Fce 27-06

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"This Bock (0) ailgad_me enthralled tor a whole weekend. i deceribee an incident in wnich a ociontist was etanding on fps cts Onserrtary cokaras cron meeripiea, kaliiy eecaral Of nis cotloaques (1) ‘He tod to scramble down the incredibly steep aide of the volcano, but was caught by a heavy shower of white-hot rocks. Several of these hit him, (2) _____. him so badlly that he feared he would not survive. However, (3) the dangers, two very brave women (4) an extraordinary rescue, and helped him to safety. This book describes the work of scientiste who place themselves in danger in the search to understand volcanoes, and snows why they choose to (5) such risks. They hope to develop the technique of (6) accurately’ when the next eruption might occur (7) to give People living in the area (8)... warning which would save lives. It is a thought-provoking and fascinating book, © Akept Bheld gor ID made 1 Aactually — Bdirectly —— Cinstantly momentarily 2 Binjuring — Espoiling BD smashing 3 Beven Cproviding DB consequently 4 Bmadeup Cet out D carried out s Broke Chave Ddo 6 Bforecasting Cpprojecting viewing 7 Binorder — Cincase Dthoush a Bahead Cadvance Dbefore ‘Gneerieaaing may be riskier tnan sport: Cheerieading (0) fas... become a mainstream activity — many sports would be nothing today without groups of chanting young people dancing on the sidelines. But would you believe that snowing support for a team (9) this way may be almost as risky as playing the game (10) ? Each season, just as the players undergo trials for their sport. young people try out for their cheerleading team, hoping to join that: elite. group..of people (14) __ spend the game urging their tear on to greater efforts. What they do during the game is a key factor in creating an atmosphere within a stadium. in the past, cheerleading (12) to be fun, but now it may have a darker side. Cheerleading ‘once simply involved performing a simple routine while at the same time making a lot of noise. But now it's turned into serious gymnastics and is competitive in its (43) right. Each season thousands of young people strive to come up with (14) _.. most dramatic display of choreography they can, and as (1s) result they end up needing emergency hospital treatment. Although sport itself is well-regulated, cheerleading is 16) . SO Maybe what it now needs are some serious rules! Ayoung couple had 2 (0) ninsous escape dung a back-packing holiday in the mountains. Sally and Chris found themselves stranded in freezing conditions, surrounded by sheer rock faces in every (17)_____ . They tried to call the emargency services, but to their horror discovered they were (18) to get a signal. They made the diffcut (19) _ to camp where they were and watt for morning, even though the weather was appalling. As dayight approached, Selly knew that she was (20) of climbing down unaided and Chris set off to find help alone, Hours passed until she heard a helicopter in the distance, and waved (21) to attract the pilot's attention. She was taken to hospital where she learned that Chris had falen during his descent due to the (22). conditions, and been forced to craw! for hours before reaching a small vilage. After an (23)_____. reunion, the couple decided to choose less (24). holidays in future DIRECT ‘CAPABLE by anu ive wor, mmeimumy wre UTM giver. Here is an example (0). Example: 0. Avery friendly woman gave us diections when we got os. GIVEN When we got lost we scene gin ivetons ly avery friendly woman, 25 | prefer playing football to tennis, RATHER Vee HONIS, 26 Do you think! have to geta visa ta visit the country? NECESSARY Do you think the country? 27 fno-one turns up fo the meeting, you can go home. LONG Youcan gohome, the meeting. 2B {Fit snit too cold, well go skiing tommorrow. UNLESS Well go skiing tomorrow... too cold. 29. The plane was so crowded that | couldnt slaep on the lang fight. Too The plane was sleep on the long fight 30 ‘Dont leave the building without locking up, John; said the manager. LEAVING The manager reminded John the building, ___...10 geta visa to vist ee CUS UB FOP

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