Muharram 2023 Feedback

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2023 Muharram Majalis Feedback


2023 Muharram Majalis Feedback


2023 Muharram Majalis Feedback


2023 Muharram Majalis Feedback


2023 Muharram Majalis Feedback


Please list 3 things that you liked about this years programme and would like to see more of.

Common Themes

● Zakira for ladies morning majlis

● English Molana
● Renovation
● WhatsApp Communication
● Timings / punctuality
● Management
● Parking Steward help
● Madressa Activity for kids
Please list 3 things that you think HIM could improve for future events

Common Themes

● Tabarrak Distribution (ladies & gents)

● Ladies volunteers attitude towards mothers with young children and disabled
● More seating for ladies
● Noha reciters (Quality & Variety)
● Parking for ladies in the morning
● Haleem
● Urdu Molana
● Power outage
● High Number and quality of Male Reciters on Ashura
Please feel free to provide any other feedback, comments or suggestions you may have:

“The two brothers who led the english

majlis were very respectful with
everyone and handled any tension or
other issues very well. However, there
are a lot of young boys who stand
outside the English tent, despite there
being enough space and they talk
loudly at times.”

“1.Since we have a larger English

speaking community and more youth
we need to have the main speaker in
“Invest in an LED News Ticker, for daily
English as opposed to an Urdu speaker.
programme, vehicle removal and
2. The English speech should be in the
moving forward requests”
main hall
3. Keep Urdu majalis for morning”
Please feel free to provide any other feedback, comments or suggestions you may have:

“I was very embarrassed and sad when

on the 7th muharram ladies majlis a “The ladies volunteers were pretty loud
mother with an autistic 3 year old left outside and were often standing very
the majlis due to the volunteers close to the men’s side and attempting
removing her from main hall because to manage it and deal with the boys
her autistic son was making noise and when there were already male
then get told off when she was in the volunteers there to do so.”
ladies hall.”

“I have noticed young boys/children are “Rent out bigger facility for big events
encouraged to step forward to read/ and more parking. Rent out for 5 days in
recite / volunteer by the men’s side. I moharrum 3 days in ramadhan”
have not seen the same levels of
empowerment exhibited towards the
young girls/ children. The women’s side
should encourage girls of the next “add arabic majalis and arabic reciters”
generation the same way that the men’s
side is doing.”

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