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Benefits of laser phototherapy on nerve repair

Article in Lasers in Medical Science · February 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s10103-014-1531-6 · Source: PubMed


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8 authors, including:

Sandra Cunha Ana Cecilia Corrêa Aranha

University of São Paulo and Hospital Sírio Lib… University of São Paulo


Cp Eduardo Patricia M de Freitas

University of São Paulo University of São Paulo


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Lasers Med Sci
DOI 10.1007/s10103-014-1531-6


Benefits of laser phototherapy on nerve repair

Renata Ferreira de Oliveira &
Daniela Miranda Richarte de Andrade Salgado & Lívia Tosi Trevelin &
Raquel Marianna Lopes & Sandra Ribeiro Barros da Cunha &
Ana Cecília Correa Aranha & Carlos de Paula Eduardo &
Patricia Moreira de Freitas

Received: 16 September 2013 / Accepted: 20 January 2014

# Springer-Verlag London 2014

Abstract Post-traumatic nerve repair represents a major chal- Introduction

lenge to health sciences. Although there have been great
advances in the last few years, it is still necessary to find Nerve tissue injuries may occur during various dental and
methods that can effectively enhance nerve regeneration. La- routine surgical procedures, resulting in classic paresthesia.
ser therapy has been widely investigated as a potential method This deficiency is characterized as a sensory neural loss, and is
for nerve repair. Therefore, in this article, a review of the an abnormality that may or may not be transitory; it implies a
existing literature was undertaken with regard to the effects sensory disorder in which the patient reports a decrease or lack
of low-power laser irradiation on the regeneration of of sensitivity, tingle in the tongue, lips or cheeks, and change
traumatically/surgically injured nerves. The articles were se- in taste, among other manifestations [1–4]. The main iatro-
lected using either electronic search engines or manual tracing genic causes of paresthesia in dentistry include the removal of
of the references cited in key papers. In electronic searches, we impacted third molars, endodontic treatments, inferior alveo-
used the key words as “paresthesia”, “laser therapy”, “low- lar nerve block (local anesthesia), orthognathic surgery, im-
power laser and nerve repair”, and “laser therapy and nerve plants, surgical removal of cysts or tumors, and facial trauma
repair”, considering case reports and clinical studies. Accord- [5–10].
ing to the findings of the literature, laser therapy accelerates For the treatment of nerve tissue injuries, the following
and improves the regeneration of the affected nerve tissues, therapies have been proposed: systemic drugs administration
but there are many conflicting results about laser therapy. This (vitamins B and C, steroidal anti-inflammatory agents), local
can be attributed to several variables such as wavelength, physiotherapy, electrical stimulation, acupuncture, and moxi-
radiation dose, and type of radiation. All the early in vivo bustion. The prognosis for recovery as a result of these treat-
studies assessed in this research were effective in restoring ments varies considerably, depending on the extent of the
sensitivity. Although these results indicate a potential benefit nervous/nerve tissue injuries and the suggested treatment
of the use of lasers on nerve repair, further double-blind [11–13]. However, there is no therapy that promotes the total
controlled clinical trials should be conducted in order to recovery and normalization of the injured tissue.
standardize protocols for clinical application. First described in 1978 [14] as an alternative for the regen-
eration of the traumatized nerves, low-power laser has been
extensively studied and great advances have been achieved in
Keywords Nerve repair . Low-power laser therapy . LLLT the last three decades. Some of the effects of phototherapy are
(low-level laser therapy) an increase in cellular metabolism and an increase in DNA
and RNA synthesis in the cell nucleus, with consequent cell
proliferation and protein synthesis, for example, collagen
R. F. de Oliveira : D. M. R. de Andrade Salgado : L. T. Trevelin : fibers produced by fibroblasts [15–19], cell differentiation
R. M. Lopes : S. R. B. da Cunha : A. C. C. Aranha : (fibroblasts into myoblasts) [20], changes in nervous/nerve
C. de Paula Eduardo : P. M. de Freitas (*) cell action potential [21], effects on the immune system (lym-
Department of Restorative Dentistry, Special Laboratory of Lasers in
Dentistry (LELO), School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo,
phocyte activation) [22, 23], microcirculation stimulation and
São Paulo, Brazil capillary formation [24], stimulation of the release of growth
e-mail: factors, and increase in leukocyte activity [25, 26].
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Some studies have assessed the effects of the phototherapy permanent [45, 46]. The spontaneous reversal may take place
in sciatic crush injury in rats considering several parameters, within a few days or months, depending mainly on the degree
such as the morphological and electrophysiological aspects, of injury sustained, location, and individual capacity for re-
and functional recovery after nerve injury, and they concluded covery [47]. Sensation may return in less severe cases
that phototherapy proved to be efficient in promoting neural (neuropraxis) [48], and it is known that in more than 96 %
recovery independent of having been performed of the cases, spontaneous return of sensitivity may occur in up
transcutaneously or directly [14, 27–33]. to 24 months [8]. As regards the inferior alveolar nerve, the
However, although laser therapy has been shown to accel- return of neurosensory function depends on regeneration of its
erate or improve the regeneration of the affected nervous/ fibers and elimination or remission of the secondary causes of
nerve tissue injuries [31–42], the studies described in the the paresthetic condition, such as hemorrhage, edema, local
literature showed differences with respect to wavelength, ir- inflammation, compressive tumor lesion, development of fi-
radiation parameters, and dosimetry used, making it difficult brous scar tissue, or infection. If there is compression due to
to obtain clear and objective information to facilitate clinical the presence of a foreign body after a surgical procedure,
application by the dental professional/dentist. In 2005 [30], a surgical re-intervention may be necessary to eliminate this
literature review was released about the use of the photother- foreign body [4, 49, 50].
apy to increase peripheral nerve repair. However, in the last
8 years, other trial studies have been published, highlighting
important aspects of laser therapy in paresthesia. Thus, it is Conventional treatment
important to make a critical evaluation of the data obtained to
date, showing which treatment protocols are most used, and The treatment offered for cases of paresthesia are dependent
which are capable of providing positive results in repairing on the degree of nerve tissue impairment/injury.
injured nervous/nerve tissue, thereby providing professionals
with guidance in selecting the appropriate treatment.
For this purpose, we performed a search of the literature in Neuropraxis
the electronic databases of Medline/Pubmed, BVS and Sci-
ence Direct, using the key words “paresthesia”, “laser thera- In cases in which nerve compression only occurs due to post-
py”, “low-power laser and nerve repair”, and “laser therapy traumatic edema, it is recommended to wait for the gradual
and nerve repair”, considering case reports and clinical studies return of sensitivity [46, 48, 51]. If this is not successful,
(in animal models and humans). the use of a corticoid or a surgical decompression is recom-
mended [47, 51].
The majority of dentists prescribe conventional drug treat-
ment consisting of antineuritic medication (vitamins B and C)
Paresthesias derived from nervous/nerve tissue injury and steroidal anti-inflammatory substances, in order to try to
restore the electric flow of the nerve fiber and decrease the
There are several iatrogenic causes of nerve tissue injuries that duration of the pathology [48].
lead to sensorineural deficiency (paresthesia) [5–10]. The One of the most indicated therapies is to use vitamin B1
damage to nerve fibers, especially the sensory type, can be associated with strychnine at the dose of 1 mg/ampoule, in
classified according to the method proposed by Seddon and 12 days of intramuscular injections. Another procedure is to
Sunderland [43, 44], as described in Tables 1 and 2, use cortisone (100 mg) every 6 h, during the first 2 or 3 days
respectively. so that if there is improvement, there is a distance between the
A peripheral nerve trauma can result in a deficiency rang- initial doses.
ing from total loss of sensitivity to a discrete change in clinical However, there is no effective treatment for paresthesia.
condition, which can persist for days, weeks, or become The symptoms tend to regress within 1–2 months; however,

Table 1 Seddon’s classification (1943) of the degree of involvement of the nervous tissue, according to clinical intervention [43]

Classification Nomenclature Definition Intervention

First degree Neuropraxia A conduction block without axonal degeneration. A microsurgical intervention is not indicated.
Second degree Axonotmesis A more severe injury. Regeneration can take place several months later
without surgical intervention.
Third degree Neurotmesis The most severe injury, with complete anatomical A microsurgical intervention is generally indicated.
Fourth degree section of the neurovascular bundle or extensive
Fifth degree avulsion or crush injury.
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Table 2 Sunderland’s classification (1951) of the degree of involvement of the nervous tissue, according to the prognosis of regeneration [44]

Classification Definition Prognosis

First degree Nerve conduction is physiologically interrupted; There is no degeneration, and the spontaneous recovery
however, there is no broken axon. occurs in a few days or weeks.
Second degree Evident rupture of the axon with distal and proximal The integrity of the endoneurial tube is maintained,
Wallerian degeneration for one or more nodal segments. favoring the course of the regeneration process.
Third degree Rupture of axon and endoneurial tubes, preserving Disorganization of the internal architecture of the
the perineum. funiculus hinders regeneration by stimulating fibrosis
during the process, obstructing the growth of axons.
Fourth degree Axons and endoneurial tubes are completely disrupted, in addition Regeneration is more difficult than it is in the second
to part of the epineurium; however, the integrity of part of the and third degrees.
epineurium is maintained, and complete section of the entire
trunk does not occur. Continuity nervosa is only maintained by
scar tissue.
Fifth degree There is complete transection of the nerve trunk with a variable The possibilities of regeneration and return
distance between neural stumps. of function are remote.

there is improvement with the use of histamine or vasodilator Among many methodologies offered to improve nerve
drugs [4]. repair, laser therapy has received increasing attention as a
noninvasive technique [30] over the two last decades, and in
Axonotmesis or neurotmesis some cases, the use of drugs has not been necessary [58, 59].
Although studies on the effects of laser therapy on peripheral
In cases of sectioning of neural tissue, however, neurorrhaphy nerve regeneration were published towards the end of 1970, it
techniques that consist of the coaptation of an injured nerve was only in the late 1980s that scientific interest began to be
segment may be used in order to restore the sensory loss or shown in the therapeutic approach to this technique, leading to
motor function [47, 52, 53]. The sooner decompression is the publication of a series of studies showing positive effects
performed, the greater will be the probability of regeneration of laser therapy on nerve regeneration [14, 15, 28, 30–33, 41,
occurring, because there will be a smaller quantity of scar 42, 60–82].
tissue [47, 52, 54]. The indications for neural repair by
neurorrhaphy include the following: observation of, or
suspected laceration or transection of the nerve (the anesthesia Mechanism of action of low-level lasers
does not improve 3 months after surgery); pain resulting from
neuroma formation; and pain caused by a foreign object or Low-level laser therapy consists of releasing energy from
deformity of the duct, in addition to progressive decrease in photons absorbed through photochemical, photophysical
sensitivity or increase in pain [53]. Sensitivity may be recov- and/or photo biological effects on cells and tissues that do
ered in approximately 01 (1 year) [4]. Neurorraphy may, not generate heat [78, 83–85].
however, be a very invasive method, and is indicated as the Many effects of LLLT (low-level laser therapy) at a cellular
last option in the treatment of sensorineural loss, and only level have now been well elucidated, such as the stimulation
when there is complete nerve transection, so that the treatment of mitochondrial activity, stimulation of DNA and RNA syn-
of first choice is medication [48]. thesis, the variation of intra and extracellular pH, acceleration
Other therapies currently used for the treatment of paresthe- of metabolism, increased protein production and modulation
sias of the orofacial region, such as neuropraxis and of enzymatic activity [86–89]. In spite of the photochemistry,
axonotmesis of different etiologies, are the following: photo physical and photo biological effects of low-level laser
neurorehabilitation, which seeks to restore or upgrade the sen- therapy having been proved [78, 84, 85, 90], some authors
sorial processors and motor function [55]; eletroacupuncture, agree that future studies should be conducted on low-level
which is based on the same principles as acupuncture, however, laser therapy as a noninvasive treatment modality in different
using the needles connected to an electric appliance that pro- diseases and peripheral nerve injuries, in order to obtain
duces electrical stimuli with an analgesic effect, when it is protocols based on the literature, for wide acceptance and
switched on [11]; and moxibustion, which is a type of thermal standardization of this technique in clinical therapy [73, 74,
acupuncture that consists of applying heat in body points or 76, 81, 82].
regions [56, 57]. However, in the scientific literature, there are Low-level laser acts by decreasing inflammation, and thus,
still no longitudinal clinical studies that prove effectiveness of sensitivity to pain [86, 87, 90–93]. It stimulates circulation and
these three therapies. cell activity, acts in biomodulation due to the increase in
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production of mitochondrial ATP, and leads to an increase in Stimulating adjacent nervous/nerve tissues
the threshold of nerve terminal excitability that results in an
analgesic effect [88, 89, 94]. The mechanism whereby low- It is believed that laser has the potential to regenerate nerves
level laser exerts its effects is based on the stimulation of the and/or stimulate nearby innervations in order to play the role
Na+/K+ pump in the cell membrane [95, 96]. This stimulation of compromised innervations. Another hypothesis about the
hyperpolarizes the membrane, increasing the nerve impulses role of low-power laser therapy in paresthesia is based on its
and pain threshold [97]. The analgesic effect is due to the potential to increase microcirculation at the irradiated site,
increase of ß endorphins in the cerebrospinal fluid [98], and which has been scientifically proven [107, 108]. A possible
others, such as anti-inflammatory, vascular, myorelaxing, and hypothesis mentioned in a paper published in 1996 [64] is that
healing effects, have been attributed to the use of low-power laser irradiation can stimulate the reinervation of the tissue, by
laser. They induce arteriolar and capillary vasodilatation and penetrating into axons or adjacent Schwann cells, the metab-
neovascularization, leading to increased blood flow in the olism of the damaged sensorineural tissue, and the production
irradiated area [78, 84, 85, 99]. of growth-associated proteins by adjacent non-injured nerves.
Similar findings were found in the study of Dahlin in 2004
Laser therapy on nerve tissue
Biomodulates the nervous/nerve response
The literature points out three main goals of the use of low-
power lasers in the treatment of paresthesia: (1) it accelerates The beneficial effect of phototherapy with low-power laser
injured nerve tissue regeneration; (2) it stimulates adjacent or has been shown not only in nerves treated with laser but also
contralateral nerve tissues, causing them to play the role of the in the corresponding segments of the spinal cord, where
sectioned nerve; and (3) it biomodulates the nervous/nerve treatment with laser significantly decreased the degenerative
response leading to normality of the action potential threshold. changes in neurons, and the proliferation induced by both
After this, we will discuss the effects of low-intensity laser astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. This suggests a higher rate
therapy in these three processes in greater detail. of metabolism in neurons, and an enhanced capacity to pro-
duce myelin under the influence of a laser treatment [30].
Accelerates injured nerve tissue regeneration Some studies [14, 28, 31, 69] have assessed the
histomorphometric evolution to determine the total surface
In peripheral nerve injury occurring after axon transection, the area of the fascicle, mean axon diameter, and axonal density
distal part of the axon disintegrates and undergoes Wallerian in the proximal, middle, and distal segments of the nerve. This
degeneration dues to loss of contact with the cell body. examination was performed using a computerized system
Calcium-dependent proteases are activated in axon distal to with an operating microscope and a video camera connected
injury, leading to a proteolytic process that disintegrates axo- to a monitor and a computer screen with specific software that
plasm [100, 101]. The remainders of the distal part of such allows the quantification of myelinated and unmyelinated
axons, including myelin debris, are digested by Schwann cell fibers, as well as individual evaluation of axons with determi-
proliferation and macrophage invasion [102, 103]. Schwann nation of the radius, circumference, diameter, and area [69]. It
cell myelination through partitioning-defective 3 (PAR3) pro- was found that there was an increase in axon density and an
tein (or protease-activated receptor 3) can be regulated by a increase in peroxidase enzyme in the nucleus of the motor
positive sign of the injured axon or the absence of a signal facial nerve [15] in the groups treated with laser, when com-
normally provided by intact axons. The importance of pared with the control groups (not submitted to laser
Schwann cells and macrophages in removing myelin may therapy)—these are findings consistent with those of other
vary over time after the injury [102]. After the lesion, studies [34–40].
Schwann cells proliferate [104], and develop very early after Many studies have reported conflicting results concerning
a neural injury [105], with the response being faster in non laser therapy. This may be attributed to many variables, such
myelinating Schwann cells [106]. as wavelengths, dose, and type of radiation [14, 15, 28, 30–33,
Studies have shown that laser therapy accelerates and 41, 42, 61–82, 110, 111]. The present study considered 32
improves the regeneration of affected nerve tissue, since irra- published articles in literature, including 3 clinical case re-
diation with laser acts in activating and/or stimulating axon ports, 22 in vivo studies in animal models, 3 in vitro studies, 4
sprouting, and acts directly on axons and/or on Schwann cells in vivo studies in humans (Table 3). The differences in out-
[34–37, 41, 82]; accelerates the myelination of the regenerated comes were found to be based on the different lasers used and
nerve fibers by increasing cells metabolism; and stimulates parameters selected to perform treatment of paresthesia. These
Schwann cells proliferation and inhibits cell degeneration variables are described individually below, pointing out their
[38–40]. relevance in each of the findings.
Table 3 Summary of experimental studies of phototherapy effects on nerve regeneration

Ref. Year Type of study No. of Affected site Time of study Wavelength (nm) Dose (J/cm2) Power density Irradiation time Outcome measure Results/effects
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Animal trials
14 1987 In vivo – Sciatic nerve Approx. 1 year 632.8 – – 14 min Eletrophysiological and Positive
28 1987 In vivo – Sciatic nerve – 632.8 – – 7 min Eletrophysiological and Positive
61 1992 In vivo 12 rabbits Peronial nerve 15 days 632.8 3.82 – 3 min Eletrophysiological Positive
15 1993 In vivo 87 rats Facial nerve 14 days 361, 457,514, – – 13–120 min Counting the no. of HRP Effective
63 1995 In vivo 20 rats Sciatic nerve 28 days 820 48 550 mW/cm2 85 s (per point) SFI, neurophysiological and Effective
66 2001 In vivo 17 rats Sciatic nerve 21 days 632 180 – – CMAPs Effective
68 2001 In vivo 24 rats Sciatic nerve 10 weeks 780 – – 15 min (per area) Eletrophysiological, Effective
somatosensorial and histologic
69 2002 In vivo 5 rabbits Mentual nerve 15 weeks 820–830 6 – 90 s (per point) Histomorphometric Effective
110 2003 In vivo 24 rats Sciatic nerve Approx. 21 days 904 0.31/2.48/19 – 15 min Eletrophysiological and Null
70 2003 In vivo 20 rats Sciatic nerve 5 weeks 650 – – 5 min Motor test Effective
71 2004 In vivo 16 rats Median nerve Approx. 808 29 – 39 s Functional, optical and electronic Effective
injury 2 months 905 40 – 1’12 s microscopy
111 2005 In vivo – Sciatic nerve Approx. 8 weeks 905 – – 72 s Eletrophysiological and Negative
904 2 min morphological
73 2007 In vitro 24 rats Fibular nerve 8 weeks 901 nm – 10 m/W 10 min Histopathological Effective
74 2007 In vivo 20 rats Sciatic nerve 3 months 780 nm – 200 m/W 15 min SFI, electrophysiological Effective
42 2008 In vivo 16 rats Inferior alveolar 3 weeks – 5 – 1 min Histological analyses Effective
76 2009 In vivo 12 rats Sciatic nerve 21 days 660 4 0.0413 W/cm2 96.7 s (per point) SFI, histological and Positive (histomorphometric
histomorphometric changes) null (functional
77 2009 In vivo 12 rats Sciatic nerve 20 days 660 4 0.0413 W/cm2 – SFI Effective
78 2010 In vivo 27 rats Sciatic nerve 21 days 660 10 – 20 s SFI 660 nm more effective than
injury 830 10 38.66 s 830 nm
79 2010 In vivo 64 rats Sciatic nerve 10 days 660/780 10/60/120 – 0.3 a 2 min SFI Effective
33 2010 In vivo 40 rats Sciatic nerve 12 weeks 660 – 24 mW – Tibialis anterior muscle weight; Effective
histopathological observation;
Table 3 (continued)

Ref. Year Type of study No. of Affected site Time of study Wavelength (nm) Dose (J/cm2) Power density Irradiation time Outcome measure Results/effects

81 2011 In vivo 36 rats Median nerve 16 weeks 810 175 21 mW/cm2 1,182 s Grip strength test; Effective
82 2011 In vivo 12 rats Sciatic nerve 8 weeks 660 3.84 0.0032 W/cm2 5 min SFI, eletrophysiological and Positive
31 2011 In vitro 20 rats Sciatic nerve 21 days 904 nm 4 J/cm2 0.0413 W/cm2 32 s per point Histological; analyzed and Effective
quantified Schwann cells,
myelinic axons with large
diameter and neurons
32 2012 In vivo 50 rats Sciatic nerve 15 days 660 e 808 10 ou 50 30 mW 9 s (10 J/cm2) e 47 s SFI, histological and Positive
(50 J/cm2) histomorphometric
Clinical trials and case reports (On patients)
62 1993 In vivo 40 patients Inferior, mentual 20 weeks 830 6 437 mW/cm2 90 s (per point) VAS, objective and subjective tests Effective
and lingual (tingling and numbness)
alveolar nerve
64 1996 In vivo 13 patients Inferior, alveolar Around 36– 820 48 550 mW/cm2 85 s (per point) mechanoreceptor and temperature Effective
nerve and 69 days tests (mechanoreceptor) null
lingual nerve (temperature)
65 2000 In vivo 6 patients Inferior and 35 days 820–830 – 550 mW/cm2 90 s (per point) VAS, temperature and objective Effective
mentual tests (2 points)
alveolar nerve
67 2001 Case report 6 patients Lingual nerve 165 days 780 – – – VAS, temperature, Effective
72 2006 In vivo 4 patients Lips, chin, gum Approx. 7 weeks 820–830 – – 90 s VAS, objective tests Effective
and oral
75 2008 Case report 1 patient Nerve Approx. 670 7 – – Not informed Effective
4 months
80 2011 Case report 25 patients Not informed Around 8– 660/690 4/140 – – Not informed Effective
201 days 790/830 4/140 – –
41 2012 In vitro – Sural nerve 20 days 810 1e4 50 mW 8 s (1 J/cm2) e 32 s MTT assay and real-time PCR Positive
(4 J/cm2) analysis
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Variables that influence laser therapy emission time of 72 s at 905 nm and 2 min at 904 nm, not only
decreased the success rate of regeneration but also inhibited
Wavelength the axonal growth of the nerve. They also reported that ac-
cording to the literature and their study, laser irradiation shows
Among the studies analyzed in this critical review, the wave- two effects: it may promote nerve regeneration and may also
lengths most frequently used in the repair of nerve tissue prevent nerve recovery, demonstrating the importance of
ranged between the red and near infrared (660–905 nm) spec- using safe stimulation protocols; otherwise, inappropriate la-
tral bands. From an analysis of studies, it was determined that ser stimulation may irreversibly damage some nervous/nerve
in the past, helium–neon laser (He–Ne), emitted in the red tissues, retarding the nerve regeneration process.
region of electromagnetic spectrum, was the most studied Laser at a wavelength in the red spectrum was used in
wavelength used in biomodulation of the nervous/nerve re- various studies in humans and in animal models [14, 15, 28,
sponse in the neural repair process [30, 58]. At present, new 32, 33, 66, 67, 70, 75, 77, 78, 80, 82]. The red laser wave-
wavelengths are being used, with lasers emitting radiation at length ranged from 632.8 to 690 nm, and in 90 % of the
the wavelength of 650–950 nm, since both red and studies in which it was used, the results showed the effective-
infrared wave lengths have shown significant results in ness of the laser for the treatment of paresthesia. In only one
neural regeneration [32, 66, 71, 81]. study [76], conducted with an animal model (in vivo), laser
In general, considering the in vivo (animal models) and therapy showed null results for SFI (sciatic functional index)
in vitro results of this review [14, 15, 28, 31–33, 41, 42, 61, in the evaluation period, as described above.
63, 66, 68–71, 73, 74, 76–79, 81, 82, 110, 111], the wave- Studies that compared laser at the red and infrared wave-
lengths used vary from 361 to 1,064 nm and the majority of lengths reported distinct and inconclusive results [32, 78, 80];
the results have proved that laser therapy was effective. In the however, in one of them [80], there was no difference among
study of Begis et al. [110], laser therapy showed null results, in the treatments and in the other, two [32, 78] phototherapy at
other words, no statistical significance was observed in stud- the red and infrared wavelengths (660, 808, and 830 nm) were
ied groups. The authors explained that although earlier studies effective, but the best result was expressed with the wave-
suggested that laser stimulates the cell proliferation, the effect length of 660 nm [32, 78].
on nerve regeneration is debatable. According to the authors, Laser in the infrared spectral range was also used in both
the biological effects of laser may not only be related to the human and animal models (in vivo) and (in vitro) [15, 31, 32,
nerve lesion injury but also to the wavelength, the irradiation 41, 61–65, 69, 71–74, 78, 81, 110, 111]. Wavelengths ranged
dose, and beam emission mode (continuous or pulsed), and from 790 to 1,064 nm, and in some of the studies analyzed, the
because different procedures have been used in different stud- result obtained showed the effectiveness of laser for the treat-
ies, the results were not similar. ment of paresthesia. Some authors [71] reported that laser
In the work of Reis et al. [76], the result of the action of induces a faster increase in the rate of recovery of injured
low-power laser therapy at wavelength 660 nm was positive function, in addition to a faster increase in the rate of recovery
when the histomorphometric changes in myelin sheath area of muscle mass and nerve fiber regeneration. The studies
were observed, in which there was a statistically significant conducted by Bagis et al. [110] may have shown the result
increase, when compared with the control group. However, in of the null effect of laser therapy for the same reason previ-
the functional analysis (Sciatic Functional Index), this study ously mentioned, in other words, due to the type of lesion
did not achieve significant improvement in the study group induced in the sample. The study conducted by Chen et al.
compared with the control group. According to the authors, [111], however, did not show positive results for the laser
this was because, after neural cell injury, there is the onset of treatment on nerve repair possibly due to the use of a pulsed
degeneration processes, characterized by an engorgement of laser (wavelength at 904 and 905 nm) with a power output that
the cells. These changes, in spite of the production of neuro- may have oscillated and interfered in the neural regeneration.
transmitters with the aim of increasing protein synthesis (actin However, this hypothesis must be assessed in future studies,
and tubulin), are related to the regeneration of the cytoskeleton because this condition was described and assessed only in this
axons, and affect intracellular transport and the growth cone. It study. In the study of Gigo-Benato et al. [71], both types of
is probable that the period of 7 days after the lesion would be emission were used, and better results were shown in the
marked by these events, but the use of laser therapy within continuous emission mode. Considering that without excep-
24 h of the injury could reduce the immediate loss of the tion, all published studies that used continuous emission led to
function, confirming the allegation of Dahlin et al. [109]; positives results, this type of light emission must be the first
however, this did not occur in the above-mentioned study. choice for promoting peripheral nerve repair [30]. Neverthe-
In the work of Chen et al. [11], the result of the laser less, this hypothesis cannot be confirmed, since further studies
therapy was negative. The authors reported that the treatment should still be conducted to prove the real effectiveness of
with pulsed laser at a wavelength of 904 and 905 nm, with the laser with the emission in continuous mode in comparison
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with the pulsed mode. Based on literature review that was Subjective clinical tests to assess the functionality of the
carried out in this article, we can only say that up to now, in the trigeminal nerve branches are divided into two categories: the
majority of published studies, laser was used in the continuous mechanoceptive tests (connected to tactile stimuli), which are
mode and was shown to have positive results. Therefore, this based on the patient’s decision-making capacity, in a blind
mode is the first choice for promoting peripheral nerve repair. test, to identify the contact simultaneously at two close points,
or describe the trajectory of a brush tip passing over the
Nervous/nerve tissue affected surface of the skin; and the nociceptive tests (connected to
potential pain causing stimuli), which include thermal tests, or
In human studies, the sites most affected were the inferior light punctures of the skin or mucosa, and pulp vitality test
alveolar nerve, mental nerve, and lingual nerve, and in one of [54, 113]. Neuroelectrical tests can be used to evaluate disor-
the studies, paresthesia in the lower lip, chin, and gum was ders of the inferior alveolar nerve, allowing a satisfactory
assessed. The in vivo studies in animal models show a ten- measurement of the degree of nerve involvement and assess
dency to evaluate injury in the sciatic, median, and facial which groups of nerves were most affected [113]. Lee et al.
nerves. Only one of the selected articles [80] did not report [114] reported that thermal images are an effective and safe
the site/location affected by the injury. way to diagnose a state of paresthesia.
Although many studies reported greater difficulty in recov- A study published by Khullar et al. [64] has highlighted the
ery from paresthesia after neurotmesis [10], in one of the need for standardization of neurosensory testing to evaluate
in vivo, animal model studies assessed [68], the use of infrared the results promoted by laser therapy. The authors conducted
laser was effective after complete transection and anastomosis two tests—mechanoreceptor and temperature tests—to assess
of the sciatic nerve, in agreement with the findings of other the effectiveness of infrared laser in the treatment of paresthe-
studies about total neural injury and sensory recovery post- sia caused by injury to the inferior alveolar and lingual nerves.
trauma [52–54]. In an in vivo study (animal model) [15], laser When using mechanoreceptor tests, infrared laser therapy was
was used to repair induced injury to the facial nerve, using found to be effective, but when using the temperature test,
different wavelengths (361, 457, 633, 720, and 1,064 nm), there was no significant difference in improvement between
power (from 8.5 to 40 mW), and irradiation times (13– the two groups (treated/or not treated with low-power laser).
120 min) and the authors concluded that the best result was
obtained at the following parameters: wavelength of 633 nm, Irradiation parameters
8.5 mW, 90 min, 45.9 J, and 162.4 J/cm2. In addition, it was
concluded that the laser emitting in the red spectral band is When evaluating the irradiation parameters described in se-
more efficient than infrared laser, and this finding coincides lected articles, it was found that some data, such as the
with those of other studies analyzed in this review [32, 78]. repetition rate (Hz), the frequency of application, the time of
exposure, and the diameter of the laser output beam (equip-
Neurosensory tests ment spot size), were not described. Power was one of the
parameters that varied widely from 5 to 416 mW in animal
As regards neurosensory tests conducted to evaluate treat- studies [15, 31–33, 41, 63, 66, 68–71, 73, 74, 76–79, 81, 82].
ment, the most frequently used were VAS (visual analog scale) Yet in human studies, there was no significant variation, with
[62, 65, 67, 72, 76–78], SFI (sciatic functional index) [32, 63, 70 mW being the power most used [62, 64, 65, 72] and the
64, 77–79], temperature tests [64, 65, 67], needle-stick test lowest being 3 mW [67].
[62, 65], mechanoreceptor test [65, 67], and other tests, such The energy density used varied widely in both human
as the two points discrimination [65], motor and muscle studies and animal models. The highest energy density used
function test [70, 81], analyzing the degree of tingling and in a study with human beings was 140 J/cm2 and the lowest
numbness [62], and computer analysis [31, 41, 71, 75, 76, 81, was 4 J/cm2, and both the highest and lowest densities were
82], counting the degree of peroxidase (Horse Radish Perox- shown to be effective in repairing nerve tissue [80]. In studies
idase or HRP) [15], Compound Muscle Action Potentials or using an animal model, the energy density was higher than
CMPs [66], neurophysiological [63], electrophysiological 180 J/cm2 [66], and the lowest was 3.84 J/cm2 [82]. In some
[14, 28, 33, 61, 68, 79, 81, 82, 109, 110], both objective and studies, the use of low densities of 0.31–19 J/cm2 in laser
subjective tests [62, 65, 72], and histomorphometric [14, 28, treatment showed that the effect was null [76, 109]. On the
31, 32, 69, 76] and histopathological [31–33, 41, 73] analyses. other hand, in the study by Gigo-Benato et al. [79], the results
Only two studies did not mention the type of tests performed showed that the use of low or moderate energy density,
[75, 80]. Each clinical test is specific for different nervous/ considered from 10 to 60 J/cm2, at a wavelength of 660 nm,
nerve fibers, and these tests are extremely important because were shown to be more effective than the energy density of
they are able to quantify the evolution of the paresthesia 120 J/cm2, which is used at the wavelength of 780 nm, when
within a determined period of time [47, 54, 112]. the parameter for the prevention of muscle atrophy was
Lasers Med Sci

evaluated. In the literature, the energy density of <10–150 J/ Some authors reported that in patients who used no tech-
cm2 and the time between <1 and 90 min [30, 79] have been nique to accelerate sensory return, and who took only the
shown to be effective in promoting nerve regeneration. conventional medication, such as corticosteroid therapy, it
Another important fact to consider as regards sensorineural may take up to approximately 6.6 months to acquire complete
recovery with laser therapy is the time of treatment. In one sensory normality [8, 47, 48]. Studies affirmed that milder
study [84], a crush injury was performed in the peroneal nerve cases of neural lesion (neuropraxic), associated with the de-
of rabbits. It was observed that 15 daily transcutaneous laser gree of injury sustained, location, and individual capacity of
irradiations at 632.8 nm on the injured nerve, starting on the recovery, help and influence spontaneous neural return [8,
first day after operation, allowed significant increase in neural 45–48, 109].
recovery in the group treated with laser, after motor-evoked
potential evaluation, when compared with the control group, Final considerations
as shown in other studies [15, 25, 28, 61, 68, 70, 71, 73, 74,
78, 79, 81, 82, 110, 111]. In another study [63], 20 rats were Finally, in the literature, it may be seen that there are many
submitted to sciatic nerve injury (axonotmesis), of which 10 differences among the results found, especially with respect to
received daily treatment with 830-nm laser for a period of the lasers used and parameters selected for use in paresthesia.
28 days. After SFI (Sciatic Functional Index) evaluation, it However, there is a large body of evidence that laser therapy
was observed that laser therapy promoted a functional in- accelerates and improves the regeneration of affected nerve
crease in the nerve; however, in the motor-evoked potential tissues. The literature still lacks protocols and double-blind
assessment, no significant differences in improvement were controlled clinical trials verifying these effects, and this should
found when compared with the control group. In the study of be the focus of future research.
Reis et al. [76], 12 rats were subjected to sciatic nerve injury
(neurotmesis). Of these, six received daily treatment with 660- Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank the Department of
nm laser for a period of 20 consecutive days. Restorative Dentistry of the School of Dentistry of the University of São
Paulo (USP) for providing the financial support for the English revision
Histomorphometric evaluation showed that positive results
of the current manuscript. They also thank the National Counsel of
in nerve regeneration were obtained, with a statistically sig- Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq—Grants # 304198/
nificant increase in the area of the myelin sheath when com- 2010-2 and # 307375/2010-2).
pared with the control group. However, the SFI (Sciatic Func-
tional Index) test showed no improvement in the study group
in comparison with the control group. References
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