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Full Name: Abdulrahman Abdulmalik Oshobugie.

Identity Number: 231582

Submitted At: 2023-11-15 08:09:16
Downloaded At: 2023-11-15 08:09:35
Approved: NO

Academic Session: 2022 - 2023 Faculty: Faculty of Technology.

Level: 200 Department: Mechanical Engineering
Semester: First Semester Total Unit Registered: 47 Units

Course registration for 2022/2023 academic session

Code Title Type Semester Unit

MAT241 Ordinary Differential Equations required -- 4

MAT213 Algebra I required -- 4

GES201 Use of English II compulsory -- 2

TME225 Strength of Materials I REQUIRED Second 4

TME213 Thermodynamics REQUIRED First 4

TME223 Introduction to Engineering Practice REQUIRED Second 1

TME211 Engineering Drawing I COMPULSORY First 2

TME214 Elementary Computer Programming REQUIRED First 2

TME215 General Engineering REQUIRED First 1

TME222 Engineering Drawing II COMPULSORY Second 2

TME212 Engineering Mechanics COMPULSORY First 2

TME221 Workshop Practice I REQUIRED Second 2

TME224 Fluid Mechanics I REQUIRED Second 3

MAT242 Vectorial Mechanics required -- 4

TIT299 SIWES required -- 2

GES103 Government,Society and The Economy elective -- 2

GES106 Philosophy, Logic and Critical Thinking elective -- 2

TEL231 Applied Electricity required -- 4

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