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Talking to Brick Walls ‘Written and co-created by Claire Christian & Empire Youth Arts IMPACT Ensemble 2014 ® A Playlab Publication @ Playled Notes ‘Characters RUDI CLARA MIA JASMINE ‘TOBIAS JERE BETH JAY-JAY FRANKLIN DIRECTOR PARENT-TO-BE/PARENT ITCH OF RESPONSIBILITY WAITER SHALALA, AMY TEEN YOUTH GOD ARCHETYPE JESSE RACHEL QUINN ELEANOR JEREMIAH GIDEON. SAMUEL Original Production Character Breakdown RUDI/ GIDEON CLARA /SHALALA. MIA / WAITER / AMY JASMINE/ YOUTH GOD / ELEANOR ‘TOBIAS / DIRECTOR/ SAMUEL JBEF/ PARENT-TO-BE / QUINN BETH / TEEN / RACHEL JAY-JAY / ITCH OF RESPONSIBILITY / JEREMIAH FRANKLIN / ARCHEYPE / JESSE 10 Claire Christion ‘Talking to Brick Walls by Claire Christian Talking to Brick Walls ONE: IN THE ENSEMBLE RUDI ENSEMBLE TOBIAS ENSEMBLE JASMINE FRANKLIN BET CLARA A Playlab Publication BEGINNING ENSEMBLE quickly enter, bi PROJECTION: Welcome to our show Followed by silence. Ws like talking toa brick wall Blackout. PROJECTION: In the b ning Do you know how long weve been trying to have this ‘conversation with you? 000 years Do you know how long teenagers have been copping i like all ofthis is somehow out fault? 8000 years. to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their porents. They ‘They rit in the streets inflamed wit wild iarals are decaying, What isto become of them tat is happs Plato, 4th Century BC. “We decaying age. Young people no longer respect their parents, They are rude and impatient. They fie habit taverns and have so self comrol? An inscription on a 6000 year-old Egyptian tomb, n JERF TOBIAS Jay-Jay MIA FRANKLIN RUDI JASMINE JEEE CLARA BETH ‘TOBIAS JERE 2 Peter the Hermit, the gay who cant deal with human Interaction sald that in AD 1274, Ladiest ‘These teens and pr foundations of society ‘That was in New York City in 1850, Gnawing? Gnawing away at the foundations of society Like rats? Rats gnaw away at things. Not teenagers. A shift ‘What you are about to see isa combination of our words, your words, and the responses of over one hundred people Who we interviewed and surveyed. erviewed andl surveyed about being an adolescent and being a parent So that we could get to the bottom of why we've been. talking to brick walls for over 8000 years. Coire Christion MIA wavsay RUDI TAYIAY RUDI FRANKLIN JASMINE CLARA BETH ‘TOBIAS JERR MIA ENSEMBLE TAYIAY A Playlab Publication al ng to Brick Walls by Claire Cl How can the world have accelerated so far and yet we've still having the same conversations as the Egyptians? Not having. What? Not having the same conversations as the Egyptians. Right. We're not talking. to brick walls isthe perfect, xy eveall found ourselves in. Which actually means ‘metaphor for this We hes We say But we dont talk about it. And we certainly dort do a ‘That’ why we're here, To do something about our br walls Tights Shift. PROJECTION: What you said about your brick walls I think we spend our lives malking brick walls and when you're kid yous wal house that your patents have built around you to protect you. inside the bri id that’s fine, but when your wall gets too it pushes against it and you just ‘And thats grea big for your parents ho fight and scream and clash But eventually you break through and start to build your own house B @Playia ‘And then your parents can come and visit RUDI ‘When you keep talking, you break down the wall FRANKLIN Iteuts you right down to your soul when you fel lke the people who love you most, are disappointed in you, JASMINE Parent adolescent relationships are just a switling mass of confusion on both sides due to hormones, parental expectations, peer pressure, future career stuf, puberty. ts all really fucking vicky. CLARA Do you know how hard iti to bea teenage boy and think h ahard on? ‘The girs lok at the boys. The boys agree. Precisely BETH All ofthis [referencing herself] is really really tik right now. TOBIAS But then so is being parent. TWO: BEING A PARENT AND STUFF PROJECTION: Being a parent. oR You're having a baby. OR You made a human that you are now obligated to give a shit about every. Single. Day. FOREVER. ‘Slide changes. ‘YES, FOREVER. “4 (Claire Christian PARENT-T0-BE DIRECTOR PARENT-TO-BE DIRECTOR PARENT-T0-BE DIRECTOR PARENT-TO-BE DIRECTOR PARENT-TO-BE DIRECTOR ‘Talking o Brick Wallsby Claire Christian ‘The DIRECTOR of Documents enters stage lft, in ast diggrantlement, carrying copious copies of document chooses a spot centre stage and waits for the arrival of ‘Wow what a great day to have no respons Hello, Welcome to the Association of Parenthood I have some super important forms for you today. ‘What are you doing in the middle ofthe street? “Were an on the go company and I have no house. Anyway you've already filled out the documentation, paid the necessary involuntary deposit and ifyou don finish these forms you will be subject to serious fines and long term imprisonment. So please read this form and checkll the details are correct and we canbe on our way Rightio, yep that’s my name so I'm ... paying rent? Becoming 2 parrot? 'No that says patent, ean get the parrot forms too though, Oh no, parent should be fine for now. it doesn't sound too bad. Sounds like Congratulations! You can read! ‘A banner falls oven, or streamers, so Nota necessary requirement but anyways, now have you drunk the potion? ‘The potion? Oh, jiggle my knickers, okay, real quick, [need you to gather these ingredients and bring them to me and then maybe, just ‘maybe, I can tick this teeny little bx on this form. @Playicb PARENT-T0-DE DIRECTOR PARENT DIRECTOR PARENT-T0-BE DIRECTOR PARENT-T0-BE DIRECTOR PARENT-TO-BE DIRECTOR PARENT-TO-BE DIRECTOR DIRECTOR 16 Got it! Whaté up first? ‘You need to insert the rules of parenthood into your brain, ‘That’ the first ingredient. Drops heavy many paged book into hands of PARENT-TO-BE. Read all of thet. ‘Too eaty! le really small print. Rewarding? Nope. Earnestly begins to read the book. Gets confused. Heey these pages are just blank! esti, really small print. ‘No there's nothing here. ‘Oh, it must be the DIY option, Oh... sole... n ing? ‘That’ pretty much the way it goes. Bu, hey, that's only ingredient one. Ive heard that if you pour a vial of advice over it rules appear Really?! Where do I find that? Ahem . [Dramatic Voice} You must travel through pouring wind and driving rain to the Valley of Old People and acquire the vial of advice PARENT-TO-BE nods Inariedly and sets off thunder, epic quest music etc, their quest. PARENT-TO-BE DIRECTOR ireH DIRECTOR PARENT-TO-BE DIRECTOR PARENT-TO-BE DIRECTOR A Playlab Publication Talks to Brick Wolls by Claire ® And so they travelled, facing the rss and tribulations through the Valley of Old People. The road waslong and sometimes their farts were embarrassingly loud and even though they pretended it wast them everyone still knew, and they were accosted by a terrible bout of the hiccups but stil they persevered, cl that fateful hill to retrieve the vial ofadvice. PARENT-TO-BE clutches towards the DIRECTOR vial of advice and rushes the open rulebook. Thave it! He flings the vial backwards in excitement and loses it wwe didat even need that anyway. Now, lity and defeat it ‘Well, you know wh ‘you must face the itch of ieespan ITCH OF RESPONSIBILITY appears. Dlargh! Lam the itch of responsi bills, Take vitamins. Vittasnammn Do your taxes. Pay y PARENT-TO-BE and the ITCH OF RESPONSIBILITY participate in an epic batile sequence until the ITCH is defeated. Super good for you! Te What? ‘You know how to use social media, We cant have that Oh. status of your Intended recipient. Such as heve, where ia “Boo! Schocl Exams, Maths is Dumb? You would “Hl Archie looking good! Flope you are well, crit ‘walt to see you at Christmas, LOL. Send my love to your fath Xoxe' See how that transforms that? v7 to Brick Walls by Clare Christian @Plsylab PARENT-TO-BE So cen Id . how naive you are, here sit down, k the potion? DIRECTOR Ha ha DIRECTOR Ab, last bt not least you need to tell me a joke. A lame | PARENT There are no chairs. parent joke tobe precise DIRECTOR = Mmmm. PARENT-TO-BE Ummm. Lights shift WAITER appears WAITER No, be your waiter PARENT-T0-58 be your customer tonight THREE: THE WORST THING DIRECTOR Do that laugh you do when alae joke is told PROJECTION: What’ the worst hing about being parent? PARENT-70-BE laughs Ma “The worst thing? ‘That : Perfect! sense of self in your focus to try to give your best to your fon won to pt them before yoursefal the time, But DIRECTOR ring ont poo thas PARENT aoe TOE PARENETO-Doiegsionee aoe fone day they wil grow up and leave you any, itcan oaks dati ‘so unrewarding, nobody tells you that you are doing a great Magi ound effect, job, people jus criticize you including your kes tformation sequence as PARENT-TO-BE becomes 4 Jay-Jay stereotypical PARENT. oH per, Her PARENT ingly dingle the one two binge, ve gota go p dnsiioraad ici dat {up from school, thei probably want money and Tim not an ATM machine, you know. RUDI ‘The fear: The constant fear that you might be screwing t The frustration that you are leays trying to do whats best, PARENT exits. but there's no way to help teenagers to see that. That feeling | DIRECTOR Lite do they know that nothing could prepare them for ‘when you've putyour foot down, and you kev your kids the tise of parenthood pissed off ith you that ou hate me right not because lave you so much feng PARENT screanns of stage then runs om. | FRANKLIN feel lot of doubt, alot of guilt —feling that you should ; ‘Congrats! You lasted 18.73 seconds! have done things differently: better. That every mistake PARENT dont get tid overhingyou sed meta hou e barpanliesieseetn etter nee cs ave caused them lasting damege. Do eae ‘too much? Am I fair? Am [ consistent? Am [a good role model Shosld Ihave done more or done less? 8 A PlaylabPrication 1» @Playlab JASMINE ‘And the constant worry. When they're babies its like, are they ‘eating properly, pooing enough. When they're [AND swimming? And when they'e older will they get hurt? ‘Who will their friends be? What drugs are they using? Are they having sex? A Shift. FOUR: SHALALA WRITTEN BY CIARA CONDREN SHALALA, PROJECTION: Meet Shalala Hi my name’ Shalala. Thanks to my parents for giving me that ‘name, There’ a rad story behind it and all that jazz, but, ob, okay, 1, you know the song ‘Show me the way to Amarilla? ah So they got lost iday, on their way to Dallas, andl um. that song and yé and life and yeah, ‘Though when people ask Indian great aunt and if'm to someone from India I say she’ my Malaysian aunt... So yeah, look I just want 10 share this thing that keeps happening. So, 'm cute right? Pretty in the way you expecta girl to be pretty as in I domit have three noses and I look slamming ina dress, Everyone looks slamming in adress to be honest. them [have an adopted Anyway, Ihave parents they kinda, lke made me, in this gross way. By having sex. I know totally unorthodox, they coulda just Claire Christian ‘Talking 0 Brick Walls by Claire Christian used a turkey baste or something f they wanted like each ther or something, So they had me an strangely capable of making my ov kid eventhough [cart vote or drive or get through University without my parents income, |My mum asks me about the boys Ilike al the time, you know? {'m talking to her for maybe. litte bit and she gets this look on her face and I think shes gonna lll me but then she says ‘So, is there anyone you i I|go in, and then she'll giggle and go ‘mon it’s just us girls here’ give her this blank look, well ‘rot Blank because i’ filled with confusion. My Mom doesnit care who I like, my mom cares that I keep up good grades and that I dost get raped when I go toa party. Neither of which has ‘happened yet so thats all good. Go me. ‘You know there’ only two reactions to that ‘who do you like! {question, Get mad or pretend to be too sh dort tell her, It's just so frustrating because I know she doesa't asks because she fel she has o? There's some sort of weied ‘obligation ole perform some sort of ritualistic ‘Tm youre parent and you're just a teenager thing. Same sorta stuf with ed being a teenager he made this big deal tle girl anymore bu, he oly said it he wes tobe that goofy dad off TV. We were the same. had adulthood upgrade en you're a teenager you stop being yourself parents that have changed. 'm still the same exact fucking person I just get a lt of cool shit now, ike ‘acne and hormones which I know they have as well so why, ‘m reaching the same developmental stage they are at as dol get treated differently? Acshift a @ Playleb FIVE: AMY WRITTEN BY CHRISTOPHER PATON AMY PROJECTION: Meet Amy Do your parents ever talk about when they were your age? Becatse mine do, Like, all the time. I'm not sayin ‘our current situation by depicting when they themselves actually went through it naturally l probably use this technique, even though f'n talking about how stupid I think itis. ‘My mum told me thet she has only ever made out with two guys, and one of them is my dad, Like, shes never even ‘made out with a girl. And my dad reckons the fist time he ‘was properly pissed was at Aunt Dorris fifty-fourth bitthday pty, He was like thirty. Ist that like when you start having that innocent. ow it sounds dumb, but I'm not going to want my kids tobe like I am now. I'm not a model teenager. A lot of what do I regret, ut its about. Making takes for ourselves. I just dontt want lire arena eee ARON NSE atin ‘Talking to Brick Wells by Claive ny kids to make the same mistakes I have. So wl them? Yeah, I suppose just tll them I ‘was a perfect little git Realisation. (Oh. think I need to tall to my mum and dad. Bastards, A shift SIX; THE DEFINITION OF ADOLESCENCE MIA JAYAY RUDI FRANKLIN JASMINE CLARA BETH TOBIAS JEFF MIA ‘A Playlab Publication PROJECTION: A moment that defines your adolescence Whatisa story orsong cor moment or kiss orlove or ght that defines your adolescence? ‘Their ‘we're separating’ speech. My first kiss Ashley Johnson, She was a tomboy. I didn’t know then that it was boys that [loved. But I loved her all the same. those days where you plan to spend two hours dad wants to go to bed, so you're forced to go home. Those spontaneous days are what defined my adolescence. 23 FRANKLIN JASMINE CLARA, BETH TOBIAS JERE MIA JAVIAY RUDI FRANK JASMINE, CLARA BETH * icked a hole had some issues. ‘a door and my family finally noticed 1 Being. Allthe time. Sleeping on the floor in my crushes bedroom, because the Peace Train by Cat Stevens A grey ball of emptiness and ying. bestfriend, who my best love falling Cheating on my boyfriend ‘The moment my father} Shine on you crazy damon ‘The smell of Lymx Attica. Dancing naked in the moonlight with David Bowie pl a record player. a botle of Fanta and Bacardi ata partyin grade ten — SEVEN: YOUTH WRITTEN BY MARK MACKENZ{ AND ian JASMINE It feels eo enormous when you're CLARA feed to define it? BETH ‘TOBIAS ‘What are we all so worried about? JRF ‘Whole Pink Floyd? ts shift / / CLARA ever des IAYAY tyr been subject to ridicule and mocking CLARA “They nove wish for ‘RA exadicat A Playlob Pui SEVEN: MONOLOGUE Character: Any? of time. Like there's all those spy movies, For a while now. I feel like I've been 1 been this ticking time bomb, the kind you see here some James Bond wannabe in a black tuxedo ha red wire, before the bomb goes off and an entire city block or whatever crumbles to dust. Except in my bomb there's no red wire. There’s no James Bond cot save the cit we. No one can help m: ‘on my own, T see the bomb, I can hear the ticking, and I know there’s nothing I can do, Just this, hopeless feeling of knowing that somehow, I've failed. The way I see it, when Tenv x, is that I have two options. 1g to Option number one: Embrace the inevitable. I’m going to die someday. 50 ‘whats the point of prolonging it any further? I'll spend my final minutes place nice with peo hhate and hope that it doesn’t hurt when Td I go. Option number two: I can fight to save my life, fight to run as fast as I ean and get as far away as possible from the bomb with what little time I have left, and hope to God that I'll be holed up somewhere safe when it goes off. IF 'm lucky and I survive it, lean move on. Bandage up my cuts and scrapes, pay a good cosmetic surgeon to erase the sears, and heal. Reunite with my family, find a job, drive an okay car that’s not shit, but not great, find a partner and marry and live in a three-bedroom house with our two is who probably will drive us all kinds of crazy. Of course, I want option number two. But option number two requires things I don’t have. Energy, to pump my legs full of enough power to sprint away. Stamina to keep me running long after my legs start to burn. Patience, to wait out the aftershocks and the threat of the unknown, Strength, to help me move on after I've seen all of the horrors. Option two Talking to Brick Walls by Clatce Christin “They need to vent more than when their graidfather died and they need to be heard ‘But happiness isa one way stteet and standing in her way is fourth grade bully, her best fiends Facebookc message, he¥ now ‘exes Facebook message, her brother moving away, feeling, att Maybe now you-undetand how their bodies, | a castaway, her mum and dad fighting her family not uniting, LARA dhe oe | her Belly not quit fal, her puppy standing still wien shegets oH _ Daten steed ke the rand’ en est Chrisie Ihome instead of running to her like the last ten Years, Ele ae | CLARA ec happiness shattered ie her grander ara last Chriss Javsay -they ae the smallest of problems bat the mind of those 1 cal youth they are amplified alin ies over rating around her room bing in every nook and senate eae e | BIGHT: THAT TIME I MET GOD i from hee Byes that ie ony en fest and ety ‘THEN jewntily walks on stage avsay she has 0 ondo to except the hllowed ot faces of pie just cat aitto se my prens this evening and tell them all ches nthe sane roldand reed oye | Nerapeai tage ete gn at eles that sitin the atic small token of what twas ike te happy. | Tin geting bome safely and dont woiry about me CLARA Happiness, ft hides i the broken harness that no longer YOUTH GOD appears on stage stopping TEEN from | passes thé safety examitions. In the stained micrrs that mise beaka Tock shriek gin ted patch In the ls of sel Tate and bad intentions the sexual fastration before the YOUTH GOD Notsofast bozo inate conn ie sey wat helo? avsay oath need not forgiveness. They need undersandingand — | sousnes gop Seta ‘ compassion Tike i’ going out of fashion, / \ je ENSEMBLE chan ! CLARA —_/” They need love and cave and a person listen to their problems. a ; \ TEEN (Oh, thats nice, look I gotta — ravsay // Someone toate thes eye on other tha nblems that stand | | f forthe fight against the rights of gey man, § — YOUTHGOD You, young one, have been an awful youth. P've been watching | . young fora wh i cuntla a black man | VA i AJAY a Muslim, CLARA 28 -ereepy God way. Honestly, you suck so much, ‘TEEN kay, Youth God? what am I doing weonge @Playied yourH Gop ARCHETYPE TEEN your Gop TEEN yourH Gop TEEN YOUTH GOD TEEN YOUTH GOD ARCHETYPE YOUTH GoD 30 Pahl Tm the Youth God Ihave no time to explain anythi properly. Check the hash tag, dummy. Grabs the wrist of TEEN and magical nussie plays as they both step to stage loft anc from stage right the ARCHETYPE appears Yeah, whatever, Wot thst Your replacement My replacement? Yeah, Hash tag you'e doi lash tng eal teens doit with angst. im going to let you in con something As the one and only Youth God I manage the destinies of like all young people around the world Youre replacing me? ‘Ugh. You are so annoying. Look, on the eve of your thirteenth birthday I come and kidnap you for like five years or whatever. Kidnap? Hash tag yes. I've been around for bout 8000 years ors. Oh, d behave ny, you've got so much to learn. You cea dickhead for five years. Good tines Hello Is anyone there. This, 1s. Bul Dramatically turns to TEEN. Since you suck at being a dickhead I'm going to replace you cheery fur bucket YOUTH GOD gestures towards ARCHETYPE who rolls eyes expressively an disdanflly groaning. The Archetype does the finger tothe audience. es justfontastie for problem kids ike you, wi tal to their parents like peopel Glare Chistian wrong. Hash tag check yosel, TEEN YOUTH GOD ‘TEEN YOUTH GOD ARCHETYPE YOUTH GOD ARCHETYPE YOUTH GOD TEEN ARCHETYPE, TEEN YOUTH GOD ARCHETYPE YOUTH GOD “Talking to Brick Walls by Claire Christian “They ave people. Ey. Gross. Not only do you tall to thea, you listen to well. Youre even friend mona variety sedta platforms. Hello hashteg against the rules. Fash tag foul. Bash tag you suck But they'e really witty. [like their comments. ‘Your Filthy. Mouth, Which is what you should God! Come. On. 1m. so. Bored, ‘And this the th disappointed. You act yg that gets me the most. Hashtag respect them and their rules. Whata loser, i Tlike my parents. I dorit wanna be here. [ike things the way they are. ‘Are you stupid or what? You've got no choice. my time to shine, princess. ve been training my door 1s. Te been taking extra hormones justlike drank white boys. Shh! Your face. ve specialised my secretive dos't look at my computer 3c that Pm looking down that area of ‘me my parents are ‘peopl m ready to go, boss. Yeah bro, ove you. No homo. aL @Playleb ARCHETYPE ‘TEEN ARCHETYPE ‘TEEN YOUTH GOD TEEN YOUTH GOD ‘TEEN yoUTH GoD TEEN yourH GoD TEEN YOUTH GOD 3 No homo. “This isthe most stupid thing I've ever heard. What the jzzer snazz is ‘no homo?” Do you both know how ridiculous you sound? [Mimicking her] Do you know how ridiculous you sound. 1 thought the whole point that we were supposed tobe roving up [timing her] Ooh, supposed tobe growing up. I dont wanna do any of that stuf. don't want to grunt: I ‘wanna communicate. I can deal with hormones they arent wanna look at weird porn, normal just forget my parents are people. would prefer it nt to be broken. ‘And, Tike my door ane ‘Thank you very much. YOUTH GOD and ARCHETYPE burst out laugh ‘What's so funny? Dade, al ofthat isto protect you against your parents. Shit {s about to get reallyreal with them. Trust me this is the best way. But why? Because sud so, that why NOTREFUSE TO BELIEVE YOU. YOU ARE WRONG. “Tats the spirit, grasshopper. Jus SHUT UR ‘Woah, that was a lovely display of teenage rage. You know ‘what, id, maybe youre in with shot. You're starting to reek like hormones already. | ARCHETYPE ‘TEEN ARCHETYPE ‘TEEN ARCHETYPE YOUTH GOD ‘TEEN YOUTH GOD ‘Talking to Brick Walls by Claire Christ ‘Wanna get wasted? You'll be cool ifyou do. Oh, Okay, Imean, no. Zmean, sure. I mean, why do feel soangry and sad? ‘dunno, lets make out? Or ignore our parents calls. Or, like, tag something. Or spill someone’ wheelie bin over — because thal be real funny. ng] Yeah, I mean. No, That's vandalism. Woah. I aly, really ugly all ofa sudden and [ really dont want anyone. Oh. My. God. What the fuck? Oh [Laughing] its working! Tes working! ‘Mum! Dad! Help me! Fuck, Fuck. Fuck. Aaaaaah! What’ happening? ‘She's gonna blow! Get her out of here! ARCHETYPE drags TEEN out kicking and sc Another day A Shift. her destiny. © Playleb NINE: WHAT IT ACTUALLY MEANS TO BE AN, ADOLESCENT JEEF MIA JAYIAY. Rut ENSEMBLE FRANKLIN JASMINE CLARA BETH TOBIAS ENSEMBLE CLARA BETH TOBIAS JEEP MIA 34 PROJECTION: Let’ tall about Brains and Bodies fora moment Adolescence is one of the most fascinating and complex transitions in the lifespan, Growth and change happen ata breathtaking pace. ight of passage from childhood to ur bodies and our brains literally sereaming from the rooftops am nota kid anymore. Growth spurts the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, achieving ful fertility A video game achievement level sound affect plays, the ENSEMBLE juomp for joy. ‘And profound psychological changes take place. ur brains, our pituitary glands, our gonads are interacting at | some weird and complex party, completely depends on where we are socially and culturally, so we can reach PUBERTAL MATURITY, Our brains are growing and developing the proliferation of the support eels, which nourish the neurons, and my which permits faster neural processing. TayJAy RUDI FRANKLIN JASMINE CLARA BETH ‘TOBIAS JERE MIA, JAY-JAY RUDI FRANKLIN JASMINE, CLARA BETH ‘TOBIAS JEFF A Plaslab “Talking to Brick Walls by Claire Christian ‘Why? So we can finally work out how to dily dally with fun topics like abstract reasoning, ive — even the scientists, te obscure. ‘And apparently it’ all very pri think that it’s all clinically sti at hope do we have then, ifeven the scientists think. we're obscure? {To the audience] You think we've obscure. ‘We think we're obscure. obscure while our bodies and ‘mad rush to; So were over here ‘our brains are in this qui become physically and s acquire the skills needed to carry out adult roles; gain increased autonomy from our parents; realign our soci ith members of both the same and the opposite gender, establish social stills through peer-oriented ‘Work out what to wear to the formal, who to pash, what to do at uni, if we even want to go to un Pondering fm too fat, too skingy. Pondering global warming. RUDI FRANKLIN JASMINE CLARA BETH ‘TOBIAS JEFF MIA JAYJAY RUDI FRANKLIN JASMINE CLARA BETH TOBIAS ENSEMBLE, JEFF ENSEMBLE Pondering if ponder about global warming enough. ‘Why doesnt she like me? ‘Why doesnit he like me? JESSE Am I gay? Do like my body? Am Lin the right body? Why did she say that? i What do I want? Should I get stoned? ‘Why hasrit he texted me back? i i i ‘Do I get a manual or an auto license? ‘What do I want the rest of my lif to look like? WHO AMI The ensemble collapses in a heap. How are you? (Oh, wee fine, Black out. Claire Christien {A PloylabPubtcation Talking to Brick Walls by Claire Chi ‘TEN: JESSE WRITTEN BY GRACE LOFTING PROJECTION: Meet Jesse Have you taken them? Mum, seriously. Have. You. ‘Taken. Them? .,. You need to take them. Remember the jime you had a ‘good’ day? You were fine w exact same as you were yesterday .. this today Ihave asses — I know, I know you have problems too ... I KNOW, FOR GODSAKE, I KNOW, I HAVE HAD TO LIVE WITH THIS THING FOR SIX, YEARS ... Sorry, I didrit them. You'll feel bett these ones are stronger than the last, you have told me. BUT you'll get used to them! You need to take the God it for yourself. When you take them I can relax, I can .chool because I'm not worried about ng or what I'm going to find when I come home ... I DON'T WANT TO COME HOME AGAIN AND FIND YOU SITTING ON THE KITCHEN FLOOR BLUBBERING. I don't need that mum, You dorit need it ‘We dorit need it Its ust onea day, they will make you better... LImow they, donit make you happy... but they make you bette, at last ‘you can get out of bed without my help or make your own, tea... This art all about you, those pills areit just for you, they're for me... there for us, Have you once asked what this is doing to your family? No. Because all you do fs feel sorry far yourself, Youle so selfish. Parents aren'tallowed to be selfish, thats my job. @ Ply ‘You know what. You're an adult, tis is stupid, can't force feed you these things, its your choice. “Throws bottle in her direction. ‘You make up your mind. [love you. Lights shift. ELEVEN: RACHEL WRITTEN BY HARRY PAROZ RACHEL PROJECTION: Meet Rachel nota sad tory. [know you wish it were. You it were some angsty, emotion-filled, powerful, ‘arts about divorce, or cancer or pain of daddy issues, not. [have been cursed with the greatest light for any ‘teenager wanting to be noticed: Happiness. As painfully boring i childhood was fantastic. Istil is. My patents always made sure I knew I could tallsto them. And 1 did. Itold them everything, and they returned the favour. “the most depressed I've ever been was when I was eleven, way from the oval. The hardest I've ever cried \was when my parents decided I was old enough for them to show me Dead Poet’ Society. I was nine, and Ill tell you now that I was definitely not old enough. Obviously my ‘current state cant entirely be considered the work of my parents, There was totally some luck involved too. I'm not ‘academically challenged, or worried by my OP prediction ‘of four to seven, or particularly threatened by QCS. Im. Tm so happy. Ive got the winning numbers lottery of nature and nurture. Claire Christian erases ate HINER ACE TWELVI CLARA BETH ‘Talking to Brick Walls by Claire Christian People need to smile more. Once, I was on a train, and T smiled at EVERYONE, and NOBODY smiled at bad day because on their back at them. Maybe they're a lot like me. Maybe they like soccer too, and their parents are great and have cool tatioos and support then ce mine, Maybe they ‘wanted to smile back, but just couldnit muster the energy because they svere too tired from smiling at everyone else that day. Sometimes, parents are okay. Sometimes parents are great. shift ‘HE BEST THING PROJECTION: What’ the best thing about being a parent? My children a appy dee ay absolute pride and joy. They make my ike anything else. There is no way to describe I consurni ey have in you surprises you when it unlocks ing inside you that gives purpose to your life. Like ‘you know that feling when you meet someone and you just @ Playleb TOBIAS ‘Watching your child learn about the world and discover ‘who they are isthe greatest privilege in the work. Every day you learn something new. Parenthood is such a humbling ‘experience and brings you down to earth frequently. JEEE ‘Watching this being grow from being this helples litle ‘baby come into their own, Watching your children grow up tobe adults who are opinionated, strong, caring people, ‘who you had some hand in making, that’ the best thing. A shift THIRTEEN: QUINN PROJECTION: Meet Quinn Quinn ‘excited for you to see me. Thad the mos out of everyone. You didnt come. Te was the fist time you let me down. The ist time I realised that you could hurt my feelings just like the kids at school. And forgave you that time, L2eckon. Got over it You probably bought me some toy or something to apologise. That was what you di, Bu bythe time I was eleven Té worked itout though; youre on your own, kid. If she cant love you, how is anyone else going to? t seem like pretty sophisticated thinking for an eleven year old, but what else are you to thinke ‘when your dad pissed off before you were even born, and your mum cant get off her ass to sign the permi slip to let you go on the excursion, so you're the only kid “Talking to Brick Walls by Claire Christian in your whole class who has to stay at school. Shit like now my walls are up so high, ‘one can get in that, That's your fault. Yeah, Mum. you. A shift See Duologve 13.8. FOURTEEN: ELEANOR WRITTEN BY EVI RUZSICSKA PROJECTION: les are wide, They xy care about each other ELEANOR ‘Theiv hugs are warm and t havea sense of adventure an so much. More than they care about themselves. More than they care about me. ‘off. So, I put mum to the ts bout smoking some po Not one bit of concer im kind of lonely. {miss how they once cared about me. now pl lowed to stay 0 ty of kids bitch about how they aren't leven and how their parents a 13.5 DUOLOGUE 1 Boyfriend and Character (ust a place holder name for now) stand on stage together. Boyfriend: Yo! I was thinking, y’know we should hang out some time. Character: Really? I mean, that sounds great! Boyfriend: Yeah, like just the two of us. My parents are out of town this weekend, and I have the place to myself so we could, Character: We could what? Boyfriend: Watch a movie, then... Character: And then? Boyfriend: Then we could, chill, Character: C! Boyfriend: Yeah. Chill, but not as in chill, but like chill chill. You fee! Character: Defi Chill chill. Boyfriend: So, you in? Character: Well, my dad wouldn't like it very much Boyfriend: It’s fine. Just tell him you're going to a friends house. Sound g00d? Character: Hell yeah! See you then! Boyfriend: Cool. Later! Boxfriend exits, and character is suddenly disrupted by a loud bang. Future Daughter appears in a puff of smoke. Future Daughter: Wait! Character: What the heck? Who ate you? Where did you come from? Future Daughter: I’m your daughter. From the future. Character: The future, Future Daughter: Uh huh. Character: Sounds reasonable. So! What's the future like? Future Daughter: For you? Bleak. Tell me ~ who was that you were just talking t0? Character: Who him? He’s my boyfriend. Wait ~ but you know that already, don’t you? Because that’s your dad! He has to be! We must get ried in the future! Future Daughter: (imitating buzzer sound) Buh bow! Only one out of ‘vo correct there. Character: ily one out of two? What do you mean? Future Daughter: He’s my dad, sure, Character: We don’t get married? That sucks. Well, he always says that commitment scares him. Maybe he just wants to focus on his career ~ ob my god! Is he a lawyer or something? Are we loaded in the future? Future Daughter: Try the “or something”. You still haven't asked the ‘most important question ~ why am I even here? Character: Why? Future Daughter: Simple. I’m here to stop you from making the biggest mistake of your life. Character: yhat happens? Future Daughter: Seventeen years from now, you live out of a caravan with six kids. I’m the oldest. We're broke, and you can’t hold down a job three months’ time, you're going to drop out of school. because Charaeter: Why would I do something like that? Future Daughter: It has a little something to do with a little chill chill this weekend. ‘Charaeter: Hang on a sec ~ how old are yo Future Daughter: Seventeen, Character: So you mean that ~ Future Daughter: Congratulations! This weekend you conceive me, then drop out of school and condemn yourself to a life of misery. Oh and (boyfriend)? He dips as soon as he hears you've got a bun in the oven, You haven't seen him since, Character: Oh my god! I can’t believe th Future Daughter: Tough, isn’t it Is that really what you want? Character: No! Future Daughter: So are you still going to see him this weekend? Character: Hell no! In f (boyfriend)! 'm going to dump his ass right now! Character storms off stage. Future Daughter, now alone, pulls out a mobile phone. Future Daughter: Hello? No, she totally bought the whole thing. She believed ital right. No need to worry sir, your daughter actually decided to break up with him herself. She'll definitely stay in school. You've Venmo-ed me already? Brilliant! Pleasure doing business with you! Buh- by Future Daughter pockets the phone and saunters off stage proudly. Lights down @ Playleb Fourteen: Eleanor ‘would absolutely kill them if they got inked up or drugged up or fucked up or even ifthey got less than @ ‘Bin school. Not me, Igo out. I've been smashed. Hell, 1 did try pot the other night. But none ofit' fun. 1 guess it doesnt feel that great unless you are rebelling against your parents or y'know unless if you have someone who cares about your wellbeing. So Fm going to say it, and ill probably be the first you hear oft. Mum, Dad, I want to be grounded. I want you to take my phone off me, I want you to get rid of the ‘want you to let my bank account run ou ‘you to get mad for the D I got in English the other day. want you to scream and yell at me.I want you to come home, Jus sol know you care. A shift FIFTEEN: SOMETHING CHANGES PROJECTION: Moving the goal posts OR (Changing the rules mid-game oR Some other sport related metaphor JERE ‘When youte litle its all — MIA Dorf touch that ith Jay TAY Ooh, is she you're gitfiend? RUDI You dorit know haw to do that, I'l do it for you. FRANKLIN ‘Oh, poor dear, does i ‘Talking to Brick Walls by Claire Christian JASMINE But then, bam, you become a teenager and it’ all CLARA You should know better. BETH | donit want you to see that boy. TOBIAS ‘You're old enough to do that for yourself JERE ‘Toughen up, mate. MIA ‘And suddenly there’ a big difference between saying I'm sad because my fire truck is broken, and saying, I'm sad bec any heart is broken. A bret JAY-IAY ‘We get it. You could fx the fire truck, Ashift. ENSEMBLE ‘When Lama pare never ever Rt say ‘because I sald so: FRANKLIN JASMINE, Or the nest best is: CLARASTOBIAS I'm your mother/father and that’s why. nerd ‘When Tama parent Iwill never use stupid dad jokes, jer (ue wedding was 30 beautiful even the cake was in es. MIA Please just stop. JAVIAY will never push my kid forthe answer to ‘why are you upset? nubs Or pretend that words don't hurt [ill never force my child to do something they dont want to, I vow to never give a new things. to my kid about not continuing 4B © Playlad i ‘Talking to Brick Walls by Claire Christian ; CLARA 1 will always be grateful over litle things. BETH Like your heart is walking ouside of your body. ' BETH I will never compare my child to someone else, TOBIAS ‘Only a parent understands that feeling ‘Tobias sckemeytiong mapa ieee | Asif | go tobed. | vere sever wearin front of my ids | MIA Unless there's some dickhead on the road, | SIXTEEN: JEREMIAH WRITTEN BY ALEXANDER TULLY PROJECTION: Meet Jeremiah javsay JEREMIAH, ‘When L asked you who your favourite child was, Iwas surprised at how shocked you seere that I could ‘ask such a uestion’ because I know who my favourite parent is, 0 1 RUDI question’ because L know who my favourite parent ‘gues it just made sense FRANKLIN ' JASMINE AND it sucks. lot wasted your Sundays sleeping in so you didrtt have to cook CLARA 1 thought Ii make no mistakes, ime breakfast. You stitched my blanket back together and ights for my birthday party. BETH But Ihave. | don't understand how someone whi TOBIAS Ive said al the things I ssid I wouldnt. JEFF Done so many of the things I said I never would, MIA Like yell at my kids JAYJAY ‘And feed them junk food to shut them up. RUDI ‘And cared about what other parents thought about me. sorry that you FRANKLIN ing him, [wish {didnt Hook like JASMINE CLARA 45 | sey 4 Claire Christin @ Paayleb SEVENTEEN: RUDI FRANKLIN JASMINE ENSEBMLE. CLARA, 46 ‘Iwas your son, that's all 've ever known how to be. | AYJAY ‘But [hope now that hes gone I can be enough for you. Because you are my favourite mother. And you have allways been enough for me. ENSEMBLE Ashift. Must are projected onto Love you, Idont care about the mistakes you think you've made. “There is enough pressure on me already please don't be the source of it. Tlove you even when I scream at you. ‘Thank: ‘The rub sm not sure about anything Half he tie when I say Yn fine Im ying Comparing me to another ide never going tobe hep Bekind i i EIGHTEEN: WHAT I REALLY WANT TO SAY IS... PROJECTION: Something you want to say to your parent. co Something you want to say to your child. ‘Talking to Brick Walls by Claire Christian I dont tell you about my life because .. [ve been a teenager I do know what Ashi. |: GIDEON PROJECTION: Meet Gideon. Surprise attacks. Her surprise or mine? bright it burned my mother to her core. Her knowing, Knowing like only a mother ean. the polyester telegram emblazoned on flesh, tears burning my skin not because but the ones fd just given her. [came in pain and then again I hurt her, coulda that Mum I need you’ ‘Would've cried out shen I didrit have the words just tears Cis that she used to know so wel. [Now these cries stain the perfect body she made and I cart say anything cause I've been say tip ofa compass, with broken glass. I've beet a 48 myself, my mind screaming out for her to pick me up like she would have, pick me up like only she could have. Pick me up, Pick me up. Pick. Me, Pic me and tel me that the dark in my mind, my chest, my heart and skin caused by my hands can be healed with hers. Surprise attacks the door and she sees me. Like she always has, with love in her eyes that hits me so hard siraight to my chest Iam winded. Winded by her. Winded by her need to fed to fix to find a way to take tall aay. ‘Wear it on her own shoulders ina clic if she could and that is why this woman is, She is. Queen, ‘My very own monarch, A butterfly, lying so high into my head of state the state that Iam in that she will now rule Claire Chis ‘Talking to Brick Walls by Claive NINETEEN: SAMUEL WRITTEN BY MARK MACKENZIE SAMUEL, PROJECTION: Meet Samuel Isactually not as bad as what you idnit push it wasnit me that ‘was me but Having parents that are divorced to listen to mums whining one week at then she doestit do it for the first couple of days. Dad is a lot more relaxed now. To be: nk its helped hitn, He doesnt care about violent video games or dropping the F-bomb or any of that tall which is pretty cool Its not ike me and my ex. We dont talk But yeah she’ a bitch. Sorry, Mum tells me not to say that. ‘Atbirthdays its sweet. Because it ‘may special day’ they don't Sollike me and Dad joke cause Dick rhyme, So that’s good. Bat Lights shift 49 AAs DUOLOGUE 2 Clara and Jay-Jay stand on opposite sides of the stage, each with a spotlight, facing the audience. Clara: Do you ever worry that one day you'll grow up and be just like ‘your mum? Jay-Jay: Like my dad? Cla Jove my mum. She’s amazing. But. Jay-Jay: There’s some stuff that I'd never it sn Pm his age. on years want to do Clara: Like laugh so hard until you pee yourself, at videos of people fall over on Facebook? Jay-Jay: Like give the Uber driver a street by street commentary on how to get home, even when he has a GPS? Cla ike licking her thumb and trying to wipe a bit of dirt off my face? Jay-Jay: Ugh. It’s giving me the shivers just thinking about it, Cla know we fight sometimes, Jay-Jay: A lot, actually. (Clara: And I know I say that | wish I had literally anybody else on the planet as my parent. Jay-Jay: you, ind that ~ (Jay-Jay and Clara say the next bit in unison) I hate Clara: [ hate you. Jay-Jay: But the truth is, if T had the chance to live my life all over again, Clara: I wouldn’t change a thing. And one day, when I have my own children, I just hope they'll have your kindness. Jay-Jay: Your strength. Clara: Your sense of humour. Because as much as you're a pain in our ass sometimes - Jay-Jay: We know we're a pain in yours as well Clara: So, Mum, Dad. On behalf of all us daughters and sons, Jay-Jay: Thank you, @Playleb TWENTY: WHAT IT ACTUALLY MEANS TO BE A PARENT PROJECTION: Let’ talk about having a kid for 2 moment JEEF Parenthood is one of the most fascinating and complex. transitions in the life span. MIA Growth and change happen at a breathtaking pace. JAY JAY Itis the right of passage from being childless to having a child, RUDI A time when your body and your brain literally scream from the rooftops ENSEMBLE ‘Wow! Iam responsible for another human being. FRANKLIN To bring up, JASMINE rite CLARA tale care of, BETH tolook ater, TOBIAS reat, CLARA JBEE tokeep alive, MIA pay for, JAYIAY. foster, RUDI and be the parent of ENSEMLBE. ANOTHER FREAKING HUMAN BEING. BETH TOBIAS Because goodbye sleep. Hello speve. 50 (Clare Christian i CLARA BETH ‘TOBIAS JEFF MIA JASMINE Talking to Brick Walls by Claive Christian 2 track of and cease to talk about most news and You ‘current events. ‘Because you wil replace it with the entire Wiggles back catalogue. ‘become a treacherous war zone for sultanas, Your ca ‘erumbs and pieces of paper. ‘You basically becom creep and whisper. preter because there's a moment ly one who understands the You will see some of the worst ‘and some ofthe best bits of yourself reflected back in your kid. ‘And you need to make decisions. SO. MANY, DECISIONS. Should [let them watch South, ‘Should I et them they play GTA? Should {et them have a furby? State School Private school Home school Breast fed Bottle fed 51 @ Playlab BETH ‘TOBIAS JERE MIA JAYIAY RUDI FRANKLIN JASMINE CLARA BETH TOBIAS JEEF MIA JAV-IAY FRANKLIN JASMINE CLARA BETH ‘TOBIAS ENSEMBLE JEEF ENSEMBLE 52 My instincts ‘Theexpens. Cry tout OF ving it Cloth nappies Dispossbles Why doesnt like me? Why doesnt he like me? Home made food Takeaway them too much? Do they like me? Are they going to be screwed up because of me? Do too much? I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING! ‘The ENSEMBLE collapses in a heap. How are you? Ob, wete fine ‘o Brig Walls by Claite Chri TWENTY-ONE: THE SEX TALK bETH TOBIAS MIA PROJECTION: he Sex Scene PROJECTION: The Sex TALK Scene ‘There are n by: 1e chairs on stage. Everybody comes i, stands so ‘What's the happity haps, homie? head around, I mean — ‘We know that it can be difficult to get abreast of the situation at hand. Some things just require a stiff upper. Some courage. You just need some courage when you do it—oh god. and teach you how to do it. mean, lead by example — ‘We just want to help you [mean show you how to do it Basically, we just @Paaylab RUDICLARA FRANKLIN JASMINE, JEFF TOBIAS BETH CLARA MIA FRANKLIN BETH JAY AY. CLARA, JASMINE, JAYIAY ‘TOBIAS MIA RUDI JASMINE CLARA, FRANKLIN JAS TAY ‘TOBIAS You'e getting to the age now where you might be noticing you fee! a certain way about gies slash boys. ‘And that’s okay! Ws totally normal But... Um... Yousee .. Let me try and expl Whe ‘mummy and a daddy (Ora mummy anda mummy Ora daddy and a daddy (Or sometimes just a mummy or just a daddy love each other very much, they get together ... ‘And they have A LOT of sex. (Or they — should we tal about masturbation? (Or insemination — maybe should start atthe beginning. Ws called a tify. You see Its more like Have I ever told you about the birds and the bees? ‘There's this thing called a penis... (Directed at mate audience member] Which you have. And a... Pagina .. Claire Christian FE BETH. Java A IAvAY “Talking t Brick Walls by Claie Christian mudience member] Which YOU have. [Directed at fem And when a penis and a pagina get together, in a special hug, thats how you, conventionally, make a baby led a vagina. Do you think the V is too Avagina. Inappropriate for their e Do you know wnat a clitoris is? (Oh god. Um. Son, sex isa wonderful thing. It feels good, and it makes ‘but in a happy way. Look, all I'm saying is, you shox feel when you look at boys. Orgies Just make sure you wait until you're much older before you start doing stuff about i. And, um, use a condom, ee rae i Talking o Bri Waleby Civ Cvisin RDI Othermse youl end up asa parent and itil run your osias -- Aight, Uh, good cha i MA Realy? Good Chat? | tomas | RUDI We totally filed, {ere eee tener i i FRANKLIN ‘To be honest. AIA | JASMINE “Tohaves dialogue | JEFF ‘To show you that his is easy and that we can tall about anythi | ore Bet somethings arr — ' | rub} raay Weird, And awit TOBIAS ‘And hard, Really, really hard. happens or how [ fuel | ‘The ENSEMBLE look at kim and crack up lau FRANKLIN Tam thankful, and | pa express thankful | SANE INTY-TWO: LETTERS OF LOVE Projection video of parents 1 JEFF MIA JAY TAY. ‘My mother dearest, Dear Dad. cuana conce or twice. You're always looking for a new way to mak ‘yourself better you. Ladmire that. 1 Plaviabe Publication 37 56 Claire Christian trond porent Prete SE Vee) ‘TWENTY-FOUR: DONE DIFFERENTLY RUDI JAY JAY PROJECTION: Anything you wish you'd done differently? wouldn't have started the tradition where you buy the small ‘multi packet of the tiny cereal boxes in the holidays, because they just end up fighting over who gets the fruit loops Yeah there is. But I wouldn't, Because then I wouldn't have the adults that I have now. And Llike those adults. All ings that I did whether right or wrong made those ‘That’ pretty cool when you think about it. Beso cranky. When they were litle I was so freaked out chat Shy wet ging ds ie alten dh tae ng bought out the worst in me Claire Christian MIA, (o Brick Walls by Claire Christian fora while, Because was just so, Worried. About everything, ‘About them, about me, about what other people thought. relaxed more, 'm good now ... cause they'te good now. T would have gone back to work fll ime so eary. They grow ‘ps0 quickly — a cliché, I now; but so relevant once you have is cause it true. mean Tim the father ofa seventeen year od ‘A seventeen year old. How did that happen? ‘TWENTY-FIVE: LEARNINGS AND SINGING JENF MA Jay-Jay RUDI BETH TOBIAS [EEF A Playlab Publication tand end of our show and und this conversation for so long, So, by now we've reac ‘why we havent been havi {ts fucking exhausting, for both of us. But yeah it had its good bits. ‘And some intense bits. I guess what we've tried to say is that being a parent can be shit and so can being an adolescent. But like it gets better if we kinda just stneed you in a different way and you need to lookat us differently too. ‘And if you let us down can we talk about In the ‘ral world’ people let you down loved one, y'know? @ Playleb MIA JAYJAY RUDI FRANKLIN JASMINE CLARA BETH ENSEMBLE BETH ‘TOBIAS JERE MIA JAVJAY RUDI FRANKLIN a ‘We wanna hear about the times when cause were going to go out and make ‘want to be smarter about it than you. them as well, We ju As long as you try then you're doing enough, and you always have been enough, sometimes we arenit but we are trying too, Attimes when we hurt ourselves we don't realise that It hurts you as well, ‘You hurting hurts us too, and no matter how badly you fuck everything up we will always love you. we care because you can ‘be out best friends. You give the best hugs. We also need ‘more than hugs tight now to know that you care. ige new species of creature, we haven't to communicate through the whole puberty ing. Right now we'e becoming the most of person ve'll, ever be. Hires the thing that lt make teenagers and great paren memorable as great ead of just okay. Communication and trust. ‘They're the key and its gotta be equal We want tobe happy just as much as you want us tobe, Now, go to your room, Cause you're grounded. ‘And you need to think about what you have done. ‘And said, And do net come o you've come up witha solution. Claire Christiane JASMINE CLARA ETH TOBIAS ere MIA ava nupt FRANKLIN JASMINE CLARA bere ‘TOBIAS TWENTH- to Brick Walls by Clire Christian with something you're going to do differently. conversation with you again. ere [am acting like an idiot now, just for you. Yeah. That's what we want. We love you very much. SCHON ate mpof parentsstaristosing Teenage Dirtbagby Wheat Gitte Cee Bnd of play Gouk 52 LETS DANCE! Students rand letie of (ove 4 parent Weare enact for dane. to Stage ares an adult [parent ‘A Plalab Publication 8

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