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Part 1

Do you live in a house or an apartment?

-> I live in a rent house with my friends near my university in Go Vap

DistricZcvbnt in HCM City. It include in: 1 living room, 1 kitchen room and 2

What's your favourite room where you live?

-> My favorite room is my kitchen room because it is a place where I and my

friend cooking together.

How long have you lived in your house or apartment?

-> I have lived in my house for 2 years, since I started studying college

Who do you live with?

-> I live with my friends. We are the same ages. They major in Marketing like me.

Is there anything you don’t like about where you live?

-> No. There’s nothing to don’t like where I live. It’s quiet and peaceful. I love it
so much.

What kind of place do you think you will live in in the future?

-> In the future, I think I will live in a big house in the countryside because I like
the air freshment and peaceful there.
Do you prefer living in the city or in the countryside?
-> I still prefer living in the countryside because it is very peaceful, fresh,
comfortable, making me feel more like living in the countryside
Do you have a garden?
Yes . I have a garden with green trees and some fruit trees. I really like this garden
because it gives me fresh air
Do you live on your own?
No, I'm living with my parents and siblings. Everyone in my family loves each
other and feels very happy at this time
Which room do you spend the most time in at home?
-> At home, I spend the most time in my room because I often use it to study, sleep,
work, and listen to music to relax. Especially, I am keen on lying in bed after a
hard-working day
Have you ever moved house?
-> I have never moved house, I’ve stayed at a place that suits me so I don’t want to
move anywhere

Hobbies and interest

Have you got any hobbies?
-> Definitely yes, my hobby is listening to music. I usually listen to music in the
evening because it can help me to relax after a hard- working day and I listen to
music on a daily basis.
Are there any hobbies you used to have that you don’t do anymore?
-> Ago 3 months, I used to get up early to catch the sunrise. However, now I don't
enjoy it because I am very lazy
Is there a hobby you would like to start?
-> Well, If I have more spare time in the future, I will take up playing the guitar.
Actually, I have found this musical instrument interesting ever since I was a kid
so I really want to learn it
What do you like to do at the weekend?
-> On Saturday, I usually play badminton with my friends and then on Sunday, I
spend time with my family, which I do every week
What do you like to do to relax?
I usually go to the coffee shop or go shopping with my friend. Occasionally, I will
take a small trip to relax my self after an exam or finish a tiring job.
Do you live doing activities alone or with other people?
I prefer doing activities with other people because when I work with many people I
feel happy and interested. Such teamwork helps to get the job done faster and saves
more things.
How often do you do exercise?
Actually, I’m a lazy person so I rarely exercise. Even so, I still spend 1 hour a day
for walking or doing exercises to protect my health.
What are the most popular hobbies in your country?
-> Well, there are lots of activities that Vietnamese people enjoy doing in their
spare time. A hobby that has become popular recently is traveling. By traveling to
new places, people can have the chance to see beautiful scenery and learn many
Do any of your friends have an interesting hobby?
My friend also has a hobby of going to the beach every afternoon because
swimming is good for health and it can also make us relax after a long day. In
addition to swimming, they also played warm-up games before swimming such as
volleyball and jogging.
What do you do when you get home from your studies or work?
When I come back home after studying or working, I prioritize self-care like
showering, removing make up then I will cook. Finally, I will listen to music or
watch a movie before going to bed.
Are there any hobbies you wouldn’t like to do?
-> Reading is not my kind of thing. Because when I read book, I will fall asleep

Do you like to travel?
→ Yes definitely! I want to see the world, learn more cultures, customs and historical
sites of different countries. It's a very fun way to have a chance to make new friends
and to explore new places.
Have you ever lived in another country?
→ I have never lived in another country if there is a chance i would like to live in
Finland because it is a country with good education for those who want to study
What do you like to do on holiday?
→ I want to travel with my family on vacation. Because each trip will record beautiful
memories together, participate in activities together, save beautiful photos together and
create a connection between family members.
Do you prefer lying on the beach or sightseeing?
→ I prefer to go sightseeing rather than lying on the beach because I want to see the
beautiful moments of the beach at sunset that makes me feel light and comfortable.
Which country would you most like to visit?
→ I would like to visit Finland because Finland is the happiest country in the world. A
country that not only has a developed economy but also has excellent education, an
extremely safe country, This is the right place for those who want to study abroad.
Do you have many tourists where you live?
→ I live in a place that doesn't have many tourists because the place I live does not have
beautiful place, amusement parks or certain features for tourists to notice because the
place I live is a small city
What’s the most interesting place you’ve ever visited?
→ The most interesting place you have ever visited is Da Nang because this is a colorful
city and a strong economy in Vietnam, many places to visit including the famous is Ba
Na Hill, the Golden Bridge in this place there is also very famous with creative
Do you like to buy souvenirs?
→ I love buying souvenirs, because I want to keep a memory at a certain place, in
addition, I want to bring those small gifts for my family and friends.
Are you going on holiday this year?
→ I'm definitely going on holiday, it's summer this year. i have a plan to go to Vung Tau
3 days 2 nights with my roommate, it's a place we haven't visited in a long time, and I
think this will be a good opportunity for me to enjoy this time.
Do you like to travel on your own?
→ I don't like to travel on my own because it's quite boring for me, I want to go with my
family or friends and we always plan to enjoy a good time together, that will better for
What’s your favourite way of travelling?
→My favorite way to travel is by train, it's a great way to see all the sights without
worrying about traffic or other problems Also it's more comfortable than flying and
driving long distance, so I can rest during my journey.

Do you enjoy studying English?
Yes i do. I like to learn English. I find English very important. My English is still
poor, I will try harder in the future.
Have you got a favourite room to study in at home?
Yes i have. I have a favorite room for home study. It has a desk, a bookcase, a
computer, and other essentials. I really like this room.
What time of day is your best time for studying?
Morning is the right time for me to study. After breakfast, I will be awake and have
more energy to study. I usually study in the morning or late afternoon.
Do you like to study online?
Yes i do. I like learning online. Online learning is very suitable for busy people
who do not have time to travel.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying online?
The advantage of online learning is that it saves us time and travel. Besides, the
difficulty is not having enough knowledge, not being able to interact with teachers.
What do you find most difficult about studying? How often do you study
English every week?
I find the most difficult thing when studying is the distraction. I have a hard time
concentrating on absorbing lessons. I study English twice a week.
Have you studied English in a class? Have you tried studying with other
Yes i have . I have studied English in class. I have never studied English with other
people, maybe I will try this way of learning.
Do you prefer studying alone or with other people? Which area of English do
you find most difficult?
I like studying alone. I need quiet to be able to concentrate on studying. The
hardest part of English for me is the listening part, I have a hard time hearing
foreign accents, maybe I need to practice listening more.
Is the internet always useful for studying? Is there a subject you would like to
No it isn’t. The internet has both good and bad sides. we need to choose the right
ones and not be dependent on the internet. The subject I want to study is English. I
find it very important and necessary for me
Part 2
Pic 1

In this photo I can see a group of people and there are also lots of trees in the
background so I think it might be a park. They are all wearing summer clothes and
very suitable to protect their health. They seem to be family or friends. Everyone
seemed to be happy. In addition to jogging, they also combine cycling. These
sports activities not only help us to have good health but also can integrate with
people around
Pic 2

In the picture I can see a group of people sitting around the table working
together. It could be a classroom because I can see a big board, a bookshelf, and
a map. On the table there are many books and 2 laptops. Besides, they have
different skin colors and different hairstyle, i think they come from many
different countries. Everyone is working hard so I think the group session will
have good results.
Pic 3

In this picture, they are in the cinema, and the film is seen to be fantastic, everyone
really enjoys it. There are two couples in this picture, one is near my eyes and the
other is behind the first couple. First, we talk about the first couple, I think the man
wore a shirt inside, and outside he wore a gray sweater and the woman is wearing a
pink shirt. The man was placing a bag of popcorn on his lap and the woman was
holding a glass of water in her hand. They are surrounded by rows of red chairs
and you can see light bulbs in the distance.
Pic 4

The picture describes a scene with four people sitting around a table at a café. Each
person in the picture is wearing different clothes with different colors. The man on
the left is wearing a blue T-shirt, the woman on the left is wearing a blue polka-dot
shirt, the woman in the middle is wearing a pink shirt underneath a jean jacket, the
man on the right is wearing a white shirt and black pants, and another man on the
far right is wearing a white T-shirt, a red and blue plaid shirt over it.
Looking at the table and the glasses, it seems like they are all just focused on their
phones and not talking to each other. Even though they are all engrossed in their
phones, each person's facial expressions show different emotions. The man on the
left seems focused and happy with a smile on his face. The woman on the left is
also focused on her phone, looking satisfied. The woman in the middle looks a bit
bored and contemplative, while the man on the right seems relaxed and happy with
a bright smile on his face.
The background of the picture is a wooden wall with a few small lights and a
painting or a small white board. With such lighting, it could be morning with a blue
sky and warm sunshine.
Picture 5

In this photo. I can see six people: grand mother, grand father, parent, two
children. They are sitting around the table. There are many dishes on the table such
as bread, salads and fruit. Grand mother is bringing a tray of grilled chicken with
potatoes to the dining table.
You can rell that they are preparing a house. Everyone seems to be very happy and
boring a lot of fun.
Pic 9
At first sight, i can see the scenery in the park. There are a lot of people here. I
guess it’s a sunny morning around 8 am, i can feel the fresh environment here.
Many people go here to meet friends and chit-chatting or maybe do exercises.
Most clearly, i can see the man is playing violin and chilling with the melodies
who looks like artist. He’s got short black haircut, wearing a basic oufit included
white shirt and maybe a grey short or jeans because the picture has been cut off. So
far away, those classical buildings over there are special reminds me about
architectures of England that makes the picture has more depth and stand out. This
is definitely a great picture

Pic 10

First of all, i can see a group of bestfriends. They are having a small party in a
mountain, kind of a quiet and peaceful place without many people. I guess a small
party in the evening at someone’s villa with some food and glasses of juice are
served. I think it’s like a chilling party after the huge party last night and they are
having fun together. They are 9 people dressing simple clothes and looking at the
man standing on the pool who is making a laughing stock. I can feel how happy
they are because of their smiles and i know they had a great time. The breathtaking
scenery and plus the sunshine far away make the picture more cozy with happiness

Pic 11

In this photo I can see 2 children and their mother. They are sitting on a
sofa and using an Ipad for entertainment or learning something. It looks
like the are really interested in watching the Ipad. On the left side of the
mother, it is an older sister, I can see she is the one who pay attention the
most. On the other side of the mother, there is her baby, maybe he/she is
1 year old and the mother is the one who holding an ipad and it seems
like she really enjoys her time with the children. The house looks very
clean and tidy too.

Pic 12
I can see a man and a woman with a boy that I thought was a family. It
can be seen that this is a young family and they are eating and drinking
together, very happy, perhaps they are celebrating something. I saw that
it was quite dark outside, the lights were still on in the room, maybe they
were having dinner together. I thought the meal was held at their house
because I found the layout quite cozy and in them quite comfortable
when playing together.
Pic 13
In this picture, I can see a family consisting of father, mother and their
son. They are talking to each other, They seem to be having a good time.
The father seems to be eating and working. The son is playing on the
sofa. The mother seemed to be pointing in the direction of the sofa... The
whole family was gathered together in the living room and looked very
Pic 14

In this photo, I can see a family consisting of father, mother and their
daughter. They are talking to each other. It seems they are having lunch.
the father . The father is holding his daughter. The daughter is feeding
her mother. The whole family is gathered together in the kitchen. On the
dining table is a bowl of rice and a plate of food. In short, their family is
very happy and cheerful.
Part 3
Test 1: Improving your health
A: So, shall we talk about improve your health? I think it’s a good idea. We can
look at many activities like walk around the park with dogs.What do you think?
B: Yes, I agree with you. The only problem is that boring. In my opinion, taking a
party with strangers that will be more fun and fastinated. We can have more time to
play together and chilling out after a long day work
A: Yes, but don’t you think it’s unhealthy activities for people. What do you think
about play volleyball?
B: Well, it would be perfect. We can get out in the fresh air and play with our
friends, but if we dont have enough people to create a team, it may be not fun.
A: That’s true. So, would the gym workout be a good idea? We can do it in house,
if the weather is bad, it is also not a problem.
B: I’m not sure. I think it’s difficult to find a room. How about cooking? We can do
it with family at home
A: What do you think about bodybuilding sport? I think it is also very good for our
B: I agree that mountain climbing brings a lot of health but around us there is no
place to practice it. Also, it is not suitable for someone who doesn't like to take
risks like me
A: So fitness is an optimal choice to improve health
B: Yes, it is a great option but we will need our own support, being a student is not
a perfect choice. Swimming isn't bad either
A: Well, that is a good idea. Swimming both can blend in with the outdoor air, and
it is convenient when we have free time to swim right away. It helps me on the
advanced side a lot

Test 2: A day in the city

A: Hi! Long time no see, how are you?
B: Thank you, I'm fine. I plan to visit you next time. Can you take me to see where
you live?
A: I would be happy to welcome you. Currently I am in Ho Chi Minh city. Have
you been to my country before?
B: This is my first time coming to your country. I am very excited and nervous.
A: Would you like to visit some famous places in this city?
B: Great, I really like it.
A: I will take you to Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Street, Turtle Lake, Thu Thiem
Bridge…or do you prefer to go to historical places like Independence Palace, Cu
Chi Geolocation?
B: I prefer to visit your country's historical sites because I find it more interesting.
When can we meet?
A: I'm usually free on weekends, maybe Saturday or Sunday we'll meet
B: I agree. Thank you and see you again.

A: Well, In my opinion, one of the most relaxing things is to go the
cinema. The film that lasts for 2 hours helps us relax and forget about
real life , What do you think?
B: I agree with you up to a point, but If you feel tired from studying and
exams, then you may play basketball with your friend. I think it would
be much better to do something else.
A: Yes, That’s True. As you can really relax when you are with your
friends. But you may dance disco is a better idea as you are with your
friends, you are having lots of fun at the same time. Do you agree?
B: Not really, Because I don’t Like dacing disco and drinking are
expensive. I suggest going for a swimmingh is better, Because it helps
you can keep you fit.
A: Actually, yes, you are right. I don’t think playing games would be
interesting, either, do you?
B: That’s right, but I think readinh book in the library is excellent
because You can borrow books for free and it helps you relax. Do you?
A: I don’t think so, I think going to park in the City is better, because it’s
out in fresh air,...? Do you?
B: That’s true. I agree with you
A: Definitely.
Test 5: Part-time summer job
A: So, shall we talk about ice cream seller? I think it’s a good idea. We can look at easy
work. What do you think?
B: Yes, I agree with you. The only problem is that boring. In my opinion, being an server
in a fast food restaurant would be better, because we can chat to customers and have
free food at work
A: Yes, but don’t you think it’s unhealthy food for people. What do you think about dog
B: Well, it would be perfect. We can get out in the fresh air and play with dogs, no
problem if weather is bad, but I don’t think it’s a good idea because dog might be
unfriendly, it’s difficult for us
A: That’s true. So, would the pizza delivery person be a good idea? We can go out and
about, get tips. Do you agree?
B: I’m not sure. I think it’s difficult to find right house. How about babysitter. We can
have fun with children.
A: Yes, you’re right, but children might be naughty. What about a shop assistant? That
have work in nice environment and learn about different gadgets.
B: This job requires the need to know a lot about products and just salary – no tips so
he shouldn't do this job. He should be well suited to waiter because he gets to meet lots
of people, get tips, free food or drink at work.
A: This would be the perfect job for someone who looking for a part-time job like him
because he still has a few subjects in his school. So, we will choose that job.
B: Ok. We’ll go for that one, then.

Test 6: A trip to London

A: Well, In my opinion, one of the most relaxing things is that we go to London by
bus, we can sit on the bus and enjoy the scenery and visit many beautiful sights in
London. What do you think?

B: I agree with you on that, but I think we will get tired when we have to move a
lot. I think it will be much better if we go shopping together
A: Yes, that's right, shopping is pretty decent. But the price of the items in London
is a little bit high and we don’t have enough budget for that. I think it would be
much better to do something else, like go to a nearby fish and chips shop to
recharge for the next excursion. Do you agree?
B: Not really, I don't think eating is interesting. In my opinion it would be the
best if we go to the museum, we can learn more about the cultures and the
history of England here.
A: Yes, it is ok for me. But I would like to see something more signature in
London. How about visting the Big Ben, it would be the best idea for us. It’s a
symbol of England and it has so many extrodinary views for us to take pictures

B: That's true so I think visiting the Big Ben is the best idea
A: Definitely
Part 4
Test 1
1. Do you think children should be taught about healthy eating?
Yes:I think yes because it will practice a clean lifestyle and will make a good
impression on others when eating out.
No: I think not because children are too young to absorb and we should create a
comfortable living environment for them to develop.
2. Do you do any sport in your free time?
Yes: I often play sports when I have free time to exercise as well as entertain after
stressful school hours.
No: I don't often play sports because I don't have free time. I usually spend time to
study more.
3. Do you like eating fast food?
Yes: I love eating fast food because it's convenient and delicious with a variety of
flavors. Whenever I don't have time to cook, I eat it.
No: I don't like fast food because it has a lot of preservatives and a lot of fat which
is not good for health
4. Do you think it's important for young people to learn how to cook?
Yes: I think it's important because it helps us to control the nutrients in our body
and create a healthy way of eating.
No: I think not because everyone has a different lifestyle and preferences.
Depending on their needs, they will choose to learn to cook or not.
5. What do you do in order to stay fit and healthy?
I choose to eat a lot of vegetables and find a suitable exercise for me
Test 2
1. Do you think tourism is important in cities ?
- Yes, it can help local businesses, create more jobs for people, the resort will
develop better and more modern
- No, it will cause damage to historic buildings, littering and vehicle smog will
pollute the environment, overcrowding affects people there, changing their lives
2. Do you enjoy city life or would you rather live in the countryside?
- City life: because it í crowded, bustling, has full facilities such as a c variety of
schools, hospital, many places to play and shopping, good public transport. It is
also a place where there are many different jobs for everyone to enjoy and learn
- Countryside: because it is very peaceful and quiet here, the air is fres, there is
little smoke and traffic, the people are friendly and gentle lifestyle is worth living
3. When you visit a place do you go sightseeing?
- Yes, travelling is an opportunity for me to learn more about the unique beauties
of each place such as the historical architecture, art, culture and educaton in that
- No, My main purpose pđ travelling is to relax after a tiring day at work, so I
usually stay at the hotel t relax, or go shopping and eat around my place
4. What of the entertainment can you enjoy in a city ?
- Every weekend my friends and I usually like to go to the movies and then we will
go to coffee shop to chat about daily life stories
5. Which city would you like to visit if you could ?
- My favourity city is Paris because it is so lively and interesting. It has many
beautiful od building, but it also feel modern. Besides, it has famous food, luxury
shopping areas.
Test 3
1. Do you think it is good for children to spend a lot of time using
computers? (Why/Why not)
 Yes, I think it is good for children because computers provide a lot of
useful knowledge in learning
 No, I don’t think it is good for children because using the computer a
lot will affect their eyesight
2. How important is it for young people to spend time with their friend?
 I think spending time with friends is very important because it helps
young people relax after a tiring day at work
3. How has the way you spend your free time changed over the years?
 Before, I used to spend my free time sleeping or hanging out but now
i spend my free time studying to improve my score
4. Do you think it is easier to relax on your own or with other people?
 Yes, I think it's easier to relax by myself because I'm a quiet person
 No, I don't think it's easier to relax by myself because I'm a lively
person so I like talking to others to relax.
5. How is spending free time with family different from spending it with
 My parents are often busy with work, so I rarely see them and I spend
a lot of time with my friends because I go to school to see them every day.
Test 4
1. Are you a member any club?
Yes, I’m a member of the sports club.
2. Do you do anything to protect the environment? (Why/Why
Yes, I often walk to school to protect the environment.
No, I don’t think it’s a big problem.
3. Do you think we should all be doing more environmental
activities? (Why?)
Yes, I think everyday little changes make a difference.
No, I don’t do anything to harm the environment.
4. What do you think is the biggest environmental problem
nowaday? (Why?)
I think the big problem of the environment today is the means of
transport that cause the air
5. Do you think children learn enough about the environment at
school? (Why/Why not?)
Yes, I think children learn enough information from school
No, I think there is a need to be educated from very young age.

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