Title: Archimedes Blimp: Experiment Design

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Experiment Design

I. Title: Archimedes Blimp

II. Concept : Archimedes Law

II. The Aim of Experiment There is athe aims of this experiment, it is: 1. Explain the concept of Archimedes Law III. Base of Theory Archimedes law state that that if an object is partially or completely immersed into the fluid, then the object would have led to upward compressive force equal to the weight of fluid displaced by the object is immersed. Systematically, the law of Archimedes can be written as follows F = a Va g(1) F = Bouyance force of the object (N) a = density of fluid (kg/m3) Va = Voume (m3) g = gravitational accleration (m/s2)

(Figure 1. Description of Buoyance Force) In physics, buoyancy is a force exerted by a fluid that opposes an object's weight. In a column of fluid, pressure increases with depth as a result of the weight of the overlying fluid. Thus a column of fluid, or an object submerged in Archimedes Blimp
By Tantri Astiti

Experiment Design

the fluid, experiences greater pressure at the bottom of the column than at the top. This difference in pressure results in a net force that tends to accelerate an object upwards. The magnitude of that force is equal to the difference in the pressure between the top and the bottom of the column, and is also equivalent to the weight of the fluid that would otherwise occupy the column. For this reason, an object whose density is greater than that of the fluid in which it is submerged tends to sink. If the object is either less dense than the liquid or is shaped appropriately (as in a boat), the force can keep the object afloat. This can occur only in a reference frame which either has a gravitational field or is accelerating due to a force other than gravity defining a "downward" direction (that is, a non-inertial reference frame). In a situation of fluid statics, the net upward buoyancy force is equal to the magnitude of the weight of fluid displaced by the body The blimp fill up because gas is lighter than the surrounding air. Many gases, such as hydrogen and helium, the density is smaller than the air at a certain temperature this means the gases that have a smaller mass than the air for the same volume. If the material is lighter than air is pumped into the balloon, the balloon will rise as long as the weight of all materials balloon, basket, load, and the straps are also smaller than the weight of air displaced by the balloon. Properties of the hot air less dense than cold air, causing the ride used also working gas balloon. Although the hot air is not as light as some of the gas, people can use it safely and easily. For example, by spraying propane lights mounted below the mouth of the balloon. Balloon material is typically a lightweight material, such as nylon, which is also not easily torn. Hot air balloon usually remains in the air for several hours. However, if the air inside the balloon is not given additional warm-up, over time the balloon it will come down after the temperature decreased. To fly in the air inside the envelope heated by the burner with a temperature around 100 degrees Celsius. Hot air will be trapped in the envelope. Since this period of hot air per unit volume is much less make it lighter so it will move any air balloon ride in the pressurized air pushed by a stronger.

Archimedes Blimp
By Tantri Astiti

Experiment Design

In this experiment we should be prove the Archimedes law by the blimp. We should to compare the density of the air around the blimp and densiy in the blimp after it we give the heat. The formula is:
m V ..(2)

In this case the V T , so the Volume of the blimp can be written as:
V = Vo ..(3) T

b lim p = 0 + T ...(4)


blimp = density of air inner blimp (kg/m3)

0 = density of air outher the blimp (before we turn the burner ) (1.29 kg/m3)
T = The change of Themperature (0C)

= Coefficient expansion of the air ( =1.40).

IV. The Devices and Matters The devices and matter that used in this experiment are: 1. Nylon or Parachute cloth 2. Small basket 3. Knife 4. Candle 5. Rope 6. Thermometer V. Design of Experiment


Burner Basket Archimedes Blimp

By Tantri Astiti

Experiment Design


Steps to Make The Apparatus 1. Prepare all device and matter 2. Cut the cloth until make the pattern below (ballon patent)

3. Connect the envelope with the basket using rope

4. Take a candle in the basket as a burner 5. So blimp should be like this: VII. Steps of Experiment
1. Measure the volume of the blimp

2. Measure the temperature around the blimp 3. Turn on the candle (burner) 4. Measure the temperature of burner
5. White for a while and show what should be happen

VIII. Analyze of Data In this experiment generally the objectivities of this experiment just to prove the Archimedes Law. We just compare the density of air in the blimp and out the blimp. The density of air in the blimp can be done using equation:
V = Vo ..(3) T

Archimedes Blimp
By Tantri Astiti

Experiment Design


Questions 1. Why the blimp can be flow?

2. How does the comparison the density of air in the blimp and around

the blimp?
3. Make conclusion according your result of experiment!


Refference Anonim. 2009. Atmsfere and Biotika. Accessed in: http://zaifbio.wordpress.com/2009/01/30/atmosfer-dan-biotika/. [17 October 2011]. Resnick & Hallyday. 1993. Fundametal of Physics jilid 3. Jakarta: Erlangga. Wikipedia. 2011. Archimedes Law. Accessed in: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archimedes. [17 October 2011].

Good Luck!!!!!!

Archimedes Blimp
By Tantri Astiti

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