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1a) Self-Service Ordering Kiosks

Interactive Whiteboards

1b) Ease of Use Touch screens offer intuitive interaction through simple taps and
Space Saving They combine input and output functions, saving physical space.
. Versatility Touch screens support various input methods, enhancing usability.

2a) Motion Sensors

Door/Window Contact Sensors

2b) Motion Sensors Detect movement within a designated area.

Door/Window Contact SensorsTrigger alarm when doors or windows are opened

3a) country of origin number

manufacturer number
item number
check digit
# the price of the item is not in the bar code
3b) The smartphone with the QR scanner the device scans
the code and the user is taken directly to the website of the business providing the
goods or service. They can also be used to encode phone
numbers or even text messages.

4) RFID stands for radio-frequency identification

Item tracking is one of the major ways that retailers use RFID. RFID in retail can be
used to prevent theft and track items that are frequently moved and often misplaced.

5a) OCR optical character recognition scans a typewritten or printed document and
translates the images of the characters into digital text that can be used on the

5b) OMR optical mark recognition enables data marked by a human, by making
marks to select options to be captured for processing by a computer

5c) OMR reads marks made by humans on paper forms, while OCR reads typed or
printed text to convert it into digital format.

6a) Monitor an output device that visually displays the data output by a computer.
6b) Speaker a device to enable you to hear sound or music on your computer system.
6c) Multimedia projector Device that can project an image from a computer onto as
large a surface as is necessary, often used in presentations.
6d) Touch Screens is a monitor which is an output device that can also be used as an
input device
7a) Laser printer is a printer that works by using a laser to ‘draw’ the required outputs
onto a drum and uses toner to print the output onto paper.

7b) Advantages of a dot-matrix printer

They can be used in dusty and dirty environments.
They can be used on continuous or single sheets of paper.

Disadvantages of a dot-matrix printer

They have a poor quality output
There are very limited color capabilities.

1a) Personal devices that use a touch screen Smartphones, tablets, laptops
1b) Advantages of touch screens
Easy to use: Intuitive interface through taps and swipes.
Space-saving: Combines input and output functions, reducing device size.

1c)Touch screens benefit public places by

Enhancing user interaction Intuitive interface for easy navigation.
Speeding up transactions Quick selections on ticket machines reduce waiting times.

2)Advantages of chip and PIN

•The information held is more secure than just the magnetic stripe because the chip is
difficult to read and chips are harder to clone.
•The computer chip can hold more information than the magnetic stripe can hold.
•Chip and PIN readers can be wireless, which means they can be brought to you when
you’re in a shop or restaurant, rather than having to go to the till to pay.
Disadvantages of chip and PIN
•People tend to be careless when entering their PIN and people watching can see it.
This is called ‘Shouldering’ or ‘shoulder surfing’.
•You can forget your PIN, meaning you can’t make payments with that card until you get
a new one.

Chip and PIN

Safer Your information is safer it is protected with a special chip that's harder to clone
compared to the less secure magnetic stripe.
It is More Secure it Uses a PIN for added security.
They are Harder to Fake Chips and are tough to clone.

Magnetic Stripe Readers:

It is Less Safe Easier for thieves to copy your card info.
There is No PIN. Doesn't need a PIN for transactions.
it is Riskier More vulnerable to fraud as cards can be skimmed or cloned easily.

3a) Sensor is a device that detects changes in its environment and converts them into
electrical signals eg: light, temperature, motion pressure

3b) an actuator is like a machine that moves or does things when it gets signals from a
computer to other devices to operate / is a device that causes a machine or another
device to operate.

3c) In a control system like a burglar alarm or temperature control system:

Sensors detect changes such as motion or temperature.
Actuators respond to these changes by triggering alarms or adjusting temperature

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