The Catapult Project An Innovative Approach For Learning Statist

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The Catapult Project: An Innovative Approach for Learning Statistical Design of


Siong Lin Ho, Wan Lyn Nge, Kian Hong Chua

Multidiscipline Engineering Division, School of Engineering,
Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore 599489

Abstract- This article illustrates the use of a Statistical quality engineering constitutes the
catapult as a n innovative teaching tool for enhancing backbone of the “Improve” phase in DMAIC, where DOE
the understanding of Design of Experiments (DOE) in plays a significant role in identifying the “vital few”
a classroom environment. This device can be adopted (critical parameters) among the “trivial many” in a
to simulate the design of a real-life product using the product or process. How could experimental design
ZKfactorial design and 2‘ factorial design with centre techniques he learned effectively by students or non-
points. I t is a n effective method to introduce the statisticians (e.g. managers and engineers)?
fundamental concepts of experimental design. In this paper, the authors would like to share their
Experimental data collected from the catapult is experiences in using the Catapult as an effective teaching
analyzed to determine the key factors that affect the aid for understanding the fundamental principles of DOE.
distance traveled by the projectile. This approach not only enhances students’ learning, hut
also stimulates their interest in the module. A Catapult
Keywords -.. Design of Experiments; Catapult; project with four factors is illustrated using the 2‘
Factorial design. factorial design technique. The objective of the
experiment is to identify the critical variables (factors)
that will optimize performance (i.e. maximize the distance
1. INTRODUCTION traveled hy the projectile). Using Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) and F-tests, significant factors are thus
Quality and productivity improvement are most determined. Furthermore, the optimal combination of
effective when they are an integral part of the product and levels for the factors is also investigated.
process development cycle. In particular, Design of
Experiments (DOE) methodology [I] adopted at the
earliest stage of the development cycle, where new 11. METHOOOLOGY
products are designed, existing product designs improved,
and manufacturing processes optimized, is often the key A. Experimental Design Strategies
to overall product success.
DOE is a powerful technique used for discovering and Experimental design strategies are useful statistical
identifying a set of process or design variables (input methods for maximizing the knowledge gained from
factors) that can significantly affect the process responses analyzing experimental data. Via the DOE methodology
(outputs). It was developed in the early 1920s by Sir of experimentation and statistical analysis, the researchers
Ronald Fisher. This approach to experimentation for can gain a better understanding of the processes on hand
improving the yield of corps was a direct replacement of and will therefore be in a better position for predicting
traditional One-time-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) approach. future outcomes of the system, i.e. enhances the decision-
DOE as an efficient strategy and powerful technique for making process. Moreover, the identification of optimal
characterizing and optimizing products or processes in the setting of input factors can assist indusmal practitioners to
industq has been widespread in the industry over the past improve the quality of products, reducing scrap as well as
two decades. manufacturing costs. On the other hand, it is also possible
On the other hand, Six Sigma as a systematic to indirectly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of
framework for quality improvement and business the manufacturing processes from drawing a valid,
excellence has been gaining popularity and acceptance reliable and sound conclusion from the experiments.
worldwide only in recent years 121. With the increase in Therefore, this methodology is widely used in industries
awareness of the various Six Sigma tools and techniques for the improvement in either the product or process.
- both management and statistical, as well as their
roles in the “Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Contro~ B. Description of Catapult
(DMAIC) methodology, it becomes clear that the next
challenge is on educating how these tools and techniques The catapult is a device for launching a small
can he effectively learned and appropriately applied in projectile, such as hall, towards a targeted impact site. In
various contexts, i.e. service sectors, manufacturing Ngee Ann Polytechnic, there are two different designs of
processes, ... etc. catapults which are made from wood (traditional catapult


0-7803-8519-5/04/$20.00@ 2004 IEEE

in Figure 1) and Perspex (an improved version, the levels of the factors are investigated. The levels can be
modem catapult developed by students recently, in Figure qualitative or quantitative.
2). Experiments were carried out for both designs. In this
paper, for illustration purpose, all the data analysis and
discussion that follows are based on the traditional
.The advantages of a 2‘Sactorial design are:
Useful in the early stages of experimental work,
especially when there are many factors to be
catapult shown in Figure 1.
. investigated.
The interaction between factors can be examined
to avoid misleading conclusions.
To screen and identitj key important factors that
affect the response. This can lead to improved
productivity, yield, mean response, reduced cost
and wastage.
Further extension to the conventional 2‘ factorial
design may be necessaly if the assumption of linearity in
the factor effects is in doubt. To protect against curvature
and possible quadratic effects, center points are
incorporated into the standard design matrix, although the
2‘ factorial works quite well even when linearity
assumption holds only approximately. In our study, a
In the catapult design of Figure I , there are altogether statistical test of curvature is conducted.
six controllable factors that can affect the distance
traveled by the projectile different types of ball were

experimented in our project. The design factors are: (i)

Arm-tension position, (ii) Upright-tension position, (iii) A. Analysis of Variance and Efecfs Esfimates
Ball-seat position, (iv) Types of ball material, (v)
Tumtable (vi) Elevator height. Experimental design Table II summarizes the experimental results of a
techniques can be employed to determine the optimal standard 24 factorial design with three replicates.
combinatioii of the various levels of each factor in order Randomizing all the 48 runs is to safeguard the
to maximize or minimize the projected distance. experiments from systematic bias that might cause
excessive variations in the response. The Analysis of
C . Selections of Factors Variance (ANOVA) can be used as a basis for analyzing
data from designed experiments. The estimate of main
An important goal of this catapult project is to and interaction effects can be obtained using the Yates’
identify the key input factors that greatly affect the algorithm by Yates IS]. This technique can be used to
projected distance of ball. In the “Planning” phase of determine whether the effects are dominant at a specified
experimentation, we carried out a “Cause & Effect” significance level. The main effect of a primaly factor can
analysis through brainstorming. As shown in Figure 3, the be interpreted as the overage change in response produced
lshikawa fish bone diagram provides an organized by a change in the level of the factor. As for interaction
approach for collecting engineering knowledge, coupled effect, it means that the difference in response between
with common sense, of all possible causal factors that will the levels of one factor is not the same at all levels of the
influence the response. It was found that the Type of ball other factors. The estimate of any main effect or
material, Tumtable, Upright-tension and Elevator height interaction can be expressed as: Effect = (Contrast) / n2“’.
factors are potentially important parameters that affect the
distance traveled by the ball. Hence, it was decided that The ANOVA for this experiment is obtained in Table
the design matrix would include investigation of these 111. By relatively comparing the magnitudes of effects and
four factors, while both the Arm-tension and Ball position also testing the various FsrariItirswith Fcrit,,, ( Fo.os,,, 31 =
factors are set to their respective nominal levels. 7.53 ), it is concluded that all main effects (Factor A, B, C
and D) and interaction effects AD, BC, BD, ABC and
D. Factorial Design Techniques ABD are statistically significant at a = 5%. Since the F-
Statistics of Turn Table and Upright Tension are the
Factorial designs are widely adopted in industries to highest as compared with others, we can conclude that
investigate several factors and their joint effects on the they are the most important factors that greatly affect the
response under study [3, 41. The 2‘ Full Factorial Design projectile distance of ball.
is the simplest factorial design; it is used to study k
number of factors, each at two levels. In each complete
trial of the experiment, all possible combinations of the

International Engineering Management Conference 2004 1057

B. Analysis of Center Point Design

In our center point design , all the four factors are

set at their nominal level and a total of six replicates are
obtained (Refer to Table I). Moreover, t-test is used to
determine the presence of non-linearity of the significant
factors. The null and alternative hypotheses are defined
as: 4.5

Ho:pf - pc= 0 (absence of non-linearity)

H i : pc- pc t 0 (significant non-linearity)

where pf= Population offactor to be tested

pc = Population of center point
Fig. 4. Normal Probability of residual

Far validation, we experimented with the optimal

(1) settings: Factors A (Ball Type), B (Turn Table) and D
(Elevator) set at “Low” level; whereas Factor C (Upright
Tension) is set to “High” level. From the results, it was
found that the average projectile distance is around 3.40111
and its variance is ahout +/- 7%. Thus we verify that the
Sp’ = (2) recommended factor levels can yield optimal
32+6 performance, i.e. maximizing the response with minimal
where Sc’ = variance of center points data

From the analysis, we conclude that the degree of D. Regression Model and Response Surface
curvature is not significant for factors A, B, C and D.
An empirical model is fined to the data. This
C. Normal Probability Plot and Optimal Settings regression model can he used to predict the “projectile
distance” at any point in the original experimental region.
The normal probability plot (refer to Figure 4) is a The model can be formulated as:
graph of cumulative distribution of residuals on the
normal probability paper, i.e. a graph paper with the Y = 1.50 - 0.175 Xa- 0.52 XB+ 0.49 XL -0.405 XD
ordinate scaled so that the cumulative normal distribution 0.095 X,J-0.085 X,Xc+ 0.155 XeXo-
plots as straight line. Residuals from factorial experiments 0.065 X,XsXc+ 0.08 X A X B X ~
play an important role in assessing model adequacy. We
need to c a n y out a test for normality assumption of the The response surfaces that show the relationship
data by examining the normal probability plot of between the “projectile distance” and the significant pairs
residuals, which are the difference between observed and affactors are depicted in Figure 6 .
predicted values of response at each design point. From
Figure 4, the residuals lie approximately close to a
straight line, which implies that there is no severe non- IV. CONCLUSION
normality in the data.
From the interaction effect plots of AD, BC and BD The catapult is an innovative teaching tool for the
in Figure 5 , the optimal levels of the factors that DOE class as it allows the students to gain a better
maximize the projectile distance of the ball are: Factor B understanding of the theoretical knowledge of DOE in
(Turn Table) at “Low” level, Factor C (Upright Tension) classroom through conducting actual experiments. Using
at “High” level and Factor D (Elevator) at “Low” level. this device, it is possible for us to simulate the design o f a
Factor A (Ball Type) is relatively not as important a real-life product 01 the improvement of an indusmal
variable as the others. However, it is still a significant process. Furthermore, students have the opportunity to get
factor and choosing a ball material specified at the “Low” involved in the several stages of product prototype design
level may seem appropriate. Further confirmation -- from planning the design strategy, brainstorming, cause
experiments are mn to verify the optimal combination of and effect analysis, to developing both sofl-skills and
factor levels. technical skills while conducting experiments. Students
learned to develop empirical models for the catapult as
well as determining optimal settings of the variables that

1058 Znternational Engineering Management Conference 2004

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Ezpwimelers, New York, John Wiley. 1978.
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Futhermore, the catapult experiment makes the students' Quality orrd Relizbiliry Engineering Inrernotionol, Vol. 18,
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that the catapult device is a very useful teaching aid for 131 Montgomery, D.C. Design ondAnnlysb ofExperimenrs (5'
ed.), New York, John Wiley, 2002.
enhancing the understanding of experimental design [4] Gob, T. N."A Pragmatic Approach 10 Experimeofal Design in
techniques such as the 2' factorial design and others. The Industry", Journol ofApplied Srorirtics, Vol. 28, No.3 & 4,
creative learning of DOE via the catapult project is pp. 391-398.2001.
effective and more importantly, "fun"! 151 Yates. F. Derign a d Arwlysb of Focmrlol Experimenrs.,
Tech. Cumm. No. 35. Imperial Bureau of Sail Sciences,
London, 1937.

Fig.3 Fishbane diagram

I A+
A- E+

Fig. 5 Main Interaction Effects plots

... .. .. _. I

Fig. 6 Respame surfaces

International Engineering Management Conference 2004 1059


A B C D I I1 111 IV V VI AVE
0 0 0 0 149 156 158 142 166 I44 153


U - - + + 2.25 2.28 2.52 2.35

1 4 + - + + 1.49 1.61 1.55 1.55
IS - + + + 1.24 1.33 1.47 1.35
1 6 + + + + 0.85 0.81 1.06 0.91

Factors BCD I 0.08 I 1.00 I 0.08 0.03 I 0.08


- - + . 3.48 3.42 3.4 3.43 3.6 3.42 3.46


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