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COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Assignment No. 2, Fall 2023
Program: BEE 5 (A + C) Total Marks: 20
Instructor: Dr. Nadia Nawaz Due Date: 19-10-2023
Course: Microprocessor Systems and Interfacing
All Questions are based on [CLO1-PLO1-C5]

Instructions: It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the assignment is legible. Illegible assignments
or those in cursive handwriting will not be graded—will be discarded without any notification. Additionally, the
answer of the following questions should be precise and to the point.
You need to submit the assignment at the beginning of lecture on the due date and late submission will be graded as zero.

Q. No. 1: If the current values in the code segment register and the Lo Hi
instruction pointer are 040016 and 01BD16, respectively,
0x1FF8 45 96 2C 00
generate the physical address that would be used for next
instruction fetch. (1) 0x1FFC DD 12 CD AB
Q. No. 2: A data segment is to be located from address B000016 to
0x2000 01 FE 88 99
BFFFF16. Identify what value must be loaded into DS? and
what value must be loaded into DI if it is to point to a
destination operand stored in memory at address B2536 16? (2)
Q. No. 3: Use the following memory locations on the right to compute results of following instruction sequence:

i. MOV BX, 0x1FF8

ii. MOV AX, [BX+2]
iii. XCHG AL, AH
iv. LEA DX, [BX+8]
v. MOV CX, [DX-3]

Q. No. 4: Identify the addressing modes used for the source and the destination operands in the instructions
that follow: (7)
a) MOV AL, BL e) MOV [BX] + 0400h, CX
b) MOV AX, 0FFH f) MOV [DI] + 0400h, AH
c) MOV [DI], AX g) MOV [BX] [DI] + 0400h, AL
d) MOV DI, [SI]

Q. No. 5: Compute the physical address for the specified operand in each of the following instructions from Q.
No. 4. The register contents and variables are as follows: (CS) = 0A0016, (DS) = 0B0016, (SI) = 010016,
(DI) = 020016, and (BX) = 030016. (5)
i. Destination operand of the instruction in (c)
ii. Source operand of the instruction in (d)
iii. Destination operand of the instruction in (e)
iv. Destination operand of the instructing (f)
v. Destination operand of the instruction (g)

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