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FORM 3 Principles of Business Communication Notes

Section 2 Obj.13: Communication pg.63

 Communication- is the means by which we create, transmit and interpret ideas, facts,
data, feelings and opinions.

 Communication is defined as a two-way process which involves the conveying of

information from (sender) to (receiver). The need for effective communication is very
important when dealing with the human factor from recruitment to retirement in the
**For communication to be effective there must be feedback.
Communication Process

The communication process is a stage by stage process that involves the following elements:
* Sender: the person or group initiating the process or articulating the message
* Message: the fact, opinion, information or idea to be sent or transmitted
* Medium/ channel: the means by which the message is transmitted or the channel of
* Receiver: the person or group for whom the message is intended or the target audience
* Feedback: sent from the receiver to the sender and provides information on the receiver’s
opinion of the message and it also confirms whether the message was received or not.

FORM 3 Principles of Business Communication Notes

Types of communication
 Formal Communication -These are official methods approved by management. These
includes meetings, announcement on notices boards, memoranda, messages over public
address systems, interviews, performance appraisals, company magazines. etc.

 Informal Communication -These are unofficial methods of communication. These include:

rumours and the grapevine, secret signs and gestures as well as casual conversation between

Means of Communication
1. Oral – This includes all types of spoken communication, e.g., interviews and meetings.
2. Written – This includes all things that are written, e.g., reports and letters.
3. Visual – This includes all things which can be seen, e.g., posters and films.
The primary objective of communication in any organization is to get work done.

FORM 3 Principles of Business Communication Notes

Communication Channels (Mediums)

Communication Advantages Disadvantages

Written communication * provides written

*can be time-consuming to
documentations/ evidence
*letters create
* can be dispatched to
* memoranda (memos) * can be expensive
persons who are far away
* reports, manuals, business * getting instant feedback
* can be used for complex
plans may not be possible
and detailed messages
* minutes for meetings
* can confirm, explain or
*press releases
clarify oral messages
*bulletins and notices

Oral communication
* direct contact * more difficult to control
*face-to-face conversations
*benefits from sight, sound, *may not provide adequate
or meetings
physical proximity time to think things out
* interviews
* allows for instant feedback * there might not be any
* telephones calls
* more persuasive, written record
* training sessions

Visual communication
* illustrates or demonstrates a * may be difficult to interpret
* photographs, paintings message through a visual
by itself
*films stimulus
* model * requires additional skills of
* diagram, chart *simplifies written or oral
comprehension and
*Body language communication
N.B. Non-verbal
* may require time to
communication, such as
gestures, posture, facial interpret
*may be expensive

FORM 3 Principles of Business Communication Notes

Barriers to Communication
1. Distortion of messages e.g., rumours or the grapevine can easily distort messages.
2. Inappropriate forms of transmission e.g., a notice of a formal meeting must be conveyed in
writing and not by word of mouth. If this type of meeting is not conveyed in writing it may seem
casual and unimportant.
3. Physical barriers e.g., faulty telephone connections, defects in mechanical or electronic
equipment, and poor postal services.

Additional Barriers to communication

 The choice of words used in speech and writing

 Words may mean different things in different context
 Specialized jargon used or technical language
 The communication source may not be credible or trustworthy
 Different perceptions
 Noise
 Conflicting non-verbal signals
 Emotional interference
 Information overload
 Filtering of information before it reaches receiver

Good communication includes:

 Clarify the message to be sent

 Determine the purpose of the communication
 Select the proper medium
 Consider the environment in which the message is to be sent
 Ensure proper timing
 Active listening
 Plan the communication strategy
 Seek feedback and give feedback on the communication

Tips for effective communication

The sender should:
* decide exactly what is to be communicated and who the receiver will be
* choose the most appropriate medium for the message

FORM 3 Principles of Business Communication Notes

* identify any possible barriers to communication and take steps to overcome these barriers
* decide on the most appropriate type of feedback
* continue the process, but make the necessary changes if communication fails
The receiver should:
* try to understand the message
* identify any possible barriers to communication and take steps to overcome these barriers
* send the required feedback
Strategies for Effective Communication:

* Select the appropriate channel and means of communication

* Ensure that there is proper timing in the transmission of the message
* Source feedback from the receiver and respond accordingly
* Listen carefully to the receiver’s feedback. Give the receiver your full attention, so feedback is
* Choose words carefully. Apply some thought when crafting the message
* Be concise. Avoid information overload
* Create a culture of “openness” where individuals feel free to share their views or ideas

FORM 3 Principles of Business Communication Notes

Quick questions

Identify the most appropriate communication medium for each of the following

1. A notice to all the employees about a change in the location of the canteen.

2. An order or request for different duties to be carried out. _______________

3. Instructions on how to make an item. ______________

4. Punishment for an employee’s failure to carry out his or her responsibility.


5. Colours for a new house. _____________


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