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Research • a process of executing various 3. Timeliness.

It must work on a topic that is

mental acts for discovering and examining facts fresh, new, and interesting to the present
and information to prove the accuracy or society.
truthfulness of your claims or conclusions about 4. Relevance. Its topic must be instrumental in
the topic of your research. improving society or in solving problems
affecting the lives of people in a community.
Purposes of Research
5. Clarity. It must succeed in expressing its
1. To learn how to work independently central point or discoveries by using simple,
2. To learn how to work scientifically or direct, concise, and correct language.
systematically 6. Systematic. It must take place in an organized
3. To have an in-depth knowledge of something or orderly manner.
4. To elevate your mental abilities by letting you
think in higher-order thinking strategies (HOTS) RESEARCH PROCESSES
of inferring, evaluating, synthesizing, 1. Develop a research plan
appreciating, applying, and creating 2. Define research problem
5. To improve your reading and writing skills 3. Collect research data
6. To be familiar with the basic tools of research 4.Analyze research data
and the various techniques of gathering data 5. Present the findings 6. Disseminate and
and of presenting research findings utilize findings
7. To free yourself, to a certain extent, from the
domination or strong influence of a single RESEARCH ETHICS ● involves the application of
textbook or of the professor’s lone viewpoint fundamental ethical principles to research
or spoon feeding activities which include the design and
implementation of research, respect towards
The Importance of Research in Daily Life society and others, the use of resources and
1. Widens learners’ vocabulary research outputs, scientific misconduct and the
2. Facilitates problem-solving acts regulation of research
3. Improves learners’ learning abilities
4. Increases social awareness and cultural RESEARCH ETHICS
heritage 1. Scientific soundness- proper design of a
5. Encourages cooperative learning study as well as it must be executed with
5. Provides mastery of procedural knowledge sufficient skills and rigor
6. Hastens/quickens conceptual understanding 2. Consent - Seeking informed consent as a
7. Encourages higher-order thinking strategies voluntary agreement of the participants to be
8. Elevates interpretative thinking through involved in the study
graphic skills 3. Informant Validation.- A process in which the
researcher asks research participants and
CHARACTERISTICS OF RESEARCH original respondents to check the accuracy of
1. Accuracy. It must give correct or accurate the study
data 4. Confidentiality - refers to the investigator's
2. Objectiveness. It must deal with facts, not agreement with participants
with mere opinions arising from assumptions, 5. Exploitation- Being exploited in the conduct
generalizations, predictions, or conclusions. of research is usually attributed to the research
6. Misrepresentation- This occurs when you ● Quantitative research involves measurement
represent data or information incorrectly, of data.
improperly or falsely
7. Identification of the participant by self or Primary Data VS Secondary Data
others- Researchers must mind the method of ● Primary data are obtained through direct
anonymizing the identity of the participants observation or contact with people, objects,
Two Major Types of Research artifacts, paintings, etc.
Qualitative Research-interviews ● Secondary data are already been written
Quantitative Research- numerical data about or reported on and are available for
reading purposes.
Types of Research
1. Based on Application of Research Method Approaches to Research
● Pure Research - deals with concepts, 1. Scientific or Positive Approach - you discover
principles, or abstract things; aims to increase and measure information as well as observe and
your knowledge about something. control variables in an impersonal manner.
● Applied Research - apply your chosen 2. Naturalistic Approach – this approach uses
research to societal problems or issues, finding words.
ways to make positive changes in society 3. Triangulation Approach - combination of the
first two approaches. you are free to gather and
2. Based on Purpose of Research analyze data using multiple methods, allowing
● Descriptive Research - This type of research you to combine or mix up research approaches.
aims at defining or giving a verbal portrayal or
picture of a person, thing, event, group, Characteristics of Qualitative Research
situation, etc. 1. Human understanding and interpretation..
● Correlational Research - shows relationships 2. Active, powerful, and forceful.
or connectedness of two factors, circumstances, 3. Multiple research approaches and methods.
or agents called variables that affect the 4. Specificity to generalization.
research. 5. Contextualization.
● Explanatory Research - elaborates or 6. Diversified data in real-life situations.
explains not just the reasons behind the 7. Abounds with words and visuals.
relationship of two factor. 8. Internal Analysis.
● Exploratory Research - is to find out how
reasonable or possible it is to conduct a Types of Qualitative Research
research study on a certain topic. 1. Case Study-It seeks to find answers to why
● Action Research - ongoing practice of a such thing occurs to the subject.
school, organization, community, or institution 2. Ethnography. study of a particular cultural
for the purpose of obtaining results that will group to get a clear understanding
bring improvements in the system. 3. Phenomenology. study of how people find
their experiences meaningful.
3. Based on Data Needed 4. Historical Analysis. understand the
● Qualitative research requires non-numerical connection of past events to the present time.
data, inquiry, or investigation about people’s 5. Grounded Theory. discover a new theory to
thoughts, views, and regarding the object of the underlie your study at the time of data
study. collection of 6. Content and Discourse Analysis
RESEARCH TITLE Is the first thing that is read on
a research paper that outlines the purpose of
the research, the methods used and the overall
tone of the paper.


possible words that could not adequately
describe the contents of your research paper.


RESEARCH TITLE FIRST. • summarizes the main
idea/s of your study
• it is the part of the paper that is read the most
and is usually read first captures reader’s
attention and draws his attention at the
research problem being investigated
• differentiates the paper from other papers of
the same subject area.
• Predicts content • Contains keywords that will
make it easy to access by a computer search



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