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Name: Darlianne Klyne C.

Bayer Course & Year: BS-Accountancy – 1st year_

Subject: GE501 ____ Date: 09-19-2022

Instructor: Primrose Yambing

Midterm Assignment

Discuss the following.

1. How is technology a mode of revealing? According to Martin Heidegger, technology is a

means of revelation since it reveals so much more about the world and the human experience.
The condition for revealing Truth is seeing things as they are and allowing them to appear as
they are. Heidegger, however, adds a further idea, technology is a poiesis that discloses or
reveals the truth.

2. In your daily experience of technology, what else is revealed to you aside from its functions?
Aside from its function, technology has also negative effects. For example, mining, which
extracts minerals from the earth which results deforestation and erosion.

3. Why should technology be questioned? The purpose of questioning technology is not to

degrade or meant technology is lacking, but to fully understand its purpose and meaning.
Because we can utilized and allocate the technology accordingly if we truly understand its
purpose and meaning.

4. How is questioning the piety of thought? It means to question things and interrogate them
to understand new concepts. It is the courage to remain open to learn something. Because
thinking always lead to curiosity, a person who is not curious means he or she doesn’t think.

5. How does art provide a way out of enframing? Art provides a way out of enframing because it
presents things as they are in themselves rather than emphasizing their flexibility and
dependability. It leads us away from calculative thinking and towards meditative thinking. Even if
it is there in a person, art awakens human sensitivity. Poetry calls for the application of creativity
and realistic perception of the world.

6-30. Choose a work of art that you feel that best reveals technology? Discuss how it
describes and reveals the technology.
A drone art is an art created using drone technology. Drone is a flying robot that may be
controlled remotely or flown automatically with the aid of software or an application.
Today, aerial video and photo shots are captured using drones. Its purpose, which
ranges from tracking climate change to conducting search operations after natural
disasters, makes it incredibly helpful in the present world. It reveals technology as for it
to function it requires a power source, such as a battery or fuel, in order to fly. Drones
need a controller, which enables the user to launch, steer, and land the aircraft via
remote controls. Radio waves, such as Wi-Fi, are used by controllers to connect with
the drone. In the art world, drones are frequently shown, indicating current
preoccupations and fascinations with this technology.Recently, drones have become a
new innovative way to create wonderful artistic displays.

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