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Vocabulary CORRECTION The city

1) Translate the following words in French. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Nouns Verbs
town hall mairie traffic jam embouteillage To gather rassembler
district quartier car park parking To lose Perdre
contact contact
- skyscraper -gratte ciel rush hour Heure de To be Être
- building - batiment pointe anonymous anonyme
downtown Centre tube (GB) To go window Faire du
ville subway métro shopping lèche vitrine
job offers Offres d traffic lights Feux de To order food Commander
emploi croisement de la
suburbs banlieue crossroads carrefour To call a cab Appeler un
town Ville an office Un bureau To settle S'installer
crowd - la foule - a factory -une usine To rush - se
(crowded streets) (rue - a company -une To walk précipiter
bondée) - a store entreprise To explore - marcher
-un grand - explorer
housing problems Problème (medical, Équipement To collect Ramasser
de sport..) ou installations rubbish les ordures
logement facilities sportives

2) What’s the English for?

1. déménager to move 4. traîner avec ses amis to hang out with friends
2. faire le trajet banlieue-ville to commute 5. voisinage, quartier neighborhood
3. faire partie de to be part of 6. campagne countryside

3) Read each description and match it to the words:

1 a shopping mall A building with lots of shops all in the same place
2 a cycle lane A small part of the road where bicycles can ride

3 a residential area An area of the city with lots of houses and flats
4 public transport Example: buses, trains, bicycles, underground
5 green space Parks and natural areas in the city
6 a pedestrian zone Part of the city where there are no cars or bicycles
7 trafiic lights Red, orange, or green lights that tell cars when to stop
and go
8 city center The most important part of the city
9 recycling bins Where you put your old paper, plastic, and metal

shopping mall green space recycling bins city centre residential area
pedestrian zone public transport cycle lane traffic lights


4) Locate these cities on the map above: 1: London, 2: New York City, 3: Toronto,
4: Washington DC, 5: Sydney or 6: Dubai.

5) C.O Intermediate B1 ‘The City vs. The Country’

Listen to six people discuss where they would rather live.
Living in a city Living in the country
Advantages Drawbacks Advantages Drawbacks

- going to clubs - a very busy city life - time to do things - it's boring
- being with many play the guitar, read the
people news
- talking to new people - a peaceful lifestyle
- party - enjoy the clean air
- it's more exciting and the wildlife
- a lot more to do and see - it's more peaceful,
and experience relax and time seems to
go by slowly

Vocabulary The city

Nouns Verbs
town hall La mairie Phone Cabine gather rassembler
booth téléphonique
district quartier Taxi rank Station de taxi lose contact Perdre
- skyscraper - gratte-ciel Rush hour Heure de be Être anonyme
- building - batiment pointe anonymous
council flat Appart à loyer Traffic jam embouteillage rush Se presser
block of flats Un immeuble Traffic lights Feux de Queue up Faire la
signalisation queue
outer suburbs banlieue crossroads croisement Call a cab Appeler un
dormitory Ville dortoir Bus lane Couloir de bus settle s'installer
Green belt Zone autour Car park Parking de mug agresser
d'une ville voitures
(ceinture verte)
Slum area bidonville passer-by passants stroll Se promener
Housing Problèmes de Pedestrian Passage Go window Faire du
problems logement crossing piétons shopping lèche-vitrine
pavement trottoir Tube (GB) métro Collect Ramasser les
(GB) subway rubbish ordures
sidewalk (US) (US)

2) What’s the English for?

1. déménager to move 6. traîner to hang out (with friends)

2. déraciner uproot / remove 7. voisinage, quartier neighborhood
3. faire partie de to be part of 8. campagne countryside
4. proche near 9. lotissement housing project
5. faire le trajet banlieue-ville to commute 10. habitant inhabitants
Remember useful words?
Le temps ou climat / une ville multiculturelle / cosmopolite / endroits à voir / endroits
historiques / des monuments emblématiques / métro / transport publics / installations,
services publics / activités culturelles / musées / inconvénients de la ville / avantages /
pollution / hébergement hors de prix ….
Use different verbs: découvrir / voir / visiter / explorer ….
Use different adjectives: époustouflant, merveilleux, impressionnant, super.........

Read each description and match it to the words around the room.

shopping mall A building with lots of shops all in the

same place
Cycle lanes A small part of the road where bicycles can
residential areas An area of the city with lots of houses and
public transport Example: busses, trains, bicycles, under-
green space Parks and natural areas in the city

Pedestrian zone Part of the city where there are no cars or

traffic lights Red, orange, or green lights that tell cars
when to stop and go

carbon-neutral Something that saves the same amount of

energy as it uses

city centre The most important part of the city

traffic congestion Too much traffic! Too many cars!

high-rise apartment blocks Very tall buildings of flats

One way street Where cars can only drive one direction

recycling bins Where you put your old paper, plastic, and

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