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1. The anterolateral abdominal wall is bounded by all of the following structures EXCEPT

(A) cartilages of the 7th through 10th ribs (B) linea alba (C) xiphoid process
(D) inguinal ligament (E) pelvic bone

2. Inferiorly, the inferior margin of the external oblique aponeurosis thickens and folds back on itself to
form which of the following structures?

(A) rectus sheath (B) inguinal ligament (C) arcuate line (D) deep inguinal ring (E) fundiform ligament

3. Which of the following fossae are potential sites for direct inguinal hernias?

(A) supravesical (B) medial inguinal (C) lateral inguinal (D) ischiorectal (E) iliac

4. The iliopubic tract is the thickened inferior margin of which of the following structures?

(A) inguinal ligament (B) transversalis fascia (C) conjoined tendon (D) falciform ligament (E) round

5. Which of the following structures represents the closed-off distal part of the embryonic processus

(A) gubernaculum (B) tunica albuginea (C) epididymis (D) tunica vaginalis (E) urogenital diaphragm

6. Which of the following arteries provides the abdominal parts of the esophagus with its arterial

(A) cystic (B) gastroduodenal (C) left gastric (D) hepatic (E) left gastroepiploic

7. The sympathetic nerve supply of the stomach arises from which of the following cord segments?

(A) T1–T5 (B) T6–T9 (C) T6–T12 (D) L1–L3 (E) T10–L2

8. The superior mesenteric and splenic veins unite to form the portal vein posterior to which of the
following structures?

(A) right kidney (B) neck of the pancreas (C) pylorus of stomach (D) 2nd portion of the duodenum
(E) spleen

9. Circular folds (plicae circulares) are characteristic of which of the following structures?

(A) transverse colon (B) stomach (C) jejunum (D) cecum (E) sigmoid colon

10. Omental appendices are located on which of the following structures?

(A) stomach (B) duodenum (C) ileum (D) ascending colon (E) liver
11. The head of the pancreas rests posteriorly on which of the following structures?

(A) left renal vein (B) superior vena cava (C) splenic artery (D) duodenum (E) superior mesenteric artery

12. The cystic artery commonly arises from the right hepatic artery in the angle between the common
hepatic duct and which of the following structures?

(A) cystic duct (B) celiac trunk (C) portal vein (D) proper hepatic artery (E) gastroduodenal artery

13. Inferiorly, the posterior surfaces of the kidney are related to all of the following structures EXCEPT
(A) subcostal nerve (B) iliohypogastric nerve (C) ilioinguinal nerve (D) 2nd portion of the duodenum

(E) quadratus lumborum

14. Which of the following structures is related to the spleen, stomach, pancreas, and the left crus of the

(A) left suprarenal gland (B) left kidney (C) left gonadal vein (D) transverse mesocolon (E) abdominal

15. The nerves of the kidneys and suprarenal glands are derived from which of the following plexuses?
(A) celiac (B) lumbar (C) inferior mesenteric (D) sacral (E) inferior hypogastric

16. Which of the following nerves exits the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen, superior to the

(A) sciatic (B) pudendal (C) superior gluteal (D) lumbosacral trunk (E) obturator

17. All of the following arteries enter the true pelvis EXCEPT

(A) internal iliac (B) median sacral (C) superior rectal (D) ovarian (E) testicular

18. All of the following statements concerning the ductus deferens are correct EXCEPT

(A) It begins in the head of the epididymis. (B) It ascends in the spermatic cord.
(C) It passes through the inguinal canal. (D) It joins the duct of the seminal vesicle to form the
ejaculatory duct. (E) It descends medial to the ureter and seminal vesicle

19. Parasympathetic fibers to the bladder are derived from which of the following nerves?

(A) pelvic splanchnic (B) greater splanchnic (C) T11-L2 (D) superior hypogastric plexus (E) sacral plexus

20. The oocytes expelled from the ovaries usually are fertilized in which of the following areas of the
uterine tubes?

(A) infundibulum (B) ampulla (C) isthmus (D) uterine (E) fimbria

21. The rectosigmoid junction lies anterior to which of the following structures?
(A) S3 vertebra (B) prostate (C) obturator foramen (D) bladder (E) pararectal fossae

22. In males, the superficial perineal pouch contains which of the following structures?

(A) prostate (B) seminal vesicles (C) membranous urethra (D) neck of the bladder (E) ischiocavernous

23. The navicular fossa is located in which of the following structures?

(A) glans penis (B) prostate (C) bladder (D) seminal vesicle (E) expanded in the clitoris

24. The paramesonephric ducts in the male degenerate except for which of the following structures? (A)
efferent ductules of the testis (B) appendix testis (C) ductus epididymis (D) seminal vesicles (E)
ductus deferens

25. The inferior ends of the seminal vesicles are closely related to the rectum and are separated from it
only by which of the following structures?

(A) pubovesical ligament (B) puboprostatic ligament (C) rectovesical septum (D) puborectalis muscle

(E) coccygeus muscle

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