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Fast-Twitch Freak: How

to Build Athletic Muscle

Bigger Stronger Leaner
Dec 2021
Dec 2021
Dec '21

Christian_ThibaudeauElite Coach
Dec '21

Become Quick, Strong, and Jacked

If you want to be stronger, faster, AND bigger, you want a higher ratio of
fast-twitch muscle fibers: athletic muscle. Here’s how to do it.

Want to be explosive, agile, and strong? Then you want a high ratio of fast-
twitch muscle fibers, what we call “athletic muscle.” And yes, you CAN adjust
your training to shift that ratio in the right direction.

The body has two broad categories of muscle fibers: slow-twitch and fast-
twitch. These two categories have several complex hybrid subtypes.

Fast-twitch fibers produce a lot more force, contract faster (producing more
speed and power), and have higher growth potential, but they’re a lot less
resistant to fatigue. That means having a lot of fast-twitch fibers is not only
beneficial for athletes but for bodybuilders and powerlifters too.

The Benefits of Athletic Muscle

Some of the benefits of having a higher ratio of fast-twitch muscle fibers will
surprise you:

• More speed, power, strength, and development potential of all three

• Higher degree of muscle growth and muscle tone/definition
• Shorter time to reach maximal muscle tension
• Requires less training volume to get a maximal training effect
• Better carb tolerance (less likely to store carbs as fat)
• Quicker adjustments to sudden changes of direction
• Better force absorption

Having a higher ratio of fast-twitch fibers is vital if you want to get jacked,
strong, and powerful.

But what if you don’t? What if you were born with a lot of slow-twitch fibers?
Are you genetically doomed?

Wait, Can You Increase Your Ratio of Fast-Twitch Fibers?

The old belief among sports scientists was that, even though it was possible
to increase the ratio of slow-twitch fibers through endurance training,
increasing fast-twitch fibers was less likely. Luckily, this was debunked.

The studies using a method called “single fiber SDS-PAGE” say it’s possible
to increase the ratio of slow-twitch or fast-twitch fibers. But older methods,
like “histochemistry” or “SDS-PAGE homogenous,” failed to see the
conversion largely because they couldn’t measure hybrid fibers.
Confused yet? No biggie. What’s important is that the most current literature
indicates that it is possible to increase the ratio of fast-twitch fibers. Even
better? You can do it in a matter of weeks.

With the proper training methods – like a combination of heavy and

explosive work – you can convert a significant amount of slow-twitch (and
hybrid) fibers into fast-twitch fibers. If you were to stop that type of training
and switch to endurance training, you’d decrease the ratio of fast-twitch
fibers while increasing the ratio of slow-twitch ones.

The main mechanism is the switch of hybrid fibers into pure types. For
example, a sedentary person will have 20-40% hybrid fibers, an active
person only 10-20% (so more “pure” types based on their activity), and elite
athletes have almost no hybrids.

Most muscle fiber researchers agree that you can increase your fast-twitch
fiber ratio by at least 10% in a short period – 4-8 weeks.

Is that significant? Well, the average human has around 50% fast-twitch
fibers. The highest measured fast-twitch ratio (in a top sprinter) was 71%. So
yeah, if a 10% shift brings someone from 50 to 60% fast-twitch, it’s a big

And it’s possible that longer periods of specific training, or a better training
protocol specifically aimed at targeting the fast-twitch fibers, could increase
the ratio even more. I’ll use a real-life example.

There was a Canadian bobsleigh athlete who was an endurance runner until
he was 19 years old. The bobsleigh is an extreme power and speed sport.

He completely changed his performance matrix after switching to sprinting

and then bobsleigh and became the most explosive athlete I’ve ever trained.
I’m talking 4.19 seconds for the 40-yard dash and a 41-inch vertical jump.
He also posted a 425-pound bench press at a bodyweight of 181, and he
power-cleaned 335.

The question is not if it’s possible to increase your fast-twitch muscle fiber
ratio, but HOW to do it optimally. There’s a way to do it, but it might not be
what you expect.

Where Bodybuilding Falls Short

It’s not quite as simple as “endurance training will increase slow-twitch fibers
and weight lifting will increase fast-twitch fibers.”

Well, it is for the endurance part. Elite endurance athletes can have as much
as 80% slow-twitch muscle fibers. But when it comes to fast-twitch, it’s not
as simple as just lifting weights.

In fact, a typical “bodybuilding” approach – reps in the 8-20 range, not

focusing on accelerating and doing lots of volume – will shift you toward a
slightly slower profile.

The super fast-twitch fibers (MHC IIX) will convert to the fast-twitch fibers
(MHC IIA), and some fast-twitch fibers will convert to slow/fast hybrids (MHC
I/IIA). It won’t increase the slow-twitch fiber ratio, but you’re still moving
toward a less powerful profile.

Even pure strength training will have that effect – a decrease in MHC IIX
fibers and an increase in MHC IIA ones with no change in MHC I fibers.

However, when researchers used a combination of strength and explosive

work, there wasn’t much of a decrease in IIX fibers, but there was still a
significant increase in IIA fibers. But, it came with a decrease in type I fibers.
So, strength training by itself can lead to a slightly slower profile, whereas
the use of strength work AND plyometrics will increase the conversion of
slow-twitch fibers to fast-twitch fibers (1).

Get Explosive to Increase Fast-Twitch Fibers

By themselves, plyometric or stretch-shortening cycle exercises increase the

ratio of fast-twitch fibers (2). The same was found with sprint training (3). So,
right off the bat, we can say that anything done explosively will help increase
your fast-twitch fiber ratio. Examples:

• Jumps
• Throws
• Plyometrics
• Loaded Jumps
• Olympic Lifting Variations
• Dynamic Effort Lifting (40-60% of your 1RM for 2-3 reps done
• Anaerobic Power Work (like 10-15 seconds all-out on an air bike)
• Drop and Catch Method
• Overspeed Work

If you haven’t heard of those last two, here they are:

Go (Really) Heavy to Increase Fast-Twitch Fibers

While studies looking at strength work conclude there’s a move toward a

slightly less-fast profile, the studies normally include sets where participants
use 70-80% for “strength” work.

Heavier work with less fatigue accumulation works better. Sets using 70-
80% will still allow 6-10 reps, so the fast-twitch fibers might not come into
play until the last half of the set. The set will still lead to some accumulated
fatigue, which could stimulate the shift toward a slightly slower profile.

However, suppose you’re using sets of 1-3 reps with 90%-plus or

even supramaximal partial lifts 5 or eccentric overloads. In that case, you
could likely switch to a faster profile, especially if you do not have to grind
these reps. Why? Because you need to rely on the fast-twitch fibers and a
high firing rate along with very little fatigue accumulation.

In fact, single efforts (one rep per set) are likely one of the best approaches
to develop the fast-twitch fibers and increase their ratio.

Here are some of my favorite heavy methods for that purpose:

Heavy Weight Strategy 1

Do heavy sets of 1-2 reps while dominating the weight. This means using a
load that’s roughly 90 to 92.5% of your maximum. Go as heavy as you can
while still dominating the weight – no grinding and still having the feeling that
you can accelerate the weight. Do 3-5 sets in a session.

Heavy Weight Strategy 2

Do heavy partials for 2-3 reps. Obey the same rule as above, but instead of
using a full range of motion, use roughly half – from the middle to
completion. Use lifts from pins, blocks (bench or deadlift), or box (squat).
The weights will be heavier than your max on the full-range lift, but still
choose a load you can dominate.

Heavy Weight Strategy 3

Use the eccentric overshoot method. You load the bar with a moderate load,
one that you can accelerate. It’ll be anywhere between 60 and 80%
depending on your level of explosiveness. Add extra weight during the
eccentric phase of the lift via weight releasers. Try going as heavy as
possible on the releasers, provided you can keep lowering the weight slowly
through the whole range of motion.

When the releasers unhook from the bar, lift the weight as fast as you can.
Do sets of singles. Ramp up the releaser weight over 4-5 work sets, then
perform a back-off set with 10-pounds less per side.

Heavy Weight Strategy 4

Do accelerative strength-skill work. Do 2-3 reps with 80-85% with an intent

to accelerate. Move as explosively as possible during the concentric. Do 4-5
work sets.

Use Isometric Work to Increase Fast-Twitch Fibers

Isometrics mean you’re producing force with no movement. On the surface,

such methods seem counterproductive for increasing fast-twitch fibers. After
all, these fibers are associated with speed, and isometrics are completely
devoid of speed!

But three applications of isometrics can increase the recruitment,

stimulation, development, and possibly the ratio of fast-twitch fibers:

Isometric Strategy 1

Use maximal effort overcoming isometrics. “Overcoming” means you’re

trying to move an immovable resistance. For example, pushing or pulling
against pins with an empty bar. Maximal refers to pushing or pulling as hard
as possible. This is only sustainable for around 6 seconds, then there’s a
dramatic force drop-off.
Your sets should either be 6 seconds all-out or 9 seconds; the first 3 are a
smooth ramp-up in force production followed by 6 seconds all-out. Do this
for 2-4 sets.

Or do it using “reps” in which you push against the pins as hard as possible
for 3 seconds, then rest for 5-7 seconds before your next rep begins. Push
for 3 seconds; rest for 5-7 seconds. Do 3-5 of those per set. Use two sets of
safety pins so you can rest the bar on the bottom pins during the recovery
period. Do this for 2-3 sets.

Isometric Strategy 2

Do functional isometrics. You need two sets of safety pins. The highest pins
would be 8-10 inches above the lowest ones. Press the bar into the highest
set of pins and push as hard as possible for 6 seconds. The difference here?
The bar is loaded.

How much weight do you use? It doesn’t matter much since you’ll be
producing maximum force by pushing against the pins, but use a weight
that’s closer to your 1RM (around 85-90%) on the full-range lift. The purpose
of using a loaded bar is to get a feel that’s similar to a regular lift (better
dynamic correspondence). The pins act like a sticking point. This teaches
you to maximize force production when you reach a sticking point. The
second set of pins should be set around where your sticking point is in a lift.

Isometric Strategy 3

Do loaded stretching. Loaded stretching 5 is an anomaly. Even though

there’s no movement and the duration is fairly long, it emphasizes fast-twitch

To understand why, consider blood flow restriction 2 (BFR) training. One

study found that the occlusion effect it causes (restricting blood from coming
in or out of the muscles) leads to preferential recruitment and development
of fast-twitch fibers (4).

The reason? Occlusion prevents oxygen from coming inside the muscles,
depriving the slow-twitch fibers of their primary fuel source and shifting the
recruitment toward the fast-twitch fibers in the process.

Loaded stretching also causes an occlusion effect, so the same conclusion

likely applies. Both stretching and muscle contraction reduces the amount of
blood that can come in or out of a muscle. So loaded stretching, combining
both, will have a very strong occlusion effect, leading to an increase in fast-
twitch fiber recruitment.

For loaded stretching with the purpose of building muscle and strength, do
sets of 1-1:30 minutes for a total time under load of around 3 minutes – so 3
sets of 1 minute or 2 sets of 90 seconds.

To make it maximally effective for the fast-twitch fibers, you want to:

1. Go to the most extreme position you can reach.

2. Contract the muscles as much as you can and maintain the tension.

The more these are respected, the greater the occlusion effect will be and
the better fast-twitch stimulation you’ll get.

Plan Your Training

When it comes to designing your training program specifically to maximize

the conversion to, and development of, fast-twitch fibers, I’m reminded of
something that track coach Boo Schexnayder said:

“You must give the body an unambiguous message to what you want it to
It applies to increasing the ratio of fast-twitch fibers. The more
“unidirectional” your training is, the more likely you are to get the adaptation
you’re after. So if you want more fast-twitch fibers, you want the vast
majority of your training stimulus to be done with methods favoring the
conversion toward a faster profile.

Any method that would, by itself, lead to a conversion toward a slower profile
should be avoided. Don’t get me wrong, if 80-90% of your volume is done on
fast-twitch methods and 10-20% is high-rep bodybuilding work or even some
cardio, it’ll still work. But if you try to be a “jack of all trades,” you have no
shot at becoming a fast-twitch machine.

Programming and Tips

1. Use fast-twitch methods for as much of your workload as

2. Use a limited number of methods in a training phase. All of these
methods are neurologically demanding. It’s better from a recovery,
performance, and learning perspective to use two methods in a
workout and no more than five to six in your training block.
3. Stick with a set of methods for 3-6 weeks. Most of these are heavily
neurological and will give you the fastest progression for the first three
weeks. The more advanced or explosive you are, the more frequently
you need to change the methods.
4. Keep overall volume lower than you’d think. Creating too much
fatigue can hurt the adaptations toward a faster profile. And due to the
nature of the methods, it can make recovery harder. The biggest
mistake? Approaching fast-twitch training the same way you’d
approach bodybuilding training. Use the “training economy” principle of
doing the fewest exercises possible to get the job done. The less
fatigued you are while still giving a strong stimulus to your body, the
more likely you’ll be to transition to a faster profile.
5. Opt for a whole-body approach. It will allow you to stimulate each
muscle (at least indirectly) 3-4 times a week. Each stimulation
promotes the conversion of muscle fibers while still allowing you to
recover properly. Avoid workouts with a significant amount of fatigue.
6. Stick to one category per workout. Choose to either go heavy, use
isometrics, or get explosive on each workout.
7. Use a low density of work. This means using ample rest between
sets. This is contrary to what I recommend when trying to maximize
muscle mass or lose fat. But this is the way to do things that favor the
conversion toward a faster profile. Basically, you don’t want to do your
sets while being in a fatigued state.
8. Remember the Schmidtbleicher principle. The last thing you do has
the greatest impact on motor learning. Never allow yourself to finish an
exercise (last rep of the last set) with a grinding, slow, or technically
incorrect execution. If you feel like the last rep of an exercise wasn’t
optimal, rest a few minutes and perform 1-2 violent reps, even if that
means decreasing the weight. In fact, it’s smart to program a “back off”
set with a slight load reduction but performed with the intent to be
violently explosive.

Last Thing

Increasing your ratio of fast-twitch fibers is not only possible, it happens

pretty rapidly, provided you give your body the correct stimulus. An increase
in fast-twitch fibers of at least 10% (possibly 15 or even 20%) is achievable.

But remember, the body becomes whatever you ask it to become. The
“clearer” the adaptation message is (by using almost exclusively fast-twitch
methods), the more likely you are to create a maximal conversion.

Furthermore, if you stop using those methods in favor of more traditional

hypertrophy work and endurance work, some of the newly converted fast-
twitch fibers will convert back to what they were prior.

You can still do things like conditioning and hypertrophy work. But if you
want to stay a fast-twitch machine, the methods here should make up as
much of your training load as possible.

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