Terms of Service

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Terms and Conditions

§ 1 Terms and Conditions

1.1 These Terms and Conditions ("T&Cs") govern the use of the mobile app and web application "Make Money"
("Make Money" or "App") offered by Performance Spark Media FZ-LLC. Users may refer to § 8 for their contracting

1.2 These T&Cs apply universally to all transactions conducted via Make Money. Users who do not agree with these
T&Cs shall refrain from using Make Money.

§ 2 User Account and Eligibility

2.1 To use Make Money, a free user registration is required. The user registration is finalized when completing the
onboarding of the App. The agreement is confirmed upon user account activation by Make Money.

2.2 Each user is limited to a single account. Duplicate and fraudulent accounts or systematic use may result in
immediate suspension or termination at Make Money’s discretion.

2.3 Make Money reserves the right to exclude users for material breaches of these T&Cs, providing an opportunity
for comment and allowing credit exchange for a payout if the balance exceeds minimum withdrawal amounts. The
right to extraordinary termination remains unaffected.

§ 3 App Operation

3.1 As a registered user, one may earn in-app credits ("Credits") by engaging in tasks such as completing surveys,
testing products, and participating in other tasks.

3.2 The Make Money app and its technical infrastructure ("Network") connect to diverse businesses collectively
referred to as marketplaces (”Marketplaces”). The Marketplaces seek user engagement for their clients and are
willing to pay for the interaction. Make Money, acting as an intermediary, matches Marketplaces with users
through tasks that forward the user engagement to a specific client of the Marketplace. Existing Marketplaces can
be viewed within the App.

3.3 Eligible users may choose to participate in a task offered by a respective Marketplace, provided the users match
the qualifications. The task may occur within the App or on the Marketplace's website. Participant selection is at
the discretion of Make Money and the Marketplace.

3.4 Users receive a precise task instruction, which has to be followed fully and correctly for a successful task
completion. Completed tasks earn users Credits. Credits represent a virtual currency accumulated within the App
that holds no monetary value and cannot be transferred. If specific payout thresholds are met, Credits may be
exchanged for a payout (“Payout”). The user's credit balance is visible in the user account within the App at all
§ 4 Payout

Upon accumulating sufficient Credits, users may request a Payout in line with the threshold shown in the App. The
conversion of Credits to a Payout shall adhere to the payout thresholds, rates, and methods specified within the
App and which may vary by country. Make Money aims to process rewards within 3 business days but may delay
payments up to 30 days for audits or indefinitely in suspected fraud cases. Deleting an account before a reward
arrives restricts account deletion for data protection reasons, resulting in forfeited payouts. Fraud detection
measures, including anti-fraud software and verification steps, may lead to the forfeiture of payout rights for users
flagged as fraudulent or unverifiable. Make Money retains sole discretion over the crediting of rewards, and
reserves the right to delay or refuse payment and extraordinarily terminate user accounts in case of suspected
fraudulent activity by the user.

§ 5 User Guidelines

5.1 Make Money usage is governed by the following rules:

a) The use of automated systems, bots, or any software other than the App itself to generate or claim Credits is
prohibited. Only natural person interaction via a single terminal device, smartphone or tablet, is permitted.
b) Usage is limited to the user's home country, and the use of services, like Proxies or VPNs, is prohibited.
c) Engaging in dishonest or fraudulent activity aimed at manipulating Credit or Payout achievements, or exploiting
the App is strictly forbidden and may lead to legal action.
d) Users must be at least 16 years of age or older to create an account on Make Money, providing false age
information may lead to account blocking and deletion.
e) Users are prohibited from disseminating offensive, aggressive, or legally prohibited expressions, sentences, or
messages within the provided chat rooms on Make Money.
f) Referral codes may neither be shared in the App’s chat room nor the comment section of any digital store
offering the App for download.

§ 6 Modifications to the App and T&Cs

6.1 Due to technical reasons, permanent and complete server availability cannot be guaranteed. Periodic
maintenance or repair work may limit availability, typically conducted outside normal business hours.

6.2 Make Money reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the
App or any service to which it connects, with or without notice, without liability to the users or any third party.
Likewise, Make Money reserves the right to modify these T&Cs at any time.

6.3 Users are required to accept any associated restrictions or changes, with no obligation for Make Money to
provide compensation for resulting disadvantages. Changes may include alterations to fees, payout methods,
rewards, feature expansion or reduction, differing from country to country.
§ 7 Limitation of Liability

7.1 Make Money’s liability to users for any cause will always be limited to the earned amount, if any, in line with
the limitations mentioned under § 4 Payout. Make Money shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special,
consequential, or exemplary damages or other losses resulting from the use of the App or any of the App's

7.2 Make Money assumes no responsibility for errors in earning Credits, loss of earned Credits or other
consequences based on technical errors, including those caused by third parties.

7.3 The original language of Make Money is English. Translations are digitally generated. Make Money assumes no
responsibility for translation errors, and users can reset the language to English by setting the phone language to
English for precise understanding.

7.4 Make Money may not be able to determine whether a Payout qualifies as reportable income or taxable
earnings in your jurisdiction. Therefore, you are solely responsible for any tax liability arising from your use of Make

$ 8 Contracting Entity and Jurisdiction

If you are located outside of the Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zone and Liechtenstein, your contracting entity is Mobile
Media Labs FZ-LLC, Ras al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. The governing laws are those of the United Arab
Emirates. If you are located in the Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zone your contracting entity is Performance Spark
Media FZ-LLC, Ras al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. The governing laws are those of the United Arab Emirates. If
you are located in Liechtenstein, your contracting entity is TV-TWO GmbH, Balzers, Liechtenstein. The governing
laws are those of Liechtenstein.

§ 9 Severability Clause

Should any provision of these T&Cs become invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain
unaffected, unless the omission of individual clauses would unreasonably disadvantage any involved party.

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