Child Poverty Research Paper

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Title: Navigating the Challenges of Writing a Child Poverty Research Paper

Embarking on the journey of crafting a thesis on child poverty is both noble and daunting. It's a topic
that demands not only academic rigor but also empathy and understanding of complex social issues.
However, the path to producing a well-researched and insightful paper is often fraught with

One of the foremost hurdles in writing a thesis on child poverty is the vastness and depth of the
subject matter. Child poverty is a multifaceted issue influenced by economic, social, cultural, and
political factors. Narrowing down the scope of research while still capturing its essence can be

Moreover, accessing reliable and up-to-date data on child poverty can be challenging. Statistics may
vary widely across regions and may not always reflect the nuanced realities experienced by affected
children and families. Sorting through contradictory information and ensuring the accuracy of
sources is a painstaking process.

Another obstacle is the emotional toll that delving into the realities of child poverty can take on
researchers. Confronting the harsh realities of deprivation, inequality, and systemic injustice requires
a sensitive approach. Balancing academic detachment with empathy towards the subjects of study is
a delicate tightrope to walk.

Additionally, the academic standards and expectations surrounding a thesis can add pressure to an
already demanding process. Crafting a coherent argument, conducting thorough literature reviews,
and presenting original insights require time, effort, and expertise.

In light of these challenges, seeking assistance from reputable academic writing services can be
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In conclusion, while writing a thesis on child poverty may be arduous, it is also a meaningful
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journey with clarity and purpose.
It identified many of the issues and has goals and targets however there is no Action Plan or budget
attached and it is difficult to see how it can deliver. The strength of this research has been in
mapping the impact of multiple disadvantages rather than studying each issue separately, as rarely do
children and families experience just one type of disadvantage. The targets outlined at PSA 2
objectives 2 and 3 are too general to be meaningful to the specific task of addressing poverty. Some
of this has been successful, but a great deal is still to be done. Taking health and education as two of
the prime areas affecting children, especially children who are looked after by the state, structures in
Northern Ireland differ significantly. The high rate of poverty increased the necessity to determine
the consequences of poor growing up conditions on the children’s future success. Subsequent years
bought more telethon type events; each raising needed money to combat the problem of child
poverty. There is evidence to suggest that as many as 75% of parents progress to other provision in
FE as a result of their participation on this programme. Progress against agreed indicators would be
published periodically thereafter. Of particular concern for both children and young people was cost
of illness, particularly transport costs to visit doctor or hospital. This approach lends itself to the
concept of integrated children?s services planning, with the role that integrated planning, centred
around the child, can play in maximising better outcomes for children. For example there is a target
to end child poverty by 2020 how is this being achieved, who is responsible for achieving it and how
will progress be measured. It is now widely acknowledged that active parental encouragement and
support at home has a significant impact on educational attainment at school. Evaluations showed
the initiative was very successful but it ceased when EU funding ended. The majority of the
measures reported reflect a BHC approach. Given that it is not possible to reach zero on a relative
low income measure, the DWP Technical note for 2005-2008 clarified the term ?eradication. It must
demonstrate that investment will work to overcome inequality. Their circumstances in many
instances inhibit their potential and ambition. Consultation with pregnant women and health and
social service providers for pregnant women and new mothers should be included as action plans are
developed. Poverty implies a condition in which a person finds him unable to maintain a living
standard adequate for his physical and mental efficiency. This may be further complicated by the
raising numbers of families moving to Northern Ireland from other countries e.g. Eastern Europeans,
with a limited command of the English language and a poor knowledge of how to access services. It
has not been possible to disaggregate the rates payable to give separate amounts for each of these
services, hence BHC analysis includes these charges. A detailed report is due shortly on the issue of
the social exclusion of lone parents and this will also inform the relevant elements of the strategy.
However, it lacked strategic focus, was more focused on process rather than outcomes, and needed
to broaden its scope. The entire book is devoted to moving real life stories of the poor and deprived
of the district and mind boggling figures of poverty. According to Department of Education research,
pre-school children from higher socio-economic backgrounds in Northern Ireland already show signs
of higher cognitive and behavioural abilities than children from poorer backgrounds. Advice NI
advocates that free school meals should be available to all children ?mindful that this approach
would guarantee that all children receive an adequate diet; remove any stigma regarding means
testing of school meals provision and maximise take-up. What the children we spoke to had to say
suggested that children can face severe exclusion even within their own communities. These are
based on family circumstances (apart from the married couple?s allowance, the rest of the income tax
system operates at the individual level) and both are refundable tax credits, meaning that a family?s
entitlement is payable even if it exceeds the family?s tax liabilities. Even though the measures that are
needed will often be different, we would ask you to urge the Executive to consider their needs too as
part of the child poverty strategy.
Though there is a large body of international research on issues related to poverty, the research
addressed here is almost exclusively focused on findings within the context of the United States.
Public authorities must therefore institute a system of information gathering across all nine equality
categories to supplement available statistical and qualitative research. It would appear that political
considerations, rather than the promotion of a rational, social and economic imperative, is a major
obstacle to addressing this key issue. Strategies for community empowerment have helped give a
voice to local communities that feel threatened, vulnerable or disadvantaged and this capacity
building should continue to be supported. Government needs to objectively assess the extent to
which the comparative failure of previous policies and approaches is related to the appropriateness of
the policies, the processes and procedures used to implement them and their connectedness to other
policies to create a coherent strategy. This will significantly boost the incomes of poor families.
While we acknowledge some progress has been made in GB it is clear that more dramatic and
determined action will be required if the goal is to be achieved. Being able to choose things like
bank accounts and being able to budget and save are skills we should have from our earliest school
days and throughout our lives. The DHSSPS must explicitly demonstrate in its final budget outcome
the steps which it is taking to address the level of underspend on children?s personal social services
in NI. The suggestions from young people are documented in the ?Wise Up To Child Poverty.
However, if not enough adults are working enough hours in the household or if wages are too low,
work alone might be insufficient (10). This may also help to allay the concerns of many that the
programmes funded under the Children and Young Person?s funding package have not been
adequately included within the departmental budgets. Under the banner of FE Means Business the
Department has recently published, for consultation, policy proposals for Curriculum Provision in FE
to Support the Economy, to Support Social Inclusion and also for 16-19 Year old Learners. It is vital
that the challenges in the original Lifetime Opportunities Strategy ?to help people avoid problem
debt and better manage their finances. The Southern Area Children and Young people?s Services
Plan does not link to ?Lifetime Opportunities. Clause 3(4) provided that a child of age 12 or older is
deemed to be capable of forming views. This is a unique situation and one which brings its own
issues for child poverty. My department currently spends ?750m a year on Warm Homes, Decent
Homes, Supporting People, Housing Maintenance, Energy Efficiency, Disablement and Private
Sector Grants and creating new social housing. Best evidence on projected changes in demographics
and family structure (e.g rising numbers of lone parents; immigration) must also be considered in
order that efforts to tackle child poverty are developed within an appropriate context. The data used
is Northern Ireland Family Resources Survey (the survey on which HBAI reports are based). Figures
have risen from 1979, 1 in 10, living in poverty to 1 in 3 living in poverty in 1998. Over three years,
we will work together on a project called ?Financial Futures?, which we estimate will touch the lives
of around 160,000 young people and their families. The course lasts up to 12 weeks (6 weeks in
house and 6 weeks work experience) and clients attend for 20 hours per week, without their benefits
being affected. The report also found that in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Belgium child poverty
rates were below 10% and that at least 10% of GDP was allocated to social spending associated with
reducing child poverty. In terms of future jobs, a degree can lead to increased earning potential,
greater opportunities and a more rewarding career. The job nevertheless is “ kid poorness has
increased by more than 50 per cent since the House of Commons voted in 1989 to eliminate it by
2000. These covered areas such as Pension Credit and Female Pensioners over 80 and were highly
successful with a value for money figure of ?21 claimed for every ?1 of expenditure by the Agency.
Most have been published in journals or at poverty institutes affiliated with universities. Includes day
nurseries, children?s centres and some family centres. Therefore larger families would gain through
using Child Tax Credit rises in two ways.
Finally, the poverty has a great influence on a psychological state. It is anticipated 23,000 additional
places for this age group will be available by 2010. Some research has been done on that, but no
legislation exists to back it up. Whilst these Loans do provide financial support at zero per cent
interest, the deductions can have a significant impact on the budget of these low income families.
The Government?s anti-poverty strategy has focused on improving opportunities for parents to take
and remain in work, providing assistance with moving ?from welfare to work?, ensuring that paid
work provides higher income than not working (?making work pay?) and on providing security for
those who cannot work. Lone parents whose youngest child was aged between 0-4 years had the
highest risk of poverty. Often the information that is available is not comparable to data gathered
throughout the rest of the UK. Forum has identified that some children living in Sure Start areas are
missing out on the support and services provided by Sure Start as they are accessing provision
outside of Sure Start areas. They are required to register under the Workers Registration Scheme and
to be self supporting and have a year of uninterrupted employment. PlayBoard have queried why the
broader age range has not been accounted for, as in Children First 0-14, Children and Young
People?s Strategy 0-18. Additionally, establishing a Childminding Network, supported by a
Coordinator, who could bring training and ensure a quality standard within the childcare services
being delivered, may be more feasible than developing a Childcare Centre within a local rural
community. Programs that increase low-income parents’ earning have been shown to improve child
outcomes (1). Of those who stated the source of financial assistance, 25.9% reported receiving help
from education and training providers. If a child or young person suffers harm it is an equally poor
outcome for them regardless of the cause. Many CAB clients have been subject to irresponsible
lending from creditors and would need assistance in dealing with debt. (see appendix 2) CAB has
given evidence to the competition commission and produced a number of reports on the impact of
debt. These issues include characteristics and life experiences that put people at risk of not working
or not working enough to prevent entry into poverty, such as race and gender of head of household,
strength of the economy, quality of wages, human capital (education) of working age adults, health
or disability status of household members, having a criminal record, being an immigrant, having
experienced domestic violence, and neighborhood conditions. The American Psychological
Association revealed that children living in impecuniosity are at higher risk of behavioral and
emotional predicated quandaries. Childhood illness creates a poverty trap for children and their
families. Differences in the way water charges are collected in NI and GB has meant that BHC
analysis is not consistent. In the 2007 UNICEF report the UK was ranked bottom and Netherlands,
Sweden and Denmark were ranked top in relation to indicators of child well being. Again,
partnership and inter-agency working is the key to the effective planning and implementation of
services for children with disabilities, if stress and deprivation levels affecting families with children
with disabilities are to be reduced. Importantly too, in particular areas, the effect of past conflict, can
result in chill factors in relation to employment and restrict mobility. Some people believe that their
impossibility to achieve certain financial wellbeing is the result of economic, political, or other
factors, and they have little responsibilities for their own condition. There is not one specific thing
causing poverty to continuously push and shape the actions and lives of people from the beginning
of history all the way up until now. For research reveals both a strong link between high female
employment and low child poverty, and a corresponding link between comprehensive levels of
family policy and high employment among women. DoE Planning Service should ensure that
planning policy (PPS12) provides for the regulatory tools to enforce private developers to deliver a
suitable mix of tenures. Given that the NI Assembly does not have legislative remit to increase
benefits such as Child Benefit, which can impact on levels of child poverty, we feel that this lack of
information at this level is cause for concern. It outlines the improvements that have been made in the
area of childcare since 1998, including substantial investment in the previous National Childcare
Strategy (described above), and in Sure Start, leading to the number of childcare places having
?increased dramatically by 525,000. A substantial amount of this will be for innovative curriculum
resources which will use the Child Trust fund as a tool to help children learn more about the value of
money and savings. There is an answer to breaking the chain of poverty in the United States, but this
cycle will continue in the United States until the government and political parties are ready to put
reducing poverty as a priority.

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