example, when you write your
paper and hit autoformat, our system will automatically update your article as per the Cannabis and
Cannabinoid Research citation style. I have personally witnessed the positive effects of such
This critical standpoint of the federal government against marijuana may cause the medical
practitioners to not recommend marijuana to be used for medical reasons under the provision of
federal law. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. Problems most people illegal drug users face are the quality of the drugs they
purchase. In response to the emergence of this medical marijuana market, a number of analytic
chemistry labs have been established for the purpose of quantifying cannabinoid content and testing
for contaminants in cannabis to be used for therapy. Does access to chemical analysis data
quantifying cannabinoid content affect patients’ selection of medical marijuana cultivars and
delivery methods. Michael and Renee (2003) attribute the widespread popularity of marijuana in the
1920s to the prohibitive laws established during the Prohibition Era. This tax payer money can be
used in improving the economy or by improving citizens’ net earnings, for example, increasing
teacher’s salary. First, legalization of marijuana in the country would reduce the number of people
arrested for trafficking marijuana. Thesis Defense Presentation December 1, 2008 David Onoue 2.
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Essay. Literature review, semi-structured interviews and a self-administered online survey of medical
marijuana users will be employed to address this research question from a biocultural perspective.
The smoke of cannabis is also carcinogenic and mutagenic thus increasing the risk of contracting
cancerous growths. Despite its many practical uses, medicinal and industrial, our Federal government
insists on maintaining the status quo that the growth, possession and use of marijuana is criminal
despite the evidence that the legalization of marijuana would have a positive influence on America.
However, Marijuana should not be in that category because marijuana has useful functions. There are
several theories that suggest that illegalizing drug use and its prohibition boost the usage, on the
contrary. A marijuana research paper thesis could explore the potential benefits of marijuana for the
treatment of chronic pain, epilepsy, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Over the years there
have been a lot of debates over the issue of legalizing the drugs with many individuals coming up
with both positive and negative issues. Amsterdam sees the use of marijuana as a health matter, just
like cigarettes and alcohol. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Among negative
effects one can find the damage to the immune system, whereas positive aspect always presumes
alternative forms of medication. Many Americans would agree, as according to a poll by Pew
Research Center, 52% are in favor of marijuana being legalized. The processes involved in the
making and distribution of the drug would also be regulated and thus reduce the drug dealers’ way
of solving issues which mostly is by use of violence. As long as you do this, come up with an
interesting topic idea, and write a well formatted and well written paper, you are going to impress
your instructor with your knowledge. This will also give room for researcher to try to look for other
medical values of the substance because its production and availability will increase in the society.
Other avenues as education and regulation may present better results than prohibition. Just because,
something is considered illegal does not imply that it is bad also just because something is legal
doesn’t mean that it is good. Gerber, R. J. (2004): Legalizing marijuana: Drug policy reform and
prohibition politics. The question as to whether the drug should be legal draws considerable support
and disregard from a range of diplomatic, social, economic and health grounds.
With the government facing fiscal deficits, some consider alleviating these debts by legalizing drugs
like marijuana. Cannabis, until now, has been classified as a Class B drug, carrying a sentence of up
to five years for possession and fifteen years for trafficking. There are other painkillers in the
industry, however. Mood defects, such as paranoia and depression, can be worsened by the use of
cannabis and short-term memory is also adversely affected. At the time of its criminalization, there
were fewer users of marijuana in the country. Congressional Research Service, 2012. Web. 19 Feb.
2013. NIH. What is Marijuana?, 2010. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. Oyez, Inc. Facts of the Case, 2011. Web.
19 Feb. 2013. State of California. According to clinical data published online, bipolar patients with a
History of Cannabis use demonstrate superior neurocognitive performance compared to patients with
no history of use. In addition, prohibition seems ineffective in finding the solution to effects of
marijuana use. Despite the harsh laws in most states against possessing and using marijuana, the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports that, in 2010, 6.9 percent of the
US population, or 17.4 million Americans, used marijuana. This paper will shed light on the
legalization and decriminalization of marijuana in Canada with a slight When used in moderation
marijuana is undeniably less detrimental compared to alcohol and tobacco (Joffe and Yancy 636). In
addition to the health issues, he opposes the legalization of marijuana because he considers that the
use of marijuana poses financial risks to those related to the user of marijuana. Cannabis, Cannabis
laws, Global Marijuana March 1124 Words 4 Pages Thesis Statement: The legalization of marijuana
in the U. This naturally grown plant has an array of properties that contributes many benefiting
factors to the patients it serves. Retrieved on 23 June 2012 from Narconon International (n.d.).
History of Marijuana. Then SciSpace would allow you to download your references in Cannabis and
Cannabinoid Research Endnote style according to Elsevier guidelines. In the industrial sector, it is
argued that legalizing the drug will in turn raise the production of hemp which is used in the
manufacture of fiber, fuel, food and paper. If you simply rely on the words of the blogger, you have
no way of knowing if that statistic is accurate, or if it has been taken out of context. An increase in
the number of consumers of marijuana, according to records by the law enforcement sector, is an
indispensable reality. The resource used in enforcing the policy that prohibits marijuana use is a waste
of taxpayers’ resources since the business seems to exist despite efforts to end it. Opponents believed
that society would be affected negatively and see increased crime rate, and drug use among other
things. Vincent and St. Lucia, through numerous interviews with producers and traffickers, I have
seen increasing concern and skepticism over who would truly benefit from the legalization of ganja
in the Caribbean. From this point of view, cocaine would also have been legalized long before
marijuana, if medical justification could be used to legalize marijuana because its numbing effect is
greater. As compared to marijuana, alcohol increases the risk of injury to the user. Research shows
that marijuana mokers had problems regarding their studies in school, which affected their skills of
memory and concentration. While marijuana is not always helpful in curing this disease, it has an
active ingredient THC, which helps reduce the intraocular pressure in the eye. However, it does
prevent some of the irreparable nerve damage that glaucoma causes, and decelerates the rate of
blindness onset for the patient (Jacob, pp. 75-120). Experts (Jacob, pp. 75-120) often criticize this
use of marijuana as a glaucoma treatment due to two reasons. This paper avoided discussing
legalization of medical marijuana, since 12 states already have allowed the drug use for medicinal
purposes, and currently there are over 2000 legal marijuana dispensaries across the nation. The
federal law strongly possesses the viewpoint that the substance i.e. marijuana is extremely addictive
and most importantly does not bear any medicinal value. Other avenues as education and regulation
may present better results than prohibition. This is primarily due to the fact that Jamaica and other
Caribbean countries are still trapped by structural factors that inhibit them from capturing the
benefits of engaging in trade within the global capitalist system.

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