Sickle Cell Anemia Research Paper Outline

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Title: Crafting a Comprehensive Sickle Cell Anemia Research Paper Outline

Crafting a thesis on sickle cell anemia can be a daunting task. This complex genetic disorder requires
in-depth research, understanding of medical terminology, and analysis of various scientific studies.
Developing a well-structured research paper outline serves as the foundation for a successful thesis.
However, the process of organizing thoughts, finding reliable sources, and structuring the outline can
be overwhelming for many students.

Sickle cell anemia is a multifaceted topic that encompasses genetics, molecular biology, clinical
manifestations, treatment options, and ongoing research. Consequently, students often struggle to
navigate through the vast amount of information available and to synthesize it into a coherent and
insightful thesis.

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Adult red blood cells also carry another minor form of adult hemoglobin (about 2% of the total)
identified as HbA 2. Unfortunately, my little sister, Joy, is also a carrier of the trait even though her
father isn’t affected. Global epidemiology of haemoglobin disorders and derived service sickle cell
anemia research paper outline. It is difficult for bone marrow to supply enough red cells based on the
demand created by the untimely death of red cells. Low pH levels in blood and low oxygen tension
can lead to repeated infarcts in the spleen leading to fibrosis and shrinkage. According to scientific
research, it affects approximately one In 375 persons of African ancestry. My older sister and I
weren’t affected of the trait because our father didn’t carry any defected chromosome. Symptoms
like enlarged spleens and high fevers were common among the affected individuals. Sometimes
computers, just like people, are born with defects and we make the most of it until it stops working.
A more permanent but not guaranteed way to help eliminate SCD is a bone marrow transplant. The
quality of care is improving, and and there has been a significantly lower rate of mortalities in lower
patients (Creary et. al 2017). With this, steps can be taken to properly manage the person’s disease
(Inusa et al. 2018). Without this knowledge there is little that can be done to help reduce pain or
understanding of what is happening to the body. The temptation of using natural selection based
explanations in establishing a linkage between stuttering gene frequency and childhood malaria and
sickling did overlook certain important sociological facts. Ordinarily, a round blood cell carries
oxygen throughout the body (Charache et al. 1995). When the red blood cells are in this sickle
shape, it decreases oxygen levels throughout the body. You are required to cite at least 6 peer-
reviewed references. In America alone there is a significantly low number of people who know their
diagnosis (Creary et al. 2017). This is a country where medical care and knowledge is relatively high;
whereas other countries such as Nigeria, a country where SCD is extremely prevalent, has few
resources that can screen for this disorder. Molecular biology revision-Part 3 (Regulation of genes
expression and Recombi. Sickle anemia is particularly caused by the mutation of a gene that is
responsible for making hemoglobin proteins that carry oxygen in the red blood cells. Some 120,000
infants are born with SCD every year worldwide. Sickle cells adhere to macrophages and this leads
to erythrophagocytosis and hemolysis. If the disease is homozygous it is fully expressed and is
known as Sickle Cell Anemia whereas if the patient is heterozygous the disease is partially expressed
and is known as sickle cell trait. One of the limiting factors for bone marrow transplantation is lack
of availability of matched donor. When this happens, the child or adults experiences great amounts
of pain In their joints and fingers, making it almost Impossible for them to ambulate. Besides, this
paper talks about the general guidelines to maintain the reaping hook cell patient healthy and
recommendation that the patient and households should watch for it. However, when it attains the
shape of a crescent, mobility of these cells would be decreased. (Kids health: Sickle Cell Anemia,
2011) Sickling can affect the normal functioning of the cells in different ways. AS mutation which
provides a certain level of prevention against malaria never developed as straight response towards
the malaria parasite. It may start in one location of the body, and then stop and move around
throughout the body. The goals of symptom management in sickle cell anemia are management of
various chronic pain syndromes, chronic hemolytic anemia, vaso-occlusive crises, prevention and
treatment of infections, management of organ damage syndrome, prevention of stroke, early
detection and management of pulmonary hypertension and appropriate vaccination. Behind the
question on whether sickle-cell concept has helped in establishing Darwinian evolution lies an
assumption that observing an adaption that entails mutation in some way has the implication that a
number of the more complicated forms witnessed today have their basis in the simple forms traced
back to single-cell organisms. Human genotype is the most outstanding determinant of human
pathogenesis. According to Dr. Whittaker, in our region there are abnormally higher cases of Sickle
Cell Anemia, so I found it important to learn more about the disease, what cause it, what are the
symptoms as well as the options of treatments for this disease.
In specific conditions, hydroxyurea therapy, antibiotics, blood transfusions and others may be
necessary. Though it is difficult, there is still a low probability that those with sickle cell can again
contract malaria. To properly propose a gene therapy useful to SCD, the adult red blood cells were
forced to express human Beta-globin or hybrids after gene transfer to hematopoietic stem cells
(Pawliuk et al. 2001). This was the beginning thought of how to create a sequence that would be able
to combat the SCD cells. This would mean that one parent could have a normal hemoglobin trait
(HbA) and one could be (HbS) and have a child who has sickle cell. With individual who has Sickle
Cell Anemia, the red blood cell break down when infected with this parasite disallow the
development of the “malaria” parasite. There are others explanation such as: Hb S in Sickle Cell
individual leads to the polymerization of hemoglobin and this prevent the parasite from ingest the
hemoglobin which it needs for its life cycle, therefore the parasite get destroyed. Patients of this
disease are extremely prone to infection due to their abnormal red blood cells. This is the
consequence of spleen harm from reaping hook ruddy cells, therefore forestalling the lien from
destructing bacteriums in the blood. In areas where malaria is common, Sickle cell anemia found to
be more common. As of today, the only potential cure of Sickle Cell Anemia is bone marrow
transplant. As a result, treatment for sickle cell anemia is usually aimed at avoiding crises, relieving
symptoms and preventing complications” (Mayo Clinic Staff). Many of these treatments include
blood cultures to test for high leukocytes, use of pain medications for pain, and tests shown to
detect blood or protein in the blood. Our experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any
deadline and requirements from scratch. Nevertheless it is worth noting that this is a deflect and not
an increased complexity which is used as a selective mechanism and having many carriers in these
regions only means that more people are likely to suffer from the terrible disease of sickle cell
anemia. Sickle cells adhere to macrophages and this leads to erythrophagocytosis and hemolysis.
And Instead of moving through the bloodstream easily like normal red blood cells, these sickle cells
are very sticky and so they can clog blood vessels. Sickle- cell anemia is common in population in
Saharan Africa and their descendants from parts of the world. Sickle anemia is particularly caused
by the mutation of a gene that is responsible for making hemoglobin proteins that carry oxygen in
the red blood cells. Meremikwu, M.M., Okomo, U. (2011). Sickle cell disease. The increased
propensity to infection results in impaired splenic function that resembles infections in children who
have had their spleens removed for other reasons. A notable contradiction to science Is
pseudoscience which Is something that sounds selecting but Is. Test mostly used are DNA
(decennially acid) analysis, which tests the child and parent’s phenotype or genetic make-up, and
complete blood counts, with counts and tests to see if the amount of blood cells is normal or
decreased. “The normal blood count for a person would be in the range of 3. 6. Anything below that
point would be considered abnormal. ” (Whether, 2000, p. 014) There are many kinds of
complications with Sickle Cell Anemia that can become ere severe if left untreated. Page 4 With new
advances, the Sickle Cell disease can be diagnosed in newborns and older persons. After hemoglobin
molecules give up their O, some may constellate together and organize long, rod-like constructions.
Transcription II- Post transcriptional modifications and inhibitors of Transc. Infarction crises are
characterized by severe acute pain making the life of the patient miserable. The clinical course of
sickle cell anemia is variable even within the afflicted individuals of the same sibship. ANEMIAMy
first brush with anemia was when I was inflicted by it. However, symptoms appear only after 6- 12
months of age. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our.
Besides the bone marrow gets enlarged because of the increasing demand to bring forth ruddy blood
cells. The slow rate of growth is caused by a shortage of red blood cells. O’Donnell et al. looked into
how having the SS or AS gene may affect sleep patterns. Pain can affect the entire body.
“Abdominal pain, Bone pain, Breathlessness, Delayed growth and puberty, Fatigue, Fever, Paleness,
Rapid heart rate, Ulcers on the lower legs, jaundice, Chest pain, Excessive thirst, Frequent urination,
Painful and prolonged erection, Poor eyesight, Strokes, Skin ulcers” (Sickle cell anemia, 2011) etc
are the major symptoms of Sickle cell anemia. There are even DNA analysis testing to see who is
likely to have children with Sickle Cell Anemia. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.
Interviewing medical staff specialized in diagnosis and treatment as well as dealing with victims of
Sickle Cell Anemia. Sickle cell anemia or sickle cell disease and its variants are basically genetic
disorders involving hemoglobin (Meremikwu and Okomo, 2011). Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The sickling red cells result in clogging of the fine
capillary beds. The HbA 2 heterotetramer is composed of two ?-globin peptides and two ?-globin
peptides. Hopefully in the near future, there will be more education, counseling about Sickle Cell
Anemia to everyone, so we can take care of the patients better, and bring better attitude and hope
toward them, because I believe they need that the most especially from a family member. According
to studies, in another 20 years, Sickle Cell Anemia will become one of many chronic illnesses that if
properly handled and treated, will not interfere with activity, growth, and mental development
(Whether, 2000). Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best.
Sometimes computers, just like people, are born with defects and we make the most of it until it
stops working. Individuals and organizations can join our efforts to bring attention to sickle cell
disease by engaging elected officials for proclamations, hosting awareness events, distributing
educational information to dispel the myths about sickle cell disease, and lighting public spaces,
buildings and landmarks red. Also, Sickle cell anemia can be traced back to the Mediterranean and
Middle East area. Thompson, Paul. The Structure of Biological Theories. For example, sickle cell
disease, thalassemia, and cystic fibrosis are. The paper “Sickle- cell anemia ” seeks to evaluate a
group of genetic disorders caused by sickle-shaped hemoglobin Hgb S or Hb S. This text is free,
available online and used for guidance and inspiration. In this essay, sickle cell anemia in adults will
be discussed. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Before this happen, 35% of
infant with Sickle Cell died from infection. This caused them trouble falling back asleep once woken
from NREM which cannot be seen in AS mice. The diagnosis of sickle cell anemia is confirmed by
electrophoresis when it demonstrates homozygous HbS (Meramikwu, 2009). These constructions
cause ruddy blood cells to go stiff and presume a sickle form. One of which is referred to as ERD
(exercise-related death). It also has the potential to be harmful to SCD patients long term.
Individuals without the mutation residing in places that are endemic for malaria remained at a higher
risk of contracting the malaria parasite followed by the development of this given infectious disease.
This was interesting because it would be most likely assumed that the mice with a sickle cell trait
(AS) would have fewer arousals while sleeping because there NREM was deeper than those of sickle
cell mice (SS) (O’Donnell et al. 2018). When SS mice had a harder time falling back asleep after
waking from NREM sleep which was assumed to be associated with the mice being in pain and was
causing problems for the mice to fall back asleep. SCD is a homozygous S-gene recessive autosomal
gene in which offsprings inherit a sickle hemoglobin gene (HbS) from both parents. With individual
who has Sickle Cell Anemia, the red blood cell break down when infected with this parasite disallow
the development of the “malaria” parasite. Due to the reduced figure of hemoglobin cells go
arounding in the organic structure, terrible and chronic anaemia is besides a common feature ”. There
have been many advances in treating pain, renal complications, Acute Chest Syndrome, and
infections, and testing for Sickle Cell. The different skin colors affect the reflectance, that is, the. You
can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. They can besides be used to
handle spleen expansion in kids before the status becomes dangerous ”. The implantation of stem
cells, cells that have yet to become a specific cell type, has excellent potential to create healthy red
blood cells(Pawliuk et al. 2001). Jaundice (yellowness to eyes and skin) can occur in babies due to
liver damage. SCD affects millions of people worldwide, particularly those with African, Spanish,
Mediterranean, and Indian ancestry. Hb electrophoresis is the diagnostic test for homozygous and
also variants of sickle cell disease. Sickle Cell Anemia INTRODUCTION “Sickle cell anemia is a
disease passed down through families in which red blood cells form an abnormal crescent shape.
These trials besides tell whether or non the kid carries the reaping hook cell trait. Interesting
phenomena observed between malaria and sickle cell anemia is that In other words, there are some
natural selection traits that favor sickle cell-anemia allele in some individuals. According to studies,
in another 20 years, Sickle Cell Anemia will become one of many chronic illnesses that if properly
handled and treated, will not interfere with activity, growth, and mental development (Whether,
2000). The lower price also enables the mobile phone to become. In adults, infarction mainly occurs
in the subchondrium and diaphyses of the long bones. With such high involvement in the body,
impacting oxygen supply, it has the potential to alter someone’s life. Persons with these conditions
have a mutated form of hemoglobin, known as HbS. On the other hand, the theory also suggests that
the frequency of these variations may increase with each generation if they are heritable. The stem
cells are usually capable of developing into different cell types both in the embryonic period as well
as during growth. Many underestimate the number of people who face this disorder and how
challenging it can be on the body. Human genotype is the most outstanding determinant of human
pathogenesis. Molecular biology revision-Part 3 (Regulation of genes expression and Recombi.
Strouse, J.J., Lanzkron, S., Urrutia, V. (2011). The epidemiology, evaluation and treatment of stroke
in adults with sickle cell disease. The condition normally results in severe symptoms including
anemia, pain and various life threatening complications associated with decreased flexibility of red
blood cells. However, when it attains the shape of a crescent, mobility of these cells would be
decreased. (Kids health: Sickle Cell Anemia, 2011) Sickling can affect the normal functioning of the
cells in different ways. The paper “Sickle- cell anemia ” seeks to evaluate a group of genetic
disorders caused by sickle-shaped hemoglobin Hgb S or Hb S. If each parent carries one reaping
hook haemoglobin cistron ( S ) and one normal cistron ( A ), each kid has a 25 % opportunity of
inheriting two faulty cistrons and holding reaping hook cell anaemia; a 25 % opportunity of
inheriting two normal cistrons and non holding the disease; and a 50 % opportunity of being an
unaffected bearer like the parents. ”.
Pain can affect the entire body. “Abdominal pain, Bone pain, Breathlessness, Delayed growth and
puberty, Fatigue, Fever, Paleness, Rapid heart rate, Ulcers on the lower legs, jaundice, Chest pain,
Excessive thirst, Frequent urination, Painful and prolonged erection, Poor eyesight, Strokes, Skin
ulcers” (Sickle cell anemia, 2011) etc are the major symptoms of Sickle cell anemia. Receive a
tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. This may include potentially cause
decreased sleep ability such as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) to those with SCD. It can
reduce the flexibility of the cells and thereby various complications can occur to the patient. In
specific conditions, hydroxyurea therapy, antibiotics, blood transfusions and others may be
necessary. The abnormality in sickle cell disease lies in the hemoglobin. The normal life p of a
healthy red blood cell is about 120 days before spleen takes out the bad ones and the bone marrow
replace them. Behind the question on whether sickle-cell concept has helped in establishing
Darwinian evolution lies an assumption that observing an adaption that entails mutation in some way
has the implication that a number of the more complicated forms witnessed today have their basis in
the simple forms traced back to single-cell organisms. There have been many researches and tests
done on the genetic causes of Sickle Cell Anemia and how It developed, as well as it's effects on the
circulatory, muscular, and respiratory systems, as well as it's effects on the joints and other systems
of the body, and the complications associated with them. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS If both
parents have the sickle cell trait, the chance that a child will have sickle cell disease is 25%. This
leads to severe pain, tenderness and inflammation of the affected area and this is known as infarction
crisis (Dorman, 2005). Splenomegaly occurs after one year of age and sometimes pooling of large
number of sickle cells in the spleen can lead to sudden painful splenomegaly known as splenic
sequestration. In some cases, the pain might be extended for many years. Basal metabolic rate
(BMR)- Factors affecting BMR, measurement and clinical s. DIAGNOSIS CRITERIA “Complete
blood count (CBC) test, Hemoglobin electrophoresis, Sickle cell test” (Sickle cell anemia, 2011) etc
are some of the. According to studies, in another 20 years, Sickle Cell Anemia will become one of
many chronic illnesses that if properly handled and treated, will not interfere with activity, growth,
and mental development (Whether, 2000). Pneumococcal sepsis is common and infection with parvo
virus B19 can lead to aplastic crises. Report this Document Download now Save Save Brief- Sickle
Cell Anemia For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 101 views 6 pages Brief -
Sickle Cell Anemia Uploaded by Jologs Aggasid AI-enhanced title and description Sickle cell
anemia is a blood disorder caused by an inherited abnormal hemoglobin that causes red blood cells to
become sickle-shaped. Some of them enter into adulthood and suffer from chronic complications
related to chronic hemolysis, recurrent infarctions, chronic organ disease and chronic pain. For
example, sickle cell disease, thalassemia, and cystic fibrosis are. The risk of stroke is high among
adults and can be recurrent (Strosse et al, 2011). Individuals without the mutation residing in places
that are endemic for malaria remained at a higher risk of contracting the malaria parasite followed by
the development of this given infectious disease. Key Words: Sickle Cell Disease, Haemoglobin, Red
Blood Cells Sickle Cell Anemia is a genetic disorder and continues to be present in an individual's
body for an entire lifetime. There are still questions regarding the relationship between Sickle Cell
Anemia and “malaria”, but the explanations offered are quite interested. In the contemporary post-
Darwinian era, the growing knowledge in the evolutionary trade off that occurs in diseases and
pathogens is increasingly applied as a basis of emerging medical treatments including the current
antiretroviral treatment of HIV patients (Luzzatto 51).The evolutionary trade off between sickle cell
anemia and malaria serves one of the best examples of how knowledge about evolution can
effectively be used to influence the practice of medicine. Repeated cycles of oxygenation and
deoxygenation lead to irreversible sickling. When patients are admitted in crises, complete blood
picture, ABG and other tests are done based on clinical presentation (Meremikwu and Okomo, 2011).
Hemoglobin is a protein located in red blood cells (RBCs) that carries oxygen through the body. It
can last from hours to days depending on the severity and how long it takes for the clot to move.
Physical Abuse is when a person inflicts non-accidental physical force that results in pain, impairment
or bodily injury.

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